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Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in


Jainish Bhavesh Savla

Department of Sports Management

Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts and

Management Studies.

Mumbai – 400064

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Management Studies - Sports Management - Sem

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Malad Kandivli Education Society's

Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts and
Management Studies

(Autonomous) Department of

Sorts Management


This is to certify that Mr. Jainish Bhavesh Savla - has successfully completed
the Dissertation as a part of the semester VI syllabus titles Study on various
factor while selecting a cricket bat in India under the guidance of Dr. Deepak
R Gupta during the Academic Year 2022-2023.

Prof. Dr. Deepak R Gupta

Co-ordinator Principal


Date: 4th March 2023. College Seal

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


I wish to state that the work embodied in this dissertation titled Study on
various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India is my own
contribution. The Dissertation is carried out under the guidance of Dr.
Deepak R Gupta in this academic year 2022-23.


(Mr. Jainish Bhavesh Savla)

PLACE: Mumbai

DATE: 4th March 2023

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


I, Mr. Jainish Bhavesh Savla would like to express my sincere gratitude and
appreciation to Nagindas Khandwala College and NEST Academy of Sports
Management for allowing me to do my dissertation smoothly and efficiently. I wish to
thank my Principal Dr. Moushumi Datta, Vice Principal Dr. Mona Mehta, NASM
Director Mr. Vipul Solanki, Course coordinator Mrs. Jaie Rajeshirke and my friends
Mr. Cletus Cherian, Mr. Pruthvi Pillai, Mr. Akash Rathore and Mr. Siddhesh
Bhojane for all the help and support that they have given me.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the people who made this project work possible,
Mr Dr. Deepak R Gupta who has been a guiding force to me while doing this project
and the teaching staff of my college, friends for providing their help as when required to
complete this project. Without their support and encouragement, making this report would
have been impossible for me.

I would also like to thank the respondents who provided me with their best knowledge
and co-operation throughout the project.

Mr. Jainish Bhavesh Savla

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


Sr. No Chapter Name Page No.

Introduction, Objectives, Scope &

1 6 - 14

2 Literature Review 15 - 20

3 Conceptual Framework 21 - 39

4 Research Methodology 40 - 47

5 Data Interpretation 48 - 71

6 Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion 72 - 74

7 Annexure & Bibliography 75 - 76

8 Questionnaire 77 - 85

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


A cricket bat is a specific piece of gear involved by hitters in the game of cricket to hit the
ball. It might likewise be utilised by a player who is making ground to keep away from a
run out, by holding the bat and contacting the ground with it. The length of the full size
bat should be 38 inches (96.5 cm) and the width 4.25 inches (10.8 cm). MCC isn't
attempting to administer against those players, but instead the new materials that could
give them an unjustifiable benefit. The standard arrangement of the bat has changed very
little as various makers exceptionally regard their regular systems. This clear absence of
advancement might be because of the imprisonments of the standards.
Cricket bat willow is a developed lumber which predominantly fills in huge ranches in
wetland regions. This wood is extremely intense and shock-safe, not being altogether
marked nor fragmenting on the effect of a cricket ball at rapid, while likewise being light
in weight. The substance of the bat is frequently covered with a defensive film by the
client. After the wood is selected, it is compacted into shape by means of a machine and
then sanded down. The sharp edge is then grafted at the top and a handle connected,
which is key in giving the nearly spring-like abilities of the bat. After the shoulders have
been removed, more explicit adjustments are made to the wood the hard way, like
adjusting the toe and documenting superfluous pieces.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


1.1 Introduction

A cricket bat is a specific piece of gear involved by hitters in the game of cricket to hit the
ball, commonly comprising of a stick handle connected to a level fronted willow-wood
cutting edge. It might likewise be utilised by a player who is making ground to keep away
from a run out, by holding the bat and contacting the ground with it.

The length of the full size bat should be 38 inches (96.5 cm) and the width 4.25 inches
(10.8 cm). Its utilisation was first referenced in 1624. Beginning around 1979, a
regulation change has given that cricket bats must be produced using wood.

The cricket bat, a marvellous sight and power, has attempted to develop from its
1860‟s manifestation. In shape and style, it changes constantly as bat producers hope to
separate themselves, driven by a ravenous need to make new models for each seasons. In
structure, the bat grain moved, regardless of normal endeavours to add new materials,
innovations and methods. Regulation 6 (the bat) essentially entrusts the blade to being a
wonderful cut piece of strong willow forever. On paper and by and by the main spot for
trial and error and development is in the handle and the joint.
In cricket, the fight among bat and ball is critical. In the event that one comes to
overwhelm the other, the game will become unsurprising and less agreeable to play and
While cricket pitches, balls and limits have changed minimal in hundreds of years,
current bats have created to the degree that miss-hits are presently some of the time
clearing the limit rope for six. By guaranteeing that bats are made in the customary way,
MCC desires to protect the conventional equilibrium of the game.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

We have seen the effect of new innovation and materials on other game. Golf players
drive the ball tremendous distances, Tennis players serve at more noteworthy rates,
Footballers can plunge and turn the ball excessively.
Assuming that the advancement of cricket bats is left unrestrained, the equilibrium could
be tipped excessively far towards batsmen. Present day preparing techniques have
permitted a large number batsmen to become more grounded and fitter than their
ancestors, consequently hitting the ball harder and further. MCC isn't attempting to
administer against those players, but instead the new materials that could give them an
unjustifiable benefit.

Plan and improvement are inseparable. This is particularly clear for the circumstance
of game things. The outside provisions industry has widened throughout the span of the
years to oblige the different interests and needs of contenders and clients in general. It has
furthermore raised and helped with developing new games that have accordingly filled in
as a force for new sorts of things.

The advancement in gear arrangement has not occurred inside cricket bat delivering.
Believe it or not, advancements as in other games are somewhat charming. The standard
arrangement of the bat has changed very little as various makers exceptionally regard
their regular systems. This clear shortfall of headway may be a direct result of the
restrictions of the rules.
In any case, the standards don't discover that changes can't be made. As we have seen
around there the latest 10 years that the cricket has been a mass of modernization in
cricket bat and handles to additionally foster bat execution by using different material.

Varieties in the plan have been restricted to the rear of the bat like scallops, broadened
edges or adjustments in the weight. This a clear absence of advancement might be
because of the imprisonments of the standards which limits makers to involving wood as
the affecting surface.
Cricket as a game with long history and rich custom, has seen nearly nothing
advancement concerning the presentation of the cricket bat. The way that no change to the
material structure of the cutting edge is allowed, that limits cricket bat to set out to the
most recent
Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

game improvement advances that have demonstrated to help different rounds of game like
baseball and tennis.
The models are, for example, aluminium polished ash golf clubs, tennis rackets, and off-
road bicycles.
Brilliant shock framework, skis, and Intelligence snowboards which utilise progressed
material innovation with/without electronic innovation to either upgrade execution for the
games and furthermore diminish the gamble of players being harmed, carrying solace to
the players. These creative plans have made the game more appealing, agreeable and

As in numerous businesses, the outdoor supplies industry faces wild contest today. To win
the opposition and forestall being progressively gotten rid of, it is significant for makers
to improve items and give their merchandise added functionalities at a satisfactory cost.
These are not exclusively to meet some players‟ individual taste, yet in addition to have
benefits according to a promoting perspective. In sport contests, undesirable vibrations
influence the presentation, and solace of players, as well as abbreviate the life expectancy
of items.
The expanding request among shoppers for the most recent elite exhibition sport hardware
is fuelling logical and designing examination by sport gear producers. Such exploration,
along with the utilization of firm, light-weight composite materials has brought forth
numerous clever elements and plans, especially for golf clubs what's more homerun sticks
There has been moderately minimal logical examination concerning current bat plan and
assembling, and today there are still remaining parts a craftsman’s workmanship. The
capacity to create a scope of playing attributes inside the contention of a customary
outside and inner math might be critical for the future cricket bat plan.
The improvement in execution is such sort of current Modified Handle dominating since
the game has advanced. It is likewise considered for some records for the way that the
game has not been dependent upon a similar degree of innovative work saw in other
games, for example, baseball, golf and tennis and racquet plan. Upgrades in gear by
utilizing designing materials and game innovation essentially affect brandishing execution
as of late.

Progressed materials and novel handling strategies have empowered the advancement of
Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26
new sorts of hardware with upgraded properties, as well as working on the generally plan

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

of outdoor supplies. The relationship between material innovation and plan, and its effect
on a considerable lot of the most well-known sport is investigated. One game which has
seen no such advancement is cricket, because of profound traditionalism in the cutting
edge rules of the games, figured out in 1774, limit the games gear from utilizing new
game improvement innovations that have demonstrated to help different rounds of the
game. Just a little upgrade has been made to work on the presentation of Cricket bat since
its origin
As different games were created on this topic, every rendition requested changes looking
like the carries out to suit its own necessities. The improvement of cricket from around
1620 required advances to the plan of bat and ball with regards to changes made to the
principles of the game. The handle will be the underlying concentration since it is least
confined by the guidelines of the game. In proper way of that, ordinary endeavours made
by the material researchers and analysts, who are working in this quickly creating field to
incorporate new materials and strategies for the progression and change of another new
improvement in cricketing types of gear.
Inside the limits of the game guidelines, a few better bat plans have continued business

The cutting edge of a cricket bat is a wooden square that is by and large level on the
hitting face and with an edge on the converse (back) which moves wood in the centre
where the ball is for the most part hit. The bat is customarily produced using willow
wood, explicitly from an assortment of white willow called cricket bat willow (Salix alba
var. caerulea), treated with crude (unboiled) linseed oil, which has a defensive capacity.
This assortment of willow is utilized as it is extremely intense and shock-safe, not being
fundamentally gouged nor fragmenting on the effect of a cricket ball at fast, while
additionally being light in weight. The substance of the bat is regularly covered with a
defensive film by the client. In 1900 Percy Stuart Surridge fostered a supported toe.
The sharp edge is associated with a long round and hollow stick handle, like that of a mid-
twentieth century tennis racquet, through a join. The handle is normally covered with an
elastic hold. Bats consolidate a wooden spring plan where the handle meets the cutting
edge. The current plan of a stick handle joined into a willow sharp edge through a
Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

graft was the creation during the 1880s of Charles Richardson, an understudy of Brunel
and the main Chief Engineer of the Severn Railway Tunnel. Grafted handles had been
utilized before this yet would in general break at the edge of the join. The shape gives a
more progressive exchange of burden from the bat's cutting edge to the handle and dodges
this issue.

The edges of the sharp edge nearest to the handle are known as the shoulders of the bat,
and the lower part of the edge is known as the toe of the bat.
Bats were not generally this shape. Before the eighteenth century bats would in general be
formed much the same way to a cutting edge hockey sticks. This might well have been a
tradition of the game's rumoured origins. Although the primary types of cricket are dark,
it is possible that the game was first played utilizing shepherd's convicts.
The bat commonly perceived as the most established bat still in existence is dated 1729
and is in plain view in the Sand ham Room at The Oval in London.
Different organizations have throughout the long term attempted new shapes that come
quite close to the game to truly establish themselves and to further develop deals. During
the 1960s the first shoulder less bats showed up from Slazenger. This permitted a greater
amount of the load to be rearranged to the "perfect balance" of the sharp edge giving more
ability to each stroke, while as yet having great equilibrium and light "get". This style of
bat was made popular by Lance Cairns' six sixes in a match played in 1983.
The 1970s saw twofold sided bats from Warsop Stebbing. With the approach of
Twenty20 cricket, twofold sided bats are encountering re-established interest.
In 1974 the primary GN100 Scoop was delivered; this was the main bat to flip, forming
completely around by eliminating the wood from the focal point of the back of the bat. By
eliminating this wood, the bat became lighter, its perfect balance developed and its get
gotten to the next level. Despite the fact that there is less material, solid strokes are as yet
conceivable if all around planned. It permits more fragile players to play many strokes
they would somehow overlook from their repertoire. This bat immediately turned into a
major vender and different scooped bats, for example, the GN500, Dynadrive and Viper
have been delivered by Gray Nicolls from that point onward, including a re-arrival of the
actual Scoop for the 2012 English season. The expulsion of wood from the back has been
replicated by numerous different organizations absent a lot of basic recognition.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

In 1979 Australian cricketer Dennis Lillee momentarily utilized a Combat aluminium

metal bat. After some conversation with the umpires, and after grumblings by the English
group that it was harming the ball, which was subsequently demonstrated false, he was
asked by the Australian chief Greg Chappell to return to a wooden bat. The standards of
cricket were presently corrected, expressing that the edge of a bat should be made
completely of wood] During the 1980s Stuart Surridge and Co fostered the Turbo.
Planned by John Surridge, the bat was framed from two bits of willow which decreased
the flex and expanded the exchange of force. The bat was utilized by Graham Gooch for
his record 333 against India in 1990.
In 2005 Kookaburra delivered another sort of bat that had a carbon fiber-built up polymer
support down the spine of the bat. It was placed on the bat to offer more help to the spine
and cutting edge of the bat, in this manner delaying the existence of the bat. The principal
player to involve this new bat in worldwide cricket was Australian Ricky Ponting.
Kookaburra pulled out it after counsel was gotten by the ICC from MCC that it was illicit

Traditional cricket bats have a round toe base, round edge, curved back profile. Sinking
is clearer in customary bats and is done to lessen the bats weight while as yet giving
thicker edges and more profound expands, accordingly working on its get. Cricket bats
with sunken back profiles are those that have had wood scooped out from one or the other
side of the bats spine.

Modern cricket bats have flat for base, sharp edge and filled back profile. A few profile
have filled backs with practically no curving. Present day bats actually accompanied
conventional profile as adjusted toe, adjusted edge and curved back profile.

1.2 Objectives
1. To study in depth about bats.
2. To examine whether players are using the right bat.
3. To study about different bat balances.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

4. To have a brief comparison between brands.

1.3 Scope of study

● Cricket is an exceptionally well known sport. The game is the core of India. A
child who starts playing a game is cricket.
● Some portion of a wearing society, cricket has tossed many astonishing minutes
for India at worldwide level as well as at grassroots level.
● Current bats are normally hand-made in the Indian subcontinent (India or Pakistan)
because of the minimal expense of work. Anyway a couple of experts in England,
Australia, New Zealand actually make bats, generally with utilisation of a CNC
● Conventional Indian cricket bats are made in the districts of Jammu and Kashmir,
Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The industry joins
customary apparatuses with present day innovation.
● The aim of the study is to check whether players are using the right cricket bat
according to their body dynamics.
● The research not only will be done to study different bat balances but will also
have a brief comparison between brands.


● The study of the project is restricted to the Mumbai, because the project being
primary study based needed a lot of time for survey and we have a limited time
period to conclude our study.
● Hence the project is just focusing on the player’s perception towards the brand of
the bat and also how balance plays a vital role in the game.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

1.5 Methodology
This study is the first of its kind which was employed on the ‘study of product mix of
cricket bats. Mainly focused on the sweet spot & thickness of the bat in different
condition which would eventually help them improve the game. Hence, the study is
intended to carry out the analysis of the performance.
The nature of the study is totally different from all other studies with regards to the
performance of the player; and also in relation to other major sports. So, none of the
methodologies of previous studies matched or revealed the proper methodology and
procedure intended to carry out this particular type of study.

Primary research
There are basic approaches to data collections using primary method like Quantitative

Quantitative research includes con, field work, questionnaires and surveys.

The term primary research is widely used in academic research, market research and
competitive intelligence.
Primary research (also called field research) involves the collection of data that does not
already exist. Primary Research is often undertaken after the researcher has gained some
insight into the issue by collecting secondary data. This survey was pure quantitative
research based. I used basically Primary Data for my project which was collected with the
help of questionnaires.

Descriptive research
Descriptive research includes surveys and fact finding enquires of different kinds. The
methods of research utilised in descriptive research are survey methods and articles.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Research instrument
Personal interviewing through questionnaire/interview.
Questionnaire will be structured through closed

● Players
● Coaches

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


The performance or hitting power of a number of cricket bats has been compared by
measuring the absorption of impact vibration energy along the length of their blades. The
measurements lead to the characterization of the position and size of the nodal sweet spot,
i.e. impact area giving high performance, in addition to the identification of areas of poor
performance on the blade. For the range of bats tested, the sweet spot position varies from
140 to 170 mm from the blade tip and its length varies from 130 to 160 mm.
The results show that the blade profile, i.e. mass distribution, has an influence on the
sweet spot characteristics, although small notches or cutouts have limited effect. Heavier
bats are also shown to absorb less energy, and hence perform better, than lightweight
The development of a simplified discontinuous beam model has shown that the
frequencies of vibration of a bat can be controlled by altering the stiffness and/or mass of
the blade or handle.
In particular, it has been shown that the use of a lightweight, high stiffness handle,
possibly manufactured from advanced composites, could raise the third bending mode
natural frequency out of the excitation range of a cricket ball-bat impact. Such a bat
would show a significant performance improvement over current designs.
The energy absorption procedure described in this paper offers designers a quantitative
approach for optimising the design of cricket bats and other sports equipment.
[Brooks, R., Mather, J. S. B., & Knowles, S. (2006).]

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

The properties are known to be connected with the presentation of the cricket bats as far
as get weight, vibrations bestowed to the batsman, and energy conferred to the cricket
ball. The point of this work was to decide if these original plans further develop the bat's
presentation boundaries.
Seven cricket bats, four norm and three altogether various plans, were tried for a bunch of
mechanical properties: comparable twisting solidness, snapshot of inactivity, and
unreservedly suspended vibration.
Naturally accurately, results showed that by reallocating the mass of the bat further away
from the rotational hub the snapshot of inactivity increments. This outcomes in an
increment of the balls bounce back speed after impact. Carbon filaments embedded in the
handle of the bat were found to work on its vibrational execution and give the benefit of
having a stiffer sharp edge joined with a moderately less-solid handle, which is an ideal
for giving most extreme energy to the ball. [Eftaxiopoulos, T., Narayanan, A., Dear, J.
P., & Bull, A. M. J. (2012).

Bat swing the position, speed and timing of a cricket bat swing estimated by and by and
during a coordinate can give a mentor subtleties of batting expertise. A straight drive was
broke down utilising information from two triaxial accelerometers mounted on the back
substance of a bat and a video. The spatiotemporal subtleties from the video were utilised
to match the accelerometer information involving unbending body elements in the plane
of the swing. Separa ting the drive from the back lift and the return, the central points of
interest of the swing movement and bat pose was examined. The beginning and the finish
of the drive cannot set in stone from the accelerometer information, and from this, the
greatest bat swing still up in the air. The accelerometer innovation can be conveyed
during training and match batting for ability evaluation. [Sarkar, A. K., & Thiel, D. V.
(2015). ]

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

A cricket pitch is a pre-arranged portion of compacted soil and firmly mown turf onto
which the bowler projects the ball. The surface is of essential significance to the game and
ground staff look to guarantee that the ball bounce back is of adequate speed, skip and
consistency to advance ability in both the batsman and bowler. The logical
comprehension of the elements that impact the playing nature of a pitch is inadequate and
ground staff regularly depend on experience and 'general guidelines'. A significant
program of exploration was embraced to decide the viability of a scope of pitch
estimation device that are seen to give signs of playing character.
More than three seasons, 18 hands on work visits were finished at 11 distinct top notch
area grounds. Pitches were tried toward the finish of each match and direct evaluations of
speed, skip and consistency were accomplished by utilizing a counterfeit bowler and high
velocity video plan. Estimations of surface grating, hardness and compensation were
additionally recorded. It was observed that no single pitch estimation had the option to
give a dependable sign of speed or bob, in any case, when the estimations were
consolidated in a basic Newtonian model, great expectations of speed were accomplished.
The review uncovered a straightforward technique by which ground staff can anticipate
pace during vital stages in pitch planning. Notwithstanding, the concentrate likewise
showed that bob is impacted by levels of pitch distortion and that improvement of effect
models and custom estimation apparatuses is expected to dependably anticipate variety in

The bob of a ball (leave point after ball sway comparative with episode point) and speed
(leave speed comparative with occurrence speed) are key qualities which impact the
serious harmony among batsman and bowler in the sport of cricket. The point of the
review was to gauge these playing attributes, to recognize the dirt and turf factors that
influence them and to decide how ricochet and speed can be anticipated. Over the period
1998 to 2003 an aggregate of 92 County Championship match pitches were assigned. A
normalised scope of estimations were made on pitches including skip, hardness and
erosion. Visual examination was made of soil and turf highlights. The playing attributes
revealed by umpires were surveyed according to the pitch properties recorded. Rapid
video (HSV) accounts were made on 23 of the pitches.
Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

An examination between umpires' pitch appraisals of bob and HSV investigation

demonstrated that umpires' evaluations are very solid. Seen bob during play (by umpires)
can be anticipated by estimated bounce back versatility or hardness utilizing a 2.25kg
Clegg sledge to comparative degrees of unwavering quality. Umpires' appraisals of speed
were not relate with estimations of speed by HSV yet were firmly associated to their own
evaluations of ricochet. It was inferred that visual evaluations of speed by umpires are
untrustworthy. Umpires' evaluations of speed are frustrated by the skip of a pitch and
consequently ball 'convey' is a prevailing variable of appraisal. A numerical model was
inferred to foresee genuine speed in light of estimation of skip and surface erosion. The
model was found to concur sensibly well with HSV investigation. [James, D. M., Carré,
M. J., & Haake, S. J. (2005).]

The effect area of a cricket ball on a cricket bat impacts the subsequent bounce back
speed of the ball. To gauge this, a cricket bat was swung in a pendulum movement
towards a cricket ball suspended in space. The place of the ball was changed with the goal
that it affected the bat at 24 distinct situations on the substance of the bat. This included
six positions longitudinally and four positions along the side. The speed of the bat and
each bounce back were estimated by a radar firearm with the goal that the obvious
coefficient of compensation (ACOR) could be determined. Impacts happening halfway
and 1 cm either side of the midline created fundamentally higher bounce back speeds and
ACOR's than impacts happening 2 and 3cm askew (p < 0.01). Impacts happening 15-20
cm from the foundation of the bat created the most elevated bounce back speeds (p <
0.01) and impacts happening 20-30 cm from the foundation of the bat delivered the most
noteworthy ACOR values. Suggestions for higher speed effects and game situations are
examined. [Adams,
W. A., Baker, S. W., James, D. M., & Young, R. J. (2005).]

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

The overexploitation of cricket bat willow (Salix alba var. caerulea) has brought about
practically complete killing of estate furrows of this cultivar from Kashmir, where it is by
and by found developing inadequately as individual trees rather than as seriously oversaw
estates. To support this industry, the accompanying examination exercises should be
started on vital premise in order to make inflexible accessibility of value unrefined
substance a reality.

1. Attempt broad review of willow estates all through the valley of Kashmir and Ladakh
to gather more germplasm from phenotypically prevalent trees. Toward this path, the
Sher-e- Kashmir University of Farming Sciences and Technology of Kashmir has
currently gathered world class germplasm of assortment cerulean from some willow
developing belts of the valley. An elaborate willow rearing system should be started to
deliver a sufficient number of new and better peevish to fill in as rich pools of pedigreed
mixtures for choice also clonal augmentation.
2. An elaborative willow rearing project should be started to deliver a sufficient number of
new and better crosses to fill in as rich pools of pedigreed mixtures for choice and clonal
3. The light tone liked for all that bats must be acquired from sapwood, the width of
which assumes a sensibly very much developed tree. To acquire this, the tree crop
timetable ought to be produced for this cultivar so as to get quality natural substance.
4. The mechanical properties and other wood characterise- spasms of the locally
accessible cricket bat willow should be not set in stone and recorded to contrast it and that
of the English bat willow.
5. The business can take advantage of the worldwide business sectors provided that
present day strategies are followed for creating branded cricket. The efficient showcasing
procedures hence should be created and carried out.
To make the cricket bat industry financially feasible, an all-encompassing methodology
should be adjusted by the legislature of this state. Notwithstanding a far reaching bundle
Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

general speculation motivating forces, the advertisers of this undertaking should be given
unique capital venture appropriation so greater units with cutting edge apparatus what's
more scientific preparing offices for willow clefts could effectively be set up.
Arrangements ought to be made to give cost- decrease motivating forces to the makers so
they could have a profitable beginning influence to confront the competition of laid out
brands from India and abroad. Most
critically, accentuation should put on develop huge scale scientifically oversaw estates of
Salix alba var. cerulean, which is generally appropriate for creating cricket bats to
worldwide norms. For each tree that is felled, producers ought to be urged to replant
basically five willow trees to guarantee a supported stock of value natural substance to the
makers on a drawn out premise. Support of trees on a scientific tree crop timetable is of
fundamental significance, since trees ignored for just 1 year (during their lifetime) will
have practically zero business esteem at development. The trees should along these lines
be debudded up to the wrinkle tallness so as to get the bunch free wood for making cricket
bats.[Masoodi, T. H., Ahmad, H., Gangoo, S. A., Sofi, P. A., Mir, S. A., Saraf, S. A., ...
& Bhat, M. A. (2014).]

Snapshot of latency and 'openly suspended' vibration investigation tests were led, as these
actual properties have been straightforwardly connected with bounce back attributes of
the bats. Results showed that adjustments of the cutting edge's profile, for example,
circulation of the sharp edge's weight along the edges and nearer to the toe have brought
about a reasonable execution benefit of the most current bats in correlation with more
established plans. These outcomes add to the heaviness of proof in cricket that the game
has changed to the advantage of the batsman and extra changes to bat configuration are
possible as present day designing instruments are applied to additionally streamline
execution. [Eftaxiopoulou, T., Narayanan, A., Dear, J. P., & Bull, A. M. J. (2012).]

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Chapter 3

A cricket bat is a basic hardware utilised by a batsman in the game of cricket to hit the
ball. A cricket bat is typically made of willow wood utilised from Salix Alba Caerulea,
the bat handle is normally produced using stick wood.

The bat is generally produced using willow wood.

Cricket bat willow is a developed lumber which prevalently fills in huge ranches in
wetland regions.
This assortment of willow is utilised as it is extremely intense and shock-safe, not being
altogether marked nor fragmenting on the effect of a cricket ball at rapid, while likewise
being light in weight. The substance of the bat is frequently covered with a defensive film
by the client.
The cutting edge is associated with a long tube shaped stick handle, like that of a tennis
racquet, through a join. The handle is generally covered with an elastic grasp. Bats fuse a
wooden spring plan where the handle meets the sharp edge.
Each cricket fan has heard the clear banality "the sound of cowhide on willow" a billion
times, and obviously, bats are made of that sort of wood.

In any case, the cutting edges utilized in cricket are cut explicitly from white willow, or
all the more explicitly salix alba, which is local to Europe and western and focal Asia.

This wood, while being light in weight, is intense and shock safe importance it can deal
with the fast effect of a cricket ball without fragmenting on sway.

However, freely, the technique is as per the following:

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A trunk of willow is formed into generally cricket bat-sized pieces known as clefts. Prior
to being cut into a more natural looking bat shape, their closures are dunked in wax, and
they are air-evaporated for to a year.
Now, the clefts are reviewed into four levels, which is finished by an expert skilled
worker examining the bat. Rules incorporate the straightness of the grain, width of the
grain, any imperfections and so on It is quite significant that, while a Grade 1 bat will
presumably look prevalent, there is no assurance that it will really play better than, say, a
lower-positioned Grade 4 bat.
Then, at that point, the bat goes through the squeezing system, where the it is gradually
compacted into shape by means of a machine.
The sharp edge is then grafted at the top and a handle connected, which is key in giving
the nearly spring-like abilities of the bat.
When the shoulders have been removed, more explicit adjustments are made to the wood
the hard way, like adjusting the toe and documenting superfluous pieces.
After the edges and face have been sanded down, the bat is cleaned by a honey bee's wax
compound, which assists with keeping dampness out and allow linseed to oil in.
The handle is limited by string, and present day augmentations, for example, the elastic
hold and creator's stickers are applied.
Furthermore, but much rearranged, that is all there is to it. In any case, remember to
thump those bats in!


Numerous minor departure from the exemplary plan have arisen throughout the long
term, most broadly with Dennis Lillee's incredible aluminium edge utilised in the 1979
Ashes...for a brief period at any rate, until it was restricted.

All the more as of late, the Twenty20 blast has brought forth various bats, the most
notable of which is the Mongoose. The strangely named edge's extra-long handle and
more modest hitting surface probably gives more bat speed and a lot greater perfect

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At the point when originally bought, most bats are not prepared for sure fire use and
require thumping in to permit the delicate strands to strike a hard new cricket ball without
making harm the bat, and permitting full ability to be moved to the shot.

Thumping in includes hitting the surface with an old cricket ball or an exceptional
hammer. This compacts the delicate strands inside the bat and lessens the gamble of the
bat snapping. The bat may likewise require crude linseed oil, which fills in the holes
between the filaments.

Process of manufacturing a cricket bat.

Step 1 - Cricket Bat Willow

Trees are cut down

Cricket bat willow is a developed wood which fills in enormous manors in wetland regions
. Each tree is separately planted manually and during its normal life expectancy, the
willow will be tended by the cultivator to guarantee that the tree will be appropriate for
bat making. For every willow that is felled, two new trees are planted. In this manner the
business, open country and the real species are safeguarded. Cricket bat making is a
specialty in light of safeguarding the climate and environment.

Step 2 - Timber Selection

Willow ready for grading and machining.

All wood is obtained either from nearby trees or from willow subject matter experts.
Picking mature trees (between 15-35 yrs old), cutting them into adjusts, then, at that point,
parting out the clefts is an infrequent extravagance, as most of time is committed to the
real making processes. The separated has as of now been parted from the round (segment
of the storage compartment), unpleasant sawn, the closures waxed and afterward air or
oven dried to diminish the dampness content. The waxing is fundamental as it keeps
speedy dampness

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misfortune from the end grain which could cause breaks or drying cones. Any clefts
experiencing these cones are sifted through of creation.

Step 3 - Machining the Bat

Machining a cleft to width.

Once in the studio, the split goes through different machining cycles to be cut into the
fundamental edge shape. The abilities engaged with machining, and its significance to the
uprightness of bat creation is the reason we have put so vigorously in our studios. Many
organizations sub-contract machining and squeezing.

Step 4 - Pressing the

Blade Blades ready for

When the cutting edge has been accurately reviewed and machined, the following stage is
the squeezing. The willow strands must be packed to reinforce the lumber adequately to
endure the effect of a cricket ball.

Step 5 - Fitting the Handle

Handle being spliced into a

The handle, a covered development of stick and elastic strips, is fitted through the exact
grafting of the handle into the sharp edge. The skilled worker will set the handle
somewhat forward of the sharp edge guaranteeing an ideal get once the bat is made. The
handle is gotten utilizing a water safe wood paste and left for the time being to dry.

Step 6 - Hand Shaping

The cutting edge is molded by pulling off the willow with the draw blade. The bat
creators will leave greatest wood in the driving region while working the sharp edge to
lay out the offset that is related with the best handcrafted bats.
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Step 7 - Sanding

When formed, the bat will be both course and fine sanded. Like the forming, the sanding is
dependent upon the eye and ability of the skilled worker.

Step 8 - Binding, Polishing &

Labelling Binding a handle.

The handle is bound utilizing the best quality twine. The bat is mounted in a machine
which is controlled utilizing a foot lever; the handle is brushed with stick and whipped
with the twine which gives strength at the highest point of the join and all through the
length of the handle. The edge is then finely shined utilizing a compound wax which
finishes and straightens the wood leaving a glossy silk finish.

After every one of these interaction at long last we have a total proficient Cricket Bat


Regulation 5 of the Laws of Cricket express that the length of the bat might be something
like 38 in (965 mm), the width something like 4.25 in (108 mm), the general profundity
something like 2.64 in (67 mm) and edge something like 1.56 in (40 mm). Bats commonly
weigh from 2 lb 7 oz to 3 lb (1.2 to 1.4 kg) however there is no norm. Informative
supplement B of the Laws of Cricket set out more exact details. This standard was
presented adhering to the Monster Bat Incident of 1771.

The 2017 update to the Laws saw no progressions to the most extreme length of the bat,
which is as yet 38 inches/96.52 cm, however another particular expressed that the edge of
the bat can't be more than 1.56 inches/4 cm while the profundity can't be more than 2.64
inches/6.7 cm. The umpires are currently given a bat measure so they can actually look at
the lawfulness of the bat whenever.

Bats are accessible in a scope of sizes, for certain producers offering one of a kind
varieties. Regularly found are kids' sizes 0 to 6, youth size Harrow and grown-up sizes.
SH (Short Handle) is the most widely recognized grown-up size, while long handle and
long sharp
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edge choices are likewise accessible. Kids' sizes expansion long and width as the size
increment. Albeit most grown-up bats will be the greatest width allowed (4.25 inches), no
by and large accessible cricket bat is the most extreme length of 38 inches, without a
doubt not very many surpass 35 inches.

Sweet spot:
The perfect balance on a cricket bat is characterised as where the ball gets greatest speed
increase. Perfect balance impacts are joined by negligible bumping of the hands and lower
The perfect balance on a cricket bat is characterised as where the ball gets greatest speed
increase. Perfect balance impacts are joined by insignificant bumping of the hands and
lower arms. Utilizing 3 pivot accelerometers mounted on the bat and the wrists, ball
strikes were recorded for cautious drives along the ground. There is huge proof that
perfect balance hits have low degrees of vibration in the wrist sensors so little, battery
fueled, accelerometers can be utilized to separate perfect balance hits during ordinary
match play and practice.

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In the elevated place perfect balances will more often than not stay in 250mm over the toe
of the bat. These bats are for a pacey and fun pitch. These kinds of bats are appropriate for
the batsmen who like to play the snares and pulls. In the fig we can see that the bend
cutting edge most extreme thickness is a piece up and it is almost at the 250mm range
from the lower part of the bat.

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Medium position perfect balance implies that the perfect balance isn't at the elevated
place nor at the base. The pitches where there is nothing similar to ricochet except for just
speed, batmen utilize these sort of bats. Batsmen who will more often than not play in the
offside favours these sort of bats. In the test matches and province cricket batsmen will
quite often utilize these kind of bats. Medium perfect balance is set at 225mm from the
lower part of the bat


In the medium/low perfect balance region this region is situated above 210mm from toe
area of bat. Medium/Low perfect balance region assists the player in low bob with
pitching where players get effectively associate the ball in perfect balance region.
Batsman with exemplary drives and shots inclines toward this kind of bat. Generally the
initial batsmen will more often than not utilize this kind of bats who favours drive shots.

Bat Handle
A Bat handle is the cylinder formed wood, the piece of the bat which a batsman uses to
hold the bat with one hand over the other. To ensure the bat doesn't escape the hands, the
handle is covered with flexible hold.
The handle is normally made as a substitute piece of wood than the essential bat itself. It
is all around created utilizing white willow wood and is attached to the essential body of
the bat through a joint called a graft.
Cricket bats moreover went with various size of the bat handles A Bat can be both of a
short length or a long length. For individuals who are tall (in excess of 6 feet), long handle
bats are entirely important. The outright length of the bat handle is overall in the extent of
33 to 35 inches.

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There are 3 shapes in handles:

● Oval handle
● Semi oval
● Round handle.

Oval Handle
The choice of various batsmen all around the planet. It is consistently known to assist
with control of the lead hand, dealing down the hotness the base hand and helping hitters
with playing in the 'V'. Offers a more clear feel through the chance and twists less on
influence accordingly less energy is lost. Helps the improvement of a lead hand
overwhelming technique.

Round Handle
Grants the base hand to turn out to be perhaps the main variable even more really for
ethereal shots. As a free choose players that attack mainly with level bat shots will
frequently incline toward a Round handle as it thinks about a more straightforward turn of
the wrist over the ball. Commonly the choice of Asian players. For players are wristy, for
example, using the base hand and like to feel the base hand on the handle.

Semi Oval
This is a cream between the oval and round handle and offers a slight oval handle and
isn't exactly so exceptionally expressed as a customary oval handle.

Bat Shoulder
This definitively goes by the word, and like the shoulders of the human body, the bat's
shoulder interfaces the bat's handle with the major body. This piece of the bat isn't
essentially used for striking the ball; regardless, any relationship of the ball with this part
is viewed as authentic point of interaction.

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While purchasing a bat, ensure that the shoulder of the bat is a piece twisted as this
associates in holding the bat better. The twisted shoulder routinely makes the hold of the
bat climb. A fast solution for fix the grip from climbing is to put a tape on the hold around
the shoulder of the bat.

Bat Splice
The join is the V-shaped framed piece of wood. It is the base piece of the handle which is
joined to the edge of the bat. The join holds the impact as the ball associates with the
sharp edge. If fragile willow is used in the bat, the join could ingest the impact well and
the ball skip back further off the sharp edge.

Bat Blade
The edge of the bat is the essential piece of a cricket bat. To affirm the grade of a cricket
bat, you ought to evaluate the sharp edge of a cricket bat.
Besides, the edge of the bat can also be ordered into four segments, the edge, the face, the
swell, and the spine. All things considered, it is level fronted, with an edge at the back.

You may often hear the experts say that the batsman has edged the ball to the slips! This
on a very basic level infers that the ball hits the side corner of the bat.
The various sides of the state of the art starting from the shoulder till the bat's toe
structure the edges of the bat. Inside edge (right side edge for a right-hand batsmen) or the
outside edge (left side edge for a right-hand batsman) is what most of the bowlers look
Here a ball hits when a batsman confounds the ball or gets misled due to bend, swing, or
skip of the ball. The same, in any case, could save a batsman from a LBW (Leg Before
Wicket) offer, or now and again such mis-hits could surrender two or three lucky hustles
to the batsman.

It is the front side of the bat between the shoulder and the toe of the bat. This piece of the
bat is mainly used to strike the ball and its help is imperative to stay aware of the

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presentation of the bat. Some cricket bat sharp edges are covered with hard plastic to
safeguard the wooden surface from mileage
There are 2 sorts of faces:
● Round
● Flat

Round Face
This is the most well-known way a cricket bat face profile is made. It is acknowledged
that a round face can diminish the chance of mischief to the edges and grant more ricochet
back and ping to be kept in the bat for longer.

Flat Face
This was a face profile that was introduced during the 2000's. It is done to give the
presence of the colossal bats we in general know today. It allows the bat maker to press
the bat lighter and get unimaginable ping in the ideal equilibrium. It takes a touch longer
for the bat to 'open up' but when it does the ball stays hit.

Cricket Bat Toe is the lower part of the edge and the piece of the bat that lays on the
ground. The toe on everything cricket bats can be helpless against breakage. A cricket bat
is planned with the goal that the batsman strikes the cricket ball 6-8 creeps up from the
bat toe, in the focal point of the edge. Whenever batsmen face "Yorker" conveyances at
the toe end, the effect of a moving bat meeting the speed of the ball can be extremely
high, accordingly making the wood scratch or split. Toe breakage is extremely normal
issue and, surprisingly, the most experienced individual winds up breaking the base.
Anyway an expert bat repairer can prepared the bat by utilising guts and mortars.

The toe of the cricket bat comes in two shapes:

● Flat toe
● Round toe.

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Cricket Bat Spine is found on the back essence of the cricket bat. The spine is the line that
runs down the focal point of the cricket bat's back beginning from the handle getting
down to the toe.
Higher spine or a thicker swell profundity addresses more willow mass behind the perfect
balance. The perfect balance is more profound and displays better bouncing back
characteristics. A more profound swell assists with giving the cricket bat a bigger perfect
Mid-spine cricket bat profile will have the spine tallness top at the mid situation with the
shoulder and toe essentially spine stature concentrating willow mass around the center of
the sharp edge. The cricket bat with a mid spine has a perfect balance at the mid position.
Low spine cricket bat profile will have the spine stature top at the lower part of the cricket
edge. The spine stature concentrates willow mass around the lower part of the edge. The
cricket bat with a low spine have perfect balance at the low place of the cricket cutting

How to protect your cricket bat

Cricket Bat is a significant part in cricket-sports. Each cricket-sweetheart needs to
duplicate the parts of their beloved players. Angles can be cricket bats, playing methods
and style, cricket grasps and size, and some more. However, the main key-sign which
each cricket- darlings get is cricket bats which essentially incorporates bat brand, style,
key-specs, and elements.

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Albeit, the cricket bat is a fundamental resource. Nobody wishes to fork out another
cricket sock for consistently or month. Aside from playing cricket just, one ought to
likewise need to deal with their cricket bats by shielding and keeping up with them from
any of the harm/breaks. So beneath are the 4 fundamental ways with which you can deal
with your cricket bats.

4 Possible Ways to Protect, Repair, And Maintain Your Cricket Bat:

● Thumping and Oiling
● Taping
● Toe-safeguarding
● Keeping up with Sock

1. Thump in, Oil it, protect it:

Thump in your cricket bat helps in security against the effect of a cricket bat. Oiling helps
in keeping up with the dampness levels of your cricket bats inside the cutting edge.

Step by step instructions to Knock-in and Oiling:

Thump in your cricket bat either with a basic ball or wooden hammer. Really like to
thump in edges and face of your cricket bat before the game. To lessen the gamble of
breaking, attempt to oil your cricket bats prior to utilising it.

2. Apply tape on bat face:

The two edges and face are fundamentally on the higher edge which can expand the break
rate on your cricket bats. Nonetheless, oiling and thump in your best cricket bats is a
method for safeguarding your sock yet taping is likewise fundamental for your cricket

Step by step instructions to Apply:

When the match or game completions, you will figure out a few even breaks despite the
bat. On that point, one should apply the fiber tape either on the broke spots or full playing
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3. Safeguard your cricket bat toe:

Frequently such a large number of discusses edges and faces, still the main part of the bat
is forthcoming and that is toe insurance. Hazard of breaking can be more assuming your
bat hits a rapid cricket ball with next to no toe security and can hurt the edge too.

Instructions to safeguard:
Straightforward, yet productive way is to safeguard your toe is applying a toe monitor on
your cricket bat. This can guarantee the enduring of your cricket bat.

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4. Deal with your cricket bat sooner or later:

Keeping up with your cricket bat in the long run after use is the most troublesome errand.
Holding it in a proficient and great manner, can offer a generally excellent life and care to
your bat.

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Instructions to Maintain:
Attempt to utilise linseed oil or bat wax for each 5 to about a month and a half approx..
This can improve the adaptability of your bat. Continuously keep up with the hold of the
sock erroneous position just for example Evenly. Place your bat in dry and cold areas.

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What are the Types of Cricket Bats?

Bats are made of normally stringy wood called willow. The willow goes through some
handling, treated with oil which gives it a defensive capacity. A bat comprises of grains,
shaping the lines on the substance of the bat. The kinds of willows used to make the bat
● English willow
● Kashmir willow

English willow
The English willow is a delicate and stringy wood. It is milder contrasted with the
Kashmir willow and has thicker edges. Made utilizing the superior nature of wood, it
gives the ideal result and the best exhibition.

Kashmir willow
The Kashmir Willow is heavier contrasted with English willow since the wood used to
make a Kashmir willow is more earnestly. Execution insightful, the bats caused utilizing
Kashmir Willow to don't give a similar presentation when contrasted with English willow
bats, and henceforth such bats are somewhat less famous.

Traditional way of buying a bat.

With regards to purchasing another cricket bat there are various elements that you want to
address prior to settling on your official choice to buy another cricket bat, for example,

● The brand
● The size
● The model
● The weight
These are only a couple of elements to consider.
Picking a cricket bat in view of its image truly boils down to individual inclination, as
practically there isn't many significant contrast between brands. They all have cricket bats
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with comparable characteristics and highlights; it is the variety between models that I
would focus more as well, not the brand name. Anyway it is worth focusing on that a
portion of the new Kookaburra cricket bat models are practically interesting, as some are
currently built up with another graphite grid, giving "most extreme power move and
expanded strength".

While purchasing another cricket bat, cautiously select the model of cricket bat that most
reasonably accommodates your style of play. As certain bats are planned explicitly
specific styles as a primary concern, for instance the Kookaburra Big Kahuna, is intended
for solid, 'huge hitters'. Though the Kookaburra Kahuna Ricky Ponting cricket bat is a
superb decision for a stroke player who likes to hit limits.

It is vital while purchasing another cricket bat to pick the right size bat. As a bat that is
too huge or too little will just frustrate your playing capacity. I've tracked down the most
effective way to decide whether a bat is of the right size, is to remain in your batting
position and rest the toe of the bat against the outside of your back foot, lean the cricket
bat so the highest point of the handle rests close to within crotch of your front leg.
Assuming the bat is of the right size it should rest serenely close to your case within
crotch of your front leg.

The heaviness of a cricket bat is presumably generally significant and you ought to pick a
lighter bat where conceivable. A ton of players wrongly purchase a bat which is too
weighty and their presentation endures thus, this is particularly pertinent to more youthful
players who are regularly calmed into purchasing bats which are either to weighty or too
large. As a grown-up I tend tochoose a load of around 2' 8 - 2' 10 oz, in a short handle

You ought to likewise consider to grade and kind of the willow of the cricket bat. Most
bats are produced using English Willow, which is a delicate sinewy wood, with great
striking characteristics and is the most ideal choice. There is likewise Kashmir Willow,
which is less expensive, harder and very sturdy. It is generally expected utilized in junior
bats and delivers less ball striking fulfilment. Continuously pick English Willow when
given the choice.
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Cricket bat willow is evaluated on a scale from G1+ to G4. A willow grade of G1+ is the
most noteworthy grade and is utilized by the top experts, it is the best willow and is
unbleached with straight even grains and no markings or discolouration. It's more costly
however as consistently you get what you pay for!

Grade 4 (G4) willow is frequently non-oil and will as a rule have a covering on the face,
for example, an enemy of scrape covering. It is the least grade of willow, which is
addressed in the cost. Assuming that you have the cash generally settle on the most
elevated grade willow you can bear.

You can now purchase cricket bats online less expensive than you can disconnect, as
online stores will generally have less expenses related with their organisations thus can
offer less expensive costs and limits. Likewise most deal with their bats so you can return
it on the off chance that the size or weight isn't exactly what you need. A subtle tip; on the
off chance that you see another bat you like go to your neighbourhood store, check the
size, weight, feel and pickup, then, at that point, purchase on the web, so you'll get the
exact thing you need and set aside cash simultaneously.
These are only a couple of thoughts and tips I think about while purchasing another
cricket bat, most significant are the bats size, weight and feel. Clearly the cost is a
significant variable, yet by purchasing on the web you can frequently set aside cash.

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Chapter -4
Research methodology

4.1 Introduction
Research is characterised as human action in light of scholarly application in the
examination of issue. The main role for applied research is finding, deciphering, and the
improvement of strategies and frameworks for the headway of human information on a
wide assortment of logical issues of our reality and the universe.
The term research is likewise used to depict a whole assortment of data about a specific
subject. Technique is the strategy followed while leading the review on a specific
undertaking. Through this strategy a methodical report is directed based on which the
premise of a report is created.
It is a composed strategy for directing Research. Research technique has quite a large
number aspects. It incorporates the exploration techniques as well as considers the
rationale behind the techniques utilised with regards to the review and clarifies why just a
specific strategy or method has been utilised. It likewise assists with understanding the
presumptions basic different methods and by which they can conclude that specific
strategies will be pertinent to certain issues and other will not. Subsequently to tackle an
exploration issue, it is important to plan an examination approach for the issue as the
some might contrast from issue to issue. The system embraced for Reviewing People’s
Perception towards New Conveyance Techniques in the country India

4.2 What is Research?

Research is the systematic investigation, analysis, and interpretation of information to

increase understanding and knowledge of a particular subject or phenomenon. It involves
gathering data, analysing and interpreting it to draw conclusions, and communicating the
results to others. Research can be conducted in various fields, such as science, social
sciences, humanities, business, and technology, among others. It involves a process of
inquiry that aims to answer specific questions or solve problems using rigorous and
reliable methods. The goal of research is to produce new knowledge and insights that
can be used to improve our understanding of the world around us and to inform decision-

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4.4 Basic types of research are:

1. Descriptive vs Analytical:

Descriptive research involves observing and describing a phenomenon, situation

or population without attempting to influence or manipulate it. It focuses on
collecting data through surveys, observations, or interviews to describe the
characteristics of a population, situation or phenomenon. Descriptive research
aims to answer the questions "what is happening?" and "what is the current state of
affairs?" Examples of descriptive research include surveys that collect
demographic information, case studies, and observational studies.
Analytical research, on the other hand, involves analysing and interpreting data to
gain a deeper understanding of a phenomenon, situation or population. It focuses
on examining relationships between variables and understanding the causes and
effects of a phenomenon. Analytical research aims to answer the questions "why
is it happening?" and "how does it work?" Examples of analytical research include
experimental studies, quasi-experimental studies, and correlational studies.
In summary, descriptive research focuses on describing a phenomenon or
population, while analytical research aims to analyse and interpret data to
understand the underlying causes and relationships between variables. Both types

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of research are important and can complement each other in providing a more
comprehensive understanding of a topic.

2. Applied vs Fundamental:

Applied research is conducted to solve a practical problem, answer a specific

question or develop a new product, process, or technology. It is usually carried out
in a real-world setting and has immediate applications. Applied research aims to
provide solutions to problems, improve existing practices or products, and meet
the needs of industry, government or society. Examples of applied research
include market research, product development, and evaluation of new medical
treatments. Fundamental research, on the other hand, is conducted to expand our
understanding of a phenomenon or explore new theories, concepts, or ideas. It
aims to enhance knowledge and theory-building in a particular field, without
necessarily having immediate practical applications. Fundamental research is
usually conducted in a laboratory or academic setting and focuses on exploring the
underlying principles and mechanisms of a phenomenon. Examples of
fundamental research include basic science research, pure mathematics, and
theoretical physics.
In summary, applied research is focused on solving practical problems and
developing new products, processes or technologies, while fundamental research is
focused on expanding our understanding of a particular field and building new
theories and concepts. Both types of research are important for advancing
knowledge and achieving societal goals.

3. Quantitative vs Qualitative:

Quantitative research is a research method that involves collecting and analysing

numerical data using statistical and mathematical methods. It is a deductive
approach that uses empirical evidence to test hypotheses and draw conclusions.
Quantitative research aims to measure the relationships between variables and test
causal relationships between them. Examples of quantitative research include
surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis of large datasets.
Qualitative research, on the other hand, is a research method that involves
collecting and analysing non-numerical data such as words, images, and
observations. It is an inductive approach that aims to explore and understand the
meanings and experiences of people in their natural setting. Qualitative research
aims to gain an in-depth understanding of a phenomenon or situation, and it often
involves open-ended interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic observation.

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In summary, quantitative research is focused on measuring and testing

relationships between variables, while qualitative research is focused on exploring
and understanding the meanings and experiences of people. Both types of research
are important and can be used to complement each other in providing a more
comprehensive understanding of a topic.

4. Conceptual vs Empirical:

Conceptual research is a type of research that focuses on developing new ideas,

concepts, and theories. It is a theoretical approach that aims to explore and analyse
the relationships between concepts and ideas. Conceptual research often involves
literature review, analysis of existing theories, and the development of new
theoretical frameworks. It does not involve data collection or analysis but rather
focuses on developing abstract concepts and ideas.
Empirical research, on the other hand, is a type of research that involves collecting
and analysing data through observation, experimentation, or survey methods. It is
a practical approach that aims to gather evidence to test theories, hypotheses, or
claims. Empirical research often involves quantitative or qualitative methods of
data collection and analysis, such as surveys, experiments, or observational
In summary, conceptual research focuses on developing new theories and ideas,
while empirical research focuses on testing theories and gathering evidence
through data collection and analysis. Both types of research are important for
advancing knowledge and understanding in a particular field, and they can be used
in conjunction with each other to develop and test new theories and ideas.

4.5 Primary data:

There are basic approaches to data collections using primary methods:

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

4.5.1 Quantitative research approach:

Quantitative research is an empirical research approach that involves collecting and
analysing numerical data using statistical and mathematical methods. Data is typically
collected using structured surveys, experiments, or observational studies and analysed
using statistical techniques to identify patterns, relationships, and trends. The goal of
quantitative research is to measure the relationships between variables and test causal
relationships between them. It typically involves a large sample size and is conducted
using a quantitative research design such as a randomized controlled trial or a quasi-
experimental design. The results of quantitative research are often presented using
statistical analyses, graphs, and charts.

4.5.2 Qualitative research approach:

Qualitative research is an empirical research approach that involves collecting
and analysing non-numerical data such as words, images, and observations to
gain an in-depth understanding of a phenomenon or situation. It is an inductive
approach that aims to explore and understand the meanings and experiences of
people in their natural setting. Qualitative research typically involves a small
sample size and is often conducted using a qualitative research design such as
case studies or ethnography. Examples of qualitative research include studies
on social issues, cultural practices, and individual experiences. It is particularly
useful when exploring complex or sensitive topics where the experiences and
perceptions of individuals are important.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

The system embraced to accomplish the task objective included clear examination
technique. The data expected for satisfying the target of study was gathered from different
essential and auxiliary sources.


This study is DESCRIPTIVE in nature. It helps in breaking vague problem into smaller
and precise problem and emphasises on discovering new ideas and insights.


Research configuration establishes the blue print for the assortment, estimation and
investigation of information.
The current review looks to recognize the degree of inclinations of cricket bats over
players. The examination configuration is expressive in nature. The research has been led
on People living in India for the determination of the example, helpful examining strategy
was embraced and an endeavour has been made to incorporate all the age gatherings and
orientation of each class.


The instrument utilised for get-together information was survey. To get further knowledge
in to the research issue, interview with respect to their purchasing rehearses too was
made. This was done to cross check the legitimacy of the information gave. To enhance
the essential information and to work with the most common way of drawing derivation,
optional information was gathered from distributed sources like magazines, diaries,
papers and so forth.


Keeping in view the idea of prerequisites of the review to gather all the applicable data
concerning degree of mindfulness Knowing People’s Perception Towards New Delivery
Strategies, COLSE ENDED poll was taken on for the assortment of essential information.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Auxiliary information has been gathered through the different web destinations by surfing
on Internet.

Wellsprings OF DATA: Following are the strategies for wellsprings of information:


Articles on the growth and participation of women athletes in India are taken from
journals, articles, diaries, magazines published from time to time through the internet.


Survey was utilised to gather essential information from respondents. The survey was
organised sort and contained questions connecting with various elements of internet
business among administration class, for example, level of use, factors affecting the
utilisation, benefits building to the players, issues experienced. An endeavour was
likewise made to evoke purposes behind its non-use. The inquiries remembered for the
survey were open-finished, dichotomous and offering numerous decisions.


In this exploration project Descriptive examination configuration is utilised. Judgement
and Convenience inspecting strategy will be utilised to get the data about People’s View
and Opinion. This technique is utilised in light of the fact that we are keen on
investigating orientation, age, or occupation inconsistencies as far as cricket bat in the
populace. For leading this examination, an organised survey is ready and test of 116
clients is take in players and coaches.


It shows the quantities of individuals to be reviewed. However enormous examples give
more solid results than little examples however because of limitation of time and cash, the
example size was limited to 116 respondents. The respondents have a place with various
pay bunch and calling.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


It characterises the objective populace that will be inspected for example it answers who
is to be studied.


The information so gathered will be investigated through the use of measurable methods,
for example, bar graphs and pie charts.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Chapter 5

Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modelling data

with the goal of discovery useful information, suggestion, conclusion, and supporting
decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches diverse techniques
under variety of names, in different business science and social science domains.

Number of Respondents: 116

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TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

● Male
● Female
● Other

The purpose of asking this question is to find the gender of respondents who took part in
the survey.

Data interpretation:
Major aspect of the survey was gender. The responders were given the alternatives
of Male, Female, or Other.
The male audience accounts for 70.7 percent of the total viewership.
While the female audience accounts for 29.3 percent.
Other has received no votes.
There are 82 male responders and 34 female respondents among the 116 people who have
completed the survey.
It is clear from the study that male audiences outnumber female audiences.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Age group

● 6-12
● 13-17
● 18-25
● 26-35
● 35 above

The purpose of asking this question is to find the average age of the respondents.

Data interpretation:
One of the most significant questions to ask was the age group of the respondents, as it
was required to classify which age group had responded most frequently in the particular
questionnaire. The bulk of the responders, as shown in the graph above, are between the
ages of 18 - 25. 34 OF 116 respondents are between the ages of 18 -25. 29.3 percent of
those polled are between the ages of 18-25. Only 10.3 percent, or 12 person answered the
questionnaire which was the lowest of the options available of the age group 13-17. 16.4
percent of the population are between the ages of 6-12 and 26.7 percent above 35 which
is the second highest responded group. 17.2 percent or 20 people have respondents
between the age group of 26-35. According to the study, maximum participants between
the ages of 18-25 replied to the questionnaire.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
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The purpose of asking this question is to find the average height of the respondents.

Data interpretation:
The above bar graph shows you the height of players which is the most important part
while selecting the bat. The height is measured in feet. Out of 116 respondents 5’1 is the
height on 14 people which is the highest count of 14 with 11.3%. The second highest is
the height of 5’8 with count of 13 people. The third highest count is for 6’ with 10
people. The lowest height is of 4’11, 4’2, 4’3, 4’, 6’3, 6’4, 6’8 & 6’6 with a count of one
person. The highest height seen in the bar graph is of 5’1. This was the data received by
the respondents.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26


The purpose of asking this question is to find the average height of the respondents.

Data interpretation:
The above bar graph shows you about the weight of the respondents or the players. This is
also a factor of bat selection. These elements tell you to opt for a heavy or light bat. The
bar graph shows you that the highest count of weight 85kg is of 8 people with 12.9. The
second highest weight of 60kg with a count of 7 people. The third highest weight of 70kg
with a count of 6 people. The lowest weight is recorded of 35kg and the highest of 130kg.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have you ever played commercial cricket? *

● Yes
● No

The purpose of asking this question was asked to know whether the respondents have
ever played commercial cricket or not.

Data interpretation:
If the respondents have never played the cricket the survey data is of no use.
So in the above pie chart we have got 75 percent have played commercial cricket and
25 percent respondents have not played commercial cricket. In clear numbers 116 out of
87 have played commercial cricket and 29 out of 116 haven't played commercial

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Which aspect of the game are you good at? *

● Batting
● Bowling
● All Rounder

The purpose of asking this question was asked to know whether the respondents is good
as batsman, bowler or all-rounder.

Data interpretation:
So the above pie chart shows the respondents favourite part of game.
As we can see 42.2 percent people’s favourite part is batting.
23.3 percent people’s favourite is bowling.
The 34.5 percent favourite part is both batting as well as bowling i.e. All-rounder.
In numbers 40 people love to do batting and bowling i.e. all-rounder, 49 peoples favourite
part is batting & 27 peoples favourite part is bowling out of 116 people.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

In which order do you bat? *

● Opener
● Middle order
● Lower

The purpose of asking this question was asked to know whether the respondents in which
order do they bat.

Data interpretation:
So the question asked in the above pie chart is about the batting position of the player.
In the above pie chart 40.5 is the highest percentage with people who bat i.e. 47 people
bat at middle order.
The second highest percentage has got to opening order with 36.2% that is 42 people bat
at opening order.
The least percentage has got to lower order batsmen with a percentage of 23.3% with 27
people who bat at lower order.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Among these, which bat brand are you aware of? *

 SG
 SS
 GM
 Other:

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents were aware of
which bat brands.

Data interpretation:
In the above pie chart the question was asked to the respondents which brand’s bat are
they aware.
So as we can see the highest percentage is 70.2%. That is 82 people out of 116 people are
aware of SS bats. This is the bat used by Saurav Ganguly, Virender Sehwag, Sachin
Tendulkar, V.V.S Laxman, Roger Binny and many well-known players.

The second highest percentage is for SG bat with 63.8% i.e. 74 people out of 116 aware
of this bat brand.
The third highest using bat is GM with 60.3% i.e. 70 people aware of the bat out of 116
The fourth highest using bat is MRF with 56.9% i.e. 66 people aware of the bat out of 116
people. This is the bat used by our master blaster sachin tendulkar and run machine virat
kholi and many well-known players.

Silvo bat has got 1.7% with 2 people aware of the bat brand.

Other brands like IHSAN, GRANICALS, DUNCAN FERNLEY, SF & ZBAT are also
known by the responded.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What size bat do you use? *

 1
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 H (Harrow)
 Full SH
 Full LH

The purpose of asking this question was to know that responded are using what size of bat.

Data interpretation:
The highest percentage is 24.1% with 28 people using full size short handle bat. Full size
(SH) bat has got the highest percentage over all in all sizes.
The second highest size of bat is 20.7% with 24 people using size 6 bat.
Third highest 18.1 % of size 5 bat with 21 people using the bat out of 116 people.
2.6% has got harrow size bat with 3 people.
Size 1 and 2 with only1 people using that size bat.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have you been influenced by any cricketer to buy your bat? *

● Yes
● No

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents had ever bought
their bats after being influenced by any cricketer.

Data interpretation:
The question asked in the above pie chart is have you ever been inspired from particular
player to buy a specific bat he is using.

So in the above pie chart 57.8% people have got inspired by a specific player they liked to
use the bat. 67 people in total out of 116 people have got inspired.

While on the other hand 42.2% people have not been inspired by any of the player to use
the bat. That is 49 people haven't got inspired.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have you been influenced by any brand in your decision to buy a bat? *

● Yes
● No

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents had ever bought
their bats after being influenced by any brand or not.

Data interpretation:
The question asked in the above pie chart is have you ever been influenced by any brand
in your decision to buy a bat.

So in the above pie chart 59.5% people have got inspired by a specific brand they liked to
use the bat. 69 people in total out of 116 people have got inspired.

While on the other hand 40.5% people have not been inspired by any of the brand to use
the bat. That is 47 people haven't got inspired.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What type of bat weight do you prefer? *

 Heavy
 Middle
 Light

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents were using a
specific bat and what their weight preference was.

Data interpretation:
So the above question asked for the pie chart is the weight preference of the bat. Many
players like to use middle weight bat depends on the stance of the player.
In the above chart 18.1% people like to play with heavy weight bat that is 21 people out
of 116.
31.9% people like to play with light weight bat that is 37 people out of 116.
50% people like to play with middle weight bat that is 58 people out of 116.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have you ever heard of a cricket bat's Sweet Spot? *

● Yes
● No

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents knew about the
sweet spot in the cricket bat.

Data interpretation:
The question asked in the above pie chart is about the sweet spot. Do you know about the
sweet spot or no?
According to the data 83.6% people know about the sweet spot. The sweet spot is the
most important part of the bat. About 16.4% of people don't know about the sweet spot.

That means 97 people know about the sweet spot and 19 people don't know about
sweet spot.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

In what position is your Sweet Spot located? *

● Low
● Medium
● High

The purpose of asking this question was to know where the respondent’s sweet spot in the
cricket bat is located.

Data interpretation:
The above question asked in the pie chart is about the sweet spot of the bat. The
respondent in this question has told the sweet spot of their bat. The highest percentage of
people having a medium sweet spot is 67.2%. That is 78 people having a medium sweet
spot. The second highest percentage is 18.1% with a low sweet spot. In numbers 21
people out of 116 people have a low sweet spot. The least percentage have reached got
to high sweet spot that is 14.7% with 17 people out of 116 people.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What shape is your bat handle? *

● Round
● Oval
● Semi-oval

The purpose of asking this question was to know what the respondent’s preference for the
bat handle shape is.

Data interpretation:
The question asked in the above pie chart is: what is the shape of your bat handle? The
respondents in the pie chart have selected one option out of three.
The highest percentage in the pie chart is 54.3% with round handle in numbers 63 people
are using round handle bat.
The second highest after round handle is semi-oval handle with 23.3% that means 27
people are using semi-oval handle.
The least percentage have been got for oval handle with 22.4% and 26 people out of 116
people are using oval handle.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What type of pitch do you generally play? *

 Fast and Bouncy Pitch

 Slow and Low Pitch
 Uneven Bounce
 Spin
 Swing

The purpose of asking this question was to know what type of pitch respondents generally
play on.

Data interpretation:
Again this is the most important question in selection of bat. The question asked in the
above pie chart is where do you generally play on? The respondents in the above question
have selected one option out of 5 option. The highest percentage is 31% with 36 people
out of 116 people play on Slow and Low Pitch. The second highest percentage is 30.2%
with 35 people out of 116 people play on Fast and Bouncy Pitch. Whereas 16.4% play on
Uneven Bounce pitch & 15.5% play on spin pitch in India. The least percentage in the
above pie chart is 6.9% with 8 people playing on Swing pitch.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have you ever changed your bat in between innings according to the situation? *

● Yes
● No

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the respondents had changed the
bat between innings.

Data interpretation:
In the above pie chart, the question asked is whether the player changed the bat between
innings. The respondents have selected one option out of two options. If they want to use
a different bat for a specific purpose, such as hitting sixes or playing defensive shots.

62.1% have changed the bat between the innings, i.e., 72 people out of 116.

37.9 percent of people have not changed the bat between the innings, i.e., 44 people have
not changed.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

Have ever price been the factor to buy your bat? *

 Yes
 No

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the price factor was a factor in the
purchases of the respondents.

Data interpretation:
In the above pie chart, the question asked is whether ever price been the factor to buy
your bat. The respondents have selected one option out of two options.

69% have i.e. 80 people out of 116 people have said yes that price has been the factor
while they buy the bat.

While, 31% have i.e. 36 people out of 116 people have said no that price has not been the
factor while they buy the bat.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What prize range bat do you prefer? *

 Under 5k
 5K-10K
 10K-15K
 15K+

The purpose of asking this question was to know whether the price factor was a factor in the
purchases of the respondents.

Data interpretation:

In the above pie chart, the question asked is what price range they prefer. The respondents
have selected one option out of four possible options.

36.2%, i.e., 42 people out of 116, have said that a price range between 5k and 10k is what
they prefer when they go to buy their bat.

While there are still 35.3%, i.e., 41 people, who are not ready to spend more than 5k on their

Where on other side 10.3% i.e. 12 people are ready to spend more than 15k on their bat.

While 18.1%, i.e., 21 people out of 116, are willing to spend between 10k to 15k on their bat.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India.
TYBMS (Sports Management) Roll No: 26

What is your opinion on the following statement for a cricket bat? *

The purpose of asking this statement was to know what respondent feels for all 10 given
statements whether they agree, strongly agree or they are neutral to the statement or
whether they disagree or strongly disagree to it.

Data interpretation: Of above bar graph

Statement 1 Bar Graph 1

The weight of a cricket bat is the most important factor to consider when selecting a bat
for playing on a fast and bouncy pitch. 61 People Strongly Agree, 47 People Agree, 6
people are neutral & 1 people each disagree & strongly disagree to this statement.

Statement 2 Bar Graph 2

The level of experience and skill of the player is a crucial factor in determining the type
of cricket bat to select. 47 People Strongly Agree, 55 People Agree, 14 people are
neutral & none people are disagree & strongly disagree to this statement.

Statement 3 Bar Graph 3

The brand of the cricket bat is a key factor that influences the decision to purchase a
particular bat in India. 31 People Strongly Agree, 37 People Agree, 42 people are
neutral, 5 people disagree & 1 people strongly disagree to this statement.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

Statement 4 Bar Graph

The type of wood used to make the cricket bat is a primary consideration when selecting
a cricket bat. 54 People Strongly Agree, 39 People Agree, 21 people are neutral, none
people disagree & 2 people strongly disagree to this statement.

Data interpretation: Of above bar graph

Statement 5 Bar Graph 1

The cost of the cricket bat is a major factor that influences the decision to purchase a
particular bat. 27 People Strongly Agree, 54 People Agree, 29 people are neutral & 3
people each disagree & strongly disagree to this statement.

Statement 6 Bar Graph 2

The playing position of the player is an important factor to consider when selecting a
cricket bat. 37 People Strongly Agree, 43 People Agree, 28 people are neutral, 8 people
disagree & none people strongly disagree to this statement.

Statement 7 Bar Graph 3

The balance of a cricket bat is a crucial factor to consider when playing on a slow and
low pitch. 41 People Strongly Agree, 43 People Agree, 26 people are neutral, 6 people
disagree & none people strongly disagree to this statement.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

Statement 8 Bar Graph 4

The thickness of the edges of a cricket bat is a critical factor to consider when playing on
a pitch with uneven bounce. 31 People Strongly Agree, 53 People Agree, 28 people are
neutral, 4 people disagree & none people strongly disagree to this statement.

Data interpretation: Of above bar graph

Statement 9 Bar Graph 1

The handle of the cricket bat is a key consideration when playing on a pitch with a lot of
spin. 34 People Strongly Agree, 57 People Agree, 20 people are neutral, 5 people
disagree & none people strongly disagree to this statement.

Statement 10 Bar Graph 2

The aesthetics of the cricket bat, such as its design and colour, are important factors to
consider when selecting a cricket bat in India. 24 People Strongly Agree, 29 People
Agree, 51 people are neutral, 9 people disagree & 3 people strongly disagree to this

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

6.1 Findings
➔ According to the study the male participants outnumber female participants.
➔ It is clear that the age group 18-25 are the most respondents in the survey.
➔ It is found that five feet one inches is the most common height.
➔ According to the study the average weight is between 60kgs to 85kgs.
➔ It is clear the participants are cricketers and have been playing cricket.
➔ The study states that the maximum numbers of respondents love batting.
➔ As per data people use bats which are used by elite players.
➔ They get inspired from the players and purchase the bat.
➔ 24.1% of people are using full size (SH) bats.
➔ The data states that people are not using the guidelines given by the ICC.
➔ 50% of people are using middle weight bats.
➔ 30.2% people play on standard fast and bouncy pitch.
➔ 40.5% of people are middle order batsmen.
➔ 67.2% of people have a standard sweet spot bat.
➔ Only 83.6% of people know about the sweet spot.
➔ 54.3% of people use round handles.
➔ Most people don't know why elite players like Ms Dhoni change their bats
between matches.
➔ 62.1% of people change their bats according to the situation.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

6.2 Suggestions

➔ The players should not purchase the bat watching elite players bat.
➔ The body dynamic, playing style is totally different to one individual.
➔ ICC has made a size for players as well as manufacturer of using and making
perfect size bat.
➔ If the height of the player is below 5feet 7inch he should not use Full size bat.
➔ ICC should make a strict law against the bat size specially for women as the
average height of women is below 5feet 6inches. This will improve their game as
well as they will be injury free.
➔ The shopkeepers should recommended the bats according to their height and not by
their age.
➔ Coaches should also look after the bat the player is using to improve the technique
and the player will be injury free.
➔ The players should use different bats in different situation and also for different
pitches. If the batsmen in opener batsmen he should use standard sweet spot bat on
standard bounce pitch but if he is playing on high bounce pitch he should go for
high sweet spot bat. If he is playing in the death overs and the ball is old and pitch
is old he can go with a low sweet spot bat.
➔ Coaches should take seminars and should explain about these points which will help
players with the techniques and be injury free.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

6.3 Conclusion

➔ The conclusion is that many players who are playing don't know the proper way
of purchasing a bat; they have been purchasing the bat using old school

➔ Cricket is growing so fast, and so many technologies are coming in, I wonder if
the old school techniques will ruin the player's game.

➔ Players are not aware of the changing of bats between innings as per situation.

➔ With all the development and changes in the sport, one thing remains constant:
the bats used.

➔ A proper bat strategy can improve a player's batting, and with this, even a
bowler can be a good batsman.

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

Chapter 7
Bibliography &

❖ [Brooks, R., Mather, J. S. B., & Knowles, S. (2006). The influence of impact
vibration modes and frequencies on cricket bat performance. Proceedings of
the institution of mechanical engineers, part L: journal of materials: design and
applications, 220(4), 237-
❖ [Eftaxiopoulos, T., Narayanan, A., Dear, J. P., & Bull, A. M. J. (2012). A
performance comparison between cricket bat designs. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and
Technology, 226(1), 16-23.]
❖ [Sarkar, A. K., & Thiel, D. V. (2015). Determination of spatiotemporal
parameters in straight drive cricket bat swing using accelerometer sensors.
Procedia Engineering, 112, 213-218.]
❖ [James, D. M., Carré, M. J., & Haake, S. J. (2005). Predicting the playing
character of cricket pitches. Sports engineering, 8(4), 193-207.]
❖ .[Adams, W. A., Baker, S. W., James, D. M., & Young, R. J. (2005).
Measuring and modelling the bounce and pace of County Championship
cricket pitches. International turfgrass society journal, 10, 1021-
❖ .[Masoodi, T. H., Ahmad, H., Gangoo, S. A., Sofi, P. A., Mir, S. A., Saraf, S. A.,
... & Bhat, M. A. (2014). Cricket bat industry as an economically viable
livelihood option in Kashmir: present status and future prospects. Forest
Products Journal, 64(3-4), 134-140.]

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

❖ [Eftaxiopoulou, T., Narayanan, A., Dear, J. P., & Bull, A. M. J. (2012). A

performance comparison between cricket bat designs. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and
Technology, 226(1), 16-23.]

❖ pitch/#:~:text=If%20the
%20grass%20is%20green,the%20pitch%20is%20in deed%20dry!

❖ Https://

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

Chapter 8

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in India

Hello, Jainish Savla here conducting a research survey as a sports management

student to understand the Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in
India. Requesting you to submit the response.

* Required

1. Email *

 Your answer

2. Full Name *

 Your answer

3. Gender*

 Male

 Female

 Other:

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

4. Age *

 6-12
 13-17
 18-25
 26-35
 35 & above

5. Your height in feet*

 Your answer

6. Your weight in kg*

 Your answer

7. Have you ever played commercial cricket? *

 Yes
 No

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

8. Which aspect of the game are you good at? *

 Bating

 Bowling

 All Rounder

9. In which order do you bat? *

 Opener

 Middle

 Lower

10. Among these, which bat brand are you aware of? *

 SG

 SS


 GM




 Others

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

11. What size bat do you use? *

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 H (Harrow)

 Full SH

 Full LH

12. Have you been influenced by any cricketer to buy your bat? *

 Yes

 No

13. Have you been influenced by any brand in your decision to buy a bat? *

 Yes

 No

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

14. What type of bat weight do you prefer? *

 Heavy

 Middle

 Light

15. Have you ever heard of a cricket bat's Sweet Spot? *

 Yes

 No

16. In what position is your Sweet Spot located? *

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

 Low
 Medium
 High

17. What shape is your bat handle? *

 Round

 Oval

 Semi oval

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

18. What type of pitch do you generally play? *

 Fast and Bouncy Pitch

 Slow and Low Pitch

 Uneven Bounce

 Spin

 Swing

19. Have you ever changed your bat in between innings according to
the situation? *

 Yes

 No

20. What prize range bat do you prefer? *

 Under 5k

 5K-10K

 10K-15K

 15K+

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

21. What is your opinion on the following statement for a cricket bat? *

Study on various factor while selecting a cricket bat in

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