Tutorial 2B

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October 16, 2019

Q1. Consider the differential equation

(x − 2y + 1)dx + (4x − 3y − 6)dy = 0

(a). Find the equivalent homogeneous equation.

(b). Find the equivalent separable equation .

(c). Find the general solution
Q2. Solve by considering as an exact differential equation

(1 − 2xy)dx + (4y 3 − x2 )dy = 0

Q3. Determine A such that the equation is exact.Hence solve

(Ax2 y + 2y 2 )dx + (x3 + 4xy)dy = 0

Q4. Find the integrating factor for the equation and solve

(3xy − y 2 )dx + x(x − y)dy = 0

Q5. Consider the equatioon

xy + 2y = −x10 y 4 , y(−1) = 2

(a). Indicate whether this is a Bernoulli or Riccati differential equation

(b). Using the appropriate transformation, what is the equivalent linear equa-

(c). Find the solution

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