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NAME: Norfaida D.






1. Make a description of your “problem with worth solving” using the data you
Our entrepreneurship venture faces a persistent challenge with customer
churn, hindering long-term sustainability. Analysis of customer daa reveals
increasing churn rates, necessitating improved onboarding and proactive
customer support initiatives.
2. Based on the standpoint of the users, from various solutions using design
thinking to your identified. Fill out the template below.
1.Human-centricity and This is about providing solutions to problems that
empathy focuses on human needs and user response.
2. Collaboration The purpose of design thinking is to form a pond of
perspectives and ideas
3.Ideation Ideation is a core design thinking principle at the same
time a step in design thinking process.
4.Experimentation and Ideas are turned into prototypes.
5.A bias towards Action Design thinking is an applied and practical solution-
based method that is more focus on action rather than
on discussion.


1. What is a good design to Ms. Indra Nooyi? Do you agree with her? Explain your
For Ms. Nooyi, a well-designed product is one you fall in love with. Or you
hate. It may be polarizing, but it has to provoke a real reaction. Ideally, it’s
a product you want to engage within the future, rather than just “Yeah, I
bought it, and I ate it”.
I agree because good design refers to the creation of products, or
experiences that effectively meet the needs and desires of customers
while also aligning with the goals and values of the business.
2. How does Ms. Indra Nooyi describe women when they eat their snacks? So, how
was the findings here put into use by Pepsi on a stacked chip it introduced in the
When men finish a snack bag, they pour what’s left into their mouths.
Women don’t do that. And they worry about how much the product may
stain they won’t rub it on a chair, which a lot of guys do.
3. Based from the experience of Pepsi, is design thinking really important? Why?
Yes, design thinking is crucial for companies like Pepsi. It helps them
understand consumer needs deeply, innovate effectively, and create
products. Additionally, design thinking enables Pepsi to stay innovative
and competitive in a rapidly changing market by fostering creativity and
problem-solving skills within the organization.


1. Which one of these is a constant process of trying to find innovative solutions to

problems through deep understanding and empathy of the target user?
Answer: A. design thinking
2. Which three of these are the steps in storytelling in design thinking process?
Answer: C. Solution Implementation
D. Solution Framing
E. Problem Framing
3. State two forms of thinking are involved in the process of Double Diamond.
A. Divergent Thinking-solves problem by proposing multiple possible
solutions to identify the one that is best.
B. Convergent Thinking- concentrates on finding the single best solution to
a problem
4. Explain the meaning of pilot experiment.
A. Pilot Experiment is a small scale preliminary study conducted before
the main experiment.
B. Pilot Experiment its purpose is to test the feasibility, reliability, and
effectiveness of the experimental design, producer and measurements.
5. Which four of these are some dimensions for observational purposes based from
the perspective of Spradley?
A. Space
B. Actor
c. Activity
D. Object
6. Which two of these are the drivers of innovations?
A. People, B. Technology
7. State two things that define brainstorming.
A. Brainstorming is a free flow ideas participants are encourage to
generate a multitude of ideas without judgment or criticism.
B. Collaboration- it involves group interaction and building upon each
other’s ideas to enhance creativity and problem solving.
8. List five types of open-ended questions according to Michael J. Marquardt.
Explorative- tries to compel opening out new viewpoints and disclosing
other areas.
Affective- this way of questioning could make known people’s feelings
around something.
Reflective- this manner of asking question boosts further explanation.
Probing- this means of asking questions calls for a deeper analysis.
Analytical- this kind of question that searches for the origins of a problem
9. State two numerous ideation techniques.
A. Brainstorming, B. Mind Mapping
10. Which one of these will show a product will work and look like?
E. Prototype


DIRECTION: Using the identified “problem worth solving” in Discovering

the entrepreneurship in Me-Chapter2, fill out the template of the Lean Canvas
- Eco-friendly PROPOSITION - Brand loyalty
products - Differentiation and customer - Eco-
- Clean Energy and brand trust conscious
FINANCIAL Technologies identity - Access to consumers
INCLUSION - Sustainable - Market conscious - Socially
Fashion Opportunity consumers Responsible
Brands and Niche - Corporate
- Innovation - Product - Government
- Carbon and creativity Innovation agencies and
Footprint - Access to - Supply chain NGO’S
-Energy capital and management - Education
Efficiency investment - Business and
- Biodiversity - Talent model design awareness
Conservation attraction and


Initial Investment in Product Sales

Sustainable Practices Service Fees
Research and Subscription Models
development Licensing and Royalties
Certifications and Consulting and Advisory
compliance Services
Supply chain Grant and Funding
management Events and Workshops
Training and Education Collaborations and partnerships
Marketing and Branding Advertising and Sponsorships
Waste Management and
Long-Term Maintenance
and Upkeep.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. How would you explain the business model canvas of AirBnB? Please see
the canvas.
Air BnB’s model disrupts the traditional hospitality industry by levering
technology to create a decentralized network of accommodations
providing value to both travelers and hosts while generating revenue
through commissions and fees.
2. What makes the AirBnB differentiated? How does the company reflect its
uniqueness in its value proposition? Explain.
Air BnB’s differentiation lies in its ability to offer unique personalized and
authentic accommodation experiences that go beyond traditional hotels,
couple with a strong sense of community and trust. This combination has
fueled AirBnB’s rapid growth and popularity among travelers workwide.
3. Is there any suggestion/s that you wanted to recommend to AirBnB at this
point to sustain its business? Detail it.
Here are some suggestions for Air BnB to sustain its business, localized
marketing campaigns, Improved customer support, Partnership and
collaborations, and data security and privacy.


1. Which two of these considered types of partnerships?

A. Strategic Alliances, B. Competition
2. Sate two participating parties in a franchise.
A. Franchisor
B. Franchise
3. Which one of these is the up gradation of the old-style brick-and-mortar business
E. E-Commerce
4. State three business models that are used traditionally.
A. Manufacturer
B. Distributor
C. Retailer
5. Which three of these is not part of the Lean Canvass model?
Key activities
key resources
Key Partners
6. Describe two channel types
a. Direct Channels
b. Indirect Channels
7. State the four types of customer pains.
A. Productivity Pains
B. Support Pains
C. Financial Pains
D. Process Pains
8. Sate five types of customer segments
a. Mass
b. Niche
c. segmented
d. diversified
e. multi-sided platform
9. State two things that must fit in to create the value proposition canvas.
a. functional Value
b. Emotional value
10. Which one of these is about reaching out to the customers to sell to them and
delivering the items to them?
b. Marketing

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