Internship Report 20.2

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Supervisor: Student

PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Name: Nguyen Thanh Ngoc

Faculty of Foreign Languages Class: BE 62A

Student Code: 11202853

Ha Noi, January 2024

1.General information:
Company name: Phuong Anh Korean Language Center
Address: Do Quang- Trung Hoa – Cau Giay - Hanoi, Vietnam
Telephone: +8436 641 6567

Phuong Anh Korean Language Center was founded in 2019, with the aim of
promoting language education, cultural exchange, and linguistic proficiency.
Additionally, the center simultaneously provides customers with particularly suitable
Korean Study Abroad Programs.
The business has built up a system supporting customers with Korean-learning desire
with three branches in Ha Noi and Phu Tho. Besides, the center lecturers are all
proficient in teaching duties and hold relevant certifications.

2. Phuong Anh Korean Language Center’s products and services

a. Academic Korean

Within the curriculum of the Korean language center, the Academic Korean courses
are meticulously designed to equip learners with the linguistic acumen and proficiency
essential for scholarly pursuits. Tailored to meet the demands of academic settings,
these courses cater to individuals aspiring to undertake studies at Korean educational
institutions or seeking to attain the prestigious TOPIK Certificate (Test of Proficiency
in Korean). The curriculum prioritizes the cultivation of language skills requisite for
academic success, encompassing both written and spoken proficiency.
b. Practical Korean

Concomitantly, the Practical Korean courses offered by the Phuong Anh Center are
formulated to impart comprehensive and pragmatic language knowledge and skills.
These courses are strategically crafted to address the professional needs and diverse
objectives of learners across various proficiency levels. The array of practical courses
spans a spectrum of aims, including effective communication, preparation for
international labor export, engagement in careers involving translation, and readiness
for interviews pertaining to studying abroad in South Korea. This pragmatic approach
ensures that learners are not only linguistically adept but also well-prepared for real-
world applications of the Korean language.

c. Freely Accessible Library

Founder Nguyen Phuong Anh, a distinguished authority in Korean language

acquisition, has contributed significantly to the field through numerous publications.
These works span foundational aspects of Korean language acquisition, offering
specific guidance tailored to facilitate the study of the Korean language.
Complementing these authored works is an extensive collection of publications by
various authors, accessible through the center's freely accessible library. This
repository, available in both electronic and print formats, serves as a valuable resource
for learners seeking a scholarly and comprehensive understanding of the Korean
language, its intricacies, and cultural nuances.

3. Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Core Values

At the heart of Phuong Anh language center lies a profound philosophy that transcends
conventional notions of language acquisition. Here, language is not perceived as a
mere skill but rather as a gateway to deep cultural understanding. Embracing an
immersive and holistic approach to language learning, the center underscores the
intrinsic interconnectedness of language and culture. This philosophical foundation
accentuates the imperative of fostering a profound appreciation for Korean heritage
and traditions, weaving cultural nuances seamlessly into the fabric of language

The overarching mission of the Korean language center is a multifaceted endeavor

aimed at empowering individuals with linguistic proficiency in Korean while
concurrently fostering cultural competence. This ambitious mission is pursued through
the dynamic implementation of innovative teaching methodologies, creating a learning
environment that is both conducive and engaging. Beyond language proficiency, the
mission extends to the cultivation of global citizens capable of bridging cultural
divides and contributing positively to a diverse and interconnected global landscape.

Envisioning a future where linguistic and cultural diversity are celebrated globally, the
Phuong Anh language center aspires to emerge as a preeminent institution of
excellence in Phuong Anh language education. This vision extends beyond national
borders, positioning the center as a leading catalyst for the promotion of Phuong Anh
language proficiency and cultural understanding on an international scale. The center
endeavors to be globally recognized for its commitment to advancing language
education and cultural appreciation.

Anchored in a set of core values, including a commitment to excellence, cultural

appreciation, inclusivity, innovation, global citizenship, and community engagement,
the center strives to continually enhance the quality of instruction, promote cultural
understanding, and actively contribute to the broader societal fabric through various
community-focused initiatives.

4. Organizational structure

The organizational framework of the center is orchestrated under the stewardship of its
Founder, Ms. Nguyen Phuong Anh, who assumes direct managerial responsibility over
two principal domains: the administrative block and the educational block. The
administrative block, constituting a pivotal component, incorporates specialized teams,
namely the personnel team, the sales and marketing team, and the reception team.
Within this sphere, the personnel team is entrusted with human resource management,
the sales and marketing team is charged with promotional and outreach activities, and
the reception team handles front-office functions.

Conversely, the educational block is a critical sector encompassing the instructional

aspects of the center. It comprises both the faculty, comprised of lecturers
distinguished for their academic expertise, and the teaching assistants, contributing to
the pedagogical process. This dichotomous organizational structure, delineated by the
Founder, serves to efficiently manage and coordinate the multifaceted operations of
the center, ensuring a holistic approach to administrative and educational facets.

3.1. The founder

The Phuong Anh Center was founded by Ms. Nguyen Phuong Anh, a former student in
Korea. The founder oversees the entire operation, carefully adheres to state rules and
regulations, and outlines and implements the aims, mottos, and policies. She assigns
and balances the labor of the departments and manages the enterprise's staff based on
the business demands. In addition, she, collaboratively with the marketing team,
engages in the collection and assimilation of marketing information to broaden the
scope of empathetic connection with students facing challenges in order to cultivate a
more comprehensive understanding of their needs within an academic context, creates
a master plan for recruitment, and supervise the organization and implementation.

3.2. Administrative Block

a. Department of Human Resource

Situated at the core of the institutional framework, the Department of Human Resource
serves as an instrumental unit within the center, comprising two essential roles: the
Human Resources (HR) Leader and the HR Assistant. The purview of this department
encompasses multifaceted responsibilities, spanning administrative oversight,
personnel management, coordination of instructors' work schedules, meticulous record
management, performance assessment, initiation of recognition initiatives, and
orchestration of recruitment activities across diverse departments and divisions.

b. Department of Sales and Marketing

This division assumes a strategic advisory role in formulating market strategies and
business development initiatives. The Sales and Marketing team exercises vigilant
oversight in the realms of customer attraction, comprehensive market research, brand
promotion, and the conception and dissemination of promotional publications.

c. Department of Reception

The pivotal role of the receptionist unfolds as the initial point of contact for new
customers entering the center. Their responsibilities extend to providing pertinent class
information and additional services upon request, facilitating reservations, and adeptly
addressing customer concerns with a commitment to ensuring optimal customer

3.3. Educational Block

a. Lecturers

The Lecturers, occupying a paramount position within the educational infrastructure,

bear the responsibility of formulating meticulously tailored curricula for specific
classes. Their collective commitment aligns with the overarching objective of
furnishing a superlative standard of language education, concurrently cultivating an
environment conducive to student flourishing and the attainment of their language
learning objectives.

b. Instructional Aides

Instrumental in augmenting the pedagogical endeavors of the language center,

Instructional Aides undertake a multifaceted role encompassing administrative,
instructional, and student support tasks. Their contributions, intricately interwoven
with the instructional activities of the lecturers, play a pivotal role in ensuring a
comprehensive and enriching educational experience for the students.



1. A Brief Introduction to the Internship Program at Phuong Anh Center

Every department maintains a distinctive internship program with specific rules and
compensation structures tailored to its operations. However, the Sales and Marketing
division, acknowledged as a pivotal and well-funded sector, the Sales and Marketing
division currently has openings related to social media and content strategy marketing.
It's noteworthy that the author was employed as a marketing intern at Phuong Anh
Center during the composition of this report.

Participation in the internship program mandates each intern to commit a minimum of

20 hours per month for a duration of three months. The author attributes a reduced
level of tension and discomfort in the work environment to the abundance of amenities
and appealing interior design features, facilitating an easier assimilation into the
company's culture and the acquisition of substantial knowledge and skills.

Upon successfully completing the three-month internship, interns seeking higher roles
must showcase their dedication to further contribute to the organization both in terms
of time and intellectual capacity. The selected interns are then required to undergo a
mandatory two-week specialized examination before officially assuming employee
status. As a primary assignment, interns are tasked with a case study addressing a
genuine business issue faced by the company. Evaluation criteria include logical
reasoning, analytical capabilities, problem-solving skills, and, most notably,
demonstration of originality and innovation. The firm's director will identify the top
five interns following a thorough deliberation process and extend a legitimate job offer
to each of them.

2. Marketing Internship Responsibilities at Phuong Anh Center

The author actively contributed to the advertising and promotion endeavors of the
Korean Language Center during their tenure as a marketing intern. Responsibilities
encompassed a range of administrative and clerical tasks, formulation of social media
campaigns, creation of marketing materials, and the development of presentations
guiding managers on specific product marketing strategies. The detailed
responsibilities during the internship are outlined as follows:

2.1 Investigating Commercial Products:

Upon commencement, the author embarked on an exhaustive exploration of the

center's business culture and orientation as the initial task subsequent to the supervisor-
intern interview. This investigative phase involved an in-depth examination of various
materials to gauge the intern's adeptness in assimilating information and aligning with
the company's operational pace. The purpose was to evaluate the intern's capacity to
acclimate to the organizational ethos and working dynamics.

2.2 Designing Publications for Digital Content:

Following comprehensive instructions, the author delved into the utilization of

additional administrative system features, incorporating techniques such as
capitalizing words, strategically selecting and placing photos for optimal impact, and
organizing information logically. The focal point of this task resided in the meticulous
design of publications that not only reflected the distinctive personality of each post
but also aligned seamlessly with operational objectives. Emphasis was placed on
maintaining brand identity within the cognitive realm of customers, ensuring a lasting

2.3 Finding Keywords with Tools:

The author's responsibilities extended to acquiring an intricate understanding of the

pivotal role played by keywords in articles, emphasizing their function as conduits
between content generated by authors and information sought by prospective buyers.
Tools such as the Keyword Explorer were introduced as invaluable instruments for
tracking consumer preferences, participating in forums and community groups, and
conducting pertinent keyword research. This knowledge was deemed indispensable for
the creation of organic and compelling content designed to captivate and attract a
diverse readership.

2.4 Acquiring Management Skills for "Phuong Anh Korean Language Center"
Facebook Fanpage:

In tandem with crafting articles for the official website, the author assumed a
leadership role in managing the Facebook fanpage for the "Phuong Anh Korean
Language Center." This multifaceted responsibility encompassed the formulation of a
comprehensive content plan, ensuring consistency across posts, adherence to
prevailing social media trends, recycling of pertinent content for sustained
engagement, frequent posting to maintain audience interest, and the art of storytelling
to captivate the target demographic. The acquisition and application of management
skills within the dynamic realm of social media were considered integral components
of the author's diverse responsibilities.

2.5. Effective measurement plan

Creating an effective measurement plan for a marketing internship involves a

comprehensive approach that considers both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as website access, social media engagement, and
conversion rates are essential for evaluating the impact of marketing initiatives.
Metrics like website traffic, unique visitors, and page views provide insights into
online engagement, while social media analysis includes follower growth, engagement
rates, and user interactions. Additionally, qualitative feedback and sentiment analysis
contribute to understanding the perceived value of marketing content. The
measurement plan should seamlessly integrate these metrics with overarching business
goals to assess the intern's contribution to both immediate and long-term
organizational success. This approach ensures that marketing responsibilities are
executed and evaluated strategically, guiding future marketing strategies.

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