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Assignment Ref: U9A2 Liam Rodgers

P2-Purpose and user requirement


The purpose for the spreadsheet I am designing is to record and analyse customers’ data who have
purchased season tickets to help organise their seating and improve future experiences as well as
analyse profits. Customers’ data recorded in one event can help the club set a price for different
seating positions in the future as well as record seating popularity. This data allows the user of the
spreadsheet to view each customer and their seating, price paid and group. This data provides the
user of the spreadsheet an idea of which customers are returning and loyal.

User Requirements

Personal Data/Contact Info

When buying a season ticket for a sporting event where data collection and analysis is present, the
club that is selling would have to collect certain data from customers. This data will include personal
and contact details, these may include information such as: first and second name, E-mail address,
Phone number, home address and post code. These details ensure that the club can contact the
buyers and discuss certain issues that may occur.


When buying a sporting season ticket, the vendor will require details such as your date of birth and
title, this allows the club or vendor to analyse data for certain groups of people such as: old age
pensioners, teens, pre-teens, family, disabled and adults. This information allows the club to analyse
the data and establish what group is most popular with the event and enable the club to arrange
prices accordingly.


Vendors and clubs sell season tickets at different prices according to seating and position. When
customers purchase tickets they require a seating preference to establish a final price for the ticket.
This data also allows the club to analyse what seating destination is most popular with customers,
allowing for leeway in pricing when price establishment is necessary. Data included in this category
will allow clubs to make sure that seating isn’t overflown and that the seating is adequate for the
customer base.


A spreadsheet containing season ticket data will include a page that allows viewers to see
customers: seating, price point paid, age group and ticket type. This data allows the club and event
organizers to keep track of customers and where they are seated.

Liam Rodgers Answer: P2

Assignment Ref: U9A2 Liam Rodgers

Liam Rodgers Answer: P2

Assignment Ref: U9A2 Liam Rodgers

P3-Spreadsheet Structure Diagram

Page 1


Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Category/title Seating/price Sales

All pages will have to be clicked on with the tab button at the bottom of the page to view them.

 Page 1: first/last name, phone number, home address, post code and e-mail address.
This information will be presented as the main page within the design as this will define
individual customers. Most data presented on this page will be in text form whereas the
phone number, post code and home address will display in either numerical data or a
mixture of both. This data serves to inform end users of each season ticket owner’s personal
details. No calculations will take place on this page.
 Page 2: date of birth and title
This information is included as a separate data set on a separate page so as to divide data
and make it more organized and readable. DOB will be displayed in numerical figures whilst
the Title will be displayed in text, for example: Adult, Child and OAP this data will display
alongside the customers’ name.
 Page 3: seating preference and price
Seating data is separate from the main page so that it can be viewed separately and have
just as much meaning in its own right. The seating will be displayed as A1, B1 and C1 for
example. The prices will be displayed with a currency sign and display in two decimal places.
No calculations will occur on this page. This data will display alongside customer’ names.
 Page 4: seating (A1), price point paid (£), age group (DOB), ticket type (season ticket) and
ticket price (£)
Sales page serves as a totals page for all the data gathered in all other pages. For example:
all separate groups paid tickets added up, how many of each group there are in total and
how many seats in each area are taken. Calculations to establish total sales figures for each

Liam Rodgers Answer: P2

Assignment Ref: U9A2 Liam Rodgers

group will occur on this page as well as total personnel will feature in each group in which
area will appear here using cell referencing. A total sales figure will be featured on this page
to establish an overall sales figure.

Output Data

This area will describe the useful output end users may access through use of this

 1) One output option would be a printed physical copy of the data that is
displayed on the spreadsheet. This would allow the end user to
physically present the data in paper form and analyse the data without
the use of a device and software.
 2) Another output would be to present any numerical data in a chart. For
example: comparative bar chart, pie chart for any data analysis or
comparisons available. This will be useful when comparisons of what
areas of the stadium are more popular through observations of certain
data presented on a useful comparative chart.
 3) Onscreen calculated figures displaying total sales for each group of
audiences would be a useful data output for comparisons. This data can
be viewed onscreen or printed for a physical copy.
 4) being able to select a specific group type and just look at the data for
them, for example: seating preference, personal details and price paid,
would be a very useful data output when wanting to view just one set of
details are necessary.

Liam Rodgers Answer: P2

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