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HỌC KỲ 1 2023-2024



1 Report (in pdf, around 30 pages) due 27/4/2024

Presentation slides due 27/4/2024

To perform a market evaluation and develop a strategic plan for a Vietnamese-

owned company intending to take advantage of the Foreign Trade Agreements
(FTAs) to enter the foreign market for the first time.

Choose any locally-owned company in Vietnam that currently does not have any overseas market for its products
or services

Choose an overseas market which Vietnam has an FTA with.

Work as if the team represents the Vietnamese-owned company planning to expand its business overseas for the
first time

Perform a market evaluation, which forms an essential foundation for the portfolio

Develop varying strategies which will make entry into this overseas market easy.

Prepare a report for the company, consisting of the market evaluation and strategic plan.

Give a presentation of the market evaluation and strategic plan

Report Structure (Recommended):

I. INTRODUCTION of the report

II. BACKGROUND of the company in Vietnam (size, type of industry, product
and/or service, domestic experience etc.)
III. MARKET EVALUATION - Evaluate the factors that impact the market in the
chosen country
III. 1. General factors (location, etc.)
III. 2. Social factors and their influences on lifestyle and business - applicable to the
company’s and competitors’ business
- Customs, traditions, manners and habits (examples: food, clothing, myths, superstition
- Core values, norms, and attitudes relating to foreign and domestic products and services
- Social institutions (family life, educational institutions, class systems etc.)
- Aesthetics (colors, music, symbolism, beauty)
- Business customs (protocols, greetings, keeping time, space, gift giving, hospitality,
III. 3. Economic factors - applicable to the company’s and competitors’ business
- Population (actual count, age distribution, density of population)
- Income (GDP, GDP per capita, family income, distribution of wealth etc.)
- Infrastructure (Transportation & communication systems - modes/type, availability,
usage rates)
- Inflation rates (be specific)
- Trade freedom and restrictions under the FTA
III.4. Political and Legal factors - applicable to the company’s and competitors’ business
- Political ideology
- Legislations, regulations, special rules about marketing and labeling of products, etc
under the FTA
- Tariffs, quotas and other restrictions of exports and imports of goods and services
under the FTA
- Intellectual property rights under the FTA
IV. STRATEGIC PLANNING - Analysis of foreign market industry and
recommendation of relevant international business strategies
IV.1 . INDUSTRY ANALYSIS - Analyze the industry environment of the company in the
new market environment using insights of the industry, along with information on the
competitive environment, labor, supply chain, and banking and finance
IV.2. MARKET ENTRY ISSUES - Discuss the most significant issues the company may
initially face in its new overseas market
IV.3. TARGET MARKET AND POSITIONING - Define the company’s target consumers
and the positioning of its products and/or services
IV.4. INTERNATIONALIZATION STRATEGY - Recommend a suitable internationalization
strategy and justify, using your market evaluation and industry analysis, why it is the best
choice for the company.
IV.5. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY - Recommend a suitable market entry strategy that
complements your recommended internationalization strategy and justify, using your
market evaluation and industry analysis, why it is the best choice for the company
the marketing, production, supply chain and human resource strategies suited to your
recommended internationalization and market entry strategies

V. CONCLUSION - After a brief conclusion about the report, discuss the chances of
success for the company in the chosen country
VI. REFERENCE LIST - Provide a complete reference for all materials you consult.
Information drawn from these sources should be cited within the body of your
VII. APPENDIX - Include related materials that support the content in items 2-4
Length: 15 minutes for each team’s presentation, and 10 minutes for Q&A
The presenting team should manage the 15 minutes effectively.
Each member of the team is given the opportunity to present his/her explanations and
arguments in response to the instructor’s questions that challenge any part of the Report
and Presentation

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