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Country N Country CoTime Time CodeAdequacy of social safety nMeasuring of self Age dependency ratio (%

Pakistan PAK 1996 YR1996 76.222298 78.56234 88.6868679445479

Pakistan PAK 1997 YR1997 44.288767467 77.65234512 88.0622216042326
Pakistan PAK 1998 YR1998 76.847282 77.123 87.2514417869514
Pakistan PAK 1999 YR1999 78.73264782 76.54123 86.2455701815063
Pakistan PAK 2000 YR2000 75.783243 89.56423 85.047923789524
Pakistan PAK 2001 YR2001 76.734678 88.56234 84.069873073367
Pakistan PAK 2002 YR2002 75.723469 87.65234 82.907523641808
Pakistan PAK 2003 YR2003 69.72346 84.561234 81.6040954955288
Pakistan PAK 2004 YR2004 72.8347923 85.5623 80.2221506744071
Pakistan PAK 2005 YR2005 .. 84.2563124 78.8088999274442
China CHN 1996 YR1996 58.85789 89.56324 48.3924522744438
China CHN 1997 YR1997 49.765 780 .. 48.0012409400067
China CHN 1998 YR1998 47.348758345 81.563436 47.9076439819972
China CHN 1999 YR1999 50.67345 80.345346 47.3966896762665
China CHN 2000 YR2000 .. 79.3456 46.2000563478889
China CHN 2001 YR2001 .. 78.2345 45.2523408153918
China CHN 2002 YR2002 78.746 .. 43.5993398126902
China CHN 2003 YR2003 32.76345 50.457467 41.606234661809
China CHN 2004 YR2004 44.784735 59.235 39.8428260613506
China CHN 2005 YR2005 44.57897 54.436 38.5730966495374
North AmerNAC 1996 YR1996 47.87458 49.3465 52.5207690149367
North AmerNAC 1997 YR1997 59.76854 48.7846 52.2781890447408
North AmerNAC 1998 YR1998 58.7854 .. 51.9057612284755
North AmerNAC 1999 YR1999 59.782394 55.7979 51.496953390655
North AmerNAC 2000 YR2000 60.8974 54.547 51.0965849913538
North AmerNAC 2001 YR2001 54.78234 54.7868 50.6489493906205
North AmerNAC 2002 YR2002 55.732647 55.346 50.2894923261581
North AmerNAC 2003 YR2003 58.782394 48,.547 49.9611377346414
North AmerNAC 2004 YR2004 59.78345 49.54768 49.5917246563836
North AmerNAC 2005 YR2005 58.784 50.576 49.1740479724278

Data from database: World Development Indicators

Last Updated: 05/25/2021

Variables name Description Source
Social media addiction Adequacy of WDI_World
social safety net development
programs (% of indicators, database,
total welfare of World Bank

Self Esteem Measuring self- Pakistan Bureau of

worth or self- Statistic
Mental health Measuring one Pakistan Bureau of
ability to get Statistic
over from stress

Educational Adjusted net WDI_World

performance enrollment rate, development
primary (% of
primary school indicators, database,
age children) World Bank

Literacy rate,
adult male (% of
males ages 15
and above)

Age Young people WDI_World

(ages 15-24) development
newly infected indicators, database,
with HIV World Bank
Age dependency
ratio (% of

Spent time on social Unemployment WDI_World

media with development
intermediate indicators, database,
education (% of World Bank
total labor force
Eating disorder ARI treatment Pakistan Bureau of
(% of children Statistic
under 5 taken to
a health

Online gaming disorder Assessing Pakistan Bureau of

symptoms and Statistic
prevalence of
Literacy rate, adult male (% of Adjusted net enrollment rate, p ARI treatment (% of chAssessing symptoms and prevalence o
.. .. 78.3534 ..
.. .. 77.234 ..
55.2966117858887 48.87345 76.345 70.46
.. 46.612547 75.375 70.29794
.. 49.7854 77.344 70.34899
59.78346 .. 75.34657 70.42551
.. 55.29802 74.346 70.49374
61.76546 56.7235 73.12434 70.55251
.. 64.20929 78.457 70.60065
64.0604782104492 66.9366 68.46 57 70.63712
.. 90.04399 65.6768 ..
.. 89.34889 .. ..
70.67234 .. 73.436 ..
.. .. 69.784365 ..
95.1352462768555 77.86 68.6234 96.93087
.. 87.789534 67.76234 97.21322
.. 77.78954 68.67384 97.48728
.. .. 65.7892346 97.75188
23.76854 .. 56.67235 98.00584
26.78956 .. 55.82357 98.24813
32.76846 55.78356 57.7835 100
37.8964 58.89747 56.78345 100
.. 54.8576947 56.23139 100
44.7856 53.895 55.7856 100
46.7854 57.7834 66.782346 100
48.8956 54.87436 67.89374905 100
49.7834 54.76 .. 100
.. 56.78934 .. 100
53.8953 .. 56.854 100
.. 556.765723 .. 100

Time period
1996- 2005

1996- 2005

1996- 2005

1996- 2005

1996- 2005

1996- 2005
1996- 2005

1996- 2005
symptoms and prevalence of gaming
Code License Type
per_sa_allsa.adq_p CC BY-4.0
Indicator Name
Adequacy of social safety net programs (% of total welfare of b
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)
Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school age
ARI treatment (% of children under 5 taken to a health provider
Access to electricity (% of population)
Long definition
Adequacy of social safety net programs is measured by the total
Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people young
Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and ab
Adjusted net enrollment is the number of pupils of the school-a
Children with acute respiratory infection (ARI) who are taken to
Access to electricity is the percentage of population with access
ASPIRE: The Atlas of Social Protection - Indicators of Resilien
World Bank staff estimates based on age distributions of Unite
UNESCO Institute for Statistics ( Data
UNESCO Institute for Statistics ( Data a
UNICEF, State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demograp
World Bank, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database from
Social Protection & Labor: Performance
Health: Population: Dynamics
Education: Outcomes
Education: Participation
Health: Disease prevention
Environment: Energy production & use
Aggregation method

Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted average
Statistical concept and methodology

Age structure in the World Bank's population estimates is based on the age structure in United Nations Population Division's W
Data on literacy are compiled by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics based on national censuses and household surveys and, fo
The reference years reflect the school year for which the data are presented. In some countries the school year spans two cale
Acute respiratory infection continues to be a leading cause of death among young children. Data are drawn mostly from house
Data for access to electricity are collected among different so
Development relevance

Patterns of development in a country are partly determined by t

Literate women implies that they can seek and use information for the betterment of the health, nutrition and education of th
Relevance to gender indicator: Women teachers are important as t
g cause of death among young children. Data are drawn mostly from household health surveys in which mothers report on number of epi
Use of energy is important in improving people's standard of living. But electricity generation also can damage the environme
Limitations and exceptions
When interpreting ASPIRE performance indicators based on household surveys, it is important to note that the extent to whic
Because the five-year age group is the cohort unit and five-yea
In practice, literacy is difficult to measure. Estimating literacy rates requires census or survey measurements under controlled
Enrollment indicators are based on annual school surveys, but do not necessarily reflect actual attendance or dropout rates du
from household health surveys in which mothers report on number of episodes and treatment for acute respiratory infection.
andard of living. But electricity generation also can damage the environment. Whether such damage occurs depends largely on how electr
General comments
based on household surveys, it is important to note that the extent to which
Relevance to gender indicator: this indicator implies the depe
ng literacy rates requires census or survey measurements under controlled
urveys, but do not necessarily reflect actual attendance or dropout rates duri
mber of episodes and treatment for acute respiratory infection.
environment. Whether such damage occurs depends largely on how electricity is generated. For example, burning coal releases twice as m
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