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ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE (BOYS) ORDNANCE ROAD RAWALPINDI Work Sheet Unit: 0/(Measurements, Class: 11" Year Subject: Physies QI. Encirele the correct option. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. i, What is the SI unit of constant k in the following equation? F = 6mrv = krv where F = force, v = velocity and r = radius A. kgm'st B. kgms C. kgtm? D. — kgm?s? De ee a ae (v= speed, ¢ = acceleration due to gravity, A = wave length, p = density ahd. h Sdepth| A vag B. v=pel Cc v=ghh D. v=pgh in A mass m has acceleration a, it moves through a distance s in time t. 8 accelerating the mass is equal to the produet of force and yelocity The percentage uncertainties are 0.1% in m, 1% in a, 1.5% in s and 0.5% What is the percentage uncertainty in power? AL 21% Tu is halved, its time period will become: G T 2 v2 XY C F>20,000Hz D C double the mass D A ims! Cc unchanged D fast A simple pendulum is car of 1 Km below sea level. Its vibrations become: A zero B slow D AL llips B circle QQ ine Cc 50cmis D. Semis A. AandC B. AandB Cc Tk D. "85 of Pi and 3 of P> Resonance curve is fairly fat for A. Heavily damped aN . Tightly damped system of Pi and 5 of Po C. Moderately dam c D. Equally flat for all cases In an isolated system the t rgYof vibrating mass and spring is: 3 Variable B. Low D. — Constant scillator has a period of 0.015 and amplitude of 0.2m, the magnitude of the angular vélotit A. 20R B. 40x oa D. 20x 01 agers. or points during SHM, K.E and P.E are equal?” cannot hear the sound of simple pendulum vibrating in physics laboratory? ings from a dark high tower so that its upper end is not visible, How can we detern the length of the wire? at happens to the frequency of a swing as its oscillations die down from large amplitude to small? A hanged rope from the top of a building is vibrating during thunder storm, how can we find its length? Can a singer shatter a glass by singing a particular note? Explain. Under what conditions the addition of two SHM’s does produce a resultant SHM? A wire hangs from a dark high tower so that its upper end is not visible. How length of the wire is determined? Derive a relation for instantaneous velocity for circular motion. What do you mean by damped oscillations? Also explain it with graph, Calculate the distance of 1.0 kg mass pulled down from vertically supported spring if it is released from mean position with velocity of 1.0 ms", (k = 80.0 Nm). What is frequency of vibrated simple pendulum of length 50.0 em? Prove that energy remains conserved in SHM? Find the amplitude, frequency and period of an object vibrating at the end of a spring, if the equation for its position, as function of time is x= 0.25 Cos G ))t. What is the displacement of the object after 2.0. What is simple harmonic motion? Derive its formula of simple pendulunt A spring, whose spring constant is 80.0 Nm vertically supports a mass in rest position. Find the distance by which the mass must be pulled down, so that on Being released, it may pass the mean position with a velocity of 1.0 ms" What is energy conservation in SHM of mass-spring systéin? An 8.0 kg body executes SHM with amplitude 30 cm. is 6QN, calculate K.E. when the displacement is 12 em, |OOL & COLLEGE (BOYS) ORDNANCE ROAD RAWALPINDI Work Sheet Unit: 08(Waves, Class: 11 Year Subject: Physics Q.1. Encirele the correct option. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. i, The value of the y for diatomic gas molecules is AL LOT B 140 Cc 145 D154 Which one of the following factors has no effect on the speed of sound ina y A. Humidity B. Pressure C. Temperature D. Density Two waves of slightly different frequencies traveling in the same direct perpose, produce A. interference B diffraction C beats D stationary wat The speed of sound increases due to increase in: A. density B. C. temperature ind temperature The system followed by Newton for the determi of sound in air is A. isobaric C. adiabatic Which of the following set of frequencies p A. 252 and 256 Hz C. 128 and 120 Hz The laws of transverse vibratic ‘tring are A fF «VF Foe Cin All of these Which of the followi in sonography? A. microway, B. infrared waves C. ultraviolet waves D. ultrasonic waves The ratio o} umefial frequencies of sound in two pipes one open at both ends to a pipe closed at same length is B21 DL of the medium are bound to transfer energy i ary waves B. transverse waves ngitudinal waves D. electromagnetic waves intensity of light depends on welength B. amplitude velocity D. frequency The wavelength of ultraviolet radiations is about 400nm, the frequency of U.V is A. 1.5% 10°H2 B. 75x10 Hz ic 7.5 x 10" Hz D. 7.5x 10'S Hz When a transverse wave is reflected from the boundary of a denser to a rare medium, it under goes a phase change of A 0 B w2 Gox D. 2x Which of the following changes at an antinode in a stationary wave? A. Density only B. Pressure only C. Both pressure and density. _ Neither pressure nor density A source emits a sound of frequency of 400 Hz, but the listener hears it to be 390 Hz, then the A. listener is moving toward source B. source is moving toward the listener C. listener is moving away from the source D. listener has a defective ear Give the short answers, i. What is the effect of pressure and density of medium on the speed of sound? The speed of sound at 0c in air is 332 ms", Find speed of sound at 20°C? What are the quantization of frequency? Why antinodes are formed at the open end of organ pipe? Why RADAR cannot be used to detect the objects under water? What will be change in speed of transverse wave in a string if tension made four times? Suppose you set up standing waves of three segments in a e the string with twice as much frequency, how many segments will n ing Waves? What are the conditions for constructive and destructi ferefiee? Why sound produced due to sudden explosion going on iN the sun cannot be heard on earth? Define following term. Also write types of wave for these terms: a) Trough and crest b) Compression andaref Node and anti-node Define Doppler’s effect. Derive relations wher fe moves towards and away from the observer? A church organ pipe consists of, nt lengths each open at one end. The minimum length is 30 mm and longest is 4m, Caleylate frequency range of fundamental notes. (Speed of sound = 340 ms" Define interference. Explainthé types of interference with diagram and mathematical form? Find the temperature locity of sound in air is two times its velocity at 10°C? wO SX ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE (BOYS) ORDNANCE ROAD RAWALPINDI Work Sheet Unit: 09(Physical optics, Class: 11" Year Subject: Physies QI. Encirele the correct option. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. A narrow slot of width d is illuminated normally by parallel monochromatic light of, wavelength 2. A convex lens L of focal length f projects the diffraction pattern on a screen S on its focal plane The intensity of light on the screen is maximum at Q and the fifSPminiiimii is at a distance x from Q. the quantities d, f and x are related by the 4 # B, a a ce 4 pA?! d The speed of sound in a medium depends u A. its elasticity as well as its in 1s elasticity but not its inertia, C. __ its inertia but not its elastic’ neither its elasticity nor its inertia, A fringe is shifted in Michelson’ , each time the mirror is displaced through in Z : a 2 4 2 CG # D «2a Signal from a remote levice operated by it travels with the speed of B. Light D. Supersonics B. explain polarization D. find the frequency of light following properties of light does not change when it enters from one er medium? jency B. Wavelength elocity D. Amplitude ciple of Michelson interferometer is based on the division of ave-front B. Speed of light Amplitude D, Frequency In Young’s double slit experiment, if the distance between the slits is halved and the distance between slits and the screen is doubled then the fringe width becomes A. double B. _ fourtimes Cc. half D. one fourth Michelson’s interferometer is usually used to determine A. wavelength of light B. velocity of light C. frequency of light D. slits distance The condition for destructive interference from thin film is when the path difference is A. a whole number of wavelengths B. a odd number of half-wavelength C. _amultiple of wavelengths D. equal to the thickness of film In Young's double slit experiment, the fringe spacing is equal to A dak B ALId Cc. Lad D. Lda Interference occurs due to of light A. Wave nature B. Granular nature C. Particle nature D. — Corpuscular nature The wavelength of x-rays is the order of A. 10°m B. 10m B 107m D. 10''m Which one of the following cannot be polarized? A. Radio waves . X-rays C. UV rays D. Sound wave The grating element of the diffraction grating is: A NL LIN Cc NL The vibration of transverse wave confined to a specific di A. Reflection C. Diffraction Give the short answers. Can visible light produce interference fringes Why can light waves be polarized but sound Why the Polaroid sun glasses are Discuss the condition required for a) Constructive interference An oil film spreading over the How is the distance betw of Young’s experiment? C: sen placed at a distance of 1m from the slits. The distance of the third dark fi tral bright fringe is 0.059cm, Find the wavelength of the incident li inge when waves are reflected from rarer b) Rarer to denser 's equation. What are two application of Bragg’s equation? tion pattern invisible when the slid is very wide? he applications of a polarized light. oung’s double slit experiment derives a relation for distance between two adjacent ight fringes and dark fringes. Yellow light from a sodium vapor lamp of wavelength 589nm is directed upon two narrow slits 0.lem apart of the Young’s experiment. Find the position of the bright and dark fringes on a sereen 100em away. Describe the construction and working of Michelson’s interferometer. Light of wave front 450 nm is incident on diffraction grating on which 5000 lines/em have been ruled i. How many orders of spectra can be observed on either side of the direct beam? ii, Determine the angle corresponding to each other. ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE (BOYS) ORDNANCE ROAD RAWALPINDI Work Sheet Unit: 10(Thermodynamics Class: 11" Year Subject: Physies QI. Encirele the correct option. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. i, Which equation represents the 1" law of thermodynamics? A. Q +W B. U=Q-W Cc. W=Q-au D. U-W=Q The device which converts thermal energy into mechanical work is called A. Heat engine B. Refrigerator « C. Heat pump D. — Carot engine The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is called A. Isobaric B. Adiabatic S Tsochoric D. Isothermal ‘The increase in temperature of the object is an indication of incre: e A. Mass B. Internal eners C. Volume D. —_Enthalp; Change in the entropy of the system is given by A. AQ=ASIT AS™= AQ ie AS = T/AQ x AQ In reversible process, the entropy, A. Increases C. Remains constant Bn reases then decreases Efficiency of Camot engine is not zérjbecat cannot be zero A Qi-Q Qa © O-O " ie The absolute zero is the temperature at A. all substances are . molecular motion ceases C. water freezes water evaporate Which quantity is a state thermodynamics system B. Heat supplied D. Temperature )btained in the process of B. isothermal D. adiabatic increased, the boiling point of the liquid Ss B. decreases s constant D. _ increases then decreases can be approximated to an ideal gas at jigh density B. High pressure nw density D. Low temperature ‘well stoppered thermos flask contains some ice cubes. This is an example of A. Closed system B. Open system C. Isolated system D. _Non thermodynamics system The reason of irreversibility in a process is A. Sudden changes B. Changes involving energy loss and gain C. Changes involving friction D. —_Allof these ‘Temperature of a gas can be changed under A. Constant pressure B. Constant volume C. Constant Temperature D. Both pressure & Temperature Constant xvi. What will happen to the temperature of the hot body if left in vacuum with a cold one A. Decreases B. Achieves thermal equilibrium C. Increases D. Remains constant Give the short answers. Write down the statements of Lord Kelvin and Rudolf Clausius for second law of thermodynamics. Discuss the thermodynamic system and express the mechanical equivalent of heat. The pressure in a gas cylinder containing hydrogen will leak more quickly than if ifs containing oxygen. Why? (Carigpeeine beatae a pas bezarn or infinity Canithenceatve/ ExpEi® What are the efficiencies of petrol and diesel engines? Does entropy of a system increases or decreases due to friction? Also ‘A Camot engine whose low temperature reservoir is at 7° C has an e desired to inerease the efficiency to 70%. By how many degrees source should be increased? Under what conditions the heat evolved or absorbed i What is the function of spark plug in a petrol engine State Carnot theorem about the characteristics gf-a Carntouengine. Differentiate between reversible and irreversibleiprocesses With the help of example Explain the term triple point What is a Carnot Engine? Explain the Carn ek efficiency of a Camot Engine. A reversible engine works between qwo.temp whose difference is 100° C if it absorbs 7461. of heat from the source and efeets 546 J to the sink; calculate the temperature of the source and the sink. Discuss the applications of the TM Jaw Bf thefmodynamics, What is the molar specific as? Also explain molar specific at constant pressure and at constant volume. xO SX

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