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Machine breakdown analysis report fo

Machine breakdown analysis report format in excel. Analysis report example. What is machine breakdown analysis. How to do breakdown analysis.

FREE - Key Maintenance Metrics Want useful metrics for your maintenance program?Get Key Maintenance Metrics Having a lot of equipment breakdowns & unexpected downtime? Or is everything under control and there are hardly any maintenance emergencies? Wow! Whatever the situation, operations managers and maintenance managers
need to regularly identify problem equipment.
These bad boys are the ones that cause frequent shutdowns or incur big maintenance costs. When you lots of equipment it can be hard to do! This is where the equipment breakdown reports or similar asset maintenance reports from your maintenance management software come in handy. First – Identify Problem Equipment 1. Maintenance costs by
equipment Use reports from your CMMS program to get an idea of the total maintenance costs. Look at unplanned as well as planned maintenance costs over the last twelve months.
Avoid looking at too short a period. Otherwise costs will be skewed if some equipment needs heavy maintenance only during certain times of the year.

Find the most expensive machinery to maintain. Review the costs to see if anything seems out of line. Consider manufacturers cost estimates and prior years data to see if costs seem unusual. Fig 1. Equipment history report from FastMaint CMMS showing total maintenance costs & duration 2. Equipment downtime duration Look at equipment
downtime reports for the past twelve months. If parts were not available or maintenance personnel were shifted to higher priority jobs, downtime can seem high for some equipment because it took a long time to fix. Filter out such equipment from your list. Fig 2. Equipment downtime report from FastMaint CMMS showing downtime by equipment 3.

Complaints history and maintenance work requests Look at reported complaints and work requests over the past twelve months. Look for assets that have many complaints or many requests for maintenance work. 4. Equipment statistics (e.g. MTBF, MTTF) Statistics on equipment can be useful in many cases. They will not be so useful when you have
many types of equipment.

You will not be able to compare statistics easily. With similar equipment used in similar ways you can compare statistics. Investigate equipment that has statistics way out of line. Next – Find Breakdown Reasons Once you have a list of problem equipment you should check further. Find the underlying causes. Equipment or machines that break down
frequently could be failing for reasons such as: 1. Close to end of life While it may be theoretically possible to keep on using equipment assets with a lot of ongoing maintenance, at some point it becomes too expensive to continue doing so. Internal metal fatigue, non availability of spare parts, lack of maintenance skills or newer equipment with better
productivity and efficiency are reasons to consider replacing old machines. Replace any asset in your list that falls into this category. 2. Poor maintenance practices This covers things like skipping preventive maintenance, using poor quality spares & supplies or maintenance technicians not knowing how to do the job correctly. Check if maintenance
personnel keep replacing the same parts or frequently report issues during maintenance using some parts. Look for skipped preventive maintenance. Check work orders to make sure that maintenance procedures are being properly followed.

Any equipment in your list that falls into this category needs a better preventive maintenance plan (7 Tips To Plan Equipment Preventive Maintenance). Maintenance personnel may need better training. If poor quality spare parts are causing problems it is time to look for vendors offering better quality. 3. Poor operational practices This means that
equipment operators are not using the equipment properly. Or the equipment is not designed for the loads being put on it. Feedback from maintenance technicians may mention operator errors. Improved operator training can help here. Equipment that is considered critical and fails frequently even if maintenance was properly done could be a sign of
over loading of equipment. You may need to buy additional machines or look at making changes in operational flow to reduce peak loads. 4. Poorly designed or built This means that the equipment has internal flaws that cause it to fail frequently. For example over heating because of inadequate cooling. If you have many similar equipment and they all
seem to have frequent failures due to the same problem it could be sign of design or build issues. Do some research to find if other organizations using this equipment are also reporting similar problems. You may be able to get the manufacturer to fix these issues. Or consider buying better equipment from another vendor. 5. Incorrectly installed or
setup The equipment was not installed correctly. Or it was damaged during installation or initial startup. This may look similar to equipment with poor design or build. However, it will usually be isolated to only a few equipment out of many similar ones. Any research you do on other organizations reporting similar problems may not result in many
similar complaints about the equipment. Comparing equipment statistics to manufacturers recommendations can also provide clues. You will need to check such equipment and do a complete re-install if necessary. No CMMS? Cannot Get Equipment Breakdown Reports? You need to collect a lot of data from different reports from your maintenance
management software. Do not have CMMS software or find the reports provided by your existing program hard to use? Get a web trial of FastMaint CMMS software in your web browser (or download a 30-day trial instead). Use the import feature to import much of your equipment from comma delimited files.
Try out the different reports to see how to analyze equipment breakdown data.
You cannot be successful without the right tools! Free FastMaint CMMS Trial Useful Resources FREE - Key Maintenance Metrics Want useful metrics for your maintenance program?Get Key Maintenance Metrics To quote Marshall McLuhan, the man who predicted the Internet: “We shape our tools, and afterwards the tools shape us”. When using a
downtime tracking system to monitor machine downtime, performance, and OEE, the outcome usually depends on how well your system is set up. Defining machine breakdown causes is one of the most important tasks to do. This article will examine the most critical aspects you must focus on. You can apply these ideas, whether you are using Evocon
or if you want to improve your current process of machine downtime tracking. The first thing to think about is the structure of your machine breakdown causes. You want to keep it as simple as possible so that production operators on the shop floor can easily find the right reasons. To get started with this, put together the most frequent breakdown
reasons in your production and see how you can group them. The standard practice is to start with three to five groups, and each group should have no more than six breakdown causes. Six is the optimal figure as it helps keep the list short and manageable. However, we also have users who successfully manage up to eight stop reasons per group.
This isn’t wrong, it just means more scrolling, more complexity, more time for your operators to find the right reason. Sometimes, depending on the production process, this is justified as it adds more insight to production downtime analysis. When you define machine breakdown causes, we strongly recommend to avoid definitions that are too general.
The reason is very simple – if your causes are general, then so is your downtime analysis. You won’t be able to make informed decisions on what to improve in order to increase OEE and reduce downtime. For example, let’s look at a breakdown cause, called “Mechanical breakdown”. If your operators register this reason 30 times per month and you
forward the problem to your maintenance team, there is not much they can do with this information. But if you use more specific reasons, such as “Conveyor breakdown” or “Packing machine breakdown”, your maintenance team can be more effective in solving problems. Once you have your main stop groups and reasons defined, you are already
much better off than most manufacturers. In addition to the most frequent stop reasons, sometimes rare breakdowns occur. It is essential to keep track of those as well because they can give you precious information about your production. There are different ways to keep track of these reasons. If you use Evocon, we recommend creating a
breakdown group called “Other” or to define a breakdown cause called “Other” in one of the existing groups. Furthermore, in Evocon, operators can add extra notes to all breakdown reasons. These notes can often reveal crucial details about your downtime.
You should go over these reasons periodically and see if there are any patterns and if you need to add a new breakdown cause to your main list. Let’s say, after analyzing the “Other” reason you see that operators have entered reasons such as: “Material shortage”, “No Material” and “Material missing”. This means that in your list of reasons you
should include a breakdown that is related to the shortage of material. After you do this, be sure to communicate the change to everyone on the shop floor, so that they know that the list of breakdown causes has been updated. Monitoring breakdown causes on long production lines can be tricky. Difficulties may arise from the fact that a few
production operators are managing the whole line or that only one part of the whole line has a system in place that automatically monitors breakdowns.
Thus if your operator is stationed at the end of the line and the line stops because there was a breakdown at the beginning of the line, you need data to reflect this. In Evocon, this is solved by using a feature called “Locations”. This gives you the possibility to define different parts of your production line. Once locations are defined, all your operators
have to do is include this piece of information when choosing the correct cause. An excellent example of this is food and beverages industry, where bottling lines are ubiquitous. Typical locations on these lines include conveyor-in, filling, capping, labeling, conveyor-out. Once you have these locations defined in Evocon, everything becomes easy. If
there is a conveyor breakdown, all your operators have to do is choose the correct machine breakdown cause – conveyor breakdown, and the location – conveyor-in.
Using this feature will significantly enhance the way you analyze your production downtime because it immediately adds an extra layer of transparency to the data that you collect. To help you get started we have put together a sample list of different machine breakdown causes that you can use. This information is based on our users that come from
a wide variety of various industries.
Here are examples of different stop groups and reasons that can help you build a framework for effective machine downtime analysis: Setup Product changeover Measure change Material change Setup Technical Machine reset Conveyor breakdown Robot breakdown Aspiration failure Power failure Lubrication failure Work arrangement Material
shortage/waiting Material of poor quality Forklift wait/bringing material/taking material away Supplies missing/searching/waiting Work on another machine Work order/working instruction missing Maintenance Cleaning the machine Daily maintenance Weekly maintenance Planned maintenance Unplanned maintenance Cleaning Planned stops Pause
Lunch Meeting Training session There is one key thing to take away from here – avoid overthinking. You probably already have an idea about what the most frequent breakdown causes are in your production. So get your team together, define the reasons together, and look at it as a continuous improvement process. Once you have your groups and
causes identified, you are ready to start monitoring your breakdowns. Be sure to read our article on Downtime Tracking and Analysis so you can get the most out of your production data. If you need help defining your breakdown causes or your looking for recommendations, contact our team, and we will be more than happy to help you.

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