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All For One

All For One

Creating an All for One User
Quick Build Proficiencies
Armor: None
You can make an All for One User quickly by following Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords
these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest Tools: Choose one set of tools or a gaming set
ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the
Saving Throws: Charisma, Constitution
Criminal background.
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,

Class Features Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and

As a All for One user, you gain the following class features Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Hit Points equipment granted by your background:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per All For One level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution Modifier (a) a Shortsword or (b) any simple weapon
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's pack
Modifier per All for One Level after 1st Extravagant clothing
Villain Mask
5d4 x 10 gp in funds.

All For One

Proficiency Mighty
Level Bonus Features Strikes 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 All for One, Mighty Strikes, Unarmored Defense 1d4 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Ability Theft, Favorite Target 1d4 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 All for One Specialty 1d4 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack, Quirk Emergence, Condense 1d6 4 3 2 — — — — — —
Transference, Unarmored Defense Improvement,
6th +3 1d6 4 3 3 — — — — — —
Grave Robbing
7th +3 All for One Specialty feature 1d6 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 Quirk Emergence improvement, Hidden Power 1d8 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Object Ability Theft, Favorite Target(2) 1d8 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 Quirk Sense 1d8 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
Quirk Emergence improvement, Spell
13th +5 1d10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —

All For One - Continued
Proficiency Mighty
Level Bonus Features Strikes 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
14th +5 Hidden Power Improvement 1d10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 Black Strings, All for One Specialty feature 1d10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
Greater Power, Quirk Emergence
17th +6 1d12 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 All for One Specialty feature 1d12 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 The All For One 1d12 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

All for One Feature Theft

At 1st level, You have awakened the rare power of the All You take one feature, action, bonus action, reaction,
for One. Choose 2 starting quirks shown at the bottom of immunity, resistance, sense, curse or movement type from
the class explanation. the creature mentioned earlier. Features that require a
Your All for One save DC is 8 + your Charisma class level use this class. Stolen curses are not active for
modifier + your proficiency bonus. one minute after being stolen.
You start knowing no spells, and you may not You can have a number of Features equal to your level +
learn any through natural means. You may only Charisma Modifer. You may lose any stolen features or
gain spells through stealing them (explained below) spells of your choice at will. Losing a feature or spell in this
and use charisma as your spellcasting modifier. way means it is lost forever.

Spell Theft
Mighty Strikes
You take a single spell from the creature's list of prepared
Begging at 1st level, due to your unatural abilities to steal
spells and add it to your known spells. After stealing a
quirks affecting your body your power has increased. Your
spell, you can choose to instantly prepare it, if you haven't
unarmed strikes will now deal 1d4 + Strength or Dexterity
reached your limit. You do not need any material
Bludgeoning damage, and may increase as you level up in
components to cast these spells. Spells cast in this way will
this class.
have their casting time reduced to one action.
At 6th level your unarmed strikes count as magical for
You can have a maximum number of spells prepared
the sake of overcoming resistances.
equal to your class level + your Charisma modifier. You
choose which spells to prepare after a Long Rest.
Unarmored Defense Once you have stolen a Feature, the creature can no
longer use it, even if they are physically able to, and once
At 1st level, while not wearing any kind of armor your AC is
you have stolen a spell, it is removed from that creatures
10 + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution modifier.
known spells and it cannot be learned or prepared again.
At 6th level your AC increases by 1, and you gain +10
If you or a creature die with a stolen ability it is lost
movement speed while unarmored.

Ability Theft
At the 2nd level, you gain your main ability, the power to
steal abilities from others. When in touch range of a
grappled, restrained, incapacitated, stunned, or willing
Creature, you can use an attack to take a Feature or Spell
from them. You may not use this Ability on dead creatures
(excluding undead). The creature must make a Wisdom or
Intelligence of your choice saving throw against your All for
One save DC, on a fail, you choose one of the following

Favorite Target Transference
At 2nd level, you gain a favorite type of creature to hunt When you reach 6th level, the abilities and quirks you've
abilities for. You may choose 1 type of creature to become accumulated can be passed on to a creature you can touch
your "favorite", these creatures will have disadvantage on as an action. If the creature is unwilling, they must attempt
their saving throw against you. You can change your a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, their choice. On a
chosen type after a long rest. failure or if they are willing, they gain one feature or quirk
You can choose another creature type at 6th, 10th, 14th, that you have, you lose said feature or quirk, if they are
and 17th level. unwilling their Intelligence score is reduced by 5. If their
Intelligence score is 10 or less, they become confused, and

All for One Specialty if it is reduced to 5 or less, they become berserk as well.
They may attempt a Intelligence saving throw as an action,
At 3rd level, you choose your methods of using the power ending all of this feature's effects on a success. Other
of All For One. You must Choose between Quirk Master, creatures can only gain one stolen Feature at a time from
Criminal Overlord, and Overhaul all detailed at the end of this feature unless stated otherwise.
the class description. Your choice grants you features at You may regain the given feature or quirk given this way
3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 18th levels. by ending all of this feature's effects on the target at will.
This can be done even if they end this feature's effects by
Ability Score Improvement succeeding the Intelligence saving throw.

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
Grave Robbing
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your When you reach 6th level, your Ability Theft ability has
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score improved. You gain the ability to steal from corpses that
above 20 using this feature. have died in the past 24 hours, 72 hours if the corpse's
type is that of your Favorite Target. Because corpses aren't
Extra Attack able to defy the save, stealing in this way allows you to
steal as many features as you want per action, instead of
Beginning at 5th level, whenever you take The Attack one each. Stealing a feature in this way prevents the
action on your turn you can attack twice instead of once. creature from gaining it back if revived, unless Transferred.

Expertise Hidden Power

At 5th level you gain Expertise in two skills of your choice. At 9th level, one of the creatures that you have stolen from
gave you a secret skill. When you steal any feature or spell
Quirk Emergence from a creature, you will be granted half of the bonus from
their highest skill check. (Ex: A creature with a +4 in
When you reach 5th level, two of the multiple dormant Acrobatics gets a feature stolen, you will gain +2 in your
quirks you've forgotten about taking has emerged. You Acrobatics Check.) If you take use this on another creature
gain two quirks from the Quirks table. You gain two that has the same highest skill, choose the higher bonus
additional quirks at 7th level (4), 11th level (6), 15th level and keep that. This ability can be used on corpses.
(8), 18th level (10), and 20th level (12) At 14th level, you can now steal the entire bonus of their
When you reach a level when you can gain additional skill.
quirks, you can replace up to 4 existing quirks you
currently have.
Object Ability Theft
Condense When you reach level 10, you can now at the DM's
Discretion. Steal the Magical properties of an Magic Item
Features and abilities sharing the same type, such as two no higher than rare. (Ex: Absorb the periapt of health's
different movement types or multiple different resistances properties and turn it into a mundane object.). These
or immunities will only count as taking up one Feature. count against the number of Features you can have, unless
These features can still be used separately with you use this on a Spell Scroll, in that case it is added to
Transference. This ability does not allow you to combine your Spells Known.
two resistances of the same type into an immunity, or to
combine two movement types of the same kind to raise
their speed. This ability can be used to condense multiple
features from the same creature, class, or species into
one, taking up less slots from your Maximum stolen
features. The features can still be separated with
Transference. Combining features in this way does not
allow them to be transferred as a group.

Quirk Sense
When you reach 11th level, as an action, you may sense if
there are any creatures with a quirk or spellcasting ability
within 1 mile of you. You learn the presence of any and all
creatures with Quirks, Spellcasting class levels or Innate
Casting, and must make a Intelligence (Arcana) check to
learn which quirk they have and what level spellcaster they
are, the DC for this check is equal to their CR + 10.
Alternatively, you can use this ability to scan for a
specific Quirk or spell a creature may have prepared, in
this case, you must make the same check at disadvantage,
if you succeed, you learn their direction and distance from
You may use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of
a short rest.

Spell Transference
At 13th level, you can use your Transferrence ability to give
another creature the ability to cast one of the spells you
have stolen. In doing so you lose the ability to cast it, and
you permanently forgo a spell slot of the appropriate level.
The target then gains the ability to cast the spell without
expending a spell slot or providing material components
once per Long Rest, it is also added to any spells they
know/have prepared.
The only way for you to regain the spell slot you have
lost is to use Spell Theft to take a new spell of the
appropriate level, or to take back the spell given as seen in

Black Strings
At 15th level, your mastery over your power made you
learn how to increase your touch range by creating black
strings from your fingers. The range of Ability Theft is
increased by 30ft, as is the range of any touch spells you
know. When using Rivet Stab, combine the bonuses.

Greater Power
At 17th level, you learned how to steal the very own
physical or mental attributes of a creature. You may now
choose to steal a creature's Ability Score, removing one
point from two Scores or removing two points from one
score. This ability allows you to increase your scores
beyond 20. This ability can be used on corpses.

The All For One

When you reach 20th level, you can now at your DM's
Discretion Steal Very Rare and Legendary Magical
Properties from Magic Items.
You may also at the cost of half your maximum hit
points, duplicate your All For One class. You may grant it to
a new creature, in which they would gain the All For One
class at level 1.

All For One Specialities
Quirk Master
The Quirk Master focuses more on the
practical and intuitive use of their quirk
arsenal, rather than make use of pawns. Overhaul, while technically a different
quirk from All for One, shares many
Dual Activation similarities. Overhaul is able to
When you reach 3rd level, your practical experience and deconstruct and reconstruct the world
training has allowed the use of multiple quirks at the same around them, allowing them to distil the
time. You gain 1 quirk from the Quirks table. When you biological matter of quirk users for their
use a quirk as an action, bonus action, or reaction, you own use.
may instead use two quirks that can be used in the same
way. You may use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of
a long rest. Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to deconstruct
the world around you. You gain the following abilities. You

Impatience may use this feature a number of times equal to twice

your Charisma + Your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses
When you reach 7th level, you grow impatient when you at the end of a long rest.
see something you really want to try for yourself. You may
use Ability Theft on creatures that are not grappled, Terrain Deconstruction
restrained, incapacitated, or willing, but doing so grants
them advantage on their saving throw to avoid its effects. As an action, you deconstruct the terrain around you for
up to 5 times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) feet.

Quirk Duplication This counts as difficult terrain and all creatures excluding
you that attempt to move through it take 1d6 piercing
When you reach 15th level, your body autonomously damage for every 5 feet they move. This lasts for 1 minute.
duplicates quirks for its own use, you do not lose the quirk
or feature and you may grant a creature the same feature Object Deconstruction
or quirk Transference.
As an action, you touch one nonmagical object, ripping
apart its atomic bonds. The object automatically takes 1d8
Quirk Sense Improvement + your Charisma modifier acid damage. This damage
increases by 1d8 at 6th (2d8), 9th (3d8), 12th (4d8), 15th
When you reach 18th level, Quirk Sense's range is
(5d8), and 18th (6d8) level.
increased to 10 miles, and you learn the direction of all
applicable creatures. You still only make 1 saving throw,
learning more about the quirks and users of all whose DC Creature Deconstruction
you pass.
As an action, you may attempt to deconstruct a creature.
Make a melee spell attack against a single creature. On a
hit, the creature takes 1d8 + your Charisma modifier acid
damage. This damage increases by 1d8 at 6th (2d8), 9th
(3d8), 12th (4d8), 15th (5d8), and 18th (6d8) level. If a
creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this ability, it is
instantly killed, exploding into bits and pieces.

Reconstruction Perfect Fusion
At the 7th level, you master the art of reconstructing things At 18th level, you now have perfected fusing and you can
you have deconstructed with fine precision. When using make a fusion without making the roll yourself and putting
the Ability Theft feature, you may now take physical two people and or things together
attributes from creatures. This allows you to take features
that give or rely on natural weapons you do not have, as
well as features that rely on the anatomy of that creature.
Criminal Overlord
For example, you may take the legs of a centaur, and
The Criminal Overlord focuses on
reconstruct them onto yourself, giving you the movement
speed of said centaur as well as the Charge feature.
building an army to follow them. Either
Additionally, you gain the following abilities that use empower your allies with quirks or
Deconstruction's uses: create an army of monsters that use
multiple quirks.
Terrain Reconstruction
As an action, you reconstruct the terrain around you for up
Sharing Is Caring
to 5 times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) feet. When you reach 3rd level, you gain the transference
This converts difficult terrain to normal terrain, and can feature early as well as 2 intermediate Quirks early. Also,
also be used to create structures such as a bridge or a you can force the creature you have given a Feature or
room. Quirk to make a Wisdom or Intelligence saving throw, on a
success nothing happens, on a failure the creature is
General Reconstruction charmed by you for 30 days. If the transference target was
willing, the creature automatically fails and will
As an action, you touch one creature or object, returning automatically fail the Ability Theft save, as well. The
its broken pieces to how they were. It regains 1d4 + your creature will fail the Ability Theft save, even if the Charm
Charisma modifier hit points. This increases by 1d4 at 6th hasn't been activated, yet. Creatures immune to Charm
(2d4), 12th (3d4), and 18th (4d4) level. are still affected by this ability. They can repeat this saving
throw once per day at disadvantage, taking a stacking -2
Material Fusion penalty to the saving throw with each failure. The target
will become immune to being charmed by you for a month
At 15th level, due to your experimentations with your on a success. If the creature doesn't succeed the saving
power you have learned how to fuse two or more objects throw during the initial 30 days, the Charm becomes
or creatures into a singular entity with the propeties of permanent.
both. At 6th level, you have improved your transference skill.
The number of quirks you can give a creature is your
Object Fusion Charisma + your Proficiency Bonus. When you give a
Feature or Quirk to a creature, you can also increase one
When you try to fuse objects, you must make a
of their ability scores by 2. This only works once per
Constitution Saving Throw against a 12 + The number of
objects DC to fuse them togheter. On a failure, they do not
At 10th level you gain 2 advanced quirks early, and you
fuse and both objects are destroyed, giving you xd8 Force
can choose to increase a creature's ability score by
Damage(With X being the number of objects you tried to
removing from your own.
fuse). On a sucess, the objects will now merge as one, and
will retain all of the previous objects effects and
damage(Ex: If a weapon with 1d6 fire damage and another Forcable Activation
with 2d4 poison damage merge, they will now deal 3d10
When you reach 7th level, As a Bonus Action, you take
momentary control of one creature you can see within 30ft
that you have Transferred a Quirk, Feature or Spell to. You
Organic Fusion decide what action the creature will take and where it will
When you try to fuse two creatures they must make a move during its next turn. The creature you target must
Constitution saving Throw against your All For One make a Wisdom or Intelligence of your choice Saving
DC(unless they are willing, in which you must make a throw. A charmed creature will automatically fail. An
Constitution against the same DC as the Object Fusion). On unconscious creature automatically fails its saving throw,
and isn’t incapacitated while you control its actions.
a sucess, they are not fused and you are stunned for 1
turn. On a failure, they merge togheter gaining each
feature, stats, spells, actions reactions etc, from the
original creature. They will also lose 5 Intelligence if they
were not willing to the fusion.

Nomu Quirk Duplication
When you reach 15th level, your body autonomously
At 7th level You gain immunity to Charming, Frightened,
and mind controlling effects. You also gain an additional duplicates quirks for its own use, you do not lose the quirk
way to store features, "Nomu". Once per long rest you may or feature and you may grant a creature the same feature
touch a corpse and use "transference" on it giving it an or quirk Transference.
feature/Quirk, this makes the creature come back to life as
a monstrosity with the health, AC, size, movement speeds,
stats, features and proficiencies it had in life, and the new
I Am Here
When you reach 18th level, --> If you die from any source
feature(s) you used to make this Nomu. This Nomu has all
the memories it had in life and will tell you any bit of that does not destroy your soul. A creature of your choice
you've once transferred anything to must do a Wisdom
information you want to know. The Nomu is Immune to
saving throw at disadvantage. If they succeed you have 2
charming, Frightened, mind control, and other effects that
more attempts on that creature. If they succeed all 3, you
would make it disobey you. A nomu has resistance to
may move onto another. If it fails, you take over the
Piercing, bludgeoning and slashing from all sources. This
Nomu is under your control unless stated otherwise by creature. it takes your size and shape with your attributes
and you control it from now on.
you and has its own initiative and follows your commands
(no action required). this Nomu may have twice the normal
amount of quirks. You may have a number of Nomu equal
to half your proficiency bonus rounded up.

Starter Quirks Tool Arms
Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning, piercing, or
The following quirks have no level slashing damage, and you gain proficiency in one set of
requirements: artisan’s tools. You may choose to transform your hands
into a set of artisan’s tools you are proficient in as a bonus
Minor Telekinesis action, during which your unarmed strikes deal 1 damage.
As a free action, you may manipulate the position of Small
or smaller objects up to 15 feet per turn. Split Strike
When you make an unarmed strike, you may decrease its
Bullet Laser damage die by one tier (to a minimum of 1+ your Dexterity
As an action, you can shoot a number of lasers out of your or Strength Modifier) to make an attack in a 10-foot cone.
fingers equal to your proficiency bonus. Each laser may be making separate attack rolls for each target in the cone.
directed at different creatures or the same creature within You may do this multiple times on a single attack, with
120 feet of you. Each creature must make a Dexterity each additional tier increasing its range by 5 feet.
saving throw, taking 1d6 + your Charisma modifier piercing
damage on a failure. Air Blast
As an action you may raise your hand an launch a wave of
Minor Regeneration air in a 30ft cone, each creature in that area makes a
As a free action, you may regain 1d6 + your Constitution Strength saving throw. on a failure they take xd4 force
modifier hit points. damage and are knocked prone. (With x being your
proficiency bonus. On a success, they take half damage
Resistant Body and are not knocked prone.

As a reaction, you may reduce any bludgeoning, piercing, Arbor

or slashing damage you take by Your class level + your
Constitution modifier. You can generate wood from your body, allowing you to
cast Entangle as a bonus action.
As a free action, you may float in place until the end of
your next turn.

Intermediate Quirks Rivet Stab
Your reach for all "Touch" abilities extends to 15ft, and
The following quirks can only be taken if when you make an unarmed strike you can instead use
you are at least 11th level in this class. sharp black tendrils to deal piercing damage. Also as a
Bonus Action you can extend Rivet Stab out of your spine,
Multiplier lifting you off the ground with it, keeping you suspended
You empower your next strike, as a Bonus Action you 10ft in the air.
focus, making it so that the next time you hit a creature
with a melee attack before the end of your next turn, it is a Radio Waves
critical hit. You can use this ability a number of times equal
You learn the "Message" cantrip and can cast it as a bonus
to your Constitution Modifier + your class level per Long
action. It's range is increased to 3 miles and can target a
number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus.

As a bonus action when you hit an unarmed strike, you
Advanced Quirks
may explode the target dealing additional xd6 Fire The following quirks can only be taken if
Damage. (With x being your proficiency bonus) you are at least 17th level in this class.
Acid Shock Absorption
You can spray a thin jet of Acid from your fingertips, one You gain a damage threshold of 5 x your Constitution
creature in 60ft makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a modifier.
failure, they take xd6 Acid Damage (With x being your
proficiency bonus). At the start of 1d4 of its turns it takes Pterodactyl
xd4 acid damage unless it takes an action to scrape off the
acid. As a Bonus Action, you gain a flying speed equal to your
movement speed as large wings protude from your back.
Anivoice You can recall them as a Bonus Action

You can speak with Beasts, and have advantage on Spearlike Bones
Charisma checks against them.
As a free Action, Spearlike bones protrude from your arms,
Engine making your unarmed strikes deal extra 2d6 Piercing
damage per hit, when they appear you roll 1d4 to see how
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet. As a bonus many bones you create, for each bone you create it will
action you can take the Dash action, then you may double add 2d6 to the extra piercing damage. these last for one
your speed an additional time. When you do so, your minute or until dismissed.
movement speed becomes 0 at the beginning of your next
turn until the end of your next turn. Springlike Limbs
Hypertrophy Your unarmed Strikes gain +5ft reach, you can coil your
muscles as a bonus action and release when you next hit a
As a free action you increase one of your arms size greatly, creature with an unarmed strike, dealing an extra 1d6
Increasing it's range by 5ft and your unarmed strike Bludgeoning damage for each 5ft the target of the attack if
damage increases by 2 dice, this lasts until the start of away from yourself.
your next turn.
You gain resistance to one damage type of your choice.
You can give yourself Blindsight in 30ft, which will also give This Quirk can be taken no more than 3 times.
you advantage on Perception and Investigation Checks for
the next 10 minutes. Air Cannon
Improved Regeneration An an action, you shoot an incredible jet of air from your
palm, each creature in a 60ft Cone must make a Strength
saving throw or take 6d10 force damage and be pushed
Requires Minor Regeneration backwards 30ft, on a success they take half damage and
Minor Regeneration's die becomes 4d6+Con, instead of are not pushed. This can only be used a number of times
the previous 1d6. equal to you Constitution Modifer per Long Rest.

Air Wall
You can cast Shield at will without expending a spell slot,
you learn the spells Wall of Force and Globe of
Invulnerability, you can also cast Gust of Wind as a bonus

Impact Recoil
As a reaction to being hit by a Melee Attack, you force the
attacker to make a Dexterity save or take all of the damage
from their last attack back at them. on a success they only
take half damage.

Weather Manipulation
You Learn the spells Control Winds, Investiture of Wind,
Whirlwind, Control Weather and Storm of Vengance, you
can also cast Call Lightning at will.

Godly Quirks
The following quirks can only be taken if
you are at least 20th level in this class.
You may only have 2 Godly Quirks at a
Unnatural Might
Requires Shock Absorbtion
Your size increases by one category to a minimum of
Large, and now you will aways take half damage *from all
sources. Your unarmed strikes will also gain 1 extra dice of
damage If you have a damage threshold, it is doubled.

Shoulder-Mounted Jets
Requires Pterodactyl
Your flying speed increases by 60 feet.

All Seeing Eyes

Requires Infrared
You will now give yourself 120ft of truesight, and will also
roll Perception checks with advantage.

Life Force
Your natural lifespan now has no end, and you don't suffer
the consequences of age.

To qualify for multiclassing into the All for One class, you
must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 13,
Charisma 13

When you multiclass into the All for One class, you gain the
following proficiencies: Simple weapons, one skill from
the class's skill list.
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