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Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

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Performance assessment of damaged ship hulls

Duygu Saydam, Dan M. Frangopol n
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Research Center for Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS Center),
Lehigh University, 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, a probabilistic framework for performance assessment of ship hulls under sudden damage
Received 4 October 2012 accounting for different operational conditions is presented. Grounding and collision accidents are
Accepted 30 March 2013 considered as sudden damage scenarios. The combined effects of sudden damage and progressive
Available online 19 May 2013
deterioration due to corrosion are investigated. The performance of ship hull is quantified in terms of
Keywords: ship reliability and robustness. The longitudinal bending moment failure is considered as the limit state.
Ships The longitudinal bending moment capacities of the intact and damaged ship hulls are assessed using an
Structural reliability optimization-based version of incremental curvature method. The wave-induced loads for different ship
Sudden damage speeds, headings and sea states are identified based on hydrodynamic analysis and the ship performance
under different operational conditions is investigated. The approach is illustrated on an oil tanker. Under
Reliability index
different operational conditions the reliability index associated with the intact and damaged ship hull
Operational conditions
and the robustness index associated with damage scenarios are presented in polar plots. In addition,
aging effects on ship reliability are investigated.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction provided a review of the state-of-the-art research on ship collision

and grounding focusing on the definition of accident scenarios,
Performance assessment of damaged ship hull structures is evaluation approaches and acceptance criteria. Zhu et al. (2002)
crucial for informed-decision making after an accident. Grounding studied the statistics of ship grounding incidents and presented
and collision are the most common accidents resulting in destruc- damage extent distributions for certain types of ships. Wang et al.
tion of ships (Khan and Das, 2008). Evaluation and prediction of (2002b) proposed an analytical expression for assessing the residual
ship performance involve uncertainties due to the randomness in strength of hull girders with damage and provided simple equations
the material properties, the deterioration processes under the correlating residual strength with damage extent. Fang and Das
aggressive environmental conditions, and the imperfections in (2005) applied structural reliability concepts to ship structures. They
engineering models. Nevertheless, these uncertainties should be used Monte Carlo Simulation to assess the failure probability of
treated properly in order to assess the performance of damaged damaged ships for different grounding and collision damage scenarios
ships. Reducing risk associated with loss of ship due to a post- and external load conditions. Hussein and Guedes Soares (2009)
accident collapse or disintegration of the hull during tow or rescue studied the residual strength and reliability of double hull tankers for
operations are of vital importance. different damage scenarios. Decò et al. (2011) investigated the time-
Research on performance assessment of damaged structures has variant reliability and redundancy of ship structures. Lee et al. (2012)
attracted significant interest in the last two decades (Frangopol, 2011; compared the wave-induced loads on intact ship and damaged ship
Okasha and Frangopol, 2010a; Frangopol and Estes, 1997; Onoufriou by means of experimental tests and computational analyses. Decò
and Frangopol, 2002; Okasha et al., 2010). For ships, vertical bending et al. (2012) proposed a framework for the assessment of structural
moment capacity at critical sections has been the major performance safety of ships under different operational conditions by evaluating
indicator investigated. Paik et al. (1998) studied the residual strength performance indicators such as reliability and redundancy.
of hull structures based on section modulus and ultimate bending The availability of information on the residual strength of a
strength and proposed a method for investigating the hull girder damaged hull structure can be very helpful for making decisions
failure following collision and grounding. Wang et al. (2002a) on how to proceed with the damaged ships after accidents.
Moreover, the decision making process could be enhanced greatly
when the information regarding the reliability of damaged ship
hulls after grounding and collision is available. It is necessary
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Saydam), to establish methods for reliability assessment of damaged ships (D.M. Frangopol). for different operational conditions. For instance, the reliability

0029-8018/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
66 D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

information for different ship speeds, heading angles and sea 3. Methodology for performance assessment of damaged
states could provide guidance to avoid the ultimate failure of the ship hulls
damaged hull structures. In addition, the aging effects should be
integrated in this approach. The methodology for assessing the performance of damaged
In this paper, a probabilistic framework for performance assess- ship hull considering aging effects is illustrated in Fig. 1. The first
ment of ship hulls under sudden damage accounting for different step of the methodology is identifying the failure mode to
operational conditions is presented. Grounding and collision acci- investigate. In general, longitudinal bending moment failure at
dents are considered as sudden damage scenarios. The combined the mid-section of the ship hull is considered as the limit state.
effects of sudden damage and progressive deterioration due to The next steps can be basically categorized in two parts. These are
corrosion are investigated. The reliability index and a probabilistic the computations for resistance and loads. The random variables
robustness index are selected as the performance indicators to associated with the resistance must be identified. The hull capacity
account for the uncertainties. The longitudinal bending moment associated with this failure mode should be computed considering
failure is considered as the limit state. The longitudinal bending uncertainties for the intact and damaged (sudden damage) hull
moment capacity of the intact and damaged ship hulls is assessed associated with the selected grounding and collision damage
using an optimization-based version of incremental curvature scenarios. One component of the load effects is due to the still
method. In order to investigate the ship performance under water. The load effects produced by the still water can be
different operational conditions, the wave-induced loads for differ- subjected to change as the effect of sudden damage to the ship
ent ship speeds, headings and sea states are identified based on increases and the load distribution over the length changes. Still
hydrodynamic analysis. The approach is illustrated on an oil tanker. water load effects can be evaluated based on expressions given in
Under different operational condition, the reliability index of intact codes or hydrostatic analysis. A proper probability distribution
and damaged ship hulls and the robustness index associated with type and its parameters should be identified. Another component
various damage scenarios are presented in polar plots. In addition, of the load effects is due to waves. Wave-induced load effects
aging effects on ship reliability are investigated. depend on the operational conditions (e.g., ship speed, heading,
sea state). In order to compute the loads for different operational
conditions, hydrodynamic analyses of the ship should be per-
2. Grounding and collision damage formed. The performance function including the hull capacity, still
water load effects and wave-induced load effects can be estab-
Performance assessment of damaged ships includes identifying lished at this stage. Using a software program capable of perform-
accident scenarios, estimating the probability of occurrence of differ- ing first-order reliability method (FORM) or second-order
ent accidents, reliability analysis of the structure under the accident reliability method (SORM), the instantaneous (i.e. at a point in
scenarios, and evaluating the consequences of structural damage and time) reliability index associated with a sudden damage scenario
failure, among others. This paper primarily focuses on the reliability and an operational condition can be computed. In order to obtain,
analysis under various damage scenarios associated with grounding time-variation of the reliability the procedure should be repeated
and collision. The extent of the damage on the ship hull after with time-variant values of hull capacity reduced in time due to
grounding and collision accidents depends on several parameters the effects of corrosion. The effects of different levels of still water
such as the speed at contact, contact angle, and mechanical properties loads on reliability can be investigated by repeating the procedure
of the structures in contact, among others. In this paper, alternate load for different values of still water load effects. Furthermore, the
path approach is adopted, where several damage scenarios are procedure should be repeated for different operational conditions
considered regardless of the cause of the damage. In grounding and to obtain the reliability index with respect to speed, heading and
collision damage scenarios, it is assumed that the damaged part of the sea state. The steps of the methodology are explained in details in
hull is unable to carry longitudinal stresses and is excluded from the the following sections.
ultimate bending moment computations.
Grounding with a forward speed on a rocky sea bed may result
in considerable rupture of the bottom of the hull structure. The 4. Resistance model
damage should be assumed to be located unfavorably anywhere on
the flat bottom. ABS guidelines (1995) consider the damage to be A combination of vertical and horizontal bending moments is
within the fore part of the hull between 0.5L and 0.2L aft from expected while the ship is in service. However, the horizontal
forward perpendicular, where L is the length of the ship. The width moment is often very small and for practical purposes it may be
of the damage is assumed to be the greater of 4 m or B/6 (i.e., one appropriate to deal only with the vertical bending moment (Guedes
sixth of breadth B). According to ABS (1995), the damaged members Soares and Teixeira, 2000). In fact, the maximum value of the
are excluded from the hull girder section modulus calculation. vertical bending moment is the most important load effect in the
A collision with another ship on one side may result in analysis and design of ship structures (Hughes, 1983). In this paper,
extensive rupture of the side of the hull structure. ABS guidelines since the longitudinal bending failure mode is considered, the hull
(1995) assume that the damage is in the most unfavorable location strength is expressed in terms of the longitudinal bending moment
anywhere between 0.15L aft from the forward perpendicular and at the mid-section of the hull. The ultimate flexural capacity of the
0.2L forward from the aft perpendicular. The collision damage is hull can be evaluated based on finite element analysis, incremental
assumed to be located at upper part of the side shell, down from curvature method (IACS, 2008) and progressive collapse method
the stringer plate of the strength deck. The shell plating for vertical (Hughes, 1983). However, computing hull strength using these
extent of the greater of 4 m or D/4 (i.e., one fourth of the depth D) methods in a probabilistic manner can be time-inefficient. Okasha
and the attached girders and side longitudinals are supposed to be and Frangopol (2010b) proposed an efficient deterministic method
excluded from the capacity analysis. for computation of the ship hull strength based on optimization. In
The damage levels indicated in the guidelines are moderate rather this method, the ship hull cross-section is discretized into elements,
than extreme (Paik et al. 1998). The size of the damage considered in each composed of a longitudinal stiffener and its attached plate.
this paper is at least that defined in ABS (1995). The effects of more Stresses in the hull section are determined using the constitutive
severe damage scenarios are investigated. The damage scenarios and models of these elements. The constitutive models take into
the size of the damage are described in the illustrative example. account the various possible failure modes of stiffened panels.
D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76 67

Identify the most

critical failure mode

Evaluate the load Identify operational

Compute still water
capacity of the intact conditions to
load effects
ship hull investigate (i.e., speed,
heading, sea state)
Identify sudden
damage scenarios

Evaluate the load Update still water Perform hydrodynamic

capacity by removing

load effects in analysis of ship for


damaged parts damaged state (e.g., selected operational


consider flooding) condition

Obtain wave-induced
load effects for
selected operational

Identify limit state


Obtain reliability
index (e.g., FORM,

Use this information

in decision making

Fig. 1. Methodology of assessing time-variant performance of damaged ship hulls.

Initial imperfections are also taken into account. For a given In many studies, incremental curvature method is used to
curvature, the bending moment of the section is determined in a method compute the ultimate strength of the damaged ship
way similar to that of the incremental curvature method. However, (Gordo and Guedes Soares, 1997; Fang and Das, 2004; Jia and
instead of finding the ultimate strength by incrementing the Moan, 2008; Khan and Das, 2007). The damage is modeled by
curvature, the ultimate strength is found by an optimization search removing the damaged elements from the most critical section
algorithm. The curvature is treated as a design variable and the and computing the ultimate strength of the damaged section.
objective is to find the curvature that maximizes the bending Guedes Soares et al. (2008) checked the adequacy of this approach
moment. In order to find the moment capacity of the hull in a by comparing the estimations in codes with the results of a finite-
probabilistic manner, the sample space regarding the random element analysis of a damaged ship hull.
variables should be created using a sampling method. Latin Hyper-
cube Sampling is a technique allowing the reduction of the number
4.1. Effects of corrosion
of necessary samples to reach a certain level of confidence (McKay
et al., 1979). By combining these two steps, a probability distribu-
The ultimate bending capacity of the ship hull decreases in
tion for the maximum moment capacity of the ship hull section can
time as the thickness of the plates and stiffeners reduce in time
be obtained.
due to corrosion. The corrosion model used to estimate the time-
The problem of finding the maximum bending moment of a
variant thickness loss of components of the hull is (Paik et al.,
ship hull cross section is described by an unconstrained single
1998; Akpan et al., 2002)
objective nonlinear optimization problem as follows:
rðtÞ ¼ C 1 ðt−t 0 ÞC 2 ð1Þ
Given: Ship section dimensions and material properties where r(t) is the thickness loss in mm, t0 is the corrosion initiation
Find: κ
time based on coating life in years, C1 is the annual corrosion rate
To Maximize: |M(κ)| in mm/year, C2 is a coefficient ranging usually from 1/3 to 1, and
Such that: κ40 (for sagging)
t indicates the time in years. In reality, t0, C1, and C2 are random
κ o0 (for hogging) variables.

The curvature κ is the design variable and M(κ) is the “implicit” 5. Load model
objective function to maximize. The details of this method and
its applications to ship structures can be found in Okasha and Reliability assessment of ships under different operational con-
Frangopol (2010b), and Decò et al. (2011, 2012). ditions requires probabilistic characterization of the loads. The hull is
68 D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

subjected to still water bending moment and wave-induced bending where SY(ω) and SX(ω) are the spectral density functions of the
moment. output and input, respectively; and ω is the circular frequency
5.1. Still water bending moment In linear theory, RAOs are defined as the ratio between the
amplitude of the harmonic function of the response and the
According to IACS common rules (2008), the minimum hull amplitude of the wave elevation (Drummen et al., 2009). In other
girder bending moment in sagging (Msw,sag) and hogging (Msw,hog) words, RAOs are the ship responses obtained by imposing unitary
for seagoing operations in the intact case should be computed as amplitude to the exciting regular waves. A practical way to find the
RAOs is the analysis of structural responses due to different waves
M sw;sag ¼ 0:05185C wv L2 BðC b þ 0:7Þ ð2Þ with unitary amplitude by varying their lengths.
The loads on ship hulls for different operational conditions are
M sw;hog ¼ 0:01C wv L2 Bð11:97−1:9C b Þ ð3Þ computed based on the encounter frequency. This frequency
where Cb is the ship block coefficient, L is the ship length (m), B is depends on the frequency of the sea waves, the speed of the ship
the ship breadth (m), and Cwv is a wave coefficient calculated as and the heading angle. Consequently, RAOs also depend on these
(IACS, 2008) parameters. The encounter frequency ωe,U,H is expressed as (ABS,
8 300−L3=2 2010)
< 10:75− 100 for 150 ≤L ≤300
C wv ¼ 10:75 for 300 o L ≤350 ð4Þ ωe;U;H ¼ ω−U
cosðHÞ ð6Þ
: 10:75−L−3503=2 for 350 oL ≤500
150 where ω is the circular frequency of the sea waves, g is the
Still water load effects are subjected to change in time due to gravitational acceleration (m/s2), U is the forward ship speed
the variations in the distribution of the cargo on the ship. Guedes (m/s), and H is the heading angle considering 01, 901, 1801 for
Soares and Moan (1988) identified that the vertical still water following, beam, and head seas, respectively.
bending moments at the mid-ship can be described by a normal The wave-induced load effects exhibit high uncertainty due to
distribution. According to Hussein and Guedes Soares (2008), the the irregularities of the ocean surface. In this paper, a modified
maximum still water bending moment can be taken as 90% of the version of the Pierson–Moskowitz sea spectrum is used as the
rule value. Hørte et al., (2007) and Hussein and Guedes Soares spectrum for fully developed sea. This spectrum is expressed as
(2009) considered the still water bending moment following (Faltinsen, 1990)
  "   #
normal distribution with mean value of 70% of the rule value 0:11H 21=3 T 1 ωT 1 −5 ωT 1 −4
(IACS, 2008) and standard deviation of 20% of the rule value. In Sw;SS ðωÞ ¼ exp −0:44 ð7Þ
2π 2π 2π
this paper, these values are adopted.
where Sw,SS(ω) is the sea spectrum for a given sea state SS, T1 is the
5.2. Wave-induced bending moment mean period of wave (s), and H1/3 is the significant wave height
which is the mean of the one third highest waves (m).
The internal forces within a hull structure due to sea waves can RAOs can be obtained by using a software program that
be evaluated based on linear response theory. In this theory, the performs linear analysis. Among others, PDSTRIP (PDSTRIP, 2006)
wave spectrum for a wide range of wave configurations can be is a freeware that was developed to compute the response of
obtained through the linear superposition of single waves. Wave- floating bodies according to strip method. The wave-induced
induced vertical bending moments vary for different ship opera- vertical bending moment corresponding to different operational
tion conditions. The operational conditions are represented by a conditions can be computed if the RAO curves are obtained. The
set of parameters including ship speed, heading, and sea state. relation between the response spectrum and the sea spectrum is
Detailed information on the general approach to be followed in (Hughes, 1983)
order to obtain a comprehensive set of structural response based SM;SS;U;H ðωÞ ¼ jΦðωe;U;H Þj2 Sw;SS ðωe;U;H Þ ð8Þ
on linear theory can be found in Decò et al. (2012).
The response of ship structures due to natural sea waves The structural response quantity under interest considering
depends on hydrodynamics. In general, hydrodynamic analysis is different operational conditions can be represented by Rayleigh
highly complex and time consuming. Hydrodynamic analysis of distribution with the following probability distribution function
ship structures can be performed using strip method (Korvin- (Hughes, 1983)
" #
Kroukowski and Jacobs, 1957). Strip method introduces some M w;SS;U;H ðM w;SS;U;H Þ2
simplifications such that the ship hull is divided into prismatic f ðM w;SS;U;H Þ ¼ exp − ð9Þ
m0;SS;U;H 2m0;SS;U;H
segments. The interaction between the adjacent segments is
ignored and the hydrodynamic forces due to harmonic waves are where Mw,SS,U,H is wave-induced vertical bending moment and
evaluated within the individual segments. The hydrodynamic m0,SS,U,H is the zero-th moment of the wave spectrum. The param-
forces within the segments are integrated to obtain the global eter α of the distribution is
load effects. More information on strip theory and it its applica- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
αðM w;SS;U;H Þ ¼ m0;SS;U;H ð10Þ
tions can be found in Faltinsen (1990), Hughes (1983), and Decò
et al. (2012). The mean value μ(Mw,SS,U,H) and the standard deviation
In hydrodynamic analysis of ships, Response Amplitude Opera- s(Mw,SS,U,H) are
tors (RAOs) are very useful for linear systems. In this section, brief rffiffiffi
information on obtaining a proper probability distribution for μðM w;SS;U;H Þ ¼ αðM w;SS;U;H Þ ð11Þ
vertical bending moment based on RAO is provided. For a linear
system, if both the input X(t) and the output Y(t) of the system are rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
expressed by spectral density functions, their relation associated sðM w;SS;U;H Þ ¼ αðM w;SS;U;H Þ ð12Þ
with the transfer function Φ(ω) is
The parameters used in Eqs. (7) to (12) vary for different cross-
SY ðωÞ ¼ jΦðωÞj2 SX ðωÞ ð5Þ sections of a ship structure. Since the response quantity under
D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76 69

interest is the vertical bending moment amidship, these para- the residual strength factor for each damage scenario Ri is
meters are considered for the mid-section of the ship through the formulated as
entire paper. EðMC i Þ
RSF i ¼ ð15Þ
EðMC 0 Þ

6. Limit states and reliability analysis where E(MCi) and E(MC0) are the mean values of the vertical
bending moment capacity of the damaged and intact hull, respec-
In this paper, the safety evaluation of intact and damaged hull tively. Residual strength factor takes values between 0, when
structures is based on reliability theory. The limit state under damaged structure has zero capacity, and 1.0, when damaged
concern is associated with the flexural failure of the hull girder at structure does not have any reduction in load-carrying capacity.
mid-section, where the overall vertical bending moment is Another performance indicator investigated is used to quantify
expected to be maximum over the length. In this illustrative the robustness of the ship hull in a probabilistic manner.
example, the most critical load effect is the vertical bending A measure of robustness is formulated as
moment. However, it should be noted that horizontal bending βi
RI i ¼ ð16Þ
moment can be more critical in some cases where the reduction β0
in the horizontal hull strength is very significant. The limit
where RIi is the robustness index for associated with damage
state equations are time-variant since the resistance is affected
scenario i, and βi and β0 are the reliability indices associated with
by the corrosion in time. The time-variant limit state equations
the damaged and intact hull, respectively.
associated with the flexural failure of amidship for different
operational conditions in sagging and hogging, respectively, are
expressed as 8. Illustrative example
g sag;SS;U;H ðtÞ ¼ xR MC sag ðtÞ−xsw M sw;sag −xw M w;SS;U;H ¼ 0 ð13Þ
The proposed methodology is illustrated on a hull structure
g hog;SS;U;H ðtÞ ¼ xR MC hog ðtÞ−xsw M sw;hog −xw M w;SS;U;H ¼ 0 ð14Þ which was analyzed by Akpan et al. (2002). The length of the ship
L is 220 m, breadth B is 38.1 m, height H is 17.4 m, block coefficient
where MCsag(t) and MChog(t) are the random variables associated Cb is 0.75, the elastic modulus E is 208 MPa, the deck and keel
with the time-variant vertical bending moment capacity of the yielding stress sYp is 315 MPa, and the side panels yielding stress
mid-section of the ship in sagging and hogging, respectively; sYs is 281 MPa. The cross-section of the mid-ship and its six type of
Msw,sag and Msw,hog are the random variables associated with the stiffeners denoted as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are shown in Fig. 2. The
still water bending moments amidship in sagging and hogging, stiffener dimensions are presented in Table 1.
respectively; Mw,SS,U,H is the random variable associated with
wave-induced bending moment amidship reflecting the effects 8.1. Sudden damage scenarios
of different operational conditions; xR, xsw, and xw are the random
model uncertainties associated with the resistance, still water In order to investigate the residual strength and performance of
bending moment, and wave-induced bending moment, respec- the damaged hull, six sudden damaged scenarios are considered.
tively. In fact, MCsag(t) and MChog(t) depend on other random The first three are grounding damage scenarios. In these scenarios,
variables associated with resistance (e.g., yield stress of steel, a part of the bottom of the hull is assumed to be damaged with an
corrosion parameters). Appropriate probability distributions for extent proportional to the ship breadth B. The considered damage
MCsag(t) and MChog(t) can be obtained combining hull strength extents are B/6, B/3, and B/2, the smallest one being the damage
formulations and sampling techniques. The elastic modulus E, the
deck and keel yielding stress sYp, and the side panels yielding
stress sYs are considered as random variables associated with hull
load carrying capacity. Latin-Hypercube Technique is used to 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2
generate the samples of these random variables. Obtaining prob- 1 1 1
ability distribution parameters for Msw,sag, Msw,hog, and Mw,SS,U,H is 5 6
explained in the previous section. Once the random variables and 5 6
6 6
their probability distribution parameters are identified, the prob-
6 6
ability of hull failure and the associated reliability index can be 6 6
computed based on the limit states equations in Eqs. (13) and (14) 6 6
5 5
using FORM, SORM or simulation methods (e.g., Monte Carlo
5 5
Simulation). The same limit state equation is used for both intact
17.25 m

5 5
and damaged cases in this paper. The effects of the damage are
16.50 m

5 5
5 5
reflected by the resistance terms (MCsag(t) and MChog(t)) in the
5 5
limit state equations (Eqs. (13) and (14)). The random model 3 3
uncertainties (xR, xsw, and xw) can be updated so that the 3 3
3 3
additional uncertainties due to the damage are also considerd.
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
7. Other performance indicators investigated 3
In addition to the reliability index, several performance indi- 3 3 3 4 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3
cators are investigated. The residual strength factor provides a 8.10 m 10.80 m
measure for the strength of the system in a damaged condition
18.90 m
compared to the intact system. It is defined as the ratio of the
capacity of the damaged structure or element to the capacity Fig. 2. Mid-section dimensions of the investigated ship and its six type of stiffeners.
of the intact structure (Frangopol and Curley, 1987). In this paper, Adapted from Akpan et al. (2002).
70 D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

extent suggested by ABS (1995). The center of the damaged part is considered to follow lognormal distribution with mean values
assumed to coincide with the symmetry line of the hull section. 208 MPa, 315 MPa, and 281 Mpa, respectively. The coefficients of
The three grounding damage scenarios are illustrated in Fig. 3(a), variation of these random variables are assumed 0.03, 0.1, and 0.1,
(b), and (c). The remaining three are collision damage scenarios respectively (Paik and Frieze, 2001). Latin-Hypercube Technique
(Fig. 3(d), (e), and (f)). In these scenarios, a part of the side hull is with 5000 samples is used to compute the moment capacity of the
assumed to be damaged with an extent proportional to the depth mid-section of the ship in a probabilistic manner. The generated
of the ship D. The considered damage extents are D/4, D/3, and samples of flexural capacities are fitted to a log-normal distribu-
D/2, the smallest one being the damage extend suggested by ABS tion, which is found to be the best fit according to the results of
(1995). The damage is assumed to start from the top of the side goodness of fit test, in order to obtain the appropriate probability
hull and extent downwards. parameters of the hull strength. This procedure is repeated for all
sudden damage scenarios and all points in time as the hull
8.2. Resistance strength deteriorates. The investigated time span of the ship
service life is 30 years. The flexural hull strength for the damaged
The hull flexural strength is evaluated based on the method by hull is computed by completely removing the damaged part of the
Okasha and Frangopol (2010b) described previously. In order to ship from the resistance model. The variation of the hull strength
account for the uncertainty, the elastic modulus E, the deck and in time is evaluated based on Eq. (1). Corrosion initiation time t0 is
keel yielding stress sYp, and the side panels yielding stress sYs are assumed to have log-normal distribution with mean of 5 years and
coefficient of variation of 0.40. The coefficient C2 is taken as a
Table 1
constant equal to unity. The probability distribution of annual
Stiffener dimension of the investigated ship hull. The stiffeners 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and corrosion rate C1 for different locations on the hull (Akpan et al.,
6 are indicated in Fig. 2. Adopted from Akpan et al. (2002). 2002) is considered as lognormal distribution with mean value
0.03 and coefficient of variation 0.1 for side shell plating and side
Stiffener Web (mm) Flange (mm)
stiffener web; mean value 0.065 and coefficient of variation 0.5 for
1 450  36 None deck plating, deck stiffener web, and bottom stiffener web; and
2 1000  16 400  16 mean value 0.17 and coefficient of variation 0.5 for bottom shell
3 465  18 190.5  25.5 plating. The mean vertical bending moment capacity of the hull
4 1220  16 350  25.5 with respect to ship age for different sudden damage scenarios and
5 370  16 100  16
6 297  11.5 100  16
the hull with no sudden damage is presented in Fig. 4(a) and (b)
for sagging and hogging, respectively. The strength of the hull in

Sudden Damage Scenario 1 (DS 1) Sudden Damage Scenario 4 (DS 4)

Grounding Collision
Damage Damage


Sudden Damage Scenario 2 (DS 2) Sudden Damage Scenario 5 (DS 5)

Grounding Collision
Damage Damage


Sudden Damage Scenario 3 (DS 3) Sudden Damage Scenario 6 (DS 6)

Grounding Collision
Damage Damage

Fig. 3. Sudden damage scenarios investigated.
D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76 71

hogging is slightly higher than that in sagging. Among the damaged the bending moment capacity due to effects of deterioration has to
scenarios, the last two grounding damage scenarios DS 2 and DS be considered.
3 result in the largest reduction in the ship hull. The first collision
damage scenario DS 4 has almost no effect on the vertical bending 8.4. Load effects
moment capacity of the structure. In Fig. 4(a), Curve A represents
the mean vertical bending moment capacity profile for sagging if The loads due to still water can vary for missions. The loading
sudden damage scenario DS 3 occurs at t¼ 10 years and no repair manual of the investigated ship is not available to the authors.
action is taken afterwards. The sudden drop at t¼ 10 years is the Therefore, the vertical bending moment induced by still water is
result of the sudden damage and the progressive reduction is due to evaluated based on Eqs. (2) to (4) (IACS, 2008). As described
corrosion. Similarly, Curve B represents the mean vertical bending previously, the still water bending moment is considered to follow
moment capacity profile for sagging if sudden damage scenario DS normal distribution with mean value of 70% of the rule value and
6 occurs at t¼15 years. In Fig. 4(b), Curve C represents the mean standard deviation of 20% of the rule value (Hussein and Guedes
vertical bending moment capacity profile for hogging if sudden Soares, 2009).
damage scenario DS 2 occurs at t¼ 25 years. The hydrodynamic analyses are performed using the software
PDSTRIP (PDSTRIP, 2006) that adopts strip theory for computation
of hydrodynamic forces under different operational conditions.
8.3. Residual strength factor The 3-D geometrical model of the ship, illustrated in Fig. 6, is
obtained by the program FREE!ship (FREE!ship, 2006). RAOs for
Residual strength factors for the sudden damage scenarios are different values of ship speed and heading angles are obtained
computed based on Eq. (15). These factors indicate the remaining through the software PDSTRIP (PDSTRIP, 2006). The effects of
percentage of the bending moment capacity. The time-variation of damage on RAOs are ignored in this illustrative example. Then, the
residual strength factors for different sudden damage scenarios is
presented in Fig. 5(a) and (b) for sagging and hogging, respectively.
DS 4 and DS 1 yield the highest residual strength factors in sagging DS 4 DS i : Damage
while DS 4 and DS 5 yield the highest residual strength factors in Residual Strength Factor, RSFi 1.00 DS 5 Scenario i
hogging. The lowest residual strength factors belong to DS 3 and DS 1
DS 2 both in sagging and hogging. These factors are decreasing in 0.95
time due to the effects of corrosion. For instance, the initial
residual strength factor for DS 3 in hogging is 0.75. At the end of 0.90
30 years of service, it is reduced to 0.68. This indicates that if DS
3 occurs when ship is 30 years old, an additional 0.07 decrease in
DS 6
0.80 DS 2
x 109 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
11.0 Ship Age (years)
No Sudden Curve B: Moment Capacity Profile DS i : Damage
Moment Capacity, E(MCi) (Nm)

if DS 6 Occurs at t= 15 years
10.5 Damage Scenario i
Mean Vertical Bending

DS 4
DS 5 DS 1 1.05
10.0 DS 4 DS i : Damage
DS 5
Residual Strength Factor, RSFi

1.00 Scenario i
9.0 0.90
Curve A: Moment Capacity 0.85 DS 2
8.5 Profile if DS 3 Occurs
at t = 10 years DS 3 DS 2 DS 6 SAGGING 0.80 DS 6 DS 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.75
Ship Age (Years)
DS 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
x 109
12.0 Ship Age (years)
No Sudden DS i : Damage
Moment Capacity, E(MCi) (Nm)

11.5 Damage Scenario i Fig. 5. Variation of residual strength for the six different sudden damage scenarios
Mean Vertical Bending

11.0 shown in Fig. 3, (a) sagging and (b) hogging.

10.5 DS 4
DS 2 DS 5 Curve C: Moment Capacity
Profile if DS 2 Occurs Model obtained using
9.5 at t = 25 years DS 6
FREE!ship (FREE!ship 2006)
DS 1
DS 3
8.0 B =38.1m
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
D = 17.4 m
Ship Age (Years) L = 220 m

Fig. 4. Variation of mean bending capacity of mid-ship for the six different sudden
damage scenarios shown in Fig. 3, (a) sagging and (b) hogging. Fig. 6. Model of the ship body used in hydrodynamic analysis.
72 D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

probability distribution (Rayleigh distribution) parameters asso- ship speed U ¼10 knots, and time t¼ 0 is presented. At t¼0, the
ciated with the wave-induced bending moment for a certain structure is not corroded (there is no section loss in structural
operational condition including different ship speeds, heading members), however, the effects of accidental scenarios are illu-
angles, and sea states are evaluated based on Eqs. (5)–(12). The strated for this initial time instant. The lowest reliability index
reliability of the hull associated with these cases will be discussed with respect to heading angle is obtained at 1801 and the highest
in the following section. one is obtained at 901. The reliability indices in hogging are less
than those in sagging. DS 1 causes a very slight reduction in
8.5. Reliability reliability index while DS 2 and DS 3 reduce the reliability index,
by about 0.5 and 0.6, respectively.
The reliability of the intact and damaged ship hull is evaluated In Fig. 8(b), the variation of the reliability index with respect to
in time for various operational conditions. The following ship heading angle for sudden damage scenarios DS 4, DS 5, and DS
speeds are considered: 0 knots, 10 knots, and 20 knots. Ship 6 with constant sea state 5, ship speed U¼10 knots, and time t¼0
structural performance is evaluated for different ship headings. is presented. The lowest reliability index with respect to heading
Angles between 01 (following sea) and 1801 (head sea) by incre- angle is obtained at 1801 and the highest at 901. The reliability
ments of 151 are considered. Wind sea accounting for sea states 5, indices in hogging are less than those in sagging. DS 4 does not
6, and 7 (SS 5, SS 6, and SS 7) described by statistical properties cause a reduction in reliability index at all; however, DS 5 and DS
according to Table 2 is included in the analysis. An effective way of 6 reduce the reliability index by about 0.2 and 0.4, respectively.
representing performance of ships for different operational con- These results indicate that the contribution of the bottom shell to
ditions is using polar plots. A polar plot has an angular coordinate the bending reliability is very significant.
axis representing the variation of heading angle, and the radial The effect of sea state on reliability index is also investigated. In
coordinate axis representing the performance indicator. In this Fig. 9(a) and (b), the variation of the reliability index with respect
paper, the variation of reliability and robustness indices for to heading angle and sea state for DS 1 and DS 6, respectively, with
different operational conditions are presented in polar plots with constant ship speed U¼10 knots and time t¼0 is presented. The
one half of the plot is associated with performance in sagging and reliability indices for all three sea states are almost identical at 901
the other half is associated with performance in hogging. Quali- where the reliability is maximum. In these figures, the difference
tative representation of ship performance in both hogging and between the reliability indices associated with SS 5 and SS 6 is not
sagging is illustrated in Fig. 7.
The reliability analyses are conducted based on FORM and the
limit states defined in Eqs. (13) and (14) using reliability software Following Sea
RELSYS (Estes and Frangopol, 1998). In Fig. 8(a), the variation of Sea state 5 β=2 No Sudden
β=1 15 0 15
the reliability index β with respect to heading angle for sudden U = 10 knots 30 β=3
damage scenarios DS 1, DS 2, and DS 3 with constant sea state 5, t = 0 (No corrosion) DS 1
45 45
DS 2
60 60
Table 2 DS 3
Statistical properties of sea states (Resolute Weather, 2011). 75 75 Reliability
Index, β
Sea Significant wave height Average wave period Average wave length Beam Sea 90
state (m) (s) (m)
105 105
5 2.44 5.5 32 β=4
6 4.27 7.5 56.09 120 120
7 7.62 10 100.13 135 β=5
150 150
165 180 165
Head Sea
Following Sea Given
Angular Angular
Coordinate Coordinate - Sea state
for Hogging for Sagging Following Sea
0 - Damage Sea state 5 No Sudden
15 15 β=2
30 scenario U = 10 knots β=1 15 0 15
30 a Damage
30 30 β=3
45 45
- Speed t = 0 (No Corrosion)
b 45 45 DS 4
- Ship age
60 60 DS 5
Contours 60 60
c DS 6
75 75 Performance 75 75 Reliability
90 Indicator Index, β
Beam Sea 90 90
Radial Coordinate Beam Sea 90
105 105 105 105
f β=4
120 120 120 120
Sagging 135 135 135 β=5
150 150 150
165 165
165 180 165 180
Head Sea
Head Sea
Fig. 8. Variation of reliability index with respect to heading angle for sea state 5,
Fig. 7. Qualitative representation of ship performance for both hogging and ship speed U¼ 10 knots, time t¼ 0, (a) sudden damage scenarios 1, 2, and 3 and
sagging in a polar plot. (b) sudden damage scenarios 4, 5, and 6.
D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76 73

Following Sea Following Sea

DS 1 Sea state 5 Sea state 5 β=2 U = 0 knots
β=0 β=1 β=1 0
0 15 DS 3 15 15
U = 10 knots 15
β=2 Sea state 6 30 30 β=3 U = 10 knots
30 30
t = 0 (No corrosion) Sea state 7 t = 0 (No corrosion) U = 20 knots
45 45 45 45

60 60 60 60
75 75 Reliability 75 75 Reliability
Index, β Index, β
90 90
Beam Sea 90 Beam Sea 90

105 105 105 105

β=4 β=4
120 120 120 120

135 135 β=5 135 135 β=5

150 150 150 150
165 180 165 165 165
Head Sea Head Sea

Following Sea Following Sea

DS 6 β=1
Sea state 5 Sea state 5
β=0 0 15 β=2 U = 0 knots
U = 10 knots 15
30 β=2
Sea state 6 DS 3 β 15 0 15
30 30 30 β=3 U = 10 knots
t = 0 (No corrosion) Sea state 7 t = 0 (No corrosion)
45 45 U = 20 knots
45 45
60 60
β=3 60 60

75 75 Reliability
75 75 Reliability
Index, β
Beam Sea 90
90 Index, β
Beam Sea 90
105 105
105 105
120 120 β=4
120 120
135 135 β=5
135 135 β=5
150 150
165 165 150 150
180 165
165 180
Head Sea
Head Sea
Fig. 9. Variation of reliability index with respect to heading angle and sea state for
ship speed U ¼10 knots, time t ¼0, (a) damage scenario 1 (b) sudden damage Fig. 10. Variation of reliability index with respect to heading angle and ship speed
scenario 6. for sea state 5, time t¼ 0, (a) damage scenario 3 (b) sudden damage scenario 5.

significant between the angles 01 and 1051 in general. However, as 50% increase in still water bending moment reduces the reliability
the heading angle approaches 1801, the reliability decreases very index by 1.5. In Fig. 11(b), the variation of the reliability index with
significantly for SS 6 and SS 7. The lightest grounding damage respect to the heading angle and time for DS 4 with constant sea
scenario considered (DS 1) yields a slightly higher reliability index state 5 and ship speed U¼ 0 knots is presented. The results
compared to the most severe collusion scenario (DS 6). Similar to indicate that the corrosion causes significant reduction in safety
the previous results, hogging is associated with lower reliability in long term if proper maintenance actions are not taken.
than sagging.
The effect of ship speed on reliability is also investigated. In 8.6. Robustness index
Fig. 10(a) and (b), the variation of the reliability index with respect
to heading angle and ship speed for DS 3 and DS 5, respectively, The robustness for the sudden damage scenarios is evaluated
with constant sea state 5, and time t ¼0 is presented. These figures based on Eq. (16). In the cases mentioned below, β0 is taken as the
indicate that the reliability index reduces significantly as the ship highest reliability index of the hull with no sudden damage with
moves with higher speed at 1801. Ship speed is one main condition respect to heading angle. In Fig. 12(a), the variation of the
that is manageable for the transportation of damaged ships to robustness index with respect to heading angle for sudden
avoid ultimate breakdown. damage scenarios DS 1, DS 2, and DS 3 with constant sea state 5,
The results explained previously do not consider the effects of ship speed U¼ 10 knots, and time t ¼0 is presented. The lowest
flooding after sudden damage. Hussein and Guedes Soares (2009) robustness index with respect to heading angle is obtained at 1801
showed that the still water bending moment is increased with and the highest one is obtained at 901. The robustness indices in
flooding. In this paper, the effect of flooding is investigated by hogging are less than those in sagging. DS 3 yields the lowest
increasing the still water bending moment by 25% and 50%. In robustness index, which means that it is the most severe scenario.
Fig. 11(a), the variation of the reliability index with respect to the In Fig. 12(b), the variation of the robustness index with respect to
heading angle and still water bending moment for DS 2 under the heading angle and time for DS 4 with constant sea state 5 and
constant sea state 5, ship speed U¼ 0 knots, and time t¼0 is ship speed U¼0 knots is presented.
presented. Increase in still water bending moment reduces the In Fig. 13(a), the variation of the reliability index with respect to
reliability significantly. At 01 heading angle, 25% increase in still heading angle for sudden damage scenarios DS 1, DS 2, and DS
water bending moment reduces the reliability index by 0.9 while 3 with constant sea state 6, ship speed U¼10 knots, time t¼ 0 is
74 D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76

Following Sea Following Sea

Sea state 5 Sea state 5 No Sudden
β=1 Msw RI = 0 0 RI = 0.2
DS 2 β=0 15 0 15 U = 10 knots 15 15 Damage
30 30 β=2 1.25Msw 30 30 RI = 0.4
U = 10 knots t = 0 (No corrosion) DS 1
1.50Msw 45 45
t = 0 (No corrosion) 45 45
DS 2
60 60 60 60 DS 3
75 75 Reliability 75 75 Robustness
Index, β 90 Index, RI
90 Beam Sea 90
Beam Sea 90
RI = 0.6
105 105 105 105
120 120 120 120

135 135 RI = 0.8

135 135 β=5
150 150 150 150 RI = 1.0
165 165 165 180 165
Head Sea Head Sea

Following Sea
Following Sea
Sea state 5 RI = 0.6 0 RI = 0.7 t=0
β=3 15 15
Sea state 5 β=2 15 0 15 t=0 DS 4 30 30 RI = 0.8 t = 15 years
DS 4 30 30 t = 15 years U = 0 knots 45 45 t = 30 years
U = 0 knots 45 45 t = 30 years
60 60
60 60
75 75 Robustness
75 75 Reliability
90 Index, RI
Index, β Beam Sea 90
Beam Sea 90
105 105
105 105
RI = 0.9
β=4 120 120
120 120
135 135 RI = 1.0
135 135 β=5
150 150
150 150 165 165
165 165 180
Head Sea
Head Sea
Fig. 12. Variation of robustness index with respect to heading angle for (a) different
Fig. 11. Variation of reliability index with respect to heading angle for (a) different
sudden damage scenarios, and (b) different points in time.
values of still water bending moment and (b) different points in time.

presented. In Fig. 13(b), the variation of the reliability index with The following conclusions can be drawn.
respect to the heading angle and time for DS 4 with constant sea
state 7 and ship speed U¼0 knots is presented. Finally, Fig. 13(c) uses 1. After accidents, ultimate failure of ships may occur depending
Cartesian plots to present the variation of the robustness index with on the extent of the damage. The outlined methodology can be
respect to the heading angle and time for DS 4 with constant sea very helpful in decision making on how to deal with damaged
state 5 and ship speed U¼0 knots. It is important to note that the ship by providing information on the reliability of this ship
results obtained in this example have value only for this specific ship under different operational conditions. The methodology can
under the considered operational conditions. be used to investigate the effects of ship damage scenarios
occurring at different points in the service life.
2. Residual strength factor can be used time effectively to quantify the
9. Conclusions loss of hull strength under different damage scenarios. The results
show that corrosion can have significant impact on the residual
In this paper, a framework for performance assessment of strength of ships. Time effects should be included in the reliability,
damaged ship hulls under different operational conditions con- redundancy, and robustness of aging ships.
sidering grounding and collision accidents as sudden damage is 3. The performance of damaged ships can be evaluated in a
proposed. The combined effects of sudden damage and aging on probabilistic manner. The results indicate that operational con-
ship performance are investigated. The performance of ship hull is ditions have very significant effects on reliability. Reliability for
quantified in terms of several performance indicators. The long- different operational conditions has to be evaluated for damage
itudinal bending moment failure is considered as the limit state. scenarios. Reliability of a ship highly depends on speed, heading
The longitudinal bending moment capacities of the intact and angle, sea state, age of the ship and damage condition. Corrosion
damaged ship hulls are assessed based on an optimization-based may cause significant reduction in reliability. The reliability
version of incremental curvature method. The wave-induced loads information associated with a damaged ship under different
for different ship speeds, headings and sea states are identified operational conditions considering time effects is very impor-
based on hydrodynamic analysis and the performance under tant, during tow or rescue operations. For instance, the ship
different operational conditions is investigated. The approach is speed could be adjusted so that the reliability of the damaged
illustrated on an oil tanker. ship remains above a predefined threshold.
D. Saydam, D.M. Frangopol / Ocean Engineering 68 (2013) 65–76 75

5 5
Sea state 6 No Sudden

Reliability Index, β

Reliability Index, β
4 U = 10 knots 4
t=0 DS 1
3 DS 2 3
DS 3 2
1 1
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 150 120 90 60 30 0
FS Heading Angle in Hogging HS Heading Angle in Sagging FS

5 5
t=0 Sea state 7

Reliability Index, β
t = 15 years DS 4
Reliability Index, β

4 4
t = 30 years U = 10 knots
3 t =0 3


1 1

0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 150 120 90 60 30 0
FS Heading Angle in Hogging HS Heading Angle in Sagging FS

1.0 1.0
Robustness Index, RI

Robustness Index, RI
0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
Sea state 5
0.7 DS 4 0.7
U = 0 m/s
0.6 t = 15 years 0.6
t = 30 years
0.5 0.5
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 150 120 90 60 30 0
FS Heading Angle in Hogging HS Heading Angle in Sagging FS

Fig. 13. Variation of reliability index with respect to heading angle for (a) different sudden damage scenarios and (b) different points in time, and (c) variation of robustness
index with respect to heading angle for different points in time. FS: following sea, HS: head sea.

4. The robustness index is useful for comparison of the severity of Acknowledgments

sudden damage scenarios. Compared to the residual strength
factor, it contains additional information as it is based on The support from the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Contracts N
reliability index rather than the mean hull strength. 00014-08-1-0188 and N 00014-12-1-0023, Structural Reliability
5. Some operational conditions result in significant reduction in Program, Director Dr. Paul E. Hess III, ONR, Code 331) is gratefully
the performance. In general, the worst performance is obtained acknowledged. The opinions and conclusions presented in this
under head sea. The effect of the sea state becomes more paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
dominant when ship speed is increasing. views of the sponsoring organization.
6. The proposed methodology can be effectively used when
combined with the real time structural health monitoring tools. References
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