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Introduction, identify key moments when and where you saw it, theatre company, theatre

reviews (in files), genre, dramatic intensions, identify co-directors – Geordie Brookman and
Scott Graham. Piece is about familial relationships – talk about all full actor’s names but
switch to just surname later on. Watched on digital theatre +, originally performed at the
lyric hammersmith, combination of physical theatre and naturalism. Ewan Stuart – Bob
Imogen stubs – Fran, Kirsty Oswald – Rosie, Arthur Wilson – Ben. Directors want to illicit an
emotional response from the audience. A piece about complex relationships, co-produced
by Frantic assembly and the State theatre company South Australia. Genre is tragedy, style
is a combination of naturalism and physical theatre. Use source quotations in intro – make
sure to give a brief summary of what the plays about

Sub intro
Overview of your key moments
Identify characters
What you’re showing about their relationships
Why you’ve chosen those

For an example a quotation is necessary – describe what the characters are doing vocally
and physically in extreme detail then analyse the example RELATIVE to the question given.
What did it make YOU as an audience member feel and relate back to the question.

Berlin – Fran + Bob leaf blower

Bob laughing - Bob acting childish, stature
‘oh stop it’ - Fran dismissive gesture
Berlin – Rosie + Bob§
‘Are you hurt’ – Bob - then running over laughing, lifts her up, shakes her – very
much like parent with a small child – conveying that kind of relationship and how he
views Rosie.
‘I’m home’ – says in sing-songy way with arms out from her body and her fingers
splayed as if to say ‘ta-da’ – conveys how she’s hurt but trying to mask it by acting overly
happy – during this bob is standing slightly hunched over blank faced slightly concerned –
brow furrowed

Home - Bob and Ben

‘I’ve done something really bad’ – Ben reaching hands forward, knees buckle slightly
– stepping back hurriedly, speaks quick and rushed, eyes wide eyebrows raised – shows to
the audience his desperation and fear, bobs reaction – goes from moving fast to halting
immediately, brows furrowed, mouth slightly agape – shows his confusion and slight shock
at ben
‘Come on! Come on! I’ll take you on’ – Bob rolling up left sleeve, chin up, yelling over
fran, fist clenched, voice loud and projecting presents to the audience his anger and how fed
up he is with his son
Winter – Bob and mark
‘unless you decided to tell us you’d decided to be a woman’ – hunched over, one
hand in pocket other holding drink, raises eyebrows with an exaggerated facial
expression – puts emphasis on word woman – laughs looking at mark then quickly at
Rosie whilst laughing – moves up and down when laughing – laughs for a while with
Rosie – as an audience member it makes it feel light hearted and fun which adds to
the impact of Mark’s reaction as he raises his hands up to his mouth like he’s praying
with a look of despair, horror and disbelief – conveyed by his furrowed brow and
intense gaze at his father as if to say ‘this cannot be happening’
‘that’s not how this was meant to go.’ – Bob’s reaction – mouth slightly open, eyes
wide– frozen in position (described previously) – Mark’s reaction – mouth
downturned, eyes narrowed in sadness – hands gesture: move up and down, with
his palms facing up, in time with his words – emphasises the passion behind his
emotions – voice quivering but not breaking – all conveys how heartbroken he is and
how deep his families reaction hurts him – depending on question make point about
Bob’s actions and their effects etc.

‘It wasn’t meant to be like this’ - Bob and Fran

‘It wasn’t meant to be like this, I thought they would be like us but better than us’
‘I know’ – Fran leaning head back arms crossed

- Use theatre reviews for summary
- Key themes of piece:
o Loss
o Grief
o Familial Relationships
o Parents-children
o Growing up – becoming adults and parents’ reaction
o Identity – separate from parents inside/out of the family
o Independence

Describe how one or more actors used their vocal and physical skills interpret their role
within the production. Analyse and evaluate how successful they were in communicating
their role to the audience.

In the moment 'Home' Bob's son Ben returns home, on Bob and his wife Fran's
anniversary, on drugs after being caught for skimming from a company. Stuart reacts
furiously towards Wilson shouting 'Come on I'll have you' He delivers this line very loudly
with his chin facing upwards to look over his wife who is restraining him whilst rolling his
sleave up with his fist clenched, ready for a fight, which conveys to the audience his
complete disappointment and anger towards his son as he has completely gone against
what Bob has taught him which shows Bob's deteriorating relationships with his Children as
they make actions and choices which oppose what he wants for them and how he raised
them. Wilson reacts to this line with his eyes wide taking a step back despite Stuart being
across the stage from him which shows to the audience how he is taken aback with his
fathers’ anger and shocked by it as well as showing his own turmoil as his world unfolds
Infront of him. Stuart is close to Wilson and close to hitting him when Wilson blurts out the
line 'I've done something really bad' when he delivers the line his knees buckle and he
takes a few short steps backwards with his hands outreached to prevent Bob from getting
to him, he is successful in his interpretation of the character here as he conveys the fear and
desperation his character faces following the turmoil he creates, he does this further as he
delivers the line in ahigh pitch and fast paced tone with his eyes wide again creating an
effect of his complete turmoil, desperation, and genuine fear of his father. Stuart reacts to
Bobs line from going from a stride towards him to slowing down almost instantly with his
brow furrowed and eyes wide which conveys their role within the production as a character
whose expectation of their children is tested and not met and Stuart successfully shows the
fury it brings their character.

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