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Cyber Rose C.


1. The environment is everything that keeps us alive as well as our home. It enables us to
survive by providing things like the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe,
our shelter, and more. As a result, protecting the environment ought to come naturally to
us. We should lead environmentally responsible lives in order to protect and sustain the
environment. By doing this, we can protect ourselves from having a negative impact on
the environment and society.

2. If one is determined to address the issues, environmental challenges can be solved.

Even as a young person, I have obligations to Mother Earth. My primary responsibility to
the environment is to lower my own carbon footprint through eco-friendly activities. Then,
I can use the currently available green technology to educate my peers, my
neighborhood, and the community about environmental sanitation by turning organic
waste into compost and putting the 3R principle –reduce, reuse, and recycle– into
practice for solid waste.

3. Yes, because animals play a big role in our environment. Animals maintain the health of
an ecosystem. When a species becomes endangered, it’s a sign that an ecosystem is
out of balance. And the consequences can be critical.

An ecosystem is a collection of plants and animals that live together and communicate
with one another. These interactions create and sustain the habitats we are familiar with,
including savannahs, mountains, and rain forests. But it's not always simple to keep an
ecosystem in balance; the extinction of one species frequently leads to the extinction of
other species.

Sadly, we are unable to save every single one. Because so much of what humans do
has a negative influence on other species, we don't have the resources and are currently
choosing what to rescue through our lives and even our meals. It's essential to make
sure we are choosing carefully because we are now making these decisions somewhat
haphazardly without even realizing it.

4. No. Because humanity from its inception has never operated under that mandate. The
environment is a resource. From shivering in caves, starving, and dying in our 30s to
turning 100 and having supercomputers in the pockets of our homeless, we've come a
long way.

The planet is not the subject here. The earth is capable of caring for itself. The most
complex and intelligent species we have ever seen has survived an asteroid hit that
essentially wiped out all life larger than a breadbasket and not only sprung back but also
brought humans onto the scene at the same time.
It is our moral obligation to leave things exactly as we found them. Nobody should have
to clean up after us except for ourselves. No one should have to pick up after you, to
make it more personal.

5. Our society gains over time from better air and water quality, fewer landfills, and more
renewable energy sources. Sustainable practices aid in changing society for the better.
Following a sustainable lifestyle will lessen your carbon footprint and the quantity of
contaminants discharged into the environment, hence enhancing its safety. The entire
globe gains from a sustainability focus and gets to live in more hygienic, healthier

How do we live sustainable:

● Think twice before shopping.

● Make sure your big purchases have big environmental benefits.
● Go to Plastic Free.
● Boycott products that endanger wildlife.
● Pay attention to labels.
● Be water wise.
● Drive less, drive green.
● Green your home.
● Choose Wild Energy.
● Take Extinction Off Your Plate.
● Choose to have a smaller family.
● Use your voice and your vote.

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