NIS Micro Pro

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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nashik, 423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year: 2023-2024

Title of Project
Cryptography in Symetric and Asymentric

Name of Student : Kanchava Pankaj Rajendra

Class : TYCO

Semester : Sixth

Roll No : 54

Enrollment No : 2111710080

Seat No : 475353

Program : Computer Engineering

Course name : NIS

Course code : 22620

Name of Teacher : Miss.Shinde S.A.

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Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nashik, 423401


This is to certify that Mr. Kanchava Pankaj Rajendra

Roll no 54 of Sixth Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering has
successfully completed the Micro Project in Cryptography in Symetric and
Asymentric for the Academic year 2023 -2024 as prescribed in MSBTE
curriculum under the guidance of subject teacher.

Place: Yeola Enrollment No : 2111710080

Date: Seat No : 475353

Miss.Shinde S.A. Mr. Ghorpade M.S Mr. Gujrati G.S.

Subject Teacher HOD Principal
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Micro Project Report Index
Academic Year : 2023-24 Program : Computer Engineering
Class : TYCO Course : NIS
Course Code : 22620 Roll No : 54
Enrollment No : 2111710080 Exam Seat No : 475353

Title of Micro Project : Cryptography in Symetric and Asymentric .

Sr. No Contents Page

1 Introduction 7
2 Abstraction 8
3 Working Diagrams 9
4 Application of symmetric 10
5 Application of Asymmetric 11
6 Types of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms 12
7 Types of ASymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms 13
8 Conclusion 14
9 References 14

Kanchava Pankaj Miss.Shinde S.A.

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Signature of Student Signature of Faculty

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Micro–Project Log Book
Semester : Sixth Program : Computer Engineering
Course : NIS Class : TYCO

Topic of the Micro-Project: Cryptography in Symetric and Asymentric .

Sr.No Name Roll Enrolment No.

1 Kanchava Pankaj Rajendra 54 2111710080

Week Discussion & Details Teacher’s Teacher’s

No. Comment Sign
1 General Discussion about micro project activity.
2 Guidelines for micro project
3 Discussion on different industry/application/study-
oriented topics
4 Group member are finalized and the topic is
decided, as
5 Work distribution to collect the information regarding
topic by each member.
6 Gathered information through the various sources, such
as internet, book, magazine, joutrnar and newspaper
7 Discussed the difficulty faced during the collection of
necessary information among the group member.
8 Discussion with the guide to sort out differently
faced while collecting the information.
9 Prepared a rough draft & shown it to the guide.
10 Necessary instructions are given by the guide for its
better Presentation & Finalized project.
11 Presentation is given on the topic, Report is prepared on
the topics & final submission of micro project
and Report

Miss.Shinde S.A. Guide

Name & Signature of project

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Mr. Ghorpade M.S
Name & Signature of HOD

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Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project
Academic Year : 2023-24 Program : Computer Engineering
Class : TYCO Course : NIS

Course Code : 22620 Roll No : 54

Enrollment No : 2111710080 Seat No : 475353

Title of Micro Project: Cryptography in Symetric and Asymentric

Group Members:
Sr.No Name Roll No. Enrolment No.
1 Kanchava Pankaj 54 2111710080

Co coverage:
CO-3 . Apply cryptographic algorithms and protocols to maintain computer security.

Additional Comments (if any):

Miss.Shinde S.A.

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Name of Teacher & Sign

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Micro Project Proposal
Academic Year : 2023-24 Program : Computer
Class : TYCO Course : NIS
Course Code : 22620 Roll No : 54
Enrollment No : 2111710080 Exam Seat No : 475353
Title of Micro Project: Cryptography in Symetric and Asymentric .
Group Members:
Sr.No Name Roll Enrolment No.
1 Kanchava 54 2111710080
Pankaj Rajendra

Content / Key Points:

 Understanding the concept of Cryptography in Symetric and

Stationary / Material Required (if any):

 Internet Source
 Notes




Comments by guide
Miss.Shinde S.A.

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Subject Teacher

In today's digitally driven world, where information is exchanged across networks at an

unprecedented pace, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data is
paramount. Cryptography, the art and science of securing communication, plays a pivotal role
in achieving these objectives. Cryptographic techniques can be broadly categorized into
symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, each offering unique advantages and challenges in
securing sensitive information.
Symmetric cryptography involves the use of a single shared key for both encryption and
decryption processes. This approach, characterized by its simplicity and efficiency, is well-
suited for encrypting large volumes of data and performing rapid cryptographic operations.
However, the primary challenge lies in securely distributing the shared key among
communicating parties without the risk of interception or compromise.
On the other hand, asymmetric cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography,
employs a pair of distinct keys - a public key and a private key - for encryption and
decryption, respectively. This paradigm introduces a higher level of security by allowing
individuals to communicate securely without the need to share a secret key. The public key,
which can be freely distributed, facilitates encryption of messages, while the corresponding
private key, kept confidential by its owner, enables decryption. Asymmetric cryptography
also enables digital signatures, providing a mechanism for verifying the authenticity and
integrity of messages.

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Abstraction is a fundamental concept in computer science and mathematics, referring to the

process of representing complex systems, data, or phenomena by simplifying and focusing on
essential characteristics while suppressing unnecessary details. It involves identifying and
isolating the critical components or properties of an object or system, thereby creating a
model or representation that captures the essence of its behavior or functionality.

In programming, abstraction allows developers to create higher-level constructs or interfaces

that hide the underlying implementation details, enabling easier comprehension, reusability,
and maintenance of software components. For example, object-oriented programming
languages utilize abstraction through classes and objects, where the internal state and
behavior of objects are encapsulated within a well-defined interface, shielding users from the
complexities of the implementation.

In mathematics, abstraction is employed to generalize concepts and structures, allowing

mathematicians to formulate theories and proofs that apply across different contexts. For
instance, the concept of a group abstracts common properties shared by various mathematical
structures, such as symmetries, and provides a unified framework for studying them.

Abstraction is also prevalent in other domains, including engineering, where it aids in the
design and analysis of complex systems by focusing on high-level functionalities and
interactions, and in philosophy, where it underlies conceptual frameworks and theories by
distilling essential features from empirical observations and experiences.

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Working Diagram:

Applications for symmetric:

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1. 1.Data Encryption: Symmetric encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) are widely used to encrypt sensitive data stored on computers,
servers, and other devices. This ensures that even if unauthorized individuals gain
access to the data, they cannot decipher it without the correct decryption key.
2. 2.Secure Communication: Symmetric cryptography is employed in securing
communication channels such as email, instant messaging, and Voice over IP (VoIP).
It enables parties to exchange encrypted messages securely, ensuring that only
authorized recipients can decrypt and access the content.
3. 3.File and Disk Encryption: Symmetric encryption is utilized to encrypt entire files
or disk volumes, providing comprehensive protection for stored data. This is
particularly important for securing confidential documents, financial records, and
other sensitive information stored on local drives or removable media.
4. 4.Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Symmetric encryption algorithms are integral
to VPNs, which establish secure, encrypted connections over public networks like the
internet. By encrypting data traffic between devices, VPNs ensure privacy and
confidentiality, allowing users to access remote resources securely.
5. 5.Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS): Symmetric
cryptography plays a crucial role in SSL/TLS protocols, which secure web
communications between clients and servers. Symmetric encryption is used for
encrypting the actual data transmitted between parties during an SSL/TLS session,
complementing asymmetric encryption used for key exchange and authentication.
6. 6.Database Encryption: Symmetric encryption techniques are employed to encrypt
sensitive data stored in databases, providing an additional layer of security against
unauthorized access or data breaches. This helps organizations comply with
regulatory requirements and protect confidential information, such as customer
records and financial transactions.
7. 7.Authentication Tokens: Symmetric cryptography is used in generating and
verifying authentication tokens, such as HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication
Code), which ensure the integrity and authenticity of transmitted data. These tokens
are commonly employed in authentication protocols and secure messaging systems.

Applications for Asymmetric:

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1. 1.Secure Key Exchange: Asymmetric cryptography enables secure key exchange
mechanisms such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange. This allows two parties to
establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel without needing to transmit the
key itself, thus ensuring confidentiality during the key exchange process.

2. 2.Digital Signatures: Asymmetric cryptography is widely used for creating and

verifying digital signatures, which provide authentication, integrity, and non-
repudiation for digital documents and transactions. Digital signatures ensure that a
message or document was created by a known sender and has not been altered since
its creation.

3. 3.Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Asymmetric cryptography forms the foundation

of PKI systems, which are used to manage digital certificates, authenticate users and
devices, and secure communications over networks such as the internet. PKI relies on
asymmetric encryption for tasks such as certificate issuance, revocation, and

4. 4.Secure Email Communication: Asymmetric cryptography is utilized in secure

email protocols such as S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy). It enables users to encrypt email messages and
attachments, ensuring confidentiality, and to digitally sign messages, providing
authentication and integrity.

5. 5.Secure Web Browsing (HTTPS): Asymmetric cryptography is integral to the

SSL/TLS protocols used to secure web browsing sessions. It enables secure
communication between web browsers and servers by encrypting data transmission
and authenticating the server's identity using digital certificates.

6. 6.Secure Shell (SSH): Asymmetric cryptography is employed in SSH protocols for

secure remote login and file transfer over insecure networks. It enables users to
authenticate servers and encrypt communications, ensuring confidentiality and
integrity for remote access sessions.

7. 7.Encryption for Storage and Backup: Asymmetric cryptography can be used to

encrypt sensitive data stored on disk or in backup archives. Public-key encryption
allows users to encrypt data with a recipient's public key, ensuring that only the
recipient, who possesses the corresponding private key, can decrypt and access the

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Types of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms:

1.Block Ciphers: These algorithms encrypt data in fixed-size blocks, typically 64 or

128 bits at a time. Each block is processed through multiple rounds of encryption
using a secret key. Examples include:
 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

 Triple DES (3DES)

 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

2.Stream Ciphers: These algorithms encrypt data bit by bit or byte by byte, typically
by combining the plaintext with a pseudorandom keystream generated from a secret
key. Examples include:
 RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4)

 ChaCha20

Types of Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms:

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1. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman): RSA is one of the most widely used asymmetric
encryption algorithms. It involves the use of a public key for encryption and a
corresponding private key for decryption. RSA is based on the difficulty of factoring
large prime numbers.

2. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): ECC is a family of cryptographic algorithms

that rely on the properties of elliptic curves over finite fields. ECC offers equivalent
security to RSA but with shorter key lengths, making it more efficient in terms of
computational resources and bandwidth.

3. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Diffie-Hellman is a key exchange algorithm that

allows two parties to establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel. It is often
used in conjunction with symmetric encryption algorithms to negotiate a shared secret
key securely.

4. Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA): DSA is a family of algorithms used for

creating and verifying digital signatures. It involves the use of a private key for
signing and a corresponding public key for signature verification. DSA is based on the
mathematical properties of modular exponentiation.

5. Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA): ECDSA is a variant of DSA

that uses elliptic curve cryptography for digital signatures. ECDSA offers shorter key
lengths compared to traditional DSA, making it more suitable for resource-
constrained environments such as mobile devices and smart cards.

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In conclusion, both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms play essential roles
in securing digital communication, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring the integrity and
authenticity of information exchanged over networks. Symmetric cryptography offers
simplicity, efficiency, and high-speed encryption, making it well-suited for encrypting large
volumes of data and securing communication channels. However, its reliance on a shared
secret key necessitates robust key management practices to prevent unauthorized access and
mitigate the risks associated with key compromise.
On the other hand, asymmetric cryptography provides enhanced security through the use of
public-private key pairs, enabling secure key exchange, digital signatures, and encrypted
communication without the need for pre-shared keys. Asymmetric algorithms offer greater
flexibility and stronger assurances of authenticity and integrity, making them indispensable
for applications requiring robust authentication and non-repudiation.




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