You Cannot Not Communicate

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Name: Stellamaris Kagwiria John

Admission: RV1

Institution: Nazareth Medical College

Tutor: Isaac

Date of submission: 20th march


Communication according to TS Mathew is something so simple yet so difficult that can

never be put into simple words. “It is the processes by which information is transmitted between

individuals and/ or organizations so that an understanding response results” Communication is a

vital aspect of our lives that we cannot live without. We cannot not communicate means that all

behavior even non-verbal communicates something. Many times, we tend to perceive

communication as the words we utter and the manner in which we utter them, but in reality, we

are always communicating whether verbally or non-verbally. We speak more loudly with our

actions gestures postures than we do with words. This is evident that we are always in

communication every time even when we think we are not.

Nonverbal communication often influences how we interact with others and is therefore

an essential tool that we use to effectively communicate with others in different scenarios. For

example, if we stand with our arms crossed and avoiding eye contact, we may be conveying a

message of us being defensive and uncomfortable. If we stand with open posture and make eye

contacts, we may be transmitting information that we are friendly and easily approachable.

Non-verbal communication can present in many forms. Our gestures, our posture, the

angle of our heads, how we breath and even the angle of our mouth are few ways we use our

bodies in communicating our thoughts and feelings. Many people are never aware that the

clothes we wear, our facial expressions or even feelings can be related to communication. What

we are wearing and our body movements can be a way that we are communicating. For instance,

individuals who are after communicating their economic status may do so non-verbally by
wearing expensive watches and handbags. This will automatically pass the message that they are

wealthy. Peoples way of dressing can communicate professionalism level. This shows that we

are often conveying messages to others whether we intend to or not.

The information we transmit during communication does not only involve tangible facts

and ideas that can be determined but it also involves emotions. As communicators we often

communicate our attitudes or the frame of our minds either intentionally or unaware when we

pass on information. At times you may find the latter being more relevant to the reality than is

being communicated. We may have at some point of our lives come across words spoken that do

not match the tone used. For instance, words of praise may be spoken in a scoffing tone. In such

situation’s words may mean nothing and the tone becomes the real thing. We may find people’s

use of high expressions of bravery to cover their cowardice and timidity being betrayed by their

facial expressions.

In conclusion, the awareness of communication involving more and greater deals than

just what we say is of much importance. Being alert on what we communicate to others and

being sensitive to the nonverbal communication of the people around us is of essence. This

equips us with the knowledge we need in evaluating whether we are happy with the information

we transmit to the world and in adjusting our responses to other people.


Robyn Woodham. (2013, May 9). Wealth of mind .

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