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Fauzia Nur Aeni

Information and communication technology development, especially in the form of gadgets such
as smartphones, tablets, and other electronics, has changed how humans interact and
communicate with their surroundings. With technological advances in the current era of
globalization, gadgets have become an inseparable part of everyday life. Both adults and
children are increasingly using gadgets for various communication purposes. However, the use
of gadgets by underage children has caused significant changes in communication patterns.
Playing with gadgets excessively can reduce direct interaction between children and other
people and interfere with children's communication ability in face-to-face situations. Excessive
use of gadgets by minors can hurt their social and emotional development. The use of gadgets
can also cause disturbances in sleep patterns. This study aimed to analyze the impact of using
gadgets on the social interactions of minors. This study uses Erik Erikson's theory using data
collection techniques from observation and interviews. The data analysis used is inductive to
analyze qualitative research data using data collection techniques carried out by observation
and interviews. The data analysis used is inductive to analyze qualitative research data using
data collection techniques carried out by observation and interviews. The data analysis used is
inductive to analyze qualitative research data. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method
with data analysis in case studies. The research results show that it will provide a deeper
understanding of how gadgets affect children's ability to interact socially.
Keywords: Impact of Using Gadgets; Social interaction; Minors

The use of gadgets by minors can impact their social and emotional development. Children
who use too many gadgets tend to spend less time interacting directly with others. They may
prefer playing games or using apps to interact with peers or family. This can hinder their ability
to build social skills, such as communicating, sharing, and empathizing. The use of gadgets can
lead to dependence and addiction to technology. Children accustomed to using gadgets
excessively may find it difficult to limit their use or even experience withdrawal symptoms when
separated from gadgets. This can interfere with their sleep patterns, the concentration at school,
Uncontrolled use of gadgets can also affect children's cognitive development. Too much
time spent watching videos or playing games can interfere with a child's ability to focus
attention, process information, and learn effectively. In addition, overexposure to content that is
not age-appropriate or non-educational can also affect a child's moral development and values.
The use of gadgets can lead to dependence and addiction to technology. Children accustomed to
using gadgets excessively may find it difficult to limit their use or even experience withdrawal
symptoms when separated from gadgets. This can interfere with their sleep patterns,
concentration at school, and healthy social interactions.

The use of gadgets influences many changes in communication patterns in children. Digital
technology, such as gadgets and social media, has affected children's communication patterns.
They may be more likely to use text messaging, online chat, or social media to communicate
with their peers. This can influence traditional verbal and non-verbal communication skills,
where gadget users tend to ignore the existence of people around them when they are engrossed
in holding the smartphone. Technological developments are currently proliferating; this can
affect the field of communication. The gadget provides a variety of exciting media ranging from
news, social networks, lifestyle information,

One of the main implications of changing communication patterns is a reduction in direct

social interaction. Children tend to be more comfortable communicating through screens than in
person. They may spend less time playing outdoors, interacting with peers, or building other
critical social skills. In addition, these changes in communication patterns can also affect the
development of children's language and communication skills. Using short and text messages,
emoji, and informal language on digital platforms can affect children's ability to communicate
orally and in writing effectively. They may need help to convey ideas clearly and understand the
more complex nuances of communication. Changes in communication patterns can also have an
impact on children's mental health.

Continuous use of gadgets can lead to social isolation, addiction, and sleep deprivation.
Children who play too much with gadgets may struggle to manage time, balance physical and
mental activity, and develop interests outside the digital world. Parents and caregivers must
understand the implications of changing these communication patterns and take appropriate steps
to limit children's time on gadgets. Promoting direct social interaction, playing outdoors, reading
books, and developing healthy communication skills are also essential. Addiction and sleep
deprivation. Children who play too much with gadgets may struggle to manage time, balance
physical and mental activity, and develop interests outside the digital world. Parents and
caregivers must understand the implications of changing these communication patterns and take
appropriate steps to limit children's time on gadgets. Promoting direct social interaction, playing
outdoors, reading books, and developing healthy communication skills are also important.
Addiction and sleep deprivation. Children who play too much with gadgets may struggle to
manage time, balance physical and mental activity, and develop interests outside the digital
world. Parents and caregivers must understand the implications of changing these
communication patterns and take appropriate steps to limit children's time on gadgets. Promoting
direct social interaction, playing outdoors, reading books, and developing healthy
communication skills are also essential. Parents and caregivers must understand the implications
of changing these communication patterns and take appropriate steps to limit children's time on
gadgets. Promoting direct social interaction, playing outdoors, reading books, and developing
healthy communication skills are also essential. Parents and caregivers must understand the
implications of changing these communication patterns and take appropriate steps to limit
children's time on gadgets. Promoting direct social interaction, playing outdoors, reading books,
and developing healthy communication skills are also essential.

Social interaction is a process of communication, information sharing, and interaction

between individuals or groups in a society. It includes various forms of interpersonal
communication and relationships, including verbal communication, writing, nonverbal behavior,
and direct and indirect interactions. Social interaction covers various aspects of human life,
including interactions in the family environment, school, work, community, media, and other
social environments. The primary purpose of social interaction is to understand each other, share
information, build relationships, and meet social and emotional needs.

According to Gerungan that social interaction has dynamic characteristics and is not static.
This means that the characteristics of social interaction can be viewed from various aspects
according to the characteristics of interactions carried out by humans, individuals who influence
each other through communication, behavior, norms, values, and social roles. These social
interactions form a social structure that involves patterns of relationships, positions, and
hierarchies between individuals.

In the digital era like today, changes in the way of communication have become a very
significant phenomenon, especially among minors. Children increasingly use smartphones,
tablets, and other electronic devices. Most of these changes in communication patterns can be
seen as a shift from traditional communication, such as face-to-face chatting, face-to-face
interaction, or playing outside the home, towards communication focused on gadgets. Children
spend more time playing with gadgets and communicating via text messages, voice calls, or
social media. Gadget games have created a new way for children to interact and communicate
with others. They can connect with peers, family members, or strangers through social platforms
and apps. However, these changes also have complex implications.

Devices or Gadgets are small electronic devices with specific functions, smartphones.
Gadgets are the latest innovations from the latest technology; the latest features are better with
more practical and functional purposes and functions. The types of gadgets are developing daily
with more models and brands. Models of gadgets based on quality and shape arouse interest to
buy, but they all have the same function; only the available space is different.

Ma'ruf states that gadgets are small technical objects (tools or electronic products) with
specific functions but often refer to innovations or new items. Devices are always defined as
designed to be more unusual or brilliant than the technology used when the device was created.
Gadgets are one of the technologies that play a vital role in the era of globalization. Gadgets are
familiar; almost everyone has them. Apart from urban communities, the device is also owned by
rural communities.

Meanwhile, every member of society, both young and old, and from all walks of life, can
use the device properly. Gadgets are also primarily aimed at school-age children or teenagers.
They are now very familiar with this technique. These electronic devices quickly offer a variety
of conveniences and sophistication, so that no doubt people will be addicted to these electronic
devices. Gadgets are electronic devices that are practical and useful for humans. What
distinguishes this tool from other electronic devices is that this tool develops very quickly and is
constantly updated with every development, and has practical functions. It can be called a gadget
because it is a collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions, radios,
watches, computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a

Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such as
application software. So no doubt people will be addicted to this electronic device. Gadgets are
electronic devices that are practical and useful for humans. What distinguishes this tool from
other electronic devices is that this tool develops very quickly and is continuously updated with
every development, and has practical functions. It can be called a gadget because it is a
collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions, radios, watches,
computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a smartphone.
Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such as
application software. So no doubt people will be addicted to this electronic device. Gadgets are
electronic devices that are practical and useful for humans. What distinguishes this tool from
other electronic devices is that this tool develops very quickly and is continuously updated with
every development, and has practical functions. It can be called a gadget because it is a
collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions, radios, watches,
computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a smartphone.
Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such as
application software. Gadgets are electronic devices that are practical and useful for humans.
What distinguishes this tool from other electronic devices is that this tool develops very quickly
and is constantly updated with every development, and has practical functions. It can be called a
gadget because it is a collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions,
radios, watches, computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a
smartphone. Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such
as application software. Gadgets are electronic devices that are practical and useful for humans.
What distinguishes this tool from other electronic devices is that this tool develops very quickly
and is constantly updated with every development, and has practical functions. It can be called a
gadget because it is a collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions,
radios, watches, computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a
smartphone. Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such
as application software. It can be called a gadget because it is a collection of electronic devices
important to humans, such as televisions, radios, watches, computers, calculators, cameras, etc.,
in one device or what is popularly called a smartphone. Devices consist of devices and additional
functions that support using devices, such as application software. It can be called a gadget
because it is a collection of electronic devices important to humans, such as televisions, radios,
watches, computers, calculators, cameras, etc., in one device or what is popularly called a
smartphone. Devices consist of devices and additional functions that support using devices, such
as application software.

According to Fiidatun & Sri Hartini, they are told that the continuous use of gadgets harms
children's activities in everyday life. Activities where children want to use devices continuously
make children addicted and become routine activities that children do in their daily life. It is
undeniable that many children today prefer to play with gadgets than their peers. Therefore,
children quickly become lazy and want to avoid interacting with the environment.

Previous research related to the impact of using gadgets on social interaction for minors has
been done by previous researchers, like the research conducted by Ananda Nurhaeda to find out
the impact of using gadgets in early childhood at the Mutiara Hati Palu Integrated Preschool. In
addition, research conducted by Putri & Lili found out the impact of using gadgets on early
childhood and implemented solutions from impact of using gadgets on early childhood.

Research conducted by Regina, H. Sutrisno & Muntaka explained that social development is
an aspect that is considered essential and becomes a limitation for present and future life.
Children's social learning begins when they interact with the environment outside the family.
Peers and school teachers are the closest people who require children to be able to express
themselves well socially, share information or tell stories.

Based on Erick Erickson's level of psychosocial development, most of his presentations

were diligent vs. low self-esteem (consistency vs. low self-esteem), and children aged 7-11 years
were underage. Parents play an essential role in caring for their children at this stage.
Appropriate space is a prerequisite for channeling a child's determination in playing and
schoolwork. If most of them only play with gadgets, this will have a negative impact on
children's psychosocial development. According to Erickson, children already face new social
influences in the "industry versus inferiority" phase. Both at school and at home. Children learn
manual labor and perseverance, i.e. how to work and study well. Kids can play different games
with rules. The attitude of parents or teachers plays a vital role in developing children's skills.
However, if the child is offended and abandoned at the time, the child develops an inferiority
complex. According to Hurlock, children this age need to play games that encourage social
contact, such as cooperative games where children become members of groups and interact with
one another.


This research was conducted in Kaduna Village, Taman District, Pemalang Regency, on
June 5, 2023. This research was used to analyze the impact of gadgets on minors' social
interaction. The method used in this research is using the descriptive qualitative method with an
analysis of case study data. The qualitative research method is a research method that obtains
descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the person being studied. This
research was conducted by prioritizing direct observation of the field, then carrying out the data
collection process, processing the data, and analyzing the data in depth. This research was
conducted in Kaduna Village, RT 01 RW 02, Taman District, Pemalang Regency; the research
subjects were parents and children. The number of informants in this study amounted to 1 child
and one parent. The data sources from this research are parents and children in Kabunan Village,
RT 01 RW 02, Taman District, Pemalang Regency. Data collection techniques in this study
include observation techniques and interview techniques. The place of observation in this study
was at home in Kaduna Village, RT 01 RW 02, Taman District, Pemalang Regency. The data
analysis used is inductive to analyze qualitative research data.


Based on the research results conducted in Kabunan Village Rt 01/ Rw 02 Taman District,
Pemalang Regency. So this study discovered that the subject with the initials AS (7) had
weaknesses in interacting with the surrounding environment. This can cause the subject with the
initials AS (7) to show weakness in interacting with others; this can cause children to become
addicted to gadgets. In his daily life, the child goes to school and playing gadgets when he comes
home. The subject with AS (7) initials uses a gadget to play games and watch YouTube. Parents
often give opportunities for children to use gadgets; However, they often provide opportunities
for children to play with gadgets; AS parents (7) still give firmness to subjects with the initials
AS (7) not to play with gadgets too often and always limit the use of gadgets. The use of gadgets
can affect children when they reach the addiction stage.

Moreover, the effect of using gadgets is when children show signs of addiction. Due to the
condition of AS's parents (7), who work as teachers, the subject with the initials AS (7) has more
freedom to play with gadgets, so they often play with gadgets. Sharing gadgets with children is
considered a sufficient means for children's education. However, this is very unfortunate because
children are not under parental supervision and are engrossed in playing with gadgets, which
allows children to use gadgets freely. It can cause eye fatigue and eye irritation and can hinder
the development of a child's brain, so children cannot communicate or speak fluently. If the US
subject (7) is too busy playing gadgets, this indirectly reduces playing time with friends his age,
because he wants to play exciting devices. This is a factor in reducing children's social
interaction with their environment at home and school. In interacting directly, the person tends to
respond in a long and inappropriate way to other people's words. This phenomenon is caused
because parents are less able to understand the child's personality characteristics, tendencies, and
character traits of children and do not understand values. Values included in games such as
physical, educational, social, moral, innovative, individual values, and healing.


Gadget definition.

The gadget is a term that refers to small electronic devices that have unique functions and
are usually used for entertainment, communication, or productivity purposes. Gadgets are
generally compact in size, high in portability, and often have internet connectivity. They can be
smartphones, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, music players, smartwatches, or other electronic
devices. Gadgets are generally equipped with various features and applications that enable users
to carry out various activities, such as making phone calls, sending messages, surfing the
Internet, taking photos and videos, listening to music, playing games, and running various
productivity applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and so on. Calendar.Many
people, both adults, and children, like gadgets because of their sophistication. Their parents often
introduced the devices to their children before they could speak or read. Many parents save
exciting programs for children because they think the content is suitable for children, or when
children cry, parents calm them down by sharing devices with children so that children depend
on them again for the frequency of watching them. Most parents also share devices with their
children so that children do not interfere with parental activities or play outside the home. There
are limits to the use of devices by children to prevent harmful things that can affect the
development and growth of children because WHO states that there are limits to screen time or
the amount of time spent looking at digital screens (devices, TVs, etc.). For children under five
years. Lance & Saw states that children ages 1 to 4 should stay at most an hour. Anil & Shaik
also pointed out that the impact of screen use on a person depends on many factors, and the most
important factor is how long the screen is looked at. Long-term use can affect the frontal cortex
and have a similar effect. Shaik also points out that the impact of screen use on a person depends
on many factors, and the most crucial factor is how long the screen is being viewed. Long-term
use can affect the frontal cortex and have a similar effect. Shaik also points out that the impact of
screen use on a person depends on many factors, and the most crucial factor is how long the
screen is being viewed. Long-term use can affect the frontal cortex and have a similar effect.

Gadgets can be hardware or software. Hardware includes smartphones, tablets, laptops,

digital cameras, smartwatches, and portable audio devices such as Bluetooth headsets and
speakers. At the same time, examples of software devices are mobile applications, computer
games, or custom programs running on other devices. The features of this device are its
connectivity and connectivity features. Gadgets can often connect to the Internet or other devices
using wireless networks such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular technology. It allows users to
access information online, communicate or perform various tasks. In addition, the device also
has various additional functions that are useful in everyday life. For example, Smartphones serve
as communication tools and offer access to email, social media, music players, cameras,
navigation, and more. These features make the device a versatile tool and make it easy for the
user to perform various functions. However, it is also important to remember that while a device
can provide many benefits, the user must use it wisely. Spending too much time in front of
screens or relying on devices in many areas of life can negatively impact physical and mental
health. Therefore, gadgets must be balanced with other activities and still pay attention to the
balance of a healthy life. These features make the device a versatile tool and make it easy for the
user to perform various functions. However, it is also important to remember that while a device
can provide many benefits, the user must use it wisely. Spending too much time in front of
screens or relying on devices in many areas of life can negatively impact physical and mental
health. Therefore, gadgets must be balanced with other activities and still pay attention to the
balance of a healthy life. These features make the device a versatile tool and make it easy for the
user to perform various functions. However, it is also important to remember that while a device
can provide many benefits, the user must use it wisely. Spending too much time in front of
screens or relying on devices in many areas of life can negatively impact physical and mental
health. Therefore, gadgets must be balanced with other activities and still pay attention to the
balance of a healthy life. Spending too much time in front of screens or relying on devices in
many areas of life can negatively impact physical and mental health. Therefore, gadgets must be
balanced with other activities and still pay attention to the balance of a healthy life. Spending too
much time in front of screens or relying on devices in many areas of life can negatively impact
physical and mental health. Therefore, gadgets must be balanced with other activities and still
pay attention to the balance of a healthy life.

Negative Impact of Gadgets on Underage Children

Although gadgets have had a tremendous positive impact, especially in education and
communication, their excessive use by children also has a negative impact. When a child reaches
elementary school age, namely 6-12 years, the child's development is very rapid, both physically
and mentally. At this age, children also have a high curiosity. Gadgets have a significant impact
on children's development. Gadgets have negative and positive impacts on children. This is
consistent with the view that using gadgets has a negative impact in that children tend to be
addicted to gadgets and lose concentration while studying. Parents have the most significant
influence in preventing or overcoming the adverse effects of using gadgets. Parents need
dialogical assistance to reduce the negative effects of using gadgets. Parents are the number one
partners and leaders whose role in raising children cannot be replaced. Parents must also be
responsible for overcoming the adverse effects of using gadgets. Some of the ways that parents
should supervise their children when using gadgets are as follows.

a. Set time limits: Determine the time allowed for children to use gadgets. For example,
it may only be allowed for an hour or two each day. It is essential to ensure that the
time spent in front of the screen does not interfere with other activities such as
studying, playing outside, or interacting socially.
b. Make rules about using gadgets: Make clear rules about what is allowed and what is
not allowed when using gadgets. For example, prohibit children from downloading
applications or playing games that are not appropriate for their age. Make sure they
understand that the use of gadgets must be responsible and safe.
c. Choose appropriate apps and content: Help children choose apps, games, and content
that are age-appropriate and interesting. Ensure that the content children access
conforms to family values and does not contain violence, pornography, or other
harm. Constantly monitor and check the apps or websites they use.
d. Set a visible place: Ensure the child uses the gadget in an area where parents can see
it. Avoid giving full access to gadgets in their bedroom. In this way, you can easily
monitor their activity and ensure they use the gadget properly.
e. Be actively involved: Make interactions with children when they use gadgets. Have
them talk about what they are doing, play a game, or watch a video together. By
being actively involved, you can see what they are doing and help them understand
proper and healthy use.

There are several negative impacts related to the use of gadgets for minors:

 Addiction and lack of physical activity: Children who use gadgets often tend to
spend excessive time in front of screens and participate less in healthy physical
activities such as playing outside, playing sports, or interacting directly with peers.
This can lead to unhealthy living habits and health problems such as obesity.
 Sleep disturbance: Excessive use of gadgets in children at night can disrupt their
sleep patterns. Exposure to blue light from gadget screens can interfere with
producing the hormone melatonin, which is essential for good sleep. As a result,
children may experience difficulty sleeping, and prolonged sleep disturbances can
negatively impact their growth and development.
 Mental health problems: Too much time spent in front of screens can cause mental
health problems in children. They may be prone to problems such as anxiety,
depression, social isolation, and decreased quality of interpersonal relationships.
Direct interactions with other people and real-world experiences are critical to a
child's social and emotional development.
 Restrictions on cognitive development and creativity: While gadgets can access a
wide range of information, overuse can limit children's cognitive development. They
may miss opportunities to think critically, imagine and create independently. Too
much time spent consuming digital content can also hinder the ability to play and
explore, which are essential for children's development.
 Risk of inappropriate content: Children who use gadgets without proper supervision
are at risk of being exposed to inappropriate or unsuitable content for their age.
Despite parental controls, the risk still exists. Exposure to inappropriate or violent
content can negatively impact a child's mental and emotional development.

There are several positive impacts related to the use of gadgets for minors:

 Improved technology skills: Gadgets can help children become familiar with
technology and become more adept at using digital devices. This can be an advantage
in today's digital era and help prepare them for the future.
 Access to information and education: Gadgets can give children access to various
educational and information resources via the Internet. They can learn about various
topics, explore new knowledge, and access interactive learning resources such as
educational apps.
 Development of cognitive skills: Some apps and games on the gadget are designed to
stimulate children's cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, memory, and puzzle-
solving. The use of gadgets in the right way can help in the development of this skill.
 Creativity and self-expression: Many creative apps and social media platforms allow
children to express themselves through digital art, making music, or creating other
creative content. This can stimulate their creativity and imagination.
 Communication and connectivity: Gadgets can help kids stay connected with friends
and family through messaging apps and video calls. This allows them to maintain
social connections, especially if they live far away.

Gadget Use and Barriers to Social Interaction

The use of technological devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and other
electronic devices equipped with various features and functions. Gadgets have become an
essential part of many people's daily lives, used to communicate, access information, work, play
games, watch videos, and much more. However, excessive or unbalanced use of gadgets can
have a negative impact on one's social interactions. Here are some barriers to social interaction
that can arise due to the excessive use of gadgets:

Lack of direct communication: The use of gadgets can reduce direct social interaction between
individuals. When a person is too attached to their device, they may be reluctant to interact
directly with those around them. This can hinder a person's ability to form and maintain strong
social relationships.

1. Dependence on social media: Social media is one of the main aspects of using a
smartphone. However, addiction to social media can lead to social isolation. People may
be more interested in connecting with people virtually than in building genuine
interpersonal relationships. This can result in a loss of social skills and a lack of ability to
interact effectively.
2. Dependence on social media: Social media is one of the main aspects of using a
smartphone. However, addiction to social media can lead to social isolation. People may
be more interested in connecting with people virtually than in building genuine
interpersonal relationships. This can result in a loss of social skills and a lack of ability to
interact effectively.
3. Dependence on social media: Social media is one of the main aspects of using a
smartphone. However, addiction to social media can lead to social isolation. People may
be more interested in connecting with people virtually than in building genuine
interpersonal relationships. This can result in a loss of social skills and a lack of ability to
interact effectively.
4. Attention distraction: Gadgets, especially with constant access to social media and
notifications, can cause attention distraction, often interfering with social interactions. A
person may be tempted to check their phone repeatedly during conversations or social
activities, which can be inhibiting
effective communication and reduce the quality of interaction.


The conclusion of this study is that there is a limit to the use of gadgets for underage
children, so there are no negative things that hinder the development and growth of children.
Don't take too long when children play with gadgets and invite children to do positive activities,
such as sports together, gardening, going outside, shopping, or being creative with materials that
are easy to find, to give children other activities and not just focus on gadgets. Parents hope to
communicate better with their children and ask about the difficulties they face so that children
feel cared for and loved. In addition, parents try to create a conducive environment. Parents
should provide a comfortable learning atmosphere for children so they can learn well. Given the
critical role of parents in guiding children to use gadgets, it is hoped that parents will be more
assertive towards children and limit children from playing with gadgets. Parents must be
involved in their child's development by monitoring children's learning, discussing, and asking
questions. Parents need to encourage children so that children are not addicted to gadgets. This
enthusiasm can be in the form of words that inspire enthusiasm in children. as a tool to stimulate
the spirit of children.


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