16 Stem Cells and iPSC - 2023 - Handout

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Induced pluripotent stem
Neural Development
The magic of the biology
The magic of applying our
behind the creation of the
knowledge to create the
human brain.
human brain in vitro (models
Stem Cells and induced
pluripotent stem cells
Sebastian Illes
Department of Physiology
Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology
Contact: sebastian.illes@neuro.gu.se

February, 2023
• Definition of stem cells
• Adult neurogenesis
• Exogeneous resources for human neural stem cells
• Embrynoic stem cells
• iPSC technology
• Direct reprogramming
• Potential medical application of iPSC technology
• Human iPSC brain cell in vitro models
• Our research in the field

Above listed sections are linked to the slides within this power point presentation. Each slide has
in the right upper corner an ”overview” box that is linked to this overview slide.
Exam questions can be answered solely based on the information the slides provide.
Slides will be uploaded after the lectures have been held.
Defining Stem Cells
Stem cells can:
• Maintain themselves over long a
period of time as unspecialized cells
(life-long for adult stem cells).
• Expand through symmetric division.
• Generate various specialized cell types
through asymmetric division.
• Def. symmetric division: Daughter
cells are equal. A stem cell give rise to
two stem cells.
• Def. asymmetric division: Daughter
cells are not equal. A stem cell give
rise to a stem cell and differentiated
Regulation of tissue growth and differentiation
Definitions of Stem Cell Potency
• Totipotent:
Can generate all cell types of an organism,
including the extra-embryonic tissues (e.g.
• Pluripotent:
Can generate cell types from the 3 germ
layers (e.g. cells from the blastula's inner
• Multipotent:
Can generate several cell types (often
layer/organ specific e.g. mesenchymal stem
cells generate osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and
• Bi-, Unipotent:
Concept still in evolution. Unclear how stem
cells with such a limited potency should be
distinguished from the precursor or
progenitor cells.
Endogenous human neural stem cells: Adult neurogenesis
• Detection of adult neurogenesis

Bromodeoxyuridine Thymidine
Neurogenesis in the adult human brain


Eriksson et al. 1998 Nature Medicine
Pioneer in neurogenesis in the adult human brain

Exogenous resources for human neural stem cells
• aborted fetal humans

• Teratoma-tissue derived neural stem cells

• Transdifferentiation (classical / reprogramming)

• embryonic stem cells / induced pluripotent stem cells

Historical achievements: embryonic stem cells
1981: Evans and Kaufmann. 1. mouse ESC
1995: Thomson et al. 1. primate ESC lines
1998: Thomson et al. 1. human ESC lines
Historical achievements: first neuron from embryonic stem cells

1984: Wobus. 1. microscopy image of

mouse ESC-derived neuronal like cells
1995: Bain et al. 1. systematic
characterisation incl. neuronal and
astrocyte marker stainings and patch-
clamp recordings from mouse ESC-derived
In vitro fertilization

In vivo development of a blastocyst
In vivo In vitro

Bradley et al. 2002, Nature Reviews Immunology

Required properties of embryonic stem cells
• Cells show high nuclear and
cytoplasmic ratio (More nuclear than
• Expression of Oct4 and Nanog, two
transcription factors regulating genes
involved in stem cells maintenance
and renewal, is critical.
• Normal karyogram
• Possible to freeze and thaw cells
• Can differentiate in cell types of the
three germ layers: ectoderm,
mesoderm and endoderm. Tested by
in vitro embryoid body and/or in vivo
teratoma formation
Morphology of embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
Fluorescent images of ESC-markers
• G-banding or Giemsa banding is a DNA
staining technique that is used to visually
investigate the structure of condensed
chromosomes within the nucleus of a cell.
The Giemsa staining technique is named after
the German chemist and bacteriologist
Gustav Giemsa, who invented the technique
in 1902 to detect malaria and Treponema
pallidum in blood smears.
• The basic principle of G-banding is that it is
specific to the phosphate groups of DNA and
attaches itself to regions of DNA where there
are high amounts of adenine-thymine
bonding, creating dark bands. Conversely, less
condensed chromatin, which tends to be rich
with guanine and cytosine, incorporates
lesser Giemsa stain and appears as light
bands. The result of G-banding creates a
karyogram (chromosome map), which can be
used to identify chromosomal aberrations
such as translocations and rearrangements
What is an embryoid body?
• Embryoid bodies (EBs) are three-
dimensional aggregates of pluripotent
stem cells generated by hang-drop or
cell culture plates with microgrooves.
• EBs are differentiation of human
embryonic stem cells into embryoid
bodies comprising the three
embryonic germ layers.

Machado et al. Cells 2021, 10(9), 2477

Cell 126, 663–676, August 25, 2006

Teratoma formation
• teratoma is a nonmalignant tumor comprised of a
disorganized mixture of cells and small foci of tissue
comprised of cells from all three of the embryonic
germ-layers. By definition, a cell is pluripotent if it can
differentiate into cells derived from all three of the
embryonic germ-layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and
endoderm. In the teratoma assay, putative pluripotent
stem cells (PSCs) are implanted into an immune-
compromised mouse where they may proliferate and Kim et al. April 2014 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 11(2):121-130
differentiate to form a teratoma. The PSCs grow at the
implantation site supported by a complex mixture of
factors from the local milieu, as well as circulating
factors that are vital components of normal
mammalian physiology. After a predetermined time of
6-12 weeks or when the tumor has reached sufficient
size, it is removed and subjected to histopathological
analysis. The teratoma may be further processed by
immunocytochemistry and gene expression profiling.
This chapter describes methods to generate
teratomas through the implantation of putative PSC
lines in the SCID mouse. Implantation at the following
sites is described: (1) intramuscular, (2) subcutaneous,
(3) under the testis capsule, and (4) under the kidney

Cell 126, 663–676, August 25, 2006

2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine

Sir John B. Gurdon Shinya Yamanaka

Nobel Prize motivation: “for the discovery that mature cells Nobel prize motivation: “for the discovery that mature
can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent” cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent”
Pioneer work of cellular reprogramming
John B. Shinya
Gurdon Yamanaka

In 1962, John Gurdon removed the nucleus of a fertilized egg cell from a frog
and replaced it with the nucleus of a cell taken from a tadpole's intestine. This
modified egg cell grew into a new frog, proving that the mature cell still
contained the genetic information needed to form all types of cells.

Pasque et al, Trends in genetics, 2011

"Dolly“: First born mammal achieved by nuclear transfer
• First mammals born out of a somatic nuclear transfer
(Campbell et al. 1996 – Wilmut et al. 1997).

• Process is highly inefficient. Dolly was the only lamb that

survived to adulthood from
• 277 eggs involved
• 29 embryos generated

• Dolly died prematurely at the age of 6 years from a lung


• Some speculations concerning premature ageing have

been made, especially in respect to the short length of
Dolly's telomers (Shiels et al. 1999).

• Dolly is not a clone! Mitochondrial DNA comes from the

egg donor
Rodolfa, K. T. (2008). Inducing pluripotency.
Harvard Stem Cell Institute.
What are induced pluripotent stem cells?
John B. Shinya
Yamanaka factors
Gurdon Yamanaka
• Oct3/4
• Sox2
• Klf4
• c-Myc

In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka succeeded in identifying a

small number of genes within the genome of mice
that proved decisive in this process. When activated,
skin cells from mice could be reprogrammed to
immature stem cells, which, in turn, can grow into
Pasque et al, Trends in genetics, 2011
24 different types of cells within the body.
Pioneering work in iPSC technology

Mouse embryonic
Further development of iPSC technology
Further development of iPSC technology
Genetic stability

Common abnormal regions
Genetic (in)stability further readings
A critical review about the use of iPSC
for clinical purpose based on genetic
instability of iPSC:


And Chapter 2 in the following book:

Epigenetic (partly) reset

The iPSCs epigenetic imprinting is

significantly influenced by the cell of
origin and therefore current iPSC lines
have more variability
Using iPSC-technology
for de- and redifferentiation and differentiation?
fibroblast neurons
(mesodermal origin) (ektodermal origin)

Dedifferentiation by Redifferentiation
reprogramming Neuronal

pluripotent stem cells Neural differentiation neural stem cell

Concept of direct reprogramming
Mesenchymal stem cells neurons
(mesodermal origin) (ektodermal origin)



neural stem cell

Further readings about direct reprogramming
Potential medical application of iPSC technology
personalized autolog transplantation
medical treatment personalized
drug discovery & cell-replacement therapy


The origin of the brain


human brain

neural stem cells within the neural tube


Making neural tube like structures in vitro from iPSC

pluripotent stem cells

neural differentiation
in vitro

in vivo
in vitro
in vivo
neural stem cells within the neural tube
neural stem cells within the neural
rossettes (10 days in vitro)
The brain tissue in a culture dish

cortical structures

neural differentiation

Eiraku et al. 2008, Cell Stem Cells

in vivo

in vitro

in vivo

neural tube in a
culture dish
in vitro Gaspard, Vanderhaeghen. 2010, Frontiers in Neuros.
Applying knowledge about in vivo brain development on in vitro
human iPSC.
published 2009
In vivo

In vitro
Brain organoid technology
Published 2014
Brain organoid properties
Brain organoid properties
Brain organoid properties

Outer radial glial cells

Organoid: Definition
Human organoid or·gan·oid (ôr'gə-noid’)

Definition: A 3D in vitro model where free-floating

cell assemblies resemble cytoarchitecture and
function of human organs. Can be obtained from
iPSCs, ES cells or adult-derived stem cells.

Improved physiological relevance by:

➢ 3-D organisation of human cells
➢ permits complex cell-cell contact signaling by
extracellualr matrix and cell-adhesion
molecules Cerebral organoids free-floating in
➢ free-floating cell assembly embed in a liquid cell culture media
mileu Lancaster and Knoblich., Science, 2014
Organoid: Organ-like structure

Organoids resemble aspects of organ-like

cytoarchitecture by:

• containing multiple organ-specific cell types.

• cell types are located in specific regions

• complex cell processes occur, e.g. interkinetic

nuclear migration

• temporal emergence of organ-specific cells is

preserved, e.g. Lancaster
sequential corticogenesis, neuro-to-
and Knoblich., Science, 2014
glial switch
Cerebral organoid displaying
cells with spatial orientation and
differential marker expression
Challenges with the brain organoid in vitro approach
Wang et al. 2022, Nature Comm.

1-month 5-month

Large amount of Merging can Be Observed Early

on in Culture in DIY matrix-free protocols
The brain comprise of organized brain regions…

human brain
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:

Hallmark of the developing in vivo mouse cortex (embryonic day 18):

• Comprise of three regions: ventricular zone, subventricular/intermediate
zone and cortical plate
• Neurons within the cortical plate have a clear layered organisation.
Flores et al. 2017, Stem Cell Reports
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:

Hallmark of the developing in vivo mouse cortex (embryonic day 18):

• Comprise of three regions: ventricular zone, subventricular/intermediate
zone and cortical plate
• Neurons within the cortical plate have a clear layered organisation.
Flores et al. 2017, Stem Cell Reports
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:
TBR1 SatB2

In postnatal day 7 mouse brains:

• Satb2 is expressed in layer II/III
• CTIP2 in layer V neocortical neurons and striatum
• Tbr1 in layer VI neocortical neurons
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:
human (gw23)

Saito et al. 2011, Cerebral Cortex, Neocortical Layer Formation of Human Developing Brains and Lissencephalies:
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:
human (gw37)

Saito et al. 2011, Cerebral Cortex, Neocortical Layer Formation of Human Developing Brains and Lissencephalies:
Comparison of cytoarchitecture in vivo and brain organoids:
human (gw37)

Saito et al. 2011, Cerebral Cortex, Neocortical Layer Formation of Human Developing Brains and Lissencephalies:
Which cytoarchitectural features are present in brain organoids?

5-month sNR-organoids:
Differentiatio • show a ventricular
n-zone zone,
(cortical plate) subventricular/interme
diate zone and cortical
• Cortical plate neurons
SVZ-like do not have a layered

Wang et al. 2022, Nature Comm.
Which cytoarchitectural features are present in brain organoids?

zone (cortical


Wang et al. 2022, Nature Comm.
Challenges with the brain organoid in vitro approach
• Individual neural tube-like cell assemblies are in different developmental stages
and fuse together over time. ➔ high variability. To prevent this, single neural
rosette isolation is required
• Long-cultivation times (several months)
• Brain organoids show a ventricular zone, subventricular/intermediate zone and
cortical plate, however cortical plate neurons lack a clear layered organisation
(cytoarchitecture) as present within the mouse and human brain.
• “core” of dead cells within brain organoids (not presented)

Note, scientific challenges are only temporary and at one point will be solved.

If you are interested in doing a master thesis project?

Research group:
Functional human iPSC-brain cell in vitro models
We strive for the most functional human brain in vitro platform possible
to improve efficiency in CNS drug discovery and to enhance functional translatability of CNS disease in vitro models.

Sebastian Illes
Department of Physiology
Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology
Contact: sebastian.illes@neuro.gu.se

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