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values and appropriate conduct.

Social programs that may improve the ethical culture

range from work–family programs and stock ownership plans to community service.
Home Depot associates, for example, participate in disaster-relief efforts after hurricanes
and tornadoes by rebuilding roofs, repairing water damage, planting trees, and clearing
roads in their communities. Because employees spend a considerable amount of their
waking time at work, a commitment by the organization to goodwill and respect for its
employees usually increases the employees’ loyalty to the organization and their support
of its objectives. After years of bad publicity regarding environmental damage and its poor
treatment of workers, Wal-Mart appears to have realized the importance of corporate
social responsibility to a company’s bottom line. Over 92 percent of Wal-Mart associates
now have health insurance, and Wal-Mart has been working hard to improve diversity as
well. In 2008 alone, Wal-Mart received 37 separate awards and distinctions for its diversity
efforts. The company has taken strides toward being more sustainable as well—by doing
everything from introducing low-emissions vehicles to its shipping fleet and installing
solar panels on store rooftops. Wal-Mart has even stated a goal to be zero-waste.36
Employees’ perception that their firm has an ethical culture leads to performanceenhancing
outcomes within the organization.37 For the sake of both productivity and
teamwork, it is essential that employees both within and between departments throughout
the organization share a common vision of trust. The influence of higher levels of trust
is greatest on relationships within departments or work groups, but trust is a significant
factor in relationships between departments as well. Consequently, programs that create
a work environment that is trustworthy make individuals more willing to rely and act on
the decisions and actions of their coworkers. In such a work environment, employees can
reasonably expect to be treated with full respect and consideration by their coworkers
and superiors. Trusting relationships between upper management and managers and
their subordinates contribute to greater decision

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