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Neon Anarchist Cookbook

Homebrew Splatbook for Shadowrun 5th edition For primary use in the Neon Anarchy Living
Community (Playtest)
A uthors:
★ ★ ★
Dusk#1352 (/u/mitsayantan) Kalacia J.R. Marek Almechik Pharaoh ★ ★

(/u/TheLolomancer) Anthony (Monkeyonastick1#1043, /u/Baratonio) Ir0nguard ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★
/u/SilithDark Lulu Meseriel /u/Fweeba Haywire Minnakht Tali Tanaka ★ ★
(msmisseeks) ★ ★ ★ ★
Talie Collins DominaVioletta /u/IcePhoenix0 Lunokhod Bobthegnoll Joshybones ★ ★ ★

Nash /u/Norkrak

R eviewers:
★ ★
Dusk#1352 (/u/mitsayantan) /u/MrTonic Mike C (/u/Colorful_Meows) Anthony (Monkeyonastick1#1043, ★
★ ★ ★
/u/Baratonio) doodleSM (/u/doodle_sm) Ir0nguard Lulu Marek Minnakht Reroll Wisteria★ ★ ★ ★

L ayout :
Emily Nabutsu#1669

C hummer S upport :
Mirai ★ Marek
E ditors:
Dusk#1352 (/u/mitsayantan) ★ Emily Nabutsu#1669
Legal Disclaimer:

he Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logos, artwork, marks, photographs,
sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun.
The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to Neon Anarchy to use such names, logos,
artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes but
does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Neon Anarchy in any official capacity whatsoever. This
document is a non-commercial fanbook for entertainment purposes only and is distributed for free
with that intent.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Table of Contents
Cyberware 7 Ammunition 16
IMPACT PLATE [APPROVED 3.0] 8 Melee Weapons 20
Bioware 11 Ranged Weapons 24
[APPROVED 3.0] 24
Nanoware 12
HARD NANOWARE 12 3.0] 28
Armor Modifications 13 M134 MINIGUN [APPROVED 3.0] 30

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Table of Contents
Weapon Accessories 33 MAGE PORT 44
KRIME POWER DRAW 33 Adept Powers 45
Programs 36 GROUND STOMP 46
Miscellaneous Gear 37 RAPID AIM 48
[APPROVED 3.0] 40 FOX 50


Parachutes 41 RHINO 51



Drones and Vehicles 43 IMPROVED APOTROPAIC MAGIC 52
Vehicle Modifications 43 PSYCHOMETRIC SCRYING 53

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Table of Contents
Traditions 55 MOUNTAIN STANCE [APPROVED 3.0] 66
3.0] 56
Qualities 66
Expanded Mastery Qualities 66
Hermetic Elemental Path 57
Hermetic Metallurgy Path 57
Hermetic Science Path 58
Hecate Path 58
Hero Path 59
Oracle Path 59
3.0] 60 PAIN TRAIN 70


TRADITIONAL WICCA RULES 62 Positive Qualities 71

Matrix 62 AVERAGE JOE 71






Martial Arts 63 DESIGNER BABY 73

Martial Art Styles 64 DON’T TELL ME THE ODDS 74


Martial Art Techniques 64


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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Table of Contents
Eventually, science figured out a solution —if there are
Cyberware no dedicated nerves to plug into, why not make your
own? And so it happened. The Cyber Manipulators
BODYWARE require the user to possess a Datajack and use it to read
the user's inputs and then transfer them through
ANGEL SYSTEM [APPROVED 3.0] artificial nerve connections. They can technically be
Created by top brass in Ares, the Anti-Gravity mounted anywhere on the recipient's body, as long as
Emergency Landing (AnGEL) System is the most the location is relatively close to the spine. They can
futuristic piece of augmentation to come out of the take a multitude of shapes but regular cyberarms and
AAA in years, utilizing similar tech as the Anti-Gravity tentacle-like manipulators are the most popular.
Grenade (SL 65). Before Ares could cash in, the Cyber Manipulators count as full cyberlimbs (and thus
technology was stolen during a Shadowrun and leaked have a base STR and AGI of 3 each) but they do not
to the public. Even when the AAA clamped down hard provide extra Physical condition monitor boxes like
to remove the tech from the market, the schematics cyberlimbs usually do. They can take any cyberlimb
were already in the hands of the underworld and enhancements and accessories, as well as cyberimplant
shadow community who wasted no time in weapons, except Armor (SR5 457). Each Cyber
manufacturing their own versions, as a result of which Manipulator lowers your Social Limit by 1. You can
KE was quick to make the augmentation illegal. have a maximum of 4 Cyber Manipulators, any more
This bodyware is implanted in the subject’s torso, or and it overloads your nervous system. Cyber
more preferably, a Cyber Torso. The AnGEL system is Manipulators are incompatible with Shiva Arms (RF
too big to fit anywhere else, including cyberlimbs. 118) or any kind of Wings.
While unencumbered, , the user can activate the • “Brings a whole new meaning to armed and dangerous.” --
augmentation when falling as a Simple Action or as a Cyber Knight
-5 initiative Interrupt Action. When activated, the • “Does it mean I can finally be a Nartaki?” -- Jagganoth
implant creates a spherical field of reduced gravity • “I guess people can now cosplay as Doctor Octopus.” --
around the user, which is visually obvious as a Jawbreaker
spherical field of distortion, causing small things
around it to float.. The effect lasts for 1 Combat Turn (3 CYBERLIMB
seconds) per use. The user can fall up to 50 meters per
use, without taking any Falling Damage (SR5 172). ENHANCEMENTS
The AnGEL System comes with an internal battery that IMPACT PLATE [APPROVED 3.0]
can hold three charges. Each use of the AnGEL System
consumes one charge. The battery itself is cutting edge Impact plates are steel plates implanted into
tech, using microparticles made from rare earth metals. cyberlimbs, at points normally used for combat such as
The battery regains one charge per hour when plugged the end of fists, elbows, knees and feet. They can be
in to a power source. installed in full or partial cyberarms and legs, as well as
cyberhands and feet. Each cyberlimb can only have
Wireless: The AnGEL System recharges by one impact plate. Each impact plate improves the AP of
induction, regaining one charge per six hours of your unarmed damage by -1 and each pair of plates
wireless-enabled time. also increases your unarmed DV by 1; up to a
maximum bonus DV of +2 and AP of -4. Impact plates
CYBERLIMBS must be installed in cyberlimbs and cannot be
implanted directly into flesh. They count as cyberlimb
CYBER MANIPULATOR enhancements, not implanted weapons, as they modify
For decades now, cybertech designers were trying to base unarmed damage. Impact plates are incompatible
answer the almost ancient demands for extra arms. One with Bone Lacing (SR5 454), Bone Density (SR5 459)
thing was always, obviously, standing in the way: the and Striking Callus (CF 121).
lack of nerve connections to plug a cyberarm into.

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
“Does it make cyberlimbs even cooler now? Yes. Does thought processes of the connected brain. It has
it make me wish I’d have chopped off my arms and safeties that prevent it from killing the brain even when
gotten cyberlimbs? No.” -- Jawbreaker it takes Matrix damage. It isn't connected to any areas
responsible for motor control or the body's
HEADWARE autonomous systems, so it can't be made to disrupt
these functions.
The metahuman brain excels at certain areas of COMPUTER ASSISTED
cognition, but falls woefully short in others. The POLYGRAPH INTEGRATION
practices of cyberware neural interfacing and [APPROVED 3.0]
implantation of commlinks are nothing new. The The CAPI is a computer with sensors that can analyze
integration between thought processes and machine minute cues in facial expressions, body language and
computation has, however, been at a relatively shallow voice of a target. It then cross-checks them with
level...until now. Cerebretron is a dedicated mental thousands of psychological profiles and case studies
coprocessing computer implanted on the inner side of that have been stored in its memory to inform the user
the skull or into a cyberskull. Comprehensively of the target’s state of mind. Add CAPI’s rating to your
connected to many significant areas of the brain, such Social Limit as well as a dice pool bonus on Judge
as the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, information Intentions tests (SR5 152). With CAPI’s help, you can
processing tasks and memory recollection can be use Judge Intentions to oppose any Con skill tests
delegated to the computer by the brain. Add instead of having to use Con.
Cerebretron’s Rating to your Mental Limit as well as as
a dice pool bonus to your Knowledge, Language, and IMPLANTED RCC [APPROVED 3.0]
Memory tests (SR5 152). Cerebretron is incompatible Simply put, it's a Rigger Command Console that has
with Mnemonic Enhancers (SR5 460).
been miniaturized and implanted into the body. Great
Wireless: Cerebretron expands its processing for riggers who don’t want to lug around a briefcase.
capability through the Matrix and uses heuristic
algorithms in its influencing of thought processes to the EYEWARE
point where it increases the overall capability of the
user's brain. Select one of the four mental attributes per
rating of Cerebretron (LOG, INT, CHA and WIL). Each The Target Predictor augments a Take Aim action (SR5
of the selected attributes is augmented by 1. You can 166), allowing you to reduce penalties from the
reconfigure your selection(s) as a Complex Action at Situational Modifiers Table (SR5 176) that are not
any time. At Rating 4 all four of your mental attributes Called Shots, by a total of 3 (in addition to standard
are augmented by 1 each. While wireless, Cerebretron benefits of take aim). This would apply to the next
can be hacked to insert false memories, delete its attack you make with the weapon you aimed with.
internal storage, or disrupt the Target Predictor is incompatible with Adept Centering
(SR5 325) or Heightened Concern (SSP 23) Adept
power. Credit: /r/ALightInTheDark

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Bodyware Essence Capacity Availability Cost
AnGEL System 1 [6]* 16F 40,000¥
Cyberlimbs Essence Capacity Availability Cost
Cyber Manipulator 1.25 15 8 20,000¥
Cyberlimbs Enhancements Essence Capacity Availability Cost
Impact Plate - [1]** 4 400¥
Headware Essence Capacity Availability Cost
Cerebretron (Rating 1-4) Rating x 0.25 [Rating]^ Rating x 5 Rating x 20,000¥

Computer Assisted Polygraph Integration (Rating 1-3) Rating x 0.1 [Rating] Rating x 3 Rating x 6000¥

Implanted RCC 0.4 [4] 5r 5000¥ + RCC cost

Eyeware Essence Capacity Availability Cost
Target Predictor 0.2 [3] 12r 12,000¥

* = Torso only. ** = Cyberarms, legs, hand and feet only.^ = Partial or full cyberskull only.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This implants an additional synthetic heart with
CULTURED BIOWARE reinforced actin and myosin. The new heart is
NEURAL HARDENING connected to all the major arteries and veins, providing
the body with boosted circulation and a backup in case
[APPROVED 3.0] the primary heart fails from one of many reasons. Each
An up-and-coming bioware that myelinates neurons rating of Secondary Heart increases the user's Body
with synthetic sheaths that make the signalling system attribute by 1.
more robust and resistant to pain, fatigue, etc. The
user’s stun condition monitor gains a number of extra In addition, the implant gives 1 extra damage box to
boxes equal to the rating of the bioware. your Physical Condition Monitor per rating of
Secondary Heart. These extra boxes do not stack with
PERSONA BOOSTER those obtained from Cyberlimbs. You must choose one
An extensive treatment that involves biosculpting, or the other.
implanting subdermal pheromone glands, and cerebral “This is going to do wonders to my cardio.” -- Ugly
implants. The result is both enhancing how others “Who says Orks cannot be space marines!” --
perceive you as well as your own perception of self. Jawbreaker
The user's Charisma is augmented by a number equal
to the rating.
Cultured Bioware Rating Essence Availability Cost
Neural Hardening 1-2 Rating x 0.1 Rating x 6 Rating x 20,000¥

Persona Booster 1-3 Rating x 0.2 Rating x 6 Rating x 35,000¥

Secondary Heart 1-3 Rating x 0.2 Rating x 6 Rating x 40,000¥

While you have sustained damage to your physical
condition monitor, Tissue Repair System will try to heal NA
TISSUE REPAIR SYSTEM you every minute, with a dice pool equal to its Rating x MIC
2 and a limit equal to its Rating. Every hit heals a box [AP
This Nanoware system circulates through the of their physical condition monitor. Tissue Repair
bloodstream, seeking out damaged tissues and System ignores all modifiers from the Healing This
repairing them. Each nanomachine acts as a Modifiers table (SR5 208) and does not need to meet a send
submicroscopic surgeon, equipped with a variety of minimum threshold of 2 before it can start healing. of n
tools to repair the cellular matrix. Every 60 seconds, clean
the nanomachines will scan your body for new This healing may only be applied to a character once dot w
physical injuries, then attempt to heal them, If the for that set of wounds, but the nanomachines will direc
nanomachines fail to fully heal your current set of continue to heal new physical wounds. If the character nano
injuries, it cannot heal them again, instead continuing is in Physical overflow, Tissue Repair System stops detai
to scan for new injuries. working till they have been stabilized first. Healing micr
from Tissue Repair System is incompatible with First
Aid or Magical Healing already applied to the Physical
Condition Monitor.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The nanites can also etch or otherwise manipulate the surface on a nanoscale.
With this implant, if anyone still used hard disk drives, you could touch the platter with your fingertip to literally flip
single bits on the surface using nanites. Due to the cleaning function, it also prevents you from leaving fingerprints of
the applied finger(usually the dominant index finger.) A Micro Manipulator grants +1 die and limit to Hardware tests.
Hard Nanoware Rating Availability Cost
Tissue Repair System 1-6 14f Rating x 6000¥

Nanocybernetics Essence Capacity Availability Cost

Micro Manipulator 0.05 [1]* 8 4000¥

* = Cyberarm/hand only.

Armor Modifications An improved version of Micro-Hardpoints (KC 73).
COMPREHENSIVE SEAL Hardpoints involve installing electronic plating,
magnetic mounting and remote control mechanisms
The Comprehensive Seal is made of special materials using AR/VR. H ar
after years of R&D, whose inclusion further seals any An u
chemically sealed armor it's included in. It completely Hardpoints can be attached to CCOBs (KC 73) or to meta
cuts off the wearer's access to magic or resonance. any armor that can take the Chemical Seal armor hydr
When an Awakened or Emerged wears an active modification (SR5 437) such as the Urban Explorer to a
Comprehensive Seal, they're treated as if they didn't Jumpsuit (SR5 437), Ares Arctic Forces Suit (RG 77), Hard
have the Magic or Resonance attribute. This means the etc. The armor must be one that has an available, conn
Awakened or Emerged character cannot use any of accompanying helmet as per the rules for Chemical armo
their magical or resonance based abilities as long as the Seal. Hardpoints have internal as well as external Stren
seal is active. The experience is thus uncomfortable for components and are easily visible from outside. A don't
them. Any Awakened or Emerged character wearing single Hardpoint comes with a single slot, which can dama
an active Comprehensive Seal must resist Fatigue attach a single "Hardpoint Unit". Hardpoint Units can to ce
Damage as if in a Harsh Environment (SR5 172). The be attached to or detached from a Hardpoint by
seal can be activated or deactivated with a Simple making a Armorer + Logic [Mental] (4, 10 minutes)
Action. Extended Test, per Hard Point. A list of Hardpoint Units
can be found in this book.
The material hides the wearer's presence in the astral,
obscuring the wearer's aura, appearing as a nonliving ARMOR MODIFICATIONS
object, with a -8 dice penalty to assense them. The seal Modifications Capacity Availability Cost
blocks wireless signals while active, acting as a Comprehensive Seal [4] 16R 20,000¥
Faraday Cage for any wireless devices or persona
Hardpoint [4] 8 500¥
inside the armor. The wearer's voice, or any other
noises they make, can't be heard outside the armor
unless they broadcast it through a speaker provided
with the seal.
• “Imagine a mage being transferred between the prisons, put in a
hazmat suit with said seal. Yeah, it's going to hurt..” -- Lungmen
• “This sounds like a great modification for your space suit if you
are awakened and going to space.” -- Yokai

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Once installed, the exoskeleton provides a list of PERSONAL WEAPON
• You gain 10 additional points of Recoil Compensation.
• Your Lifting/Carrying weight (SR5 152) is doubled. For this H ardpoint U nit
purpose, you may use the Strength and/or Body of the A Hardpoint can be fitted with a single Weapon Mount
exoskeleton if the value exceeds your Strength or Body. You from the Drone Weapon Mounts Table (R5 124). The
may also use the Strength of the exoskeleton to determine if you
biggest weapon mount that can be attached to a
can lift and carry a medium or heavy machine gun.
• You may use the Strength of the exoskeleton (instead of yours)
Hardpoint is Standard and weapon mounts attached to
to determine how many armor accessories you can wear as per
a Hardpoint cannot utilize a melee weapon. A character
Armor and Encumbrance rules (SR5 169). can attack with a weapon mounted to a Hardpoint on
• If the armor has the Restrictive feature (RG 59), the effect is their armor or CCOB using the rules for remote
ignored as long as the exoskeleton is attached to the armor. operated system Gunnery (SR5 183), using the
• You may use any two-handed melee weapon, Assault Rifle or Gunnery and a Complex Action. Attacks with a
Shotgun using one hand. You do not suffer any penalties for Hardpoint mounted weapon can be made while in AR
using a weapon in this manner. or VR. The character is still restricted to only one attack
• When making a melee attack, after a damage resistance test, you
per Initiative Pass, since the weapon is fired during the
may add half the Strength of the exoskeleton to the inflicted
initiative of the character. Hardpoint mounted weapons
damage value, only for the purpose of determining knockdown
(SR5 194). Likewise, when making a called shot Knock Down
can be reloaded as a Simple Action.
(SR5 195), you may add the Strength score of the exoskeleton to
Wireless: Gunnery attacks using a Hardpoint mounted
your own Strength score for the purpose of determining
knockdown. You may also use the Strength and/or Body of the
weapon can be made using a Simple Action instead of
exoskeleton to determine your Physical Limit, for purposes of
a Complex. Hardpoint mounted weapons can be
being knocked down. When making a Subduing Attack (SR5 reloaded as a Free Action.
195), you may use the Strength score of the exoskeleton instead
of your own Strength score for purposes of subduing, getting a
better grip on a subdued opponent or inflicting damage via Units
Hardpoint Unit Availability Cost
subduing. Needed
• “Now this. This is this kind of tech I've been waiting for. I'm 3 16R 25,000¥
already strong as is, but with this? Say goodbye to your
Roadmaster omae.” -- Knocks Personal Power
1 16R 16,000¥

PERSONAL POWER Personal Weapon As per Weapon

As per

1 Weapon
Mount Mount

H ardpoint U nit
A portable, self-charging power station attached to the
armor, about the size of a backpack. It generates
sufficient amounts of electricity to power small devices
many times over. Treat the PPU as if it's an unlimited
power source for the purpose of charging a small
device during a run. A single device that uses a power
source such as a Stun Baton (SR5 422), Peak-discharge
battery pack (RG 52) or a Renraku “Raijin” may be
connected to a single PPU using a 2m retractable cable.
When such a device is attached to a PPU, the device
regains charges as if plugged in to a power source.

Wireless: The number of charges that the device

connected to a PPU holds is increased by +50%
(rounded up).

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Damage from grey metal cannot be healed by
ARROWS Regeneration (SR5 400), but does not affect Superior
Regeneration (DTR 50). Grey metal heads cannot be
CAPSULE HEAD enchanted with magic but otherwise apply no penalties
Essentially a capsule round attached to a shaft. These to Awakened using them.
arrowheads can be applied to both arrows and bolts.
They are basically capsule rounds (RG 55) attached to
a shaft but use the range of standard arrows (not light The head is a miniaturized, Rating 3, impact activated,
pistols). A direct or grazing hit ruptures the capsule and Area Jammer. After hitting an obstacle or target, the
spills the toxin on the target. DMSO (SS 188) may be jammer head sticks to the surface (until manually
combined with any toxin in capsule arrowheads. removed) and is instantly activated. The jammer runs
Needless to say, once a capsule head ruptures, it cannot for up to a minute or until deactivated by the owner.
be reused. The arrow can be recovered and reused but needs a 3
hour recharge before the jammer can be reused.
Wireless: Once fired, the capsule arrowhead can be
detonated at any point in its flight path, using a Free Wireless: The jammer will not activate on impact and
Action. This spreads the toxin as a mist over a five instead can be wirelessly activated by the owner, at any
meter radius, covering anyone in that radius, after time using a Free Action.
which the toxin cloud disappears. Anyone covered by
“My advice: don't shoot jammer head arrows at
the toxin will suffer its effects, resolved normally. This
someone. They will throw it away afterwards. Other
mode requires the bow or crossbow to have a
than that, go ham.” -- Chip “Finally, my Hawkeye
rangefinder on it.
cosplay kit is complete!” -- Cyber Knight
Grey metal is a Shadowrunner's favorite material of
choice against spirits, and it didn't take long after
plating melee weapons with it to put it on an arrow.
Grey metal arrowheads treat a spirit's hardened armor
as regular armor.
Item Acc DV AP Availability Cost
Capsule Head -1 -4 +4 2 5¥

Grey Metal Head - - - 10 50¥

Jammer Head -2 -2S +6 9F 600¥

ASSAULT CANNON AMMO These rounds have a heavy, steel core and tip, ensuring
You cannot use any Called Shots from Ammo EX
it rips through any and all armor. Anti-Armor rounds
Whammy (RG 115) using any of these rounds: downgrade Hardened Armor of any kind, into regular Thes
armor. Anti-Armor rounds do bonus penetration (-8AP) deton
against vehicles, drones and barriers. Anti-Armor Phys
rounds always do Physical damage against vehicles, the d
drones, barriers and creatures wearing non-hardened armo
armor; even if the damage would otherwise have been dama
converted to

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The DV increases by +1 at the end of each Combat “When was the last time you were out in the woods
Turn. Each subsequent attack with this ammo also with no way to light up your campfire? Problem
increases the DV of the ongoing fire by +1. solved. Load one of those Incendiary Rounds into your
Krime Cannon and set the world on fire.” -- Ace
There is stick-n-shock and then there is this. The big “On one hand, I’m happy I can blast drek to
daddy of all shock ammunition, this delivers a smithereens with my Panter XXL. On the other hand,
significant amount of charge to stop a behemoth dead I’m worried I can no longer tank assault cannon
in its tracks. If the target is wet, standing in water or rounds with my manly cybernetic chest.” -- Jagganoth
made out of water, improve the DV by 2 and AP by -1.
Shocker rounds deal electric Physical damage.
ASSAULT CANNON AMMO - All prices are per 10 rounds of ammunition.
Item DV AP Availability Cost
Anti-Armor - -4/-8 15F 800¥

Explosive +1 - 15F 800¥

Incendiary +1P(fire) - 14F 700¥

Shocker +0/+2P(e) -/-1 12F 600¥


Rounds developed using the Grey brother's patented Grey Mana tech and infusing into standard metals like brass or
steel. The same stuff they use to line armor for defense against magic. Some time down the line, they have a Eureka
moment that why not use it offensively as well. Attacks made with Grey Metal Rounds treat hardened armor from
Immunity to Normal Weapons as regular armor. Damage from Grey Metal cannot be healed by Regeneration (SR5
400), but does not affect Superior Regeneration (DTR 50). Grey Metal Rounds are available for all standard ballistic
firearms. Grey Metal rounds cannot be enchanted with the Alter Ballistics spell (FA 51) but otherwise apply no
penalties to Awakened using them.
• “It's like an instant eviction notice for spirits, from this plane of existence.” -- Jawbreaker
• “I'd rather keep that kind of ammunition away from myself! Who knows if holding that kind of ammunition alone becomes toxic to a user
with supernatural connections.” -- Monarch

GREY METAL ROUNDS - All prices are per 10 rounds of ammunition.

DV AP Availability Cost
- - 6R 120¥

Created by a person with a severe fear of the Awakened. This grenade releases an aerosol version of Grey Mana. It
has no effect on most creatures, but for Awakened, it can severely affect their magical abilities as Grey Mana
hampers their ability to channel mana.
When deployed, the Grey Mana aerosol in the grenade simulates a Mana Ebb (SG 32) Background Count of 3 in a
10m radius for 4 Combat Turns. Multiple overlapping Grey Mana Grenades don't stack in intensity.
• “Grey Mana is like a gift that keeps on giving.” -- Jawbreaker

Grey Mana Grenades

DV AP Blast Availability Cost
- - 10m Radius 7F 300¥

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Melee Weapons
Ares's take on the buckler is meant for those who know that a good defense is not a tradeoff on offense. This
reinforced buckler integrates a taser module that is activated upon hitting the opponent, shocking them. And thanks
to Ares's patented "hold to load" feature, you never need to worry about shocking yourself when you pick up your
When using this shield as an offensive weapon, it functions as a stun weapon. The taser shield holds 10 charges.
When attached to a power outlet, it regains one charge per 10 seconds.
Wireless: The shield recharges by induction, recharging one charge per hour.

Acc Reach DV AP Armor Rating Capacity Conceal Avail Cost

4 0 8S(e) -5 +1 3 +2 10R 1000¥

Skill: Atypical Melee

When using two-weapon style attack or two-weapon style defense martial art technique, you may consider this to
be your second weapon.

The hook sword or the fu tao is a deadly weapon used by Chinese martial artists such as practitioners of the Wudang
Sword or the Wuxia. The sword has a very uncommon appearance of a sharp hooked blade with a crescent axe like
blade along the handle guard. These short swords are meant to be used one-handed in very close combat range and
are traditionally dual wielded. Uses Blades Skill.
• “What an elegant and beautiful weapon. I might have to find a joint that sells these.” -- Canary
• “The Chinese have got curved swords. Curved. Swords.” -- Cyber Knight


Acc Reach DV AP Conceal Avail Cost

6 0 (STR + 2)P -1 +2 7R 800¥

Skill: Blades
The hooked blade can also be used to disarm an opponent when not slicing through their flesh. Each hooked
sword wielded, reduces Called Shot penalty by 1 for Called Shot (Blast Out of Hands) up to a maximum reduction
of 2.


Krime saw the advancements in personal shields and thought, obviously, that they needed the Krime treatment.
These shields feature an array of spikes at the front to make sure that even if you are trying to protect yourself,
everyone knows you still want to inflict a world of unsubtle pain.
• “Shields hurt people!” -- Lump


Acc Reach DV AP Armor Rating Capacity Conceal Avail Cost
4 0 (STR + 1)P -1 +4 0 +8 12R 1200¥

Skill: Atypical Melee

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The Kusarigama is a novelty weapon, whose use in history is somewhat disputed. Popularised by ninja trideos, the
weapon is a sickle with a long chain at the end of the handle. A weight is attached at the end of the chain. Employing
this weapon requires the use of both hands, one for the chain and the other for the sickle. When made into a weapon
focus, both parts of the weapon are considered the same object, thus requiring only one focus. When using the
Special Modifications and Prototype Materials qualities (BTB 161, 160) to modify, the same modifications are
applied to both parts of the weapon.
• “It's nothing amazing as a weapon. It's a farming tool after all. And no, historical ninjas never used it. That’s some Hollywood bulldrek.” --

Mode Acc Reach DV AP Conceal Avail Cost
Sickle 6 0 (STR + 2)P -1 +2 9R 500¥

Weighted Chain 6 2 (STR + 2)P 0 +2 9R 500¥

The Sickle uses the Blades skill while the Weighted Chain uses the Flexile Melee skill.


While at the surface it may appear like a regular, Renraku Conqueror model katana, the new insulated hilt holds a
deadly secret. Wanting to give their Red Samurai an extra edge in combat, the swordsmiths and armorers of
Renraku's weapons research and development subsidiaries have constructed a blade that can give its user an
electrifying edge in the fight.
The Raijin has two modes: Blade and Lightning. It takes a Free Action to switch between modes. In Blade mode, it
works as a standard Katana. In Lightning mode, the edge of the blade retracts and is replaced by a lethal, electric
shock emitting surface that will send a focused voltage into the wounds created by the blade. The Raijin's Lightning
Mode has 10 charges and regains one charge per ten seconds when plugged in. Both modes use the Blades skill.
Wireless: The Raijin recharges by induction, regaining one charge per full hour of wireless-enabled time.
• “Leave it up to Renraku to make a stun baton that kills ya. I'm just waiting for the egghead samurai who pulls this out and accidentally zaps
themselves.” -- Dancing Edge
• “I dunno about you chummer, but electrocuting someone tends to slow them down a bit so in case the first hit doesn't kill, gives you a chance
for a follow up.” -- Double Tap
• “Renraku sure knows how to make a blade. This thing is a beauty. Just watching the electric mode turn on is like a dream come true” --
• “This isn’t for regular weebs. This is advanced weeb tech.” -- Cyber Knight


Mode Acc Reach DV AP Conceal Avail Cost

Blade 7 1 (STR + 2)P / (STR + 3)P -3 +2 15F 5500¥

Lightning 7 1 10P(e) -5 +2 - -

Skill: Blades (Both Modes).

The Raijin does (STR+2)P when one-handed and (STR+3)P when two-handed, while in blade mode. When in
Lightning mode, the electric damage is dealt as Physical and does not stack with the regular damage of the
weapon's wireless off mode. The user only deals the damage of the respective mode the weapon is selected to.
When using the Special Modifications and Prototype Materials qualities (BTB 161, 160) modifications are applied
to both modes.


The Spinrad Tacticool Combat Skateboard is the weapon of choice for “Spinradical” combat operatives. In Speed
mode, micro-boosters at the back promote speed and ease of movement, increasing your run multiplier by +3 (this
This not
does is unofficial
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with other movement mods). In addition, it provides a +2 limit bonus to Performance tests. The boosters make the
skateboard unwieldy, reducing the user's Physical Limit by 1. In Combat mode, the skateboard's panels splay open,
turning the board into an obvious melee weapon with a bonus to AP and damage.
• “Little known fact! I tested these for hours in the labs, so the splayed panels were tuned to some nasty offensive tricks I came up with! Check
the attached DVD for 200¥ if you want to try them yourself!” -- Toni Thunderbird


Mode Acc Reach DV AP Conceal Avail Cost

Speed 4 0 (STR + 2)S -1 -4 12R 3000¥

Combat 4 0 (STR + 3)P -3 +3 - -

Skill: Atypical Melee.

Special: Speed Mode increases your run multiplier by +3 (doesn’t stack with other movement mods). It also
provides a +2 limit bonus to Performance Tests and reduces your Physical Limit by 1.

Ranged Weapons
The Avenger is a miniaturized gatling gun chambered in 5.56 rounds. The Light Machine Gun is compact and
lightweight, allowing it to be hip fired, while able to spit out 3000-6000 rounds per minute. Despite the gun being
briefcase sized (not counting the belt and any external ammo backpack), its damage potential is nothing short of a
top-of-the-line assault rifle. This gun benefits from Gatling gun suppressive fire rules (SL 41). Despite being an LMG
the Avenger uses Assault Rifle ranges. The gun is compatible with a Krime Pack (SL 45).
• “Put this on one of those Stuffer Shack motorized shopping carts and you have got the most American thing ever.” -- Cyber Knight
• “Dear Santa...” -- Jawbreaker


Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost

4(6) 11P -2 FA - 100(belt)* +6 12R 8000¥

Range: Assault Rifle. Skill: Heavy Weapons.

Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal.
Standard Upgrades: Smartgun (internal)
Users must take a Simple Action to rotate the barrels of the Avenger before it can fire. Once the barrel has started
rotating it can fire as normal on consecutive Initiative Passes.


While laser weaponry still comes with a number of issues related to size and having enough energy on hand to fire
the damn thing, Ares has developed a model for their assault vehicles to offer cover fire to their mechanised infantry.
The Templar is a massive weapon with rotating “barrels”, so that the more fragile parts can cool down even as it is
fired. As such, it is too massive for metahumans or drones to carry around, thus making it exclusively a vehicle
mounted weapon. Ares embraced this fact by making this weapon unable to use peak discharge batteries, making a
bit more room for all the extra goodness that is packed in here.
• “It's like a big ass disco light of death.” -- VJ Lazerwhip

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Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
7 10P -10 BA/FA - External source +10 26F 50,000¥

Range: Sniper Rifle. Skill: Directed Energy or Gunnery.

Mod Slots: Top/Under/Internal.
The Templar uses 4 power units per shot and is powered by linking it directly into the local energy sources when
used as part of a permanent emplacement (for unlimited ammo as long as the energy supply remains online). This
weapon is vehicle mounted only.


Originally dubbed "Bug Toaster", the "Edison" Tesla cannon was developed by Ares as a prototype weapon against
bug spirits to be used by Firewatch. The Tesla cannon fires ionized discharges in the form of short range, crackling
bolts of electricity that fries anything it touches. When Ares fell and Detroit was being ravaged by bug spirits,
someone from within conveniently leaked the schematics into the public matrix grid. Within minutes, people started
to make copies of the weapon's blueprint. Although declared an illegal prototype weapon, it did not stop black
market arms dealers from making their own and selling it to Shadowrunners and mercenaries alike.
This weapon uses Flamethrower ranges and requires either Heavy Weapons or Directed Energy skill to operate. The
weapon can be fired with variable ion discharge settings. It uses the shotgun choke rules (SR5 180). The Tesla
cannon uses peak-discharge battery packs (RG 52) as ammunition and is powered by an external battery pack (20
unit satchel or 30 unit backpack), or by linking it directly into the local energy sources when used as part of a
permanent emplacement (for unlimited ammo as long as the energy supply remains online). The Edison uses 4
power points per shot and does not suffer recoil. You may not alter the damage type of this weapon from electric to
any other element by any means.
Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
5(7) 14P(e) -5 SA - External source +10 18F 35,000¥

Range: Short(0): 0-15, Medium(-1): 16-20, Long(-3): -, Extreme(-6): -

Mod Slots: Top/Side/Under/Internal.
Standard Upgrades: Smartgun (internal)
Skill: Heavy Weapons or Directed Energy. Min STR needed to carry: 8
Special: The electric damage from this weapon downgrades Immunity to Normal Weapons of spirits, treating the
hardened armor as regular armor instead.


As technology marches on, it has become increasingly difficult to sneak firearms past sensors. What is the assassin to
do? Why, purchase one of EVO's Pneumatic guns of course! These airsoft guns use gas to accelerate your lead
pellets at high velocities. EVO advertises these as incapable of killing an armored target and simply a hunting tool,
but we know that's not entirely true. Since they aren't classified as firearms, they are by and large unrestricted in most
nations. A silent, but lethal option! Get them in heavy pistol, SMG, or sporting rifle sizes today! The rifle size fires .50
cal projectiles. Pneumatic guns use the same skill to operate as their firearm counterpart.
Pneumatic guns are quieter than proper firearms. It applies a -4 dice pool modifier on all Perception tests to notice the
weapon’s use or locate the shooter. Attaching a Suppressor (SR5 432) improves this penalty to -6.
Pneumatic gun clips come with a slot for the gas canister that will last as long as the ammo in the clip does.
Afterwards, you'll need to replace the canister. A gas canister costs 50¥ with an Availability of 4. Pneumatic guns can
only fire two types of ammunition: Airsoft Pellets and Capsule Rounds (RG 55).
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AIRSOFT PELLETS - All prices are per 10 rounds of ammunition.
DV AP Avail Cost
- - 4F 10¥


Name Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
EVO "FLEA" PNEUMATIC HEAVY PISTOL 7 5P +1 SA 2 10(c) +0 8 500¥

Range: Light Pistol. Skill: Pistols. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Top/Internal.

EVO "BEE" PNEUMATIC SMG 6 5P +1 SA/BF/FA 2 30(c) +2 10 1200¥

Range: Heavy Pistol. Skill: Automatics. Mod Slots: Barrel/Stock/Side/Top/Internal.

EVO "HORNET" SPORTING RIFLE 8 9P - SS - 10(c) +8 14 3000¥

Range: Carbine. Skill: Longarms. Mod Slots: Barrel/Stock/Side/Top/Under/Internal.


HK has been itching to get its greedy fingers in the home defense pie. Presenting the Double Defender: a double
barrel, pump action, bullpup shotgun with a select fire switch that allows both barrels to fire simultaneously or one at
a time. The gun is being marketed towards law enforcement, corpsec and civilian gun owners who want a legal
shotgun that is brutally effective at home defense. Lone Star has recently started equipping its street cops with this
bad boy as part of a deal with HK to both field test and act as advertisement, showing the shotgun’s reliability.
• “Now, this is my boomstick!” -- Barbarian


Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
5(7) 12P* -1 SS 1 14(c) +7 12R 1400¥

Range: Shotgun. Skill: Longarms. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Internal. Standard Upgrades: Foregrip, Smartgun (internal).
Special: The Double Defender can fire a Double Tap (RG 120) as a Simple Action, by firing both barrels (+1 DV, 2
rounds, no defense penalty) simultaneously. Since the weapon has 2 barrels, double the cost of all barrel
• = Doesn’t include the +1DV from Double Tap.


The Krime Leadspitter DBAR (Double Barrel Assault Rifle) is exactly that. Krime took two AR15s and put them in a
single case. The result is a double barrel assault rifle with separate ammo feed for each barrel with a single trigger that
fires both barrels. Old man Krime even has a promo video of him dual wielding two of these things, resulting in a
quad barrel mayhem. Unlike most other weapons by Krime, this one is quite well made.
“Pfft! What a ridiculous weapon. I want one.” -- Jawbreaker “Double the barrel, double the fun. So they say.” --
Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
5 11P* -2 Special 2 30x2(c) +7 12F 2800¥

Range: Assault Rifle. Skill: Automatics. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal.

Special: This weapon fires a Double Tap (RG 120) (+1 DV, 2 rounds, no defensive penalty) as a Simple Action and
a Brain Blaster (RG 119) (+2 DV, 6 rounds, no defensive penalty) as a Complex Action. These are the only firing
actions that can be used. Since the weapon has 2 barrels, double the cost of all barrel modifications.
• = Doesn’t include the extra DV from Double Tap or Brain Blaster.

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Based on the technology of the Ares Super Squirter, the Krime "Face Melter" propels industrial grade acid towards a
target, melting barriers, armor, and the people underneath them. It is used primarily for breaches as an alternative to
the shotgun, and against heavily armored or shielded opponents. The Krime Face Melter is a two-handed weapon
that uses Flamethrower ranges. Each Acid Canister costs 80¥, has an availability of 12F and lasts for 10 uses.
• “Markets itself as a tool against barriers, but I can already see the gears turning in some people's heads on how to use this as a weapon of
terror. It's a good thing it's forbidden, cause if this were to get mass distribution on the street, it would become a lot harder to identify victims
of gang violence.” -- Hound
• “Not going to be fun if it gets widespread on the streets.” -- Job


Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
6 9P(a) -7 SS - 10(c) +6 12F 4000¥

Range: Flamethrower. Skill: Spray Weapons. Mod Slots: Side/Top/Under/Internal.


The Krime Shredder Belt-fed Automatic Shotgun is an "ideal option for both everyday carry or home defense" - Old
Man Krime. Leave it to Krime to take an existing deadly weapon and reverse engineer it to be even deadlier. The
unrated corp took the basic Mossberg AM-CMDT automatic shotgun model and turned it into this belt fed
monstrosity. The weapon uses shotgun ranges and Choke Settings (SR5 180). To really dial the Krime-ness to 11, the
Shredder comes with a variety of built-in factory default options such as a Shock Pad, Krime Loudener (KK 22),
Krime Offline Support Solutions and Krime Keeper (KK 23). The gun is fully compatible with a Krime Pack (SL 45).
The built-in Loudener is compatible with all other barrel mods except a Silencer/Suppressor. The weapon cannot be
implanted as a Cybergun (RG 90).
• “100 bucks says I can make an entry hole faster than this thing.” -- Ugly
• “I cannot understand why my dealer would prefer Krime over other brands. He sells every other item under the sun, but he refuses to use
them over the Krime brand. However, his kind of shotgun does look rather tempting for clearing out an entire room of moderate size. The
option of wielding it as a heavy weapon next to my grenade launcher is a plus.” -- Tigress


Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
4 12P -1 FA 4 100(belt) +10 16F 2000¥

Range: Shotgun. Skill: Longarms or Heavy Weapons. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal. Standard Upgrades: Shock Pad, Krime
Loudener, Krime Offline Support Solutions, Krime Keeper.


The M134 minigun is a historically proven gatling gun that has undergone a much needed facelift. Weighing 40 kg,
this is a gatling gun for the Heavy Machine Gun category. It is meant to be a vehicle mounted weapon but can be
carried by metahumans with exceptional strength (min 10 STR to carry). It spews 7.62x51mm rounds at 3000-6000
rounds per minute. To top it off, the M134 is compatible with a Krime Pack (SL 45).
“Haha! Minigun go brrrrr.” -- Jagganoth
Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
4(6) 13P -4 FA - 200(belt) +10 18F 16000¥

Range: HMG. Skill: Heavy Weapons. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal. Standard Upgrades: Smartgun (internal) Users must take a
Simple Action to rotate the barrels of the M134 before it can fire. Once the barrel has started rotating, it can fire as normal on consecutive
Initiative Passes.

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The M240 Rambo is a modernized version of the old, US army M240 Bravo Medium Machine Gun. Chambered in
7.62x51mm rounds, this bad boy is a serious beast of war that has seen numerous battles since the mid-1970s.
Revived for the sixth world, this gun laughs at all other medium machine guns and even some heavy machine guns
in the market when comparing the gun's sheer offensive power for its weight. Not to mention it’s built so robustly, it
could likely survive a freefall from orbit. The gun is compatible with a Krime Pack (SL 45).
• “7.62x51mm NATO FMJ or steel core is no joke. APDS predictably turns this thing into a hole puncher. Nothing felt better than giving that a
squeeze on the range. Definitely recommend it to any fans of the big guns.” -- Sierra Julliet

Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
5 12P -4 FA 4 100(belt) +10 15F 8000¥

Range: MMG. Skill: Heavy Weapons. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal. Standard Upgrades: Shock Pad.


The M249 SAW or Squad Assault Weapon is a tried and true Light Machine Gun. It is chambered in 5.56 rounds.
The latest model has been fitted with both a belt and a magazine feed, allowing for greater flexibility, burst fire option
and an internal smartgun system. The weapon’s damage potential is at least that of a top-of-the-line assault rifle with a
lot more ammo capacity, excellent for laying down cover fire or clearing entire rooms of hostiles. The weapon is light
enough to be easily carried and fired by an average human on the move, while being about as accurate as an assault
rifle. The gun is compatible with a Krime Pack (SL 45).
M249 SAW
Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
5(7) 11P -2 BF/FA 4 50(c) or 100(belt) +10 12F 4000¥

Range: LMG. Skill: Heavy Weapons. Mod Slots: Barrel/Side/Stock/Top/Under/Internal. Standard Upgrades: Smartgun System (internal).


A sleek heavy pistol with a small underbarrel capable of firing a single shotgun shell. If the weapon is equipped with
a smartgun system, the user can, as a Free Action, command the weapon to fire the underbarrel on the next trigger
pull. The underbarrel can be fired one-handed this way. The underbarrel shotgun also has a small button trigger,
allowing the user to fire it with their second hand. Many owners of the smartgun-enabled model choose to have this
manual trigger removed.
• “These things have been cropping up around Seattle over the past few months. Supposedly the gunsmith recently crossed the UCAS border
and settled in Tacoma.” -- Artyom Vasiliev.
• “Why anyone would make such a painstakingly detailed replica of a 1930s Soviet firearm, only to glue a shotgun to it is beyond me.” -- Nell
• “Now I appreciate a good handgun as much as the next guy, but I feel like this is more of a nostalgia retrofit than a serious fighting piece. The
emergency shotgun can be handy though in tight spaces.” -- Jackal
• “Going up against someone with a pistol and nothing left to lose can be bad enough. That extra surprise kick can make a difference and ruin a
man's day.” -- Job


Mode Acc DV AP Mode RC Ammo Conceal Avail Cost
Main Barrel 5 8P -1 SA 2 9(c) +0 10R 900¥

Underbarrel 4 9P -1 SS 2 1(ml) +0 - -

Range: Heavy Pistol. Skill: Pistols. Mod Slots: Barrel/Top/Side/Internal. The underbarrel shotgun can be fired using the Pistols skill, uses Shotgun
ammo, and has heavy pistol ranges.

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
the b
Wireless: The Shotgun suppressor has a built in deve
Weapon Accessories Rating 2 microphone with Rating 2 Select Sound Filter Any
and simple software. When wireless, the device
GREY METAL PLATING informs you via AR if your suppressor has detected the the o
(Melee and Unarmed Weapon Accessory) Metal sound of anyone nearby reacting to the sound of your
treated with the underground tech Grey Mana. One “Alle
suppressed shotgun. touch
day, the Grey brothers had a Eureka moment that
instead of protection against magic, what if grey mana SMART SHEATH winn
is forced into creatures of magic, with extreme (Melee Weapon Accessory) Normally sheathing of
prejudice. Gray Metal can be plated on any melee or a melee weapon takes a Complex Action. These
unarmed weapon (including cyberimplanted ones). sheaths have to be custom-made for a specific melee
Gray Metal weapons treat hardened armor from weapon (Blades or Clubs), having a reach no greater
Immunity to Normal Weapons as regular armor. than 2. The sheath allows the user of the compatible
Wielding a Gray Metal weapon as an awakened confer melee weapon to sheathe it as a Simple Action.
the same penalty as wearing Rating 3 Gray Mana
Integration as long as the weapon is carried. Wireless: The unsheathing of the weapon can be
Additionally, any weapon with Grey Metal Plating seamlessly integrated into making an attack as a single
cannot be turned into a focus. If it's already a focus, Complex Action.
then it cannot accept Grey Metal Plating.
• “This thing slices through spirits like a hot knife through butter.” Item Slot Avail Cost
-- Cyber Knight
Grey Metal Plating N/A +4R 1000¥
• “My, oh my, does this sound fun. If I were just a little crazier, I'd
charge down a spirit with a scythe plated with this. I can almost Krime Power Draw (Rating 1- Rating x
imagine the fear a security force would feel when their spirit ally N/A +2R
2)* 1000¥
gets cleaved in two with a single swing.” -- Pandora
Shotgun Suppressor** Barrel 9F 600¥
Smart Sheath N/A 12/td> 4000¥
(Krime Trollbow Accessory) Specially designed
as an aftermarket modification for the Krime Trollbow * = Reduces Concealability of the Krime Trollbow by +(Rating).
** = Shotguns only.
(SL 24), after troll customers complained it's not quite
trog enough. The modification improves the bow's
draw weight significantly, allowing it to pack more
punch when used by trolls at peak strength. Installing
this mod improves the Rating of a Rating 12 Trollbow VENOMANCER
by an additional number equal to the Rating of the Vector: Ingestion
modification (up to a maximum of Rating 14). Arrows Speed: 10 minutes
must match the new Rating of the bow to ensure Duration: 18-Body hours, minimum 1 hour
optimal performance. Installing this mod makes the Addiction type: Both
bow harder to hide (+1 Concealability per Rating).
Effects: Reduces the Addiction Threshold and Drug
SHOTGUN SUPPRESSOR Interaction roll (CF 193) of each drug you take while
[APPROVED 3.0] Venomancer is active, by 2 (to a minimum Threshold
(Shotgun Accessory) Normal suppressors (SR5 and/or Drug Interaction of 1). House rules of
432) aren’t big enough to be compatible with the barrel increasing the Addiction Threshold for taking multiple
of a shotgun. This dedicated suppressor for shotguns drugs apply with this being the first drug. As a side
does the same thing as regular suppressors, but for a effect of your body's immune system being more
shotgun, regardless of what kind of ammo the shotgun receptive to toxic substances, as long as Venomancer is
is using. The attachment provides a –4 dice pool active in your body, you suffer -2 dice penalty to toxin
modifier to any Perception Test made to detect the resistance tests.
weapon’s use or locate the shooter. A Complex Action
is needed to attach or remove the suppressor.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Item Addiction Rating Addiction Threshold Avail Cost
Venomancer 5 1* 8R 400¥**

* = Pharmaceutical Grade Factored In. ** = Pharmaceutical Grade. Designer Grade Price = 1200¥. Note: Not Available in Other Grades.

Programs Sensor Lock is a Rating 3 Autosoft. It grants a +5 boost
ID10T to the sensor limit and +2 dice bonus for purposes of
The tradition of tech support making fun of unsavvy passive and/or active Sensor Targeting (SR5 184).
customers and clientele is far older than the matrix, and
has never died. The "ID10T Error" is a common
euphemism used by techies for when a problem is
caused by unfathomable user stupidity, and this
program has been designed specifically to deal with
those "special customers". A device with this common
program loaded requires an additional roll of 1 to glitch
on all matrix actions.
Common Programs Avail Cost
ID10T - 80¥
Autosoft Avail Cost
Sensor Lock 6R 1500¥

Specsofts act as Skill Specializations for either an
Activesoft (whether running on Skillwires or Active
Hardwires), Knowsoft or Linguasoft. They count as a
Rating 1 Skillsoft that can be run on a Skilljack (SR5
452). Each Specsoft acts as a single specialization for a
specific active, knowledge or language Skillsoft. Each
Activesoft, Knowsoft or Linguasoft can only benefit
from a single Specsoft at a time.
Specsoft 8 10,000¥

to perform the Trace Icon action against the decker. Item

Miscellaneous Gear However, the extra hops necessary to hide the decker's Rero
actions adds 3 Noise to the deck's connection.
CYBERDECK “I’M BEHIND 9 PROXIES!” -- Mirai “Anyone who MU
MODULES fights for freedom on the Matrix knows that GOD likes
to make things personal. Anything to keep their eyes
REROUTING MODULE off for just a little while longer ought to be standard Sleep
This ingenious cyberdeck module (DT 64) obfuscates issue for the free Decker.” -- Trubl “I assume the noise been
the decker's traffic by bouncing their commands off of would be just a minor inconvenience, compared to it. As
multiple different grids, making it more difficult to GOD dropping on you because you squatted a little too Form
track their actions back to the originating deck. While long waiting for the perfect moment to get in.” -- Chip
installed, it reduces the Overwatch Score generated by
illegal actions by 1 and imposes a -2 dice pool penalty

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
as if it's a program. The MORS has about the same ELEMENTAL ESSENCE Elem
size, weight and shape of an MOS (KC 57). The Pure essence of the classic hermetic elements (Air, Air
MORS can have a Rating of 1 to a maximum of 6. Earth, Fire and Water) found in ore form. These are Earth
The device runs hot. If the user carries it on their usually harvested from places where the land is
awakened and these elements are in its proudest, purest Fire
person, it causes (Rating)S damage each Combat Turn
when in use and in its case. The damage is (Rating x and most savage form, like active volcanoes, mana Wate
2)S when outside the container and outside clothing, storms, aftermath of earthquakes or deep in the ocean.
but if exposed to bare skin the damage is Physical. Fire Elemental essence can be worked by a talismonger into
a talisman. Once attuned, the talisman grants benefits
Protection works in resisting the damage as long as the
of the elemental essence contained within while CO
armor is between the wearer and the box. It can be
used safely if placed on a stable, non-flammable weakening you to the other 3 elements. For the [AP
surface. purpose of Elements: Acid counts as Earth, Cold Also
counts as Water and Lightning counts as Air. extre
Treat the MORS as a Sustaining Focus for such
Technomancers. The device must remain wireless on An Elemental Essence Talisman can be attuned by
when used. Once attuned, the MORS can sustain a anyone, regardless of whether they are Awakened,
single Complex Form of a Level equal to or less than Emerged or mundane. It takes 1 hour and 5 Karma to
of F
the Rating of the MORS. Thus, the technomancer attune the talisman. Attunement to an Elemental
doesn't suffer the sustaining penalty for that complex Essence can be broken at any time with a Complex
form. A technomancer cannot be attuned to more than Action, but the karma spent to attune is lost forever.
a single MORS device. A MORS cannot run a Only a single Elemental Essence Talisman may be
Hyperthreaded Complex Form (KC 91). attuned by a character at any given time. Once attuned,
the effects are always on. The talisman provides the
MORS following benefits and penalties.
Rating Attunement Cost Avail Cost Benefits:
1-6 Rating x 2 Karma (Rating x 3)R Rating x 4000¥
• Gain +2 dice bonus to casting all spells, rituals and alchemical
preparations that belong to the attuned element.
MYOMERIC DATA CABLE • Gain +2 dice bonus to conjuring spirits of the attuned element.
[APPROVED 3.0] • Improves damage by +1DV when dealing elemental damage that
is the same as the attuned element.
Inspired from myomeric rope. This nifty tool is an • Gain +2 dice bonus to damage resistance tests when resisting
optic data cable, encased in myomeric fiber with a damage that is the same as the attuned element.
universal connector on either end and is compatible • May spend a point of Edge to ignore and/or end the secondary
with all electronic devices with a universal port, effects of elemental damage (SR5 170) from an attack that is the
including datajacks and control rigs. The cable can be same as the attuned element.
remotely controlled over a maximum length of 30 • As a Complex Action, you can change the damage type of a
meters. It can move like a snake, allowing you to weapon that does any other elemental damage to your attuned
connect with hard to reach places. Using a data tap element. This change remains in place as long as you have the
weapon held.
(SR5 440) in conjunction, it can open many doors for
hackers. • Suffer -2 dice penalty to casting spells, rituals and alchemical
preparations that belong to any other element.
• Suffer -2 dice penalty to conjuring spirits of any other element.
Avail Cost
• Increase damage by +1DV when receiving damage from any
10R 400¥ per 10 meters other element (before damage resistance test).

“While it may be tempting, leaning into one element

will cause elemental imbalance in the body. Which can
be problematic if you suddenly find yourself...out of
your element.” -- Yokai

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
contained within has no line of sight and cannot use its “It has always saddened me to hear mundanes could Wire
magic while inside the device. Its aura is sealed inside not see what I see in the astral. With this flashlight, it Spin
making it invisible and inaccessible from outside. provides a safe and secure way for mundanes to not user
Thus, whatever is inside cannot be assensed, astrally only view the astral, but also to provide a version of Ratin
tracked or targeted with ritual magic. HMCDs come in astral support if there are no Awakened around. While also
a variety of shapes and sizes: HMC Case: Briefcase it does not provide the same type of astral support, parac
sized with a Structure of 4 and Armor of 8. HMC some astral support is still better than none.” -- autom
Coffin: A coffin that can easily fit an adult male Troll. Sunflower “Interesting piece of technology. I saw this using
They have a Structure of 7 and Armor of 8. HMC in the hands of the ghost hunters on season 6, episode [Rati
Cylinder: A hollow cylinder ranging from 0.5 to 1 66 of Takeshi’s Haunted Castle.” -- Yokai
meter in length. They have a Structure of 3 and Armor “Don
of 8. Don'

“It seems these Grey brothers continue to find ways to SPIRIT LANTERN
one up themselves in displaying their fear of magic.” -- Rating Avail Cost
Smoke “Pfff...Magical Containment Coffin? More like 1-6 10 Rating x 200¥
a Houdini box with extra steps.” -- Dr Beefton
Each Spirit Lantern burns out after Rating x 2 hours of use.
Type Avail Cost P arachutes
HMC Case 10R 500¥
HMC Coffin 12R 2000¥ The standard parachute system is a harness that can be
HMC Cylinder 8R 250¥ worn over armor. It comes with a primary and an
emergency backup parachute. Either parachute can be
released from the harness with a Simple Action. Both
SPIRIT LANTERN [APPROVED 3.0] parachutes are reusable and can be repacked after use
The research of a brilliant metaphysicist showed that with an Agility + Logic [Physical or Mental] (12, 6
the heat produced by a high voltage current passing minute) extended test. In case a parachute is damaged
through an orichalchum filament can produce a dual or lost, a replacement can be purchased for 750¥ for
natured light allowing even mundanes to peer into the each parachute.
astral. The light reflects off of physical and astral
creatures, allowing one to see the astral beings with SPINRAD INDUSTRIES
plain sight as shadows. Likewise, the astral creature “SPINRADICAL” PARACHUTE
can see the bright, dual natured light from the astral. SYSTEM
This does not allow one to touch or attack an astral
being from the physical plane or vice versa, only A perfect parachute system for the spinradical skydiver.
visualization. Spirit lanterns come in a variety of shapes The entire system is a harness that can be worn over
such as bulbs, flashlights, vehicle headlights and armor. It has built-in smart functionalities such as an
lanterns. Orichalchum is expensive, thus to keep the AR HUD, automatic deployment system and wireless
prices affordable, the filament is extremely thin. As a functionalities. While the AR HUD is enabled, the user
result, the high voltage current tends to burn them out gains a Limit bonus to skydiving tests equal to the
fast. Higher rating bulbs with more durable filaments [Rating] of the system. Just like a Standard Parachute
last longer. Each Spirit Lantern burns out after Rating x System, this model comes with a primary and an
2 hours of use. emergency backup parachute. Either parachute can be
released from the harness with a Simple Action. Both
parachutes are reusable and can be repacked after use
with an Agility + Logic [Physical or Mental] (12, 6
minute) extended test. In case a parachute is damaged
or lost, a replacement can be purchased for 750¥ for
each parachute.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Item Rating Avail Cost
Standard Parachute System - 0 1500¥

Spinrad Industries "Spinradical" Parachute System 1-4 Rating x 3 Rating x 3000¥

For Grey Metal Shielding Ratings 4 and above, the MA

Drones and Vehicles vehicle must be equipped with a Life Support system. A mo
Whenever the Life Support system is inactive, treat the
V ehicle M odifications rating of the Grey Metal Shielding as 3. Grey Metal
REDUCED SEATING [APPROVED Shielding cannot be improved or reduced once and
3.0] installed; for example, a GMC Bulldog Step-van with by th
Since the advent of Grid Link, it's not uncommon to Grey Metal Shielding Rating 3 cannot be improved to outsi
see driverless vehicles roaming cities, taking care of Rating 4, neither can it be reduced to 2. tinted
deliveries or carrying advertising displays. “Don't be an idiot and toss this stuff on your favorite mage
Autonomous vehicles, often hatchback cars and vans, ride! Any two-bit Awakened can instantly spot Grey mod
can operate for several days in Grid Link enabled Metal Shielding from a mile away. You won't even usua
areas. Removing seats from a vehicle creates more make it downtown before Lone Star is on your butt.” -- mage
room for modifications. For every two seats removed, Science puttin
add one Modification Slot to one Modification
Category (Body, Electromagnetic, Power Train, MIL SPEC FRAME [APPROVED
Protection or Weapon). Each category can only gain a 3.0]
maximum of four slots in this way. This modification is
Any rigger worth their salt knows that if your engine
incompatible with Increased Seating (R5 164).
gets shot, you’re dead in the water. Riggers know that
GENERAL MODIFICATIONS because everybody knows that. Rent-a-cops, gangers,
Modification Slots Threshold Tools Skill Avail Cost and of course the military. This is the sort of
Reduced Seating
reinforcement of key parts of your ride that make it
-1** - Shop - - 0¥ bulletproof - to a degree. There’s always a bigger gun
(Rating 1-4)*
after all, and there’s only so much you can add without
* = Per category (Body, Electromagnetic, Power Train, Protection
adding too much weight. But with this, you can now
or Weapon). ** = For every two removed seats.
rest assured that your street level shootout will not
result in a dead engine from an Ares Predator. Mil Spec
GREY MANA SHIELDING frame adds 6 points of Hardened Armor to your
The vehicle and its occupants add 1 bonus die per vehicle, but only for the purposes of resisting damage
rating of Grey Mana Shielding to resist any targeted from vehicular Called Shots only. The Hardened
magical attacks or effects, including area of effect and Armor is placed underneath standard armor hence -AP
beneficial magic. Any Awakened inside a vehicle with must first penetrate standard vehicle armor before
Grey Mana Shielding suffers a dice pool penalty to any being able affect the hardened armor.
skill test involving their Magic attribute equal to the
rating and permanently reduces the Force and hits of
any spell the Awakened is currently sustaining by 1. ModificationSlots ThresholdTools Skill Avail Cost
Note that Grey Mana Shielding cannot be hidden from Grey Mana
Rating Rating x Rating x
Shielding Shop Armorer 16R
Astral Perception and are quite distinct from mundane x1 2 2000¥
(Rating 1-3)
and Awakened objects. Grey Mana Shielding does not
stack with Grey Mana Integration or Grey Mana Grey Mana
Rating Rating x Rating x
Tattoos (BTB 156). Passengers benefitting from the Shielding
x1 2
Shop Armorer 20R
vehicle's armor get the highest Grey Mana bonus. (Rating 4-6)

Mil Spec
4 12 Shop Armorer 10F 12,000¥

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
goggles. Once a user establishes wireless control of the “I've been looking for one of those for a while now.
periscope (as a Complex Action), it can thereafter be Can't wait to take the concept of arcane artillery to
controlled through AR as a Free Action. A spellcaster another level.” -- Dr Beefton
can use the mage port to obtain line of sight on targets.
Like with other optical devices, casting spells through a
mage port incurs a -3 dice penalty. Modification Slots Threshold Tools Skill Avail Cost
Mage Port 1 4 Kit Armorer 14R 8000¥

Adept Powers Cost: 0.5 PP Cos
BURST OF SPEED Activation: Simple Action Acti
Cost: 1 PP per Level (Max 2) Prerequisite: Mystic Archery This power allows the An A
Activation: Simple or Complex Action. Adept to channel an elemental effect through their make
When the Adept activates this ability, they can move arrows. A Simple Action is required to channel the chan
up to (Magic x Level) meters instantaneously, allowing desired elemental effect. Elemental Quiver remains the g
them to ignore certain hazards in this movement, such active for (Magic) Combat Turns or until the Adept and
as Suppressive Fire (SR5 179), flames, or enemies deactivates it with a Free Action or is rendered Actio
trying to Intercept (SR5 168) them. This isn't unconscious. Only one elemental effect can be used at test.
teleportation (even though it appears to be so, to the a time, and each elemental effect must be purchased as imm
naked eye) and thus the Adept is still limited to a separate power. Since the arrows are already magical, bonu
locations they can physically reach. This movement it's impossible to make them the lynchpin of an cente
still subtracts from their remaining movement rate per alchemical preparation. the g
turn, and can only be used once per Action Phase. cove
Using this power costs a Simple Action, but the Adept
can choose to activate this power as a Complex Action Cost: 1.5 PP
instead and make a single melee or unarmed attack at The Adept can lash out and strike with their melee
the end of their instantaneous movement. Using such attacks at a distance by focusing their qi and
blinding speed is stressful, thus immediately after this transmitting them as pure force. Using either the
power is used, the Adept must resist drain equal to (3 x Killing Hands (SR5 310) power or a bonded weapon
Level)S. Credit: /r/ALightInTheDark focus, the Adept can use melee attacks to strike targets
up to a distance of the Adept's Magic rating in meters.
ELEMENTAL MISSILE The attack is treated as a Ranged Attack with Melee
[APPROVED 3.0] Bonuses thus benefiting from martial arts and Adept
powers such as Penetrating Strike (SG 173). Reach
Cost: 0.5 PP
bonuses don't apply when using this power. Force
Prerequisite: Magic Missile Strikes are almost silent but are visually obvious,
The Adept gains greater control of qi infusion, allowing resembling ripples of force in the air. The target
for elemental effects. When the Adept uses a Simple benefits from Cover bonuses but cannot use Block or
Action to ready a non-explosive thrown weapon, they Parry on their defense tests. They also cannot use
can infuse it with a single elemental effect, as part of martial art techniques such as Counterstrike or Riposte.
the same action. Only one elemental effect can be used
at a time, and each elemental effect must be purchased
as a separate power. Since the thrown weapons are
already magical, it's impossible to make them the
lynchpin of an alchemical preparation.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
the Adept wins, the victim takes a -2 penalty to all
actions and defense tests for a number of Combat
Cost: 0.5 PP
Turns equal to the net hits. If the Adept's net hits
exceed the target's Physical Limit, the target is either
Prerequisite: Attune Animal Ritual. [A
The Adept can protect an attuned animal (SG 123)
knocked prone or is pushed back by a number of
from harm. Whenever an attuned animal takes damage
meters equal to your net hits (Adept's choice). The
(after making it's defense test), it is instead applied to
Immediately after they use this power, the Adept must his h
the Adept, who can resist it normally, as if the damage
resist drain, equal to half the number of hits (not net artisa
was happening directly to them. The Adept gets no
hits) on their Magic + Strength [Physical] test. follo
defense test, they basically make the damage resistance
roll on behalf of the attuned animal. This ability can such
only be used while the Adept can see the animal, and it
Cost: 0.5 PP is within (Magic x 2) meters of the Adept. Credit: ADV
The Adept gains the ability to infuse their thrown /r/ALightInTheDark All:
weapons with a sliver of their own qi. When the Adept one)
uses a Simple Action to ready a non-explosive thrown RAPID AIM Mag
weapon, they can infuse it with some qi as part of the
Cost: 1 PP
same action, making it magical for the duration of a
Whenever you use the Take Aim action (SR5 166),
single thrown attack. This allows the missiles to ignore
you automatically Take Aim a number of times equal
Immunity To Normal Weapons critter power, as well as
to one half of your Willpower, using a single Simple
being effective against Regeneration. Additionally, the
Action. You may Take Aim on a single target or on
Critical Strike Adept power may now be purchased for
multiple targets (you must divide your aim between
the Throwing Weapons skill. Since the thrown
targets). In addition, you can use the Take Aim action
weapons are already magical, it's impossible to make
without readying a weapon, such as before you Quick
them the lynchpin of an alchemical preparation.
Draw (SR5 165). Finally, the benefits of Take Aim are
MYSTIC ARCHERY not lost if you take any other kind of non-combat
oriented actions like Social tests before making an
Cost: 0.5 PP attack.
You are able to infuse your arrows with a piece of your
magic for just long enough to make spirits feel your This power can only be used to Take Aim at targets
power. Attacks you make using the Archery skill count that are within a number of meters around you, equal
as magical, thus ignoring Immunity To Normal to your Magic x 5. You cannot use a weapon with a
Weapons critter power as well as being effective Smartgun or the Target Predictor cyberware, in
against Regeneration. Additionally, the Critical Strike conjunction with this power. This power does not stack
Adept power may now be purchased for the Archery with Previsualization.
skill. Since the arrows are already magical, it's
impossible to make them the lynchpin of an alchemical RICOCHET
preparation. Cost: 0.5 PP
This power allows the Adept to use the Ricochet Shot
PREVISUALIZATION called shot (RG 117) with almost any type of ranged
Cost: 0.25 PP per level (Max 4) weapon attack (including thrown weapons). This
You can use the Take Aim action (SR5 166) without cannot be used with flechettes, energy weapon attacks
needing to ready a weapon. Additionally, the benefits or spray weapons (such as flamethrowers). Credit:
of Take Aim are not lost if you take any other kind of /r/ALightInTheDark
non-combat oriented actions like social tests before
making an attack. You may Take Aim this way up to a
maximum amount equal to the level of this power or
one half of your Willpower (whichever is lower). This
power can only be used to Take Aim at targets that are
within a number of meters around you, equal to your
Magic x 5. You do not get the benefits of a Wireless
Smartgun (non-wireless bonuses apply) while using
this power. This power does not stack with Rapid Aim.

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Adept: Free Elemental Weapon (Fire) (SG 170). FOX RH
DISADVANTAGES Fox is seen as a sacred spirit amongst many cultures, Rhin
The Blacksmith knows the value of hard work and all especially east Asian ones. Fox is a cunning trickster. blow
the effort that goes into it. Followers of Blacksmith She avoids direct confrontation, instead choosing to the s
must succeed on a Charisma + Willpower (3) test weave illusions and misdirection to confuse her Noth
before they can bring themselves to harm or destroy enemies. day.
any work of craftsmanship or art or even a place of ADVANTAGES All: +2 dice to Sneaking or musc
craftsmanship, such as a workshop of any kind. Tracking (your choice). Rhin
Magician: +2 dice for Illusion spells, preparations, Hipp
and rituals. ADV
The Bull represents strength of both body and will. Adept: 2 free levels of Danger Sense (SR5 309). All:
However, he is also a stubborn spirit. Once Bull has Mag
DISADVANTAGES Followers of Fox try to avoid
decided on something that's the end of it, he will ritual
direct confrontation, at least before they have used
neither change his mind nor his course of action
stealth and deceit to disorient their enemies. You must Ade
regarding that idea or decision. Despite his flaws, succeed on a Charisma + Willpower (3) test to confront Ram
however, Bull stands for achieving one’s goals against
an enemy in combat before you have successfully DIS
impossible odds. It's just sometimes those goals can be
affected them with some kind of illusion, sneak attack Rhin
or misdirection. incre
All: +2 dice to Clubs or Running (choose one). GREAT GUARDIAN Alte
Magician: +2 dice for summoning Beast spirits. The Great Guardian symbolizes legendary heroes of
Adept: Free Spirit Ram (SG 174). old or ancestral guardians. The Great Guardian offers
DISADVANTAGES peerless combat prowess to his chosen, but expects
Once you have set your mind on something, such as a them to act like true heroes. Protect the ones you care
plan or course of action, you must succeed on a about and the innocent. Show mercy when you can.
Charisma + Willpower (3) test to deviate from it, no For what good is such prowess with weapons if you
matter how much you are persuaded. Alternate cannot use them to defend the ones who cannot defend
Aspects: Bison, Ram. themselves.
DRAGON All: +2 dice to Archery, Blaces, Clubs, Throwing
The Dragon is a vain and avaricious creature. It prides Weapons or Unarmed Combat (choose one).
itself as the ultimate being and thinks the world’s riches Magician: +2 dice for summoning Guardian spirits.
belong to it. To be refused its rightful bounty is an Adept: Free Critical Strike (for one skill) (SR5 309).
insult. Similarly, the Dragon hoards wealth and refuses DISADVANTAGES
to share. Needless to say, it doesn’t get along well with
Whenever you see a friend, loved one, teammate or an
the Dragonslayer.
innocent person (that cannot defend themself) under
ADVANTAGES physical attack, make a Willpower + Charisma (3) test.
All: +2 dice to one social skill of choice. If you fail, you must protect them at all costs, which
Magician: +2 dice for Manipulation spells, includes engaging in combat with the attacker. You
preparations, and rituals. must also succeed on a Willpower + Charisma (3) test
Adept: 1 free level of Mystic Armor (SR5 310). to kill an incapacitated or surrendered enemy. Alternate
DISADVANTAGES Aspects: Great Defender, Hero, Paladin.
You must make a Charisma + Willpower (3) test to give
away something you own. If you believe someone
possesses something that you rightfully own, make the
same test. If you fail, you must do whatever it takes to
get it.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
• A ma
Metamagics A magician possessing the Absorption metamagic item,
(SG 151) may use the Absorption metamagic to magi
ASTRAL BULWARK absorb spirit or critter powers that use the Magic stand
The astral space is dangerous and death or grievous attribute as part of their dice pool. The mechanics while
injury is often around the corner. Magicians that take work as described in Street Grimoire, except the choo
this metamagic have learned to draw from their magic limit of the Absorption roll made by the magician for a
and form a shell of armor around them when wholly in would use the Magic of the critter/spirit as the limit. magi
the astral. While astrally projecting, magicians that Additionally, absorbing more mana charges (from psyc
have this metamagic gain automatic astral armor any source) than the magician's Magic rating, no magi
similar to the Astral Armor spell (SSP 21) equal to 1 longer inflicts damage on them. but m
armor per Initiate Grade. If the magician is an Explorer, other
they instead gain 2 Hardened Mystic Armor (SR5 397) •
per Initiate Grade. Armor from this metamagic is A magician or Adept possessing the Reflection (SG
compatible with the Astral Armor spell but not the 151) or Harmonious Reflection (FA 46) metamagic
Mystic Armor Adept power (SR5 310). may use the Reflect Spell or Harmonious Reflection,
Interrupt Action versus any critter or spirit power
DEVOTED WEAPON that is targeting them or anyone being protected by
Some awakened develop a unique bond with their their spell defense dice. The spirit/critter power must
weapons. A magician with this metamagic may choose be one that uses the Magic attribute as part of their
a single weapon focus to become a Devoted Weapon. dice pool or effect (including damage). If the
Such a weapon is resistant to the detrimental effects of Awakened gets any net hits, the power is reflected
Background Counts. A Devoted Weapon reduces the back to the critter/spirit causing any effect it would
effective background count affecting the focus by up have with a number of net hits equal to the ones
to the magician's Initiate Grade. Only the effects of achieved by the Awakened. If it’s damaged, the
aspected background counts such as from a domain critter/spirit takes damage equal to the base amount
(SG 25) can be reduced. The background count itself caused by the power plus the amount of net hits the
isn't reduced, only the effects on the focus is. The Awakened got on the critter. The Awakened must
Awakened still suffer the ill effects of background resist drain equal to the Magic of the critter/spirit.
counts to their magical skills and to all other foci. The drain is physical if the Magic of the critter/spirit
is greater than the Magic of the awakened,
IMPROVED APOTROPAIC MAGIC otherwise it's stun.
Improved Apotropaic Magic takes existing knowledge
Prerequisite: Psychometry
of the defensive arts and expands on it, applying it to
not just spells but active magic in general. It provides a The visions granted by Psychometric readings can
often last a long time, as the entire history of the item
list of new benefits and improvements to existing
flashes before the magician's eyes. However, some
defensive metamagics:
magicians have learned to form a persistent bond
• which lasts beyond the moment that the item leaves the
It allows a magician or adept possessing the magician's possession. This allows the magician to
Shielding (SR5 326) or Harmonious Defense (FA receive visions of the item in real time, regardless of
46) metamagic, to use their spell defense dice (from where the item is located.
any source) on resistance tests against spirit or critter
powers that use the Magic attribute as part of their
dice pool, such as Elemental Attack (SR5 396) or
Fear (SR5 397). The spell defense dice can be used
this way on the Awakened themselves or any one
else the Awakened desires to protect.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Prerequisites: Psychometry and Psychometric COMBAT SPELL (ELEMENTAL)
Scrying The magician has learned to enhance the Type: P Range: Special Damage: P
potency of their Psychometric Scrying. As a Complex Duration: S Drain: F-1
Action, the magician may gain the benefits of When the original Spellblades hit the streets, it saw
Clairvoyance and Clairaudience (SR5 286) centered on great success as runner weapons due to their flashiness
the object of their Psychometric Scrying. The object and conceal ability. After a while, a few of the more
bears the magician's aura while doing so. The magician elemental focused street mages thought of adopting the
loses all normal hearing and vision, as well as any spell with their own twist. With some formula tweaking
normal assensing, including any assensing that is and more than a few burnt hands, they had altered the
normally associated with Psychometric Scrying. This spell so it could be tuned to specific elements. This was
effect lasts as long as the magician sustains the largely believed to be a pissing contest by those who
Psychometric Scrying (like sustaining a spell), or until choose neither spell, and they are not provably wrong.
the magician uses a Complex Action to end the effects "You got a magic sword, well mine is magic and on
of Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. Using this ability fire". This lead to a slight rift between the two groups
imposes a -4 dice penalty to all actions and defense over who has the superior spell, with the former
tests. This adds on top of the -2 from Psychometric believing that the new spell is unnecessarily flashy and
Scrying, for a total of -6 dice penalty. more prone to issues with special armor types, while
the later firmly believe that having a weapon tied to
Spells their chosen element of specialization grants greater
control and any armor mod complications don't
[ELEMENT] BARRAGE outweigh the secondary effects of the chosen element.
COMBAT SPELL (INDIRECT, ELEMENTAL) [Element] Blade follows the same rules as Powerblade
Type: P Range: T Damage: P (HT 192). The blade has a base DV and Accuracy
Duration: I Drain: F-3 equal to the spell’s Force; AP equal to -(Force/3)
This spell is a variation of spells like Flamethrower or rounded down and a Reach of 1. Only a single
Lightning Bolt. Rather than creating a singular, elemental effect can be active at a time and each
powerful projectile, it swarms the target with many element must be learned as a separate spell. Damage
smaller ones. This spell has no AP, instead its target from [Element] Blade is resisted with Body + Armor.
receives a defense penalty equal to (Force/2), rounded
Type: P Range: T Damage: P
Duration: I Drain: F-4
This spell is a variation on spells like Flamethrower or
Lightning Bolt. But rather than a ranged attack, this
requires the magician to be in melee range. Make a
Complex Action touch attack using Agility + Unarmed
Combat [Physical] (with +2 touch bonus) vs a standard
defense test. On a tie or if the attacker succeeds, the
spell goes off. Make a standard Spellcasting test as part
of the same Complex Action. Credit:

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property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Spellcasting: Ephemeralists cast as normal but see spells as an extension of willing spirits that reach through the
veil to provide aid.
Enchantment: Ephemeralists use enchantment as normal but see it as spirits bestowing boons from across the veil.
Summoning: Ephemeralists practice possession summoning, allowing the dead to cross through the veil into the
body of the summoner.


Detection: Fire
Health: Water
Illusion: Guidance
Manipulation: Earth
Drain: Willpower + Charisma
Note: This is a Possession tradition.

PREFERRED SPELLS Astral Clairaudience, Astral Clairvoyance, Mana Barrier, Death Replay.


Those that follow traditional teachings of the Egyptian religion (SSP 3), venerate and adhere to the path of Heka, the
cosmic force of creation and deification of magic. Egyptians believed that all living creatures possessed the Heka to
some degree and thus must be respected. They shun combat spells that wrought death and destruction, favoring
healing and apotropaic magic. However, the use of curses and sympathetic magic to harm an enemy is practiced.
Traditional Egyptians follow these rules:
• Cannot use the Binding skill.
• Cannot cast Combat spells, alchemical preparations and rituals.
• Must take the Mentor Spirit quality (SR5 76).
• Gains +2 dice bonus for casting Health spells, alchemical preparations and rituals.
• Gains +2 dice when Summoning Guidance spirits.
• Gains the Shielding metamagic (SR5 326) for free.


Some magicians of Hermetic Tradition (SR5 279) choose a focused path, sacrificing something in exchange for
enhanced prowess in their chosen field. Mechanically, these serve as Traditional Rules for Hermetic magicians. A
character following the Hermetic Tradition can optionally choose one of these alternate paths:

Hermetic Elemental Path

These Hermetic mages devote their magic into the classic Hermetic Elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). For the
purpose of Elements: Acid counts as Earth, Cold counts as Water and Lightning counts as Air. Some of them
specialize further and become Elementalists (FA 43) while others go down the dark path of Hermetic Elementals (FA
181) after years of abusing spirits. But these are not necessarily the directions everyone on the Elemental Path must
take. Followers of the Elemental Path gain the following bonuses and penalties:
• Can only cast spells or alchemical preparations that have an effect directly related to at least one of the four Hermetic elements (Air, Earth, Fire
or Water), such as the Frigid spell (SSP 16), any [Element] spell, or spells that deal Water (SG 105) or Elemental damage (SR5 170).
• Gains +2 dice to all Sorcery and Alchemy skill tests involving elemental spells and alchemical preparations.
• Cannot Conjure any spirit other than Spirits of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. But gains +2 dice to all Conjuring skill tests involving these spirits.
• Gains the Elemental Master (FA 36) and Elemental Focus (HT 191) qualities for free.

Hermetic Metallurgy Path

These Hermetic mages have studied the elements and infused metallic alloys with magic. They put a greater focus on
alchemy and enchanting. This allows them to enchant objects normal Enchanters will struggle with. The process is
still a challenge and only the most experienced master it. Followers of the Metallurgy Path gain the following
bonuses and penalties:
• Cannot use the Conjuring skill group.
• Can Attune normal items as per an Adept.
• Gain the Durable Preparations quality (FA 36) for free.
• Reduce Object Resistance of items and devices by 2 for purposes Artificing or targeting with spells.

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Hermetic Science Path These Hermetic Magicians focus their study on the interaction of magic with the physical
world and believe magic is bound to rules of math and physics. This makes them very efficient with physical spells,
however the Mana is abstract and those rules do not fully apply for the astral world or mana spells. Followers of the
Science Path gain the following bonuses and penalties:
• Cannot use the Enchanting skill group.
• Gains a +2 dice bonus to cast all Physical spells.
• Gains the Spell Shaping metamagic (SR5 326) for free.
• Replaces Spirit of Man with Task Spirit as Health option.
• Suffers a -2 dice penalty to cast all Mana spells.
• Suffers a -2 dice penalty to Astral Combat.


Hinduism (SG 46) in its traditional form is all about rituals and reagents. Rituals are performed with mathematical
precision and reagents must be perfect both in quality and in exact quantity. If the ritual is performed right, even the
Devas (Gods) must answer the call of the Rishi (Sage). Magical items are also given divine importance, treating them
as items of great power that must be earned through Tapasya (Austere meditation). The right attire is needed before a
Hindu magician is to be able to practice magic. Followers of Traditional Hinduism gain the following bonuses and
• Cannot use the Summoning and Disenchanting skills.
• Must take the Mentor Spirit: Holy Text (FA 95).
• Reduce the opposing Force of Ritual Spellcasting by 2 for all rituals.
• Reduce the drain for Rituals by 1, to a minimum of 2 drain.
• Gains the Spectral Warden (FA 40) and Items of Power (FA 38) qualities for free.


Hecate Path
Another route of Traditional Olympianism has been explored with more fervor in recent years. Hellenic Sorcery is
increasingly popular, perhaps in response to the growing worship of Hecate among the Greek or believers in
Olympianism. The Sorcerers use cursing, hexing, and other traditional ritual practices dating back thousands of
years, based on the teachings of Hecate, the Greek goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. Parts of Hermetic study are
rooted in similar practices, and even the most potent Hermetic Mages will acknowledge the power and validity of the
teachings of Hecate. Almost all magicians that follow the teachings of Hecate are female, with the male "witch" being
a rarity indeed. Hecate Path Olympianists follow these rules:
• Cannot use the Banishing and Disenchanting skills.
• Suffers -2 dice penalty when casting Combat spells.
• Gains +2 dice bonus when casting Manipulation spells.
• Gains +2 dice bonus for Ritual Spellcasting.
• Gains the Mentor Spirit quality (SR5 76) for free, but must choose the Goddess mentor (BOTL 129).
• Gains the Animal Familiar quality (FA 31) for free.

Hero Path
Traditional Olympians (FA 84) who follow the hero path, go a step further than the traditional deity focused but
polytheistically father the rank and file members of the Tradition. Traditional Olympians directly communicate with
their deity and often consider themselves a direct descendant, leading them to be referred to as "Demigods." This
makes the traditional extremely popular with Mystic Adepts. These "Demigods'' often have a deeper connection to
their Mentor "Gods" than others do with the spirits, giving them a special connection to the Oracles and the powers
manifested in their physical forms. Traditional Olympians tend to be extremely proud of their connection to the Gods,
and these connections are often physically apparent in their constantly worn Mentor's Mask and fondness for "Gifts
from the gods'' in the form of Magical Trinkets. Hero Path Olympianists follow these rules:
• Cannot use the Binding skill.
• Gains the No Man Left Behind negative quality (SL 181) for free.
• Gains the Mentor Spirit and Chosen Follower (FA 35) qualities for free.
• Must choose a Mentor's Mask (FA 182) if available.
• Gain one metamagic or enhancement of your choice from the Physical Arts (SG 156) for free.

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Oracle Path
From the earliest days of Greek Myth, the Oracle at Delphi has been a near-constant presence. Eventually taken over
by priests of Apollo, the Oracle continued to create new Pythia (Oracles) for generations into myth, dating back as
recently as the 12th century in some historic cases. Famed for foresight at the cost of intensive ritualistic service for
the oracles. It can be no surprise that the Oracle was one of the first recorded sites of power in the Sixth World. While
the modern seers, still called Pythia, serve Apollo, the Delphos Group does not push their oracles to death the way the
old world seemed to. Delphos is known to be the home to powerful seers, but those who would be Pythia take their
traditional duties to the next level. Sacrificing part of themselves to the oracle comes with costs, but leaves them
forever touched. Like all of the Delphos Group, former Pythians are well-known seers, for the right price. Oracle Path
Olympianists follow these rules:
• Cannot take the Enchanting skill group.
• Cannot cast Combat Spells.
• Replaces Spirit of Air with Guidance spirit for Detection category.
• Gains +2 dice bonus when casting Detection spells.
• Gains +2 dice bonus to Arcana tests.
• Gains the Mentor Spirit quality for free,but must choose the Oracle mentor (SG 200).
• Gains the Psychometry metamagic (SG 144) for free.
• Learn the Augury and Sortilege rituals (SG 124) for free.


Qabbalism (SG 48) or Kabbalism was, before the awakening, a more obscure field of study within the Jewish
religion that sought to explain the nature ofGod and the soul in more detail. Those who studied Kabbalah
occasionally learned of ways that they could use their understanding of Sephirot (the divine energies of creation that
originate from God) to manipulate the physical world around them. After the awakening, the practice became much
more widespread within the Jewish community as what was seen before as esoteric, impractical mysticism, became
to yield useful, predictable and repeatable results.
These days pursuing kabbalah is a common practice for Awakened Jews. Kabbalists often do not consider what they
do to be “magical”, in the sense that they claim to only invoke the power of God and the energies they put in place
when God created the world. Kabbalists may be wary of the mages from other traditions due to the command given
to Moses in Leviticus 19: “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them.” though this
varies by community with Reformist and Progressive Rabbis being much more accepting of other magical traditions
than their Orthodox counterparts. The same chapter of the Torah forbids “divination or seeking omens”, so
divination magic remains a very controversial subject.
Kabbalist magic includes heavy use of the Hebrew alphabet, specifically writing the “true names” of things in
Hebrew, as well as using numbers and numerology to represent the Hebrew alphabet. It is said that Adam gave
everything its name in Hebrew and could see into its soul. A “Shem” (literally translated to mean “name”) or one of
the names of God possess great power in Kabbalah, as God has many names, some closer to his true name than
others. Writing a Shem on something can imbue it with “God’s power”, causing magical effects. For example, the
typical creation of a golem, a living being made of clay, was achieved by writing a Shem in the clay of the golem's
forehead. This would cause either a spirit or “the energies of God” to enter into the clay shell and bring it to life.
Kabbalists refer to spirits that they summon as “Elohim” which translates to the plural form of God. This is used to
refer to God or often the concept of angel. Spirits summoned by a Kabbalist mage might take the form of the six
winged “Seraphim” in Isaiah 6 or like the many faced “Hashmallim” and the burning wheels covered in eyes of the
“Ophanim” found in Ezekiel chapter 1.
Some mages may incorporate elements of Jewish worship into their practice such as reciting prayers in Hebrew,
wearing a Tallit (a kind of prayer shawl, traditionally worn by men, that comes in two types: a small Tallit Katan that
is worn under clothes all day and a large Tallit Gadol that’s worn during prayer) or using Tefillin (a small wooden box
that is placed on the forehead and secured with leather strips that wind around the head and down the arms).
Followers of traditional Qabbalism follow these rules:
• Cannot use the Alchemy skill.
• Cannot cast Detection spells or rituals.
• Cannot practice magic on the Sabbath (Geas). This is usually on every Saturday.
• Must take the Mentor Spirit: Holy Text (FA 95).
• Gains the Structured Spellcasting metamagic (FA 44) for free.
• Gains the Shielding metamagic for (SR5 326) free.
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Those of the Shinto tradition (SG 48) seek to live in harmony with the Kami (Spirits) of the world as well as seeking
to maintain spiritual cleanliness. When they summon spirits, they do not bind them and will leave offerings to
appease the Kami. Their spellcasting is tied to ceremonial rituals such as the Kagura, limiting them to ritual
spellcasting or alchemical preparations which take the form of ema with the wish listed upon it being the spell. With
the awakening, their rituals of spiritual cleanliness now applies to astral cleanliness as well with them often learning
rituals to counter background counts. A character following the Shinto Tradition can optionally choose to follow the
traditional version. Followers of Traditional Shinto gain the following bonuses and penalties:
• Cannot use the Binding and Spellcasting skills.
• Gains the negative quality Code of Honor: Harmony with Nature, the Shaman’s Code (RF 26), for free.
• Gains the Durable Preparations (FA 36) and Chain Breaker (FA 33) qualities for free.
• Gains the Cleansing metamagic (SG 154) for free.


Followers of traditional Wicca (SG 50) can choose to either follow Goddess (Willpower + Intuition) or Gardenarian
(Willpower + Logic) teachings. They gain the following bonuses and penalties:
• Cannot use the Banishing and Disenchanting skills.
• Cannot cast Combat spells, rituals and alchemical preparations.
• Gains +2 dice bonus when casting spells, rituals and preparations of Detection, Health, Illusion and Manipulation categories.
• Gains the Mentor Spirit quality (SR5 76) for free,but must choose between Goddess (BOTL 200), Great Mother (FA 99 or SASS 33),
Peacemaker (SG 200), Green Man (FA 98) and Wise Warrior (SR5 324).
• Gains the Animal Familiar quality (FA 31) for free.

The CASIE (Computer Assisted Social Interaction Enhancer) system allows technomancers to access databases deep
in the resonance realms to analyze, interpret, and calculate the outcome of social behavior. Every time a
technomancer selects the CASIE echo, they increase their Charisma attribute by 1. This echo can be taken a
maximum of three times.

The resonance has become a part of you so intuitively that you think in code, not language. Every time a
technomancer selects the Digital Instinct echo, they increase their Intuition attribute by 1. This echo can be taken a
maximum of three times.


Prerequisite: Must be a Machinist. This echo allows a Machinist technomancer (KK 88) to have a registered machine
sprite (SR5 258) possess a drone. The process takes a number of hours equal to the level of the sprite. The machinist
must make a Software + Resonance [Level] vs the Level x 2 of a registered machine sprite. If the machinist gets any
net hits, they must pay karma equal to the level of the sprite to make the possession complete and permanent.
Once the possession is permanent, that machine sprite becomes a permanent AI drone companion, capable of taking
orders and working independently. The sprite cannot leave or be dismissed till the sprite or the drone its possessing
has been destroyed. If either is destroyed, any Karma spent is lost. While possessing, the sprite owes the machinist
unlimited favors and can be active at the same time as other sprites, although it still counts towards the maximum
number of registered sprites the machinist can have.
The sprite now exists in the material world through the drone (VR hotsim). The drone's Pilot and Device rating is
replaced by the Level of the sprite while the drone's Acceleration, Handling, Sensor rating and Speed are increased
by an amount equal to half the Level of the sprite (rounded down). The drone uses the sprite's initiative and gains a
number of extra matrix condition monitor boxes equal to the Level of the sprite, showing that the drone and the sprite
share a single matrix condition monitor. While possessing the drone, the sprite gains the following skills at a rating
equal to its Level: Pilot
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(appropriate for the drone type), Gunnery and Sneaking. The sprite uses its Level for any attribute associated with the
skills. If the drone is under attack from the matrix, it uses the sprites matrix attributes to defend and resist. The
machinist may only have a single drone companion at a time.

Prerequisite: Van Der Waals Effect
Mastery of the Van Der Waals Effect (KC 102) has allowed you to be able to create stronger electromagnetic fields.
This allows you to emulate Shock Gloves (SR5 423) using bare hands and an infinite number of charges.
Additionally, when a device that uses a power source such as a Stun Baton (SR5 422) is held with bare hands, the
device regains charges as if plugged in to a power source. Partial Credit: /r/ALightInTheDark

Martial Arts
All officially published Martial Arts and
Martial Arts Techniques can be found in Run
& Gun p128-141.
Martial Art Styles
Available Techniques: Clinch, Coiling Dragon, Counterstrike, Flowing Dragon, Yielding Force (Counter Strike,
Throw), Throw.
An unconventional yet effective fighting style based on grapples and counters discovered from mimicking the
movements of an eastern dragon, this style was invented by an anonymous, Yakuza made man who fought his way
to a top position within his clan. It is unknown how his fighting manual made it into the matrix. His unique style of
fighting offers some interesting self discovered techniques, not available to traditional martial arts.

Martial Art Techniques

Styles available to: Gun Kata, The Cowboy Way.
You can shoot two one-handed firearms (any type of pistol, taser, revolver, machine pistol or SMG) in tandem. Both
guns must be fired in the same firing more (SS/SA/BF/FA), using the same action. Both guns must expend the same
amount of ammunition, but only your main hand weapon inflicts damage. Defense penalties remain unchanged, as if
using a single weapon to make the attack. Eg: a -5 defense penalty from a Simple Action full-auto attack still remains
the same and doesn't become -10 because of two weapons expending the same amount of ammo. Double the
amount of recoil, but combine the recoil compensation of both guns to determine final recoil compensation value.
While dual wielding in this manner your main hand firearm gains +1 DV and +1 accuracy. You can learn this
technique twice, for a maximum of +2 DV and +2 accuracy.


Styles available to: Dragon.
Once you've landed a blow, you intend to keep them right where you've got them. Like a coiling eastern dragon,
whose maw and claws rips into flesh even as it constricts its prey. After successfully landing an unarmed attack, you
can spend 1 point of Edge to also treat that attack as a Subdue action (SR5 195). The opponent takes damage and is
also subdued in the same action, if your Strength + net hits on your attack exceeds your opponent’s Physical limit.

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melee/unarmed attack itself does no damage. However, on a success you can make a single Brute force or Data spike
against the target as part of the same Complex Action. The target resists the matrix attack as normal.


Styles available to: Dragon. INTERRUPT ACTION (-5 Initiative Score) Often mistaken for an Adept power, this
elusive technique allows one to redirect incoming melee or unarmed attacks towards another adjacent target, who is
not the attacker. The character makes an Unarmed Combat + Reaction [Physical] test vs the incoming attack. If the
character gets any net hits, they avoid the attack and can instead redirect it towards another target within melee range
of the character with net hits equal to that of the original attack + any net hits by the character. The new target may
defend against the redirected attack but at a -2 penalty due to the unexpected turn of events. If the redirected attack
hits, the new target takes damage equal to the original attack’s DV plus net hits. MOUNTAIN STANCE [APPROVED
3.0] Styles available to: Boxing (classic style), Tae Kwon Do, Wrestling (sumo style). This technique teaches how to
use one’s weight and center of gravity effectively to avoid getting knocked or pinned down. Each time this technique
is learnt, increase your Physical limit by 1 for purposes of resisting knockdown (SR5 194) or being subdued (SR5
195), up to a maximum bonus of +2. ROLLING SNAKE [APPROVED 3.0] Styles available to: Jujitsu, Krav Maga,
Wrestling (MMA style). This technique teaches how to use one’s agility and leverage against their opponents center
of balance, allowing for easier grappling. Each time this technique is learnt, your unarmed attacks reduce the target’s
Physical limit by 1 when determining Subduing (SR5 195) or attempts to escape from it, up to a maximum reduction
of 2. SWEEPING HOOK [APPROVED 3.0] Styles available to: Boxing (brawler style), Capoeira, Muay Thai. This
technique teaches how to put one’s own weight behind their attacks allowing one to power through their opponent’s
balance and knock them prone. Each time this technique is learnt, add +1 to your Strength for only determining
Knockdown (SR5 194), up to a maximum bonus of +2. Qualities Expanded Mastery Qualities Apart from the rules of
Mastery Qualities (FA 30-31) These are additional rules for Expanded Mastery Qualities: Mastery Qualities are
always Positive qualities. Their karma cost does not double after character creation. Unlike Mastery Qualities in
Forbidden Arcana, Expanded Mastery Qualities don’t necessarily require a Magic rating. While there are mastery
qualities for Awakened, most of the listed mastery qualities can be taken by anyone as long as they meet the
minimum requirements, even if they are mundane or technomancers. Expanded Mastery Qualities cannot be
exchanged with spells. BEAST BOND Cost: 15 Karma Minimum Requirements: Animal Handling 6. You have a
loyal pet and you have spent a lot of time training it so you can now act as a much more effective team. You must
spend a number of days emotionally bonding with a trained critter equal to its Willpower. Once you have emotionally
bonded, the pet gains the following benefits: When you roll initiative, your bonded pet may use the same number as
you rolled for their initiative. For every rank in Animal Handling you possess, your bonded pet may learn one
additional trick of your choice. The threshold for teaching new tricks (Step 5: Training) (HS 184) is also reduced by
1. You may use Protecting the Principle (RG 125) on your pets without costing an edge. All other rules and
restrictions for Protecting the Principle apply. Benefits granted by your ranks in Animal Handling doesn't take into
account the Improved Ability Adept power (SR5 309) or any augmentation that adds ranks in Animal Handling.
Only base skill ranks trained with karma and time. This quality does not work if the animal is being rigged into. You
can only have a single bonded pet. If you attempt to bond with another pet, your bond with any previous pet breaks
and you lose all benefits. Your bond also breaks if the pet dies. DEDICATED ALCHEMIST Cost: 10 Karma
(Aspected Mage or Enchanter: 5 karma) Minimum Requirements: Magic 1 and access to Alchemy skill. Characters
with this quality must completely forfeit the use of the Spellcasting and Ritual Spellcasting skill. However, they may
still use any existing ranks in said skills as Knowledge skills. In exchange for this, characters gain a new spell as an
alchemical preparation (SR5 305), every time they raise their Alchemy skill and the Karma cost for learning new
alchemical preparations is reduced by 1. Characters with this quality also receive a free alchemical preparation for
every rank they already possess in the Alchemy skill at the time of purchase of this quality, including character
creation. Specializations count as a skill rank for purposes of free alchemical preparations, but the preparation must
be from the same category as the specialization. Aspected mages who are able to learn skills in the Enchanting skill
group and Enchanters automatically meet the requirements for this quality. This quality is incompatible with
Dedicated Conjurer (FA 36). FLEXIBLE SPELLCASTER [APPROVED 3.0] Cost: 15 Karma Minimum
Requirements: Arcana 7, Alchemy 6, Spellcasting 6, Magical Theory 6 (academic or street). Through your research
and practice of magic you have understood that both spells and alchemical preparations and similar fundamental
roots but a different execution. You can use a learned spell to cast an alchemical preparation and vice versa;
regardless whether the spell was learned as an alchemical preparation or a spell. However, doing so increases the
drain of the spell or alchemical preparation by 2. GUNSLINGER Cost: 10 Karma Minimum Requirements: Pistols or
Automatics 6 and Akimbo martial art. "Double the gun, Double the fun." You've watched way too many trids and
matrix games about dual wielding guns. In reality, this is a clumsy and ineffective fighting style, but after all these
years of careful observation you seem to have figured it out.
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This document was lovingly
created using GM Binder .


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