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Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

A Project
Presented to
The Faculty of

College of Arts and Sciences

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Bandiola, Marjon F.

Moreno, Danica Rayce A.

Petate, James Ivan B.

Silao, Mikhail Trunks A.

Suclan, EJ D.
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Background of the Study

Jeepneys are branded the “king of the road” not only because of their box-framed chassis

and their overall aesthetic design, but more predominantly due to the infamous way on how

drivers jostle theirway in and out of traffic, usually causing congestion and sometimes even

accidents. This is because, particularly in the Metro Manila area, jeepney drivers provide higher

importance on the need to increase abundance of profit per day than addressing issues on

comfort and safety.These vehicles are constructed by local jeepney manufacturers and are sold

to operators as brand-new units.

However, it is noted that a large percentage of these utility vehicles that traverse the

roads, especially in the cities,are actually overhauled units that are only assembled and

fabricated from spare non-matching materials, excessparts, and surplus accessories. These

units are modified to fit body capacities, frequently conditional on the specifications of the

drivers (or operators) themselves. Most of the time, these customizations are made to increase

profitability of the business, leading to health and ergonomic concerns to be neglected.

Therefore, this study aims to design and develop a Web-based Public Utility Jeepneys
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System and evaluate the system based on ISO 25010.

Jeepneys have been around in the Philippines for several years and have served as the

most common way of transportation, yet technological improvement is still on its way to the

jeepneys. Public Utility Jeepney (PUJ) is the most common public utility vehicle used by the

majority of commuters in the Philippines. However, until now, the Philippines still used

traditional information dissemination and free access to digital fare matrix with routing guides

remains unavailable for commuters as far as Information Technology aspect is concerned.

It’s difficult to know which Jeepney to ride and the location of their terminal if traveling in a new

place. The difficulty increases when traveling a long distance and the need to change jeepneys

the way. Thus, to address the challenge the researchers developed a new web-based system

called Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog, using Google Maps API

the system will show the best route, including the jeepneys that the user will use with the fare

automatically calculated.

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

This study aims to design and develop a Web-based Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ)

Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System and evaluate the system based on ISO 25010.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this study aims to the following objectives:

• To automatically guide the user to which jeepney to ride and calculate the fare;

• To display front and side route signage of jeepneys and fare matrix;

• To manage route and fare matrix;

 To evaluate System based on ISO 25010 in terms of Functional Suitability, Reliability,

Usability, Performance Efficiency, Security, Compatibility, Maintainability and

 To develop a public utility vehicle automatic route and fare system that is convenient,
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

accurate, and reliable to use.

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

Catalog system- It refers to a group of tables and views that incorporate vital details regarding a


Fare -the money a passenger on public transportation has to pay

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Public Utility Jeepney - minibus-like public utility vehicles, serving as the most popular means of

public transportation in the Philippines

Route - a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will mainly focus on the designing, development and evaluating a Web-based

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System based on ISO 25010.

The passengers will log in in the web based system. After login, the system will generate the

the route and fare of the public utility jeepney. The project is limited to developing a system that

will ease up bus public utility jeepney route and fare. The respondents of the project will be

public utility Jeepney and passengers.

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

In recent years firms have made massive, perhaps ill thought-out, increases in Web-based

application investments, reaching into almost every aspect of organizational work. The effect of the Web

on many firms has been dramatic – new business strategies have been developed based around Web-

technologies; existing business strategies have been re-worked and re-aligned with Web

strategies; ways in which business have been done in the past have been changed to exploit the

potential of the Web; and new business models have been developed. However the downturn in

all sectors, especially the ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) sector, and the

collapse of many Web enterprises in 2001 and 2002 has dampened enthusiasm and sent world stock

markets into steep reversals. Managers looking for budget cuts found no difficulty in axing Web-

based activity since it had failed, in large measure, to justify its existence. A new “paradigm”

suggesting that business success was measured by growth in customer numbers, increased market

share, acquisitions and ultimately company floatation was forged through exciting Web-delivered

businesses, was quickly shelved. Profits came back into fashion. The upheaval has shaken the bad

fruit from the tree and left the remaining firms with profitable, sustainable, business models. Perhaps

unsurprisingly many of these models closely resemble good old-fashioned ones such as retailing,

financial services, education and entertainment. The frenetic Web-based systems development

leading up to this period was characterised by systems development processes that were

unstructured and usually unsupported by methods or techniques that one might ordinarily expect to

ensure high quality or effectiveness. Some poor Websites reflect this lack of formalization in the

development process, while others may have been successful precisely because they were not patched
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

together with old methods and techniques. Since little research has been conducted on Web

systems development processes it is unclear how some organizations got it right and others got it

fabulously wrong. Perhaps luckily for some, much of the chaos in development was masked because

many Web projects had investors with deep pockets and systems, perhaps as Ciborra suggests (Ciborra

1999), were assembled as much by improvisation as by design.

Tools and Technology

WAMP Server WAMP is installed as a software bundle and stands for “Windows, Apache,

MySQL, and PHP.”WAMP is often used for web, development and internal testing, it also can be

used for serving live websites [13]. Wamp Server is available freely in two versions that is 32 and 64 bits.

Keep in mind that Wamp server 2.5 is not compatible with Windows XP, SP3, and Windows Server 2003.

Its older versions are available on Source Forge. Now, visually, a brief description of downloading and

installation of WAMP server, from sources where I have used is shown below step by step. i. Go to, website.

Windows Server

It is a brand name for a group of server operating systems which is released by Microsoft. The first

Windows server edition to be released with that brand was Windows Server 2003. However, the first

server edition of Windows was Windows NT 3.1 advanced server that followed by three Servers

(Windows NT 3.5 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Server, and Windows 2000 Server); the latter was the first

server edition to feature many things like Active Directory, DNS Server, DHCP Server, Group Policy, and

many other popular features used today. Written in C, C++ and assembly [14].
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

The Apache HTTP Server, informally called Apache, is the world’s most popular web server

software that in 2009 it became the first web server software to serve more than 100 million websites.

The Apache development began in early 1995 and originally based on the NCSA HTTPd server.

Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the patronage of the

Apache Software Foundation. Mostly used on a Unix-like system, the software is also available for a

vast variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Open VMS, eComStation, NetWare and

TPF. Apache is open source software, as on November 2015, it was estimated to serve 50% of all active

websites and 37% of the top servers across all domains.


MySQL SQL stands for Structured Query Language. MySQL is an open source Relational Database

Management System (RDBMS); it is a popular database for use in web applications, and is a central part

of the greatly used LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python) open-source web application

software stack. MySQL is used by many applications like, WordPress, Joomla, TYPO3, Drupal, MyBB,

phpBB, MODX and other software. Numerous large scale websites including Google, YouTube,

Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr are also using MySQL. On all platforms excluding Windows, MySQL sends

with no GUI (Graphical User Interface) to administer MySQL databases or managing the data held within

the databases. Users may install MySQL Workbench by downloading separately or simply may use the

command line tools. Numbers of third party GUI tools are also available. Swedish company has created

MySQL which is written in C and C++. The first version of MySQL revealed on 23 may 1995. It has

various versions.

The general accessibility of MySQL 5.7 was broadcast in Oct 2015, and the version which is used in

my project is 5.6.17 [16]. 2.1.4 PHP It stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor but, originally stood for

Personal Home Page. Is a server side scripting language that designed for web development, as well as
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

used for general purpose language. It was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, in the present time the

reference execution of PHP is produced by the PHP group. In January 2013, PHP was installed on more

than 240 million websites, and 2.1 million web servers. The PHP code can be combined with several

web frameworks and templating engines or simply it can be mixed with HTML code. The PHP code is

generally processed by a PHP interpreter, which is commonly executed as native module of web server

or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. After interpretation and execution of the PHP code,

the results will be sent by web server to its client. Zend Engine has powered the standard PHP

interpreter, which is free software liberated under the PHP license.


It is an open source tool and also, it is free written in PHP, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript planned to

manage the administration of MySQL by using of a web. It is able to perform various missions like

creating, modifying databases, tables, fields, executing SQL statements or managing and supervise users.

PhpMyAdmin is being translated into 72 languages in order to make the usage easy to a wide domain of

people and it supports both LTR and RTL languages. Following is some features of the phpMyAdmin,

 It is web interface

 It administrates multiple severs

 It is able to create PDF graphics of the database layout

 Importing data from SQL and CSV

 Export data to different formats such as SQL, PDF, CSV, XML and others

 It works with various Operating Systems

 And others
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

The Sublime Text 3 editor

Sublime Text is a cross platform source code editor written in C++ and python. It originally supports

plenty of programming and markup languages, and its functionality can be increased via users with

plugins. Sublim Text 3 has two main features that are symbol pane management and symbole indexing.

Through pane management users are to move between panes by hotkeys and symbole indexing enable

SublimText to scan files and build an index to make easy the features Goto Symbole and Goto Definition

in project. It is downloaded from, site. A list of some features of Sublime Text is

as following,  It is python based plug-in API  It is cross platform (Linux, Linux, OS X)  Compatible with

numerous language framers form Text Mate  Project specific preferences  And others [20]. 2.4 HTML

AND CSS HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets are the

crucial technologies for creating web pages. HTML supplies the structure of the page, and CSS the

layout, for diversity of devices. Together with scripting and graphics, HTML and CSS are the fundamental

of building Web Applications and Web pages. HTML provides designers and developers the following

facilities,  To design forms for directing transactions with remote services, for use in making

reservation, searching for information, ordering products, and others  Retrieving online information

through hypertext links.  To include video and sound clips, spread sheets, and other applications

straight in their documents  Designer can publish online documents with text, headings, tables, photos

and others. CSS describes the Web pages presentation, involving layout, colors, and fonts. It enables

the designer to adjust the presentation to various types of devices, like a small screens, large screens, or

printers. CSS is separate from HTML, and their separation makes it easy to preserve and maintain sites,

share style sheets across pages, and accommodate pages to various environments.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

According to the study of Kunkara 2021 entitled QR code fare payment management system

concluded that great advancements in technology allow different sectors to fully optimized their

services and operations. The researchers conducted the study to investigate the current method of fare

payment in the transportation sector. The researchers have found out that the current method is

ineffective, requires too much labor and time. With this, the researchers developed a QR Code Fare

Payment System to resolve the issues encountered in the current method. The result of the study

showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the respondents and the

intended users. The majority of the respondents and intended users have seen the potential of the

system. Thus, the it was concluded that the system is an effective and efficient fare payment system.

The developed system will allow PUV’s to lessen manpower and avoid errors in calculating fares. The

system is also a great advantage to the passengers because they can easiland conveniently pay for their

fares without needing cash on hand. The system will improve the PUV service and customer experience.

In the study of Hassan 2015 entitled web based attendance system result revealed that the web

based attendance management system is developed using PHP server-side scripting language and

CSS,HTML ,JavaScript for designing which is fully meet the system’s goals. This system overcome many

limitations incorporated in attendance, this system saves a great amount of time and reduces errors

which may occur during attendance calculation. The developed system is fully responsive which can be

used in mobile, tablets and different operating system.

Another study entitled The Project Monitoring and Evaluation System for DRRM (2012), the

proposed system will combine financial tracking and physical monitoring to aid better planning and

coordination of the government’s projects and programs on DRRM in a manner that is transparent and

accountable to the public. Result shows that the system help the government by easily knowing or

checking the projects and program for the public/community.

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

According to the study of Asghar (2016) entitled Android based application for basic math skill

builders, it is revealed that that mobile devices can be used to increase the educational skills of school

going children instead of leaving them to waste their time on only playing games. Therefore,

development of educational application is essentially required, especially, to improve the mathematics-

related skill of children. Although many applications exist online for such purposes, however, there is a

need to develop a simple, interactive and easy to use android-based application for enhancing the skill

of children in basic mathematical concepts. In this work, we develop an educational application, named

“Basic Math Skill Builder” by using MIT App inventor framework, which assist the beginners in math to

learn basic math operations. Moreover, they can check their skill level by attempting quizzes by using

visual images and audio support. The developed application is very interesting and provides with the

students school like environment.

In the study of Ummar (2021) entitled Computerized Student Attendance System Using Security

Codes Generation in the Nigerian Institutions, result revealed that The students’ class attendance sheets

are shared in the lecture room for each student to locate the one in which their names appear so that

they can sign up against their names. This is quite stressful for the students. This research work is

intended to be carried out purposely to avoid the entire manual system of students’ class attendances in

Nigerian institutions. In this research work, the students would be able to sign the attendance sheet on

their mobile phones or computers using the security codes generated for them by their course


Local Studies

In a study of Magtulis and De Guzman 2013 entitled statistical Web-based Monitoring of the

Philippine Livestock Program it is stated that monitoring of the implementation of the projects and

activities under the Program is done by LDC. It has no field staff but relies on DA livestock coordinators
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

of regional field offices (RFOs) to report the physical and financial accomplishments of the Program.

Quarterly meetings of livestock coordinators provide the venue for validation of these reports. The RFOs

submit monthly and quarterly reports in MS Excel spreadsheets. The quarterly reports are mere

consolidation of the three consecutive monthly reports. These spreadsheets are designed in such a way

that all monthly or quarterly entries are included in one sheet, making them appear to be very long

worksheet. The target is only a quantification of the total physical output that could be accomplished in

a year based on the budget allocation approved by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

for the calendar year. It is akin to a moving annual target, not the conventional project targets, which

are usually set during project formulation and firmed up before the project takes off for

implementation. The monthly or quarterly targets on the other hand, merely represent what the field

units envisaged to be accomplished or doable for the reference period. It is a simple monthly or

quarterly disaggregation of the annual target. The monthly or quarterly target breakdown is reviewed,

and requires prior approval by LDC at the commencement of the calendar year.

In the study of Rommel Roldan (2012) entitled Guidance Information System of Sibugay Technical

Institute Inc., result shown that the system help the guidance to manage student's record and

exclusively for the guidance office of Sibugay Technical Institute. To access the system the user must

enter his or her user name and password. The main form consist of command for transaction,

maintenance, utilities, reports about edit and manipulation of students records. It also view time date

and developer.
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System


Chapter III
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Project Description

This study will create design and develop a Web-based Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ)

Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System and evaluate the system based on ISO 25010.The

propose system will enable passengers to obtain relevant information pertaining to public utility

jeepney. Such information includes routing guide and digital fare matrix using Google API accessible for

computers. In this project passengers needs are basically the most important to understand, how to

analyze the requirements, produce a design and go about development and testing so that the system

being deliver is a high quality and does what the client wants it to do.

Development Process

Development process of web based automatic public utility jeepney route and fare catalog

will utilize waterfall development approach for it is the simplest methodology of the software

development workflow and the first Process Model which was introduced in 1970. Also, Waterfall model

is good only for short and easy projects. In this methodology, the development process looks like a

stream, successively passing phases one by one. But the transition from one phase to another occurs

only after the completion of the previous one, in other words, each phase must be complete before the

next phase can begin. The main disadvantage of this model is a change in one of the phases will entail

the inevitable change in all subsequent ones. ean

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Waterfall Model for Public Utility Jeepney Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Design Specification

The primary goal of this study is to make a complete project for daily use in public utility jeepney,

which should confirm all requirements. The demands and requirements for the system come from the

system structure to be use.The project specifications of the system are described in Figure below.
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Requirement Analysis

The primary goal for the thesis was to make a complete project for daily use in one small

company such as the public utility jeepney, which should confirm all requirements. The web

based Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog Systeis written in

PYTHON programming language, and has some PHP and HTML inside. The demands and

requirements for the system come from the system structure used in this project, namely

everything connected with web application development that has been done in PHP,

and it includes all projects and systems. This project prefers PHP, because it is widely-used and

best suitable for dynamic and interactive Web development, it is easy and can be easily

modified or added to rest of the system. So generally PHP is available free of charge, deployed

mostly on web servers, used on many operating systems and platforms. As the PHP is free it

corresponds to our requirements for making free and open source project system. For

programming web-based Web-based Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Catalog System there is used PYTHON programming language, as known, PYTHON is powerful,

dynamic programming language, which is widely used in application domains. PYTHON run

everywhere; it runs even on Nokia Series 60 cell It is also friendly for use by everyone and easy

to learn. To conclude, definitely python is that its open source, that makes it freely usable and


Consequently, to determine the requirements for the development of this web based automatic

public utility jeepney route and fare catalog system for commuters as an inner system guide. It will be

the task of to run a series of requirements analysis sessions.

The following main project requirements:

 User management integration to the system

 Security integration on application

 To track projects and its issues / bugs related to specific project

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

 Upload and delete files in a project

 Create new users who belong to specific group (Admin, SVN)

 Generate project and defined admin rights to it

 Create a shared database for information

Testing and Evaluation

The goal of testing in this project is to demonstrate that the program under control contains bugs.

In this project the researchers will tests the complete application and identifies any defects in the

application.These defects are fixed by the developers and the testing researchers tests the fixes to

ensure that the defect is fixed.They also perform regression testing of the application to see if any new

defects were introduced.Testing must not be confused with debugging, which is the process of detecting

and reducing the number of existing errors. Testing can never prove that a code is error-, but rather

verify that errors exist. Therefore need to consider the fact that the error might come from the test

itself, while the tested code might be correct. Have to know what the results of the test will show before

it has actually been performed. The one who is responsible for doing the testing has to be able to define

what the outcome should be, if not, this will lead to bugs in either the program or the test or in both the

program and the test. The good thing about system testing is that it can be carried out without any prior

knowledge about the program design and can thus be performed by „outsiders”. To maintain the quality

of a system, it is definitely needed to conFigure a system testing. Detecting and fixing the errors in a

system is known as one of the main objectives behind testing of a system in a development cycle. Here

is described a set of test cases; some of them have been shown below:

1. For checking the conjunction in the system that is developed, couples of users

are connected to the Application simultaneously through the Internet browser.

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Different parts of system, like TRAC, project management and user

management have been monitored simultaneously on these client machines.

To conclude, the testing showed that system components could be monitored

conjunctionally from multiple clients through Internet browser.

2. It will noticed that data regarding system modifications are easily

available with for all users. This affirms that the data recording feature of the

developed system is working correctly.

3. The SVN SSH connection will be tested from user application to commit

code or make changes on code and later on to be seen on web browser.

Commits and changes are nicely illustrated with differences made on the code

on the web browser. These changes are seen for all users.


Software project management: from concept to deployment / Kieron Conway.

Scottsdale (Ariz.) : Coriolis, c2001

Software project management / Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, London [etc.]:

McGraw-Hill, c2002, 3rd ed.

Information systems project management: methods, tools and techniques / John

McManus and Trevor Wood-Harper, Harlow [etc.] : Prentice Hall, c2003

Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) Automatic Route and Fare Catalog System

Subversion version control: using the Subversion version control system in

development projects / William Nagel, Upper Saddle River (N.J.): Prentice

Hall/PTR, c2005

Systems Analysis and Design Shelly Cashman Adamski Boston 1991

Software Engineering Roger S.Pressman UK, c2000, 5th ed.

.Ubuntu -

Open SSH -




System Architecture -

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