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1. The dictionary took nearly 70 years to complete because its makers refused to cut ______.
A. sides B. corners C. fronts D. backs
2. ________, she will buy her parents a new TV.
A. When she receives her salary B. Once she received her salary
C. Until she received her salary D. After she had received her salary
3. Volunteers may be required to obtain Red Cross _______ in order to serve in hospitals and healthcare
organizations or provide disaster relief.
A. diploma B. certificate C. license D. degree
4. In this quiz you have the chance to __________ your wits against the most intelligent students in our
A. set B. pit C. try D. sharpen
5. In pre-modern times, the fort was effectively the city itself, where most of the city dwellers resided in
__________ conditions.
A. cramped B. narrow C. crowded D. miserable
6. If you have stomach problems it is best to avoid ___________ food.
A. affluent B. rich C. wealthy D. lavish
7. It was impossible for me to make a decision so I ___________ a coin.
A. tossed B. threw C. flung D. cast
8. My parents often __________ when they see me playing video games.
A. wax and wane B. fetch and carry
C. go and chase D. rant and rave
9. Nixon was ____________criticised after the Watergate scandal came to light.
A. completely B. furiously C. ironically D. roundly
10. I'm sure Jenny can be relied on - she seems eminently sensible.
A. sensitive B. sensible C. sensious D. sensational
11. On the weekend I just want to ________ around and enjoy the silence of my neighborhood.
A. laze B. while C. relax D. sit
12. We had the chance to gather 10 years after that occurrence thanks to the effort of the captain - who
unfailingly tried to ______ us _______.
A. meet/up B. bring/together
C. cancel/out D. ask/in
13. There is little doubt that your daughter has a real _________ with animals.
A. affinity B. intuition C. aptitude D. flair
14. She has campaigned _________ for her husband’s early release from prison.
A. extremely B. relentlessly C. utterly D. thoroughly
15. _________, he was still worried about getting ill.
A. Despite healthy B. Healthy though he was
C. Good as he felt D. Being healthy

16. "I don't see any good point in this movie because both the story and the soundtrack are terrible," said
the woman.
A. The woman admitted not seeing the movie well since the story was as bad as the soundtrack.
B. The woman underrated the movie due to its terrible story and soundtrack.
C. The woman complained that she did not see any point in that movie owing to the terrible story and
D. The woman believed that she did not see this movie well because of the terrible story and soundtrack.
17. You should not have come to class late.
A. I'd rather you didn't come to class late. B. I would like you not to be late for class.
C. I'd sooner you hadn't come to class late. D. I would prefer that you come to class on time.
18. “Hurry up and finish your part!” said Binh angrily to Khanh.
A. Binh told Khanh off for not finishing his part earlier.
B. Binh reminded Khanh to finish his part as soon as possible.
C. Binh demanded that Khanh finished his part as soon as possible.
D. Binh promised to help Khanh finish his part quickly.
19. Tina does not want to become a lawyer. She wants to become a counselor.
A. It is a lawyer, not a counselor that Tina wants to become.
B. It is Tina who wants to become a counselor not a lawyer.
C. It is Tina who wants to become a lawyer, not a counselor.
D. It is a counselor, not a lawyer that Tina wants to become.
20.The substance is very toxic. Protective clothing must be worn at all times.
A. The substance is such a toxic that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
B. So toxic is the substance that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
C. Since the substance is very toxic, so protective clothing must be worn at all times.
D. The substance is too toxic to wear protective clothing at all times
21. Bill and Bob are at a café. Bill: "How's the coffee here?"- Bob: "_______"
A. As a matter of fact, I'm not interested. B. It's a little bitter, to tell the truth.
C. It's a little better now that I've got a car. D. No, I don't think so.
22. Lucy is asking for permission to play the guitar at Pete's home.
- Lucy: “Is it all right if I play the guitar in here while you're studying?”.
- Pete: “______”.
A. Oh, I wish you wouldn't. B. Well, I'd rather not.
C. Well, actually, I'd prefer it if you didn't. D. Well, if only you didn't

The primary objective of this program is to equip foreigners, including native English speakers,
___(23)___ a college degree or higher, with the necessary training and certification for teaching English.
Eligibility extends to foreigners with a college degree in English or higher, as well as ___(24)___ with a
college degree or higher and a foreign language proficiency certificate rated at level 5 or higher,
following Vietnam’s 6-level foreign language ___(25)___ framework or its equivalent.
The program focuses on cultivating effective and adaptable English teaching skills, ___(26)___ to the
cultural and contextual nuances of Vietnam. This approach is designed to address the specific training and
certification needs, ___(27)___ contributing to elevating the quality of English instruction at foreign
language and information technology centers.
Question 23: A. obtaining B. possessing C. receiving D. getting
Question 24: A. those B. these C. that D. the
Question 25: A. rhyme B. eloquence C. competency D. fluency
Question 26: A. tailor B. tailoring C. tailored D. to tailor
Question 27: A. finally B. lastly C. eventually D. ultimately
28. The world is becoming more industrialized (A) and the number of animal species (B) that have
become extinct (C) have (D) increased. -> has
29. It is an interested (A) book which (B) I bought (C) at Tien Phong Bookshop last Sunday (D). ->
30. Time to time (A) the organizers also facilitate (B) young and famous talents (C) from different (D)
places. -> felicitate
Sloths are known for their super-slow lifestyle. They spend most of their time hanging upside down in the
forest canopy in South and Central America. Sloths eat, give birth, and even sleep in this position! Their
powerful claws help them grip onto branches as they move slowly through the trees. You can tell the two
main types—two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths—by the number of claws on these front paws.
Scientists think sloths’ extreme slowness helps them survive. The forest is full of predators like jaguars
and hawks. But those animals have a hard time spotting sloths in the treetops. Tiny plant-like organisms
called algae grow on sloths’ fur. That gives them a green tint and helps them blend in.
Unfortunately, sloths’ habitat is disappearing. People are cutting down the trees to make room for
buildings and roads. On the ground, sloths are often attacked by dogs or run over by cars. “Sloths now
face a lot of new dangers because of humans,” says Sam Trull. She’s the founder of the Sloth Institute, an
organization that rescues sloths that have been affected by deforestation. It’s Trull’s mission to keep these
slowpokes safe.
It can take years to teach sloths the skills they need to return to the wild. Workers place sloths in a large
outdoor pen to help them become comfortable in the forest. Sloths gradually spend more time outside the
pen until they’re ready to stay there for good.
1. What can be inferred about sloths in the first paragraph?
A.They spend most of their time hanging upside down
B.They can be found only in the forest canopy in South and Central Africa.
C.They have powerful claws which help them move fast through the trees.
D.They sleep all the time.
2.Why does the writer include information about some predators in the forest in paragraph 2?
A. To compare sloth defense mechanisms to some of the predators.
B. To show how sloths’ slowness protect them in the wild.
C. To demonstrate how dangerous sloth is in the forest.
D. To compare sloths' fur to other animals.
3.The word “blend” closest in meaning to:
A.Disguise B.Mix
C.Constituent D.Negate
4.According to the passage,what is the cause for the disappearing of sloths’ habitat?
A.Trees are cut down for the construction of new buildings and roads
B.Sloths often attacked by domesticated animals
C.Human basic needs
D.The claim of territory made by predators
5.What can be the best tittle for the passage?
A. Hanging Tough
B. The Slow Life
C. Saving Sloths
D. Sloth Snuggles
When General O. O. Howard assumed his duties as commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau on May 12,
1865, he faced no problem more difficult than that of affording freedmen legal protection. Despite the
fact that the war had dealt a death blow to slavery, the legal status that blacks would occupy as free men
was uncertain when the war ended. In the pre-war period, Southern state law has discriminated against
free blacks, providing harsher criminal punishment for them than for whites, denying them the right to
testify against whites, and severely restricting their liberty in numerous ways. In the war's aftermath,
Southern whites, rapidly able to gain control of their state and local governments under President
Andrew Johnson's program of reconstruction, stood ready to apply this discriminatory law to the
freedmen. Nor was the problem of affording freedmen legal protection limited to shielding them from
enforcement of discriminatory state law.
In the post-war period, Southern whites, fearful of the consequences of liberation, resorted to violence on
a massive scale in order to maintain their dominance over blacks. And in the face of this violence,
Southern state law enforcement and judicial officials generally proved to be either unwilling or unable to
bring to justice whites who had committed acts of violence against freedmen. Moreover, the problem of
protecting black workers against immoral employers also confronted Howard and his subordinates.
Although the Freedmen's Bureau Act authorized them to lease and ultimately to sell abandoned land to
freedmen, Andrew Johnson's policy prevented Bureau officials from using that authority to make blacks
landowners. Consequently, in order to support themselves, most freedmen found it necessary to work for
whites as plantation and farm laborers. And given impoverished planters' inability to pay laborers in cash
at the end of each month, most black laborers had little choice but to agree to work for planters for an
entire year and to receive their pay, in either cash or a share of the crop, at the end of the year. In this
situation, white employers, many of whom were eager to pay their workers as little as possible, had
numerous opportunities to deny freedmen’s right.
Question 39: What is the passage mainly about?
A. The need to protect freedmen from discriminatory laws.
B. The problems facing the Freedmen's Bureau.
C. General O. O. Howard's attempts to ensure economic equality for freedmen.
D. The violence freedmen endured and the economic plights they faced.
Question 40: The word “their” in the passage refers to _______.
A. judicial officials B. Southern whites C. blacks D. law enforcement official
Question 41: According to the passage, President Johnson's program of reconstruction _______.
A. supported the South's criminal punishment of freedmen.
B. had as it primary goal the legal protection of freedmen from discrimination.
C. condemned slavery but failed to take any action to destroy it.
D. did not prevent Southerners form recovering their political power in government.
Question 42: The world “shielding” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. exposing B. stopping C. punishing D. protecting
Question 43: It can be inferred from the passage that Southern whites who committed violence against
freedmen ________.
A. were motivated by hate and anger. B. tried to reinstate slavery into the law.
C. were often law enforcement officials. D. generally went unpunished.
Question 44: The word “unwilling” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. unsuitable B. thankless C. reluctant D. disgraceful
Question 45: With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Freedmen were, in many ways, still slaves after the war because of their economic dependence on
Southern plantation and farm owners.
B. President Johnson's actions were guided by a desire to win the respect and loyalty of the Southern
plantation and farm owners.
C. Because Southerners had no resort to the judicial system, they employed violence as a means to
control freedmen.
D. The Freedmen's Bureau ultimately proved a success because it was able to guarantee freedmen
private ownership of land.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25. Do you really think humans will be exterminated when more and more intelligent
machines are invented in the future?
A. wiped out B. stored C. killed D. resurrected
Question 26. The visual effects in the movie were stunning, but the acting is nowhere near up to the
A. satisfactory B. acceptable C. substandard D. awkward
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 27. Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding
more survivors.
A. allowing B. preventing C. encouraging D. promoting
Question 28. In the polluted environment, infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to
A. fatal B. safe C. contagious D. immune

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. mineral B. mitigate C. minimize D. minor
Question 2. A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. account B. parent C. private D. nature
Question 4. A. movement B. animal C. natural D. endanger

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