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1 2
wð tÞ ¼ w0 ð tÞ þ w k ð tÞ (27)
k¼1 1
where w k (t ) is obtained by equation (17) or (21), in which

wø (t ) is replaced by w k (t ), A and B are replaced by A k and 0
0 0·5 1·0 1·5
B k respectively, and ø is replaced by ø k . In addition, w0 (t )
can be calculated by the equation ⫺1
( )
A0 1 2 X 1
1  n   n2 2 T
w0 ð tÞ ¼ mv H þ ð1Þ  1 e v
2 2 2 n¼1 n2 t/T
" #
A0 8 X
1 ð2 n1Þ2 2 Tv =4
w0 ð tÞ ¼ mv H 1 2 e
2  n¼1 ð2 n  1Þ2

(29) 0 0·5 1·0 1·5

depending on whether the layer base is considered pervious ⫺0·5

or impervious respectively. It is relevant to note that when a Calculated
cyclic pore pressure loading is imposed at the boundary, a ⫺1.0
more appropriate approach to evaluating w(t ) is to incorpo- t/T
rate equation (26) into a practical method (Baligh & Leva- (b)
doux, 1978; Galati, 2001) which, although approximate, 1.0
accounts for the irrecoverable strains accumulated gradually
by the soil. 0·5

In this section, the proposed solution is employed to
⫺0·5 Measured
analyse the experimental results from laboratory tests and
field measurements documented in the literature. The pri- Calculated
mary objective of this analysis is to assess the capability of ⫺1.0
the solution of capturing the main features of the real
response of soil layers to pore pressure variations at the
boundary, and of providing representative values of the coef- Fig. 4. Calculated and measured excess pore pressures at
ficient of swelling/consolidation, whose evaluation is not different depths of a Todi clay sample with pervious base
generally a simple operation, especially in in situ conditions (adapted from Cavalera, 1977): (a) z/H 0; (b) z/H 1
(Leroueil, 2001). In the cases analysed, the observed values (c) z/H 3
of pore pressure were relatively low, therefore it is reason-
able to expect that significant non-linear effects did not
occur. Because the pore pressure variations at the boundary are
As a first example, the laboratory test results presented by expressed by an odd function of time, a Fourier sine series
Cavalera (1977) are considered. The tests were carried out whose amplitudes B k were provided by equation (24) was
on samples of two overconsolidated clays denoted as Todi employed to describe this boundary condition. A good
clay and Trebisacce clay. The coefficients of consolidation agreement can be observed between experimental and theor-
of these soils obtained from oedometer tests in the conven- etical curves. Moreover, the value of cvs back-calculated
tional way were 2 3 107 m2 /s and 1 3 107 m2 /s respec- from the experimental results using the present solution was
tively (Cavalera, 1977). The author designed a testing 1 3 107 m2 /s for both Todi clay and Trebisacce clay. This
apparatus consisting of three triaxial cells arranged in series. is similar to the values of cvs deduced from the oedometer
The top of each cell was hydraulically connected to the base tests, although these latter were conducted under very differ-
of the next one by a drainage tube equipped with a ent loading conditions from Cavalera’s tests. One explanation
transducer to measure pore water pressure. Water flow in the of this could be that the excess pore pressures imposed at
soil samples occurred in the vertical direction, and lateral the boundary were relatively low, and the soils were over-
strain was restricted by the applied radial pressure. Therefore consolidated. Thus it is reasonable to expect that the soil
it may be assumed that the experiments simulated a one- response during both tests remained within the overconsoli-
dimensional consolidation process developing in a soil layer dated domain of the soil, where cvs may be considered in
whose thickness is equivalent to the sum of the thicknesses practice as a constant parameter (Leroueil, 2001).
of the three specimens in series, which was 216 mm Another case examined in this study refers to a soil
(Cavalera, 1977). The water pressure exerted at the surface deposit sited at Maskinongé in Canada, where several piezo-
of this soil system was described by a cyclic square function meters were installed at different depths to observe the
with intensity umax ¼ 50 kPa and period T ¼ 48 h. During seasonal fluctuations of pore water pressure (Demers et al.,
the tests, the base of the layer was maintained either 1999). In particular, three open-pipe piezometers were in-
impervious or pervious. Figs 4 and 5 show the excess pore stalled on a flat area about 12 m behind the crest of a slope,
pressures measured during two tests at different depths when with the measuring sections located at depths of 3 m, 8 m
steady periodic conditions were established. In the same and 17 m from the ground surface respectively. The pore
figures, the results calculated using the proposed procedure, pressure measurements were carried out for a period of over
along with the values of c vs that provided the best agreement five years, from November 1990 to January 1996 (Fig. 6).
between simulation and observation, are also presented. As can be observed from Fig. 6, the seasonal fluctuations of

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