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PSM questions

2. Concept of Health and Disease

1. PQLI.98,04,03-16
2. Write short notes on physical quality of life index.04-16
3. Community diagnosis.03-46,88
4. Community health.09-44,620(chap-12)
5. Primary health care.02
6. individual responsibility for health.11-20
7. Define vulnerable group? Discuss role of local self-government to improve health
status of vulnerable group?05
8. Outline Self-care as an essential tool in the management of health problems.05-p2
9. Spectrum of health.08-17
10. Iceberg phenomenon.08,01,15-37
11. Write short note on Time specific health and disease indicators.98
12. indictors of health.02,01,98
13. Define health. What are the indicators of health?13chap-2p1
14. Define health.-13 What are the indicators of health?13,02,01-22
15. Comprehensive indicators of health.98-22
16. Mortality indicators of health.98-22
17. Write determinants of health.12,99,02-17
18. Define public health.-43 Briefly describe natural history of disease including level
of prevention.13,12-32,39
19. Describe the natural history of a disease with diagrammatical presentation.-32
Discuss various levels of prevention in relation to the natural history of
20. Write short notes on Natural history of disease and epidemiological triad.02-39
21. Define biological environment.-35 Write the steps of management of hospital borne
22. Describe the various levels of prevention and their modes of intervention with
suitable examples.14,09-39-42
23. Modes of intervention with example.10-P2
24. Write in brief the concepts of prevention and control of diseases.05-38
25. Levels of prevention and modes of intervention with one example of each.13,
08, 07-p2-39-42
26. Spectrum of disease.09-37
27. Disease surveillance.12
28. Short note on survillence.07
29. Sentinel surveillance.10-P2
30. Sentinel survillence.1038
31. Surveillance methods.04{p2}
32. Differentiate between surveillance and monitoring.04{p2}-38
33. Define disease. What do you understand by multifactorial causation of disease.98
34. Define disease. Write multiple causation theory of disease.-31 Write principles of
disease eradication of any one disease put under agenda by government of
35. Disability limitation.03-41
36. Differentiate between control and eradication.04{p2}-37,38
37. Contact tracing in different diseases.2000
38. Define community medicine.11-45
39. Risk approach.02{paper 2}-36

PSM questions
40. Human Development Index. (HDI).15
41. Human Poverty Index. (HPI).15

3. Principles of epidemiology and epidemiology methods.

1. Write short notes on Case control study.05,14,08-68
2. Discuss design, conduct and analysis of a case control study. Add a note on
3. Write short notes on cohort study.01,11-72
4. Define epidemiology. Enumerate various epidemiological methods.-60 Describe
various steps involved in conducting a cohort study.07,15-72
5. Define epidemiology and enumerate uses of epidemiology.-87 Write in brief
epidemiology of poliomyelitis.00{chap-4}
6. Differentiate between case control and cohort study.04{paper2}-76
7. Differentiate between case control and cohort study.15,13,03-76
8. Define epidemiology-50 and what are its types-60 and its uses-87.05,04,03,06,08,09
9. Write briefly on epidemiological variables.13
10. Define epidemiology. How will you classify epidemiological studies?-60 Describe
in detail the design of a randomized controlled trial.09,04{paper2}-78
11. Describe all steps of Randomized Control Trials with suitable example.15
12. Incubation period.04-95
13. Difference between clinical medicine and epidemiology.02,11-51
14. What do you understand by disease dynamics?01,08-91
15. WHO immunization schedule for children.2000,06,03-115
16. WHO Immunization Schedule.02,2000p2
17. Comparative features of different types of vaccines.11-p2
18. Differentiate b/w
a. Disinfection and sterilization.10,04{p2}-119
b. Isolation and quarantine.10,04{p2}-112
c. Primary and secondary case.10-92
d. Extrinsic incubation period and intrinsic incubation period.10-95
19. Sn on quarantine.-15p2
20. Write short notes on common source epidemics.10-62
21. Modes of transmission of diseases.10-93
22. Mechanical transmission and biological transmission of vector borne diseases.06-
23. Write short note on epidemic and endemic.-03
24. Describe steps in ‘outbreak investigation’. How to prepare ‘spot map’ and ‘line
listing’. Explain with suitable example.11-122
25. Sequence of events in outbreak investigation and confirmation.06-p2-122
26. Investigation of an epidemic.07-p2
27. Community diagnosis.06-p2-88
28. Community diagnosis.03-46,88
29. Managerial epidemiology.06-p2
30. National immunization day.02
31. Risk approach.02{paper 2}
32. Brief on Vector control.03
33. Diseases cycle.09-p2
34. Surveillance and screening.12-
35. SPOT map.06-p2

PSM questions
4. Screening for disease
1. Tabulate the difference between the Screening and Diagnostic test.11,02,10-127
2. Write briefly on screening for diseases.10-127
3. Write short note on iceberg phenomenon.08-127
4. Model of screening and screenity process.14{paper 2}
5. Screening criteria.04-p2-129
6. Differentiate between sensitivity and specificity.14-131

5. Epidemiology of communicable diseases

1. Discuss epidemiology of Poliomyelitis with on “ Pulse-Polio Programme”.05
2. What do you understand by disease dynamics? {chap-3} Write recent changes in
epidemiology of poliomyelitis after initiated pulse-polio immunization (IPPI)
programme. Write briefly about surveillance in poliomyelitis.01
3. Enumerate the steps of surveillance in poliomyelitis.98
4. Short note on active surveillance and sentinel surveillance in polio.01
5. Write notes on A.F.P. surveillance.03
6. Acute flaccid paralysis.02,09

Sexually transmitted diseases.

7. Write down the epidemiology of STD & AIDS and recent control strategies for
8. Enumerate and classify agents causing sexually transmitted diseases. Discuss the
measures for control of STDs and add a note on Syndromic management.1998
9. Preventive measures for STDs.11,13
10. Syndromic management of STDs.12
11. Window period in HIV infection.05,03,01
12. Window period.05
13. Window period.03
14. Post exposure prophalyaxis.07
15. Sexually transmitted diseases.07-p2
16. Post exposure prophylaxis in rabies.11,04{paper2}
17. Management of DOG bite.04,02
18. BPL Vaccine in 3rd degree bite.05
19. Post-exposure prophylaxis of dog bite.06
20. Write preventive measures of Malaria.13
21. Write brief about cerebral malaria.04
22. Discuss epidemiology of malaria and it’s control.03,02.00
23. Write short notes on radical treatment of P. Viavx and P. Falciparum malaria.02,01
24. Define epidemiology and discuss the epidemiology and control of Tuberculosis in
India under RNTCP.03
25. Prevention and control of tuberculosis.11,13,04{paper2}
26. TB-HIV Coinfection.14
27. BCG vaccination.05,04
28. DOTS in Tuberculosis.05

PSM questions
29. MDR-Tuberculosis.10

30. MDT in Leprosy.03,02,2000
31. Lapromin test.04
32. Health education in leprosy patient.01
33. Write briefly on dengue fever.08
34. Classify vector borne diseases. Discuss the steps of investigation of Dengue
35. Antigenic shift and antigenic drift.14
Acute Diarrhoeal diseases.-201
36. Low osmolality ORS solution.08
37. Oral dehydration therapy.03,98
38. Describe the problem of Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases. Write in brief about
appropriate clinical management in Diarrhoeal Diseases.08
39. What are the measures which should be carried out to control an epidemic of
cholera in villages in rural.05
40. Classify various water borne diseases & Q1.04
41. ROTA virus.05
42. Differentiate b/w diagnosis of cholera and food poisoning
43. Epidemiological basis measles eradication.14-p2
44. Koplik’s sopt.01-139
45. Steps in estimation of eligible for immunization for measles and tetanus toxoid
46. General principles of communicable disease control.11
47. Write short note son resurgence of communicable diseases.01
48. Prevention and control of epidemic meningitis.10
49. Write comprehensively on the integrated vector control.10
50. Define biological environment. Write the steps of management of hospital borne
51. Define epidemiology and enumerate its uses.{chap3-03,02,09} Discuss
epidemiology of anyone.04,02
a. Cholera (control)03,2000,06
b. Leprosy (control)03
c. Poliomyelitis.03
52. Write short notes/brief on:
a. Hospital borne infection.12-331
b. Chikungunya and its prevention.08.p2
c. Chickengunia fever epidemiology.08
d. Universal precautions.04-p2-333
e. ARI control.07-159
f. Re-emerging infections.11-p2-329

PSM questions
6. Epidemiology of chronic non-communicable diseases
and conditions
Coronary Heart Disease.
1. Explain the preventive measures of coronary heart disease.05,11,08
2. What are the risk factors for coronary heart disease? Write the prevention and
control measures of CHD.04
3. Enumerate national health programme for non-communicable diseases. Write in
brief the epidemiology of hypertension.10
4. Discuss the factors associated with ischaemic heart disease and suggest
appropriate measures to control I.H.D. in community.03
5. Protective factors in IHD.06
6. Short notes on hypertension and IHD clinics.00
7. Measurement of burden of coronary heart diseases.12-p2
8. Risk factors for coronary heart diseases.07-p2
9. Modifiable risk factors of hypertension.11
10. Risk factors of hypertension.15
11. Discuss epidemiology of cancer in India.05,02
12. Cancer detection programme.98
13. Warning signals of cancer.12,10,08,09
Visual Impairment & Blindness.
14. Define primary Eye Care. Discuss in brief various strategies of primary Eye Care
of community level.02-p2-373
15. Define primary health care.832 Explain in brief primary eye care.03-chap6-372
Diabetes Mellitus.
16. Preventive measures for Diabetes Mellitus.13
17. Enumerate the non-communicable diseases of public health importance. Write
down the strategy of control and prevent diabetes mellitus in community.09

7. Health programmes in India

1. Discuss in brief Revised National tuberculosis Control Programme.(RNTCP).05,09
2. Function of direct tuberculosis control centre.98
3. Role of Health Education in TB Control Programme.98
4. Modified National Tuberculosis control Programme.02.p1
5. Revised national tuberculosis control programme.07(chap-7)p1
6. Enumerate National Health Programme in India. Discuss in brief about National
Leprosy Eradication Programme.04,09 p-391
7. Leprosy Elimination.03 p-391
8. NRHM and its components.08 p-412
9. NRHM.-09 p-412
10. Innovative Approaches in NRHM.11
11. ASHA.06
12. Describe various innovative strategies under NRHM for reduction in maternal
mortality and infant mortality.2010,14
13. Describe strategies under NRHM for maternal and child health care.-15

PSM questions
14. public private partnership in health.2010-chap 7,page
15. Differentiate b/w ASHA and USHA.09
16. RCH programme. Paper 1
17. RCH programme.03,2000,07 p-415
18. Objectives of RCH programme.1999 p-415
19. Janani Suraksha Yojana.13, p-419
20. Components and elements of RCH.08,05
21. Janani Suraksha yojana.11 (PAPER1)
22. Rch.03
23. What is paradigm shift? Explain with special reference to RCH programme.02
24. Differentiate b/w Counselling and Health Education. How will you carry out
Counselling for HIV/AIDS?-02,01
25. AIDS control programme.03 p-399
26. AIDS counselling.04
27. PPTCT protocol.14
28. Differentiate b/w Pre-test and post-test HIV counselling.06
29. Differentiate b/w counselling and health education. Give a brief account of
counselling in HIV/AIDS.03p1
30. AIDS counselling.04{paper2} chap-7
31. Counselling in HIV Positive Cases.04,98(chap-7)p1
32. Pre-test and post- test counselling of HIV positive persons.1998.p1
33. IEC.02-p2-403
34. Social marketing.14-402
35. IMNCI.2010 p-423
36. Differentiate b/w IMCI and IMNCI. Discuss in brief various IMNCI strategies for safe
Newborn care.11 p-423 & chap 11
37. Integrated Mother and Child Development Programme.98
38. High risk approach in safe motherhood programme.98 p-419
39. Describe IDSP and information flow under the programme for effective
surveillance.12 p427
40. What is Integrated Disease Surveillance Project,--Syndromic,, Presumptive and
Confirmed Diagnosis.08 p-427
41. IDSP-concept and strategies.-15
42. I.D.D. control programme.03 p-408
43. Malaria action Programme.03 p-383
44. Write short notes on surveillance of malaria.02,01.p1
45. Give a brief account of:
a. Cancer detection programme.98 p425
b. ARI Control programme.2000
c. Community based programmes for Cancer detection.01 p-425
d. ACSM ( advocacy, communication and social mobilization)10-chap7-
e. National Mental Health Programme.-15

PSM questions
9. Demography and Family Planning.
1. Write short notes or brief on:
a. Emergency Contraception.14
b. Subdermal implant.15
c. Dependency ratio.15-446
d. Demographic cycle.1998,09,02,2000
e. Hormonal Pills.07
f. Evaluation of Family Planning.1998
g. Pearl index.09
h. Pearls index.04-p2
i. Causes for declining sex ratio in India.09
j. Population stabilization strategies.12
k. Third generation IUD.2000
l. Ideal candidate for IUD.15p2
m. Fertility Indices.13
n. Fertility indicators.13,04,03
o. MTP act.04,13
p. Non-scalpel vasectomy.01
q. Oral contraceptive pills.04,01
r. Copper-T.03,02
s. Injectable contracetives.98
t. Cpr.15-p1
u. TFR.08
2. Discuss causes and factors associated with Population Explosion in India.06,05,01
3. What are the factors associated with population explosion in India? Discuss
measures of population control under national family welfare programme.99,2000
4. Discuss the causes of high birth rate in India and suggest measures to limit the
5. Write in brief on conventional contraceptive used in India.05,04
6. Enumerate contraceptive and write its place in population stabilization.02
7. Write comprehensively on:
8. Demography and demographic Cycle.09,08(demographic
9. Policy factors of population stabilization.09
10. Discuss effect of rapid urbanization and industrialization on the health of people,
with specific examples.1998
11. Measurement of efficacy of contraceptive methods.06-p2
12. Give a brief account of India’s Mortality, morbidity and demographic profile
prevalent at present.11-p2
13. Describe community need assessment approach.14-p2
14. Biological and behavioural determinants of fertility.06
15. Describe community need assessment based approach. What are purpose,
process and steps for CNA process.08
16. National population policy 2005.13-455-p2
17. Goals for 2010 under national population policy.08
18. Comment on Target Free Approach.05-p2

10. Preventive medicine in obstetrics, paediatrics and

1. Write short note on low birth weight.98,15-495
2. Low birth weight.06-p2
3. Etiological factors responsible for low birth weight babies.11-p2

PSM questions
4. High risk approach in safe motherhood programme.98-486
5. Briefly on health problem of adolescent girls.01
6. Risk approach.04-p2
7. Criteria of high risk pregnancy.08-p2
8. High risk approach in antenatal care.14-486
9. Baby friendly hospital initiative.98-499
10. Define social paediatrics. Name the package of services under child survival
programme and name the high risk infants and their referals.99
11. Write WHO immunization schedule for the children and discuss how you will
conduct immunization clinic at primary health centre?06
12. Describe the measures taken to reduce the maternal mortality and infant mortality
in India.03p-528
13. What are the causes of high maternal mortality in India and how they can be
controlled by antenatal care services at primary health centre?03 chp-22,846
14. Discuss the benefit provided to under five children and lactating mothers under
ICDS.00 p-546
15. ICDS-concept and strategies.-15
16. Enumerate mineral, vitamins and calorie deficiency diseases in children and
discuss integrated child development services programme in rural areas.03
17. Antenatal clinics.02-483
18. Functions of antenatal clinics.01,00-483
19. Infant mortality rate.02,07-525
20. Infant mortality.07
21. Perinatal mortality.11-p2
22. Briefly on IMR in India and MP.13-526
23. Define IMR and enumerate and discuss cause of high IMR in India. Suggest
measures to reduce IMR in India.02-525
24. Causes of neonatal death in rural areas.01-523
25. Indicators of MCH services.01,09-516
26. Recent trends in MCH care.13{p2}-514
27. Geriatric health.00-549
28. Geriatics health problem.10-p2
29. Geriatric problems.08-p2
30. Preventive geriatric.13-549
31. School health services.13-534
32. Health problems of school going children.11-534
33. Social paediatrics.12-481
34. Perinatal mortality rate and its causes.12-521
35. Define demographic mortality profile of India. Discuss health problems of india.09
36. Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness.09-532
37. Classification and management of dehydration as per IMCI guidelines for infant up
to 2 month.14-p2
38. Enumerate positive and negative indicators of maternal and child health. Describe
the problem and causes of maternal mortality in India. What measures will you take
to bring down MMR in our country.08
39. Apgar score.02-492-p2
40. Exclusive breast feeding.08-497
41. Exclusive breast feeding.02-p2
42. Juvenile delinquency.-540
43. Juvenile Delinquency.13,11,10,09,05-p2
44. Foster frames(HOMES).02-p2
45. Child abuse.541
46. Child labour act and its implications in your state.05-p2

PSM questions
47. Weaning.-499
48. JSY.15p2
49. Weaning.08-p2
50. Health problem of adolescent youth.06
51. Waist-hip ratio.06
52. Day-care centers.02-p2546
53. Write in short about activities and management of under-five
54. New WHO growth standards and growth chart.10-p2
55. Write on Neonatal Mortality Rate with interventions for the reduction of Neonatal

11. Nutrition and health.

1. Differentiate b/w Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.13,14,15
2. Differentiate b/w nutritional surveillance and nutritional monitoring.10
3. Differentiate b/w food and nutrition. Write briefly sociology of PEM.08 Protein
energy malnutrition.09-p2
4. Kwashiorkor and marasmus.12-p2
5. Define and classify malnutrition. Describe epidemiology and control of
malnutrition in India.07,03,02
6. Discuss the causes of malnutrition and anaemia in women. What are the preventive
and control measures to control anaemia in pregnancy.05
7. Enumerate nutritional problems of public health importance. Write in brief about
protein energy malnutrition.04
8. Enumerate mineral, vitamins and calorie deficiency diseases in children and
discuss integrated child development services programme in rural areas.03
9. Deficiencies due to vitamin A and their management.02
10. Discuss common nutritional deficiency diseases in India. Discuss in detail :04
 Vitamin A prophylaxis programme.,03,01
 Vitamin A prophylaxis Programme.03,01.p2
 Iodine deficiency diseases control programme.03,00
11. Sociology of malnutrition.09,01
12. Epidemic dropsy.08
13. Social aspect of nutrition.13
14. Food toxins.12,98
15. Food adulteration.14
16. Food fortification.15-p2
17. Public health importance of food toxins.02
18. Neurolathyrism.11
19. Nutritional surveillance.11
20. Micronutrients.10,00
21. Vitamin A deficiency.09,07,03,02,00
22. Pasturization of milk.05,99
23. Balanced diet.04
24. Anaemia in preganancy.03,06
25. Nutritional factors in CAD.98
26. Iodine deficiency disorders.98
27. Growth monitoring.11-p2
28. Iodine testing kit.06-p2
29. Iodine deficiency disorders and its prevention.08p2
30. Food supplementation and food purification.06-p2
31. Enumerate nutritional programme in india.15-p1

PSM questions
12. Medicine and social sciences
1. Describe the function of family.05
2. Discuss the role and functions of a family. Discuss role of intrafamilial environment
in development and growth of child and behavioural disorders in children.1999
3. What is behaviour sciences? Give a brief account of sociology of perinatal health.03
4. Given an account of consumer protection act (CPA) 1986.05,03,09,10,11
5. Enumerate aspect of social medicine.98
6. Short notes on:
a. Operational research.04,01,11
b. Behaviour sciences.02
c. Socio-economic status scales.1998
d. I.Q.02 –page no.631
e. Ethics and responsibility of physician.09
f. Social anthropology.13,12-p1
g. Hospital sociology.13-p1
h. Health economics.03-p1

13 Environment and Health-P1

1. Components of environment.11
2. Name the components of environment. Write the steps of purification and
disinfection of water for Indore city.98

1. What is sanitary well? How wells are disinfected during epidemics?04
2. Disinfection of well.01,09,02
3. Enumerate water borne diseases and their causative organism. Write steps of rapid
sand filteration with diagram.03
4. Advantages of slow sand filter.05
5. Write difference between Slow sand and rapid sand filter.13,11
6. Rapid sand filter.08,07,02
7. Biological filters.07-p2
8. Biological quality of water.10
9. Indicators of quality of safe water.02
10. Determinants of Quality of water.2000
11. Bacteriological indicators of Faecal pollution of water.2000
12. Indicators of faecal contamination of water.05
13. Purification of water and its quality control.01
14. Super chlorination.03
15. Residual cholrine.03
16. Water borne disease.07-p2
17. Water surveillance.01
18. Standards of quality of water for drinking purpose.01
19. Biological standard of drinking water.12
20. Sn on BOD.15-p1
1. Prevention and control of air pollution.11
2. Status and effect of air pollution.13
3. Indicators of Air Quality.04-p2
4. Discuss various air pollutants, their sources and health effects.
5. Discuss preventive and control measures for air pollution.98

PSM questions
1. Acceptable noise levels (dba) at different locations.09
2. Adverse health effects of noise.98
Excreta disposal.
1. Oxidation pools.13,02
1. Comfort zone.2000-p2
2. Ionizing radiation.03
3. Aedes index.03

14. Hospital waste management-P2

1. Different type of hospital wastes and their management.11-p2
2. Disposal of biomedical waste.12-p1

15. Disaster management.-P2

1. Disaster management.12,10
2. TRIAGE?-08

16. Occupational health.-P2

1. Enumerate occupational diseases.03-march,-750
2. Define pneumoconiosis. Give a brief account of it.03-march,04-sep,14,15-750
3. Define pneumoconiosis. Discuss various types and measures to prevent them.02-
4. Define occupational health.-748 Enumerate occupational diseases.-750 Discuss in
brief various measures taken to control them.02-march,02-757
5. Prevention and control of occupational diseases.11 –p1-757
6. Preplacement examination of worker.05-p1-757
7. What is ergonomics?-748 Give a detailed account of it in occupational sector.05,03
8. Prevention and control of radiation hazards.10-p1
9. Write short notes/brief on:
a. Benefits of E.S.I.S.1998-july,04-march,,01-jan,2000-july,1999,08,07,15-p1
b. Disablement benefit in ESIS.03-march,-762
c. Sn on E.S.I.S.2013-dec,04-march,03-sep,-760
d. Sickness absenteeism.13-may,-755
e. Sickness benefits.03-march,02-march-761
f. Pre-placement examination.13-dec,03-march,06-sep(1st paper)-757
g. Health problem due to industrialization & prevention.12-april,15-755
h. Occupational cancers.11-dec,-753
i. Prevention and control of occupational diseases.2010-march,09-march-757
j. Ergonomics.11,06-748
k. Ergonomic.05-p1-748
l. Asbestosis.09-752
10. Define occupational environmental. -748Discuss in brief the role of various factors
influencing the health of a worker with management thereof.13-dec,
11. Health problems of a Cattering Industry.06-sep
12. Differentiate between: Pre-placement and periodic Medical examination.06-sep,
13. Enumerate occupational diseases with their causative factor. Discuss organization
and functions under E.S.I.S.1998-dec,1998-jan
14. Define social security and discuss social security for ESIS insured workers.2000,01

PSM questions
17. Genetics and Health-P2
1. Euthanasia.06-771
2. Eugenics and euthenics.12-771
3. What are eugenic, euthenic and precautionary measures for prevention and control
of hereditary diseases.06-771
4. Inborn errors of metabolism.06-p1
5. Prevention and control of hereditary disorders.10-p1

18. Mental health.-P2

1. Warning signals of mental health.13-775
2. Community mental health programme.03-776
3. Discuss in brief epidemiology of mental health with special reference to community
mental health programme.02 -774
4. Preventive approaches of drug dependence.13-780
5. What are the health hazards due to alcoholism?05{chap 18}
6. Drug dependence in teenagers.1999,98{chap 18}
7. Addiction problem in teenagers.98{chap 18}
8. Drug abuse.15

19 Health Information and Basic Medical Statistics-P1&P2

1. Census and registration of events.11-783
2. Census.11.p1
3. Vital registrations.99-p1-783
4. Chi-square test.09-795
5. Statistical map -789and spot map.12
6. Histogram.11-788
7. Measures of central tendency.10
8. 30 cluster sampling technique.10,15
9. Sampling.08-792
10. Sampling.10,04-p1-792
11. Non sampling errors.06-793
12. Statistics implying data and methods.08
13. Sampling techniques used for health survey.05
14. Uses of vital registrations in health programme management.02-p1
15. Importance of vital registration in health planning.12-p1
16. Sampling procedures and sampling errors.02-p1-792,793
17. Contribution of sampling in public health.11
18. Quality of good sample.10-p1
19. Test of significance.13-793
20. Cumulative frequency distribution table.06-787
21. Type 1 and type 2 error in research.11-p1

20. Communication for Health Education

1. Write short notes on:
a. Approaches to Health education.13-801
b. Mass Approach in Health Education.09-808
c. Communication barriers.1999,02,03,08-799
d. Group health education.98806
e. Effective communication.10
f. Counselling.02-800
g. Felt needs.06-chap20, page-801
2. Enumerate Types of Communication.09-798

PSM questions
3. Discuss in short about channels communication -798and their role in modern public
health technology.03
4. Give an account of Focus Group Discussion.05-807
5. Differentiate between Health education and counselling.12
6. Role of communication for behavioural changes.08
7. What is Counselling (principles of counselling)? Differentiate b/w counselling and
health education.14,15p2
8. health education and counselling in health.1999
9. Principles of health management.05
10. Aids utilized for Health education.2011
11. CRISIS counselling.06
12. Differentiate b/w Workshops and seminars.12
13. Sn on symposium and worksopss.15-p1
14. Difference between health manger and health administrator.02

21. Health Planning and management.-P2

1. Behavioural methods of management.10-814
2. Write short notes/brief:
a. National Health policy-2002.13,11-815
b. Bhore committee.09-816
c. finding of Bhore Committee.99
d. Panchayati raj.02823
e. Network analysis.13,02-815
f. Managements by objectives.02-814
g. PERT.15
h. PERT and CPM.-15
3. PIE Cycle(planning Implementation and Evaluation).14,13,10,09,07,05,03,02-812
4. PIE Cycle.15-p1
Others question
1. What is meant by monitoring and evaluation? How will you monitor MCH and

22. Health care of community-P2

1. Write short notes or brief:
A. function of primary health centres and first referral units.06,03-845,847
B. principles of primary health care.15
C. principles of primary health care with suitable examples.-15
D. primary health care.02,01832
E. primary health care worker.13
F. elements and principles of primary health care.13,05,01832
G. goals of primary health care for 2000 AD.2000-833,834
H. first referral unit.2010,13-847
I. millennium development goals.11,12-834
J. functions of MPW(female).01-849
K. Health goals for 2010 in INDIA.03-p1
2. Enumerate function of primary health centre.07,2000,15-845
3. What are different levels of Health care Delivery system in India? Explain concept
of primary health care and functions of P.H.C. 08-831,832,845
4. Discuss the organization and functions of primary health centre.(paper 1-
5. Define primary health care.832 Explain in brief primary eye care.03-chap6-372
6. Write in brief about appropriate technology of health.04,02-833

PSM questions
7. Appropriate technology of health.03-p2
8. community participation in health programmes.2000-p2
9. Define primary health care and how it is provided through the primary health
centre in rural areas.98-832,845
10. Define primary health care. Give an account of various elements of primary health
care and Principles involved.03,98-832
11. Enumerate Voluntary health agencies working in India.09-856
12. Enumerate International health agenices.09-856
13. What are the causes of high maternal mortality in India and how they can be
controlled by antenatal care services at primary health centre?03-p1846
14. What is community participation? Illustrate with suitable example.02-833
15. Discuss MCH activities in PHC.2000-845
16. Indian Public Health Standards.-15
17. Organizational problems of health team.06

23. International Health-P2

1. UNICEF.13,11,07,03,02,04
2. UNESCO.09
3. Ford foundation.13-864
4. Role of WHO.08
5. Sn on WHO.15-p1
6. Write in brief about Red Cross.05,03-864
7. Write in brief about the activities of UNICEF in India.05
8. s/n on WHO.2000,03
9. WHO day 2012 theme.13p1
10. Enumerate International health agenices.09
11. Role of International Agencies in Health Care Development.15

Miscellaneous question from paper 1

1. Write short notes on Holistic concept of medicine.02

Miscellaneous question from paper 2

1. Write sn on:
a. John Snow.02
b. KAP Surveys.98
c. Informed consent.10
d. Civic problems of Metro cities.06
e. Sociogram.13


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