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Communication Models in IoT

(Internet of Things)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices that can
communicate with each other, share data, and perform tasks without
human intervention. The importance of communication in IoT cannot be
overstated, as it is the foundation on which the entire system is built. The
devices that make up the IoT ecosystem need to be able to communicate
with each other in order to function properly and achieve their intended

Effective communication in IoT enables devices to share data, receive

instructions, and respond to requests in a timely and accurate manner. This
is critical for the successful implementation of IoT solutions across various
industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and smart

For example, in a smart home, the communication between the devices

(such as lights, thermostats, and security systems) allows them to work
together to create a more convenient and secure living environment for the
occupants. Similarly, in a healthcare setting, IoT devices can be used to
monitor patients remotely and alert healthcare providers in case of an
emergency, ensuring that timely medical intervention is provided.
IoT allows the connection of multiple devices (things) to communicate with
each other. So, there are four basic types of IOT communication Models, as

given below

1. Request-Response Model
Request-response model is communication model in which the client sends
requests to the server and the server responds to the requests. When the
server receives a request, it decides how to respond, fetches the data,
retrieves resource representation, prepares the response, and then sends
the response to the client. Request-response is a stateless communication
model and each request-response pair is independent of others.

HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server. A

web browser may be the client, and an application on a computer that
hosts a web site may be the server.

Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server; then the
server returns a response to the client. The response contains status
information about the request and may also contain the requested content.
2. Publisher-Subscriber Model
This model comprises three entities: Publishers, Brokers, and Consumers.

 Publishers are the source of data. It sends the data to the topic which
are managed by the broker. They are not aware of consumers.
 Consumers subscribe to the topics which are managed by the broker.
 Hence, Brokers responsibility is to accept data from publishers and
send it to the appropriate consumers. The broker only has the
information regarding the consumer to which a particular topic belongs
to which the publisher is unaware of.
The broker holds the table of information as shown below
For example, if a person uploads an article on a particular website and any
third person reads that topic from the website, then the article up-loader
will be the publisher; the website is a broker. The third person will be a
3 Push-Pull Model
There are three essential elements in the Push-Pull Model, as given below
 Publisher: It pushes the data into Message Queue
 Message Queue: it is a buffer that stores data pushed by a publisher
 Subscriber: It pulls data from the message queue.
4. Exclusive Pair
It is a bi-directional (full duplex) combination model. In an exclusive pair,
the client establishes a connection with the server by sending a request,
and this connection remains open until the client sends a request to close

the connection. A detailed diagram is given below.

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