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Well Control Drilling

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Full Name *

Dimas Romansah

Date *


09 / 10 / 1995

Training Course *


Phone Number *


Email Address *
Company Name *

Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia

Job Position *


Password *


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`1. You have drilled from 9,700 ft to *
9,825 ft MD in the last hour. MV = 10.6
ppg, bit size = 8 ½”, open hole capacity
= 0.0702 bbl/ft. 5” OD drillpipr,
capacity = 0.01776 bbl/ft, metal
displacement = 0.0065 bbl/ft. 9 5/8”
casing is set as 8,000 ft MD. By how
many barrels should the pit level have

A. 6.6 bbls

B. 2.2 bbls

C. 8.0 bbls

D. 8.8 bbls

2. What is bottom hole pressure (BHP) *

A. The total pressure exerted on the

bottom of the hole

B. The total pressure exerted by the


C. The formation pressure at the

bottom of the hole
3. What term means “an uncontrolled *
flow of formation fluids at surface or
mud line”?

A. Lost circulation

B. Kick

C. Fractured formation

D. Blowout

4. You are running a slick non- *

shearable tool in the hole on a surface
stack rig. The well flows when the tool
is across the BOP stack. What is the
best action the Driller can take to shut
in the well?

A. Drop the string in the hole

B. Make up safety valve in string and

close the annular

C. Pick up a joint or stand of

shearable pipe, run into position and
install a safety valve

D. Start circulating to use ECD to

stop the kick
5. How does the expansion rate of gas *
in the horizontal section compare to
the vertical section as it is circulated
out of the well?

A. Does not matter

B. Greater

C. Less

D. Equal

6. During a casing and cementing *

operation, the cement pump is
pumping cement down the casing.
What should happen to the active pit
level during this stage of the

A. Pit level will increase

B. Pit level will stay constant

C. Pit level will decrease

7. What is a function of an RCD *

A. To replace the need for a BOP

B. To help create a closed loop


C. To separate the free gas from the

mud returns

D. To permit higher circulation rates

8. You are drilling ahead in a zone that *

has experienced ballooning for other
wells in the area. You have
experienced losses of 8 barrels over
the last stand. When you shut down to
make a connection, the well continues
to flow greater than the 8 barrels lost.
What should the Driller do?

A. Nothing because you are sure it is


B. Shut in the well and call the


C. Call the Company Representative

and discuss options

D. Make up Top Drive and start

9. How can you tell the difference *
between background gas and a kick?

A. When kicks occur, background gas

is never present

B. Background gas can be ignored

C. Background gas level will go up

and down, a kick will cause a \ow
rate increase and a pit gain

D. A kick always is hydrocarbons

10. What is the primary objective when *

circulating out a kick?

A. To have an overbalance pressure

as close to the fracture pressure as

B. To use the highest pump rate


C. To maintain constant bottom hole

pressure at least equal to the
formation pressure

D. To reverse circulate to remove the

in\ux faster
11. A 500-foot long cement plug is set *
inside the casing shoe. The mud in the
hole is to be displaced with brine.
What will be the reduction in
hydrostatic pressure on top of the
cement plug?
Old mud density = 12.2 ppg

Brine = 8.6 ppg

Top of cement plug = 8200’TVD/8600’

A. 5202 psi

B. 1535 psi

C. 3668 psi

D. 1609 psi

12. Which of the following dimensions

affects the pressure at which gas can
‘blow-through’ to the Shaker area?

A. Height of liquid seal

B. ID of line from Choke Manifold

C. Height of body and ID of body

D. The vent line length and ID of the

vent line
13. What pressure must be kept in the *
annular BOP closing chamber during
stripping operation?

A. 300 psi less that the Pipe Ram

closing pressure

B. The minimum pressure that allows

the toll joint to go through the
packing with a loss of 30.000lbs of
hook load

C. Minimum 500 psi

D. The minimum pressure to

maintain a seal

14. When should you do a leak off *


A. Before drilling out the casing shoe

B. After drilling out of the casing

shoe and between 10 and 50 feet of
new formation

C. Before running the casing

D. Immediately after running and

cementing the casing
15. A well is shut-in with stabilized *
SICP = 500 psi. The Driller pumped at
5 SPM until the float valve was
bumped and the pump shut down. The
Casing pressure gauge now reads 575
psi and the drill pipe gauge = 380 psi.
What is the SIDPP?

A. 200 psi

B. 75 psi

C. 305 psi

D. 380 psi

16. When do Drill string safety valves *

have to be tested?

A. Only after setting casing

B. Each time the BOP is tested

C. To the same rated working

pressure as the Kelly/top drive

D. 50% of the Ram test pressure

17. Holding 1200 psi at the surface will *
have the most effect on mud weight
on which well?

A. MD = 10.000 ft. TVD = 10.000 ft.

B. MD = 6.000 ft. TVD = 6.000 ft.

C. MD = 12.000 ft. TVD = 10.000 ft.

D. MD = 5.000 ft. TVD = 4.500 ft.

18. You are drilling ahead. Other wells *
in the area have experienced
ballooning formations. When you shut
down to make a connection the well
· You shut the well in with a 6
barrel gain
· Shut-in pressures have stabilized
SIDPP=120psi SICP=180psi

· You bleed off 2 barrels of fluid

through the choke and shut the well
back in
· SIDPP = 120 psi and · SICP =
200 psi What is most likely happening

A. Lost circulation

B. Ballooning well

C. Formation \uid in\ux

D. Hydrates in the choke

19. There are four (4) Mud Pits, each *
measuring 9 feet x 12 feet x 8 feet
deep fluid depth is 6 feet. (use 5.615 to
convert cubic feet to barrels) how
many more barrels of mud can be
added to thesurface tanks?

A. 148 bbls

B. 154 bbls

C. 205 bbls

D. 137 bbls

20. What is the fluid pressure within *

the pore spaces of the rock known as?

A. Fracture Pressure

B. Formation Pressure

C. Hydrostatic Pressure

D. Total Wellbore Pressure

21. What gauge is used to record the *
Slow Circulating Rate (SCR) pressure?

A. The same drill pipe gauge that is

used to kill the well

B. The casing pressure gauge at the

Standpipe Manifold

C. The pump pressure gauge at the

Standpipe Manifold

D. The pump pressure gauge at the

mud pump

22. What is the main function of a *

weep hole on a ram type BOP?

A. Prevent contamination of the

opening chamber

B. Release trapped pressure during

BOP testing

C. Show the seals on the bonnet are


D. Indicate a leak on the piston rod

mud seal
23. How can you calculate the volume *
of a heavy pill?

A. Slug weight x 19.24

B. Height of pill = Overbalance

needed/ (Pill weight – MW)/.052.
Then, Volume needed = Height of pill
x Hole Capacity

C. Fracture Pressure x .052

D. SCRP/MW/.052

24. What are indications that suggest *

blow through MGS may be about to

A. Increasing trend in vent line


B. Increasing trend in MGS


C. Reduction in hydrostatic pressure

D. Increasing trend in hydrostatic

seal pressure
25. Connection gas in the mud is a *
sign of what downhole problem?

A. The formations are getting harder

and ROP is slower

B. The well is underbalanced at


C. Conditions downhole are normal

D. The hydrostatic pressure of the

mud has increased

26. What data is important to know if a *

Shear Ram is in the BOP Stack?

A. Opening pressure

B. Hang-off weight

C. Size and strength of tubulars the

ram can shear
27. To what pressure must the Drill *
string safety valves be tested?

A. To the current bottom hole


B. 50% of the Ram test pressure

C. To the same rated working

pressure as the Kelly/top drive

D. To the same pressure as the BOP

28. Where is the best place to put a *

heavy pill?

A. In the vertical part of the well

B. At the end of the horizontal


C. In the reserve pit

D. At the beginning of the horizontal

29. While conduction the first *
circulation of the Driller’s Method, the
Derrickman states that the barite
supply is plugged. What action should
be taken?

A. Inform supervisor that crew is

fxing the blockage but continue

B. Wait until frst circulation is

complete then fx blockage

C. Instruct crew to add Bentonite to

increase the mud weight

D. Inform supervisor to shut in well,

as the problem will reduce bottom
hole pressure during the frst
30. You have tripped 10 stands into the *
well. The volume of mud has entered
the trip tank is 5 bbls greater than the
displacement you calculated. What
does this indicate?

A. An in\ux of formation \uid has

entered the well

B. This is not an indication of any

downhole problem

C. You should increase your trip


D. You are losing drilling \uid to the


31. When drilling in the transition zone *

to an abnormally pressured formation,
what changes may you expect to see
in drilling data?

A. Reduced drag on connections

B. Reduction in drill string torque by

more than 50%

C. Increase in WOB to maintain same


D. Gradual increase in ROP

32. The formation permeability, and *
the differential pressure between mud
hydrostatic and formation pressure,
will affect the speed of the influx into
the well. Which of the condition below
are likely to give the largest influx over
the same period of time?

A. Low permeability formation with a

low differential pressure

B. High permeability formation with a

low differential pressure

C. High permeability formation with a

high differential pressure

D. In\ux size is not affected by

permeability and differential
33. With a rotating head and an orbit *
valve, what level of underbalanced
drilling can we safely accomplish?

A. Managed pressure drilling,

keeping bottom hole pressure nearly
equal to formation pressure

B. Full underbalanced conditions,

keeping bottom hole pressure less
than formation at all times

C. Whatever the operator/company

man wants to do

D. Compensate for loss of ECD by

closing the orbit valve during
connections to hold backpressure

34. What is a ‘safety-margin’ in a kill *


A. A margin that reduces the risk of

losses during the kill

B. Extra pressure applied in the well

to reduce the risk of going

C. A margin that compensates for

the choke operator closing the choke
too quickly

D. A 1 ppg increase in calculated kill

mud weight to maintain hydrostatic
if mud weight increase is not
maintained during the circulation
35. On a surface stack rig, The Driller *
brings the pump slowly on-line at the
start of the kill operation. What
pressure must the choke operator hold
constant during this operation?

A. Casing pressure

B. Slow circulating rate pressure

C. Maximum allowable annular

surface pressure

D. Shut in Drill Pipe Pressure

36. How do you decrease the chance *

of swabbing in a kick

A. Pull pipe faster

B. Pull pipe slowly

C. Increase the mud viscosity

D. Decrease mud weight

37. After the well is shut-in, what key *
data should be recorded?

A. Weight on bit

B. Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP)

C. Hook load

D. Rotary torque

38. Which one of the following is NOT *

classified as a barrier?

A. Mud hydrostatic pressure

B. Pipe ram

C. Full opening safety valve

D. Drill string \oat valve

39. Why must you leave spare capacity *
in the active pit system when
circulating out a kick?

A. To store the kick \uid as it is

circulated from the well

B. If the kick is oil it will expand and

pit level will increase

C. If the kick is salt water it will

expand and pit level will increase

D. If the kick is gas it will expand and

pit level will increase

40. What can happen downhole as *

cement sets?

A. Hydrostatic pressure can reduce

and cause a kick

B. Cement can swell and cause

casing to collapse

C. Hydrostatic pressure can increase

and cause losses

D. Cement can increase downhole

temperature and damage rubber
41. Why is it important for the Driller to *
know when mud is being transferred
into or out of the active system?

A. To know when to operate the pit

agitators to prevent Barite falling out
of the mud

B. To recognize if there are gains and

losses due to a kick or lost

C. To start bottoms-up circulation to

clean the hole before new mud is

D. To line up returns through the

Desilters to improve mud mixing

42. It is important to spot an ECD pill *

with the right mud weight and in the
right place in order to?

A. Keep bottom hole pressure

constant when tripping out of the
hole and through the pill

B. Keep the pump pressure lower

when circulating the pill

C. Reduce the pressure on the casing


D. Keep bottom hole pressure slightly

lower when tripping through the pill
43. What should be done with *
weighted pills when tripping back into
the well?

A. Weight up the entire system to the

pill weight before tripping in

B. Bullhead the pill into the formation

C. Leave the pill where it is. We may

need it if the well starts taking \uid

D. Circulate the pill out in stages

44. In MPD operations, as circulation is *

reduced or stopped, what will happen
to the ECD?

A. Decreases

B. Stays the same

C. Increases
45. During a circulating well kill the *
pump speed was reduced from 40
SPM to 20 SPM while holding
drillpipe pressure constant using the
choke. What happens to bottom hole

A. Increases

B. Stays the same

C. Decreases

46. What is the objective of the *

volumetric method?

A. To maintain the bottom hole

pressure equal to or greater than
formation pressure while the in\ux
rises up the annulus

B. To maintain the shut in casing

pressure on the surface constant
while the in\ux rises up the annulus

C. To maintain the pressure whiting

an in\ux constants as it rises
through the wellbore

D. To maintain the pressure at the

casing shoe constant as the in\ux
migrate through the open hole
47. On the Driller’s air operated panel *
for a surface BOP, the ram is closed
and the following was seen:
Ø Open light went out
Ø Close light came on

Ø Annular pressure did not change

Ø Manifold pressure decreased and
later returned to the original position

Ø Accumulator pressure decreased to

2500 psi and remained steady What is
the most probable cause of the

A. The pressure switch or the pumps

on the BOP control unit did not work

B. Electric position switches are


C. There is a blockage in the

hydraulic line connecting the BOP to
the BOP control unit

D. The selector valve (3 position/4

way valve) is stuck in the open
48. When running casing with a self-fill *
float assembly, what would indicate
that the self-fill assembly is working

A. The hook load decreases by the

buoyed weight of steel run in the

B. Returns from the well equal the

closed end volume of the casing run
in the hole

C. When reverse circulating, the

number of strokes pumped before
mud \ows out of the casing does not
match calculated values

D. Returns from the well equal the

volume of steel run

49. What is the objective of the second *

circulations of the driller’s method?

A. Displace the distring and annulus

with original weight \uid

B. Displace the drillstring with kill

weight \uid

C. Displace the annulus with kill

weight \uid

D. Displace the drillstring and

annulus with kill weight \uid
50. What effect will an expanding gas *
bubble have on ECD as it is circulated
out of a well?

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Stays the same

51. A 30.0 bbl 14.5 ppg slug is pumped *

prior to stripping out of the hole. Mud
weight is 12.3 ppg. What mud volume,
in addition to the slug volume, should
we expect returned due to the slug u-
tubing into position?

A. 5.96 bbls

B. 6.35 bbls

C. 5.36 bbls

D. 7.35 bbls
52. While circulating out a kick, you *
were instructed to decrease the pump
rate from 25 SPM to 20 SPM. The final
Circulating Pressure (FCP) is 320 psi
at 25 SPM. What will be the new
approximate Final Circulating Pressure
(FCP) at 20 SPM?

A. 205 psi

B. 500 psi

C. 485 psi

D. 256 psi

53. What is the common cause of *

abnormal; high formation pressures

A. Trapped \uid in shale

B. Carbonate layers

C. Depleted sands

D. Limestone fractures
54. Which kick indicator is normally *
detected first?

A. Pit gain increase

B. Trip tank increase

C. Pump pressure increase

D. Flow rate increase

55. The Driller has successfully shut-in *

on a kick. Which one of the following
would you delegate to a crew

A. Instructions to crew if you get Gas


B. Checking kill-sheet for accuracy

C. Checking for leaks at the pumps,

pipework and pit areas

D. Communicating kill plan to crew

56. What is the correct practice when *
carrying out the second circulation of
the Driller’s Method? (there is no influx
remaining in the well)

A. Bring the pump up to the speed

holding drill pipe pressure constant

B. Once kill \uid at the bit, shut in the

well and check that drill pipe and
casing pressures are equal

C. Maintain the drill pipe pressure

constant once kill \uid is at the bit

D. Maintain the drill pipe pressure

constant during the entire second

57. How may gas kicks in horizontal *

wells differ from gas kicks in vertical

A. SICP and SIDPP are initially the


B. Magnitude of in\ux in horizontal

well will cause higher SICP than in a
vertical well

C. No gas migration prior to in\ux

moving into the vertical section

D. Both A and C
58. What will happen to the pill as pipe *
is tripped out of the well?

A. The pill will move up in the well

and will get shorter as the pipe is
pulled through it

B. The pill will move down in the well

and will get shorter as the pipe is
pulled through it

C. The pill will always stay in the

same place in the well as we trip out
or in the hole

D. The pill will move up in the well

and will get longer
59. While doing your daily rounds *
during drilling operations you notice
the gauges in the BOP accumulator
system show the following readings.
What do you think?

A. The pressure switch controlling

the pump has not shut the pump

B. Everything is ok

C. Annular pressure regulator is set

too high

D. A malfunction in the annular

60. If the Rotating Control Device is *
leaking drilling fluid in a hydrostatically
overbalanced well, what is the first
course of action the driller should

A. Reduce pressure on the head and

continue drilling

B. If you have shear rams, close


C. Pickup off bottom, shut down the

pumps, and close the annular

D. Increase pressure on the head and

continue drilling

61. While controlling a well by *

circulating out an influx, what pressure
do we want to keep constant?

A. Bottom hole pressure

B. pump pressure

C. choke pressure

D. casing pressure
62. A well is shut in after taking a 25 *
bbl kick with 300 psi SIDPP and 650
psi SICP. If the well had been shut in
on a 10 bbls kick, how would shut in
pressure be affected?

A. SICP would be higher

B. SIDPP would be higher

C. SICP would be lower

D. SIDPP would be lower

63. How can a pill be spotted in the *

correct place?

A. Stop pumps when circulating

pressure has dropped by 150 psi

B. The mud engineer will know this

form his training and experience

Stop pumps as soon as you see

Casing Pressure increase

D. Calculate displacement of drillpipe

and each annular section the pill
must go through. Then convert to
64. What can cause a larger kick size *
and a greater Shut In Casing Pressure

A. Formation Permeability

B. Ballooning

C. Formation strength

D. Formation Porosity

65. What determines the amount of *

pressure a formation will support
before fracturing?

A. Hydrostatic pressure

B. Bottom hole pressure

C. Formation strength

D. Underbalanced pressure
66. The Mud Engineer starts the *
vacuum degasser and the desilter.
What will normally happen to pit level?

A. Pit level will increase

B. Pit level will stay the same

C. Pit level will decrease

67. How can the location of pills in the *

wellbore be determined?

A. Reset the stroke counter when the

pill starts down the drillpipe and
keep track of the strokes pumped

B. (SICP – SIDPP) x .052 /2757 will

give the depth from the rotary table

C. Reset the stroke counter every

hundred strokes while pumping the
pill. MW/number of stroke counter
resets = pill location

D. Include enough LCM in the pill to

plug the MWD tool when it reaches
that depth
68. Which are not main components of *
an RCD?

A. Flow line and the orbit valve in the

\ow line

B. Pipe sealing elements

C. Bowl/body

D. Bearing assembly

69. What is secondary well control? *

A. Monitoring pit levels

B. Increase mud hydrostatic pressure

C. Closing the BOP

D. Controlling ROP
70. What causes gas to break out of *
solution in an oil based mud (OBM)?

A. The increase in mud hydrostatic

pressure at downhole conditions

B. The temperature of the mud as it

gets cooler near surface

C. The reduction of mud

compressibility and salinity at
surface conditions

D. The decrease in hydrostatic

pressure above the gas when it gets
close to surface

71. You have just completed a *

successful pump start up and the
pump is running at kill rate. The choke
gauge is stable. What gauge should
now read Initial Circulating Pressure

A. The kill line pressure gauge

B. The drill pipe pressure gauge

C. The choke pressure gauge

D. The accumulator pressure gauge

72. Two stands of drill collars are *
pulled from the well (dry)Drill collar
capacity =0.0073 bbls/feet Drill collar
metal displacement =0.0370
bbls/feet(one (1) stand = 90 feet) How
many barrels of drilling mud should be
pumped into the well?

A. 5.5 bbls

B. 7.9 bbls

C. 1.3 bbls

D. 6.6 bbls

73. What is the basic principle involved *

in all constant Bottomhole Pressure
(BHP) methods of well control?

A. Maintain a pressure at least equal

to formation pressure

B. Maintain a pressure at least equal

to slow circulating rate pressure

C. Maintain a pressure that is equal

to the Annulus Friction Pressure

D. Maintain a pressure that is at least

equal to Shut-in Drillpipe Pressure
74. The pop-off valve on the pump *
blows while circulating out a kick, what
will you see:

A. Rapid drop in casing pressure with

no change to drill pipe pressure

B. Slow drop in drill pipe pressure

and an increase in casing pressure

C. Rapid drop in drill pipe pressure

with no change to casing pressure

D. Rapid drop in drill pipe pressure

and a drop in casing pressure

75. If the drill string washes out at a *

constant pump speed, during a kill
operation, which of the following
pressure would remain constant?

A. Drill pipe pressure

B. Casing pressure

C. Initial circulating pressure

D. Show circulating rate pressure

76. What has to be checked before *
installation of any annular packing

A. Maximum pipe outside diameter

B. Desired hydraulic closing pressure

C. Type of hard-banding used

D. Type of mud to be used

77. What is the purpose for having the *

flow line capable of venting to the Mud
Gas separator?

A. It can increase pressure on the

\ow line on a connection

B. If gas levels reach a high level in

the \ow line, then you can vent to the
Mud Gas separator

C. If mud \ow is too excessive then

you can dump the excess mud into
the separator

D. All of the above

78. What measures can be taken to *
prevent “blow-through” in a mud gas

A. Use the minimum TVD on the mud


B. Limit the \ow rate into the

separator when the in\ux is entering
the separator

C. Restrict the vent line ID

D. Allow the hydrostatic head to be

reduced in the separator before the
in\ux arrives to the separator

79. If the Rotary hose split during a kill *

operation, what would be the first
action to take?

A. Close the choke

B. Stop pump, close the full opening

safety valve on the drill string and
close the choke

C. Prepare to reverse circulate

D. Close the Shear Rams

80. The formation pressure at 12,000 *
TVD/13,300 MD is 7,500 psi. the mud
weight in the hole is 11 ppg. How
much back pressure is enough to bring
the BHP up to control formation

A. Zero

B. 686 psi

C. 624 psi
81. A light pill was spotted in the *
lateral section of the well before
tripping out. In order to maintain a
constant pressure at the shoe, how
should SBP compensate as the pill is
displaced pas the shoe while tripping

A. Pressure should be increased as

the hydrostatic pressure at the shoe
will decrease while displacing the
lighter \uid past the shoe

B. There will be no change in the

pressure at the shoe as the diesel is
in the open hole

C. Surface back pressure should

decrease to compensate for the
hydrostatic increase in the open hole

D. Nothing, as diesel typically has a

high density it will have no effect.
Surface back pressure should remain

82. What effect does increasing *

temperature have on fluid density?

A. It will increase the \uid density

B. It will reduce the \uid density

C. There is no effect on \uid density

83. Which of the following actions *
should be taken when drilling through
a transition zone?

A. increase time between mud

weight checks

B. Increase Weight on Bit

C. Reduce Revolutions per Minute


D. Monitor cuttings and cavings at

the Shakers
84. Maximum allowable mud weight *
before kick

15.1 ppg

85. MAASP before kick *

887 psi

86. Strokes from surface to bit *

1081 strokes
87. Kill mud weight *

13 ppg

88. Initial circulating pressure *

700 psi

89. Final circulating pressure *

380 psi

90. MAASP after well has been killed *

601 psi

91. Pressure drop per step (one-tenth *

of strokes to Bit)

32 psi/step
92. While conducting the first *
circulation of the driller’s method, the
Derrick man states that the barite
supply is plugged. What action should
be taken?

A. Continue circulating even if

current mud weight cannot be

B. Continue circulating as long as

current mud weight can be

C. Inform supervisor to shut in well

has the problem will reduce bottom
hole pressure during the frst

D. Instruct crew to add bentonite to

increase the mud weight

93. How is Bottom Hole Pressure *

(BHP) affected when there are cuttings
in the annulus?

A. The BHP will decrease

B. The BHP will increase

C. The BHP will stay the same

94. What is the function of the master *
“push to operator” button or handle on
the remote BOP panel?

A. To activate power to control unit

charge pumps

B. To activate the lights

C. To adjust pipe ram operating


D. To allow the function on the

Driller’s remote panel to become

95. While drilling a horizontal well, if the

pump rate is decreased, what happen to

A. Depends if it's a mud or a brine


B. Decrease

C. Increase

D. Will stay the same

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