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Case study of Hosting Obscene Profiles (Tamil Nadu)


The case is about the hosting obscene profiles. This case has solved by the investigation team in
Tamil Nadu. The complainant was a girl and the suspect was her college mate. In this case the
suspect will create some fake profile of the complainant and put in some dating website. He did
this as a revenge for not accepting his marriage proposal. So this is the background of the case.

2. Case Background:

The case involves the discovery of multiple online platforms hosting obscene profiles and
content targeting individuals in Tamil Nadu. The explicit nature of the content raised concerns
about potential harm, violation of privacy, and legal implications.

3. Objectives of the Investigation:

 Identify the individuals or entities responsible for hosting obscene profiles.

 Analyze digital evidence to determine the origin and distribution channels of the explicit

 Assess the impact on affected individuals and recommend appropriate legal actions.

4.Investigation Process
Let’s get into the investigation process. As per the complaint of the girls the investigators started
investigation and analyze the webpage where her profile and details. And they log in to that fake
profile by determining its credentials, and they find out from where these profiles were created
by using access log. They identified 2 IP addresses, and also identified the ISP. From that ISP
detail they determine that those details are uploaded from a café. So the investigators went to that
café and from the register and determine suspect name. Then he got arrested and examining his
SIM the investigators found number of the complainant.
Forensic Analysis:
 Utilized digital forensic tools to examine server logs, IP addresses, and website content.

 Conducted keyword searches and content analysis to identify patterns and connections.

Network Forensics:

 Investigated the network infrastructure used to host and distribute the obscene content.

 Traced network traffic to identify communication patterns and potential collaborators.

5. Findings:

Perpetrator Identification:

 Identified individuals responsible for creating and hosting obscene profiles.

 Established connections between multiple profiles and a centralized control


Distribution Channels:

 Analyzed distribution channels, including social media and messaging platforms.

 Tracked the dissemination of explicit content and identified key dissemination points.

Impact Assessment:

 Assessed the psychological and social impact on affected individuals.

 Collaborated with law enforcement and support services to address victim needs.

6. Legal Implications:

 Collaborated with legal authorities to provide evidence for potential legal actions.

 Advised on relevant sections of the Information Technology Act and other applicable

7. Recommendations:
 Provided recommendations for improving online platform security to prevent similar

 Proposed educational campaigns on internet safety and responsible online behavior.


The suspect was convicted of the crime, and he sentenced to two years of imprisonment as well
as fine. The cyber forensic investigation successfully identified the individuals responsible for
hosting obscene profiles in Tamil Nadu. Findings and recommendations have been shared with
law enforcement and relevant stakeholders to pursue legal actions and mitigate the impact on
affected individuals.

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