Worksheet 4 T2gr 7 - Ak

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Manarat AL Riyadh International School

Science Department. Worksheet 4- Term 2 -2023-2024

Name: ____________________ Grade: 7 Lesson 4 Changing Earth's Surface Date:

Question 1: Choose the best correct answer

1) Wind and rain can break down exposed rock.

A) True B) False

2) What happens when sediment eroded by water, ice, and wind slows down or stops moving?

A) The sediment is deposited in a new location. B) The sediment continues to erode.

C) The sediment instantly turns into soil. D) The sediment mixes with other sediment to become rock.

3) Where do erosion and deposition occur in a river?

A) Erosion occurs where fast-moving river water picks up soil and moves it downstream. Deposition occurs where a

river current slows as it enters a larger body of water and drops the soil.

B) Deposition occurs where fast-moving river water picks up soil and moves it downstream. Erosion occurs where a

river current slows as it enters a larger body of water and drops the soil.

C) A river erodes land. There is no deposition.

D) A delta forms at the mouth of a river from deposition. There is no erosion.

4)Water flows --------------where the mountain slopes are steep.

A) rapidly uphill B) rapidly downhill C) slowly uphill D) slowly downhill

5)Rocks and grit frozen in glaciers create grooves and scratches on the rock beneath the ice.

A) True B) False

6)A glacial----------- is a sharp peak formed when several glaciers descend from the top of the same mountain.

A) arete B) horn C) hanging valley D) cirque

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Question 2 -Answer the following questions:


a) Weathering: The physical and chemical processes that change objects on Earth’s surface over

time are called weathering.

b) Erosion: is the moving of weathered material from one location to another.

c)Deposition is the laying down or settling of eroded material.

d)Till is a mixture of various sizes of sediment deposited by a glacier.

2) State the main difference between physical weathering and chemical weathering.

Physical weathering breaks rocks into small pieces without changing the composition or

chemical make-up of the rock.

Chemical weathering changes the materials that are part of a rock into new materials.

3)Explain using an example how water can cause chemical and physical weathering.

Physical weathering: Animals can physically weather rocks. Animals that live in soil make holes in

the soil. Water enters the holes and causes weathering.

Chemical weathering: When carbon dioxide in the air mixes with rainwater, a weak acid forms.

Some of this rainwater becomes groundwater. As acidic groundwater seeps through rocks and

soil, it can pass through layers of limestones. Acidic water dissolves and washes away the

limestone, forming a cave.

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Water flows through cracks in the surface rocks and dissolves the limestone over thousands of years. (The water is

slightly acidic and a chemical reaction occurs between the acidic groundwater and limestone. This process is a form

of chemical weathering.) As it flows through the cave, water carries the sediment away through the process of

erosion, making the size of the cave openings larger over time.

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