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Dan Go


14 Tweets • 2024-02-10 •  See on 

27 microhabits that will change your life:

1. Follow the One Minute Rule: If something takes one

minute (responding to a text, hanging a jacket etc..) or
less to complete do it immediately.

2. Drink water before coffee in the morning to hydrate

& increase energy.

3. Park backwards into a spot so you can leave

quicker and more safely.

4. Do walking meetings to stimulate the brain and get

steps in.
5. Eat protein with every single meal to increase
satiety and build muscle.

6. Make a rule to keep phones away from the dinner

table to be more mindful about your food.

7. Brush your teeth with your off hand to stimulate

brain activity & create new neural connections.

7. Avoid the phone for the first 30 minutes of the day

to improve your focus and attention.

8. Start your days off with the Maui habit: When the
day starts use a positive statement like “today is going
to be a great day". this transforms your perception.

9. Do a gratitude shower: When showering ask

yourself who/what you're grateful for. This puts you in
a grateful state over time.

10. Use blue light blockers at night to block the light

from screens & help improve quality of sleep.
11. Charge your phone outside your room so you don't
reach for it first thing in the morning or at night.

12. Use an app to turn on web/social blockers to force

yourself into deep work or mindfulness.

13. Call your parents every week because we have

less time with them than we think.

14. Give a genuine compliment to someone because it

will make their day.

15. Floss your teeth to improve your dental & physical


16. Count to 10 in your head before responding to a

strong emotion to avoid regret.

17. At night journal out one win from your day to keep
reminding yourself that you're winning.
18. Park your car far away from your destination to get
more steps in and have more access to free parking

19. Take the stairs instead of the escalators to

increase your step count and get a mini-workout.

20. Drink a glass of water before a meal to increase

satiety and avoid extra bites post meal.

21. Check your bank account daily to get a feel for

what you're earning, spending & saving.

22. If you shower in the morning brush your teeth too

as well to save time.

23. Do 5 minutes of mobility stretches in the morning

to prep your body for the day ahead.

24. Do a microworkout to stimulate your brain and

burn a few extra calories.
25. Send one message a day to a person you admire
because you never know when you'll get a response

26. Drink electrolytes with water to increase hydration

& avoid nighttime trips to the bathroom.

27. Put your phone away when your with your kids to
become a better parent.

Tiny habits can compound into big changes.

Never underestimate the impact a microhabit can

have on your quality of life.

Hope some of these help you on your journey as they

have on mine.

1. Follow me @FitFounder for more of these

2. RT the tweet below it with your friends
Ps. If you liked this thread you'll like my newsletter.

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energy, and stick to healthy habits.

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