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OBJECTIVE: To learn about American college life—both inside and outside of the classroom.

 Where are you from in the US? What region of the US are you from? __________________
 What is your class/year? How long have you been a student here at USC? __________________
 What is your major/academic focus? ___________________
 When do you expect to graduate? ___________________

a. Where do you go to have fun? Can you suggest a place for me? _________________
b. How do you meet new people? Where do you go? Can you suggest a good place for me?______________
c. Where do you go out to eat? _________________
d. Do you like any types of international food? If so, what kind (from what country?) _______________
e. What is your method of transportation? How do you get from here to there? _________________
f. Where do you go to study? Why? _________________
g. Where do you go to relax/meditate/be alone/get away from stress? _________________
h. Where do you go to shop/buy things/clothes/food/etc.? ________________
i. If you live on campus, how often do you visit home? How far away is it? __________________
j. Do you ever go to any Gamecock games? If so, which ones? __________________________

a. Would you say that your classes are difficult? Which ones? Why?
b. What is your class schedule like? Do you prefer early classes or later classes?
c. In your experience, what are the biggest differences between high school education and college education?
d. Has your experience so far at USC been everything that you expected or have you been surprised about some
things? If so, what has surprised you?
e. How often do you study? (Circle answer: a, b, c, d, e)
(a) too much; (b) a lot; (c) sometimes; (d) not a lot; (e) almost never
f. How safe do you feel on campus? (Circle answer: a, b, c, d, e)
(a) very safe; (b) safe; (c) not sure; (d) somewhat unsafe; (e) very unsafe


4.1. Do you have any advice or questions for me? ________________________________________________

That concludes our interview. Thank you very much for your time. (Have a good day/Goodbye/See you around)
INTERVIEW: Begin by asking your partner ONE set of questions from below. Be sure that your partner asks you one set of
questions, but a different set. Your answers should be as detailed as possible. Use abstract language and reasoning.

1. If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be?
2. Who’s had the greatest influence on your life and why?
3. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why
4. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
5. How would you like to be remembered?
6. What’s right with the world?
7. If you had only one day to live, how would you live it?
8. What’s wrong with the world?
9. How would you describe yourself as a child?
10. What is more important to you, challenge or comfort and why?
11. What would you place in a time capsule that would tell a relative 1oo years from now who you were?
12. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

13. What makes you happy?

14. What do you believe to be true?
15. What is the secret to a happy life?
16. What are the qualities that you admire in your friends?
17. How would you describe yourself?
18. What’s important in your life?
19. What’s a secret ambition of yours?
20. Who in your life would you like to thank and for what?
21. What principles have guided your life?
22. What makes you sad?
23. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life?
24. Who is the most important person in your life today and why?
25. What was the worst job you ever had and why was it so bad?
26. What’s your idea of a good time?
27. What’s one big question you’d like answered?
28. What was the best job you ever had and why was it the best?
29. If you had to evacuate your home immediately and could take only one thing, what would it be and
30. What do you still want to accomplish?
31. What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
32. How would you describe your perfect day?
33. What event in your life would you like to live over and why?
34. What are you avoiding?
35. What are your best qualities?
36. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for someone?
37. Who are your heroes and why?
38. What are your failings?
39. What’s the kindest thing you’ve done for someone?
40. How is your home like you?
41. If your life were a motion picture, what would the title be?
42. Who in your life would you like to forgive and for what?
43. What are the advantages of getting older?

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