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ANIMAL FARMING OPERATIONS: manure and wastewater storage lagoons, and the fields
GROUNDWATER QUALITY ISSUES that receive manure from land application in either liquid
or solid form or as a sludge amendment.
THOMAS HARTER The leaching of chemicals and pathogens into ground-
University of California water is greatly affected by the timing and amount of
Davis, California recharge, which may originate from precipitation, irriga-
tion, application of manure slurry, or from ponding of
wastewater (e.g., in storage lagoons). Soil texture, soil
Animal farming operations (AFOs) include feedlots, permeability, organic matter content, cation exchange
dairies, cattle farms, hog farms, chicken farms, and other capacity, and soil temperature further influence the fate
facilities that raise or maintain a significant number of of some of the salts, nutrients, chemicals, and pathogens
animals either seasonally or year-round. With respect released from manure excretion and manure land applica-
to groundwater quality, the fate, reuse, and disposal of tions.
animal manure produced at AFOs is of critical concern.
Groundwater benefits a wide variety of uses including
production as drinking water for domestic/municipal use, NITROGEN
production as irrigation water for agricultural/municipal
uses, ecosystem support, and providing base flow in rivers Animal manure contains predominantly organic nitrogen,
and streams that is vital to the ecological health of Norg , and ammonium nitrogen, NH4 -N. Organic nitrogen
these surface waters. AFO related groundwater quality is the dominant form of nitrogen in manure solids
issues result from potentially detrimental impacts during (particularly if they are separated from the liquid and
the collection, transport, storage, and land application of dried). The liquid portion of animal manure is rich in both
animal manure and animal wastes. organic and ammonia nitrogen.
Potential groundwater pollutants originating from Organic nitrogen, if applied to land, is highly sorptive
AFOs are (1) salts and nutrients, (2) bacteria that indicate and has very limited mobility: significant amounts of
the presence of pathogens, and (3) organic or inorganic organic nitrogen are usually found only in the top 5–30 cm,
chemicals specifically associated with the management of depending on land management practices. Over time,
AFOs. Table 1 lists water quality standards and goals for organic nitrogen will be converted to ammonium ion
some of these pollutants, given various groundwater uses. (NH4 + ), a process referred to as mineralization. The
As in other nonanimal farms, any crop production areas mineralization rate at which organic nitrogen converts to
that are part of the AFO are also subject to application ammonium depends on the manure composition, moisture
of pesticides and commercial fertilizers, which may affect conditions, and temperature. After application onto soils
groundwater quality. or incorporation into soils, higher temperature under
Animal manure is physically characterized by its sufficiently moist conditions leads to rapidly increasing
weight, volume, moisture content, and solids content. Key mineralization rates.
chemical properties of manure include nitrogen, phos- Ammonium is subject to two major environmental
phorus, and potassium content, 5-day biological oxygen pathways: volatilization as ammonia gas (NH3 ) and
demand (BOD5 ), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). microbially facilitated oxidation to nitrate nitrogen, NO3 -
Nitrogen content is differentiated by organic nitrogen, N. Ammonia volatilization may account for a significant
ammonium-nitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen content. Typi- amount of the nitrogen loss from an AFO and is a major
cal values of the chemical composition of animal manure environmental pathway of the total nitrogen excreted in
can be found in USDA-NRCS (1) or in the American Soci- AFOs. High temperature and exposure of large surface
ety of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) Standards (X384.2: areas of manure to wind or air movement (e.g., during
Manure Production and Characteristics) (2). The specific the land application process) facilitate volatilization. Once
composition of freshly excreted animal manure varies incorporated into the soil, ammonium volatilization is
over a wide range depending on the animal species, the limited due to strong sorption of the positively charged
age/production stage of the animal, the diet of the animal, ammonium ion to soil particles. Ammonium mobility
and the effects of weather, season, and animal care. The in soils is higher than that of organic nitrogen but
specific operation of the manure collection, transport, and still sufficiently limited to prevent significant ammonium
storage facilities also greatly affect animal manure and movement to depths of more than 1–2 m. In sandy
waste water composition due to mixing (including mixing soils with limited cation exchange capacity, ammonium
with nonmanure wastewaters collected within the AFO mobility can be enhanced if soil/groundwater redox
facility), separation of solids and liquids, waste digestion, conditions are anoxic.
aging, and any incidental or constructed waste treat- Under aerated, oxic conditions, microbial oxidation of
ment processes. ammonium in soils is responsible for the conversion of
Animal manure is subject to leaching into the ammonium to nitrate (NO3 − ). This process is referred
subsurface anywhere within the AFO and its land to as ‘‘nitrification.’’ The time frame needed for complete
application area, except in concrete-lined or otherwise nitrification of soil ammonium varies from hours or days
isolated areas of the operation. This includes unlined under warm, moist conditions to months under near
feedlots, open corrals, manure solids storage areas, freezing conditions.

Table 1. Selected Water Quality Standards and Guidelines for Various Uses
Livestock Water
Contaminant Drinking Water Supplyc Industrial Usesc

Nitrate (as N) 10 mg/La 100 mg/L Petroleum: 2 mg/L

Selenium 0.045 mg/La
Total coliform bacteria No more than one coliform-positive <200 to
sample/month (or no more than 5% <1,000,000
coliform-positive for systems that analyze
more than 40 samples/month)a
Fecal coliform bacteria 0 <1 to <10
Iron 0.3 mg/Lb

Manganese 0.05 mg/Lb

Chloride 250 mg/Lb

Sulfate 250 mg/Lb <250 mg/L to
<2,000 mg/L
Total dissolved solids 500 mg/Lb <500 mg/L to Textile: 150 mg/L
<3,000 mg/L Cooling water: 1000 mg/L
Paper: 1000 mg/L
Chemical: 2500 mg/L
Primary maximum contaminant levels, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Secondary maximum contaminant levels, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Reference 1 (available at

Nitrate, a negatively charged ion, has no sorptive discharges into streams or lakes. Total phosphorus
capacity and is highly mobile. It can be readily leached levels above 0.05–0.1 mg/L potentially lead to significant
from shallow soils and contaminates groundwater. Under eutrophication of these surface waterbodies.
anoxic conditions, however, nitrate is reduced to harmless Manure contains significant amounts of phosphorus.
nitrogen gas (‘‘denitrification’’). Denitrification is signif- However, phosphorus is strongly sorbed to soil particles
icant in heavy soils and in fine-grained unsaturated and subject to plant uptake, when manure is applied
sediments and rocks that are subject to anoxic condi- to crops. On sandy soils with limited cation exchange
tions. Reducing conditions in groundwater also lead to capacity and on cracked clay soils, repeated applications
significant denitrification. of manure may result in some phosphorus leaching to
Of concern to groundwater is the concentration of shallow groundwater. If shallow groundwater is collected
nitrate in the recharge to groundwater. The potential in tile drains, drain ditches, or if it discharges into nearby
nitrate concentration is difficult to estimate because the streams, elevated phosphorus concentration may become
amount of volatilization and denitrification that occurs a significant concern.
after land application of manure is typically not known
with a high degree of accuracy. Where denitrification and
volatilization in the soil and unsaturated zone above the
water table are not significant processes, the potential
Solid and liquid manure are rich in total salinity
concentration of nitrate in recharge water can be obtained
(determined by the amount of total dissolved solids), which
from estimated annual nitrogen leaching losses and from
is readily leachable through soil and into groundwater.
estimated amounts of annual recharge:
Crops grown on fields that are fertilized with manure
annual N leaching loss (kg/ha) may consume a limited amount of that salinity. Salinity
NO3 (mg/L) = leaching out of the root zone into groundwater is not
annual recharge (mm)
subject to any degradation or sorption.
× 100 × 4.42

For example, leaching losses of 50 kg/ha nitrate-nitrogen PATHOGENS

per year in a location with 250 mm annual recharge
Pathogens are ubiquitous in animal waste, but soils
potentially leads to a nitrate concentration of 89 mg/L
provide a significant buffer against groundwater pollu-
in recharge water. The limit in drinking water set by the
tion. In the subsurface, pathogens become entrained in
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is 45 mg/L.
dead-end pores, are collected via filtration onto grain
surfaces, or chemically interact with the grain surfaces
PHOSPHORUS of the soil/aquifer material. Over time, pathogens die off
(‘‘inactivation’’). However, where soils and shallow ground-
Phosphorus is not a concern with respect to the water sediments have large pores (sandy soils, sandy and
use of groundwater as drinking or irrigation water. gravelly aquifer sediments, highly fractured rocks, and
It is only a significant concern, where groundwater finely textured soils with macropores), pathogens travel

significant distances in relatively short periods of time. groups continues to be rapid with no apparent slowdown
Frequent detections of total coliform concentrations in in production to date.
shallow groundwater underneath AFOs are the result of In the United States, the National Aquaculture Act
limited pathogen filtration capacity in the soil or unsatu- of 1980 established a national policy ‘‘to encourage the
rated zone that overlies the groundwater. Shallow wells, development of aquaculture,’’ which was then followed
often small domestic supply wells, in the immediate vicin- by the development of the Aquaculture Research and
ity of the AFO are most likely to be affected. Development Strategic Plan by the Joint Subcommittee
on Aquaculture. To develop a globally competitive U.S.
aquaculture industry, the plan calls for (1) improving the
PHARMACEUTICALS (ANTIBIOTICS AND HORMONES) efficiency of U.S. aquaculture production, (2) improving
aquaculture production systems, and (3) improving the
Only recently, analytical methods have been established sustainability and environmental compatibility of aqua-
that are sensitive enough to detect these pharmaceutical culture production.
compounds in water resources. They occur in significant The major limitations to the development of aquacul-
concentrations in the inflow to and discharge from ture in many regions are availability of water resources
wastewater treatment plants, in surface water, and they and environmental impact. Water is critical to aquatic ani-
are also present in animal manure. Research on the fate mals, for it both serves as the medium that supplies the
of these organic compounds in the subsurface is still in required oxygen and creates the physical environment that
its infancy. allows for movement of the animals. As world population
has grown and industries have increased their production
BIBLIOGRAPHY to meet the demands of the growing population, water
has become a scarce resource that has had many con-
1. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conserva- flicting demands placed upon it. Consequently, the major
tion Service. (1996). Agricultural Waste Management Field strategy for increasing aquaculture production with this
Handbook. U.S.D.A., Washington, DC. limited water resource is production intensification. As
2. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. (2004). Standard fish biomass density increases, however, the amount of
X384.2: Manure Production and Characteristics. ASAE, St. oxygen dissolved naturally in water becomes limited, thus
Joseph, MI (also available on the web: necessitating supplemental aeration and oxygenation. In
addition, the increased use of artificial feed as a means to
developing a high density culture system leads to water
AQUACULTURE TECHNOLOGY FOR pollution that stems from the facts that aquatic animals
PRODUCERS cannot completely utilize the feed and that the animals
will excrete other metabolic products such as ammonia
SHULIN CHEN that are toxic to the aquatic animals at elevated lev-
BILL JOHNSON els. Internally, the waste produced deteriorates the water
BRIT JOHNSON quality and makes the water unsuitable for fish to live
QIANG PAN in, while externally, discharge of the polluted water, if
Washington State University not properly managed, may lead to adverse effects on the
Pullman, Washington environment.
Water uses and environmental impacts of different
aquaculture operations can vary significantly because of
INTRODUCTION the extremely diverse natures of the aquaculture systems
and their associated technologies. In contrast to terrestrial
Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of agriculture farming systems, where the bulk of global production is
in many parts of the world because of the healthy based on a limited number of animal and plant species,
nature of seafood, the increasing demands on protein more than 210 different farmed aquatic animal and plant
worldwide, and the reduction of ocean catch. According species were reported in 2000 (1). This great diversity
to FAO statistics (1), aquaculture’s contribution to global reflects the large number of aquatic species that are readily
supplies of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs continues to adaptable to the wide range of production systems and
grow, increasing from 3.9% of total production by weight conditions present in the different countries and regions
in 1970 to 27.3% in 2000. Worldwide, the aquaculture of the world. Here, we limit our scope to major freshwater
sector has increased at a rate that exceeds that of any systems for finfish production, namely, ponds, raceways,
other agriculture sector, with an average compounded recirculating systems, and cage culture, as these system
rate of 9.2% per year since 1970 compared with only are predominant in production aquaculture.
1.4% for capture fisheries and 2.8% for terrestrial farmed
meat production systems. In 2000, the reported total POND SYSTEMS
aquaculture production was 45.7 million tons by weight
and $56.5 billion by value with 10.1 million tons and $5.6
billion of the value coming from aquatic plants. More than
half of the total world aquaculture production in 2000 Ponds account for the majority of aquaculture production
was finfish, although growth in the other major species worldwide (2). In the simplest terms, a pond is an earthen

or concrete impoundment that holds water. Water is deposited in the receiving water and possibly lead to
generally not passed through the system and therefore changes in benthic invertebrate and fish populations due
water is normally only required to fill the pond and to alterations in the biological oxygen demand (BOD).
replace that which is lost to evaporation and seepage (2). However, the BOD in aquaculture effluents is usually
Pond culture is practiced worldwide with it being the relatively low and is expressed over a longer time period
predominant system employed in Asia (3), where it totals than most wastewaters (6).
over 287,400 tons of fish processed. Pond production of Properly managed pond cultures operate within the
channel catfish is the largest single aquaculture enterprise limits imposed by natural processes within the pond and
in the United States (4). make it possible to operate them with minimal impact
Regardless of the species cultured, ponds can be on the environment (5). The fate of nutrients within a
classified by construction method, by location, and by pond is of extreme importance to fish culture. In fact,
use (2). Typical construction classifications are levee simple mass balances show that with the above noted
ponds, watershed ponds, hybrid ponds, marsh ponds, limited water exchange in ponds, concentrations of waste
beach ponds, and intertidal ponds. Levee ponds are products would build to levels that could kill fish.
constructed by removing the soil from the area that Waste products such as nitrogen and phosphorus
will become the pond bottom and require a source of generated by fish can be estimated by calculating the
pumped water to fill and maintain the pond (5). Watershed quantity of nutrients added to the pond through feed
ponds are built in hilly areas through the damming of a and so on, then subtracting the amount recovered when
watercourse and obtain their water from the surrounding the fish are harvested. Unfortunately, organic matter is
watershed. Hybrid ponds usually consist of two or three more difficult to calculate. Carbon may be retained by
levees across a shallow drainage basin, which provides the fish, respired as carbon dioxide, or lost in waste
the majority of water for the pond, but they also require products. In 1988, empirical values for organic matter
a source of pumped water to meet their needs (5). Marsh generation in fecal solids were determined by Henderson
ponds in coastal areas are constructed with levees above and Bromage (7) to be between 0.3 and 0.7 kg/kg of
ground level. Water salinity ranges from fresh to saline feed. Two to four times more organic matter is produced
and filling and draining are usually done by pumping, within a pond due to phytoplankton growth from inorganic
although some marsh ponds have weirs to allow tidal nutrients in fish waste than would be calculated solely as
waters to move in and out (2). Beach ponds are more fish waste (8).
prominent in Asia and are constructed on the shore Luckily, natural biological, chemical, and physical pro-
in sandy locations where seepage is often a problem. cesses known in limnology and waste water engineering
Concrete or plastic may be used to avoid seepage problems take place within the pond, which remove much of the
and water ranging in salinity from brackish to saline waste products from the water (5). In fact, after several
is usually pumped with some ponds having weirs to years of production, catfish ponds average 6 mg/L total
allow for tidal flushing (2). Intertidal ponds are located nitrogen, 0.5 mg/L total phosphorus, and 75 mg/L organic
just off shore in a location where a cove or bay may matter, which is 25%, 10%, and 10%, respectively of the
be blocked off with either a levee or net. Levees are expected values calculated by a mass balance over just a
often constructed out of coral rubble or rocks. The levee single year (5). Nutrient and organic levels never reach the
is designed so as to confine the cultured species while levels predicted by simple mass balance calculations due to
allowing for water exchange through tidal fluctuation (2). the following processes: nitrogen is lost from the water as
Examples of use classifications are broodstock pond, a gas through denitrification and ammonia volatilization
fingerling pond, and food-fish production pond. Each of and as particulate organic matter settles to the bottom and
the use classifications may be employed with any of the decomposes; phosphorus is lost to pond soils as precipitates
aforementioned construction classifications. of calcium phosphate and particulate organic phosphorus;
and additionally, microbial processes are continuously oxi-
Pond Effluent and Its Constituents dizing organic matter within the pond (5).
Water is discharged from ponds for several reasons. Levels of dissolved oxygen, pH, or toxic chemicals
First, unintentional discharge may occur due to rain if within aquaculture pond water have been shown to have
inadequate storage capacity is provided. Second, ponds little effect on the receiving water body (5). In a stream
may be drained either completely or partially during study, dissolved oxygen concentrations were found to
harvesting activities. Lastly, water may be discharged be higher downstream from catfish ponds compared to
during flushing of the pond in an attempt to improve water upstream levels (9). Pond water pH fluctuations beyond
quality or as a disease treatment (5). Effluent volume is equilibrium levels of 6.5–8.5 are due to biological
a factor of pond use as pond drainings vary with use. activity of phytoplankton, which usually does not coincide
In the U.S. channel catfish industry, broodstock ponds are with discharge (10). Equilibrium pH will be quickly
drained every 1–5 years while fingerling ponds are drained reestablished due to dilution, reactions with the receiving
annually and food-fish production ponds vary between 1 waters buffer system, and/or reaeration that will equalize
and 20 years (5). dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations and moderate
Constituents of aquaculture ponds that may affect the pH (5). Pesticides and therapeutants used in pond
the receiving water body include solids, organic matter, culture must be EPA-approved chemicals and are used
nutrients, pH, dissolved oxygen, and toxic chemicals (5). infrequently due to the expense of treating large volumes
Suspended solids (mainly phytoplankton cells) may be of water. Additionally, long residence times and intense

microbial activity within the pond allow chemicals to be Aquaculture production using FT raceway systems
dissipated prior to discharge (5). is common worldwide for many species of fish. In the
United States, FT systems are the second most commonly
Pond Operation and Management used aquaculture production system (18). Warm, cool, and
cold water species such as catfish Ictalurus sp., yellow
It is expected that regulatory programs in several nations perch Perca flavescens, and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus
will be implemented based on best management practices mykiss, respectively, are cultured in FT systems. However,
(BMPs) (11). Effluent management within the context of coldwater fish production from government hatcheries
pond aquaculture poses a difficult challenge for monitoring and the commercial production of salmonids, particularly
and treatment due to infrequent discharges and high rainbow trout, are by far the most common uses of flow-
volumes of a dilute nature. Recommendations on BMPs through aquaculture systems.
that are being made to the pond-raised catfish industry (5)
include reducing water exchange rates, providing storage Water Use
within the ponds, using high-quality feeds and efficient
feeding practices, managing assimilative capacity within Because no water recycling occurs in FT systems,
the pond, providing adequate aeration and circulation, substantial quantities of water are utilized—more than
positioning mechanical aerators to minimize erosion, any other type of aquaculture production system. In
allowing solids to settle before discharging water, reusing particular, the culture of coldwater fish, which are
water that is drained from ponds, and using effluents to naturally more susceptible to poor water quality conditions
irrigate terrestrial crops. In terms of pond construction and require higher dissolved oxygen concentrations than
and renovation practices, recommended practices include warm and cool water species, requires substantial water
optimizing the ratio of watershed to pond area, protecting resources. However, for all practical purposes, FT system
against erosion, and providing sedimentation basins. water use is nonconsumptive and does not reduce water
availability for other uses.
Depending on farm location and the available water
RACEWAY SYSTEM resources, there is a wide range of FT total farm flow
rates, which are beneficial in understanding system water
Description use. For example, in the United States, rainbow trout
farm total flow rates can range from less than 1699 L/min
Flow-through (FT) aquaculture systems can be defined as
to 5097 × 102 L/min for the largest farm. On a per
those production systems where water enters and leaves unit production basis, typical FT systems are able to
the system without being recycled for further use. These produce 6 kg/yr of fish per 1 L/min water flow (19). Based
systems are characterized based on the type of culture on these values, total water use for FT aquaculture
unit employed and the pattern of water flow through the trout production in the United States can be estimated.
system. Culture units that have been used include ponds, In the United States approximately 32 million kg of
tanks, and/or flumes called raceways. The water flow, in trout were produced in 2000 (20). This corresponds to
turn, is classified as either a single pass system or a a nonconsumptive cumulative water flow rate of 5.3 × 106
serial reuse system in which water flows, respectively, L/min, which is 15.5% of the consumptive water flow
through a single culture unit or several culture units rate required to supply New York City’s 9 million people
before being discharged. (34.1 × 106 L/min). Clearly, the magnitude of the FT flow
Flow-through systems are typically energetically pas- rate per production is directly related to the quantity of
sive systems, where water flows from the farm inlet to effluent and has important implications on subsequent FT
the outlet via gravity and aeration/reaeration occurs as a system environmental impacts and effluent treatments.
result of hydraulic water cascades before and after the cul-
ture units. Much information is available concerning FT
Environmental Impact
production system design, construction, and use (12–16).
Currently, the most prominent flow-through system is a Environmental regulations controlling FT effluent dis-
serial reuse raceway system constructed of concrete. charge have been established in many regions (21–23).
Flow-through production systems offer several pro- Potential flow-through effluent pollutants can be grouped
duction advantages resulting from the design. Typical into three categories: (1) pathogenic bacteria or parasites,
raceway culture units possess length and width ratios of (2) therapeutic chemicals and drugs, and (3) metabolic
7:1 with depths generally less than 1 m. These dimensions products and food wastes (17). Regulations primarily tar-
facilitate grading and harvesting operations as well as the get metabolic and food wastes, although recent regulations
easy observation of fish (17). The continuous flow of clean have begun to address the pathogenic and therapeutant
water transports waste metabolites out of the culture units components even though evidence of the environmental
and provides dissolved oxygen needed for life support. In impact of the first two is limited (17).
most U.S. raceway operations, there is typically a quies- Extensive work has been done to characterize FT
cent zone at the end of the raceway for solids capture. The effluents and the associated environmental impacts due to
quiescent zone facilitates the settling of fecal particles as metabolic and food wastes. Flow-through effluents contain
no fish is present to create disturbance. The solids accu- solid and dissolved organic and nutrient pollutants.
mulated in the quiescent zone are removed periodically Organic pollutants are derived from feces and uneaten
and stored in an offline settling basin. feed and are described by biological and chemical oxygen

demands, while the nutrient pollutants, nitrogen and expansion of suitable sites, improved feeds, increased
phosphorus, are excreted from fish gills and urine. Flow- understanding of the cultured species biology, and
through effluent characterizations for locations across the increased water quality within farming systems. In some
world have been summarized in several reviews (17,24). countries, marine net pen culture is the dominant culture
These studies showed that effects from FT effluent method. Atlantic salmon are currently being cultured in
discharge are site specific and range from insignificant net pens and cages in Canada, Chili, Ireland, Japan,
to heavily impacted, although heavily impacted water Scotland, Norway, and the United States. Other species
bodies are few in the United States (25). The general currently being cultured in net pens throughout the world
insignificant impact of FT effluents on receiving waters include sea bream and sea bass in the Mediterranean Sea,
has been linked to the low pollutant concentrations yellowtail and red sea bream in Japan, and tuna and cobia
resulting from high system flow rates. A European culture is growing.
study compared FT effluents to domestic wastewater and Objections to net pen culture include degradation of
showed that total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus the environment, disease transmission, antibiotic use,
(TP), total nitrogen (TN), and biological oxygen demand and interaction of escapees with wild populations. Law
(BOD) concentrations were far less, 3% or less, than suits have been filed for odors, excessive noise, and even
the same components in medium strength domestic visual pollution. Environmental impacts from intensive
wastewater (26). aquaculture include hypernutrification (eutrophication),
benthic enrichment, increased biological oxygen demand,
Effluent Treatment and changes in the bacterial flora. Serious impacts from
net pen culture occurred in Japan in the 1990s, resulting
The treatment of FT effluents is difficult due to
in changes in culture practices, and Taiwan is planning for
the dilute concentrations, high flow rates, and the
sustainable marine aquaculture as it moves toward cage
high costs of traditional treatment technologies (26).
Currently, strategies to treat FT effluent discharge
include implementing best management practices for
Water Quality
solid waste control (23); optimizing dietary P require-
ments to reduce excess P excretions (27); and/or utiliz- Water quality may be affected by net pen culture
ing mechanical screen filters, submerged biofilters, or due to waste metabolites released by the fish and
other effluent treatment processes (22,24). These strate- dissolution of nutrients from the feed and feces. Impacts
gies have effectively lowered pollutant discharges from are affected by bottom topography, geography, and
many FT systems. However, the scale-up of the efflu- hydrographic conditions and tend to be more severe if
ent treatment options for applications in large facilities the location chosen has poor water exchange. Net pen
is still problematic with applications of many of the culture has been practiced worldwide in both marine and
best available technologies to FT effluents for solids freshwater with little impact to substantial impact on
and nutrient control being limited by treatment effi- water quality.
ciencies and/or inhibitory treatment costs resulting from
treatment process operations and/or sizing considera- Benthic Environment
tions (28).
The best-studied aspect of marine net pen culture is the
deposition of organic matter below the cages or pens.
NET PEN SYSTEM The culturing of animals in pens or cages results in
some loss of feed and the production of feces. Uneaten
Description feed and feces may accumulate under or near (usually
no more than 30 m from the edge) the net pens or
Net pens are commonly located in coastal waters although
cages. Tidal flow, depth of site, composition, temperature,
they may also be found in open ocean or freshwater
and salinity of the seawater are among the factors
ponds and lakes. Coastal net pens are usually a net bag
that influence the distribution of solids under each
suspended below a floating rigid top frame. Typical net
site. Accumulation of uneaten feed and feces can lead
pens of this type are 10–20 m per side at the surface
to anoxic sediments concurrent with changes in the
and 10 or more meters deep. Open ocean net pens are
microbial community and possibly leading to the release
designed with a more rigid structure and can be as large
of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. As
as thousands of cubic meters in volume. Freshwater net
mentioned previously, there may or may not be links
pens are generally relatively small rigid structures covered
between water quality and the benthic environment.
by netting or wire mesh.
Therefore, those with more interest in this aspect are
Until recently, freshwater net pens were the most
directed to Mahnken, who cited a number of studies
common form of aquaculture being utilized throughout
covering nutrient dynamics and deposition with regard
the world. However, this culturing technique is no longer
to the benthic community structure.
the dominant form for freshwater aquaculture, although
freshwater net pen culturing is becoming increasingly
Methods of Reducing Impacts
popular in China. Today, its most dominant application
is coastal aquaculture with a trend toward moving As in other forms of aquaculture, methods to reduce the
further offshore. Marine net pen aquaculture has become impact of aquaculture have been studied and proposed.
progressively more intensive due to new technologies, Utilization of specifically formulated feeds and improving

feeding efficiency have been recommended to reduce operations to consider for the maintenance of a
the amount of waste produced in both the water and good environment are ammonia removal/conversion and
benthic environment. Another approach, which has been solids removal.
successful in Switzerland, is to diaper the cages or In respect to solids removal, waste solids, including
net pens. The most common approach to dealing with uneaten feed and by-products of fish metabolism, have
waste accumulation is the proper placement of farms. to be removed as quickly as possible. Left in the system,
This is leading to more farms being sited in open the solids could generate additional oxygen demand and
water with better flushing rates and ability to naturally produce carbon dioxide and ammonia nitrogen when
assimilate nutrients. undergoing bacterial decomposition. Solids removal is
generally accomplished by the use of settlement, screen
filters, or granular media filter such as bead filters or
The most critical nonsolids water quality parameter
Description is ammonia nitrogen. Ammonia is a principal excretory
Recirculating systems are aquaculture systems in which product of fish metabolism and in its un-ionized form
the majority of water is treated or conditioned continuously is highly toxic to fish. Fish will excrete about 30 g
for repeated use. One of the major advantages of of ammonia for each kilogram of food consumed (at
recirculating systems is that a high density of fish biomass 35% protein content in the feed). The most common
can be kept at optimum temperatures. The recirculating technique used for ammonia removal is biofiltration that
system is a relatively new technology that has been works on the principle of biological nitrification in which
developed in the last two decades. There are various ammonia is oxidized successively to nitrite and finally to
designs for recirculating aquaculture systems. An effective nitrate. Nitrate is much less toxic to fish, especially in
recirculating system will usually include a culture tank, freshwater. Another process called denitrification is an
an aeration or oxygenation system, a biofilter, and a anaerobic process where nitrate is converted to nitrogen
suspended solids removal unit. The biofilter provides a gas. Although not normally employed in commercial
medium for aerobic bacteria to break down organic fish aquaculture facilities today, the denitrification process
waste and to convert excreted toxic ammonia into nitrate. is becoming increasingly important as stocking densities
Some systems will include additional treatment units such increase and water exchange rates are reduced; resulting
as disinfection. in excessive levels of nitrate in the culture system (29).
Necessary conditions for nitrification are availability of
Water Use dissolved oxygen, proper pH, and adequate alkalinity in
the water. The rate of the biofiltration process is dependent
In a recirculating system, the water is processed on temperature, pH, salinity, surface area of the biofilter,
continuously to guarantee optimum growing conditions. and flow rate.
Water is pumped into the tanks through mechanical and The types of biofilters commonly used in recirculat-
biological filtration systems and disinfection systems and ing aquaculture systems include submerged biofilters,
then returned into the tanks. Two terms that are often trickling biofilters, rotating biological contactors (RBCs),
used in relation to recirculating systems are recirculation floating bead biofilters, and fluidized-bed biofilters. A com-
rate and water exchange rate. Recirculation rate (turnover mon feature to all these biofilters is that they rely on a
time) is the amount of water per unit of time pumped out ‘‘fixed film’’ process in which nitrification bacteria develop
of the tank, through the biofilter, and back into the tank. on the surface of the support material of the filter and
This can easily be determined by dividing the volume form an active bacterial biomass layer called biofilm. As
of water in the tank by the capacity of the pump (in fish culture water flows through the surface of the film,
gallons per minute). An increase in recirculation rate will nutrients such as ammonia and oxygen will diffuse into
increase the number of turnovers per day in the culture the biofilm to be utilized by the nitrifying bacteria. The
tank and thereby provide reduced ammonia levels. Most biofilm’s importance also derives from the fact that, as a
production recirculation systems are designed to provide result of the bacterial attachment to a media, they are free
at least one complete turnover per hour (24 cycles/day). from the risk of being washed out from the system when
Exchange rate refers to the amount of water replaced per significant water exchange rate occurs.
day. Most recirculating systems recommend 5–10% water
exchange rate per day depending on the sensitivity of the Environmental Impact
species to water quality, stocking density, and feeding
rates. The major consumption of water in recirculating Recirculation technology, predominantly used in land-
systems is associated with the removal of solids such based operations, enables farmers to achieve high
efficiencies, providing them with greater control over the
as backwashing the particulate filter or biofilters, while
rearing environment. With the advent of recirculation
another major consumption derives from the need to
technology for aquaculture, the incoming source water
replace evaporative loss.
is reused to varying degrees and undergoes various
treatment processes to ensure its purity. The farmer
Water Treatment
thereby gains considerable control over the rearing
An excellent culture environment for fish is cru- environment, being able to manipulate temperature,
cial. In the recirculating systems, the major unit dissolved oxygen, photoperiod, and water clarity. With

more control over water parameters, the stocking densities 17. Hinshaw, J.M. and Fornshell, G. (2002). Effluents from
can be increased, thereby allowing for greater economies raceways. In: Aquaculture and the Environment in the United
of scale. Also, greater control is gained in the separation States. J.R. Tomasso (Ed.). U.S. Aquaculture Society, Baton
of uneaten feed and fecal material from the water, Rouge, LA.
thereby preventing these nutrients from entering the 18. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). (1998).
downstream environment. Consequently, a recirculating Census of aquaculture.
system can significantly reduce effluent volume. However, 19. Timmons, M.B., Ebeling, J.M., Wheaton, F.W., Summer-
a recirculating system cannot eliminate the production felt, S.T., and Vinci, B.J. (2002). Recirculating Aquaculture
of fish waste. Thus, as with other animal production Systems. Northeastern Aquaculture Center Publication No.
systems, a waste management plan is necessary for
operation. 20. United States Trout Farmers Association. (2000). Available:
21. Rosenthal, H. (1994). Fish farm effluents and their control in
BIBLIOGRAPHY EC countries: summary of a workshop. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 10:
1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 22. Bergheim, A. and Brinker, A. (2003). Effluent treatment
(2002). The World State of Fisheries and Aquaculture. for flow through systems and European environmental
Available: all.asp. regulations. Aquacultural Eng. 27: 61–77.
2. Avault, J.W. (1996). Fundamentals of Aquaculture, A Step- 23. MacMillan, J.R., Huddleston, T., Woolley, M., and Fother-
by-Step Guide to Commercial Aquaculture. AVA Publishing, gill, K. (2003). Best management practice development to
Baton Rouge, LA. minimize environmental impact from large flow-through trout
3. Lin, C.K. and Yi, Y. (2003). Minimizing environmental farms. Aquaculture 226: 91–99.
impacts of freshwater aquaculture and reuse of pond effluents 24. Cripps, S.J. and Bergheim, A. (2000). Review: solids man-
and mud. Aquaculture 226: 57–68. agement and removal for intensive land-based aquaculture
4. USDA/NASS (United States Department of Agricul- production systems. Aquacultural Eng. 22: 33–56.
ture/National Agricultural Statistics Service). (2001). Catfish 25. Sloan, D. (2001). Verification of the State Listings for the
and Trout Production. United States Department of Agricul- 1998 EPA 303d and 305b: Impaired Waterbodies Due
ture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Washington, to Aquaculture. Report to the Joint Subcommittee on
DC. Aquaculture, Aquaculture Effluents Task Force. National
5. Tucker, C.S., Boyd, C.E., and Hargreaves, J.A. (2002). Char- Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators, Raleigh, NC.
acterization and management of effluents from warmwater 26. Cripps, S.J. (1994). Minimising outputs: treatment. J. Appl.
aquaculture ponds. In: Aquaculture and the Environment Ichthyo. 10(4): 284–294.
in the United States. J.R. Tomasso (Ed.). U.S. Aquaculture 27. Barrows, F.T. and Hardy, R.W. (2001). Nutrition and feeding.
Society, Baton Rouge, LA, pp. 35–75. In: Fish Hatchery Management, 2nd Edn. G.A. Wedemeyer
6. Boyd, C.E. and Gross, A. (1999). Biochemical oxygen demand (Ed.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus pond waters. J. World 28. True, B.J. and Chen, S. (2004). Reducing phosphorous
Aquaculture Soc. 30: 349–356. discharge from flow-through aquaculture I: facility and
7. Henderson, J.P. and Bromage, N.R. (1988). Optimizing the effluent characterization. Aquacultural Eng.
removal of suspended solids in aquaculture effluents in 29. Timmons, M.B. Ebeling, J.M., and Wheaton, F.W. (2002).
settlement lakes. Aquacultural Eng. 7: 167–181. Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, 2nd Edn. Cayuga Aqua
8. Boyd, C.E. (1985). Chemical budgets for channel catfish Systems, Ithaca, NY.
ponds. Trans. Am. Fisheries Soc. 114: 291–298.
9. Boyd, C.E. et al. (2000). Environmental assessment of
channel catfish Ictalurus puntatus farming in Alabama. J. BIOFUEL ALTERNATIVES TO FOSSIL FUELS
World Aquaculture Soc. 31: 511–544.
10. Boyd, C.E. and Tucker, C.S. (1998). Pond Aquaculture Water LUCAS REIJNDERS
Quality Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Universiteit van Amsterdam
11. Boyd, C.E. (2003). Guidelines for aquaculture effluent man- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
agement at the farm-level. Aquaculture 226: 101–112.
12. Burroughs, R. and Chenoweth, H. (1955). Evaluation of Three INTRODUCTION
Types of Fish Rearing Ponds. Research Report 39, U.S.
Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Washington, DC. Our species has been exclusively dependent on biomass
13. Wheaton, F.W. (1977). Aquacultural Engineering. John Wiley for fuel during most of its existence. The use of coal and
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ. mineral oil emerged due to the scarcity of biofuels (1). By
14. Klapsis, A. and Burley, R. (1984). Flow distribution studies now, the world energy market, which supplies a yearly
in fish rearing tanks. Part 1. Aquacultural Eng. 3: 108–118. energy consumption of about 400 × 1018 joule (J), is dom-
15. Timmons, M.B. and Youngs, W.D. (1991). Considerations on inated by fossil fuels. Still, about 14% of yearly world
the design of raceways. In: Aquaculture Systems Engineering. fuel consumption is based on biofuels (2,3). Most of this
P. Gioviannini (Ed.). American Society of Agricultural consumption is similar to the use before the Industrial
Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. Revolution and is located in the countryside of develop-
16. Wedemeyer, G.A. (Ed.) (2001). Fish Hatchery Management, ing countries. It is often associated with poor indoor and
2nd Edn. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. outdoor air quality. Negative impacts on soils, on the

availability of groundwater, and on water for generat- — What is the impact of biofuels on substance flows
ing hydroelectricity have also been linked to biofuels in that may impact water?
developing countries (4–6).
Against this background, it may be somewhat surpris- ARE BIOFUELS ‘‘CLIMATE NEUTRAL’’?
ing to see increased advocacy for biofuels. This concerns
mainly ‘‘modern biomass’’: biofuels applied while using To answer the question whether biofuels are ‘‘climate
advanced conversion technology to generate electricity and neutral,’’ a life cycle perspective on biofuel combustion
heat and for automotive power (7). is necessary. Such a perspective includes all stages of
There are several main drivers behind the increased the biofuel life cycle. For instance, if trees from forests
advocacy for biofuels. First, there are efforts to become are used as biofuel, the cycle starts with the seed and
less dependent on mineral oil, driven by concerns about ends with the postharvesting fate of the forest. The main
energy scarcity, political instability in the Middle East, matters to consider in establishing the impact of the
and oil price shocks. A second driver is environmental biofuel life cycle on climate are the input of fossil fuels
concern. Some applications of biofuels result in lower during the life cycle and the impact of the biofuel life cycle
emissions of such pollutants as hydrocarbons, carbon on biogenic carbon stocks. Both influence atmospheric
monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides. It has concentrations of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 .
also been argued that in combusting biofuels, one simply One should also consider the fate of compounds containing
puts back into the atmosphere carbon dioxide (CO2 ) that nitrogen (N) in the biofuel life cycle. Such compounds may
has been recently fixed by photosynthesis, thus ensuring be partly converted into the potent greenhouse gas N2 O
climate neutrality, in contrast to the combustion of fossil (dinitrogen oxide). This aspect tends to be less important
fuels which puts CO2 in the atmosphere that was fixed than the impact on atmospheric gases containing carbon,
many millions of years ago. The need to find an outlet for but may still be significant in agricultural production
agricultural surpluses has also been conducive to biofuel of biofuels.
advocacy. Because the use of fossil fuels is so dominant in
Advocacy and also actual combustion of ‘‘modern worldwide energy consumption, it is not surprising that
biomass’’ are increasing. A major application is the use usually there is an input of fossil fuels in the biofuel life
of ethanol and to a lesser extent fatty acid methylester cycle. Quantitatively, such inputs vary widely depending
as fuel in motorcars. Ethanol is used mainly in Brazil, on the kind of biofuel and its actual production. For
North America, and the European Union (EU). In Brazil, instance, in forest-derived biofuels, the input of fossil fuels
sugarcane is the major feedstock for ethanol production, is usually 5–10% of the energy value represented by the
and in the EU and North America, the main feedstock biofuel (output). This gives an ‘‘output to input energy
for ethanol is starch from grains. The use of biomass for ratio’’ of 10–20, meaning that the biofuel can supply 10–20
modern electricity and heat production is mainly on the times the equivalent of the input of fossil fuels in the
increase in the European Union. Expansion of biomass- biofuel life cycle. In animal meal that is cocombusted with
based waste incineration, cocombustion of biomass in coal in a number of European power plants, the output to
coal-fired power plants, and energetic use of residual input energy ratio is about 0.24 (10). Table 1 gives output
biomass by industry contribute significantly to this trend. to input energy ratios for several biofuels.
Here the implications of modern biomass use that This table shows, among other things, that for ethanol
are relevant for water are discussed. Some of these from U.S. corn, there is no agreement on the energy ratio.
implications are direct. By clear felling forests for the The underlying disagreements result in part from different
supply of biomass, there can be a major direct impact estimates of the actual fossil fuel inputs in the biofuel life
on surface water, such as changes in peak flows and cycle. When corn is used to produce the biofuel ethanol,
runoff. Other implications are indirect. The extent to there are also coproducts, such as cattle feed. In this
which modern biomass influences atmospheric levels of case, the allocation of fossil fuel input to the different
greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 (methane) is a outputs (products) arises. One possibility is to allocate
determinant of climate change and this in turn influences all fossil inputs to the biofuel. Another possibility is to
the biogeochemical water cycle. Current climate change divide the fossil fuel inputs by the products involved.
leads among other things to sea level rise (that in turn may Such an allocation may be done in different ways, for
lead to increasing intrusion of saltwater) and an increase instance, based on a monetary or on an energy basis,
in land surface precipitation of 0.5–1%/decade in mid- and and these different ways lead to different outcomes. For
high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, whereas there ethanol produced from corn in the United States, the U.S.
is a decrease of such precipitation in subtropical land Department of Agriculture (12) has argued that the biofuel
areas of 0.3%/decade (8). Due to climate change, there energy output to fossil fuel energy input ratio is currently
may be changes in water erosion, seasonal river flows, and 1.3, whereas Pimentel (13) calculates an output to input
groundwater tables; impacts on biological activity; and the energy ratio of 0.58–0.74, depending on the allocation to
presence of species in water. Increasing temperatures also ethanol and its coproducts.
increase human freshwater use (9). However, notwithstanding this disagreement, one may
In this article, we deal with the following questions: conclude that when ethanol is produced from U.S. corn
starch, the input of fossil fuels is at least a large share of
— Is the use of biofuels ‘‘climate neutral’’? the energy output from the biofuel. A similar conclusion
— What is the impact of biofuels on (fresh) water use? can, for instance, be drawn regarding oil-methylesters

Table 1. Ratios of Current Energy Output to Fossil Fuel Table 2. Life Cycle CO2 Emission Factors for Several
Input for the Life Cycles of a Number of Biofuelsa Current Types of Power Generation in 102 g CO2 /kWha
Ratio of Energy Life Cycle Emission Factor
Output to Fossil Type of Fuel in 102 g CO2 /kWh
Type of Biofuel and Application Fuel Input
Hard coal +10
Forest derived (short transport distances), 10–20 Natural gas +4
for electricity production Forest derived biofuel −19–+68
Ethanol from Brazilian sugarcane (bagasse ∼7 a
Reference 3.
as production fuel), transportation fuel
Ethanol enzymatically produced from woody ∼4
crops, transportation fuel larger than that from combusting an equivalent amount
Chicken manure (energetic allocation) ∼1 of fossil fuel.
produced in the European Union, for
Ethanol from U.S. corn, transportation fuel 0.58–1.3 WATER AVAILABILITY
Animal meal produced in the European 0.24
Union for electricity production The replacement of forests by plantations or annual biofuel
References 3, 10–13.
crop production may lead to a decrease in available
water due to increased drainage and increases in peak
flows and storm flows. Soil degradation from clear felling
of forests may lead to insufficient replenishment of
produced from oil crops such as rapeseed, sunflower,
groundwater reserves and increased peak and storm
or soybean (14). More in general, one can conclude that
flows (16,17).
burning biofuels is not only a matter of giving back to
Water is also an important resource in biofuel
the atmosphere carbon that was recently fixed. Usually,
production. Fast growing woody crops such as poplar
there is the added emission of fossil fuel derived carbon
and eucalyptus use relatively much water. For instance,
compounds, such as CO2 . Especially when high-input
Tuskan (18) has calculated that in the United States
agricultural production is involved and when further
hybrid poplar requires roughly 1 meter/hectare yearly of
processing is fueled by fossil fuels, this emission tends
(ground) water during midrotation. In southern China,
to be important.
it has been found that under comparable conditions,
A second important matter to be considered is the
water tables under eucalyptus plantations were 50 cm
effect of the biofuel life cycle on biogenic carbon stocks:
lower than under mixed forests (19). Water use for biofuel
biomass and soil organic carbon (C). The last stock is
crops may be expected to increase when temperatures
of great quantitative importance. It is currently about rise (20).
three times the atmospheric stock and about four times Although there are some waterlogged areas where large
the stock of C in biomass. Since the beginning of the uptakes of water by energy crops can be considered
Industrial Revolution, the combustion of fossil fuels has a benefit, it will be more common that water can
added an estimated 270 × 1015 g C to the atmosphere, be a limiting factor in biofuel production. Currently,
whereas biogenic sources (deforestation, biomass burning, in nearly 80 countries that have 40% of the world
and loss of soil organic carbon) added ∼136 × 1015 g C. population, water demands already exceed additions to
Depletion of the stock of soil organic C since the stock (21), and such countries are unlikely to embark
start of the Industrial Revolution is an estimated on major energy crop production programs. In countries
78 × 1015 g C (15). that currently have surplus water, if compared with
The biofuel life cycle can substantially reduce and demand, limitations may also emerge. For instance, in
add to biogenic carbon stocks. If biofuel is produced Ethiopia where eucalyptus is grown for biofuel production,
from deforestation and conversion into agricultural land, competition between food crops and eucalyptus for scarce
large emissions of carbon containing gases from soil to water resources has led to restrictions on the latter (4).
the atmosphere can occur. On the other hand, when Berndes (22) has pointed out that large-scale biofuel
biofuel is produced from reforestation or conservation production countries such as Poland and South Africa
tillage and the use of compost and manure, there may face absolute water scarcity, resulting in lowering of
can be net sequestration of carbon in the soil (15). In water tables.
Table 2, this is exemplified by the life cycle emission Judicious choice of biofuel crop may limit water use. C4
of 68 × 102 g CO2 /kWh, when the production of forest biofuel crops generally use water more efficiently than C3
derived fuel is accompanied by deforestation. The net crops (22). Water efficiency may also be improved by some
sequestration of 19 × 102 g CO2 /kWh is from reforestation types of agroforestry, reducing runoff, direct evaporation
of agricultural land. of water, and drainage (17,23).
If we survey the relation between biofuel use and
the emission of greenhouse gases that affect climate, BIOFUEL SUBSTANCE FLOWS THAT MAY IMPACT WATER
it will be clear that the relation is more complicated
than ‘‘giving back’’ recently fixed carbon dioxide to The biofuel life cycle mobilizes large amounts of sub-
the atmosphere. As Tables 1 and 2 show, net life cycle stances. When biofuels are produced by agriculture (e.g.,
additions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere can be ethanol made from starch or sugar), higher inputs of

sediments, nutrients, and pesticides in water accompany and de-NOx technology will strongly limit acidification
increased agricultural land use. Such increases may also risk for poorly buffered surface waters. And indefinite
be large because land requirements may be large. If, for containment of hazardous elements in ashes will better
instance, the United States were to decide to cover cur- protect ground- and surface water than application of
rent U.S. gasoline consumption by corn-based ethanol ashes to soils or the use of settling ponds for ashes.
fuels, more land would be needed than current total U.S.
cropland (11). BIBLIOGRAPHY
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20. Brown, R.A. et al. (2000). Potential production and environ- gene reservoir, maintaining a healthy biodiversity that
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cultural landscapes by providing the foundation and raw
materials for infrastructure, thus affecting the aesthetics
21. Quadir, M. et al. (2003). Agricultural water management in
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of large scale bioenergy production for water use and supply. tic, and industrial demands. Soil filters the water passing
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31. Wunderli, S. et al. (1996). Levels and congener pattern of process is irreversible, emphasis on erosion control is
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Total Environ. 311: 221–231. deposited downslope. Often, however, the finer particles,
33. Pedersen, A.J. (2003). Characterisation and electrodialytic mainly clays and organic matter, are transported into
treatment of wood combustion fly ash for removal of cadmium. adjacent watercourses, where the nutrients associated
Biomass and Bioenergy 23: 447–458. with them can cause pollution, and deposition of the soil
34. Klee, R.J. and Graedel, T.E. (2004). Elemental cycles: A particles (sedimentation) can restrict water flow.
status report on human and natural dominance. Annu. Rev. Soil conservation aims at conserving the soil properties
Environ. Resour. (in press). associated with fertility (Table 1) by preventing in situ
degradation and preventing physical loss of soil by
controlling erosion. Ideally, soil conservation should
SOIL CONSERVATION also improve the levels of these fertility indicators to
ensure continuing soil health and functionality and to
R.J. RICKSON minimize the detrimental impact of any future soil
M. MCHUGH degradation process.
Cranfield University
Silsoe, United Kingdom

INTRODUCTION Soil conservation techniques can be classified into

three approaches:
Soil is a precious natural resource, which performs many
vital functions. As a growing medium, soil provides nutri- 1. Mechanical Methods—the use of engineering struc-
ents, air, and water to sustain life on earth, supporting tures to conserve fertility and control soil erosion.

Table 1. Main Components of Soil Fertility

Physical components Soil depth
Bulk density
Soil water/water holding capacity
Aggregation/soil structure
Porosity/soil air
Biological components Microorganisms
Soil respiration Figure 1. Cross section of a channel terrace (http//www.fao.
Organic matter/carbon org/documents).
Chemical components Extractable nutrients
Essential elements
Cation exchange capacity
pH steeper slopes. This may cause practical problems for
Electrical conductivity mechanized farming.
C/N ratio The terrace channel reduces slope length, and overland
flow generated between terrace channels discharges into
the channel. The size (width × depth) and gradient of
2. Agronomic Methods—the use of vegetation or the channel across slope (usually at 1: 250 = 0.4% slope)
simulated vegetation to conserve fertility and control determine its capacity in conveying overland flow to a safe
soil erosion. outlet (see lined waterways below). The gentle gradient of
3. Soil Management Methods—the manipulation of the channel ensures that erosion within the channel itself
soil conditions to conserve fertility and control does not occur.
soil erosion. Bench terraces are steplike structures, constructed
across slope, which prevent soil erosion by dissecting
These methods are interrelated and multipurpose in the slope into smaller, shorter components, each with
that they aim to conserve both soil fertility and a level or near-level bench (Fig. 2). The dimensions of the
control soil erosion simultaneously. In many situations, benches depend on slope steepness, the desirable width
a single approach is insufficient on its own and several of cultivable land (i.e., bench width), and the acceptable
approaches need to be combined in an integrated soil height of the steep wall of the terrace, or ‘‘riser’’ (4,5). The
conservation system. construction of the level bench requires the oversteepening
of the terrace riser. To prevent the collapse of the riser, it
Mechanical Methods of Soil Conservation must be supported with stones, rocks, masonry, timber, or
simply a dense network of vegetation roots.
Introduction. Mechanical methods of soil conservation By concentrating and redirecting overland flow, ter-
are applied to control soil erosion by water. Some races will change the natural hydrology, which may incur
techniques date back to ancient times such as terraces, increased risk of erosion. To avoid this, flow in the
which were adopted by Phoenician, Roman, Chinese, and terrace channels is directed to lined waterways, which
Incan civilizations but are seldom used in modern times, are designed to carry increased volume and velocity of
due to high capital and labor costs incurred in construction overland flow without causing erosion. These waterways,
and maintenance. ideally located in natural depressions to minimize earth
moving, are lined with dense, short vegetation, stones, or
Types of Mechanical Soil Conservation Mea- geotextiles. These linings permit high velocity flows with-
sures. Terraces are constructed on hill slopes where soil out causing erosion. The width and depth of the waterway
conservation is needed because of erosion risk. Terraces are determined by the volume of overland flow and the
control soil erosion by reducing slope length and local slope waterway slope and lining.
steepness, thus reducing overland flow energy to erode and In conclusion, mechanical measures of soil conservation
maintaining inherent soil fertility. control the physical loss of soil by erosion. As the soil is
There are many different types of soil conservation kept in situ, soil fertility is also maintained.
terrace, often developed for local environmental conditions
(e.g., the ‘‘fanya juu’’ terrace of eastern Africa). Generic
types of terrace include the channel and bench terrace.
Channel terraces are suited to slopes no steeper than 7◦
(12%) (2,3) (Fig. 1). They consist of a cut channel and a
filled ridge (constructed from the cut material), excavated b
across the slope.
The distance between consecutive terraces downslope
can be determined by equations based on site condi-
tions (4,5). However, a general rule of thumb is to use
a vertical interval between terraces of 1 m. This results
in varying distances between terrace channels as the Figure 2. Cross section of bench terraces: a—level bench;
slope gradient changes, with shorter terrace intervals on b—riser.

Agronomic Methods of Soil Conservation use of vegetation is in the form of shelterbelts spaced
at regular intervals at right angles to the direction of
Introduction. Vegetation is highly effective at control-
the erosive winds. Traditionally, trees have been used
ling soil erosion (6). Agronomic methods of soil conserva-
to form shelterbelts but they need to be supplemented
tion involve the use of vegetation to control soil erosion
by shrubs (bushes) and grasses to provide cover close
and to maintain or enhance soil fertility.
to the ground surface, as 70–75% of the soil eroded by
wind is carried within the lower 1 m of the atmosphere.
Water Erosion Control. The canopy, stem, and root
Modern shelterbelts are based on species of willow and
components of plants interact with soil erosion processes.
alder, both of which can be coppiced to encourage growth
A plant canopy intercepts rainfall, changing raindrop
close to the ground. The most important characteristic
sizes and reducing fall velocities, so that rainfall kinetic
of a shelterbelt is its density or porosity. The belt needs
energy available for erosion is reduced. Plant stems
to be porous so that some air passes through the belt
distort overland flow paths and impart roughness to
but at a low velocity. Clearly, if the belt is too sparse, the
the flow, reducing flow velocity and thus kinetic energy
velocity of the wind is not reduced. A porosity of 40–50% is
to erode. Plant roots encourage infiltration, reducing
generally considered optimum. Belts are usually designed
overland flow generation, and also increase soil shear
to maintain wind speeds below 75% of the speeds recorded
resistance against the shearing forces of overland flow.
over open ground. To achieve this, they need to be spaced
These beneficial effects of vegetation have been quantified
at intervals of between 12 and 17 times the belt height.
by many workers (7–10). A fully mature, low growing,
The principles of shelterbelts can also be used to design
dense vegetation cover is able to control soil loss by two or
in-field shelter systems in which crops are alternated on
three orders of magnitude compared to bare soil.
a strip system, aligned at right angles to the prevailing
Agronomic methods of soil conservation apply these
wind. Thus, strips of barley, spaced at 5–10 m intervals,
principles in the field. Maximum cover on the soil surface
can be alternated with strips of carrots, onions, or sugar
will protect the soil from erosive raindrops and overland
beet to control erosion.
flow, absorbing their energy and thus reducing the ability
Since shelterbelts require a certain amount of time
to erode. High stem and root densities reduce overland flow
to become effective, they are not appropriate where
volumes, velocities, and energy to erode. These effects are
immediate control of wind erosion is required. In these
achieved through cover cropping, high density planting,
situations, windbreaks can be made from brushwood
crop rotations, mulching, and erosion control mats. All
or plastic netting. Brushwood fences are commonly
of these control soil erosion and enhance soil fertility
constructed on coastal dunes to reduce wind velocities
by contributing nutrients, organic matter, and carbon to
and stabilize the mobile sand, which can then be seeded
the soil, thus encouraging microbial biomass and activity
or planted with shrubs and trees to provide long-term
and improving soil structure and aggregate stability. A
stability and reclamation.
fertile, noneroding soil will be able to support a dense
vegetative sward with high percentage cover, stem, and
Soil Management Methods of Soil Conservation
root densities, which in turn are effective at controlling
erosion and enhancing soil fertility. Farming operations carried out up and down the slope
Vegetation is used to reduce slope length and steepness will increase the risk of overland flow generation and loss
when grown in strips parallel to the contour. The strips of soil and nutrients. Changing to contour cultivations
may be of different crops (strip cropping) or as a single field will reduce these risks significantly, but this is not
strip across the slope. The strips restrict the generation always practical, especially on complex or steep slopes,
of overland flow and encourage deposition of eroded where the arrangement of fields on the contour makes
sediment, so that local slope gradients might be reduced. harvesting difficult and incurs high energy consumption.
The deposited sediments are also rich in nutrients, which Contour ridging creates raised ridges across slope, which
are retained within the field, thus maintaining fertility will reduce slope length an effective catchment area for
and avoiding diffuse pollution off-site. overland flow generation, and intercept any overland
Agroforestry systems combine erosion control and flow that is generated. The across-slope ridges can be
maintenance of soil fertility (11). One common practice joined together at regular intervals by ‘‘ties’’ running
is to grow perennial trees/shrubs alongside annual crops. up/downslope, thus creating small basins that trap any
The trees form across-slope barriers to overland flow (also overland flow and eroded soil, conserving both soil and
known as ‘‘alley cropping’’), thus reducing erosion. While water within the ’’tied ridges.’’
the annual crops may deplete soil nutrients in the topsoil, The factors affecting the susceptibility of soil to erosion
these can be replaced by release of nutrients assimilated can be affected by soil management methods, which can
in the leaves that fall from the trees. These nutrients both degrade or conserve soil. For example, intensive
come from reserves deeper in the soil by the tree roots, arable production can lead to severe soil degradation,
so competition for nutrients between the two components as soil is broken down by numerous tillage practices
is minimal. into a loose, fine tilth seedbed. The resulting small soil
aggregates are highly susceptible to erosion. Studdard (12)
Wind Erosion Control. By exerting a drag on air and Pochard (13) showed that under conventional arable
flow, vegetation can reduce the velocity of wind below production, there is little time between cultivations for
that required to initiate erosion and can enhance the aggregates to reform into larger, more stable, less erodible
deposition of soil already in the air. The most common units. Soil structural stability is further reduced by loss of

carbon by oxidation as tillage exposes deeper soil layers to Table 2. Objectives of Soil Conservation Measures in
the air. Soil faunal biomass, including fungal mycelia and Relation to Economic and Social Factors
earthworms, is important in maintaining cohesive bonds 1. The need for soil conservation should be recognized by all
within and between aggregates, but it can be destroyed stakeholders—farmers, local communities, landowners,
during soil disturbance. advisory services, government departments, NGOs, and
Reducing the number and/or intensity of cultivations politicians.
preserves soil structural stability and aggregation. Less 2. Soil conservation measures must be compatible with
disturbed aggregates are able to resist erosive forces, as present and future management plans: they should not be
imposed by external bodies such as researchers, scientists,
cohesive bonds within the aggregates are maintained.
advisory and extension services, or politicians.
Fewer, less invasive cultivations mean more of the 3. Methods of construction will be based on available and
vegetative biomass remains on or within the soil. This appropriate technology and level of education. Technology
biomass is able to absorb the energy of erosive agents, transfer will be ‘‘bottom-up’’ not ‘‘top-down.’’
so erosion is controlled. For example, a rough, trashy 4. The easiest and minimal maintenance of soil conservation
soil surface imparts friction to overland or air flow, scheme will be adopted.
causing turbulence and eddying, resulting in a reduced 5. Present infrastructure should not be radically changed by
flow velocity and kinetic energy to erode. soil conservation measures.
6. Mechanical measures should be laid out economically.
The relative reduction in soil disturbance and retention
7. Crop selection will be based on economic as well as soil
of vegetative material on and within the soil are the conserving properties.
principles behind the use of ‘‘conservation tillage.’’ This 8. Available grants and subsidies will be used. This has been
term incorporates a continuum of soil management demonstrated in the United States for many years.
methods such as minimum till, zero till, mulch tillage, Farmers are eligible for USDA farm subsidies, but only if
direct drilling, noninversion tillage, subsurface mulch they demonstrate soil conservation practices have been
tillage, and plough/plant cultivation (14). Conservation implemented. A similar scheme will operate in England
tillage aims at maintaining soil fertility and controlling and Wales under the DEFRA Single Payment Scheme. To
be compliant with the scheme, farmers have to draw up a
erosion. It can also reduce input costs to agriculture, as
simple risk-based soil management plan that protects
fewer, less invasive cultivations expend less energy and against soil erosion and maintains soil organic matter and
fuel, resulting in dramatic adoption rates in the 1970s soil structure.
in the United States during the oil crisis. It should be 9. Conservation measures will ensure long-term productivity.
noted that the success of conservation tillage is related Farmers are considered ‘‘land stewards,’’ taking
to soil type and timeliness of operations. For example, responsibility for conserving the soil resource for future
there is evidence that reducing the number of cultivations generations. This concept is exemplified by the ‘‘Landcare’’
can increase bulk density on structureless soils, leading to movement in Australia and New Zealand.
overland flow generation and flooding risk, which can only
be alleviated by deep subsoiling periodically. Supporters
of conservation tillage claim that these are short-term and the stability of aggregates. Hydrophobic soil condi-
effects, which are offset in the medium to long term tioners including latex, emulsions, and molasses form an
by the improvement of aggregation and inherent soil impermeable film on the soil surface, which repels water
structure resulting from increased levels of biotic activity and increases the soil’s resistance to erosion. While these
and organic matter levels. latter products control soil erosion, they have no effect on
Manipulation of the soil surface condition by tillage inherent soil fertility.
is used to control wind erosion. On light soils such as
sands and silts, the soil is ploughed and then pressed IMPLEMENTATION AND ADOPTION OF SOIL
with a heavy roller. Drilling is then carried out at CONSERVATION MEASURES
90◦ to the plough/press operation. The resultant tilth
is rough and cloddy, to impart maximum friction to air While much is known of soil conservation techniques,
flow, thus reducing wind speed and ability to detach and they will fail unless the right social, economic, and
transport soil. political conditions prevail (15). Table 2 highlights the
Soil conditioners are applied to soils susceptible main considerations for the adoption and long-term
to degradation, especially erosion. These products can success of soil conservation measures.
perform the dual role of enhancing soil fertility and
controlling erosion. Products with high organic matter CONCLUSIONS
(such as seaweed extract and tree bark) improve inherent
soil fertility in terms of nutrients and organic matter, thus Soil is a sustainable resource, if treated carefully and
improving aggregation, structure, porosity, infiltration with respect. Failing to protect and conserve soil can
capacity, and water holding capacity. lead to rapid soil degradation, which in turn can be an
Hydrophilic soil conditioners including bark, limestone, irreversible process. Soil conservation can be defined as the
palm oil effluent, and seaweed extract increase aggrega- maintenance of soil fertility and the control of soil erosion.
tion and infiltration capacity, so overland flow is less likely These two objectives can be realized by appropriate
to occur. The increase in organic matter from these prod- management of the soil resource, using diverse soil
ucts helps control erosion by increasing cohesive bonds conservation approaches. Application of these techniques

will ensure that the diverse forms and functions of soil will technology and general education can go a long way toward
be conserved for future generations. achieving the same end, just as these methods have proved
successful in conserving water indoors. People will act
BIBLIOGRAPHY to conserve water and improve the environment when
properly informed of and motivated by the best scientific
1. Young, A. (1998). Land Resources: Now and for the Future. knowledge and technology.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
2. Sheng, T.C. (1972). A treatment-oriented land capability
classification scheme. In: Report on the Latin American
Watershed Management Seminar. FAO No. TA3112.
3. Sheng, T.C. (1972). Bench terracing. J. Sci. Res. Council Numerous water-use studies have documented that,
Jamaica 3: 113–127. depending on an area’s climate, residential outdoor
4. Morgan, R.P.C. (1995). Soil Erosion and Conservation, 2nd water use can account for between 22 to 67% of
Edn. Longman, London. total annual water use. Clearly, this represents a
5. Hudson, N.W. (1981). Soil Conservation, 2nd Edn. Batsford. vast opportunity for conservation. But to maintain an
6. Coppin, N.J. and Richards, I.G. (1990). Use of Vegetation in individual’s right to personal choice and to maximize the
Civil Engineering. Butterworths, London. positive environmental benefits of landscaping, a variety
7. Laflen, J.M. and Colvin, T.S. (1981). Effect of crop residue of factors need to be addressed that take location into
on soil loss from continuous row cropping. Trans. ASAE 24: account. When dealing with living plants, a one-size-fits-
605–609. all solution will not be effective. But proven advanced
8. Hayes, J.C., Barfield, B.J., and Barnhisel, R.I. (1984). Perfor- scientific landscape water-conservation principles and
mance of grass filters under laboratory and field conditions. practices do exist, and these can be modified and refined
Trans. ASAE 27(5): 1321–1331. according to area-specific needs (Fig. 1).
9. Babaji, G.A. (1987). Some plant stem properties and overland
flow hydraulics: a laboratory simulation. Ph.D. thesis.
10. Ree, W.O. (1949). Flow of Water in Channels Protected by
Vegetative Linings. USDA Technical Bulletin 967. First, however, potential targets for widespread outdoor
11. Young, A. (1997). Agroforestry for Soil Management, 2nd water conservation should be clearly and carefully defined.
Edn. CAB International in association with the International Too often, a narrow definition focuses exclusively on
Centre for Research in Agroforestry. landscape water use. Narrow definitions often overlook
12. Stuttard, M.J. (1985). The Water Drop Test of Soil Erodibility. potentially high water-use elements such as swimming
Silsoe College Report, Cranfield University. pools or other water features, whose evaporative losses
13. Pochard, L. (1986). Effects of tilth on water conservation, M.Sc. are as great as or greater than those from landscape
thesis. Cranfield University at Silsoe. application.
14. Cogo, N.P., Moldenhauer, W.C., and Foster, G.R. (1984). Soil Other nonlandscape outdoor water uses include wash-
loss reductions from conservation tillage practices. Soil Sci. ing cars, driveways, sidewalks and siding—and even some
Soc. Am. J. 48: 368–373. types of children’s water toys. In addition to conserving
15. Stocking, M.J. and Tengberg, A. (1999). Soil conservation as in these areas, many techniques can be applied landscape
incentive enough—experiences from Brazil and Argentina. water conservation as well.
In: Incentives in Soil Conservation From Theory to Practice.
D.W. Sanders, P.C. Huszar, S. Sombatpanit, and T. Enters
(Eds.). Science Publishers, London.

International Turf Producers
Meadows, Illinois

When given information and technology, people will make

the effort to conserve. Plant selection will have less impact
on water use than either irrigation or soil preparation.
Water budgets give consumers more options and personal
choice, while providing an effective way to conserve water.
Outdoor water-conservation measures typically focus Figure 1. Rather than attempting to regulate or ban a specific
on reducing or eliminating landscape water use. But water use, the water budget technique leaves the determination
implementing new scientific findings and advanced in the hands of the rate-paying water user.

THE WATER BUDGET PROGRAM 5. Establish or confirm soil type(s) to match

water-infiltration rates with future water-
One of the most effective techniques is based on the application rates and to determine if soil pH
practice of advising people how much water they can use, adjustments are recommended.
rather than telling them how they must use it. Termed 6. Perform irrigation-system maintenance,
a ‘‘water budget’’ or ‘‘water allocation’’ method, water regardless of type (hose-end, drip, in-ground, etc.)
providers establish a series of escalating allocation/pricing to ensure maximum uniformity of coverage and
tiers so that every unit of water (i.e., 1000 gallons) in excess overall operation. Repair or replace broken or
of a base quantity costs more than the previous unit.
damaged nozzles or heads. Flush drip system
Because outdoor water use can be measured and
emitters to ensure proper flow. Ensure that rainfall
priced higher, people adjust their end uses according
shutoffs and other devices are working properly.
to their personal desires and financial concerns. This
a. Acquire and/or install hose-end water timers for
approach eliminates the need for contentious public
all hose bibs.
hearings on landscape ordinances and the development of
debatable plant lists, as well as the potential for draconian b. Adjust in-ground system controllers according
enforcement practices and so-called ‘‘water police.’’ to plant’s seasonal needs.
Water budgets, for both indoor and outdoor water use, 7. Upgrade in-ground irrigation systems by
encourage individual freedom of choice and allow artistic adding soil-moisture meters, rain shutoff devices,
expression by homeowners and landscape designers. or evapotranspiration (ET)-based controllers.
Rather than attempting to regulate or ban a specific 8. Relocate drip emitters, particularly around
water use, this technique leaves the determination in trees, to the outer edge of their drip lines. This
the hands of the rate-paying water user. As we’ve seen, will result in higher water use, but it will also
when gasoline prices rise, individuals can quickly adjust encourage a better root system that will anchor
their use patterns. The same holds true for water. the tree in high winds and provide the water and
Once purveyors decide how to allocate and price water, nutrients that are needed by large trees, shrubs,
they then have the very important role of assisting in and other plants (Fig. 2).
the development and distribution of scientifically based
educational materials on water conservation. Again,
successful indoor conservation practices can be easily
converted to outdoor water conservation, particularly as it
relates to landscape water use.

The Two-Track Strategy

Moving from general to more specific landscape water-
conservation recommendations, a two-track strategy that
emphasizes different approaches for existing landscapes
and newly planned and installed landscapes may be most
effective, as follows.

Existing Landscape Areas

Predrought/Premaximum Heat-Day Practices
1. Increase water infiltration with dethatching or
hollow-core aerification of all lawn areas, as well
as under the drip line of trees. Till garden areas
to break up surface crusting, adding mulch where
appropriate. Figure 2. Locate drip emitters to provide water and nutrients
2. Trim or prune trees, shrubs, and bushes to needed by large trees, shrubs, and other plants.
remove low-hanging, broken or diseased parts and
allow greater sunlight penetration throughout and
beneath the plant. Generally speaking, plant water
use is proportional to total leaf surface; thus,
properly pruned plants should require less water.
3. Fertilize all plants (when soil temperatures reach
at least 50 ◦ F or 10 ◦ C) with a balanced plant food
that contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and
potassium (K) according to the results of soil testing
or as experience has shown is appropriate.
4. Sharpen pruning shears and mower blades.
Dull blades encourage plant water losses and the
introduction of disease. Figure 3. Water in the early morning.

9. Confirm water-application rates for hose-end Drought or Maximum Heat-Day Practices—If Dormant
or automatic systems to know the actual running Turf Appearance is Acceptable
times required to distribute a specified amount of
water within a given amount of time. 1. Eliminate all traffic on turf areas, including
10. Water in early morning (Fig. 3) when wind and mowing, which will probably not be necessary
heat are lowest, to maximize the availability of the because of the extremely slow growth rate.
water to the selected plants. 2. Adjust automatic timers to manual or use hose-
11. Irrigate all plants infrequently and deeply, end sprinklers to apply approximately one-quarter
according to local ET or soil-moisture requirements, inch of water a week. The dormant lawn will
to establish a deep, healthy root system. A core- have a tan, golden, or light brown appearance;
extracting soil probe or even a simple screwdriver however, light/infrequent watering will be sufficient
can help determine when to water if the more to maintain life in the crowns of the grass plant
sophisticated ET rates are not available (Fig. 4). during this period.
Professional turf managers gradually lengthen the 3. Minimize water applications for all plant mate-
interval between irrigations to create gradual water rials to the essential amounts needed to maintain
stress for deeper rooting. plant vitality.
12. Cycle irrigation applications (on-off-on-off) to
allow penetration and avoid runoff. Depending on
soil types, the running times may be from 5 to 15 Postdrought or Maximum Heat-Day Practices Irrigate All
minutes and off times from 1 to 3 hours. Repeat this Plants to Reestablish Soil-Moisture Levels, beginning with
cycle until necessary amounts of water are applied staged increases in watering and progressing toward
and maximum penetration is achieved. deep and infrequent watering. By gradually lengthening
13. Begin regular mowing when grass blades are the running times but adding greater spacing between
one-third higher than desired postmowing length, watering applications, the initially shallower roots will
and keep clippings on the lawn. extend to reach deeper soil moisture. Previously dormant
turf will recover rather quickly, and other plants will
14. Raise the mowing height as the summer regain their vigor.
progresses to the highest acceptable level to
encourage deep rooting. (Note: This has been a
traditional recommendation, but further study is Newly Planned or Installed Landscape Areas. Though
required to refine this approach and maximize fewer in number than existing landscape areas, newly
effective water use and/or conservation.) planned and installed landscape areas can generally
achieve greater water savings if all of the best design,
Drought or Maximum Heat-Day Practices—to Maximize plant selection, installation, and management practices
Landscape Appearance now available are closely observed and fully implemented.
The basic principles of xeriscape landscaping provide
1. Withhold fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, on an excellent starting point, providing they are fully
turfgrass; however, small amounts of potassium understood and properly applied. However, note that it
will aid in developing more efficient roots. is incorrect to assume that a xeriscape is supposed to be
2. Reduce mowing frequency to minimize shock to a totally grassless landscape or one that uses only rocks,
turf areas. cactus, or driftwood.
Dr. Doug Welsh, former director of the National
3. Reduce traffic on turf areas, this will minimize
Xeriscape Council, wrote in Xeriscape Gardening: Water
wear and possible soil compaction.
Conservation for the American Landscape: ‘‘In xeriscape
4. Adjust automatic timers of in-ground irrigation landscaping we try to plan the amount of turf so that the
systems according to plant’s seasonally changing investment in water will be repaid in use and beauty. In
water needs. many instances grass is the best choice. For play areas,
playing fields and areas for small pets, grass is often the
only ground cover that will stand up to the wear. Turf
also provides unity and simplicity when used as a design
Rather than duplicate information contained in several
xeriscape manuals, this publication will focus on a limited
number of very critical elements that can maximize
landscape water conservation.
Efficient irrigation is without question an important
water-conservation activity. People waste water; plants
don’t. Overwatering not only wastes water, but it also
weakens or kills plants more than underwatering. Another
wasteful practice seen all too often is misapplication of
Figure 4. An example of a core-extracting soil probe. water, resulting in rotted fences and house siding, flooded

improve the soil may seem high, but the return on that
investment will be even higher. Failing to improve the soil
prior to planting, when it is most practical and efficient,
will result in roots not being able to penetrate as deeply
as possible and runoff occurring almost instantaneously.
If the soil pH is not correct, plants will not be healthy,
nutrients will not be used, and chemical leaching can
take place.
Appropriate plant selection can be a source of
frustration or misunderstanding and not produce the
hoped-for water savings, particularly when it is combined
with ‘‘practical turf areas.’’ Lists of low water-use
landscape plants can cause confusion because they are
based on the incorrect assumption that those plants
capable of surviving in arid regions are low water users,
when the plants typically are only drought-resistant
(Fig. 6).
Figure 5. A wasteful practice seen all too often is misapplication The majority of turfgrass species and cultivars have
of water, resulting in flooded sidewalks or driveways and rivers been scientifically assessed for their evapotranspiration
of water wastefully flowing down gutters. (water-use) rates and can be selected according to the
needs of a specific climate. On the other hand, very few
tree and shrub species and cultivars have undergone
sidewalks or driveways and rivers of water wastefully
comparable quantitative water-use assessments. One
flowing down gutters (Fig. 5).
stunning exception comes from research at the University
Though less so today, many new in-ground landscape-
of Nevada, where Dr. Dale Devitt found that ‘‘one oak tree
irrigation systems have been sold in the recent past on
will require the same amount of irrigation as 1800 square
the basis of simplicity, for example, ‘‘set it and forget it.’’
feet of low-nitrogen fertilized turfgrass!’’
Homeowners, intimidated by the sophisticated appearance
It is also important to understand that though ‘‘low
of the system’s control box, would not modify the settings
water-use’’ plant lists were developed with the best
for seasonal plant water-use changes. Even worse, to be
intentions and purposes in mind, practically all of these
cost-competitive, many systems did not include readily
lists have been based on anecdotal evidence or consensus
available and relatively inexpensive soil-moisture meters,
judgments, not scientific measurement under controlled
rain shutoff devices, or multistation programs. These
procedures. Quite simply, a given group decides that
deficiencies have resulted in overwatered landscapes,
based on their experiences and suppositions, a certain
where water runs down the streets and systems continue
to operate during torrential downpours.
Because of its high visibility, turf watering can be
seen as the antithesis of water conservation and is often
an out-and-out target for elimination. In some locales,
‘‘cash-for-grass’’ programs are used to pay homeowners
handsomely to remove grass from their landscapes. One
highly respected West Coast water official noted at a
conservation convention: ‘‘It isn’t the grass that causes
a problem, it’s the poorly designed and poorly operated
irrigation system. I can’t control the irrigation systems,
but I can reduce the amount of grass in a landscape, and
that will control the water-use problem created by bad
irrigation.’’ The fault was not the grass, but the fact that
it was being improperly watered.
Soil analysis and improvements are another very
important aspect of water conservation. The soil on
most new residential and commercial landscape sites has
literally been turned upside-down during the construction
process, and the topsoil is placed beneath a layer of clay.
Then it is compacted as hard as cement by equipment,
piles of building materials, and construction-worker foot
Figure 6. The minilysimeter gauges water use under actual turf
traffic. The soil’s texture, chemistry, and natural flora and
conditions. This photo at Washington State University’s research
fauna are destroyed. site in Puyallup, shows minilysimeters being weighed. The pots
More water could be conserved and healthy landscape are weighed for daily water evaporation, rewetted, and returned
plants more easily grown by improving the soil before to their ‘‘holes’’ in the turf. These scientific measurements
planting than by any other process or technique. The initial under controlled procedures help researchers better understand
cost of adding topsoil and soil test-guided amendments to low-water use.

plant should or should not be placed on a ‘‘low water-use’’ As science and technology continue to advance, new
list. As has been seen time after time, it typically is not the and better information, tools, and systems will become
plant that wastes water, but the person who is in charge available to help people establish and maintain water-
of its care. conserving and environmentally beneficial landscapes.
When establishing new lawns, turfgrass sod has An ongoing challenge will be keeping pace with these
been shown to require less water than seeding; the developments, sharing that information, and continually
evaporative losses from bare soil are greater for seeded improving best management practices.
areas than they are for turf-covered soil beneath sod Just as we improve our health by using water to
(Fig. 7). brush our teeth and to wash our bodies and clothes,
Water ‘‘harvesting’’ and reuse is another water- applying water judiciously to a properly designed and
conserving practice gaining greater use. It can be installed landscape can improve our health and the general
employed to conserve public water supplies and recharge environment.
groundwater supplies. Efforts to eliminate landscape water use not only take
Historically, planners and designers have focused their away freedom of personal choice; they also bring many
efforts on moving rainwater and snowmelt away from a environmental, economic, and emotional drawbacks that
property as quickly as possible, giving little thought to could be more costly in the long run.
the possible advantages of using that water for landscape
purposes. Consider the fact that during a 1-inch rainfall,
a 35-foot-by-60-foot roof (approximately 2000 square feet) CROP WATER REQUIREMENTS
will collect nearly 1250 gallons of water. Rushing this
water to gutters and then sewers makes little sense when MLADEN TODOROVIC
it could conceivably go into a system that could capture or Mediterranean Agronomic
distribute it across a landscaped area. Institute of Bari
Another increasingly feasible source of additional Valenzano, Bari, Italy
landscape water is recycled or gray water. Some
communities are installing dual water-delivery systems
where one carries potable water for drinking, cooking, Crop water requirements (CWR) refer to the amount
cleaning, and other general household uses and a second of water required to compensate for evapotranspiration
system delivers less thoroughly treated (but very safe) losses from a cropped field during a specified period of
water for use on landscapes. On a small scale, some locales time. Crop water requirements are expressed usually
encourage collecting a home’s gray water (from clothes in mm/day, mm/month, or mm/season, and they are
washers, etc., but not toilets) for use on landscapes. used for management purposes in estimating irrigation
After being applied to a landscape area, harvested, water requirements, irrigation scheduling, and water
recycled, or gray water is either transpired by plants delivery scheduling.
and evaporates into the atmosphere or finds its way into The concept of crop water requirements is intimately
groundwater supplies after it has been cleansed by the connected with crop evapotranspiration because both refer
plant’s root structure. to the same amount of water. Nevertheless, there is
some difference between them. Crop evapotranspiration
represents the water losses that occur (i.e., a hydrological
term), but crop water requirement indicates the amount
of water that should be supplied to account for these
losses (i.e., an irrigation management term). In fact, this
amount of water corresponds to the effective irrigation
water supply necessary to reach the maximum yield.
Therefore, the estimation of crop evapotranspiration
precedes the estimation of crop water requirements
where the latter usually represents the values of
crop evapotranspiration aggregated over some period of
time. For management purposes, crop evapotranspiration
should be transformed into crop water requirements to
be used for estimating irrigation water requirements and
later, management of the irrigation water supply. Then,
crop water requirements are satisfied by the amount of
irrigation water effectively supplied to the root zone and
the effective precipitation.
The concept of crop water requirements has become
important due to the development of large engineering
works when it was necessary to estimate the water
volumes to be supplied to newly irrigated areas. In
Figure 7. When establishing new lawns, turfgrass sod has been general, it is possible to distinguish between crop water
shown to require less water than seeding. requirements for long-term planning, where an average

climate or a climate with a certain probability of occur- CWRJune = KcJune ∗ EToJune ∗ 30

rence can be used for a CWR estimate, and crop water
= 0.94 ∗ 5.1 ∗ 30 = 143.8 mm/month
requirements for real-time management, where climatic
data of the ongoing season are applied. CWRJuly = KcJuly ∗ EToJuly ∗ 31
The procedures for estimating crop water requirements = 1.15 ∗ 5.8 ∗ 31 = 206.8 mm/month
correspond to those of crop evapotranspiration because
both terms refer to the same amount of water. More details CWRAugust = KcAugust ∗ EToAugust ∗ 31
of measuring and estimating crop water requirements are = 1.04 ∗ 5.6 ∗ 31 = 180.5 mm/month
given under the article on CROP EVAPOTRANSPIRATION of this
Encyclopedia. CWRSeptember = KcSeptember ∗ EToSeptember ∗ 6
= 0.835 ∗ 4.2 ∗ 6 = 21.0 mm/month
Example of an estimate of seasonal crop water require-
ments for tomato growing in the Mediterranean region The seasonal crop water requirements represent the
based on a planting date of April 15th and where sum of the monthly values, 656.1 mm/season.
the average monthly reference evapotranspiration val- Crop water requirements can also be estimated daily,
ues are as follows: EToApril = 3.5 mm/day; EToMay = provided that daily values of reference evapotranspiration
4.4 mm/day; EToJune = 5.1 mm/day; EToJuly = 5.8 mm/day; are available. There, Kc values can be interpolated
EToAugust = 5.6 mm/day, and EToSeptember = 4.2 mm/day. similarly, as in the previous example, or they can be
estimated using more complicated approaches (e.g., the
Calculation Procedure. Some data necessary for calcula- dual Kc approach).
tion are taken from the article on CROP EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Crop water requirements of one crop variety vary
of this Encyclopedia: the lengths of the growing stages from one location to another due to variations in cli-
are taken from Table 3 and Kc values from Table 4 of matic parameters and, therefore, to different reference
that article. The growing cycle of tomato can be presented evapotranspiration, different planting dates and lengths
graphically as in Fig. 1: Kc is fixed at 0.5 from April 15th of growing season, different Kc values, etc.
to May 15th, then it increases linearly until June 24th
when it reaches the value 1.15; Kc is fixed at 1.15 from
June 24th to August 7th; then it decreases linearly to 0.8 AGRICULTURAL WATER USE EFFICIENCY
on September 6th, the last day of growing cycle. Hence, (WUE) AND PRODUCTIVITY (WP)
the average monthly values of Kc are determined as fol-
lows: KcApril = 0.5; KcMay = 0.57; KcJune = 0.94; KcJuly = 1.15; PASQUALE STEDUTO
KcAugust = 1.04; KcSeptember = 0.835. Mediterranean Agronomic
Then, the crop water requirements are calculated for Institute
each month as Valenzano, Italy

CWRApril = KcApril ∗ EToApril ∗ 15

Among the different sectors of society, agriculture
= 0.5 ∗ 3.5 ∗ 15 = 26.2 mm/month represents the major water consumer. Rain-fed and
CWRMay = KcMay ∗ EToMay ∗ 31 irrigated agriculture uses water at various degrees of
efficiency, resulting in different levels of productivity.
= 0.57 ∗ 4.4 ∗ 31 = 77.8 mm/month
The general term efficiency (e) indicates the ratio
of output to input of variables (Eq. 1) associated with
transformation (e.g., of energy) or transport (e.g., of mass
August 7th
June 24th

and energy) processes:

e= (1)
sept. 6th

The efficiency term (e) has two peculiarities: (1) the
April 15th

May 15th

0.8 units are nondimensional and (2) the values are always
June 10th

between the theoretical limits of 0 and 1. In water use,


0.6 the efficiency (ew ) has water amounts (e.g., volumes,

quantities, or depth) in both input and output variables.
0.4 The general term productivity (p) still indicates a
Initial Development Mid Late ratio of output to input of variables, as in Equation 1,
but these output and input variables are not associated
0 with transport processes and might be associated, but not
necessarily, with a transformation process. The consequent








peculiarities of the productivity term (p) do not match



those of the efficiency term (e), that is, the units are
Figure 1. The variation of Kc for a tomato crop during the dimensional, and the theoretical limits of 0 and 1 are
growing season. lost. In water use, the productivity term (pw ) has water

amounts (e.g., volumes, quantities, or depth) only in the A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR AGRICULTURAL WATER
input. The output, instead, generally takes the form of USE EFFICIENCY AND WATER PRODUCTIVITY
quantities produced: physical (e.g., dry matter or final
yield of crops, or meat or dairy products from animal Figure 1 illustrates a suitable framework for identifying
husbandry, etc.), economic (e.g., gross income, net revenue, the efficiency (ew ) and the productivity (pw ) components
etc.), or any other form. within the domain of agricultural water use. The frame-
The efficiency term ew has to do more with the way work distinguishes irrigated from rain-fed agriculture and
water is used by the system, whereas pw has to do more splits the overall path that water ‘‘travels’’ to produce a
with the outcome from the system per unit of water it given yield into single segments of particular relevance
consumes. Nevertheless, it turns out that a change in ew and specific boundary conditions.
is reflected in a change in pw , implying that there is a In irrigated agriculture, the source of water can be
link between ew and pw , though the reverse is not the a reservoir (e.g., a dam) from which water will be
case. Moreover, though pw cannot be strictly defined by conveyed and delivered to the farm. Applying Equation 1
Equation 1, it still resembles a sort of efficiency of the to the whole path from the reservoir to a cropped field
system to produce a given output for a given input. The at farm level, will express the efficiency (ew ) in water
undefined degree of commonality and distinction between transport where the input is the outflow from the reservoir
ew and pw has led to some confusion in investigating (Res w out) and the output is the water effectively stored
agricultural water use. in the soil root zone (Root zone w). The whole path can

Irrigated agriculture Rain-fed agriculture

Res_w_out Soil_w
Res_w_in Rainfall


Root_zone_w Root_zone_w
Field_w_appl. Soil_w




ΣAssimilation Photosynthetic WP

ΣAssimilation Biomass WP

Yield WP
x x

Meat/Milk Meat/Milk
Animal husbandry

Yield Biomass
Figure 1. Suggested framework for analyzing components
of water use efficiency and water productivity in agricultural
crop production and animal husbandry. The overall path
Meat/Milk WP Meat/Milk WP ‘‘traveled’’ by water is split into different segments where
appropriate analysis can be performed. See text for

be split into different segments (e.g., from the dam to the also vary according to the nutritional status of the leaves
collective irrigation system; from the collective system to and their age. Variable environmental conditions (e.g.,
the hydrant of a single farm, from the hydrant to the radiation regime, dryness of the atmosphere, etc.) may
cropped field where an irrigation system is present, and also affect the values of photosynthetic pw . Under equal
from the outlets of the irrigation system into the root ambient conditions, all species belonging to the same group
zone of the crop being irrigated) to investigate the single type have similar photosynthetic pw values.
component efficiencies and the overall efficiency obtained Biomass pw is defined as the ratio of cumulative above-
from the product of the single-segment efficiencies. ground biomass (biomass) of a crop canopy to cumulative
In rain-fed agriculture, rainfall represents the source transpiration (T) by the crop. The relationship between
of water, and the ratio of the water stored in the soil cumulative aboveground biomass and T is generally
(Soil w) to the water from the rain (Rainfall) represents quite strict. The slope of the relationship may vary from
the rain storage efficiency. Out of all the water stored in year to year and from location to location, depending on the
the soil (Soil w), only a portion may be available in the soil different environmental conditions and the biomass com-
explored by crop roots (Root zone w), and this represents position of the various species. When T is normalized for
the available water efficiency. All efficiencies mentioned so a reference evaporative demand of a given climatic envi-
far can be qualified as hydrological. ronment and the nutritional conditions are similar, many
After the final allocation of water in the root zone crop species follow the same slope and group into the same
(whether irrigated or rain-fed), water follows a common types as indicated for the photosynthetic pathways pw (C3 ,
pathway for the crop production process: it enters the C4 , and CAM) and the main production compounds (e.g.,
plants and evapotranspires into the atmosphere. We can carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids).
identify two additional efficiencies that may be qualified Yield pw is defined as the product of biomass pw times
as agronomic: one is expressed by the ratio of the amount the harvest index (HI, i.e., the ratio of the marketable yield
of water used by evapotranspiration (ET) to the water to aboveground biomass). Yield pw values are variable
stored in the soil root zone (Root zon w); the other among species and cultivars, depending on the values of
is expressed by the ratio of the amount of effectively HI, which in turn depend on the partitioning of assimilates
transpired (T) and the total amount of evapotranspired in the various plant organs (e.g., leaves, stem, grains). Of
water (ET). This last segment of the water path is course, HI can also vary greatly as a consequence of the
essential because nontranspired water is not considered environmental conditions where the plant is growing (e.g.,
productive to the crop. Thus, a distinction has to be made water stress, nutritional deficit, etc.).
between soil evaporation (E), which is a loss, and crop The water productivity concept can be extended to
transpiration (T). animal production systems when the crop’s biomass and/or
At this point, the water has finished its trip from the yield are used as feed. Then, the product of biomass or yield
source, all the way through the system, passing through water productivity is multiplied by the factor of conversion
the soil, entering the plant, and ending up into the of the feed into animal production (dairy product or meat).
atmosphere, beginning as a liquid phase and ending up The ratio approach can be extended throughout the system
up to the final step of interest (Fig. 1).
as a vapor phase. So far, all the expressions of efficiency
Furthermore, when the amount of product (the
for the different segments (either those pertaining to the
nominator of the productivity ratio) is expressed as gross
hydrological pathway or those pertaining to the agronomic
income (e.g., multiplying it by the price) or as net income
pathway) properly match the definition of Equation 1.
(e.g., deducting production costs), the ratio can represent
because they are nondimensional and have theoretical
the economic water productivity (economic pw ), better
limits between 0 and 1.
indicated as water return (rw ) having the unit of ‘‘currency’’
Examining the remaining segments of the framework
(dollars, euro, etc.) per unit amount of water (volume,
reported in Fig. 1, we next enter the physiological (or
quantity, or depth).
better, ecophysiological) domain of the agricultural system
where the term efficiency loses its rigorous meaning and it
is more appropriate to talk in terms of water productivity
(pw ). Three major expressions for pw can be identified:
(1) photosynthetic water productivity (photosynthetic pw ); ESTIMATION USING SATELLITE IMAGERY
(2) biomass water productivity (biomass pw ); and (3) yield
water productivity (yield pw ).
Soil Conservation and
Photosynthetic pw is defined as the ratio of leaf net
Watershed Management
assimilation to leaf transpiration (A/T) and varies among Research Institute (SCWMRI)
species according to their photosynthetic pathways. These Tehran, Iran
species can be grouped into three major types: the C3 ,
C4 , and CAM plants. All three types ultimately rely INTRODUCTION
on the Calvin photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle for
their CO2 assimilation, but some additional features Many activities such as irrigation and agricultural
characterize those groups that make the photosynthetic scheduling, water resources planning, weather forecast-
pw of CAM plants higher than that of C4 plants, which ing, atmospheric circulation modeling, energy resources
in turn is higher than that of C3 plants, in comparable management and development, and even health related
environmental conditions. Values of photosynthetic pw may issues involve studying the surface energy balance (EB) of

the earth. Photosynthesis and other metabolic processes 3. availability of long-term records from area without
in green plants, evaporation from free water and soil ground observations
surfaces, wind effects, atmospheric and oceanic circula- 4. possibility of change detection
tion, and many other phenomena are mainly functions
of solar radiation. In other words, they are functions of In this article, the EB is studied using remotely sensed
surface EB, in which solar radiation is the most important data and some common methods are introduced. Then, the
driving force. EB components of the Hamoon Wetlands are described as
Due to nonuniform properties of the earth’s surface a case study.
(albedo, heat capacity, soil cover, etc.) and also due to
temporal variation of the earth’s surface properties, the
earth’s surface phenomena must be monitored on spatial ENERGY BALANCE
and temporal scales. Due to spatial variations, ground-
based monitoring of the earth surface can cover only small All climatic and hydrologic phenomena in the atmosphere
areas because of economic restrictions. and on the earth’s surface are affected by the EB of the
Generally, installing a dense monitoring network is surface. The EB is one of the main subjects in climatology,
not feasible or it is technically impossible. For example, hydrology, civil and traffic engineering, biology, and
first-order climatology stations may be 100 km apart. health. EB is the balance between the inward and outgoing
But variations in soil texture, soil cover, topography energy components of the surface.
and microclimate may occur on a much smaller spatial Understanding the behavior of the terrestrial hydro-
scale. On the other hand, interpolation/extrapolation of sphere, biosphere, and climatic systems and their possible
point observations may be insufficient due to weak ground changes requires knowledge of the nature of the EB (11).
coverage. And, the need for distributed models increases. The EB of a surface is the radiative transfer of energy
Satellite imagery provides a large view of the earth’s through the top of the earth’s surface and the molecular
surface. Such a spatially continuous, but time discrete, energy transfer into the soil matrix or free waterbody (12).
data acquisition system provides a suitable framework for Fig. 1 shows the components of the EB.
distributed modeling, provided that the phenomenon to be As shown in Fig. 1, the EB has several components.
modeled has spectral behavior. The net radiation flux of the surface, Rn , is the algebraic
All features on or near the earth’s surface, including soil sum of the following components:
surface, water bodies, vegetation cover, and near surface
atmosphere, exhibit spectral characteristics. Therefore, Rn + A − S − G − λE − Q = 0, (1)
remote sensing can monitor the earth’s surface directly
or indirectly. During the past two decades, several
where A, S, G, λE, and Q are advective and convective
satellites were launched with a large variety of sensor
sensible heat, soil heat, latent heat fluxes and change
capabilities. Many articles in the literature report using
in heat storage, respectively. All of the fluxes have the
remote sensing to study the energy partitioning of
dimension of MT−3 with units such as MJ/m2 -day. In
the earth’s surface. In this respect, Bastiaanssen (1)
Eq. 1, all sources of energy (Rn and A) are positive values,
developed a model for energy partitioning using a remote
and sink terms (S, G, λE, and Q) are negative.
sensing algorithm named SEBAL (surface energy balance
There is also a radiation balance at the surface, in
algorithm for land). Bastiaanssen et al. (2) used SEBAL to
which the net radiation is calculated from the algebraic
model evapotranspiration on a catchment scale in Spain,
sum of the inward and outward radiations (Eq. 2).
Niger, China, and Egypt. Bastiaanssen (3) also tested
the model in Turkey. Silberstein et al. (4) correlated the
surface effective temperature with the satellite-derived Rn = Rs ↓ −Rs ↑ +Rl ↓ −Rl ↑, (2)
surface temperature to form the energy balance on a
catchment scale. where Rs and Rl are short- and long-wave radiation,
Remote sensing is being applied in a large number respectively; ↓ and ↑, represent inward and outward
of investigations, such as Xin and Shih (5), Laymon radiation to and from the surface.
et al. (6), and Biftu and Gan (7) to model surface Using Stephan’s law, Eq. 2 changes to (6,13):
evaporation and canopy evapotranspiration. Bastiaanssen
et al. (8) introduced the possibilities of applications in Rn = (1 − α)Rs + Cσ (εsky Ta 4 − εsurface TS 4 ) (3)
agriculture, and Arasteh (9) developed a model to estimate
evaporation from the Hamoon Wetlands called HRSE where α is surface albedo; εsky and εsurface are the emissiv-
(Hamoons remotely sensed evaporation) within an area of ities of the atmosphere and the surface, respectively; C is
4000 km2 on the Iran–Afghanistan border using NOAA- the cloudiness factor; σ is the Stephan–Boltzman constant
AVHRR images. (4.903 × 10−9 MJ/K4 -m2 -day); and Ts and Ta , are surface
The advantages of using remote sensing in hydrologic and near surface atmosphere temperatures (K).
studies have been stated by Prince (10) and Dubayah Other components of EB, S and λE, may be determined
et al. (11) as follows: by aerodynamic resistance relations (6,13,14) and G can
be modeled on the basis of heat conduction theory (12):
1. large aerial coverage
2. higher spatial resolution than ground-point obser- ρCp
vations S= (Ts − Ta ) (4)

S aRs lE
lE Rs Sun
∆Q aRs

Soil A lE
aRs S

G Free water
A = Advective sensible heat flux
G = Ground heat flux ∆Q
Rs = Solar radiation flux
S = Sensible heat flux
a = Albedo
lE = Latent heat flux Earth
∆Q = Change in energy storage
Figure 1. Schematic components of the EB. ∆RI = Net long-wave radiation

ρCp eS (Ts ) − ea Surface Albedo

λE = (5)
γ ra + rs
Reflected directional radiance in VIS and NIR channels
dT (0.4 to 2.5 µm) are being used to determine surface
G = dCs (6)
dt albedo (16–18). To determine surface albedo, Gutman (20)
and Csiszar and Gutman (21) introduced the following
where ρ is air density (kg/m3 ); Cp is the specific heat of air
(MJ/kg-K); Cs is the soil matrix or waterbody heat capacity
1. Normalizing VIS and NIR channels reflectances with
(MJ/m3 -K); γ is the psychometric constant; ra and rs are
respect to solar zenith angle (SZA):
aerodynamic and surface resistances, respectively (s/m);
es and ea are saturated vapor pressure at Ts and actual air
(ρ1 )TOA = R1 cos(SZA)
vapor pressure, respectively (kPa); d is the depth of soil (7)
or water (m); and dT/dt is the change in temperature per (ρ2 )TOA = R2 cos(SZA)
unit time.
Equations 3–6 have some variables that can be where R is reflectance; ρ is normalized reflectance;
determined by remote sensing and others must be obtained SZA is solar zenith angle (radians); 1 and 2 indexes
from ground observations. The received solar radiation, Rs , represent VIS and NIR channels, respectively; and
is introduced in several texts on the basis of the earth–Sun TOA is top of atmosphere.
geometric relationships (15). Determination of surface 2. Converting VIS and NIR narrowband reflectance
temperature and near surface air temperature, dew point, to a broadband reflectance by a linear relation to
precipitable water in atmosphere column, vapor pressure determine top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance:
deficit, and albedo are reviewed by Cracknell, (16), Prince
et al. (10), Dubayah et al. (11), Menenti (17), Granger (18),
(ρ)TOA = a + b(ρ1 )TOA + c(ρ2 )TOA (8)
and Schmugge et al. (19).
where a, b, c are regression coefficients.
3. Correcting TOA reflectance for anisotropy to deter-

(α)TOA = (ρ)TOA (ARF)−1 (9)

Satellite remote sensing is a collection of sciences,
technologies, and methods of inferring the earth’s surface
parameters by measuring the electromagnetic radiation where ARF is the anisotropic reflectance factor.
of the surface (18). Visible (VIS), near infrared (NIR) 4. Modifying TOA albedo for atmospheric effects to
and thermal infrared (TIR) channels are used for EB determine surface albedo:
processing (16,17,19).
Some primary surface parameters such as surface α = f [(α)TOA , SZA,AWV,AA] (10)
albedo, surface temperature, air temperature, surface
roughness, land cover, and land use may be provided by where α is albedo (%), AWV is atmospheric water
remote sensing. In the following, satellite data acquisitions vapor, and AA are atmospheric aerosols. Song and
are introduced. Gao (22) gave calibrated nonlinear relations between

coefficients b and c and NDVI (normalized difference Air Temperature

vegetation index) or SAVI.
Ground observation calibration methods can be used to
NIR − R determine air temperature. Air temperature can also, be
NDVI = (11) derived from the thermal vegetation index (10,11) where
  the surface temperature of a closed canopy is assumed
NIR − R equal to its adjacent air temperature.
SAVI = 1.5 (12)
NIR + R + 0.5
Sky and Surface Emissivities
where R is the red channel of the spectrum.
Surface and near surface atmosphere emissions are
Instead of the linear relation of Equation 8 Granger (18) related to surface indexes such as NDVI, SAVI, etc. (6,25):
emphasized that the AVHRR-NIR channel could be
used individually to determine the out of atmosphere εsurface = a1 · NDVI + a2 (15)
reflectance and the corresponding albedo.
εsurface = b1 · ln(NDVI) + b2 (16)
Surface Temperature
where a1 , a2 , b1 , and b2 , are regression coefficients.
Surface temperature is the result of the thermodynamic
equilibrium between the energy condition in the near
surface atmosphere, soil surface, and subsurface soil. Net Radiation, Sensible and Latent Heat Flux Densities
It is also a function of surface emissivity (19). The According to Eq. 3, from the earth–Sun geometry and
first step in inferring surface temperature by remote satellite data acquisition, using previously mentioned
sensing is to determine the brightness temperature, TB , methods, one can determine Rn . Using satellite derived Ts
of TIR channels. The TB at satellite temperature is and Ta and ground based data, other energy components
the temperature of a blackbody and can be determined of the surface of Eqs. 4–6 can be determined. In this
by solving Planck’s spectral distribution function for respect, surface and aerodynamic resistances and surface
blackbody temperature (16): roughness length are related to LAI (leaf area index) and
 ν2 consequently to remote sensing by indexes such as NDVI
E(ν, TB ) (ν)dν or SAVI (3,25):
R(TB ) =
 ν2 (13)
(ν)dν Z0m = exp(a · NDVI + b ) (17)
LAI = a · ln(b + NDVI) (18)
where R is radiance (MJ/m -Sr-cm); TB is brightness LAI = a · exp(b · NDVI) (19)
temperature (K); E is Planck’s radiation energy of a
blackbody (MJ/m2 -Sr-cm); is spectral response function; rs = f (LAI) (20)
and ν is wave number equal to the inverse of wavelength
ra = f (Z0h )
(cm−1 ).
Spectral radiance, R, is determined from the sensor
calibration equation on the basis of the image digital where Z0m and Z0h are the surface roughness length
number. Equation 13 must be solved numerically for due to turbulence and heat, respectively; ra and rs , are
energy E. Then the brightness temperature, TB , is aerodynamic and surface resistances; and a , a , a , b , b ,
determined by solving Planck’s law (16): and b are regression coefficients.

C2 ν Case Study
TB =   (14)
C1 ν 3
ln 1 + To show an example of a remotely sensed EB application,
E the study by Arasteh (9) on Hamoon Wetlands is
summarized as follows:
in which C1 = 1.1910659 × 10−5 MJ/s-m2 -Sr-cm−4 and The Hamoon Wetlands located between Iran and
C2 = 1.438833 [cm-K]. Afghanistan form a complex hydraulic-hydrologic system
To determine surface temperature, there are several of three neighboring wetlands with an average water area
methods classified in three major categories: of 4000 km2 in wet years. The wetlands are transboundary
and affect all human activities in the region (Fig. 2).
1. Ground observation based calibration Determining an estimate of evaporation from the free
2. Atmospheric effects back-modeling water surface of the Hamoon Wetlands was the main
3. Atmospheric effects omission (two-look method and objective of the study by Arasteh (9). For this, it was
multichannel method or split window) required to study remotely sensed EB. Arasteh (9) used
energy partitioning to fulfill this objective. Using his
Cracknell (18) has described these methods in detail. The algorithm with the NOAA-AVHRR-14 image of May 10,
split window method for determining surface temperature 1998, the net radiation, sensible heat, and latent heat of
is the most common (10,18,23,24). the Hamoon surface are shown in Fig. 3.

N 15% for this component. Dubayah et al. (11) stated that

it is not possible to estimate downwelling long-wave
SABORI radiation with accuracy less than 20 W/m2 using AVHRR
HAMOON data.
POOZAK Finally, it can be concluded that the accuracy of a
HAMOON remotely sensed EB is related mainly to the spatial
KHASHROUD resolution of images, the spectral resolution (number of
RIVER channels and bandwidth for each channel), the accuracy of
ground-based observations, and the range of applicability
Zabol of calibrated equations.

HIRMAND Carleton (26) summarized some sources of satellite based

SHILEH RIVER EB (Table 1). He emphasized METEOSAT, GMS, and
RIVER ERBS satellite systems as the most important sources
AFGHANISTAN LEGEND of global coverage of EB. The ERBS is a profes-
I.R. of IRAN sional system. The Earth Radiation Budget Experi-
Rivers & Waterways
ment (ERBE) included ERBS and NOAA 9–10 plat-
Borderline forms.
Zahedan City

0 100000 meter Table 1. Some Satellite Systems Related to EB

Figure 2. Hamoon Wetlands region between Iran and Generationa
Afghanistan. Spectral Type of
Variable Region Sensor Satellite Satellite

Surface albedo VIS SR NOAA Polar orbiter

VISSR GOES Geostationary
To use each method, it is necessary to consider its accuracy.
Surface solar VIS SR NOAA Polar orbiter
Therefore, it is very important to consider the question of
the accuracy of remotely sensed EB. VISSR GOES Geostationary
Considering Eqs. 1 and 3–6, there are various variables
with their own sources of error. Cracknell (16) reported a Outgoing TIR SR NOAA Polar orbiter
variation of 0.5 to 1.4 K in the sea surface temperature long-wave
for only a 2% change in surface emissivity. Menenti (17)
reviewed the literature and reported errors of less than
3% in latent heat and obtained an average error of a
Reference 26.

(a) (b) N (c)




MJ/m2-day < 20
MJ/m2-day < −10 20 to 22
22 to 24
< 10 −10 to −8
−8 to −6 24 to 26

10 to 12 −6 to −4 26 to 28
12 to 14 −4 to −2 28 to 30

14 to 16 30 <

16 to 18 −2 to 0
18 to 20 0<
20 <

61°00′00.00″E 61°30′00.00″E 62°00′00.00″E

61°00′00.00″E 61°30′00.00″E 62°00′00.00″E 61°00′00.00″E 61°30′00.00″E 62°00′00.00″E

0 50 km 0 50 km 0 50 km

Figure 3. Energy partitioning for Hamoon Wetlands using the Arasteh (9) algorithm; (a) net
radiation, (b) sensible heat, and (c) latent heat.

RELATED INTERNET SITES 14. Albertson, J.D., Kiely, G., and Parlange, M.B. (1996). Surface
fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapor. In: Radiation and
Water in Climate System. E. Raschke (Ed.). Springer-Verlag,
1. Berlin, Germany, pp. 59–82.
2. 15. Burman, R. and Pochop, L.O. (1994). Evaporation, Evapo-
3. transpiration and Climate Data. Elsevier, Amsterdam, the
4.∼map/maproom/text/ Netherlands, pp. 28–54.
Climate Pages/olr.shtml. 16. Cracknell, A.P. (1997). The Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR). Taylor and Francis, London, UK.
17. Menenti, M. (2000). Evaporation. In: Remote Sensing
6. in Hydrology and Water Management. G.A. Schultz and
7. E.T. Engman (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany,
pp. 157–188.
18. Granger, R.J. (2000). Satellite derived estimates of evapo-
BIBLIOGRAPHY transpiration in Gediz Basin. J. Hydrol. 229: 70–76.
19. Schmugge, T.J. et al. (2002). Remote sensing in hydrology.
1. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. (1995). Regionalization of Surface Flux Adv. Water Resour. 25: 1367–1385.
Densities and Moisture Indicators in Composite Terrain, 20. Gutman, G. (1988). A simple method for estimating monthly
Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural University, Wageningen, the mean albedo of land surface from AVHRR data. J. Appl.
Netherlands. Meteorol. 27: 973–984.
2. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. et al. (1998). A remote sensing surface 21. Csiszar, I. and Gutman, G. (1999). Mapping global land
energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL): 2. Validation. J. surface albedo from NOAA-AVHRR. J. Geophys. Res. 104:
Hydrol. 212–213: 213–229. 6215–6228.
3. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. (2000). SEBAL-based sensible and 22. Song, J. and Gao, W. (1999). An improved method to derive
latent heat fluxes in the irrigated Gediz Basin, Turkey. J. surface albedo from narrowband AVHRR satellite data:
Hydrol. 229: 87–100. Narrowband to broadband conversion. J. Appl. Meteorol. 38:
4. Silberstein, R.P., Sivapalan, M., and Wyllie, A. (1999). On the 239–249.
validation of a coupled water and energy balance model at 23. Andersen, H.S. (1997). Land surface temperature estimation
small catchment scales. J. Hydrol. 220: 149–168. based on NOAA-AVHRR data during the HAPEX-Sahel
5. Xin, J.N. and Shih, S.F. (1991). NOAA polar-orbiting satellite experiment. J. Hydrol. 188–189: 788–814.
APT data in lake evaporation estimation. J. Irrig. Drainage 24. Watts, C.J. et al. (2000). Comparison of sensible heat flux
Eng. 117(4): 547–557. estimates using AVHRR with scintillometer measurements
6. Laymon, C. et al. (1998). Remotely-sensed regional-scale over semi-arid grassland in northeast Mexico. Agric. Forest
evapotranspiration of a semi-arid Great Basin desert and Meteorol. 105: 81–89.
its relationship to geomorphology, soils and vegetation. 25. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., Menenti, M., Feddes, R.A., and Holt-
Geomorphology 21: 329–349. slag, A.A.M. (1998). A remote sensing surface energy balance
7. Biftu, G.F. and Gan, T.Y. (2000). Assessment of evapotran- algorithm for land (SEBAL): 1. Formulation. J. Hydrol.
spiration models applied to a watershed of Canadian Prairies 212–213: 198–212.
with mixed land-uses. Hydrological Processes 14: 1305– 26. Carleton, A.M. (1991). Satellite Remote Sensing in Climatol-
1325. ogy. Belhaven Press, London, UK, pp. 205–244.
8. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., Molden, D.J., and Makin, I.W. (2000).
Remote sensing for irrigated agriculture: Examples from
research and possible applications. Agric. Water Manage.
46: 137–155.
9. Arasteh, P.D. (2004). Development of a Distributed Model for MARIANNE MCHUGH
Estimation of Regional Evaporation using Remote Sensing
Techniques, Case Study: Hamoon Lakes of Iran, Ph.D. Thesis,
Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran. JULIA DUZANT
10. Prince, S.D. et al. (1998). Inference of surface and air ROY MORGAN
temperature, atmospheric precipitable water and vapor JANE RICKSON
pressure deficit using advanced very high- resolution
Cranfield University
radiometer satellite observations: Comparison with field
North Wyke, Devon, United
observations. J. Hydrol. 212–213: 230–249.
11. Dubayah, R.O., Wood, E.F., Engman, E.T., Czajkowski, K.P.,
Zion, M., and Rhoades, J. (2000). Remote sensing in hydro-
logical modeling, In: Remote Sensing in Hydrology and
Water Management. G.A. Schultz and E.T. Engman (Eds.).
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 85–102.
12. Stull, R.B. (1988). An Introduction to Boundary Layer Soil erosion is the removal of soil or other slope-
Meteorology. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, forming materials by erosive agents, namely, water
pp. 251–294. and wind. Accelerated soil loss, in excess of the rate
13. Engman, E.T. and Gurney, R.J. (1991). Remote Sensing of natural soil erosion, is perpetuated when surface
in Hydrology. Chapman and Hall, London, UK, pp. 85– vegetation is compromised or removed. It is therefore
102. more likely to occur wherever land is used by humans

for agricultural production, infrastructural construction, Wind Erosion

mineral abstraction, or recreation, and where measures
The main factor affecting wind erosion is the velocity
for soil protection are not in place.
of moving air. Because of the roughness imparted by
Soil erosion involves a two-phase process of soil
vegetation, soil, and other obstacles, wind speeds are
detachment and transport, both of which require an
lowest nearest the ground surface. Above this, wind speed
energy input. Much of the energy of erosion derives
increases exponentially with height. The movement of
from water or wind flow over the soil surface or is
soil particles can be related to critical shear velocity,
provided by gravity. Although reducing the energy of
which is the velocity of wind required to dislodge soil
erosive forces is the most effective way of controlling
particles from the ground surface and is dependent on
soil erosion, one consequence of reducing energy may
soil particle size and soil cohesiveness. Very high shear
be the deposition of any material already eroded. As
velocities are required to initiate soil particle movement
eroded sediment is often enriched with nutrients, organic
by wind, and this energy may be translated to adjacent soil
matter, and contaminants preferentially adsorbed onto
particles at the same time, thus causing a chain reaction
the sediment surface, sediment deposition may allow
of motion. Sediment-laden air also acts to detach and
contaminant release into the environment. It is necessary,
mobilize other soil particles by bombarding or impacting
therefore, to reduce erosive energy at the source areas
on the soil surface. Once in motion, soil particles are
of sediment rather than after the sediment has been
transported by wind in suspension (in the air), as surface
detached and transported.
creep (rolling along the ground surface), and as saltation
(particle movement in jumps) (4).
Rates of Soil Erosion
Water Erosion
Rates of soil erosion are normally expressed in terms of
Rainsplash (detachment and removal of soil particles and the mass or volume of soil removed from a unit area of
aggregates at the soil surface by raindrop impact) is an land per unit of time (t or m3 ·ha−1 ·y−1 ). Typical annual
important soil-detaching agent. The energy available for rates of erosion on hillslopes under forest or natural
erosion is related to raindrop size and velocity. Raindrops grassland are 0.01–0.5 t·ha−1 in areas of moderate slope
have greater kinetic energy than the same volume of
steepness and 0.1–5 t·ha−1 on steeper slopes. These rates
runoff and are thus potentially more erosive, although
are generally considered low and representative of erosion
most raindrop energy is expended in soil detachment,
as a natural geomorphological process. On agricultural
leaving little energy available for sediment transport.
land, annual rates are much higher, ranging from 0.1
Rainsplash plays a further role in slope erosion through
to 200 t·ha−1 , reflecting the poorer protection afforded by
the detachment, dispersion, and redeposition of fine soil
various crops. Arable land is particularly vulnerable to
particles on the soil surface. Soil pores are blocked by
erosion seasonally when the soil is bare between ploughing
the redeposited particles, resulting in a surface seal, a
and crop emergence and also from emergence until the crop
reduction in infiltration, and an increase in erosive runoff.
canopy closes. Grazing land is vulnerable if overgrazing
Rainsplash constitutes only a negligible proportion of
removes the vegetation cover. Even higher rates of erosion
total soil loss except where runoff is not generated, where
have been recorded on construction sites, often reaching
it can be the dominant process of sediment removal (1).
1000 or even 5000 t·ha−1 ·yr−1 .
Where runoff does occur, particle suspension is greatly
Since erosion is a natural process, it is implicit that it
enhanced by raindrop impact (2) and rainsplash operates
cannot be prevented. Erosion can, however, be controlled
as a ‘‘feeder’’ mechanism to rill and runoff erosion. Runoff
at an acceptable rate, which should be no faster than the
may also present a buffer between falling raindrops and
rate at which new soil forms. As little is known about rates
the soil surface, so that detachment by rainsplash can
of soil formation, except that they are extremely slow, a
be limited by runoff. This depends on water depth and
value of 1 t·ha−1 (equivalent to 0.1 mm·y−1 ) is sometimes
raindrop size (3).
accepted as an average annual rate for temperate areas. A
Runoff in unchanneled form has a relatively low
more pragmatic approach is to consider the environmental
kinetic energy and, while able to transport soil particles
damage that can occur if no control measures are in place
thrown into the flow by raindrop impact, is not able to
(Table 1). Decisions can then be made about the level
detach new material. Hortonian runoff (when rainfall
of damage tolerable relative to the costs of preventing
intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil)
that damage.
depends critically on rainfall intensity and amount and
soil infiltration capacity. Saturation runoff (when rainfall
Impacts of Soil Erosion
amount exceeds soil storage capacity) depends on rainfall
intensity, subsoil permeability, and the porosity and Soil is a valuable resource in situ but when eroded by
permeability of the topsoil. wind and water it can cause significant impacts both on
Runoff channeled into rills or gullies has higher kinetic and off site. The on-site implications of soil erosion include
energy and is a much more powerful agent, able to detach declines in cultivable soil depth, available soil moisture,
and transport soil particles of all sizes, including gravels soil organic matter, nutrient content, soil fertility, and soil
and small stones. Its considerable erosive power can structure as well as large-scale losses in productive area
account for up to 78% of the total material transported through gullying or mass movement (4). These on-site
within an erosion event. effects are particularly important on agricultural land:

Table 1. Rates of Erosion at a Field Scale and Associated Levels of Damage from Individual Storm Events
Erosion Rate, t·ha−1 Class Indicators

<1 Natural No surface evidence of erosion; land well-protected by vegetation cover (90–100%
ground cover); very low sediment concentrations in runoff water, which appears clear.
1–2 Very slight No surface evidence of erosion; land protected by vegetation cover (70–90% ground
cover); low sediment concentrations in runoff water, which is clear to slightly cloudy.
2–5 Slight Some crusting of the soil surface; localized wash, small channels (rills) every 50–100 m
spacing; 30–70% ground cover; slight risk of pollution if runoff discharges directly
into water courses.
5–10 Moderate Evidence of surface wash; rills spaced every 20–50 m; exposed tree roots mark level of
former soil surface; slight to moderate surface crusting; 30–70% ground cover; risk of
pollution if runoff discharges directly into water courses.
10–50 High Continuous network of rill channels every 5–10 m or deeper channels (gullies) every
50–100 m; surface crusting of soils over large area; <30% ground cover; danger of
pollution and sedimentation downstream.
50–100 Severe Land scarred by continuous network of rills every 2–5 m or gullies every 20 m;
sediment splays of coarse material; bare soil; siltation of water bodies; damage to
roads by erosion and sedimentation; risk of muddy floods.
100–500 Very severe Land heavily scarred by continuous network of channels with gullies every 5–10 m; soil
heavily crusted; bare soil; severe siltation, pollution, flooding, and eutrophication
problems downstream.
>500 Catastrophic Extensive network of rills and gullies; large gullies (>100 m2 ) every 20 m; most of
original soil surface removed; severe damage from erosion, pollution, flooding, and
sedimentation downstream.

annual agricultural damage costs due to erosion have include mechanical, agronomic, and soil management
been estimated at £264 million in the United Kingdom methods of erosion control.
alone (5). The net effect of these impacts is a loss in
productivity, which both restricts what can be grown Mechanical Methods of Erosion Control
and results in increased expenditure on fertilizers and Mechanical methods of soil conservation are useful in
irrigation to maintain yields. Later this threatens food the control of soil erosion by water. They include terraces,
production and may ultimately lead to land abandonment, constructed on hill slopes to control soil erosion by reducing
with a concurrent decline in the value of land as it changes slope length and slope steepness, thus limiting the energy
from productive farmland to wasteland (4). A further of runoff to detach and transport soil material (6). There
consequence of this is the unsustainable exploitation of are many different types of terrace but generic types
land resources elsewhere. include the channel and bench terrace. Channel terraces
The deposition of eroded sediment reduces the capacity are suited to slopes no steeper than 7◦ (12%) (6) and
of rivers and drainage ditches, enhances flooding, consist of a cut channel and filled ridge (constructed
blocks irrigation canals, and shortens the design life from the cut material) constructed across the slope.
of reservoirs (4). Deposited sediment also represents a The distance between consecutive terraces downslope
risk to infrastructure. Chemicals, including fertilizers is influenced by site conditions, with greater distances
and pesticides, and nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and between terraces on gentler slopes and shorter terrace
phosphorus (P) deposited with eroding soil may have intervals on steeper slopes.
detrimental effects on water quality for supply, recreation, Bench terraces are steplike structures constructed
and fisheries. Further impacts on aquatic ecosystems across a slope to prevent erosion by dissecting the hill slope
include increases in turbidity reducing light penetration into smaller, shorter slope components, each with a level or
and O2 availability, thereby reducing plant growth and key near-level bench. The dimensions of the benches depend on
biological activities such as photosynthesis; submergence slope steepness, the desirable width of cultivable land, and
and physical damage to floodplain and in-stream plants; the acceptable height of the steep wall (riser) of the terrace,
and clogging of fish spawning gravels. which is often related to soil depth. As construction of the
level bench requires oversteepening of the terrace riser,
CONTROLLING SOIL EROSION this near-vertical wall must be supported with stones,
masonry, or timber to prevent collapse.
Measures to control erosion rely on reduction of the In channel terrace systems, runoff is discharged
energy of erosive forces. Reducing the rate at which into a channel constructed at a gentle gradient across
soil is detached and transported involves increasing slope to ensure that erosion within the channel itself
interception and infiltration of rainfall and runoff; does not occur. The channels are usually kept free
reducing runoff volume, velocity, and energy; decreasing of vegetation, so that any accumulated sediment can
the area over which runoff occurs; increasing soil be excavated each year. From there, flow is directed
resistance; and increasing soil aggregate stability. The to lined waterways, which are designed to cope with
practical measures available to achieve these conditions increased volume and velocity of runoff without causing

erosion. These waterways, ideally located in natural potential for runoff generation and encourage deposition
depressions to minimize the need for earth moving, are of eroded sediment within the strips so that local slope
lined with vegetation, stones, or geotextiles with high gradients may be reduced. Common in areas where field
shear resistance to minimize the risk of erosion. boundaries (e.g., hedges) have been removed to increase
field size and allow agricultural intensification, field grass
Agronomic Methods of Erosion Control strips can be established along former field boundaries,
reinstating shorter slope lengths and reducing erosion
Water Erosion Control. Agronomic methods involve the
use of vegetation to control soil erosion and are highly risk. As farm machinery can traverse the field strips, this
effective (7). A plant canopy intercepts rainfall, changing simple but effective soil erosion control measure may be
raindrop size distribution and reducing fall velocities, so adopted willingly by farmers.
that kinetic energy available for erosion via raindrop Agroforestry systems, in which perennial trees or
impact is reduced. Plant stems distort and impart shrubs grow alongside annual crops, also help to control
roughness to runoff paths, reducing flow velocity and soil erosion. The trees or shrubs form across-slope barriers
thus kinetic energy to detach and transport soil material. to runoff, thus reducing slope lengths and soil losses on
Plant roots encourage infiltration through the soil profile the slope.
and thus reduce the risk of runoff generation. Lateral
plant roots also increase the resistance of soil against the Wind Erosion Control. Vegetation is also widely used
shearing forces of runoff. to control wind erosion. By exerting a drag on air flow,
Agronomic methods of erosion control include ensuring vegetation can reduce the velocity of the wind below that
maximum cover on the soil surface, especially during required to initiate erosion and can enhance the deposition
high rainfall periods, to protect the soil from erosive of soil already being carried in the air. The most common
raindrops and maintaining high stem and root densities to use of vegetation is in the form of shelter belts spaced at
reduce runoff volumes, velocities, and energy. These can regular intervals at right angles to the direction of the
be achieved through cover cropping, high density planting, erosive winds. Traditionally, trees have been used to form
crop rotations, mulching, and erosion control geotextiles. shelterbelts but they need to be supplemented by shrubs
A geotextile is any permeable textile material that is an (bushes) and grasses to provide cover close to the ground
integral part of a constructed project, structure, or system. surface since some 70–75% of the soil eroded by wind is
It may be made of synthetic or natural fibers. Geotextiles carried within the lower 1 m of the atmosphere. The most
have many applications in land and water management, important characteristic of a shelterbelt is its density or
but those used for erosion control are usually in the porosity. If too dense, the belt acts like a solid wall and
form of two- or three-dimensional mats, webs, nets, grids, air flowing over the top will create erosive eddies in the
or sheets. lee. The belt therefore needs to be porous so that some air
Natural fiber geotextiles are biodegradable and passes through the belt but at a low velocity. Conversely,
designed to be laid over the surface of the soil to pro- if the belt is too sparse, the velocity of the wind is not
vide protection against erosion until a vegetative cover reduced. A porosity of 40–50% is generally considered
is established: in this way, geotextiles act as simulated optimum. Belts are usually designed to maintain wind
vegetation. Artificial fiber geotextiles are designed to give speeds below 75% of the speeds recorded in open ground.
permanent protection to the soil surface and are usually To achieve this, they need to be spaced at intervals of
buried to reinforce the soil both before and after vegeta- between 12 and 17 times the belt height.
tion establishment. Surface-laid, natural fiber geotextiles While many shelterbelts comprise single rows of trees,
are more effective at controlling soil erosion by raindrop some consist of three rows made up of alternating nurse
impact because they provide good surface cover, high trees, durable trees, and bushes. The advantage of these
water absorption, and a rough surface on which water mixed belts is they can withstand the loss of an individual
can pond. They also reduce erosion by runoff because species due to disease or pest since other species within
they impart roughness to the soil surface and therefore the belt can fill any gaps. They also provide a habitat
reduce runoff velocity. Buried geotextiles reduce erosion for wildlife.
to a lesser extent as they cannot control rainsplash ero- In arable farming, shelterbelts are considered boundary
sion and actually increase erosion if they are backfilled features and are placed around field edges. However, the
with loosely consolidated, and therefore highly erodible, principles of shelterbelts can also be used to design in-field
material. Over time, natural fiber geotextiles biodegrade shelter systems in which crops are alternated on a strip
and become less effective as vegetation establishes on the system, aligned at right angles to the wind. Thus, strips of
slope while artificial fiber mats continue to perform. barley, spaced at 5–10 m intervals, can be alternated with
These measures also control soil erosion by contributing strips of carrots, onions, or sugar beet to control erosion.
nutrients, organic matter, and carbon to the soil, The barley is sown in late autumn to allow sufficient time
thus encouraging microbial activity and improving soil for it to emerge before the main crop is drilled in the spring.
structure and aggregate stability, which in turn further The barley strips reduce wind velocity until the cover of
reduces the potential for soil erosion. Vegetation can also the main crop is sufficient to protect the soil, at which
be used to reduce slope length and steepness (and thus point the barley is killed off with a selective herbicide so
erosion risk) when grown in strips parallel to the contour. that it does not compete with the crop.
The strips may be of different crops (strip cropping) or as Since shelterbelts require a certain amount of time
a single field strip across the slope. The strips restrict the to grow and become effective, they are not appropriate

where immediate control of wind erosion is required. In Manipulation of the soil surface condition by tillage is
these situations, windbreaks made from brushwood or used to control local wind speeds at the ground surface in
plastic netting can be used. The design principles remain an attempt to control soil loss by wind erosion. On light,
the same, aiming for 40–50% porosity and spacings of friable soils such as sands and silts, primary cultivations
12–17 times the windbreak height. Brushwood fences are (ploughing and pressing) are performed in one direction,
commonly constructed on coastal dunes to reduce wind followed by drilling at 90◦ to this. The resultant tilth is
velocities and stabilize the mobile sand, which can then rough and cloddy and imparts maximum friction to air
be seeded or planted with shrubs and trees to provide flow, thus reducing wind speed and the ability to detach
long-term stability. soil. Tillage techniques can also be used to minimize water
erosion, for example, the Aqueel minimizes erosion by
Soil Management Methods of Soil Conservation maintaining water within surface depressions on the soil
The inherent susceptibility of a soil to erosion depends surface (8).
on the soil type and this is difficult to adjust. However, Soil conditioners applied to soils susceptible to erosion
soil management can affect other factors that can increase can perform the dual role of enhancing soil fertility
or decrease soil erosion. For example, intensive arable and controlling erosion. Products with high organic
production can lead to severe soil degradation as soil matter (such as seaweed extract and tree bark) add
is broken down by numerous, invasive tillage practices nutrients and organic matter to inherent soil fertility,
into a loose, fine tilth seedbed. The resulting small so improving aggregation, structure, porosity, infiltration
soil aggregates are highly susceptible to dispersion, capacity, and water holding capacity. Soil conditioners
detachment, and transport by rainfall, runoff, and wind. reduce soil erosion by either increasing runoff infiltration
Soil structural stability is further reduced by loss of carbon or increasing resistance to soil detachment. Hydrophilic
through oxidation as tillage exposes deeper soil layers to soil conditioners include bark, limestone, palm oil effluent,
the air, and by loss of soil faunal biomass destroyed during and seaweed extract, which increase aggregation and
soil disturbance. infiltration capacity, so runoff is less likely to occur. The
The way in which soil is managed in arable production increase in organic matter from these products also helps
systems therefore has important impacts on soil erosion control erosion by increasing cohesive bonds in the soil,
control. Farming operations carried out up and down the thus improving the stability of aggregates against soil
slope will increase the risk of runoff generation while erosion processes. Hydrophobic soil conditioners, including
contour cultivations will reduce these risks significantly. latex, emulsions, and molasses, form a water-repellent
Contour ridging enhances this principle by creating film on the soil surface and increase soil resistance to
raised ridges across slope to reduce local slope length, detachment and transport by rainsplash and runoff.
reduce effective catchment area for runoff generation, and
intercept any runoff that is generated. A development of
contour ridging is the use of ‘‘tied’’ ridges, where the ridges
are joined at regular intervals by ‘‘ties’’ running up and
down slope, so creating small basins that trap runoff and The accelerated loss of soil through water and wind
eroded soil. erosion processes is a globally important phenomenon
Reducing the number and intensity of cultivations may with significant and wide-ranging implications for land
preserve soil structural stability and aggregation. Less and water quality. Controlling the impacts of soil erosion
disturbed aggregates are able to resist the dispersive is therefore imperative. A range of control measures are
forces of rainfall, runoff, and wind as cohesive bonds within presented, illustrating that soil erosion control can be
the aggregates are maintained. Soil microorganisms and effectively addressed from a mechanical, agronomic, or soil
macroinvertebrates, which also help bind soil particles conservation perspective, depending on the environment,
together and increase aggregate stability, are also less skills, time, and resources available.
disturbed. Fewer, less invasive cultivations mean more
of the vegetative biomass remains on or within the soil BIBLIOGRAPHY
(in the form of standing stubble, cut stems, and roots)
and is available to absorb the rainfall and runoff energy 1. Imeson, A.C. (1977). Splash erosion, animal activity and
otherwise available for soil detachment and transport. sediment supply in a small forested Luxembourg catchment.
The relative reduction in soil disturbance and retention Earth Surf. Proc. Landforms 2(2–3): 153–160.
of vegetative material on and within the soil are 2. Bryan, R.B. (1979). The influence of slope angle on soil
the principles behind the use of conservation tillage entrainment by sheet wash and rainsplash. Earth Surf. Proc.
for the control of soil erosion. This umbrella term 4: 43–58.
incorporates a continuum of soil management methods 3. Palmer, R.S. (1964). The influence of a thin water layer on
such as minimum tillage, zero tillage, mulch tillage, direct water-drop impact forces. Int. Assoc. Sci. Hydrol. Publ. 65:
drilling, noninversion tillage, subsurface mulch tillage, 141–148.
and plough/plant cultivation. Conservation tillage aims at 4. Morgan, R.P.C. (1995). Soil Erosion and Conservation, 2nd
maintaining soil fertility and controlling erosion but has Edn. Longman, London.
an added aim of reducing input costs to agriculture, as 5. Environment Agency. (2002). Agriculture and Natural
fewer, less invasive cultivations expend less energy and Resources: Benefits, Costs and Potential Solutions. Peterbor-
fuel costs. ough, UK.

6. Sheng, T.C. (1972). A treatment-oriented land capability and saturation, the crop will transpire at the potential
classification scheme. In: Report on the Latin American rate. In this case, gravitational water contributes to the
Watershed Management Seminar. FAO No. TA3112. ET. However, once the soil moisture drops below field
7. Coppin, N.J. and Richards, I.G. (1990). Use of Vegetation in capacity, ET is met from the capillary water. In shallow
Civil Engineering. Butterworths, London. water table soils, the water table contributes to part of
8. Simba, X. (2004). The Aqueel and soil erosion. Available: the ET, which is known as capillary rise or upward flux. Depending on the position of the water table, the soil type,
and the potential ET, part or all of the crop ET may be
met through upward flux. If all ET is not met by upward
WATER TABLE CONTRIBUTION TO CROP flux, the remainder is taken from the capillary water.
EVAPOTRANSPIRATION As the gravitational water is depleted, and if there is no
supply of water to the soil profile either by precipitation or
CHANDRA MADRAMOOTOO irrigation, the water table will continue to drop. The water
Macdonald Campus of McGill table can be further lowered by drainage and seepage.
University In arid regions, if irrigation is limited, crops depend on
Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec,
the upward flux of groundwater to meet ET demands.
However, in regions of deep groundwater, the upward flux
is very small, lower than crop ET, and the plants begin to
wilt. They thus exhibit signs of drought stress.
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the transfer of water vapor
The basic capillary rise equation (h = 2γ cos α/ρgR)
from the soil root zone to the atmosphere via the process
governs the height of the capillary rise (h) and is a
of photosynthesis. Water vapor can also move directly
function of the pore size distribution of the soil particles.
from the ground surface to the atmosphere. The rate
Gardner (1) proposed the following equation to estimate
of ET depends on several climatic, soil water, and crop
the steady upward flux from a static water table:
factors, including rainfall, relative humidity, wind speed,
air temperature, solar radiation, cloud cover, soil moisture,
qmax ≈ Aad−n (1)
and stage of crop growth. The plant transpires at the
potential rate if soil water is not limiting, which depends
on the soil water content. where qmax is the maximum evapotranspiration rate; A, a,
Water is held in the soil root zone in three distinct and n are constants (n is a function of soil texture and is
phases (see Fig. 1): hygroscopic water, capillary water, higher for coarser textured soils); and d is the depth to the
and gravitational water. Because of the high tension of water table.
the hydroscopic water, it is not available to plants. Both Equation 1 shows that the ET rate decreases with water
capillary water and gravitational water are available for table height and will decrease more strongly for coarse
crop uptake in the ET process. textured soils. When the water table is close to the soil
As the soil water near the soil surface evaporates, surface (low values of d), the maximum ET will be limited
the water content near the surface is reduced and the by the prevailing climatic conditions. At lower water table
moisture tension increases. Consequently, the tension depths (high values of d), the ET will be limited by the
gradient exceeds the gravitational gradient, and moisture transmissivity of the soil. Obreza and Pitts (2) developed
will move upward from the water table toward the soil relationships between upward flux and water table depth
surface. If root zone soil moisture is between field capacity for four locations in Florida (Fig. 2).
The ability to meet crop ET from shallow water tables
LIVE GRAPH is used in a process known as subsurface irrigation
Click here to view
(subirrigation). By making use of perforated plastic pipes
1000 installed below the soil surface (primarily for drainage),
drainage outflows can either be restricted or water can
Hygroscopic water be pumped back into the plastic pipes during the growing
Moisture tension (bars)

season, thus maintaining a shallow water table. Upward

Hygroscopic coefficient
flux from the water table helps to meet the crop ET
Wilting point
10 demands, which is a high energy and water efficient
method of irrigation. Water application efficiency can be as
Capillary water high as 95%. It is also a low-cost irrigation system, because
there is no need for additional investments in aboveground
hardware. The only additional cost is a structure on the
0.1 Field capacity tile drain outlet.
Gravitational water The height at which the water table ought to be
maintained depends on the crop. Shallow-rooted vegetable
0.01 crops will need a water table of 30–50 cm below the
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 soil surface. For deeper rooted crops, e.g., corn and
Water flim thickness (mm) soybeans, a water table of 60–75 cm will meet the crop
Figure 1. Soil water potential. (Copyright  1999–2004 Michael ET requirement. Close monitoring of the water table
Pidwirny). depth is advantageous, especially in the wetter humid

20 movement is harmful and subsurface drainage is required

Immokalee to lower the water table.
15 In forested regions, and in tree plantations, there could
y = 406635 exp(−17/1x ) be large amounts of ET by the tree canopy, thus lowering
10 the water table. This phenomenon is used in some parts
of the world affected by salinity and water logging. Salt-
tolerant trees and shrubs are planted to control water
logging and salinity, which is known as biodrainage.
Modern irrigation practices are being promoted to make
better use of the soil as a reservoir to store precipitation
20 and irrigation water. By encouraging field practices that
enhance infiltration and improving soil tilth, there is less
15 surface runoff, and more water is stored at shallow depths
that can be extracted by the plants’ roots to meet the
ET demands. This process is also known as rainwater
Daily potential upward flux (mm)

harvesting in rainfed agriculture. The overall effect is that
5 water is conserved in the soil rather than in large open
y = 71346 exp(−11.4x ) reservoirs, thus reducing irrigation infrastructure costs,
0 operation and maintenance costs, and water distribution
losses. Higher irrigation efficiencies are thus obtained.
1. Gardner, W.R. (1958). Some steady state solutions of unsatu-
y = 630 exp (−10.0x )
5 rated moisture flow equations with application to evaporation
from a water table. Soil Sci. 85: 228–232.
2. Obreza, T.A. and Pitts, D.J. (2002). Effective rainfall in poorly
drained microirrigated citrus orchards. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
20 66: 212–221.
Mediterranean Agronomic
y = 88543 exp (−20.0x ) Institute of Bari
0 Valenzano, Bari, Italy
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Water table depth (m)
Crop evapotranspiration is a physical process in which
Figure 2. Upward flux vs. water table depth for 4 locations in
Florida (2). water passes from the liquid to the gaseous state
while moving from the soil to the atmosphere. It refers
to both evaporation from soil and vegetative surfaces
regions. Should heavy rainfalls occur, the water table and transpiration from plants. These two processes are
may rise into the crop root zone and cause water logging. considered together because they occur simultaneously in
In this case, the tile outlet should be opened to lower nature, and it is difficult to separate them when measured
the water table. The spacing between the tile lines also or estimated.
influences the height of the water table. Narrow-spaced Crop evapotranspiration refers to the water losses
pipe laterals will ensure a more uniform water table from a cropped field, and this term is frequently used in
distribution. In just the same way that soil type influences irrigation scheduling and irrigation water management.
upward flux, so too does it influence the lateral pipe Crop evapotranspiration is affected by weather fac-
spacing. Therefore, the ET rate and the soil type must tors (radiation, air temperature, humidity, and wind
be taken into account when designing a subirrigation speed), crop parameters (crop type, variety, and devel-
system. opment stage), and local environmental and management
Soils affected by salinization and water logging pose a conditions (soil salinity, application of fertilizers, tillage
severe management problem. Salts tend to move upward practices, planting density, presence of diseases and pests,
by capillary action and enter the root zone, thus restricting windbreaks, irrigation practices, presence of groundwater
crop growth and leading to an accumulation of salt in the and impermeable soil horizons, etc.). Accordingly, it is
root zone. Under these conditions, upward groundwater possible to distinguish between crop evapotranspiration

under standard (optimal) conditions and crop evapotran- as irrigation water supply, precipitation, surface and
spiration under nonstandard conditions. Standard condi- subsurface lateral flow, and deep percolation. The accuracy
tions refer to disease-free, well-fertilized crops, grown in of crop evapotranspiration estimates by this method is
large fields, under optimal water supply, and achieving full usually low due to difficulties in measuring and controlling
production for the given climatic conditions. Nonstandard one or more terms of the water balance equation.
conditions are defined as those that differ from standard Energy balance methods are based on the energy
conditions. Crop evapotranspiration under standard con- balance equation which states that the net flux density
ditions is usually denoted as ETc , and crop evapotranspi- of radiation is balanced by losses of latent heat, sensible
ration under nonstandard conditions is marked as ETc adj heat, and by soil heat flux. The Bowen ratio approach is
or ETc corr , where the suffixes ‘‘adj’’ and ‘‘corr’’ refer to the commonly used energy balance method. It relies on
‘‘adjusted’’ and ‘‘corrected,’’ respectively. Standard condi- the flux gradient theory and expresses the latent heat
tions concur with the optimal conditions of well-managed flux of evapotranspiration through the measured values
irrigation fields, so, crop evapotranspiration under non- of net radiation, ground heat flux, the difference in air
standard conditions is always lower than or equal to crop temperature between two heights above the canopy, and
evapotranspiration under standard conditions. Therefore, the corresponding difference in vapor pressure between
the same two heights. This method can be used for
ETc adj = Ks ETc (1) crop evapotranspiration estimates in hourly and shorter
time intervals.
where Ks is the reduction coefficient (Ks < 1) that
accounts for the difference between standard and non-
standard conditions.
The estimate of crop evapotranspiration relies on the
MEASUREMENTS OF CROP EVAPOTRANSPIRATION so-called two-step approach where in the first step, a
reference evapotranspiration is determined and then, in
Crop evapotranspiration can be determined by measure- the second, the crop evapotranspiration (ETc )is calculated
ments and estimates. In general, measurements are car- as a product of reference evapotranspiration (ETo ) and
ried out at agrometeorological stations and experimental crop coefficient Kc ;
sites to evaluate estimating procedures and to calibrate
and derive parameters of estimation methods. Different ETc = Kc ETo (2)
types of lysimeters and methods based on a water and
energy balance are used to measure crop evapotrans- In Eq. 2, the reference evapotranspiration term refers
piration. primarily to the climatic demand, and the crop coefficient
Lysimeters are tanks located in the fields and filled with accounts mainly for the specific crop characteristics and
soil of the same type as the surroundings. In lysimeters partially for the management practices (e.g., frequency of
and their surroundings of at least 100 m around (to soil wetness, etc.).
allow the establishment of an equilibrium sublayer), crops The concepts of reference surface and reference evap-
are grown under homogeneous management practices otranspiration (ETo ) estimates have been evaluated sig-
(standard or nonstandard) to measure the amount of nificantly during the second half of the twentieth century
water lost by evapotranspiration. The lysimeters provide when they have passed from free water surface and empir-
direct measurements of crop evapotranspiration and ical and semi empirical formulas to a hypothetical crop of
can be grouped in three categories: weighing, where fixed characteristics and more mechanistic equations.
evapotranspiration is measured by weighing the changes Numerous equations for estimating reference crop
in soil water content in the tank; nonweighing of a evapotranspiration have been developed and successively
constant water table where the water table level is modified to account for specific climatic conditions and
maintained at the same level inside as outside the availability of input information. Some of them in
lysimeter, and nonweighing of the percolation type, where widespread use are presented in Table 1 along with the
water stored in the soil is determined by sampling required input weather data and recommended timescale
or neutron methods and rainfall and percolation are of applications.
measured. Weighing lysimeters give the most accurate In general, the methods for ETo estimates do not have
estimates for short time periods (e.g., 1 hour), and they are global validity and require local validation and calibration
recommended for arid and semiarid areas; nonweighing when applied in different environments. The accuracy of
lysimeters of the constant water table type are particularly an ETo estimate has a strong relation with the number
suggested for areas where a shallow groundwater table and quality of required input information, local climatic
exists, nonweighing lysimeters of the percolation type are conditions, timescale of applications, etc. For example, the
frequently used in areas of high precipitation. Hargreaves method (1) could be the most appropriate for
The water balance method is a direct measurement monthly ETo estimates, provided that only temperature
technique based on the principles of conservation of mass data are available. Nevertheless, it should not be used
which state that the difference in flow into and out for daily ETo estimates, especially when days are hot
of a controlled volume of soil during a specified time and dry and wind speed is relevant. The same can be
interval corresponds to the changes in soil moisture. stated for the radiation method which shows good results
This method requires monitoring many parameters such in humid climates and tends to underestimate ETo in

Table 1. Some Methods for Reference Evapotranspiration Estimates, Weather Variables Needed, and Suggested
Timescale of Applicationa
Sunshine or
Method Temperature Humidity Wind Speed Radiation Evaporation Hour Day Week Month

Blaney–Criddle + − − * − X
Hargreaves + − − * − X
Pan evaporation − − − − + X X
Radiation + − − + − X X
Penman + + + + − X X X
Penman–Monteith + + + + − X X X X
+ must be measured; − is not necessary; * estimate required; X recommended timescale of application

arid climates. The pan evaporation method integrates Task Committee on Standardization of Reference
the effects of different weather variables on evaporation Evapotranspiration, which released the first draft
from a specific free water surface and requires calibration of Technical Report in July 2002.
to account for the local environment. None of these
methods should be used for daily ETo estimates due to The FAO Expert Group defined the reference surface as ‘‘a
limited input information and approximations introduced hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height
in the equations. For ETo estimates on daily and shorter of 0.12 m, a fixed average surface resistance of 70 s/m
timescales, more mechanistic methods are needed that (over 24 hours), and an albedo (reflectance of evaporating
rely on the full set of input weather variables and combine surface) of 0.23’’.
both aerodynamic and energy balance principles. The ASCE-EWRI Task Committee distinguishes
The first physically based combination equation was between two reference surfaces: the first is a short crop
derived by Howard L. Penman in 1948 to describe the with an approximate height of 0.12 m, (similar to clipped
evaporation from a free water surface, and until now, this grass and corresponding to most of the reference loca-
equation has remained the basis of numerous successive tions in the world), and the second is a tall crop with
modifications and approaches. The main drawback of an approximate height of 0.50 m (similar to full-cover
the Penman approach (2,3) is in the assumption that alfalfa and resembling many reference locations across
the evaporation process originates on the outer surface the United States).
of the leaves rather than within their substomatal Then, provided that a standard set of measured
cavities. This lack of generality was satisfactorily input data is available (including air temperature and
overcome by John L. Monteith (4,5), who combined energy humidity, wind speed and incoming solar radiation), the
balance, aerodynamic, and surface parameters in an reference evapotranspiration (ETo ) can be calculated by
evapotranspiration equation formally valid for uniform the standardized form of the Penman–Monteith equation:
vegetation of any type, fully covering the ground, and in
any state of water status. Cn
0.408(Rn − G) + γ U2 (es − ea )
During the last decades of the twentieth century, many
ETo = T + 273 (3)
tests around the world have proved the robustness and  + γ (1 + Cd U2 )
consistency of the Penman–Monteith approach (6–9) and
suggested it as the standard method for reference evap- where ETo is the reference evapotranspiration (mm day−1
otranspiration estimates. Consequently, it was recom- for a daily time step or mm hour−1 for an hourly time
mended to introduce a new concept of reference evapotran- step), Rn is the net radiation, (MJ m−2 day−1 for a daily
spiration surface necessary to standardize computational time step or MJ m−2 hour−1 for an hourly time step), G
procedures for estimating reference evapotranspiration. is the soil heat flux density (MJ m−2 day−1 for a daily
These procedures should be used in different regions and time step or MJ m−2 hour−1 for an hourly time step),
climates of the world and thus, avoid ambiguities when T is the mean daily or hourly air temperature at 1.5
the values of reference evapotranspiration have to be esti- to 2.5 m height ( ◦ C),  is the slope of the saturation
mated and compared. vapor pressure vs. temperature curve (kPa ◦ C−1 ), γ is
New reference surfaces and corresponding methodolo- the psychrometric constant (=0.066 kPa ◦ C−1 ), es is the
gies for evapotranspiration estimates represent the results saturated vapor pressure at air temperature (kPa), ea
of investigation by two groups of scientists: is the prevailing actual vapor pressure (kPa), U2 is the
mean wind speed measured at 2 m height (m s−1 ), and
• the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) Cn and Cd are numerator and denominator constants,
Expert Group on the Revision of FAO Method- respectively, that change with the type of reference surface
ologies for Crop Water Requirements, which pub- and calculation time step.
lished the FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper 56 Equation 3 represents the simplest way to estimate the
and also made it available on the Internet at reference evapotranspiration from both reference surfaces, and (short and tall vegetation) and for different (hourly and
• the ASCE-EWRI (American Society of Civil Engi- daily) time steps. The values for Cn and Cd are derived by
neers—Environmental Water Resources Institute) simplifying several terms within the Penman–Monteith

Table 2. The Values for Cn and Cd to be Used in 17.28Tmax
Equation 3 (after Ref. 11) es T max = 0.6108 exp
Tmax + 237.3
Short Reference Tall Reference  
17.28 ∗ 28
Surface Surface = 0.6108 exp = 3.78 kPa
(Grass-Like) (Alfalfa-Like)
28 + 237.3
Calculation Time es + es
T min T max
Step Cn Cd Cn Cd es =
Daily 900 0.34 1600 0.38 1.60 + 3.78
Hourly during 37 0.24 66 0.25 = = 2.69 kPa
daytime 2
Hourly during 37 0.96 66 1.7
The actual vapor pressure is calculated as the average
value of the vapor pressures at Tmin and Tmax :

RHmax 80
ea T min = es T min = 1.60 = 1.28 kPa
equation. They are presented for different reference 100 100
surfaces and various time steps in Table 2. RHmin 50
The calculation procedures for the reference evapo- ea T max = es T max = 3.78 = 1.89 kPa
100 100
transpiration and intermediate meteorological parame-
ea T min + ea T max 1.28 + 1.89
ters (Rn , G, es , ea , , γ , etc.) are reported in many books ea = = = 1.58 kPa
and publications: ASCE Manual 70 (6), FAO 56 (10), the 2 2
ASCE-EWRI Task Committee report (11), etc. Moreover,
Then, for a short (grass-like) reference surface and daily
free software (REF-ET) for standardized calculations of
ETo estimate, the constants Cn and Cd can be obtained
reference evapotranspiration and intermediate parame-
from Table 2 (Cn = 900 and Cd = 0.34), and the reference
ters is available at An
evapotranspiration can be estimated from Equation 3 as
example of a reference evapotranspiration estimate using
the standardized form of the Penman–Monteith equation Cn
is given here for both grass-like and alfalfa-like surfaces. 0.408(Rn − G) + γ U2 (eS − ea )
ETo = T + 273
 + γ (1 + Cd U2 )
Example of a Calculation daily (for a location in southern
Italy on June 10, 2002) 0.408 ∗ 0.1528 ∗ (14 − 0)
Given: +0.066 ∗ ∗ 1.2 ∗ (2.69 − 1.58)
21 + 273
Net radiation Rn = 14 MJ m−2 day−1 ; soil heat flux =
0.1528 + 0.066 ∗ (1 + 0.34 ∗ 1.2)
G = 0 (can be neglected especially for daily ETo estimates);
minimum air temperature Tmin = 14 ◦ C; maximum air = 4.65 mm/day
temperature Tmax = 28 ◦ C; wind speed at 2 m height
U2 = 1.2 m s−1 ; minimum relative humidity (at Tmax ) Similarly, assuming that the input data remain the same,
RHmin = 50%; maximum relative humidity (at Tmin ) for a tall (alfalfa-like) reference surface, the constants
RHmax = 80%. Cn and Cd can be obtained from Table 2 (Cn = 1600 and
Cd = 0.38), and ETo can be estimated as
Calculation. The slope of the saturation vapor pressure
curve  is calculated for mean air temperature T = Cn
0.408(Rn − G) + γ U2 (eS − ea )
21 ◦ C as ETo = T + 273
    + γ (1 + Cd U2 )
17.27T 0.408 ∗ 0.1528 ∗ (14 − 0)
4098 0.6108 exp
T + 237.3 1600
= +0.066 ∗ ∗ 1.2 ∗ (2.69 − 1.58)
(T + 237.3)2 21 + 273
17.27 ∗ 21 0.1528 + 0.066 ∗ (1 + 0.38 ∗ 1.2)
4098 0.6108 exp
21 + 237.3 = 5.43 mm/day
(21 + 237.3)2
= 0.1528 kPa/ ◦ C The example shows that the reference evapotranspiration
is greater from a tall alfalfa-like surface than from a short
grass-like surface. This is due to the fact that both the
The saturation vapor pressure is calculated as the
aerodynamic and surface resistance are lower for the tall
average value of the saturated vapor pressures at Tmin
alfalfa-like surface than for the short grass-like surface.
and Tmax :
The estimate of the reference evapotranspiration on an
  hourly basis can be done by using the same equation
es T min = 0.6108 exp and appropriate values for Cn and Cd from Table 2.
Tmin + 237.3 Moreover, the net radiation Rn should be expressed in
17.28 ∗ 14 MJ m−1 hour−1 , and the soil heat flux G should be taken
= 0.6108 exp = 1.60 kPa
14 + 237.3 into consideration as a portion of the energy term.

The Hargreaves equation represents an alternative parameters which should be validated and eventually
solution for the estimate of reference evapotranspiration calibrated for different locations.
when input data are limited only to the values of
minimum and maximum air temperature (the data widely Example of a Calculation monthly (for a location in southern
available and published in hydrometeorological bulletins Italy in June 2002)
worldwide). This simple empirical equation has shown Given:
good performance when applied on a monthly scale and Minimum and maximum air temperature Tmin = 14 ◦ C
also on shorter timescales (e.g., weekly), when the wind and Tmax = 28 ◦ C; latitude of location is ϕ = 40◦ = 40 ∗
speed is not strong and the climate is humid rather 3.14/180 = 0.697778 rad; the month is June which means
than dry. M = 6.
Besides the minimum and maximum air temperatures
(Tmin and Tmax , respectively), the Hargreaves method (1) Calculation. Using the following sequence of Equations
employs in the estimate the extraterrestrial radiation (Ra ) (6–5–8–7–4), the extraterrestrial radiation (MJ m−2
which is a function of the latitude of the location and day−1 ) is calculated as
the day of the year (Julian day) under consideration that
can be easily obtained from agrometeorological tables or J = integer (30.42M − 15.23)
calculated by using the following set of formulas:
= integer (30.42 ∗ 6 − 15.23) = 167
Ra = 37.586 dr (ωs sin ϕ sin δ + cos ϕ cos δ sin ωs ) (4) 2π
dr = 1 + 0.033 cos J
2 ∗ 3.14
= 1 + 0.033 cos 167 = 0.96818
dr : relative distance Earth–Sun (rad)  
2π δ = 0.4093 sin J − 1.405
dr = 1 + 0.033 cos J (5) 365
2 ∗ 3.14
= 0.4093 sin 167 − 1.405 = 0.40715256
J: day of the year (Julian day) number (nondimen- 365
sional), ωs = arccos(− tan ϕ tan δ)

J = integer (30.42M − 15.23) (6) = arccos[(− tan 0.697778)(tan 0.40715256)]

= 0.935331
M: month number (1–12) (nondimensional),
ωs : sunset hour angle (rad), Ra = 37.586dr (ωs sin ϕ sin δ + cos ϕ cos δ sin ωs )
Ra = 37.586 ∗ 0.96818[0.935331(sin 0.697778)
ωs = arccos (− tan ϕ tan δ) (7)
× (sin 0.40715256) + (cos 0.697778)(cos 0.40715256)
ϕ: latitude of location (rad), × (sin 0.935331)] = 29.267
δ: solar declination (rad),
  Then, the average temperature and the latent heat of
2π vaporization are calculated as
δ = 0.4093 sin J − 1.405 (8)
Tmin + Tmax 14 + 28
T= = = 21 ◦ C
Then, the widely accepted form of the Hargreaves 2 2
equation for an ETo estimate (mm day−1 ) for a reference
λ = 2.501 − (2.361 ∗ 10−3 )T = 2.501 − 0.049581
grass surface is
= 2.45142 MJkg−1
ET = 0.0023 (T + 17.8)(Tmax − Tmin )0.5 (9)
λ Finally, the grass reference crop evapotranspiration is

where Ra is the extraterrestrial radiation (MJ m−2 day−1 ), Ra

ET = 0.0023 (T + 17.8)(Tmax − Tmin )0.5
λ is the latent heat of vaporization (MJ kg−1 ) λ
λ = 2.501 − (2.361 ∗ 10−3 )T (10) ET = 0.0023 (21 + 17.8)(28 − 14)0.5
T is the average temperature ( ◦ C) = 3.99 mm/day

Tmin + Tmax This means that the grass reference evapotranspiration

T= (11) on a monthly basis for June 2002 was 3.99 ∗ 30 =
119.7 mm month−1 .
and multiplier (0.0023), exponent (0.5), and the value The average daily value of the ETo estimate using
of 17.8 in the second multiplier of the equation are the the Hargreaves method (3.99 mm day−1 ) is significantly

lower than the value (4.65 mm day−1 ) obtained from the some other equation for a reference evapotranspiration
estimate using the Penman–Monteith equation. This is estimate. In fact, when crop evapotranspiration has to be
due to the fact that the impact of wind speed and humidity calculated, the Kc values should be applied in conjunction
are not taken into consideration in the Hargreaves with the equations with which they were obtained.
equation. However, this equation can be used on a monthly The planting months and the lengths of crop develop-
basis to estimate an average reference evapotranspiration. ment stages for some widely distributed species are given
Moreover, the estimates of ETo using the Hargreaves in Table 3, and an indicative list of Kc values for different
equation can be improved by adapting the parameters to crop growth stages is presented in Table 4. The Kc values
the local conditions. are given, assuming that the reference evapotranspiration
The second step in the crop evapotranspiration estimate is calculated for a grass-like surface. Both tables are
is the determination of crop coefficient Kc and the prepared on the basis of the FAO data and some other
calculation of ETc by Equation (2). The crop coefficient is investigations. However, these data should be used only
a nondimensional factor that represents the ratio between in the absence of more reliable values.
the crop and reference evapotranspiration. The crop
coefficient integrates the features of a typical field crop Example of an estimate of evapotranspiration for a tomato
that change during its growing season and differ from the crop growing in the Mediterranean region with the
characteristics of a reference surface, which has a constant planting date of April 15th.
appearance and is a complete ground cover. These features
comprise the crop height and crop aerodynamic properties Calculation Procedure. The lengths of the growing
(roughness), albedo (reflectance), canopy resistance, and stages are taken from Table 3 and Kc values from Table 4.
soil evaporation from a cropped field. Then, the growing cycle of tomato can be presented
Kc values vary from crop to crop during the growing graphically as in Fig. 2.
season and depend also on weather conditions and The Kc values can be determined daily by using a
irrigation practices (Fig. 1). It is possible to distinguish simple linear interpolation. For example, on June 10th,
between the single crop coefficient Kc and the dual crop the Kc value is 0.92. Then, assuming that the reference
coefficient where the Kc is split into the basal crop evapotranspiration is 4.65 mm day−1 (as calculated in
coefficient (Kcb ) accounting for crop transpiration and the the example here before for the grass-like reference
evaporation coefficient (Ke ) referring to soil evaporation. surface using the Penman–Monteith equation), the tomato
The use of a single Kc approach is recommended in evapotranspiration for June 10th is estimated by using
regular applications for management purposes and the Eq. 2 as
development of irrigation scheduling; the dual Kc approach
should be applied only for specific purposes (e.g., research) ETc = Kc ETo = 0.92 ∗ 4.65 = 4.28 mm/day
and on a daily basis.
Kc values for different crops are given in many technical Finally, if the tomato crop is not growing under
materials (FAO 24, FAO 33, FAO 56, etc.) referring to standard (optimal) conditions, the crop evapotranspiration
short grass as the reference surface. Nevertheless, it is can be adjusted to the real conditions by applying Eq. 1.
important to emphasize that most Kc values reported The values of reduction coefficient Ks are always lower
in the literature are obtained with the modified Penman than one and depend on the specific site conditions to
equation (FAO 24) and they should be revised and updated which the crop is exposed during its growing cycle. In
when used with the FAO Penman–Monteith method or any case, in real management, checking the results of ETc

1.2 Sugar cane

cotton maize
Ha fre

1.0 cabbage, onions

rv sh




0.6 events


25 40 60 %
Ground cover
develop- Late season
Initial ment Midseason (long)

Main factors affecting K c in the 4 growth stages

Figure 1. Main factors affecting the crop coefficient Soil Ground cover Crop type
Crop type
(Kc ) during the four growing stages (adapted from evapo- plant (humidity)
harvesting date
ration development (wind speed)
FAO 56).
Table 3. Planting Months and Lengths of Crop Development Stages for Some Important Crops in Different Regions of the
World (Adapted from FAO 56)
Length of Crop Development Stages
Crop Month Initial Develop. Mid Late Total Region

Tomato January 30 40 40 25 135 Arid regions

Apr/May 35 40 50 30 155 Calif., USA
January 25 40 60 30 155 Calif. desert, USA
Oct/Nov 35 45 70 30 180 Arid regions
April/May 30 40 45 30 145 Mediterranean
Potato Jan/Nov 25 30 30/45 30 115/130 Semiarid climate
May 25 30 45 30 130 Continental climate
April 30 35 50 30 145 Europe
Apr/May 45 30 70 20 165 Idaho, USA
December 30 35 50 25 140 Calif. desert, USA
Sugar beet March 30 45 90 15 180 Calif., USA
June 25 30 90 10 155 Calif., USA
September 25 65 100 65 255 Calif. desert, USA
April 50 40 50 40 180 Idaho, USA
May 25 35 50 50 160 Mediterranean
November 45 75 80 30 230 Mediterranean
November 35 60 70 40 205 Arid regions
Soybeans Dec 15 15 40 15 85 Tropics
May 20 30/35 60 25 140 Central USA
June 20 25 75 30 150 Japan
Cotton March–May 30 50 60 55 195 Egypt, Pakistan, Calif.
March 45 90 45 45 225 Calif. desert, USA
September 30 50 60 55 195 Yemen
April 30 50 55 45 180 Texas
Sunflower April/May 25 35 45 25 130 Medit., Calif.
Barley/Oats/Wheat November 15 25 50 30 120 Central India
March/April 20 25 60 30 135 35–45◦ Lat.
July 15 30 65 40 150 East Africa
April 40 30 40 20 130
November 40 60 60 40 200
December 20 50 60 30 160 Calif. desert
Winter Wheat December 20 60 70 30 180 Calif., USA
November 30 140 40 30 240 Mediterranean
October 160 75 75 25 335 Idaho, USA
Maize (grain) April 30 50 60 40 180 East Africa (alt.)
Dec/Jan 25 40 45 30 140 Arid climate
June 20 35 40 30 125 Nigeria (humid)
October 20 35 40 30 125 India (dry, cool)
April 30 40 50 30 150 Spain, Calif.
April 30 40 50 50 170 Idaho, USA
Sorghum May/June 20 35 40 30 130 USA, Pakis., Medit.
March/April 20 35 45 30 140 Arid regions
Rice Dec; May 30 30 60 30 150 Tropics; Medit.
May 30 30 80 40 180 Tropics
Grapes April 20 40 120 60 240 Low latitudes
March 20 50 75 60 205 Calif., USA
May 20 50 90 20 180 High latitudes
April 30 60 40 80 210 Midlatitudes (wine)
Citrus January 60 90 120 95 365 Mediterranean
Apples/Pears March 20 70 90 30 210 High latitudes
March 20 70 120 60 270 Low latitudes
March 30 50 130 30 240 Calif., USA
Olives March 30 90 60 90 270 Mediterranean


Table 4. Indicative Crop Coefficient Values for Different Growing Stages of Some Important Crops under Optimal
Management Conditions and Reference ET Calculated for a Grass-like Surface (Adapted mainly from the FAO 56)
Crop Kc initial Kc mid Kc end Maximum Crop Height (m)

Tomato 0.4–0.6 1.15–1.20 0.70–0.90 0.60

Potato 0.4–0.6 1.15 0.60–0.70 0.40
Sugar beet 0.4–0.5 1.20 0.70 0.50
Soybean 0.3–0.5 1.15 0.50 0.5–1.0
Cotton 0.4–0.5 1.15–1.20 0.60–0.70 1.2–1.5
Sunflower 0.3–0.5 1.0–1.15 0.40 2.0
Barley 0.3–0.5 1.15 0.25 1.0
Oats 0.3–0.5 1.15 0.25 1.0
Spring Wheat 0.3–0.5 1.15 0.25–0.40b 1.0
Winter Wheat
• with frozen soils 0.4 1.15 0.25–0.40b 1
• with nonfrozen soils 0.7 1.15 0.25–0.40b 1
Maize, Field 0.3–0.5 1.20 0.35–0.60c 2.0
• grain 0.3–0.5 1.0–1.10 0.55 1–2
• sweet 0.3–0.5 1.20 1.05 2–4
Rice 1.05 1.20 0.90 1.0
• table or raisin 0.30 0.85 0.45 2.0
• wine 0.30 0.70 0.45 1.5–2.0
Citrus, no ground cover
• 70% canopy 0.70 0.65 0.70 4
• 50% canopy 0.65 0.60 0.65 3
• 20% canopy 0.50 0.45 0.55 2
Citrus, active ground cover or weeds
• 70% canopy 0.75 0.70 0.75 4
• 50% canopy 0.80 0.80 0.80 3
• 20% canopy 0.85 0.85 0.85 2
• no ground cover, killing frost 0.45 0.95 0.70 4
• no ground cover, no frost 0.60 0.95 0.75 4
• active ground cover, killing frost 0.50 1.20 0.95 4
• active ground cover, no frost 0.80 1.20 0.85 4
Olives (40 to 60% ground cover) 0.65 0.70 0.70 3–5
The higher values should be adopted when the surface is frequently wetted.
The higher value is for the hand-harvested crop.
The higher value is for harvesting at high grain moisture.

estimates obtained from equations with the results of on- BIBLIOGRAPHY

field monitoring of soil and/or plant water status is highly
1. Hargreaves, G.H. and Samani, Z.A. (1985). Reference crop
evapotranspiration from temperature. Appl. Eng. Agric. 1:
2. Penman, H.L. (1948). Natural evaporation from open water,
August 7th
June 24th

bare soil, and grass. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 193:

1.4 120–146.
3. Penman, H.L. (1953). The Physical Basis of Irrigation
Sept. 6th

1.2 Control. 13th Int. Hort. Congr., Vol. 2, pp. 913–922.

1 4. Monteith, J.L. (1965). Evaporation and atmosphere. In: The
State and Movement of Water in Living Organisms. Symp.
April 15th

May 15th

0.8 Soc. Exp. Biol., XIX, pp. 205–234.

June 10th

5. Monteith, J.L. (1973). Principles of Environmental Physics.

0.6 Edvard Arnold, London.
0.4 6. Jensen, M.E., Burman, R.D., and Allen, R.G. (1990). Evap-
Initial Development otranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. ASCE
Mid Late
0.2 Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practices, N◦ 70. Amer-
ican Society Civil Engineers, New York.
0 7. Smith, M., Allen, R.G., Monteith, J.L., Perrier, A., Pereira,
April May June July August September
L.S., and Segeren, A. (1991). Report of the Expert Consultation
Figure 2. The evaluation of Kc values of a tomato crop during on Procedures for Revision of FAO Guidelines for Prediction
the growing season. of Crop Water Requirements. UN-FAO, Rome, Italy.

8. Choisnel, E., de Villele, O., and Lacroze, F. (1992). Une Nitrogen

Approche Uniformise’e du Calcul de L’évapotranspiration 100
Potentielle pour L’ensemble des Pays de la Communauté 80 Semi-intensive
Européenee, Com. Commun, Européennes. EUR 14223 FR, Intensive

% of input
Luxembourg. 60
9. Allen, R.G., Smith, M., Perrier, A., and Pereira, L.S. (1994). 40
An update for the definition of reference evapotranspiration.
ICID Bull. 43(2): 1–34. 20
10. Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D., and Smith, M. (1998). 0
Crop Evapotranspiration. Guidelines for Computing Crop Fish System Water
Water Requirements. FAO Technical Paper 56, UN-FAO
Rome, Italy. 100
11. ASCE Task Committee for Standardization of Reference Semi-intensive
Evapotranspiration. (2002). The ASCE Standardized Refer- 80 Intensive

% of input
ence Evapotranspiration Equation. Environmental and Water 60
Resources Institute of American Society of Civil Engineers,
ASCE, Reston, VA. 40



Fish System Water
Figure 1. A comparison of the nutrient budget of a semi-intensive
and an intensive aquaculture system (see text). After Edwards (2).
RF-Rogaland Research
Stavanger, Norway
in 1997, 1). Thus, the retained fraction of nutrients in the
ALEXANDER BRINKER pond sediments is vital to avoid serious water pollution.
Fischereiforschungsstelle des In distinct regions, fish farms represent a dominating
Landes Baden-Württemberg water pollution source. Along the western and northern
Langenargen, Germany coast of Norway, cage farming of salmon and trout
contributed about 55% of P and 17% of N of the total input
WASTE OUTPUT in 1998 (see Fig. 2). Since then, the annual production has
increased from c. 400,000 MT to c. 600,000 MT. The total
Wastes from aquaculture plants include all materials used nutrient input to this part of the coastline has strongly
in the process that are not removed from the system increased over the last 20 years because of the growing
during harvest. The principle wastes from aquaculture aquaculture industry. The average specific loading was
are uneaten feed, excreta, chemicals, and therapeutics. In 10.8 kg P and 52.0 kg N per ton of produced fish. For
population equivalents (p.e.):6000 p.e. as Total P and 4000
addition, the term ‘‘waste’’ can also refer to pathogens and
p.e. as Total N per MT produced fish. Besides, uneaten
dead or escaped fish.
feed and feces from cage farms load the recipient with
Generally, the quantity of waste is closely connected to
biodegradable organic matter that may lead to significant
the culture system used. Intensive farm systems, typically
oxygen depletion [corresponds to 300–500 kg as BOD7 per
monoculture of carnivorous finfish in the temperate
MT produced fish, (4)].
zone reliant on artificial feed, may cause serious local
A wide range of chemicals are used in the aquacul-
pollution. So-called semi-intensive farm systems are
ture industry, including disinfectants, chemotherapeu-
supplied natural feed sources, such as vegetation, oil cakes,
tants (antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic com-
cereal bran, and organic-chemical fertilizers. The latter
pounds), pigments incorporated into feeds, and compounds
systems dominate the tropical/subtropical production of
employed in and applied to construction materials (e.g.,
herbivorous or omnivorous fish, e.g., the major production
antifoulants) (5). Of particular interest is the use of
of carps and tilapia, and the waste output to the
chemotherapeutants because of the quantities discharged
surrounding waters is much lower than from intensive
into the aquatic environment. In Norway, the only coun-
fish farms. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, where the nutrient try that has kept records, around 50 MT of antibacterials
budget is estimated for intensive farms (cage or flow- were introduced into the coastal environment by the
through raceway systems) and for semi-intensive farms aquaculture industry in 1987. The use has, however,
(Nile tilapia produced in static pond water). In highly fallen to below 1 MT annually because of development
intensive farms, as much as 74–84% of the nutrient inputs of efficient vaccines against bacterial diseases. In semi-
are released into surrounding waters, whereas only 2–6% intensive, tropical freshwater farms, antibacterials are
of the nutrients are released from semi-intensive farms. sparsely applied.
Semi-intensive production of carps takes place mostly in
static ponds only drained during harvest, where supplied ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS
nutrients not assimilated in fish are mainly trapped in
the pond sediments. The Chinese production of carps and Most reported studies of environmental effects are related
tilapia in freshwater constitutes more than one third of to intensive aquaculture. The quality of wastes from
the global aquaculture production (China: 12 million MT fish farms and its temporal variability are important

Nutrients emitted from cage farms are found to

be highly biologically available for marine algae (8):
The bioavailability of P in effluent from aquaculture,
agriculture, and municipal sewage was 50/60%, 30%, and
65/70%, respectively, whereas more than 80% of N in all
effluent types was available for algal growth. Despite that
aquaculture is the dominating nutrient source along the
western-northern coast of Norway, the cage farms are
located in a zone with huge water exchange (The Gulf
Stream) and large recipient capacity.
Deposition of solids from cage farms may strongly
effect the benthic ecosystems beneath the cages (6). Such
materials have shown to increase the extent of anaerobic
sediment layers with dramatic consequences for the
(non-cultivated areas) original biological communities. Under intensive cage
Tons/year Aquaculture farms, the bacterial activity in anaerobic sediments often
500 Agriculture causes out-gassing of methane and hydrogen sulphide.
250 Municipal wastewater In addition, sedimentary phosphorus might be released
50 Industry at oxygen depletion in deeper water. Studies of benthic
communities all indicate that detrimental impacts are
limited to the immediate vicinity of the intensive cage (or
N mussel) operation.
Among other consequences of modern aquaculture
are environmental effects caused by antibiotic use, e.g.,
0 100 200 Kilometers drug residues in water, sediments and organisms, and
introduction of exotic species for aquaculture purposes.
Figure 2. Estimated phosphorus inputs to the Norwegian coastal Welcomme (9) reported that 98 species of fish had been
waters from the main sources in 1998 (3). introduced internationally involving inland waters. Also,
accidentally or deliberately released farmed fish can affect
their local wild forms by behavior and genetic impacts.
determinants of environmental impacts (6). Aquaculture
wastes are rich in P with a TP/TN ratio of around 5. Thus,
fish farms have been expected to be a potential source for ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS
eutrophication in freshwater sources as P is the limiting
nutrient. Generally, the eutrophication rates in lakes and A wide range of regulations and standards control fish
reservoirs influenced by fish farming seem to be lower farming and the discharge of effluent in parts of the
than those predicted by lake models. Håkanson et al. (7) world, such as North America and Europe. Aquaculture
observed very little, if any, increased concentrations of TP relies on precious water resources, and; as populations
in two Swedish lakes influenced by cage farm emissions. increase, access to good quality water and the ability to
The main causes seemed to be linked to (1) direct uptake discharge effluents will become more restrictive. In many
of feces and waste feed from farmed fish by wild fish, countries, aquaculture legislation is poorly developed.
and (2) a significant amount of P from the cages that are During the last few years, however, interest has grown
eliminated from the lake water by different processes, e.g., to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for
sedimentation. aquaculture whose goals should be to protect the industry,

Table 1. Governmental Regulations for Fish Farm Effluents in Some European Countries per 1999 (11)


Limitation of production § § § § §
Effluent treatment § § § § § § §
Limitation of N and P load § § § § § § § §
Limitation of organic load § § § § § § § §
Feed composition § § § §
Feed conversion ratio § § § §
Environmental impact assessment § § § § § §
Rules for usage of chemicals § § §
Monitoring of effluent water § § § §
Taxes on effluent water and/or feeds § § § §

B: Belgium, DK: Denmark, F: France, GR: Greece, IRL: Ireland, NL: Holland, N: Norway, S: Sweden, SF: Finland, UK: United Kingdom.

the environment, other resource users, and the consumer, irrigated land perhaps by as much as 20% before 2030.
and to clarify rules for resource use (10). This is a net expansion, which implies that agricultural
A brief review of regulations controlling discharge of land lost to urban growth and soil salinization will be
effluent from fish farms in ten European countries is compensated.
presented in Table 1. At present, more than 60% of the world’s irrigated
The waste load from fish farms can also be reduced by land is in Asia. Table 1 shows the ten top countries and
effluent treatment attempts (see WASTE WATER TREATMENT river basins in terms of irrigated land area. About two
IN FISH FARMS). thirds of the irrigated land in Asia is devoted to rice and
wheat production.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Worldwide, about 70% of water withdrawals is supplied
to agriculture. Table 2 shows for the ten top irrigation
1. FAO. (2000). FISHSTATE Plus—Version 2.3. Available: countries the total water withdrawal (for agriculture, industrial, and domestic use) as a percentage of the
2. Edwards, P. (1993) In: Environment and Aquaculture in renewable water resource in the country and the
Developing Countries, ICLARM Conf. Proc. R.S.V. Pullin, percentage of this total withdrawal used in agriculture.
H. Rosenthal, and J.L. Maclean (Eds.). Vol. 31, pp. 139–170. Although food production to 2020 is expected to increase
3. NIVA. (2000). Report from Norwegian Institute for Water faster in developing countries than in developed countries,
Research, O-98140, Oslo, Norway. experts suggest that food production will not keep pace
4. Aasgaard, T. and Bergheim, A. (1996). In: Aquaculture and with demand. In 1999/2000, developing countries produced
Water Resource Management. D.J. Baird, M.C.M Beveridge, 55% of the world grain production and accounted for 61% of
L.A. Kelly, and J.F. Muir (Eds.). Blackwell Science, London, world grain consumption. They also imported 231 million
UK, pp. 50–80. tons of grain, equivalent to 72% of worldwide imports,
5. Beveridge, M.C.M. (1996). Cage Aquaculture, 2nd Edn. which suggests that developing countries although playing
Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science Ltd, London, UK. a major role in irrigated agriculture production still
6. Costa-Pierce. (1996). depend on international agricultural trade for their food
7. Håkanson, L., Carlsson, L., and Johansson, T. (1998). A new security.
approach to calculate the phosphorus load to lakes from fish
farm emissions. Aquacultural Eng. 17: 149–166.
8. NIVA. (1992). Report from Norwegian Institute for Water
Research, O-89156, Oslo, Norway.
The three main types of irrigation are canal (or
9. Welcomme, R.L. (1988). International Introductions of Inland
surface) irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and trickle or
Aquatic Species. FAO Fish. Tech. Paper, 294. FAO, Rome,
drip irrigation. In canal irrigation, water is distributed
through a network of canals, consisting of one or more main
10. Kongkeo, H. (2001). In: Aquaculture in the Third Millen-
nium. R.P. Subasinghe, P.B. Bueno, M.J. Phillips, C. Hough,
canals conveying water from the source (e.g., a reservoir
S.E. McGladdery, and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). NACA/FAO, or a barrage in a river), distributary (secondary) canals
Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 267–293. from the outlets in the main canal, tertiary canals (called
11. Bergheim, A. and Brinker, A. (2003). Effluent treatment watercourses in the Indian subcontinent) from the outlets
for flow through systems and European environmental in the distributary canals to the farm gate, and field canals.
regulations. Aquacultural Eng. 27: 61–77. Canal irrigation systems have lower construction and
operating costs, simpler maintenance, and lower skilled
labor demands than do pressurized delivery systems. A
WORLD’S MAJOR IRRIGATION AREAS disadvantage of canal irrigation over piped systems is
that the soil must convey and infiltrate the water over the
JACOB W. KIJNE fields. Because soil properties are highly variable, both
Herts, United Kingdom spatially and temporally, designing water-efficient surface
irrigation at the farm level is complicated. Much research
has been done on determining the optimum flow rate for
EXTENT OF IRRIGATION a given length of furrow and vice versa. It is now claimed
that in furrow irrigation design, it is possible to attain an
Irrigation is the artificial watering of land by technical application efficiency (i.e., the ratio of the average depth
means, such as canals, pumps, sprinklers, or drip systems, of water applied to the root zone, and the average depth
to supply moisture to crops. Surface irrigation, such as of water applied to the field) of about 70% (2). However,
basin and furrow irrigation, in which water is led to the the reality in the field is probably different. Application
fields through canals and ditches, has been practiced for efficiency refers to the average depths of application,
over two millennia. but the uniformity of distribution is also important. It
About 20% of the world’s agricultural land is irrigated, expresses the often large differences in the depths of
but some 40% of the food and fiber production worldwide water stored in the root zone along the length of the
takes place on irrigated land. For cereal production, it fields resulting from local differences in soil structure
is close to 60% (1). FAO expects this share to increase and texture and variable infiltration amounts in low
further in the next three decades. Much of this expansion and high spots in the field. Precision land leveling and
will take place in developing countries, increasing their automatic devices (e.g., for the release of surge flows) have

Table 1. Top Ten Countries and River Basins for Irrigated Land
Country Area (million ha) % of World Total River Basin Area (million ha)

India 59 21 Yangtze 31
China 54 20 Mekong 23
United States 22 8 Xi jiang 19
Pakistan 18 6 Ganges 11
Iran 8 3 Irriwaddy 10
Mexico 6.5 2 Brahmaputra 9
Indonesia 4.8 2 Yellow river 9
Thailand 4.8 2 Indus 8
Turkey 4.5 1.5 Chao Praya 7.5
Bangladesh 4 1.5 Krishna 6

Source: FAOSTAT On-line Statistical Service ( and IWMI, 2002. World Irrigation and Water Statistics 2002, International Water
Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Table 2. Water Withdrawal as Percentage of Renewable an irrigation system that would provide some water to
Water Resource, and its Share Supplied to Irrigation many farmers to assure the main harvest and revenue
Percent of Water Percent of Total collection for the colonial power with a minimum of
Resource Withdrawn Withdrawal Supplied to control and regulation. In the Asian subcontinent, this was
Country (2000) Agriculture (1995) achieved through a form of timed rotation of a continuous
flow to different watercourses, in which a shortfall in
India 26 96
supplies is shared equally by all users. The system was
China 19 89
USA 17 41
not expected to provide enough water for maximum yields.
Pakistan 70 96 From the 1950s, irrigation rapidly expanded, especially
Iran 54 95 in Asia. The peak in funding by the international
Mexico 17 85 development banks for construction of irrigation occurred
Indonesia 3 94 in the 1970s and 1980s. Internal rates of return on
Thailand 8 85 irrigation projects between 1965 and 1985 were in the
Turkey 15 83 range of 12–25% (6). This period coincided with the green
Bangladesh 1 96 revolution in Asia when cereal production increased many
Source: same as Table 1. fold as a result of the introduction of high yielding varieties
of rice and wheat, enhanced fertilizer use, and improved
irrigation systems. During this period, irrigation’s main
improved attainable application efficiency and uniformity objectives were to obtain maximum yields per unit land
of distribution, while reducing the labor requirements of through high water and fertilizer inputs. Concurrently,
surface irrigation (3). extensive research was done to determine and predict
Sprinkler irrigation and drip (trickle) irrigation elimi- water requirements and evapotranspiration rates, i.e.,
nate the need for land leveling and allow more frequent evaporation from the soil and transpiration from the
water application without alternating saturation and des- growing crop. This topic was central to the efforts to
iccation of the upper soil layers. But most importantly, match irrigation supplies as closely as possible with
these newer methods have improved attainable applica- the evaporative demand of the environment to maximize
tion efficiencies and, hence, lose less water. Nowadays, crop production.
commercial crops that were traditionally furrow irrigated After about 1985, irrigation investments dropped
are increasingly irrigated by drip irrigation methods. For sharply because of lower grain prices (from which the
example, a subsurface drip irrigation system was chosen urban population benefited more than the farmers),
to replace furrow and sprinkler irrigation systems on a rising construction costs, and hence lower returns on
commercial sugarcane estate in Swaziland. A postinvest- investments. Growing opposition to further large-scale
ment evaluation indicated that sucrose content increased irrigation projects, such as the Namada in India and the
by 15% and that 22% less water was used in the drip sys- Three Gorges Dam in China, contributed to this reduced
tem than in the sprinkler irrigation system it replaced (4). interest in irrigation investments. Although investments
Similar yield increases and water savings were noted in slowed, irrigation development in Asia nevertheless
drip irrigated corn (maize) in a project in arid southeast continued unabated. Experience and research have shown
Anatolia, Turkey (5). that supportive policies and laws have at least as
much effect on irrigation development as does the
CHANGES IN IRRIGATION OBJECTIVES OVER TIME availability of international investments. Specifically,
national priorities, strength in the rule of law, a free
In the colonial period, the dominant reason for installing market economy, local and user participation in planning
irrigation was to prevent famines during drought years. An and management, as well as encouragement of the
additional concern was flood control in the deltas of the big private sector have been shown to stimulate irrigation
rivers in Asia and Africa. Famine prevention necessitated development (7).

Pumped groundwater is increasingly used for irriga- has been a major cause of problems in operation and
tion. This increase has been at such an extent that many maintenance of irrigation system.
groundwater resources are now overexploited. Recycled When the irrigation objective in the second half of the
drainage water and wastewater have also been added as twentieth century shifted from protective to productive
possible sources of irrigation water. Generally, some treat- irrigation (involving the right to maximum economic
ment of wastewater has been deemed necessary before it return for a limited number of farmers), the performance
can safely be used in crop production. But many developing parameter of choice became the yield per unit of land.
countries do not have or enforce regulations covering the Toward the end of the century, water for all uses
use of wastewater, or lack the resources to treat wastew- became a major concern, and irrigation management
ater adequately. From the 1990s, the irrigation strategy came to be seen as one element of integrated water
focused on the control and integrated management of all resource management. At the same time, performance
water resources for agricultural and nonagricultural uses, assessment of irrigation systems was no longer based
which made irrigation managers realize that low irriga- only on profitability and revenue collection, but it came
tion efficiencies on the farm do not imply that water is to include the social objectives of food security, poverty
wasted. If the drainage flow is fed back into the canal alleviation, and environmental protection.
and reused downstream, and seepage to the groundwa- Because of increasing pressure on available water
ter is recycled by pumping, the relevant parameter is no resources, irrigation managers worldwide are now com-
longer application efficiency at the farm level but at the pelled to improve the performance of their systems. The
subsystem or system level, or even at the river basin level. list of performance parameters has consequently grown
For example, the Nile valley in Egypt with its notoriously and includes all aspects of maintenance and operation of
inefficient irrigation at the farm level has a basin level the infrastructure, output per unit irrigation water and
application efficiency of about 95% because of its extensive per unit of land, financial aspects (e.g., cost recovery), and
reuse of drainage water (8). Hence very little water, and of environmental performance (e.g., quality and quantity of
no further use because of its low quality, is discharged into drainage flows). Benchmarking, using a standard against
the Mediterranean Sea. These examples from Third World which performance can be assessed, has now been applied
countries follow earlier developments of a similar nature to irrigation management. By comparing with the norm, it
in the United States and Australia (e.g., respectively, the attempts to identify deficiencies in a system’s infrastruc-
Imperial Irrigation District with the Colorado River, and ture and organizational structures. Benchmarking thus
the Murray-Darling Basin). intends to make continuous improvements, especially in
the quality and reliability of the services provided to the
farmers. It also intends to stimulate an institutional cul-
IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT ture that supports innovation and reliability in service
providers (11).
Performance parameters express the degree to which the
objectives of irrigation are met. The chosen parameters IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT
are usually limited to those pertaining to performance of
the irrigation infrastructure and the system management. Three main types of irrigation management can be
Because of its large data requirement, the variability distinguished: commercial estates producing usually one
in performance among farmers and for different crops crop (e.g., sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, pineapples, etc.),
is rarely studied. In one instance, where available canal irrigation systems with many small farmers, and
information allowed quantification of the way farmers individual farmers managing their source of irrigation
managed their irrigation supplies, it was found that water, usually a tubewell or small reservoir. Of these,
around half the cotton farmers irrigated either excessively large-scale canal irrigation systems cover the largest
or deficiently although the average performance was close area, especially in Asia, and provide employment to
to the optimum for maximum yield per unit land (9). millions of people. Improvements in the management of
Excessive irrigation was also found in the Gezira irrigation these systems could have a major beneficial impact on
system in Sudan. Here the variation was attributed food production. This type of management, usually done
to unattended furrow irrigation, aging infrastructure by state organizations such as irrigation departments,
causing siltation, and weed growth in the canals (10). has therefore received the most attention. Common
Large variabilities among farmers obviously indicate a institutional deficiencies in water resource management
significant potential for improvement. are described elsewhere (12).
In protective irrigation systems (implying proportional Along field channels, and often significantly above
sharing of a limited resource among the widest number the field channels, farmers control the actual operation
of people), performance is evaluated by measuring the of the system. In that part of the system that is
flow rates that reach the tail ends of watercourses. This controlled by management, including reservoirs and the
measurement assesses the equity of distribution of the main and secondary (or distributary) canals, considerable
available water to as many farmers as possible. Head- discrepancy often exists between the nominal rules and
tail differences in water supplies continue to be the procedures incorporated in the design and the actual
case in many large-scale irrigation systems. Failure to operation of the system.
recognize and address equity considerations (i.e., fairness Because of widespread dissatisfaction with state
as understood by the farmers) in performance assessment management of irrigation systems, financial institutions

who invested in irrigation development have stimulated resources. The net social benefit of irrigated agriculture
state agencies since the 1990s to hand over all or part is the difference between returns to the farmer and
of irrigation management to the private sector. Greater society as a whole, and the cost to society associated
participation of the farmers in system management and with its negative aspects (e.g., the cost of disposal of
user-operated and managed irrigation systems as found saline and polluted drainage water). Because no general
in developed countries are examples to be followed in the agreement exists on the real benefits and costs of
Third World. Privatization was expected to lower the cost irrigated agriculture, whether irrigated agriculture is
of service provision to the farmers while increasing its sustainable in the long run has become controversial.
quality. Conditions for success of privatization include: Many definitions of sustainability exist. A strict definition
is that sustainability is achieved when irrigation and
— A legal framework either existing or tailor-made drainage are conducted on-farm and within irrigation
to provide the legal background for enforce- districts, in a manner that does not degrade the quality
able contracts of land, water, and other resources (15). Others define
— Quality control and other regulations sustainability of irrigated agriculture as the ability to
— Active participation of the farmers in the implemen- continue extracting net positive returns from water and
tation of the changes land for an indefinite period of time (16). In contrast to
— Institutions that control and enforce the rules and the first definition, the latter one is not inconsistent with
regulations some degree of environmental degradation, which implies
— Rights to water and use of the infrastructure that it is not necessarily true for all ecosystems that the
— Impartial adjudication of disputes optimal rate of degradation is zero.
Linked with this issue of sustainability is the question
— Sound arrangements about the financial respon-
of whether there is enough irrigable land and water for
sibilities regarding maintenance of the irrigation
future needs. FAO studies (17) suggest there is still scope
infrastructure (13)
for expanding irrigation to satisfy future needs. Their
An alternative to complete privatization was introduced estimates suggest that in developing countries, only half
in Pakistan where irrigation system management was of the potential irrigated land (about 400 million ha) is in
decentralized and the participation of farmers in sys- use. Moreover, only 20% of this presently unused potential
tem management was promoted. Management at some area will be in production by 2030. This assessment takes
secondary canal level was handed over to the farmers’ into account the limitations imposed by the availability of
organizations. A recent evaluation of one of these sites water. In the developing countries as a whole, only about
indicates that the water distribution and allocation has 7% of renewable water resources were withdrawn (18) for
become more equitable as a result of the handover, which is irrigation. And the projection is a 14% increase in water
particularly beneficial to tail-end farmers (14). Additional withdrawals for irrigation by 2030. Water availability is
benefits were that illegal tampering of outlets had almost considered critical when at least 40% of the renewable
ceased, and that cost recovery had improved significantly. resource is used for irrigation. Of the countries listed
However, experience with irrigation management transfer in Table 2, the situation is critical only in Pakistan and
elsewhere in developing countries has not been uniformly Iran. FAO expects this to be the case for all of South
positive. Different performance parameters show improve- Asia and West Asia/North Africa by 2030. Although a
ment in some systems but decline in others. In some 14% increase in water withdrawn for irrigation over a
systems, an increase in farmers’ fees for operation and period of 30 years may not appear to be much, the
maintenance and in fee collection has occurred, but nev- development of additional resources will be increasingly
ertheless major maintenance is deferred. The effect of difficult. For example, monsoonal river discharges are
management transfer on agricultural production and farm part of the unutilized resource, but they are extremely
income is equally uncertain. expensive to capture.
In recent years, many countries have gained experience In another study (19), the potential demand (i.e.,
with institutional reform of their water sectors, including without water supply constraints) and actual consumption
Australia, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Turkey, Mexico, (realized demand given the limitations in supply, and
Argentina, and Chili. Institutional changes will continue calculated for consumption rather than withdrawal) of
to shift toward user-management and water markets, irrigation water were assessed. This study expects the
with a more regulatory role for the state. Although potential demand in developing countries to grow by 12%,
the long-term impact of these various efforts has not but the actual consumption should grow less because of
yet been assessed, the Australian experience clearly water scarcity and improvements in yields per unit water.
demonstrates that if farmers are to pay for the full cost of The difference in growth of the potential and realized
irrigation services, the irrigation agencies have to become demands leads over time to lower values of the proportion
accountable to them. of the potential demand realized in actual consumption
of irrigation water, as shown in Table 3. The expected
SUSTAINABILITY AND FUTURE OF IRRIGATED improvements in water productivity (kg/m3 ) in irrigated
AGRICULTURE cereal production range from about one third in sub-
Saharan Africa to two thirds in South Asia.
Irrigated agriculture competes for water with other uses With respect to the potential for irrigation expansion in
and often contributes to degradation of land and water the industrial countries, most studies agree that there

Table 3. Proportion of Potential Demand Realized in without salinization of the root zone. The productivity of
Actual Consumption water (kg/m3 ) could then be almost 50% higher with deficit
1995 2025 irrigation than when water is supplied to meet full crop
demand (21).
Asia 0.81 0.76 The first challenge for the future, then, is to improve
Latin America 0.83 0.75 crop production on irrigated land by managing water
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.73 0.72
better to achieve optimal production per unit of water,
West Asia/North Africa 0.78 0.74
which is more easily realized in developed countries
Source: Rosegrant et al. (19). than in developing ones, but because of the population
growth, the latter have a greater need for more food
production. Present thinking is that more food export
is less scope and need for expansion in America and from industrial countries is not the solution. Imports have
Europe. At present some irrigated land in California to be paid for in hard currency and staple crops should be
goes out of production as the water rights are sold to grown where the people live. However, this could change
cities for their domestic water supply. In both the United as a result of globalization and reductions of tariffs in
States and Europe, some rainfed agricultural land is now agricultural trade. Hence, for now and the foreseeable
left idle as there is no need for more production. If the future, irrigated agriculture is essential for worldwide
need developed, agricultural productivity could probably food security. The second challenge thus becomes to
be enhanced on rainfed land at a lower cost than would enhance irrigated agriculture while minimizing the
be involved in expanding irrigated land. Moreover, future adverse environmental impacts.
production increases in developed countries are expected
to come from higher yields per unit of land and per unit
It has been argued that water pricing might reduce 1. FAO. (2002). World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030. Food
the demand for irrigation water. However, water used for and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome,
irrigation is not simply an economic resource but also a Italy.
social good. A change in the price of water would affect 2. Jurriens, J. and Lenselink, K.J. (2001). Straightforward
the urban price of food, which in turn could have major furrow irrigation can be 70% efficient. Irrigation and
political consequences. It would be more appropriate to Drainage 50: 195–204.
charge for the water actually consumed than for what is 3. Walker, W.R. and Skogerboe, G.V. (1987). Surface Irrigation:
supplied in irrigation, but that is practically impossible. Theory and Practice. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Another practical difficulty with water pricing as an 4. Merry, R.E. (2003). ‘‘Dripping with success’’: The challenges of
instrument for affecting its use is that for the price to an irrigation redevelopment project. Irrigation and Drainage
have an effect on water demand, it must be significantly 52: 71–83.
increased, most likely more than politically feasible. A 5. Yazar, A., Metin Sezen, S., and Gencel, B. (2002). Drip
case in point is China, where according to the World irrigation of corn in the southeast Anatolia Project (GAP)
Bank, water for agriculture is heavily subsidized. A better area in Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage 51: 293–300.
option for improving water use efficiency in irrigation 6. Jones, W.I. (1995). The World Bank and Irrigation. Oper-
appears to be rationing water where the demand exceeds ations Evaluation Department, World Bank, Washington,
supply (20). DC.
A contentious issue is how to improve water productiv- 7. Hargreaves, G.H. (2003). Lessons from success and/or failure
ity (e.g., kg/m3 or $/m3 ) when water resources are scarce of irrigation development. Irrigation and Drainage 52:
and higher water rates are not appropriate. One option 31–38.
is through deficit irrigation: applying less water than the 8. Keller, A. and Keller, J. (1995). Effective Efficiency: A Water
crop would need for maximum production per unit of land. Use Concept for Allocating Freshwater Resources. Water
Another option is to design a responsive irrigation sys- Resources and Irrigation Division Discussion Paper 22.
Winrock International, Arlington, VA.
tem in which all farmers have access to water as and
when needed, which is expected to lead to less wastage. 9. Lorite, I.J., Mateos, L., and Fereres, E. (2004). Evaluating
irrigation performance in a Mediterranean environment. II.
The latter, however, is difficult and expensive to realize
Variability among crops and farmers. Irrigation Science 23:
in large-scale irrigation systems with many fragmented 85–92.
small holdings. Providing farmers in deficit irrigation with
10. Ibrahim, A.A., Stigter, C.J., Adam, H.S., and Adeeb, A.M.
less water than they would freely demand is expected to (2002). Water-use efficiency of sorghum and groundnut under
encourage farmers to grow more water-efficient and high- traditional and current irrigation in the Gezira scheme,
value crops. The downside of deficit irrigation, though, Sudan. Irrigation Science 21: 115–125.
could be the possible salt buildup in the root zone in the 11. (2004). Irrigation and Drainage 53(2).
absence of sufficient leaching of salts from the soil pro- 12. Frederiksen, H.D. (1996). Institutional principles for sound
file. Model studies have shown that on-demand irrigation management of water and related environmental resources.
is profitable where water is relatively abundant or high- In: Water Resources: Environmental Planning, Management
value crops are grown that would benefit from extreme and Development. A.K. Biswas (Ed.). McGraw-Hill, New
reliability and accuracy in irrigation supplies. Yet, delib- York, pp. 529–577.
erately restricting irrigation deliveries at no less than 80% 13. Vermillion, D. and Sagardoy, J.A. (1999). Transfer of Irriga-
of the potential full demand, crops can still produce well tion Management Services: Guidelines. FAO Irrigation and

Drainage Paper 58. Food and Agricultural Organization of IRRIGATION IN THE UNITED STATES
the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
14. Latif, M. and Pomee, M.S. (2003). Irrigation management FREDERIC LASSERRE
turnover: an option for improved utilization of limited Laval University
water resources in Pakistan. Irrigation and Drainage 52: Quebec City, Canada
15. Oster, J.D. and Wichelns, D. (2003). Economic and agronomic
strategies to achieve sustainable irrigation. Irrigation Science CONTRASTED TRENDS
22: 107–120.
16. Barker, R., Dawe, D., and Inocencio, A. (2003). Economics of The total amount of farmland, comprising both cropland
water productivity in managing water for agriculture. In: and pastureland, is slowly decreasing in the United States
Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities at 71.2 million hectares (M ha) (176 million acres) in
for Improvement. J.W. Kijne, R. Barker, and D. Molden
1998, but irrigated lands kept increasing from 16.7 Mha
(Eds.). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 19–35.
in 1974, 19.8 Mha in 1982, 19.9 Mha in 1992, and 25 Mha
17. See endnote 1.
in 2000. The geography of the increase in irrigated
18. At field level, water withdrawn for irrigation includes, besides lands is contrasted. The national yearly increase for the
that actually transpired by the growing crop, evaporation
period 1974–2000 is 1.57%, but east central and Atlantic
from wet soil and water surfaces, leakage from channels,
states witnessed much stronger growth, well above 4%,
seepage below the water table and drainage water from
the field. on average, whereas Arizona, Montana, Nevada, Texas,
Oklahoma, and Wyoming saw their irrigated lands shrink
19. Rosegrant, M.W., Cai, X., and Cline, S.A. (2002). Global
Water Outlook to 2025. Averting an impending crisis. A 2020
overall (Fig. 1) (1).
Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment Initia- But this 26-year period masks a three-period evolution.
tive Report. International Food Policy Research Institute, From 1974 to 1982, irrigated surfaces grew on average
Washington, DC. by 2.18% yearly; sharp increases occurred in states such
20. Perry, C. (2001). Water at any price? Issues and options in as South Carolina (+29%/year), Georgia (+22.7%/year),
charging for irrigation water. Irrigation and Drainage 50: and Minnesota (+19.1%/year); other western states such
1–7. as Texas and New Mexico already displayed a downward
21. Sarwar, A. and Perry, C. (2002). Increasing water productiv- trend in their irrigated surfaces, and eastern States as
ity through deficit irrigation: evidence from the Indus Plains well such as New Jersey and West Virginia. From 1982
of Pakistan. Irrigation and Drainage 51: 87–92. to 1992, the growth is much more moderate: 0.08% per


Average yearly change, %

Mexico −1 to 0 %
0 to 1.57 %
1.57 to 4 %
4 to 7 %
More than 7 %
0 250 500 km
United States Average : 1.57 % per year

Figure 1. Irrigated surfaces evolution, 1974–2000.



Average yearly change, %

Mexico −4 to 0 %
0 to 2.86 %
2.86 to 6 %
6 to 9 %
More than 9 %
0 250 500 km
United States average: 2.18 % per year

Figure 2. Irrigated surfaces evolution, 1992–2000.

year in the nation, with most states located in the western Colorado, Nebraska, and Texas accounted for 58.3% of all
part of the country witnessed a decrease. Then growth irrigated land. In 2000, irrigated land in the same five
picked up from 1992 to 2000 at a national yearly average states still made up 51% of irrigated land countrywide.
of 2.86%. Some western states (Fig. 2) (Oregon, Montana, Of course, natural conditions largely explain this
Wyoming, Oklahoma, South Dakota) still experienced a spatial pattern: rainfall becomes much scarcer west of the
decline, but others grew appreciably (California: +3.7%/yr; 100th meridian and becomes more abundant again only
Texas: +3.5%). The strongest growth was experienced in the northwestern part in the country, on the Pacific
in the Atlantic and east central regions, growth rates coast (Fig. 5). Most of the west gets less than 20 inches
exceeded 9% in Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, of rain a year; patches of California, Nevada, Arizona,
and several New England states (Tables 1 and 2). Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and even Washington receive less
This spectacular growth of irrigated surfaces in the than 10 inches. Water is present, however, in the region:
eastern United States can be explained by two factors: aquifers do contain large amounts of water (for instance,
a production objective, the desire of farmers to increase the Ogallala aquifer underneath Texas, Oklahoma, and
yields or switching to more water-demanding crops, such Nebraska). And mountain ranges generate rivers; the
as corn, sugar, vegetables; a financial factor as well; many Colorado drains a large basin in the area. Tapping this
farmers in this wetter part of the country irrigate their resource became a political objective during the conquest of
cropland to avoid any risk of yield decrease. Tight markets, the West during the second half of the nineteenth century
strong pressures from banks, and rising debt have made to tame nature and embody the conquest of the land, even
some farmers risk averse. though it implied transferring agricultural techniques that
belonged to the wetter eastern part of the country. Water
THE IRRIGATION COUNTRY: WATER IN THE DRY WEST schemes were designed to develop the resource, rivers
were dammed, and canals built to divert rivers, paid for
However strong the irrigation growth might have been in by the federal budget and delivering water that was and
the eastern part of the country and even though a slight still is largely subsidized. Agriculture is flourishing in the
decline has begun to take place in a few western states, arid west, but it is only thanks to the development of
absolute irrigated surfaces still show that irrigation is what Donald Worster (3) calls a ‘‘hydraulic society,’’ where
concentrated mainly in the western and central United water is the main resource and cements the very fabric of
States. In 1974 as well as in 1992 (Figs. 3 and 4), the the economy and society. This explains why, today, it is
picture depicted by the maps underlines the dominant still a very political and emotional issue fiercely debated,
share in irrigated surfaces in states west of the 100th although the age of large-scale dams and developments
meridian: in 1974, irrigated land in California, Idaho, seems to be gone.

Table 1. Top 15 States with Increases in Irrigated Table 2. Fifteen States Experiencing the Lowest Increase
Surfaces, 1974–2000 and 1992–2000 in Irrigated Surfaces, 1974–2000 and 1992–2000
1974–2000 %/year 1974–2000 %/year

South Carolina 11.78 New Jersey 1.39

Georgia 10.60 Oregon 1.27
Vermont 9.19 Louisiana 1.13
Missouri 8.74 Florida 1.08
Mississippi 8.72 Idaho 1.05
Indiana 8.05 California 1.02
Minnesota 7.98 Washington 0.70
Illinois 7.64 Colorado 0.65
Tennessee 7.23 New Mexico 0.54
Kentucky 7.20 Oklahoma −0.06
Maine 6.99 Texas −0.06
Alabama 6.41 Montana −0.09
Arkansas 6.18 Arizona −0.64
Michigan 5.76 Nevada −0.70
Delaware 5.59 Wyoming −0.88
North Carolina 5.29
1992–2000 %/year
1992–2000 %/year
Illinois 1.33
Connecticut 17.20 Wisconsin 0.89
Maine 17.07 Colorado 0.88
New Hampshire 17.07 Maryland 0.77
South Carolina 11.91 Louisiana 0.57
Vermont 11.45 Indiana 0.46
Kentucky 11.44 Arizona 0.26
Georgia 9.87 West Virginia 0.00
Ohio 9.51 Oklahoma −0.12
Missouri 8.18 Washington −0.55
North Carolina 7.13 South Dakota −0.58
New York 7.09 Montana −1.73
Arkansas 6.61 Alabama −1.96
Rhode Island 6.59 Wyoming −2.88
Tennessee 6.34 Iowa −3.85
Mississippi 6.12
New Jersey 5.98
more than 40% of irrigation withdrawals; levels are as
high as 49.7% for Montana and 49.1% for Kentucky. On
WATER WITHDRAWALS the other hand, 17 states pump less than 30% of their
irrigation water from aquifers. Reliance on groundwater
The geography of water withdrawals for irrigation (Fig. 6) is not connected to the size of the withdrawals; states along
confirms the dominant role of irrigation in agriculture in the lower Mississippi and Missouri basins and around the
the West: large withdrawals take place in this part of the Great Lakes tend to pump a larger proportion of their
country in every state but a few of them and reaches levels irrigation water from surface water.
as high as 70.1 billion m3 /year in California (see Table 3). As a result of the huge withdrawals taking place in
But the geography of water withdrawals also shows the West for irrigation, shares of irrigation water in total
that eastern states withdraw appreciable volumes of freshwater withdrawals (Fig. 7) are nearly always above
water for irrigation: Florida, of course (9.1 billion 60%, except for Kansas (56.3%), Oklahoma (40.7%), Texas
m3 /year), largely because of the fruit and sugar indus- (34.8%), and North Dakota (12.7%) (Table 4).
tries; but also Georgia (2.2 Bm3 /year); North and South In the eastern United States, the share of irrigation
Carolina (cotton, peanuts, corn, tobacco); New Jer- is consistently below 15%, except for Arkansas, Florida,
sey; Massachusetts (0.33 Bm3 /year); and Michigan. In Mississippi, Georgia (17.8%) and Missouri (17.4%), and
the three latter states, large water withdrawals are is less than 1% in 12 states (Indiana, Vermont,
largely accounted for by the redevelopment of fruit and Kentucky, Iowa, Virginia, New York, Alabama, Ohio,
vegetable cultures for nearby urban markets. Central Tennessee, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District
States in the Missouri/Mississippi basin also use sig- of Columbia). Thus, although it is developing fast in
nificant water for irrigation: Nebraska (14.4 Bm3 /year), the eastern part of the country and may at times in
Arkansas (13.3 Bm3 /year), Kansas (5.7 Bm3 /year), Missis- specific places, represent a problem for water supply in the
sippi (2.1 Bm3 /year), Missouri (2.1 Bm3 /year), Louisiana summertime, irrigation remains by far the major demand
(1.8 Bm3 /year), and Oklahoma (1.2 Bm3 /year). sector only in the West. This explains the pressure exerted
Some states rely heavily on groundwater for irrigation. on ground or surface waterbodies by environmental
In the lower 48 states, 19 states rely on groundwater for problems such as the overexploitation (Colorado River)

Irrigated surfaces, in ha
3 200 000

45 000
0 250 500 km
60 000

Figure 3. Irrigated surface per state, 1974.


Irrigated surfaces, in ha
Mexico 4 100 000

570 000
0 250 500 km
90 000

Figure 4. Irrigated surface per state, 2000.


Average annual
precipitation (po. = 2.34 cm)
Mexico 0 –10 po.
10 – 20 po.
20 – 30 po.
30 – 40 po.
40 +
0 250 500 km

Figure 5. The dry western United States (1,2).


Water withdrawals for

irrigation, 2000 (million
cubic meters (m ) per year)
70 200
Mexico 43 000
Water origin :
14 400
5 100 Ground
40+ 1 200 Surface
0 250 500 km 200

Figure 6. Water withdrawals for irrigation, 2000.



Share of irrigation in total

fresh water withdrawals
Mexico 0–15 %
15–30 %
30–45 %
45–60 %
0 250 500 km 60–75 %
>75 %

Figure 7. Share of irrigation in total fresh water withdrawals, 2000.

or the salinization of rivers (such as the Gila River). It Table 4. States Whose Share of Irrigation in Total Fresh
also entails a developing political debate as to whether the Water Withdrawals is Greater Than 50%, 2000
sharing of the resource should leave so much subsidized State %
water to the agriculture sector, as thirsty cities and
industries have begun buying up expensive water rights Montana 95.93
from farmers to satisfy their fast growing needs. Wyoming 91.15
Colorado 90.63
Oregon 87.76
Idaho 87.28
The agricultural sector displays a contrasting picture, Utah 81.07
as can be seen in Fig. 8. If absolute water withdrawals Arizona 80.51
for irrigation are very large in the West and if California 79.43
Nevada 74.98
agriculture there remains by far the largest demand
Arkansas 72.66
sector, the share of irrigated land in total farmland is
Nebraska 72.05
not necessarily dominant (Table 5). South Dakota 70.64
California, Arkansas, and Mississippi are the only Washington 57.63
states whose share of irrigated land represents more than Kansas 56.25
half of the total exploited land. The extent of fruit and Florida 52.70
vegetables crops in California, as well as cotton growing Mississippi 50.14

Table 3. Top Twenty States for Irrigation Water

Withdrawals, 2000 (in Billion Cubic Meters per Year) in the Mississippi valley, accounts for such high shares.
California Idaho Colorado Montana Oregon Strong fruit and vegetable cropping (Washington, New
70.1 43 29.4 22.5 16.1 Jersey, Michigan, Florida, Delaware), sugar (Florida),
Texas Nebraska Arkansas Wyoming Arizona potato (Idaho), tobacco and peanuts (Georgia) are, in their
15.3 14.4 13.3 12.2 11.5 respective states, dominant cultures where irrigation is
Utah Florida Washington New Mexico Kansas extensively practiced, to enable cropping (as for most
10.3 9.1 7.6 6.4 5.7
cultures in the West) or to reduce, even eliminate, the
Nevada Georgia Mississippi Missouri Louisiana
financial risk that could stem from poor rains in an
5.2 2.2 2.14 2.1 1.8
otherwise pluvial agriculture.


Share of irrigated lands

in total farmland, %
Mexico 0 –13 %
13 – 20 %
20 – 28 %
28 – 40 %
0 250 500 km 40 – 50 %
> 50 %

Figure 8. Share of irrigated land in farmland, 1998.

Table 5. States Whose Share of Irrigated Land in loss in their crops because of poor rains (Table 6). This is a
Farmland (1998) is Greater Than 30% consequence of the increasing role of financial institutions
State % in agribusiness, as banks have stepped up their pressure
on farmers who, in turn, tend to be willing to spend more
Maryland 31.07 on water to avoid potential losses from natural factors.
Illinois 31.32 The cost factor is certainly better reflected in the
Nebraska 31.37
irrigation technique employed. Irrigation in the East
Georgia 31.89
Delaware 32.22
is dominated by the sprinkler technique, an easy-to-
Minnesota 37.18 implement technology with a higher water productivity
Texas 38.16 than gravity or surface watering. Drip irrigation is also
Louisiana 39.10
Wisconsin 39.26
Michigan 39.78
Table 6. Top Fifteen States for Water Application Rate in
New Jersey 41.78
Thousand m3 /ha, 2000
Florida 41.78
Missouri 43.02 State Rate, 000 m3 /ha
Idaho 43.33
Washington 45.72 Montana 24.1
Mississippi 52.36 Arizona 21.7
Arkansas 65.17 Idaho 21.2
California 65.90 Massachusetts 20.97
Wyoming 19.4
Colorado 15.96
Nevada 14.87
These risk-averse farming sectors partly explain why Oregon 13.87
the water application rate per surface unit can be so high Utah 13.54
in the more humid East (Fig. 9). The low cost of water California 12.8
is certainly a factor, but it rather accounts for profligate New Mexico 11.8
rates in the West, as water remains heavily subsidized in Washington 8.9
this part of the country, whereas farmers in the East, who Florida 8.2
North Carolina 6.8
produce high-value crops such as fruits and vegetables,
South Carolina 6
reason that the extra water spread in their fields is worth
Arkansas 5.4
the guarantee that they will not suffer from a few percent


Water application rate,

m /ha, 2000 (million
cubic meters (m ) per year)
32 300
15 700 Water origin :
7 000 Sprinkler
4 200
1 900 Drip
0 250 500 km Surface

Figure 9. Water application rate, m3 /ha, 2000.

used in Florida (34.1% of volume of water spread), surface irrigation definitely implies improvement poten-
Pennsylvania (20%), Virginia (17.9%), New Jersey (12.3%), tial but points to a major political problem, the very
New York (10.8%), and Massachusetts (8.3%). But west of low cost farmers still pay for water carried by expen-
the Mississippi or in its lower course, surface irrigation is sive water-development projects paid for by all taxpayers
either dominant or holds a significant share of total water in the United States. Fees collected by irrigation dis-
used in fields (see Table 7). tricts often do not even pay for the direct costs of moving
Whereas it is well-documented that its water produc- the water from the dams to the fields, let alone refund
tivity is low (<40%), in water-scarce areas, the extent of the investment.
The low share of sprinkler and drip irrigation in water-
scarce areas creates a large productivity improvement
Table 7. States Where the Share of Surface Irrigation is
Greater Than 30%, 2000
potential. Converting a fraction of surface-irrigated fields
into sprinkler-irrigated fields could vastly reduce the
Share, % of Total Water water application rate. There is a significant relation
State Used for Irrigation in the West between a large share of surface irrigation
Louisiana 88.30 and high application rates. Turning to a more sprinkler-
Arkansas 86.03 intensive agriculture could reduce water withdrawals
Wyoming 83.10 and consumption and help relieve the region from the
Arizona 79.82 ongoing, bitter, water-sharing debate. But this cannot
Montana 70.93 be done by mere campaigns in favor of more effective
Nevada 70.48 watering techniques; farmers are well-aware of them. The
Mississippi 68.03
issue again boils down to the pricing of water, which is
Colorado 65.29
Utah 62.41 definitely a question that most politicians would not want
Missouri 59.55 to tackle directly.
California 54.16 Broadening the topic, these observations underline the
New Mexico 53.11 structure of water use that agriculture has developed in
Nebraska 47.44 the United States as of 2000. In the East, a burgeoning
Oregon 46.08 and fast-growing irrigation sector relies on water-saving
Florida 40.73 techniques but can use water generously. This water
Texas 36.83
use does not stem from climate constraints, but from
Idaho 34.67
financial reasoning, avoiding risk and increasing surface
West Virginia 33.33
productivity. In the West, water use in irrigation was

the only way to develop intensive agriculture, with crops A tube well has a single strainer that penetrates
imported from Europe or the more humid East. But, vertically into the aquifer and operates under suction
because of the history of agricultural development, water to extract groundwater at a discharge rate usually greater
prices still prevent the adoption of more efficient irrigation than 28 L/s. In unconfined aquifers that have fresh
techniques. In the context of a slow erosion of irrigation groundwater lenses underlain by saline groundwater
in the West due to rising competition for water from cities layers, these wells are prone to extract groundwater of
and the industry and also due to unsustainable water deteriorated quality due to upward movement of saline
withdrawal rates in several river basins and/or aquifers, groundwater that enters the well screen. The thickness of
it is important to take into account the improvement these fresh groundwater lenses varies from a few meters to
potential that agriculture displays in its water use. more than 30 meters, depending on the recharge source. In
Massive water diversions are probably not necessary the surroundings of canals and rivers, this thickness can be
because agriculture, by far the main water user in the more than 30 meters. The diameter of tube-well strainers
West, can reduce its consumption by turning to more is usually greater than 10 cm. The greater the thickness
efficient irrigation systems. But this comes at a cost. of the fresh groundwater lens, the higher the possibility
of extracting greater discharge, which requires a larger
diameter pipe for the strainer. This type of irrigation well,
This research was made possible thanks to a grant from the
FQRSC. however, can extract groundwater without the problem of
deteriorated quality provided that the well penetrates at
less than 60% of the depth of the fresh groundwater lens
and its operating time does not exceed 6 hours in any
1. Riebsame, W. and Robb, J. (Eds.). All maps are designed with
day (1).
data from USGS and the Agricultural Census, except Fig. 5, For unconfined aquifers where the thickness of the
adapted from (1997) Atlas of the New West. University of fresh groundwater lens is less than 25 meters, skimming
Colorado at Boulder Press, WW Norton. wells are introduced. This type of irrigation well is
2. Lasserre, F. and Descroix, L. (2003). Eaux et Territoires. PUQ, multistrainer, spread at some horizontal distance from the
Québec. suction point, and these strainers are joined to a common
3. Worster, D. (1985). Rivers of Empire. Water, Aridity, and the pump. Like tube wells, the strainers in skimming wells
Growth of the American West. Oxford University Press, New penetrate vertically into the aquifer. However, designing
York. a skimming well to include four to six strainers of 5 cm
diameter that spread at a 1.5-m horizontal distance
from the suction point makes the design cost-effective
IRRIGATION WELLS and minimizes operation and maintenance requirements.
These strainers should be installed at less than 60% of
MUHAMMAD NADEEM ASGHAR the depth of the fresh groundwater lens of the aquifer. To
International Water reduce the risk of quality decline, its operating time should
Management Institute (IWMI) also not exceed 6 hours in any day. This type of irrigation
Lahore, Pakistan
well also works under suction and can usually extract
groundwater at discharge rates less than 28 L/s (2).
Dug wells can be used to extract fresh groundwater
In arid and semiarid areas, rainfall is markedly variable
from aquifers when thickness of fresh groundwater lenses
in magnitude, time of occurrence, and spatial distribution.
is less than fifteen meters. Depending on the well diameter,
Irrigation is required to meet the demand of agriculture,
there are two kinds of dug wells found in various parts of
but surface water supplies are also characterized as
the world; small dug wells and large dug wells. In both
scarce and unreliable. Consequently, farmers consider it
dug wells, groundwater gathers under gravity, and pumps
necessary to create a dependable water supply, which
is adequate and in a desired location. This management are used to extract this groundwater. Dug wells are mostly
option has spurred farmers to develop the technology of suitable for smallholder irrigated agriculture.
irrigation wells. A large dug well has a diameter large enough for
History started with the development of irrigation workers to enter it for construction and maintenance.
wells to be used for lifting water from rivers (surface This type of irrigation well can be dug as deep as 90% of
water), surface storage (rainfall), and subsurface dug the depth of the fresh groundwater lens of the aquifer and
holes (underground water). The discharge rates of can still avoid the risk of entering the underlying saline
such irrigation wells depend on the capacity of the groundwater at the bottom of the dug well (3).
lifting devices. A small dug well, on the other hand, has a diameter
As pumps were introduced, a boom in another kind of too small to enter and is constructed from the ground
irrigation well occurred to exploit underground water for surface using special tools. The treadle pump, which is
irrigated agriculture. Promising technologies of irrigation a human-powered pump, also uses this type of irrigation
wells include tube wells, skimming wells, dug wells, and well as a source of groundwater. For small-scale irrigation,
radial wells. The discharge rates of these irrigation wells these pumps were first introduced into Bangladesh in the
depend on the capacity of the lifting devices and also on early 1980s, and they are now making their mark in
the hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifer. Africa (4).

Radial wells are also multistrainer wells. Unlike tube their lands to residential or commercial uses. If these
wells and skimming wells that have vertically installed forces of change occurred in an environment of perfectly
strainers, radial wells have horizontal strainers. These functioning markets, then there would be no economic
strainers facilitate skimming a very thin (even less than problem or failure and no economic justification for public
3 meters) fresh groundwater lens as they provide large policy in the form of planning. We would simply observe
discharges per unit of drawdown—a desirable feature to the optimal rate of land conversion to reflect societal
avoid upward movement of saline groundwater (5). These preferences and changes in income and population over
strainers (usually of 5 cm diameter) can be joined directly time. However, the forces contributing to agricultural land
to the sump—a collection dug hole, or they are first conversion are rife with informational and policy- driven
connected to collector pipes (usually of 10 cm diameter), distortions in both agricultural and nonagricultural land
and then these pipes are joined to the sump. Groundwater markets, among them, zoning and other local policies that
comes under gravity to these horizontal strainers, and encourage development and inflate land values beyond the
pumps are used to extract it from the sump. This type reach of agriculture, high-risk and low-economic returns to
of irrigation well, which is an innovative and modern commodity production, higher incomes and the provision
type of dug well, can also be used to support smallholder of health insurance in off-farm occupations, unintended
irrigated agriculture. consequences of state and federal farm and nonfarm
policies, and improvements in telecommunications and
BIBLIOGRAPHY in other infrastructure that mute the cost advantages
of urban living. Moreover, agricultural lands provide
1. Asghar, M.N., Prathapar, S.A., and Shafique, M.S. (2002). many types of value to landowners, private citizens,
Extracting relatively fresh groundwater from aquifers under- communities, and society at large that are not reflected
lain by salty groundwater. Agric. Water Manage. 52: 119–137. in the market value of agricultural products or in the
2. Asghar, M.N., Saeed, M.M., Ashraf, M., and Qureshi, A.S. capitalized value of those products in establishing land
(2002). Potential of skimming wells for extracting relatively lease and sale prices. As a result of both supply- and
fresh groundwater from unconfined aquifers underlain by demand-side dynamics, the market for agricultural land
saline groundwater. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. New Trends Water usually fails to reflect social values. Therefore, public
Environ. Eng. Safety Life: Eco-compatible Solutions for Aquatic
policy in the form of some sort of land-use planning
Environ. June 24–28, Capri, Italy.
is justified.
3. Asghar, M.N., Shafique, M.S., Ahmad, S., and Kahlown, M.A.
The American public values agricultural land for many
(2002). Root Zone Salinity Management Using Fractional
reasons (1,2), beyond its ability to produce food, fiber,
Skimming Wells with Pressurized Irrigation: Annual Progress
Report 1999–2000. Working Paper No. 51, International Water and timber. These include curbing negative impacts of
Management Institute, Lahore, Pakistan. ill-managed growth; providing flood control; improving
4. Kay, M., and Brabben, T. (2000). Treadle Pumps for Irrigation water quality; maintaining groundwater rechargeability;
in Africa. IPTRID. International Programme for Technology mitigating air pollution, ozone, and greenhouse gas
and Research in Irrigation and Drainage. Knowledge Synthesis emissions; providing community buffers or greenways;
Report No. 1. reducing traffic congestion; and easing the fiscal burden
5. Kelleners, T.J. (2001). Effluent Salinity of Pipe Drains and of public services. Such values can be reflected within
Tube Wells: A case study from the Indus plain. Ph.D. Thesis, a community by the relative intensity of alternative
Wageningen University, Alterra ILRI, Wageningen. development; the opportunity for public goods and
services, such as parks and trails; wildlife habitats, scenic
views, and recreational opportunities; and proximity to
AGRICULTURE AND LAND USE PLANNING urban dwellers (see, for a variety of sources, Ref. 3).
Public values for agricultural land preservation have
ANDY SEIDL translated into public support for establishing agricultural
Colorado State University land preservation programs at the local, state, and federal
Fort Collins, Colorado levels. A mixture of both regulatory (4,5) and incentive-
based approaches (4,6) have resulted in the permanent
JULIA FREEDGOOD protection of nearly 1.5 million acres of agricultural
American Farmland Trust land from conversion to nonagricultural uses (7) and the
Washington, District of concentration of millions of more acres in agricultural
production through zoning. Agricultural land protection
through the various tools of land-use planning is a complex
FEN C. HUNT issue and process. This article provides only a glimpse
U.S. Department of Agriculture of fundamental approaches and resources available for
Washington, District of
agricultural land-use planning and preservation.


What land should be preserved and for what purposes?
Many owners of agricultural lands, particularly those What level of private and public resources should be
at the urban fringe, face strong pressures to convert made available for fee simple land or development rights

purchases? How should priorities be set to protect critical complementary community practices, such as agricultural
and sensitive areas with limited private and public funds zoning and growth management (1,11).
to achieve the best results? Both private and public
institutions must address these questions and concerns.
Agricultural land-use planning and preservation con-
stitutes sensible resource management for sustainable
agriculture and more broadly for sustainable development.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
It also stands on its own as a local, state, or national policy
goal to mitigate land fragmentation and haphazard devel- Public interest in agricultural land protection, especially
opment. Various tools, resources, and model programs against fragmentation and haphazard development, has
are available to facilitate agricultural land-use planning increased steadily since the 1950s. As this interest has
and preservation. Each person and community has unique grown, the preservation toolbox has expanded from local
goals, challenges, and collective knowledge that will deter- and state to the federal level. USDA programs designed
mine the appropriate mixture of tools to guide its private to preserve working agricultural landscapes include the
and public actions in crafting effective local land-use man- Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP),
agement and policy (8). the Forest Legacy Program (FLP), and the Grassland
Flexibility and knowledge in local conditions are the Reserve Program.
most pervasive features of successful programs to preserve The FRPP ( lever-
lands for multiple functions meeting agricultural opera- ages federal funds with state and local funds to purchase
tions, managing land use, and achieving environmental, conservation easements on prime and locally important
social, and economic vitality objectives (4). Scientists and or unique land by limiting conversion to nonagricultural
educators at the land-grant universities provide research- uses. The FLP (
based information, analyses, and educational programs shtml) establishes partnerships between the Forest Ser-
that will help facilitate this process at the local and vice (USFS) and state forestry agencies to protect environ-
state levels. mentally important private forestlands from conversion to
Public programs for agricultural land-use planning and nonforest uses. Through conservation easements or rental
preservation may benefit both landowners and the general agreements, the GRP (
public. Agricultural land-use planning and preservation protects and restores grasslands from conversion to crop-
programs may be motivated to preserve production land and other nonagricultural uses and enables viable
agriculture for national food security or for local food ranching operations to restore plant and animal biodiver-
choice reasons. In this case, the following are many of the sity.
key characteristics typically considered to prioritize land Many state and local ranking systems are based on vari-
parcels chosen for preservation: ations of the federal Land Evaluation and Site Assessment
(LESA) system (
1. Soil quality and productivity index.html). LESA encompasses a portfolio of land
2. Agricultural infrastructure attributes to estimate the relative value of agricultural
land. LESA provides a framework to measure the mer-
3. Farming methods, including conservation practices
its of keeping individual parcels in agricultural operation
4. Unique or critical land quality based on local preservation objectives. LESA recently has
5. Imminent threat of conversion been tied to GIS technology to facilitate mapping and
6. Critical size of a parcel for a viable agricul- planning scenarios.
tural operation
7. Proximity to other protected land for a critical mass State and Local Programs
to achieve effectiveness Over the past 50 years, public organizations at the
8. Importance to local agricultural and economic state and local levels have used a variety of tools to
vitality (9,2). preserve agricultural land. Examples of these tools include
differential tax assessment programs, agricultural district
Alternatively, the public may be more concerned with programs, right-to-farm or nuisance protection laws,
issues related to urban growth pressure or preservation transfer of development rights (TDR) programs, purchase
of ecological integrity and cultural resources (10). They of agricultural conservation easements—also known as
may perceive preserving agricultural land as a way development rights (PACE or PDR) programs—growth
to sustain community values, lifestyle, or its natural management or urban boundaries and agricultural zoning,
and cultural heritage. In this case, land preservation among a variety of other tools. Private organizations such
programs may rank land parcels by the ability to as land trusts also have gotten involved, typically by
provide direct environmental or economic benefits of accepting donated conservation easements or facilitating
open space and scenic beauty, economic opportunity, such the process for landowners to sell easements to a
as agro-tourism, wildlife habitats, community buffers or public program.
greenways, source water or watershed protection, clean air Beginning in 1956 with the inception of Maryland’s
or carbon sequestration, historical or cultural significance, differential property tax assessment program, today every
recreational opportunities, such as hunting, curbing state except Michigan has a differential property tax
current and anticipated development pressure, and/or assessment program that assesses agricultural land based

on its use value, instead of its fair market value. The Information on farmland protection and stewardship can
program either reduces property taxes on agricultural be found on the Farmland Information Center (FIC)
lands or defers taxes for as long as the land remains in (, which has a series of fact sheets
agriculture. Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York also have on farmland protection tools and an extensive collection
programs to allow farmers to claim income tax credits to of local and state land-use and land preservation laws,
offset their local property tax bills. statistics, and literature.
California enacted the first agricultural districts law Examples of statewide PACE programs include Cal-
in 1965, commonly known as the Williamson Act. ifornia (, Maryland
Landowners are allowed to create ‘‘agricultural preserves’’ (, Michigan (
areas. New York was the first state to create a 0,1607,7-125-1567 1599—, 00.html), Pennsylvania (www.
comprehensive agricultural district program to protect
farmland and support the farming business. Agricultural 122454&agricultureNav= |4451|), and Vermont (www.
district programs are authorized in 16 states (7) to create Prominent local PACE pro-
legally recognized geographic entities where agricultural grams can be found in Boulder County, Colorado
activities and their land bases are encouraged and (; Montgomery County,
protected. In addition, all 50 states have nuisance Maryland ( open space/index.
protection statutes (also known as ‘‘right-to-farm’’ laws) shtm); and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (http://www.
for agricultural operations.
In 1967, Boulder County in Colorado ( established a TDR program to protect agricultural
lands and open space. This program enables landowners Land-Grant Colleges and Universities (LGUs)
to transfer the development rights on one parcel of land
to another parcel of land, such as from an agricultural Many programs related to agricultural land preservation
zone to designated higher density development areas. may be found in the Land-Grant University System,
Besides maintaining working agricultural landscapes, including general national level programs in applied
TDR programs may be designed for multiple purposes, research and outreach education, specific endowed chairs
such as to conserve environmentally sensitive areas or in land-use and planning, and regional or state level
preserve historic landmarks. As of 2000, Montgomery programs addressing land-use policy and planning.
County in Maryland had more than 40,000 acres, which Each U.S. state and territory has at least one land-grant
accounted for 60% of the national total, enrolled in the university (LGU) (
TDR program (7). state partners.html), including state agricultural exper-
In 1974, Suffolk County in New York enacted the iment station(s) and a state cooperative extension
first PACE (also known as purchase of development service. Both the agricultural experiment stations
rights, PDR) program. King County in Washington and and the nationwide Cooperative Extension Service
the states of Maryland, Massachusetts, and Connecticut ( have a long
quickly followed suit. PACE programs are voluntary on the history of engagement in research, teaching, education,
landowner’s part and permanently protect agricultural extension, and outreach on issues surrounding land use
land by removing the development rights. As of 2004, and policy. Information on land-use management and pol-
PACE programs operate in 23 states, including 19 icy ( focus/ere if nercrd.
statewide and more than 45 local programs (7). Five html) can be found on the CSREES website. Researchers
additional statewide programs have been authorized to at the USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS)
acquire easements but have not purchased any to date. In ( also con-
particular, local PACE programs are expanding probably duct economic research on land-use policy issues.
because of incentives from the federal FRPP, which The increasing importance and complexity of land-
provides matching funds to support local, state, and use issues have led to the establishment of two
private easement acquisitions, as well as from landowner endowed chairs at LGUs: (1) the C. William Swank
and community interest in saving land for agriculture. Rural-Urban Policy Chair at the Ohio State University
From 2000 to 2004, the number of local PACE programs (; and (2) the John Hannah
increased 32% (7). Distinguished Professor in Land Policy at Michigan
Programs at the local and state levels take a variety State University ( Both land-
of forms. Communities need to use a combination of use endowed chairs provide substantial leadership at the
tools and techniques as part of a comprehensive effort state and national levels to address these complex issues
to plan for appropriate land use and protect agricultural through research, education, extension, and outreach (12).
land. Examples of other common tools that communities Examples of land-use programs at LGUs include
use include comprehensive planning; agricultural zoning; the University of California at Davis (
limitations on infrastructure, regional tax sharing; research1/land.html), Colorado State University (dare.
urban growth boundaries and growth management;
and agricultural viability and economic development LandUse) (13), Michigan State University (ntweb11a.ais.
programs. Information on conservation easements, private, the Ohio State University (lan-
conservation and donation, and local land trusts can be, Pennsylvania State University (www.
found at the Land Trust Alliance (LTA) ( use.htm), Purdue University

(, University of Wiscon- resources, although valuable, cannot be expected to keep

sin (, and University of pace with the inchoate informational environment found
Wyoming ( within the agricultural land-use planning and protection
arena. Interested readers are encouraged to consult the
Nongovernmental Organizations prominent individual practitioners, program managers,
and researchers in the field to benefit from the most
For landowners, one of the most common ways to perma-
up-to-date information available.
nently preserve their agricultural land is to donate a con-
servation easement to a qualified conservation organiza-
tion or public entity. If donating the entire easement value
is not feasible, landowners can make a partial donation.
According to the LTA (,
more than 1260 local and regional land trusts were 1. Hellerstein, D., Nickerson, C., Cooper, J., Feather, P.,
operating in the United States in 2000 and had col- Gadsby, D., Mullarkey, D., Tegene, A., and Barnard, C.
(2002). Farmland Protection: The Role of Public Preferences
lectively preserved more than 6.2 million acres of
for Rural Amenities. USDA Economic Research Service.
land and other natural and cultural resources. Infor-
Agricultural Economic Report #815.
mation about local and state growth management,
2. Abdalla, C. (2004). What the public values about farm and
land-use planning, and agricultural land preservation
ranch land: Workshop summary. Northeast Regional Center
in general can be found at the American Farmland for Rural Development, University Park, PA. Available:
Trust (AFT) (, the American Plan- use.htm.
ning Association (, the Smart Growth 3. Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NER-
Network (, the Sprawl Resource CRD). (2004). Available: use.
Guide (, and the Lin- htm, Accessed September 4, 2004.
coln Institute of Land Policy ( 4. Freedgood, J. (1997). Saving America’s Farmland: What
high.asp). Works. The American Farmland Trust, Northampton,
Increasingly, in partnership with local, state, or federal MA.
programs, many nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 5. Libby, L.W. and Abdalla, C. (2002). Protecting farmland
especially land trusts, work to preserve agricultural lands at the fringe: Do regulations work? Swank Program in
and open space. Until recently, except in California, most Rural-Urban Policy, Department of Agricultural, Environ-
NGOs accepted donated conservation easements. As the mental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State Uni-
2002 Farm Bill made qualified NGOs eligible to receive versity, Columbus, OH. Available:
federal funds, land trusts have since increased in purchas- Swank.
ing agricultural conservation easements. Most land trust 6. De Cuir, N., Sokolow, A.D., and Woled, J. (Eds.). (2003).
activities take place at the local and state levels, such Compensating Landowners for Conserving Agricultural
as the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts ( Land. Agricultural Issues Center, University of California,
and Sonoran Institute ( Davis, CA. Available:
However, prominent national organizations working on 7. Farmland Information Center (FIC). (2004). American
land preservation include the AFT (, Farmland Trust. Available:, Accessed
September 4, 2004.
the LTA (, and the Trust for Public
Land ( 8. McLeod, D., Coupal, R., Seidl, A., Inman, K., and Taylor, D.
(2003). Opportunities and challenges for land use research
and outreach in the Intermountain West. J. Extension 41(5).
9. Farm Foundation. (2004). Issue Report: Farmland preserva-
Agricultural land policy and protection is a pressing tion. Farm Foundation Issue Report Issue 1, April 2004. Oak-
issue of public concern. The failure of land markets brook, IL. Available:
to reflect the social value of extensive land uses
relative to intensive uses and the irreversibility of land- 10. Seidl, A. (2001). Colorado professionals’ concerns, abilities,
and needs for land use planning. J. Extension. 39(4).
use intensification decisions create a particularly fluid
and pressing policy environment for lay people, land-
11. Loomis, J.B., Rameker, V., and Seidl, A. (2004). A hedonic
use practitioners, and researchers alike. Federal, state,
model of public market transactions for open space protection.
and local governmental agencies and nongovernmental
J. Environ. Planning Manage. 47(1): 83–96.
organizations of various scales are engaged in land-use
12. (1999). The Performance of State Programs for Farmland
planning as are researchers and outreach educators at
Protection: Conference Proceedings. Swank Program in Rural-
many Land Grant Universities throughout the United Urban Policy, Department of Agricultural, Environmental,
States. In this article, we have provided a brief overview and Development Economics, The Ohio State University,
of the issues and resources and ongoing programs directly Columbus, OH.
influencing agricultural land protection and land-use 13. Seidl, A. (2004). Failing markets and fragile institutions in
policy. We have taken pains to point to many of the land use: Colorado’s experience. In: Land Use Problems and
resources currently available on the Internet, recognizing Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. S.J. Goetz,
that this is an area of inquiry characterized by rapid J.S. Shortle, and J.C. Bergstrom (Eds.). Routledge Publish-
change and development. As such, traditional print ers. In press.

WATERLOGGING a useful practice to look for these features while

surveying. Trees such as willows, cottonwood, and
SURESH K. GUPTA poplar often thrive in high water table areas. Reed
CSSRI grass and sedges are also common.
Karnal, Haryana, India • A general yellowing of the crop is noticed in areas
that are affected by surface stagnation or have a high
water table.
According to Clayton, land is waterlogged if the water table
• Salts in the form of a white crust on the soil surface
is within ± 150 cm of the natural surface. A modification
reveal the problem of waterlogging. Since the problem
to account for the yield of the crop was made and decided
could occur even when the crust is not present, so its
to term a land waterlogged if the yield is reduced to 25%
absence does not mean that there is no problem of
of the optimum value due to a rise in the subsoil water.
A committee constituted by the Central Water and Power
Commission (India) defined waterlogging on the basis of a • Absence of surface drains or their condition (full
definition proposed by Kuntze. According to this definition, of vegetation or plugged up) could also indicate a
an area is said to be waterlogged when water stagnates on problem of waterlogging/drainage.
the land surface or the water table rises to an extent such
that soil pores in the root zone of crop become saturated, FIELD MEASUREMENTS TO ASSESS THE PROBLEM
resulting in restrictions in the normal circulation of air,
a decline in the level of oxygen, and an increase in the In the field, waterlogging is measured/assessed through
level of carbon dioxide. Due to its simplicity, the definition physical measurement of the depth to the water table
proposed by Clayton has been adopted in many countries, using open wells, tube wells, or observation wells. The
and apparently it accounts for both surface and subsurface depth to the water table in the range of 0–1.5 m would
waterlogging. Thus, the word waterlogging is used to usually indicate a problem of waterlogging, although it
designate stress due to water stagnation or a shallow water would depend upon the soil and crop characteristics. A
table because similar conditions could occur as a result of relatively shallow water table may not be a problem in
any of the two causative factors. However, to designate a coarse-textured soil, but even a relatively deeper water
the problem of water stagnation on the land surface, table could cause a problem in a fine-textured soil.
besides waterlogging, surface stagnation and flooding have In the field, the oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) is a
also been used synonymously. Deep submergence depths good measure of oxygen deficiency. ODR is measured
caused by floods are generally excluded from waterlogging with an oxygen diffusion rate meter. Measurements
because the causative factors as well as the solutions to are usually made at a 10-cm depth replicated at
such a problem could be different. 5–10 locations. Stolzy and Letey (2), in a review on
plant response to measured ODR, concluded that the
VISUAL OBSERVATIONS FOR PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION roots of many plants do not grow in soils with ODR
values of 20 × 10−8 g cm −2 min−1 . For germination and
The assessment of the degree and extent of waterlogging emergence of seeds, minimum ODR values of the order of
can usually be made through simple observations, 40–80 × 10−8 g cm−2 min−1 are mentioned. The values
interviews with local officers of the agricultural and of ODR that indicate adequate aeration are in the range
irrigation departments, discussions with agricultural of 20–35 × 10−8 g cm−2 min−1 (2).
technicians and farmers, through communication, and The oxidation–reduction potential (redox potential,
possibly some field measurements. Field reconnaissance RP) of the soil is also used as an indicator of the
is necessary to find out if the problem exists. Look for the problem of waterlogging. In practice, the RP of the soil
following to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. is measured with an oxygen meter using an Ag–AgCl
reference electrode. The readings can be converted relative
• Standing water or wet spots in parts of the field where to the standard hydrogen electrode by adding 222 mV.
the crop stand is poor. Standing water in low spots As long as O2 is present in a significant amount, the
after a prolonged dry period is a useful indicator of RP remains high (800–900 mV). The oxidation–reduction
the problem. potential for reduction of NO3 − to NO2 − is 420 mV at pH 7
• Observe wells, gravel pits, and deep channels, which and 530 mV at pH 5. Nitrate is readily reduced to N2 O or
show the depth to groundwater. In India, the water N2 at these oxidation–reduction potentials.
table in open wells is commonly measured and
reported. If there are few wells, then install pits or CAUSES OF WATERLOGGING
auger small observation wells into the soil to depths
of 1–2 m below the soil surface. If soil horizons are A large number of factors combine to create the problem or
reached which are gley, wet, and may contain black affect the degree of the problem of waterlogging. Geomor-
or red mottles, one can assume that soils are poorly phic features like palaeochannels, local depressions, lower
drained at this level (1). elements of slopes, and flat flood plains are invariably
• Vegetative cover is a good index to the depth to the subject to varying degrees of waterlogging. Unfavorable
water table in many areas. Certain grasses/crops and topography of the terrain has a profound effect on the
trees are more common in waterlogged lands. It is magnitude of the problem. Climatic conditions such as

heavy rainstorms, a characteristic of monsoon climatic although the degree of toxicity may depend upon the
regions, coupled with poor natural drainage and/or poor pH and the presence of hydrogen and ferrous sulfide.
upkeep of the drainage system result in surface stagnation Soil sulfate under highly reduced conditions as might
of water. Development activities such as construction of occur in submerged land is reduced to H2 S. Some of
roads, bridges, railway lines, and buildings result in chok- the organic acids such as acetic, propionic, and butyric
ing of natural drainage thus aiding surface stagnation are found in submerged soils; acetic acid is the most
and a rise in the water table. Soil texture and structure abundantly available carboxylic acid. These acids are toxic
having direct bearing on water storage and transmission to rice seedlings.
could cause surface stagnation of water. Formation of a All biological processes are strongly influenced by soil
hard layer at plow depth in rice–wheat rotation prolongs temperature. Waterlogged soils have a large heat capacity
the surface stagnation of water, especially in areas of and therefore, are relatively colder than dry soils. Crop
poor on-farm water management. Prolonged heavy pre- growth in waterlogged soils, therefore starts later and is
cipitation and a high water table resulting in reduced slower than in dry soils.
absorption of rainwater is a sure prescription for surface The unconfined compressive strength of a soil is
water stagnation. Increasing encroachment of wetlands exponentially related to the moisture content. Water
for developmental activities compounds the situation. content is the chief factor determining the strength and
Many factors that result in surface stagnation aid also the deformation characteristics of cohesive soils.
the buildup of the water table in a region. However, As a result, dry soils can support heavy loads because
a rise in the water table is an inevitable consequence of the rigidity of the individual soil particles and the
of introducing surface irrigation through the interbasin high internal friction of the soil mass. At high moisture
transfer of water. Several factors together determine the content, the soil is susceptible to plastic deformation
rate at which the water table would rise in a given setting. and consolidation. With increasing soil moisture, it loses
Sources of excess soil water that result in high water its load-bearing capacity altogether. As a result, heavy
tables include high precipitation in humid regions, surplus machinery cannot be employed on waterlogged lands.
irrigation water and canal seepage in irrigated lands, and A direct consequence of this would be delays in the
artesian pressure. The geomorphologic setting of an area sowing/harvesting operations of crops. To manipulate the
and the presence of impervious substrata/hard pan such as soil without compaction or puddling, the moisture content
clay pan, calcic layer, duripan, or fragipan could obstruct of the soil must be below some critical level, depending
the downward movement of water and cause short-term upon the soil type. Compared with sand, clays have a
waterlogging. If such conditions persist for long, the land narrow range of water content in which tillage will readily
might develop a perched water table. break the soil. The timeliness of the operation significantly
affects the yield of crops in humid regions and in soils that
EFFECTS OF WATERLOGGING have high clay content. Even the quality of the crop is
affected because of the delay in harvesting.
Both air and water in appropriate proportions are essential Besides what has been stated before, excess water and
for plant growth. Disturbance of the delicate balance the resulting continuously wet root zone can lead to some
between these two components as a result of waterlogging serious and fatal diseases of the root and stem (5).
results in poor aeration. Except for winter conditions, an It is now apparent that the adverse effect of temporary
air-filled porosity of less than 10% is considered to indicate waterlogging depends not only on plant species but also on
inadequate aeration. Because gases in general, diffuse the physiological stage of growth, the time and duration
about 1000 times more slowly in water than in air (3), of waterlogging, the light intensity, the temperature, and
this causes an imbalance in the proportion of oxygen and the fertility of the soil. Injury to crops is particularly
carbon dioxide in the root zone. This imbalance manifests severe when crops are flooded on hot days. The ill
its effect on the physiological processes of the plants and effects are generally greater if the waterlogging conditions
on the nutrient status of the soils. The chemistry and are accompanied by salinity/sodicity. It is now known
microbiology of submerged lands is quite different from the that no single factor affects crop yield in waterlogged
chemistry and microbiology of nonsubmerged lands (4). soils. Generally, it is a combination of poor aeration,
This can affect the availability of many nutrients. For reduced uptake of plant nutrients, imbalance between
example, nitrogen can undergo denitrification more readily the uptake of various ions, and the toxic effects of various
and be lost to the atmosphere as a gas. Leaching of elements/cations.
plant nutrients could also result in their nonavailability The ill-effects of surface stagnation of water and a high
to plants. The anaerobic (reducing) environment results in water table extend beyond the agricultural sector. The
changes that can result in deficiencies (reduced uptake) or anticipated adverse effects of waterlogging are listed in
toxicities (excess). For example, the increased availability Table 1.
of silicon apparently decreases the uptake of iron, whereas
sulfide, ferrous, and manganese ions accumulate in
waterlogged soils. The important inorganic and organic SURFACE STAGNATION AND CROP YIELDS
compounds that are produced in submerged soils are iron,
sulfides, and organic acids. Ponnamperuma (4) reported Excess water in the crop root zone is injurious to plant
that the level of ferrous iron in submerged soils often growth. Crop yields are drastically reduced on poorly
exceeds 3000 ppm. Such levels could be toxic to rice plants, drained soils, and in cases of prolonged waterlogging,

Table 1. Anticipated Losses due to Waterlogging

Agriculture Landscape and Infrastructure Socioeconomic

Decline in agricultural production Damage to infrastructure Increased socioeconomic disparity

Restriction on crops Landscape degradation Increased expenditure on health
related services
Decline in product quality Decline in ecosystem health Migration from rural to urban areas
Damage to soil health Increased gender disparity

plants eventually die. Crops vary in their tolerance to sur- in which Ewd is the depth day index, cm days; Dij is the
face stagnation. Considerable variation in waterlogging depth of stored water at the ith depth interval and jth
tolerance exists between and within species (6,7). Some crop stage, cm; d is the optimum depth of ponding, cm;
crops thrive if water stagnates on cropped land. Lowland Pij are the number of days for which submergence occurs
rice is one such fine example. However, most dry foot in the jth growth stage, days; m is the number of growth
crops are adversely affected, and their yields are reduced. stages; n is the number of days in a given growth stage;
The late Arthur Hodgson, considered a world leader on and Fj is a constant depending on the stage of growth of
the topic, extensively and intensively studied the effect of a given variety. Using the data reported by Gupta and
surface stagnation of water on cotton yield. Williamson Pandey (28), it was observed that the crop yield decreases
and Kriz (8) reviewed experiments on flooding and water- only to the extent of 6.4% at a depth day index of 250 (26).
logging. Their conclusion is that when plants are actively The yield is not reduced until the depth day index is
growing, the severity of injury depends on the growth stage 150. This technique is a powerful tool to work out the
and the time of the year at which flooding takes place. The severity of waterlogging as well as the actual time to carry
influence of the latter is closely related to soil and air out drainage.
temperatures. The Indian experience, however has been Gupta et al. (29), while reviewing the Indian experience
that in semireclaimed alkaline lands, surface stagnation in crop yield influenced by the duration of water
at an early growth stage is relatively more harmful than stagnation, attempted to develop a crop production
at later growth stages. It might be due to the fact that function as affected by duration of water stagnation. It was
most crops are sensitive to salts at early growth stages. found that a piecewise linear model of the same nature
Considerable work has been reported on the flooding reported by Maas and Hoffman (30) fit the studied data
tolerance of rice (9–11). The extent of damage or yield sets well. Crops have a threshold duration up to which
reduction as a result of water stagnation depends on there is no yield decline till the threshold is reached;
the crop tolerance, crop growth stage at which water beyond that, there is a linear decrease in the crop yield till
stagnation occurs (12–15), duration of water stagna- the duration at which the crop yield is likely to be zero.
tion/flooding (16–18), soil type, air and soil temperature, Gupta et al. (31) confirmed the validity of the model while
and other agroclimatic conditions. Studies have also been comparing the production functions for three winter crops.
conducted on the imbalance between the uptake of various The duration of water stagnation at which decline in yield
ions to identify the causes of yield reduction (19–22) and would be 50%, is 7.2 days for wheat, and it is 7.9 and 12.2
amelioration of adverse effects through additional doses of for mustard and barley.
nutrients (21,23,24).
Because crop conditions vary over time, it would be
essential and useful to integrate the degree of surface GROUNDWATER DEPTH AND TOLERANCE OF CROPS
stagnation and duration to assess adverse effects. Some
limited attempts in this direction have been made. In spite Per se, a shallow depth of groundwater is not harmful to
of their limitations, these concepts could serve as starting plants. Indirectly, it determines the prevailing moisture
point for more elaborate investigations. conditions and therefore has an influence on water supply,
To integrate the effect of excess water and time on crop aeration, and the heat properties of soils. As such, the
yield, tomato yields were related to the number of days yields of most crops are affected when groundwater is
that the soil is >10 mm wetter than field capacity. It has shallow. As with surface stagnation, crops also vary in
been shown that, on average, the yield declined by 0.26% their tolerance to a high water table (Table 2). Lowland
for every day that the soil is >10 mm wetter than field rice can thrive on soils that have a shallow water table.
capacity (5,25).
Gupta and Pandey (26), following Sieben (27), inte- Studies on the Ill-Effects of a High Water Table
grated the effect of depth of surface stagnation on the yield Numerous laboratory and lysimeter/field experiments on
of rice. According to their hypothesis, rice yield might not the effect of water table depth on crop yields have
suffer due to occasional high depths of water stagnation. been conducted at various locations. Lewis and Wor (32)
However, at some time, the yield might start decreasing. reported that orchards in Oregon require, ideally, a water
According to this hypothesis, the stress due to excess water table depth of 180–250 cm, but a higher water table
depth, Ewd, could be expressed as follows: persisting for 3 to 4 days following rain or irrigation does

m no harm to the plants. Deep-rooting fruit trees tend to
Ewd = (Dij − d)Pij Fj for Dij ≥ d (1) suffer most when the water table is close to the surface
i=1 j=1 such that it helps establish a shallow rooting system. Roe

Table 2. Tolerance Levels of Crops to High Groundwater Pandey and Sinha (41) observed that an equivalent yield
Table (Groundwater at 50 cm) of wheat could be obtained when the number of irrigation
Tolerance Level Crops were varied from 0 to 4 as the water table was lowered
from <75 cm to 150 cm. No hard and fast rule can decide
High tolerance Sugarcane, potatoes, rice, willow, plum, the optimum depth to the water table for a given crop.
broad beans, strawberries, some The information given in the literature should be treated
only as a guideline. To take advantage of the shallow
Medium tolerance Sugar beet, wheat, oats, citrus, bananas,
apple, barley, peas, cotton, pears,
water table contribution to the crop water requirement,
blackberries, onion controlled drainage has been perfected. It has been shown
Sensitive Maize, tobacco, peaches, cherries, olives, that controlled drainage helps to reduce water stress at
peas, beans, date palm least in low rainfall years and more N use by plants (42,43).
Under field conditions, soil–plant systems vary contin-
Source: Internet Search.
uously; evaluating the effect of water table on plant growth
would require integration of water table depth over time
(33) reviewed the work on yields of vegetables related during the entire growing season.
to water table depth in the eastern United States. The Sieben (27), when reviewing the results of experimental
general finding is that a water table from 30–60 cm from drainage fields in the Dutch Ysselmeer polders, drew
the surface is required for most vegetable crops. Penman special attention to the influence of high fluctuating winter
(34) observed that citrus trees in Australia, remained in water tables. He took 30 cm below surface as a critical level
healthy condition for the first 8–10 years where a water and computed so-called SEW30 values from
table was within 120 cm from the surface. Adverse effects
appeared thereafter. 
SEW30 = (30 − xi ) (2)
Williamson and Kriz (8) provide a good account of the i=1
tolerance of crops to a constant water table. The data given
agree fairly well with values mentioned by Williamson and where xi are daily water table depths below the surface.
van Schilfgaarde (35), Williamson and Carrekar (36), and For this computation only xi values smaller than 30 are
Feddes (37). In these papers, required water table depths taken into account, so that the sum is a measure of the
of 60 to 90 cm for sandy soils and 100 to 150 cm for excess over the 30-cm level. Large SEW values generally
clay soils are mentioned; the depth within these ranges indicate poor drainage conditions. It seems that at SEW
depends on soil type, crop, and climatologic conditions. values of 100 to 200, there is a decrease in yield. The
The relative tolerance of crops to waterlogging has also analysis also revealed that the tolerance of four crops
been listed according to the cause of damage (8). It is is in the order of winter wheat > peas > oats > winter
now known that the responses of agricultural crops vary barley. The yield of wheat is not adversely affected till this
genetically and physiologically to the water regime and index passes the 200 mark, whereas barley is tolerant to
therefore, crops that are not adapted to a high water table waterlogging only up to an index of 120.
receive a severe setback when roots encounter a high water Questions of the validity of this concept have been
table. The extent of damage depends upon the crop, the raised mainly on the basis that identical SEW values do
crop growth stage at which high water table conditions not necessarily imply identical conditions. It is also argued
occur, the duration of the high water table, the soil type that the concept does not account for the stage of growth
and agroclimatic conditions. at which shallow depths to the water table occur (44).
Visser (38) described an intensive survey of prevailing Although, it should be possible to modify the Sieben Eq. 2
groundwater table depths in The Netherlands. A general to avoid such criticism, yet the nonavailability of data
crop production function was described as (1) an increasing on crop growth stage dependent factors would usually
yield as depth increases at shallow depths, (2) a certain make such modification an academic exercise. A recent
optimum range, and (3) a yield decline at greater attempt to determine crop susceptibility factors for five
groundwater depths. At shallow depths, the crop suffers growth stages for corn and soybean could provide answers
from lack of aeration, but at greater depths, water to such a criticism (45). These authors also concluded that
deficiency is the cause of yield depression. This kind of normalized crop susceptibility factors for wet stress might
crop production function is expected when more or less the be roughly approximated for some crops from existing data
same amounts of irrigation are given to crops. on yield response to dry stress.
Though accepting this logic, it is now known that the
contribution of the water table to meet a part of the
Comparative Assessment of Stress Due to Surface Stagnation
crop water requirement should not be overlooked (39,40).
and a High Water Table
By properly scheduling irrigation, the shape of the
crop production function could be altered significantly. Several experimental results exist in the literature where
The actual experience and field results substantiate adverse effects on crop performance at the same site due
the observation that using careful management, crop to surface stagnation as well as a high water table have
production can be increased even when the water table been studied (19,46). However, in many studies, it has
is shallow. For an equivalent yield of a wheat crop under not been possible to compare the results, as the stress
a different water table, the amount of irrigation needs to levels cannot be compared. Ahmad et al. (46) however,
be decreased as water table depth decreases. For example, imposed equivalent stress levels based on Equation 2, as

proposed by Sieben (24). At the same stress level due to 2. Stolzy, L.H. and Letey, J. (1964). Measurement of oxygen
submergence and depth to the water table of 15 cm, crop diffusion with platinum micro-electrodes. Correlation of
vegetative growth and shoot uptake of N, P, and K were plant response to soil oxygen diffusion rates. Hilgardia 35:
significantly less for submergence than due to shallow 567–576.
depth to the water table. 3. Grable, A.R. (1966). Soil aeration and plant growth. Adv.
Agron. 18: 57–106.
4. Ponnamperuma, F.N. (1972). The chemistry of submerged
soils. Adv. Agron. 24: 29–96.
5. Poysa, V.W., Tan, C.S., and Stone, J.A. (1987). Flooding
stress and the root development of several tomato genotypes.
Waterlogging is a widespread problem under different
Hort. Science 22: 24–26.
agroclimatic conditions, so several options have been field
6. Finn, B.J., Bourget, S.J., Nielson, K.F., and Dow, B.K. (1973).
tested to minimize the adverse effects of waterlogging.
Effect of different soil moisture tensions on grass and legume
Among them are land forming (bed plantation, raised and
species. Canadian J. Soil Sci. 41: 16–23.
sunken beds); crop selection in favor of tolerant crops;
7. Francis, C.M. and Poole, M.L. (1973). Effect of waterlogging
skipping or delaying irrigation so that crops can draw a
on the growth of annual medicago species. Aust. J. Exp. Agric.
part of their water requirement from the shallow water Anim. Husb. 13: 711–713.
table; applying less water per irrigation; cultural practices
8. Williamson, R.E. and Kriz, G.J. (1970). Response of agricul-
such as hoeing and weeding, including chemical control of tural crops to flooding, depth of water table and gaseous
weeds; application of additional doses of nutrients through composition. Trans. ASAE 13: 216–220.
soil or foliar application, and mulching to minimize 9. Joshi, M.S. and Dastane, N.G. (1965). Excess water tolerance
secondary salinization. However, note that these are short- of summer cereals. Indian J. Agron. 10: 289–298.
term measures and might or might not be useful in each 10. Halim, A., Ching, H.F., Standifer, L.C., Yaacob, O., and
and every case. Therefore, improvement in drainage seems Yoong, S.C. (1973). Some factors in maize production. In
to be essential, as it would be the only permanent solution Crop diversification in Malaysia. The Proc. of the Conf. held
to the problem. at Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
The lack of drainage or the inadequacy of it is rapidly 11. Purvis, A.S. and Williamson, R.E. (1972). Effect of flooding
becoming a major constraint on agricultural production. and gaseous composition of the root environment on growth
The productivity of agricultural lands can be sustained of corn. Agron. J. 64: 674–678.
only if drainage improvements are undertaken on cropland 12. Erickson, A.E. and van Doren, D.M. (1960). The relation of
currently affected by submergence or high water tables. plant growth and yield to soil oxygen availability. 7th, Int.
Very often, the natural drainage in an area along with good Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. (Madison, WI) 3: 428–434.
water management is sufficient to eliminate excess water 13. Orchard, P.W. and Jessop, R.S. (1985). The response of
and to preclude the need for drainage systems. However, sorghum and sunflower to short-term water logging. III. Root
there are many situations where surface drainage would growth effects. Plants and Soil 88: 421–340.
be required. In humid regions as well as in monsoon 14. Soomaro, A.B. and Waring, S.A. (1987). Effect of temporary
climatic conditions where rain storms of 100 mm or more flooding on cotton growth and nitrogen nutrients in soils with
in one day can be anticipated, even in arid and semiarid different organic matter levels. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 38: 91–99.
regions, surface drainage is an essential prerequisite to 15. Sorte, N.V. et al. (1997). Effect of water logging on perfor-
avoid water stagnation. Farmers who have heavy textured mance of soybean cultivars at various growth stages. Journal
of Soils and Crops 7: 171–174.
soils, soils with a plow layer that develops in lowland rice-
wheat systems, alkaline lands with poor water absorption 16. Howell, T.A. and Hiler, E.A. (1974). Effect of inundation
period on seedling growth. Trans. ASAE 17: 276–284, 294.
characteristics, or those who rely mainly on surface
irrigation should have adequate surface drainage facilities 17. Chauhan, Y.S. (1987). Screening for Tolerance to Salinity and
Waterlogging: Case Studies with Pigeon pea and Chickpea.
to remove excess water. A uniform slope of about 1:1500 is
In: Proceedings of the Consultants Workshop on Adaptation
desirable to drain irrigation water or rainfall off a field.
of Chickpea and Pigeon pea to Abiotic Stresses. N.P. Saxena
If recharge to the groundwater is more than the and C. Johansen (Eds.). ICRISAT, A.P., India, pp. 93–103.
discharge and is natural drainage is unable to take care
18. Singh, Y.V., Swarup, A., and Gupta, S.K. (2004). Effect of
of this recharge, such a situation calls for subsurface short-term waterlogging on growth, yield and mineral
drainage. Subsurface drainage may be accomplished either composition of sorghum. Agrochimica, XLVI (in press).
through the construction of open trenches or through 19. Chaudhary, T.N., Bhatnagar, V.K., and Prihar, S.S. Corn
buried clay or concrete tiles or perforated pipes. It must, yield and nutrients uptake as affected by water table depth
however, be realized that most crops have an optimum and soil submergence. Agron. J. 67: 745–749.
depth to the water table for optimum crop yields. If the 20. Sharma, D.P. and Swarup, A. (1988). Effect of short-term
water table were lowered beyond this depth, there would flooding on growth, yield and mineral composition of wheat in
not be any significant effect on the yield of the crops, and sodic soil under field conditions. Plant and Soil 107: 137–143.
additional investment in intensive drainage would not 21. Swarup, A. and Sharma, D.P. (1993). Influence of top dressed
be beneficial. nitrogen in alleviating adverse effects of flooding on growth
and yield of wheat in a sodic soil. Field Crop Res. 35: 93–100.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 22. Hoang, B., Johnson, J.W., Nesmith, D.S., and Bridges, D.C.
(1995). Nutrients accumulation and distribution of wheat
1. Robinson, G.W. (1949). Soils, Their Origin, Constitution and genotype in response to waterlogging and nutrient supply.
Classification, 3rd Edn. Murby, London. Plant and Soil 172: 47–54.

23. Paul, H. and DeLong, W.A. (1949). Phosphorus studies (I) 45. Evans, R.O., Skaggs, R.W., and Sneed, R.E. (1990). Normal-
effect of flooding on soil phosphorus. Sci. Agric. 29: 137–147. ized crop susceptibility factors for corn and soybean to excess
24. Hodgson, A.S. (1982). The effects of duration, timing and water stress. Trans. ASAE 33: 1153–1161.
chemical amelioration of short-term water logging during 46. Ahmad, N., Kanwar, R.S., Kaspar, T.C., and Bailey, T.B.
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tory, pp. 40–42. Growth and Yield of Maize VII. Recovery Responses of
26. Gupta, S.K. and Pandey, R.N. (1983). Effect of depth and time Maize Plants after Drainage. Bulletin of National Pingtung
of rainwater storage in the field on the yield of rice during the Polytechnic Institute 6: 85–93.
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27. Sieben, W.H. (1964). Effect of drainage conditions on soil N
supply and yield. Landbouwk Tijdscher 76: 784–802. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT
28. Gupta, S.K. and Pandey, R.N. (1979). Crop and water yields IN AN AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE
as affected by rainwater storage in rice fields- a field
evaluation. Field Crops Res. 3: 365–371. MARIANNE MCHUGH
29. Gupta, S.K., Singh, R.K., and Pandey, R.S. (1992). Surface MICHELLE CLARKE
drainage requirement of crops: application of a piecewise JULIA DUZANT
linear model for evaluating submergence tolerance. Irrigation
Cranfield University
& Drainage systems 6: 249–261.
North Wyke, Devon, United
30. Maas, E.V. and Hoffman, G.J. (1977). Crop salt tolerance: Kingdom
current assessment. J. Irrig. Drainage Div. 103: 115–134.
31. Gupta, S.K. et al. (2004). A comparative assessment of INTRODUCTION
tolerance of three Rabi crops to water stagnation on soil
surface. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. submitted. Water quality is important for a wide range of reasons
32. Lewis, M.R. and Wor, A. (1931). Orchard Drainage in the including human health, food production, recreation, and
Medford Area- Jackson County, Oregon. Oregon State Agri. biodiversity. Globally, agriculture exerts big demands
Coll. Exp. Sta. Circ. 100. and impacts on water supplies. In arid areas where
33. Roe, H.B. (1936). Influence of Depth of Groundwater Level on groundwater may be the significant or sole source of
Yields of Crops Grown on Peat Land. Minnesota Agri. Exp. water, agriculture can have profound effects on the rate
Sta. Bull. No. 330. and composition of groundwater recharge (1), while in
34. Penman, F. (1938). Soil conditions at bamawn and ballendella tropical areas, high annual rainfall levels and the demands
in relation to citrus growth. Jour. Dept. Agric. Victoria: 1–36. of tropical crops mean that water quality concerns are
35. Williamson, R.E. and van Schilfgaarde, J. (1965). Studies dominated by agrochemicals, untreated wastewater, and
on crop response to drainage. II. Lysimetric studies. Trans. eroded sediment (2). In temperate zones, moderate rainfall
ASAE 8: 98–102.
throughout the year means there are few periods when
36. Williamson, R.E. and Carrekar, J.R. (1970). Effect of water agricultural activities can take place without some risk
table on evapotranspiration and crop yield. Trans. ASAE 13:
to water quality and, consequently, temperate water
168–170, 176.
resources are also at constant risk of contamination from
37. Feddes, R.A. (1971). Water, Heat and Crop Growth. Med. agriculture.
Landbouwhogeschool, Wageningen, p. 184.
The range of agriculturally derived pollutants that may
38. Visser, W.C. (1958). De Landbouwaterhuishouding in Ned- compromise water quality is listed in Table 1. Delivery
erland. Comm. Onderz. Landb. Waterhuish. Ned. TNO.
of these contaminants to water may be associated with
Rapport-nr, 1: p. 231.
surface water runoff or with the movement of eroded
39. Timsina, J., Garrity, D.P., and Pandey, R.K. (1993). Water
soil particles. Contamination of water in agricultural
table gradients effect on the performance of diverse cowpea
landscapes also occurs directly, such as when grazing
cultivars. Agronomy J. 85: 359–367.
animals enter watercourses for access, drinking water,
40. Ibrahim, S.M. (1999). Wheat cultivation under limited irri-
or shade. The contamination of water has widespread
gation and high water table conditions. Egyptian J. Soil Sci.
39: 361–372.
implications for human and animal health, for plant and
animal biodiversity, and for safe and economical water
41. Pandey, S.L. and Sinha, A.K. (1971). Studies on water table
position, soil properties, crop growth and yield under drained
industries, including water abstraction, fish farming, and
and undrained conditions. Indian J. Agronomy 16: 494–501. water sports. Because of these implications, the protection
and maintenance of water quality is legislated both
42. Evans, R.O., Cummings, J.R., and Gilliams, J.W. (1989).
Controlled Drainage: A Best Management Practice in North nationally and internationally. In the following sections,
Carolina. ASAE Paper 892695, St. Joseph, MI. the sources, mechanisms, and mitigation of agriculturally
43. Fisher, M.J. et al. (1999). Water table management, nitrogen derived threats to water quality are described.
dynamics and yield of corn and soybean. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
63: 1786–1795. NITROGEN (N)
44. Cannel, R.Q. et al. (1980). Effect of water logging at different
stages of development on the growth and yield of winter Nitrogen, as nitrate, is soluble, is retained inefficiently in
wheat. J. Sci. Food and Agric. 31: 117–132. soils, and is only weakly adsorbed by eroded sediment.

Table 1. Pollutants of Concern Within Agricultural Landscapes (5)

Category Main Pollutants Example Sources Example Environmental Impacts

Soil Silt, phosphorus, pesticides Soil cultivation and drainage, Silting of river bed gravels damaging
overgrazing, outdoor pig systems; fish spawning, invertebrate and
diary and beef herds plant habitats; excessive turbidity
affecting plant growth and fish
behavior; excessive sedimentation
affecting rooted plants; economic
costs to water abstractors; acts as
carrier of other pollutants such as P
and pesticides
Slurry, manure, Organic matter, nutrients, Slurry and manure storage and Deoxygenation and eutrophication,
dirty water pathogens, ammonia, application to land; excretion affecting all aquatic life; blooms of
metals directly to land; runoff from farm toxic blue-green algae; carrier of
yards and buildings; irrigation pathogens and pollutants
Fertilisers Nitrate, phosphate Inorganic fertilizers; slurry and Eutrophication causing ecological
manure degradation; increased water
treatment costs
Veterinary Antibiotics, hormones, Slurry and manure application to Toxicity to aquatic species;
medicines growth regulators, land; sheep dip application and contamination of potable supplies
parasite control disposal
Disinfectants Halogens, organic chemicals, Use in diaries, pig and poultry Toxicity to aquatic species;
phosphorus housing contamination of potable supplies;
eutrophication causing ecological

Runoff from agricultural farms is therefore a major fertilizer requirements making allowance for existing soil
source of N entering rivers, lakes, and coastal waters, N and organic amendments, avoiding unnecessary fertil-
particularly in areas of intensive livestock farming where izer applications, applying fertilizers away from water-
stocking rates are high and feed is imported. Nitrogen courses, maintaining disease-free crops (as these cannot
levels in waters draining arable land are also high use N efficiently), and practising careful irrigation to avoid
because of fertilizer inputs (surplus N not absorbed by runoff. Alternatively, a curative approach of blending
the crops is discharged into groundwater, fresh water, water with low N supplies or biological or chemical treat-
and coastal waters), and because ploughing encourages ment to encourage denitrification may be employed (4),
organic N mineralization [the process by which organic N although this approach is more costly and less effective
is converted to plant-available inorganic N (ammonium) than preventing N pollution in the first instance.
by microorganisms]. Subsurface movement and loss of N
also increases with sward age and drainage.
Nitrogen pollution of waters has significant detrimental
effects. Apart from acidification due to nitrification of
ammonium and the toxicity of various forms of N, the most In the United Kingdom more than 50% of P entering
significant impact is that of eutrophication, described as surface waters is now thought to be derived from
the most important environmental problem facing aquatic agriculture (5). There are three sources of P available
ecosystems in Europe (3). The process of eutrophication in in the landscape for mobilization and transfer to
surface waters can lead to a decrease in species diversity, water bodies:
oxygen depletion, increased sedimentation, and increases
in toxic blue-green algae. Nitrogen also represents a 1. Soils contain different background levels of P and,
hazard to human, particularly baby, health when present therefore, different levels of P sensitivity to natural
in drinking water supplies. transfers in both soluble and sediment-laden forms
Preventing N pollution would require shifting from through runoff and subsurface water flows. Transfer
intensive arable and horticultural land use to extensive rates depend on the parent material, rainfall, and
unfertilized grassland, which is socially and economically vegetation cover.
untenable. Therefore, the most effective ways to minimize 2. Their high specific surface area means soil particles
excessive N leaching from agriculture include switching detached during soil erosion have high adsorption
to organic farming (which would reduce N inputs), using capacity for nutrients such as P, which results
minimum cultivation (which would reduce runoff genera- in an enrichment of P in eroded sediments. The
tion), and planting a cover crop (such as rye or mustard) rates of detachment and transfer are accelerated
after harvest and before the next crop (which would by human impacts such as arable farming and
reduce runoff generation and increase N uptake). Addi- livestock grazing.
tional beneficial management practices include choosing 3. Transfers can occur where P is added to the land in
high yielding crops to maximize uptake of N, calculating manures and fertilizers, although best management

practices are available to farmers to minimize Field or farmyard runoff containing organic matter may
these effects. result in chronic organic enrichment of streams, ponds,
lakes, and ditches. The organic material is broken down by
The relative proportions of P loss in sediment-bound bacteria causing deoxygenation of the water, because the
and dissolved forms are highly site specific. Sediment- biochemical oxygen demand of these materials can be one
associated P constitutes the majority of P transported to two orders of magnitude higher than that of untreated
in surface runoff from agricultural land (5). However, domestic sewage. This loss of oxygen leads, in turn, to
dissolved P has a greater impact on water quality than loss of invertebrate and fish life. In addition, organic
sediment-bound P because it is more readily biologically matter from diffuse agricultural sources, especially from
available (6). slurry and manure, may contain fecal bacteria, including
Phosphorus can negatively affect the quality of soils, Escherichia, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia species, which,
groundwater, and surface water through eutrophication. in sufficient quantities, may be harmful or even fatal to
In fresh waters, where P is considered the main limiting human health.
plant nutrient, elevated P loads tend to favor a few Measures to minimize the risk of organic matter
species and promote excessive algal growth. Submerged contamination of watercourses can be applied at the
plants are lost and there are consequential impacts on source, or during application or transfer stages. Manure
invertebrate and fish species. As well as the diminished can be treated to reduce pollution potential before
conservation status of eutrophic waterbodies, elevated P land spreading, using chemical, biological, physical, or
concentrations have been associated with impaired human thermal processes. These processes may have additional
and animal health. benefits such as the recovery of nutrients including P (8).
To prevent these impacts, mitigation approaches Alternatively, diet manipulation can be used to reduce
address P sources or transfer mechanisms of both the nutrient content of excreta without compromising
sediment-associated and runoff-dissolved P. Source animal performance (9). Within the farm area, runoff
approaches try to limit soil P content or its susceptibil- from animal enclosures and yards requires collection or
ity to transfer, and include applying P based purely on the diversion to storage or treatment areas to prevent runoff
needs of the crop and the existing amount of residual soil to watercourses. This is easier if clean water from roofs is
P, or using chemical amendments to alter soil chemistry diverted before coming into contact with organic material.
and hence reduce the solubility of soil P. Adding alum, Stored dirty water may then be applied to land, so that
for example, encourages P to precipitate with Fe (iron) nutrients can be taken up by the crop. In storage systems
and has been successfully applied to reduce runoff P con- for organic material, overflow or seepage can be prevented
centrations (7). The alternative approach to controlling P through careful siting of stores to avoid permeable soils
is to limit transfer by reducing the occurrence and mag- and rock, effective sealing of the storage unit, regular
nitude of transfer agents, especially runoff and sediment checking and emptying to minimize overflow, and the
production. Measures to do this include increasing ground diversion of surface water or rainwater (10).
cover, contour cultivation, and minimum tillage. Uncul- Reducing organic matter contamination of water can be
tivated buffer strips at field edges, constructed wetlands, achieved by maintaining adequate storage facilities and
and ponds are also efficient at retaining P in agricultural land for application, maximizing knowledge of manure
runoff, but edge of field P transport can still occur in nutrient content and crop nutrient requirements, and
soils experiencing significant amounts of lateral subsur- employing best management practices, such as avoiding
face flow (such as sandy soils). Also, while buffer strips can spreading when the soil is saturated or frozen, and
contain P bound on sediment, over time P storage within minimizing application to steeply sloping land near
the buffer strip may create an active source of P flushed watercourses. Applying soil erosion and runoff control
out in runoff during storm events. measures is also effective in reducing organic pollutant
transfer. The longer manure is in or on the soil before crops
can use its nutrients, the greater the risk and opportunity
for loss of nutrients and contaminants to surface waters.
Spreading organic matter in spring or summer ensures
Organic matter as a pollutant concerns animal feces
maximum use of nutrient content and avoids the risk of
and urine (1) derived directly from grazing (unhoused)
spreading on frozen ground or before rainfall. Spreading
livestock, (2) deposited within housing or yards and stored,
should be at a rate appropriate to the crop and variable
often with soiled bedding, as slurry or manure, or (3)
within the field according to slope, morphology, and
combined with dairy parlor washings, silage effluent, and
proximity to watercourses. The pollution potential of
runoff from livestock yards and housing as dirty water.
grazing animals can be minimized by restricting access
Runoff of slurry, manure, or dirty water after
to streams. Once applied to land, transport of organic
application to land can occur with excess application, when
pollutants in runoff and sediment may be hindered by
heavy rain follows spreading, or where the terrain is too
contour cultivation and the use of buffer strips.
steep or insufficiently vegetated to ensure plant uptake of
such applications. Contamination is also more likely where
applications of organic material are close to drains and SEDIMENT
watercourses, where livestock have uncontrolled access to
watercourses, and from farms with inadequate or poorly The detachment and transport of soil particles from the
managed dirty water management systems. land is known as soil erosion. Eroded soil particles enter

rivers during periods of high rainfall and consequently surfaces, from which they are readily washed into drains,
high surface runoff. Sediment loads depend on land use, ditches, and watercourses. The use and disposal of
cultivation techniques, stocking densities, drainage, soils, sheep dip is a particular risk to fresh waters: water is
slopes, geology, and rainfall. Heavy sediment loads can contaminated by dips located near watercourses and by
occur as a result of soil compaction (which may be inappropriate disposal of spent dip. Veterinary medicines
associated with loss of organic matter, heavy machinery, and disinfectants used on dairy herds also pose a risk to
multiple cultivations, or excessive livestock densities), the aquatic environment.
soil capping, cultivation of inappropriate land (e.g., steep Pesticides are likely to have toxic effects on aquatic
land), concentrated flow pathways along farm tracks and organisms either directly through toxicity or indirectly
drainage systems, and the removal of natural runoff through changes in the environment. The impacts of pesti-
interceptors (such as hedges and uncropped land). cides range from rapid destruction of the tissues in contact
Sediment is considered a pollutant in its own right with the pesticide to slow deterioration in a physiological
and as a carrier of adsorbed pollutants. Sediment itself process. Exposure to sublethal concentrations may cause
increases water turbidity and smothers the bed of rivers genetic, physiological, or behavioral changes, including
and lakes when deposited in watercourses. Fine sediment reproduction impairment, inhibition of brain activities,
particles clog river gravels, reducing water flow and and growth reductions (12).
aeration of the river bed and hence reducing the survival Pesticides applied to cropland are degraded by
of fish eggs, invertebrates, and plants. Also, through their microbial and chemical reaction in the soil, temporarily
adsorption onto soil particles and aggregates, the transfer immobilized by adsorption onto soil particles and organic
of sediment carries P, pesticides, pathogenic fecal bacteria, matter, taken up by plants or pests, removed when
heavy metals, and other contaminants into surface waters. the crop is harvested, or lost to the environment
Mitigation of the impacts of sedimentation may be through runoff in surface water, volatilization into the
focused at the source, although interception of sediment atmosphere, and leaching to groundwater. For weakly
during transfer is also effective. Full consideration of site to moderately adsorbed pesticides, the major carrier is
soil conditions is vital before any access or agricultural runoff, and therefore controlling the loss of pesticides
work is undertaken, as is avoiding unnecessary or ill- and persistent organic pollutants to watercourses involves
timed cultivations and access when the soil is wet reducing runoff. The most important factor affecting the
and most susceptible to degradation. Positive measures amount of pesticide transported is the amount of pesticide
to prevent soil erosion include contour cultivation and present at the soil surface at the time of precipitation or
drainage, minimum or no tillage cultivation, establishing irrigation. Reducing pesticide pollution can be promoted
terraces or strip-cropping, maintaining vegetation cover through the use of natural predators, crop rotations,
through restricted grazing and the planting of cover integrating pesticide control with soil conservation, and
crops, and maintaining and promoting soil organic matter using mechanical procedures, such as conservation tillage
content through mulching and incorporation of crop and vegetative strips (buffers), to reduce runoff and soil
residues. Measures to minimize transport and delivery erosion and hence the loss of organic chemicals. The way in
of eroded sediments to watercourses include employment which the pesticide is applied may also affect pesticide loss.
of uncultivated buffer strips, grassed waterways, and For example, tillage may incorporate the pesticide into the
sediment traps to filter suspended sediment from runoff. soil, so reducing the risk of pesticide loss by runoff.
Sedimentation ponds or constructed wetlands can reduce
runoff velocity and encourage sedimentation outside the
watercourse system (11).
Heavy metals (high density elements naturally present in
PESTICIDES AND OTHER CHEMICALS very low abundance in nature) of concern in agricultural
landscapes include arsenic, cadmium, boron, selenium,
A pesticide is defined as any substance prepared and used nickel, lead, and mercury. Agricultural use of mineral
for the destruction of any pest. Pesticides therefore include fertilizers, feed concentrates, and medicines all contribute
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, antifoulants, sheep to farm inputs of heavy metals, although atmospheric
dips, masonry and timber preservatives, and veterinary deposition may also play a role, as in the deposition of lead
medicines. Agriculture and horticulture account for over and cadmium (13). Heavy metal transfer to water occurs
80% of pesticide sales, and applications in crop production through leaching and through adsorption onto eroded soil
are the main source of pesticides that may leach (move particles (preferentially onto clay particles) subsequently
in water through the soil profile) to groundwater or deposited within waterbodies (14).
run off to surface water in dissolved or particulate When leached to surface waters, heavy metals are toxic
form. Pesticide characteristics, soil type, cultivation, and to aquatic organisms (of particular concern is the impact
drainage all affect pesticide transport to water. Heavy of mercury on fish) and can impact negatively on drinking
rain after spraying increases the chance of pesticide water quality. Several heavy metals, including mercury
movement in runoff. Loss may also occur through and lead, are known to bioaccumulate in the aquatic
spray drift and volatilization, and research has shown food chain.
that a high proportion of pesticides in surface waters Mitigating heavy metal contamination of water
may come from very small farmyard spills and drips requires amending the source, plant uptake, and trans-
from handling and sprayers: these often fall onto hard fer of heavy metals. The choice of soil amendments (e.g.,

manure, compost, sludge, or mineral fertilizers) impacts on 8. Greaves, J., Hobbs, P., Chadwick, D., and Haygarth, P.
the heavy metal content of agricultural soils and hence on (1999). Prospects for the recovery of phosphorus from animal
availability for transfer to waterbodies. Reducing manure manures: a review. Environ. Technol. 20(7): 697–708.
use will reduce inputs of copper and zinc, for example, but 9. Chadwick, D.R. and Chen, S. (2002). Manures. In: Agricul-
the corresponding increase in mineral fertilizer required to ture, Hydrology and Water Quality. P.M. Haygarth and S.C.
maintain productivity may increase soil cadmium. Alter- Jarvis (Eds.). CABI, Wallingford, UK.
natively, changing farm management, for example, from 10. Ritter, W.F. (2001). P and water quality impacts. In:
arable to mixed farming, may reduce heavy metals at the Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution. W.F. Ritter and A.
Shirmohammadi (Eds.). Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
source because of the overall reduction in fertilizers and
manures used. 11. Novotny, V. (2003). Water Quality: Diffuse Pollution and
Watershed Management, 2nd Edn. John Wiley & Sons,
Minimizing the availability of heavy metals for transfer
Hoboken, NJ.
from the field can be achieved by increasing the ratio of
12. Gevao, B. and Jones, K.C. (2002). Pesticides and persistent
grass to arable crop species or choosing particular arable
organic pollutants. In: Agriculture, Hydrology and Water
crops to maximize plant uptake (e.g., metal removal from
Quality. P.M. Haygarth and S.C. Jarvis (Eds.). CABI,
soil is much higher for sugar beet than for potatoes Wallingford, UK.
or wheat) (13). Alternatively, soil can be managed to
13. de Vries, W., Romkens, P.F.A.M., van Leeuwen, T., and
minimize heavy metal transfer, through liming to raise Bronswijk, J.J.B. (2002). Heavy metals. In: Agriculture,
pH levels and hence minimize leaching, or the application Hydrology and Water Quality. P.M. Haygarth and S.C. Jarvis
of soil conservation measures (such as minimum tillage (Eds.). CABI, Wallingford, UK.
and contour cultivation) to minimize heavy metal losses 14. Haygarth, P.M. and Jarvis, S.J. (1999). Transfer of phospho-
associated with soil erosion. rus from agricultural soils. Adv. Agron. 66: 195–249.

Water for food production, drinking, recreation, and AGRICULTURAL LAND FOR NATIONAL
ecology is an important but increasingly threatened global WATER-QUALITY ASSESSMENT
resource. The impacts of agricultural land use on the
quality of water resources are numerous and include ROBERT J. GILLIOM
serious economic, health, and environmental implications GAIL P. THELIN
from a wide range of specific pollutant threats. There U.S. Geological Survey
are, however, a wide variety of measures available to
minimize the sources, movement, and impacts of these
agriculturally derived pollutants, most of which help to INTRODUCTION
control pollution from more than one source. Control
of water pollution within agricultural landscapes is, The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Water-
therefore, both necessary and achievable. Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program is designed to
describe the status and trends in the quality of the
BIBLIOGRAPHY nation’s ground- and surface-water resources and to link
the status and trends with an understanding of the natural
1. Oren, O., Yechieli, Y., Böhlke, J.K., and Dody, A. (2003). and human factors that affect the quality of water. The
Contamination of groundwater under cultivated fields in an program integrates information about water quality at a
arid environment, Central Arava Valley. Israel. J. Hydrol.
wide range of spatial scales, from local to national, and
290(3–4): 312–328.
focuses on water-quality conditions that affect large areas
2. Hernández-Romero, A.H., Tovilla-Hernández, C., Malo, E.A.,
of the nation or occur frequently within small areas.
and Bello-Mendoza, R. (2004). Water quality and presence of
pesticides in a tropical coastal wetland in southern Mexico. The building blocks of the NAWQA Program are Study-
Mar. Pollut. Bull. 48(11–12): 1130–1141. Unit investigations, which will be conducted in 60 major
3. McGarrigle, M.L. (1998). Impact of eutrophication on Irish hydrologic basins (Study Units) of the nation (Fig. 1). The
river water quality. In: Eutrophication in Irish Waters. J.G. Study-Unit investigations consist of intensive assessment
Wilson (Ed.). Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland. activity for 3 years, followed by 6 years of less intensive
4. Hatch, D., Goulding, K., and Murphy, D. (2002). Nitrogen. monitoring, with the cycle repeated perennially (Leahy
In: Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality. P.M. Haygarth and others, 1990). Twenty Study Units will be in an
and S.C. Jarvis (Eds.). CABI, Wallingford, UK. intensive data-collection and analysis phase during each
5. DEFRA. (2002). Agriculture and Water: A Diffuse Pollution particular year, and the first complete cycle of intensive
Review. The Government’s Strategic Review of Diffuse Water investigations of all 60 Study Units will be completed
Pollution from Agriculture in England. DEFRA, London. in 2002. The 60 NAWQA Study Units cover about
6. Frink, C.R. (1991). Estimating nutrient exports to estuaries. one-half of the conterminous United States, encompass
J. Environ. Qual. 20: 717–724. 60–70 percent of national water use and of the population
7. Campbell, K.L. and Edwards, D.R. (2001). P and water
quality impacts. In: Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution.
W.F. Ritter and A. Shirmohammadi (Eds.). Lewis Publishers, This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
Boca Raton, FL. public domain in the United States of America.

large areal extent, a high degree of land disturbance,

and high use of agricultural chemicals and water.
Individual areas of agricultural land, however, can vary
widely in their characteristics. There is a great diversity
of agricultural activities in the nation, which follow
distinct regional patterns influenced by environmental
setting and economics. Different mixes of agricultural
activities characteristic of particular regions can have
widely varying influences on water quality because
of differences in management practices and natural
environmental setting.


served by public water supplies, and include diverse YONG CAI
hydrologic systems that differ widely in the natural and Florida International University
human factors that affect water quality. Miami, Florida
The distribution of Study Units ensures that the most
important regional and national water-quality issues can
be addressed by comparative studies among Study Units. Chelation and compartmentalization are important mech-
NAWQA National Synthesis projects combine results of anisms for metal tolerance in plants. Thiol-containing
Study Unit Investigations with existing information from peptides, i.e., glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs),
other programs and studies of the USGS and other and metallothioneins (MTs), are metal ligands and play
agencies and researchers to produce regional and national- important roles in metal tolerance in plants. This article
scale assessments for priority water-quality issues. The summarizes the present knowledge about the functions of
first water-quality issues to be focused on for National these thiol-containing peptides in plant heavy metal toler-
Synthesis are nutrients and pesticides. ance, especially for Cd, As, and Cu. GSH participates in
Comparative studies among study units and national the amelioration of metal-induced oxidative stress. Metal-
or regional aggregations of data for National Synthesis GSH complexes are the substrate for PC synthesis. Thus,
require consistent data on factors that affect the sources, enhanced GSH synthesis can increase metal tolerance in
behavior, and effects of contaminants and other factors plants. PCs, a set of thiol-rich peptides with the general
that determine water-quality conditions. Natural features, structure (γ -GluCys)n -Gly, play an essential role in con-
such as geology, and factors related to human activities, stitutive Cd and tolerance, whereas PCs are not involved
such as land-use distribution, provide an environmental in adaptive Cd tolerance. In contrast, PCs are required for
framework for assessing influences on water quality in both constitutive and adaptive As tolerance in plants. PCs
different hydrologic systems. The emphasis of NAWQA may play a role in constitutive Cu tolerance in some plants,
on large-scale water-quality issues affected by human but they are not involved in Ni or Zn tolerance. MTs may
activities makes land-use characterization one of the play an important role in constitutive Cu tolerance, and
most important aspects in study design and in the may be involved, to some extent, in Cd tolerance in plants.
analysis of causes of water-quality conditions. Land-
use characterization based on a nationally consistent INTRODUCTION
classification system provides a basis for comparing the
influences of human activities among Study Units. It also Heavy metals are those elements that have densities in
serves as a framework upon which to add many other excess of 5 g/cm3 (1). About 40 elements fit this definition
types of county-based data on human activities, such as (in this paper, we consider metalloid arsenic (As) to be a
waste discharge or chemical use, that are associated with heavy metal, because its properties are similar to those
land use. of other heavy metals). Heavy metals are often toxic to
The purpose of this paper is to describe a system plants, although some heavy metals, i.e., Cu and Zn, are
for classifying agricultural land for national water- essential nutrients for plants and other organisms at low
quality assessment. The system focuses on classification concentrations. Prolonged exposure to elevated concentra-
of agricultural land within the 48 contiguous states. tions can cause toxicity symptoms for both essential and
Alaska and Hawaii were included in basic data analysis nonessential heavy metals (e.g., Cd, Pb, Hg, As, etc.). The
but omitted from classification results because of their toxicity may result from deactivation of proteins via the
unique characteristics. Agricultural land use is one binding of metals to sulfhydryl groups, competition for
of the most important influences on water quality at the active site between the heavy metal and an essential
national and regional scales, particularly in relation to element resulting in deficiency effects (2,3), or production
the first NAWQA National Synthesis topics, nutrients and of free radicals and reactive species induced by heavy met-
pesticides. Considered nationwide, agricultural land has als (3,4). Terrestrial plants are immobile organisms, and

metal ion uptake mechanisms are not very selective. As a metals (13). It has been demonstrated that increases in
consequence, plants will take up substantial amounts of GSH synthesis can improve metal tolerance in plants.
toxic heavy metals from metalliferous soils. Plants must For example, engineered Indian mustard, which over-
have developed strategies that enable them to tolerate the expresses GSH, shows an increase in Cd tolerance and
presence of toxic heavy metals. Possible mechanisms for accumulation (20,21); elevated GSH concentrations are
metal tolerance in plant cells are: (a) metal binding to also involved in conferring tolerance to Ni-induced oxida-
cell wall; (b) reduced transport across the cell membrane; tive stress in Thlaspi Ni hyperaccumulators (17).
(c) active efflux; (d) compartmentalization; and (e) chela- Vacuolar compartmentalization is an important mech-
tion (5). Chelation and subsequent compartmentalization anism for heavy metal tolerance in bacteria and plants.
play important roles in metal tolerance in plants. A vari- Some metals, i.e., Cd and As, need PCs to medi-
ety of compounds, such as organic acids, amino acids, ate the vacuolar compartmentalization in bacteria and
glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs), and metalloth- plants (22–25). Recent studies indicate that GSH can also
ioneins (MTs), have been identified as the chelators of mediate vacuolar compartmentalization of metals, e.g., Cd,
heavy metals. Therefore, these ligands may be involved in As, and Hg, in bacteria (26–28). In yeast Saccharomyces
metal tolerance in plants. cerevisiae, which lacks PCS, a Cd-GSH complex can be
Metal tolerance mechanisms in plants are categorized directly transported to vacuoles by YCF1, one of ATP-
as constitutive tolerance mechanisms that exist in nor- binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins located in
mal plants and adaptive tolerance mechanisms that are tonoplasm (26,29–31). YCF1 was also found to transport
present in metal-tolerant plants including hyperaccumu- As-GSH and Hg-GSH complexes to vacuoles in bacte-
lators (6). Constitutive metal tolerance mechanisms are ria (27,28). Recently, BPT1, another ABC transporter in
complex and are controlled by multiple genes. Adaptive vacuoles, was found in yeast. Similar to YCF1, BPT1 also
metal tolerance mechanisms, however, seem to involve transports GSH conjugates including the Cd-GSH com-
relatively simple control mechanisms (7). Thiol-containing plex (32). However, this mechanism of metal tolerance
peptides glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs), and involving active sequestration of the metal-GSH com-
metallothioneins (MTs) are thought to play important plexes into vacuoles by ABC transporters has not yet
roles in metal tolerance in plants (3,8–10). This article been reported in plants.
summarizes the present knowledge about the functions
of these thiol-containing peptides in plant heavy metal
tolerance, especially for Cd, As, and Cu.
PCs are a set of thiol-rich peptides with the general struc-
ture (γ -GluCys)n -Gly (n = 2 to 11), which are synthesized
Glutathione (GSH), the tripeptide γ -gultamylcysteinylgly-
from GSH catalyzed by PCS (33–36). They were first iden-
cine, is the major source of nonprotein thiols in most
tified in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and termed
plant cells. GSH is synthesized from γ -glutamic acid,
Cadystins (37,38), and isolated and characterized by Grill
cystein (Cys), and glycine (Gly) by a two-step ATP-
et al. (39). PCs have been found in all plants studied to
dependent reaction. The first reaction synthesizes γ -
date and some microorganisms (40). They are also found
glutamyl cystein (γ -EC) from γ -glutamic acid and Cys
in animals, i.e., nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (41).
by γ -glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ -EC synthase); the
Interestingly, some iso-phytochelatins (iso-PCs) are iden-
second step forms GSH from γ -EC and Gly catalyzing by
tified in some plants under heavy metal exposure (1). Grill
GSH synthase. GSH plays an important role in protecting
et al. found that a few members of the Fabales produced
plants from oxidative stress induced by xenobiotics and
homoPCs under Cd exposure (42). HomoPCs are synthe-
some heavy metals, thus increasing metal resistance
sized from homoglutathione, in which β-Ala replaces Gly
in plants (11). A substantial number of reports about
as a terminal amino acid (42). Klapheck et al. found that
oxidative stress induced by a variety of metals exist, e.g.,
hydroxymethyl-PCs [(γ -GluCys)n -Ser] were induced by Cd
Cd (12–14), Cu (4,15,16), Ni (17), Hg (18), and As (19).
in several species of the family Poaceae (43). They are
GSH is involved in the amelioration of metal-induced
thought to be formed from hydroxymethyl-glutathione
oxidative stress in plants. For example, a wild type of
[(γ -GluCys)n -Ser]. Meuwly et al. discovered γ -Glu-Cys-
Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to Cu showed changes in
Glu, another homologue of GSH. It is not surprising
GSH and glutathione disulfide (GSSG) levels, suggesting
that another iso-PC, (γ -GluCys)n -Glu (n = 2 − 3), was
their participation in the amelioration of metal-induced
induced by Cd in maize seedlings (44). Recently, iso-
oxidative stress (15). A decrease in GSH synthesis leads
PCs (γ -GluCys)n -Gln (n = 3 − 4) were isolated from the
the hypersensitivity of plants to metals, which has been
hairy roots of horseradish exposed to Cd (45). In addi-
shown in Arabidopsis exposed to Cd (12), Holcus lanatus
tion, some PC-related compounds, i.e., desglycine PCs
exposed to As (19), and Silene cucubalus exposed to Cu (4).
[(γ -GluCys)n ] (46,47), Cys-(γ -GluCys)n -Gly (n = 1–5), and
As metal-GSH complexes are the substrate of phy-
Cys-(γ -GluCys)n (47), were identified in maize.
tochelatin synthase (PCS) (9), synthesis of PCs may lead
the depletion in the GSH pool. In the presence of metals,
GSH-metal complex may limit the rate of PC synthe-
sis (20). Therefore, an increase in GSH levels facilitates PCs are not primary gene products. They are syn-
the increase in PC synthesis and the sequestration of thesized from GSH by a specific γ -glutamylcysteine

dipeptidyl transpeptidase (EC—PCS in the synthesis (48,50), thus PCs are not involved in Ni tolerance
presence of metal ions (48). This enzyme transfers γ - in plants.
Glu-Cys from GSH or PC to an acceptor molecule
(i.e., GSH and PC) (49). PC synthesis reaction can be Cadmium. Cd is a strong activator for PC synthesis, and
rapidly induced in vivo by exposure to a variety of PCs and Cd can form detectable complexes in vivo (48,50).
metal cations (Cd2+ , Pb2+ , Zn2+ , Sb3+ , Ag+ , Hg2+ , Cu+ , PCs play an essential role in normal constitutive Cd
Sn2+ , Au3+ , Bi3+ ) and metalloid anions [arsenate (AsV ) tolerance in plants (3,10,37,51,64,69,70). This conclusion
and arsenite(AsIII )] (1,3,10,37,50,51). The reaction is self- is supported by a variety of biochemical and genetic
regulated. Once the free metal ions are chelated by the evidence. In vitro, PCs have been shown to substantially
reaction products PCs, the reaction terminates (48,49,52). decrease the toxicity of Cd to metal-sensitive plant
PCS activity was identified for the first time in cell-free enzymes, such as alcohol dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde
extracts from suspension cultures of Silene cucubalis by 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, nitrate reductase, ribulose
Grill et al. (48), and similar PCS activities have been 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase, and urase (71). In normal
detected in pea (52), tomato (49), and Arabidopsis (53). In S. vulgaris, treatment with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO),
1999, genes encoding PCS were first cloned and char- which inhibits the synthesis of the PC precursor γ -
acterized in Arabidopsis (AtPCS1), S. pombe (SpPCS), EC, resulted in hypersensitivity to Cd (72). The most
and wheat (TaPCS1) (54–56). Homologous genes encod- convincing evidence comes from genetic studies. Cd-
ing PCS have been identified in other species, i.e., sensitive cad1 mutants of Arabidopsis are deficient in PCS
C. elegans (CePCS) (57), Arabidopsis (AtPCS2) (55,58), activity and do not form Cd-PC complexes. Consequently,
soybean Glycine max (GmhPCS1) (59), and Brassica these mutants are sensitive to Cd (67,68). Expression of
juncea (Indian mustard) (BjPCS1) (60). cDNA clones of AtPCS1 from Arabidopsis and a similar
PCS is expressed constitutively, and the levels of this gene TaPCS1 from wheat in S. cerevisiae resulted in a
enzyme in cell cultures or intact plants are generally dramatic increase in Cd tolerance (55,56). The mutants of
unaffected by exposure to metal ions (61). Analysis of the Arabidopsis and S. pombe that lack PCS genes exhibited
expression of AtPCS1 indicated that levels of mRNA were hypersensitivity to Cd and were unable to synthesize
not affected by exposure of plants to Cd (54,55). However, PCs (54,56). Azuki bean cells lacking PCS activity were
RT-PCR analysis of TaPCS1 expression in wheat roots also hypersensitive to Cd (73). All of this evidence strongly
indicated induction of mRNA under Cd exposure (56). In suggests that PCs play an essential role in constitutive
addition, a recent study showed AtPCS1 of Arabidopsis Cd tolerance.
thaliana was regulated at transcriptional level during In addition to formation of Cd-PC complexes in
the early stages of plant development (62). Therefore, cytoplasm, sequestration of Cd-PC complexes to vacuoles
in some species or specific stages of plant development, is also required for Cd tolerance (22,74). In vacuoles, the
PCS activity may be regulated both at transcriptional and complexes are stabilized by incorporation of acid-labile
posttranslational levels. sulfide (75). In yeast S. pombe, vacuolar sequestration
Earlier studies have shown that PCS activity process is mediated by HMT1 (22). HMT1, a member of
requires the binding of free metal ions to the ABC-type transport proteins located in tonoplasm, can
enzyme (48,49,52,63,64). However, a recent study has transport PCs and Cd-PC complexes to vacuoles (76).
shown that metal binding per se is not responsible for Vacuolar compartmentalization of Cd-PC complexes has
the activation of PCS, but glutathion-like peptides con- also been observed in plants, such as tobacco (75,77), and
taining blocked thiol groups are required for the enzyme oat roots (23). However, plant genes encoding Cd-complex
activity (9). A similar conclusion was reached by Oven transporter have not been characterized yet (40).
et al. (59). Therefore, the real substrates of PCS are metal- Although PCs are essential for normal constitutive Cd
thiolate complexes. tolerance, PCs are not involved in adaptive enhanced
Cd tolerance in Cd-tolerant plants. In studies that
Roles of PCs in Metal Tolerance compared Cd-tolerant plants with normal Silene vulgaris,
De Knecht et al. found that Cd-tolerant plants exhibited
PCs are suggested to play a role in metal detoxification a much lower PC synthesis and a lower rate of
and homeostasis (1,37). However, no direct evidence that longer PC synthesis under Cd exposure than normal
PCs are involved in homeostasis currently exists (51). It plants, and their Cd tolerance was not reduced by BSO
has been demonstrated that PCs play an essential role in treatment (72,78). These observations suggest that the
constitutive Cd and As tolerance in plants. In addition, enhanced Cd tolerance in Cd-tolerant S. vulgaris is not
PCs may be required for adaptive enhanced As tolerance. because of differential production of PCs and synthesis
Some indications exist that PCs may play a role in Ag, Cu, of longer chain PCs, although PCs are essential for
and Hg tolerance (55,56). However, the role of PCs in Cu constitutive Cd tolerance in normal S. vulgaris (72,78).
tolerance in plants has been debated (54–56,65). A paucity Similar results were obtained in other studies of
of information exists about the roles of PCs for Ag and Hg S. vulgaris (65,79). In Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi
tolerance in plants. Zn and Pb are weak activators for PC caerulescens, PC synthesis under Cd exposure was lower
synthesis (48,50), and genetic and biochemical evidence than in nonhyperaccumulators Thlaspi arvense (80), and
has shown that PCs are not involved in Zn tolerance in BSO treatment did not increase sensitivity to Cd (65).
plants (53–55,65–68). No evidence exists that PCs are These results suggest that PCs are not involved in
involved in Pb tolerance in plants. Ni cannot induce PC adaptive enhanced Cd tolerance in this plant. The possible

mechanism for the adaptive enhanced Cd tolerance in some extent, be involved in constitutive Cu tolerance.
these Cd-tolerant plants is PC-independent vacuolar For instance, S. pombe cells, for which the PCS gene
sequestration (65). However, this process remains to expression has been disrupted, exhibit hypersensitivity
be elucidated. to Cd and Cu (56); PCS-deficient Arabidopsis mutant
cad1-3 is slightly sensitive to Cu, Hg, and Ag (54,91).
Arsenic. Similar to Cd, AsIII can induce high levels However, the evidence is not conclusive. Another genetic
of PC synthesis in plants (50,81). However, it is difficult study showed that PCS-deficient S. pombe was insensitive
to detect As-PC complexes in vivo, although formation to Cu, Zn, Hg, Se, or Ni ions (54). Arabidopsis exposure to
of AsIII -tris-thiolate complexes is predicted on a theoret- concentrations of Cu ion did not produce Cu-PC complexes,
ical basis (50). With improved experimental conditions, but a change in glutathione and glutathione disulfide
Schmoger et al. demonstrated the formation of AsIII -PC contents was observed (15). In normal S. vulgaris, BSO
complexes in plants by size exclusion chromatography treatment had no effect on the plant sensitivity to Cu,
and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (24). Con- indicating that PCs are not essential for constitutive Cu
stitutive As tolerance in plants requires the involvement tolerance (65).
of PCs. This process may include reduction of AsV to PCs are not involved in adaptive enhanced Cu
AsIII , formation of AsIII -PC complexes, and sequestra- tolerance in Cu-tolerant plants. Differential Cu tolerance
tion of the complexes into vacuoles (65,81,82). Results in Cu-tolerant and normal S. vulgaris is not because of
from various studies support the role of PCs in consti- differential PC production (92). The sensitivity to Cu is
tutive As detoxification in normal plants. For example, unaffected by BSO treatment both in Cu-tolerant and
BSO-treated cell cultures of tobacco (83,84) and Rauvolfia normal S. vulgaris, suggesting that PCs are not involved
serpentina (83,84), Holcus lanatus (6,82,85), and Cytisus in adaptive Cu tolerance (65). A similar conclusion was
Striatus (6,82,85) were found to be hypersensitive to As. obtained in Cu-tolerant S. cucubalus (4).
The strongest evidence for the role of PCs in As detox-
ification comes from genetic studies of Arabidopsis and METALLOTHIONEINS (MTs)
S. pombe (54,55). PCS-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis
and S. pombe are highly sensitive to Cd and As (54). MTs are a class of Cys-rich polypeptides (Mr: 6000–7000)
Conversely, the expression of AtPCS1 from Arabidopsis that can bind metals via thiol groups of their Cys
in yeast S. cerevisiae resulted in enhanced resistance to residues (93). MTs were first reported as Cd binding
As (55). This evidence strongly supports the argument that protein in horse kidney (94). MTs have been found in
PCs are essential for constitutive As tolerance in plants. animals, plants, eukaryotic microorganisms, and some
Unlike enhanced Cd tolerance in Cd-tolerant plants, prokaryotes (40). MTs contain characteristic motifs: Cys-
enhanced As tolerance in As-tolerant nonhyperaccumula- Cys, Cys-X-Cys, and Cys-X-X-Cys (5). MTs are divided into
tor plants may require PCs. In As-tolerant H. lanatus and two classes (95). Mammalian MTs containing 20 highly
C. Striatus, suppression of phosphate/AsV uptake via an conserved Cys residues are categorized as Class I (96),
altered high-affinity phosphate/AsV uptake system is the whereas MTs from plants, fungi, and invertebrate animals
adapted As tolerance mechanism that is mainly responsi- are grouped in Class II (97). According to the arrangement
ble for the enhanced As tolerance (6,19,82,86). However, of Cys residues, plant MTs are further classified into
PCs are also involved in the enhanced As tolerance in four types (40,95). MTs are gene-encoded polypeptides,
these As-tolerant plants via synthesis of higher levels and their syntheses are transcriptionally activated by
and/or longer chain of PCs, because BSO treatment can several factors such as hormones, cytotoxic agents, and
cause these As-tolerant plants to be more sensitive to metals, including Cd, Zn, Hg, Cu, Au, Ag, Co, Ni, and
As (6,82,85). These observations suggest that constitutive Bi metal ions (5). A wide variety of regulatory factors
production of PCs may be involved in the adaptive As and expression in many organisms suggest that MTs
tolerance in these plants. In As hyperaccumulator Pteris have important functions (40). Although MTs have been
vittata, the major mechanism responsible for As hyper- studied for more than 40 years, their function has not
tolerance is not related to restriction of As uptake, but been completely understood in animals (3,98). They may
may be related to enhanced vacuolar compartmentation of play a role in protection against metal toxicity, function
As (87). PCs were suggested to play no role in As hyper- as antioxidants, and are thought to be involved in plasma
tolerance in P. vittata (88). However, considering that PCs membrane repair (3). The only confirmed function of MTs
are required for enhanced As tolerance in the As-tolerant in animals is detoxification of Cd and Zn (96,98).
nonhyperaccumulators, PCs may play, to some extent, a MTs have been less studied in plants than in animals.
role in As hypertolerance in this hyperaccumulator, which The functions of MTs in plants also remain to be
is supplementary to the adaptive As tolerance mecha- elucidated. Some indications exist that MTs may play
nisms (87). a role in Cu and probably Cd tolerance in plants. Cu
tolerance in Arabidopsis depends on the degree of Cu-
Copper. Cu is an essential micronutrient for plants. induced expression of type 2 MT genes (99,100). When
The mechanisms for plant Cu tolerance have not MT1a and MT2a genes from Arabidopsis were expressed
been elucidated. Cu ion can induce PC synthesis, and in a yeast strain lacking one of its endogenous MT genes
formation of Cu+ -PC complexes are observed in vitro and (cup1), the MT genes conferred the yeast a high level
in vivo (89,90). The role of PC in Cu tolerance in plants of tolerance to Cu and a moderate level of tolerance to
has been debated. Some indications exist that PCs may, to Cd (101,102). Transgenic tobacco plant with expression

of yeast MT gene can accumulate significantly higher CONCLUSIONS

quantities of Cu than control plants (103). When an MT2b-
like gene (SvMT2b) from a highly Cu-tolerant S. vulgaris GSH, PCs, and MTs play important roles in metal toler-
was expressed in yeast, this gene restored cadmium and ance in plants. GSH participates in the amelioration of
copper tolerance in different hypersensitive strains (104). metal-induced oxidative stress, and metal-GSH complexes
When an MT2-like gene (tyMT) from Typha latifolia was are the substrate for PC synthesis. Thus, enhanced GSH
expressed in Cu-sensitive MT-deficient strain of yeast, synthesis can increase metal tolerance in plants. PCs play
it restored the yeast’s metal tolerance (105). Transgenic an essential role in constitutive Cd tolerance, whereas
Arabidopsis, with expression of the tyMT gene, showed PCs are not involved in adaptive Cd tolerance. In contrast,
an increased tolerance to heavy metals Cu and Cd (105). PCs are required for both constitutive and adaptive As
Results from these studies suggest that MTs play an tolerance in plants. PCs may play a role in constitutive
essential role in constitutive Cu tolerance in these plants. Cu tolerance in some plants, but they are not involved in
However, other studies do not support this conclusion. Ni or Zn tolerance. MTs may play an important role in
For instance, In Indian mustard, Cu treatment caused constitutive Cu tolerance, and may be involved, to some
a strong increase in γ -ECS mRNA, GSH, and PCs in extent, in Cd tolerance in plants.
roots and shoots, whereas MT2 mRNA was decreased
in response to the CuSO4 treatments (106,107); In Vicia BIBLIOGRAPHY
faba, MT1 and MT2 transcript levels are not significantly
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100. Murphy, A., Zhou, J., Goldsbrough, P.B., and Taiz, L. (1997). be to increase fruit or fiber production, to maintain crop
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103. Thomas, J.C. et al. (2003). Biotechnol. Prog. 19: 273–280. Microirrigation is usually characterized by the fol-
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105. Zhang, Y.W., Tam, N.F.Y., and Wong, Y.S. (2004). Plant frequency of water application, (3) water applied near or
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107. Schafer, H.J., Haag-Kerwer, A., and Rausch, T. (1998). In microirrigation systems, water is distributed using
Plant Mol. Biol. 37: 87–97. an extensive hydraulic pipe network (Fig. 1) that conveys
108. Foley, R.C. and Singh, K.B. (1994). Plant Mol. Biol. 26: water from its source to the plant. Outflow from the
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109. Foley, R.C., Liang, Z.M., and Singh, K.B. (1997). Plant Mol. the water delivery (lateral) pipes in the form of droplets,
Biol. 33: 583–591. tiny streams, or miniature sprays. The emitters can be
110. Van Hoof, N.A.L.M. et al. (2001). Physiologia Plantarum. placed either on or below the soil surface. Microirrigation
113: 225–232. systems are classified by the type of emitters used in the
111. Pan, A. et al. (1994). Plant Mol. Biol. 24: 341–351. system. These are drip, bubbler, spray jet (or microspray),
112. Suh, M.C., Choi, D., and Liu, J.R. (1998). Mol. Cells 8: and microsprinkler. The system can also be subdivided
678–684. into the point source emitters and line source emitters
(Fig. 1). Point source emitters are spaced sufficiently far
apart to create individual discrete water patterns and they
MICROIRRIGATION are used for trees or widely spaced shrubs. Line source
DOROTA Z. HAMAN emitters are used for row crop production. The emitters are
University of Florida placed along the line closely enough to create a continuous
Gainesville, Florida wetted band along the crop row. In addition, line source
(drip) systems can apply water above the ground or below
the ground. Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) systems are
Microirrigation has been defined in the Standards of the becoming more popular due to potentially high efficiency.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) as A typical flow rate of a point source emitter is less
‘‘frequent application of small quantities of water on or than 12 L/h. The flow rate of a line source emitter is
below the soil surface in form of drops, tiny streams or given per length of lateral and is also less than 12 L/h per
miniature spray.’’ In microirrigation systems, water is meter. Bubblers emit much larger volumes of water, but
applied through emitters or applicators placed along a usually less than 225 L/h, where the microsprinklers and
water delivery line (lateral line) adjacent to the plant jet sprays are limited to 175 L/h.
row (1). Microirrigation includes all methods of frequent The emitter is designed to reduce the operating
water application, in small flow rates, on or below the pressure from the supply line, and a small volume
soil surface. The terms drip, trickle, and spray irrigation, of water is discharged at the emission point at low
common since the 1960s, have been supplanted by the term pressure. Emitters can vary from sophisticated, constant

Line source emitters Point source emitters


Laterals Submain Laterals

Main line


Backflow prevention
Pumping Water meter
station Injection pump
Check valve
Pressure gauge
Filtration Pressure regulator
System Valve

Figure 1. An example of a basic microirrigation system.

flow rate at variable pressure types of devices (pressure- pipe, twin-bore PE pipe, or PE pipe provided with evenly
compensating emitters) to very small, simple orifices. A spaced, built-in emitters. Each manufacturer of line source
large number of different types of emitters have been emitters supplies data with allowable length of laterals
developed in attempts to find a perfect device. The main and recommended pressure for particular line source
objective is to assure uniformity of water distribution. systems. Recommendations are based on the hydraulic
It is essential that the discharge from the emitter is characteristics of the product. The emitters, which may
uniform and that it not change significantly with small be connected to the lateral using a variety of connectors
pressure variations in the system. At the same time, during installation of the irrigation system, are usually
the emitter should be constructed in such a way that placed at predetermined positions, for example, at the
it does not clog very easily. The cost and the size are base of the irrigated tree.
also important. The emitters presently available on the Lateral lines are attached to manifolds or submains.
market can be classified into five distinct categories: The manifolds and submains, which distribute the water
(1) long path emitters, (2) short path orifice emitters, to the specific parts of the field, are usually constructed
(3) vortex emitters, (4) pressure-compensating emitters, from flexible smooth-walled, noncollapsible, black PE or
and (5) porous pipe or tube emitters (line source drippers). flexible PVC pipe that can be left on the soil surface or
Emitters are placed along laterals, the final water buried. If rigid (usually white or purple) PVC pipe is
delivery lines, designed for uniform water distribution. used for the lateral line, it should be buried beneath the
The lateral line is generally constructed of flexible soil surface for protection against sunlight damage and
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene hose (PE). It is prevention of algae growth in the line. The controls for
often placed above the ground, but it can be buried. For row adjustment of flow rate and pressure are usually located
crops, in the line source type of microirrigation system, a in the submain or manifold line along with valves and
lateral line combines the function of the line and the timing devices for the separate parts of the field. Water
emitter. These include laterals constructed from porous is delivered to the field by the main line. The main line

is usually constructed from white PVC pipe that is buried advantages are responsible for uniqueness of microirriga-
beneath the soil surface for protection against harmful tion in contrast to other systems.
sunlight. Purple color is required for all PVC components
in the system using reclaimed wastewater. The pipe should
be properly rated for the particular application and able
to withstand the design pressure in the system. Irrigation water requirements can be smaller with
A main control station, often called the ‘‘control head,’’ is microirrigation when compared with other irrigation
usually located close to the water supply. A typical control methods since a smaller portion of the soil volume is
station includes the pump, a backflow prevention system, wetted, there is decreased evaporation from the soil
a chemical injection system for fertilizers, chlorine, or surface, and there is reduction or elimination of the runoff.
other chemicals, and a combination of different filters. A The losses due to evaporation from the soil are significantly
main line valve and flowmeter are also included in the reduced compared with other irrigation systems because
control head. Microirrigation systems can be controlled only a small surface area under the plant is wetted and
manually or automatically. Automatic control can be it is usually well shaded by the foliage. A microirrigation
electromechanical (clock) or electronic (computer). The system allows for a high level of water control application
controller is often located next to other components of and water can be applied only when needed in precisely
the control station. It can control the main valve, chemical controlled amounts. Deep percolation can be minimized
injection, backflushing of filters, solenoid valves, and other or avoided.
controls located at remote locations in the irrigation
system. Depending on the system, all or some of these
components can be automated. SMALLER FLOW RATES
In microirrigation systems, only a portion of the total
field area is wetted. The goal is to only wet the root Since the rate of water application (L/S) in microirrigation
zone of the crop of interest. Water flowing from the systems is significantly lower than in other systems,
emitter is distributed in the soil by gravity and capillary smaller sources of water can be used for irrigation of
forces creating the contour lines presented in Fig. 2, often the same acreage. The delivery pipes, the pump, and other
referred to as ‘‘onion’’ patterns. The exact shape of the components of the system can be smaller and therefore
wetted volume and moisture distribution will depend on more economical. The systems operate under low pressure
the soil texture, initial soil moisture, and, to some degree, (35–200 kPa) and require less energy for pumping than
the rate of water application. In the line source type of high pressure irrigation systems.
microirrigation tube that is frequently used for row crops
such as vegetables, where the emitters are spaced very APPLICATION OF CHEMICALS
closely, individual ‘‘onion’’ patterns connect, creating a
continuous moisture zone along the row. Microirrigation systems allow for a high level of control
Microirrigation systems have many potential advan- of chemical applications. The plants can be supplied with
tages compared to other irrigation methods. Most of them the exact amount of fertilizer required at a given time.
are related to the low rates of the system. It can be argued They are applied directly to the root zone and reduction
that some of these benefits are not unique to a microir- in the total amount of fertilizer used is possible. There is
rigation system. However, certain combinations of these also an advantage to the frequent application of fertilizers

Leteral Spacing

Dripper Dry surface


Figure 2. Wetted pattern under drip irrigation (line source type of emitter) in a sandy soil.

through the system (fertigation) in humid climates. In can have some effect on spray jet patterns. Germination
case of rain, only a small portion of recently applied and water uptake by the weeds between the rows can
fertilizer will be washed out and it can easily be replaced also be significantly reduced since these areas remain
through the irrigation system, reducing the potential dry. Microirrigation systems can also be extensively
environmental hazard due to nutrient leaching from automated, decreasing labor and operating costs.
the production system. Fertigation is more economical, To operate satisfactorily, a microirrigation system has
provides better distribution of nutrients throughout the to be correctly designed and managed to account for the
season, and reduces groundwater pollution due to the physical properties of soil, quality of irrigation water,
high concentration of chemicals that could ordinarily move and water requirements of the grown plants. Usually,
with deep percolated water. Other chemicals, such as microirrigation requires a higher management level
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, growth than other irrigation systems. With all the advantages
regulators, and carbon dioxide can also be efficiently listed above, a microirrigation system is not a system
applied through microirrigation systems to improve crop without problems.
production. This process of chemical application is called

WATER SOURCES WITH HIGH SALT CONTENT One of the biggest problems encountered under microirri-
gation is the clogging of the emitters. The small openings
Water with relatively high salt content can be used in can easily be clogged by soil particles, organic matter,
microirrigation systems. For optimum plant growth a bacterial slime, algae, or chemical precipitates. Microir-
certain range of total water potential in the root zone rigation systems require very good filtration (most often
must be maintained. The potential defines how difficult it recommended is 200 mesh screen) even with a high quality
is for a plant to extract water from the soil. Large negative water supply.
numbers are characteristic of very dry soils with low
total water potentials, while potentials near zero reflect
soils near saturation. The total water potential in the MOISTURE DISTRIBUTION
root zone is a sum of the matrix potential and osmotic
potential. Since matrix potential is close to zero under Moisture distribution depends largely on the soil type
well-managed microirrigation (high moisture content), the being irrigated by the microirrigation system. In some
osmotic potential component can be a relatively large soils, for example, deep sands, very little lateral water
negative value, indicating high salt content, without a movement (low capillary forces) can create many problems.
harmful effect on plant growth. This is not true for other Under these conditions it is difficult to wet a significant
irrigation systems. portion of the root zone since most of the water moves
downward due to gravity. It is also more difficult to manage
the irrigation without deep percolation since only a small
amount of water can be stored in the wetted volume
desired. Increasing the number of emitters per plant may
Microirrigated plants are supplied very frequently with improve water distribution in the soil. As a result, coarse
small amounts of water and the stress due to the moisture sands require much closer spacing of emitters than fine
fluctuation in the root zone is reduced to the minimum, soils. In general, for any soil, the number of emitters and
often resulting in larger and better quality yield. In arid their spacing must be based on the geometry of wetted soil
climates, or during dry seasons, proper water management volume. It is important to realize that the microirrigation
can control the harvest timing. system wets only a limited portion of the potential soil root
volume. Most of the plants can perform very well under
ADAPTATION TO ANY TOPOGRAPHY these conditions. However, there is a minimum volume
of roots that have to be wetted or a reduction in yield
Microirrigation systems can operate efficiently on hilly will result.
terrain if appropriately designed and managed. A well-
managed microirrigation system will minimize runoff even
on hilly terrain.
Microirrigation systems can use saline water. However, a
ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES OF MICROIRRIGATION problem may occur from salts accumulating at the edges of
SYSTEMS the wetted zone during prolonged dry periods. Light rain
can wash these salts into the root zone and cause injury
During dry seasons or in arid climates, disease and insect to the plants. In arid climates, where the rainfall is less
damage can be reduced under the microirrigation system than 10 in./yr, an additional irrigation system (sprinkler
since the foliage of the plant is not wetted. With a small or surface) may be necessary to leach accumulated salts
portion of soil surface being watered, field operations can from the soil. In areas with heavy rainfall the salts
be continued during irrigation. Water distribution is not will be washed out of the root zone before significant
affected by the wind in drip irrigation. However, wind accumulation occurs.

Table 1. Extent of Microirrigation (in hectares) in Selected Countries and

the World During the Period 1981–2000
Country 1981 1986 1991 2000

United States 185,300 392,000 606,000 1,050,000

India 20 0 55,000 260,000
Australiaa 20,050 58,758 147,011 258,000
Spain 0 112,500 160,000 230,000
South Africa 44,000 102,250 144,000 220,000
Israel 81,700 126,810 104,302 161,000
France 22,000 0 50,953 140,000
Mexicoa 2,000 12,684 60,000 105,000
Egypt 0 68,450 68,450 104,000
Japana 0 1,400 57,098 100,000
Italy 10,300 21,700 78,600 80,000
Thailanda 0 3,660 45,150 72,000
Colombiaa 0 0 29,500 52,000
Jordan 1,020 12,000 12,000 38,300
Brazila 2,000 20,150 20,150 35,000
China 8,040 10,000 19,000 34,000
Cyprus 6,000 10,000 25,000 25,000
Portugal 0 23,565 23,565 25,000
Chinese Taipeia 0 10,005 10,005 18,000
Moroccoa 3,600 5,825 9,766 17,000
Othera 50,560 38,821 100,737 177,000
Total world 436, 590 1, 030, 578 1, 826, 287 3, 201, 300
Areas for these countries adjusted from 1991 figures according to the average percentage increase
of other countries that had provided updated information to ICID.
Source: Adapted from Reference 2.

INITIAL COST sprinkler irrigation, 11.5 million ha (45.1%) by gravity

irrigation, and 1.3 million ha (4.9%) by microirrigation.
The initial investment and maintenance cost for a Results of the surveys conducted by the International
microirrigation system may be higher than for some Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), summa-
other irrigation methods. Filters, chemical injectors, rized (Table 1) by Reinders (2), indicate that microirriga-
and possible automation components add to the cost tion has increased from 0.4 to 3.2 million ha between 1981
of a microirrigation system. Actual costs will vary and 2000. In the United States, California, Florida, Wash-
considerably depending on the selection of a particular ington, Texas, Hawaii, Georgia, and Michigan account for
microsystem, required filtration equipment, water quality, approximately 91% of the microirrigated land area. It is a
water treatment, and selection of automation equipment. small fraction of the total irrigated area; however, many
of the high value crops that require intensive production
practices are grown under microirrigation and the area of
ADDITIONAL DRAWBACKS marginal lands that are microirrigated is increasing.
Almost all crops can be suitable for microirrigation;
Rodents and insects can create additional maintenance however, due to the high cost, microirrigation is primarily
problems by chewing holes in the plastic. In addition, used on high value perennial crops, tree and vine crops,
some components of the system can easily be damaged fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. There is growing
by persons unaware of their locations. A microirrigation interest in applying microirrigation to lower valued field
system does not provide significant frost protection when crops, such as cotton and corn or sugar cane, through the
compared to sprinkler irrigation; however, it is commonly use of multiyear subsurface drip irrigation (SDI). Appli-
used for this purpose in citrus production where it can cation of microirrigation for landscaping, greenhouses,
provide some protection. and nurseries has also increased tremendously. Large
containerized nursery plants are typically irrigated with
microirrigation. In addition, an increase of microirriga-
tion in residential properties and highway roadsides often
prompted by water restriction and/or high cost can be
In 1977, the Food and Agriculture Organization of observed in many areas of the United States.
the United Nations (FAO) estimated that the total
global irrigated area was 223 million ha. By 1996 this
estimate increased to about 262 million ha. The 2000
irrigation survey conducted by the Irrigation Journal 1. ASAE Standards. (2003). Design and Installation of Microir-
(2001) listed 25.5 million ha irrigated in the United States. rigation Systems. ASAE EP405.1 FEB03, ASAE, St. Joseph,
Approximately 12.7 million ha (49.9%) were irrigated by MI.

2. Reinders, F. (2000). Micro-irrigation: a world overview. In: Pro- Water management involves various important aspects,
ceedings of the Sixth International Micro-Irrigation Congress. in which there is the necessity and large scope for improve-
Capetown, South Africa, Oct. 22–27 ment. One of the important aspects is the field application
of irrigation water. In surface application, common effi-
ciencies range from 50–60%, whereas in drip irrigation
MICROIRRIGATION: AN APPROACH TO it ranges around 90%. Although a microirrigation system
EFFICIENT IRRIGATION appears initially costly and not necessarily applicable to
similar land conditions as surface irrigation, it is defi-
HARENDA SINGH CHAUHAN nitely water saving and improves the yield and quality of
G.B. Pant University of crops. This article discusses microirrigation and its nature,
Agriculture and Technology extent, and future scope.
Pantnagar, India
Historical Development

Microirrigation, earlier known as Drip or Trickle irrigation Earlier experiments on drip irrigation were done in
is a highly efficient method of water application. It Germany around 1860 using clay pipes having open
developed and expanded globally at a fast rate in the joints, for both irrigation and drainage. In the United
last two decades in more than 35 countries with maximum States, some work was done at Colorado State University
coverage in the United States. This is most appropriately in 1913. With the introduction of perforated plastic
applicable to widely spaced crops such as fruits, vegetables pipes in Germany, Canada, and the United States for
and field crops. Its different variations consist of surface subirrigation, this concept received quite an impetus. In
trickle, bubbler, microsprinkler, spray, mechanical move, these efforts, the work of Symcha Blass, an Israeli engineer
pulse, subsurface drip, all of which are covered under is worth mentioning; he observed in 1940 that a big tree
a single term microirrigation. In the present article, near a leaking pipe showed more vigorous growth than
its advantages, components, system design, fertigation, other trees in the area. From this observation, he arrived
automation and other aspects has been described. Also at the concept of irrigation, wherein water was applied
the extent of application to different crops, and in in small quantity, virtually drop by drop. The earlier
different countries, limitations, scope, research trends and drip irrigation system consisted of plastic capillary tubes
strategies of promotion has been discussed. attached to large pipes. The experiments around 1960
at Arava in Israel showed very good results. With the
development of new plastic components after World War
II, great headway was made in manufacturing plastic
pipes and other accessories. Drip system components
were gradually properly established and sold in different
The world is facing a serious shortage of fresh water due countries. Per one survey, this system has been adopted
to dwindling resources. There is growing competition for in 35 countries and is installed in an area of 1,784,846 ha.
clean water making less water available for agriculture, Considering the rapid growth of microirrigation, six
the largest consumer of water which accounts for more International Congresses have been organized so far: the
than 70% of total withdrawals for the world at large. The first in Israel in 1971, the second in California in 1974,
average irrigation efficiency of the world is fairly low. As the third in California in 1985, the fourth in Australia in
per Gittinger (1), if this efficiency can be raised by 10%, 1988, the fifth in Florida in 1995, and the sixth in South
the total conserved water will equal the water required Africa in 2000.
in the world for all other uses. According to Smith (2),
sustainable food production will depend on the judicious
use of water resources to meet future food demands. Water MICROIRRIGATION: DEFINITION AND TYPES
productivity in terms of output per unit of food per cubic
meter of water needs to be increased both in irrigated and According to Nakayama and Bucks (4), trickle irrigation is
rain-fed agriculture. In short, there is need for more crop the slow application of water on, above, or beneath the soil
per drop. by surface trickle, subsurface trickle, bubbler, mechanical
As urbanization, industrialization, and other uses move spray, or pulse systems.
increase, the availability of water for agriculture is likely In this method, water is applied by low pressure pipes
to be reduced. By 2030, it is estimated (3) that irrigated at a low rate near the root zone, in small quantities
areas will have expanded by 23%. However, decreasing at frequent intervals. The water is applied as discrete
water availability will allow an increase of only 12% or continuous drops, small streams or sprays, through
more water for agriculture. This would necessitate an emitters placed near the plants. It is also known as
increase in water productivity by increasing water use localized irrigation, drip irrigation, trickle irrigation, daily
efficiency and would require improving irrigation efficiency flow irrigation, and microirrigation.
from the present 43% to 50% by 2030. This would in Microirrigation is presently the most accepted name
consequence require reducing irrigation water losses by that includes all variations such as surface trickle,
introducing appropriate technologies and improved water subsurface trickle, bubbler, mechanical move spray, and
management and cultural practices. pulse, which are briefly described below.

Surface Trickle. In this system, the emitters and potato, sugarcane, cotton, olive, coconut, watermelons,
laterals are placed on the soil surface. It is the cardamom, and ornamental trees.
most common type and is also called drip irrigation.
It is used for widely spaced as well as row crops. Advantages
Discharge rates are lower than 12 L/h for single
outlet, point source emitters, and less than 12 L/h/m These are the main reasons that drip irrigation is used:
for line source emitters.
Bubbler. In this method, water is applied to the soil 1. It provides a high degree of control for water
surface in a small stream or fountain with a application. Using such control, it is possible to
point source discharge much higher than surface attain much higher efficiencies of the order of
or subsurface trickle but less than 225 L/h. A small 90% compared to sprinkler irrigation (60–80%) and
basin is required for proper water distribution. surface irrigation (50–60%). Thus, it provides high
Spray. In this system, water is applied as a small spray, water saving and high water use efficiency compared
fog, or mist Discharge is less than 175 L/h, and it is to other methods of water application.
used to irrigate trees or other widely spaced crops. 2. It supplies water at a rate sufficient to satisfy
Mechanical Move. In this system, the concept of the evaporative demand by maintaining high matric and
bubbler is extended to large spaced row crops. osmotic soil water potentials, which minimize water
including travelling trickle and drag or hose and osmotic stresses. In conventional systems of
reel systems. water application such as flood or sprinkler methods,
Pulse. It has high discharge rate emitters, and thus the fluctuations in soil matric and solute potentials
short application times. The discharge ranges are are comparatively large. The lesser fluctuation and
4–10 times larger than surface trickle emitters. This thus less stresses result in better plant growth, an
system has less clogging problems but needs inex- increase in yield, and better quality of fruits.
pensive pulse emitters and automatic controllers. 3. There is partial wetting of soil with drip irrigation.
Subsurface Drip Irrigation. This is another variation Because of this, less water is lost through evapora-
of drip irrigation, also covered under the term tion. However, on a seasonal basis, there may not be
microirrigation. Its only difference from surface drip more water saving for this reason than in conven-
irrigation is that it is installed below the soil surface. tional methods. But this helps in reducing weeds,
resulting in a lower cost of weed control. It is help-
In this system, water is applied slowly below the ful in carrying out further cultivation operations,
surface through emitters whose discharges have the such as spraying and harvesting, without damaging
same range as surface trickle emitters. This is useful soil structure.
for small fruit or vegetable crops. Historically, it is the 4. The foliage remains dry, so there is less growth
oldest modern irrigation method used in the United and incidence of plants diseases, reducing the use of
States. House (5) successfully used it for irrigating apples, pesticides and fungicides.
alfalfa, and cereal crops with porous subsurface laid pipes. 5. It permits using saline water. The increase in
He, however, found it extremely costly and thus not salt concentration because of soil drying between
economically feasible for field crops. The advancement two irrigations is less in drip than in other
in plastic materials, however has made it economically irrigation methods. Salts from the wetted portion
feasible for several crops. Blass (6) applied drip irrigation are frequently leached from the active root zone. Leaf
using laterals with buried drippers, but the practice burn is avoided because there is no foliar application
was discontinued because of emitter clogging and root in this method.
penetration. However, the practice was revived for the
6. It can be well adapted to marginal soils, such as
following reasons: (1) The same system could be used for
soils with high permeability and low water holding
several consecutive crops with minimum tillage. (2) The
capacity, sands, leached tropical soils, and also for
labor requirement in removing and installing the tubing
steep land and slowly permeable soils.
with each crop was reduced. (3) There was less interference
with weeding, spraying, or harvesting of the crop with 7. It requires less agricultural chemicals such as
buried laterals. fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Because their
application is according to precise plant needs, the
quantity required is less, leaching losses are less,
CROPS SUITED AND ADVANTAGES and use is more efficient. It is thus cost as well
as labor saving, and causes less nitrogen pollution
Crop Suited in groundwater.
There are many crops for which drip irrigation has 8. It uses less energy compared to high head sprinklers.
been used. The major fruit crops for which it has been 9. It is very well adapted to greenhouses in water and
used are citrus, deciduous, strawberry, grape, mango, nutrient application without foliage wetting, such as
pomegranate, banana, peach, pear, apricot, papaya, and needed for flowers and potted plants. It is also useful
coconut. Some of the important vegetables, cash crops, and for water and fertilizer application in mulched crops
plantation crops, to which it has been applied are tomato, and with wind tunnels.

Table 1. Yield Increase, Water Saving, and Payback Period

Investment, Payback, Water Yield
Sl.No. Crop $/(Rs.)a Years Saving, % Increase, %

1. Pomegranate 625/(30,000) 1 45 45
2. Grape 917/(44,000) >1 year 48 23
3. Sugarcane 989/(47,500) 1 56 33
4. Banana 979/(47,000) 1 49 52
5. Tomato 625/30,000 NA 39 50
6. Chili pepper NA 62 44
7 Sweet lime 61 50
8 Watermelon 40 88
9 Okra 40 16
10 Cabbage 60 2
11 Cotton 53 26
Rs. refers to Indian currency; 1$ = Rs48 (variable with time).

Advantages of Subsurface Drip and the coefficient of manufacturing variation. Its opera-
tion varies in the range of 1–2 atmosphere. In orifice type
Although another variation of microirrigation, its advan-
emitters, the pressure is dissipated through a small hole
tages need special mention. According to Phene et al. (7),
0.4–0.6 mm. They are highly prone to clogging. In long
it has the following advantages compared to surface
path emitters, the pressure is dissipated by flow through a
drip: (1) There is a substantial increase in water use
long narrow path. The simplest type is the microtube. The
efficiency(WUE). (2) It enables precise fertilization with
diameters of microtubes vary from 0.6–1 mm. The energy
high frequency irrigation. There is negligible evapora-
loss in long path emitters can be increased by creating a
tion and almost total elimination of deep percolation and
tortuous long path in the form of a spiral or labyrinth.
nitrate–nitrogen leaching. (3) There is long-term sustain-
Sometimes, the energy can be dissipated through perfora-
ability of the system.
tions or small holes. Biwall or twin bore are such systems.
In these systems, there is a small tube or a supply cham-
WATER SAVING AND YIELD INCREASE ber operating at a high pressure and fitted with large,
widely placed orifices. For each inner orifice, there are
The most important aspects of microirrigation are water many outer orifices in the emission chamber. There are
saving and increased yield compared to conventional several in-line systems with different designs conceived by
irrigation. The experience for a few crops grown in India, different manufacturers.
as reported by Uriel (8) (slightly modified), are given
in Table 1. In-Line Drippers. In-line drippers are based on the long
Table 1 shows that there is a 40 to 60% saving of path principle. They are molded plastic accessories, in
water with drip irrigation over conventional irrigation. which the thread is a long narrow passage governing the
This water can be diverted to increase the area under slow discharge of water. Some emitters are attached to
irrigation or to other uses. Similarly, the yield increases the lateral tubing and in others, the lateral tubing forms
from 23 to 88%. For vegetables and closely spaced crops, the outer wall of the tubing fixed along with the line. They
the investment is about $979 (Rs.47000)/ha, whereas may have discharges of 2–8 L/h at 1 atmosphere.
for trees, it is around $625 (Rs.30000)/ha. For bananas,
the payback is less than 1 year, whereas for fruits like On-Line Drippers. These drippers are fixed on the
pomegranate, the payback is 1 year. lateral by punching suitable holes in the pipe. They may be
classified as nonpressure compensating type or pressure
compensating type.
Simple Type with Laminar Flow. In this type, the
discharge is directly proportional to pressure. It has
Emission Devices. This is the most important compo- a simple thread, labyrinth, zigzag path, or other
nent, for which sometimes the method of irrigation itself is arrangement to dissipate energy.
named. This component acts as energy dissipater, reducing
the inlet pressure head (0.5–1 atmosphere) to zero atmo- Turbo Key Type. This is a blockage resistant and
spheres at the outlet. It is generally made of polypropylene. pressure compensating type, made of stabilized polymers,
Some types may be called orifice emitters, orifice-vortex available in 2,4, and 8 L/h discharge.
emitters, long path emitters, compensating long path emit-
ters, long path multiple outlet emitters, grove and flap Pressure Compensating Type. This type, provides uni-
short path emitters, grove and disc short path emitters, form discharge between pressures of 0.3–3.5 atm. This
and twin wall emitters. The discharge rate of an emitter type dripper is provided with a high quality rubber
is characterized by its mean at normal operating pressure diaphragm to control pressure. It gives 2,3,4, and 8 L/h

discharge at varying pressures and is suitable for slop- control of insects and pests are used along with fertilizers,
ing topography. instead of fertigation it may be termed chemigation.
Fertilizer application through microirrigation not only
Built-in Dripper Tube. In this type, the drippers are helps in providing fertilizer economy, it also minimizes
welded to the inside of the tube during extrusion health concerns. However, the potential to apply other
of polyethylene pipes. They are provided with an chemicals is considered a great risk. Microirrigation
independent pressure compensating discharge mechanism cannot be used for chemigation with chemicals such as
and wide water passage to prevent clogging. fungicides, herbicides, and growth regulators, that need to
be applied to plant foliage. Three methods commonly used
Other Components for fertigation consist of a bypass pressure tank, a venturi,
Lateral Pipes. These are pipes with diameters of or direct injection system.
12–33 mm and wall thicknesses sufficient to withstand In a bypass system with the closing of the main valve, a
pressures of 4–6 atmospheres, to which the emitters certain fractional quantity of flow is made to pass through
are connected. the fertilizer tank. This bypassed water, dissolving the
These pipes should be flexible, noncorrosive, resistant fertilizer, goes to the drip system. In the venturi type, a
to solar radiation, and able to withstand temperature suction head is created at the constriction which sucks
fluctuation. Normally, pipes are made of diameters the fertilizer through the system. In the direct injection
10,12,16, and 20 mm, 1–3 mm thick, and generally laid type, pumps of piston or diaphragm type, operated by
above the ground. They are commonly manufactured from system pressure inject fixed quantities of fertilizers into
low density polyethylene (LDPE) or linear low density the system.
polyethylene (LLDPE). LLDPE provides better protection
from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Main and Submain Pipes. They are placed below the This refers to operation of the system with minimum
ground and supply water to the laterals. They are made manual intervention and is useful in large areas. This
from rigid PVC or high density polyethylene. The pipes may be done in three ways. The first method is time-
may be 65 mm or more in diameter and can withstand based. In this method, the time of operation is estimated
pressures of 6 kg/cm2 . These pipes are laid underground according to the volume of water required and the average
for long life. For submains, rigid PVC, HDPE, or LDPE flow rate of water. The duration of irrigation required has
pipes are generally used; diameters are 32–75 mm and to be determined for each section. The duration for each
can withstand pressures of 2.5 kg/cm2 . They are commonly valve is fed into the controller along with system start
laid above ground. time, and the controller clock is set with the current day
and time. The clock actuates the starting time of the first
Filters. This is an important component used to reduce
valve and simultaneously the pump. After the duration
or minimize blocking or clogging of emitters. They are of
of the first valve is over, the first valve is closed, or the
three types.
controller switches to the next valve. The second method
Media Filter. Required to remove organic matter such is volume-based. In this system, the preset amount of
as algae. It is made up of a circular tank filled with layers water can be applied in the field by using automatic
of coarse sand and different sizes of gravel and valves for control metering valves. Automation using a volume-based
flushing the assembly in case of clogging. It is available in system is of two types. In one type, the valve with pulse
different sizes and capacities as required by the system. output provides one pulse after completing one dial of
the valve. The controller accepts the pulse input and
Hydrocyclone Filter. Also known as a vortex sand counts the volume per pulse. The volume required in a
separator. When the irrigation water has more sand, it segment, can be programmed in the controller. In the
is used as a prefilter to remove the sand before it enters second type, the valves are placed near each segment, and
the drip system. It is generally followed by a screen filter. no controller is required. The valves are interconnected in
series through a control tube. During sequential operation,
Screen Filter. It is fitted in series with a gravel filter only one valve remains open. The third system is real-time
to further remove impurities like fine sands, dust, etc. feedback based on the demand of the plant. The plant itself
from the water. It consists of a single or double perforated determines the degree of irrigation required. Sensors such
cylinder placed in a plastic or metal container. Generally, as tensiometers, relative humidity sensors, rain sensors,
100–200 mesh screens are used in these filters. Screens and temperature sensors control irrigation scheduling.
are specified by the diameter of the pipe, recommended Conventional scheduling is based on refill and full point.
flow rate, total surface area of the filter, or by the cleaning A real-time system controls and holds soil moisture near
method. The head loss needs to be periodically measured, a constant value.
and if it exceeds the permissible specified limits, it needs
to be cleaned.
System Design
Fertigation and Chemigation Collection of General Information. This requires col-
The process of adding the fertilizer with irrigation water lection of basic data including information about water
is also known as fertigation. When other agrochemicals for source; topography; crops to be grown; general nature of

soil and its characteristics such as texture, depth, infil- The operating hours of a system for a month may be
tration etc.; climate; and rainfall. Such information is obtained as
necessary for irrigation scheduling.
Vn × Wp
Field Layout. Depending on the type and location of the (Drippers/plant) × plant numbers
×dripper discharge
source, size, geometric layout, and topographical features,
the planning is done. A contour map is helpful, but if the where Wp is the wetted area.
highest point, lowest points, ridge line, and drainage lines Operating hours per application may be written as
can be located, the layout of the system and the lengths of
mains and laterals are decided. Ta = T/Nm (Nm is number of application/month)

Crop Water Requirement. The peak irrigation require- System Design

ment (PIR) expressed in L/day/plant, may be estimated
from the following relationship: Laterals may be designed by considering the flow of
each lateral (de) obtained by multiplying the discharge
PIR = E∗ pan × A × Kp × Kc × Kr × Ea + Lr − R of each dripper by the number of drippers per lateral. The
diameter of submains may be designed by considering the
flow of each submain line (ds), obtained by multiplying by
the number of laterals.
E∗ pan = (mm/day) is the average maximum pan
The design of a main line may be done by considering
the total flow of all the submains (dm), obtained by
A = total area allocated to each plant, m2 ;
multiplying (ds) by the number of laterals.
Kp = the pan factor (Eto = Kp .Epan is reference crop
The design of diameters of laterals, submains, and
evapotranspiration; Kp is less than 1 and mains may be done by considering the pressure drop due
may be taken as 0.8); to the friction of each lateral, submain, and main using
Kc = crop coefficient, selected for a given crop, growth the head loss relationship of Blassius or the William and
stage and climatic conditions and has to be Hazen equation.
experimentally determined or adopted from The pump horsepower may be determined from the
available information; friction head losses of mains, submains, and laterals (Hf ),
Kr = a reduction factor, based on crop ground coverage, the static head for the pump-well system (Hs ), and the
also known as the canopy factor varies from 0–1, operating pressure head of the emitter (He ):
and for a canopy occupying full Kr , is equal to 1;
Ea = overall application efficiency (Ea = ks .ku , ks is a Total head H = Hf + Hs + He
coefficient, whose value is less than 1 and takes care
of deep percolation and other losses, ku takes Thus,
care of application uniformity smaller than 1), H × dm
HP =
Lr = extra amount of water needed for leaching, taken 75 × Mp × Mm
as 0, where there is no salinity and no leaching
problem; where Mp and Mm are the efficiencies of the motor and
the pump, and dm is the discharge of the main in liters
R = rainfall taken as 0, where in an arid region,
per second.
a crop is to be grown only with irrigation.
For many maturing crops with good water holding
capacity, different factors may be taken as 1, and a rapid
estimate may be made using the relationship,
There has been a very fast rate of adopting and extending
microirrigation in different countries in the last 20 years,
PIR = 0.8Epan × A × Ea and several surveys have been carried out to find
its coverage.
Monthly Water Requirement. As per INCID (9), a From the third international survey by ICID, reported
simplified estimate may be obtained as by Bucks (10), it was found that from an area of
412,760 ha in 1981, it increased to 1,082,631 ha in 1986,
V = Ep × Kc × Kp × A × N(liters) and 1,768,987 ha in 1991. This was a 63% increase in
5 years and a 329% increase in 10 years. The major
where Ep is the mean monthly pan evaporation (mm/day), users of microirrigation in decreasing order, according to a
A is the area to be irrigated m2 , and N is the number of survey in 1991, were the United States, Spain, Australia,
days in a month. South Africa, and Israel. Other countries having sizable
Net volume to be applied may be written as microirrigation were Thailand, Columbia, Jordan, Brazil,
China, Cyprus, Portugal, Chinese Taipei, and Morocco.
Vn = V − Re The fourth survey has been in process through the
endeavor of Kulkarni of ICID. Preliminary feedback has
where Re is the effective rainfall (mm). been reported from 1981–2000, 19 years, by Reinders (11)

Table 2. Microirrigation Area in a Few Countries Over 19 of sugarcane is in sandy soil which has the potential
Yearsa for microirrigation.
Country 1981, ha 1986, ha 1991, ha 2000, ha
Vegetable Crops
USA 185,000 392,000 606,000 1,050,000
India 20 0 55,000 260,000 Vegetable crops are grown in over 140000 ha in Florida,
Australia 20,050 58,738 147,011 258,000b most of which is irrigated. About 2100 ha of strawberries
Spain 0 112,500 160,000 230,000 grown in Florida are drip irrigated because of produc-
South Africa 44,000 102,250 144,000 220,000 tion benefits.
Israel 81,700 126,810 104,302 161,000 Per Chieng and Gulik (13), of 940,000 ha of land
France 22,000 0 50,953 140,000
under irrigation in Canada, about 4700 ha were under
Mexico 2,000 12,684 60,000 105,000∗
Egypt 0 68,450 68,450 104,000
microirrigation, and the trend is increasing. Most of the
Japan 0 1,400 57,098 100,000b large scale microirrigation systems were in the province
Italy 10,300 21,700 78,600 80,000 of British Columbia. In most of these areas, chemigation
Others 70,770 434,036 294,873 523,300 was being practiced, and the systems were used for tree
World 436,590 1,030,578 1,826,287 3,201,300 fruit, field vegetables, greenhouse, flowers, and vines
Drip Irrigation in some indigenous form has been
Reference 11.
Hectarage adjusted from 1991 figures according to the average percentage practiced in India for a long time. Perforated earthenware
increase of other countries, as per data obtained by Dr. Kulkarni of ICID. pipes have been used for quite some time in different
parts of the country such as Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Similarly, perforated bamboo pipes and pitchers have
and is given in Table 2. From 1981–1986, a 136% increase been in use. In Meghalaya, they have used bamboo drip
took place and from 1986–1991, a 77% increase took place. irrigation systems for betel pepper and areca nut crops
From 1981–2000, 19 years, usage increased 633%. by using low flows from hill streams. Drip irrigation in
Although there has been a tremendous increase in the modern form was introduced in the early 1970s in India.
use of microirrigation, the total area under microirrigation Significant development has taken place in the 1980s. Per
continues to remain only 0.8% of the total irrigated area some estimates, from a small coverage of 1500 ha in 1985,
of the world (10). the area increased to 6000 ha in 1988, 66,000 ha in 1993,
Besides the ICID surveys, according to Uriel (8), there and 260,000 in 2000.
have been several other assessments of the extent of The adoption of drip irrigation has been maximum
microirrigation in different countries which are briefly in acute water scarce areas of Maharashtra state for
given below. commercial and horticultural crops such as coconut,
According to a survey, it was estimated that in the grapes, banana, fruit trees, sugarcane, and plantation
Mediterranean coastal plains in Palestine, about 70.5% crops. About 85% of the installed drip systems in India
of vegetables was irrigated by drip irrigation, 28% by has taken place in Maharashtra. The states of Karnataka,
sprinklers, and a negligible area by traditional methods. Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh have been
It was found that 87% of farmers in the Jordan Rift Valley gradually picking up.
can grow two crops with modern methods in comparison According to Jain (14) there were 0.38 mha of land
with 83% in the coastal region. In Jordan, mainly in the under microirrigation, making India the second largest
Jordan Rift Valley, 64% of farmers use drip irrigation. in the world next only to the United States which
In the mountainous area around Lake Titicaca between has 1.055 mha.
Peru and Bolivia, a combination has been made between
simple rural greenhouse and drip irrigation for growing Extent of Application to Different Crops and Trends
potatoes and vegetables. Potatoes grown in greenhouses
produced 350 kg/50 square meters an increase of 500% Per the survey, microirrigation has been applied differ-
in yield in comparison to traditional methods. In ently to different crops, according to Bucks (10). It has
Mauritius, about 33,000 small farmers cultivate about been applied most to tree crops, covering 41.5%. Among
25,000 ha of sugarcane. In several other countries like fruits, deciduous types constitute the second largest cov-
Nicaragua, southern Argentina, Thailand, Turkey, Peru, erage having a share of 16.7%. Citrus fruits constitute the
Mozambique, and China, drip irrigation is being tried for third next highest, having a coverage of 13% of all the
vegetables and orchard crops. area covered. Olives/nuts are another crop having a share
According to Smajstrla et al. (12), about 20% of the of 5.1%. Among vines, it has been applied most to grapes
U.S. microirrigated fruit crops consist of Florida fruit having a share of 11.1%.
crops which are primarily citrus. About 358,000 ha area The other tree crops under major application of
in Florida is occupied by fruit crops most of which is microirrigation consist of avocado, mango, olive, nut
citrus. Microirrigation provides better freeze protection tree, and coconut. There has been quite an increase of
and faster growth of citrus trees. Over 11% of 1.9 mha of microirrigation in vines and vegetables which constitute
commercial agricultural crops is microirrigated, of which 26% of the area under microirrigation. Application of
94% is in fruit crops, primarily citrus. microirrigation was done for cash crops like sugarcane
Among field crops, microirrigation has been extended to in Hawaii on a large scale on about 42,000 ha in 1991.
sugarcane and tobacco; 90% of Florida sugarcane is grown Coconut occupied an area of 37,000 ha. Among vegetables,
in muck soils, where subirrigation is practiced. Only 10% it has a maximum coverage under field vegetables.

Greenhouses are expensive, so it is understandable that organic matter and algae, etc. can be removed by
the area covered under such a system would be less than media filters, whereas larger suspended materials can be
that of field crops. Microirrigation has been applied to a removed by centrifugal separators. Appropriate chemicals
large number of unspecified crops. The area under this can eliminate clogging due to precipitation of salts in
category in the 1991 survey was 21.5% of the total area the system.
of 1.8 mha.
In the trend of component use, it was observed Mechanical Damage. This may be caused by rodents,
that bubblers and microsprinklers were being installed birds, animals, or careless use of implements. Chemicals
more for tree crops than individual drippers. Line are now available, which if mixed with plastics, discourage
source applications were being used more than individual or prevent damage by rodents. With subsurface drip, there
drippers. Pressure compensating drippers were increasing is minimum cultivation, and damage due to handling or
in use in some countries but were generally creating implements can be avoided.
problems after 2 to 5 years. Fertigation was increasing
in many countries such as the United States, Spain, Salinity Hazard. With the use of brackish water for
Australia, Israel, South Africa, and Mexico. In other irrigation, salts tend to accumulate at the wetting front.
countries, it was still in the initial stages. Emitter clogging The problems are caused in arid regions if irrigation
was generally caused by sediments, precipitated salts, or methods other than drip are used and salts cannot
bacterial slimes. These problems were gradually solved be leached. The problem can be reduced by using
with bubblers and microsprinklers as well as by better sprinkler or flood methods of irrigation to leach the salts
fabrication. To control clogging, generally, acids and wherever feasible.
chlorine were applied. The application efficiencies ranged
from 60–90%. Lack of Microclimatic Control. This method cannot com-
The costs of installation in the third survey ranged monly provide frost protection as done by sprinklers, but a
from US $ 2000 to US $ 7000 per ha. It was generally variation of microirrigation, known as microsprinklering,
found that line sources (drip tapes, etc.) used in vegetable also provides quite effective frost protection.
and field crops were more expensive than drippers or
microsprinklers used for tree crops. Systems with average Higher Costs. Compared to surface and sprinkler
costs from $ 2000 to $ 4000 were economically and irrigation systems, installation costs are higher. Thus, it is
efficiently operated for trees, vegetables, and field crops. feasible only for appropriate field crops and fruits, where
returns are cost-effective. In some developing countries, to
Extent of Subsurface Drip Irrigation promote economy in using irrigation water, subsidies have
been given for its installation; that has given good results
Although economical and highly efficient, the design
in extending its adoption.
and laying of subsurface drip is more sophisticated and
complex, and its installation fairly soil and crop specific.
Lack of Awareness. This is a system requiring high
Thus, in spite of its being promising, its application is still
skill in design, installation, operation, and management;
in its infancy. Per the ICID third survey, it had a coverage
it requires proper demonstration and training to extend
of 54,000 ha in the United States, 2500 ha in China, 150 ha
its use to farmers in developing countries.
in Israel, and 2184 ha in other countries, a global coverage
of 58,834 ha. According to Phene et al. (15) reporting
Research Trends
figures from the Irrigation Journal’s 1992, irrigation
survey out of a total of 690.2 kha of microirrigation The issues and type of research in different countries
coverage in the United States about 76.6 kha or 11.1% vary according to need. However in the United States,
was under SDI. In California SDI had grown to 61.3 kha which has the largest area in microirrigation, per
in 1992. This constituted about 80% of all SDI in the Phene (16), research trends center around four areas:
United States. The different crops to which it has been (1) determination of water requirements and irrigation
applied were potato, tomato, strawberry, cantaloupe, scheduling, (2) nutrient management/fertigation methods
lettuce, cotton, grape, hops, apples, peach, almond, walnut, and water quality, (3) system design and uniformity,
turf, and ornamentals. and (4) expert systems and simulation models. The
area of water requirement is considered important
in view of the difficulty of accurate determination of
water requirements and irrigation scheduling. The efforts
related to this area were directed toward use of personal
computers for data acquisition and control systems and
electronic sensors for automation. Efforts were also
Emitter Clogging. This is one of the most important directed to using plant measurements for scheduling
problems in the use of microirrigation. This may occur due irrigation and regional and local automatic scheduling,
to sand, rust, microorganisms or other impurities carried measuring, and calculating crop evapotranspiration as
by irrigation water or because of chemicals precipitating well as use of simulation models. Nutrient management
in the flow system. Root penetration also reportedly causes was considered important in view of high nitrate-
clogging, which occurs mostly in buried systems. Proper nitrogen pollution because of surface application and
filtration may remove suspended particles. Suspended the scope of its reduction through fertigation. Because of

improvements in materials hardware availability, quality, In Turkey, a large scale project is in the process of
and manufacturing uniformity, there is a good potential improving community irrigation of which 1200 ha is for
for improvement in designing microirrigation systems and drip irrigation. In Mozambique, citrus orchards next
developing microcomputer programs. Expert systems have to a dam are planned to irrigate 210 ha. In India,
the ability of facilitating the transfer of knowledge from microirrigation has been applied in a number of states
researchers to users. The soil water–plant relationship is such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Tamil
a complex phenomenon, in which, expert systems can Nadu. But there is still a large scope for its application
play a useful role in irrigation selection, scheduling, in other states. In the state of Andhra Pradesh, a large
and management project of microirrigation is on the anvil.
In developing countries, however, there may be a
Future Scope necessity of providing subsidies in the initial stages and
It may be observed that the world food requirement carrying out training and demonstrations to improve
is likely to increase as population increases. On the the awareness of technical staff and farmers in the
other hand, water availability for food production is interest of economizing on water use and environmental
gradually shrinking. Water scarcity has become the health. Besides increasing awareness, there is a great
single biggest threat to food security, human health, and need to increase the technical competence and skill of
natural ecosystems. The only way to match higher food technical people involved in installation and maintenance.
production with declining water resources seems to be Development of a strong database and providing optimum
optimization of available water resources through efficient design, installation, and maintenance are great needs
water management Application of microirrigation has in developing countries and would boost microirrigation
demonstrated great savings in water and fertilizer and expansion a long way.
also increased crop yield and improvement of the quality In the developed world, microirrigation offers hope to
of produce. Due to this, there has been a fast growth of this economize, reduce, and alleviate the use of excess fertilizer
technology, and the area has increased to more than double and the pesticide leaching hazard in surface irrigation and
in 5 years since 1981 and to more than 4 times in the next subirrigation and pollution of groundwater. This would
5 years. Such a trend shows the great possibility of further help improve water quality and environmental health.
increase in the future. According to future projections, by
the year 2000, the area will increase to more than eight Strategies for Promotion
times its coverage in 1981. The future global shortage of water is very well recognized.
During its period of progress, its applicability has The agricultural sector continues to be the major user
been tried for several other fruit and field crops with of water. As the future share of water for other
encouraging results. It has shown tremendous scope uses increases, the share available for the agricultural
for flowers and vegetables and use in greenhouses and sector is likely to be further reduced. It is, therefore,
nurseries. Lots of good work has been done in landscaping, essential to stress the economic and efficient use of water
and there is a good prospect for further expansion in through microirrigation and other improved technologies
this area. of efficient water application. The developed countries
Success in the use of sewage as well as saline water and have already adopted this technology to quite a large
poor and degraded soils has further enlarged its scope. extent, though there is still scope for further adoption
The experiments in Abu Dhabi of growing eucalyptus and extension of the more sophisticated systems such as
and casuarinas through drip irrigation using waters of use of automation, SDI, etc. But it is more important for
salinity of 2000 mg/L and 12,000 mg/L, respectively, for the developing countries faced with increasing population
stabilising sand dunes, offers great hope of greening the and the need for more food production. Some possible
world’s deserts. approaches to meet such objectives are identified:
Subsurface drip has emerged as a new promising
technology, useful in further economizing water use and 1. Coordinated efforts of scientists, engineers, re-
reducting labor, and is likely to become commercialized in search institutions, and industry are needed to
the near future. develop appropriate technologies for field adoption
According to Uriel (8), good prospect has been observed of microirrigation.
for further expansion of microirrigation in several
2. There is a necessity to create a database on
developing countries. In China, there is a plan for
different aspects of microirrigation for specific
water conservation in five provinces. There is also a
crops/cropping pattern in different agroclimatic
plan for improvement of on-farm irrigation in an area
zones of a region. It is specially important to match
of 2,50,000 ha with sprinkler, drip, and flood irrigation.
In the desert region of Nuberia in Egypt, drip irrigation the water requirement of a crop/cropping pattern
is expected to cover an area of 100,000 ha of vegetables to the economic viability of a system.
and fruits. In Nicaragua, a world relief organization has 3. The manufacturing industry should establish a
established 100 model farms to introduce drip irrigation research and development base for continued
for vegetables. In Argentina, 20 model farms for drip improvement of the equipment to attain better
irrigation have been developed for vegetables, flowers, and performance and economy.
orchards. In Peru, small areas were laid for drip irrigation 4. Besides working on larger systems, the industry
to grow asparagus and vine yards on 900 hectares. and researchers should also develop technologies

for smaller systems suited to farmers. Small 6. Blass, S. (1971). Drip irrigation. In: Drip (Trickle) and
landholders have successfully used and managed Automated Irrigation in Israel. Proceedings of Expert panel
drip systems for small plots. Vol. (1)10–28. Water Commissioners Office, Ministry of
Agriculture, Tel Aviv, Israel.
5. It is necessary to carry out large scale demonstra-
7. Phene, C.J., Davis, K.R., Hutmacher, R.B., and McCormick,
tions by industry, government, and nongovernment
R.L. (1987). Advantages of subsurface irrigation for process-
institutions on different crops in different regions ing tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae 200: 101–113.
to establish economic viability and promote aware-
8. Uriel, O.R. (2000). Technological Development of Micro
ness among farmers/users. Irrigation and its Applications in Developing Countries. Proc.
6. For the application of fertilizers and pesticides 6th Int. Microirrigation Congr., Cape Town, South Africa,
along with microirrigation, there is a necessity pp. 2–4.
of generating a database on the feasibility and 9. INCID. (1994). Drip Irrigation in India: Status Report by
compatibility of such practices with a given soil Indian National Committee of Irrigation and Drainage,
water/crop condition which is duly approved by a p. 175.
recognized scientific body. 10. Bucks, D.A. (1993). Microirrigation worldwide usage report.
Proc. 15th ICID Congr. Irrigation Drainage, The Hague, The
7. Before a microirrigation system is made available,
Netherlands, pp. 11–33.
it is necessary to ensure that the different compo-
11. Reinders, F.R. (2000). Micro irrigation: A world overview.
nents are manufactured according to established or
Proc. 6th Int. Micro irrigation Congr., Cape Town, South
adopted standards of a country, so that the mate- Africa, p. 2.
rials and manufactured products give the desired
12. Smajstrla, A.J., Boggess, W.G., Boman, B.J., Clark, G.A.,
performance and life for the system. Haman, D.Z., Knox, G.W., Locascio, S.J., Obreza, T.Z., Par-
8. Microirrigation, though providing efficient and sons, L.R., Rhodes, F.M., Yeager, T., and Zazueta, F.S.
economic use of water and improving the yield (1985). Status and growth of microirrigation in Florida. Proc.
of crops, is comparatively an expensive irrigation 5th Int. Microirrigation Congr., Orlando, FL, pp. 325–330.
system specially suited to fruit plantation and 13. Chieng, S. and van der Gulik, T. (1993). Microirrigation and
vegetables. Besides the technical feasibility of chemigation: The British Columbia (Canada) experience. The
production for a profitable return, it is also workshop on micro irrigation worldwide. Proc. 15th ICID
necessary to look into infrastructural aspects, Congr. Irrigation Drainage, The Hague, the Netherlands
Dec. 2, 1993, pp. 169–177.
such as postharvest technology, transport, and
marketing as well as pricing policy. Unless 14. Jain, R.B. (2000). Development of microirrigation in India.
Proc. Int. Conf. Micro and Sprinkler Irrigation, Organized
the infrastructural aspect is taken care of and
by Central Board of Irrigation and Power, Jalgaon, India,
transport and marketing are streamlined, fruits pp. 116–124.
and vegetables, being perishable products, cannot
15. Phene, C.J., Hutmacher, R.B., and Ayars, J.E. (1993). Sub-
be profitably disposed of, and this expensive system surface drip irrigation in the USA. Proc. Workshop Sprinkler
cannot be sustained. and Drip Irrig. Syst., Organized by Central Board of Irrigation
9. In many developing countries, liquid fertilizers are and Power, Dec 2–6, New Delhi, India, pp. 157–162.
not indigenous and are imported; they are not 16. Phene, C.J. (1995). Research trends in microirrigation. Proc.
affordable. Policy decisions may be necessary to 5th Int. Microirrigation Congr., April 2–6, Orlando, FL,
enable in-country manufacture. pp. 6–24.
10. The present cost of installation may prove high
for small and marginal farmers in developing
countries. It needs to be examined as a policy that
keeping in mind the global shortage of water, it may FOR PHYTOREMEDIATION OF
be worthwhile to partly subsidize the installation HYDROCARBONS AND METALS
cost in the initial stages. Easy disbursement of
subsidies that avoid delays may be desirable. T.C. MCINTYRE
(from Phytoremediation:
Transformation and Control of
BIBLIOGRAPHY Contaminants, Wiley 2003)

1. Gittinger, J.P. (1985). Economic Analysis of Agricultural

Projects. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, pp. 29–37. SUMMARY OF PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS
2. Smith, M. (2000). Optimising Crop Production and Crop
Water Management Under Reduced Water Supply. Proc. 6th Information on plants and other organisms that have
Int. Microirrigation Congr., Cape Town, South Africa, p. 2. the potential for phytoremediation of contaminants aids
3. FAO. (2000). Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030:Technical in the planning and establishment of removal and
Interim Report. Rome, Italy, p. 247. restoration projects for contaminated sites. Environment
4. Nakayama, F.S. and Bucks, D.A. (1986). Trickle Irrigation for Canada is compiling databases on plants, bacteria,
Crop Production. Elsevier Science, the Netherlands, p. 383. fungi, and other organisms that remediate petroleum
5. House, E.B. (1920). Irrigation by Means of Underground hydrocarbons and accumulate metals and metalloids.
Porous Pipe. Colorado State Experiment Station Bull. The databases PHYTOPET (for PHYTOremediation of

(for PHYTOREmediation of Metals) are user-friendly, TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS
searchable, and summarize all the known literature.
Environment Canada has also drafted a Protocol, The database PHYTOPET specializes in plant species that
‘‘Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Protocol spur the rhizodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in
for Metal Contaminants.’’ The program provides suppliers terrestrial and aquatic environments, including wetlands.
of specified environmental technologies and services that The plants (both monocots and dicots), bacteria, protozoa,
meet the required criteria, with the right to use the and fungi covered by the database show potential for
licensed ETV verification mark. phytoremediation of a wide range of hydrocarbons—from
crude oil to polyaromatic hydrocarbons, such as chrysene
and benzo(a)pyrene (Hutchinson et al. this book, Olson
PHYTOREMEDIATION APPLICATIONS et al. this book). In the database, special attention has
been paid to the Canadian plants from the oil-producing
Phytoremediation has good potential as a flexible and regions in the Western Prairie and Boreal ecozones for
cost-effective means to clean up contaminated sites. Two reclamation of oil-contaminated sites. The relationships
of the most important applications are the use of plants between plants, microorganisms, and other species that
and other organisms to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons can phytoremediate similar chemicals or mixtures of
and accumulate metals and metalloids (hereafter the term contaminants (metals, pesticides, and hydrocarbons) have
metals covers both). Plants and other organisms extract also been considered.
and degrade contaminants using a variety of processes The database uses many of the same fields as the PHY-
such as: TOREM database for plants (exchanging information on
the metal elements for information on the hydrocarbons).
In addition, the database compiles information on plant-
1. Phytoextraction—the capability of terrestrial associated microorganisms. The information includes con-
plants, algae, and plant tissues to sequester centrations of the contaminant before and after treatment,
toxic elements, especially metals, by uptake length of treatment period, soil characteristics, age of
or biosorption. Contaminated organisms can be the plant when exposed to the contaminant, and require-
harvested for disposal or extraction (biomining when ments for phytoremediation. Data in PHYTOPET also
at commercial levels) (1–6). include tolerance to salinity and Western Canadian occur-
2. Rhizofiltration—the use of plant roots to absorb and rence.
sometimes precipitate contaminants from polluted Many native grasses show promise to phytoremediate
waters (e.g., 7). hydrocarbons [e.g., Agropyron spp., gramas (Bouteloua
3. Phytostabilization—the use tolerant plants to sta- spp.), and buffalo grasses (Buchloe spp.)]. Poplar (Populus
bilize contaminants by reducing bioavailability. spp.) trees also are potentially useful. Cultivated plants
with phytoremediation potential include carrot (Daucus
4. Phytodegradation—the use of plants and associated
carota), red fescue (Festuca rubra), alfalfa (Medicago
microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants.
sativa), and ryegrass (Lolium spp.).
5. Phytovolatilization—the use of plants to volatilize
Information on useful phytoremediation species is
Scope and Organization of the PHYTOREM Database
limited and scattered in the literature. Environment
Canada has organized information into two databases The global inventory of PHYTOREM covers both terres-
called PHYTOPET and PHYTOREM. The PHYTOPET trial and aquatic plants and other organisms (such as
database is a compilation and global inventory of bryophytes, lichen, fungi, algae, and bacteria) that have
organisms, with a focus on plants, for phytoremediation potential value for phytoremediation of metals. Species
of petroleum hydrocarbons. PHYTOREM is a similar included in the database have an ability or potential to
database for metals and metalloids. tolerate, accumulate, or hyperaccumulate specific metals,
Plants and other organisms have a remarkable capacity or be useful as sorbents for metals.
to accumulate contaminants, e.g., the common sunflower An intensive literature search was conducted for
(Helianthus annuus) (8), Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) the database, for accumulation of or tolerance to
(9), alpine pennycress (Thlaspi caerulescens) (10,11), and the 19 selected elements listed in Table 1. Reviews
brake fern (Pteris vittata) (12). Some of the highest on metal accumulation provided global data (16–23).
accumulation of metals occurs in the New Caledonia Although a large number of species are known to
tree (Sebertia acuminata) (13) and the Australian grow over serpentine substrates, only those specifically
shrub (Hybanthus floribundus) [reported by Streit and shown to be hyperaccumulators or to accumulate sub-
Stumm in 1993 (14) as first reported by Harborne in stantial levels of heavy metals are included in the
1988 (15)]. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the database.
compilation of data for plants and other organisms that The database contains information on organisms that
degrade hydrocarbons, or accumulate, hyperaccumulate, are both hyperaccumulators and accumulators (Table 2).
or tolerate metals. The term hyperaccumulator was originally coined for

Table 1. Metals and Metalloids Scanned for the Development of the PHYTOREM Database
Aluminum (Al) Cobalt (Co) Mercury (Hg) Radium (Ra)
Arsenic (As) Copper (Cu) Molybdenum (Mo) Strontium (Sr)
Beryllium (Be) Chromium (Cr) Nickel (Ni) Uranium (U)
Cadmium (Cd) Lead (Pb) Palladium (Pd) Zinc (Zn)
Cesium (Cs) Manganese (Mn) Platinum (Pt)

plants with greater than 1000 milligrams per kilogram (a)

(0.1 percent) nickel in dried aboveground tissues (34,35).
This definition has been broadened to other elements and
all parts of plants. Values for accumulation were based
on either literature, or a value of 100 or 200 milligrams
per kilogram of dry weight was assigned where none has
been specified.
Information in the database includes geographical
origin of the organisms and habitat characteristics;
taxonomy; environmental effects, health effects, and uses
of the species; cultivation practices; sources of material
or species studied; weedy or other significant relatives;
and mode of action (i.e., tolerance and accumulation).
See Table 3 for details of criteria and fields. The
database is worldwide in scope, but focuses on species
from Canada, the U.S., and high-altitude species from
warmer regions.
The database, compiled using Microsoft Access 97
software, allows for easy access by many database (b)
formats and programs and can be updated as needed.
The database consists of three organism and two
reference tables (Fig. 1a). The organism tables are
(1) vascular plants; (2) algae, lichens, fungi, and mosses;
and (3) bacteria. The main table of reference includes all
citations that relate to concentration levels of elements
accumulated or tolerated, and the second is a table of
general botanical and reference works consulted. The
database as designed can be searched by queries (Fig. 1b)
and includes three data entry forms (botany, metal,
and plant) and reporting formats for organisms and
reference records.
Data sets can be quickly retrieved by applying
appropriate search criteria, and viewed in tabular format.
An example of a data screen for a species retrieved through
the filtering process is given in Fig. 2.
The database has specific search criteria, some of which Figure 1. PHYTOREM database windows showing contents
are as follows: from the tables (a) and query (b) menus.

1. To access the elements radium and uranium, use

the codes Rd and Ur respectively. Searches for combination of the element and the desired accu-
accumulators or hyperaccumulators, however, use mulation code, e.g., ‘‘*PbH*’’ for lead hyperaccumu-
commonly used short forms for these elements. For lators.
example, the character code RaA will bring up 3. There is no separate field to distinguish coniferous
accumulation data for radium. species; however, species can be retrieved by using
2. To retrieve all records of species accumulating (A), the family Pinaceae or by retrieving all records with a
hyperaccumulating (H), tolerating (T), or precipitat- growth form of TR for tree.
ing (P) an element, use the symbol for the element 4. Species are reported as rhizofiltration agents for
surrounded by asterisk in the elem action field, e.g., heavy metals. Studies dealing with nutrient culture
‘‘*Pb*’’ as the query or filter criterion. To retrieve experiments, although not aimed at identifying such
species accumulating or hyperaccumulating a par- agents, have been recorded with a Y for ‘‘yes’’ in the
ticular element, the search criterion should be a field biofiltr use, because of the potential for such use.
Table 2. Values and Sources for Hyperaccumulation and Accumulation Criteria for Inclusion in the
Species with
Accumulation Highest Recorded
Hyperaccumulation Plants, Where criteria Value {origin}
Criteria (Milligrams Appropriate, Which (Milligrams per Number of [Value (Milligrams
per Kilogram of Were the Basis of References Kilogram of Records in Per Kilogram of
Element Dry Weight) Criteria for Data Dry Weight) the Database Dry Weight)]

Al 1000 Barley (Hordeum 24 100 25 Hairy goldenrod (Solidago

vulgare), horse bean hispida) {Canada} [6820]
(Vicia faba)
As 1000 25 100 4 Colonial bent
(Agrostis tenuis =
Agrostis capillaris)
{cultivation} [2000]
Cd 100 2 10 37 Eel grass (Vallisneria
spiralis) {India} [6242]
Co 1000 17 100 27 Haumaniastrum robertii
{Africa} [10,200]
Cr 1000 General review 17 100 35 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
{cultivation} [7700]
Dicoma niccolifera, 26,27
Sutera fodina
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 28
Smooth Water hyssop 29
(Bacopa monnieri)
(aquatic species)
Azolla spp. 30
Duckweed (Spirodela 31
polyrhiza), kariba weed
(Salvinia molesta)
Water lettuce (Pistia 32
Cs ? ? 1 Sunflower (Helianthus
annuus) {cultivation} [high
absorption rate]
Cu 1000 17 100 67 Creosote bush (Larrea
tridentata) {U.S.} [23,700
Hg 1000 16,17 100 35 Water lettuce (Pistia
stratiotes) {pantropical}
Mn 10,000 33 200 28 Macademia neurophylla
{New Caledonia} [51,800]
Mo 1500 Alpine pennycress ? 1 Alpine pennycrest (Thlaspi
(Thlaspi caerulescens) caerulescens) {Europe}
Ni 1000 34 100 372 Psychotria douarrei {New
Caledonia} [47,500]
35 Shrub violet (Hybanthus
floribundus) {Australia}
[2% total ash content]
Pb 1000 17 200 79 Indian mustard (Brassica
juncea) {cultivation}
Sr ? ? 1 Sunflower (Helianthus
annuus) {cultivation} [high
absorption Rate]
Ur ? ? 3 Sunflower (Helianthus
annuus) {cultivation} [>
Zn 10,000 17 500 48 Alpine pennycrest (Thlaspi
caerulescens) {Europe}

? indicates that criteria have not been defined for hyperaccumulation or accumulation of these elements.
Note: No reports were found for accumulation of beryllium, palladium, platinum, and radium.

Table 3. Fields, Description, and Access for PHYTOREM Database
Name Description [and explanatory comments] Plants Bacteria Algae Access
√ √ √
Entry− seq Automatic counter field to record sequence of data entry
[allows multiple records taken from a single summary
document to be grouped together for purposes of
review and data management]
√ √ √
Type− org Vascular plant = VP, bacteria = BA, algae = AG,
lichens = LI, fungi = FU, and bryophytes = BR [field
allows tables of different organisms to be combined
and provides the ability to distinguish records by type
of organism]

Growth− form For plants only: fern = FE, graminoid = GR, herb = HE,
shrub = SH, succulent = SU, vine = V, and tree = T
√ √ √ √
Sci− name Complete scientific name with authorities
√ √
Synonym Common synonym
√ √ √
Com− name Common English name(s)
√ √ √
Cv− strain Cultivar or strain name, or code; also transgenic variants
√ √ √
Family Taxonomic category: family
√ √ √
Order Taxonomic category: order
√ √ √
Subclass Taxonomic category: subclass
√ √ √
Class Taxonomic category: class

Duration For plants only: A(nnual), B(iennial), A/B, P(erennial),
A/P, and B/P
√ √ √ √
Origin Country or region of origin of plants on which report(s) is
based [Canadian and U.S. species or those of other
continents or countries can be sorted]

World− range World range of the species
√ √ √
Primary− habitat T = terrestrial, A = aquatic, T/A = terrestrial and
aquatic [provides the ability to distinguish between
terrestrial, aquatic, marsh, and wetland species (T/A)]

Hab− descr Habitat description [allows for sorting to distinguish
plants from serpentine soils and to distinguish
cultivated species (crop plants)]

Namer− occ North American occurrence: N(ative); E(xotic); X (not
present); ? (status unknown) [allows North American
species to be categorized]

Namer− spp Indication of whether other species in the genus are
present in North America

Sig− relatives Other species of significance in the genus
√ √ √
Cult− wild For plants: crop plant = C, horticultural species = H,
wild = W.
For algae and other: cultured = C or wild = W
√ √
Cult− info Propagation and/or test studies, or experimental
√ √ √
Cult− source Source of cultivated material as indicated in publication

Impact− attributes UN = unknown, WD = weed, NX = noxious properties,
HY = hybridizes, and PH = disease and insect pest

Impact− description Documentation of potential impact [information on
invasive potential of an exotic weed]

Uses General uses of plant and citations [medicinal or edible]
√ √
Bio− notes For plants: notes on such topics as pollination and
dispersal mechanism.
For bacteria: notes on important and interesting aspects
of biology.
√ √ √
Gen− notes For plants and others: toxicity of metal to the plant or
other organisms and other pertinent information and
For bacteria: general notes on procedures of the study or
results and citations.
√ √ √ √
Elem− conc− ref Citation and concentration of elements with organ of
√ √ √
Elem− form− ref Element form if specifically indicated [e.g., Cu(II)]
√ √ √
Elem− chel− ref Element, chelate used and citation


Table 3. (Continued)
Name Description [and explanatory comments] Plants Bacteria Algae Access
√ √ √ √
Elem− action Hyperaccumulate = H, accumulate = A, tolerate = T,
rhizosphere concentration = R, and precipitate = P
[e.g., PbH is lead hyperaccumulation]
√ √
Storage− sites For plants: sites where element concentrations were
measured [e.g., root, shoot, or leaf].
For bacteria: sites where element measured [e.g., cell
√ √ √
Biofiltr− use Use for biofiltration: yes (Y) or no (N) [used to
distinguish species useful for such a function as
indicated in the publication]
√ √ √
Biofiltr− ref References to the biofiltration publications [generally
the same as the primary reference]
√ √
Tolerance− info Information on conditions under which tolerance
√ √ √ √
Summary− ref Reference to summary papers where several to many
species are listed
√ √ √ √
Primary− ref Primary literature reference [obtained from summary
reference if summary document was used]

interesting possibilities for phytoremediation, including

several commonly cultivated species such as sunflower
(Helianthus annuus) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa).

Data Update Recommendations

Updates that could be considered include (1) information
from a more extensive literature search, (2) fields for
data on storage sites (e.g., roots), (3) mechanisms of
tolerance or accumulation of metals by plants, (4) species
that remediate radionuclides, (5) plants that remediate
organic and other inorganic compounds and stabilize
contaminated sites, and (6) expansion of data for algae,
in particular those with a high absorptive capacity. In
addition, the database could also provide pictures of plants
and sites.
Figure 2. Example of a plant report form from a search of the

Summary of the Database Contents Environment Canada is formulating a protocol to establish

the limits of applicability for the phytoremediation of met-
The database provides an extensive, though preliminary, als and metalloids in contaminated soil and water that will
collection of records on phytoremediation potential. At aid economic adoption and sustainable use. The pollutants
present, the database contains records of 775 species (no organic contaminants to this point) are arsenic (As),
spread over 76 families, 39 orders, 9 subclasses, and 2 cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mer-
classes (dicots and monocots). Data come from 39 countries cury (Hg), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), silver (Ag), and zinc
of origin (based on names used in the publications). (Zn). Use of the verification protocol will allow the use of a
The greatest proportion (465) of species recorded in the Canadian Environmental Technology Verification symbol
plant table accumulate, hyperaccumulate, or tolerate a in remediation products. The applicant will be required
single metal of the 19 elements surveyed. Some species to establish that a particular application has been tested
take up two elements (66) or three (25), with a balance of (and under what conditions) (e.g., proof of principle at
15 species capable of accumulating four or more elements. the bench, greenhouse, plot, or full-scale testing). Only
Table 4 summarizes the species in the latter category with applications that involve phytoextraction, rhizofiltration,
elements and degree of accumulation. phytovolatilization, phytostabilization, and combinations
The highest number of records (260) was found of these physiological processes will be certified initially.
for nickel followed by lead and copper (Fig. 3). No All phytoremediation applications (or technologies) will be
records were found of species accumulating beryllium, evaluated based on the following criteria and information:
palladium, platinum, or radium. Species with the highest
concentration of the elements recorded in the database 1. Total amount, concentration, and speciation of ele-
(listed in the right-hand column of Table 2) provide some ments in contaminated soil, rhizosphere soil water,





Number of species








Al As Be Cd Co Cr Cs Cu Hg Mn Mo Ni Pb Pd Pt Ra Sr Ur Zn
Figure 3. Number of species records for the 19 elements
scanned. Metalic elements

Table 4. Plants Capable of Accumulating Four or More Metals

Scientific Name Common Name Origin and Characteristics Elements and Degree of Accumulationa

Azolla filiculoides Water fern Africa, floating CuA, NiA, PbA, and MnA
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop India, emergent species HgA, CuH, CrH, PbA, and
Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth Pantropical/subtropical, CdH, CrA, ZnA, HgH, PbH,
troublesome weed and CuA
Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla Southern Asia but introduced CdH, CrA, HgH, and PbH
and spreading as a
troublesome weed in the
warmer states of the USA
Lemna minor Duckweed Native to North America and PbH, CdH, CuH, and ZnA
Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Pantropical and native to CuT, CdT, HgH, and CrH
southern U.S. but an aquatic
Salvinia molesta Water fern India CrH, NiH, PbH, and ZnA
Spirodela polyrhiza Giant duckweed Native to North America CdH, NiH, CrH, PbH, and
Vallisneria americana Tape grass Native to Europe and North CuH, CdH, CrA, and PbH
Africa but widely cultivated in
the aquarium trade
Brassica juncea Indian mustard Cultivated PbH, PbP, ZnH, NiH, CuH,
CrA, CdA, and UrA
Helianthus annuus Sunflower Cultivated PbH, UrH, SrH, CsH, CrA,
CdA, CuA, MnA, NiA, and
Agrostis castellana Bent grass Portugal AsH, PbA, ZnA, MnA, and
Thlaspi caerulescens Alpine pennycress Europe ZnH, CdH, CoH, CuH, NiH,
PbH, and CrA
Athyrium yokoscense Fern Japan CuH, CdA, ZnH, and PbH
H: hyperaccumulator; A: accumulator; P: precipitator; and T: tolerant.


water below the root zone, groundwater, wastewa- organisms, help clarify the regulatory responsibilities of
ter, roots, shoots, and air (where phytovolatilization proponents in securing necessary approvals prior to the
is a factor) during and after treatment use of specific organisms, and provide valuable insight
2. Amount and timing of supplements added to into genetic materials to adapt or modify representative
treated soils and waters as related to mobilization Canadian plant species to the climatic circumstances
or immobilization of contaminants, including co- unique to specific sites. Future initiatives include
contaminants, and expected effects (1) database expansion to include one for radioactive
materials (PHYTORAD); (2) a Canadian network to
3. Seepage or infiltration volumes from treatment
identify, store, protect, propagate, and possibly distribute
wetlands or soil plots and concentrations of
germplasm of candidate plant cultivars; (3) protocols that
contaminants and by-products for the range of
outline responsible provisions; (4) methods to recover
expected moisture conditions
inorganic contaminants from contaminated biomass; (5) a
4. Range of meteorological conditions for effective complete overview of the regulatory issues inherent
phytoremediation application including, but not in the use of plants as remediation and restoration
limited to, seasonal precipitation, air tempera- agents; (6) definition of bioavailability and the role of
tures, humidity, wind speed and direction, and plants in natural attenuation; and (7) establishment of
solar radiation mechanisms to limit phytoremediation site access by
5. Time required to achieve cleanup or risk-reduction herbivores and omnivores.
standards for various levels of initial contamination
in soil or water, plants selected, soil or sediment Acknowledgments and Disclaimer. The author is
conditions, and weather extremely grateful for the opportunity to realize the con-
6. Soil, sediment, or water quality during and after the ceptual development of PHYTOREM and PHYTOPET
treatment, including texture, mineralogy, moisture databases through the funding of the Canadian Biotech-
content, cation-exchange capacity for soils, organic nology Strategy and the Panel on Energy Research and
carbon and nutrient content, pH, and redox Development. Data were compiled and provided by Dr.
potential for all media Erich Haber of National Botanical Services in Canada for
PHYTOREM and by Dr. J.J. Germida, Dr. R.E. Farrell,
7. List of plants and description of communities and
and Dr. C.M. Frick of the University of Saskatchewan for
any rooting depth, growing habits, and foliage PHYTOPET. Environment Canada headquarter’s library
requirements for effective cleanup staff, Jean-François Belanger and Marie Jetten and the
8. Unusual ecological conditions to avoid including Canadian Museum of Nature librarian Mireille Boudreau
endangered and threatened plants and wildlife, were invaluable. Finally the author extends an incredible
weeds, invasive species, bioaccumulation (in the debt of gratitude to Dr. Marcos Alvarez of Environment
absence of netting, fencing, motion detectors, or Canada for his editorial support. Copies of the PHY-
alarms), and wetland changes (e.g., drying up of TOREM and PHYTOPET databases are available on
seepage wetlands) CD-ROM from the author at
9. Risk-reduction or cleanup levels achieved in soil,
groundwater, and air for different land uses Disclaimer. Environment Canada does not endorse the
use of, nor does it attempt to determine the merits of
10. Residual management options (e.g., land filling
any specific technology or technology provider through
in hazardous waste landfills, composting, and
publication in this document, nor does Environment
pyrolysis) and any risks during handling, transport,
Canada assume any liabilities with respect to the
and disposal of residuals
use of any information, apparatus, method, or process
11. Closure plans and options for vegetative cover discussed in this document. Mention of trade names or
commercial products does not constitute endorsement or
These criteria will be focused on specific issues recommendation for use. Further, the views expressed in
for terrestrial and aquatic remediation. Criteria and the document remain solely those of the authors.
information requirements will be weighted, depending on
the application. This protocol is different from that used in BIBLIOGRAPHY
the U.S. (36,37); however, the differences are expected
to diminish over time with continued collaborative 1. Wehrheim, B. and Wettern, M. (1994). Biosorption of cad-
projects between Environment Canada and the U.S. mium, copper and lead by isolated mother cell walls and
whole cells of Chlorella fusca. Appl. Microbio. Biotechnol. 41:
Environmental Protection Agency.
2. Brown, S.L., Chaney, R.L., Angle, J.S., and Baker, A.J.M.
CURRENT AND FUTURE EXPECTATIONS (1995). Zinc and cadmium uptake by hyperaccumulator
Thlaspi caerulescens and metal tolerant Silene vulgaris
Plant-based remediation and restoration applications are grown on sludge-amended soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29:
expected to receive increasing attention in Canada and 1581–1585.
elsewhere as options for removal of the more recalcitrant 3. Kim, Y.H., Yoo, Y.J., and Lee, H.Y. (1995). Characteristics of
inorganic and organic constituents at contaminated sites. lead adsorption. Biotechnol. Lett. 17: 345–350.
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could provide valuable assistance in the pre-selection of and Benemann, J.R. (1995). Bioremoval of toxic elements

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Third International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Group (Wiley-VCH Verlag), New York.
Symposium. Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio. Held in San 22. Frankenberger, W.T., Jr. and Losi, M.E. (1995). Applications
Diego, California, April 24–27, pp. 65–69. of bioremediation in the cleanup of heavy metals and
5. Wilson, M.W. and Edyvean, R.G. (1995). Biosorption for metalloids. In: Bioremediation: Science and Applications.
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M. Chandra (Eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International 23. Reeves, R.D., Baker, A.J.M., Borhidi, A., and Berazaı́n, R.
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Sept. 1993, pp. 47–51. tine soils of Cuba. New Phytol. 133: 217–224.
6. Gardea-Torresdey, J.L., Bibb, J., Tiemann, K.J., Gonza- 24. Grauer, U.E. and Horst, W.J. (1990). Effect of pH and
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ions from solution by heavy metal stressed Larrea
L.) and yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.). Plant Soil 127:
tridentata (creosote bush) biomass. In: Proceedings of
the HSRC/WERC Joint Conference on the Environment.
L.E. Erickson, D.L. Tillison, S.C. Grant, and J.P. McDonald 25. Porter, E.K. and Peterson, P.J. (1975). Arsenic accumulation
(Eds.). Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Sub- by plants on mine waste (United Kingdom). Sci. Total
stance Research Center, Kansas State University, Man- Environ. 4: 365–371.
hattan. Held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 21–23. 26. Wild, H. (1974). Indigenous plants and chromium in Rhode-
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7. Dushenkov, V., Kumar, N.P.B.A., Motto, H., and Raskin, I. 27. Brooks, R.R. and Yang, X.H. (1984). Elemental levels and
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8. Salt, D.E., Blaylock, M., Kumar, N.P.B.A., Dushenkov, V., 28. Tiemann, K.J., Gardea-Torresdey, J.L., Gamez, G., Rodriquez,
Chet, B.D. Ensley, I., and Raskin, I. (1995). Phytoremedia- O., and Sias, S. (1997). Study of the ligands involved in
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13. Brown, K.S. (1995). The green clean. BioScience 45: 579–582. 31. Srivastav, R.K., Gupta, S.K., Nigam, K.D.P., and Vasude-
14. Streit, B. and Stumm, W. (1993). Chemical properties of van, P. (1994). Treatment of chromium and nickel in wastew-
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15. Harborne, J.B. (1988) Introduction to Ecological Biochem- 33. Baker, A.J.M. and Walker, P.L. (1990). Ecophysiology of
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16. Atri, F.R. (1983). Schwermetalle und Wasserpflanzen. Gustav in Plants: Evolutionary Aspects. A.J. Shaw (Ed.). CRC Press,
Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. Boca Raton, FL, pp. 155–177.
17. Baker, A.J.M. and Brooks, R.R. (1989). Terrestrial higher 34. Brooks, R.R., Lee, J., Reeves, R.D., and Jaffré, T. (1977).
plants which hyperaccumulate metallic elements—a review Detection of nickeliferous rocks by analysis of herbarium
of their distribution, ecology and phytochemistry. Biorecovery specimens of indicator plants. J. Geochem. Explor. 7: 49–77.
1: 81–126. 35. Reeves, R.D. (1992). The hyperaccumulation of nickel by ser-
18. Shaw, A.J. (Ed.). (1990). Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: pentine plants. In: The Vegetation of Ultramafic (Serpentine)
Evolutionary Aspects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Soils. A.J.M. Baker, J. Proctor, and R.D. Reeves (Eds.). Inter-
19. Baker, A.J.M., Proctor, J., and Reeves, R.D. (1991). The cept Ltd., Andover, U.K., pp. 253–277.
vegetation of ultramafic (serpentine) soils. In: Proceedings 36. Remediation Technology Demonstration Forum (RTDF)
of the First International Conference on Serpentine Ecology. (2000). A database of existing phytoremediation field sites
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Ltd., Andover, United Kingdom. Held at University of phyto list.cfm).
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20. Roberts, B.A. and Proctor, J. (Eds.). (1992). The Ecology (2001). Phytotechnology technical and regulatory guid-
of Areas with Serpentinized Rocks: a World View. Kluwer ance document. Phytotechnology Team. Washington, DC.
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (

READING LIST are set by common Committee FAO/SZO for nutrient

additives—JECFA.) The limit values, that are supposed
Azadpour, A. and Matthews, J.E. (1996). Remediation of metal-
to ensure safe amounts of toxic elements for the majority of
contaminated sites using plants. Remediation Summer: 1–18.
people have only relative value. The well-known statement
Black, H. (1995). Absorbing possibilities: phytoremediation.
by Paracelsus (1493–1541) is, ‘‘dosis sola facit venenum’’
Environ. Health Persp. 103: 1106–1108.
(dose determines if a substance is toxic or not). All these
Coghlan, A. (1997). Plants gobble up waste explosives. New
concepts fail for substances with irreversible, especially
Scientist 1 February: p. 19.
carcinogenic or mutagenic effects. For carcinogenic and
Cunningham, S.D. and Berti, W.R. (1993). Remediation of
mutagenic substances, it is evident from the viewpoint
contaminated soils with green plants: an overview. In Vitro
Cell. Dev. Biol. 29P: 207–212. of toxicology that prohibiting consumption is needed; any
Cunningham, S.D. and Lee, C.R. (1995). Phytoremediation: plant-
amount of such substances consumed are supposed to be
based remediation of contaminated soils and sediments. In: a risk for human health.
Bioremediation: Science and Applications. H.D. Skipper and According to the EU Nitrate Directive, the maximum
R.F. Turco (Eds.). Soil Science of America Special Publication standard for nitrate in drinking water (according to the
43: 145–156. value adopted by WHO) is 50 mg NO3 /L of water.
Gardea-Torresdey, J.L., Tang, L., and Salvador, J.M. (1996). Bottled water is not supposed to contain any NO2 ,
Copper adsorption by esterified and unesterified fractions of whereas regular drinking water can contain up to 0.005
Sphagnum peat moss and its different humic substances. J. mg/L of NO2 -N under normal conditions and not more than
Hazard. Mat. 48: 191–206. 0.05 mg/L of NO2 -N in extraordinary circumstances.
Hartman, W.J., Jr. (1975). An evaluation of land treatment When considering the possibility of pollution of ground-
of municipal wastewater and physical siting of facility water by nitrates due to surpluses of nitrogen in the
installations, U.S. Department of the Army, Washington, DC. soil, it is essential to touch on the reasons for nitrate
Kim, I. (1996). Harnessing the green clean. Chem. Eng. December: surpluses. The quantity of nitrate in vegetables (freshly
39–41. edible crops) depends on the relative speed of two phys-
Moffat, A.S. (1995). Plants proving their worth in toxic metal iological processes: absorption of nitrates by the roots of
cleanup. Science 269: 302–303.
plants and protein synthesis with consumption of nitrate
Parry, J. (1995). Plants absorb heavy metals: nature provides a and its reduction to nitrite and to ammonium. If the speed
low-cost alternative to chemical extraction or immobilization.
of absorption of nitrate is higher than the rate of protein
Pollut. Eng. February: 40–41.
synthesis, nitrate automatically accumulates in plants.
Rouhi, A.M. (1997). Plants to the rescue: crops with big appetites
On the other hand, if nitrate is transformed into protein
for certain elements could be key players in soil cleanup. Chem.
Eng. News 75(2): 21–23.
in step with its absorption, nitrate is present only in small
amounts. A disproportion between nitrogen absorption
and protein synthesis may be caused for two reasons which
NITRATE POLLUTION PREVENTION sometimes are synergistic: (1) excessive quantities of nitro-
gen in the soil and (2) slowing down of protein synthesis.
BRANE MATICIC The nitrate level in plants depends on the type of
Ljubljana, Slovenia soil, climate conditions (water in the soil), soil cultivation
practices, age of plants, and type of vegetable (cultivar
Groundwater and springwater are sources used for water and variety). The nitrate level is always higher in young
supply in many countries. Pollution of surface and plants. An excess of nitrate in the soil results above all
groundwater is caused mostly by the chemicals used in from chemical nitrogenous fertilizers particularly in the
industry, urban wastes, and agriculture. The pollution of form of nitrates, which are easily available to vegetables.
ground water by nitrates, as well as pollution of crops Several factors affect the intensity of protein synthesis;the
that we consume, is one of the most serious environmental most important are the following: light, the state of the
concerns in most countries. A primary characteristic of foliage, the lack of minerals, particularly of trace elements,
most agriculturally related groundwater pollution is that and the use of certain pesticides. The feebler the light, the
it is often widely distributed (nonpoint source), whereas richer plants are in nitrate (crops under glass, particularly
localized animal farms, agrochemical and crop waste out of season, shady locations or overcrowding, short days,
disposal and storage, industry, and urban wastes may and weak sunshine). If leaves are insufficiently developed
lead to point pollution. or damaged by parasitic attack, the nitrate content in
Using high amounts of nitrogen in fertilizers leads the roots of plants is raised. Lack of minerals slows
to an increase of nitrate in plants, where a part of the down protein synthesis which affects the accumulation
nitrate, not absorbed by plants, is washed away by rain of nitrates. All factors that obstruct normal biochemical
and pollutes groundwater. Drinking water and eating processes in the soil or in plants can slow down protein
vegetables with high amounts of nitrate and nitrite are synthesis and therefore accelerate the accumulation of
toxice specially for children and babies because it may nitrates for example, lack of water in the soil, excessive
cause methemoglobinemia. water in the soil due to inadequate drainage, inadequately
Acceptable daily intake (ADI) of nitrates is 0–5 mg/kg cultivated soil, and use of herbicides.
of body weight and of nitrites is 0–0.2 mg/kg of body It is not nitrate that is toxic but the compounds derived
weight. Children younger than 6 months are not allowed from it, nitrites and nitrosamines. There are two reasons
to consume food that contains nitrites. (Standards that nitrate derived compounds are toxic:

1. Nitrates oxidize the ferrous ion of hemoglobin into nitrogen. Extreme amounts of water (minimal, when
ferric, methemoglobin is formed, and transport of plants are suffering from drought and maximal, when
oxygen is hindered (methemoglobinemia). plants have too much water for normal growth) increase
2. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic. the level of NO3 in vegetables.
It is obvious that fertilization with nitrogen increases
Nitrites and nitrosamines are formed during the the nitrate level in vegetables. For red beet, the maximal
microbiological process that takes place immediately increase in nitrate level, caused by fertilization with
after harvest whenever vegetables—medium rich in nitrogen, was 450%; for cabbage only 60%. The increase
nitrate—are stored under anaerobic conditions at ambient
temperature (sawerkrout, etc.). The very same processes
take place in cooked vegetable stored at ambient NO3,
Many years of experiments have been conducted at the
Agrohydrologic Research Station in Ljubljana, Slovenia 2700
(B. Maticic), on the impact of different water application 2400
levels in the soil and different levels of mineral nitrogen in
the soil on the content of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium
on crop yield for many different vegetables. To prove the 1800
importance of sustainable nitrogen fertilization of crops 1500
and optimal treatment of crops with water (irrigation), we
present some results of the interaction between nitrogen
application and water application for three different 900
vegetable crops: cabbage, red beet, and celery. The results 600
of ‘‘water–nitrogen fertilizer–yield’’ production functions 300
as well as ‘‘water–nitrogen fertilizer–nitrate’’ functions
for these three crops are presented in Figs. 1–3. 400
The increase of water application levels caused a tiliz 200 100
atio 0
decrease in NO3 content in vegetables until the water n, k
g/h 0 100 200 300 400 500
application reached a certain optimal level; a further a
Irrigation, mm water/vegetation
increase of water application also increased NO3 content. period
The influence of water application (irrigation) on NO3 Figure 2. Nitrate content in red beet due to different water and
content is greater than the influence of fertilization with different nitrogen treatments.

(a) (b)
Yield, kg/ha mg/kg



40000 100

30000 0
30 liza

0 tio

20 10000 200
Fe kgN

rtil /ha

10 100



0 100 150 200 250 300 0

0 100 200 300 400 500



Irrigation, mm water/vegetation

Irrigation, mm/growing
period period
Figure 1. The impact of interaction between water application (irrigation) and nitrogen
fertilization on crop yield (cabbage) and content of nitrate in the crop: (a) yield of cabbage
due to different water and nitrogen treatments; (b) nitrate in cabbage due to different water and
nitrogen treatments.

NO3, To reduce mineral (nitrogen) surpluses in agriculture

mg/kg and to meet the standards of nitrate and nitrite in
1500 drinking water and crops, it is necessary to control
water and food quality in connection with nitrates
1300 and nitrites and to exact certain regulations regarding
1100 change in agriculture, especially animal excrement
management. These regulations should give different
norms for sustainable behavior in agricultural technology
700 according to ‘‘Nitrate Directives’’ and ‘‘Code of Good
500 Agricultural Practice.’’ The most important norms should
be as follows:
Fer 200 1. The highest quantity of manure allowed on agricul-
tiliz 100
atio 0 tural land as well as limitations for the use of the
n, k 0 100 200 300 400 500
Irrigation, mm water/ manure in specific soil conditions:
vegetation period — The maximal allowed intensity of raising ani-
Figure 3. Nitrate content in celery due to different water and mals should be 3 LU/ha for cattle or 2 LU/ha for
different nitrogen treatments. pigs and poultry.
— Application of organic manure should not be
in nitrogen doses from 0 to 400 kg N/ha caused an NO3 allowed during winter on frozen soil.
content more than fifteen times higher in celery leaves — Application of organic fertilizers should not be
and more than ten times higher in celery bulbs. allowed on soil saturated with water.
A significant reduction of nitrate and nitrite levels — Application of organic fertilizers should not be
in vegetables was observed with optimal water supply allowed in temporarily flooded areas.
and with small to medium doses of nitrogen fertilizers. — Application of organic fertilizers should not be
According to the results, the recommended allowable allowed near streams (10 m away from the
water depletion from the soil for vegetable growers would stream) and in depressions where there is no
be to maintain soil water conditions within the range runoff of water.
of 20–30% of available water in the soil, and nitrogen — Applying liquid manure on bare soil should not
fertilizer should be applied in several small doses. be allowed in the period from Nov. 15 till Feb. 15.
To identify nitrogen surpluses (that may influence
— Application of organic fertilizers on water aquifer
the pollution of groundwater and surface waters) due
protected areas should be very restricted and
to agricultural technology used in different countries,
done only in agreement with local authorities
it is advisable to demonstrate a ‘‘mineral (nitrogen)
and regulations valid for those areas.
balance’’ on regional and farm levels using a normative
approach. This method takes into account nitrogen — In the vicinity of springwater and in under-
input from mineral fertilizers, animal wastes, and the ground water pumping areas, wastewater should
deposition from the atmosphere reduced by nitrogen not be drained to springwater or underground
uptake by harvested crops and ammonia losses to the water in any case.
atmosphere (30%). 2. The highest quantity of N, P2 O5 , and K2 O allowed
It is also recommended to do thorough surface per hectare should be 170 kg N, 120 kg P2 O5 and
and groundwater quality monitoring according to the 300 kg K2 O.
methodology recommended by international organizations 3. Animal wastes should be stored in suitably arranged
with as many sampling points as possible for basic dung yards and cesspools so that there is no
physical, chemical, and bacteriological analyses. danger of leaking through and pouring over
A mineral (nitrogen) balance provides information underground water.
closer to the nitrate problem. Ammonia losses during 4. The adjustment of farms to these regulations should
storage do not directly affect groundwater. However, be done as follows:
deposition from the atmosphere must be taken into — the adjustment of the number of animals (LU)
account because it has an impact on nitrate concentration according to the area of land available on
in groundwater. The average nitrogen deposition from the farm,
the atmosphere is 20 kg nitrogen/ha (or 15.5 kg N/ha — possible rent of additional land according to
according to RIVM, The Netherlands). The nitrogen the contract, the construction of necessary dung
balance at the farm level is based on the so-called surface yards and cesspools for hard and liquid manure,
balance approach. The input factors include minerals according to the restrictions.
provided by purchase of fertilizers and manure, minerals
from production of animal manure, and deposition from Implementation of these regulations should be controlled
the atmosphere. The output factor includes nitrogen by strict agricultural inspection in each country.
from harvested crops. The assessments are based on In countries where groundwater is relatively deep
elaborations by the Federal Agricultural Research Center, and drainage systems are supposed to drain ‘‘perched’’
Braunschweig, Germany. water tables and to consider the hydraulics of water

flow in the soil profile, drainage can prevent ground- From Agricultural Sources. (91/676/EEC). Official Journal of
water from pollution by minerals and pesticides that the European Communities, 31.
contaminate the upper layer of the soil. Polluted water 9. Water - Quality Survey, Unesco/WHO. (1978). Manual on
flows to open canals (collectors) and further to rivers. Water—Quality Monitoring. WHO, 1988.
In order not to pollute water in the rivers, it is an 10. Schleef, K.H. and Kleinhanß, W. (1994). Mineral Balances
idea (B.Maticic) to install phytoremediation lagoons at in Agriculture in the EU, Part I: The Regional Level.
the end of open canals (collectors) before water is dis- Braunschweig, Germany.
charged into surface water streams (rivers). This action
would undoubtedly protect the quality of groundwater
and water in rivers, and therefore act as an environmen- NITRIFICATION
tal measure.
When the world is going through many changes
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
regarding exploitation of its natural resources and
North Platte, Nebraska
environmental protection, a new idea for efficient and
sustainable draining of soil is of great importance. It
provides the opportunity to obtain a common goal a
Nitrification is the biologically facilitated oxidation of
‘‘sustainable development.’’
ammonium (NH4 + ) to nitrate (NO3 − ). The process of
For many countries, where agriculture is a very
nitrification is performed by ammonium and nitrite
important part of the economy, efficient and sustainable
(NO2 − ) oxidizing bacteria found in soil and waters
water management of agricultural land is very important.
(Table 1). In soil and water, ammonium is supplied
In the process of the transition of our society, there
through decomposition of organic matter by microbes
is strong emphasis on sustainable development, and it
and/or anthropogenic or natural additions of inorganic
is believed that the field of agriculture is especially
nitrogen sources containing ammonia (NH3 ), urea, or
sensitive in this regard. That is why a big effort to
ammonium. Nitrification consists of two independent
overcome the mistakes of past development is being put
microbially facilitated reactions. In the first reaction,
forward to establish a whole new approach to agricultural
ammonium oxidizers oxidize ammonium to nitrite, and
planning and production with emphasis on the rational
in the second reaction, nitrite oxidizers oxidize nitrite to
use of natural resources and modernized use of drainage
and irrigation.
The purpose of nitrification (microbial facilitated
A determination exists to change old attitudes toward
conversion of ammonium to nitrate) is to provide nitrifying
agricultural areas as underdeveloped areas, used only
bacteria the energy they require for metabolism. The
for mass food production, regardless of impacts on the
nitrification reactions are represented in Fig. 1, and the
environment. We believe that by careful planning and
bacteria involved are listed in Table 1. There are two
protection of the fertile soil in agricultural areas and
different microbially mediated nitrification reactions.
forests as well as water resources, it is possible to achieve
living conditions which would be attractive to people to
remain on their land and continue farming traditions,
as well as to the others to enjoy the environment of the 2NH4+ + 3O2 2NO2− + 2H2O + 4H+
countryside. Ammonium oxidizers

2NO2− + O2 2NO3−
Nitrite oxidizers
Figure 1. Nitrification reactions.
1. Soren, R. and Boie, S.F. (1994). National and EC Nitrate
Policies. Kobenhavn.
2. Matičič, B., Avbelj, L., Vrevc, S., and Jarc, A. (1995). Water
Table 1. Common Species of Nitrifiers and their Habitatsa
Pollution by Nitrate in Slovenia. DELO, March 19.
3. Matičič, B. and Avbelj, L. (1996). Water Pollution by Nitrate Bacterial Species Habitat
in Slovenia: Future Standards and Policy Instruments. ICID
Ammonium oxidizers
Proc.: 6th Drainage Workshop - DRAINAGE AND THE
Nitrosomonas europea Soil, water, sewage
Nitrosospira briensis Soil
4. Matičič, B. (1995). Water Pollution by Nitrate in Slovenia. Nitrosococcus oceanus Marine
Monograph. Nitrosococcus mobilis Marine
5. Matičič, B. (1995). Standards of Nitrate in Agriculture: The Nitrosococcus nitrosus Marine
Case of Slovenia. Monograph. Nitrosolobus multiformis Soil
6. Matičič, B. (2004). Drainage and Irrigation. Contribution for Nitrosovibrio tenuis Soil
Global Water Partnership Publication. Nitrite oxidizers
7. Brower, F.M. et al. (1994). Mineral Balances of the European Nitrococcus mobilis Marine
Union at Farm Level. Agricultural Economics Research Nitrobacter gracilis Marine
Institut, the Hague, the Netherlands. Nitrobacter winogradski Soil
Nitrobacter agilis Soil, water
8. The Council Directive of 12 December 1991 Concerning the
Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates Ref. 1.

Chemoautotrophic nitrification is the use of carbon These factors include pH, moisture, temperature, and
dioxide and carbonates as a carbon source for cell oxygen concentration.
construction and oxidation of inorganic molecules such as
NO3 − or NO2 − as an energy source. Chemoautotrophic pH
nitrification is carried out only by a select group
Soil and water pH influence the availability of many
of bacteria. Heterotrophic nitrification is the use of
essential nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus (3).
organic compounds for both a carbon and energy source.
Microbes require these nutrients for growth and devel-
Heterotrophic nitrification is executed by a wide variety
opment; therefore, pH ranges that promote adequate
of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi (2). Chemoautotrophic
availability of these nutrients are required for nitrifica-
nitrification is believed to be up to 1000 times faster
tion. Nitrification in soils is optimized at pH 8.5 but can
and is better understood than heterotrophic nitrification.
proceed in a pH range of 4.5 to 10 (3). Figure 3 illustrates
Chemoautotrophic nitrification dominates in neutral
the relationship between soil pH and nitrification. At low
to alkaline agricultural soils, whereas heterotrophic
pH levels, many essential nutrients are less available for
nitrification dominates in acid forest soils (2).
use by plants and microbes.


Nitrifying bacteria require water to live and function. In
Nitrification is a key component of the nitrogen cycle
soils, the optimum water content for nitrification is at field
(Fig. 2). The nitrogen cycle represents the fundamental
capacity (water remaining in soil after gravity has removed
transformations of nitrogen in the environment. In
excess water after a period of saturation). Research shows
agricultural soil systems, we strive to manage this
cycle better to increase crop production and minimize LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
the negative impacts of nitrogen on the environment.
Maximum rate of NO3− accumulation,

Implementing management practices that will help

manage nitrogen in agricultural systems to protect surface
and groundwaters is an example. Nitrate, the end product
mg NO3-N/g soil/day

of the nitrification process, is highly soluble in water

and is not readily adsorbed to soil particles; therefore, if
nitrate is not used by plants or microbes as a nutrient,
it can move vertically through soils to groundwater and
in runoff to surface waters resulting in problems from
nutrient enrichment. Because nitrification is a microbially 6
mediated process, many management practices aimed at
reducing nitrate leaching focus on the nitrification process. 4

FACTORS INFLUENCING NITRIFICATION 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6
Soil pH
Assuming an adequate supply of ammonium and a Figure 3. Effect of soil pH prior to incubation on nitrate
sufficient population of nitrifying bacteria, there are accumulation in soil treated with 169 kg N as NH4 NO3 /ha and
several factors that affect nitrification in natural systems. incubated at 23 ◦ C for 30 days (4).

N2O N2 Biomass N

Soil organic N

NO2− NH3 (g)

NO3− NH4+
Nitrification Figure 2. Nitrogen cycle.
Next Page


that, as water content increases in soil from dry to in soils and water will directly influence the rates of
an optimum content, nitrification rates increase (Fig. 4). nitrification.
However, waterlogged conditions drastically decrease
oxygen content and thus decrease the rate of nitrification.
The water content at field capacity varies, depending on MANAGEMENT OF NITRIFICATION IN SOIL TO REDUCE
the soil physical properties such as texture and organic NITRATE LOSSES TO SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER
matter content.

Temperature Reducing nitrate losses in agricultural soils that receive

large nitrogen (ammonia and ammonium) input from
Generally, as temperature increases to a point so does fertilizers is important to maintain high quality water
the rate of nitrification (Fig. 5). Studies have shown that resources. Chemicals called nitrification inhibitors have
ammonium is converted to nitrite at temperatures from been developed that inhibit the nitrogen oxidative
0 ◦ C to 65 ◦ C and nitrite is converted to nitrate from processes of nitrifying bacteria when added to agricultural
0 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C. Rates of nitrification dramatically decrease soils concurrently with ammonium based fertilizers. In
above and below these ranges. Optimum temperatures for other words, nitrogen in the form of ammonium persists
nitrification are between 30 ◦ C and 35 ◦ C. in the soil for longer periods of time that allow for
increased plant use of the ammonium. Ammonium is
Oxygen Concentration adsorbed to soil particles; therefore, it does not readily
move with water like nitrate. Nitrification inhibitors
Figure 1 illustrates the need for oxygen in the nitrification
have a finite effective functionality in soil because soil
process. Diffusion rates and concentrations of oxygen
microbes degrade them over time. Studies have shown that
LIVE GRAPH nitrification suppression by the inhibitor dicyandiamide
Click here to view
can last 3 months, depending on the amount added with
fertilizer (3).
Management practices that use knowledge of the
Rate of NH4+ consumption,

4 factors that influence nitrifiers are common. For example,

No till most farmers apply their ammonium based nitrogen
mg N/kg soil/day

fertilizers late in the fall when soil temperatures have

declined to a point where nitrification is inhibited. If the
Conventional till farmer applies the fertilizer when soil temperatures are
2 sufficiently high, then the ammonium is nitrified to nitrate
and rainfall and/or snowmelt can leach the nitrate out of
the root zone to the groundwater before the next crop can
use the nitrogen.
Nitrification is a natural biological process involved
0 in the transformation and fate of nitrogen in the
10 15 20 25 30 35
environment. However, anthropogenic influences can
Soil moisture content, g/100 g soil
either accentuate or reduce nitrification rates and can
Figure 4. Nitrification rate of two tillage systems of a Maury silt have a large impact on water quality.
loam soil column related to soil moisture content (5).

Click here to view
k = fraction of No mineralized per month

1. Tate, R.L. (1995). Soil Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons, New
2. Coyne, M.S. (1999). Soil microbiology. An Exploratory Ap-
proach. Delmar, Albany, NY.
3. Tisdale, S.L., Nelson, W.L., Beaton, J.D., and Havlin, J.L.
(1985). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Macmillan, New York.
4. Dancer, W.S., Peterson, L.A., and Chesters, G. (1973). Ammo-
nification and nitrification of N as influenced by soil pH
0.05 and previous N treatments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 37:
5. Rice, C.W. and Smith, M.S. (1983). Nitrification of fertilizer
0.00 and mineralized ammonium in no-till and plowed soil. Soil Sci.
0 10 20 30 40 Soc. Am. J. 47: 1125–1129.
Temperature, °C 6. Stanford, G., Carter, J.N., Westermann, D.T., and Meisinge,
Figure 5. Fraction of N mineralized per month, k, in relation to J.J. (1977). Residual nitrate and mineralizable soil nitrogen in
temperature (k was estimated graphically for observed average relation to nitrogen uptake by irrigated sugarbeets. Agron. J.
monthly air temperatures) (6). 69: 303–308.

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