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British Writers

Article · May 2012


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Zakaryia Almahasees
Applied Science Private University


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Collected By:
Zakaria Mustafa Salameh Almahasees
Master of English Language & Literature
British Authors/ Writers

 Beowulf (520? copied 700?)
o The Beowulf Cluster Site
o The Electronic Beowulf
o The Adventures of Beowulf
o Beowulf In Hypertext
o The Last Moments

1.Caedmon (fl. 670)

o Bede's Account of the Poet C*dmon
o Caedmon's Hymn: West Saxon Version
2.Saint Bede (673?-735)
o The Venerable Bede
o The Venerable Saint Bede and King Alfred the Great
3.Alcuin (735-804)
o Alkuin or Alcuin
o Alcuin of York
o Medieval Sourcebook
4.Cynewulf (fl. 750)
o Univ. of Calgary
5.King Alfred (849-899)
o The Life of King Alfred
o King Alfred the Great
o Alfred, the Great: British Monarchs
o The Life of King Alfred
6.AElfric Grammaticus (c.955-1020)
7.Wulfstan (d.1023-1095)
o Wulfstan's Homilies
o Wulfstan of Worcester, Bishop
o Catholic Online
o The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
8.Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100?-1154)
o King Arthur's Biographer
o University of Rochester
o History of the Kings of Britain
9.Robert Wace (1100?-74?)
o Orbis Latinus
o Literary Encyclopedia
o History of the Kings of Britain
10. Layamon (fl. 1200)
o Fact Monster
o Bartleby
o LoveToKnow
11. John of Guildford (fl. 1225)
12. Richard Rolle of Hampole (1295?-1349)
13. John Barbour (1320-95)
14. John Wycliff (1324-84)
o John Wycliff Biography
o Stanford
o Ahead of his Times
o Britannica
15. John Gower (1330?-1408)
o The Life of John Gower
16. William Langland (1332?-1400?)
o Anthology of Middle English Literature
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
o Luminarium
o infoplease
17. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)
o The New Chaucer Society
o ClassicNotes: Canterbury Tales
o Luminarium
o Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Southern Illinois University)
o Hanly's WSU Chaucer Page
18. Walter Hilton (1340?-96)
19. Thomas Hoccleve (1369?-1426)
20. John Lydgate (1370?-1451?)
o LoveToKnow
o The Canon of John Lydgate Page
21. Margery Kempe (1373?-1440?)
22. King James I (1394-1437)
23. Thomas Malory (1394?-1471)
o Sir Thomas Malory
o Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur [Volume 1][Volume 2]
o Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
24. William Caxton (1422?-91)
o Etherington & Roberts
25. Robert Henryson (1424?-1506?)
26. William Dunbar (1456?-1513?)
27. Henry Medwall (1462?-1522?)
28. John Skelton (1460?-1529)
o Luminarium
o Godfather of Rap
o Poetry
29. Blind Harry (1440?-92)
30. Gavin Douglas (1475?-1522)
31. Stephen Hawes (c.1475-1511)
32. Alexander Barclay (1475?-1552)
33. Thomas More (1478-1535)
o Thomas More Society
o St. Thomas More Web Page
o Luminarium
34. David Lindsay (1486?-1555)
35. Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
36. Thomas Elyot (1490-1546)
o Carlton
o LoveToKnow
37. Henry VIII (1491-1547)
38. William Tyndale (1494?-1536)
39. John Bale (1495-1563)
40. John Heywood (1497?-1580?)
41. Thomas Wyatt (1503?-42)
o Luminarium
o NetPoets
o Chesil's Favourite Poetry
42. Nicholas Udall (1505-56)
43. Thomas Vaux (1509-1556)
44. William Gray (?-1557)
45. Roger Ascham (1515-68)
46. John Foxe (1516-87)
47. Henry Howard (1517?-47)
o Luminarium
o Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard
48. Nicholas Grimald (c.1519-c.62)
49. Richard Edwards (1523?-66)
50. Thomas Hoby (1530-1566)
51. George Puttenham (1530?-90)
52. Thomas Norton (1532-84)
53. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
o Queen of England
o Luminarium
54. Thomas Sackville (1536-1608)
o McMaster University
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
o Encyclopaedia of British History
55. George Gascoigne (1539-78)
56. Adam Blackwood (1539-1613)
57. Edward Dyer (1543-1607)
58. John Still (c.1543-1608)
59. William Byrd (1543-1623)
o The William Byrd Page
o Stainer & Bell
60. George Whetstone (1544?-87?)
61. William Stevenson (1546-75)
62. R. Wever (fl. 1549-53)
63. Giles Fletcher, the Elder (ca. 1549-1611)
64. Gabriel Harvey (c.1545-1630)
65. William Camden (1551-1623)
66. Edmund Spenser (1552?-99)
o The Edmund Spenser Home Page
o The Edmund Spenser Home Page
o Luminarium
o Additional Sources
67. Richard Hakluyt (1552?-1616)
68. Walter Raleigh (1552?-1618)
o Jim Batten
o The Avalon Project
o Luminarium
69. Nicholas Breton (1553?-1625)
70. Philip Sidney (1554-86)
o The Sidney Homepage
o Luminarium
o Astrophel and Stella
71. Richard Hooker (1554?-1600)
72. John Lyly (1554?-1606)
o John Lyly and the euphuistic style
o Luminarium
73. Stephen Gosson (1554-1624)
74. Fulke Greville (1554-1628)
o Nox Oculis
o Luminarium
75. Richard Carew (1555-1620)
76. Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626)
77. Nicholas Breton (1555?-1626)
78. Thomas Watson (c.1557-92)
79. George Peele (1557?-96)
80. Thomas Morley (1557?-1602)
81. Thomas Kyd (1558-94)
o Moonstruck
82. William Warner (ca. 1558-1609)
83. Thomas Lodge (1558-1625)
o Bartleby
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
84. George Chapman (1559?-1634)
85. Robert Greene (1560-92)
o a biographical sketch
o Britannica
o Wikipedia
86. Thomas Hariot (1560-1621)
87. Anthony Munday (1560-1633)
88. Robert Southwell (1561?-95)
o New Advent
o Luminarium
89. Mary Herbert (1561-1621)
90. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
o Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning
o Luminarium
91. Henry Constable (1562-1613)
92. Samuel Daniel (1562-1619)
o Luminarium
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
93. Joshua Sylvester (ca. 1563-1618)
94. John Dowland (1563-1626)
95. Michael Drayton (1563-1631)
o Luminarium
o Literary Heritage
96. Henry Wotton (1563-1631)
97. Christopher Marlowe (1564-93)
o Luminarium
o The Marlowe Society
o Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe, The
o imagi-nation
98. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
o Ever Reader, The (online magazine of the Shakespeare Oxford
o bardware
o Internet Shakespeare Editions
o Shakespeare on the Sound
o Shakespeare Society of America
o Shake-n-Bacon
o Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
o Shakespeares Org
o Shakespeare's Monologues (search)
o Shakespeare Oxford Society
o Shakespeare Web, The
o Shakespeare Bulletin
o Life and Times of Mr. William Shakespeare, The
o Shakespearean Links
o Writing's on the wall for Shakespeare
o Tech, The
o Usenet - humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare
o Looking for Shakespeare
o Interactive Shakespeare Project
o Materials for the Construction of Shakespeare's Morals
o Shakespeare's Globe Center--USA: Southeast Region
o Shakespeare Speaks (discussion forum)
99. John Hoskyns (1566-1638)
100. Thomas Nashe (1567-1601)
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
o Biography
o Luminarium
101. Thomas Campion (1568-1639)
102. Henry Wotton (1568-1639)
103. Barnabe Barnes (ca. 1569-1609)
104. John Davies (1569-1626)
105. Aemilia Lanyer (1569-1645)
o Sunshine for Women
o Aemilia Lanyer, 17th-C English Woman Poet
106. Thomas Bateson (ca. 1570-1630)
107. Thomas Dekker (1570?-1632)
o imagi-nation
o Luminarium
o Britannica
108. Martin Peerson (1571?-1650)
109. John Donne (1572-1631)
o The John Donne Society
o The John Donne Society Home Page
o The Donne Variorum Web Site
o Luminarium
o Academy of American Poets
o John "Un-" Donne
110. Ben Jonson (1573?-1637)
o Luminarium
o imagi-nation
o Poetry Forums
111. Richard Barnfield (1574-1627)
112. John Wilbye (1574-1638)
113. Thomas Heywood (1574?-1641)
114. Joseph Hall (1574-1656)
115. Cyril Tourneur (1575?-1626)
116. Samuel Purchas (1575?-1626)
117. John Marston (1575?-1634)
118. Thomas Weelkes (1576?-1623)
119. Robert Burton (1577-1640)
120. John Webster (c.1578-c.1632)
o imagi-nation
o Luminarium
121. John Fletcher (1579-1625)
o A biographical sketch
o Luminarium
122. Thomas Middleton (1580-1627)
o Chris Cleary
o Luminarium
123. Thomas Ford (1580?-1648)
124. Richard Corbet (1582-1635)
125. Phineas Fletcher (1582-1650)
126. Edward, Herbert of Chirbury (1583-1648)
127. Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
128. Philip Massinger (1583-1640)
129. Francis Beaumont (1584-1616)
130. Giles Fletcher (1585?-1623)
131. William Rowley (1585?-1637)
132. William Drummond (1585-1649)
o Sonnet Central
133. John Ford (1586-1639)
134. Thomas Campion (1587-1620)
o Luminarium
135. Henry Carey (c.1687-1743)
136. Mary Wroth (1587?-1651?)
137. George Wither (1588-1667)
138. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
o Philosophy Pages
o Moral and Political Philosophy
139. William Browne (1590?-1645)
140. Walter Porter (ca. 1590?-1659)
141. Robert Herrick (1591-1674)
o Chesil
o Luminarium
o The Academy of American Poets
142. Francis Quarles (1592-1644)
143. Henry King (1592-1669)
144. George Herbert (1593-1633)
o George Herbert & The Temple
o Luminarium
145. Izaak Walton (1593-1683)
o Wikipedia
o Literary Heritage
o Books and Writers
146. Thomas Carew (1594-1640)
147. James Shirley (1596-1666)
148. William Strode (1602-1645)
149. Owen Felltham (1602?-1668)
150. Thomas Randolph (1605-35)
151. William Habington (1605-54)
152. Richard Brome (?-1652?)
153. Thomas Browne (1605-82)
154. William D'Avenant (1606-68)
155. Edmund Waller (1606-1687)
156. Thomas Fuller (1608-61)
157. John Milton (1608-74)
o Milton Society of America
o Milton at Otago
o The Academy of American Poets
o Luminarium
o Milton Reading Room
o The Milton Reading Room
158. John Suckling (1609-42)
o LoveToKnow
o Luminarium
159. Edward Hyde Clarendon (1609-74)
160. Thomas Urquhart (1611-60)
161. James Graham (1612-1650)
162. Richard Crashaw (1613?-49)
o Luminarium
163. Jeremy Taylor (1613-67)
164. Samuel Butler (1613-1680)
165. John Denham (1615-69)
166. Richard Baxter (1615-91)
o The Richard Baxter Homepage
o Literary Heritage
167. Richard Lovelace (1618-57)
o Loveless and Loveless Family
o The Lucasta Poems
o Luminarium
168. Abraham Cowley (1618-67)
o Luminarium
o The Abraham Cowley Text and Image Archive
169. Andrew Marvell (1621-78)
o The Academy of American Poets
o Luminarium
170. Henry Vaughan (1621-95)
o NetPoets
o Luminarium
171. Robert Howard (1626-98)
172. John Bunyan (1628-88)
o International John Bunyan Society
o John Bunyan Archive
o Acacia John Bunyan Online Library
o David Gay
o The Works of John Bunyan
o Christian Classics Ethereal Library
o The John Bunyan Page
173. William Temple (1628-99)
174. John Evelyn (1629-1706)
o Greenwich England
o The Diary of John Evelyn
175. John Tillotson (1630-94)
176. Katherine Fowler Philips (1631-1664)
o Ellen Moody
o Isle of Lesbos
177. John Dryden (1631-1700)
o imagi-nation
o Island of Freedom
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
178. John Locke (1632-1704)
o Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
o John Locke Society
o Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
o John Locke Foundation
179. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703)
o Samuel Pepys Home Page
o Pepys' Diary
180. George Etherege (1635?-91)
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
181. Thomas Sprat (1635-1713)
182. Thomas Traherne (1636-74)
183. Charles Sackville (1638-1706)
184. Charles Sedley (1639?-1701)
185. Aphra Behn (1640-89)
o The Aphra Behn Page
o Aphra Behn Society Homepage
o Author of The Rover and Oroonoko
186. William Wycherley (1640?-1716)
187. Thomas Shadwell (1642?-92)
o Library of Congress Citations
188. Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
o Trinity College, Dublin
o University of St Andrews
o Newton's life
o Isaac Newton Biography
189. John Wilmot (1647-1680)
o Second Earl of Rochester
190. John Cleveland (1647-58)
191. Jeremy Collier (1650-1726)
192. Thomas Otway (1652-85)
o Mcneil
o Library of Congress Citations
193. John Oldham (1653-83)
194. Nathaniel Lee (1653?-92)
195. Mary Chudleigh (1656-1710)
196. John Dennis (1657-1734)
197. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)
o About Daniel Defoe
o Daniel 'The True-Born Englishman' Defoe
o Books and Writers
o British History 1700-1900
198. Anne Killigrew (1660-1685)
199. Anne Finch (1661-1720)
200. Thomas Brown (1663-1704)
201. John Vanbrugh (1663?-1726)
o Wikipedia
202. Matthew Prior (1664-1721)
203. William Hamilton (c.1665-1751)
204. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
o The Victorian Web
o Jonathan 'Isaac Bickerstaff' Swift
o SPECTRUM Biographies
o Books and Writers
o Marvels of Swift
o Gulliver's Travels - Home Page
205. Aemilia Lanyer (1569-1645)
206. William Congreve (1670-1729)
o OnlinePsychic
207. Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733)
208. Joseph Addison (1672-1719)
o The Latin Prose and Poetry
209. Richard Steele (1672-1729)
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
210. Nicholas Rowe (1674-1718)
211. Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
212. Andrew Hamilton (c.1676-1741)
213. Mary Monck (ca. 1678-1715)
214. Thomas Parnell (1679-1718)
215. Edward Young (1683-1765)
216. John Gay (1685-1732)
o Books and Writers
o The Beggar's Opera
217. Thomas Tickell (1685-1740)
218. Allan Ramsay (1686-1758)
219. Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
o Books and Writers
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
o Island of Freedom
o Selected Poetry and Prose
o Life of Pope, The
220. Samuel Richardson (1689-1761)
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
o Bartleby
o Columbia Encyclopaedia
o Catharton Authors
221. Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762)
222. Mary Barber (1690?-1757)
223. Eliza Haywood (1693?-1756)
224. Alasdair MacMhaighstir Alasdair (1695-1770)
225. Robert Blair (1699-1746)
226. James Thomson (1700-1748)
227. John Dyer (1700?-58)
228. John Wesley (1703-1791)
229. William Hamilton (1704-54)
230. Henry Fielding (1707-54)
o Books and Writers
o LitWeb Henry Fielding Page
o Encyclopaedia of British History
231. Charles Wesley (1707-88)
232. Samuel Johnson (1709-84)
o The Johnson Society of London Home Page
o Johnson Society of Australia, The
o Johnson's Birthplace Museum, Lichfield
o Dr. Johnson's House, 17 Gough Square, London
o The Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page
o Johnson Society of London
233. David Hume (1711-76)
o The Hume Society
o Ty's David Hume Homepage
234. Edward Moore (1712-57)
235. Laurence Sterne (1713-68)
o The San Antonio College LitWeb
o LoveToKnow
o Library of Congress Citations
236. Alicia Alison Cockburn (1713-94)
237. William Shenstone (1714-63)
238. Thomas Gray (1716-71)
o The Thomas Gray Archive
o Wikipedia
239. Horace Walpole (1717-97)
o The Literary Gothic
o Britannica
240. Gilbert White (1720-93)
241. William Collins (1721-59)
o netpoets
242. Mark Akenside (1721-70)
243. Tobias George Smollett (1721-71)
o Andrew Crumey
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
o The San Antonio College LitWeb Tobias Smollett Page
244. Christopher Smart (1722-71)
245. Joseph Warton (1722-1800)
246. John Home (1722-1808)
247. Adam Smith (1723-90)
o The Adam Smith Society
o Economist and Philosopher
o Adam Smith Institute
o Adam Smith Page
248. Joshua Reynolds (1723-92)
249. William Mason (1724-97)
250. Christopher Anstey (1724-1805)
251. Duncan Ban Macintyre (1724-1812)
252. Thomas Warton (1728-90)
253. Thomas Percy (1728-1811)
254. Edmund Burke (1729-97)
o historyguide
255. Thomas Percy (1728-1811)
256. Clara Reeve (1729-1807)
257. Oliver Goldsmith (1730?-74)
o The Oliver Goldsmith Page
o Project Gutenberg
258. Charles Churchill (1731-64)
259. William Cowper (1731-1800)
260. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)
261. William Mickle (1735-88)
262. James Beattie (1735-1803)
263. James Macpherson (1736-1796)
264. Edward Gibbon (1737-94)
o Best of Gibbon's DECLINE & FALL
o Common Sense
o Thomas Paine Page
265. Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
o US History
o A Biography
o Thomas Paine National Historical Association
o The LibertyOnline Thomas Paine Library
266. James Boswell (1740-95)
o James Boswell Instituut Home
o Wikipedia
267. Thomas Holcroft (1740-95)
268. Anna Laetitia Aikin Barbauld (1743-1825)
o The Celebration of Women Writers
269. Thomas Holcroft (1745-1809)
270. Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831)
o Nagoya University
271. Michael Bruce (1746-67)
272. Anna Seward (1747-1809)
273. John Aikin (1747-1822)
274. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
o Peter Landry
o Ruriko Akama, Ehime University, Japan
o The Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
275. Charlotte Smith (1749-1806)
276. Robert Fergusson (1750-74)
277. Sophia Lee (1750-1824)

Click here for authors born between 1751 and 1865.

278. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

o Kipling Society homepage
o geocities
o Books and Writers
o 1907 Nobel Laureate in Literature
279. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
o The Yeats Society
o Twentieth-century Poetry in English
o Yeats Society of New York Home Page
o Irish Poet
o May 1938
o The Second Coming
280. Arthur Symons (1865-1945)
o Snakeskin
o The Victorian Web
o Poets and Writers
281. Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866-1918)
282. Ernest William Hornung (1866-1921)
o Fantastic Fiction
o CyberSpace Spinner
283. John Gray (1866-1934)
284. Beatrix Potter (1866-1943)
o World of Beatrix Potter, The
o Beatrix Potter Collections
o Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
285. Marion Angu (1866-1946)
286. Herbert George Wells (1866-1946)
o The HG Wells Society
o Study Guide for The War of the Worlds
o Why 'The War of the Worlds'?
o Encyclopaedia of British History
o Books and Writers
287. Richard Thomas Le Gallienne (1866-1947)
288. Edmund Kerchever Chambers (1866-1954)
289. Herbert John Clifford Grierson (1866-1960)
290. Ernest Dowson (1867-1900)
o The Victorian Sonnet
o Selected Poetry Of Ernest Dowson
291. Lionel Pigot Johnson (1867-1902)
292. Arnold Bennett (1867-1931)
o The Arnold Bennett Society
o Literary Heritage
o Frank Swinnerton
293. John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
o imagi-nation
o Biography
o Teaching History Online
294. George William Russell (1867-1935)
295. Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940)
o EF Benson Web Site
296. Gertrude Joseph Bell (1868-1926)
297. George Norman Douglas (1868-1952)
298. Edward Verrall Lucas (1868-1938)
299. Ernest Bramah Smith (1868-1942)
300. George Douglas Brown (1869-1902)
301. John Hankin (1869-1909)
302. Charlotte Mary Mew (1869-1928)
303. Caroline F. E. Spurgeon (1869-1942)
304. Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)
305. Algernon Henry Blackwood (1869-1951)
306. Hubert Crackanthorpe (1870-96)
307. Robert Tressell (1870?-1911)
308. Nora Vynne (?1870-1914)
309. Thomas Sturge Moore (1870-1944)
310. Alfred Bruce Douglas (1870-1945)
311. Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)
o Alliance of Literary Societies
o Spartacus
o Arwen
312. Hector Hugh Monro [Saki] (1870-1930)
313. Earnest de Selincourt (1870-1943)
314. Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)
315. John Millington Synge (1871-1909)
o imagi-nation
o Virginia Tech
o infoplease
316. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914)
317. John Joy Bell (1871-1934)
318. William Henry Davies (1871-1940)
319. Ralph Hodgson (1871-1940)
320. Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872-98)
o Bartleby
o LoveToKnow
o Bob Speel
321. John McCrae (1872-1918)
322. Max Beerbohm (1872-56)
323. Edward Gordon Craig (1872-63)
324. John Cowper Powys (1872-63)
o The Powys Society Website
o Powys Society
o The Powys Review
o tiscali
325. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
o The Bertrand Russell Archives
o A. D. Irvine
o University of St Andrews
326. Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872-98)
327. Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939)
o FMF Society
o Books and Writers
328. John Davys Beresford (1873-1947)
329. Walter de la Mare (1873-1956)
o The Walter de la Mare Society
o Books and Writers
330. Dorothy Miller Richardson (1873-1957)
331. Henry Major Tomlinson (1873-1958)
332. Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
o The American Chesterton Society
o David Hawkins
o Martin Ward's Chesterton Page (University of Durham)
o G. K. Chesterton Mega-Links Page
o A Starter Course on G.K. Chesterton
o Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
o Charles Dickens
333. Raymond Wilson Chambers (1874-1942)
334. Gordon Bottomley (1874-1948)
335. Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948)
336. Robert W. Service (1874-1958)
337. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)
o The Churchill Centre
o wikipedia
338. Sydney Fowler Wright (1874-1965)
339. William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
o infoplease
o World Traveler, Famed Storyteller
o William Somerset Maugham Quotes
o Works
340. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932)
341. John Buchan (1875-1940)
342. Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)
343. Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950)
344. Theodore Francis Powys (1875-1953)
o Powys Society
345. Walter Wilson Greg (1875-1959)
346. David Lindsay (1876-1945)
347. Frank Richards (1876-1961)
348. George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876-1962)
349. William Hope Hodgson (1877-1918)
350. Harley Granville-Barker (1877-1946)
351. James Evershed Agate (1877-1947)
352. Edward Thomas (1878-1917)
o Edward Thomas Fellowship
o Oxford UP
353. Caradoc Evans (1878-1945)
354. Desmond MacCarthy (1878-1952)
355. Alfred Edgar Coppard (1878-1957)
356. Lord Dunsany (1878-1957)
357. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878-1962)
358. Daniel Corkery (1878-1964)
359. John Masefield (1878-1967)
o PairoWoodies
o John Masefield Virtual Research Environment
360. Harold Edward Monro (1879-1932)
361. Robert Lynd (1879-1949)
362. Edward Morgan Forster (1879-1970)
o Books and Writers
o Aspects of E.M. Forster (Heiko Zimmermann)
o Machine Stops, The
o Connecting with E. M. Forster
o A Passage through Forster
o The Literary Moose
363. Arthur Stuart-Menteth Hutchinson (1879-1971)
364. John Freeman (1880-1929)
365. Lytton Strachey (1880-1932)
o The Bloomsbury Group
o Wikipedia
o Classical Authors Directory
366. Montague Summers (1880-1948)
367. Alfred Noyes (1880-1959)
o Literary Heritage
368. Leonard Sidney Woolf (1880-1969)
369. Mary Gladys Webb (1881-1927)
370. Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938)
371. Arthur Clive Heward Bell (1881-1964)
372. John Dover Wilson (1881-1969)
373. Padraic Colum (1881-1972)
374. Pelham Grenville Wodehouse (1881-1975)
o Appreciation Page
375. John Drinkwater (1882-1937)
376. James Joyce (1882-1941)
o The James Joyce Society
o James Joyce Centre, The
o International James Joyce Foundation
o End of Life: The Dead
o James Joyce Resource Center
o Twentieth-century Poetry in English
o James Joyce Centre Dublin
377. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
o Virginia Woolf Web
o The Virginia Woolf Society of Japan
o The International Virginia Woolf Society
o Virginia Woolf Studies
o Monday or Tuesday
o Mailing List:
378. James Stephens (1882-1950)
379. Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956)
380. Dorothy Miller Richardson (1882-1957)
381. Percy Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957)
o Books and Writers
o Who's Who
382. Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong (1882-1974)
383. Thomas Ernest Hulme (1883-1917)
384. Caradoc Evans (1883-1945)
385. Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie (1883-1972)
386. Herman James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915)
387. Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939)
388. Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941)
389. Gilbert Frankau (1884-1952)
390. Francis Brett Young (1884-1954)
391. John Collings Squire (1884-1958)
392. Sean O'Casey (1884-1964)
393. Arthur Mitchell Ransome (1884-1967)
394. Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969)
o The Ivy Compton-Burnett Home Page
395. David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930)
o D.H. Lawrence Society of Australia
o Aesthete's List: WebReference
o Uni of Nottingham - DHL Collection
o D H Lawrence resources at The University of Nottingham
o DHL Information - Rananim Society
o DH Lawrence / Aesthete's List of Diane Marie Ward
396. Gerald Gould (1885-1936)
397. Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940)
398. Percival Christopher Wren (1885-1941)
399. Frank Stewart Flint (1885-1960)
400. Dorita Fairlie Bruce (1885-1970)
o The Dorita Fairlie Bruce Homepage
401. Andrew John Young (1885-1971)
402. Humbert Wolfe (1886-1940)
403. Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall (1886-1943)
404. Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886-1945)
o The Charles Williams Society
o Oldpoetry
405. Hugh John Lofting (1886-1947)
406. William Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950)
407. Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
o Geocities
o The Hydra
o Encyclopaedia of British History
408. Thomas Burke (1886-1945)
409. Rupert Brooke (1887-1915)
o Encyclopaedia of British History
o Bibliomania
410. Francis Ledwidge (1887-1917)
411. Edwin Muir (1887-1959)
412. Julian Huxley (1887-1975)
413. Edith Sitwell (1887-1964)
414. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
o Books and Writers
o The Garden Party and Other Stories
o Bliss and Other Stories
415. Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935)
o Books and Writers
o Ry*ko Yagitani
416. James Bridie (1888-1951)
417. Joyce Cary (1888-1957)
o Irlandseye
o Princess Grace Irish Library
418. Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)
o Eliot Society
o Kobe University
o Books and Writers
o Twentieth-century Poetry in English
o TS Eliot Forum Frigate
o T.S. Eliot Prufrock Page
419. Stephen McKenna (1888-1967)
420. Donn Byrne (1889-1929)
421. Walter James Turner (1889-1946)
422. John Middleton Murry (1889-1957)
423. Rose Macaulay (1889-1958)
424. Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall Tillyard (1889-1962)
425. Naomi Ellington Jacob (1889-1964)
426. Arthur David Waley (1889-1966)
427. Christopher Dawson (1889-1970)
o Christopher Dawson Archives
o University of St. Thomas
o Christ in History
428. Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975)
o Malaspina
o Spartacus
429. Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918)
o Schoolnet
430. Ivor Bertie Gurney (1890-1937)
431. Angela Thirkell (1890-1960)
432. Alan Patrick Herbert (1890-1971)
433. Agatha Christie (1890-1976)
o Agatha Christie - official site
o Athens
o Whodunnit?
o Agatha Christie Biography
o Woman of Mystery
434. Francis Ledwidge (1891-1917)
435. Romer Wilson (1891-1930)
436. Neil Miller Gunn (1891-1973)
437. Bonamy Dobree (1891-1974)
438. Margaret Storm Jameson (1891-1986)
439. Stella Benson (1892-1933)
440. Edward Buxton Shanks (1892-1953)
441. Richard Aldington (1892-1962)
442. Victoria Sackville-West (1892-1962)
443. Ivy Compton-Burnett (1892-1969)
o The Ivy Compton-Burnett Home Page
o ivycomptonburnett
o The Columbia Encyclopedia
444. Osbert Sitwell (1892-1969)
o Prose & Poetry
o infoplease
o The Columbia Encyclopedia
445. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)
o Tolkien Society
o Tolkien Archives
o Mume.Net
o Ultimate Tolkien Page, The
o Galadriel Worshippers Army
o World of J. R. R. Tolkien
o Santhosh D'Souza
o Tolkien Quotations
o Imladris: Middle Earth Stratics
o Tolkien Enterprises
446. Cecil Edric Mornington Roberts (1892-1976)
447. Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978)
448. David Garnett (1892-1981)
449. Rebecca West [Cicily Isabel Fairfield Andrews] (1892-1983)
450. Ursula Bloom (1892-1984)
451. Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
o Wilfred Owen Association
o Emory
o Encyclopaedia of British History
o Selected Poetry of Wilfred Owen
o The Hydra
452. Robert Nichols (1893-1944)
453. Dorothy Leigh Sayers (1893-1957)
o The History of the Mystery
o A Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection
454. Gerald Bullett (1893-1958)
455. George Blake (1893-1961)
456. George Herbert Read (1893-1968)
457. Vera Mary Brittain (1893-1970)
458. Richard Thomas Church (1893-1972)
459. Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893-1978)
o The Dorset Page
o Spartacus
o Queertheory
460. Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979)
o Harvard
o Research Links
461. Charles Langbridge Morgan (1894-1958)
462. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
o SOMA Web
o Bohemian Ink
o Thoughts on Aldous Huxley's Island
463. Frank Laurence Lucas (1894-1967)
464. Allardyce Nicoll (1894-1976)
465. Phyllis Eleanor Bentley (1894-1977)
466. John Boynton Priestley (1894-1984)
o The Last Sage
o Takaisin
o The Priestley Centre For The Arts
o Forum Frigate
o Encyclopaedia of British History
467. Charles Hamilton Sorley (1895-1915)
468. Louis Golding (1895-1958)
469. Michael Arlen (1895-1965)
470. David Jones (1895-1974)
471. Leslie Poles Hartley (1895-1972)
472. Henry Williamson (1895-1977)
o The Henry Williamson Society
o Henry Williamson Profile
o Natures Visionary
473. Frank Raymond Leavis (1895-1978)
o Local Ancestors
o JHU Press
474. Robert Graves (1895-1985)
o Books and Writers
o Encyclopaedia of British History
475. Margaret Moore Kennedy (1896-1967)
476. Edmund Charles Blunden (1896-1974)
o Undertones of War
o Columbia Encyclopedia
o Spartacus
477. Robert Cedric Sherriff (1896-1975)
478. Archibald Joseph Cronin (1896-1981)
o Antenati
o Overview
o Literature Annotations
479. Liam O'Flaherty (1896-1984 )
o The unoffical Liam O'Flaherty Homepage
o irish writers online
o Life
480. Dodie Gladys Smith (1896-1990)
o The Dodie Smith Information Site
o Wikipedia
481. Monk Gibbon (1896-1987)
482. Dennis Yeats Wheatley (1897-1977)
o Dennis Wheatley tribute site
o The Weird Review
o Library of the Occult
483. George Wilson Knight (1897-1985)
484. Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-1988)
485. Josephine Bell (1897-1987)
486. Winifred Holtby (1898-1935)
487. Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963)
o Chronicles of Narnia
o Crime, Punishment and Responsibility
o C.S. Lewis Campfire Chat
o C.S. Lewis Foundation
o news:alt.books.cs-lewis
488. Cecil Maurice Bowra (1898-1971)
489. Kate O'Brien (1898-1974)
490. Sylvia Townsend Warner (1898-1978)
o Sylvia Townsend Warner Society
o Dorset's Literary Connections
491. Beverly Nichols (1898-1983)
492. Cecil Scott Forester (1899-1966)
o Books and Writers
o infoplease
493. Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973)
o irish writers online
o Peer Critique
494. Noel Coward (1899-1973)
o The Noel Coward Society
o No?l Coward Centenary
495. Eric Linklater (1899-1974)
496. John Beverley Nichols (1899-1983)
497. Frances Yates (1899-1981)
498. Ralph Winston Fox (1900-37)
499. James Hilton (1900-54)
500. Richard Arthur Warren Hughes (1900-76)
501. Sean O'Faolain (1900-91)
502. Victor Sawdon Pritchett (1900-97)
503. Ethel Mannin (1900-85)
504. Charles Wrey Gardiner (1900-67)
505. Roy Campbell (1901-57)
506. James Hanley (1901-85)
507. John Collier (1901-80)
508. Eleanor Furneaux Smith (1902-45)
509. Michael William Edward Roberts (1902-48)
510. Stella Dorothea Gibbons (1902-89)
511. Edward Christian David Cecil (1902-86)
512. George Orwell (1903-50)
o Political Writings of George Orwell
o Encyclopaedia of British History
o 1984 by George Orwell
o Summary Central: 1984
513. Evelyn Waugh (1903-66)
o Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies
o An Evelyn Waugh Website
o Books and Writers
o Brideshead Revisited
o Doubting Hall
514. William Plomer (1903-73)
515. Cyril Vernon Connolly (1903-74)
516. Rosamond Nina Lehmann (1903-79)
517. Patrick Hamilton (1904-62)
518. Patrick Kavanagh (1904-67)
519. Cecil Day-Lewis (1904-72)
520. Graham Greene (1904-91)
o Santhosh D'Souza
o Greeneland: the world of Graham Greene
o Books and Writers
o Graham Greene Bibliography
521. Henry Green (1905-73)
o Literary Heritage
o British Library
o infoplease
522. Herbert Ernest Bates (1905-74)
523. Charles Percy Snow (1905-80)
524. Arthur Koestler (1905-83)
525. Geoffrey Edward Harvey Grigson (1905-85)
526. Rex Ernest Warner (1905-86)
527. George Emlyn Williams (1905-87)
528. Margery Sharp (1905-91)
529. Anthony Dymoke Powell (1905-2000)
o The Anthony Powell Society and Anthony Powell Resources Pages
530. Peter Courtney Quennell (1905-93)
531. Eric Frank Russell (1905-78)
532. Terence Hanbury White (1906-64)
o Englans Have My Bones
o AllRefer Encyclopedia
533. Vernon Phillips Watkins (1906-67)
534. Fionn Mac Colla (1906-75)
535. John Betjeman (1906-84)
536. Samuel Beckett (1906-89)
o The Samuel Beckett Endpage
o Samuel Beckett Research Circle of Japan
o Samuel Beckett On-Line Resources and Links Page
537. Victoria Holt (1906-93)
538. William Empson (1906-84)
o Johns Hopkins UP
o Wikipedia
539. Laurens van der Post (1906-96)
540. Catherine Ann Cookson (1906-98)
o Books and Writers
541. Christopher Caudwell (1907-37)
542. Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-73)
o The WH Auden Society
o Eiichi Hishikawa
o W. H. Auden's Poetry
543. Louis MacNeice (1907-63)
o infoplease
o Encyclopedia
544. Robert Peter Fleming (1907-71)
545. John Frederick Lehmann (1907-87)
546. Daphne Du Maurier (1907-89)
o Daphne du Maurier WEB Site, The
o Dame Daphne du Maurier
o Daphne du Maurier Festival, The
547. Margaret Rumer Godden (1907-98)
o A Rumer Godden Web Page
o Anne Chisolm
548. Christopher Fry (1907-2005)
549. Richard Lloyd (1907-83)
550. William Haggard (1907-93)
551. Elspeth Josceline Huxley (1907-97)
552. JIan Lancaster Fleming (1908-1964)
553. Nigel Balchin (1908-70)
554. Kathleen Jessie Raine (1908-2003)
555. Leonard Gribble (1908- )
556. Clarence Malcolm Lowry (1909-57)
557. James Reeves (1909-78)
558. Eric Ambler (1909-98)
559. Muriel Clara Bradbrook (1909-93)
560. George Bruce (1909-2002)
561. Stephen Spender (1909-95)
562. Philip Maitland Hubbard (1910-81)
563. a
Cooper (1910-2002)
564. Frederick Grice (1910-83)
565. Flann O'Brien (1911-66)
o The No-Bicycle Page
566. Henry Treece (1911-66)
567. Mervyn Laurence Peake (1911-68)
568. Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer Churchill (1911-68)
569. Terence Rattigan (1911-77)
o The Rattigan Society
o Winslow Boy
570. John Rayner Heppenstall (1911-81)
571. William Golding (1911-93)
o Golding Page
o Lord of the Flies
o Internet Movie Database
o P?n Much (Lord of the Flies)
572. Walter Ernest Allen (1911-95)
573. Sybille Bedford (1911- )
574. Pamela Hansford Johnson (1912-81)
575. Nigel Forbes Dennis (1912-89)
576. Lawrence George Durrell (1912-90)
o Wikipedia
o Biography
577. Mary Lavin (1912-96)
578. David Daiches (1912- )
579. Paul Dehn (1912-76)
580. Roy Broadbent Fuller (1912-91)
581. Charles Madge (1912-96)
582. Frank Templeton Prince (1912-2003)
583. Anne Barbara Ridler (1912-2001)
584. William Sansom (1912-76)
585. William Douglas-Home (1912- )
586. Barbara Mary Crampton Pym (1913-80)
o Pym-l
o An Excellent Woman
587. George Granville Barker (1913-91)
588. Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson (1913-91)
589. Ronald Stuart Thomas (1913-2000)
590. Dylan Thomas (1914-53)
o The Academy of American Poets
o Stewart Ogilby
o The Dylan Thomas Society
o Child's Christmas in Wales
591. Colin MacInnes (1914-76)
592. Ronald Frederick Henry Duncan (1914-82)
593. Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson (1914-87)
594. Patrick O'Brian (1914-2000)
o The World of Patrick O'Brian: Home Page
o Patrick O'Brian Web Resources
o The Patrick O'Brian Compendium
595. Clifford Dyment (1914- )
596. Laurie Lee (1914-97)
597. Ruthven Todd (1914-78)
598. Alun Lewis (1915-44)
599. Sydney Goodsir Smith (1915-75)
600. George Sutherland Fraser (1915-80)
601. Francis Berry (1915- )
602. Roald Dahl (1916-90)
o Official Roald Dahl Website
o Books and Writers
o Teacher Resouce Unit
o Jeff Meaney's Roald Dahl Page
603. David Gascoyne (1916-2001)
o David Gascoyne Home Page
o Short Profile
o Poet's Day 1997
604. David Emery Gascoyne (1916-2001)
605. Robin Maugham (1916-81)
606. Terence Tiller (1916- )
607. Denton Maurice Welch (1917-48)
608. Anthony Burgess (1917-93)
o The Anthony Burgess Center
o The Korova Milkbar
609. Arthur C. Clarke (1917- )
610. George Robert Acworth Conquest (1917- )
611. Rex Gordon (1917- )
612. William Sydney Graham (1918-86)
613. John Francis Alexander Heath-Stubbs (1918- )
614. Maurice Lindsay Sawkins (1918- )
615. Percy Howard Newby (1918- )
616. Margaret Baker (1918- )
617. Penelope Ruth Mortimer (1918-99)
618. Muriel Sarah Spark (1918- )
o "The Muriel Spark Society"
o the official website
o The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
o Wikipedia
619. Shirley Anne Jackson (1919-65)
620. Frank Kermode (1919- )
621. Doris Lessing (1919- )
o The Doris Lessing Society
o Works and Writers
o British Counsil
o Similarities Between Virginia Woolf and Doris Lessing
o Writing the Self: Selected Works of Doris Lessing
622. Jean Iris Murdoch (1919-99)
o The Iris Murdoch Society
o Wikipedia
623. Norman Frederick Simpson (1919- )
624. Keith Castellain Douglas (1920-44)
625. Colin Watson (1920-82)
626. Elleston Trevor (1920-1995)
o Adam Hall
o Books and Writers
627. Alexander Comfort (1920-2000)
628. Dennis Joseph Enright (1920-2002)
629. Edwin George Morgan (1920- )
630. George Mackay Brown (1921-96)
631. Wilson Harris (1921- )
632. Peter Alexander Ustinov (1921-2004)
633. Raymond Henry Williams (1921-88)
o Newschool
o British Media Critic
o Alex Barnett
634. Richard O. Gordon (1921- )
635. Sidney Keyes (1922-43)
636. Philip Larkin (1922-85)
o The Philip Larkin Society
o Books and Writers
o The Academy of American Poets
637. John Gerard Braine (1922-86)
638. Kingsley Amis (1922-95)
o Wikipedia
o Books and Writers
639. Donald Alfred Davie (1922-95)
640. Lionel Davidson (1922- )
641. Allan Campbell McLean (1922- )
642. John Frederick Burke (1922- )
643. Brendan Francis Behan (1923-64)
o Books and Writers
644. Denise Levertov (1923-97)
o Modern American Poetry
645. Dannie Abse (1923- )
646. Francis Henry King (1923- )
647. James Kirkup (1923- )
648. John Clifford Mortimer (1923- )
649. Elizabeth Jane Howard (1923- )
650. Peter Bryan George (1924-66)
651. Joyce Porter (1924-90)
652. Robert Oxton Bolt (1924-95)
653. John Griffith Bowen (1924- )
654. Michael Hamburger (1924- )
655. Joan Aiken (1924-2004)
656. Brian Wilson Aldiss (1925- )
657. Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925- )
658. Laurence Lerner (1925- )
659. James Saunders (1925-2004)
660. Robin Skelton (1925- )
661. John Wain (1925-94)
o Literary Heritage
o The Novels of John Wain
662. George MacDonald Fraser (1925- )
663. J. T. McIntosh [James Murdock MacGregor] (1925- )
664. Jeremy Brooks (1926-94)
665. Bernard Kops (1926- )
666. John Peter Berger (1926- )
667. John Fowles (1926- )
o The Web Site
o Books and Writers
o New York Times
668. Elizabeth Joan Jennings (1926- )
669. Anthony Shaffer (1926-2001)
670. Peter Levin Shaffer (1926- )
671. James Partick Donleavy (1926- )
672. Robert Shaw (1927-78)
673. Anne Jellicoe (1927- )
674. Peter Richard Nichols (1927- )
675. Alfred Charles Tomlinson (1927- )
676. Tom Sharpe (1927- )
677. James Peebles Ewing Kennaway (1928-68)
678. Stanley Barstow (1928- )
679. Thomas Kinsella (1928- )
680. Alan Sillitoe (1928- )
o Understanding Alan Sillitoe
o Books and Writers
681. Iain Crichton Smith (1928-
682. Bernice Rubens (1928- )
683. Brigid Antonia Brophy (1929- )
684. Alan Burns (1929- )
685. Thom Gunn (1929-2004)
686. Henry Livings (1929-98)
687. John Osborne (1929- )
o imagi-nation
o A lifelong satirist of prigs and puritans
688. Peter Porter (1929- )
689. Keith Spencer Waterhouse (1929- )
690. Alfred Alvarez (1929- )
691. John Patrick Montague (1929- )
692. John Arden (1930- )
693. Ted Hughes (1930-98)
o Ted Hughes Homepage, The
o Ted Hughes Pages
o Sydney Skea
694. Harold Pinter (1930- )
o Harold
o imagi-nation
o Books and Writers
695. Chinua Achebe (1930- )
o Books and Writers
o ClassicNotes
696. Anthony Simon Thwaite (1930- )
o Between the lines
697. Barry Unsworth (1930- )
698. Quentin Crisp (1930- )
699. Roy Fisher (1930- )
700. Peter Barnes (1931- )
701. Brian Lester Glanville (1931- )
702. John Le Carre (1931- )
703. Colin Wilson (1931- )
o Wikipedia
o The Biography Project
o Colin Wilson World
704. J. G. Ballard (1931- )
705. George Mann MacBeth (1932-92)
706. Emory University
707. Seminar with VS Naipaul
708. Books and Writers
709. Geoffrey William Hill (1932- )
710. Edna O'Brien (1932- )
711. Peter Redgrove (1932- )
712. Arnold Wesker (1932- )
713. Adrian Mitchell (1932-)
714. Joe Orton (1933-67)
715. Bryan Stanly William Johnson (1933-73)
716. James Simmons (1933-2001)
717. David Storey (1933- )
o screenonline
o British Counsil
o Literature Awards
o infoplease
o Literary Encyclopedia
718. Fay Weldon (1933- )
719. Edward Bond (1934- )
720. Beryl Margaret Bainbridge (1934 - )
o British Counsil
721. Michael Horovitz (1935-)
722. Trevor Griffiths (1935- )
723. Antonia Susan Byatt (1936- )
o Review of Babel Tower
724. Simon James Holliday Gray (1936- )
725. Tom Stoppard (1937- )
726. Paul Bailey (1937- )
727. Alan Ayckbourn (1939- )
o Official Website
o Intimate Exchanges
728. Shelagh Delaney (1939- )
729. Margaret Drabble (1939- )
o A Home Page
o British Counsil
o Wikipedia
o Intimate Exchanges
730. Seamus Justin Heaney (1939- )
o Biography
o The Academy of American Poets
o Winner of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature
731. Auberon Waugh (1939-2001)
732. Michael Moorcock (1939- )
733. Bruce Chatwin (1940-89)
734. Derek Jarman (1942-94)
735. Susan Hill (1942- )
o British Counsil
o Biography
736. Ian Watson (1943- )
737. John Banville (1945 - )

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