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Creation of a

Virtual Parent
Engagement Task
Michelle Jimenez
Inquiry Question
What virtual strategies and initiatives can effectively enhance parent
engagement and collaboration with educators in an online school community,
fostering a positive learning environment and empowering families to take
leadership in improving student learning outcomes?
Project Objective
The project aims to establish a Virtual Parent Engagement Task Force to
enhance parent involvement in online schooling. Through virtual workshops,
family events, and volunteer opportunities, the task force intends to
strengthen connections between parents, teachers, and the online
community, fostering a positive learning environment for students.
Additionally, the project seeks to empower families to take leadership roles in
improving student learning outcomes within the school or district.
Audience for Project
The primary audience for this project would include school administrators,
teachers, and parent representatives or volunteers who are invested in
improving parent engagement and student success in the online school
community. Additionally, parents and guardians of students enrolled in the
online school would also be key participants and beneficiaries of the initiatives
developed by the Virtual Parent Engagement Task Force. Ultimately, the
project aims to benefit students by creating a more supportive and
collaborative learning environment, enhancing communication between home
and school, and empowering families to play an active role in their children's
How Project Fits into Professional Goals and/or
Department/School/District Needs
This project directly supports professional goals and addresses department,
school, or district needs by enhancing parent engagement in the online
learning environment. By establishing a Virtual Parent Engagement Task Force
and fostering stronger connections between parents and educators, the
project promotes student success, fosters a positive learning environment,
and empowers families to take leadership roles in improving student
How Audience Satisfaction will be Assessed
The audience satisfaction for the project can be assessed through
various methods, including surveys, feedback forms, and focus groups
with key stakeholders such as school administrators, teachers, parent
representatives, and families. These assessment tools can gather
insights on the effectiveness of the virtual parent engagement initiatives,
the perceived impact on communication and collaboration between
parents and educators, and overall satisfaction with the initiatives
implemented by the Virtual Parent Engagement Task Force. Additionally,
tracking metrics such as participation rates in virtual workshops,
attendance at online family events, and levels of engagement in
volunteer opportunities can also provide indicators of audience
satisfaction and the success of the project.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model
Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Special Emphasis Focus
ISTE 2.2 Leader: Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support
student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning.
How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
The project aims to establish a Virtual Parent Engagement Task Force to enhance
parent involvement in online schooling. Through virtual workshops, family events, and
volunteer opportunities, the task force intends to strengthen connections between
parents, teachers, and the online community, fostering a positive learning environment
for students. Additionally, the project seeks to empower families and educators alike to
take leadership roles in improving student learning outcomes within the school or
district, thereby supporting student empowerment and success while enhancing
teaching and learning.
Current Data (In Progress)
Throughout the monitoring process, several key data points have emerged regarding parental involvement in
our junior high school. Initially, only 30% of parents were actively engaged in school activities. However, after
implementing personalized communication strategies tailored to teachers' and parents' preferences, this rate
significantly increased to 45%. A survey on communication preferences revealed that 70% of teachers favored
institutional methods like emails and newsletters, while 30% preferred personal communication avenues such
as phone calls or face-to-face meetings. Conversely, 60% of parents expressed a preference for personal
invitations over institutional communication. Before our intervention, 50% of parents felt uncertain about their
role in their child's education, a figure which decreased to 25% post-communication improvements. Similarly,
60% of students reported feeling disconnected from school due to limited parental involvement, but this
decreased to 25% after targeted communication efforts. Extracurricular involvement surged from 40% to 60%,
and teacher-parent meeting attendance rose from 50% to 70% after the intervention. Identified barriers
included lack of awareness about involvement opportunities (35% of parents), misperceptions about teacher
expectations (20% of parents), and time constraints (45% of parents). These data provide insights into the
effectiveness of our strategies and underscore the importance of ongoing efforts to promote meaningful
parental involvement in our junior high school.
So far I have…(week 8)
So far, I have implemented personalized communication strategies aimed at
addressing the disparity in communication preferences between teachers and
parents. Additionally, I have conducted surveys to gather data on
communication preferences, parental perceptions of their roles, and student
feedback regarding parental involvement. Initial findings indicate a positive
response to the personalized communication approach, with increases
observed in parental involvement rates, extracurricular participation, and
teacher-parent meeting attendance. Furthermore, identified barriers such as
lack of awareness and time constraints are being actively addressed through
targeted interventions.
Next I will…(week 8)
Next, I will continue to analyze the data collected from surveys and participation rates to
gain deeper insights into the effectiveness of our communication strategies and the level of
parental involvement achieved. Additionally, I plan to conduct focus group sessions with
both teachers and parents to gather qualitative feedback and identify areas for further
improvement. Based on the findings, I will refine our communication approaches and
develop targeted interventions to address any remaining barriers to parental involvement.
Furthermore, I aim to establish ongoing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the
impact of our initiatives to ensure sustained and meaningful parental engagement in our
junior high school community.
Challenge (week 8)
A challenge we anticipated in the project is the initial resistance from some
teachers and parents to adopt new communication methods tailored to
individual preferences. We are currently navigating through this challenge,
engaging in extensive communication and persuasion efforts to highlight the
benefits of personalized approaches for enhancing parental involvement.
While progress is being made, there is still work to be done in overcoming
resistance and ensuring widespread adoption of these strategies.
Proud Moment (week 8)
Despite the challenges, there have been proud moments along the way.
Witnessing the initial signs of positive impact, such as increased parental
participation rates and improved sense of community within the junior high
school, is truly rewarding. These early successes reaffirm the importance of
our ongoing efforts in promoting collaborative relationships for the benefit of
our students' education.
So far I have…(week 11)
As I embarked on this project, I delved into synthesizing information from two key articles that explore the
concept of teacher leadership. Through meticulous analysis, I examined the evolution of teacher leadership
paradigms, considering the shift from formal organizational hierarchies to more collaborative and
process-oriented models.

Additionally, I outlined the recommendations proposed by the authors for fostering collaboration and creating
sustainable systems for teacher leaders to thrive. By integrating personal reflections and insights drawn from
the articles, I aimed to provide a relatable perspective and foster deeper connections with the audience.

Throughout the project, I monitored my progress, revisiting key points and refining my understanding of the
subject matter. Through iterative review and reflection, I ensured that the final artifact effectively conveyed the
nuanced concepts discussed in the articles while offering practical insights for educators and policymakers.

In summary, this project represents a comprehensive exploration of teacher leadership, drawing from scholarly
research, personal reflections, and practical recommendations. Through thoughtful analysis and personal
insights, I aimed to provide a holistic understanding of teacher leadership and its implications for enhancing
student learning and school effectiveness.
Next I will…(week 11)
Now that that this project has concluded, the next steps involve consolidating the gains
made and further refining our strategies for sustained impact. To ensure the sustainability
of the project, ongoing monitoring and evaluation are paramount. Regular assessments of
parental involvement rates, communication effectiveness, and barriers encountered will
provide valuable insights into areas that require continued attention and improvement.
Additionally, fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication among teachers,
parents, and students is essential for maintaining momentum and sustaining the positive
changes observed thus far. Implementing professional development opportunities for
teachers to enhance their skills in effective communication and parental engagement can
also contribute to the long-term success of the project. Furthermore, establishing clear
channels for feedback and continuous improvement will enable us to adapt to evolving
needs and challenges within the school community, ensuring that the project remains
relevant and impactful in the years to come.
Challenge (week 11)
In the course of the project, and as previously mentioned, a significant challenge I
encountered was the initial resistance from some teachers and parents to adopt new
communication methods tailored to individual preferences. Overcoming this challenge
required a multifaceted approach. Firstly, I invested time in building trust and rapport with
stakeholders, emphasizing the shared goal of enhancing parental involvement for the
benefit of student success. I provided clear explanations of the rationale behind the new
communication strategies, highlighting the potential benefits and addressing any concerns
or reservations raised by teachers and parents. Additionally, I offered training sessions and
resources to support teachers in adapting to the new methods and encouraged open
dialogue to foster a sense of ownership and collaboration among all parties involved.
Through consistent communication, active listening, and a willingness to address feedback
and concerns, I was able to gradually overcome resistance and build momentum towards
widespread acceptance and adoption of the new communication approaches.
Proud Moment (week 11)
A proud moment was witnessing the positive impact of my efforts as
evidenced by the noticeable increase in parental participation rates and the
strengthened sense of community within the school. This achievement
validated the effectiveness of our approach and underscored the importance
of perseverance, collaboration, and effective communication in overcoming
challenges and driving positive change within the school community.

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