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The prevalence of fraudulent job postings on online platforms has become a significant concern,
impacting both job seekers and recruitment platforms. To address this challenge, we introduce a
robust Fake Job Detection System (FJDS) that leverages advanced machine learning algorithms
and sensor technology. FJDS employs sophisticated textual analysis and anomaly detection
techniques to scrutinize job postings for irregularities and suspicious patterns indicative of
fraudulent activities. Complementing this approach, sensor technology akin to seismic sensors is
integrated to detect anomalies in employer behaviors and network connections. When a potential
fake job is identified, the system promptly triggers an alarm, providing real-time alerts to users
and mitigating the risk of financial loss and wasted time. Additionally, FJDS incorporates data
visualization methods to present users with a clear visual representation of detected fraudulent
activities, enhancing transparency and trust in online job platforms. Through rigorous evaluation,
FJDS demonstrates high accuracy rates, offering a promising solution to combat fake job
postings and uphold the integrity of online recruitment processes.

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