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The Stela of the ‘Master-Sculptor’ Shen-Setji: A Review 635 636 Gloria Rosati

usually related to the career and relative self-praise of the stela or tomb own- and with a transitive use of ps�, though unknown before the Ptolemaic peri-
er. A close parallel to the phrases in the text of Shen-setji is to be found – as od.33
Vernus already remarked28 – in the stela of Mery, Louvre C 3, but there they Lichtheim 1988: 91 and 92 n. 6 assumes that d�� .f m �n� is synonymous
are Mery’s direct speech29 after the section introduced by b�k.f m�� �d,30 of �tp.f m �n�, and so she translates “when he sets in life in the west”. I am as-
which follows directly after the date and the royal titulary; the �tp�d�� �nswt suming that d�� .f = �nk.f,34 see also Vernus 1973: 231.
formula begins after his speech. Notwithstanding the differences, I prefer to The writing with the mr/m�� - signs for m- already commented upon by
consider what is referred to in this paragraph as a fact, just as in Mery’s text, Hamrawi 2002: 211; previously Berlev 1962: § 2. Discussion on this term, in
not as a hope, and in my opinion this formulary, in this position, cannot be re- comparison with �� s, “tomb”: Simpson 1974: 10ss.; O’Connor 1985: 166;
lated to one of the units of the Abydos formula. Lichtheim 1988: 92. Lately, a very deep analysis has been presented by Ré-
The two texts – Louvre C 3 and the Los Angeles stela - use some iden- gen 2006 (completed by Régen 2007), who points out (Régen 2006: 263–267)
tical expressions to describe the place of work of an administrator and a that the term m���t seems to denote generally, or at least often, a superstruc-
sculptor: �ntt m�rw r st nbt w�rt mn�t n�rw – Mery; w�rt mn�t n�rw �ntt m�rw ture, and seems complementary to �� s, and «mérite le sens de «cénotaphe» ou
r st nbt – Shen-setji, not to mention the other similarities. In my opinion this de «mémorial» qu’on lui attribue généralement mais il serait réducteur de lui
w�rt does not refer to a particular Abydene “district”, whose list was collected assigner uniquement ce sens»: at least during the New Kingdom «(m)���t dé-
by Vernus,31 but is an apposition for r��pr pn prw n�� wwt nt n�� (Shen-setji), signe couramment l’ensemble architectural de la tombe privée».
and, respectively, st nt n�� (Mery), in order to compose a sort of eulogy of The Terrace of the Great God is now generally located north of the
the sacred space. The two documents are therefore probably very near in main Abydos temple, near the Ramesses II temple called ‘The Portal’: lately
time. O’Connor 2009: ch. 6.35
g l
The peculiar writing, which Faulkner understood as “the duplicate of On this formula, Berlev 1962 with previous references. This dated stela
the house of Anubis”, was correctly explained by Vernus,32 who considered contributes to establishing dating criteria: e.g. that the formula is preceded by
the pr-sign a determinative. �d.f, and a short text is inserted between it and the figures below, together
Faulkner’s translation: “Rec sheds the light of his countenance towards with the position of “who love life and hate death”, and the use of �pt, “de-
it”. Obsomer 1995: 543, 545, reads s��.t, but I disagree with his reading. It cease, passing away” as an euphemism for “death” (cfr. below, n. 36) are
seems to me very clear the writing ps�.t, there can be no doubt about the considered peculiarities of the first period of the Middle Kingdom. Moreover,
presence of the p-sign and it cannot be related of course to the previous ’Inpw instead of �d.�n “may you say”, to introduce the request, here �� w.�n r �d (and
as a complement. So I read: ps�.t R� �r.f r.s, which I consider a relative form, before �� w.�n r rd�� t n(.�� )) is maintained. On the contrary a few palaeographic
marks which are more usual in a later period are attested here: e. g. the writ-
ing of the plural determinative with tpyw (-t�), and the writing of t�, typical
for the whole Middle Kingdom and until the New Kingdom as well, is the
28 Loc.cit. first in time to be noted.
29 Translation by Vernus 1973: 217–218: «Je suis un serviteur obeisant, grand de caractère, m
Hamrawi 2002: 212 records twice this group of signs with šms, to
doux d’amour. Si grand était mon obeisance que mon maître m’envoya en mission afin de
show both an «Umstellung von Lautzeichen» and an «Umstellung von De-
diriger pour lui la construction d’une place d’éternité, plus grand de renom que R��st�w, su-
périeure en dispositions à toute autre place, district parfait des dieux. Ses murs, il déchi-
raient le ciel, le lac qui avait été creusé, il égalait le fleuve, les portes, qui transperçaient le
firmament, étaient en pierre blanche de Toura; Osiris-�nty��� mntyw se réjouissait des mo-
numents de mon maître. Moi-même, j’étais dans la joie, mon coeur étant dilaté à cause de ce 33 Wb I 558,2, Gr. Vernus 1973:231 n. 7 shows the same opinion.
dont j’avais dirigé la construction».
34 Wb III 117,14; I “assume” this possible reading because the arm-sign actually looks like D
30 Cfr. Lichtheim 1988: 48. 37, instead of D 39.
31 Vernus 1973: 224–225; Simpson 1974: 13; Lichtheim 1988: 88. 35 Previous literature: Simpson 1974: 6–13; O’Connor 1985; a recent research on landscape,
32 Vernus 1973: 231 n.6. ritual landscape and rituals at Abydos: Effland–Effland 2010.

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