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Medieval Origins: The territory of present-day Belgium has a rich history dating

back to the early Middle Ages. It was inhabited by various Celtic and Germanic
tribes before coming under Roman rule in the 1st century BC.
Feudal Period: During the Middle Ages, the region that is now Belgium was part of
the Carolingian Empire and later the Holy Roman Empire. It was characterized
by feudalism, with powerful noble families controlling local territories.
Burgundian Netherlands: In the 15th century, the Duchy of Burgundy, ruled by the
powerful House of Burgundy, gained control of much of present-day Belgium.
This period saw the flourishing of Flemish culture and art, particularly in cities
like Bruges and Ghent.
Spanish and Austrian Rule: The Burgundian Netherlands came under Habsburg
rule through marriage alliances. It subsequently became part of the Spanish
Empire in the 16th century and later the Austrian Netherlands in the 18th
French Revolutionary Wars: During the French Revolutionary Wars in the late 18th
century, Belgium was occupied by revolutionary France. In 1795, it was
annexed into France and remained so until Napoleon's defeat in 1815.
Congress of Vienna: Following Napoleon's defeat, the Congress of Vienna in
1815 united the Austrian Netherlands with the Dutch Republic to create the
United Kingdom of the Netherlands, with Brussels as its capital.
Belgian Revolution: The Belgian Revolution erupted in 1830, leading to the
secession of Belgium from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Belgium
declared independence and established a constitutional monarchy with
Leopold I as its first king.
Industrialization: The 19th century saw rapid industrialization in Belgium,
particularly in regions like Wallonia, where coal and steel industries flourished.
This period of industrial growth transformed Belgium into one of the world's
leading industrial powers.
World Wars: Belgium was heavily impacted by both World War I and World War II.
During World War I, Belgium was invaded and occupied by German forces,
leading to widespread destruction. In World War II, Belgium was again
occupied by Germany until its liberation in 1944.
European Union: Belgium is one of the founding members of the European Union
(EU) and hosts the headquarters of several key EU institutions, including the
European Commission and the Council of the European Union.

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