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1. What is that “human safety”? (What

does it mean?)
2. Why we have to know about it?


Lecturer Kristina Zdanytė
• Acoustic noise (noise) call varies in
intensity and frequency of sound
waves in a whole, which can cause
adverse health effects and hazards.
• Noise is a subjective term, and it can
be defined as any time a certain
undesirable sound.
• Noise normally describes loud,
sudden, harsh or irritating sounds.
• Physically describe the noise
as a disordered, different
frequency and strength of
sounds. Physiological point of
view, any sound that interferes
with normal human work or rest
is noise.
• Noise sources are certain
spectrum and intensity
oscillations, origin of which

 mechanical,
 aerodynamic,
 hydrodynamic,
 electromagnetic


• Sound waves are called acoustic vibrations,

which people perceive their hearing organs.
The human ear hears sounds in the frequency
range from 16 to 20000 Hz. Sound waves with
frequency lower than 16 Hz are called
infrasound and waves with frequency higher
than 20,000 Hz – ultrasound.

• In view of the vibration generating mechanism,
the noise is divided into:

- Structured, the noise source is in contact with

the building structure or equipment that is a
secondary source of the noise;
- Overhead, a noise source has no direct
connection to structures or equipment.

• Question?
Objective describe an acoustic noise are
commonly used terms:

• sound pressure p (Pa)

• sound velocity v (m / s)
• intensity I (W/m2)
• power P (W)

• The human ear perceived noise sound pressure
and intensity of the real acoustic environment
varies over a wide range (pressure ~ 108 times
the intensity ~1016 times), so in sanitary
practice, commonly used parameters, Li
expressed bel (B) or in decibels (dB). They are
obtained by comparing the actual parameter
values of the threshold (reference) values,
expressed a result in logarithmic paper.

Noise intensity level LI is expressed as

 I 
LI  lg
 I 
, B,
 0 
or in decibels
 I 
LI  10 lg
 I 
, dB,
 0 

There are: I – the measured intensity of the sound,

W/m2; I0 – the sound intensity threshold value (relative
hearing threshold), I0=10-12 W/m2. -
• Complex acoustic oscillation processes
dominating in sanitary practice characterized
using frequency noise spectrum.
• According to the process parameters change
in time character, frequency spectra are:
- tonic (discrete), where the spectrum is a
separate distinct tones - the process of
forming harmonic oscillations (Figure 1.1a.)
- Infinitely variable (broadband), when the
spectral width over one octave - a slight tone
of the main process (Figure 1.1b.). 9
1.1.Time functions p=f(t) and frequency spectra p=f(f) comparison : a – tonic noise;10b –
broadband noise.
• Noise spectra are formed using a measuring
chain belt filters, which enables assessment
of sound pressure levels in different
frequency bands.

In sanitary practice noise measurement

circuits of the filter passband width – octave,
the upper band frequency doubled higher
than the lower frequency (fn / fn-1 = 2).
Filter strips marked of their
geometric mean frequency fm
fm  f n f n1

here fm - geometric mean frequency, Hz fn - the upper frequency, fn-1 - the lower

Audibility range, they would be: 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000; 2000, 4000,
8000 and 16000 Hz.

• In order to harmonize the human subjective
perception of the volume with an objective
assessment of noise, in noise measurement
systems, including special units, which span
the signal is adjusted depending on the
volume of human perception character.
• Audibility range, depending on the sound
level, human feels the best medium or high
frequency sounds, and the least sensitive - in
the lower part of the range. 13

• Throughout the audibility range by frequency

subjectively perceived the same volume, the
physiological tests and assessment
backgrounds (phon), is defined by equal
volume curves (Figure 2). Equal volume
curve backgrounds value equal to the sound
pressure level in decibels (dB) at 1000 Hz, if
f = 1000 Hz, 1 phon = 1 dB.

• A-weighted sound pressure level is expressed in
dBA best suits their subjective perception of
sound at low sound pressure level (Figure 3).
• C-weighted sound pressure level is expressed in
dBc, best suited to their subjective perception of
sound at high sound pressure levels.

3. Frequency weight
function 16
Noise effect and its assessment
• The harmful effects of noise on human hearing
determines the ears absorb sound energy,
which depends on the sound pressure level and
duration of exposure. An employee who
performs a variety of tasks, can be affected by
uneven sound pressure levels and uneven time
periods. That is why the adverse noise effects
seen and assess in a standard 8-hour work day
or a standard 8-hour five-day working week.


• Three physical parameters are defined as

risk indicators:
- sound pressure peak (peak sound
- daily noise exposure (noise exposure)
- weekly noise exposure level.

Noise effect rationing
• Worker protection risks arising
from noise regulations be fixed by
noise exposure value of the
exposure values (upper and
lower) action to start (to protect
workers from noise to ensure) the
daily noise exposure levels and
the maximum momentary sound
pressure or levels.

• Limit daily noise exposure level (exposure
level) value of LEX, 8h should not exceed 87
dBA and maximum fractional C-weighted
sound pressure level LCpeak not be more than
140 dBC.
• The real (observed) noise exposure of
workers is seen in the operation of noise
reduction when using a personal hearing
protective equipment (PPE hearing).
• Noise exposure action values:
• top exposure action values LEX,8h = 85 dBA, and
the maximum instantaneous (peak), C-weighted
sound pressure level LCpeak = 137 Dbc;
• Lower exposure action values LEX,8h = 80 dBA,
and the maximum instantaneous (peak), C-
weighted sound pressure level LCpeak = 135 Dbc.
• Not take into account the potential reduction in
noise operation of hearing if the use of PPE.

Noise effects
1. Hearing loss:
- temporary hearing threshold elevation;
- permanent hearing threshold shift of long-
term noise levels above 80 dB (A), or
suddenly have a very high noise levels
greater than 120 dB.
- 120 dBA noise level (~ 20 N/m2)
corresponds to a physiological sound
threshold of pain sensation. Above this
threshold, the sound waves cause pain,
hearing aid violations. 22
Noise effects
2. Central nervous system
- tiredness;
- insomnia;
- migraine headaches;
- psychomotor and neurotic
3. Cardio-vascular system:
- hypertension;
- decrease the body's immune
- decreased vision.

Noise assessment
• Noise is most commonly estimate in two
- the installation of noise characteristics;
- definition of noise polluting effects for health
of the employee.

• For acoustic facility evaluation generally used:

- acoustic power levels of a spectrum
- noise radiation directivity characteristics.
The limit value
• Limit daily perceived noise level (exposure level)
value of LEX,8h must not exceed 87dB and
maximum C-weighted instantaneous sound pressure
ppeak not be greater than 200 Pa or 140 dB (the
reference pressure of 20 μPa.
• In determining whether an employee has no effect
on noise in excess of the limit values, the actual
(observed) noise operation worker is seen in the
operating of noise reduction when using a personal
hearing protective equipment (PPE hearing).

Top and lower values
Noise exposure action start values (to protect
workers from perceived noise to ensure) is
determined by the daily perceived noise levels
and the maximum momentary C-weighted
sound pressure levels and whether are as
• upper exposure action values LEX,8h = dB and
maximum C-weighted instantaneous sound
pressure of 140 Pa (or level LCpeak = 137 dBc
when the reference pressure of 20 μPa);
• lower exposure action values LEX,8h = dB and
maximum C-weighted instantaneous sound
pressure of 112 Pa (or level LCpeak = 135 dBc).

• If it is determined that the noise levels in

excess of the threshold value and the risks
are not acceptable and, when noise levels
exceed the upper and lower exposure
action values shall be developed and
implemented risk elimination or reduction

• If the risks from noise can not be avoided in
implementing collective and other measures,
workers are provided with personal hearing
protection which have to be applied to a
particular employee and by selecting
according of Employees implement with
personal protective equipment regulations.
• Noise level, acting employees, including
those employees who use personal hearing
protection, under no circumstances be higher
than the exposure limit value. Question ?
• If, despite the measures taken to comply with
these regulations, it is found that the
exposure limit values are exceeded, the head
or on his behalf by a person authorized by the
employer's occupational safety and health,
shall immediately organize and find out the
reasons why the exposure limit value is
exceeded, and take action to seek that the
noise operation is reduced to the lower
exposure action values.
• The head of company or a person authorized
by the employer's occupational safety and
health must ensure that workers who are
exposed to risks due to noise, and their
representatives are aware of the noise risk
assessment results, trained and informed about
the risks posed by noise.
• When measured noise levels and found that
they exceed normative values must
immediately be organized health checks during
audiometric testing in such an environment
working employees. 30
• If it is determined that the noise level can
exceed the upper exposure action values to
start the action, the workplace shall be marked
with a warning label about the risk of general
dangerous and obligatory sign that it is
necessary to use hearing protection.

Noise reduction methods
In order of priority, the following risk reduction
• use the other methods of work, leading to lower noise
• purchase of new equipment to choose the one with
lower noise levels;
• designing place of jobs to take into account possible
changes of the noise in them;
• provide employees information and educate them of
hearing protecting issues;
• the use of engineering - acoustic noise reduction
• maintain adequate using tools technical condition;
• apply organizational measures to reduce exposure to
noise, limiting their operating period. 32
Work zone planning
and work organization

Engineering - acoustic noise
protection methods:
• sound source acoustic power reduction;
• room acoustic decoration (absorption);
• reduction of noise spread way (insulation);
• worker's distancing from the noise source.

• Acoustic decoration (absorption) - reduced

by absorbing reflected sound wave energy

Reduction of noise source acoustic power
• changing technological process (eg. changes
stamping to pressing)
• kinematics of mechanisms (eg. moving- return
motion change to turning)
• increasing the accuracy of making details
• the use of forced lubrication and so on.

• Personal noise protection measures:

- ear canal plugs (inserts)
- headset
- helmets
Reduction of noise spread By structurally approach
the way (insulation). absorbing and insulating
measures may be the
- Source of the employee following:
separates insulating - partitions,
structures. - hoods,
- Insulation used in high- - screens,
density materials - metal, - cab,
glass blocks and so on. - and so on.

Install protective shields close to
the employees

Wrap noisy equipment with cover.

Premises absorption in the garage
© Yves Cousson, INRS (France)

Metal industry: protective shield
© Yves Cousson, INRS (France)

What do you remember?
What is the noise?
What are acousting noise protection methods?
What kind of noise sources do you know?

ŽS lab. darb. 3 darbas 21-31p.

DA 279-289 p
Good luck 

See you in the next Wednesday


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