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Dept : Adm Doc No : SB-ADM-W25 Edition :4 Page : 1 of 10
Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

1.0 Purpose (Tujuan)

1. To recruit employees fairly according to procedure and free from discrimination (Untuk merekruit
karyawan secara adil sesuai prosedur dan bebas dari discriminasi)
2. To let Employees know all policies implemented in PT. Simatelex Batam Manufactory (Agar
Karyawan mengetahui semua kebijakan yang diterapkan di PT. Simatelex Manufactory Batam)
3. Management can monitor and find out the results of implementing the policy through monitoring
reports. (Management bisa memantau dan mengetahui hasil penerapan kebijakan melalui
monitoring report.

2.0 Scope (Cakupan)

All of PT Simatelex Manufactory Batam’s employee (Semua Karyawan PT Simatelex Manufactory

3.0 Departments and Responsibilities (Departemen dan Tanggung Jawab)

Personnel, administration department and health & safety are responsible for searching, reviewing
changes to applicable laws. Explain and provide training to employees, to obey and carry out in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations as well as those established by the company (Personel,
departemen admin dan kesehatan & keselamatan bertanggung jawab untuk mencari, meninjau atas
perubahan hukum yang berlaku. Menjelaskan dan memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan, untuk
mentaati dan melaksanakannya sesuai hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku serta peraturan yang
ditetapkan oleh perusahaan).

4.0 Reference (Referensi)


5.0 Procedure (Prosedur)

5.1 Requirement Process (Proses Rekruitmen)
a. Manpower request (permintaan tenaga kerja):
the demand for manpower by the user (supervisor, etc) must be based on the requirements listed
below and fill the Manpower Request Form which has been approved by the Head of
Department (permintaan tenaga kerja oleh user (supervisor, dll) haruslah berdasarkan
persyaratan yang dituliskan dibawah ini dan dengan mengisi form permintaan tenagakerja serta
disetujui oleh kepala departemen):
- 1-5 manpower demand : will be processed for a maximum of 3 days
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

(1-5 permintaan tenaga kerja : akan diproses paling lama 3 hari)

- 5- more manpower demand : will be processed for 7 days or more (depend on quantity)
(5-lebih permintaan tenaga kerja: akan diproses selama 7 hari atau lebih (tergantung
b. Manpower Replacement (pengantian tenaga kerja)
to every department Head of Department who submits manpower replacement request, the
request for substitution can only be processed by personnel (recruitment and training) if it has
reached 5 people at a minimum, if a sudden change of workers is needed (urgent need) then the
request for replacement must be known by GM or Director (kepada setiap kepala departemen
yang mengajukan pengantian tenaga kerja, permintaan pergantian hanya dapat diproses oleh
personnel (pengrekrutan dan training) jika sudah mencapai 5 orang minimal, apabila pergantian
tenaga kerja dibutuhkan secara mendadak (adanya kepentingan mendesak) maka permintaan
pergantian tenaga kerja ini harus diketahui oleh GM atau Direktur).
c. Recruitment steps (Langkah pengrekrutan):
- Advertisement (iklan)
- CV Collection (pengumpulan CV)
- CV Screening (menyeleksi CV)
- Interview Calling (panggilan interview)
- Test (tes/interview)
All prospective employees who come for interviews are required to fill out the Application
form (Semua calon karyawan yang datang interview wajib mengisi Application form).
For the staff level, each user will interview prospective employees and fill in: Untuk level
staff, setiap user akan mewawancarai calon karyawannya serta mengisi :
1) Application Form
2) Interview report
The results of the interview will be discussed by the user with the factory manager and
direktur to determine the salary of the prospective employee (Hasil interview, akan di
diskusikan oleh user dengan factory manajer dan Director untuk menentukan gaji calon
3) Personnel will fill out the confirmation of offer form (if it has passed all steps of
recruitment). Personnel akan mengisi formulir konfirmasi penawaran (apabila sudah lulus
dari semua Langkah pengrekrutan).
- Medical Test (Tes kesehatan)
Prospective employees will be asked to do a medical test at the BIP clinic (Clinic that has
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

worked with the company) the costs will be borned by the company (employees will not be
charged any fees for the medical test). (Calon karyawan akan diminta untuk malakukan
medical test di BIP clinic (Clinic yang telah bekerja sama dengan perusahaan) dengan biaya
yang akan ditanggung oleh perusahaan (karyawan tidak akan dibebankan biaya apapun untuk
medical test). Medical results are sensitive employee data, so all employee medical results will
be kept confidential by personnel and will be archived in the P-File of each employee. (Hasil
Medical adalah data karyawan yang sensitif maka semua hasil medical karyawan akan dijaga
kerahasiaannya oleh personnel dan akan diarsip dalam P-File masing-masing karyawan).*
- Employee background check (Pengecekan latar belakang karyawan)
Every Prospective employees background will be checked by the personnel department during
interview section. There must be a police certificate (SKCK) indicating that the employee is
free from criminal acts. And at the end of each year a background re-check will be held for all
of employees. (Setiap latarbelakang karyawan yang akan bergabung akan di periksa oleh
departemen personnel saat proses interview. Calon karyawan harus memiliki surat keterangan
catatan kepolisian (SKCK) yang menandakan bahwa karyawan tersebut bebas dari tindakan
criminal. Dan pengecekan ulang terhadap latar belakang setiap karyawan akan dilakukan
setiap akhir tahun).
- Joining (bergabung di perusahaan)
d. Employees accepted to work after passing the recruitment steps carried out by PT. Simatelex
Manufactory Batam (Karyawan diterima untuk bekerja setelah lulus dari proses recruitment
yang dilakukan oleh PT. Simatelex Manufactory Batam).
e. Personnel informs employees the first date of entry along with information such as (Personnel
menginformasikan tanggal pertama masuk kepada karyawan disertai dengan informasi):
1. Clothes that must be worn and time in on the first day of work (Employees are required to
wear white shirts (tops) and black trousers) (Pakaian yang wajib dipakai dan jam kerja di
hari pertama (Karyawan wajib memakai kemeja putih (atasan) dan celana panjang hitam))
2. Documents that must be carried (Dokumen yang wajib dibawa):
- SKCK + photocopy
- KTP + photocopy
- IJAZAH + photocopy
- KK + photocopy
- Photo 3X4 (2 pcs)

5.2 Signing employment agreement (contract) (Menandatangani perjanjian kerja (kontrak))

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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

The employee will sign a written agreement between the employee and the company, whether for
a certain period of time or for an indefinite period of time, containing the conditions of work,
rights and obligations of the worker and the company (Karyawan akan menandatangani Suatu
perjanjian tertulis antara pekerja dan perusahaan, baik untuk waktu tertentu maupun untuk waktu
tidak tertentu yang memuat syarat-syarat kerja, hak dan kewajiban pekerja dan perusahaan).
- Every signed contract data has to be input to the Haermes system no later than 3 working days
after the contract is signed (kontrak yang sudah ditandatangani (Kontrak 1 dan kontrak 2)
datanya wajib di input ke system Haermes paling lambat 3 hari kerja sesudah kontrak
- Print out all newly inputted data from the system and submit to the finance department for
verification (print out data kontrak baru yang sudah di input ke system Haermes kemudian di
bawa ke department akunting untuk verifikasi).

5.3 Opening a new Bank account (membuka rekening bank)

Employees who have joined PT Simatelex Manufactory Batam will open a bank account in
accordance with the Bank that has been determined by the company, namely BNI Bank, if the
employee already has BNI bank account, the employee does not need to open a new account.
They only need submit their account numbers to Personnel. (Karyawan yang telah bergabung di
PT Simatelex Manufactory Batam akan dibuka-kan rekening bank sesuai dengan Bank yang telah
ditentukan oleh perusahaan yaitu Bank BNI, apabila karyawan tersebut telah memiliki rekening
bank tersebut maka karyawan tersebut tidak perlu membuka rekening baru hanya perlu
menyerahkan data berupa nomor rekening ke personnel).

5.4 Registering employee finger print to STAMS and data to WEEFER + uniform distribution
(mendaftarkan sidik jari ke STAMPS dan data ke WEEFER + distribusi seragam)
Personnel will enter the new employee fingerprint data in the STAMS system and enter the
Employee data into the WEEFER system after confirming the employee is hired, then work
uniforms will be distributed based on the employee's position or department (Personnel akan
memasukkan data sidikjari Karyawan baru di sistem STAMS dan memasukan data Karyawan ke
sistem WEEFER setelah mengkonfirmasi karyawan diterima, kemudian seragam kerja akan
dibagikan berdasarkan posisi atau departemen karyawan tersebut ).
Steps of keying finger to STAMS (langkah-langkah untuk mendaftarkan sidikjari ke STAMS) :
1. Sign in with user id + password
2. Click add user
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

3. Key in Employee Number

4. Key in finger of new employee (min 60%)
5. Click Save + Upload

5.5 Training (Pelatihan)

on the first day of entering the company, personnel will conduct training to provide all
information and regulations that need to be known, complied with, and implemented by new
employees. The trainings are about: (pada hari pertama masuk ke perusahaan personnel akan
mengadakan training untuk memberikan segala informasi dan peraturan yang perlu
diketahui,dipatuhi,dan dilaksanakan oleh karyawan baru. Pelatihan yang diadakan mengenai):
a. Company Regulation
b. Labor policy
c. Do and Don't
d. 5S Concept
e. EHS Guideline
f. Personal Hygiene & Traffic Accident Video Screening.
g. ISO 9001 and 14001
h. RoHS
i. RBA
j. ETC
After the training is finished, the employees will be asked to sign a form which state the
employee has understand and will obey to the training materials mention above. A Monitoring
Report will be held once in 3 months through direct interviews or filling out the questions that
have been provided. (Setelah pelatihan selesai, karyawan akan diminta untuk menandatangani
formulir yang menyatakan karyawan tersebut memahami dan akan mematuhi materi pelatihan
yang disebutkan di atas. Laporan Pemantauan akan diadakan sekali dalam 3 bulan melalui
interview langsung atau pengisian soal yang sudah disediakan)

5.6 Distribution Employee Badge ID & Locker Key (Pembagian Tanda Pengenal & Kunci Loker).
After the training is completed, employees will be given a Badge ID & Lockers by personnel. The
badge must be used in the company area. The use of identification is to prevent outsiders who
claim as employees of PT. Simatelex Manufactory Batam. And Lockers is given to store
employee's items such as water bottle, bags and etc, if the ID and locker keys are lost, employees
must report to their respective leaders so that the leader informs the personnel. ( Setelah pelatihan
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

selesai, karyawan akan di berikan tanda pengenal & Kunci Loker oleh personnel. Tanda pengenal
wajib digunakan dalam kawasan perusahaan. guna tanda pengenal tersebut adalah untuk
mencegah orang luar yang mengaku karyawan dari perusahaan PT. Simatelex Manufactory
Batam. Dan pembagian Kunci Loker guna untuk menyimpan barang-barang karyawan seperti tas
dan botol minum, jika tanda pengenal dan kunci loker hilang, karyawan wajib melaporkan ke
leader masing – masing agar leader menginfokan ke personnel).

5.7 Return Badge ID & Locker Key (Pengembalian Badge ID & Kunci Loker)
For employees who have completed the work contract period and resigned, on the last day of
work, the personnel will take care of all administration and the employees are required to return
company property, including (Bagi Karyawan yang sudah selesai masa kontrak kerja dan
mengundurkan diri, pada hari terakhir kerja, personnel akan mengurus semua administrasi dan
karyawan wajib mengembalikan barang-barang milik perusahaan, diantaranya):
a. Employee identification in order to deactivate the employee identification (Tanda pengenal
karyawan guna untuk menonaktifkan tanda pengenal karyawan tsb).
b. Locker key (kunci loker).
c. Clothes and hats (Baju dan topi).
d. PP book (Buku PP).
Personnel are required to fill out a receipt form as proof of receipt of items that have been
returned and provide a work experience letter to the employee concerned. (Personel wajib
mengisi formulir tanda terima sebagai bukti penerimaan barang-barang yang telah dikembalikan
dan memberikan surat pengalaman kerja kapada karyawan bersangkutan).

5.8 Start working (mulai bekerja).

After all processes are completed, employees will start working in accordance with the working
hours (Shift) determined by the department head and prospective employees will be assigned to
their users by personnel). (Setelah semua proses selesai maka karyawan akan mulai bekerja sesuai
dengan jam kerja (Shift) yang telah ditentukan oleh kepala departemen dan calon karyawan akan
diserahkan kepada usernya oleh personnel).

5.9 Monitoring Evaluation / Assessment results (Pemantauan hasil Evaluasi / Assessment).

a. Personnel will send end of contract notification to each department head 1.5 months earlier
(on the 15th), and the department head will conduct a final assessment and must submit the
results of the assessment to personnel no later than 10 days after notification is given (on the
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

25th). (Personnel akan mengirimkan notifikasi end of contract kepada masing-masing kepala
departemen 1.5 bulan lebih awal (di tanggal 15), dan kepala departemen akan mengadakan
penilaian akhir serta wajib menyerahkan hasil penilaian ke personnel selambat-lambatnya 10
hari setelah Notifikasi diberikan (tanggal 25)).
b. Personnel will provide a letter of notification of contract extension / notification of not
renewing the contract to employees 30 days before the end of the contract period for employee
administration arrangements. (Personnel akan memberikan surat pemberitahuan
perpanjangan / tidak perpanjangan kontrak kepada Karyawan 30 hari sebelum akhir masa
kerjasama untuk pengurusan administrasi karyawan tersebut).
1. If the employee appointed as a permanent employee, personnel will issue a letter of
appointment as a permanent employee (Jika ditunjuk sebagai karyawan tetap, Personnel akan
mengeluarkan surat pengangkatan sebagai karyawan tetap).
2. If the employee's contract is extended, the personnel will make a second contract to be
signed by the employee no later than 2 days before the contract expires. (Jika kontrak
karyawan diperpanjang, personnel akan membuat kontrak kedua untuk ditanda tangani oleh
karayawan paling lambat 2 hari sebelum kontraknya habis).
3. For staff, department heads need to fill out an appraisal form and get approval from the
factory manager concerned and the director for a second contract extension. (Untuk staff,
kepala departemen perlu mengisi formulir appraisal dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari
factory manager yang bersangkutan dan director untuk penyambungan kontrak kedua).

5.10 Termination of Employment (Penghentian / Pengakhiran hubungan Kerja)

Termination of Employment (PHK) is the termination of employment due to a certain thing that
results in the termination of the rights and obligations between the worker and the company /
employer. This can happen because of: (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) adalah pengakhiran
hubungan kerja karena suatu hal tertentu yang mengakibatkan berakhirnya hak dan kewajiban
antara pekerja dan perusahaan/majikan. Ini dapat terjadi karena):
a. Resignation (Pengunduran Diri)
Employees who wish to terminate employment with the company must fill out the Resignation
Form and get approval from the department head. The form is then submitted to the personnel
along with a written request for resignation and is signed on a stamp at least 1 (one) month in
advance, while for staff the resignation application must be submitted two months in advance.
(Karyawan yang ingin memutuskan hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan harus mengisi Form
Pengunduran Diri dan mendapat persetujuan dari kepala departemen. Form kemudian
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

diserahkan ke personnel beserta surat permintaan pengunduran diri secara tertulis dan
ditandatangani diatas materai setidaknya 1 (satu) bulan sebelumnya, sedangkan untuk staf
pengajuan pengunduran diri harus dilajukan dua bulan sebelumnya).
b. Termination by company (Pemutusan oleh perusahaan)
The company can terminate the employment relationship with the employee if the employee
has committed a serious mistake. As well as actions that violate the rules that have been stated
in the company regulations and have already given warning letters 1,2 and 3. Termination of
employment is carried out based on Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and Law no. 2
of 2004 the prevailing laws and regulations. (Perusahaan dapat memutuskan hubungan kerja
dengan karyawan jika karyawan tersebut telah melakukan kesalahan serius. serta Tindakan
yang melanggar aturan yang sudah dicantumkan di peraturan perusahaan dan sudah sudah
memberikan surat peringatan 1,2 dan 3. Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dilakukan dengan
berpedoman pada UU No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan dan UU No. 2 tahun 2004
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku).
c. The contract ends / is not extended (Kontrak Kerja selesai / tidak diperpanjang)
Personnel will notify each Head of Department at least 30 days before the end of the contract
period. (Personel akan memberi tahu kepada setiap Kepala departemen setidaknya 30 hari
sebelum akhir periode kerja sama).
d. Pass away (Meninggal)
If the employee pass away, the work relationship will be automatically terminated, the family
must provide a death certificate to the personnel for processing the remaining employee's
salary (the salary will be paid in cash to the family). Families will be invited to the company to
take care of all administration and personnel will provide a work certificate for death
insurance claims at BPJS. Jika karyawan meninggal, hubungan kerja akan otomatis diputus,
pihak keluarga harus memberikan sertifikat kematian kepada personel untuk penmrosesan sisa
gaji karyawan (gaji akan dibayarkan secara tunai kepada keluarga). Keluarga akan diundang
keperusahaan untuk pengurusan semua administrasi dan personnel akan memberikan surat
keterangan kerja guna klaim asuransi kematian di BPJS).
e. Retirement Period (Mencapai usia pensiun)
 An employee who has reached 56 years of age will retire from the company. (Seorang
karyawan yang telah mencapai usia 56 tahun akan pensiun dari perusahaan.)
 The company's intention to terminate the employment relationship will be conveyed in
writing by the HR Department to the employee concerned at least 1 (one) year prior and
repeated 11 (eleven) months later. (Niat perusahaan untuk memutuskan hubungan kerja
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

akan disampaikan secara tertulis oleh Departemen SDM kepada karyawan yang
bersangkutan setidaknya 1 (satu) tahun sebelumnya dan diulangi 11 (sebelas) bulan
 Pension, termination of employment done at the end of the month (Pensiun, pemutusan
hubungan kerja yang dilakukan pada akhir bulan)

5.11 Transfer or Promotion (Mutasi atau Promosi)

For direct superiors who want to transfer or want to promote their subordinates, it is necessary to
do the following steps: (Bagi atasan langsung yang mau memutasikan atau mau mempromosikan
bawahannya perlu melakukan hal-hal dibawah ini):
a. Fill out the Employee Status Change form, ask for approval from the relevant Factory Manager
then submit the form to personnel (Mengisi formulir Perubahan Status Karyawan, meminta
persetujuan dari Factory Manajer yang berkaitan kemudian menyerahkan form ke personnel).
b. Provide training to employees who will be promoted or transferred for 3 months (Memberikan
training kepada karyawan yang akan dipromosi atau dimutasi selama 3 bulan).
c. The direct supervisor will conduct an evaluation for employees who have go through 3 months
of training. Especially for employees who will be promoted, the direct supervisor must discuss
the results of the training with the relevant factory manager (Atasan langsung akan melakukan
penilaian bagi karyawan yang sudah menjalani pelatihan selama 3 bulan. Khusus untuk
karyawan yang akan dipromosikan, atasan langsung harus mendiskusikan hasil dari perlatihan
dengan factory manager yang berkaitan).
d. If the employee to be transferred passes the training, the employee will be transferred according
to the status change form. (Apabila Karyawan yang akan dimutasi lulus dari pelatihan, maka
karyawan tersebut akan dimutasi sesuai dengan formulir perubahan status).
e. If the employee to be promoted passes the training, the employee's supervisor needs to fill out a
promotion application form. (Apabila karyawan yang akan dipromosikan lulus dari pelatihan,
atasan dari karyawan tersebut perlu mengisi formulir permohonan promosi).
f. A promotion application form is submitted to personnel after obtaining the approval of the
relevant Factory Manager. (Formulir permohonan promosi diserahkan ke personnel setelah
mendapatkan persetujuan Factory Manager yang berkaitan).
g. Personnel will consolidate a Promotion Request Form and submit it to the Director. (Personnel
akan mengkonsolidasikan Formulir Permohonan Promosi dan menyerahkannya kepada
h. The director will review and give final approval (Direktur akan mereview ulang dan
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Issued By : Renny Reviewed By : Nurmi Approved by : Terence Date : 05th Jan 2022
Title:Personnel Procedure

memberikan persetujuan terakhir).

5.12 Appointment of Permanent Employees (Pengangkatan Karyawan Permanen).

a. Permanent employee appointments will be held every April 1. (Pengangkatan karyawan
permanen akan dilaksanakan setiap tanggal 1 April).
b. Requirements for employees to be appointed permanently are employees who have undergone
the first contract and the second contract. (Syarat karyawan yang diangkat jadi permanen
adalah karyawan yang sudah menjalani kontrak pertama dan kontrak perpanjangan / kontrak
c. The Personnel Department will send the list of all second contract employees to all department
heads in early February. (Departemen Personnel akan mengirimkan semua list karyawan
kontrak kedua kepada semua kepala departemen di awal February).
d. The department head will discuss the employees who will be permanent with the factory
manager concerned. (Kepala departemen akan mendiskusikan karyawan-karyawan yang akan
dipermanenkan dengan Factory Manager yang bersangkutan).
e. From the results of the discussion, department heads need to fill out a Permanent Application
Form and ask for approval from the Factory Manager concerned. (Dari hasil diskusi, kepala
departemen perlu mengisi Form Pengajuan Permanen dan meminta persetujuan dari Factory
Manager yang bersangkutan).
f. The permanent application form must be submitted to personnel by 15 February and personnel
will consolidate and submit the form to the Director by 20 February at the latest. (Form
Pengajuan permanen wajib diserahkan ke personnel paling lambat tanggal 15 February dan
personnel akan mengkonsolidasikan serta menyerahkan formulir tersebut kepada Direktur
paling lambat tanggal 20 February).
g. The director will review and give final approval (Direktur akan mereview ulang dan
memberikan persetujuan terakhir).
h. After final approval, the Personnel will create a permanent letter appointment for employee
signing 1 month before the End of contract date. (Setelah mendapatkan persetujuan terakhir,
Personnel akan membuat surat pengangkatan permanen untuk ditandatangan karyawan 1 bulan
sebelum tanggal berakhirnya kontrak).

6.0 Attachment (Lampiran)


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