Proposing Solutions For Online Marketing Activities of The Coconut Coffee Scrub Product

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Proposing Solutions for Online Marketing Activities of the Coconut Coffee Scrub
Coming up last is proposing solutions for online marketing activities of the Coconut Coffee
Scrub product.
After careful consideration, we have divided our strategy into three levels: short-term, mid-
term, and long-term.
The first level would be:
1. Short-term Strategy
For the Coconut Coffee Scrub product, we’ve proposed short-term strategies that leverage the
current strengths and opportunities of Co Mem Homelab to improve its online marketing activities.
Those strategies include:
 +Improve product quality

⇒To maximize strengths and take advantage of this opportunity to further improve the
online marketing strategy, Co Mem should improve the quality of exfoliation products by providing
nutrients to help restore and keep the skin healthy when environmental pollution and climate change
are becoming a big threat to people's thin skin.
 Expanding the level 2 distribution channel system
In addition to the current distribution channels, Co Mem needs to focus on developing
secondary distribution channels: Retail stores with a store system and a website or e-commerce
platform. Expanding distribution channels can help develop online marketing as the company can
reach new customers and personalize the strategy's goals.
 Innovate the creative process and design specialized content
The content of online marketing campaigns plays an important role in attracting the attention
of consumers ⇒ Co Mem should invest in research and development of creative, attractive content.
 Create content → create a good impression on consumers and feel comfortable when
approaching the product.
 Implement SEO activities by researching, analyzing, and selecting appropriate keywords
 Create advertising banners on newspaper sites such as,

Now, we’re going to move to the next level:

2. Mid-term Strategy
When it comes to mid-term strategy, we take advantage of opportunities to overcome
weaknesses and use strengths to avoid threats. From there, we propose solutions for Co Mem’s
online marketing strategy.
 Application of information technology
Co Mem should update, and use new technologies and new social networking platforms to reach
more customers.
 VR and AR → For example, the company uses VR and AR technology to create engaging
marketing videos or create a VR video that allows viewers to experience the relaxing feeling
of using the Coconut Coffee Scrub product.
 TikTok and Instagram Reels: take advantage of these platforms to create short, creative,
and engaging marketing videos that attract the attention of young customers.
 AI: improve the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns. For instance, using AI to
analyze customer data offers appropriate marketing campaigns for each customer group.

 Promote PR tools
Cooperate with KOLs, influencers, and bloggers to review the product, such as Bloggers
Giang Oi, Chau Bui, and The Present Writer are individuals famous for pursuing a green, sustainable
⇒ People with a high number of followers on social networking have a certain influence on young
people, so this is an effective way to advertise.
 Promote customer and market research activities
Trends, culture, income, or education are factors that directly affect the changing needs and
tastes of customers, especially with a company's online marketing strategies.
→ To overcome this problem, Co Mem should take advantage of its strengths as a reliable cosmetics
brand in Vietnam with a wide distribution system to grasp the market by updating research, customer
reviews, new trends, competitors, and social factors to understand the needs and desires of customers
⇒ The company has to implement an online marketing strategy that suits customers' desires,
bringing high efficiency in product recognition.
 Develop and maintain resources
Develop a team of professional online marketing staff to keep up with the latest knowledge
and trends
⇒ Meet and improve efficiency for online marketing campaigns by participating in online marketing
marketing training classes, and hiring employees with six months or more working experience.
3. Long-term Strategy
Overcome current weaknesses and prevent future risks of Co Mem with long-term strategies.
To address existing weaknesses and avoid potential risks associated with Co Mem, it is
essential to adopt long-term strategies
 Application of Green Marketing management
Green Marketing management is the strategy of integrating environmental and social values
into a company's marketing strategies, creating value for Co Mem, and ensuring business activities
do not harm the environment and society.
To minimize the impact on the natural environment
⇒ research and apply natural, safe preservation methods for products, such as using antioxidants,
and packaging that can block light and air. Strengthening the distribution and delivery system, and
ensuring products are transported quickly and safely to customers.
 Flexible changes to suit market needs
Co Mem needs to grasp market trends, customer needs by diversifying strategies to advertise
products and improve products to suit many different customer groups:
 The group of young customers: focus on advertising on the developed social media
 The middle-aged customer group: focus on Facebook and websites.
⇒ Understanding customers' desires and behaviors increases the effectiveness of the strategy.
Taking advantage of its competitive advantages (product quality, natural raw materials). Consider
adjusting prices and promotions, to create value competition and appeal to customers.
⇒ Compete with competitors and alternative products

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