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Id 1698755017755904
VMAM Id 1698755017755904
Tipo de oportunidad (en línea / in situ) ? Online
Título de la oportunidad Research on the use of Mobile Phone and Internet in Papua New


Morobe Development Foundation
Entidad anfitriona
País de asignación Papua New Guinea
Número de voluntarios de la ONU 6
Objetivo de desarrollo sostenible 4. Quality education
¿Cuántas horas por semana se necesitará el
11 - 20
Duración 1

Detalles de DOA
Morobe Development Foundation Inc. aims to help young people reach their
full potential, utilize these talents in the wider community, and become role
models for other young people. MDF was established to address a broader
and more diverse range of objectives. MDF work through the use of dance,
music and drama, MDF’s primary aim is to ensure that women participate
equally in decision making in any project undertaken, including projects
related to Ending Violence against Women, and promoting human rights.
The organization has 16 employees, of which 7 are female and 9 male. The
employees are responsible for the coordination of the various projects but
also some for the performance and teaching of the music, drama and dance.
MDF members are primarily unemployed youths located in Lae City, Morobe
Province. The majority of the members belong to the Kalvary Lutheran
Misión y
Church, which is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua
objetivos de New Guinea (ELC-PNG). MDF uses the talents of its members to address the
la many issues affecting the communities in the Morobe Province, with a
particular focus on the settlements in and around Lae City. Through active
participation, members of MDF have subsequently become role models
within their community; they promote involvement with MDF as an
alternative to being involved in criminal activities. MDF has been actively
involved in raising awareness, promoting education, conducting workshops
and theatre training on a variety of health, gender, and social issues. The
workshops and projects have been supported by the Morobe Provincial Aids
Council and the Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission (PNGEC). With the
support of the PNGEC and AusAid, MDF successfully carried out awareness
on Good Governance in 2000, 2011, and the Local Level Government
Election in 2013. Morobe Development Foundation Inc has recently
diversified its Objective to support Community Development Projects
MDF is a leading community group in Papua New Guinea who aims to
develop concept idea, carry out reserach on various issues affecting
communities in Papua New Guinea. In this regard MDF wish to engage
Contexto de
energetic and creative volunteers who have research skills to carry out a
research on the use of mobile phones and internet in Papua new Guinea.
The paper will be published and the volunteers will be included as authors
depending on the amount of contribution.
The task involves literature review using social media, google serach engine
on any keywords related to the project title on which is to research on the
Descripción use of mobile phone and internet in Papua New Guinea. The volunteers
de la tarea recruited will be required to read any information about Papua New Guinea,
the social context and the popular use of internet using mobile phones and
write and publish a research or communication paper.

Requisitos de DOA
Requisitos de DOA

Nivel educativo requerido

Área (s) de especialización

Experiencia requerida

Habilidades MDF needs volunteers who have knowledge on research and have carried out
y research in the past. Volunteers who have published paper on this issue are
experiencia encouraged to apply Students are also encourage to apply for this
requeridas opportunity.

Idioma Conocimientos lingüísticos Requisito de idioma

Área de especialización

¿Con qué tipo de tarea ¿Este proyecto incluye un tipo de tarea

necesita ayuda? secundaria adicional?

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