Recess Free Time

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Should elementary students be allowed time for recess?

Some teaching professionals argue that Primary School should sacrifice recess for
additional classroom time, but I disagree with this opinion. I believe that have free
time in the Elementary Education is crucial for academic and emotional development
of children.

In my opinion, the education system is, in general, too demanding/hard with students
from an age early. They have the same routine every day: work hard in school and
after do homework at home. Sometimes, they seem machines all time. Personally, this
situation is wrong/negative for children because it generates pression and mental
problems (anxiety, stress…) in their lives.

Are teachers conscient about special needs of children? It is essential to discuss about
this issue. Every student have different curricular and personal needs, it is true, but all
elementary-age children deserve recess for disconnect, relax and play with their
families and friends. Their mind needs free time for generate new and fresh energy
and, therefore, to obtain/get a better school performance and complete development.

In conclusion, I agree with professionals and schools who defend that playtime is a
significant part of development of children. They are not machines but they are human
beings! We should remember it!

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