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Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV

Scope : Fill Compaction works

Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

Home Ownership Lots Development

Increment IV

Al-Ahsa, KSA



Solutions for Better Ground …

Document Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0

Tender Ref. : 2023-019589-P2124G-OFF-01-00-T
Prepared by : Ammar Alameeri
Reviewed by : Foued Ben Alaya
Approved by : Feras Ekhdair
Prepared for : Khonaini International Company (KIC)
Date : 05th September, 2023
1|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

1. Introduction

The present document is Trevi ’s technical and commercial proposal for Initial Home Ownership Lots De-
velopment Increment IV, it details the soil improvement solution that Trevi intends to implement in order
to meet project technical specifications.

The project is located at Al Ahsa City in Eastern Province of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, about 160 km in
the South-West direction from Dammam.

Figure 1 : Project Location

2|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

2. Definitions & Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in the present document:

- RDC: Rapid Dynamic Compaction - FGL: Final Grade Level

- RIC: Rapid Impact Compaction - Ic: Soil Behavior Type Index

- EGL: Existing Ground Level - CPT: Cone Penetration Test

- GWL: Ground Water Level - Fc: Fines Content

- WPL: Working Platform Level

3. Scope of Work

Khonaini International Company (KIC) requested Trevi to provide fill compaction works at project location.
As per the provided information, the fill compaction volume is around 1,500,000 m3.
Based on Trevi analysis on provided drawing (ref. 552-S-TA-167414-001-A) it can be noted:
1. Total project plot area is about 540,000 m2,
2. Total fill area is 444,000 m2,
3. Total fill area considering a maximum fill thickness per layer of 4m is around 646,000 m2

Figure 2: Project Layout

3|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

Moreover, the following quantities have been derived.

Fill thickness
Item # Fill Area (m2) Soil Improvement Area (m2)
1 0 to 4 277,000 277,000
2 4 to 8 134,000 268,000
3 8 to 12 31,000 93,000
4 12 to 13 2,000 8,000

Total 444,000 646,000

Table 1: Anticipated Quantities.

4. Soil Conditions

Soil investigation report is not available and scope is limited to fill compaction works, therefore the fol-
lowing typical soil profile is considered.

Thickness SPT N % Fines

Layer Soil Description
[m] - [%]
< 15
#1 Suitable Sand backfill material 0 to 13 < 10
(or CPT Ic < 1.9)

#2 Existing Ground Out of Scope Not Applicable

Table 2: Anticipated typical soil profile

Moreover, the following elevations can be summarized:

- Water Table Depth: Not expected.

- Anticipated Working Platform Level: max 4m lift per fill layer.
1. Further soil investigation data are required to verify/confirm above mentioned soil profile.
2. Improvement depth is considered to be limited to fill thickness.
3. In case soil conditions vary from the above (type of material or required depth of improvement)
then other soil improvement techniques should be considered but not provided in current pro-

4|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

5. Project Technical Requirements

According to the data provided to us, the following acceptance criteria is proposed after the soil improve-
ment works:

• Compaction of suitable material shall be carried out to achieve up to 85% Relative Density per-
formance, and to be verified by CPT (calculated as per Section 7.5 of this proposal).

6. Selection of Soil Improvement Technique

The selection and pre-design of the suitable soil improvement technique for each project depends on many
factors like soil type, depth of improvement, site conditions, foundation types and loads.

Figure 3: Range of Soil Improvement Techniques

Based on KIC request soil improvement technique to be implemented is Rapid Dynamic Compaction
(RDC) technique because:

- Anticipated required improvement depth is less than 4m

- Nature of soil to be improved consist of sand with fines content less than 15% or anticipated
CPT Ic value less than 1.9 (for detailed specification see section 7.1 of this proposal).

5|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

6.1 Brief description of Rapid Dynamic Compaction / Rapid Impact Compaction

RDC & RIC techniques are a Dynamic Compaction method for the light compaction of the embankment
and/or shallow treatment up to 3-4m depth.

RDC consists in a heavy hydraulic excavator base (90 Tons) with a strengthened arm to which a compac-
tion hammer is attached. A weight within the hammer (9 to 16 tons) generates compression by the re-
peated drop onto a compaction foot (1.5 to 2.6 m diameter) that remains in contact with the ground. This
compaction energy brings the soil particles into a more densely packed structure

The use of Rapid Dynamic Compaction (RDC) technique is fast-growing in the Middle East due to sub-
stantial time and cost saving benefits especially in large scale projects. Rapid Dynamic Compaction (RDC)
technique has been recently developed to offer viable and cost-effective alternatives for fill compaction
applications. Many meters of fill can be compacted in one lift/stage using this method, instead of compac-
tion by several lifts of thin layers, as per conventional method.

Figure 4: Rapid Dynamic Compaction equipment

- Hammer weight: 16 Tons

- Compaction foot diameter : Փ2.6m
- Depth of compaction > 5meters

6|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

Figure 5: Rapid Dynamic Compaction procedure

The compaction of the sub-soil is initiated by the energy generated by the impact of the weight upon the

foot, and by the movement of the foot into the ground pushing the material into a denser structure. Fur-

thermore, the dense compaction pattern with overlapping influence zones guarantees homogeneous com-


7|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

7. Application of RDC works on the project

7.1 Specification of suitable material to be compacted and Working Platform

The surface soil should be further investigated by TREVI to confirm its suitability to be used as a working
platform for soil improvement works or not. The platform shall be as per the following conditions. In the
event of having a water table less than 1.5 m from the working platform level, then an additional suitable
backfilling material shall be laid to keep a minimum distance of 1.5m from the water level during the entire
soil improvement procedure, this platform shall be also free of fine grained/sabkha material (by the main
contractor). The working platform should be flat with maximum slope of 5%.

Typical platform material should fit the following specifications:

- Granular material with less than 15% fine contents (passing sieve #200)

- CPT Ic value less than 1.9

- Clay content less than 1%
- Maximum particle size: 75 mm (D90 <50mm)
- Non-plastic
- Free from organic matter and deleterious substances, physically stable in water

Notes: The site level is expected to be dropped between 0.2 to 0.5 cm upon the completion of the
ground improvement works. The Main Contractor shall adjust the level to the final required level.
Estimation to be verified/confirmed after field trials.

7.2 Pre treatment tests

Pre-CPT testing shall be performed prior to start soil improvement works (after platform preparation) at
a frequency of 1 CPT each 1,000 m2 down to the bottom of fill layer or refusal, whichever comes first.

7.3 Execution of Works

RDC works will be performed as per the execution drawing to be made based on the results of the Cali-
bration Area. The work sequence will be as follows:

1) Preparation of working platform, by the main contractor

2) Pre-testing campaign to verify the existing soil conditions.
3) Calibration area (a detailed calibration layout will be submitted separately)
4) Production works:

8|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

a. Setting out of prints.

b. Pounding for each RDC print *
c. Backfilling of craters, leveling and rough grading of the platform,
5) Post-testing and handing over
6) Final leveling and heavy roller compaction of the top layer (30 cm to 50 cm) should be done (by
others) further to completion of Trevi ASC works.
(*): The production parameters, such as number of blows, pounder weight and others should be adjusted
on site during production according to the soil conditions and ground behaviour during compaction.

7.4 Quality Assurance

A detailed quality assurance system is implemented during the production works to ensure the quality of
the works. The following records are kept:

• Pounder Weight

• Date of compaction

• Rig ref.,

• Number of blows

• Drop height
• Weather conditions

7.5 Quality Control Procedure

For the proposed soil improvement works, post-treatment tests will be performed in order to verify the
achievement of project criteria, using Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) according to the following fre-
quency: 1 CPT every 1,000m2 to be executed down to bottom of fill layer or refusal, whichever comes

CPT refusal is defined if one of the following criteria is met:

- CPT cone resistance (qc) reaches 40 MPa
- Sleeve friction (fs) reaches 0.8 MPa
- Pushing force of 10 ton is reached

9|P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

It’s required to compact backfilling material and achieve 85% relative density (Dr) to be verified by CPT
test using CPT-Dr correlation (Baldi et al. 1986) as per the below figure.

Figure 6: Cone Resistance Curve Achieving 85% Relative Density

A final report will be issued for every area including:

• Drawings showing :
o Setting out extent of compacted area

o Production layout

o Post-test locations
• Post-tests results
• Analysis of post-test results in accordance with the project criteria.

10 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

8. Tentative Schedule of Works

We have anticipated the following time schedule required for the execution of Soil improvement works
while working in double shifts of 10 hour per shift operation and 6 days per week.

- Mobilization, site installation & Calibration works : 2 Weeks

- Execution of Soil improvement works : 2.5 Months
- Post-treatment tests and handing-over reports : 2 Weeks

The Main Contractor shall ensure the access to the job site of our equipment, personnel and materials in
order to always guarantee the smoothness of all the activities. To encompass the requested schedule, we
recall that no discontinuity to the works shall be included within the contract period for Public Holidays
and or Religious Celebrations.
We assumed that all Soil improvement activities will be executed in uninterrupted manner. In case of
standby of equipment due to the lack of available platform or earthworks (minimum available area ahead
of us of 50,000m2 per rig), a standby rate SAR 1,000 per hour per Soil improvement rig and extension of
time shall be applied accordingly.
Moreover, it must be noted that above durations are given in case of continuous work performed in a
single mobilization.

11 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

9. Matrix of Responsibilities
Activities Description KHONAINI TREVI NOTES
Design, execute and complete the Subcontract Works in accordance with the Technical Proposal and
1 N Y
shall remedy any defects in the Subcontract Works.

2 Pre-testing campaign for further Soil assessment N Y

3 Execution of calibration area N Y

Execute the Soil Improvement works in timely manner to comply with the Subcontract Time Schedule
4 N Y

5 Carry out the Acceptance Tests relevant to Ground Improvement Works. N Y

6 Issue final reports presenting results of Ground Improvement Works. N Y

Provision and maintenance of a suitable all-weather continuous access and a level and stable work-ing
platform during mobilization and demobilization, and at all times during the progress of works for our
7 plant and equipment (up to 120 tons track mounted cranes). Y N
The working platform shall be 1-2 m thick minimum, minimum of 1.5 m above the ground water table,
flat and horizontal.
Providing a continuous access to work with a single mobilization and a proper access for Soil
improvement equipment to move from an area to another one, Ensuring that sufficient cleared working
8 Y N
areas are provided to allow a continuous production and Removal of all undersoil and overhead
Identifying, diversion or provision of adequate protection to all existing public and private services either
9 undersoil or overhead which includes cables, pipelines, sewerage and the like, if required. Provision of Y N
adequate shoring and protection to adjoining property, if required.

10 Provision of adequate shoring and protection to adjoining property, if required. Y N

Provision of third-party inspectors for supervision/witnessing and endorsement of pre and post-tests as
11 Y N
maybe required by the client.
Conduct all surveying works including and not limited to: site surveys before and after Soil improvement
12 works, setting out of all pre and post tests on site and setting out of base grid lines and control points Y N
for Soil improvement works.

Liaison with relevant authorities and obtaining permissions, permits, licenses and approvals for working
13 in public or private areas which may affect the progress of the work, inclusive of traffic di-versions and Y N
provision of warning and traffic signs and payment of any charges in connection therewith, if required.

14 Provide all safety and quality requirements and related personnel. Y N

15 1 shovel/grading/excavator machine is required on site, for each rig. Y N

16 Provision of Consultants attendance inclusive of all overtime and the use of client' site facilities. Y N

Y : Yes N : No N/A : Not Applicable

12 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

Activities Description KHONAINI TREVI NOTES

17 Assistance for issuance of necessary gate passes for all personnel and machinery. Y N

Contractor's All Risk Insurance will be provided under the coverage of the client Insurance. TREVI shall be
18 responsible for the insurance of all its machinery and plant on site, and Workmen Compensation Y N

Provision of all the requirements for working at night, in particular special permission, the walkways, and
19 Y N
office areas if so required.

Perform all earthmoving works including and not limited to the preparation of working platform, levelling
20 and rough grading between and after Soil improvement works, design, provision, installation and final Y N
roller compaction.
Provision of workshop area with minimum dimensions of 500 m2 within each section of work and
21 Provision of site offices for TREVI staff including furniture, internet, water and electricity for the project Y N
22 Supply and installation of all required backfilling material for existing soil, if necessary and fill. Y N

Trailers if shifting within project area is exceeding 1000m (at least one hydraulic lowbed for 120 ton
23 Y N
capacity and one or two classic lowbeds per machine) or if required due to access constraints.

24 Final surface compaction (if required) Y N

25 Any test or activity not listed in the attached Bill of Quantities. Y N

Y : Yes N : No N/A : Not Applicable

13 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

10. Payment Conditions

Our offer is based on the Matrix of Responsibilities enclosed with the present document. Please consider
the facilities required by us (free of cost) for the execution of the above described works as listed in section
Works shall be performed on the basis of following payment terms:

1. 20% of the contract value as advance payment against company guarantee letter upon signature
of LOA and before mobilization of equipment.

2. Monthly progress invoices payable at 15 days from the date of invoice submission.

3. The breakdown of the unit rate shall be as follow:

a. 85% at mechanical completion of soil improvement works

b. 15% upon submission of final handing-over reports

4. The payment shall be through an irrevocable and unconditional Letter of Credit (LC) issued from
a local bank.

5. Payment shall be made on the basis of actual re-measured quantities.

10.1 Insurance
TreviASC shall have insurance coverage for its own works and personnel only and with liability and
responsibility limited to the extent of TreviASC’s insurance policies limit, unless otherwise expressly
agreed in writing. TreviASC shall not hold any responsibility and liability towards the representatives of
the employer and/or engineer, nor shall it be held responsible and liable towards the works and personnel
of the main contractor and/or other contractors that might be engaged concurrently in the project unless
otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

14 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

11. Bill of Quantities


Item Description Unit Quantity Rate (SAR) Total Price (SAR)

1 Preliminaries

1.1 Mobilization of soil improvement rig and personnel LS 1 250,000 250,000

Pre-CPT test down to bottom of fill or refusal (whichever occurs

1.2 Test 646 450 290,700
first), max 4m depth.

1.3 Calibration works by mean of RDC each 1 80,000 80,000

2 Fill Compaction works

2.1 Soil Improvement works by RDC down to 4m Max m2 646,000 4.30 2,777,800

3 Quality Control testing

Post-CPT test down to bottom of fill or refusal (whichever

3.1 Test 646 450 290,700
occurs first), max 4m depth.

GRAND TOTAL IN SAUDI RIYALS (Excluding V.A.T) 3,689,200

Important Notes:
o The above offers are valid along with our “General Terms and Conditions”.
o This proposal is subject to availability of equipment at the time of receiving the order.
o We reserve our right to review the unit rates if quantity of any item presented in BOQ or in Table
1 is reduced by 10% or more.
o In case of standby of equipment due to the lack of available platform or earthworks, a standby
rate 1,000 per hour per Soil improvement rig and extension of time shall be applied accordingly.
o In above BOQ it is considered that works will be executed with one mobilization, if extra mobiliza-
tion are required then relevant unit rate should be applied.
o If trailers are required to shift between project areas, and if this is not arranged by Main Contrac-
tor, then provided relevant unit rate should be applied.
o Approval/ comment of correspondences/submittals should be made within a period of max 2 days
from the date of submission. In case the SUBCONTRACTOR receives no confirmation, comment
or reply within the 2 days period, this same document shall be deemed accepted, confirmed and
o The proposed time Schedule shall start after the receipt of followings:
i. Advance payment
ii. Approval of our submitted method statement and drawings

15 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

iii. Issuance of IFC drawings

iv. Release of working area for construction
v. Issuance of manpower and vehicle ID’s
o The above offers must be revised in case of changes in presumed soil conditions/fill specifications
or in case of changes in Project Technical Requirements or Quality Control Procedure.
o TREVI will work under the guidance of the safety manager, quality manager, and team of the main
contractor, the main contractor shall provide any extra requirements regarding safety and quality
as might be required by the client.
o Our offer is based upon carrying out the work within a single stay at site, and on the availability
of a continuous and orderly program of work throughout that stay. In the event of there being
any delay or interruption of our work for any reason whatsoever beyond our control, we shall
reserve to ourselves the right to negotiate a compensation and/ or relevant extension time.
o Safe distance from adjacent existing structure shall be 15m to avoid any damage.
o The above offers must be revised in case of major changes in presumed Soil conditions/fill speci-
fications or in case of changes in the project specifications in comparison with information pro-
vided to us at the date of editing the present offer,
o All contractual conditions shall be discussed upon acceptance of the present proposal.
o The offer is re-measurable. All quantities are subject to remeasurement at site based on the final
approved designs and drawings.
o Our rates are based on the current material prices, diesel prices, taxes, toll fee, traffic laws, rules
and regulations at the offer date. We reserve the right to amend rates if there is any increase in
any of the above.

This offer is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of the covering letter.

16 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

General Terms and Conditions

In relation to the soil improvement works to be performed for the project of this proposal, TREVI ARABIAN SOIL CONTRACTORS

(“Company”) is assuming that mutually agreeable contract terms will be negotiated and, thus, Company clarifies that the following

principles shall be deemed as the basis for the proposal that are expected to be introduced in the contract in a form satisfactory

to both parties.

A1.1. Client’s Risk

The Proposal is excluded of the following risks which will be borne by the client: (i) any use or occupation by the client or the final

customer of any part of the Works; (ii) any acts or omissions of the client and/or the final customer, their agents, employees or

contractors; (iii) import restrictions, confiscation, nationalization, embargo, requisition by or under the order of any government

authority, acts of war, hostilities or warlike operations, riot, civil commotion, sabotage and terrorist acts, occurring or existing in

the country of the site; (iv) any act or failure to act by any local government authority; (v) any other occurrences not adequately

covered under the CAR insurance of the Project released by the client.

In such events, the client shall pay to Company such sums as payable pursuant to the contract in respect of the Works executed,

notwithstanding that the same are lost, destroyed or damaged and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and

against any additional costs, damages, charges or expenses arising in consequence of or in connection with of the execution of

the Works which are attributable to or the result of or the client’ risks (including any additional cost arising from the suspension

of the Works) and shall grant the relevant extension of time for completion of the Works.

A1.2. Bonding

Financial costs included in the Proposal for any bonding requirement, have been assumed on the principle that the partial release

of such bonds shall be at substantial completion of Company’s Works under the subcontract and the final release at expiration of

the defect’s liability period.

A1.3. Force Majeure

Force Majeure means any event or occurrence which (i) is beyond the reasonable control (directly or indirectly) of the affected

party, (ii) is unforeseeable by a person acting in accordance with the applicable standards or, if foreseeable, could not have been

prevented or avoided by the affected party, and (iii) has the effect of making it impossible or unlawful for the affected party to

perform its obligations. Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, war (whether declared or not), military invasion, insurrec-

tion, nation-wide or region-wide strikes or unforeseeable shortages in the availability of personnel, equipment or materials not

caused by the Company, flood, hurricane, earthquake, natural disaster and the like. Force Majeure shall not include bankruptcy,

changes in market conditions or changes in the financial conditions of the Parties, lack of available labor and strikes attributable

to the affected party.

Where a Force Majeure event occurs, the Company shall be entitled to a variation with respect to an extension of the time for

17 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

completion of the Works affected and to the reasonable costs incurred for (i) taking all directed actions for the care, custody,

security, storage and preservation of the Works as agreed by the parties and (ii) taking all directed actions to mitigate or remove

the effects of Force Majeure (including reconstruction works) as agreed by the parties. Standby rate or no additional cost will be

applicable for the idling of equipment and workforce resulting out of work stoppages due to Force Majeure.

A1.4. Unforeseeable Physical Conditions

Client shall acknowledge that the Proposal is based on the documentation and data provided by the client in the tender phase and

that, notwithstanding any site visit, Company has been unable to perform detailed and deepened soil investigations due to una-

vailability of the site and costs which could affect a competitive price for the Company.

Therefore, Company shall be entitled to an equitable compensation of additional costs and time schedule in the event, during the

performance of the Work, it suffers delays or incur additional costs as a result of any actual condition which is substantially

different (i) with the data and information supplied by client, or (ii) could have not been reasonably foreseen by an experienced

contractor during the tender assessment of such data.

The Proposal is based on the principle that Company is not assuming any risk related unforeseeable physical conditions. Therefore,

Company will be entitled to a variation of the subcontract in the event that, during the performance of the works, it will suffer

delays or incur additional costs as a result of any physical conditions or obstructions at site, including but not limited to subsurface

and hydrological conditions, manmade obstructions, hazardous materials, radio-active material, polluted soil, surplus war materi-

als, valuables, underground cables and pipes and other manmade items, that are at variance (i) with the data and information

supplied by client, or (ii) could not have been reasonably foreseen by the Company.

A1.5. Suspension / Standby

Company shall be entitled, through a substantiated claim, to an extension of the work schedule if and to the extent that the

completion of the Works is or will be delayed by any of the following causes: (a) a Variation; (b) adverse climatic conditions; (c)

any delay, standby, impediment or prevention caused by or attributable to the final customer, client, their personnel, or other

subcontractors; (d) suspension of the Works instructed by the client (e) any other cause of delay not attributable to a default of

Company to comply with the terms of the subcontract.

When the progress of Work is delayed, obstructed, interrupted or hindered for one of the events above, Company will be com-

pensated for the additional costs incurred as a result thereof, until Work is resumed at normal production rates. A standby rate

will be negotiated for idle times during operations. Standby rate or no additional cost will be applicable for the idling of equipment

and workforce resulting out of work stoppages due to Force Majeure.

A1.6. Indirect and Consequential Damages

The Proposal assumes that the subcontract will include a mutual waiver providing that neither party shall be responsible for loss

of revenues, loss of profit, loss of production or financing costs and for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages

or losses whatsoever to the extent permitted by the applicable law and except for, in any case, damages or losses caused by fraud,

18 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

gross negligence or willful misconduct of the defaulting party.

A1.7. Liability

It has been assumed in the Proposal price that the total liability toward the client under or in connection with the subcontract

shall not exceed, in the aggregate, a sum equal 25% of the subcontract price, to the extent permitted by the applicable law and

except for, in any case, damages or losses caused by fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct of the defaulting party.

A1.8. Fitness for Purpose

Company shall not have any responsibility for activities, not expressly included in the scope of Work, which may be contingent,

inferred and/or necessary to fully complete any part of the Work unless such activities are required by applicable laws or standard

international practice for similar projects.

Except for the expressed assumption in the Proposal of design obligations for all or part of the Works, the Company shall not

assume any responsibility in relation to fitness for purpose or merchantability of any part of the Works.

A1.9. Back-to-Back

Should client require the Company to comply and be bound to the client obligations for the entire project, Company shall not be

responsible except for as applicable in relation to the specific scope of Works to be performed and/or expressly provided in the

subcontract documents.

A1.10. Termination

The soil improvement works is re-measurable. In case of termination due to no fault of TREVI the mobilization cost and the cost

of actual works done at site as per agreed unit rate only will be payable.

NOTE: Any variation of these Terms and Conditions shall be valid toward the Company only if agreed in writing by the Company. Special terms
are included in the Proposal.

Wish our offer will meet your interest,

Should you need any further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us.

19 | P a g e
Project : Initial Home Ownership Lots Development Increment IV
Scope : Fill Compaction works
Ref. : 190/F-4670/23 rev.0
Date : 05th September 2023

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