Ayodhya Ram Mandir Question and Answers

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Ayodhya Ram

Most Important Questions
★ T he R am Mandir is a H indu temple
under c onstruction in Ayodhya, Uttar
P radesh, India.

★ It is located at the s ite of R am

J anmabhoomi, the hypothesiz ed
birthplace of R ama, a principal deity of
H induism.
T he C onsecration C eremony of Ayodhya R am Mandir -
अयोध्या राम मंदिर का प्रतिष्ठा समारोह -

★ P ran P ratishtha c eremony on 22nd J anuary 2024.

★ P rime Minister Narendra Modi conducted the rituals

following the prescribed customs .
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोिी तनधााररि रीति-ररवाजों का पालन करिे हुए
अनुष्ठान का संचालन तकया ।
Ayodhya R am Mandir Height -

★ T he temple is an impressive 360 ft long, 235 ft wide, and 161 ft


★ It s tands three times the height of existing s tructures in the old

★ T he s tructure includes five domes and a tower with a G arbh
G riha (s anctum) built to allow s unlight to fall on the idol of R am
L alla.
T imeline of Ayodhya R am Mandir

1528-1529: B abur builds B abri Masjid

1850s : C ommunal violence begins
1949: R am Idol found, intens ifying tension
1992: B abri Masjid demolis hed
2019: S C declares Ayodhya as the birthplace, hands over
land for temple
2020: P M Modi performs B humi P oojan and lays the
foundation s tone

2023-24: T he c onsecration c eremony of the Ayodhya

R am T emple is s cheduled for J anuary 22, 2024, with
P rime Minister Narendra Modi, UP C hief Minister Y ogi
Adityanath, and R S S C hief Mohan B hagwat s et to
address the event.
C onstruction D etails of R am Mandir of Ayodhya

B uilders: L arsen & T oubro for the main s tructure, T ata

C onsultancy E ngineers L td for allied facilities .

B uilding Material: C arved R ajasthan B ansi P aharpur

s tone, known for beauty and strength.

Interior: Designed by C handrakant B hai S ompura

Q . In which Indian s tate is Ayodhya s ituated?
अयोध्या भारि के तकस राज्य में स्थिि है?

A. B ihar
B . G ujarat
C . Madhya P radesh
D . Uttar P radesh**
Q . What is the name of the s acred river flowing near
अयोध्या के तनकट बहने वाली पतवत्र निी का क्या नाम है?

A. G anges
B . Narmada
C . S aryu **
D . Y amuna
Q . Which ancient tale is c losely linked to L ord R ama and
कौन सी प्राचीन कथा भगवान राम और अयोध्या से गहराई से जुडी
हुई है?

A. B hagavad G ita
B . Mahabharata
C . R amayana **
D . S kanda P urana
Q . What structure was torn down at the dis puted s ite in
1992 में तववादिि िल पर कौन सा ढांचा िोडा गया था?

A. B abur Mahal
B . Ayodhya Darbar
C . B abri Masjid **
D . S ita Mata Mandir
* T he Babri Mas jid, a mos que located in Ayodhya, was
demolished in December 1992.

* T his event triggered widespread communal riots and became a

pivotal moment in India’s contemporary political and s ocial
इस घटना ने व्यापक सांप्रिाययक िं गों को जन्म दिया और भारि के
समकालीन राजनीतिक और सामाजजक इतिहास में एक महत्वपूर्ा क्षर् बन
Q . Who was the P rime Minis ter of India during the B abri
Masjid demolition in 1992?
1992 में बाबरी मस्थजजि तवध्वंस के समय भारि के प्रधान मंत्री कौन

A. Atal B ihari Vajpayee

B . Indira G andhi
C . R ajiv G andhi
D . Narasimha R ao**
Q . Who was the P resident in the year 1992 when B abri
Masjid was demolished?
वर्ा 1992 में जब बाबरी मस्थजजि ढहाई गई िब राष्ट्रपति कौन थे?

A. G iani Z ail S ingh

B . S hankar Dayal S harma **
C . K .R . Narayanan
D . R amaswamy Venkataraman
Q . Who was the C hief Minis ter of Uttar P radesh at the
time when B abri Masjid was demolished?
जजस समय बाबरी मस्थजजि ढहाई गई उस समय उत्तर प्रिे श के
मुख्यमंत्री कौन थे?

A. R ajnath S ingh
B . Narayanadatta T iwari
C . K alyan S ingh **
D . Mulayam S ingh Y adav
Q . When was the foundation s tone for the R am Mandir
officially laid?
राम मंदिर की आधधकाररक िौर पर आधारशशला कब रखी गई?

A. 1992
B . 2002
C . 2023
D . 2020 **
Q . Who laid the foundation s tone of the Ayodhya R am
अयोध्या राम मंदिर की आधारशशला तकसने रखी?

A. Narendra Modi **
B . L .K . Advani
C . Atal B ihari Vajpayee
D . R ajnath S ingh
Q . Which trust is overseeing the cons truction of the R am
राम मंदिर तनमाार् की िे खरेख कौन सा ट्रजट कर रहा है?

A. S hri Ayodhya Dharmarth S amiti

B . Vishva H indu P arishad
C . Indian Archaeological S ociety
D . R ama J anmabhoomi T eerth K shetra T rust **
* T he trust was s et up in 2020 after the S upreme C ourt’s
verdict in the Ayodhya land dis pute c as e. It is c ompos ed
of 15 trustees.

C hairperson: Mahant Nrityagopal Das is the c hairman of

the trust. O ut of the 15 trustees, 12 are nominated by the
c entral g overnment.
Q . In which year did the S upreme C ourt of India deliver
the verdict on the Ayodhya dispute?
भारि के सवोच्च न्यायालय ने तकस वर्ा अयोध्या तववाि पर फैसला

A. 2019 **
B . 2021
C . 2024
D . 2015
*In November 2019, the S upreme C ourt of India delivered
a landmark verdict on the Ayodhya dis pute.

* It g ranted the dis puted land for the c ons truction of the
R am Mandir and allocated an alternative s ite for the
c ons truction of a mosque.
इसने राम मंदिर के तनमाार् के धलए तववादिि भूयम िी और मस्थजजि
के तनमाार् के धलए एक वैकल्पपक िल आवंदटि तकया।
Q . Which family of architects from Ahmedabad was
responsible for the original design of the R am temple?
अहमिाबाि के वाजिुकारों का कौन सा पररवार राम मंदिर के मूल
तिजाइन के धलए जजम्मेिार था?

A. R ai family
B . S ompura family **
C . D ixit family
D . D ravid family
Q . Who envisioned the original design for the R am temple
in 1988?
1988 में राम मंदिर के मूल तिजाइन की कपपना तकसने की थी?

A. R ai
B . C handrakant S ompura **
C . Arun Y ogiraj
D . G aneshwar S hastri D ravid
* C handrakant S ompura is the main architect of S ri R am

* He comes from a long line of temple architects and is

the 15th g eneration of the family hailing from Ahmedabad.
वह मंदिर वाजिुकारों की एक लंबी किार से आिे हैं और
अहमिाबाि से आने वाले पररवार की 15वीं पीढ़ी हैं।
Q . Which material is us ed to c arve the murti of R am L alla
in Ayodhya?
अयोध्या में राम लला की मूर्िि बनाने के धलए तकस साम्ी का
उपयोग तकया जािा है?

A. Marble
B . G ranite
C . B lack stone **
D . Metal
Q . Who sculpted the murti of R am L alla?
रामलला की मूर्िि तकसने बनाई?

A. A team of artisans
B . A renowned sculptor from Ayodhya
C . Mysuru sculptor Arun Y ogiraj **
D . T he exact sculptor is not mentioned
* Arun Y ogiraj is known for sculpting the idols of R am
L alla for the R am Mandir.

* He is a s killed s culptor with a reputation for creating

intricate and detailed s tatues .
वह एक कुशल मूर्ििकार हैं जो जदटल और तवजिृि मूर्िियााँ बनाने के
धलए जाने जािे हैं।
Q . In which architectural s tyle is the R am temple c omplex
राम मंदिर पररसर तकस िापत्य शैली में बनाया गया है?

A. G othic
B . Nagara **
C . R omanesque
D . B aroque
* Nagara S tyle is a dis tinct s tyle of temple architecture
developed in Northern India from the 5th century A.D
onwards .

नागर शैली 5वीं शिाब्िी ईजवी के बाि से उत्तरी भारि में तवकधसि
मंदिर वाजिुकला की एक तवशशष्ट शैली है।
Q . What is the s ignificance of not us ing iron in the
c onstruction of the temple?
मंदिर तनमाार् में लोहे का प्रयोग न करने का क्या महत्व है?

A. R educes c ost
B . Makes the structure more earthquake-resistant
C . Adheres to traditional building practices **
D . Improves ventilation
Q . F rom which village mountain in R ajasthan is the
s andstone for the construction of the R am temple
s ourced?
राम मंदिर के तनमाार् के धलए बलुआ पत्थर राजिान के तकस गांव
के पहाड से लाया गया है?

A. H imalaya
B . B ansi pahadpur **
C . Aravalli
D . Vindhya
Q . What special feature will be incorporated into the
foundation of the R am temple?
राम मंदिर की नींव में क्या खास फीचर शायमल तकया जाएगा?

A. G old and s ilver s culptures

B . O ver two lakh bricks inscribed with “S ri R ama”**
C . R are and precious gemstones
D . A hidden chamber for religious artifacts
Q . What is the estimated c os t of c ons tructing Ayodhya
R am Mandir?
अयोध्या राम मंदिर तनमाार् की अनुमातनि लागि क्या है?

A. ₹15,00 c rore
B . ₹20,00 c rore
C . ₹1,000 c rore
D . ₹18,00 c rore**
Q . What is the auspicious duration for the Ayodhya R am
Mandir consecration ceremony?
अयोध्या राम मंदिर प्रतिष्ठा समारोह की शुभ अवधध क्या है?

A. 85 s econds
B . 84 s econds **
C . 83 s econds
D . 82 s econds
Q . What is the planned number of domes on the R am
राम मंदिर पर गुंबिों की तनयोजजि संख्या क्या है?

A. 2
B . 5 **
D. 7
Q . Who is R ama according to H induis m?
हहिदू धमा के अनुसार राम कौन हैं?

A. An incarnation of S hiva
B . An incarnation of Vishnu **
C . A disciple of K rishna
D . A manifestation of B rahma
T hank Y ou

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