Exam MCB STT07

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Môn học: Marketing căn bản
Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Phạm Phương Nhi
Sinh viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Minh Khoa
Lớp: MRP001
MSSV: 31231023289

Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 17 tháng 12 năm 2023

Full name: Nguyễn Minh Khoa

Student number: 31231023289


Course Name: Principles of Marketing

Question 1 – 3 marks (Maximum limit: 500 words)

- Consider the three key forces driving the new marketing realities. How are they likely to
change in the future? What other major trends or forces might affect marketing?

Three forces includes: technology, globalization & social responsibility

The first force is technology. Thanks to technological advancement, the current state of
marketing realities has been built differently with the rise of e-commerce, online communication,
and AI. As a result, it gives a huge opportunity for marketers & customers to have access to
a huge amount of data. On the side of marketers, they will understand their customers better
in terms of personas and customer insights, making the companies create and offer products
which meet the requirements and preferences of customers. In a long term case, it allows
companies to interact with customers on a one-to-one basis, engage, and build fruitful
relationships with customers. Another technological benefit is it helps enhance companies in the
way that perform their traditional marketing activities. For example, some companies using
sophisticated customer relationship management are replaced by high-tech applications with easy
use, and sales representatives which take time to enter data accurately by hand are supported by
iPads that help to save time for data entry.
The second force is globalization. With the help of technologies, it creates an unlimited
opportunity for collaboration, communication and data mining in the B2B and B2C section.
It makes the world become a flattened world that connects businesses and customers across the
globe. Globalization helps the companies bring the product concept that has been successful in a
single country, with a better modification, to innovate and create products that turn the business
into one that operates in multiple countries. For example, General Electric Company succeeded
in producing premium ultrasound scanners in the Chinese market, taking the concepts with
adaptive functions like portable, ultra-low-cost products and succeeded in selling the product
throughout the developed world in terms of smaller environments like ambulances and operating
The third force is social responsibility. Many social concerns include poverty, wealth
concentration, pollution making the firms’ goals beyond running business, which is to be
serious about their roles in CSR. In a small scale marketing section, the effect of marketing
actions are more than serving the customers, but also it extends to the society at large. On a
large scale, the companies have to understand the preferences of their customers and
preserve the long-term well-being of both customers and the public, resulting in
differentiation from other competitors. Another consequence is to follow sustainability. For
example, customers prefer convenience, but in the world trying to minimize waste, using
disposable products comes to a disacceptance with the global trend, leading to raising tension
in customers towards the trend. Smart companies aim for sustainability and catch the tension of
customers that try to design their offerings in a smart manner and ensure energy efficiency.
Besides three factors, climate change and global health conditions, firms and
companies can make adaptations or modifications in their product campaigns that could make
progress for their own companies.

Question 2 – 3 marks (Maximum limit: 500 words)

- What brands and products do you feel successfully speak to you and effectively target
your age group? Why? Which ones do not? What could they do better?

Brands that could successfully speak to me and effectively target my age group are
Zune.zx and Katinat
In terms of Zune.zx, the brand represents for unisex fashion beyond the social standards.
Where the boys can wear skirts and the girls can freely wear pants is one of the key hooks in
the way the brand breaks the public perspective in wearing clothes and further identifies the
personal image of individuals, in every product, collection and accessories, it brings a sense of
cool, street style and weird fashion. Customers can feel proud of their identity and break the
social principle in wearing clothes.

Katinat steals the show in a way that the brand meets the demands of Gen Z target
customers. From the basic demand of a coffee shop for study work, a modern and warm sense
enough for friends hangout and gathering, to desire for new drinking experience, new flavour
with a new reaction. One of its successful marketing campaigns is “Katinat Rainbow Cup”
which made a breakthrough in the F&B market, an example shows that by triggering
youngsters with an unprecedented idea - a new experience they have tried and the sense of
excitement when having a rainbow cup NOT a normal one.

Products that could successfully speak to me and effectively target my age group are
Zune.zx’s clothes and Ananas’s shoes

Zune.zx's main products which are clothes show that it can build different among
clothing brands. Marketing campaigns and customer experience for over 6 years have proved
that the higher price with the advanced quality in terms of cloth, handmade details, koi fish
figure, customizing normal clothes into a unique sense. Furthermore, the main concept inspired
from Japan with 2 dominant colour black and red poses a strong personality and captures the
cool sense of young customers who prefer to be cool and energetic in all black.
In the case of Ananas’s shoes, the product is 100% made in Vietnam, with 4 product
linings and numerous product collections, customers have many opinions to choose as it
matches the habit of experiencing new and diverse products. The vintage concept appears in
accessories and clothes more than shoes, so Ananas shoes appear in a way that eases the tension
of customers when they want to wear shoes that have vintage sense.
On the other hand, Nokia has failed in a way its product captures young customers'
attention, while Apple and Samsung have built umbrella branding with a strong brand
identity, Nokia failed to follow that strategy, missing out on the opportunity to create an iconic
and outstanding brand identity. The best solution is to adapt the umbrella branding, keep pace
with innovations with USP highlighting and enhance product distribution.
Question 3 – 3 marks (Maximum limit: 500 words)

- Some marketers feel that the image of the particular channel in which they sell their
products does not matter—all that matters is that the right customers shop there and the
product is displayed in the right way. Others maintain that channel images—such as a
retail store—can be critical and must be consistent with the image of the product.
- Question: what do you think of this marketing debate?
In the definition of marketing, there is a process called “engaging and building a
relationship between the brand or company and the customer.” The process takes time in an
effort to contribute to the long-term integrity of the brand in customers’ experience via marketing
channels. The company ensures they could preserve the channel image as an equally competitive
differentiator that delivers consistency. The killing point is regardless of channel customers
choose to interact with the company, it has to make sure that every channel can bring a positive
experience towards the customer all the time or “everything has to be sync”. That is the reason
why the channel images should be critical and must be consistent with the product’s image.
First thing, it has to be clear that the channel image is important as the perception arising
from the customers covers many parts of the brand, and it also starts from packaging and visual
presentation to the stores where the products are displayed. Therefore, whenever customers have
purchased a product or a service, it is more than a story of buying a product or a service - they
are buying what the brand stands for and showing their superior perception towards the brand
that they are willing to come back for the second purchase.
The first impression, in any kind of case or business field, is very essential if the
company wants to trigger new customers or re-activate lost ones. They engage, feel, analyze,
immerse and create an impression of the company based on many factors like the dress code of
the employees, the website, business cards, the design of physical stores and more. The company
raises a strong attention and care towards these small details could kill the point of contact they
have with potential customers. Furthermore, innovation is never going to sleep, small consistent
upgrades can make a difference that shows customers that “This is our brand to be taken
The bottom lines are concerning but if they want to bear fruit in profits, the recognition of
the brand should be taken into account. They feel the brands with all senses via visual elements,
reliability and quality which are involved importantly in brand image. Therefore, having failed in
maintaining a consistent image throughout every interaction with the brand can lead the firm to
the worst scenario that the brand is dead dying.
The power of brand image can create credibility and loyalty towards potential customers.
As the goal of maintaining a stable channel image is on the plate, together with the freshness of
the product and the packaging, it will contribute to the long run customer’s relationship with the
brand. A strong brand image comes from a certain brand promise, so customers and consumers
can remember the brand and the story it has.
In conclusion, brand reputation results from a process of maintaining brand image and
ensuring the image is consistent with the image of the product seriously in the marketing process
and developing the company.

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