Creative Writing

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You have written two stories since we started our online lessons.

1. From the Hodgeheg

2. The Lost Happy Endings

You are now going to type both of your stories in this word document.
Copy exactly what you wrote.

STORY 1- From the hodgeheg

One day Max the hodgeheg was feeling very bored. He wanted to go
outside and see the town. For that he had to cross the road and go see
the town. Max went to his Ma and Pa and asked them “Can I go outside”?
Ma and Pa refused they said you are very small to cross the road by
yourself. We shall take you together with us. Later on he went without
asking Ma and Pa.

Pa and Ma said “where had you been Max”? He was scared to say
anything to his parents. Again his brothers and sisters also asked him “did
you crossed the road”? He said softly “yes I crossed the road and bumped
my head by the bicycle.

Pa shouted don’t you know cars only stop for humans not if you are a
hodgeheg. He realised his mistake and said sorry Ma and Pa I shall never
do this mistake again.

Story 2 – Lost Happy Endings 2

One day a girl was walking in the garden her name was Jub. She would
always go to the forest and sit on a tree but she always take her favourite
sack. In the sack was all the happy endings. One day when she was
walking in the forest her sack was lost she called for help and said my
sack is lost but no one heard her. She was sad so she went back to her

She always used to dream about a golden pen. In the morning she saw a
box on her table when she opened the box there was a golden pen and
some papers. Jub was surprised she forgot about her sack and started
writing on the paper with the golden pen. After one year she found her
sack when she opened her sack there was no happy endings. She throwed
her golden pen and started crying.

One day Jub went to the garden and stared looking for her golden pen.
She found her golden pen and went inside her house again opened her
sack and there were all the happy endings. Jub didn’t knew that the
golden pen had some magic. From there onwards she started going to the

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