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WATER RESOURCES CHALLENGES IN THE ARAB environmental—in the context of the level of supply that
WORLD is sustainable and according to sectoral priority. Institu-
tional capacities to assess and manage water resources
M.E. YOUNG require development in many countries.
Conwy, United Kingdom Many states of the region share resources from river
flows or aquifers. Protocols that provide for equitable,
sustainable and secure sharing must be agreed upon.
THE PROBLEMS Specific water resources problems vary from state to
state and include

The water shortage in the Arab World (Fig. 1) is severe • low levels of access to safe water supplies;
and worsening. The region receives only 1% of the world’s
• inadequate or obsolete supply systems in grow-
renewable water resources yet contains more than 5%
ing cities;
of the world’s population. In most Arab states at the
• waterlogging and salinization of agricultural areas
start of the twenty-first century, the gross volumetric
by irrigation (e.g., along the Nile, Tigris, and
human and environmental demand for water exceeds
natural replenishment. Per capita water availability is
worsened by a high regional population growth; a 3% • unsustainable groundwater abstraction
annual population growth rate halves the per capita • pollution of aquifers and watercourses by human,
availability every 24 years. industrial, and agricultural contamination;
The paramount need, common to all states, therefore, • pollution of overpumped coastal aquifers by sea-
is to find a sustainable balance between use and replen- water intrusion (e.g., Oman, the Gulf States, and
ishment by a combination of measures to increase supply Libya); and
and to reduce demand. Both approaches involve technical • drought and seasonal variability of water supplies.
(engineering) developments, legal and financial measures,
improved water resources management through institu- Most freshwater in the region is used for irrigated
tional interventions, and adjustments to national policies agriculture. However, the economic value of water used
of water allocation. for irrigation, in terms of the value of food produced, is
All states need, as a priority, to develop coher- lower than its value for municipal or industrial use. This
ent national water resources policies and strate- situation has been exacerbated in some states by now
gies for the integrated management of water in outdated national policies restricting production to low-
all sectors—agricultural, municipal, industrial and value staple food crops that have high water requirements.

Lebanon Kuwait
Morocco Syria Bahrain
Tunisia Palestine Iraq
W. Sahara Jordan U.A.E
Libya Egypt
Saudi Arabia

The Arab World Sudan


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Figure 1. The Arab World.

Reducing water use in irrigation would be the most By 1995, resources per capita had fallen below the level
effective means of reducing the water deficit in most of 1000 m3 pcpa (per capita per annum) in four states
countries. At the same time, reallocating water to higher and below 500 m3 pcpa in 10 more. (An average level of
value sectors would enhance the GDP of all countries 1000 m3 is regarded as the level above which a state can
of the region. How to effect this transformation with the be self-sufficient in food; less than 500 m3 pcpa indicates
minimum social disruption in the agricultural sector, while severe water stress.) At the current rate of population
maintaining food supplies, is the central issue of water growth, there would be four and 14 states, respectively, in
resources management in the region. these categories by 2020.
Figure 2 shows how much of this renewable resource
is provided by recharge to groundwater, for those states
SUPPLY AND DEMAND AT THE START OF THE where data exist. Those states that have the highest levels
TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY of water stress rely heavily on groundwater.
In many states, groundwater is abstracted faster than
Data on water supply and demand from Arab states vary it is replenished. Figure 3 shows the proportion of the
in extent, reliability, and detail. Inventories of water total annual water supply that is drawn unsustainably
resources are still in progress in most countries, and data (‘‘mined’’) from nonrenewable (‘‘fossil’’) groundwater.
on consumption, particularly, are generally inferred rather Figure 4 shows groundwater abstraction as a percentage
than measured. of renewal; in some states, groundwater is being mined
Table 1 shows the estimated volumes of naturally several times faster than it is replenished.
renewable water for the region by state and per This continued depletion of freshwater resources
capita. Renewable resources comprise internally renew- results from the increasing food demands of growing
able resources from groundwater recharge and drainage populations and from agricultural policies that seek
to rivers and the net flows (inflows less outflows) of surface national or local food self-sufficiency through irrigation,
and groundwater from neighboring states. Inflows and regardless of the unsustainability of the water supply.
outflows agreed to by treaty, or established by political Figure 5 shows the proportion of national water supplies
circumstances, are implicit in these data; in the eastern allocated to irrigation.
Mediterranean states, particularly, such arrangements In many states, private well owners hold unrestricted
are complex and politically uncertain (3). The proportion traditional rights to groundwater for irrigation, regardless
of the actual renewable resource that comes from outside of the unsustainability of the resource (e.g., Oman,
a state’s borders is shown by the dependency ratio. Yemen). Some governments have sought to exploit fossil
resources to supply large-scale agriculture (e.g., the Great

Table 1. Renewable Water Resourcesa

Actual Actual, Depen- Somalia
Internal, Total, pcpa (1995), dency Ratio,
Million m3 Million m3 m3 /a %
Mauritania 400 11,400 5,013 96
Iraq 35,200 75,420 3,688 53
Sudan 35,000 88,500 3,150 77 Djibouti
Eritrea 2,800 8,800 2,480 68 Algeria
Comoros 1,020 1,020 2,100 0
Syria 7,000 26,260 1,791 80
Somalia 6,000 15,740 1,702 62 Tunisia
Lebanon 4,800 4,407 1,465 1 Morocco
Morocco 30,000 30,000 1,110 0
Egypt 1,800 58,300 926 97 Jordan
Oman 1,650 1,650 775 0 Yemen
Djibouti 300 300 520 0 Lebanon
Algeria 13,900 14,300 512 3
Tunisia 3,520 4,120 463 15 Libya
Yemen 4,100 4,100 283 0 Qatar
Bahrain 4 116 206 97 UAE
Jordan 780 880 161 23
Saudi 2,400 2,400 134 0 Saudi Arabia
Arabia Oman
Libya 600 600 111 0 Kuwait
Palestinian 600 225 100 0
Terr. Bahrain
Qatar 51 53 96 4 0 25 50 75 100
UAE 150 150 79 0 %
Kuwait 0 20 13 100
Figure 2. Groundwater recharge as a % of total renewable water
References 1 and 2. resources (1,4).

Egypt These data show that the reason underlying the

growing shortage of water in the Arab region is the
increasing use of water, mainly for irrigation, at rates that
Somalia exceed rates of replenishment. Historically, governments
Morocco in the region have sought to address this problem by
Algeria augmenting water supplies through engineering methods,
Tunisia rather than by encouraging conservation. Augmentation
measures considered or implemented include interstate
and interbasin water transfer, aquifer development,
Jordan desalination, and minor processes such as cloud seeding
Yemen and fog collection. However, the full production and
Oman delivery cost of water by all these methods typically
Bahrain exceeds the economic value of the food produced, and
most water supplied by these means is now used only
to supply higher value urban or industrial demands. The
Qatar scope for further cost-effective augmentation of supply is
Gaza limited by technology.
Saudi Arabia

0 25 50 75 100 Conservation methods used in the region include rain-

% water harvesting using small structures, recharging flood
Figure 3. Groundwater overdraft (withdrawal less renewal) as flows to aquifers, recycling of wastewater to irrigation,
a percentage of total supply (4). and leak reduction in urban networks. The storage of
flood flows and treated wastewater in aquifer zones for
later recovery and use needs to be further researched
and promoted in the region. There is also substantial
potential for increasing the conservation and re-use of
Algeria 110
treated wastewater. However, water can be most effec-
Oman 123 tively conserved by improving farming and irrigation
Syria 143 practices, in two ways: by improving food productivity
Yemen 145 per unit of water used and by reducing water losses in
irrigation systems. The former approach includes the
Jordan 150
introduction of higher yielding and more water effi-
Bahrain 180 cient (including salt tolerant) crop species and the use
Qatar 370 of scientific irrigation strategies specific to the crop
Libya 866 type and conditions. Water reduction methods include
the introduction of drip and sprinkler technology to
Kuwait 1275 replace spate irrigation and reduction in transmission
UAE 1345 and evaporation losses. In most countries of the region,
Saudi Arabia 1456 significant savings can still be made by these technical
0 50 100 150 200 Despite these helpful measures, water resource deficits
% can be reversed only by fundamental changes in national
Figure 4. Groundwater withdrawal as a percentage of renewal water and food policies that reduce the water demands of
(1,4). the agricultural sector and gradually divert water to more
economically productive sectors, while, at the same time,
supporting rural communities in this transition.

Man-made River Project in Libya or for grain production

in Saudi Arabia). Access to groundwater has been easier POSSIBLE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS
since about 1970, following the introduction of engine-
driven groundwater pumps and the availability of deep It is clearly necessary for each country to develop and
drilling technology. implement policies and strategies to produce a new
Figure 6 shows the volumes of ‘‘virtual’’ water already and sustainable balance between supply and demand
imported either as processed food, grain, or as live food in irrigation. Most countries continue to pursue supply
animals, as a percentage of the total renewable water augmentation by various methods and to promote and
resource. The high volumes of virtual water show clearly subsidize conservation through engineering methods.
that food self-sufficiency is an unrealistic target for Nonengineering interventions to promote conservation of
many states. water fall into four classes:

Political International treaties to define shared resources and

Policy revision protocols for sharing information are essential for securing
Water resources assessment, monitoring, and control transboundary supplies. The Neil Basin Initiative and
the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System are two vehicles
Pursuit of favorable international agreements for
through which several countries consult and collaborate
food importation
on managing the surface and underground resources of the
Promoting efficient management of centralized water major resources of northeast Africa. Similar processes are
needed for the shared resources of the northern Arabian
Legal Peninsula.
Quotas (limits) on abstraction International cooperation at a wider level to promote
Water rights—possibly transferable or tradable the development and sharing of water technology and
within a basin information is essential. Recent valuable initiatives
Restrictions on water use and foundations include the Dialogue on Water and
Climate in the Mediterranean Region, organized by the
World Conservation Union; the Middle East Desalination
Tariffs on water use
Research Center, in Oman; and the International Center
Taxes on pump fuel for Biosaline Agriculture, in Dubai.
Removal of tariffs on cheap agricultural imports
Subsidy programs for irrigation and agricultural
Legal and Fiscal
Institutional Economists believe that a sustainable water demand will
Expert consultancy be achieved only by charging the full cost of water to all
Social pressure and public awareness users. The principle of charging tariffs for water delivery
Development of integrated management on a river is widely accepted in urban areas of the region, but costs
basin or aquifer scale are only partially recovered. Stepped tariff structures
that subsidize low-volume users are common. Uncharged-
Outreach and participation, including water users’
for water losses are abnormally high in some cities of
the region.
The combination of approaches that is appropriate for Other legal and fiscal measures, such as irrigation
each country depends on the extent and effectiveness of quotas, water rights, and full-cost pricing are applicable
national and local skills and institutions. only where water law is clearly defined and where
established economic and financial frameworks facilitate
Political the operation of market-based systems. This is not yet the
case in most of the Arab region, where volume restrictions
Revision of government policy and coherency of policies on irrigators or fiscal restrictions have been and are likely
between ministries and internationally, is paramount. A to be opposed. A cultural perspective that water is a free
lack of coordination may result in development plans that natural resource is a major obstacle to the introduction of
cause unsustainable depletion of resources. Some states innovative legal and fiscal instruments.
in the region still actively pursue policies of food self-
sufficiency despite the lack of sustainable water resources.
The task of government is first to establish an enabling Institutional
environment in which government, industry, and non-
governmental entities work coherently toward water Decentralization of water resources management to
resource conservation, informed by a good understanding regional and local management systems is widely regarded
of the extent and quality of the resources. Second, govern- as the most effective means of improving water supply
ments and the international community must seek favor- services at the level of use, coupled with a well defined
able international trade agreements for importing food. water law and integrated water resources management
Practical political interventions, whereby centralized policy at the national level (5).
governments operate at least primary systems of water- Institutional approaches are most appropriate where
lifting and distribution, are common throughout the organizations and networks of civil society are amenable
region. Great investment is required to upgrade infrastruc- to development through training, leadership, and incen-
ture and improve efficiency, particularly for the delivery tives. For example, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia have
of municipal and rural drinking water. The capital needed developed water users’ associations and basin manage-
is beyond the capacity of some countries but private sector ment organizations that seek to bring all stakeholders
financial participation through public–private partner- together in cooperative and participative operations. They
ships is an alternative. Full privatization of water supply assess the availability and sustainability of the resources;
is widely opposed in the region and governments need to allocate water-use rights based on need, environmental
develop partnership models that are locally acceptable. To demand, social contingencies, and economic value; control
reduce risk and encourage investment, governments need and monitor water distribution and quality; provide train-
to establish clear water law and robust fiscal regulations, ing; and collect fees to finance administration and system
and improve transparency. maintenance.

Arab states and underestimates the practicalities of

Palestinian Terr.
implementing water management changes in the contexts
Bahrain of Islamic law and, in some states, weak or inflexible
Kuwait political systems.
Algeria The holy writings from which Islamic law is derived
UAE contain many prescriptions relevant to water manage-
ment and concur with the Dublin principles regarding
community participation. Water is seen as a social good
Jordan that must be managed sustainably and for the good of
Qatar all; concepts of payment for delivery, the use of treated
Egypt wastewater, and privatization of delivery are regarded as
permissible (6).
Islam plays a prominent, central, and universally
Oman respected role throughout the region and, as an institution
Libya distinct from but working with both government and
Djibouti people, wields great influence. Islam has the potential
Saudi Arabia
to educate and lead consumers and drive the necessary
changes in social attitudes toward water management.
Islamic institutions can, therefore, provide leadership in
Iraq promoting water resource conservation where political and
Morocco fiscal interventions may fail.
1. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Water Resources
Somalia Development and Management Service. (2001). AQUASTAT
0 25 50 75 100 Information System on Water in Agriculture. World Wide Web
address: http://www.fao.org/.
2. Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and
Figure 5. Share of water allocated to agriculture (1). Management (INWRDAM). (1999). Table of water scarcity in
OIC states. INWRDAM, Amman, Jordan. World Wide Web
address: http://www.nic.gov.jo/inwrdam/.
3. Brooks, D.B. and Mehmet, O. (Eds.). (2000). Water Balances
Iraq in the Eastern Mediterranean. International Development
Egypt Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.
4. Lajaunie, M.-L. (1999). MENA/MED regional water data
report. In: Proceedings, Second Regional Seminar of the
Morocco MENA/MED Initiative on Water Policy Reform, Amman,
UAE Jordan, May 1999. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Saudi Arabia 5. 3rd World Water Forum, March (2003), Kyoto, Japan.
Thematic and Regional Statements. World Wide Web address:
Lebanon 6. Faruqui, N.I., Biswas, A.K., and Bino, M.J. (Eds.). (2001).
Tunisia Water Management in Islam. United Nations University Press.
Guerquin, F., Ahmed, T., Hua, M., Ikeda, T., Ozbilen, V., and
Schuttelar, M. (2003). World Water Actions: Making Water Flow
0 25 50 75 100 for All. World Water Council. Earthscan Publications, UK.
% Mahdi, K. (Ed.). (1998). Water in the Arabian Peninsula: Problems
& Policies. Exeter University, UK.
Figure 6. Water embedded in net food imports as a percentage
of total renewable resource (4). Rogers, P. and Lydon, P. (Eds.). (1994). Water in the Arab World.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Schiffler, M. (1998). The Economics of Groundwater Management
The Influence of Islam in Arid Countries. Frank Cass, London, UK.
Shady, A. (2000). Summary: Arab countries session. In: Con-
Recent international prescriptions for water management, ference on Water Security in the 21st Century. The
such as the Dublin Principles of 1992 and subsequent Hague, Netherlands, March 2000. World Wide Web address:
pronouncements, have emphasized economic value as www.worldwaterforum.net/index2.html
a driving criterion for allocating water among sectors. World Bank. (1998). From Scarcity To Security—Averting a Water
This approach tends to ignore social priorities in rural Crisis in the Middle East. World Bank, Washington, DC.

EFFLUENT WATER REGULATIONS IN ARID Effluent-driven ecosystems have proliferated, as dams and
LANDS diversions, groundwater pumping, and the need to dispose
of treated effluent in metropolitan areas have modified
RICHARD MEYERHOFF natural flow regimes.
CDM Three basic natural flow regime types are perennial,
Denver, Colorado intermittent, and ephemeral. Perennial waters flow
continuously, intermittent waters flow continuously only
ROBERT GENSEMER at certain times of the year (e.g., because of spring
Parametrix snowmelt), and ephemeral waters flow only in direct
Corvallis, Oregon response to precipitation. Effluent-based ecosystems are
either ‘‘dependent’’ on (effluent is discharged to an
JAMES T. MARKWEISE ephemeral stream channel) or ‘‘dominated’’ by (effluent
Neptune and Company, Inc. is discharged to an intermittent stream channel) treated
Los Alamos, New Mexico wastewater effluent discharge.
The discharge of effluent to intermittent or ephemeral
streams represents a discontinuity resulting in a disrup-
This article addresses the regulation of water resources in tion to the natural equilibrium as it exists at the time
arid environments and focuses on the special considera- the discharge begins. The natural tendency for the created
tions of effluent-driven ecosystems. Effluent serves as an stream ecosystem is to restructure itself so that a new
increasingly important aquatic resource in the arid West, equilibrium is achieved. This restructuring will take some
and the application of existing regulations for natural sys- time; the length will depend on local factors and whether
tems to effluent-based bodies of water is receiving greater additional stressors are placed on the system (e.g., con-
scrutiny. Issues affecting regulation of effluent include struction of physical structures in, across, or along the
defining appropriate attainable beneficial uses for these stream, or an increase in effluent flow) (2).
created ecosystems, net ecological benefits of effluent dis- Riparian systems that develop as a result of wastewater
charge, and impacts from the modification of extant flow discharged into normally dry channels may stand
regimes resulting from effluent addition. The practical in stark contrast to the adjacent upland vegetation
application of regulations in effluent-driven ecosystems that is not influenced by discharge. In addition, the
depends on recognizing these key issues. terrestrial community downstream of the discharge
point can be distinctly different from the terrestrial
community upstream of the discharge. The expected
EFFLUENT WATERS IN ARID ENVIRONMENTS characteristics of an effluent-based waterway downstream
of the effluent discharge can be modeled conceptually
Effluent-based waterbodies are an important aquatic (Fig. 1). This conceptual model, which represents a created
resource in arid environments because of the limited avail- stream ecosystem where the effluent discharge is the
ability of alternate sources of water. In addition to general only discontinuity, is based on the physical, chemical,
scarcity, water availability is sporadic and unpredictable and biological characteristics of 10 effluent-dependent
in dry lands; consequently, effluents from residential, com- and dominant ecosystems in the arid West (2). From
mercial, or agricultural activities are frequently one of a regulatory standpoint, created or modified stream
the more stable sources of water in the arid West (1). ecosystems are a class of aquatic environments that are

Terrestrial: Increasingly dense

riparian vegetation

naturally or because of

Discharge =
Region of physical Tends toward
Physical: disequilibrium physical equilibrium

Natural processes
Area of oxygen sag modify water quality
Limited aquatic Increasing aquatic
community potential community potential Figure 1. Conceptual model of an
Biological: effluent-driven stream ecosystem.

typically not distinguished from natural ecosystems. Yet, do occur. It is not necessarily realistic, however, to expect
these ecosystems may have unique attributes that result the same degree of improvement with more advanced
in different expectations for a ‘‘functioning’’ ecosystem. treatment changes, such as with the addition of nutrient
Given the unique nature of effluent-based waterbodies, removal or filtration, if the limiting factor is habitat-
the challenge is to apply the existing regulatory framework related.
in a way that is protective of this resource and still Failing to establish appropriate end points for beneficial
biologically meaningful. Below we address key regulatory uses has significant regulatory and cost implications
issues for protecting effluent-derived ecosystems in arid because the Clean Water Act mandates that states
lands. These considerations include defining ‘‘attainable assess water quality in surface waters every 2 years
uses’’ in effluent-driven ecosystems, using net ecological and determine if any of these waters is ‘‘impaired.’’
benefit as an alternative end point to measure use A waterbody is considered impaired if a determination
attainability, and implications of modifying the flow is made that, even after implementing all required
regime—is wetter better? effluent limitations (technology and water-quality-based)
and BMPs, the water quality still does not meet applicable
ATTAINABLE USES IN EFFLUENT-DRIVEN ECOSYSTEMS water quality standards. This analysis presumes that
beneficial uses and criteria are appropriately established.
States and tribes are required to establish beneficial uses However, if the uses and criteria are inappropriate, the
for surface waters under their jurisdiction. At a minimum, basis for the assessment is inaccurate, and the waterbody
existing uses must be protected (uses actually attained in may be incorrectly assessed as impaired.
the waterbody on or after November 28, 1975). States Impaired waters must have a total maximum daily load
and tribes may go beyond the protection of existing (TMDL) established under the Clean Water Act. A TMDL
uses and protect designated uses, which are expressed is the sum of the wasteload allocations for point sources
as goals for the waterbody. Designated uses must be and load allocations for nonpoint sources (including
protected only if the uses are actually attainable. The EPA natural background), plus a margin of safety (uncertainty
defines attainable uses as those beneficial uses that can be factor). TMDLs are implemented through permits, BMPs,
achieved (1) when effluent limits under the Clean Water or other water quality management methods. Pollutant
Act are imposed on point source dischargers and (2) when allocations are based on meeting the applicable end point
cost-effective and reasonable best management practices or water quality standard. TMDLs can require substantial
(BMPs) are imposed on nonpoint source dischargers. resources to develop and implement; thus, it is very
If all appropriate water quality control activities are important to use appropriate end points as the basis for
implemented, then the pertinent question is, ‘‘what is the assessing waters correctly.
best beneficial use that can be achieved?’’ Determining Under the current method for regulating created or
what is attainable in a natural ecosystem can itself effluent-based ecosystems, states typically establish the
be difficult; however, when effluent creates the aquatic same water quality standards or end points for effluent-
ecosystem, determining what is attainable is an even based waters as established for natural perennial waters.
greater challenge. This approach is based on the assumption that the aquatic
The attainable use may be equal to the designated use community in effluent-based waters should be the same as
or it may be something less. Consider a dry stream bed the aquatic community in natural perennial waters; that
characterized as an ephemeral flow system. At the point is, the attainable end point in a natural ecosystem should
of effluent input (Fig. 1), the water becomes perennial. be the same as the attainable end point in a created
The addition of water changes the potential of the system ecosystem. When this assumption forms the basis for
and thus what is attainable, especially with regard to implementing water quality control programs, the same
the aquatic community. The effects of water addition, requirements for effluent limitations are applied to both
physical habitat, water quality, and other stressors define types of waters.
the potentially attainable aquatic community. The result From a regulatory perspective, establishing appropri-
of the interaction of these variables differs with time ate end points in effluent-based ecosystems is especially
and also with distance downstream from the point of problematic. The approach outlined above can result in
discharge (Fig. 1). Often, the water quality changes over applying substantially more stringent effluent limitations
time as a new technology is installed, new regulations on facilities discharging to effluent-based ecosystems than
are implemented, or the stream channel is modified. Each facilities that discharge to a perennial water. The rea-
change modifies the potential outcome or potential aquatic son for this difference is that when a facility discharges
community. In other words, defining what is attainable is to a perennial water, credit is given to allow for mixing
a moving target. the effluent with in-stream water. This credit results in
Determining potential or what is attainable is typically less stringent effluent limitations. No such credit is avail-
defined in the context of the effluent quality, which is able when the receiving waterbody is dry. This approach
related to the degree/type of wastewater treatment. A results in regulation that is strictly discharge or end-of-
general belief exists that improved treatment will result in pipe based. No consideration (positive or negative) is given
improved aquatic community characteristics. This is likely to the ecosystem of the receiving water.
to be true at low levels of treatment. For example, with The discharge of effluent to dry riverbeds creates an
the change from primary to secondary treatment, major aquatic ecosystem. This ecosystem may be ‘‘new,’’ or it
improvements in the aquatic community are expected and may replace an aquatic ecosystem that has been lost

because of dams, diversions, groundwater withdrawals, channel. Moreover, alternative end points that include
etc. If effluent-based ecosystems are created and if they terrestrial elements would support efforts to implement
function differently from natural perennial waters such permitting on a watershed basis, support ecological
that what is attainable in the created ecosystem differs restoration efforts, address concerns about the increasing
from what is attainable in the natural ecosystem, then the loss of riparian habitat in the arid West, support increased
use of an alternative regulatory approach to implement a interest in habitat restoration in urban rivers, and
water quality control program might be appropriate. potentially benefit threatened and endangered species by
maintaining wildlife migration corridors.
A concept, called ‘‘net ecological benefit,’’ addresses some of
the concerns associated with establishing attainable end
points for effluent-based waters (3,4). The net ecological The addition of effluent to a riverbed has been portrayed
benefit methodology is a tool for evaluating whether an as a benefit in the context that any water in a riverbed
alternative end point could be established if it can be is better than no water in a riverbed. For sites where
demonstrated that the ecological benefits created by the the effluent replaces historically natural flows, this
discharge outweigh any identified detriments. A natural thought process makes sense. However, when the effluent
progression of this thought process is to consider the discharge creates a flowing river where none previously
use of a ‘‘performance-based’’ approach that considers existed, the question can be asked, ‘‘what has been lost
the functionality of the ecosystem. This approach could or changed by the addition of effluent?’’ This question
lead to establishing alternative success criteria or end is relevant because naturally ephemeral streams have
points for evaluating ecosystem protection. Examples of important biological attributes that are as distinct as the
net ecological benefit include enhancement of habitat/food biological attributes of a natural perennial river.
for terrestrial native or threatened and endangered The addition of an artificial perennial flow makes the
(T&E) species, enhancement or restoration of riparian system clearly different from historical conditions (Fig. 1).
values, preservation of existing habitat that could not be Biological attributes such as aquatic community richness
supported without effluent flow, restoration of aquatic and and diversity are likely to be greater. The increased
riparian values lost due to human activities, enhancement biological productivity of the aquatic community will
of water quality resulting in conditions conducive to provide additional food resources for terrestrial organisms.
ecosystem restoration and/or preservation, improvement In addition to these changes in the aquatic community,
or creation of habitat capable of supporting fish or allowing the terrestrial community will be substantially different,
migration of anadramous species, and restoration of especially in terms of the types of organisms supported.
species diversity in aquatic ecosystems. Are these biological changes good? Is having a wetter
EPA (3) guidance notes key issues that should be channel better biologically? These questions have no
considered when evaluating whether or not a net ecological simple answer. In fact, the answer will depend on
benefit exists as a result of an effluent discharge. Foremost public values and local needs. One can easily argue that
among these is that effluent discharges should not produce the number of ephemeral channels, especially in arid
or contribute to concentrations of pollutants in tissues of regions, far exceeds the number of naturally perennial
aquatic organisms or wildlife that are likely to be harmful channels, and thus the creation of a perennial stream
to humans or wildlife through food chain concentration. in a previously ephemeral stream is a positive benefit.
This requirement addresses EPA and USFWS policies However, in some areas, especially in rapidly developing
to minimize persistent, bioaccumulative chemicals in urban environments, the number of lost ephemeral
the environment. Also, a continued discharge to the channels can be significant, and the loss of habitats as
waterbody should not create or be likely to cause or a result of effluent discharge can be an important issue for
contribute to violations of other end points, for example, the public to consider.
downstream water quality standards or groundwater The creation of effluent-driven ecosystems creates a
quality. Finally, all practicable pollution prevention relatively stable aquatic environment, at least from the
programs, such as pretreatment and source reduction, standpoint of temperature and flow. Certainly, stormwater
are operational and the discharger has to be appropriately runoff will still occasionally cause spikes in flow, but
responsive to previous and ongoing compliance actions. the norm is a relatively constant flow with reduced
These considerations are designed to ensure that (1) a temperature variation (compared to what might be
minimum level of wastewater management and treatment expected in a natural environment). Native fish species
is implemented and (2) pollutants are not exported are adapted to the relatively episodic flow regime of
from the water column into the ecosystem through the natural arid waters. These species have evolved where
food chain. abiotic factors are the dominant driver in establishing
Use of a net ecological benefit approach as an biological communities. Accordingly, these species are
alternative for setting end points would change the better adapted to this environment than nonnative species.
regulatory focus in effluent-driven ecosystems from Modification of the flow regime removes this driver
end-of-pipe based to ecosystem-based. Establishing this and if nonnative fish become established (as they have
nontraditional approach would allow recognizing the throughout the arid West), they may outcompete the
environmental benefits of water flow in an otherwise dry native species.

Similar to fish, the richness and diversity of native 4. EPA. (1993). Supplementary Guidance on Conducting Use
riparian vegetation is influenced by the flow regime. Attainability Analyses on Effluent Dependent Ecosystems. EPA
For example, the selection of native cottonwoods over Region 9.
nonnative salt cedar can be driven by the distribution and
frequency of flows across the floodplain during floods.
Under a stable flow regime, native species may be CALIFORNIA—CONTINUALLY THE NATION’S
outcompeted. In the end, ecological benefits may result LEADER IN WATER USE
from the discharge of effluent to an otherwise dry or
intermittent riverbed, but the modified flow regime is not WILLIAM E. TEMPLIN
necessarily a positive benefit for native species. U.S. Geological Survey
Sacramento, California

FINDING A BALANCE IN REGULATING ARID LAND In 1950, the U.S. Geological Survey began publishing a
WATERS series of water-use circulars entitled ‘‘Estimated Use of
Water in the United States.’’ Every 5 years since then
Among the general public, a common desire exists to the report has been updated and now provides a valuable,
protect beneficial uses, establish water quality criteria to long-term data set of national water-use estimates. Since
protect uses, and protect riverine habitat and associated the inception of this series, California has always reported
wildlife. However, basic agreement on these fundamentals the largest total fresh and saline withdrawals of all
exists, but substantial disagreement may exist over how states in the Nation (Fig. 1). The most recent update
attainable end points should be defined and how uses in this series (1) reports 1995 conditions. California again
should be protected. This disagreement often stems from accounts for the largest withdrawal of water for off-stream
differences of opinion over how end points should be uses of all states, which is about 45.9 billion gallons per
calculated, what are appropriate assumptions, and how day, followed by Texas (29.6 Bgal/d), Illinois (19.9 Bgal/d),
much conservatism or how much of a safety factor should and Florida (18.2 Bgal/d, Figs. 2 and 3).
be built into the regulations. The poster demonstrates WHY and HOW California
The EPA (4), states, and tribes often take the simplest, continues to lead the Nation in many withdrawal
most conservative approach when establishing attainable categories (Figs. 4 and 5). Withdrawals include water
end points because this approach requires the least removed from the ground or diverted from a surface-water
amount of scientific data. Regulatory institutions cannot source for use.
be faulted for this. Given the number of different types of WHY? California continues to be the most populous
aquatic systems (natural or created) and the various and state in the United States, accounting for 12% of its people
often competing beneficial uses of water (from protection of (more than 32 million in 1995) followed by Texas and New
native species to use of water for industry), the number of York with about 7% each (Fig. 6). In 1995, California
factors that could be considered in establishing end points accounted for 5.62 Bgal/d, 14% of the Nation’s public
for each waterbody is substantial. Resources are simply not supply freshwater use (Fig. 7). Public supply withdrawals
available to establish site-specific uses and criteria for each are directly related to population supplied, but they also
waterbody. Although regulators are limited in what they are influenced by withdrawals to supply industrial and
can reasonably consider when they establish criteria for commercial water users.
an entire state or area, options are available for modifying
uses and criteria and establishing appropriate site-specific
end points. These tools should be used, when appropriate,
because the importance of establishing correct end points
cannot be understated. If water quality control efforts
are based on unattainable uses or criteria, substantial
costs may be incurred with little or no improvement in
water quality.


1. Ryti, R.T. and Markwiese, J.T. (in press). Assessment of

ecological effects in water-limited environments (WR-3).
Encyclopedia of Water, J. Lehr (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New
2. Pima County Wastewater Management Department. (2002).
Habitat Characterization Study. Prepared by URS Corporation Figure 1. Trends in total fresh and saline withdrawals,
and CDM for Arid West Water Quality Research Project, 1950–1995.
PCWMD, Tucson, AZ.
3. EPA. (1992). Guidance for Modifying Water Quality Standards
and Protecting Effluent-Dependent Ecosystems. Interim Final. This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
EPA Region 9. public domain in the United States of America.

Figure 2. Total fresh and saline withdrawals by top 10 states, Figure 5. Categories of total withdrawals in the top 10 states,
1995. 1995.

Figure 6. 1995 U.S. population—267 million.

Figure 3. Total fresh and saline withdrawals in the United
States during 1995, 402 Bgal/d.

Figure 7. U.S. public supply withdrawals, 40.2 billion gallons

per day, 1995.

• GOT MILK? California is the Nation’s largest dairy

Figure 4. California led all states in freshwater withdrawals state, producing 26 billion pounds of milk and
followed by Texas, Illinois, and Idaho, 1995. cheese (2).
• GOT COTTON CLOTHING? California is the
Nation’s second largest cotton producer.
HOW? Los Angeles County’s population exceeded 9.3 • HUNGRY? More than half of the Nation’s fruits,
million in 1995 and contributed to the county’s large vegetables, and nuts are grown in California.
public supply withdrawals. Only eight states have more
people than Los Angeles County, which accounts for 29% HOW? The total withdrawals in the Tulare-Buena Vista
of California’s population (Fig. 8). Lake Hydrologic Cataloging Unit accounted for more than
WHY? California accounted for 28.9 Bgal/d in total 8330 Mgal/d in withdrawals for irrigation uses in 1995
irrigation withdrawals in 1995, with 22% of the Nation’s (Fig. 10) and 8800 Mgal/d of total freshwater. Only 13
total irrigation withdrawals (Fig. 9). states had more total freshwater withdrawals. This area

Figure 8. Public supply total withdrawals by county, in Califor-

nia, 1995.

Figure 9. Irrigation withdrawals in the United States in 1995 Figure 11. Per-capita use rates for total freshwater withdrawals
totals 134 billion gallons per day. for the United States and each state, 1995.

Conference on Water Resources, November 16–19 1998, Point

Clear, Alabama.
The author also acknowledges the assistance of Tammy Shelton,
Management Analyst, in the development of the web page version
of this information.


1. Solley, W.B., Pierce, R.R., and Perlman, H.A., 1998, Estimated

use of water in the United States in 1995: U.S. Geological Sur-
vey Circular 1200, p. 71. http://water.usgs.gov/public/watuse/
2. California Department of Food and Agriculture. Home Page.
October 1998. http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/


Figure 10. Irrigation total withdrawals by hydrologic cataloging
unit, in California, 1995. IGOR S. ZONN

contains many of California’s dairies and much of our INTRODUCTION

irrigated acreage.
Even though California leads all states in total The Caspian Sea is the biggest inland body of water in
withdrawals, California’s per-capita use rate for total off- the world. Its surface area is roughly equivalent to the
stream use (1130 gal/d) ranks below the national average combined area of The Netherlands and Germany (about
(1280 gal/d, Fig. 11). 400,000 km2 , or 144,000 mi2 ). The surface water inflow
into the sea is formed by the flow of the Volga, Ural, Terek,

The author acknowledges the assistance of Michael B. Roque, From Handbook of Weather, Climate, and Water: Atmospheric
Illustrator, in the layout and preparation of the original poster Chemistry, Hydrology, and Societal Impacts, T.D. Potter and B.R.
presented at the American Water Resources Association Annual Colman (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. pp. 885–892.

Sulak, Samur, and Kura Rivers, and small Caucasian and 1977, is identified by a constant decline in level by 2.8 m
Iranian rivers. The watershed area of the Caspian Sea is (9.1 ft), and in 1977 the Caspian Sea reached its lowest
3.5 million square kilometers. The basin of the Volga River level since the beginning of instrumental record-keeping
makes up nearly 40% of the territory of the catchment of in the 1830s.
the Caspian Sea, and it supplies about 80% of the total As the sea level declined throughout the 1950s, 1960s,
volume of annual water flow into the sea. All components of and early 1970s, Soviet scientists forecast that the decline
the Caspian ecosystem, directly or indirectly, to a greater would continue for at least a few decades into the future.
or lesser extent, are influenced by river flow. Scientists have linked the reason for the decline to the
The Caspian Sea basin falls into three morphologically regulation of Volga River flow. During these decades,
different parts: (1) the northern (25% of the sea area), major engineering activities were undertaken along the
a shallow area (less than 10 m deep; about 20% with Volga, such as the construction of water diversion canals,
depths less than 1 m) extending to a conventional reservoirs, and dams. The construction of such engineering
line passing from the Terek River to the Mangyshlak facilities diverted water away from the Caspian.
Peninsula; (2) the medium (35%), with an average In response to this major drop in sea level, human
depth of 170 m (the maximum being 790 m); and (3) settlements bordering the sea coast began to move toward
the southern (39%), the deepest area, with a maximum the receding coastline. Fields and pasturelands were
depth of 1025 m and an average depth of 325 m. Deep prepared for use, roads and rail lines were constructed,
depressions in the northern and southern parts of the and housing and factories were built on the newly exposed
sea are divided by an underwater threshold running seabed. During the Soviet era, many people emigrated
from the Apsheron Peninsula to Turkmenbashi (formerly from other parts of the region to settle along the border
Krasnovodsk) (1). of the sea. Development of infrastructure along the coast
Before the breakup of the Soviet Union in December took place to support the increasing population.
1991, the USSR and Iran were the only two independent In an attempt to save the Caspian from drying out,
nations occupying the shores of the Caspian. With the Soviet scientists and engineers proposed the construction
breakup, three additional newly independent nations of a dam to block the flow of Caspian water to Kara-
emerged along the coast: Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, and Bogaz-Gol Bay, a large desert depression in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan. The Russian Federation’s Caspian coast- adjacent to the sea’s eastern shore. Political decisions
line is shared by three of its political units: Astrakhan made in the mid-1970s ordered the construction of the
Oblast, the Republic of Kalmykia, and the Republic dam, but due primarily to bureaucratic inertia, the dam
of Dagestan. was not completed until the early 1980s. This was a few
years after the Caspian’s sea-level change had reversed
NATURE OF SEA-LEVEL CHANGES IN CASPIAN SEA direction. Before the dam was constructed, the bay took in
40 km3 (8.6 mi3 ) of Caspian water annually. It served as
The Caspian Sea is a closed basin in the inland part of a huge evaporation pond, as well as a natural location for
Eurasia and this sea’s water level is below that of the world the accumulation of commercially useful mineral salts.
ocean. The sea basin stretches almost 1200 km from north Another Soviet government response to the decline in
to south and its width varies between 200 and 450 km. The the Caspian’s sea level was a diversion of water into the
total length of the coastline is about 7000 km. Its water Volga River from other Soviet rivers that flowed northward
surface area is about 390,600 km2 (as of January 1993). into the Arctic Ocean. River water flowing into the Arctic
Water salinity in the northern part is 3–6‰ and reaches was viewed as wasted and without value to the Soviet
12‰ in the middle and southern parts. Union because it was unused by human activity.
Fluctuations in sea level for various lengths of time can
be found in the data of geomorphological and historical THE CASPIAN RISES
studies of the record of the Caspian Sea (Fig. 1). Within
the last 10,000 years, the amplitude of fluctuations of To the surprise of Soviet scientists, the level of the sea
Caspian Sea level has been 15 m (varying from −20 to began to rise suddenly in 1978, the beginning of its third
−35 m). During the period of instrumental observations period of level changes. Since then, the Caspian has risen
(from 1830 onward), this value was only about 4 m,
varying from −25.3 m during the 1880s to −29 m in
1977. Annual increases in the level during this period
met or exceeded 30 cm on three occasions (in 1867, −25
30 cm; in 1979, 32 cm; and in 1991, 39 cm). The mean
annual increment in the level in the 1978–1991 period

was 14.3 cm. 4m

Natural factors are the primary cause of recent Caspian −28
Sea level fluctuations (but not the only cause). Scientists
have identified three distinct periods of level changes: −29
1830–1930, 1931–1977, and 1978 to the present. The first 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
period of 100 years saw sea-level fluctuations not exceeding
1.5 m (5 ft). Researchers considered this period to have
been relatively stable. The second period, from 1931 to Figure 1. Observed Caspian Sea level, 1835–1999.

steadily by more than 2.5 m. One of the first actions the Climate change associated with global warming
newly independent government of Turkmenistan took in induced by human activities has also been proposed
1992 was to tear down the dam in order to allow great as the forcing factor behind the Caspian’s rise since
amounts of water to flow into Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay again 1978. Those who see global warming as the forcing
and to replenish the supply of salts. factor suggest that the most recent sea-level rise can
Scientists have proposed a variety of hypotheses about be associated with intensification of the hydrologic cycle
why the Caspian Sea level had increased so rapidly. These (i.e., more active precipitation-producing processes), an
can be clustered into the following categories: tectonic intensification that some scientists have linked to the
plate movement on the seabed, climate fluctuations and human-induced global warming of the atmosphere. An
change, and hydraulic construction along the Volga River, increase in precipitation within the Volga River basin
or some combination of these factors. would translate into increased sea level.

Tectonic Plate Movement Hypothesis Hydraulic Construction Hypothesis

Tectonic movements over periods such as centuries and Some observers have argued that the recent fall and rise in
millennia have been the cause of many geologic changes in sea level were the result of human activities. They suggest
the Caspian basin. The region has been subjected to uplift, that the widespread development of hydraulic structures
subsidence, overthrust of landforms, seabed mud-volcanic (e.g., dams, reservoirs, irrigation systems) in the Volga
activity, and landslides, in addition to erosion processes River basin, beginning in the 1950s, led to a sharp decline
and the accumulation on the Caspian seabed of river- in Volga flow. The filling of many reservoirs built along the
transported sediments. However, it is difficult to see how rivers flowing into the Caspian, the increase in industrial
tectonic movements could cause such sharp fluctuations in and municipal water use by several times, and changes
the Caspian’s sea level over relatively short periods. Thus, in the water regime of the floodplains led to a decrease of
it appears that such movements have had an insignificant streamflow into the sea. Such a hypothesis could be tested
impact on recent sea-level fluctuations. by constructing a water budget model for the Caspian.
Such a model would need to identify all the inflows into
Climate Change Hypothesis the Caspian Sea (such as from rivers and groundwater)
and all outflow from the sea (such as evaporation and
Today, most Russian scientists believe that climatic factors water diversions). While it is a seemingly straightforward
are the real cause of the Caspian Sea level rise. Studies task, identifying all the sources and sinks of Caspian water
by Golitsyn (2) and Golitsyn and McBean (3) indicate is not easy.
that recent changes of the Caspian Sea level are 90% There is also a hypothesis about an Aral Sea connection.
associated with corresponding changes in the water Yet another suggestion that seems to be made at just
balance components of the sea, as opposed to possible about every Aral or Caspian Sea conference is that the
tectonic activity. The volume of inflow from rivers to the decline in the level of the Aral Sea is linked to the rise in
sea increased sharply after 1978. During certain years level of the Caspian. The reasoning is that water diverted
(e.g., 1979, 1985, and 1990), more than 350 km3 of river from the Aral basin to the Caspian basin to irrigate the
water entered the sea. From 1978 until 1990, Volga River desert sands for cotton production in Turkmenistan ends
flow exceeded 260 km3 /yr. At present, no arguments have up either being evaporated into the air or seeping into
challenged the view that the main contribution to seasonal the groundwater, which eventually makes its way into the
and annual level fluctuations of the Caspian is accounted Caspian. However, it is important to point out that both
for by surface inflow and evaporation levels. Within recent the recent fall and rise in the Caspian Sea level occurred
decades, the sea’s fluctuations have been subjected to during three and a half decades of a constant decline in
anthropogenic impacts as well. the Aral’s level.
In this regard, climate has two dimensions: climate
fluctuations and climate change. Climate fluctuations
occur on various time scales, with those of interest to SOCIETAL IMPACTS OF SEA-LEVEL RISE
present-day society being on the order of decades and
perhaps centuries. Climate-related fluctuation refers to According to a UN Environment Programme estimate, the
the increase and decrease of sea level over the course cost of the impact of the sea-level rise of the Caspian, as
of decades. During the past two centuries, the sea has of 1994, was $30 to $50 billion (U.S.). Coastal ecosystems
undergone several fluctuations. Those of the twentieth have been destroyed, villages inundated and populations
century have adversely affected socioeconomic activities evacuated, sea banks eroded, and buildings destroyed.
and infrastructure along the sea’s coastline. Coastal plains have been invaded by subsurface seawater
The view that climatic processes in the Volga basin or have become waterlogged. Fauna have changed,
are the dominant cause of sea-level fluctuations has been and pasturelands and sturgeon spawning grounds have
recently reinforced. Droughts in this basin and sharply been destroyed.
reduced Volga flow into the Caspian from mid-1995 until Each of the five countries sharing the coasts of the
early 1997 have been associated with a 25-cm (10-inch) Caspian Sea has suffered losses, and those losses increased
drop in Caspian level. Nevertheless, Russian scientists until the mid-1990s. They suffer from the different impacts
still suggest that the sea level will continue to rise into the of sea-level rise because the territory along its coastline
first decades of the twenty-first century. is neither uniformly settled nor uniformly developed

economically. Economic losses in the big cities and villages (IPCC) Report (6) suggested that global sea level may
have been higher than in the rural areas. More specifically, well increase by an additional 15–70 cm (6–27 inches)
in Astrakhan Oblast (equivalent to an American state), by the end of the twenty-first century. The exact amount
about 10% of its agricultural land was out of production by of rise would depend on the actual increase in global
1995 because of sea-level rise. The coastline of the Republic temperatures. Clearly, any additional increase in sea
of Dagestan (also part of Russia) was affected by the level could have devastating consequences for coastal
flooding of at least 40 factories in its cities of Makhachkala, communities.
Kaspiysk, Derbent, and Sulak. Nearly 150,000 hectares All states that border bodies of water, whether along
(370,000 acres) of land have been inundated, with a loss of the global oceans or inland seas, should pay attention to
livestock production and breeding facilities. Much of the fluctuations in sea level as well as to the rise in sea level
650-km (390-mile) Caspian coastline of Turkmenistan is linked to global warming. Inland seas, for example, can be
made up of low-lying sandy beaches and dunes that are viewed as living bodies in the sense that they can expand
vulnerable to coastal flooding and erosion. In fact, some and can shrink. These changes can occur on different time
Turkmen villages that were once several kilometers from scales: from daily to seasonally, from a year to a decade,
the sea are now coastal communities. Similar adverse or a century, or a millennium. In fact, they fluctuate and
impacts of sea-level rise on human settlements and change on all these scales. The same can be said of the
ecosystems are found in Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, and Iran. open oceans, but they tend to fluctuate on much longer
The Caspian has been referred to as a ‘‘hard currency time scales than do the inland seas, over periods of many
sea’’ because of its large oil and natural gas reserves and decades and centuries. Such time scales are difficult to
because of its highly valued caviar-producing sturgeon. factor into the thinking of economic development planners,
Regional reserves contain upward of 18 billion metric whose time frames are on the order of years to a few
tons of oil and 6 billion cubic meters (215 billion cubic decades at most.
feet) of natural gas. Experts suggest that the Caspian In essence, one can consider the Caspian as a
is second only to the Persian Gulf with respect to the laboratory of sea-level change and its potential societal and
size of its oil and gas reserves, and that Turkmenistan environmental consequences. For the Caspian to serve as a
is a ‘‘second Kuwait.’’ If the sea level were to continue true ‘‘laboratory,’’ its environmental-monitoring network,
to rise, a large part of the oil and gas mains along the which collapsed with the breakup of the Soviet Union,
Turkmen coast would become submerged and would also must be restored and maintained by regional cooperation
be subjected to corrosion by seawater. Coastal settlements, among the Caspian states. Impacts on ecosystems that
which include the greater part of Turkmenistan’s oil, are managed (farms and pastures) and unmanaged
gas, and chemical enterprises, would also be threatened. (wetlands, forests, deserts) can be identified. Effective
Similar environmental problems would certainly affect human responses to changes in the coastal zone (both
other Caspian coastal countries as well (4). land and sea) can also be identified and assessed;
The Caspian Sea is unique in yet another respect: environmental engineering proposals to deal with sea-level
it contains about 90% of the sturgeon that produce changes (such as seawall construction, higher oil platforms
the lucrative prized black caviar for export to foreign in the sea, diversion of water from the Caspian to the
markets. Sturgeon roe is often referred to as ‘‘black drying Aral Sea) can be evaluated for effectiveness, taking
gold.’’ Today, however, Caspian sturgeon is at risk of into consideration the scientific uncertainties surrounding
extinction from overexploitation by illegal poachers and by sea-level fluctuations.
destitute fishermen desperately seeking funds to buy food Whether the global climate gets warmer, cooler, or
for their families. The sea-level rise, with its destruction stays as it has been for the last several decades, the
of sturgeon spawning grounds, adds yet another threat to level of inland seas will likely continue to fluctuate (the
the endangered Caspian sturgeon. mean ocean level has already gone up by 5–6 inches in
Poachers hunt sturgeon only for its caviar. Today, they the twentieth century alone). Societies must learn to cope
catch sturgeon directly in the open sea. However, in the with both short- and long-term fluctuations. In the Middle
early 1960s, prohibition was introduced by the former Ages, people in the Caspian region were not allowed to
USSR against catching sturgeon in the open sea. Since settle too close to the sea’s shore, under the threat of death.
that time, catching sturgeon has been carried out in the Apparently, leaders were then aware of the dangers that
river deltas. Sturgeon reproduce very slowly: the fish do the Caspian’s fluctuating levels posed to their citizens.
not spawn for the first time until they reach the age of Today’s leaders would be well advised to pay attention to
20–25 years. In 1990, the permissible catch of sturgeon traditional wisdom.
in the USSR was set at 13,500 metric tons. In 1996,
permissible (legal) catch was only 1200 metric tons (5).

SEA-LEVEL CHANGE AS A GLOBAL PROBLEM 1. Kosarev, A.N., and Yablonskaya, E.A. (1994). The Caspian
Sea. SPB Academic Pub., The Hague.
Given the growing concern about, and possible evidence of, 2. Golitsyn, G.S. (1989). Once more about the changes of the
global warming, there has been considerable speculation Caspian Sea level. Vestnik AN SSR 9: 59–63.
about the potential impacts on coastal areas of a sea-level 3. Golitsyn G.S., and McBean, G.A. (1992). Changes of the
rise related to global warming. Scientists who participated atmosphere and climate. Proc. Russian Acad. Sci. Geogr. Ser.
in the 1995 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2: 33–43.

4. Ragozin, A.L. (1995). Synergistic effects and consequences of rainfall and high temperatures from the oceans, and little
the Caspian Sea level rise. In: Proceedings of the International difference in temperature between the south and the north.
Scientific Conference: Caspian Region: Economics, Ecology, China’s complex and varied climate results in a great
Mineral Resources. Geocenter-Moscow, pp. 120–121 (in Rus-
variety of temperature belts and dry and moist zones.
China has 50,000 rivers that cover catchment areas of at
5. Rosenberg, I. (1996). Catching sturgeon. Itogi Magazine 4 June
least 100 square kilometers, and 1500 of them cover catch-
(in Russian), pp. 48–50.
ment areas of more than 1000 square kilometers. Most of
6. IPCC. (1996). Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate
the rivers flow from west to east to empty into the Pacific
Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Ocean. The main rivers include the Yangzi (Changjiang),
the Yellow River (Huanghe), Heilongjiang, the Pearl River,
Liaohe, Haihe, Qiantangjiang, and Lancang Rivers. At
INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF WATER 6300 kilometers long, the Yangzi is the longest river in
MANAGEMENT IN CHINA China. The second longest is the Yellow River at 5464
kilometers. The Grand Canal from Hangzhou to Beijing
RONGCHAO LI is a great water project of ancient China, 1794 kilo-
Delft University of Technology meters in length. It is the longest canal in the world
Delft, The Netherlands (Source: http://www.chinatour.com/countryinfo/country

Located in East Asia, on the western shore of the Pacific INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF WATER MANAGEMENT
Ocean, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has a land IN CHINA
area of about 9.6 million km2 . China, the most populous
country in the world, had 1.25909 billion people at the end Legislative and Executive Structure
of 1999, about 22% of the world’s total. The population
density in China is 130 people per sq km. A map of China The agencies involved in WRM can be divided into
is shown in Fig. 1. legislative and executive organizations. The legislative
China has a marked continental monsoonal climate structure is organized, in descending order, as follows:
characterized by great variety. The summer monsoons
last from April to September. The warm and moist summer • state level: state congress
monsoons last from April to September, bringing abundant • provincial level: provincial congress

Figure 1. Map of China (Source: http://www.maps-of-china.com/china-country.shtml).


• city level: municipal congress Executive

• county level: county congress State Gov.

The legislative structure in China is composed of four

levels, shown in Fig. 2. SPDC MWR MF Provincial Gov.
The executive structure closely relevant to water
management is shown in Fig. 3. YRCC
Provincial Bureau of WR
Large water projects are managed by Basin Adminis-
trative Institutions that are subordinations of the MWR, Provincial Bureau Municipal Bureau of WR
such as the Yellow River Water Conservation Commission
(YRCC). Medium and small water projects are managed Municipal Bureau County Bureau of WR
by provincial, municipal, and county water administrative
institutions, respectively, on the basis of ownership.
County Bureau
Large M.&S.
Districts Districts
In China, the water resource management organization
Figure 3. Executive structure of water management.
has traditionally been organized along narrow, subsectoral

Legislative lines. The national government determines the general

legislative and policy framework for water management.
The Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) is responsible
State level State Congress for the state water management and issues the national
water legislation and policies. Other ministries, such as
land and agriculture and electronic, are also involved in
water management.
The following competent departments under the State
Provincial level Provincial Congress
Council and local government and their respective
functions based on the duty division of the State Council
compose the administrative structure of water resource
management in China (Table 1).
City level Municipal Congress
Ministry of Water Resources
The Ministry of water resources (MWR) is the main
department of water resources management under the
state council. Its functions are :
County level County Congress
• to establish respective regulations of water resources
Figure 2. Legislative structure in China. management on water law

Table 1. The 14 Sectors Involved in Water Management in China

Index Sector Task

1 Ministry of water resources Surface water resource management

2 National environmental protection bureau Water environmental protection
3 Ministry of geomineral Underground water management
4 Ministry of construction Construction of city water resource development and
5 Ministry of agriculture Agricultural water management
6 Ministry of energy Water and electronic construction
7 National planning and development Permits for conservancy projects
8 Ministry of sanitation Monitor and protect drinking water
9 Ministry of finances Permits for flood control finance capital
10 National scientific commission Management of water resource research
11 National meteorological bureau Prediction and management of precipitation
12 Ministry of transportation Management of inland navigation
13 Bureau of national land management Project management of protected basins
14 Ministry of forestry Protection of river basin forestry

• to carry out a national comprehensive scientific Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
survey and investigation as well as an assessment The functions of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral
of water resources Resources are:
• to draw up the overall planning for the main river
basins in China • general investigation and exploitation of groundwa-
• to formulate a long-term water supply plan on ter
national and regional scales • assessment and unified planning for the development
• to issue permits for water use and use of groundwater
• to construct and maintain water projects such as • supervision and management of groundwater
reservoirs, dikes, and weirs
Ministry of Agriculture
• to manage the waterways, including rivers, lakes,
canals, and flood discharge areas This ministry is in charge of the management and
conservation of farmland irrigation water and fish-
Generally, there is a department or bureau of water ery waterbodies.
resources under each level of local government which
is responsible for local water resources development
Ministry of Public Health
and management.
To strengthen the development and conservation of • supervision and management of drinking water
water resources in the large rivers in China, the Yangtze, quality in urban and rural areas
Yellow, Pearl, Huai, Hai, Songhua, and Liao, there are
• formulation of sanitary standards of drinking water
seven river basin commissions established under the
leadership of the MWR. These river basin commissions • monitoring drinking water quality
as agencies of the MWR are responsible for the tasks • definition of sources of drinking water in accordance
mentioned above in the basin concerned. with other competent departments
• participation in the management of protection zones
National Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water
The National Environmental Protection Agency, the envi-
ronmental protection department of the State Council, Ministry of Construction
exercises unified supervision and management for the pre-
vention and control of water pollution. It is in charge of the Construction and management of the water supply in
following responsibilities of water quality management: urban, and rural areas and sewerage engineering as well
as domestic wastewater treatment plants in cities.
• to establish the implementation rules and regulations
of water quality management on the basis of Ministry of Transportation
prevention and control in the water pollution law
• to establish national water environmental qual- Supervision and management of water quality for
ity standards navigation and navigation ways in inland rivers.
In addition to the responsibility of the various
• to establish national pollutants discharge standards
Ministries under the State Councils as mentioned above,
in accordance with national water environmental
the responsibility for flood control belongs directly to the
quality standards and the country’s economic and
State Councils and local governments at various levels as
technological conditions
well as the seven large river basin commissions.
• to amend national water environment quality
standards and national pollutants discharge
standards in due time LEGAL SYSTEM
• to examine and approve the environmental impact
statement and inspect water pollution prevention In 1988, the Water Law of China was enacted and issued,
and control facilities of new projects, extensions, or representing the legal basis for water resources develop-
reconstruction projects which discharge pollutants ment and management. At present, other relevant laws or
into waterbodies directly or indirectly regulations have been enacted for effective water pollution
• to carry out the task of registration and application control, water and soil conservation, the water-drawing
for permits for water pollution discharge permit system, water conservation in urban areas, flood
control, safe management of dams, tariff collection, river-
• to carry out the task of payment for water
bank management, navigation management, land use for
pollutant discharge
water works, and resident resettlement. A series of laws
• to implement elimination and control of water and regulations related to water resources development
pollution within a certain period and management is also being drafted and processed for
• to exercise the punishment authority of warning and enactment, concerning integrated use of water resources,
fines on violators of prevention and control in the watershed management, flood control, water resources fee
water pollution law collection and management, water pricing of water supply
• to be in charge of pesticide registration projects, totaling more than 20 (see below).


• Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (DOE∗ : The main financial source for water management is
1982, RA∗∗ : National People’s Congress) composed of three parts: the infrastructure fund of the
water conservancy construction fund, maintenance of
• Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China (DOE: projects, and institutional management fees. The sources
1984, RA: National People’s Congress) of the infrastructure fund for water conservancy are:
• Fishery Law of the People’s Republic of China (DOE:
1987, RA: National People’s Congress) • the infrastructure fund of the general budget
• Water Law of the People’s Republic of China (DOE: • the water conservancy construction fund
1988, RA: National People’s Congress)
• loans from domestic banks and other financial
• Environmental Protection Law of the People’s organizations
Republic of China (DOE: 1989, RA: National
• funds from the sale of bonds
People’s Congress)
• loans from foreign financial organizations
• Water and Soil Conservation Law of the People’s
Republic of China (DOE: 1991, RA: National • other sources approved by state governments
People’s Congress)
• Mineral Resources Law of the People’s Republic of Both the sources for maintenance of projects and
China (DOE: 1994, RA: National People’s Congress) institutional management fees are the general budget and
the water tariff. Spending of the infrastructure fund for
• Water Pollution Control Law of the People’s Repub-
water conservancy is on flood control, drainage, irrigation,
lic of China (DOE: 1996, RA: National Peo-
water supply, hydropower, navigation, and others. The
ple’s Congress)
Financing chart for water management of the YRCC is
• Flood Control Law of the People’s Republic of China shown in Fig. 4.
(DOE: 1997, RA: National People’s Congress)
• Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of
China (DOE: 1998, RA: National People’s Congress) POLICY, LAWS AND REGULATIONS

Regulations and Policies The Central Government lays the utmost stress on the
Yellow River. A series of principles, policies, general
• Working Regulation of Soil Conservancy (DOE: 1982, water laws, water administration regulations, and basin-
RA: State Council) oriented water laws have been developed. They involve
the water administration of the Yellow River, the
• Price Management Regulation (DOE: 1987, RA:
management of water resources, management of a water
State Council)
conservancy project and engineering affairs of the Yellow
• Law on Land Administration (DOE: 1987, RA: River, management of flood control, water and soil
State Council) conservation, and protection of water resources. Examples
• Water Extraction Permit System Regulation (DOE: are given below.
1993, RA: State Council)
• Urban Water Supply Regulation (DOE: 1994, RA: Water Laws such as the ‘‘Water Laws of the People’s
State Council) Republic of China,’’ ‘‘Laws of Water Pollution
• Method for Management of Irrigation Districts (DOE: Prevention of the People’s Republic of China,’’ ‘‘Laws
1981, RA: Ministry of Water Resources) of Water and Soil Conservation of the People’s
Republic of China,’’ and ‘‘Laws of Flood Prevention
• Method for Construction and Management of Irriga- of the People’s Republic of China’’
tion and Drainage Projects (DOE: 1981, RA: Ministry
Laws and Regulations of Water Administration: ‘‘Work-
of Water Resources)
ing Regulations of Water and Soil Conservation,’’
• Technical and Economical Index of Irrigation Man- ‘‘Management Regulations of River Channels of the
agement (DOE: 1996, RA: Ministry of Water People’s Republic of China,’’ ‘‘Management Means
Resources) of Ratification and Collecting of Water Fees for a
• Industry Policies for the Water Sector (DOE: 1997, Water Conservancy Project,’’ ‘‘Regulations of Water
RA: Ministry of Water Resources) and Soil Conservation in Developing the Contigu-
• Urban Water Conservation Management Regulation ous Areas of Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia,’’
(DOE: 1989, RA: Ministry of Construction) ‘‘Collecting and Management Means of Water Fees
for the Intake of the Irrigation Canal,’’ ‘‘Means of

DOE: date of enactment;
Fee Collecting and Management of Sand Mining in
RA: responsible agency. River Channels,’’ ‘‘Implementation Means of Permit
(Source: The government of the PRC and the Asian Development Regulation of Abstracting Water,’’ and ‘‘Means of
Bank, 1999) Control and Management of Water Quantity’’

--- General budget

--- Investment
Chart State Gov. --- Maintain fee
--- Water tariff
SPDC MWR MF Provincial Gov.

Provincial Bureau of WR PFB

Provincial Bureau Municipal Bureau of WR MFB

Muncipal Bureau County Bureau of WR CFB

County Bureau

Large M.&S. Water

Canal Irrigation Irrigation Users
Headwork & Water & Water
Project Supply Supply
Figure 4. Financial chart for water management of Disctricts Districts
the YRCC.

In addition, there are many local laws and regulations Water shortages in important grain-producing regions
relevant to the management and development of the of China may seriously compromise China’s agricultural
Yellow River. For example, ‘‘Management Means of Water production potential. Rapidly increasing industrial and
Conservancy Project of the Yellow River of Shandong domestic water consumption and expanding irrigation
Province,’’ and ‘‘Regulations for Certain Problems in River have drawn down groundwater tables and disrupted
Channels and Flood Detention Areas in Henan Province.’’ surface-water deliveries. The problem is most severe
in north-central China, where most of China’s wheat
and cotton is produced and irrigation is essential to
READING LIST maintaining high yields. The situation may worsen unless
effective water conservation policies can be put into
General Information of the People’s Republic of China: place rapidly.
China is responding to these concerns on several
levels. At the national level, the Ministry of Water
Resources began promoting water conservation through
WILL WATER SCARCITY LIMIT CHINA’S various measures in the late 1990s, such as strengthening
AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL? the authority of National River Basin Commissions to
enforce water withdrawal limits and promoting irrigation
BRYAN LOHMAR management reforms. Provincial and other local officials
Economic Research Service, are mediating conflicts between users to improve overall
U.S. Department of Agriculture
water management. In villages, local water managers
and farmers are adopting water management reforms
and water-saving techniques, such as forming water user
associations and alternating wet-dry irrigation for rice. In
addition, reforms in the pricing and fee collection system
may provide farmers with better incentives to conserve
water. Pricing water deliveries to farms based on volume
could improve efficiency, but would be costly to monitor
since China has over 200 million farm households, each
tending several tiny plots of land.
As water for agriculture becomes more scarce, changes
in the pattern of crops are more likely than a reduction
in cultivated acreage. Wheat is most likely to suffer
declines, since wheat is irrigated in much of north
China and brings low returns to water. Production of
a variety of crops—corn, cotton, and high-value fruits
and vegetables—may increase as farmers switch from
irrigated wheat. High-value fruits and vegetables are often
more water intensive, but are also more suited to water-
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the saving irrigation technologies, such as drip irrigation and
public domain in the United States of America. greenhouse production.

The success of current efforts to encourage water

conservation in China will depend on a variety of factors.
Policy reforms will depend critically on the enforcement
of withdrawal limits both from surface-water systems and
from ground water. Also important is the extent to which
policies and local management practices motivate water
users and water managers to conserve water resources.


Figure 1. USAID worked with local partners to improve
U.S. Agency for International water resources management in Morocco’s Nakhla region of the
Development (USAID) Rif Mountains.

Agency’s investments have helped improve access to safe

Every ecosystem, society, and individual on Earth depends and adequate water supply and sanitation, improve irri-
on water. Food security and human health, energy sup- gation technology, enhance natural environments, and
plies, and industrial production are all dependent on water develop better institutional capacity for water resources
to a large degree. Water plays an important role in regulat- management in countries around the world (Fig. 1). This
ing global climate. It is essential for plants and wildlife and has supported the Agency’s underlying goals of reduc-
ecosystems they inhabit. Water shortages and poor water ing conflict and improving the welfare of people across
management can lead to loss of biodiversity and agricul- the globe.
tural production, increase in malnutrition and disease,
reduced economic growth, social instability, and conflict.
Reliable water supply has been a fundamental
component of the increased agricultural productivity
achieved by the green revolution. Irrigated agriculture MARIO O. BUENFIL-RODRIGUEZ
currently uses 70% of the world’s developed water National University of Mexico
supplies. With increasing competition for water to meet Cuernavaca, Morelos,
domestic and industrial needs, and for servicing essential Mexico
ecosystems, agriculture is faced with producing more food
with less water.
Water resources are not distributed uniformly across WATER USE AND USERS ON GLOBAL AND REGIONAL
the globe—nor are they necessarily located where the SCALES
largest concentrations of people reside. Demand for water
outstrips supply in a growing number of countries, and Water has many uses and users, ranging from flu-
the quality of that supply is rapidly declining: 450 million vial navigation to employing water as a component
people in 31 countries already face serious shortages in a chemical experiment. On a global level, the
of water. These shortages occur almost exclusively in four most water demanding human activities are
developing countries, which are ill-equipped to adopt the energy—hydroelectricity—generation, irrigation for agri-
policy and technology measures needed to address the culture, urban supply, and nonurban industrial produc-
crisis. By the year 2025, one-third of the world’s population tion. Each of them requires huge quantities of water;
is expected to face severe and chronic water shortages. and in its usage at least some water characteristic is
Exacerbating the problem, human activities often affected, which limits the options of the remaining users
contaminate the world’s limited freshwater resources, to profit from that same water. This causes a competition
making them unavailable for further human use and in which each user would like to have exclusive rights to
threatening the health of the lake, river, and wetland manage and exploit the resource. Hydroelectricity affects
ecosystems they support. Likewise, coastal and ocean the potential energy of water (topographic elevation), and
systems are under threat from the impact of a broad range the other three basically affect water quality. There is
of human activities. Coastal systems are particularly a fifth user, frequently neglected by humans, which has
vulnerable to degradation from land-based activities, the most ancient right to benefit from water, nature. The
climate change, over-fishing, and damage to coral reefs, natural world needs water in lakes, forest, woods, floods,
and they require active intervention to ensure their and climate regulation and has been greatly affected by
continued survival. the human desire to conquer and transform and to grow
The U.S. Agency for International Development has and expand.
made the preservation and environmentally sound devel- Worldwide, the agricultural sector is the biggest
opment of the world’s water resources a top priority. The water consumer, although this balance is not equal in
every continent or country. For instance, nations that
have benign and frequent rains that allow good direct
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the agricultural production may have no need for irrigation;
public domain in the United States of America. others that are very dry or have an uneven distribution

of water and rain require huge irrigation works to get World renewable fresh water per capita
reasonable crop yields. Figure 1 depicts the distribution 25,000.00
of volumes among the three human uses that most affect
water quality. 20,000.00


Water scarcity, which is rapidly growing in most countries,
creates serious conflicts, competition for water, and 5,000.00
evidently great unfairness in many cases. Figure 2 is a
clear and simple illustration of why there is growing Cu meters
scarcity in most nations. Of course, its severity differs











widely, depending on regional natural resources and
demographic pressure. In general, there are growing crises Figure 2. A century of changes in water availability: clear signs
in the whole world. of scarcity and conflicts.
Legal rules establishing some priorities for water
usage, or simply the legal support to historical privileges,
sometimes help in attenuating real or apparent conflicts idea that uses in services such as tourism, electronics,
among users. Other regulatory mechanisms are water and industry in general are more important than use in
markets, where users can trade their water rights to agriculture and food. A better approach is to accept that
other users. This last has advantages, but also great the latter use is greatly undervalued by the market and the
disadvantages when the market and the world economy others are exaggeratedly overvalued. The same situation
(usually a totally artificial issue subject to political fancies occurs in ecological water use.
and fashions) send erroneous signals about the value The mid-twentieth century vision of dealing with water
of things. needs and scarcity problems was to increase the supply
Competition among users is not absolute; water used by means of big dams and similar huge engineering
upstream can later be freely used downstream, provided works. They have proved insufficient and merely made
the residual water discharges from the first consumers are the demand disproportionately grow, so the vision for this
not dangerous enough to inhibit their later usage. Anyway, century must be radically changed. The approach now
there always is some technological possibility of treating must be ‘‘water demand management’’ respecting natural
and reusing water. If there were enough money to apply limits and boundaries. Scarcity must be directly dealt
technology, conflicts would be eliminated, but technology with, by conservation and ‘‘efficient water use.’’ These
is costly, and most of the world is poor. This is worsened options also have a technological component but rather
by the low value given to water by traditional economies rest mainly on human habits and consciousness. They
and by the unequal competition for globalized trade in are radically different from options that rely on huge
agricultural products. So unfairness and crises still have engineering works for water transfers and treatment.
a long way to go.
An often misconceived economics paradigm suggests
that water should be used where it renders the greater WATER USERS AND DEMAND ON AN URBAN SCALE
rate of return. This is a kind of taboo to be seriously
questioned and reviewed because it leads us to accept the Water users in cities are mostly the people who live
and work there; they can be represented by existing
houses, buildings, shops, offices, parks, hotels, schools,
Global annual water withdrawal by sector, 1900-2000 and factories. There are many types of cities and ample
5,000 variations in these components. Tourist and recreational
cities have lots of hotels and almost no factories; in
industrial cities, it is the opposite. Housing for families
usually is the greater component in any city and evidently
Cubic kilometers

3,500 Municipal
the sector demanding more water.
3,000 Industrial The water demand in a city can be expressed in
2,500 liters/person/day; it is comprised of the water used directly
2,000 or indirectly by an average citizen and the leaks in the
1,500 Agricultural piping network. People use water directly in their houses,
1,000 but also in their jobs or at school, and indirectly by others
500 serving them, as in restaurants where they eat, by shops
0 or services visited, and in general by every industry in the
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
city. Leaks unavoidably occur so the water may arrive in
the consumption area. The previous reasons explain why if
Figure 1. Rising water use. Global annual water withdrawal by the average in-house consumption is 300 L/capita/day, the
sector, 1900–2000 (from Ref. 1). full demand may be around 500 L/capita/day. Figure 3

Average daily domestic water use (per capita)



Litres of water
per person
per day

litres 343
200 litres

100 200 150
litres 135

Figure 3. House water consump-

United States Canada Italy Sweden France Israel tion in some countries (from Ref. 2).

contrasts some international statistics about in-house volumes or qualities, but those regarding energy resources,
consumption. There are big variations, of course, even financial sources, and managerial capabilities to transport
within a nation and even among different zones and it or to preserve its purity. Energy is one important
persons in the same city. Figure 4 is a sample of in-house inhibitor; if it were freely available, water could be pumped
water usage distribution. from far away flood zones to deserts (this does not consider
possible negative ecological impacts).
When institutions request people to save water, they
CONSERVATION OF WATER AND OTHER RESOURCES do not merely think of saving water volumes, but rather
of saving energy expenditures by eliminating the need
Water emphasizes many conflicts and scarcities, although for larger pipes and, mainly, by diminishing pollution
water may not be the real issue considering that there caused by the water usage and discharge. Many propose
is plenty of water on our planet. Water quantities may conservation plans, so the volume saved is used to support
not be the problem, but its quality, or its location demographic and demand growth. In this case, there are
in time or in space. Infrastructure, investments, and no real savings and compensations for previous damage
technology are always essential for actions such as water and overexploitation, but merely variants of the twentieth
treatment, storage for other seasons, or transport to other century backing of human expansionism.
places. Therefore, the real restrictions may not be water The need for conservation and for ‘‘efficient water
use’’ has a much broader scope than merely using less
water. The real purposes and issues may be protecting
Kitchen and drinking the whole environment, our economy, and the quality of
10% life of future generations. They can have a rather dark
side when used as a political and demagogic argument
Laundry simply to maintain inertias for growth and expansionism,
20% Toilet flushing which require less money investments but possibly greater
30% human and environmental sacrifices and discomforts that
Cleaning 5% are not taken into account.
Showers and baths

Even in something as specific as public water supply,

efficiency has many angles and goals. Simultaneously, it
is important to save water volumes, to avoid pollution,
Water use in the home
to diminish unnecessary expenditures, and to distribute
water more fairly among different users. For instance, if
Figure 4. Typical household water use in Canada (from Ref. 2). there were an optimal amount of water to be given to

people, considering health, welfare, and other aspects (for CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY, THE NEED AND THE
example, 150 L/person/day), anything above or below such HOW
a quantity could be considered inefficient.
One common type of inefficiency occurs in water The need for conservation and efficient water use comes
transportation because there always is some degree of from scarcity and competition for the resource, each time
leakage caused by breaks in the piping system. This more evident in many places. In this regard, many national
efficiency is computed as the ratio of the volume delivered and international institutions advise how to save water.
to clients, measured by micrometers, divided by the total The most classical are to take shorter showers, not to
volume extracted from the water source. The operating or leave the faucet open while shaving, or changing the old
‘‘revenue efficiency’’ is the total money collected through toilet for one of newer design (maximum 6 liters/flush, see
bills paid by clients, compared to the total amount in issued Fig. 6). There are lots of these recommendations, which
bills. The ‘‘unaccounted for water’’ (UFW) indicator is a are not bad at all, but maybe at sites of severe crises and
measure of the overall inefficiency of a water supplier, scarcities, recommendations should be even more daring
considering physical and commercial losses. Another and definitive, to attack the roots of problems, not their
strategic indicator is represented by the ratio of total symptoms. Some of these newer counsels are: use dry
expenditures to total income during a certain period. latrines instead of toilets, shower just once a week, and
Yet another important way to assess performance is by use perfumes; be a vegetarian and not a meat eater (meat
comparing the initial water quality at the source against production demands much more water than vegetables);
the quality returned after discharge. An increasing degree family planning; bicycles instead of cars; reuse, recycle,
of recycled or reused water within a city evidently is also rethink; charge ‘‘green taxes’’ for many environmentally
a desirable way to demonstrate improvements. damaging products or packaging.
It would be extremely expensive and totally impractical The importance of systematically assessing and mea-
to have a system without inefficiencies, that is, 100% suring efficiency lies in finding improvement opportuni-
efficiency in all aspects. What is done by developed ties. Performance or efficiency indicators should be com-
water utilities is to work simultaneously using an ample pared against reference values to detect failures, changes,
set of ‘‘performance indicators’’ and to apply several and trends. The reference standards should be carefully
benchmarking rules and comparisons with other utilities, discussed and selected, because if not, some incongruence
as suggested by the International Water Association (3). and evident mistakes may occur. One pitiable flaw would
Just as any water utility may have various types of be to report efficiencies greater than 100% when abstain-
efficiencies to be confronted routinely and evaluated, the ing from using water in certain industrial process or
private home owner, or any factory or hotel manager, may eliminating a superfluous water need. For instance, when
have many parameters by which to assess performance comparing the change to dry latrines after using tradi-
in water usage and its impact on the environment. Water tional toilets, it evidently does not mean infinite efficiency,
audits (Fig. 5) are appropriate as systematic procedures although doubtlessly it is great environmental progress.
for assessing performance and to detecting failures as well Excessive, wasteful, and polluting water uses should
as opportunities for improvement. be restricted. However, how these restrictions should be

(1) Know your


Water audit and (3) Inventory of

efficient water divices and
(7) Rehabilitate
use program sources
(manager's responsibilities)

(6) Environmental
(4) Analysis
education campaigns
(5) Maintenance and program
and supervision proposal

Figure 5. Seven stages for water-saving

programs in buildings.


The options for solving water scarcity, along with the

crises and conflicts it causes, rest mainly in the social,
moral, and economic realm, rather than in the technical
one, although at first glance, it may appear the other way.
Most likely, technology can always find a way to
improve efficiency, but also it implies that costs some-
times are not apparent. Solutions often have clear and
immediate economic components but often also may have
vague, but possibly important, environmental, quality of
life, and long-term consequences. Unfortunately, tradi-
tional economic and technical models merely deprecate
and do not consider such impacts because they do not
know how to deal with them.
Technological options for improving water efficiency
sometimes are clear and simple, and can be adopted
without much questioning and doubt; however, in many
other cases, it is important to have broader vision. Here is
a brief list of arguments to reflect on and consider:

— Efficient water use is not simply ‘‘using less

water.’’ There are many other options for managing
demands. Reuse is an important one.
— Efficient water use depends more on the effi-
cient use of resources other than merely on water
saved. Energy, money, technology, people’s will-
ingness, forests, and climate are some of these
Figure 6. Toilet bowl: friend and foe. The most frequent cause of other resources.
water consumption, leakages, and pollution. — Urban water scarcity is not a water availability
problem. It may be a symptom and reflection of other
problems so that, when confronted, the scarcity
issue will be immediately relieved.
— Scarcity problems could be ‘‘easily’’ solved by
stopping consumption and population growth.
attained is an interesting issue. The least desirable options
— Urban water scarcity is a ‘‘moral and ecological
would be laws for direct prohibitions. There are better
problem,’’ not a technical one.
choices, for instance, measuring water and contaminant
— More severe and urgent laws are required for
loads in discharges and applying tariffs high enough to
sites suffering extreme scarcity, particularly, where
discourage those uses and encourage the search for better
aquifers present continued water table drawdown.
technologies and processes.
Besides metering and tariffs, there are many programs — Scarcity is referred to as a problem of shortages
and actions that any water supplier must consider, which but is a situation of ‘‘longages’’ (excesses) of bad
habits and population or industrial growth in
contribute to efficient water use in a city. Among them
inappropriate zones.
are user education and water culture, macrometering,
information systems, client census, demand forecasting,
Technology can succeed in allocating population
automation of operations, leak detection and control, increases by using and reusing the fixed available water
materials testing and quality control, employee train- volume more intensely. However, this style of technology
ing, improved maintenance procedures, bylaws, aquifer application merely justifies expanding the coverage,
recharge, rain harvesting, water audits, improved domes- without a clear improvement in the quality of life. Reuse,
tic water-saving devices, water treatment, water reuse treatment, and desalination, are desirable options up to
and recycling, and desalination. Each of these programs certain limits, but should never be used indiscriminately to
and tasks has different degrees of importance depending justify further growth. On the contrary, they must promote
on the local conditions, and together make up a desirable diminishing human impacts to make more natural space
set of simultaneous actions to be considered and used. available. Theoretically, it is possible to have houses or
This article supplies only a list of these programs factories with zero water discharge, and almost zero water
without further details. Each one deserves a specific demand by intensive treatment and reuse.
and detailed explanation, which hopefully may appear Water desalination is an interesting option for increas-
in other sections of this Encyclopedia of Water. All of them ing the supply of water. It has a history as ancient as
are important and strategic for efficient water use and the hydrologic cycle, its basis. Humans have used desali-
resource conservation. nation techniques for survival on long ocean journeys

and for supplying isolated islands for centuries. Nowa- Buenfil, M. (2001). Selfishness and Efficiency (in Water
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being a rather expensive choice not for every one, it is not Audits and Developing Water Efficiency Programs at Fed-
a sustainable option because fossil energy is a nonrenew- eral Facilities. Environment Canada, water issues branch,
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Hawken, P., Lovins, A., and Lovins, L. H. Aqueous Solu-
worth of such sacrifices. It could be that opting to limit
tions, Chapter 11 of Book ‘‘Natural Capitalism: Creating
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tion & pricing—article links. Water Mag. New Zealand,
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policy.org/. worldbank.org/html/fpd/water/pdf/indicators.pdf.

CONSERVATION OF WATER Table 1. Distribution of Water Usea

Agricultural Industrial Domestic
Asian Institute of Technology
Pathumthani, Thailand World 70% 22% 8%
High-income countries 30% 59% 11%
Low- and middle-income 82% 10% 4%
Water is the main component of the natural ecosystem countries
and an essential element for human life. It is also a
Reference 1.
fundamental for the social and economic development of
a country. Water is needed for drinking, washing, and
sanitation at personal, domestic, and municipal levels; are complementary and interrelated in managing scarce
for agricultural purposes such as irrigation, livestock, water resources.
and fisheries; for industrial development, navigation,
hydropower production, recreation, and so on. In addition,
there is increased realization that water is needed for
maintaining ecosystems.
The higher rate of population growth associated with Most water is used for agriculture (Table 1). Efficient
several anthropogenic activities leading to increased agricultural water management, therefore, is a major
pollution of water resources has augmented critical conservation option. It is common to find that more
situations worldwide related to scarcity of water resources than half of the water drawn from a source does
either in quantity or quality to meet the vital necessities not even reach the fields being irrigated. Generally,
of humankind. less than 40% system efficiency prevails in many
When the ratio of water availability to demand exceeds irrigation schemes. Such an appalling situation should
certain limits, the stress on resources becomes noticeable, be tackled by pursuing better systems of farm water
and the conflicts among users intensify and increase in management—improving irrigation efficiency by reducing
frequency. A region that have water availability of about water distribution losses, changing cropping patterns,
1700 m3 per capita/year faces periodic water scarcity, improving irrigation scheduling, and adopting irrigation
and this is considered a warning if the population efficient technologies. Deterioration of irrigation network
continues to grow. Below this limit, ‘‘water stress’’ is systems due to lack of proper and adequate maintenance
periodic. If this limit is even lower, about 1000 m3 per are the main causes of increased losses through leakage
capita/year, the region is under ‘‘chronic water scarcity.’’ and percolation. Rehabilitation of existing irrigation
Economic development, well-being, and health are affected schemes is, therefore, required to alleviate the situation.
at these levels. The situation is ‘‘extremely scarce’’ if the It is also equally important, when implementing new
per capita availability is below 500 m3 per year. Many irrigation schemes, to give sufficient attention to adequate
countries that used to have plentiful water resources are operation and maintenance. Active participation by
facing water scarcity, that is likely to be aggravated in the users is vital for sustainable management of
coming years. irrigation systems. Several governments are in the process
On one hand, there is the problem of scarce availability of transferring management functions to farmers or
in relation to increasing demands; on the other hand, developing joint (government agency and water users)
there is poor resources management and wasteful and management systems.
inefficient use of freshwater. To address these water In gravity irrigation methods such as basin, furrow,
problems, it is necessary to control the overuse and and flooding, a large quantity of water is lost by leaching
pollution of water resources by improved management down the root zone and as runoff at the end of the
of water resources through conservation and water saving field. Land leveling, along with other technical measures,
concepts and practices. provides conditions for reducing the advance time and
The main water-use sectors are agricultural, industrial, water volumes required to complete the advance, for
and domestic. At a global level, agricultural water use better water distribution as well as application efficiencies.
accounts for 70%, industrial use 21%, and 9% for domestic For moderate to high infiltration soils, where system
consumption. Though industrial water demand is much automation is possible, water can also be saved by adopting
smaller than agricultural demand in low- and middle- surge irrigation which consists of intermittent cycling of
income countries, it exceeds domestic and agricultural water applied to furrows and borders, thereby producing
demands in developed and industrialized countries, as changes in the soil surface conditions which favor a faster
shown in Table 1. advance of water.
Water is wasted nearly everywhere; there is great Sprinkler irrigation methods have higher system
potential for better conservation and management, no efficiencies than gravity irrigation. Water in sprinkler
matter how water is used. The term water conservation irrigation can be conserved by improving the distribution
is associated mainly with the policy, managerial measure, uniformity—optimizing the overlapping of sprinkler jets,
or user practice aiming at conserving or preserving water minimizing discharge variations, minimizing wind drift
resources and taking care of the degradation of water and evaporation losses, maximizing infiltration of applied
resources; water saving aims to limit or control water water, and avoiding surface runoff losses. Microirrigation
demand and avoid wastage and misuse. Both perspectives has the least loss of water among irrigation methods. It

can be classified in two general categories: drip or trickle quantity, quality, and biological aspects of both ground-
irrigation, where water is slowly applied through small water and surface waters; the sustainability of irrigation
emitter openings from plastic tubing; and microspray and drainage schemes; and environmental sustainabil-
irrigation or microsprinkling, in which water is sprayed ity. Water demand management necessitates establish-
over the soil surface. Water conservation in microirrigation ing structural incentives, regulations, and restrictions
can be improved by using a single drip line for a that help to bring about efficient water use in irri-
double crop row, using microsprayers in high infiltration gation by farmers while encouraging innovations and
soils, adjusting the duration and timing to soil and saving technology.
crop characteristics, controlling pressure and discharge
variations, adopting automation and fertigation, and
chemigation (application of fertilizers and herbicides or
other chemicals with irrigation water).
Water is used in industries in power generation, tempera-
Water conservation measures are also very important
ture control, manufacturing processes, and washing. The
in dry-land agriculture because crop growth depends
principal water users in industry are thermal and atomic
solely on the moisture retained by the soil from
power generation, chemistry and petroleum chemistry,
rain. Conservation measures in rain-fed agriculture
ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, wood pulp and paper
are carried out mainly by appropriate crop and soil
industry, and machine building.
management practices. Crop management techniques
The quantity and quality of water required by industry
consist of managing crop risks, such as selecting the
vary with the type of industry and the industrial processes.
cropping pattern to suit the available seasonal rainfall;
The effluents produced by the industry are also of
controlling water stress, such as adaptation of crop
different qualities, which may require different treatment
rotation to environmental constraints, including covered
processes. Water recycling and reuse are the main water
fallow for grazing; and water conservation cropping
saving strategies in industry. Industrial water recycling,
techniques, such as by employing conservation tillage,
which began on a large scale in the 1970s to help cope with
windbreaks to decrease wind impacts on evaporation,
antipollution regulations, has also become an effective
etc. Soil management practices are broadly categorized
conservation measure. American steelmakers, which once
as runoff control, such as contour tillage, using mulches,
consumed 280 tons of water for every ton of steel made,
furrow diking, etc; improvement of soil infiltration rates,
later needed to use only 14 tons of new water; the rest
such as application of organic matters and mulching;
was recycled. Similarly, in Japan and western Germany,
increasing soil water storage holding capacity, such as
for example, a large increase in the number of factories
deep tillage; control of evaporation from soil by crop
has been accommodated without a considerable increase
residue and mulching; runoff control in sloping areas
in total industrial water use (2).
by terracing, contour ridges, and strip cropping; and
The most common conservation measures in industrial
water harvesting.
water use are water-use monitoring, recycling, reuse,
Reuse of water, such as using wastewater (graywater)
cooling tower use, equipment modification, and employee
for agriculture, is considered a conservation option to
education. Of all industrial water use, cooling water
increase the availability of water either currently or in the
accounts for a very large share. Replacement of once-
future. More than 500,000 ha of farmland are currently
through cooling processes with recirculating systems can
being irrigated with treated wastewater in 15 countries
provide some of the largest water savings. Often, cooling
around the world. However, the use of such wastewater,
water can be reused for landscape irrigation and cleanup.
if not treated well, may threaten the public health by
The physical and chemical properties of water may change
spreading bacteria, viruses, and parasites. For example,
after use, requiring some simple treatment before being
the outbreak of typhoid fever in the mid-1980s in Santiago,
used again. Treated water can be reused for heating
Chile, was attributed to the use of wastewater, with
processes; water from washing raw food material can be
unsatisfactory sanitary quality, to irrigate 16,000 ha of
reused for cooling, heating, or indoor washing.
horticultural farms (2).
The major challenge to water planners and managers
is that physical availability of water is fixed, but demand DOMESTIC SECTOR
will increase to cater to the needs of an ever increasing
population. The tendency today is to shift from water poli- In urban areas, water supplies are used in households
cies based on water supply management to those based on and for services such as city washing, fire fighting, and
demand management. Agricultural water demand man- maintenance of swimming pools or recreational parks and
agement consists of reducing crop irrigation requirements, lakes. A considerable amount of water is lost by leakage
adopting irrigation practices that lead to higher irriga- in the water distribution network. The unaccounted for
tion performance and water saving, controlling system water (UFW) comprises system leakages, illegal tapping,
water losses, and increasing yields and income per unit theft, incorrect meter reading and billing, and overflowing
of water used. It works with agronomic, economic, and reservoirs. System monitoring and metering should be
technical management decisions for decreasing irriga- done in appropriate intervals to obtain information on
tion water demand and recovering the costs of irrigation the system state variables to prepare plans for water
water supply. An agricultural water demand manage- conservation measures as well as for estimating water
ment program should consider the interaction between the losses, their location, and causes so as to prepare for

appropriate corrective measures. Typical water losses as water. Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators save
a percent of water supplied are 8–24% for developed water as well as energy used to heat water (where warm
countries, 15–24% for newly industrialized countries; for water is needed).
developing countries, it is 25–45%, as surveyed in 1991 When washing clothes and dishes by machine, operat-
by the International Water Services Association (IWSA). ing clothes washers and dishwashers with full loads can
Examples of typical water losses for developing countries economize on water used. Outside the home, water can be
are well portrayed by Arequipa, Peru, with a 45% loss, saved by avoiding unnecessary spillage of water. Simple
and Hanoi, Vietnam, with a 68% loss (43% nonbilled, 20% practices like using a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways,
leakage, 5% company use) (3). Between 20 to 40% of the steps, and sidewalks; washing the car with water from a
supply was UFW in Indian cities and towns (4). On the bucket; and irrigating plants either in the early morning
municipal level, cities have saved from 10 to 25% of their or the late evening can save a lot of water. In landscap-
water by repairing leaky pipes (2). Preventive as well as ing, use of native plants that require less care and water
corrective maintenance can play a major role in water than ornamental varieties can save a large quantity of
conservation. water. While mowing the lawn, the lawn mower should
Water pricing and billing can induce water saving be adjusted to a higher setting to provide natural ground
habits in users if price increases with the volume used, shade and to promote water retention by the soil. In swim-
particularly when the differential increases in price are ming pools, water can be continuously recycled, clarified,
large enough to encourage water savings. The reclamation and purified by means of portable equipment and appro-
of wastewater for nonpotable purposes has become a priate chemicals. Evaporation losses can be minimized by
proven measure to help meet increasing demand. Where covering the pool when not in use.
extreme water scarcity exists, a feasible but expensive
solution is to have a dual distribution network for high INSTITUTIONAL MEASURES
quality water which is needed for uses such as drinking,
food preparation, and bathing, and for treated reusable Educational programs are very important in instilling
water which can be used for landscape and recreational water conservation awareness among users. Conservation
ground irrigation, toilet flushing, and floor washing. literature can be distributed along with regular bills to
Such reusable water can be available from, for example, water users. Local service organizations can also play a
treated urban drainage stormwater. Such examples of big role in disseminating water conservation information.
dual systems can be found in Australia, Hong Kong An excellent time to provide this information to customers
(China), Japan and the United States, to name a few. is just prior to the summer season when demand normally
In Japanese cities, for example, such reclaimed water peaks. Local newspaper articles, radio and television
finds greatest use in toilet flushing (40%), compared with public service announcements, information centers at local
only 15% for irrigation in urban landscaping; in Hong fairs and shopping centers, etc. can also be used to promote
Kong, seawater has been used extensively for decades for conservation awareness and education. Local schools can
toilet flushing in commercial and multifamily residential be a very good place to offer conservation knowledge to
buildings. However, a dual distribution system is difficult young people by means of water education activities such
to implement because it requires very large investments as water conservation posters, slogans, essays, or exhibit
from the public sector as well on the part of users contests for children. High-use facilities such as schools
in their homes. Financial incentives such as subsidies and colleges, hospitals and institutions, country clubs,
may be required for such investments in additional and health clubs are appropriate places to initiate water
infrastructures and to implement other high-cost water conservation programs.
conservation technologies. Water laws provide a general framework for water use
In the domestic sector, most water is used for gardens and conservation and are complemented by regulations.
and for bathrooms and toilets. In a typical household They can help water conservation by restricting excessive
that has outdoor facilities, nearly 50% of the water is water use, for example, establishing standards for indoor
used for gardening; of the total indoor water use, 33% is plumbing fixtures, maximum volumes per flush in toilets,
spent on showers and bath, 24% for toilet flushing, and or making it compulsory for filtering, treating, and
22% in laundry (5). Water saving plumbing fixtures and recycling the water in swimming pools, etc. The provision
appliances are cost-effective and provide permanent long- of incentive and penalties helps in enforcement of
term economic advantages. Replacing traditional toilets regulations as well as in the adoption of water saving
which use 16 to 20 liters per flush with low-flow toilets technology by customers.
(such as 6 liters per flush) or placing containers or bags
filled with water in the tanks of large volume toilets can BIBLIOGRAPHY
save a lot of water by reducing their capacity. A minor
repair to control toilet leaks can be of immense help in 1. World Bank. (2001). World Development Indicators (WDI).
conserving water. These leaks can be detected by adding Washington, DC, Available in CD-Rom.
a few drops of food coloring to water in the toilet tank 2. Beekman, G.B. (1998). Water conservation, recycling and
and observing if the colored water appears in the bowl. reuse. Water Resour. Dev. 14(3): 353–364.
Showers take second place in domestic water demand. 3. WHO. (2001). Leakage Management and Control—A Best
Reducing the time for showering and preferring showers Practice Training Manual. http://www.who.int/docstore/water
to immersion bathing can be very effective in conserving sanitation health/leakage/begin.html.

4. Venugopalan, V. (1997). Water conservation methods. Water than with ‘‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’’ Each
Supply 15(1): 51–54. branch would be allowed only sufficient power to discharge
5. Stanger, G. (2000). Water conservation: what can we do? official duties, and a system of checks and balances would
In: Water Management, Purification & Conservation in Arid guard against abuse. Recoiling from British monarchism,
Climates. M.F.A. Goosen and W.H. Shayya (Eds.). Technomics, the constitutional drafters took special care to try to
Lancaster, PA.
prevent executive branch intrusions into the duties of the
other two branches. This was a system that, regardless
of its merits, made implementation of rational planning
THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN WATER enormously difficult, as water developers soon appreciated.
RESOURCES: PLANNERS, POLITICIANS, AND Political attitudes one thing; government structure
CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION was another. And here the Founding Fathers developed
a system that guaranteed further complications. They
MARTIN REUSS fashioned a republican form of governments within the
Office of History Headquarters government. A century later, young political scientist
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Woodrow Wilson thought that this structure posed the
principal challenge to American administration. Few
water resource planners would disagree. Republican
To understand the development of American water government, it must be remembered, began in the
resources, one must first look at American political and states, not in the new national capital; delegates to the
social values and at American governmental institutions. Continental Congress delayed business so they could go
Even a cursory examination shows the lasting influence of home and participate in state constitutional conventions.
decisions and attitudes molded as the country took its first The formation of these state governments may have
hesitant steps as a republic. Historian Joyce Appleby has excited Americans more than the latter formation of
argued that the first generation of Americans bequeathed the union itself, and the American Constitution explicitly
‘‘open opportunity, an unfettered spirit of inquiry, [and] guaranteed to each state a republican form of government
personal liberty’’ to future generations—qualities, we (Article IV, Section 4). Once the United States achieved
might note, that often introduce an element of uncertainty its independence, many Americans pondered how citizens
into public administration. But if we extend the analysis could owe allegiance to two governments, two legislatures,
a bit, we might not only gain an appreciation of the simultaneously. Were the states and national government
many challenges facing water resource developers, but
partners or were the states meekly to accept national
also illuminate a fundamental question facing democratic
supremacy? No one at the Constitutional Convention quite
nations: To what extent should human liberty be
knew what to expect from this layer-of-powers (or was it
constrained in order to provide and manage a human
a marble-cake, twentieth century political scientists later
debated), and numerous, contrary explanations emerged
Beyond Appleby’s observations, one notes at least per-
of what the delegates had actually achieved. In no area did
vasive elements woven into American political behavior.
the confusion become more manifest or disruptive than in
The first, the inescapable, element is distrust of powerful
internal improvements, especially in water projects that
governments. Power corrupts, the first Americans agreed
crossed state lines.
without much hesitation, and the challenge was how to
The term ‘‘internal improvements’’ came to mean
minimize that corruption, how to ensure that good men
many things to the citizens of the young republic. It
will not be enticed to do evil, and how to disperse power
included roads, canals, schools, lighthouses, fortifications,
to minimize oppression. Loudly over the years, Americans
and even technological innovations-most anything that
continue to proclaim their distrust of big government; even
seemed to provide security and promote the economy.
popular presidents generate skepticism when they appear
Gradually, it came to mean something a bit more
to reach for increased power and authority.
specific, though still covering (pardon the pun) a
Only as a last resort, and then with resignation, not
large amount of ground: it applied to what we now
enthusiasm, as during the Great Depression, do Americans
call ‘‘infrastructure,’’ and water transportation was a
turn to the national government to solve their problems.
central concern. Benjamin Franklin had proposed at the
The result can be truly impressive: Grand Coulee and
Constitutional Convention that Congress have the power
Bonneville dams, locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi,
to construct canals, but opponents won the day, fearing
the California Central Valley Project, and the Los Angeles
that Congress would become too powerful. In fact, the term
flood control system all came out of depression-era politics,
‘‘internal improvements’’ cannot be found in the American
but arguably all are aberrations in the story of American
Constitution, an obstacle for those seeking affirmative
water resources.
authority for federal involvement in public works. But
The second element, almost as pervasive as the first,
neither did the Constitution proscribe the activity, which
is that power and liberty are fundamental antagonists.
meant to internal improvement advocates that the
The dispersion of power among the three branches of
function lay legitimately within federal authority. This
government purposely sets power at war with itself rather
ambiguity not only produced a constitutional quagmire for
internal improvements, but it provided a platform upon
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the which larger issues of the role of government and the
public domain in the United States of America. nature of liberty could be debated. In short, the internal

improvements issue amplified and sharpened the debates they worried over possibly unconstitutional intrusions into
about the very nature of American republicanism. By any areas beyond federal authority. We turn our attention to
other name, it continues to serve that function to the the Executive Branch in part two of this series.
present day. This article is based on Martin Reuss, ‘‘The Develop-
Given Americans’ distrust of government and empha- ment of American Water Resources, Planners, Politicians,
sis on personal liberty, America’s first politicians, and all and Constitutional Interpretation,’’ in Paul Slack and
the generations following, confronted the difficulty of pro- Julie Trottier (Eds.), Managing Water Resources, Past
moting economic growth without expanding governmental and Present: The Twelfth Annual Linacre Lectures. Oxford
authority. One answer was the corporation, a device that University Press, 2004. Used by permission of Oxford
actually predated the Constitution but in the age of inter- University Press.
nal improvements became much favored. As presumed The Development of American Water Resources:
promoters of the public good, they effectively became agen- Planners, Politicians, and Constitutional Interpretation.
cies of government. In this way, legislatures could support The Constitution and Early Attempts at Rational
economic and political development without necessarily Water Planning.
involving tax monies. The fact that individual incorpora- The Expansion of Federal Water Projects.
tors might thereby profit aroused little concern. The more
important point was that corporations brought together
sufficient capital to launch an enterprise, whether a canal WATER MARKETS: TRANSACTION COSTS AND
or a municipal water system. Even if a number of these INSTITUTIONAL OPTIONS
ventures brought forth charges of corruption, internal
improvement advocates ceaselessly trumpeted the moral TERENCE R. LEE
and intellectual gifts stemming from public works, as Santiago, Chile
though canals were spiritual as well as economic enter-
prises. To complaints that corporations disenfranchised
people and led to the inequitable distribution of wealth, The costs involved in the transfer of property, or
champions argued-somewhat quaintly in light of what sub- transaction costs, can significantly affect the capacity of
sequently emerged corporations were nothing more than any market to operate efficiently. If water marketing is
little republics eminently suited for the United States. For to achieve its full potential, markets must be designed to
better or worse, the victory of the corporation in American minimize transaction costs. Water marketing may lead,
life was almost as revolutionary as the victory of repub- however, to efficiency gains, even if transaction costs are
licanism itself, and the alliance between government and high. Moreover, increasing water scarcity will raise the
corporations became a hallmark of American economic welfare gains from trade relative to these costs, as the
development. Government was not to replace business, value of water rights increases. Transaction costs can
but was to support and, within certain limits, protect it. be lowered by technological advance and by institutional
George Washington and other Federalists had ardently design. It can also be expected that transactions costs
hoped that corporations might provide the capital and will fall as the market matures, as learning by doing has
means to build internal improvements to bind the its effect.
nation together and transcend local interests, perhaps
leaving overall planning to the national government. But TRANSACTION COSTS
the chance slipped through their hands. The structure
of Congress assured that state interests in internal Transaction costs can be defined as those resources
improvements would prevail over national interest. There dedicated to establish, operate, and enforce a market
would be no national board, no national planning. Rather, system. They may take one of two forms, the services which
Congress would periodically pass rivers and harbors acts buyers or sellers must provide from their own resources;
that generally reflected parochial politics. To stimulate the differences (margins) between the buying price and
states and the private sector, Congress also provided a the selling price of a water right, for example, due to the
percentage of funds obtained from the sale of public lands direct financial cost of any brokerage services.
in new states to finance roads and canals (the three and five In a water market, there are three potential sources of
percent funds dating back to 1802) and voted to turn over transaction costs:
certain lands to states for reclamation (Swampland acts of
1849 and 1850). In a few cases, too, Congress might vote to the costs of finding trading partners, of verifying
subscribe to canal stock or even grant land to a company-a ownership of water rights, and of describing the
practice that presaged the enormous land grants given right for purposes of the proposed transfer;
to railroad companies as they extended their presaged the costs involved in reaching an agreement to trade,
the enormous land grants given to railroad companies as such as negotiating the price; arranging financing
they extended their lines across the continent later in and other terms of transfer; drawing up contracts;
the century. consulting with lawyers and other experts; paying
Caught in a congressional quagmire that appeared fees for brokerage, legal and insurance services; and
to offer no rational plan for the development of the transferring legal titles;
country’s infrastructure, succeeding presidents attempted the costs of setting up a legal, regulatory and institu-
to develop some orderly process, but at the same time tional framework, mitigating possible third-party

effects, and ensuring compliance with applicable producing and disseminating information is often costly
laws. and difficult and, partly, because the means to redistribute
risk are incompletely developed due to uncertainty
Water markets tend to be highly regulated, so many about the nature of the risk and the asymmetry of
transaction costs arise from public policies governing information between market participants. Altogether,
water transfers. The burden imposed by policy-induced however, the information requirements for efficient water
transaction costs comes from the direct costs of a marketing are no greater than those needed for effective
transfer and also from the delays due to waiting administrative allocation of water.
for regulatory approval. These costs can be high. For A study of water markets in the western United States
example, in the western United States, waiting periods concluded that all markets studied were characterized
for state agency decisions, vary from 4–6 months in New by varying degrees of uncertainty and incomplete access
Mexico, to 5–9 months in Utah, and to an astonishing to market information on water commodities, prices,
20–29 months in Colorado (1,2). It is possible to place and market opportunities (6). Where there is no ready
institutional restraints on such regulatory induced delays. means for buyers and sellers to obtain information, they
In Chile, the Water Code regulates the maximum time face legal, hydrologic, and economic uncertainties. These
periods permitted for each stage of any recourse to constitute a substantial cost disincentive to engage in
regulatory intervention (3). This type of institutional water marketing.
requirement, at least, reduces the arbitrariness inherent
in regulatory delays.
Transaction costs prevent markets from operating
efficiently and reduce the overall economic benefits
Efficient construction of any market requires the existence
of water marketing. They increase the cost of water
of the necessary conditions for trading to occur: (1) well-
rights and decrease the incentive to trade. Transaction
defined property rights, (2) public information on the
costs introduce inefficiencies, which block equalization
supply of and the demand for water rights, and (3) the
of marginal values among different uses, users, and
physical and legal possibility for trading to take place.
locations. In extreme cases, transaction costs can prevent
Of these three necessary conditions, by far the most
markets from forming altogether.
important is the existence of well-defined property rights.
These considerations imply that transaction costs
In the case of water, property rights define and limit the
usually reduce welfare and that public policies to reduce
rights and duties of their holders relative to one another
costs will be welfare improving. This does not mean,
and to the rest of society to the use of a certain amount
however, that all regulation of water markets is bad.
of water, which may be defined either volumetrically
Some costs arise from justifiable efforts to protect third-
or in terms of shares of a stream or canal flow. If
party interests. Such policy-induced transaction costs are
rights are poorly defined, market processes cannot be
not necessarily wasteful or inefficient if they provide
relied upon to allocate water resources efficiently. It is
real protection for third parties that may be affected by
a basic responsibility of governments, as far as markets
water transfers.
are concerned, to define, allocate, and enforce property
Transaction costs can be independent of the quantity
rights in water. Government policies play a critical role
of water rights transferred. The title search, filing fees,
in defining the institutional setting for market operation
and other similar costs are often fixed. This penalizes
and provide the basis for market activity by defining,
smaller trades and favors larger trades. Other transaction
allocating, and enforcing water rights.
costs, such as brokers’ commissions, may be proportional
The way property rights are defined will structure the
to the amounts or values traded. More extensive water
incentives and disincentives that members of society face
infrastructure and highly developed user institutions can
in their decisions regarding water ownership, use, and
lower costs. A recent empirical study indicates that, in
transfer. For market participants to estimate the value of a
Chile, transaction costs are particularly low in the areas
water right, they must be able to form secure expectations
that have more modern infrastructure and well-developed
about the benefits and costs of owning and transferring it
water users associations (4).
and the degree to which it is protected from impairment
Variations in transaction costs can affect the spatial
by others (7).
concentration of market activity. In Texas, for example,
So, there is a need for a reliable and trusted means
the major market activity is concentrated in the Lower
of registering rights. Hydrologic information is also
Rio Grande Valley where transaction costs are low (5).
required to permit the right to be defined. Various
Transaction costs can also affect the choice of the type of
types of information are essential for rational decision-
transaction. For example, usually the transaction costs for
making by water rights holders: the legal and hydrologic
a permanent transfer exceed those for a lease.
characteristics of water rights and the costs of alternative
means of obtaining water. This implies the existence of
MARKET-RELATED TRANSACTION COSTS good data and monitoring systems, which can be provided
only by public agencies.
The efficiency of any competitive markets rests on the The public availability of information on the supply
assumption that good, reliable, and easily accessible of and the demand for water rights must also include
information is available. In practice, such information the means to identify willing buyers, sellers and
is not always available for water markets, partly because intermediaries or brokers and the means for entering into

enforceable contracts. Such information is better provided governments to reach agreement reveals that water, long
by the market rather than by public agencies. considered plentiful in the southeastern United States,
In addition, a clearly defined set of transfer rules is in danger of becoming a subject of intractable conflict.
is necessary to permit market transactions to take The failure signals that a water crisis may well emerge
place when buyers and sellers determine. Transactions in the region unless new approaches to allocating water
should be contingent only upon compliance with a known are adopted.
set of trading rules or transfer criteria. This is an As the population of the Southeast increases, competing
essential prerequisite for a continuous water market. demands for water—for municipal use, for recreation, and
There must also be information ensuring that the physical for hydropower, to name just a few—are growing. Today
possibilities for the transfers produced through trade can the problem surfaces in the form of occasional interstate
actually happen. This may require the legal possibility disputes such as this one, but the failure to resolve them
of easements or the purchase of rights of way across the casts an ever-longer shadow over the future of water
property of third parties. resources in the region. When demands of competing users
outstrip supply, there must be ways to ensure that water
goes to the users who value it most and that the waterways
BIBLIOGRAPHY of the Southeast are not roiled by unending conflict.
This article explains the reasons behind the conflict in
1. Colby, B.G., McGinnis, M.A., and Rait, K.A. (1989). Procedural the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, why
aspects of state water law: transferring water rights in the
attempts at resolving it failed, and what alternatives
western states. Ariz. Law Rev. 31.
should be considered. It explains how to allocate water
2. MacDonnell, L. (1990). The Water Transfer Process as a
to its most productive uses, restore peace to the areas
Management Option for Meeting Changing Water Demands.
around these waterways, and avert other conflicts that
Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado,
Boulder. are emerging, not only in these states but elsewhere in
the South.
3. Lee, T.R. (2000). Water Management in the 21st Century: the
Allocation Imperative. Elgar, Cheltenham.
4. Hearne, R.R. and William, E.K. (1995). Water allocation and THE BACKGROUND
water markets: an analysis of gains-from-trade in Chile,
As shown on the map in Fig. 1, the ACF Basin drains
Technical Paper Number 315, The World Bank, Washington,
DC. an area of 19,800 square miles in the states of Georgia,
Alabama, and Florida. The Basin starts in the headwaters
5. Chang, C. and Griffin, R.C. (1992). Water marketing as a
reallocative institution in Texas. Water Resour. Res. March, of the Chattahoochee River in northern Georgia, above
No. 3. Atlanta. The Chattahoochee flows through Georgia’s
6. Saliba and Colby B. (1987). Do water markets ‘work’? Market
Piedmont before turning sharply south, forming the
transfers and trade-offs in the Southwestern states. Water southern half of Georgia’s border with Alabama and a
Resour. Res. 7. notch in Georgia’s border with Florida. At the border,
7. Colby, B.G. (1988). Economic impacts of water law—state law it meets the Flint River to form the Apalachicola River,
and water market development in the Southwest. Nat. Resour. which flows through the Florida panhandle into the Gulf
J. October, No. 4. of Mexico (2).
Historically, in the ACF basin, as in most of the
southeastern United States, water has been abundant and
AVERTING WATER DISPUTES has met the many demands for it. The demands include
water for domestic, commercial, industrial, hydroelectric,
JODY W. LIPFORD navigational, and recreational uses.
PERC Under riparian water rights—the system of water
Bozeman, Montana, and rights in the eastern part of the United States—land-
Presbyterian College owners can use water that flows adjacent to their property
Clinton, South Carolina as long as they do not appreciably diminish the quantity
or quality of water available to downstream users. But
riparian rights were effectively overridden in 1946, when
INTRODUCTION Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
to construct dams for flood control, navigation, and
At midnight on August 31, 2003, time ran out on hydroelectricity along the Chattahoochee River.1 Later,
a proposed agreement among the states of Alabama,
Florida, and Georgia to allocate water in the Apalachicola- The Army Corps of Engineers has long played a role in the ACF
Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin. The deal had been River Basin. To facilitate commercial traffic, the Corps began
13 years in the making, but it ended in failure. ‘‘It’s a true dredging the Chattahoochee River in the 1880s. At present, five
Army Corps dams dot the ACF River Basin: the Buford Dam,
shame that we were as close as we were and couldn’t get
which forms Lake Sidney Lanier; the West Point Dam, which
an agreement,’’ said Alabama’s chief negotiator (1). forms Lake West Point; the Walter F. George Dam, which forms
It was a shame. The collapse of these lengthy Lake Walter F. George; the George W. Andrews Dam; and the Jim
negotiations sends the matter to the courts, and the Woodruff Dam, which forms Lake Seminole. Authorization and
Supreme Court may ultimately decide how the disputed construction of these dams began in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s,
water will be divided. More broadly, the failure of the state and by the 1970s they were all operational (3, pp. 151, 155).

86° 85° 84° 83°



34° Lanier

ee Atlanta
oo SC

33° Flin

Columbus FL
Location of

study area

tt a h o oc e Rive

Ch a






0 50 miles
Gulf of Mexico
0 50 kilometers
Figure 1. Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF)
River Basin. Courtesy of Mandy-Scott Bachelier. 29°

the Corps added water supply and recreation as purposes to the recreational amenities of the lakes has been heavy;
of the dams and the reservoirs they created (4,p.2; 5). millions of user-days are tallied each year (3, p. 158).
These projects transformed the waters of the basin from The Basin also supplies water for public use. All these
private property governed by the riparian doctrine to competing demands limit the amount of withdrawals that
public property. can be made.
Today, the waters of the ACF River Basin continue to
be owned and managed by the federal government through Conflicts Over Increasingly Scarce Water
the Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps’ managers For a long time, the system of riparian doctrine and
meet weekly to consider various water needs, such public management through the Army Corps of Engineers
as hydroelectric production, recreation, navigation, and worked well. In the 1980s and 1990s, however, rapid
environmental quality (6). In addition, all requests to population growth, particularly in metropolitan Atlanta,
increase water withdrawals must be approved by the Corps combined with recurrent drought led to increased pressure
(7, p. 993). on the ACF River Basin’s resources.
Except for flood control, each of these purposes requires Atlanta’s population grew from 2.2 million in 1980 to
a minimal lake level or river flow rate. Electricity cannot 3.0 million in 1990, and then to 4.1 million in 2000. Of
be produced, nor can barges navigate, without sufficient 126 metropolitan statistical areas listed by the Census
water. Similarly, fish populations require stable lake Bureau, only 17 had higher population growth rates from
levels during spawning season. Sufficient flow also dilutes 1980 to 1990, and only eight had higher population growth
pollution, helping to ensure water quality (6). The Corps rates from 1990 to 2000.2
also commonly provides recreational facilities, such as
parking areas, boat ramps, and public restrooms. Response See Table 30 of U.S. Census Bureau (8, pp. 32–34).

Demand for water to satisfy this growing population These actions reflected unique concerns in each state.
increased dramatically. Metropolitan Atlanta’s water use Alabama officials worried that Atlanta’s withdrawals
increased from 289 million gallons per day in 1980 to 459 would stifle Alabama’s economic development by limiting
million gallons per day in 1990, and then to 606 million water needed for domestic, industrial, and commercial
gallons per day in 2000.3 Metro Atlanta relies almost use. Water quality would also suffer because reduced
exclusively on surface water; over 70% comes from the downstream flows would mean less dilution of polluted
Chattahoochee River and Lake Sidney Lanier, the lake upstream water. Atlanta not only uses a large amount
formed north of Atlanta by the dam at the headwaters of of water, but also discharges heavily polluted water back
the Chattahoochee. into the Chattahoochee (7, p. 996; 12, p. 68–69).5 If dirtier
Yet, the Chattahoochee River and Lake Lanier are ill water came from Atlanta, Alabama might have to raise
suited to supplying Atlanta’s water needs. The Chatta- water cleanup standards for industrial and municipal
hoochee is the smallest watershed in the country to supply users, which would be costly and would put Alabama
a metropolitan area with the majority of its water (9). at a competitive disadvantage in attracting economic
The largest share of Atlanta’s water use—53.8%—is for development (14, p. 3).
residential use; commercial, government, and industrial From Florida’s perspective, the chief problem was
users take 22.8%, 5.6%, and 4.2%, respectively (10). oyster beds. Reduced flows, especially at critical times,
A preliminary study by the Army Corps of Engineers and heavier pollution could threaten the Apalachicola
indicates that Atlanta is already approaching, and at times Bay’s oyster industry, which supplies approximately 10%
exceeding, water use levels that were not expected until of the country’s oysters and employs over 1000 people.
2030. Whether these findings are accurate or not—the The river is also a commercial source of shrimp, blue crab,
Georgia Environmental Protection Division says that the and finfish, as well as the home of an important sport
Chattahoochee River and Lake Lanier are sufficient to fishery and the only commercial source of Tupelo honey. It
supply Atlanta through 2030—there is no doubt that has been recognized as an Outstanding Florida Water (15,
future demands on the Chattahoochee River and Lake p. 34; 16).
Lanier will be heavy and growing (11). Other factors exacerbated the conflict. For example,
Drought has worsened this pressure on the River recreational users want lakes kept full or nearly full;
Basin’s waters. During the 1980s and 1990s, the Southeast however, the competing objectives of hydropower and
experienced recurrent and severe droughts. In the most flood control require that lakes be drawn down, typically
severe drought, rainfall in Atlanta fell by as much as 25%, during summer and winter. Similarly, navigation requires
and annual average streamflows along the Apalachicola minimal flows that reduce the water in lakes when
River fell to less than half their historical norms.4 river levels become too low for barge traffic. Finally,
ecosystem preservation requires a pattern of flows that
The Crisis Begins
mimics nature’s seasonal cycle and may conflict with other
In 1989, recognizing that Atlanta’s ‘‘finite supply of clean demands (4, p. 2; 14, p. 3).
water is looming as a barrier to growth’’ (12, p. 68), Despite years of negotiation, the states never agreed
Atlanta and the Army Corps of Engineers proposed to how to allocate the basin’s waters. Because these
approximately double the water Atlanta drew from Lake negotiations failed, the matter is now likely to be settled
Lanier, to 529 million gallons per day. Without sufficient by the Supreme Court.
water, Georgia officials feared the loss of 680,000 jobs and
$127 billion in wages through 2010 (13, p. 26). Constitutional Paths to Solution
The proposal by Georgia and the Army Corps alarmed
Once Alabama took the Corps to court in 1989, the
the citizens of Alabama. Increased withdrawals from
states had several constitutional options to choose
Lake Lanier would reduce flows along the segment of
from to settle the conflict over water allocation. They
the Chattahoochee River that forms the southern half of
could go to Congress for a decision, their suits could
Alabama’s border with Georgia and would stunt economic
reach the Supreme Court, or they could negotiate their
development there. So, in 1990, Alabama sued the Army
Corps to keep it from allocating more of the ACF River own agreement or compact. Neither Congress nor the
Basin’s waters to Atlanta. Supreme Court likes to get involved in interstate water
The state of Florida quickly joined the lawsuit on disputes. Moreover, suits reaching the Supreme Court
the side of Alabama, fearing that reduced water flows are costly, usually require lengthy negotiations, and yield
would harm the oyster-rich Apalachicola Bay farther uncertain outcomes.
downstream and lead to deterioration of the Apalachicola’s For these reasons, the states opted for an interstate
water quality. The state of Georgia then joined the lawsuit water compact. Alabama agreed to deactivate its lawsuit
on the side of the Army Corps of Engineers to defend its during the negotiation period, the Army Corps of
withdrawal. The stage was set for 13 years of studies, Engineers agreed not to allocate additional water from
proposals, counterproposals, and extended deadlines. Lake Lanier to Atlanta, and all parties agreed to a
comprehensive study of the water resources in the basin (4,
Data supplied by Julia Fanning, U.S. Geological Survey, Atlanta,
e-mail correspondence, November 7, 2003. In response to federal consent decrees to stop spills of untreated
4 wastewater into the Chattahoochee and to comply with the Clean
For data on streamflow of the Apalachicola River at Chat-
tahoochee, FL, see waterdata.usgs.gov/fl/nwis/annual/calendar Water Act, Atlanta is currently trying to raise over $3 billion to
year/?site no=02358000. renovate its antiquated sewage treatment system.

pp. 3–4).6 In early 1997, all three state legislatures ratified in the ACF River Basin. The memorandum authorized
legislation authorizing the negotiation of an ACF River water supply for Atlanta from Lake Lanier at 705 million
Basin Compact to allocate the basin’s waters. These acts gallons per day and left open the possibility of greater
were subsequently signed by the three state governors. future withdrawals. The memo also established minimum
The U.S. Constitution requires congressional approval flow requirements downstream from Atlanta; the most
of interstate compacts, so in November 1997, Congress important was a flow of 5,000 cubic feet per second on
approved and President Clinton signed federal authorizing the Apalachicola River at Chattahoochee, Florida. The
legislation. The goal of the compact was to assign property deadline for final agreement on the memorandum was
rights to water fairly and avoid future conflicts. This goal August 31, 2003 (20).
proved elusive, however. Although Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed the mem-
orandum, he and other Florida officials had reservations,
The Failure of the Compact which they expressed in an accompanying statement (21).
They insisted that minimum flows must not become tar-
The federal legislation set an initial deadline of December
gets, that Lake Lanier must be managed to deal effectively
31, 1998 for compact negotiations, unless the states agreed
with drought, and that the governing ACF Commission
unanimously to extend that deadline.7 This deadline
must have authority to approve any withdrawals from
proved much too optimistic, as each state presented
Lake Lanier that exceeded the amount specified in the
proposals reflecting its parochial interests. To begin with,
Alabama and Florida wanted consumptive uses of water
Ultimately, the states could not agree. Florida feared
defined and limited.8 Georgia resisted this approach in
that minimum flows, which had been less than 5000 cubic
favor of one that focused on reservoir levels. Specifically,
feet per second only twice during the recent droughts
Georgia wanted the ACF River Basin’s reservoirs to
(on a mean monthly basis), might become the norm.
be kept full or nearly full (19, p. 8), so that Georgia
Thus, Florida officials again raised the issue of Georgia’s
would have enough water to supply Atlanta (4, p.
withdrawals from Lake Lanier. Georgia officials responded
14). In return, Georgia offered Alabama and Florida
by agreeing either to limit Atlanta’s withdrawals or
minimum flow guarantees. But Alabama and Florida
to promise minimum flows through the basin, but not
rejected Georgia’s proposal, fearing that the minimum
both, and accused Florida of trying to micromanage its
flows might become the norm, in essence reducing the
waters (23,24). As a result, Florida officials refused to
water flowing downstream.
accept the Memorandum of Understanding, and the deal
To ensure adequate flows along its border, Alabama
collapsed. The states have now reactivated their original
argued that the ACF River Basin’s water should
lawsuits (1,5,24).10
be allocated to meet the original objectives of dam
construction. These included navigation (i.e., barge traffic),
flood prevention, and hydroelectric production—but not THE ALLOCATION OF WATER
water supply to municipalities or recreation (4, p. 2; 19,
Economists recognize the scarcity of valuable resources.
p. 9). Florida agreed with Alabama in opposing minimum
Without prices on these resources, there is not enough
flows, but also wanted downstream flows to be adjusted
to satisfy all who want to use them. In most settings,
to mimic natural flow cycles. Additional problems plagued
however, market prices allocate resources and allow
the negotiations, from definitional questions (e.g., how to
them to move to those users who value them the most.
define ‘‘severe drought’’) to the choice of the computer
This market process allocates resources to their most
model for forecasting river flows and lake levels (19, pp.
productive uses and maximizes society’s wealth. In the
case of the ACF River Basin water, however, market prices
No agreement was forthcoming, so the states agreed to
do not currently allocate water; it is allocated politically.
extend the deadline till January 1, 2000. Yet, the passing of
Economists also recognize that resources have multiple
another year did not appreciably advance the negotiations.
uses. Water, for example, may be used to generate
Once again, the states set a 1-year deadline, establishing
a pattern of deadline extensions that continued until July 9
Sixty-four percent of the ACF River Basin’s reservoir capacity is
22, 2003. At that point, progress seemed to have been held in Lake Lanier (22).
made. The three governors signed a Memorandum of 10
Complicating the legal proceedings is a deal struck by Georgia
Understanding that set a blueprint for water allocation and the Army Corps of Engineers in January 2003 in which
metropolitan Atlanta governments agreed to pay the Corps $2.5
6 million per year toward the operation of Lake Lanier’s Buford
Until the compact was completed, the states agreed to ‘‘freeze’’
water at current use levels. Should increased withdrawals be Dam in exchange for greater withdrawals from the lake. With this
needed, the states agreed to notify other states in advance (17, p. deal, metropolitan Atlanta sought not only to obtain additional
202). For further details, see Public Law 105-104, Article VII (c). water, but also to mollify hydropower customers who pay for the
7 dam and who had filed suit against the Corps in 2000 because
[Public Law 105-104, Article VIII (3)].
Consumptive use, also known as water consumed or water the Corps had already allocated water from hydropower to supply
depleted, may be defined as the ‘‘part of water withdrawn that metropolitan Atlanta. Georgia and the Corps negotiated this
is evaporated, transpired, incorporated into products or crops, deal without informing Alabama or Florida and set it aside only
consumed by humans or livestock, or otherwise removed from the when Alabama and Florida found out about it and threatened to
immediate water environment.’’ The definition also includes ‘‘any withdraw from the compact negotiations. This deal, like the initial
water withdrawn in the basin and transferred out of the basin for lawsuits between the states and the Corps, has been reactivated
use’’ (18). and will have to be settled by the courts (5,25).

electricity; aid oyster production; provide wildlife habitat; developers, say, or to Florida’s oyster producers. And,
produce industrial products; provide channel depth for if they can decide objectively to allocate more water to
barges; provide recreational opportunities for boaters, Florida’s oyster producers, they would still have to decide
skiers, and fishers; or supply households with water for whether the extra water should come from Lake Lanier
drinking, watering lawns, or filling swimming pools. In (thereby maintaining levels at downstream reservoirs) or
the ACF Basin, some water is used in each of these ways. from downstream reservoirs (thereby maintaining levels
Whether allocation occurs through market prices or at Lake Lanier).
other methods, it is rarely all-or-nothing. In the Southeast By making these decisions, policy makers are implicitly
(and the United States generally), there is ample water to choosing who will benefit and who will be harmed.
supply basic human needs, such as drinking water. Where A decision to allocate more water to Atlanta lessens
conflicts occur, as in the ACF Basin, it is over shifting development in eastern Alabama and reduces Florida’s
some water, not all water, from one use to another. Simply seafood production. A decision to allocate more water
put, the ACF Basin issue is whether more water should be to Alabama and Florida benefits the economies of
allocated to Atlanta, presenting Alabama and Florida with these states, but curbs Atlanta’s economic development.
the prospect of less water but not complete deprivation. Similarly, a decision to supply downstream users from
Although compacts have some advantages over congres- Lake Lanier diminishes recreational opportunities for
sional or judicial apportionment, they are poorly suited to users of that lake and maintains those opportunities
allocate water in ways that maximize water’s productive for users of downstream reservoirs; the opposite decision
value to society. Compacts are highly political and con- would benefit Lake Lanier’s recreational users but harm
front intractable information problems, and such was the those who use downstream reservoirs. And even if policy
case with the negotiations over the ACF Basin’s waters. makers could determine water’s most productive uses,
their decisions would soon be rendered obsolete by changes
Interest Groups in the total supply of water, changes in the total demand
Groups with a vested interest in the outcome of the com- for water, and marginal changes in allocation necessary
to maximize the total productive value of the basin’s
pact influenced the ACF River Basin negotiations. Each
water resources.
tried to get more water allocated in its favor, irrespective
Negotiators did try to obtain answers to some of the
of water’s most productive uses. The influence of these
technical questions through the use of computer software
groups introduced conflict, making a workable agreement
that forecast future river flows and reservoir levels based
difficult to achieve. Industrial, environmental, municipal,
on consideration of ‘‘historic rainfall patterns over the
and political interests all made their voices heard (19, p.
last fifty-five years’’ and ‘‘anticipated water uses within
8). The Atlanta Journal-Constitution identified political
the basin in a future year, typically 2030 or 2050’’ (19,
and business leaders of metropolitan Atlanta, environ-
p. 8). But repetition of historical rainfall patterns is not
mentalists, and Florida’s shellfish and fishing industries
guaranteed. Nor are anticipated water uses easily forecast.
as uncompromising interest groups who refused to yield
Atlanta’s rapid population growth and commensurate
to the demands of other users (1).
water use have been dramatically underpredicted by the
The Apalachicola Bay’s oyster industry serves as an
experts.12 To compound matters further, different software
example of a small, well-organized interest group with
programs give different estimates, and, not surprisingly,
strong influence; its employment of approximately 1000
the states have used different modeling programs (19,
people is minimal in a state with total employment
p. 10).
of approximately 7.2 million.11 Note, however, that the
industry had support throughout the state of Florida from Practical Problems
citizens who wanted the environmental amenities of their
state’s river preserved. Negotiators confronted two other factors that made
After the agreement failed, some interests, such as agreement less likely: (1) The ACF River Basin’s waters
the Atlanta Regional Commission and homeowners and were already fully allocated, and (2) the drought was
businesses on Lakes Lanier and West Point, seemed just expected to end soon. That the water wealth of the ACF
as happy. They feared that Georgia had compromised too River Basin is already fully allocated made bargaining
much already. more contentious because changes will force redistribution
of existing allocations. In contrast, for example, the
Informational Problems country’s first interstate water compact, the Colorado
River Compact of 1922, was negotiated in the arid
Even if negotiators could be insulated from interest group West, and more water was anticipated from the Boulder
influence, they would still face important informational Canyon Project Act, which authorized the Hoover Dam
questions. If their goal is to allocate the water to its and created Lake Mead. Moreover, negotiators knew that
most productive uses, negotiators must first know how the 1998–2002 drought was unprecedented and would
much total water can be allocated and how that will likely come to an end, reducing pressures on the ACF
vary over years of normal rainfall and drought. Perhaps River Basin’s waters. These expectations were borne out;
most important, they need to determine whether society
will benefit more from allocating water to Atlanta’s The State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1997–98 predicted
that metropolitan Atlanta’s 2000 population would be 3.682
The employment figure is taken from table 602 of U.S. Census million (26). The actual figure was 4.112 million, an error of
Bureau (8, p. 393). 430,000 for a prediction published only 2 years in advance.

abundant rain fell during the latter half of 2002 and during p. 14–21). In Texas, where both riparian and prior
2003.13 appropriation doctrines are recognized, a system of
marketable permits similar to that described below
PROPOSALS FOR MARKETING WATER allocates water along the Rio Grande River (32).
In a fully functioning water market, users pay a market
With compact negotiations now in disarray, policy makers price for water consumed, and that price serves as a
must look to other alternatives. An obvious proposal is for rationing mechanism. Those who can put the water to the
Atlanta (and other municipalities in the basin) to charge most productive use and demonstrate this by willingness
a price for its water that at least approximates its market to pay, will purchase the water, be they residential
value. Ample evidence shows that higher water prices developers or oyster producers. Market prices motivate
reduce consumption (27, p. 12–13). At present, water is those with relatively less productive opportunities to sell
underpriced in Atlanta, leading to overuse. Even in the the water to more productive users. Through markets,
most recent drought, the city of Atlanta raised its price to groups can work out slight or marginal changes that
residential users by only 3%. For the average residential maximize the total value from all uses.
user, the monthly water bill rose from $16.55 to $17.05. Markets also yield peace among transacting parties. In
The city plans additional rate hikes through 2004, but markets, only the parties considering buying or selling a
these will raise average residential bills by a mere $1.00 resource take part in the negotiations. Outside influences
per month (28). During the drought, rather than raising from politicians, bureaucrats, or interest groups do not
the price of water further, officials imposed restrictions on guide the negotiations, as they do in the political process.
outdoor water use that continue in effect (29,30). The terms of exchange, such as the price, must be
Raising water prices to market levels is apparently not voluntarily agreed upon for exchange to occur. Any would-
politically feasible. This means that the states of Alabama, be buyer or seller who does not like the price does not have
Florida, and Georgia and the federal government should to buy or sell.
consider basinwide proposals to create water markets. In contrast, in the political sphere, resource users often
Experience with markets in water has shown that they do not pay a price for a resource they consume, or they pay
can overcome some of the most difficult challenges of less than the resource’s market value. This encourages
water allocation. They can ensure that water is allocated them always to want more and leads to conflicts among
to its most productive uses and can prevent conflicts users and a state of perpetual unhappiness for all.
among users. As economists often point out, the foundation for
To some, marketing water is still a strange idea. Long markets is private property rights that are defined—that
accustomed to the notion that water is a commonly owned is, rights with a clearly specified ownership claim;
resource, many readers may doubt that it is feasible to enforced—that is, rights with a claim that is secure;
‘‘trade’’ water and thereby satisfy various interests more and transferable—that is, rights that may be sold
readily than through political negotiations. Yet, there is to others. Clearly defined, enforced, and transferable
a strong precedent for marketing of water. Much of the property rights are necessary for exchange. Buyers will
American West is arid; it receives less than 17 inches not purchase resources if the rights to those resources
of precipitation a year. With water always precious, the are uncertain or insecure, but when rights to property
West evolved a system of private property rights to water, are certain, secure, and transferable, markets flourish.
and with it, water markets. This system, known as the Market-based allocation of the ACF River Basin’s waters
prior appropriation doctrine, resulted from the need to would encourage allocation of the basin’s waters to their
divert water for mining and agriculture. In simplest most productive uses and foster peace among users.
terms, it allowed a person to divert water from a river
or stream on the basis of seniority (or ‘‘first in time, first The Army Corps’ Role
in right’’); the right remained as long as the individual To understand how markets might work, it is appropriate
continued to use the water (‘‘use it or lose it’’). Water to begin with the Army Corps of Engineers, which is the
users could transfer their rights to others. The private effective owner of the water in the ACF Basin. At present,
provision of water flourished (31, p. 31–45), and continues the Corps almost entirely depends on congressional
to do so, although laws that guide the transfers of water appropriations. In the Mobile District in which the ACF
are somewhat antiquated, and restrictions on transfers River Basin is located, the Corps receives some fees for
that made sense in the past do not necessarily encourage its services, but they represent a small part of the Corps’
efficient use today. budget. The fees it receives are either insufficient to cover
In spite of these restrictions, water trades occur among the costs of its services (as in recreation fees), the Corps
agricultural users, between agricultural users and cities, does not retain the revenues (as in the case of revenues
and between agricultural users and environmentalists. from hydropower), or it simply does not charge for the
Even interbasin and interstate trades are common (27, services it provides (as for navigational services, although
13 commercial vessels do pay a fuel tax that is used to fund
From July 2002 to August 2003, rainfall exceeded normal levels
in Atlanta, Columbus, and Albany, Georgia, by 9.64 inches, 12.21 inland waterway projects).
inches, and 6.57 inches, respectively (data supplied by Pam Knox, The Corps is supported by taxpayer dollars and cannot
assistant state climatologist, Georgia State Climatology Office, receive financial benefit from the services it provides, so it
University of Georgia, Athens, e-mail correspondence, October has no incentive to determine which competing uses are
15, 2003). most productive and thus to adopt market exchange as the

way to allocate water in the Basin. In an ideal world, the After this global budget is established, the Army Corps
Corps’ financing and function would be changed to give of Engineers could grant water allocations to each user
it an incentive to allocate scarce water resources to their based on average daily use, again from some period of
most productive uses, thereby raising the total wealth past consumption. Even though hydropower producers,
generated from the Basin’s waters. This would happen if barges, and oyster producers do not strictly divert water,
the Corps were to retain property rights and management the water they use is ‘‘diverted’’ from the Basin into
authority over the Basin’s waters, but taxpayer support of the Gulf of Mexico and therefore should be measured
the Corps and its projects were reduced. In exchange, the for the allocation. By making the allocations daily, the
Corps would be given the authority to charge whatever Corps would allow for seasonal variations in demand and
fees it deemed appropriate for the services it provided and flood control. Permit allocations would be divisible and
to retain the revenues. For example, the Corps could transferable. And, of course, under no condition could
implement or change fees it charges for hydropower, water be allocated in a way that violates federal water
dredging, water supply, and recreational services. If use laws.
drought or increased demand raised the relative scarcity When the supply of rainfall was abundant, so that
of water, the Corps would have the authority to raise fees. water in the Basin exceeded the global daily budget, all
Some taxpayer support is justified because the Corps also users could be satisfied without the need to transfer water
provides flood control that benefits all users. among users. However, in the case of drought, the Army
Although the Corps is extremely powerful in Congress Corps of Engineers could cut daily permit allowances by
and therefore such a change in the financing of the an equal percentage for all users. The Corps could then
Corps is unlikely, there is some precedent for this kind serve as a water broker, facilitating transactions among
of institutional reform of a public agency. In 1996, users by matching buyers and sellers and helping to
the Fee Demonstration Program allowed the National negotiate terms of exchange, while charging a fee to cover
Park Service, the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land administrative costs. Similarly, if the demand for water
Management, and the Fish and Wildlife Service each rises to the point that it exceeds the global daily budget,
to choose 100 sites that could raise or implement users who want more water would have to purchase that
new fees and retain 80% of the revenues. Although water from other users.
the Fee Demonstration Program does not intend self- To see how this might work, consider a simplified
sufficiency for the participating agencies or individual example with two users, a lake, and a river running
sites, the results from changed incentives are evident, downstream from the lake. Suppose the two users are
as these agencies have improved services to visitors Atlanta developers and Florida oyster producers, the lake
of public lands by allocating more funds to badly named Lake Lanier, and the river the Chattahoochee.
needed repair and maintenance of some of the country’s Suppose that for a given day, the water budget for this
most-valued natural and recreational resources (33). river basin is 1000 gallons, allocated between 800 gallons
Like the Fee Demonstration program, reform of the for Atlanta developers and 200 gallons for Florida oyster
Army Corps of Engineers could begin on a short-term, producers. (Actual quantities would, of course, be in the
experimental basis. millions of gallons per day.)
With a mandate to balance its budget and the authority If rainfall allows greater net withdrawals, say to 1100
to set fees and retain revenues, the Corps would have gallons, each user’s allotment can rise by 10%. A drought,
an incentive to allocate water resources to their most however, might reduce net withdrawals to 900 gallons,
productive uses. If Atlanta developers wanted more water, forcing cuts in permitted allotments to 720 gallons for
they would have to pay a price that reflected the value Atlanta developers and 180 gallons for Florida oyster
of the water to other users. If it did not, those other producers. This is where trading comes in. If Atlanta’s
users would outbid it. The Corps would also have to take developers want to restore their allocation, they must offer
into account the costs of its services. If barge traffic was to purchase an additional 80 gallons from Florida’s oyster
insufficient to generate revenues to cover the costs of producers. If the contracting parties agree, the Army Corps
dredging, the Corps would cease to dredge the basin. will release less water from Lake Lanier, increasing the
Through this system, those with the most productive amount available to Atlanta’s developers and reducing the
opportunities for the water would be the ones to obtain downstream flow for Florida’s oyster producers.
it. Such allocation would also maximize the Corps’ net If, in contrast, Florida’s oyster producers want to retain
revenues. Unfortunately, this outcome is not very likely to a flow of 200 gallons, they will offer to purchase an
occur in a political setting. additional 20 gallons from Atlanta developers. If the
parties agree, this time the Army Corps of Engineers
A System of Marketable Permits will release more water from Lake Lanier, reducing the
Under current political arrangements, marketable permits amount available for Atlanta’s developers but increasing
seem to be the most promising approach to creating a water the flow for Florida’s oyster producers.
market. Marketable permits depend on the assignment of One can envision associations of users with similar
property rights to water. To implement them in the ACF wants, such as an upstream association of developers
River Basin, the Army Corps of Engineers could first and recreational users and a downstream association
establish a daily ‘‘water budget,’’ consisting of the total of hydroelectric utilities, barges, environmentalists, and
net withdrawals allowed from the basin, based on average oyster producers. At times, association members would
daily withdrawals from some past period of consumption. benefit by combining funds and sharing costs.

Purchasing water allotments to retire (i.e., not use) Basin’s waters would be allocated more efficiently, and
them should also be allowed. For example, if electric relations among the ACF River Basin’s users would
utilities want to increase downstream flows to generate become more harmonious.
electricity at the same time that recreational users want
lake levels held high, as on a summer holiday weekend, Implications for the Southeast
the recreational users could purchase water rights from Making these kinds of changes in the ACF River Basin is
the electric utilities, if the utilities agreed, and retire critical because water conflicts are brewing throughout the
those rights. Instead of producing revenues through Southeast. Along Georgia’s border with South Carolina, a
hydropower, the electric utilities would receive payments request by Habersham County, Georgia, to withdraw 12.5
from recreational users. Similarly, environmentalists million gallons per day from the Savannah River Basin
might want to purchase and use or retire rights during provoked the South Carolina state legislature to introduce
seasons when fish spawn.14 resolutions calling on Congress to stop the Army Corps
In each of the exchanges described, the amount of of Engineers from granting the request, which would
water traded would be a small portion, not all of the have transferred water from the Savannah River Basin
total allowances. For example, recreational users would to the ACF Basin.16 In addition, Georgia is involved in a
be likely to purchase some, but not all, of the electric dispute with Alabama over water in the Alabama-Coosa-
utilities’ water. Lake levels would fall enough to generate Tallapoosa River Basin. And North Carolina and South
some electricity, but not as much as they would fall if Carolina have disputed the flow of water in the Yadkin-
recreational users did not purchase some of the water Great Pee Dee River Basin (35–37). By establishing water
rights.15 markets in the ACF River Basin, the states of Alabama,
To be effective, these marketable permits must have Florida, and Georgia could serve as an example to other
the key characteristics of property rights: They must be southeastern states to help them avoid the conflicts that
clearly defined, so that each user knows its allocation for have for so long plagued the attempts to allocate that
each day; enforced, with the Army Corps of Engineers Basin’s waters.
serving as enforcer of the permit allowances through its
monitoring of lakes and dams; and transferable, with WHAT CHANCE FOR CHANGE?
transfer facilitated by the Army Corps of Engineers
Market reforms offer great potential, but when govern-
serving as broker. With defined, enforced, and transferable
ment is in control, change typically comes about only with
property rights, a water market could develop that would
crisis. Higher rainfall since the summer of 2002 has dimin-
ensure an allocation of water to its most productive uses
ished the sense of crisis. Does this mean that all hope is
and peace among contracting parties.
lost for market allocation of water in the ACF River Basin
As an alternative to water transfers among users at
or elsewhere in the Southeast? Not at all.
mutually agreed upon prices, the Corps could advance
By failing to achieve compact resolution, the states
market allocation by establishing a water bank. The Corps
of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia have embarked down
could serve as an underwriter that buys and sells water
the risky path of judicial apportionment. The risk is that
at specified prices, with the spread between these prices
the Supreme Court could allocate the ACF River Basin’s
used to cover the costs of administering the bank. Such
waters in a way that is unsatisfactory to each or all
banks have been used in times of drought. For example,
of the states (17, p. 226). Because these allocations are
water banks were used successfully in 1977 and 1991 in
not transferable, states with an unsatisfactory allocation
California to cope with drought. In 1991, California offered
would have no way, short of further litigation, to change
to purchase water at a price of $125 per acre-foot and to sell
the allocation. As the states contemplate this possibility,
water at a price of $175 per acre-foot. The state purchased
they may find it prudent to drop their lawsuits and pursue
and sold 400,000 acre-feet of water, mostly to municipal a means of allocating water that relies on markets, such
and agricultural users (31, pp. 11–12, 102–103). as one of the proposals offered in this article.
In the ACF River Basin, the Army Corps of Engineers Once demand permanently outstrips supply under
could assign to users daily property rights to flows of current arrangements, water in the Southeast will be
water, based on historic use patterns, and then serve as rationed. The question will be how. Will water be rationed
a water banker, standing ready to buy and sell water by markets, which promote productive use and harmony
at specified prices. Depositors could leave water in the among users? Or will it be rationed by political processes
Basin, and withdrawers could buy it. With price playing that are likely to result in misallocation and conflict?
an allocative role and with voluntary transactions, the As economic development continues, perhaps plagued by
drought, the citizens of the Southeast may choose the
Retiring rights requires some ranking among users. If efficiency and harmony of markets over the misallocation
hydropower users have the higher ranking, recreational users
and contention of politics.
would have to purchase rights from them to keep lake levels up.
On the other hand, if recreational users had the higher ranking,
hydropower users would have to purchase rights from them to
drop lake levels. Coase (34) argues that clearly defined property 1. Shelton, S. (2003). Water talks a washout—states point
rights and sufficiently low transaction costs will lead to allocating fingers. Atlanta Journal-Constitution September 6, G1.
resources to their most productive uses.
15 16
With less water for hydroelectric production, utilities might Before this conflict could escalate, Habersham County withdrew
have to raise prices to their customers. its permit request.

2. U.S. Geological Survey. (2000). Apalachicola-Chattahoochee- 21. Struhs, D.B. (2003). Statement of Intent to Accompany the
Flint River Basin NAWQA study: Description of the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Initial Alloca-
ACF River Basin study area, 2000 (last modified August tion Formula for the ACF River Basin, July 22. Online:
23). Online: ga.water.usgs.gov/nawqa/main.description.html www.dep.state.fl.us/secretary/comm/2003/july/0722 acf.
(cited Sept. 24, 2003). htm (cited Sept. 29, 2003).
3. Jeane, D.G. (2002). A History of the Mobile District Corps 22. Ritchie, B. (2003). River pact moves closer. Tallahassee
of Engineers, 1815–1985. Online: www.sam.usace.army. Democrat July 23, A1.
mil/MobileDistrictHistory (cited December 10, 2003). 23. Ritchie, B. (2003). Florida willing to take battle to court.
4. Carriker, R.R. (2000). Water Wars: Water Allocation Law Tallahassee Democrat August 27, B3.
and the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. 24. Ritchie, B. (2003). High court may hear water fight.
University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service, Tallahassee Democrat September 2, A1.
Institute of Food and Agricultural Services. Online: 25. Seabrook, C. (2003). Water Costs Likely to Rise. Atlanta
edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY FE208 (cited Sept. 24, 2003). Journal-Constitution Sept. 8, F1.
5. Shelton, S. (2003). Water deal may buy Atlanta some time. 26. U.S. Census Bureau. 1998. State and Metropolitan Area Data
Atlanta Journal-Constitution September 12, C3. Book, 1997–98. 5th Edn. Washington, DC.
6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District. (2001). 27. Anderson, T.L. and Snyder, P.S. (1997). Priming the invisible
How the river systems are managed (Dec. 2, 2001). Online: pump. PERC Policy Series, PS-9. PERC, Bozeman, MT.
water.sam.usace.army.mil/narrativ.htm (cited Sept. 30, 28. Atlanta Bureau of Water. (2003). Rates, Fees & Meter
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7. Beaverstock, J.U. (1998). Learning to get along: Alabama, (cited Oct. 28, 2003).
Georgia, Florida and the Chattahoochee River Compact. Ala. 29. Atlanta Regional Commission (2003). Current Water Restric-
Law Rev. 49 (Spring): 993–1007. tions (May 9). Online: atlreg.com/water/waterrestrictions.
8. Census Bureau, U.S. (2002). Statistical Abstract of the United html (cited November 6, 2003).
States: 2002. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 30. Judd, A. (2000). State slaps water limits on 15 metro counties:
outdoor water use banned from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Atlanta
9. Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and the Regional
Journal-Constitution June 2.
Business Coalition. (2003). A Primer on Water Resources in
the Metro Atlanta Region. Online: www.cleanwaterinitiative. 31. Anderson, T.L. and Snyder, P.S. (1997). Water Markets:
com/background/primer.htm (cited October 28, 2003). Priming the Invisible Pump. Cato Institute, Washington, DC.
10. Atlanta Regional Commission. (2003). Regional Water 32. Yoskowitz, D.W. (2001). Markets, mechanism, institutions,
and the future of water. Environ. Law Rep. 31(February).
Supply Plan. Online: atlreg.com/water/supplyplan.html (cited
October 28, 2003). 33. Fretwell, H.L. (1999). Paying to play: The fee demonstration
program. PERC Policy Series, PS-17. PERC, Bozeman, MT.
11. Seabrook, C. (2002). Atlanta guzzling water; metro thirst
exceeds projections. Atlanta Journal-Constitution May 15. 34. Coase, R. (1960). The problem of social cost. J. Law Econ.
3(October): 1–44.
12. Walker, B.P. (2001). Using geographic information system
mapping and education for watershed protection through 35. Henderson, Bruce. (2002). Who gets the water? Charlotte
Observer Dec. 29.
better-defined property rights. In: The Technology of Property
Rights, T.L. Anderson and P.J. Hill. (Eds.). Rowman & 36. Libaw, O.Y. (2000). Water wars: Drought-ridden Southeast
Littlefield, Lanham, MD, pp. 57–78. battles over use of rivers (August 14). ABC News. Online:
13. Economist. (1991). River rivalry. March 30.
html (cited Sept. 16, 2003).
14. Hull, J.W. (2000). The War Over Water. Regional Resource.
37. Pompe, J.J. and Franck, D.P. (2003). The Economic Impact
Council of State Governments, Atlanta. of Water Transfer: Options for Policy Reform. Working
15. American Rivers. (2002). America’s Most Endangered paper, Department of Economics, Francis Marion University,
Rivers of 2002. Online: www.amrivers.org/mostendangered/ Florence, SC.
2002report.htm (cited December 10, 2003).
16. Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce. (2003). Apalachi-
cola. Online: www.apalachicolabay.org (cited Sept. 25, 2003). WATER SUPPLY AND WATER RESOURCES:
17. Erhardt, C. (1992). The battle over ‘‘The Hooch’’: The federal- DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RESEARCH
interstate water compact and the resolution of rights in the
Chattahoochee river. Stanford Environ. Law J. 11: 200–228. MARK C. MECKES
18. Marella, R.L., Fanning, J.L., and Mooty, W.S. (1993). Esti- ROY C. HAUGHT
mated Use of Water in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint U.S. Environmental
River Basin During 1990 with State Summaries from 1970 to Protection Agency
1990. Water-Resources Investigation Report, 93–4084. U.S.
Geological Survey, Tallahassee, FL.
19. Moore, C.G. (1999). Water wars: Interstate water allocation Two water distribution system simulators (DSS) are in
in the Southeast. Nat. Resour. Environ. 14(Summer): 5–10; operation at the U.S. EPA Test and Evaluation (T&E)
Facility in Cincinnati, Ohio. The T&E Facility is a
20. Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. (2003). Memorandum of multifaceted research resource in which a wide variety
Understanding Regarding Initial Allocation Formula for
the ACF River Basin (July 22). Online: www.dep.state.fl.
us/secretary/comm/2003/july/0722 acf.htm (cited Sept. 29, This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
2003). public domain in the United States of America.

of water treatment and other environmental protection Experimental studies (Table 2) are ongoing to understand
technologies are conceived, designed, and evaluated in the physical, chemical, and biological activities that occur
the laboratory, bench, and pilot plant scale. The EPA in drinking water distribution systems.
designed and fabricated the DSS systems to evaluate
and understand the dynamics which influence water
quality within water distribution infrastructure systems
in the United States and abroad. The first distribution
The DSS provides researchers with a mechanism to
system simulator (DSS-1) has continuous flow conditions.
study how water quality is affected during distribution.
There are six individual 75 ft (25 meter) lengths of
Results from research studies (Table 2) will be used to
6 in (15 cm) diameter ductile iron pipe arranged into
provide guidance on how to maintain a high level of
‘‘pipe loop’’ configurations to simulate a distribution
water quality during distribution. A secondary objective
system. This pipeloop system can be configured to
to this project is to develop, evaluate, and demonstrate
operate as; independent/individual loops, collectively as
real time monitoring of water quality parameters within
one unit, or in various experimental configurations
distribution systems using remote telemetry. Results from
to complement EPA’s experimental research. DSS-1
research will be used to provide guidance on how to utilize
is equipped with two 1500 gallon reservoir tanks to
remote monitoring of water quality to detect changes in
simulate a comprehensive distribution infrastructure
water quality within distribution systems.
system. This unique engineering design permits operating
any combination and configuration of the six loops under
various experimental operating parameters (Table 1). RELEVANCE
Each loop is insulated and fitted with a heat exchanger
to maintain constant temperature conditions during Throughout the world there are millions of miles of
operation. The DSS is interfaced with a Supervisory water distribution pipe lines which provide drinking
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, which is water for use by individuals and industry. Although these
used to monitor, control, and archive operating conditions distribution systems provide drinking water to the world,
and collected data continuously. Bioflim samples are very little is known about the physical, chemical, and
collected on coupons [View1–View2] which are set flush biological activities that occur within them. Some of these
with the interior surface of the pipe wall. The coupons may water distribution systems have been in service well over
be removed for sampling and analysis without disrupting one hundred years. DSS-1 has been in operation for
water flow. over three years, as water moves through distribution
The second distribution system (DSS-2) is over 300 systems, it comes into contact with a wide range of
feet long and is a once through system composed of material some of which can cause significant changes
six inch diameter PVC pipe. This unit is being utilized to the quality of the finished water supply. Suspended
to evaluate water quality in a dead end branch of a solids in finished water can settle out under low flow
distribution system and to develop design models for conditions and can be suspended during high flow. Various
water distribution. Both DSS units are located above disinfection agents and water additives react with organic
ground to permit easy access to the entire pipe network. and inorganic materials within a distribution system
generating by-products which may be undesirable in the
water supply. Oxidant resistant microorganisms colonize
Table 1. Operating Parameters Of The Distribution
pipe surfaces producing a complex micro environment
System Simulator
known as ‘‘biofilm’’. Biofilms are highly resistant to
Experimental Test many disinfection methods and techniques. Our research
Parameter Normal Operation Conditions looks at the various experimental test parameters which
Distribution Parallel (6 individual Parallel or series in influence biofilm growth. This work will also help EPA
system distribution system groups of 6, 3, 2, or 1
simulator simulators)
Housing Ductile iron Ductile iron Table 2. Proposed DSS Studies
(Non-lined) (Non-lined) No Title of Proposed Study
Flow 88 gpm or 1 ft/s No Flow to 140 gpm or
0 to 1.6 ft/s 1 Preliminary Studies of Biofilm Formation in Pilot-Scale
Temperature 60 ◦ F (15.5 ◦ C) 35 ◦ F (1.6 ◦ C) to Distribution Systems
Ambient 2 Opportunistic Pathogens in Biofilms
Chemical Free chlorine 1.0 ppm Chemical control as 3 Effect of a Pollution Event on a Simulated Water
control needed Distribution System
pH 7.0 to 7.5 Control/monitor as 4 Impact of Nutrient Removal on Growth Potential for
needed Bacteria
Turbidity < 0.5 NTU Control/monitor as 5 Impact of Alternative Treatment on Biofilm Growth
needed 6 Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Distribution
Water Cincinnati—tap Dechlorinated, Systems
supply water (Chlorinated) deionized, tanked, 7 Effects of pH Changes on Biofilm Growth in a Distribution
surface water System
(River) 8 Bacterial Growth in Distribution Systems

develop a better understanding of the dynamics inside circumstances and the severity and areal coverage of the
distribution systems. event played a part in making the 1930s drought the
widely accepted drought of record for the United States.
To cope with and recover from the drought, people relied
RESEARCH GOALS on ingenuity and resilience, as well as relief programs
from state and federal governments. Despite all efforts,
Fabricate aboveground water distribution system simu- many people were not able to make a living in drought-
lator’s which permit easy access and can be operated stricken regions and were forced to migrate to other
under controlled conditions. Conduct studies to develop a areas in search of a new livelihood. It is not possible
better understanding of the dynamics that occur in drink- to count all the costs associated with the drought of the
ing water distribution systems. Determine what physical, 1930s drought, but one estimate by Warrick (1) claims
chemical, and biological factors influence biofilm growth that financial assistance from the government may have
within such systems. Develop and test mechanisms for been as high as $1 billion (in 1930s dollars) by the end
the enhancement and control of biofilm growth within a of the drought. Fortunately, several lessons were learned
simulated distribution system. Additionally, develop and that were used in reducing the vulnerability of the regions
evaluate real time monitoring, data collection, and archiv- to future droughts.
ing of water quality parameters within water distribution
systems using remote telemetry. Results will be used to
develop and provide guidance on ways to maintain high THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND OVERCAPITALIZATION
levels of water quality through distribution systems.
In the early 1920s, farmers saw several opportunities
for increasing their production. New technology and crop
DROUGHT IN THE DUST BOWL YEARS varieties were reducing the time and costs-per-acre of
farming, which provided a great incentive for agricultural
expansion. This expansion was also necessary to pay for
National Drought Mitigation expensive, newly developed equipment (such as listers and
Center plows) that was often purchased on credit, and to offset
low crop prices after World War I.
INTRODUCTION When the national economy went into decline in the late
1920s because of the Great Depression, agriculture was
In the 1930s, drought covered virtually the entire Plains even more adversely affected. In addition, a record wheat
for almost a decade (1). The drought’s direct effect is crop in 1931 sent crop prices even lower. These lower prices
most often remembered as agricultural. Many crops were meant that farmers needed to cultivate more acreage,
damaged by deficient rainfall, high temperatures, and high including poorer farmlands, or change crop varieties to
winds, as well as insect infestations and dust storms that produce enough grain to meet their required equipment
accompanied these conditions. The resulting agricultural and farm payments.
depression contributed to the Great Depression’s bank When drought began in the early 1930s, it worsened
closures, business losses, increased unemployment, and these poor economic conditions. The depression and
other physical and emotional hardships. Although records drought hit farmers on the Great Plains the hardest.
focus on other problems, the lack of precipitation would Many of these farmers were forced to seek government
also have affected wildlife and plant life and would have assistance. A 1937 bulletin by the Works Progress
created water shortages for domestic needs. Administration reported that 21% of all rural families
Effects of the Plains drought sent economic and in the Great Plains were receiving federal emergency
social ripples throughout the country. For example, relief (4). However, even with government help, many
millions of people migrated from the drought areas, farmers could not maintain their operations and were
often heading west, in search of work. These new- forced to leave their land. Some voluntarily deeded their
comers were often in direct competition for jobs farms to creditors, others faced foreclosure by banks,
with longer-established residents, which created con- and still others had to leave temporarily to search for
flict between the groups. In addition, because of work to provide for their families. In fact, at the peak of
poverty and high unemployment, migrants added to farm transfers in 1933–34, nearly 1 in 10 farms changed
local relief efforts, sometimes overburdening relief and possession, with half of those being involuntary (from a
health agencies. combination of the depression and drought).
Many circumstances exacerbated the effects of the
drought, among them the Great Depression and economic
overexpansion before the drought, poor land management POOR LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
practices, and the areal extent and duration of the
drought. [Warrick et al. (2) and Hurt (3) discuss these A number of poor land management practices in the Great
issues in greater detail.] The peculiar combination of these Plains region increased the vulnerability of the area before
the 1930s drought. Some of the land use patterns and
cultivation methods in the region can be traced back
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the to the settlement of the Great Plains nearly 100 years
public domain in the United States of America. earlier. At that time, little was known of the region’s

climate. Several expeditions had explored the region, but affected regions were not able to recover adequately
they were not studying the region for its agricultural before another drought began. Historical maps of U.S.
potential, and, furthermore, their findings went into climate divisions and graphs of U.S. river basins reflect
government reports that were not readily available to this situation.
the general public (5). Misleading information, however,
was plentiful. ‘‘Boosters’’ of the region, hoping to promote
settlement, put forth glowing but inaccurate accounts of COPING WITH AND RECOVERING FROM DROUGHT
the Great Plains’ agricultural potential. In addition to this
inaccurate information, most settlers had little money During the 1930s, many measures were undertaken
or other assets, and their farming experience was based to relieve the direct impacts of droughts and to
on conditions in the more humid eastern United States, reduce the region’s vulnerability to the dry conditions.
so the crops and cultivation practices they chose often Many of these measures were initiated by the federal
were not suitable for the Great Plains. But the earliest government, a relatively new practice. Before the 1930s
settlements occurred during a wet cycle, and the first drought, federal aid had generally been withheld in
crops flourished, so settlers were encouraged to continue emergency situations in favor of individual and self-
practices that would later have to be abandoned. When reliant approaches. This began to change with the
droughts and harsh winters inevitably occurred, there development of the Great Depression in the late 1920s
was widespread economic hardship and human suffering, and the 1933 inauguration of President Franklin Delano
but the early settlers put these episodes behind them once Roosevelt. The depression helped ‘‘soften deep-rooted,
the rains returned. Although adverse conditions forced hard-line attitudes of free enterprise, individualism, and
many settlers to return to the eastern United States, even the passive role of the government’’, thus paving the way
more continued to come west. The idea that the climate of for Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, which in turn provided
the Great Plains was changing, particularly in response a framework for drought relief programs for the Great
to human settlement, was popularly accepted in the last Plains (1).
half of the 19th century. It was reflected in legislative acts Warrick et al. (2) describe these drought relief pro-
such as the Timber Culture Act of 1873, which was based grams, which are credited with saving many livelihoods
on the belief that if settlers planted trees they would be throughout the drought periods. The programs had a vari-
encouraging rainfall, and it was not until the 1890s that ety of goals, all of which were aimed at the reduction of
this idea was finally abandoned (6). Although repeated drought impacts and vulnerability:
droughts tested settlers and local/state governments, the
recurrence of periods of plentiful rainfall seemed to delay • Providing emergency supplies, cash, and livestock
recognition of the need for changes in cultivation and land feed and transport to maintain the basic functioning
use practices. of livelihoods and farms/ranches.
Several actions in the 1920s also increased the region’s • Establishing health care facilities and supplies to
vulnerability to drought. Low crop prices and high meet emergency medical needs.
machinery costs (discussed above) meant that farmers • Establishing government-based markets for farm
needed to cultivate more land to produce enough to goods, higher tariffs, and loan funds for farm market
meet their required payments. Since most of the best maintenance and business rehabilitation.
farming areas were already being used, poorer farmlands • Providing the supplies, technology, and technical
were increasingly used. Farming submarginal lands often advice necessary to research, implement, and pro-
had negative results, such as soil erosion and nutrient mote appropriate land management strategies.
leaching. By using these areas, farmers were increasing
the likelihood of crop failures, which increased their
As important as these programs may have been, the
vulnerability to drought.
survival of a majority of the families and enterprises
These economic conditions also created pressure on
undoubtedly rested solely with their perseverance and
farmers to abandon soil conservation practices to reduce
integrity. Whether they stayed or moved into the drought
expenditures. Furthermore, during the 1920s, many
regions or migrated to other areas in hopes of a better
farmers switched from the lister to the more efficient
life, families encountered new hardships and obstacles
one-way disc plow, which also greatly increased the risk
that would require ingenuity, resilience, and humility.
of blowing soil. Basically, reductions in soil conservation
Those who remained in the drought regions were forced
measures and the encroachment onto poorer lands
to endure severe dust storms and their health effects,
made the farming community more vulnerable to wind
diminished incomes, animal infestations, and the physical
erosion, soil moisture depletion, depleted soil nutrients,
and emotional stress over their uncertain futures. Humor
and drought.
helped; tales about birds flying backward to keep from
getting sand in their eyes, housewives scouring pots and
DROUGHT DURATION AND EXTENT pans by holding them up to keyholes for a sandblasting,
and children who had never seen rain were among the
Although the 1930s drought is often referred to as if favorite stories of Dust Bowl inhabitants. In the end, it
it were one episode, there were at least four distinct was a combination of willpower, stamina, humor, pride,
drought events: 1930–31, 1934, 1936, and 1939–40 (7). and, above all, optimism that enabled many to survive the
These events occurred in such rapid succession that Dust Bowl. These qualities are succinctly expressed in the

comments of one contemporary Kansan: ‘‘We have faith in report also noted that 21% of all rural families in the
the future. We are here to stay’’ (quoted in Ref. 3). Great Plains area were receiving federal emergency relief
The 1930s drought and its associated impacts finally by 1936 (4); the number was as high as 90% in hard-hit
began to abate during spring 1938. By 1941, most areas counties (1). Thus, even though the exact economic losses
of the country were receiving near-normal rainfalls. These are not known for this time period, they were substantial
rains, along with the outbreak of World War II, alleviated enough to cause widespread economic disruption that
many of the domestic economic problems associated with affected the entire nation.
the 1930s. In fact, the new production demands and
positive climatic conditions brought the United States
into a rapid economic boom.
Even though short-term conditions seemed to be
relatively stable, there were some drawbacks to this
The magnitude of the droughts of the 1930s, combined
production growth. One drawback (described in Ref. 3)
with the Great Depression, led to unprecedented govern-
was that the start of World War II shifted remaining
ment relief efforts. Congressional actions in 1934 alone
funds and priorities away from drought-related programs.
accounted for relief expenditures of $525 million (8); the
Men were taken off work programs to enter the armed
total cost (social, economic, and environmental) would be
forces and to produce for the war effort. Moreover, items
impossible to determine.
such as gasoline and replacement parts were redirected
If the Roosevelt era marked the beginning of large-scale
from federal drought and conservation programs to the
aid, it also ushered in some of the first long-term, proactive
war efforts. This meant that conservation programs and
programs to reduce future vulnerability to drought. It was
research were significantly reduced during this period.
in these years, for example, that the Soil Conservation
Another drawback was that with the return of the rains,
Service (SCS)—now the Natural Resources Conservation
many people soon forgot about conservation programs and
Service—began to stress soil conservation measures.
measures implemented during the 1930s droughts. This
Through their efforts, the first soil conservation districts
led to a return to some of the inappropriate farming and
came into being, and demonstration projects were carried
grazing practices that made many regions so vulnerable
out to show the benefits of practices such as terracing and
to drought in the 1930s.
contouring (for a discussion of the activities of the SCS
during this period, see Ref. 3).
1930s DROUGHT COSTS Warrick et al. (2) note that the proactive measures
continued in the years following the drought: conservation
Although the 1988–89 drought was the most economically practices and irrigation increased, farm sizes grew larger,
devastating natural disaster in the history of the United crop diversity increased, federal crop insurance was
States (7), a close second is undoubtedly the series of established, and the regional economy was diversified.
droughts that affected large portions of the United States Many other proactive measures taken after the 1930s
in the 1930s. Determining the direct and indirect costs drought also reduced rural and urban vulnerability to
associated with this period of droughts is a difficult task drought, including new or enlarged reservoirs, improved
because of the broad impacts of drought, the event’s close domestic water systems, changes in farm policies,
association with the Great Depression, the fast revival new insurance and aid programs, and removal of
of the economy with the start of World War II, and the some of the most sensitive agricultural lands from
lack of adequate economic models for evaluating losses at production (7).
that time. However, broad calculations and estimates can Problems remained, but these programs and activ-
provide valuable generalizations of the economic impact of ities would play a fundamental role in reducing the
the 1930s drought. vulnerability of the nation to the forthcoming 1950s
drought. Although a larger area was affected during the
Overall Drought Costs 1950s drought, the conservation techniques that many
farmers implemented in the intervening years helped
In 1937, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) prevent conditions from reaching the severity of the
reported that drought was the principal reason for 1930s drought.
economic relief assistance in the Great Plains region
during the 1930s (4). Federal aid to the drought-affected
states was first given in 1932, but the first funds BIBLIOGRAPHY
marked specifically for drought relief were not released
1. Warrick, R.A. 1980. Drought in the Great Plains: A Case
until the fall of 1933. In all, assistance may have
Study of Research on Climate and Society in the USA. In
reached $1 billion (in 1930s dollars) by the end of the
J. Ausubel and A.K. Biswas (eds.). Climatic Constraints and
drought (1). Human Activities, pp. 93–123. IIASA Proceedings Series, Vol.
According to the WPA, three-fifths of all first-time rural 10. Pergamon Press, New York.
relief cases in the Great Plains area were directly related 2. Warrick, R.A.; P.B. Trainer; E.J. Baker; and W. Brinkman.
to drought, with a disproportionate amount of cases being 1975. Drought Hazard in the United States: A Research
farmers (68%) and especially tenant farmers (70% of the Assessment. Program on Technology, Environment and Man
68%). However, it is not known how many of the remaining Monograph #NSF-RA-E-75-004, Institute of Behavioral Sci-
cases (32%) were indirectly affected by drought. The WPA ence, University of Colorado, Boulder.

3. Hurt, D.R. 1981. An Agricultural and Social History of the resources, including water, to mitigate the adverse effects
Dust Bowl. Nelson Hall, Chicago. of droughts, which are certain to occur. Other resources
4. Link, I.; T.J. Woofter, Jr., and C.C. Taylor. 1937. Research that can be managed are food supplies, including animal
Bulletin: Relief and Rehabilitation in the Drought Area. Works feed, public facilities of various kinds, and economic
Progress Administration, Washington, DC. resources to aid businesses, farmers, and citizens.
5. Fite, G.C. 1966. The Farmer’s Frontier, 1865–1900. Holt, As ‘‘creeping disasters,’’ droughts are easy to ignore
Rinehart and Winston, New York. until too late, thus presenting a significant risk to water
6. White, R. 1991. ‘‘It’s Your Misfortune and None of My Own’’: A resources managers. The dilemma is that to prepare
History of the American West. University of Oklahoma Press, for them might be expensive and require seldom-used
facilities, but without preparation, water supplies might
7. Riebsame, W.E.; S.A. Changnon, Jr.; and T.R. Carl. 1991. run out on rare occasions. For this reason, drought
Drought and Natural Resources Management in the United
management planning presents a challenge to water
States: Impacts and Implications of the 1987–89 Drought.
agencies, as well as to other governmental and private
Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
sector organizations.
8. United States House of Representatives. 1934. Relief of the
Drought has two forms: a period without enough
drought area. Communication from the President of the
United States, 73d Congress, 2d Session, Document No. 398, rain and a period of shortage: each requires drought
Washington, DC. management planning. A period without enough rain is a
‘‘meteorologic drought,’’ and leads to shortages, which are
called by names such as ‘‘hydrologic,’’ ‘‘agricultural,’’ and
OTHER RESOURCES ‘‘socioeconomic’’ drought.
Drought management planning is a form of contingency
Dust Storms and Their Damage. Photos from the collection of the planning that answers the question ‘‘what do we do
Wind Erosion Research Unit of USDA’s Agricultural Research if a drought occurs?’’ As in other forms of contingency
Service at Kansas State University. planning, the process is to assess the threat, identify
The Dust Bowl (photos). A collection of 20 photos for sale from the vulnerable parts of systems, and take measures to
The Social Studies Web. prepare, mitigate, respond, and recover from the impact
American Memory from the Library of Congress. A multi-format of a drought, should one occur.
look at daily life in Farm Security Administration migrant work Failures in water supply can have serious consequences
camps in central California, 1940 and 1941. for cities, industries, and other water users such as
Weedpatch Camp. The story of the Arvin Federal Government irrigation, hydropower, recreation, and wildlife. The
Camp, immortalized as ‘‘Weedpatch Camp’’ in Steinbeck’s primary impact of drought is due to real or feared
Grapes of Wrath.
interruption of supplies because water supply is critical
Dust storm footage. A short film clip of a dust storm during to the economy and the natural environment. This risk
the 1930s. From the website of the USDA/ARS Wind Erosion
increases with the interdependence and vulnerability
Research Unit at Kansas State University.
of water systems, environmental stakes are also high.
Surviving the Dust Bowl. The website of the 1998 Public
Drought is a serious threat to food supplies and
Broadcasting Service (PBS) film ‘‘Surviving the Dust Bowl’’.
Provides a good background on the people and events of the
farm income, especially in nations where food supplies
1930s Dust Bowl. are marginal.
1930s Dust Bowl. Excerpts from ‘‘The Dust Bowl, Men, Dirt and Assessing the threat of drought requires knowledge
Depression’’ by Paul Bonnifield. On the Cimarron Heritage of the security of supplies or the probability that a raw
Center (Boise City, Oklahoma) website. water supply system will run out of water. This is usually
Woody Guthrie Dust Bowl Ballads. Discussion and analysis of estimated for individual water agencies in terms of the
Guthrie’s ‘‘Dust Bowl Ballads’’ recording. return period of the drought planned for or the annual
America from the Great Depression to World War II. Photos from probability of running short. The concepts of return period
the Farm Security Administration—Office of War Information and failure probability are in wide use, but for droughts
Collection, 1935–1945. they are complex because drought duration, system yield,
The Plow that Broke the Plains. The story behind the 1936 and return period must be considered.
documentary made for the Farm Security Administration on The concept of ‘‘safe yield’’ is used to describe the
the destruction and suffering associated with drought in the reliability of a water system, another measure of security.
early 1930s. To estimate safe yield requires analysis of components
and the systems that deliver water to users. Vulnerability
analysis requires assessing of all possible modes of failure,
DROUGHT MANAGEMENT PLANNING not only hydrologic failure. For example, if a dam requires
emptying for repair, supplies may run short from lack of
NEIL S. GRIGG storage, even when they are available from precipitation.
Colorado State University Examples of measures to prepare, mitigate, respond,
Fort Collins, Colorado and recover from drought impacts are shown in Table 1 (1).
Drought response plans are usually prepared by
water management organizations to anticipate drought
It is impossible to ‘‘manage’’ a naturally occurring and plan activities to take place after a drought
drought, so ‘‘drought management’’ refers to managing occurs. These are custom-tailored to the needs of each

Table 1. Drought Planning water of high quality at sufficient pressure for intended
Supply Augmentation Demand Reduction Impact Minimization uses. A percentage of the water is normally unaccounted
for, mainly through leakage and other losses. Water for fire
New sources Legal restrictions Forecasting fighting must also, be provided. Providing enough water
Water storage Pricing Mutual aid requires volumes of delivery to meet needs reliably during
Reuse of water Devices to limit use Insurance
peak demand periods and during drought.
The required quantities of water can be estimated
from statistics of water use for domestic, commercial,
organization but generally include the usual contents and industrial uses. These vary widely, depending on
of emergency response plans, such as assessment of many socioeconomic factors. Average per capita use of
the hazard, identification of vulnerable components, water in the United States, including all uses, varies
mitigation measures, plans to meet critical water needs, from about 100–200 gallons per capita per day (gpcd)
arrangements for mutual aid, team organization and roles, (378–756 liters per capita per day). The highest rates are
and special conditions. normally in dry regions, where water supplies are used
for lawn irrigation. In highly concentrated urban areas,
BIBLIOGRAPHY water uses may be mostly inside apartment buildings
and in commercial facilities and may be close to 100 gpcd
1. Grigg, N.S. and Vlachos, E.C. (1993). Drought and water- (378 liters per capita per day), without any requirement
supply management: roles and responsibilities. J. Water for lawn irrigation. In other countries, water demands
Resour. Plann. Manage. American Society of Civil Engineers. may be less, depending on socioeconomic variables. In a
September/October. developing country city, use might be much less than levels
in the United States, and water may not be available to
READING LIST all residents.
Sources of freshwater supply include surface water,
Wilhite, D.A., Easterling, W.E. and Wood, D.A. (Eds.) (1987). groundwater, and reclaimed waters. Surface water can
Planning for Drought: Toward a Reduction in Societal include stored water in reservoirs or direct diversions from
Vulnerability, Westview Press, Boulder, CO. streams. Typical infrastructure components include dams,
tunnels, outlet tubes, canals, gates and controls, spillways,
and support structures. Groundwater sources include
DROUGHT AND WATER SUPPLY springs, wells, infiltration galleries, and aquifers that store
MANAGEMENT recharged water. Infrastructure components include wells,
casings, pumping systems, piping, housing, and other
NEIL S. GRIGG support facilities. Given the increasing restrictions on the
Colorado State University development of surface water, groundwater development
Fort Collins, Colorado is receiving more attention, including the implementation
of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems.
In special cases, rainwater can be caught on roofs and
Drought is a normal, albeit extreme, aspect of hydrologic stored in cisterns. This type of local supply system is found
variation, so it should be considered when making plans mostly in developing countries and in special, remote
for water. Planning for water supply management involves locations where centralized systems are not possible.
both supply augmentation and demand management. Bottled water is an increasingly popular source, and point-
Supply augmentation can involve new supplies or of-use treatment systems are becoming more popular.
extending use of existing supplies. Demand reduction can be legal, physical, or voluntary.
During drought, making water available to meet Drought plans normally contain provisions to restrict use
requirements of people, business, and the environment during times of shortage. Physical controls can include
is critical. As explained in the article on ‘‘Drought reduced pressures and requirements for devices to impose
Management Planning,’’ preparing for drought requires water conservation. Voluntary systems rely primarily on
contingency planning to assure adequacy of water education and calls for citizenship.
supplies, and management of available water supplies As population increases and environmental water needs
during drought is the key element of drought response. are more recognized, it becomes more difficult to find new
Thus, effective water resources management requires sources of supply. Therefore, innovative approaches being
actions that assure water availability during drought as studied include
well as normal times.
Technologies and methods for providing water supplies
go back to early Rome, which brought in water supplies by • dual use of water where reclaimed and impaired
aqueducts. Water supply systems in the United States date waters are used for nonpotable applications
from early settlements, which used spring water pumped
• conservation systems, where ‘‘new’’ sources are
through bored logs. Some early pumps were horse-driven,
created by saving water
followed later by steam power.
Water supply systems have three subsystems: source of • innovative storage systems, such as aquifer–stor-
supply, treatment and distribution, and delivery of enough age–recovery (ASR) systems

• conjunctive use, where water from different sources, These types of contaminant sources frequently overlap
such as surface and groundwater, are man- and confound the interpretation and mitigation of ecologi-
aged jointly cal effects.
• reuse, where wastewater is treated and used again Directly related to effluent/runoff is the source of
in one form or another water used by people in water-limited environments.
• point-of-use treatment systems Two common water sources are impoundments along
major river systems or pumping of groundwater. When
• bottled water
dams are introduced, flow regimes in these water-limited
environments change and lead to dramatic changes in the
ASSESSMENT OF ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS IN species in areas of modified flow regimes (5).
In addition to anthropogenic influences on water
availability and water quality, the physical environment of
RANDALL T. RYTI arid/semiarid land potentially affects water resources. In
the arid southwest United States, closed hydrologic basins
exist; salt flats are one resultant landscape feature of
Neptune and Company, Inc.
Los Alamos, New Mexico
closed basins. Surface depressions may also accumulate
water during intense precipitation, and evaporation
concentrates chemicals in these ponds during dry periods.
We consider that water-limited environments include arid This is in contrast to moist environments, where water
lands that have less than 250 millimeters (10 inches) of transport of contaminants generally leads to diluted
annual precipitation and semiarid lands that have annual concentrations. Wind-driven contaminant transport is
precipitation between 250 and 500 millimeters (1). This also more important in dry environments where the soil
paper discusses the characteristics of arid and semiarid and rock lie exposed to wind erosion because of limited
environments, approaches for evaluating the potential eco- plant coverage.
logical impacts from anthropogenic contaminant sources, Dry environments are also more susceptible to
and the issues that make such assessments complex in disturbance due to several factors. One is decreased
arid and semiarid environments. resilience to stressors because of the extreme nature of the
Precipitation defines water-limited environments, and environment. Aridity in itself can be a stressor for plants
plants and animals have developed specialized adapta- and animals, and, it has been shown, influences species
tions to the paucity/lack of water. For example, avian composition (6) and population characteristics (7). Adding
adaptation to desert environments is characterized by anthropogenic stressors to this environment (e.g., through
decreased metabolic rates and minimized water loss (2). pollution) may decrease a population’s viability if it is
Organisms have adapted to more efficient use of limited already near the individual tolerance limits for surviving
water quantities by behaviorally and/or physiologically in the dry environment. For example, Sjursen and
optimizing their ability to acquire and retain water. For others (8) showed that exposure to organic chemicals could
example, some beetles meet all their water needs by drink- reduce drought tolerance in soil invertebrates. In addition,
ing the dew that collects on their bodies. Another strategy populations depending on rainfall for reproduction could
for surviving in dry environments includes adaptations to be locally exterminated if their source of water (e.g.,
exploit periodic monsoons that are characteristic of arid an ephemeral rain pool) were impacted with chemical
and semiarid regions and involves rapid population growth toxicants. Soils in arid environments also develop more
to exploit periods of abundant resources (3). slowly than in moist areas, recover from stress slowly (9),
Precipitation can be large, but it is infrequent. and are more susceptible to erosion after physical
The spatial scale for precipitation also varies from disturbance.
thunderstorms that may impact a portion of a watershed Adverse effects contributing to impacts can be defined
to larger storm systems that impact an entire region. The as ‘‘Changes that alter valued structural or functional
predictability of storms varies widely between seasons attributes of ecological entities . . .’’ (10). Effects can be
or years for water-limited environments. Terms like assessed for ecological entities on any scale of biological
intermittent or interrupted have been used to describe flow organization, including genetic, individual, population,
in water-limited environments. The pattern and intensity community, and ecosystem levels. ‘‘An evaluation of
of flow change as a result of prolonged periods of wet or adversity may include a consideration of the type,
dry conditions in these environments. intensity, and scale of the effect as well as the potential for
Effluent and surface water runoff from residential, recovery’’ (10). These evaluations are typically categorized
commercial, or agricultural activities are frequently more as either stressor-based or effects-based assessments.
predictable sources of water in dry environments. Efflu- Stressor-based assessments are initiated to evaluate
ent/runoff is typically laden with metals and organic physical, chemical, or biological entities that can induce
chemicals, and, it has been demonstrated, affects the an adverse response (11). Effects-based assessments are
composition and abundance of aquatic organisms in receiv- initiated to determine the cause(s), once an adverse impact
ing streams (4). Wastewater effluent from anthropogenic is observed.
sources may be inserted as a point source (i.e., an out- Tools to evaluate and manage environmental effects
fall pipe), or runoff may originate from nonpoint sources come from a number of disciplines. Resource management
(e.g., distributed spatially from agricultural application). fields (e.g., forestry, wildlife management) develop plans

to manage or mitigate effects of logging, hunting, and Last, variation in timing and amount of precipitation
fishing. Conservation biology develops plans to mitigate complicates some empirical evaluation of ecological effects.
more general human impacts on the environment. For For example, the phenology of most organisms in arid
regulatory agencies, ecological risk assessment has been and semiarid environments is tied to precipitation, and
the tool used to evaluate ecological effects of planned or most studies of adverse effects are tied to government
historic actions (10). funding cycles. This is why some empirical studies of
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) biota abundance and diversity are dismissed for practical
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (a.k.a. reasons and laboratory studies of toxicity are emphasized.
Superfund) started developing guidance on ecological risk In some cases, a field experiment where precipitation is
assessment in the late 1980s. This process culminated artificially simulated is another option, if time represents
in the Risk Assessment Forum process for ecological a logistical constraint.
risk assessment (12). Parallel to these efforts was the
Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund or Acknowledgments
ERAGS (11). We thank two peer reviewers, R. Mirenda and M. Tardiff, for their
ERAGS starts by identifying the ecological entity that constructive comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
needs to be protected (the assessment endpoint). By
defining an adverse effect, the measures used to evaluate
effects will be identified. ERAGS encourages using BIBLIOGRAPHY
multiple lines of evidence, including field information,
laboratory studies, and literature studies for each 1. Walker, A.S. (1997). Deserts: Geology and Resources. Online
measure. Effects are characterized through lines of Edition. United States Geological Survey, Washington, DC.
evidence (13,14), and the weight of the evidence dictates 2. Tieleman, B.I. and Williams, J.B. (2000). The adjustment
how one manages adverse effects. of avian metabolic rates and water fluxes to desert
The complications from assessments in water-limited environments. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 73: 461–479.
environments are often related to the spatial and temporal 3. van der Valk, H. (1997). Community structure and dynamics
scales of the assessment. For example, one may be in desert ecosystems: potential implications for insecticide
concerned about potential adverse ecological impacts risk assessment. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 32: 11–21.
on aquatic and terrestrial receptors of effluent releases 4. Ganasan, V. and Hughes, R.M. (1998). Application of an index
to a stream from an industrial facility. One set of of biological integrity (IBI) to fish assemblages of the rivers
Khan and Kshipra (Madhya Pradesh), India. Freshwater Biol.
considerations is the physical environment and other
40: 367–383.
anthropogenic impacts on the stream. As discussed before,
5. Saunders, D.L., Meeuwig, J.J., and Vincent, A.C.J. (2002).
flow in the stream may be expected to change dramatically
Freshwater protected areas: strategies for conservation.
as seasonal and annual changes in precipitation occur.
Conserv. Biol. 16: 30–41.
Altered flow regimes and other anthropogenic impacts on
6. Tsialtas, J.T., Handley, L.L., Kassioumi, M.T., Veresoglou,
this stream are also expected. These considerations may
D.S., and Gagianas, A.A. (2001). Interspecific variation in
help select appropriate assessment endpoints. potential water-use efficiency and its relation to plant species
The abundance of bats in roosts near a stream abundance in a water-limited grassland. Functional Ecol. 15:
near an industrial facility could be selected as an 605–614.
assessment endpoint. However, bats have large foraging 7. Spinks, A.C., Bennett, N.C., and Jarvis, J.U.M. (2000). A
ranges and are likely to be impacted by contaminants comparison of the ecology of two populations of the common
from multiple sources. In addition, bats are migratory mole-rat, Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus: the effect of
and could be exposed to contaminants from distant aridity on food, foraging and body mass. Oecologia 125:
locations. Another assessment end point for this example 341–349.
could be abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates. This 8. Sjursen, H., Sverdrup, L.E., and Krogh, P.H. (2001). Effects
choice has the advantage of greater site fidelity and of polycyclic aromatic compounds on the drought tolerance of
thus minimizes confounding effects from neighboring Folsomia fimerata (Collembola, Isotomidae). Environ. Toxicol.
anthropogenic releases. Benthic macroinvertebrates also Chem. 20: 2899–2902.
lend themselves to direct experimentation as a line 9. Belnap, J. (1993). Recovery rates of cryptobiotic crusts: inoc-
of evidence without some of the ethical and logistical ulant use and assessment methods. Great Basin Naturalist
53: 89–95.
problems of vertebrates.
Another complication of adverse effects assessments in 10. Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. (1999).
Ecological Risk in the Federal Government. National Science
water-limited environments is the availability of appro-
and Technology Council, Washington, DC, CENR/5-99/001.
priate toxicity bioassays for taxa commonly found in
11. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (1997).
such environments (15). This problem is more obvious
Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Process
for terrestrial receptors. For example, earthworms are for Designing and Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments.
the most commonly used soil animals in soil toxicity U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Interim Final Report.
bioassays. However, earthworms are not representative Emergency Response Team, Edison, NJ.
of the more important detritivores in arid/semiarid envi- 12. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (1998).
ronments (mites). This is an area of active research for Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment
more biologically relevant toxicity testing organisms for Forum, EPA/630/R-95/002F, Final. U.S. Environmental
water-limited environments. Protection Agency, Washington, DC.

13. Menzie, C. et al. (1996). Report of the Massachusetts weight- broadly defined—it can be a city, county, watershed area,
of-evidence workgroup: a weight-of-evidence approach for school, or other area where there are people committed to
evaluating ecological risks. Hum. Ecol. Risk Assessment 2: learning about and protecting groundwater. To enter the
program, communities first form a team of diverse stake-
14. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2000). holders, including citizens, local government, educators,
Stressor Identification Guidance Document. U.S. Environ-
business, and/or agriculture. The team is the heart of the
mental Protection Agency, Office of Water and Office of
program and is designed to be broad-based to draw on the
Research and Development, Washington, DC.
different resources and expertise of various sectors of the
15. Markwiese, J.T., Ryti, R.T., Hooten, M.M., Michael, D.I., and
community. These stakeholders who represent key local
Hlohowskyj, I. (2001). Toxicity bioassays for ecological risk
assessment in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Rev. Environ. groups are in an excellent position to identify a commu-
Contam. Toxicol. 168: 43–98. nity’s groundwater problems, develop an education/action
plan to address these issues, and document their progress
and success.
REACHING OUT: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND After a team is formed, local issues of concern are
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN identified and then addressed through activities address-
ing public education and awareness, pollution prevention,
public policy, conservation, and best management prac-
JENNIFER NELSON tices. Teams submit plans for these activities in the
The Groundwater Foundation beginning of the year and report back to TGF at the
Lincoln, Nebraska end of the year on progress made. Groundwater Guardian
designation is awarded based on the information provided
INTRODUCTION in these plans and reports.

Throughout its existence, The Groundwater Foundation USING EDUCATION AS A STARTING POINT
(TGF) has identified public education and community FOR GROUNDWATER PROTECTION
involvement as vital ingredients to successful groundwater
protection activities. TGF is an international nonprofit Groundwater Guardian teams generally start with some
organization based in Lincoln, Nebraska, with a mission sort of public education campaign to build awareness for
to educate and motivate the public to care about and future protection activities. This education may take the
for groundwater. Groundwater provides drinking water to form of a youth festival, newspaper column, water bill
nearly half of the U.S. population (1) and is critical for insert, public service announcement, website, brochure,
other economic uses such as irrigation, agriculture, and seminar, public meeting, or other means. Education is a
industry. Unfortunately, because it is a hidden resource, popular starting point for most Groundwater Guardian
the general public knows comparatively little about teams because:
groundwater or how to protect it. Providing education
to stakeholders about the value of groundwater is an • Education is viewed as an accessible, common activity
excellent way to illustrate how individual and group that invites broad community participation.
decisions and activities can have a direct impact on the • Goals and objectives can easily be set and achieved
quality and quantity of local groundwater resources. and give community efforts valuable success to
TGF was founded in 1985 and since has held that build upon.
people could learn about groundwater in ways that • Awareness and understanding are the basis for
were both scientifically accurate and user friendly. TGF future activity, for adults and children alike.
works to make groundwater science accessible to and • Children are likely to communicate with and involve
understandable by people everywhere, allowing these parents, relatives, neighbors, and friends with
educated people to become active partners in protecting the successful and memorable education experiences (2).
environmental and economic vitality of their communities
by protecting local and regional groundwater resources. Public education allows a progressionary approach
Groundwater Guardian is a program of TGF that pro- to groundwater resources protection. It first engages
vides a framework for community action and groundwater community residents to know that their individual actions
protection by providing recognition, support, and lessons and practices, like disposing of motor oil properly, using
learned. Over 300 communities from the United States only appropriate amounts of fertilizer, and taking shorter
and Canada have participated in Groundwater Guardian showers, can have an impact on local groundwater quality
since the program began in 1994. Groundwater Guardian and quantity. It then also builds a base of knowledge for
relies on voluntary efforts spearheaded at the local level future support of protection activities. Residents who know
to effectively address local groundwater-related concerns that their drinking water is supplied by groundwater,
and issues through the creation of a diverse local team, pumped from wells in a specific area, are more likely
which focuses the interests and resources of a community to support efforts such as wellhead protection and the
on the importance of long-term groundwater protection. implementation of best management practices that protect
Groundwater Guardian serves as both an organizing that source than a resident who simply thinks that
and planning tool for communities interested in ground- drinking water comes from the tap. Education creates
water protection. A community within the program is a foundation for action.

VALUE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Protection efforts implemented by Groundwater Guardian

IN GROUNDWATER PROTECTION communities often begin with public education activi-
ties, including:
In TGF’s experiences, community involvement is neces-
sary to successful, meaningful, and long-lasting ground- • Organizing a community or school water festival
water protection, which provides numerous benefits to all • Launching a public awareness campaign
community residents, including:
• Distributing educational materials about local
• Protecting Natural Resources. Groundwater is some- groundwater issues
times referred to as the environmental ‘‘bottom line’’ • Holding public meetings
as an indicator of how successful all environmental • Planning field trips
protection activities are. By monitoring groundwa-
ter quality and quantity, communities can see the Communities often find success with these relatively
impacts of their groundwater and other natural easy to implement, yet high impact, public education
resource protection activities. By protecting ground- activities and can then move on to more challenging efforts,
water resources, communities are often also protect- such as:
ing a variety of other natural resources, such as
wildlife habitat and wetlands. Conservation
• Safeguarding Public Health. Safe groundwater is Endorse and encourage the use of water-saving devices
directly related to good health. Contaminated drink- Encourage sustainable lawn care and garden-
ing water can cause illness, disease, or even death. ing practices
By protecting groundwater supplies that are used Work with the local water department to foster
for drinking water, communities are protecting their conservation awareness
own health.
Pollution Prevention
• Developing Economic Vitality. Communities depend
Inventory local pollution sources
on local groundwater supplies not only as a source of
drinking water but to provide businesses and agri- Properly close abandoned wells
cultural producers with an input to create a market Recognize local pollution sources and identify
good. Without clean, safe and plentiful groundwater possible solutions
supplies, communities across the country would face Public Policy
serious challenges to their long-term sustainability. Establish and manage wellhead protection areas
• Building Community Capacity. Communities that Support compliance with the Safe Drinking
make the commitment to groundwater are the very
Water Act
same communities who are working to be innovative
and strive for long-term growth and sustainability of Encourage federal, state, and local interagency
their community. Because of the variety of effective coordination
groundwater protection activities and options avail- Develop a community comprehensive plan
able, communities working to protect groundwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)
are also building their capacity to address other com- Encourage the adoption of BMPs in rural, urban, and
munity issues, such as growth, strategic planning, commercial areas
solid waste, transportation, and economics. Adopt land use protection measures
• Sustaining Supplies. As populations continue to
Provide voluntary management options
grow, increased demand is placed on groundwater
supplies. Communities that are educated about
the value of local groundwater resources are
much more likely to manage those resources in a
sustainable way. Groundwater protection in small, groundwater-dependent
• Sharing Responsibility. Whether it is for drinking or communities is reliant on a high level of citizen
as an economic input, all those within a community involvement to be successful. These communities may
use and benefit from groundwater. Consequently, lack the financial resources and/or professional expertise
protecting groundwater supplies is best done by to ensure the protection of groundwater resources that
a diverse team of community representatives who are vital to the human and economic health of the
share a variety of viewpoints but are working community. Instead, they rely on an educated and
toward a common goal. By sharing the responsibility empowered citizenry acting responsibly on behalf of the
for groundwater protection, strong communities community. When citizens understand the fundamental
will protect groundwater supplies for generations importance of groundwater to their environmental and
to come. economic future, they are motivated and able to develop
innovative and cost-effective strategies for its protection.
TGF has found that no matter how diverse communi-
ties are, those that are successful begin the groundwater
There are numerous options for public education and protection process in generally the same way: by involving
community involvement for local groundwater protection. local stakeholders. The involvement of a diverse group of

stakeholders is the most important part of the Groundwa- • matching between available resources and fore-
ter Guardian program because a credible, broad-based cast demands.
team effectively represents community interests and
therefore shares the responsibility for groundwater pro- In the third phase of water resources planning, what
tection among community groups. is primarily involved is identifying the most appropriate
As is the case for any issue that depends on community development strategy for meeting projected demands at
involvement for its success, groundwater protection needs minimum cost, over the planning horizon. On a national
a long-term commitment that is continuously rejuvenated scale, the planning process is characterized by the need to
by creativity, new ideas, and leadership. The same screen a large number of potential options (1) to determine
ingredients that contribute to sustaining meaningful
• which resources should be developed,
groundwater education and protection activities also apply
to other beneficial community activities. By starting • the timing and order of that development, and
with public education and stressing diverse community • the areas of demand to which each new resource
involvement, communities are on the path to sustainable should be assigned.
groundwater protection. As TGF has learned, ‘‘it is because
of people that groundwater must be protected, but it is only Typically, this has required information relating to
through people that we can do so.’’ future demand, the performance of different size sources
at various locations, the possible links between sources and
demand centers, together with all associated construction
and operating costs. Faced with an enormous choice of
1. Alley, W.M., Reilly, T.E., and Franke, O.L. (1999). Sustainabil- possibilities for matching resources to needs, a systematic
ity of Ground-Water Resources. U.S. Geological Survey Circular search procedure is normally required to achieve an
1186. objective assessment. The objective function of the
2. Herpel, R., Jackson, J., Kuzelka, R., Rodenberg, S., and procedure would be minimization of total discounted costs.
Seacrest, S. (1998). Let’s Make a Difference: Mobilizing for To that end, various forms of mathematical programming
Community Action. The Groundwater Foundation, Lincoln, have been used (2) to identify the minimum net present
NE. value of a development program. Alternatively, heuristic
search techniques can be used which, although not as
rigorous, provide a practical solution (3).
INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In the past, scant attention would have been given to
INTO WATER RESOURCES PLANNING environmental considerations within the water resources
planning process until a scheme had already been
MEHMET ALI YURDUSEV selected. Then, detailed environmental assessment would
Celal Bayar University be undertaken. At that stage, some attempts would be
Manisa, Turkey made to identify and ameliorate damaging environmental
impacts. In contrast, the environmental considerations can
be incorporated from the outset and included in selecting
Nature is so complicated that we need to idealize or the scheme to be promoted. This is achieved by weighting
simplify to understand, interpret, and benefit from it. the costs of the various options (both construction and
Simplifications are carried out by modeling natural operating) to reflect their environmental impacts, before
events. Models give us the opportunity to input values including them in the economic evaluation. The objective
representing the observed values of natural phenomena function of the combined methodology is to minimize
to see what the possible outcome would be. Water is the total monetary and environmental discounted cost of
one of the few natural substances without which human meeting the projected demands. Quantification of such
beings cannot survive. Water use, therefore, is much considerations is achieved by running an appropriate
more complicated because it has to reconcile an irregular model with and without the environmental factors.
or random natural phenomenon and humans’ attitudes Such a model should integrate an environmental impact
toward it, which is not less complicated than water in assessment (EIA) and economic planning (EP) models. The
nature itself. Therefore, it has to be managed by employing EIA model develops what might be called environmental
complicated computer-based mathematical models. The impact factors (EIF) to weigh the costs of schemes, and
spatial and temporal dimensions of this complicated issue the EP model is to undertake the scheme selection and
can then be handled. These modeling studies are generally timing process using environmentally adjusted costs. The
referred to as water resources planning (WRP). WRP EIF is a weighting function whose role is to raise the cost
can be defined as matching future demands to potential of a water resource option if its environmental impact
resources, satisfying some preset objectives such as cost- assessment indicates that it is environmentally damaging
effectiveness or environmental quality. The end product of and to decrease it otherwise. Using such a factor in an
water resources planning is a development plan for some economic planning model has the effect of influencing
future period, normally 20 to 30 years. As such, WRP the solution toward selecting environmentally friendly
mainly encompasses three types of activities: schemes at the expense of environmentally damaging ones.
In mathematical terms, an EIF is
• assessment of available water resources,
• assessment of future water requirements, and 0 < EIF < 1 and 1 < EIF < 2

where 0 is the best possible outcome and 2 is the worst. is, then, calculated as 0.41, and the EIF as 95% from
Using such factors, environmental gain can be expressed Equation 1. This value indicates that the project is
by the former and the environmental loss by the latter: a somewhat environmentally friendly and, therefore, the
value of 1 indicates neutrality. associated cost will be reduced accordingly during the
A multicriterion decision-making technique referred to optimization process.
as composite programming (CP) can be used to derive Clearly, different types of resources/links will affect
the EIFs. The output from CP is a measure of the the environment in different ways, and therefore, each
composite distance resulting from the aggregation of a has its own specific set of considerations. Similarly, there
series of basic indicators (4). For a given L, the composite are different considerations for each type of resource/link
distance from a so-called ideal point, where 0 represents during the construction and operational phases. All these
the best possibility and 1 represents the worst possibility, different impacts can be accommodated within the EIA
the main features of CP are (1) 0 < L < 1 and (2) the larger model (5).
L, the worse the associated scheme. The real values of The economic planning model is intended to undertake
basic indicators are weighed to obtain a further indicator the scheduling process to determine when the resources
value. The procedure continues until it reaches a final are to be built. Therefore, an existing model should be
indicator value that will represent the performance of the adopted for this purpose. Such a model would perform
option according to the indicators considered. A simple the planning process using the costs of water schemes
mathematical function which deliberately exaggerates the contained in the case study under consideration. The
extreme values can be used to transform L into EIF objective is to find the least-cost solution for the whole
as follows: exercise. As previously mentioned, the idea is to use the
√ outputs of an EIA model (EIFs) in the economic planning
EIF = 1.4907 L if 0 < L < 0.45 (1) model selected to reflect the environmental performance of

EIF = 2 − 1.4907 1 − L if 0.45 < L < 1 (2) each scheme. The two-way usage of an economic planning
model would give the user the opportunity to compare
In this way, it is possible to convert a series of results with and without environmental impacts. This may
basic indicators covering both detrimental and beneficial even be used to quantify the cost of environmental impacts
impacts to a corresponding EIF within the range of 0 to in the form of additional investment required to apply
2. When evaluating an impact, assessment values range environmentally friendly solutions (with environmental
from negative significant to positive significant with a impact solutions). There are several economic water
central point at neutral. The impacts of water projects resources planning models that can be used for this
can be grouped according to their resource use, quality, purpose. The models can be based on unit costs (6), integer
ecosystem, and social implications. For example, the linear programming (2,7), heuristic programming (8), and
aggregation structure given in Table 1 can be considered as genetic algorithms (9). The selection of an economic
assessing the overall construction impact of a groundwater planning model depends on the availability of models,
development scheme. The assessment values in Table 1 the amount to be invested, the nature of the exercise,
are assigned within a range between 1 and 8; 1 is the and the capability of the models. Unfortunately, most of
worst situation, 8 is the best, and 4 is neutral. The values the models mentioned may not be commercially available.
in parenthesis show the normalized ones. However, the owners may lend the models on request.
The values of second level indicators are calculated Combining economic planning and EIA models pro-
from the weighted sum of the associated basic impacts. duces an overall environmentally-influenced economic
The value of resource implications is directly taken as planning system in which EIFs are used to weigh the real
neutral because there are no associated basic impacts construction and operating costs for various development
from which its value can be obtained. The overall value options to reflect their positive or negative environmental

Table 1. Constructional Environmental Impact Assessment for a Groundwater Scheme

Assessment Indicator
Basic Impacts Values Weights Second-Level Indicators Values Weights

Resource use implications 0.50 0.18

Lack of visual intrusion 6(0.18) 1.00 Quality implications for physical 0.18 0.29
Effect of construction on surface 4(0.50) 0.44
Pipeline laying impact on vegetation 3(0.66) 0.56 Ecosystem implications 0.59 0.25
and wildlife
Impact of infrastructure construction; 4(0.50) 0.27
noise, mud, etc.
Landscape/land use impact of 4(0.50) 0.27 Social implications 0.35 0.29
Implementation benefits 6(0.18) 0.45

impacts. The coupling can be achieved simply by an eco- signed legislation appropriating $75,000 to improve navi-
nomic model using the cost figures modified by the EIFs gation on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers—major routes
produced by the EIA model. to the western part of the country. The act empowered
Such a methodology was applied to the whole of him to employ ‘‘any of the engineers in the public service
England and Wales using the National Rivers Authority’s which he may deem proper’’ and to purchase the ‘‘req-
(NRA) data (3). The exercise was undertaken using the uisite water craft, machinery, implements, and force’’ to
same economic planning model used by NRA coupled eliminate various obstructions. Along with the General
with an independent code for the EIA model (8). The Survey Act, signed a month before, the Mississippi-Ohio
environmentally sensitive solution was repriced in real rivers legislation initiated the permanent involvement of
terms by the model and therefore, the additional cost of the Army Corps of Engineers in rivers and harbors work.
preferring such a plan was estimated (5). However, each act focused on one activity: the General
Survey Act on planning; the other on construction. Two
years later, Congress combined surveys and projects in
BIBLIOGRAPHY one act, thus establishing a pattern that lasts until the
present. The 1826 act, therefore, can be called the first
1. Jamieson, D.G. (1986). An integrated multi-functional true rivers and harbors legislation.
approach to water-resources management. J. Hydrol. Sci.
By the time of the Civil War, the federal contribution to
31(3): 14.
river, harbor, and canal improvements amounted to about
2. O’Neill, P.G. (1972). A mathematical programming model for
$17 million in appropriated monies. Some 4.6 million acres
planning a regional water-resource system. J. Inst. Water Engs.
26: 47–61.
of public lands were given for canal improvements and
another 1.7 million acres for river improvements. Land
3. National Rivers Authority. (1994). Water-Nature’s Precious
Resource: An Environmentally Sustainable Water Resources grants under the 1849 and 1850 Swamp Land acts and the
Development Strategy for England and Wales. HMSO, London, 1841 land grant act totaled some 73 million acres. While
England. these grants and appropriations were significant, they
4. United Nations Educational Social and Cultural Organisation represented a modest amount of aid compared with state
(UNESCO). (1987). Methodological Guidelines for the Inte- and private sector contributions, which by 1860 totaled
grated Environmental Evaluation of Water Resources Devel- well over $185 million for canals alone. Corporations
opment. United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP), and public agencies spent many millions more on the
Paris, France. construction of urban water systems.
5. Yurdusev, M.A. (2002). Environmental Impacts for Water Many of the canal companies incorporated by the
Resources Planning. WIT Press, Southampton, UK. states ran into trouble. The 1837 depression had driven
6. Armstrong, R.B. and Clarke, K.F. (1972). Water resource a number into bankruptcy; others survived, but only with
planning in South East England. J. Inst. Water Eng. 26: a healthy influx of state money, state guaranteed bonds,
11–46. and occasional federal and state land grants. Often, too,
7. Schrage, L. and Cunningham, K. (1991). LINGO Optimisation the national story was repeated at the state level, with
Modelling Language. Lindo Systems Inc., Chicago. rationally planned canal routes sacrificed to local political
8. Anglian Water Services. (1993). Economic Planning Model pressures to extend canals to uneconomical out-of-the-
of Water Resources: RESPLAN User Guide. Anglian Water way villages. The one major exception to this sad story
Services Ltd., Cambridge, England. was the Erie Canal, whose success had spurred the canal
9. Dandy, G. and Connarty, M. (1995). Use of generic algorithms boom that increasingly appeared more like a dismal bust,
for project sequencing. In: Integrated Water Resources especially with new competition from the railroads. From
Planning for the 21st Century. M.F. Domenica (Ed.). Proc.
Pennsylvania to Ohio to Indiana to Illinois and on into the
22nd Annu. Conf., ASCE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
pp. 540–543, May 7–11.
states of the old Northwest, canal fever turned to canal
panic, and the public lost faith in both the companies and
the politicians who had supported the enterprises.
THE EXPANSION OF FEDERAL WATER The American Civil War (1861–1865) also affected
the development of water projects. Military action and
PROJECTS wartime budgetary constraints took their toll on many
MARTIN REUSS of the nation’s ports and navigable waterways, and after
the war commercial development accelerated demands for
Office of History Headquarters
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
waterway improvements. A business-oriented Republican
Congress responded by authorizing a great deal more
money for rivers and harbors. The federal government
Instead of national planning, Congress settled on a piece- also took over many of the bankrupt canal companies, and
meal approach to public works development in the early the Corps of Engineers became the custodian of former
nineteenth century and, with rare exceptions, has clung to private or state waterways. This, as one author put it, was
this approach ever since. In May, 1824, President Monroe the ‘‘Golden Age of the Pork Barrel’’. Between 1866 and
1882, the Presidents signed 16 rivers and harbors acts.
The 1866 act appropriated $3.7 million for 49 projects
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the and has been described as the first omnibus bill, so
public domain in the United States of America. called because like a horse-drawn omnibus of the time,

the legislation provided room for a great many people In short, American rivers were navigable if they were,
boosting various projects. Sixteen years later, though, the are, or could be navigable. This decision, in combination
1882 act appropriated five times more money. By that with the earlier 1824 Gibbons v. Ogden Court ruling, made
year, the federal government had spent over $111 million the federal government the clear guardian and ultimate
on rivers and harbors projects. ‘‘Willingness to pay’’—the decision-maker on tens of thousands of miles of waterways
primary test of project implementation before the Civil in the United States. In practice it sufficed to show that a
War—now included unprecedented federal largess. In stream had the capacity to float logs to declare it navigable.
the so-called ‘‘Gilded Age,’’ lack of federal or non- However, with this issue more or less settled, another
federal funds was about the only thing that prevented appeared: flood control.
construction. Rivers always flood, but the floods do not always
By the 1880s, the basic working relationship between damage life and property. In the United States, we
Congress and the Army Corps of Engineers was set. can trace floods as far back as 1543, when Mississippi
Congress directed the Corps to survey potential projects, River floods stopped Hernando De Soto’s expedition.
make recommendations, and provide cost estimates. Naturally, as settlers moved into the floodplains and built
Rivers and Harbors acts funded both the surveys and the villages, then cities, the damages increased. By the mid-
projects that Congress chose to authorize. Also in the early nineteenth century, the problem was becoming critical
1880s, Congress mandated that the Corps of Engineers along the lower Mississippi. Most people put their faith
use more contractors and less hired labor. By the end of in technology to protect them. Indeed, the then popular
the century, contractors did nine-tenths of all waterways term ‘‘flood prevention’’ testifies to an extraordinarily
construction, and no Corps officer could use hired labor unrealistic idea when one thinks about it a bit. In the
without the express authority of the Chief of Engineers. twentieth century, the term became ‘‘flood control,’’ a
Increasingly, then, the Corps became a funding conduit to somewhat more modest formulation. Nowadays we speak
the private sector. This pattern did not stop private sector of ‘‘flood damage reduction,’’ which probably comes closest
engineers from calling for the complete elimination of the to the mark. In any case, in the 1870s calls came
Corps from public works, but Congress rejected all bills for repairing and raising the levees on the Mississippi
that leaned in that direction. River. In 1879, Congress created a joint military—civilian
Fear of railroad competition and questions about Mississippi River Commission to develop and implement
federal aid to projects of apparently local benefit moved plans to improve navigation and flood control on the lower
the Senate in 1872 to create a Select Committee on Mississippi. However, once again some Congressmen
Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. Composed of raised constitutional objections, expressing doubts that
nine senators, the committee was headed by Senator flood control was an appropriate federal activity. Until
William Windom of Minnesota and known popularly as the 1890, no appropriation could be used for repairing or
Windom Committee. Its 1873 report promoted waterway constructing any levee in order to prevent damage to lands
over railway transportation wherever waterways were from overflow, or for any purpose other than deepening
properly located. Of more relevance here is the committee’s and improving the navigation channel. The 1890 floods
conclusion (on a five to four vote) that the sum of along the lower Mississippi resulted in the removal of this
local rivers and harbors projects contributed to the restriction, which, in any event, had had little practical
national interest. Generally accepted by Congress, this effect other than satisfying congressional scruples.
conclusion justified federal contributions for waterway Floods in 1912, 1913, and 1916 along the Ohio and
improvements. The result was the authorization of dozens Mississippi rivers eventually led to passage of the 1917
of dubious projects. By 1907, the cumulative total for rivers Flood Control Act, the nation’s first act dedicated solely
and harbors appropriations was more than four times the to flood control. It provided funds on a cost-shared
1882 figure; the federal role in navigation improvements basis for levee construction along the lower Mississippi
continued to grow. and another appropriation to improve the Sacramento
River in California. While an important step towards
Meanwhile, the issue of constitutional authority had
federal involvement in flood control, it was comparatively
somewhat changed focus. In 1870, the Supreme Court
modest compared to what followed in the coming decades,
ruled in The Daniel Ball case that the common law
when flood control became intertwined with multipurpose
doctrine that navigability depended on tidal influence,
development—the subject of the next essay.
a doctrine accepted in British courts, did not fit the
This article is based on Martin Reuss, ‘‘The Develop-
American situation. However, the definition the Court
ment of American Water Resources, Planners, Politicians,
substituted was extraordinary. The test of navigation was
and Constitutional Interpretation,’’ in Paul Slack and
to be the river’s ‘‘navigable capacity.’’ That meant, the
Julie Trottier (Eds.), Managing Water Resources, Past
Court went on:
and Present: The Twelfth Annual Linacre Lectures. Oxford
University Press, 2004. Forthcoming. Used by permission
of Oxford University Press.
Those waters must be regarded as public navigable rivers in
law which are navigable in fact. And they are navigable in The Development of American Water Resources:
fact when they are used, or are susceptible of being used, in Planners, Politicians, and Constitutional Interpretation.
their ordinary condition, as highways for commerce over which The Constitution and Early Attempts at Rational
trade and travel are or may be conducted in the customary Water Planning.
modes of trade and travel on water. The Expansion of Federal Water Projects.

FLOOD CONTROL HISTORY IN THE area lie below sea level. Also in the area along the rivers,
NETHERLANDS cities and industries have settled. Therefore, flood risk
management is an important issue for The Netherlands.
RONGCHAO LI The Rhine and Meuse Rivers are the largest and most
Delft University of Technology important rivers in The Netherlands. The Rhine River
Delft, The Netherlands has a large catchment stretching from the high Alps in
Switzerland, Germany, and France. The Meuse River flows
through France and Belgium. Only the most downstream
The traditional flood control approach in The Netherlands parts of these rivers are situated in the Netherlands.
is fighting against natural dynamics or, restricting the Therefore, flood risk management focuses on the discharge
natural dynamics of a river system by canalization of water. Nowadays, after a long history of coping with
and embankments. However, such an approach results floods, a high safety standard has been reached.
in destruction of river scenery, damage to nature and Before 1000 A.D., floods occurred very frequently. Mainly
cultural values, as well as continuous dike raising the higher parts in The Netherlands were inhabited, and
and strengthening. Changing societal views in The in the lower parts, people lived on mounds, so no real
Netherlands have aroused discussion of alternative flood disasters occurred in that period. Because people had no
management strategies. Around the beginning of the for technological options to prevent flood then, they had no
twenty-first century, new visions appeared such as ‘‘living other option but to live with the floods and to avoid the
with floods’’ and the ‘‘room for the river’’ policy. floodwaters. They adapted their lives and land use to the
rivers and sea.
About 1000 A.D., the inhabitants of The Netherlands
started to build the first dikes around relatively small
polders. The flood risk management strategy changed from
The Netherlands is a small country in Western Europe. living with floods to a strategy where the river and its
The delta of the Rhine, Meuse, and Schelde Rivers lie floods were more controlled. This trend of increasing the
within the country. One-third of The Netherlands needs control of the river continued, and by 1400 A.D., an almost
and has artificial protection against floods from the sea or completely closed dike system already existed along the
major rivers (see Fig. 1). Millions of people live, and large rivers (2). Furthermore, huge changes in the course of
industries have settled in this area. In the western coastal the river and the riverbed in the form of regulation and
area, the major cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague, and canalization took place (3). The river was harnessed into
Rotterdam are situated. Large parts of the western coastal a small area and now the people and land use did not
adapt to the river any longer, but the river was adapted
according to the wishes of the inhabitants. The main flood
management strategy consisted of preventing floods. This
strategy continued unchanged until 1953. After each dike
breach, the broken dikes were reconstructed, raised, and
improved resulting in increasingly higher and stronger
dikes. The last great flood of the Rhine River occurred in
1926, after which the dikes were improved again (2). Since
then, the rivers seemed controlled, and people feel safe.
In 1953, a major flood from the North Sea took place
that killed more than 1800 people. This flood resulted in
new safety regulations for the coast and also for the river
area. Previously, dike heights were based on the maximal
recorded water level, but after 1953, a more scientific base
has been used. The optimal level of safety was defined as
the accepted probability of flooding for the different areas
in The Netherlands. To be able to use this new norm,
it was simplified to the demand that dike levels should
exceed water levels related to a discharge with a chosen
return time. After several years of discussion, one safety
level was chosen for the whole area threatened by river
floods: a discharge with a probability of once in 1250 years
(the design discharge). Flooding by causes other than
overtopping of dikes and uncertainties in nature and in
Area that can be inundated the calculations were considered by adding 0.5 m to the
required height and some regulations for the design of the
dikes. Every 5 years, the design discharge is calculated
anew based on the recorded discharges.
Figure 1. Almost 75% of The Netherlands is threatened Nowadays, the Dutch rivers are thus strongly human-
by floods (1). influenced. Figure 2 shows a cross section of a typical

Flood plain Navigation channel

Dike Groyne Embankment

Figure 2. A cross section of a typical river in The Netherlands (4).

Dutch part of a river. The rivers consist of a small • Due to the fact that this strategy focuses on
mainstream that has to enable navigation all year round. preventing floods, little attention has been paid to
Next to this mainstream, are floodplains which carry water the consequences of possible floods. Relatively little
during peak flows, about twice each year in wintertime. attention is paid to plans for emergency situations,
These floodplains are used for agriculture and recreation evacuation plans, flood mitigation measures, etc.
in the summertime during lower discharges. The area which also might lower flood risks. New technology
outside these floodplains is protected from floods by huge has increased the possibilities for good flood forecasts,
embankments. The unprotected floodplains sometimes lie of communication technology, and flood warnings.
higher than the surrounding area due to sedimentation Also the possibility to anticipate peak flows by
in the floodplains and subsidence of the surrounding lowering a structure and using a detention pond has
area. To prevent the area along the rivers from becoming grown. These technologies make it easier to allow
flooded at once, this area is subdivided into dike circles, controlled floods and therefore reduce the need to
which are areas surrounded by embankments or natural prevent floods in all circumstances.
higher areas. • By looking only at the probability of a design
In 1993 and 1995, extremely high river discharges discharge, risks are not clearly visualized. The
occurred in the Meuse and Rhine Rivers. Because of uncertainties in, for example, the design discharge,
these extreme peak discharges, the design discharge the translation of the discharge to water levels, the
with a probability of once in 1250 years increased from diversion of the peak flow through the different river
15.000 m3 /s to 16000 m3 /s at the Dutch–German border. branches, the strength of dikes and structures, and
Using the traditional approach of flood risk management, human behavior are not clearly considered. This
this would lead to a further increase of dike heights. results in a false sense of safety in the area and
However, new solutions have developed nowadays creating thus in rapid economic development and increasing
room for the rivers (5). potential flood damage.
• Another disadvantage of the strategy is that it
includes an endless need for raising and improving
NEW VISIONS AND IDEAS IN FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT the water defense structures. Restricting the natural
dynamics of a river system by canalization and
Due to changes in the values of society and available embankments requires continuous maintenance and
technology in The Netherlands, flood risk management is improvements, otherwise the river dynamics will
changing. Some of these changes and the resulting ideas damage these works, and the river will try to return
on flood risk management are mentioned here (1): to its own natural behavior.
• The current strategy results in destruction of the
• The current strategy based on one design discharge river scenery and damages nature and cultural
for the whole area threatened by river floods leads to values. Recently, these values have become more
the same level of protection for different areas with important. A new strategy should consider these
different potential flood damage. Cities, agricultural values and not focus only on reaching a ‘‘safe’’
areas, and nature reserves all have the same situation by technical solutions.
probability of flooding in The Netherlands. The • In these modern times, disasters are not accepted any
question arises whether this is economically sensible. longer. The government and water managers would
It also means that it is unknown which area will be held responsible for a disaster, even if the event
become flooded first when an extreme discharge that caused the disaster is extreme and rare.
occurs. Because all areas theoretically have the
same probability of flooding, a large area has to In The Netherlands, consciousness has increased that
be evacuated. absolute safety cannot be guaranteed and that floods will

always occur. However, disasters are not accepted any flood is enhanced. Resilience strategies focus on the whole
longer. Therefore, and because of the disadvantages of the discharge regime, not on a certain design discharge or
current strategy, as mentioned above, new ways to deal design event. These strategies are still only a subject
with uncertainties and flood risks have to be found. of research and an option for the long term. For more
In 1990, the policy report ‘‘Room for Rivers’’ was information, see De Bruijn and Klijn (1) or Vis et al. (6).
published. This policy wants to create room for rivers
to stop the continuous cycle of dike raising, increased CONCLUSIONS
feelings of safety, increased investments, increased flood
risks, and needs for further dike raising. By moving the One-third of The Netherlands needs and has artificial
dikes away from the river, digging out the floodplains, protection against floods from the sea or the major
removing obstacles from the floodplains and sometimes rivers. In this area, millions of people live and large
constructing bypasses for peak flows, room for the river industries have settled. This proves the importance of
is created. The purpose of this policy is to interrupt the flood management for The Netherlands. After centuries of
continuous dike raising and lower the water levels in coping with floods, research and reconsideration of flood
the river by giving the river more space. In reality, this management strategies are still needed because society is
policy has been applied at different locations. Numerous changing and thus the optimal flood management strategy
obstacles, such as roads to bridges, roads to ferries, and must also change.
brick factories in the floodplains have been removed or
have changed to permit water flow. At Nijmegen near the BIBLIOGRAPHY
Dutch–German border, a dike has been moved to increase
room for the river. The inhabitants of the area normally 1. De Bruijn, K.M., Klijn, F. (2001). Resilient Flood Risk
Management Strategies. Proc. IAHR Congress September
opposed these projects because the room for the river is
16–21, Beijing, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China,
taken from other functions. However, they are mostly also pp. 450–457.
against dike raising because it deteriorates their scenery
2. Commissie Rivierdijken (1977). Rapport commissie rivierdi-
and sometimes it destroys houses and restaurants built jken. (In Dutch) Hoofddirectie van de Waterstraat, s-
on or near the dike. Gravenhage.
Another new policy is the indication of so-called 3. Janssen, J.P.F.M. and Jorissen, R.E. (1997). Flood manage-
‘‘emergency areas.’’ These are areas that must be flooded ment in The Netherlands; recent development and research
first to protect other, more vulnerable areas. Officially needs. In: Ribamod, River Basin Modelling, Management And
these areas should be used only for discharges that exceed Flood Mitigation Concerted Action. R. Casale, K. Havnø, and
the design discharge, thus with a frequency of less than P. Samuels (Eds.). pp. 89–104.
once in 1250 years. Official research has been published, 4. Silva, W., Klijn F., and Dijkman, J. (2000). Ruimte Voor
but until now, no governmental decision has been made Rijntakken. What The Research Taught Us. Delft, WL|Delft
about the indication of such areas, the location of these Hydraulics, The Netherlands.
areas, or the regulations for the inhabitants of these areas. 5. Min.VROM En V&W (Ministeries VROM En V&W) (1997).
It is unclear whether the villages in these areas will Beleidslijn Ruimte Voor De Rivier. Den Haag (In Dutch).
be protected by dikes and what damage compensation 6. Vis, M., Klijn, F., and Van Buuren, M. (Eds.). (2001). Living
they will receive. The purpose of this policy is to limit with Floods, Resilience Strategies for Flood Risk Management
and Multiple Land Use in the Lower Rhine River Basin.
the emergency measures to smaller areas and to know
Summary report. NCR, Delft, The Netherlands, de Bruijn,
what area will become flooded and not leave the choice to 2001.
the river.
Other new concepts are introduced in the National
Policy on Water Management. According to this policy FOOD AND WATER IN AN EMERGENCY
we should ‘‘aim at resilient and healthy water systems.’’
Resilient water systems are systems that may be disturbed
or show temporary change but will easily recover. To Federal Emergency
discuss resilience and resistance, a systems approach to Management Agency
flood risk management has to be adopted. The system
on which flood risk management focuses can be defined INTRODUCTION
as the whole area threatened by floods including the
society, ecosystems, and the river itself in this area. If an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm or other disaster
Optimal flood risk management depends on the society strikes your community, you might not have access to food,
and culture of the inhabitants, not only on the discharge water and electricity for days, or even weeks. By taking
regime of the river. Furthermore, the whole system some time now to store emergency food and water supplies,
should be studied, not just a small river stretch, because you can provide for your entire family. This brochure was
measures as well as floods downstream and upstream developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
interact with each other. Measures may transport the flood in cooperation with the American Red Cross and the U.S.
problems downstream, and upstream floods may prevent Department of Agriculture.
downstream inundations. In resilience strategies for flood
risk management, floods are not necessarily prevented, This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
but the flood impacts are limited, and recovery after the public domain in the United States of America.

WATER that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool
before drinking.
Having an ample supply of clean water is a top priority Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back
in an emergency. A normally active person needs to drink into it by pouring the water back and forth between
at least two quarts of water each day. Hot environments two clean containers. This will also improve the taste
can double that amount. Children, nursing mothers and of stored water.
ill people will need even more. 2. Disinfection
You will also need water for food preparation and You can use household liquid bleach to kill microor-
hygiene. Store a total of at least one gallon per person, per ganisms. Use only regular household liquid bleach
day. You should store at least a two - week supply of water that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. Do
for each member of your family. not use scented bleaches, color-safe bleaches or
If supplies run low, never ration water. Drink the bleaches with added cleaners.
amount you need today, and try to find more for tomorrow. Add 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water, stir and
You can minimize the amount of water your body needs let stand for 30 minutes. If the water does not have
by reducing activity and staying cool. a slight bleach odor, repeat the dosage and let stand
another 15 minutes.
HOW TO STORE WATER The only agent used to purify water should be
household liquid bleach. Other chemicals, such as
Store your water in thoroughly washed plastic, glass, iodine or water treatment products sold in camping
fiberglass or enamel-lined metal containers. Never use a or surplus stores that do not contain 5.25 percent
container that has held toxic substances. sodium hypochlorite as the only active ingredient,
Plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles, are best. are not recommended and should not be used.
You can also purchase food-grade plastic buckets or drums. While the two methods described above will kill most
Seal water containers tightly, label them and store in a microbes in water, distillation will remove microbes
cool, dark place. Rotate water every six months. that resist these methods, and heavy metals, salts
and most other chemicals.
3. Distillation
Distillation involves boiling water and then collect-
ing the vapor that condenses back to water. The
If you need to find water outside your home, you can use
condensed vapor will not include salt and other
these sources. Be sure to purify the water according to the
impurities. To distill, fill a pot halfway with water.
instructions listed below before drinking it.
Tie a cup to the handle on the pot’s lid so that the cup
will hang right-side-up when the lid is upside-down
• Rainwater
(make sure the cup is not dangling into the water)
• Streams, rivers and other moving bodies of water and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that
• Ponds and lakes drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.
• Natural springs
Avoid water with floating material, an odor or dark color.
Use saltwater only if you distill it first. You should not If a disaster catches you without a stored supply of clean
drink floodwater. water, you can use the water in your hot-water tank, pipes
and ice cubes. As a last resort, you can use water in the
THREE WAYS TO PURIFY WATER reservoir tank of your toilet (not the bowl).
Do you know the location of your incoming water valve?
In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated You’ll need to shut it off to stop contaminated water from
water can contain microorganisms that cause diseases entering your home if you hear reports of broken water or
such as dysentery, typhoid and hepatitis. You should sewage lines.
purify all water of uncertain purity before using it for To use the water in your pipes, let air into the plumbing
drinking, food preparation or hygiene. by turning on the faucet in your house at the highest level.
There are many ways to purify water. None is perfect. A small amount of water will trickle out. Then obtain
Often the best solution is a combination of methods. water from the lowest faucet in the house.
Two easy purification methods are outlined below. These To use the water in your hot-water tank, be sure the
measures will kill most microbes but will not remove other electricity or gas is off, and open the drain at the bottom of
contaminants such as heavy metals, salts and most other the tank. Start the water flowing by turning off the water
chemicals. Before purifying, let any suspended particles intake valve and turning on a hot-water faucet. Do not
settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of paper turn on the gas or electricity when the tank is empty.
towel or clean cloth.
1. Boiling Short—Term Supplies. Even though it is unlikely that
Boiling is the safest method of purifying water. Bring an emergency would cut off your food supply for two weeks,
water to a rolling boil for 1 minute, keeping in mind you should prepare a supply that will last that long.

The easiest way to develop a two-week stockpile is to Individuals with special diets and allergies will need
increase the amount of basic foods you normally keep on particular attention, as will babies, toddlers and elderly
your shelves. people. Nursing mothers may need liquid formula, in case
they are unable to nurse. Canned dietetic foods, juices and
Storage Tips soups may be helpful for ill or elderly people.
Make sure you have a manual can opener and
• Keep food in a dry, cool spot-a dark area if possible.
disposable utensils. And don’t forget non-perishable foods
• Keep food covered at all times. for your pets.
• Open food boxes or cans carefully so that you can
close them tightly after each use.
• Wrap cookies and crackers in plastic bags, and keep SHELF-LIFE OF FOODS FOR STORAGE
them in tight containers.
• Empty opened packages of sugar, dried fruits and Here are some general guidelines for rotating common
nuts into screw-top jars or air-tight cans to protect emergency foods.
them from pests.
• Inspect all food for signs of spoilage before use. • Use within six months:
• Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with • Powdered milk (boxed)
fresh supplies, dated with ink or marker. Place new • Dried fruit (in metal container)
items at the back of the storage area and older ones • Dry, crisp crackers (in metal container)
in front. • Potatoes
Nutrition Tips • Use within one year:
• Canned condensed meat and vegetable soups
During and right after a disaster, it will be vital that you • Canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables
maintain your strength. So remember:
• Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals
• Eat at least one well-balanced meal each day. (in metal containers)
• Drink enough liquid to enable your body to function • Peanut butter
properly (two quarts a day). • Jelly
• Take in enough calories to enable you to do any • Hard candy and canned nuts
necessary work. • Vitamin C
• Include vitamin, mineral and protein supplements in • May be stored indefinitely (in proper containers
your stockpile to assure adequate nutrition. and conditions):
• Wheat
Food Supplies
• Vegetable oils
When Food Supplies Are Low. If activity is reduced, • Dried corn
healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake
• Baking powder
for an extended period and without any food for many
days. Food, unlike water, may be rationed safely, except • Soybeans
for children and pregnant women. • Instant coffee, tea and cocoa
If your water supply is limited, try to avoid foods that • Salt
are high in fat and protein, and don’t stock salty foods,
• Non-carbonated soft drinks
since they will make you thirsty. Try to eat salt-free
crackers, whole grain cereals and canned foods with high • White rice
liquid content. • Bouillon products
You don’t need to go out and buy unfamiliar foods to • Dry pasta
prepare an emergency food supply. You can use the canned
• Powdered milk (in nitrogen-packed cans)
foods, dry mixes and other staples on your cupboard
shelves. In fact, familiar foods are important. They can
lift morale and give a feeling of security in time of stress. IF THE ELECTRICITY GOES OFF
Also, canned foods won’t require cooking, water or special
preparation. Following are recommended short-term food
FIRST, use perishable food and foods from the refrigerator.
storage plans.
THEN, use the foods from the freezer. To minimize
the number of times you open the freezer door, post
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS a list of freezer contents on it. In a well-filled, well-
insulated freezer, foods will usually still have ice crystals
As you stock food, take into account your family’s unique in their centers (meaning foods are safe to eat) for at least
needs and tastes. Try to include foods that they will enjoy three days.
and that are also high in calories and nutrition. Foods that FINALLY, begin to use non-perishable foods and
require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking are best. staples.

HOW TO COOK IF THE POWER GOES OUT infrastructure projects are correctly sized and scheduled.
The purpose of this article is to examine briefly the
For emergency cooking you can use a fireplace, or a concepts and methods for forecasting water demands (for
charcoal grill or camp stove can be used outdoors. You a more detailed discussion, see Refs. 3–5). We begin by
can also heat food with candle warmers, chafing dishes considering the general nature of water demand forecasts.
and fondue pots. Canned food can be eaten right out of the
can. If you heat it in the can, be sure to open the can and
remove the label first.
There are several issues surrounding the general practice
Disaster Supplies of water demand forecasting. Boland (1) points out that
Emergency Supplies. It’s 2:00 a.m. and a flash flood any forecast has two essential components: explanation
forces you to evacuate your home-fast. There’s no time to and prediction: ‘‘Explanation of water use usually takes
gather food from the kitchen, fill bottles with water, grab the form of a model that relates the past observed level of
a first-aid kit from the closet and snatch a flashlight water use to various variables. Replacing past values of
and a portable radio from the bedroom. You need to the explanatory variables with those expected in the future
have these items packed and ready in one place before produces a prediction of future water use’’ (pp. 162–163).
disaster strikes. Historically, the first of these two tasks—explaining water
Pack at least a three-day supply of food and water, and use—has been done by using ‘fixed-coefficient’ models. In
store it in a handy place. Choose foods that are easy to this approach, it is assumed that water use is related
carry, nutritious and ready-to-eat. In addition, pack these to a single explanatory factor such as population and,
emergency items: further, that the relationship between water use and
population is a fixed, proportional one. Dziegielewski (2),
• Medical supplies and first aid manual n Money and for example, provides a brief review of the history of urban
matches in a waterproof water demand forecasting and demonstrates that, in the
‘traditional’ method of forecasting, total future demand is
• Hygiene supplies container
predicted as the product of expected population growth and
• Portable radio, flashlights and n Fire extinguisher a fixed per capita water use coefficient. This method was
extra batteries n Blanket and extra clothing subsequently refined by disaggregating total water use
• Shovel and other useful tools by user classes, area, and time period. The fundamental
• Infant and small children’s needs (if appropriate) forecasting method remained the same, however; ‘unit
• Household liquid bleach to purify drinking water. water use coefficients’ is multiplied by the projected growth
in a particular user group in a specific location. The
• Manual can opener
fundamental shortcoming of the fixed coefficient approach
is that it fails to anticipate changes in the relationship
Learn More
between water use and the dominant explanatory variable
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Commu- that may arise from changes in other, neglected variables.
nity and Family Preparedness Program and the American For example, forecasts of residential water use that are
Red Cross Community Disaster Education Program are based on the number of households in an area may
nationwide efforts to help people prepare for disasters overstate future water demands if they neglect the impacts
of all types. For more information, please contact your of rising water prices. More recently, more complex models
local emergency management office and American Red have sought to estimate statistically the relationship
Cross chapter. between water use and a set of explanatory variables,
including water prices.
Estimated relationships form the basis for demand
WATER DEMAND FORECASTING forecasts. Dziegielewski (2) describes how a computer
model commonly used to forecast urban water demands
STEVEN J. RENZETTI (IWR-MAIN) is evolving to incorporate more complex
Brock University models of water use.
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada Another feature of water demand forecasts is that they
have different time horizons and that these different
time horizons reflect, in part, the different uses to
INTRODUCTION which water demand forecasts are put. These may be
roughly categorized into short-, medium-, and long-term
People who are involved with planning, constructing, and forecasts (3,6). Short-run forecasts are conducted by water
operating water supply facilities frequently must have an utility managers and water supply agencies to anticipate
idea of the current state of water use and also what daily peak loads and other seasonal features of water
future water demands are likely to be. This need is use. Medium-term forecasts often examine user group
made all the more important when water use is rising investment decisions (such as the locations of new housing
rapidly and when the cost of major water infrastructure developments and manufacturing facilities) to establish
projects is considered. These factors imply that there is anticipated changes in water demands during the next
a need for accurate forecasts of water demands so that 5–10 years. These forecasts are then used to guide water

agency investment decisions. Finally, long-term forecasts assuming a continuation of past climatic conditions, total
can investigate the impacts of structural and technological Californian water use in 2020 is forecast at 80,500
changes in the economy (such as the shift in employment thousand acre-feet. The prediction of constant total water
from manufacturing to service-based industries) as well as use masks the fact that several sectors and regions
the impacts of major policy changes (such as water quality are expected to exhibit different rates of growth. For
legislation). example, total projected urban water use will rise from
8770 thousand acre-feet in 1995 to 12,020 thousand acre-
feet in 2020, and agricultural water use is expected to
decline from 33,780 thousand acre-feet to 31,500 thousand
acre-feet for the same period.
As mentioned earlier, water demand forecasts can
Finally, there have been considerable efforts expended
be conducted on a variety of geographic scales. This
to forecast water demand growth on a national and
section draws on chapter 11 of Renzetti (5) and considers
even global scale. Gleick (8) critically surveys researchers’
examples of water demand forecasts conducted on
efforts to project global water use into the twenty-
municipal, regional, and national scales. Boland (1)
first century. Gleick points out that early projections
summarizes a forecasting exercise where the IWR-MAIN
were essentially extrapolations of current water use
water demand model was combined with predictions of
patterns under ‘business as usual’ assumptions regarding
climate change to predict water use in Washington, DC.
technology, water pricing, and water use efficiency. The
Boland combines the predictions of five climate change
extrapolations are then based on projections of expected
models with forecasts of other explanatory variables such
growth in population, agricultural, industrial, and energy
as prices, incomes, and housing stock. These are then
output. Gleick contends, however, that almost all of the
fed into IWR-MAIN, and the model provides predicted
projections based on fixed-coefficient models of water use
water use levels for 2030 under different climate and
have significantly overstated actual water use in the past
policy scenarios. In the absence of any change in climate
because they cannot anticipate the extent to which water’s
patterns, summer water use in the region is expected
growing scarcity induces technological and institutional
to grow 100% by 2030. Once the impacts of climate
innovation, changes in sectoral composition, and slowing
change are incorporated, the predicted growth ranges from
rates of population growth. For example, Gleick compares
74% to 138%, assuming no change in policies. However,
a number of projections of global water use in 2000
implementing relatively modest nonprice conservation
with actual recorded water use and finds that actual
efforts (such as adopting a revised plumbing code) reduces
withdrawals in the mid-1990s were only half of what
the range of forecasted growth in summer water use to
most forecasters in the 1960s and 1970s projected.
between 40 and 92%. Adding a 50% increase in real water
A representative example of this type of effort is
prices reduces expected water use growth even further:
Seckler et al. (4). The authors project per capita and total
predicted growth in summer water use between 1985 and
withdrawals for 118 countries for the period 1990–2025.
2030 in this case ranges from 26.6% to 73.6%.
Projections of per capita residential withdrawals are based
Planners often also forecast the water demands of
on population or GDP growth, and per capita irrigation
major water-using sectors within a region. Representative
water use is assumed constant (‘‘business as usual’’) or
of this type of exercise is the California Department of
declines due to improved technology (‘‘high efficiency’’).
Water’s recent effort to forecast urban, agricultural, and
The impact of improved efficiency is dramatic. In the first
in-stream water use in California to the year 2020 (7).
scenario, global irrigation water use grows 60% for the
Urban water use is assumed to be the product of population
period; in the second scenario, irrigation water use grows
growth and changes in per capita water use the latter
by only 13%. Similarly, global water withdrawals increase
is modeled as determined by a number of factors such
by 56% in the ‘‘business as usual’’ scenario and by 26% in
as income, water prices, and conservation measures.
the ‘high efficiency’ scenario.
Statewide urban per capita water use in 1995 was 229
U.S. gallons/day; the forecasted level of per capita water
use in 2020 is 243 gallons/day without new conservation CONCLUSIONS
measures and 215 gallons/day using new conservation
measures. The California Department of Water adopts The rapid growth in water demands that has been
a sophisticated and multifaceted approach to forecasting observed in many regions and sectors and the costs of
irrigation water demands. Each crop’s aggregate irrigation servicing these demands highlight the need for accurate
water use is calculated as the product of the crop’s water water demand forecasts. This article has demonstrated
‘‘requirements’’ and the statewide irrigated acreage for the that researchers and utility operators have developed
crop. Individual crop’s water requirements are estimated techniques to conduct forecasts for different time periods
using agronomic and climate data. Expected statewide and different geographic scales. Historically, the fixed-
acreage for each crop is a function of forecasted market coefficient method of explaining and predicting water
conditions and expected government policies. The final demands has dominated, but experience with this model
type of water use to be factored into the Californian has demonstrated that it neglects many factors (such
forecasts is in-stream needs. It turns out that these as prices, incomes and, water conservation programs)
are largely determined by legislation and future climate that influence demands. This shortcoming has typically
conditions. After summing across sectors, total Californian led fixed-coefficient models to overstate expected water
water use in 1995 was 79,490 thousand acre-feet and, demand growth. It is expected that more sophisticated

models that account for a wider range of factors that and emit energy differently. This characteristic makes it
influence water use and that allow for feedback between possible to measure, map, and monitor these objects and
water use and economic conditions will provide more features using satellite or aircraft-borne remote sensing
accurate forecasts of water demands. systems. Satellite imagery offers a number of advantages
over conventional survey techniques:
• areal synoptic coverage (gives areal information
1. Boland, J. (1997). Assessing urban water use and the role as against point information through conven-
of water conservation measures under climate uncertainty. tional techniques)
In: Climate Change and Water Resources Planning Criteria.
• repetitive global coverage (for monitoring change)
K. Frederick, D. Major, and E. Stakhiv (Eds.). Kluwer Aca-
demic, Dordrecht, pp. 157–171. • real-time processing
2. Dziegielewski, B. (1996). Long-term forecasting of urban water • sensing of surrogates rather than the desired specific
demands. In: Marginal Cost Rate Design and Wholesale observation
Water Markets. D. Hall (Ed.). Advances in the Economics • multispectral coverage
of Environmental Resources vol. 1, JAI Press, Greenwich,
Connecticut, pp. 33–47. • more automation, less human error
3. Billings, R.B. and Jones, C.V. (1996). Forecasting Urban
Water. American Water Works Association, Demand Denver. For many water related studies, remote sensing data
4. Seckler, D., Barker, R., and Amarasinghe, U. (1999). Water alone are not sufficient; they have to be merged with data
scarcity in the twenty-first century. Int. J. Water Resour. Dev. from other sources. Hence a multitude of spatially related
15(1/2): 29–42. (i.e., climatic and geographic) data concerning rainfall,
5. Renzetti, S. (2002). The Economics of Water Demands. Kluwer evaporation, vegetation, geomorphology, soils, and rocks
Academic, Norwell, Massachusetts. have to be considered. In addition, information is also
6. Baumann, D. (1998). Forecasting urban water use: theory required such as locations and type of tube wells and rain
and principles. In: Urban Water Demand Management and and river gauges. Thus, the fast storage, retrieval, display,
Planning. D. Baumann, J. Boland and W.M. Hanemann (Eds.). and updating of map contents are important functions. A
McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 77–94. system that can store data, select and classify stations, and
7. California Department of Water Resources (1998). The perform mathematical and sorting operations is called
California Water Plan Update. Bulletin 160–98, Sacramento, a database, and information can be extracted from it
California. for a given purpose. If this information can also be
8. Gleick, P. (2000). The World’s Water 2000–2001. Island Press, displayed in the form of maps, we can speak of geographic
Washington, DC. information. So this complete set of information forms
the Geographic Information System (GIS). The GIS is
an effective tool for storing, managing, and displaying
REMOTE SENSING AND GIS APPLICATION IN spatial data (Fig. 1) often encountered in hydrology and
WATER RESOURCES water resources management studies. The GIS technology
integrates common database operations, such as queries
SANJAY KUMAR JAIN and statistical analysis, with the unique visualization and
National Institute of Hydrology benefits of geographic analysis that maps and spatial
Roorkee, India databases offer. The use of remote sensing data in the GIS
is shown in Fig. 2.
One of the capabilities of the GIS most important to
Water resources are essential for human life, agriculture, water resources management studies is describing the
and hydroelectric power generation. Remote sensing topography of a region. A digital elevation model (DEM)
and the Geographic Information System (GIS) help in provides a digital representation of a portion of the earth’s
creating an appropriate information base for efficiently terrain across a two-dimensional surface. DEMs have
managing these resources. The synoptic view provided proved to be a valuable tool for topographic parameteriza-
by satellite remote sensing and the analytical capability tion of hydrologic models, especially for drainage analysis,
provided by the GIS offer a technologically appropriate hillslope hydrology, watersheds, groundwater flow, and
method for studying various features related to land and contaminant transport.
water resources. Problems of water resources development and efficient
Remote sensing is a tool that permits accurate and real- use such as frequent floods and droughts, waterlogging and
time evaluation, continuous monitoring or surveillance, salinity in command areas, an alarming rate of reservoir
and forecasts of inland water resources. Remote sensing sedimentation due to deforestation, and deteriorating
systems are used to observe the earth’s surface from water quality and environment are varied and numerous
different levels of platforms, such as satellites and aircraft, in nature. All must be tackled by systematic approaches
and make it possible to collect and analyze information involving a judicious mix of conventional methods and
about resources and environment across large areas. remotely sensed data in the GIS environment. The
Remote sensors record electromagnetic energy reflected or availability of remotely sensed data and the use of
emitted from the earth’s surface. Different kinds of objects the GIS has provided significant impetus to hydrologic
or features such as soils, vegetation, and water reflect analysis and design and their use in water resources

Data retrieval and Remote sensing Aerial photo Existing data

queries for management products maps, reports

Data Data Image processing

management analysis

Computer assissted Visual

classification interretation
Data Data transformation
input and modelling
thematic map
sources Users
Field work

Point data,
Data Final interpretation aerial data, etc.
Decision making
Final maps Attribute data

Input forms
Surveying Validation Digitizing spread sheet

Graphic Attribute
Real world

Figure 1. The GIS, a management tool.

planning and development. Remote sensing and GIS

Raster Vector
techniques have been extensively used in various areas
of water resources development and management, such Figure 2. Remote sensing products in a GIS.
as land use/cover classification, precipitation, snow
cover, floodplain management, command area studies,
waterlogging and soil salinity, sedimentation in reservoirs, related model components (e.g., for interception and
and hydrologic modeling, which are defined below in brief. evapotranspiration) are chosen, dependent on land use.


Multispectral classification of land cover types was one Precipitation, one of the driving forces in the hydrologic
of the first well-established remote sensing applications cycle, is a prime candidate variable for remote sensing
for water resources. Numerous investigators have used measurement. There are many remote sensing possibil-
a classification of land cover from satellite data as input ities, including ground based radar, visible and thermal
to various water resources studies. Land use features infrared satellite imagery, and microwave satellite data.
can be identified, mapped, and studied on the basis of The use of ground based radar has been successful espe-
their spectral characteristics. Healthy green vegetation cially when used with an integrated rain-gauge network
has considerably different characteristics in the visible and in areas of low relief. Visible and thermal infrared
and near-infrared regions of the spectrum, whereas dry techniques using measurements of cloud top reflectance
bare soil has a relatively stable reflectance in both regions and temperature have been used in a variety of ways by
of the spectrum. Water shows very low reflectance in the meteorologists and other scientists to estimate monthly,
visible part of the spectrum and almost no reflectance daily, and storm precipitation totals. Visible and infrared
in the infrared part of the spectrum. Thus, by using measurements represent observations only of the upper
multispectral data suitably, different ground features can surface of clouds. In contrast, it is often believed that
be differentiated from each other, and thematic maps microwave radiation is not affected by the presence of
depicting land use can be prepared from satellite data. clouds. Measuring rain from a spaceborne radar is very
Land use data devised from remote sensing are an ideal attractive because it can discriminate in range (alti-
database for distributed hydrologic modeling changes. In tude when operated from space), and radar reflectivity
many hydrologic models, the parameters of vegetation is directly related to rainfall rate.

SNOW COVER STUDIES Remote sensing can provide information on flood

inundated areas for different magnitudes of floods, so
Measurement of the area of a basin covered by snow is that the extent of flooding in floodplains can be related
similar to land cover measurement. Conventional methods to flood magnitude. The duration of flooding can be
have limitations in monitoring the snow covered area in estimated with the help of multiple coverage satellite
mountainous basins because of inaccessibility. imagery of the same area within 2–3 days by satellites.
Very little information on snow is collected regularly in High-resolution satellite data provide information on the
mountainous areas, so remote sensing remains the only floodplain and effectiveness of flood control works. The
practical way of obtaining some relevant information on extent of inundation for specific flood return periods can
the snow cover in the large number of mountain basins. be estimated. Using close contour information, the extent
At present the visible, near IR, and thermal IR data of inundation for a given elevation can be estimated, this
from various satellite (Landsat, IRS, NOAA) are being is a vital input for risk zone mapping.
used operationally for mapping the areal extent of snow The GIS provides a broad range of tools for determining
cover in mountainous basins. Visible and near-infrared the area affected by floods and for forecasting areas that
wavelengths do not penetrate far into the snowpack, so are likely to be flooded due to the high water level in
they provide information mainly about the surface of a river. Spatial data stored in the digital database of
the snowpack. Microwave remote sensing is promising the GIS, such as a digital elevation model (DEM), can
because of its ability to penetrate the dry snowpack and be used to predict future floods. The GIS database may
its capability of acquiring data in cloudy or nighttime also contain agricultural, socioeconomic, communication,
conditions. Snow cover data extracted by satellite remote population, and infrastructural data. This can be used
sensing is immediately usable in snowmelt runoff models. in conjunction with flooding data to adopt an evacuation
In addition to the extent of snow cover, satellite data strategy, rehabilitation planning, and damage assessment
are useful in computing snow water equivalent from in a critical flood situation.
microwave data.
Proper planning of watersheds is essential for conserva-
Remotely sensed data have great potential for providing tion of water and land resources and their productivity.
areal estimates of soil moisture rather than point Characterization and analysis of watersheds are a pre-
measurements. Quantitative assessment of soil moisture requisite for this. Watershed characterization involves
regime is essential for water balance models, irrigation measuring parameters of geologic, hydrogeologic, geo-
scheduling, crop management, and surface and subsurface morphological, hydrologic, soil, and land cover/land use.
flow predictions. Remote sensing of soil moisture can Remote sensing via aerial and spaceborne sensors can be
be accomplished to some degree in all regions of the used for watershed characterization, assessing manage-
electromagnetic spectrum. The use and application of ment requirements, and periodic monitoring. The various
remotely sensed data for soil moisture depends on physiographic measurements that can be obtained from
measuring the electromagnetic energy that is reflected or remotely sensed data are size, shape, topography, drainage
emitted from the surface. Thus, either direct observations pattern, and landforms. Quantitative analysis of drainage
of the soil by remote sensors or indirect estimates using networks enables relationships among different aspects of
plant condition are useful in soil moisture observations. the drainage pattern of a basin to be formulated as general
The soil moisture beneath microwave remote sensing laws and to define certain useful properties/indexes of the
can directly measure the dielectric properties of the drainage basin in numerical terms. The laws of stream
earth’s surface, which in turn is strongly dependent on numbers, stream length, and stream slopes can be derived
moisture content. from measurements made in the drainage basin. Remote
sensing along with ground based information in the GIS
mode can used for broad and reconnaissance level inter-
pretations of land capability classes, irrigation suitability
classes, potential land users, responsive water harvesting
Reliable data on river morphology, river meandering, the areas, monitoring the effects of watershed conservation
extent of flooding, and duration are required for proper measures, correlation for runoff and sediment yields from
planning of flood control projects. In conventional methods different watersheds, and monitoring land use changes
of flood risk zoning, the flood discharge is routed through and land degradation.
a river reach to estimate the likely inundation due to
spilling over banks/embankments based on topographic
contour maps available and the configuration of the COMMAND AREA STUDIES
river geometry obtained from land surveys. Continuous
availability of satellite based remote sensing data has Water management in command areas requires serious
made understanding the dynamics of floods much easier. attention in view of the disappointing performance of
Satellite remote sensing techniques provide wide area our irrigation projects, despite huge investments. The
coverage, repetitiveness, and consistency, which enables command area is the total area lying between drainage
collecting reliable information on all major floods. boundaries, which can be irrigated by a canal system.

Remote sensing can play a useful complementary role RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION

in managing the land and water resources of command
areas to maximize production. Management of water Most common conventional techniques for sedimentation
supplies for irrigation in command areas is a critical quantification are (1) direct measurement of sediment
problem to tackle with limited quantities. This requires deposition by hydrographic surveys and (2) indirect mea-
information on total demand and the distribution of surement of sediment concentration by the inflow–outflow
demand for irrigation in command areas. Moreover, the method. Both methods are laborious, time-consuming, and
vastness of the areas involved, time constraints, and yearly costly and have their own limitations. Sampling and
changes demand fast inventories of conditions. As more measurement of suspended sediments is a tedious and
area is brought under irrigation, crop monitoring also expensive program for either in situ or laboratory work.
becomes essential for estimating agricultural production The introduction of remote sensing techniques in the
and efficient planning of water management. In all recent past has made it very cheap and convenient to
these, remote sensing can be looked upon as an aid quantify sedimentation in a reservoir and to assess its
in planning and decision making. The usefulness of distribution and deposition pattern. Remote sensing tech-
remote sensing techniques in inventorying irrigated niques, offering data acquisition over a long time period
lands; identifying crop types, their extent, condition; and broad spectral range, are superior to conventional
and production estimation has been demonstrated in methods for data acquisition. The advantage of satellite
various investigations. Conjunctive use planning of data over conventional sampling procedures include repet-
surface and groundwaters can be done using remotely itive coverage of a given area every 16–22 days, a synoptic
sensed information on surface water in conjunction with view which is unobtainable by conventional methods, and
ground based data on groundwater availability. This almost instantaneous spatial data across the areas of
would permit development of conjunctive use models for interest. Remote sensing techniques provide a synoptic
water allocations in a GIS environment. view of a reservoir in a form very different from that
obtained by surface data collection and sampling.
Waterlogging and soil salinity are some of the major
land degradation processes that restrict the economic and Recently, the alarming proportions of water quality
efficient use of soil and land resources in command areas. deterioration have necessitated rapid monitoring for
To assess waterlogging in command areas, multispectral efficient checks to prevent further deterioration and
and multitemporal remote sensing data are very useful. to cleanse our polluted water resources. Moreover,
The satellite data thus provide a quick and more reliable surveillance of water quality is an important activity for
delineation of waterlogged areas and standing water. multiple uses such as irrigation and water supply. Water
The spatial distribution of soil affected by ‘‘positional quality is a general term used to describe the physical,
waterlogging’’ (i.e., that due to its location in the chemical, thermal, and/or biological properties of water.
landscape) can be modeled from digital topographic data A combination of ground (water) and remote sensing
using the concept of contributing area. This waterlogging measurements are required to collect the data necessary
depends on two topographic factors: (1) the local slope to develop and calibrate empirical and semiempirical
angle and (2) the drainage area. The probability of models and validate the more physically based models.
waterlogging increases with the contributing drainage Water samples analyzed for substances of interest (i.e.,
area and decreases with increasing local slope angle. suspended sediment, chlorophyll) should be collected at
The waterlogging phenomenon is related to topography, the same time (or on the same day) that the remote
so digital terrain modelling (DTM) can aid in detecting sensing data are collected. Location of sample sites should
waterlogged areas. DTM provides information regarding be determined by GPS (or other available technique) so
slope and aspect, which in turn provide information about that the correct data (pixel information) can be extracted
the areas that are susceptible to waterlogging. from remote sensing for comparison. Remote sensing
One of the common practices for observing waterlogged applications to water quality are limited to measuring
areas in command areas is to take observations in existing those substances or conditions that influence and change
open wells at regular intervals, twice a year in the pre- the optical and/or thermal characteristics of the apparent
and postmonsoon seasons. Data are also collected on water surface water properties. Suspended sediment, chlorophyll
quality. The information thus collected is used to draw (algae), oil, and temperature are water quality indicators
hydrographs and the depth of the water table to prepare that can change the spectral and thermal properties of
maps subsequently. So preparation of these maps can surface waters and are most readily measured by remote
help a lot in identifying waterlogged zones in a command sensing techniques.
area. Using field data, which is available as point data,
groundwater depth distributional maps can be prepared in
the GIS. With the help of these maps, shallow GW areas, GROUNDWATER STUDIES
areas susceptible to waterlogging, can be identified. The
areas falling within the 0–1.5 m range generally indicate A remote sensing system is quite helpful in groundwa-
waterlogged or salt-affected patches depending primarily ter exploration because remotely sensed data provide a
on the soil characteristics, particularly texture. synoptic view of high observational density. The common

current remote sensing platforms record features on the GIS FOR DECISION MAKING
surface. Most of the information for groundwater, as yet,
has to be obtained by qualitative reasoning and semi- The GIS is derived from multiple sources of data of
quantitative approaches. Remotely sensed information is different levels of accuracy. Though a single piece of
often surrogate and has to be merged with geohydrologic data can be assigned an accuracy value, information
data to become meaningful. Vegetation can be used as an derived from multiple sources of inaccurate data can
indicator if local knowledge is available and the types can also be assigned a level of accuracy. In any pictorial
be identified on the satellite data. Apart from the contri- representation of data, uncertainty can be brought in
bution that remote sensing can make to understanding as one of the dimensions to guide final decision making.
regional hydrogeology—necessary for managing ground- Any decision today has to depend on a variety of factors,
water resources—perhaps the strongest application for which are available in an information system like the GIS.
management is the evaluation of recharge, groundwater However, weighting as well as the proper use of such data
drafts for irrigation, and identification of flow systems in is still problematic.
areas where there is a paucity of geohydrologic data. Sur- The decision support system (DSS) can be designed
face conditions, soils, weathered zones, geomorphology, as an interactive, flexible, and adaptable computer
and vegetation determine recharge, suitability for artifi- based information system (CBIS), especially developed to
cial recharge, and soil and water conservation measures support the solution of a management problem for decision
that can affect recharge. making. It uses data, provides an easy interface, and
Groundwater vulnerability to pollution is also directly allows for decision-makers’ own insights to illustrate the
related to surface conditions. Indexing methods for group objectives and information characteristics of the various
depth to water table, net recharge, topography, impact levels of decision making. DSS provides a framework
of vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the for incorporating analytical modeling capabilities with
aquifer (leading to the acronym DRASTIC) into a relative a database to improve the decision-making process.
ranking scheme use a combination of weights and ratings Currently available DSS provides primarily for well-
to produce numerical values. structured problems. It are also being used for decision
making in water resources planning and management.


In the early days, the GIS was used mainly as a hydrologic Many water resources applications can profit from the
mapping tool. Nowadays, it plays a more important use of remote sensing and the GIS. The reason for
role in hydrologic model studies. Its applications span adopting GIS technology is that it allows displaying
a wide range from sophisticated analyses and modeling spatial information in integrative ways that are readily
of spatial data to simple inventories and management comprehensible and visual. Remote sensing is now being
tools. The GIS has evolved as a highly sophisticated widely regarded as a layer in the GIS. Although remote
database management system to put together and store sensing is a specialized technique, it is now being accepted
the voluminous data typically required in hydrologic as a basic survey methodology and as a means of
modeling. The application of the GIS has enhanced providing data for a resource database. The GIS provides
the capacity of models in data management, parameter a methodology by which data layers can be interrelated to
estimation, and presentation of model results, but arrive at wider decisions (1).
the GIS cannot replace hydrologic models in solving The research needs in the area of water resources are
hydrologic problems. as follows:
Due to its data handling and manipulation capabilities,
the GIS is increasingly being used as an interface and • A first and very important aspect is data availability
data manager for hydrologic models. There are four levels and compatibility in any GIS related study. Spatial
of linkage of hydrologic model with the GIS. These levels information required for water resources studies
vary from considering the GIS and the model as separate should be readily available for timely execution.
systems to fully integrating the model and the GIS. The data banks should provide digitized maps and
One typical application of a GIS in watershed analysis their spatial data compatible with various systems.
is predicting the spatial variability of surface erosion from Such data availability could significantly speed up
spatial data sets obtained from maps of the vegetative the analysis.
cover, soils, and slope of the area. Solutions of a surface • One difficult task in incorporating the GIS in
erosion (soil loss) prediction model, for example, the water resources modeling is interfacing water system
universal soil loss equation (USLE) or its modifications, models with the GIS. Automation of interfacing tasks
combine spatial data sets, their derivatives, and other is one of the areas to be researched in incorporating
information necessary to predict the spatial variability the GIS and available models.
of surface erosion on a watershed. This analysis can • The recent development of the decision support
determine areas of potentially severe surface erosion system (DSS) to assist in water resources decision
and provide an initial step in the appraisal of surface making holds the key for integrating the GIS and
erosion problems. water resources models.

• Another area of potential research to enhance the in such a river basin. It is more recent that scientists have
modeling process further is the integration of expert started to realize that local water problems are often,
systems and the GIS. Expert GIS systems can be in their roots, problems that cannot be solved locally
used to provide regulatory information by linking or regionally, because the driving forces lay outside the
regulatory facts stored in a database to sites located region. The gradual disappearance of the Aral Lake in
in a GIS through an expert system query interface. Uzbekistan–Kazakhstan, for instance, is directly linked
• Further research is needed for comparing the GIS to the global demand for cotton.
packages available on the market and their positive
and negative aspects, providing check lists for EFFICIENT USE OF THE GLOBAL WATER RESOURCES
GIS users.
According to international trade theory, countries with
BIBLIOGRAPHY abundant water resources might have a comparative
advantage in producing water-intensive goods if compared
1. Tsihrintzix, V.A., Hamid, R., and Fuentes, H.R. (1996). Use of to water-poor countries. Since water resources are quite
GIS in water resources: a review. Water Resour. Manage. 10: unevenly distributed over the world, one should not be
251–277. surprised that under conditions of free trade water-
intensive production processes get concentrated in the
READING LIST water-rich parts of the world. A water-scarce country
can thus aim at importing products that require a lot
Schultz, G.A. and Engment, E.T. (Eds.). (2000). Remote Sensing of water in their production (water-intensive products)
in Hydrology and Water Management. Springer Verlag, New and exporting products or services that require less
York. water (water-extensive products). This is called import
Rango, A. (1990). Remote sensing of water resources: accomplish- of virtual water (as opposed to import of real water,
ments, challenges and relevance to global monitoring. Proc. Int. which is generally too expensive) and will relieve the
Symp. Remote Sensing Water Resour., Enschede, The Nether- pressure on the nation’s own water resources. For water-
lands, August 20–24. abundant countries an argument can be made for export of
virtual water. Import of water-intensive products by some
nations and export of these products by others results in
GLOBALIZATION OF WATER international ‘‘virtual water flows.’’
The idea of achieving ‘‘global water use efficiency’’
A.Y. HOEKSTRA through virtual water trade between countries is relatively
UNESCO–IHE Institute for new. Traditionally, water managers have focused on
Water Education achieving ‘‘local water use efficiency’’ at user level
Delft, The Netherlands
and ‘‘water allocation efficiency’’ at river basin level.
‘‘Local water use efficiency’’ can be increased by creating
awareness among the water users, by charging prices
based on full marginal cost, and by stimulating water-
saving technology. ‘‘Water allocation efficiency’’ can be
People in Japan can affect the hydrological system in improved by allocating the water within a catchment or
the United States. People in Europe can affect regional river basin to those types of use where water creates
water systems in Thailand or Brazil. There are basically the highest added value. A key question today is which
two mechanisms that make global connections between level—the user, river basin, or global level—will be most
seemingly local water systems. First, the climate system relevant in increasing overall water use efficiency and
connects different places on earth, because evaporation in reducing overall impact on the globe’s water systems.
one place results in precipitation in another place. The
climate system is inherently global: local emissions of
greenhouse gases contribute to a changing global climate, THE CONCEPT OF ‘‘VIRTUAL WATER’’
thus affecting temperature, evaporation, and precipitation
patterns elsewhere. In this way, human activities in The volume of virtual water ‘‘hidden’’ or ‘‘embodied’’ in a
the economic centers of the world affect base and peak particular product is defined as the volume of water used
flows in rivers throughout the world. There is, however, in the production process of that product (1,2). Not only
a second mechanism through which people can affect agricultural products contain virtual water: most studies
water systems in other parts of the world. A European to date have been limited to the study of virtual water
consumer of Thai rice raises rice demand in Thailand in crops. Industrial products and services also contain
and subsequently the use of water for rice irrigation in virtual water. As an example of virtual water content,
Thailand. Globally, roughly one-fifth of the water used one often refers to the virtual water content of grains.
in agriculture is applied in areas used for producing It is estimated that for producing 1 kg of grain, grown
export commodities. This fraction is increasing in line under rain-fed and favorable climatic conditions, we need
with the increase of global trade. Scientists have known about 1–2 m3 of water, which is 1000–2000 kg of water.
for several decades that human activities within a river For the same amount of grain, but growing in an arid
basin strongly impact on the water flows and water quality country, where the climatic conditions are not favorable

(high temperature, high evapotranspiration), we need up from multiplying the ‘‘reference crop evapotranspiration’’
to 3000–5000 kg of water. ET0 with the crop coefficient Kc :
If one country exports a water-intensive product to
another country, it exports water in virtual form. In ETc = Kc × ET0 (2)
this way, some countries support other countries in their
water needs. Worldwide both politicians and the general The crop coefficient accounts for the actual crop
public increasingly show interest in the pros and cons of canopy and aerodynamic resistance relative to the
‘‘globalization’’ of trade. The tension in the debate relates to hypothetical reference crop. The crop coefficient serves
the fact that the game of global competition is played with as an aggregation of the physical and physiological
rules that many see as unfair. Knowing that economically differences between a certain crop and the reference crop.
sound water pricing is poorly developed in many regions of The concept of ‘‘reference crop evapotranspiration’’ was
the world, this means that many products are put on the introduced by FAO to study the evaporative demand
world market at a price that does not properly include the of the atmosphere independently of crop type, crop
cost of the water contained in the product. This leads to development, and management practices. The only factors
situations in which some regions in fact subsidize export affecting ET0 are climatic parameters. The reference
of scarce water. crop evapotranspiration ET0 is defined as the rate of
evapotranspiration from a hypothetical reference crop
with an assumed crop height of 12 cm, a fixed crop
METHOD TO CALCULATE VIRTUAL WATER FLOWS surface resistance of 70 s/m, and an albedo of 0.23.
This reference crop evapotranspiration closely resembles
Calculation of the Virtual Water Content of a Product the evapotranspiration from an extensive surface of
green grass cover of uniform height, actively growing,
The virtual water content of a product is a function completely shading the ground, and with adequate
of the water volumes used in the different stages of water (4). Reference crop evapotranspiration can be
the production process. The virtual water content of a calculated on the basis of the FAO Penman-Monteith
particular crop in a particular country can, for instance, equation (4,5).
be calculated on the basis of country-specific crop water The calculation of the virtual water content of livestock
requirements and crop yields (3): products is a bit more complex. First, the virtual water
content (m3 /ton) of live animals is calculated, based on
VWC[n, c] = CWR[n, c]/Y[n, c] (1) the virtual water content of their feed and the volumes
of drinking and service water consumed during their
Here, VWC denotes the virtual water content (m3 /ton) lifetime (6). Second, the virtual water content is calculated
of crop c in country n, CWR the crop water requirement for each livestock product, taking into account the product
(m3 /ha), and Y the crop yield (ton/ha). The crop water fraction (ton of product obtained per ton of live animal)
requirement can be calculated from the accumulated and the value fraction (ratio of value of one product from
crop evapotranspiration ETc (in mm/d) over the complete an animal to the sum of the market values of all products
growing period. The crop evapotranspiration ETc follows from the animal).

Net virtual water

import (Gm3/yr)
− 200 -- 100
− 100 -- 50
− 50 -- 10
− 10 - 0
0 - 10
10 - 50
50 - 100
No data

Figure 1. National virtual water balances over the period 1995–1999.

Table 1. Water Withdrawals, Virtual Water Import and Export, Water Scarcity, Water Self-sufficiency, and Water
Dependency of Nations (1995–1999)
Gross Virtual Gross Virtual Net Virtual
Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Self- Water
Availability, Withdrawal, Import, Export, Import, Scarcity, sufficiency, Dependency,
Country Population 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr % % %

Afghanistan 25765766 65000 23261 58.5 287.5 −229 36 100 0

Albania 3387574 41700 1714 277.7 14.4 263.2 4 87 13
Algeria 29959010 14320 6074 9810.6 6.9 9803.7 42 38 62
Angola 12771448 184000 343 173.9 5.5 168.4 0 67 33
Argentina 36577450 814000 29072 1486.9 46755.4 −45268.4 4 100 0
Armenia 3798845 10529 2954 316.2 5.5 310.6 28 90 10
Australia 18963804 492000 23932 1011 30130.3 −29119.3 5 100 0
Austria 8095446 77700 2112 1281 976.1 304.9 3 87 13
Azerbaijan 7979460 30275 17247 1004.4 30 974.4 57 95 5
Bahrain 666956 116 299 137.4 0.2 137.1 258 69 31
Bangladesh 128837760 1210644 79394 8304.6 2562.6 5742 7 93 7
Belarus 10039496 58000 2789 1255.9 35 1220.9 5 70 30
Belgium-Lux 10227060 21400 8980 14412.4 2497 11915.4 42 43 57
Benin 6112575 24800 250 472.6 1077.8 −605.3 1 100 0
Bhutan 782229 95000 420 26.5 0 26.5 0 94 6
Bolivia 8139894 622531 1387 674.8 1732.1 −1057.3 0 100 0
Bosnia Herzegovina 3865576 37500 1354 238 63.8 174.2 4 89 11
Brazil 168220660 8233000 59298 23161.6 32161.8 −9000.2 1 100 0
Bulgaria 8213543 21300 10498 288.4 759.7 −471.4 49 100 0
Burkina Faso 11005226 12500 780 68.6 973.4 −904.7 6 100 0
Burundi 6677800 3600 234 3.7 0.3 3.4 6 99 1
Cambodia 11755836 476110 4091 130.1 27.7 102.4 1 98 2
Cameroon 14557762 285500 985 175.3 187.9 −12.6 0 100 0
Canada 30498614 2902000 45974 4814.4 59308.4 −54494 2 100 0
Central African 3657263 144400 22 1.8 2.9 −1.1 0 100 0
Chad 7492965 43000 234 1.4 0 1.4 1 99 1
Chile 15013962 922000 12539 3262.6 1211.2 2051.4 1 86 14
China 1252042000 2896569 630289 30550.4 10114.9 20435.6 22 97 3
Colombia 41543956 2132000 10711 7535.4 865.2 6670.2 1 62 38
Comoros 544534 1200 13 39.3 0 39.3 1 25 75
Congo 2764600 832000 39 93.4 6.8 86.6 0 31 69
Costa Rica 3731672 112400 2677 1947.7 690 1257.7 2 68 32
Cote d’Ivoire 15580058 81000 931 773.5 83.5 690 1 57 43
Croatia 4395695 105500 1760 569.9 346 223.9 2 89 11
Cuba 11150144 38120 8204 1082.5 1304 −221.5 22 100 0
Czech Republic 10283004 13150 2566 1245.7 761.2 484.5 20 84 16
Denmark 5318089 6000 1267 1382.6 1843.6 −461 21 100 0
Djibouti 620352 300 8 109.5 0.2 109.3 3 7 93
Dominican Republic 8237523 20995 3386 731.8 2663.9 −1932.1 16 100 0
Ecuador 12409904 432000 16980 1594.2 2184.4 −590.2 4 100 0
Egypt 62782964 86800 68653 16937.1 901.6 16035.5 79 81 19
El Salvador 6155042 25230 1273 1142.3 94.6 1047.7 5 55 45
Eritrea 3988805 6300 304 74.8 0.3 74.6 5 80 20
Estonia 1388705 12808 163 631 100.4 530.6 1 24 76
Ethiopia 62782412 110000 2648 349.1 22.7 326.4 2 89 11
Fiji 802087 28550 69 174.6 0 174.6 0 28 72
Finland 5164368 110000 2478 918.9 1091.8 −172.9 2 100 0
France 58656600 203700 39959 9376.3 27051.4 −17675.1 20 100 0
Gabon 1198661 164000 128 100.7 0.7 100 0 56 44
Gambia 1263370 8000 32 319.3 164.2 155.1 0 17 83
Georgia 5188007 63330 3607 308.4 103 205.4 6 95 5
Germany 82109980 154000 47052 23260.4 9671.3 13589.1 31 78 22
Ghana 18875980 53200 520 671.2 217.5 453.8 1 53 47
Greece 10537058 74250 7759 3121.4 5088 −1966.6 10 100 0
Guatemala 11095762 111270 2005 1195.1 15536.6 −14341.5 2 100 0
Guinea Bissau 1174665 31000 110 8.3 5.4 2.9 0 97 3
Guyana 757015 241000 1642 67.9 226.6 −158.7 1 100 0
Haiti 7803032 14025 984 389 0 389 7 72 28
Honduras 6257825 95929 860 799.1 331.7 467.4 1 65 35
Hungary 10221682 104000 7641 635.6 4589.6 −3954 7 100 0
Iceland 277700 170000 153 64.8 1.6 63.2 0 71 29
India 997775760 1907760 645837 2413 34612.3 −32199.3 34 100 0
Indonesia 207029780 2838000 82773 21366.2 1139.2 20227 3 80 20
Iran 62762116 137510 72877 6623.1 803.4 5819.7 53 93 7
Iraq 22797032 96420 42702 1100.7 3.3 1097.4 44 97 3

Table 1. (Continued)
Gross Virtual Gross Virtual Net Virtual
Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Self- Water
Availability, Withdrawal, Import, Export, Import, Scarcity, sufficiency, Dependency,
Country Population 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr % % %

Ireland 3752276 52000 1129 945.8 201.9 743.9 2 60 40

Israel 6100032 1670 2041 5188.1 589.9 4598.2 122 31 69
Italy 57627528 191300 44372 19625.8 6762.1 12863.7 23 78 22
Jamaica 2604246 9404 409 392.8 137.3 255.5 4 62 38
Japan 126624200 430000 88432 59632 188.4 59443.6 21 60 40
Jordan 4742815 880 1016 4536 55 4481 115 18 82
Kazakhstan 109610 35008 41.8 7876 −7834.2 32 100 0
Kenya 29402552 30200 1576 970.2 169.7 800.5 5 66 34
Korea, Democratic 22141004 77135 9024 643 2.2 640.8 12 93 7
People’s Republic
Korea, Republic 46839720 69700 18590 22582.6 69 22513.6 27 45 55
Kuwait 1925635 20 445 497.8 0.1 497.7 2227 47 53
Kyrgyzstan 4844973 46450 10080 192.5 145.2 47.3 22 100 0
Lao 5159165 333550 2993 94.2 1.7 92.5 1 97 3
Latvia 2408205 35449 293 301.4 53.4 248 1 54 46
Lebanon 4267969 4837 1372 776.2 29.4 746.8 28 65 35
Liberia 3046804 232000 107 67.5 1.7 65.7 0 62 38
Libya 5176657 600 4811 789.1 45.4 743.7 802 87 13
Lithuania 3531820 24900 267 500.4 383.9 116.5 1 70 30
Macedonia 2020714 6400 847 149 97.9 51.1 13 94 6
Madagascar 15057966 337000 14970 320 131.7 188.3 4 99 1
Malawi 10096722 17280 1005 25.9 786.6 −760.8 6 100 0
Malaysia 22724518 580000 9016 11508.3 1255.9 10252.4 2 47 53
Mali 10588286 100000 6930 79.8 14.9 65 7 99 1
Mauritania 2579964 11400 1698 375.7 0.6 375.1 15 82 18
Mauritius 1173176 2210 612 564.7 274.9 289.7 28 68 32
Mexico 96615488 457222 78219 24361.3 15374.7 8986.7 17 90 10
Moldova Republic 4291104 11650 2308 82.8 455.5 −372.7 20 100 0
Mongolia 2377183 34800 444 24.6 10.1 14.5 1 97 3
Morocco 28240226 29000 12758 5617.8 87.4 5530.4 44 70 30
Mozambique 17331232 216110 635 337 85.1 251.9 0 72 28
Myanmar 47134402 1045601 33224 21.1 3501.3 −3480.2 3 100 0
Nepal 22507210 210200 10177 47.6 19 28.6 5 100 0
Netherlands 15812200 91000 7944 35002.3 5462.6 29539.7 9 21 79
New Zealand 3808760 327000 2111 1000.6 113.1 887.5 1 70 30
Nicaragua 4940828 196690 1300 583.6 333.1 250.5 1 84 16
Niger 10478080 33650 2187 309.5 107.9 201.6 6 92 8
Nigeria 123837060 286200 8004 5796.4 934.4 4862 3 62 38
Norway 4461300 382000 2185 2214.7 11.1 2203.6 1 50 50
Oman 2350640 985 1350 1228.1 119.6 1108.5 137 55 45
Pakistan 134871900 233770 169384 2547.1 2556.8 −9.8 72 100 0
Panama 2810118 147980 824 539.8 331.1 208.7 1 80 20
Papua New Guinea 5006703 801000 75 48.9 20.4 28.5 0 72 28
Paraguay 5358929 336000 489 343 8768.1 −8425.1 0 100 0
Peru 25230198 1913000 20132 5566.3 143.5 5422.8 1 79 21
Philippines 74178100 479000 28520 8206.7 7242 964.7 6 97 3
Poland 38654642 61600 16201 4210.1 452.4 3757.7 26 81 19
Portugal 10028200 77400 11263 6758 529.9 6228.1 15 64 36
Qatar 563710 53 294 59.3 0 59.3 554 83 17
Romania 22469358 211930 23176 877.7 2701.2 −1823.5 11 100 0
Russian Federation 146180880 4507250 76686 14534.5 12079.6 2454.9 2 97 3
Rwanda 8304804 5200 76 93 0.2 92.9 1 45 55
South Africa 42043988 50000 15306 6927.6 2558.3 4369.3 31 78 22
Saudi Arabia 20239432 2400 17320 11313.3 435.2 10878.1 722 61 39
Senegal 9279048 39400 1591 2680.4 43.6 2636.8 4 38 62
Sierra Leone 4932139 160000 380 83.2 0.6 82.6 0 82 18
Singapore 3957913 600 211 3839.2 435.2 3404.1 35 6 94
Slovakia 5395677 50100 1818 386.6 977.4 −590.8 4 100 0
Slovenia 1986239 31870 762 1062.9 21.8 1041.1 2 42 58
Somalia 8480576 13500 3298 299.7 22.7 277.1 24 92 8
Spain 39415552 111500 35635 22124.6 5621 16503.6 32 68 32
Sudan 30534126 149000 37314 561.3 1712.3 −1151.1 25 100 0
Suriname 415105 122000 665 27.5 114.5 −86.9 1 100 0
Sweden 8864128 174000 2965 737.3 1577.2 −839.9 2 100 0
Switzerland 7145332 53500 2571 2098.9 162.5 1936.5 5 57 43
Syria 15798242 46080 19947 884.5 5263.2 −4378.6 43 100 0
Tajikistan 6138744 99730 11962 46.7 83.7 −37.1 12 100 0
Tanzania 32902714 91000 1996 1211.5 283.5 928.1 2 68 32
(continued overleaf )

Table 1. (Continued)
Gross Virtual Gross Virtual Net Virtual
Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Self- Water
Availability, Withdrawal, Import, Export, Import, Scarcity, sufficiency, Dependency,
Country Population 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr 106 m3 /yr % % %

Thailand 60275202 409944 87065 4098 50763.3 −46665.4 21 100 0

Togo 4392474 14700 166 851.6 214.8 636.8 1 21 79
Trinidad Tobago 1293248 3840 305 679.6 90.6 589 8 34 66
Tunisia 9448461 4560 2726 3925.1 57.8 3867.4 60 41 59
Turkey 64341266 231700 37519 10297.6 8244.4 2053.1 16 95 5
Turkmenistan 5057637 60860 24645 57.4 0.6 56.9 40 100 0
Uganda 21616208 66000 295 208.8 294.8 −86 0 100 0
Ukraine 49904874 139550 37523 468.9 6832.6 −6363.8 27 100 0
United Arab Emirates 2800073 150 2306 2109.4 418.1 1691.2 1538 58 42
United Kingdom 59481556 147000 9541 14204.1 15174.5 −970.4 6 100 0
Uruguay 3312629 139000 3146 821.8 3223.3 −2401.5 2 100 0
United States 278035840 3069400 479293 29264.3 180924.3 −151660 16 100 0
Uzbekistan 24394002 72210 58334 532.7 123.7 409 81 99 1
Venezuela 23705676 1233170 8368 6250.8 1325.2 4925.6 1 63 37
Viet Nam 77508750 891210 71392 153.8 18185.7 −18031.9 8 100 0
Yemen 17056736 4100 6631 1448.9 11.5 1437.4 162 82 18
Zambia 9872326 105200 1737 34.8 132.9 −98.1 2 100 0
Zimbabwe 12382668 20000 2612 115.8 633.3 −517.5 13 100 0

Source: Reference 3.

Calculation of International Virtual Water Flows and at 5400 Gm3 /yr. These figures show that a substantial
Drawing a National Virtual Water Balance volume of water serves the global market. Countries
with a large virtual water export are the United States,
Virtual water flows between nations can be calculated
Canada, Thailand, Argentina, and India. Large importers
by multiplying international product trade flows by their
of virtual water are Europe (except France), Japan, China,
associated virtual water content. The latter depends on the
water needs in the exporting country where the product is and Indonesia.
produced. Virtual water trade is thus calculated as National virtual water balances over the period
1995–1999 are shown in Fig. 1. Full data on virtual
water imports and exports are provided in Table 1. Some
VWT[ne , ni , p, t] = PT[ne , ni , p, t] × VWC[ne , p, t] (3)
countries, such as Brazil, Syria, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and
Uganda, have net export of virtual water over the period
in which VWT denotes the virtual water trade (m3 /yr)
1995–1999, but net import of virtual water in one or more
from exporting country ne to importing country ni in
particular years in this period. There are also countries
year t as a result of trade in product p. PT represents
that show the reverse, such as the Philippines, the
the product trade (ton/yr) from exporting country ne
Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyztan, Mongolia,
to importing country ni in year t for product p. VWC
Nicaragua, and Mexico. Developed countries generally
represents the virtual water content (m3 /ton) of product p
have a more stable virtual water balance than the
in the exporting country.
The gross virtual water import (GVWI) to a country developing countries.
is the sum of all product-related virtual water imports. Countries that are relatively close to each other in terms
The gross virtual water export (GVWE) from a country of geography and development level can have a rather
is the sum of all product-related virtual water exports. different virtual water balance. While European countries
The virtual water balance of country x for year t can be such as The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and
written as Italy import virtual water in the form of crops, France
exports a large amount of virtual water. In the Middle East
NVWI[x, t] = GVWI[x, t] − GVWE[x, t], (4) we see that Syria has net export of virtual water related
to crop trade, but Jordan and Israel have net import. In
Southern Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia had net export in
where NVWI stands for the net virtual water import
the period 1995–1999, but South Africa had net import.
(m3 /yr) to the country. Net virtual water import to a
(It should be noted that the balance of Zimbabwe has
country has either a positive or a negative sign. The
latter indicates that there is net virtual water export from recently turned due to the recent political and economic
the country. developments.) In regions of the former Soviet Union,
countries such as Kazakhstan and the Ukraine have net
export of virtual water, but the Russian Federation has
Net virtual water flows between thirteen world regions
The global volume of international virtual water flows in the period 1995–1999 are shown in Fig. 2. The largest
is roughly 1000 billion m3 /yr (7). For comparison, the virtual water flows have been indicated with arrows.
total water use by crops in the world has been estimated Regions with a significant net virtual water import are

Figure 2. Virtual water balances of thirteen world regions over the period 1995–1999. The
arrows show the largest net virtual water flows between regions (>20 Gm3 /yr).

Central and South Asia, Western Europe, North Africa, 5. Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D., and Smith, M. (1998). Crop
and the Middle East. Two other regions with net virtual Evapotranspiration: Guidelines for Computing Crop Water
water import, but less substantial, are southern Africa and Requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, FAO,
Central Africa. Regions with substantial net virtual water Rome, Italy.
export are North America, South America, Oceania, and 6. Chapagain, A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2003). Virtual Water
Southeast Asia. Three other regions with net virtual water Flows Between Nations in Relation to Trade in Livestock
and Livestock Products. Value of Water Research Report Ser.
export, but less substantial, are the former Soviet Union,
No. 13, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands.
Central America, and Eastern Europe. North America is
by far the biggest virtual water exporter in the world, 7. Hoekstra, A.Y. (Ed.) (2003). Virtual water trade. In: Proceed-
ings of the International Expert Meeting on Virtual Water
while Central and South Asia is by far the biggest virtual
Trade. Value of Water Research Report Ser. No. 12, UNESCO-
water importer. Central and South Asia is the largest IHE, Delft, The Netherlands.
region in terms of population, so food demand is higher
than in the other regions. This explains why the region
is the biggest virtual water importer. The virtual water
flows between countries within the region are also high,
thus the countries within the region highly depend on
both countries outside and countries within the region. U.S. Geological Survey
Western Europe is the region with the biggest volume of
internal virtual water flows. Besides, the volume appears
to be rather stable over the years. Here’s a list of water-related terms that might help you
understand our site better. It is compiled from a number
BIBLIOGRAPHY of sources and should not be considered an ‘‘official’’
U.S. Geological Survey water glossary. A detailed water
1. Allan, J.A. (1997). Virtual Water: A Long Term Solution for
glossary is kept by the Water Quality Association, and
Water Short Middle Eastern Economies? Occasional Paper 3,
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of an extremely detailed water dictionary is offered by the
London. Nevada Division of Water Planning.
2. Hoekstra, A.Y. (1998). Perspectives on Water: A Model-Based
Exploration of the Future. International Books, Utrecht, The
3. Hoekstra, A.Y. and Hung, P.Q. (2002). Virtual Water Trade:
a Quantification of Virtual Water Flows Between Nations in acequia–acequias were important forms of irrigation
Relation to International Crop Trade. Value of Water Research in the development of agriculture in the American
Report Ser. No. 11, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands. Southwest. The proliferation of cotton, pecans and green
4. Smith, M., Allen, R.G., Monteith, J.L., Perrier, A., Pereira,
L.S., and Segeren, A. (1992). Report on the Expert Consultation
on Revision of FAO Methodologies for Crop Water Require- This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
ments. FAO, Rome, Italy, 28–31 May 1990. public domain in the United States of America.

chile as major agricultural staples owe their progress to B

the acequia system.
acid–a substance that has a pH of less than 7, which is base flow–streamflow coming from ground-water seepage
neutral. Specifically, an acid has more free hydrogen ions into a stream.
(H+ ) than hydroxyl ions (OH− ). base–a substance that has a pH of more than 7, which
acre-foot (acre-ft)–the volume of water required to is neutral. A base has less free hydrogen ions (H+ ) than
cover 1 acre of land (43,560 square feet) to a depth of 1 hydroxyl ions (OH− ).
foot. Equal to 325,851 gallons or 1,233 cubic meters. bedrock–the solid rock beneath the soil and superficial
alkaline–sometimes water or soils contain an amount rock. A general term for solid rock that lies beneath soil,
of alkali (strongly basic) substances sufficient to raise loose sediments, or other unconsolidated material.
the pH value above 7.0 and be harmful to the growth of
crops. C
alkalinity–the capacity of water for neutralizing an
acid solution. capillary action–the means by which liquid moves
alluvium–deposits of clay, silt, sand, gravel, or other through the porous spaces in a solid, such as soil, plant
particulate material that has been deposited by a stream roots, and the capillary blood vessels in our bodies due
or other body of running water in a streambed, on a flood to the forces of adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension.
plain, on a delta, or at the base of a mountain. Capillary action is essential in carrying substances and
appropriation doctrine–the system for allocating nutrients from one place to another in plants and animals.
water to private individuals used in most Western states. commercial water use–water used for motels, hotels,
The doctrine of Prior Appropriation was in common use restaurants, office buildings, other commercial facilities,
throughout the arid west as early settlers and miners and institutions. Water for commercial uses comes both
began to develop the land. The prior appropriation doctrine from public-supplied sources, such as a county water
is based on the concept of ‘‘First in Time, First in Right.’’ department, and self-supplied sources, such as local wells.
The first person to take a quantity of water and put condensation–the process of water vapor in the air
it to Beneficial Use has a higher priority of right than turning into liquid water. Water drops on the outside of a
a subsequent user. Under drought conditions, higher cold glass of water are condensed water. Condensation is
priority users are satisfied before junior users receive the opposite process of evaporation.
water. Appropriative rights can be lost through nonuse; consumptive use–that part of water withdrawn that
they can also be sold or transferred apart from the land. is evaporated, transpired by plants, incorporated into
Contrasts with Riparian Water Rights. products or crops, consumed by humans or livestock, or
aquaculture–farming of plants and animals that live otherwise removed from the immediate water environ-
in water, such as fish, shellfish, and algae. ment. Also referred to as water consumed.
aqueduct–a pipe, conduit, or channel designed to conveyance loss–water that is lost in transit from a
transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity. pipe, canal, or ditch by leakage or evaporation. Generally,
aquifer–a geologic formation(s) that is water bearing. the water is not available for further use; however, leakage
A geological formation or structure that stores and/or from an irrigation ditch, for example, may percolate to a
transmits water, such as to wells and springs. Use of ground-water source and be available for further use.
the term is usually restricted to those water-bearing cubic feet per second (cfs)–a rate of the flow, in
formations capable of yielding water in sufficient quantity streams and rivers, for example. It is equal to a volume of
to constitute a usable supply for people’s uses. water one foot high and one foot wide flowing a distance
aquifer (confined)–soil or rock below the land of one foot in one second. One ‘‘cfs’’ is equal to 7.48 gallons
surface that is saturated with water. There are layers of water flowing each second. As an example, if your car’s
of impermeable material both above and below it and it is gas tank is 2 feet by 1 foot by 1 foot (2 cubic feet), then gas
under pressure so that when the aquifer is penetrated by flowing at a rate of 1 cubic foot/second would fill the tank
a well, the water will rise above the top of the aquifer. in two seconds.
aquifer (unconfined)–an aquifer whose upper water
surface (water table) is at atmospheric pressure, and thus D
is able to rise and fall.
artesian water–ground water that is under pressure desalinization–the removal of salts from saline water
when tapped by a well and is able to rise above the level at to provide freshwater. This method is becoming a more
which it is first encountered. It may or may not flow out at popular way of providing freshwater to populations.
ground level. The pressure in such an aquifer commonly discharge–the volume of water that passes a given
is called artesian pressure, and the formation containing location within a given period of time. Usually expressed
artesian water is an artesian aquifer or confined aquifer. in cubic feet per second.
See flowing well domestic water use–water used for household
artificial recharge–an process where water is put purposes, such as drinking, food preparation, bathing,
back into ground-water storage from surface-water washing clothes, dishes, and dogs, flushing toilets, and
supplies such as irrigation, or induced infiltration from watering lawns and gardens. About 85% of domestic water
streams or wells. is delivered to homes by a public-supply facility, such as

a county water department. About 15% of the Nation’s G

population supply their own water, mainly from wells.
drainage basin–land area where precipitation runs gage height–the height of the water surface above
off into streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. It is a land the gage datum (zero point). Gage height is often used
feature that can be identified by tracing a line along the interchangeably with the more general term, stage,
highest elevations between two areas on a map, often a although gage height is more appropriate when used with
ridge. Large drainage basins, like the area that drains a gage reading.
into the Mississippi River contain thousands of smaller gaging station–a site on a stream, lake, reservoir or
drainage basins. Also called a ‘‘watershed.’’ other body of water where observations and hydrologic
drip irrigation–a common irrigation method where data are obtained. The U.S. Geological Survey measures
pipes or tubes filled with water slowly drip onto crops. stream discharge at gaging stations.
Drip irrigation is a low-pressure method of irrigation geyser–a geothermal feature of the Earth where there
and less water is lost to evaporation than high-pressure is an opening in the surface that contains superheated
spray irrigation. water that periodically erupts in a shower of water
drawdown–a lowering of the ground-water surface and steam.
caused by pumping. giardiasis–a disease that results from an infection
by the protozoan parasite Giardia Intestinalis, caused by
drinking water that is either not filtered or not chlorinated.
E The disorder is more prevalent in children than in adults
and is characterized by abdominal discomfort, nausea, and
effluent–water that flows from a sewage treatment plant alternating constipation and diarrhea.
after it has been treated. glacier–a huge mass of ice, formed on land by the
erosion–the process in which a material is worn away compaction and recrystallization of snow, that moves very
by a stream of liquid (water) or air, often due to the slowly downslope or outward due to its own weight.
presence of abrasive particles in the stream. greywater–wastewater from clothes washing
estuary–a place where fresh and salt water mix, such machines, showers, bathtubs, hand washing, lavatories
as a bay, salt marsh, or where a river enters an ocean. and sinks.
evaporation–the process of liquid water becoming ground water–(1) water that flows or seeps downward
and saturates soil or rock, supplying springs and wells. The
water vapor, including vaporization from water surfaces,
upper surface of the saturate zone is called the water table.
land surfaces, and snow fields, but not from leaf surfaces.
(2) Water stored underground in rock crevices and in the
See transpiration
pores of geologic materials that make up the Earth’s crust.
evapotranspiration–the sum of evaporation and
ground water, confined–ground water under pres-
sure significantly greater than atmospheric, with its upper
limit the bottom of a bed with hydraulic conductivity
distinctly lower than that of the material in which the
confined water occurs.
ground-water recharge–inflow of water to a ground-
flood–An overflow of water onto lands that are used or water reservoir from the surface. Infiltration of precipi-
usable by man and not normally covered by water. Floods tation and its movement to the water table is one form
have two essential characteristics: The inundation of land of natural recharge. Also, the volume of water added by
is temporary; and the land is adjacent to and inundated this process.
by overflow from a river, stream, lake, or ocean. ground water, unconfined–water in an aquifer that
flood, 100-year–A 100-year flood does not refer to a has a water table that is exposed to the atmosphere.
flood that occurs once every 100 years, but to a flood level
with a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any given year. H
flood plain–a strip of relatively flat and normally dry
land alongside a stream, river, or lake that is covered by hardness–a water-quality indication of the concentration
water during a flood. of alkaline salts in water, mainly calcium and magnesium.
flood stage–The elevation at which overflow of the If the water you use is ‘‘hard’’ then more soap, detergent
natural banks of a stream or body of water begins in the or shampoo is necessary to raise a lather.
reach or area in which the elevation is measured. headwater(s)–(1) the source and upper reaches of a
flowing well/spring–a well or spring that taps ground stream; also the upper reaches of a reservoir; (2) the water
water under pressure so that water rises without pumping. upstream from a structure or point on a stream; (3) the
If the water rises above the surface, it is known as a small streams that come together to form a river. Also may
flowing well. be thought of as any and all parts of a river basin except
freshwater, fresh water–water that contains less the mainstream river and main tributaries.
than 1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of dissolved solids; hydroelectric power water use–the use of water in
generally, more than 500 mg/L of dissolved solids is the generation of electricity at plants where the turbine
undesirable for drinking and many industrial uses. generators are driven by falling water.

hydrologic cycle–the cyclic transfer of water vapor to water-quality standards promulgated under the Safe
from the Earth’s surface via evapotranspiration into the Drinking Water Act. The MCL is the greatest amount
atmosphere, from the atmosphere via precipitation back to of a contaminant that can be present in drinking water
earth, and through runoff into streams, rivers, and lakes, without causing a risk to human health.
and ultimately into the oceans. milligram (mg)–One-thousandth of a gram.
milligrams per liter (mg/l)–a unit of the concentra-
I tion of a constituent in water or wastewater. It represents
0.001 gram of a constituent in 1 liter of water. It is
impermeable layer–a layer of solid material, such as approximately equal to one part per million (PPM).
rock or clay, which does not allow water to pass through. million gallons per day (Mgd)–a rate of flow of water
industrial water use–water used for industrial equal to 133,680.56 cubic feet per day, or 1.5472 cubic feet
purposes in such industries as steel, chemical, paper, and per second, or 3.0689 acre-feet per day. A flow of one
petroleum refining. Nationally, water for industrial uses million gallons per day for one year equals 1,120 acre-feet
comes mainly (80%) from self-supplied sources, such as (365 million gallons).
a local wells or withdrawal points in a river, but some mining water use–water use during quarrying rocks
water comes from public-supplied sources, such as the and extracting minerals from the land.
county/city water department. municipal water system–a water system that has at
infiltration–flow of water from the land surface into least five service connections or which regularly serves 25
the subsurface. individuals for 60 days; also called a public water system
injection well–refers to a well constructed for the
purpose of injecting treated wastewater directly into the N
ground. Wastewater is generally forced (pumped) into the
well for dispersal or storage into a designated aquifer. nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU)–unit of measure
Injection wells are generally drilled into aquifers that for the turbidity of water. Essentially, a measure of
don’t deliver drinking water, unused aquifers, or below the cloudiness of water as measured by a nephelometer.
freshwater levels. Turbidity is based on the amount of light that is reflected
irrigation–the controlled application of water for off particles in the water.
agricultural purposes through manmade systems to non-point source (NPS) pollution–pollution dis-
supply water requirements not satisfied by rainfall. Here’s charged over a wide land area, not from one specific
a quick look at some types of irrigation systems. location. These are forms of diffuse pollution caused by
irrigation water use–water application on lands to sediment, nutrients, organic and toxic substances origi-
assist in the growing of crops and pastures or to maintain nating from land-use activities, which are carried to lakes
vegetative growth in recreational lands, such as parks and and streams by surface runoff. Non-point source pollution
golf courses. is contamination that occurs when rainwater, snowmelt,
or irrigation washes off plowed fields, city streets, or sub-
K urban backyards. As this runoff moves across the land
surface, it picks up soil particles and pollutants, such as
kilogram–one thousand grams. nutrients and pesticides.
kilowatt-hour (KWH)–a power demand of 1,000
watts for one hour. Power company utility rates are O
typically expressed in cents per kilowatt-hour.
organic matter–plant and animal residues, or sub-
L stances made by living organisms. All are based upon
carbon compounds.
leaching–the process by which soluble materials in osmosis–the movement of water molecules through a
the soil, such as salts, nutrients, pesticide chemicals or thin membrane. The osmosis process occurs in our bodies
contaminants, are washed into a lower layer of soil or are and is also one method of desalinizing saline water.
dissolved and carried away by water. outfall–the place where a sewer, drain, or stream dis-
lentic waters–ponds or lakes (standing water). charges; the outlet or structure through which reclaimed
levee–a natural or manmade earthen barrier along the water or treated effluent is finally discharged to a receiving
edge of a stream, lake, or river. Land alongside rivers can water body.
be protected from flooding by levees. oxygen demand–the need for molecular oxygen to
livestock water use–water used for livestock water- meet the needs of biological and chemical processes
ing, feed lots, dairy operations, fish farming, and other in water. Even though very little oxygen will dissolve
on-farm needs. in water, it is extremely important in biological and
lotic waters–flowing waters, as in streams and rivers. chemical processes.


maximum contaminant level (MCL)–the designation pH–a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of water.
given by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water with a pH of 7 is neutral; lower pH levels indicate

increasing acidity, while pH levels higher than 7 indicate primary wastewater treatment–the first stage
increasingly basic solutions. of the wastewater-treatment process where mechanical
View a diagram about pH. methods, such as filters and scrapers, are used to remove
particle size–the diameter, in millimeters, of sus- pollutants. Solid material in sewage also settles out in
pended sediment or bed material. Particle-size classifica- this process.
tions are: prior appropriation doctrine–the system for allo-
cating water to private individuals used in most Western
[1] Clay 0.00024–0.004 millimeters (mm); states. The doctrine of Prior Appropriation was in com-
[2] Silt 0.004–0.062 mm; mon use throughout the arid West as early settlers and
[3] Sand 0.062–2.0 mm; and miners began to develop the land. The prior appropriation
doctrine is based on the concept of ‘‘First in Time, First in
[4] Gravel 2.0–64.0 mm.
Right.’’ The first person to take a quantity of water and
parts per billion–the number of ‘‘parts’’ by weight of put it to beneficial use has a higher priority of right than
a substance per billion parts of water. Used to measure a subsequent user. The rights can be lost through nonuse;
extremely small concentrations. they can also be sold or transferred apart from the land.
parts per million–the number of ‘‘parts’’ by weight Contrasts with riparian water rights.
of a substance per million parts of water. This unit is public supply–water withdrawn by public govern-
commonly used to represent pollutant concentrations. ments and agencies, such as a county water department,
pathogen–a disease-producing agent; usually applied and by private companies that is then delivered to users.
to a living organism. Generally, any viruses, bacteria, or Public suppliers provide water for domestic, commercial,
fungi that cause disease. thermoelectric power, industrial, and public water users.
peak flow–the maximum instantaneous discharge of Most people’s household water is delivered by a public
a stream or river at a given location. It usually occurs at water supplier. The systems have at least 15 service con-
or near the time of maximum stage. nections (such as households, businesses, or schools) or
per capita use–the average amount of water used per regularly serve at least 25 individuals daily for at least 60
person during a standard time period, generally per day. days out of the year.
percolation–(1) The movement of water through the public water use–water supplied from a public-water
openings in rock or soil. (2) the entrance of a portion of supply and used for such purposes as firefighting, street
the streamflow into the channel materials to contribute to washing, and municipal parks and swimming pools.
ground water replenishment.
permeability–the ability of a material to allow R
the passage of a liquid, such as water through rocks.
Permeable materials, such as gravel and sand, allow water rating curve–A drawn curve showing the relation
to move quickly through them, whereas unpermeable between gage height and discharge of a stream at a given
material, such as clay, don’t allow water to flow freely. gaging station.
point-source pollution–water pollution coming from recharge–water added to an aquifer. For instance,
a single point, such as a sewage-outflow pipe. rainfall that seeps into the ground.
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)–a group of reclaimed wastewater–treated wastewater that can
synthetic, toxic industrial chemical compounds once used be used for beneficial purposes, such as irrigating
in making paint and electrical transformers, which are certain plants.
chemically inert and not biodegradable. PCBs were recycled water–water that is used more than one
frequently found in industrial wastes, and subsequently time before it passes back into the natural hydro-
found their way into surface and ground waters. As a logic system.
result of their persistence, they tend to accumulate in the reservoir–a pond, lake, or basin, either natural or
environment. In terms of streams and rivers, PCBs are artificial, for the storage, regulation, and control of water.
drawn to sediment, to which they attach and can remain return flow–(1) That part of a diverted flow that is
virtually indefinitely. Although virtually banned in 1979 not consumptively used and returned to its original source
with the passage of the Toxic Substances Control Act, they or another body of water. (2) (Irrigation) Drainage water
continue to appear in the flesh of fish and other animals. from irrigated farmlands that re-enters the water system
porosity–a measure of the water-bearing capacity of to be used further downstream.
subsurface rock. With respect to water movement, it is returnflow (irrigation)–irrigation water that is
not just the total magnitude of porosity that is important, applied to an area and which is not consumed in
but the size of the voids and the extent to which they are evaporation or transpiration and returns to a surface
interconnected, as the pores in a formation may be open, or stream or aquifer.
interconnected, or closed and isolated. For example, clay reverse osmosis–(1) (Desalination) The process of
may have a very high porosity with respect to potential removing salts from water using a membrane. With
water content, but it constitutes a poor medium as an reverse osmosis, the product water passes through a fine
aquifer because the pores are usually so small. membrane that the salts are unable to pass through,
potable water–water of a quality suitable for drink- while the salt waste (brine) is removed and disposed. This
ing. process differs from electrodialysis, where the salts are
precipitation–rain, snow, hail, sleet, dew, and frost. extracted from the feedwater by using a membrane with

an electrical current to separate the ions. The positive ions and suspended solids. Disinfection is the final stage of
go through one membrane, while the negative ions flow secondary treatment.
through a different membrane, leaving the end product sediment–usually applied to material in suspension
of freshwater. (2) (Water Quality) An advanced method in water or recently deposited from suspension. In the
of water or wastewater treatment that relies on a semi- plural the word is applied to all kinds of deposits from the
permeable membrane to separate waters from pollutants. waters of streams, lakes, or seas.
An external force is used to reverse the normal osmotic sedimentary rock–rock formed of sediment, and
process resulting in the solvent moving from a solution of specifically: (1) sandstone and shale, formed of fragments
higher concentration to one of lower concentration. of other rock transported from their sources and deposited
riparian water rights–the rights of an owner whose in water; and (2) rocks formed by or from secretions of
land abuts water. They differ from state to state and often organisms, such as most limestone. Many sedimentary
depend on whether the water is a river, lake, or ocean. rocks show distinct layering, which is the result of different
The doctrine of riparian rights is an old one, having its types of sediment being deposited in succession.
origins in English common law. Specifically, persons who sedimentation tanks–wastewater tanks in which
own land adjacent to a stream have the right to make floating wastes are skimmed off and settled solids are
reasonable use of the stream. Riparian users of a stream removed for disposal.
share the streamflow among themselves, and the concept self-supplied water–water withdrawn from a surface-
of priority of use (Prior Appropriation Doctrine) is not or ground-water source by a user rather than being
applicable. Riparian rights cannot be sold or transferred obtained from a public supply. An example would be
for use on nonriparian land. homeowners getting their water from their own well.
river–A natural stream of water of considerable seepage–(1) The slow movement of water through
volume, larger than a brook or creek. small cracks, pores, Interstices, etc., of a material into
runoff–(1) That part of the precipitation, snow melt, or out of a body of surface or subsurface water. (2) The loss
or irrigation water that appears in uncontrolled surface of water by infiltration into the soil from a canal, ditches,
streams, rivers, drains or sewers. Runoff may be classified laterals, watercourse, reservoir, storage facilities, or other
according to speed of appearance after rainfall or melting body of water, or from a field.
snow as direct runoff or base runoff, and according to septic tank–a tank used to detain domestic wastes
source as surface runoff, storm interflow, or ground-water to allow the settling of solids prior to distribution to
runoff. (2) The total discharge described in (1), above, a leach field for soil absorption. Septic tanks are used
during a specified period of time. (3) Also defined as the when a sewer line is not available to carry them to a
depth to which a drainage area would be covered if all treatment plant. A settling tank in which settled sludge
of the runoff for a given period of time were uniformly is in immediate contact with sewage flowing through the
distributed over it. tank, and wherein solids are decomposed by anaerobic
bacterial action.
settling pond (water quality)–an open lagoon into
S which wastewater contaminated with solid pollutants
is placed and allowed to stand. The solid pollutants
saline water–water that contains significant amounts of suspended in the water sink to the bottom of the lagoon
dissolved solids. and the liquid is allowed to overflow out of the enclosure.
Here are our parameters for saline water: sewage treatment plant–a facility designed to
receive the wastewater from domestic sources and to
Fresh water. Less than 1,000 parts per million (ppm) remove materials that damage water quality and threaten
Slightly saline water. From 1,000 ppm to 3,000 ppm public health and safety when discharged into receiving
Moderately saline water. From 3,000 ppm to streams or bodies of water. The substances removed are
10,000 ppm classified into four basic areas:
Highly saline water. From 10,000 ppm to 35,000 ppm
[1] greases and fats;
secondary wastewater treatment–treatment (fol- [2] solids from human waste and other sources;
lowing primary wastewater treatment) involving the bio- [3] dissolved pollutants from human waste and decom-
logical process of reducing suspended, colloidal, and dis- position products; and
solved organic matter in effluent from primary treatment [4] dangerous microorganisms.
systems and which generally removes 80 to 95 percent
of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and sus- Most facilities employ a combination of mechanical
pended matter. Secondary wastewater treatment may removal steps and bacterial decomposition to achieve the
be accomplished by biological or chemical-physical meth- desired results. Chlorine is often added to discharges from
ods. Activated sludge and trickling filters are two of the plants to reduce the danger of spreading disease by
the most common means of secondary treatment. It is the release of pathogenic bacteria.
accomplished by bringing together waste, bacteria, and sewer–a system of underground pipes that collect and
oxygen in trickling filters or in the activated sludge pro- deliver wastewater to treatment facilities or streams.
cess. This treatment removes floating and settleable solids sinkhole–a depression in the Earth’s surface caused
and about 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding substances by dissolving of underlying limestone, salt, or gypsum.

Drainage is provided through underground channels that expressed in milligrams of dry sediment per liter of water-
may be enlarged by the collapse of a cavern roof. sediment mixture.
solute–a substance that is dissolved in another suspended-sediment discharge–the quantity of
substance, thus forming a solution. suspended sediment passing a point in a stream over
solution–a mixture of a solvent and a solute. In some a specified period of time. When expressed in tons per day,
solutions, such as sugar water, the substances mix so it is computed by multiplying water discharge (in cubic
thoroughly that the solute cannot be seen. But in other feet per second) by the suspended-sediment concentration
solutions, such as water mixed with dye, the solution is (in milligrams per liter) and by the factor 0.0027.
visibly changed. suspended solids–solids that are not in true solution
solvent–a substance that dissolves other substances, and that can be removed by filtration. Such suspended
thus forming a solution. Water dissolves more substances solids usually contribute directly to turbidity. Defined
than any other, and is known as the ‘‘universal solvent.’’ in waste management, these are small particles of solid
specific conductance–a measure of the ability of pollutants that resist separation by conventional methods.
water to conduct an electrical current as measured using a
1-cm cell and expressed in units of electrical conductance, T
that is, Siemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius.
Specific conductance can be used for approximating the tertiary wastewater treatment–selected biological,
total dissolved solids content of water by testing its physical, and chemical separation processes to remove
capacity to carry an electrical current. In water quality, organic and inorganic substances that resist conventional
specific conductance is used in ground water monitoring as treatment practices; the additional treatment of efflu-
an indication of the presence of ions of chemical substances ent beyond that of primary and secondary treatment
that may have been released by a leaking landfill or methods to obtain a very high quality of effluent. The com-
other waste storage or disposal facility. A higher specific plete wastewater treatment process typically involves a
conductance in water drawn from downgradient wells three-phase process: (1) First, in the primary wastewater
when compared to upgradient wells indicates possible treatment process, which incorporates physical aspects,
contamination from the facility. untreated water is passed through a series of screens to
spray irrigation–a common irrigation method where remove solid wastes; (2) Second, in the secondary wastew-
water is shot from high-pressure sprayers onto crops. ater treatment process, typically involving biological and
Because water is shot high into the air onto crops, some chemical processes, screened wastewater is then passed
water is lost to evaporation. a series of holding and aeration tanks and ponds; and
storm sewer–a sewer that carries only surface runoff, (3) Third, the tertiary wastewater treatment process con-
street wash, and snow melt from the land. In a separate sists of flocculation basins, clarifiers, filters, and chlorine
sewer system, storm sewers are completely separate from basins or ozone or ultraviolet radiation processes.
those that carry domestic and commercial wastewater thermal pollution–a reduction in water quality
(sanitary sewers). caused by increasing its temperature, often due to
disposal of waste heat from industrial or power generation
stream–a general term for a body of flowing water;
processes. Thermally polluted water can harm the
natural water course containing water at least part of the
environment because plants and animals can have a hard
year. In hydrology, it is generally applied to the water
time adapting to it.
flowing in a natural channel as distinct from a canal.
thermoelectric power water use–water used in
streamflow–the water discharge that occurs in a
the process of the generation of thermoelectric power.
natural channel. A more general term than runoff,
Power plants that burn coal and oil are examples of
streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not
thermoelectric-power facilities.
it is affected by diversion or regulation.
transmissibility (ground water)–the capacity of a
subsidence–a dropping of the land surface as a result rock to transmit water under pressure. The coefficient
of ground water being pumped. Cracks and fissures of transmissibility is the rate of flow of water, at the
can appear in the land. Subsidence is virtually an prevailing water temperature, in gallons per day, through
irreversible process. a vertical strip of the aquifer one foot wide, extending the
surface tension–the attraction of molecules to each full saturated height of the aquifer under a hydraulic
other on a liquid’s surface. Thus, a barrier is created gradient of 100-percent. A hydraulic gradient of 100-
between the air and the liquid. percent means a one foot drop in head in one foot of
surface water–water that is on the Earth’s surface, flow distance.
such as in a stream, river, lake, or reservoir. transpiration–process by which water that is
suspended sediment–very fine soil particles that absorbed by plants, usually through the roots, is evap-
remain in suspension in water for a considerable period orated into the atmosphere from the plant surface, such
of time without contact with the bottom. Such material as leaf pores. See evapotranspiration.
remains in suspension due to the upward components of Tributary–a smaller river or stream that flows into
turbulence and currents and/or by suspension. a larger river or stream. Usually, a number of smaller
suspended-sediment concentration–the ratio of tributaries merge to form a river.
the mass of dry sediment in a water-sediment mixture turbidity–the amount of solid particles that are
to the mass of the water-sediment mixture. Typically suspended in water and that cause light rays shining

through the water to scatter. Thus, turbidity makes the X

water cloudy or even opaque in extreme cases. Turbidity
is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). xeriscaping–a method of landscaping that uses plants
that are well adapted to the local area and are drought-
resistant. Xeriscaping is becoming more popular as a way
of saving water at home.
More on xeriscaping: Texas Agricultural Exten-
sion Service
unsaturated zone–the zone immediately below the land More on xeriscaping: Texas Natural Resource Center
surface where the pores contain both water and air, but
are not totally saturated with water. These zones differ Y
from an aquifer, where the pores are saturated with water.
yield–mass per unit time per unit area
Some of this information is courtesy of the Nevada
W Division of Water Planning.

wastewater–water that has been used in homes, HARVESTING RAINWATER

industries, and businesses that is not for reuse unless
it is treated. GANESH B. KEREMANE
wastewater-treatment return flow–water returned University of South Australia
to the environment by wastewater-treatment facilities. Adelaide, Australia
water cycle–the circuit of water movement from the
oceans to the atmosphere and to the Earth and return
to the atmosphere through various stages or processes INTRODUCTION
such as precipitation, interception, runoff, infiltration,
percolation, storage, evaporation, and transportation. Water is the genesis and continuing source of all life
water quality–a term used to describe the chemical, on the earth, and we all completely depend on this
physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually renewable source. According to the United Nation’s World
in respect to its suitability for a particular purpose. Water Development Report (1), ‘‘Mankind’s most serious
water table–the top of the water surface in the challenge in the 21st century might not be war or hunger
saturated part of an aquifer. or disease or even the collapse of civic order; it may
water use–water that is used for a specific purpose, be the lack of fresh water,’’ which justifies the present
such as for domestic use, irrigation, or industrial scenario that freshwater is a scarce resource. Although
processing. Water use pertains to human’s interaction it is the commonest and the most critical stuff on the
with and influence on the hydrologic cycle, and includes earth, water has been always an undervalued resource.
There are more than 1.4 billion cubic kilometers (km3 )
elements, such as water withdrawal from surface- and
of water—enough to give every man, woman, and child
ground-water sources, water delivery to homes and
more than 230 million cubic meters (m3 ) each if we were
businesses, consumptive use of water, water released
to divide it evenly (2). However, more than 98% of the
from wastewater-treatment plants, water returned to the
world’s water is saltwater, and for our basic vital needs,
environment, and instream uses, such as using water to
we have to depend on freshwater, most of which is locked
produce hydroelectric power.
in the polar ice caps. This leaves less than 1% of the
watershed–the land area that drains water to a
earth’s freshwater to be accessed in lakes, rivers, and
particular stream, river, or lake. It is a land feature
groundwater aquifers. The major portion of the water
that can be identified by tracing a line along the highest
diverted for human needs is drawn from this renewable,
elevations between two areas on a map, often a ridge.
readily accessible part of the world’s freshwater resources,
Large watersheds, like the Mississippi River basin contain
thus making it a scarce resource.
thousands of smaller watersheds.
watt-hour (Wh)–an electrical energy unit of measure
equal to one watt of power supplied to, or taken from, an NEED FOR WATER HARVESTING
electrical circuit steadily for one hour.
well (water)–an artificial excavation put down by The prevailing water scarcity experienced by most of the
any method for the purposes of withdrawing water from water-scarce countries (arid and semiarid) of the world
the underground aquifers. A bored, drilled, or driven can be attributed to high water stress and unsustainable
shaft, or a dug hole whose depth is greater than the rates of withdrawal. Dupont (3) attributes this widening
largest surface dimension and whose purpose is to reach gap between freshwater demand and supply to three main
underground water supplies or oil, or to store or bury fluids factors: a limited global supply of freshwater, increased
below ground. water consumption, and poor water management. The
withdrawal–water removed from a ground- or global supply of freshwater is limited and unevenly
surface-water source for use. distributed as against the demand for freshwater, which

increased sixfold between 1900 and 1995 (4,5). Moreover, Water harvesting is no new concept for humankind.
the exponential increase in the consumption of water from Though its importance in mitigating the water scarcity
population growth, rapid industrial development, and the problem has been highlighted much in the recent
expansion of irrigated farmland (6) contributes to added past, it traces its history to biblical times. Extensive
pressure on the water supply. Of these, the trend toward water harvesting apparatus existed 4000 years ago in
irrigating farmland, which provides one-third of the Palestine and Greece (10). Critchley and Chapman (9),
world’s harvest from just 17% of its cropland, is responsible while discussing the history of water harvesting systems,
for much of the pressure on the water supply and has mentioned that the earliest evidence of the use of water
risen from 50 million hectares to 250 million hectares harvesting is the well-publicized systems used by the
since 1990 (7). Poor water management and conservation people of the Negev Desert, where the hillsides were
practices have contributed to the decline in the quality cleared of vegetation and smoothed to provide as much
and availability of water in addition to overlogging and runoff as possible; the water was then channeled in
deforestation that are destroying water tables and causing contour ditches to agricultural fields and/or to cisterns.
siltation and salinization. Wasteful and environmentally In the New World, about 400–700 years ago, people
destructive farming techniques, overuse of pesticides living in Colarado (North America) and Peru (South
and chemical fertilizers, and expansion of urban areas America) also employed relatively simple methods of water
are other factors that have further reduced freshwater harvesting for irrigation (11). The practice of collecting
supplies. The statistics provided in the United Nations water from rooftops is also a very ancient type of water
World Water Development Report (1) support this: harvesting, practiced since the earliest times up to the
present. However, renewed interest in the technology of
• World population is likely to increase by half as much water harvesting arose in the 1950s in Israel, Australia,
again, to about 9.3 billion by 2050. and the United States. Since then, this technology
• One liter of wastewater is sufficient to pollute about has developed manifold through experimentation and
eight liters of freshwater, and every day about 2 demonstration projects.
million tons of wastes are dumped into rivers, lakes,
and streams.
• As of today, it is estimated that across the world there
are about 12,000 cubic kilometers of wastewater,
which is more than the total amount in the world’s Prinz (12) opines, ‘‘There is no generally accepted
10 largest river basins at any given moment. definition of water harvesting.’’ But the term water
harvesting in its crudest form can be understood as,
• At present, 48% of the earth’s population lives in
catching rain as it falls. However, many experts have
towns and cities; this will increase to 60% by 2030.
defined water harvesting and some of them are mentioned
for reference: Critchley and Chapman (9), in their manual
For these reasons, water has become a scarce resource in
on water harvesting, define water harvesting in its
many parts of the world. About 80 countries containing
broadest sense as the collection of runoff for its productive
40% of the world’s population suffer from serious
use. Thames (11) defines water harvesting systems as
shortages, mostly in the developing world (4). Despite
‘‘artificial methods whereby precipitation can be collected
widely available evidence of the crisis, ways to help ensure
and stored until it is beneficially used. The system includes
adequate water supplies for household, agricultural, and
a catchment area and a storage facility for the harvested
other uses are available to farms and communities.
water, unless the water is to be immediately concentrated
Rudimentary conservation measures, application of new
in the soil profile.’’ ‘‘Water harvesting is collecting and
technology, and sensible conservation practices could do
using precipitation from a catchment surface’’ (10).
much to stabilize water withdrawals (3). Water harvesting
Though defined differently, it is clear from the
is one such technology.
definitions that water harvesting is the practice of
collecting and storing water from various sources for
WATER HARVESTING—TO MAKE EVERY DROP COUNT beneficial use; the catchment area, runoff, and the storage
area are the central elements or components of any water
Providing irrigation to crops in hot, dry countries (arid harvesting system. These elements are briefly explained
and semiarid) accounts for 70% of the water use in the in Box 1.
world (8). Further, the rise in land pressure has resulted
in using more and more marginal areas for agriculture.
Much of this land is located in the arid and semiarid belts Box 1: Components of Water Harvestinga
characterized by scanty, uneven distribution of rainfall,
where much of the precious water is soon lost as surface Catchment Area. An area that is reasonably imper-
runoff. Recent droughts have highlighted the risks from meable to water which can be used to produce runoff.
the failure of monsoons to all life on the earth. Irrigation It may include natural surfaces such as rock out-
may be the most obvious response to drought but has crops, surfaces developed for other purposes such as
proved costly and can benefit only a fortunate few (9). paved highways or roof tops, and/or surfaces prepared
Lately this has gained popularity for an old technology in with minimal cost and effort such as those cleared
a new way, and that technology is water harvesting. of vegetation.

Runoff. That portion of precipitation which is not • Macrocatchment water harvesting, also called har-
intercepted by vegetation, absorbed by the land vesting from external catchments, is done where
surface, or evaporated, and thus flows overland into runoff from a hillslope catchment (catchment length
a depression, stream, lake, or ocean. Runoff may be usually between 30 and 200 meters) is conveyed to a
classified as direct runoff or base runoff according to cropping area located at the hill foot on flat terrain.
the speed of appearance after rainfall or melting snow,
and as surface runoff, storm interflow, or groundwater Floodwater Harvesting
runoff, according to its source.
Defined as the collection and storage of creek flow for
irrigation use. According to Critchley and Chapman (9),
Storage Area. Based on where the water is stored, the
floodwater harvesting is also known as ‘‘large catchment
storage area can be the soil profile, excavated ponds, or
water harvesting’’ or ‘‘spate irrigation’’ and may be further
any underground structure.
classified as
1. The Soil Profile: Simple arrangements are made
to direct water from hillsides onto cultivated areas • Floodwater harvesting within a steambed in which
to store the water immediately in the soil for case the water flow is dammed and, as a result,
plant use. Whether sufficient water can be stored inundates the valley bottom of a floodplain. The water
to offset a prolonged drought is a disadvantage. is forced to infiltrate and the wetted area can be used
for agriculture or pasture improvement.
2. Excavated Ponds: Ponds excavated in the ground
surface are used for storing large quantities • Floodwater diversion wherein the wadi water is
of water. These are often economical means forced to leave its natural course and is conveyed
of storage, but evaporation and seepage are to nearby fields.
serious drawbacks.
3. Underground Structures: Can be in the form Groundwater Harvesting
of aquifers (an underground layer of porous A rather new term employed to cover traditional as
rock, sand, or gravel containing large amounts well as unconventional ways of groundwater extraction.
of water) or cisterns (man-made underground Subsurface dams and sand storage dams are some fine
construction to store water). In the light of the examples of groundwater harvesting. They obstruct the
disadvantages/drawbacks of the other two types, flow of temporary or short-lived streams in a riverbed, and
it is an interesting alternative. store the water in the sediment below the ground surface,
which is useful for aquifer recharge.
Source: Reference 13.


All the previously mentioned forms of water harvesting
As mentioned before, water harvesting has been practiced are done with the aid of different permanent or temporary
for ages and is still relevant worldwide. A great number structures. There are several structures by which water
of forms exist with various names. Prinz and Singh (14) can be harvested for aquifer recharge. A few most
group water harvesting techniques into three broad widely used and cheapest structures are described below.
groups: rainwater harvesting, floodwater harvesting, and Barton (16) ranks them among the most popular methods
groundwater harvesting. A brief description of these for two main reasons: low construction cost and ease of
techniques along with subtypes is given below. operation and maintenance.

Rainwater Harvesting • Contour trenches are excavations parallel to contours

on slopes to conserve water and prevent soil erosion
Defined as a method for inducing, collecting, storing, and thus help water to infiltrate.
and conserving local surface runoff for agriculture or • Gully plugs are stone barriers built across gullies and
other beneficial use (15). This can be further grouped into deep rills that trap sediments eroded from higher up
three subtypes: a slope and impound runoff, encouraging infiltration.
• Check dams are temporary structures constructed
• Water collected from roof tops, courtyards, and from locally available material such as brushwood,
similar compacted or treated surfaces that is used loose rock, or woven wire to impede the soil and
for domestic purposes or garden crops. water removed from the catchment. The impeded
• Microcatchment water harvesting is a method of water collects behind the dam and infiltrates the
collecting surface runoff from a small catchment soil, recharging the aquifer. The cost of construction
area (catchment length usually between 1 and 30 ranges from US $200–400 (for temporary structures)
meters) and storing it in the root zone of an adjacent to US $1000–2000 (for permanent structures),
infiltration basin. The basin is planted with a tree, a depending on the material used, the size of the gully,
bush, or with annual crops. and the height of the dam (16).

• A percolation tank is a dam built on permeable • Acceptance by the Local Community: Last but not
ground so that floodwater is held back long enough the least, to be successful water harvesting requires
to percolate into the ground, hence, the name local capacity building, cooperation, and extensive
‘‘percolation tank.’’ This is constructed by excavating participation. The users must believe that the system
a depression to form a small reservoir or by proposed is the best for their needs. Hence, before
constructing an embankment in a natural ravine implementing any system, acceptance by the end or
or gully. The construction cost is estimated at final user is a must to ensure the sustainability of the
approximately US $5,000–10,000. system. Only then can it be a success.
• Groundwater dams are structures that intercept or
obstruct the natural flow of groundwater. These CONCLUSIONS
are often built within riverbeds to obstruct and
detain groundwater flow so as to sustain the storage The water harvesting concept used to be more applicable
capacity of the aquifer and meet demands during to arid and semiarid regions where rainfall is either
high periods. These may be either a subsurface dam not sufficient or precipitation is erratic. But, lately,
that is constructed within the aquifer itself or a sand due to ever increasing population, growing urbanization,
storage/silt trapping dam that is constructed above unsustainable withdrawal of groundwater accompanied by
ground to trap sand transported with floodwater. erratic monsoons, other regions of the world are also facing
• Rooftop harvesting is a method that can be adopted by the problem of water scarcity. Hence, water harvesting
individuals. Several techniques to harvest rainwater is being looked into as an effective method to mitigate
from the roof tops are in use: abandoned dug this problem of water scarcity all over the world because
well, abandoned/running hand pump, gravity head it offers a method of effectively developing scarce water
recharge, and recharge pit (16). Though in use mainly resources by concentrating the rainfall/runoff in parts of
to harvest water for household and domestic use, the total area. These systems have the potential to increase
there are evidences of groundwater recharge using the productivity of arable and grazing land by increasing
this technique. CGWB (10) has observed additional the yields and by reducing the risk of crop failure.
recharge to groundwater by dug wells to the extent As studied by Kakade et al. (17), they also facilitate
of 6.6 TCM with a benefited area of 1.3 hectare afforestation, fruit tree planting, and agroforestry. Using
in the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra, and, also, harvested rainwater helps decrease the use of other
a rise in water level from 1.43 to 2.15 m has valuable water sources such as groundwater, and helps
been recorded in Delhi from the adoption of rooftop in groundwater recharge (18). It is also a relatively
harvesting techniques. inexpensive method of water supply that can be adapted
to the resources and needs of the rural poor. As such,
there is no ‘‘the best’’ system of water harvesting.
CHOICE OF WATER HARVESTING AREA AND However, the system can be designed to fit best within
TECHNIQUES the constraints of a given location taking into account
technical, social, physical, and economic factors. Thus,
Planning is an important process involved in implement- learning from the past experiences and adopting new
ing any water harvesting project by an individual or technological developments that take place, any water
community. It starts with the identification of the area harvesting system can be considered a successful or an
for water harvesting, followed by selection of the tech- ideal system if it is
niques/forms/structures. While doing so, it is of utmost
importance to consider the following parameters (11,12). • technically sound, properly designed and maintained,
• economically feasible for the users, and
• Amount and Seasonal Distribution of Rainfall: • capable of being integrated into the social traditions
Knowledge of the intensity and distribution of rainfall and abilities of the users.
for a given area is necessary for designing a water
harvesting system. BIBLIOGRAPHY
• Topography: Knowledge of the landform along with
the slope is the next important parameter to 1. United Nations World Water Development Report. (2003).
determine the system for harvesting water and also Accessed at http://www.unesco.org/water/wwap/wwdr/table
the structures to be included. contents.shtml.
2. Asian Development Bank. (1999). Annual Report—Special
• Soil Type and Depth: Important for designing a
theme-Water in the 21st Century. Philippines. [http://www.
water harvesting system, the characteristics of soils adb.org/].
determine the water movement and the quantity
3. Dupont, A. (2003). Will there be water wars? Dev. Bull. 63:
of water that can be stored and also influence the November 16–20.
rainfall runoff process.
4. United Nations Environmental Programme. (1991). Freshwa-
• Provisions for Maintenance: A maintenance pro- ter Pollution. UNEP, Nairobi.
gram, even when the water collected is not being 5. Gleick, P.H. (1998). The Worlds Water 1998–1999: The
used (off season), is a must. Failure to provide for Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Island Press,
maintenance will result in early failure of the system. Washington, DC, pp. 40–47.

6. Wallensteen, P. and Swain, A. (1997). International Fresh- water demand and the stress on the environment due to
water Resources Conflict or Cooperation? Stockholm Environ- increasing waste and pollution pose a serious challenge to
ment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. the people and the authority administering the city.
7. Gleick, P.H. (1993). An introduction to global fresh water The Ho Chi Minh City Service of Communication and
issues. In: Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World’s Fresh Public Works (SCPW) admitted in September 1998 that
Water Resources. P.H. Gleick (Ed.). Oxford University Press, the city’s decades-old water supply system cannot meet
New York, p. 6.
the growing demand. According to the SCPW, the water
8. McCarthy, M. (2003). Water scarcity could affect bil- consumption is estimated at 800,000 m3 per day, but the
lions: Is this the biggest crisis of all? Accessed at
combined daily capacity of its two water plants at Thu
Duc and Hoc Mon and underground wells stops short
9. Critchley, W. and Chapman, C. (1991). Water Harvesting—A
at 750,000 m3 . But just only 500,000 m3 is available to
Manual for the Design and Construction of Water Harvesting
Schemes for Plant Production. Food and Agriculture Organi- users each day after water loss in delivery is taken into
zation of the United Nations, Rome. account (the proportion of water loss is as high as 32% in
10. Central Ground Water Board. (2000). Rainwater Harvesting some areas). However, in 2000, the daily demand jumped
and Artificial Recharge to Groundwater-A Guide to Follow. to 1,250,000 m3 /day but the Water Supply Company can
CGWB and United Nations Educational, Scientific and provide only 850,000 m3 /day.
Cultural Organisation, New Delhi, India. Ho Chi Minh City is situated next to the Saigon River,
11. Thames, J.L. (1985). Water Harvesting. Proceedings of the which joins the Dong Nai River to form the northern
FAO Expert Consultation on the Role of Forestry in and eastern boundaries of the city. This means that
Combating Desertification, Saltillo, Mexico June 24–28, 1985, the waterways can be both potential water sources and
Thematic paper 3.11. receivers of polluted wastes.
12. Prinz, D. (1994). Water harvesting: past and future. Sus- The Dong Nai River has a minimum flow of approxi-
tainability of Irrigated Agriculture. Proc., NATO Advanced mately 100 m3 /s. It originates in the Central Highlands
Research Workshop, Vimerio, March 21–26, 1994, Balkema, of Vietnam and flows through Dong Nai and Ho Chi Minh
Rotterdam, pp. 135–144. City with tributaries from other provinces. The total catch-
13. Nevada Division of Water Resources. Nevada Water Words ment area is 42,665 km2 , and the total flow volume is
Dictionary. Carson City, NV [http://www.water.nv.gov/]. 30.6 km3 /year (1). Forests cover approximately 30% of the
14. Prinz, D. and Singh, A. (2000). Technological Potential for basin. The upstream area in the lowland part of the river is
Improvements of Water Harvesting. Contributing paper to the present Cat Tien National Park. The Tri An reservoir
the World Commission on Dams final report Dams and
and hydropower plant are located downstream nearby.
Development: A new Framework for Decision Making,
Earthscan, London, UK.
15. Boers, T.M. and Ben-Asher, J. (1982). A review of rainwater WATER ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION
harvesting. Agric. Water Manage. 5: 145–158.
16. Barton, J. (2002). Water Harvesting for Groundwater
One of the important aspects of water resource usage
Recharge—Is It Effective? Seminar presented at the stu- management is the prevention and mitigation of sources
dent seminars on water harvesting in drought prone areas, of pollution going into the watercourses.
University of Wales, Bangor, April 2002.
17. Kakade, B.K., Neelam, G.S., Petare, K.J., and Doreswamy, C.
Sources of Pollution
(2001). Revival of Rivulets Through Farm Pond Based Water- The majority of industries are located in industrial zones
shed Development. BAIF Development Research Foundation, around Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to old industrial
Pune, India. zones such as Bien Hoa zone 1 built in 1963, a large
18. Chandrakanth, M.G. and Diwakara, H. (2001). Synergistic number of new industrial zones were set up recently in
Effects of Watershed Treatments on Farm Economy Through the neighboring provinces of Dong Nai, Song Be, and Ba
Groundwater Recharge—A Resource Economic Analysis.
Ria-Vung Tau. They were established to attract foreign
Department of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
investment to set up factories to produce goods for domestic
and export markets. The industrial zone in Bien Hoa
(Dong Nai) is upstream from Ho Chi Minh City. The
URBAN WATER RESOURCE AND foremost concern is that the wastewater discharge from
MANAGEMENT IN ASIA: HO CHI MINH CITY this zone to the Dong Nai River is near the Hoa An
pumping station that supplies water to the residents of Ho
Chi Minh City (2).
Environment Protection
Altogether, it was estimated that about 200,000 m3 /day
Authority, NSW
Bankstown, New South Wales of wastewater are discharged into the Dong Nai–Saigon
Australia River from the industrial zones. Industrial source
discharges are located mostly in the Thu Duc and Bien Hoa
areas, but they can also be found scattered along many
INTRODUCTION canals in and around Ho Chi Minh City. There are five
main canal systems that receive direct wastes from various
Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam, has a sources: Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe, Tau Hu-Ben Nghe, Doi-Te,
current population of about 5 million that is increasing Tan Hoa-Lo Gom, and Tham Luong-Vam Thuat. The total
rapidly due to internal migration and natural growth. The length of these canal systems is about 56 km with about

100 km of smaller tributaries. According to statistical data In 1992, the Environment Committee was formed. In 1994,
from the Water Supply Company, there is 461.291 m3 of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment
wastewater discharge into the canal systems daily (2). (DOSTE) was established as part of national body run
Water pollution is more visible during the rainy season by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
when the inadequate drainage system cannot cope with (MOSTE) when the Environment Law was passed by the
the water volume. In many areas of the city, traffic cannot National Assembly.
move due to extensive flooding after a rain. The Department of Transport Communication and
Public Works is the city government body in charge
Pollution Management
of planning the water supply network and other
Wastewater treatment facilities are required for new and infrastructures. HCM Water Supply Company is the city
established industrial zones. In Binh Duong province, a operating enterprise in charge of supplying water to the
wastewater treatment plant was built in 1998 for the city. The Urban Water Drainage Company is another city
Vietnam–Singapore Industrial Park and adjacent areas. authority that oversees the operation of the wastewater
The system includes an 8-km canal to drain rain and and storm water network. The Waste Treatment Company
treated wastewater from the zone into the Saigon River. of Ho Chi Minh City is concerned with the disposal of
In Bien Hoa II Industrial Park, a plant for treating solid wastes, including household and hospital wastes,
wastewater from factories was put into operation in produced in the city. It owns several landfill waste sites in
1999. The plant has an initial daily capacity for treating and around the city. These three public service enterprises
4,000 m3 , and 20 of the 76 factories had been connected to report to the city’s Director of Transport Communication
the plant since it started operating. The 2-hectare plant and Public Works.
has four reservoirs for biological, chemical, and physical All the above companies are city government enter-
treatment of liquid waste before it is conveyed to another prises. The first private water treatment plant in Vietnam
reservoir for final treatment. was built on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis under a
Another issue regarding the management of water 20-year contract with the city People’s Committee and the
pollution is the storm water system. In 2001, the municipal Water Supply Company of Ho Chi Minh City. The plant
Communication and Public Works will spend VND101 was built and run by Binh An Water Corporation, a con-
billions to upgrade and improve the storm water drainage sortium of Malaysian companies that has a loan from the
system. It is part of a 5-year plan to reduce flooding International Finance Corporation (IFC) (4). The Binh An
during the rainy season. To partly finance the maintenance treatment plant will provide 100,000 m3 /day (about 10%
and upgrading of the drainage system, the city authority of the current demand) to the Ho Chi Minh City and Bien
decided in early 2001 to allow the Water Supply Company Hoa industrial zone (5).
to collect a water drainage levy from water users starting
in July 2001. The rest of the capital is in the form of loans Water Supply Network
from international bodies such as foreign governments or
the World Bank. The main water supply plant for Ho Chi Minh City
The most significant plan for improving water quality is the Thu Duc Water Station. It currently supplies
and the environment is the Urban Drainage and 650,000 m3 /day to the city using water from the Dong
Sewer Master Plan. This plan was prepared and Nai River. The Dong Nai Water Supply Project will
developed in 1999 with assistance from the Japanese increase the plant capacity to 750,000 m3 /day (6). Part
Government. The Nhieu Loc–Thi Nghe canal basin of the project cost is funded by a loan from the Asian
has been identified and given the highest priority Development Bank (ADB). Lyonaise des Eaux is building
to improve the water environment and associated another water plant at the existing Thu Duc Water station
infrastructure (3). The shoreline improvement via house to supply 300,000 m3 each day to districts 2, 7, 9, Thu Duc,
clearance, relocation, and parkland development as and Nha Be. This is a 25-year joint BOT venture with the
well as canal dredging has been done since 1996 but Water Supply Company.
without capital investment in the drainage and sewer In 1991, there was a project planned to build a new
infrastructure. Street flooding and traffic jams during water supply plant using water from the Saigon River with
the rainy season are a frequent phenomenon. The Nhieu funding aid from the Italian government. The planned
Loc–Thi Nghe Project was started in early 2001; part supply plant has a capacity of 300,000 m3 /day and would
of the financing came from a World Bank loan. The provide water to District 12, 6, Tan Binh, and Binh Chanh.
Project is managed and implemented by the Urban But as the project was underway in 1995, the aid was
Drainage Company. stopped by the Italian government due to faults in timing
The city Urban Drainage and Sewer Master Plan management. Since then, the HCM People Committee
conforms to the national Urban Wastewater Collection and has tried to use various schemes to get it restarted,
Sanitation Strategy Study and the Government Decision first as a joint venture with foreign companies, then as
No. 35/1999/QD-TTg of March 5, 1999 (3). a BOT project, and finally in April 2000 as a total sale
package including equipment and project works to private
WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION investors. But so far none was successful.
In surrounding areas of the city, the water demand was
Government and City Organizations alleviated by some new projects. In 1997, the Hoc Mon
In 1977, the city People’s Committee established the Envi- Underground Water plant was upgraded to a capacity of
ronmental Protection Council to oversee the environment. 50,000 m3 /daily using a loan from the Asian Development

Bank (ADB). In Dong Nai province, construction of a new

water supply plant is being carried out at Thien Tan. The
US $25 million Thien Tan water project is funded by aid
from the government of the Republic of Korea to provide
clean water to more residents of the province. The plant
will have a capacity of 100,000 m3 /day.


1. Talaue-McManus, L. (2000). Transboundary Diagnostic Analy-

sis for the South China Sea. EAS/RCU Technical Report Series
No. 14, UNEP, Bangkok, Thailand.
2. Nguyen Thi Lan (6/3/1997). Bao Dong o nhiem moi truong nuoc
Tp HCM, Tuoi Tre.
3. World Bank—Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh Environmental Sanita-
tion Project. http://www.worldbank.org/pics/pid/vn52037.txt
4. IFC Press Release (1/7/1998). IFC invests US $25 million in
first private water treatment facility in Vietnam.
5. World Bank—Vietnam Binh An Water Corp. Project,
6. Saigon Times Daily (March 22, 2001). City seeks capital
scaledown for water supply project.



Energy Information
Administration—Department of

Of the renewable energy sources that generate electricity,

hydropower is the most often used. It accounted for 6
percent of U.S. generation and 42 percent of renewable
generation in 2001. It is one of the oldest sources of
energy and was used thousands of years ago to turn a
paddle wheel for purposes such as grinding grain. Our
nation’s first industrial use of hydropower to generate
electricity occurred in 1880, when 16 brush-arc lamps
were powered using a water turbine at the Wolverine
Chair Factory in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The first U.S.
hydroelectric power plant opened on the Fox River near
Appleton, Wisconsin, on September 30, 1882. Until that
time, coal was the only fuel used to produce electricity.
Because the source of hydropower is water, hydroelectric
power plants must be located on a water source. Therefore,
it wasn’t until the technology to transmit electricity over
long distances was developed that hydropower became
Niagara Falls in New York. In either instance, the water
widely used.
flows through a pipe, or penstock, then pushes against
Mechanical energy is derived by directing, harnessing,
and turns blades in a turbine to spin a generator to
or channeling moving water. The amount of available
produce electricity. In a run-of-the-river system, the force
energy in moving water is determined by its flow or fall.
of the current applies the needed pressure, while in a
Swiftly flowing water in a big river, like the Columbia
storage system, water is accumulated in reservoirs created
River along the border between Oregon and Washington,
by dams, then released when the demand for electricity
carries a great deal of energy in its flow. So, too, with
is high.
water descending rapidly from a very high point, like
Meanwhile, the reservoirs or lakes are used for boating
and fishing, and often the rivers beyond the dams provide
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the opportunities for whitewater rafting and kayaking. Hoover
public domain in the United States of America. Dam, a hydroelectric facility completed in 1936 on the

In addition, electricity pumping costs are not borne by

farmers and a major portion of groundwater pumping
is through electricity; so farmers have no right to sell
groundwater also.
The water markets are prominent because of the profit
from the sale of water for nonagricultural purposes.
Electricity is virtually free, so selling groundwater for
agriculture is not as profitable as it is for nonagricultural
purposes. Even though nonagricultural purposes such as
domestic water needs are not as large as for agriculture,
consumer demand for domestic water is apparent, and
consumers are willing to pay more than farmers who
buy water for agriculture. Groundwater is reckoned as a
poverty reduction tool in rural India, and its contribution
to rural wealth is more than that of surface water (1).
Colorado River between Arizona and Nevada, created Increasing demand for groundwater in India on account
Lake Mead, a 110-mile-long national recreational area of the Green Revolution and commercial farming has
that offers water sports and fishing in a desert setting. led to enormous pressure on groundwater resources.
Over one-half (52 percent) of the total U.S. hydroelectric Because of the growing population and expanding
capacity for electricity generation is concentrated in economy, the demand for water is surpassing the supply.
three States (Washington, California and Oregon) with Further, development of water resources is constrained
approximately 27 percent in Washington, the location by investment bottlenecks, environmental concerns, and
of the Nation’s largest hydroelectric facility—the Grand political and legal snags inherent in interregional water
Coulee Dam. transfers (3). Though the onus of achieving effective use of
It is important to note that only a small percentage of water falls on water markets, unless the true cost (value)
all dams in the United States produce electricity. Most of water is reflected in terms of actual electricity cost, any
dams were constructed solely to provide irrigation and attempt by the government would be futile.
flood control. Reallocation of water through marketing is a response
Some people regard hydropower as the ideal fuel for to growing demands on limited supplies of water (4).
electricity generation because, unlike the nonrenewable Neoclassical economic theory tells us that a market
fuels used to generate electricity, it is almost free, there increases efficiency by allocating resources to their most
are no waste products, and hydropower does not pollute valuable use. However, in the case of natural resources,
the water or the air. However, it is criticized because it the economic theory of markets may not always be true,
does change the environment by affecting natural habitats. for example, in central California, where the water market
For instance, in the Columbia River, salmon must swim is immature (5). This is precisely true for India as well.
upstream to their spawning grounds to reproduce, but the This article explores the nature and extent of water
series of dams gets in their way. Different approaches markets in India and focuses on groundwater markets and
to fixing this problem have been used, including the relevant economic and institutional (legislative) aspects.
construction of ‘‘fish ladders’’ which help the salmon ‘‘step In the next section, the nature and extent of water markets
up’’ the dam to the spawning grounds upstream. in India are provided, followed by some economic aspects
of water markets. In the following section, institutional
aspects focusing on regulation of groundwater resource
WATER MARKETS IN INDIA: ECONOMIC AND are discussed in the context of water markets. Finally,
some water policy (institutional) issues under which water
INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS markets can be improved by a water reform process in
HALANAIK DIWAKARA India are discussed.
University of South Australia

BACKGROUND Recent literature on water markets in India indicates that

markets for groundwater are one of the ways of accessing
Historically, India’s water resources have been perceived irrigation (6). These water markets are niche markets,
as an important input to production in agriculture for highly location-specific and endemic, at least in south
regional and economic development. India is an agrarian India. In India, water markets are informal; the transfer
economy. Therefore, water is the elixir of life for millions of water takes place among farmers (between irrigators).
of farmers in the country. Water markets are not akin In informal water markets, enforcement of contracts does
to commodity markets. Because of ambiguous property not occur by recourse to legal and institutional measures
rights to both surface and groundwater, informal selling but rather on personal trust (4). Some markets for water
and buying are popping up in different parts of India. resemble close to perfect competition. Each seller is
These are not legal; surface water structure is built by offering an identical product, so there is free entry and exit
government funding, so farmers have no right to sell it. of farmers, no single buyer and seller can influence the

price, and there is enough information as well (for instance, In India, the cost of energy used to pump the water is
water markets in Gujarat). These water markets are charged on a flat rate (fixed) basis, $30.55 per horsepower
seasonal and not permanent. Though the water transfer (in Gujarat), indicating that the marginal extraction cost
takes place mainly between irrigators, in some pockets of pumping groundwater is zero; this encourages farmers
like in periurban areas of Bangalore, a southern city of to use water to the point where the marginal value of
India, water is traded between irrigator and nonirrigators, production is close to zero.
water markets are localized, and the nature of competition The appropriators and policy makers largely ignore
resembles an oligopoly (7). Similar findings are reported the user pays principle, so water markets are inefficient
by Palanisami (8) and Janakarajan (9). Nevertheless, the and illegal because user costs are not borne either by
demand for groundwater remains large for agriculture. the buyer or seller. This has encouraged water sellers to
use electric motors to their full capacity at no marginal
EXTENT OF WATER MARKETS cost. Further, the cost of extraction also includes the
value of the opportunity foregone by extracting and
The extent of the area irrigated through water markets, using the water immediately rather than at sometime
which is often considered a proxy of water trading, varies in the future (opportunity cost). The user cost is a
across regions as well as over time, depending on a number measure of the economic consequences of pumping now
of factors such as rainfall, groundwater supply, cropping and thereby lowering the water table and increasing the
patterns, and the cost and availability of electricity (3). cost of extraction for all future periods, that is, increasing
It is estimated that 20% of the owners of the 14.2 negative economic effects that are not internalized.
million pump sets in India are likely to be involved in Therefore, sellers are more into a neoclassical return
water trading (10); this indicates that water markets are through water rates and interlocked markets.
providing water for about 6 million hectares, or 15% of the
total area irrigated by groundwater (4). This is on the high
side and therefore it cannot be a reliable estimate. Still, INSTITUTIONAL (LEGAL) ASPECTS
there is a lack of systematic estimates of the magnitude of
water trading on the macrolevel. Using a methodology So far in India, there has been little or no effort to devise
based on pump set rental data, Saleth (10) estimated appropriate water institutions to cope with the increasing
that 6 million hectares or 15% of the total area under demand for water in a dynamic agrarian economy.
groundwater irrigation is on account of water trading. Solutions to the technical problems of groundwater
Further, by a net addition to output of $230/ha/year resources are well known and are enforceable. However,
(based on the difference between the average irrigated efficient allocation and use of water resources depend
and rain-fed yields, as reported by Government of India), on institutions, which have received lip service. An
the total value of output due to water sales is estimated influential article, ‘‘The Tragedy of the Commons’’ by
at $1.38 billion per year (11). According to the irrigation Garrett Hardin (12) encouraged scholars to hold the view
and electricity acts, water selling is illegal, but it persists that lack of private property rights to the resource has
in niches. led to degradation and overexploitation of common pool
resources (13). The solution is to promote self-governing
ECONOMIC ASPECTS institutions (14,15).
Albeit there has been an attempt to regulate ground-
The thesis behind the economics of groundwater use water resources through the ‘‘Model Bill to Regulate and
is that water is used most efficiently when it is Control the Development of Groundwater’’ in 1992, but
extracted at rates that maximize net benefits over time. it failed to address the groundwater extraction and use
Hence, the benefit–cost calculus matters. The cost issues; rather, more emphasis was given to administrative
components include the cost of extracting and delivering control mechanisms. This misses the potential manage-
the groundwater, and the opportunity or the uses to ment opportunities represented by water markets (16).
which the water is put determines user cost and benefits. The National Water Policies of 1987 and 2002 have also
For example, Diwakara and Nagaraj (7) indicated that failed to address regulatory issues to govern the private
the benefit–cost ratio for groundwater sales to an urban extraction of groundwater resources.
area in an informal setting is 2.67:1 for the construction The issue of property rights has fueled the recent
and hotel industries compared to 1.35:1 for paddy crops. debate on groundwater ownership. It is believed that
This signals that water transfer to nonagriculture is a assigning property rights to groundwater and permitting
lucrative business. The costs of extraction are primarily competitive markets to function can finesse most of the
a function of pumping technology, the depth from which inefficiencies of the common pool problem (17), but this
the groundwater can be pumped, and the costs of energy neglects the fact that the appropriative activities by which
(mainly electricity in India). These costs increase with individuals create effective property rights are themselves
pumping depth and costs of energy and decrease as an alternative use of scarce resources (18). The priority
pump efficiency is improved. Thus the water market for exclusive private ownership may be an obstacle to
for agriculture is different from the water market for incompletely defining resources situations where some
nonagriculture. Farmers selling water for nonagricultural collective ownership may be more appropriate (19). The
purposes are relatively more efficient than farmers selling main function of property rights is to encourage greater
for agriculture because the marginal value product (MVP) internalization of effects (20,21). The rights to extract
of the former is higher than that of the latter. groundwater are by and large in the hands of private

individuals who own land. So, the landlords are also water twenty-first century have to be significantly different from
lords in India, provided the groundwater is available from the past policies because of several changes that have
the vulnerable aquifers. Groundwater is a common pool already occurred in the water sector (28). India is gear-
resource unit, so its yield is subtractable and its exclusion ing up to meet the challenges of the millennium with a
is not an issue of rivalry (22). Hence, defining the rights to fast developing economy. Throughout history, institutions
use is a challenging task. have been a panacea for managing natural resources.
Current energy pricing (flat rate) is not desirable for Without suitable water institutions, the dream of achiev-
India’s groundwater sustainability. Even though some big ing sustainable use of water resources will be in vain.
farmers use high-energy diesel pumps to lift groundwater, Recognizing water markets as informal institutions that
the water extraction will not be and cannot be as much as tackle the problem (access) and efficiency (high value use),
that in the use of electrical pumpsets because farmers appropriate measures through regulation of groundwater
have to pay for diesel and not for electricity. Hence, are the need of the hour for India. It is indicative that
groundwater mining and overuse of energy are interlinked markets and states are now seen not as competing but
and necessitate a high opportunity cost in water-scarce as complementary institutions in the quest to ‘‘get the
regions. In Gujarat State, energy pricing is US $37 per rules right,’’ and many formulations see a broader range
year per pump horsepower (23). Therefore, marginal cost of institutions of economic governance as essential in this
pro-rata pricing for electricity could be one of the welfare- task, including small scale communities-neighborhoods,
improving institutional measures that could be considered. nongovernmental associations, and the like (29). In this
However, as Zilberman (24) notes, these welfare measures regard, a blend of regulatory and economic measures
would be felt only when the efficiency benefits from reform applicable to Indian situation is suggested herewith.
are more significant and apparent. There is a lack of explicit policy on water markets in
On the one hand, groundwater is treated as a ‘‘free India. Keeping in view the reckoned benefits of formal
good,’’ and on the other, it is exploited competitively. water markets, an attempt could be made to devise a set
This underscores the importance of well-defined, clearly of rules focusing on property rights (tradable), quantity
enforceable rights to extract groundwater. Groundwater regulation, energy pricing, well-spacing norms, water
resources are largely extracted by individual well owners laws to promote self-governing institutions that manage
in India. In the absence of well-defined and enforceable groundwater, and establishing an oversight commission to
rights to extract water, the availability of groundwater settle disputes between users and water authorities.
is determined and subject to the law of capture, that is,
whoever taps the groundwater first gets to use it. In such PROPERTY RIGHTS
a situation, pumpers have an incentive to extract as much
water as possible, subject to the constraints imposed by Groundwater in India is largely developed by private
pumping costs (25). investment, as in many parts of the world. However,
Access to groundwater, a fugitive (dynamic) resource, the rights to extract water are still chattel to the land.
is largely a function of rights to extract. Though a The potential benefit of well-defined property rights is
legal framework that ties rights to groundwater to land that it reduces transaction costs, and assuming access to
ownership governs groundwater use in India, there is no credit, small farmers can have water rights. Considerable
legal limit on the amount of water a landowner can draw. consensus exists that, for markets to be effective,
Hence, markets for groundwater in India are informal legally defining property rights to water as private and
and illegal and fluctuate in pricing as well as in pricing transferable should be in place (4,30,31) along with a
methods. For example, if a farmer is selling groundwater declaration of rights for efficient use of the resource (32).
to his neighbor, it is also in return for some labor shortage As the sovereign power and guardian of the nation’s
situations or may be some interest payments and so on. resources, as well as the protector of the law and rights,
These, too, are subsumed in the water charge paid by the government has the power to define necessary property
the buyer. rights and then dispose them to individuals (33). However,
In the absence of a limit on the volume of groundwater the third party effects of water markets need attention
extracted, farmers are tapping the resource with myopic because the effects of water transfers and the costs of
behavior ignoring the fact that one’s extraction is a administering efficient and fair solutions to these third
function of the neighboring well’s extraction at a time party effects could lead to restricting trade (34). In this
and over time leading to cumulative interference of wells regard, quantity regulation would be a suitable strategy.
that affects the lives of the wells (26). The lack of quantity
regulation of groundwater extraction might lead to the
tragedy of the water law. Hence, quantity regulations are
common practices around the world and are preferred to The groundwater resource is extracted in unlimited quan-
taxes (27). tities in India without regard to its impact on neighboring
wells and environmental consequences. Evidence indi-
CONCLUDING REMARKS cates that, in a variety of situations, governments regulate
undesirable activities by controlling quantity rather than
Though water policy has generally been considered an charging taxes (27). So, simply defining property rights
important issue, its rational formulation and implementa- is not a sufficient condition. It should be blended with
tion have received lip service, and the water policies of the quantity regulation. If quantity regulation is opted for and

implemented, still, the access to groundwater resources These are some of the measures that are believed to be
is a function of number of users across time and space. possible in the Indian scenario and could be incorporated
Hence, to facilitate efficiency (physical and economic), the into legislation, provided that the sociopolitical economy
resource has to be priced to reflect its true value. This realizes the need and accepts them. Further, there shall
could be done through marginal cost pricing of electricity not be any underenforced water law, especially in the
and groundwater. context of the economic and environmental damage that
has been created and unaccounted for largely due to

The energy used to lift the groundwater from the BIBLIOGRAPHY

deeper layers of the aquifer in many parts of India is
electricity and diesel to some extent. Electricity is priced 1. International Water Management Institute. (2002). The socio-
ecology of groundwater in India. Water Policy Briefing 4: 1–6.
on a fixed (flat rate) basis. Hence, the marginal cost of
extraction is zero, and there is no incentive for users to 2. Bhatia, B. (1992). Lush fields and parched throats: Political
economy of groundwater in Gujarat. Economic and Political
conserve the resource. In a true economic sense, users
Weekly XXVII(51–52): A12–170.
extract groundwater until the marginal value product
3. Saleth, R.M. (1994). Groundwater markets in India: A legal
becomes zero. The value of groundwater needs to be
and institutional perspective. Indian Econ. Rev. 29(2):
reflected through marginal cost pricing of electricity and 157–176.
groundwater as well. This could be achieved by pricing
4. Easter, K.W., Rosegrant, W.M., and Dinar, A. (1999). Formal
electricity on a pro-rata basis. and informal markets for water: Institutions, performance,
and constraints. World Bank Res. Observer 14(1): 99–116.
WELL-SPACING NORMS 5. Carey, J., Sunding, L.D., and Zilberman, D. (2002). Trans-
action costs and trading behaviour in an immature water
In the absence of well spacing norms, the well interference market. Environ. Dev. Econ. 7: 733–750.
problem poses serious threats to sustainability and equity 6. Dubash, K.N. (2000). Ecologically and socially embedded
in well irrigation, especially in water-scarce regions in exchange: Gujarat model of water markets. Economic and
India. The withdrawal of groundwater without regard Political Weekly April 15: 1376–1385.
to recharge efforts goes unabated, and the resource 7. Diwakara, H. and Nagaraj, N. (2003). Negative impacts of
itself becomes unsustainable by reducing the lives of emerging informal groundwater markets in peninsular India:
wells. So, to avoid the well interference problem, which Reduced local food security and unemployment. J. Soc. Econ.
underscores sustainability, there is a need for spacing Dev. 5(1): 90–105.
norms between wells. 8. Palanisami, K. (1994). M.W. Rosegrant and R.G. Schleyer
(Eds.). Tradable Water Rights Experiences in Reforming
Water Allocation Policy, USAID, Arlington, VA.
9. Janakarajan, S. (1994). M. Moench (Ed.), Selling Water:
Conceptual and Policy Debates over Groundwater Markets
The community should accept a law to allocate water
in India, VIKSAT, Ahmedabad.
rights, regulate quantities of water, implement marginal
10. Saleth, R.M. (1998). Water markets in India: Economic and
cost pricing, and impose well-spacing norms. Evidence
institutional aspects. In: Markets for Water: Political and
indicates that, if the economic rents from water trading performance, K.E. William, M.W. Rosegrant, and A. Dinar
are concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or (Eds.). Kluwer Academic, Boston, MA.
the negative effect on third-party users is large and 11. Mohanty, N. and Gupta, S. (2002). Breaking the gridlock in
unmitigated, the community is not likely to obey the water reforms through water markets, Working Paper Series,
law (4). Therefore, self-governing institutions, such as Julian L. Simon Centre for Policy Research.
water users’ cooperatives, associations, or small private 12. Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. Science 162:
well organizations need to be promoted by enacting a 1243–1248.
suitable water law. In any society, there is no guarantee 13. Sethi, R. and Somanathan, E. (1996). The evolution of social
that all stakeholders obey the law. To settle disputes norms in common property resource use. Am. Econ. Rev.
between violators of the rules, there is a need for an 86(4): 766–788.
oversight commission with representatives from users, 14. Ostrom, E. and Gardner, R. (1993). Coping with asymmetries
local, state, and federal governments. in the commons: Self-governing irrigation systems can work.
In conclusion, emphasis should be on collective action J. Political Econ. 7(4): 93–112.
through user groups and cooperatively managed irrigation 15. Bardhan, P. (1993). Analytics of the institutions of informal
systems for sustainable use of water resources. Therefore, cooperation in rural development. World Dev. 21(4): 633–639.
a combination of local water rights and user organizations 16. Moench, M. (1998). M. Moench (Ed.), Groundwater Law: The
should be encouraged. Nevertheless, the institutional growing debate, VIKSAT, Ahmedabad pp. 35–68.
linkage between water markets and rental markets 17. Gisser, M. (1983). Groundwater: Focusing on the real issue.
for irrigation assets needs attention because the rental J. Political Econ. 91(6): 1001–1027.
market allows farmers to irrigate their farms by renting 18. Grossman, I.H. (2001). The creation of effective property
irrigation assets from neighbors, and they contribute both rights. Am. Econ. Rev. 91(2): 347–352.
to equity in water use and better use of irrigation assets, 19. Dragun, K.A. (1987). Property rights in economic theory. J.
especially when groundwater rights are not defined (35). Econ. Issues XXI(2): 859–868.

20. Demsetz, H. (1967). Toward a theory of property rights. Am. from 8◦ 4 N and 37◦ 6 N latitude and between 68◦ 7 E
Econ. Rev. 57(2): 347–359. and 97◦ 25 E longitude. The country is bounded by the
21. Dragun, K.A. (1983). Externalities, property rights, and Himalayas in the north and has a large peninsular region
power. J. Econ. Issues XVII(3): 667–680. tapering toward the Indian Ocean. The coastline of India
22. Walker, J.M. and Gardner, R. (1992). Probabilistic destruc- extends for more than 6000 km. This unique combination
tion of common pool resources: Experimental evidence. Econ. of location and topography, a large peninsula, very high
J. 102: 1149–1161. mountains followed by wide river plains, and the ocean
23. Gupta, K.R. (2002). Water and energy linkages for groundwa- in the south, create a complex climate and hydrology in
ter exploitation: A case study of Gujarat State, India. Water the country.
Resour. Dev. 18(1): 25–45. From the physiographical point of view, India can
24. Zilberman, D. (2003). Water marketing in California and the be divided into seven broad regions: (1) northern moun-
West. Int. J. Public Adm. 26(3): 291–315. tains; (2) Plains of Indus and Ganga Basin; (3) Central
25. Committee on Valuing Groundwater. (1997). Valuing Highlands; (4) peninsular plateau, the east coast region;
Groundwater: Economic Concepts and Approaches. National and (5) the west coast region. Two chains of islands, the
Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Andaman and Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal and Lakshad-
26. Chandrakanth, M.G. and Arun, V. (1997). Externalities in weep in the Arabian Sea, are also part of India.
groundwater irrigation in hard rock areas. Indian J. Agric.
The Himalayas in the north are one of the major
Econ. 52(4): 761–771.
mountain ranges of the world. In India, they extend
27. Glaeser, L.E. and Shleifer, A. (2001). A reason for quantity
over 2500 km from east to west, and the width varies
regulation. Am. Econ. Rev. 91(2): 431–435.
from 250 to 400 km. Topographically, the Himalayas
28. Biswas, K.A. (2001). Water policies in the developing world.
can be subdivided into three major ranges, the Greater
Water Resour. Dev. 17(4): 489–499.
Himalayas, the Middle Himalayas, and the Shivaliks
29. Bowles, S. and Gintis, H. (2000). Walrasian economics in
whose average heights are 6000, 4000, and 1000 meters,
retrospect. Q. J. Econ. November: 1411–1439.
respectively. The Himalayas are home to many of the
30. Bauer, J.C. (1997). Bringing water markets down to earth:
highest peaks of the world and have large permanently
The political economy of water rights in Chile, 1976–95.
World Dev. 25(5): 639–656.
snow-covered areas. Geologically, the Himalayas are
comparatively young mountain chains that are formed
31. Hearne, R.R. and Easter, K.W. (1995). Water Allocation and
Water Markets: An Analysis of Gains-from-Trade in Chile,
by sedimentary rocks. This coupled with steep slopes and
World Bank Technical Paper Number 315. The World Bank, intense monsoon rainfall yields high sediment loads in
Washington, DC. the rivers. The other prominent mountains include the
32. Schlager, E. and Ostrom, E. (1992). Property rights regimes Aravalis, the Vindhyachals, the Satpuras, the Eastern
and natural resources: A conceptual analysis. Land Econ. Ghats, and the Western Ghats. The mountains are the
68(3): 249–262. primary source of rivers that derive their flow from rainfall
33. Dragun, K.A. (1985). Property rights and Pigovian taxes. J. and snow and glacier melt (Himalayan rivers). Plateaux,
Econ. Issues XIX(1): 111–122. another striking feature of the topography in India, range
in elevation from 300 to 900 meters. The major plateaux
READING LIST are the Malwa, the Vindhyas, the Chota Nagpur, the
Satpura, and the Deccan.
Brennan, D. and Scoccimarro, M. (1999). Issues in defining India is traversed by a number of mighty rivers that
property rights to improve Australian water markets. Aust. can be broadly divided into two groups: the rivers of the
J. Agric. Resour. Econ. 43(1): 69–89.
Himalayan region and the peninsular rivers. The snow-
Richards, A. and Singh, N. (2001). No easy exit: property rights, fed Himalayan rivers are mostly perennial, whereas many
markets, and negotiations over water. Water Resour. Dev. 17(3):
small rivers of the peninsular region remain dry during
the summer months.
Saleth, R.M. (2004). Strategic analysis of water institutions in
India: applications of a new research paradigm, Research
Report, 79. International Water Management Institute, CLIMATE OF INDIA
Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Shah, T. (1993). Groundwater Markets and Irrigation Develop- The mighty mountains, extensive plateaux, and the ocean
ment: Political Economy and Practical Policy. Oxford University in the south have an important bearing on the climate
Press, Bombay. of India that can be described as a tropical monsoon
climate. India is a country with extremes of climate. The
climate varies from extremely hot to extremely cold, from
WATER RESOURCES OF INDIA extremely arid to extremely humid, and from continental
to oceanic. Here, temperature varies from more than 47◦ C
SHARAD K. JAIN at some places in summers to below −40◦ C at many places
National Institute of Hydrology in the Himalayas; rainfall varies from almost negligible
Roorkee, Uttranchal, India to about 1100 cm. The eastern state of Meghalaya is the
home to Cheerapunji, which is famous for the most rainfall
in the world—on the order of 1142 cm in a year. Rainfall
India occupies an important place in Southeast Asia. Its amounting to nearly 104 cm has been recorded at this
geographic area of 3.29 million square kilometers extends place in a day. The potential evapotranspiration over the

country varies from 150 to 350 cm. This wide range of varies from about five in western deserts to 150 in the
climatic conditions working in conjunction with a range of northeast. Such a wide variation makes the task of water
topographic and soil/rock properties produces a complex resource engineers very challenging.
and interesting pattern of water resource distribution
across the country. River Basins of India
In India, rainfall is received through southwest and
A river basin, the natural context in which water
northeast monsoons, cyclonic depressions, and western
occurs, is the most appropriate unit for planning,
disturbances. Most of the rainfall in India takes place
development, and management of water resources. The
under the influence of the southwest monsoon between
Ganga–Brahmaputra–Meghna basin, the largest basin
June and September, except in Tamil Nadu where it
in India, receives waters from an area that comprises
occurs under the influence of the northeast monsoon
about one third of the total area of the country. The second
from October–November. The rainfall in India shows
largest basin, that of Godavari, covers about 10% of the
great variations, unequal seasonal distribution, unequal
total area of India. The rivers are well spread over the
geographic distribution, and frequent departure from
entire country except for the Thar desert in Rajasthan.
the normal. The flow of monsoon winds is significantly
The catchment areas of the major river basins and the
influenced by high mountains in the north which are an
states through which they flow are given in Table 1. A
effective barrier. The peninsular shape of the southern
map of India showing important rivers is given in Fig. 2.
part that is close to the ocean provides a big source
Based on topography, the river systems of India
of moisture.
can be classified into four groups: (1) Himalayan rivers,
(2) Deccan rivers, (3) coastal rivers, and (4) rivers of the
inland drainage basin. The Himalayan rivers receive input
The southwest monsoon starts from the equatorial belt from rain as well as snow and glaciers and, therefore, are
and hits the Indian subcontinent in two distinct currents. perennial. During the monsoon months, the Himalayas
The Bay of Bengal branch sets in the northeastern part receive very heavy rainfall, and these are the periods
of the country, and the Arabian sea branch hits at the when the rivers carry about 80% or more of the annual
southern part of the peninsula. The first branch moves flow. This is also the period when floods are commonly
westward, and the second northward; together they cover experienced. The Deccan rivers are rain-fed and therefore
the whole country. Normally, the monsoon sets in over have little or no flow during the nonmonsoon season. The
the entire country by the beginning of July. The monsoon coastal streams, especially on the west coast, have limited
withdraws in September. catchment areas and are not lengthy. Most of them are
As the southwest monsoon withdraws, a northeasterly nonperennial. The streams of the inland drainage basin of
flow of air begins. This air picks up moisture from the low- Western Rajasthan are few and far between. They flow for
pressure areas in the Bay of Bengal, hits the coastal areas a time only during the monsoon.
of Orissa and Tamil Nadu, and causes rainfall. During The main river systems in the Himalayas are those
this period, severe tropical cyclones are also formed in the of the Indus and the Ganga–Brahmputra–Meghna. The
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. These cyclones are River Indus rises near Mansarovar Lake in Tibet. Flowing
responsible for intense rainfall in the coastal areas. through Kashmir, it enters Pakistan and empties into
The water vapor carried by the monsoon from the Arabian Sea near Karachi. A number of important
June–September amounts to about 11,100 km3 . About tributaries of the Indus, the Sutlej, the Beas, the Ravi,
3000 km3 (= 27% of the total) of this moisture precipitates the Chenab, and the Jhelum, flow through India. The
as rainfall. During the remaining 8 months of the year, Bhagirathi and Alakhnanda are two important rivers
precipitation is of the order of 1000 km3 . In South Indian that originate in the Garhwal Himalayas. These join at
states such as Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala, Dev Prayag to form the Ganga, the most sacred river
the northeastern monsoon also contributes significantly to of India. It traverses Uttranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
precipitation. and West Bengal and thereafter enters Bangladesh. Some
At the beginning of December, weather disturbances important tributaries of the Ganga are the Yamuna,
originating in extratropical regions enter India from the Ramganga, the Ghaghra, the Gandak, the Kosi,
Afghanistan and Pakistan. These are known as western and the Sone. Many of these tributaries are mighty
disturbances and cause moderate to heavy rain and snow- rivers themselves. For example, River Yamuna has
fall in the northern mountainous region. Light to moderate its own mighty tributaries, Chambal and Betwa. The
rainfall is also experienced in the northern plains. Brahmaputra rises in Tibet (where it is known by the
The annual precipitation over the country, including name Tsangpo). It enters India in Arunachal Pradesh and
snowfall, is about 4000 km3 which is equivalent to about after traversing Assam, enters Bangladesh. Its important
120 cm of depth. The variation of average annual rainfall tributaries are the Dibang, Luhit, Subansiri, Manas,
over the country is shown in Fig. 1. As seen from the and Tista. The Ganga and Brahmputra Rivers meet at
figure, there is a considerable amount of areal variation Goalundo in Bangladesh. The Barak river, the head waters
in the annual rainfall in India. The annual rainfall varies of the Meghna rises in the hills in Manipur. The Meghna
from about 10 cm in western deserts to about 1100 cm in is part of the Ganga–Brahmaputra–Meghna system. The
northeastern parts of the country. More than half of the combined Ganga–Brahmaputra River meets the Meghna
precipitation takes place in about 15 days and that too in Bangladesh, and this combined system flows into the
in about 100 hours in a year. The number of rainy days Bay of Bengal.

20 LEH
100 30
75 40
60 50
50 60
40 70

JPR 250
80 DJG
LKN 160
20 100 250 MP
BHJ 250 250
30 AHM JBP 250
RJK 160 160
40 75 CAL

50 60 NGP
60 100
150 CTK
400 HBD 150
PNA 160 100 Bay
Sea VSK Bengal
Goa BLG 100

a n & Nic o b a r I sl a n
CHN 100

Lakshadweep 250

Indian Ocean

(i) Based upon survey of India map with the permission of the surveyor
general of India
(ii) © Government of India copyright 1990.
(iii) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of
twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line.

Figure 1. Annual rainfall across India (1).

The Deccan rivers can be further classified in two SURFACE WATER RESOURCES OF INDIA
groups: west flowing rivers and east flowing rivers. The
Narmada and the Tapi Rivers flow westward into the The water resources of a basin are based on stream flow
Arabian Sea. The important east flowing rivers are the measured at a terminal site on the river. The average
Brahmani, the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, annual flow at the terminal point of a river is normally
the Pennar, and the Cauvery. These rivers flow into the denoted as the water resource of the basin. Note that this
Bay of Bengal. The rivers on the west coast are important refers to availability of water with a probability of 50%.
because they contain as much as 14% of the country’s To plan a water resource project, dependability at other
water resources and drain only 3% of the land. levels such as 75% and 90% is needed. Most Indian rivers

Table 1. Major River Basins of Indiaa

Catchment Area,
Sl. No. River Basin km2 States in the Catchment

1 Ganga–Brahmaputra–Meghna Basin
1a Ganga Subbasin 862,769 Uttranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and
Delhi UT.
1b Brahmaputra subbasin 197,316 Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim,
and West Bengal
1c Meghna (Barak) subbasin 41,157 Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and
2 Indus 321,289 J&K, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chandigarh
3 Subernarekha 29,196 Bihar, West Bengal, and Orissa
4 Brahmani–Baitarani 51,822 Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Orissa
5 Mahanadi 141,589 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Orissa
6 Godavari 312,812 Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and
7 Krishna 258,948 Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka
8 Pennar 55,213 Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
9 Cauvery 87,900 Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Pondicherry
10 Tapi 65,145 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat
11 Narmada 98,796 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat
12 Mahi 34,842 Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh
13 Sabarmati 21,674 Rajasthan and Gujarat
14 West flowing rivers of Kachchh, Saurashtra, 334,390 Rajasthan, Gujarat, Daman, and Diu
and Luni
15 West flowing rivers south of Tapi 113,057 Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Daman, Diu, and Nagar Haveli
16 East flowing rivers between Mahanadi and 49,570 Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
17 East flowing rivers between Godavari and 12,289 Andhra Pradesh
18 East flowing rivers between Krishna and 24,649 Andhra Pradesh
19 East flowing rivers between Pennar and 64,751 Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu
20 East flowing rivers south of Cauvery 35,026 Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Union Territory
21 Area of North Ladakh not draining into the 28,478 Jammu and Kashmir
22 Rivers draining into Bangladesh 10,031 Mizoram and Tripura
23 Rivers draining into Myanmar 26,271 Manipur, Mizoram, and Nagaland
24 Drainage areas of Andaman, Nicobar and 8,280 Andaman, Nicobar, and Lakshadweep
Lakshadweep Islands
Total 3,287,260
Reference 1.

carry large flows during the monsoon season (June to structures. This is about 36% of the possible storage space
September). The average annual flow in important Indian of 690 km3 . To harness the usable surface water, about
rivers is given in Table 2. 400 km3 of additional live storage needs to be created.
Thus, the development of surface water has a long way to
Usable Surface Water Resources go to achieve full potential.

Though the estimated surface water availability is of the

order of 1869 km3 , the amount of water that can be put GROUNDWATER RESOURCES ASSESSMENT
to beneficial uses is much less because India experiences
monsoon climate, implying that nearly 80–90% of the Groundwater resources can be classified as static and
annual runoff occurs during monsoon months. As enough dynamic. The static resource can be defined as the amount
storage capacity is not available, a large part of this flow of groundwater available in the permeable portion of
goes to waste, and some of it also causes flood damage. the aquifer below the zone of water level fluctuation.
As is clear from Table 2, the storage space available The dynamic resource is the amount of groundwater
from the projects completed by 1995 is about 174 km3 ; available in the zone of water level fluctuation. The
the projects under construction would provide 76 km3 , a usable groundwater resource is essentially a dynamic
total of about 250 km3 of storage space, ignoring small resource which is recharged annually or periodically

Jammu & Kashmir

Srinagar du
us lum
Jhe ab
en China
Ch Himachal
vi Pradesh
Ra Tibet
tluj Punjab Chandigarh
New Delhi Nepal
Uttar Pradesh
Pradesh Sikkim Bhutan Itanagar
Rajasthan Jaipur Ya Gangtok


m Lucknow tra

Chambai mapu

Brah Assam Nagaland


Gha l

ni g a

Lu Ko Dispur Kohima





wa Imphal
as Aja Bangladesh
ar ne y

S So
Bihar Tripura

Agartala Aizawal
Gandhinagar West



Gujarat Narmada Madhya Pradesh


Mahanadi Myanmar

Maharashtra n
dav Orissa

ari Bhubaneshwar




Arabian Pradesh
Sea Hyderabad

sh na
Panaji Bay

Andaman and Nicobar Islands


Goa of


Bangalore Chennai
Laksha Dweep

Port Blair
Flood prone area .........

Tamil Nadu
Kavarati Cauvery Scale
Kilometers 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 Kilometers

Miles 100 50 0 100 200 300 Miles

Thiruvananthapuram Sri
Indian Lanka Ocean

Figure 2. Important rivers of India and flood-prone areas (1).

by rainfall, irrigation return flows, canal seepage, and basin-wise groundwater potential of the country is given
influent seepage. in Table 3.
Due to diversified meteorologic, topographic, and The groundwater resources available for irrigation
geologic features, the groundwater distribution is quite are about 360.3 km3 ; out of this, the usable quan-
divergent across the country. Rock formations vary from tity (90% of potential) is about 324.27 km3 . Thus
Archean to Recent, and the topography ranges from the total usable groundwater resource is 324.27 +
the mountain terrain of Himalayas to the flat alluvial 71.08(domestic and other uses) = 395.35 km3 . The pre-
plains and coastal tracts. The northern plains in the sent level of development is about 32%.
Indus–Ganga–Brahmputra Basins that extend over a The water that is present in the aquifer below
distance of 2400 km from east to west constitute one of the zone of water level fluctuation is known as static
the largest groundwater reservoirs in the world. Almost groundwater. The static groundwater resource of the
the entire peninsular part is covered by a variety of country is estimated at 10, 812 km3 .
hard and fissured rock formations. The coastal and To summarize, the usable volume of water from surface
deltaic tracts form a narrow strip around the peninsula; resources is 690 km3 , and from groundwater sources
some of them contain highly productive aquifers. The 396 km3 , giving total annual usable water resources of

Table 2. Surface Water Resource Potential of the River Basins of India, km3
Live Storage
Average Annual Estimated Usable
Potential in Flow, Excluding Completed Ongoing Proposed
Sl. No. Name of the River Basin the River Groundwater Projects Projects Projects

1 Indus (area in Indian territory) 73.31 46.00 13.83 2.45 0.27

2 (a) Ganga 525.02 250.00 36.84 17.12 29.56
(b) Brahmaputra, Barak, and others 585.60 24.00 1.10 2.40 63.35
3 Godavari 110.54 76.30 12.51 10.65 8.28
4 Krishna 78.12 58.00 34.48 7.78 0.13
5 Cauvery 21.36 19.00 7.43 0.39 0.34
6 Pennar 6.32 6.86 0.38 2.13 —
7 East flowing and rivers from 22.52 13.11 1.63 1.45 0.86
Mahanadi to Godavari and Krishna
to Pennar
8 East flowing rivers between Pennar 16.46 16.73 1.42 0.02 —
and Kanyakumari
9 Mahanadi 66.88 49.99 8.49 5.39 10.96
10 Brahmani and Baitarani 28.48 18.30 4.76 0.24 8.72
11 Subarnarekha 12.37 6.81 0.66 1.65 1.59
12 Sabarmati 3.81 1.93 1.35 0.12 0.09
13 Mahi 11.02 3.10 4.75 0.36 0.02
14 West flowing rivers of Kutch and 15.10 14.98 4.31 0.58 3.14
Saurastra, including Luni
15 Narmada 45.64 34.50 6.60 16.72 0.46
16 Tapi 14.88 14.50 8.53 1.00 1.99
17 West flowing rivers from Tapi to Tadri 87.41 11.94 7.10 2.66 0.84
18 West flowing rivers from Tadri to 113.53 24.27 10.25 2.31 1.70
19 Area of inland drainage in Rajasthan Negligible — — —
20 Minor rivers draining to Myanmar 31.00 0.31 — —
(Burma) and Bangladesh
Total 1869.00 690.00 173.73 75.42 132.30

1086 km3 . In addition, about 10–15% of this quantity will to develop irrigation to increase agricultural production to
be available as return flow from irrigation and domestic make the country self-sustaining and to alleviate poverty.
uses. As against this, the total withdrawal for all uses Accordingly, the irrigation sector was assigned a very
in the year 1990 was 552 km3 . The irrigation sector high priority in the 5-year plans. Giant schemes such as
accounted for about 83% of this use. the Bhakra Nangal, Hirakud, Damodar Valley, Nagarju-
Most of the groundwater development in India is up nasagar, and Rajasthan Canal project were undertaken
to a depth of about 50 meters and is financed mainly by to increase irrigation potential and maximize agricul-
institutional and private sources. In the shallow region, tural production.
the wells include dug wells, dug and bore wells, and Long-term planning has to take into account the growth
shallow tube wells. The exploitation in the deeper zone of population. A number of individuals and agencies have
(50 m and more) is usually through the public sector estimated the likely population of India by the year
for community irrigation, water supply, or industrial 2025 and 2050. According to the estimates adopted by
purposes. Groundwater development has been intensive in NCIWRD(1), by the year 2025, the population is expected
the plains of the Indus–Ganga basin of Punjab, Haryana, to be 1,333 million in the high growth scenario and
and Uttar Pradesh. 1,286 million in the low growth scenario. In the year
2050, the high rate of population growth is likely to result
WATER RESOURCES REQUIREMENT in about 1,581 million people, whereas the low growth
projections place the number at nearly 1,346 million.
The increase in population and expansion of economic Keeping in view the level of consumption, the estimated
activities inevitably lead to rising demands for water for food grain requirements per capita per year would be
diverse purposes. Surface water is either used in-stream 218 kg for the year 2025 and 284 kg for the year
for hydropower and navigation or is diverted for off-stream 2050. After considering factors such as feed requirement,
use. A small part of diverted water returns to streams or losses in storage and transport, seed requirements, and
aquifers, and the rest is consumed. Groundwater is used buffer stock, the projected food-grain and feed demand
mostly for irrigation or for domestic requirements. for 2025 would be 320 million tonnes (high demand
The Indian economy has traditionally been agricultur- scenario) and 308 million tonnes (low demand scenario).
ally based. At independence, it was of crucial importance The requirements for the year 2050 would be 494 million

Table 3. Groundwater Potential in the River Basins of India (Pro Rata Basis) in km3 /yra
Total Provision for Available Level of
Replenishable Domestic, Groundwater Balance of Groundwater
Groundwater Industrial, and for Groundwater Development,
Sl. No. Name of the Basin Resources Other Uses Irrigation Net Draft Potential %

1 Brahmani with Baitarni 4.05 0.61 3.44 0.29 3.16 8.45

2 Brahmaputra 26.55 3.98 22.56 0.76 21.80 3.37
3 Chambal Composite 7.19 1.08 6.11 2.45 3.66 40.09
4 Cauvery 12.30 1.84 10.45 5.78 4.67 55.33
5 Ganga 170.99 26.03 144.96 48.59 96.37 33.52
6 Godavari 40.65 9.66 30.99 6.05 24.94 19.53
7 Indus 26.49 3.05 23.43 18.21 5.22 77.71
8 Krishna 26.41 5.58 20.83 6.33 14.50 30.39
9 Kutch & Saurashtra Composite 11.23 1.74 9.49 4.85 4.64 51.14
10 Chennai and South Tamil Nadu 18.22 2.73 15.48 8.93 6.55 57.68
11 Mahanadi 16.46 2.47 13.99 0.97 13.02 6.95
12 Meghna 8.52 1.28 7.24 0.29 6.95 3.94
13 Narmada 10.83 1.65 9.17 1.99 7.18 21.74
14 Northeast Composite 18.84 2.83 16.02 2.76 13.26 17.20
15 Pennar 4.93 0.74 4.19 1.53 2.66 36.60
16 Subarnarekha 1.82 0.27 1.55 0.15 1.40 9.57
17 Tapi 8.27 2.34 5.93 1.96 3.97 33.05
18 Western Ghat 17.69 3.19 14.50 3.32 11.18 22.88
Total 431.43 71.08 360.35 115.21 245.13 31.97
Reference 2.

tonnes (high demand scenario) and 420 million tonnes (low Different organizations and individuals have given
demand scenario). different norms for water supply in cities and rural areas.
The figure adopted by NCIWRD (1) was 220 liters per
Irrigation capita per day (lpcd) for class I cities. For cities other
than class I, the norms are 165 for the year 2025 and 220
The irrigated area in the country was only 22.6 million
lpcd for the year 2050. For rural areas, 70 lpcd and 150
hectare (Mha) in 1950–1951. Food production was much
lpcd have been recommended for the years 2025 and 2050.
below the requirement of the country, so due attention
Based on these norms and the projection of population, it
was paid to expansion of irrigation through surface and
is estimated that by the year 2050, the water requirements
groundwater projects. The ultimate irrigation potential
per year for domestic use will be 90 km3 for a low demand
of India has been estimated at 140 Mha. Out of this,
scenario and 111 km3 for a high demand scenario. It is
76 Mha would come from surface water and 64 Mha from
expected that about 70% of the urban water requirement
groundwater sources.
The quantity of water used for irrigation in the last and 30% percent of the rural water requirement will be
century was of the order of 300 km3 of surface water and met by surface water sources and the remaining from
128 km3 of groundwater. The estimates indicate that by groundwater.
the year 2025, the water requirement for irrigation would
be 561 km3 for a low demand scenario and 611 km3 for
Hydroelectric Power
a high demand scenario. These requirements are likely
to increase to 628 km3 for a low demand scenario and The hydropower potential of India has been estimated
807 km3 for a high demand scenario by the year 2050. at 84,044 MW at a 60% load factor. At independence
(1947), the installed capacity of hydropower projects was
Domestic Use 508 MW which was about 37% of the total installed
Water for the community water supply is the most capacity. By the end of 1998, the installed hydropower
important requirement, and it is about 5% of total water capacity was about 22,000 MW which was 24.85% of
use. It is estimated that about 7 km3 of surface water the total installed capacity of 88,543 MW. The status of
and 18 km3 of groundwater are being used for community hydropower development in major basins is quite uneven.
water supply in urban and rural areas. Along with the For example, the hydropower potential of Brahmputra
increase in population, another important change in Basin is about 34,920 MW which is 41.5% of the total
water supply is a higher rate of urbanization. Per the potential of the country. Only 1.3% of this was developed
projections, the higher the expected growth, the higher by the year 1998. The percentage development in Indus
would be urbanization. It is expected that nearly 61% of was about 14.7% and 17.26% in Ganga. The major
the population will be living in urban areas by the year hydroelectric projects (above 750 MW) in India are Bhakra,
2050 in a high growth scenario as against 48% in a low Dehar, Koyna, Nagarjunasagar, Srisailam, Sharavarthy,
growth scenario. Kalinadi, and Idukki.

Table 4. Annual Water Requirement for Different Uses in km3

Year 2010 Year 2025 Year 2050
Uses 1997–1998 Low High % Low High % Low High %

Surface Water
Irrigation 318 330 339 48 325 366 43 375 463 39
Domestic 17 23 24 3 30 36 5 48 65 6
Industries 21 26 26 4 47 47 6 57 57 5
Power 7 14 15 2 25 26 3 50 56 5
Inland navigation 7 7 1 10 10 1 15 15 1
Flood control — — 0 — — 0 — — 0
Environment (1) afforestation — — 0 — — 0 — — 0
Environment (2) ecology 5 5 1 10 10 1 20 20 2
Evaporation losses 36 42 42 6 50 50 6 76 76 6
Total 399 447 458 65 497 545 65 641 752 64
Irrigation 206 213 218 31 236 245 29 253 344 29
Domestic 13 19 19 2 25 26 3 42 46 4
Industries 9 11 11 1 20 20 2 24 24 2
Power 2 4 4 1 6 7 1 13 14 1
Total 230 247 252 35 287 298 35 332 428 36
Total Water Use
Irrigation 524 543 557 78 561 611 72 628 807 68
Domestic 30 42 43 6 55 62 7 90 111 9
Industries 30 37 37 5 67 67 8 81 81 7
Power 9 18 19 3 31 33 4 63 70 6
Inland navigation 0 7 7 1 10 10 1 15 15 1
Flood control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Environment (1) afforestation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Environment (2) ecology 0 5 5 1 10 10 1 20 20 2
Evaporation losses 36 42 42 6 50 50 6 76 76 7
Total 629 694 710 100 784 843 100 973 1180 100

Industrial Water Requirement Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajasthan, and

Tamil Nadu.
Rough estimates indicate that present water use in the
industrial sector is of the order of 15 km3 . The water use by Total Water Requirements
thermal and nuclear power plants with installed capacities
of 40,000 MW and 1,500 MW (1990 figures), respectively, Based on the various studies, the total annual requirement
is estimated at about 19 km3 . In view of the shortage of for freshwater from various sectors is estimated at about
water, the industries are expected to switch over to water 1050 billion m3 by 2025 A.D. The breakdown is shown in
efficient technologies. If the present rate of water use is Table 4. Estimates show that this demand will be met by
continued, the water requirement for industries in the year harnessing 700 billion m3 of surface water and 350 billion
2050 would be 103 km3 , and if water saving technologies m3 of groundwater.
are adopted on a large scale, the requirement is likely to
be nearly 81 km3 .

Water Quality Floods and drought are two water-related natural

calamities that are recurrent phenomena in India.
Water quality issues are gaining recognition as river
waters are getting heavily polluted in many places
and groundwater quality at many places is beginning
to deteriorate. Among the main concerns for water Floods are the most frequent natural calamities faced
quality are (1) arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal by India in different magnitudes, year after year. About
(affecting about 5 million persons); (2) fluoride levels are 80–90% of the annual precipitation in India takes place
high in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, during 4 months of monsoon; this is also the season when
Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh floods are mostly experienced. The main causes of floods in
(affecting 14 million persons); (3) iron levels are high India are inadequate capacity of river sections to contain
in the northeastern and eastern parts of the country high flows, silting of river beds, and drainage congestion.
(affecting 29 million persons); and (4) salinity is high in Floods are also caused by cyclones, cloud bursts, and

snow/glacier melt. Based on the causes of floods, the total geographic area of these districts is about 1,081,131
country can be divided into four basins/regions. In the sq. km.
Brahmaputra and Barak Basin, the main problems in
the state of Assam are inundation caused by overflow of
the Brahmaputra and its tributaries and erosion along
the river bank. In the Ganga Basin, the flooding problem
1. NCIWRD. (1999). Integrated Water Resources Development—A
is confined to small portions in the middle and terminal
Plan for Action. Report of The National Commission for
reaches. In general, the severity of the problem increases
Integrated Water Resources Development. Govt. of India,
from west to east and from south to north. The worst flood Ministry of Water Resources, New Delhi.
affected states in the Ganga Basin are Uttar Pradesh,
2. IWRS. (1998). Theme Paper ‘‘Five decades of water resources
Bihar, and West Bengal. In Uttar Pradesh, flooding is development in India’’. Indian Water Resources Society,
confined to the eastern districts: the rivers that cause Roorkee.
flooding include the Sarada, the Ghagra, the Rapti, and the
Gandak. The major causes here are drainage congestion
and bank erosion. North Bihar is in the grip of floods READING LIST
almost every year due to spillage of rivers. In West Bengal,
floods are caused by drainage problems as well as tidal CGWB. (1995). Ground Water Resources of India, Central Ground
effects. Flood problems are not very severe in the rivers Water Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
in the northwest part of India, and here the cause of IWRS. (1999). Theme Paper ‘‘Water: Vision 2050’’. Indian Water
floods is inadequate drainage capacity. Flash floods are Resources Society, Roorkee.
also experienced here. Flash floods are characterized by a Rao, K.L. (1973). India’s Water Wealth. Orient Longman Limited,
sharp rise and recession of river flow, and the damage is New Delhi.
mainly due to the sudden rise of the river, leaving a very
short time for evacuation. In the central and southern
part of the country, floods occur in the Narmada, Tapi, WATER INFRASTRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS
Godavari, Mahanadi, and Krishna Rivers. The coastal
regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu also
Colorado State University
face problems due to cyclones. Fort Collins, Colorado
According to the estimates, the average area annually
affected by floods is 7.52 Mha of which the agricultural
area is 3.52 Mha. According to NCIWRD (1), during the Water infrastructure is the set of constructed elements
second half of the twenty-first century, on average, 1515 that operate within water resources systems and interact
lives and 95,285 head of cattle were lost every year. The with environmental elements, or natural systems, such
area liable to floods was assessed at 40 Mha which is about as watersheds, streams, lakes, and aquifers (see article
one-eighth of the geographical area of the country. on WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT). Table 1 gives examples
of structures used in constructed systems for different
Drought purposes of water management.
In a watershed, sets of these structures may control
Normally, the term drought is used for a shortage of water for different purposes. Most apparent might be
precipitation or water at a place when it is expected. a multiple-purpose reservoir, that has a dam and
Meteorologic drought is said to occur at a place when hydroelectric plant connected to electric transmission
there is more than a 25% decline in rainfall from the lines. Below might be a diversion dam to enable a canal to
normal value. Meteorologic drought over an extensive take irrigation water from the stream, if it is located in a
area triggers hydrologic drought which is the condition dry region. There might be a re-regulating reservoir with
of significant depletion of water resources in rivers, locks for navigation. Dams are a special class of hydraulic
reservoirs, lakes, and springs. A marked depletion of soil structure, and they provide barriers to the flow to enable
moisture and precipitation leads to agricultural drought. reservoirs to store water.
Based on detailed drought studies for the country, 99 Dams have a number of special components, includ-
districts have been identified as drought prone. The ing service and emergency spillways, outlet structures,

Table 1. Structures for Water Resources Management

Purpose Conveyance Storage Treatmenta Pump or Generate Control

Water supply Water pipes Reservoir WTP Pumps Valves

Water quality Sewer pipes Tanks, ponds WWTP Sewage pumps Gates
Flood control Channels Detention ponds SWTP Flood pumps Inlets
Hydropower Penstocks Reservoir – Turbines Gates
Navigation Locks Reservoir – – Valves
Environment Rivers Natural storage Wetland – –
WTP = water treatment plant; WWTP = wastewater treatment plant; SWTP = stormwater treatment plant.

and drains. Outlet works might discharge to a munic- RESOURCES MANAGEMENT). A constructed system consists
ipal water supply treatment plant, and further down- of structural facilities that control water flow and
stream a wastewater treatment plant might discharge to quality, and a natural water resources system comprises
the stream. environmental elements such as watersheds, stream
A reservoir is a lake where water is stored, either channels, and groundwater systems.
natural or dammed artificially. Reservoirs require special
management attention because they control flow through-
out river systems. As a consequence, they tend to be both OVERVIEW AND TRENDS IN THE
strategically important and controversial. Great dams INTERNATIONAL WATER MARKET
such as Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, Aswan Dam
on the Nile River, and Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze RANDY T. PIPER
River in China influence whole regions and even nations. Dillon, Montana
To control flows, there will be valves, gates and
spillways, but they are mostly invisible. Wells might
provide water for users such as farming operations or OVERVIEW AND TRENDS
irrigation of golf courses.
Diversion structures on a stream change its direction or The term ‘‘water market’’ is a slippery concept. Like water,
flow patterns. They might include intakes, boat chutes, or the term water market is free flowing and can take a
river training structures. A fish ladder is a special kind variety of forms, depending on the cultural environment
of diversion structure meant to provide migrating fish and who invokes the term. In ‘‘The Importance of
species with methods for swimming upstream, usually Getting Names Right: The Myth of Markets for Water,’’
around a dam. Joseph Dellapenna argues for greater precision when
The structures and components that are associated using the language of water markets (1). Consequently,
with conveyance systems include natural open channels when we speak of water markets, we need to identify
and canals, pipelines, pipe networks and sewers, bridges, specifically the rules that governments employ and the
and levees. Open channels are either natural or man- roles that governments play in defining, divesting, and
made. A river is an example of a natural open channel. defending water markets. In most geographic settings,
Levees are part of conveyance systems that form the banks water markets do not exist without some formal role for
of channels to protect land areas from flooding. A canal or government administration.
lined drainage ditch would be an example of a man-made In Brazil, local water markets have evolved with
channel. A lock raises or lowers boats and ships up or minimal government oversight. Dating from 1854 in
down a river. the Cariri region of northeast Brazil, sugar cane
Pipes, or closed conduits, can be classified as tun- farmers established a water market. The farmers
nels, transmission pipelines, pressure pipe networks, or themselves defined the amount of water for each farm.
sewer networks. Moreover, farmers developed water measuring devices
A bridge is part of a conveyance system in the sense and monitoring rules independent of formal government
that it provides a method for separating a stream bed administration. However, this water market limits who
from a road, a rail line, or some other structure crossing can own the water, that is, water is neither auctioned
a stream. A culvert has a function somewhat like a bridge to the highest bidder nor sold to nonfarmers who would
that enables a separation of grades between a small stream divert the water for fisheries or for nonagricultural urban
and a roadway or other embankment above. consumption (2).
Hydroelectric plants are facilities that generate electric Technology can and does play an important role
energy from water discharge. They include turbines, in water markets. For example, technology can make
generators, and associated hydraulic components. bottled water more affordable to consumers and more
Pumps impart energy to water and raise it in elevation aesthetically appealing to consumers. In 2001, Norwegian
or pressure. There are several different types of pumps, water in American markets gained fame and market share
built mainly around the centrifugal or turbine pump largely because of the package design. Technology can
format, and they have numerous applications. improve the quality of water, from wastewater treatment
Valves, gates and spillways are control devices for plants to desalination. For example, 120 countries now
conveyance systems or dams. Spillways are used as employ some form of desalting equipment (3). At the 2001
emergency overflow devices to protect dams. There are a Bahrain meeting of the World Congress of International
number of types, normally classified as the service spillway Desalination Association, the primary focus was on the
or emergency spillway. Water flowing over a spillway technologies of water markets, not the institutions of water
normally flows into some type of energy dissipation device markets (4). Technology can improve the institutions
to avoid erosion downstream. of water markets and make it more cost-effective for
Coordinating the operation of these components places governments and nongovernments to define and enforce
the focus on the water resources system, as opposed the boundaries of water markets and to monitor the
to individual pieces. A water resources system is a consumption and transactions of water markets (5).
combination of constructed water control facilities and Technology in the narrow sense can and does improve
environmental elements that work together to achieve the product and package of water and water markets.
water management purposes (see article on WATER Technology in the broad sense can and does improve the

institutions of water markets. However, the technology from the conclusions of the 10th Stockholm Water Sym-
and science of water markets per se are not the posium captures this sentiment: ‘‘The economically based
paramount challenges in many international markets. In approach that dominates at present, and has the mar-
2000, the 10th Stockholm Water Symposium reached this ket as a recommended mode of interpretation, was seen
conclusion: ‘‘Long-term challenges in water management as having severe limitations when it comes to acceptable
are not so much linked to classical scientific and technical ways of coping with the emerging water crisis’’ (10).
aspects as to institutional innovations’’ (6). Even when countries can overcome the cultural and
In ‘‘Water Challenge and Institutional Response,’’ R. linguistic barriers to crafting water market-oriented insti-
Maria Saleth and Ariel Dinar reviewed the institutional tutions, these countries still encounter other barriers, pri-
innovations of 11 countries: Australia, Brazil, Chile, marily cost-effective technology. Cost-effective technology
China, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa, exists for the defining, defending, and divesting of water
Spain, and Sri Lanka. These World Bank researchers quantity. For example, affordable geographic information
found several commonalities among the 11 countries. For systems (GIS) allow governments and nongovernments to
example, countries have reached a supply limit of water monitor whether water users are ‘‘rustling water’’ and con-
resource development and are now focusing on the rules of suming illegal quantities. However, when the focus turns
allocation of their supplies. Countries have also begun to water quality, the costs of technology for measuring
to experiment with decentralization and privatization. and monitoring pollution trespassers increase dramati-
Among the countries (Australia, Israel, Mexico, and Spain) cally (11). The wealthier countries of the European Union,
that have national water plans, Israel and Mexico delegate South America, Asia, and Middle East can afford some of
much of the allocation administration to subnational levels these emerging technologies—both for water quantities
that are organized primarily along hydrogeologic lines in and qualities—but less affluent countries cannot allocate
the form of basins (7). These river basin organizations sufficient resources to create water markets, whether for
then may develop rules of participation and the roles of quantities or qualities.
market-oriented institutions for allocation. According to
R. Maria Saleth and Ariel Dinar, ‘‘Countries have begun
to recognize the functional distinction between centralized SUMMARY
mechanisms needed for coordination and enforcement and
decentralized arrangements needed for user participation Generalizations remain precarious. Institutional suc-
and local level solutions’’ (8). cesses at one national level may not transfer to other
In the urban water subsector, another institutional national levels within the same region. Institutional suc-
innovation is privatization or corporatization of water and cesses at one national level may not transfer to subnational
water infrastructures. Privatization can take a number levels within the same country. The barriers to diffusion of
of forms, from management, service, and lease contracts institutional innovations are numerous and varied, flow-
to build, own, operate, and transfer contracts to full pri- ing from economic, political, and social to technological
vate ownership under a regulatory regime. In the 1990s, and linguistic barriers.
several transnational corporations acquired water firms Governments will continue with cross-country agree-
and/or formed subsidiaries to compete in international ments that more clearly define their respective rights,
markets. This trend is illustrated by noting the home rules, and roles. National governments may play a more
country’s parent company followed by its water sub- active role in achieving hydrosolidarity among themselves,
sidiary: England’s Kelda and Alcontrol, France’s Vivendi but this external hydrosolidarity does not preclude inter-
and Vivendi Environment, Germany’s RWE and Bovis nal hydrosolidarity in the form of denationalization and
Thames, and America’s Enron and Azurix. In comparison water-market-oriented institutions. In a few countries,
to the 1990–1994 period, during the 1995–1999 period, governments may well continue to finance, manage, and
the monetary value of water and sanitation privatization own water resources and view water as a nationalized
projects increased by 100% to approximately $9 billion ‘‘means of production.’’ However, as the World Bank’s
in Latin America and approximately $9 billion in East R. Maria Saleth and Ariel Dinar observe, ‘‘But nowhere,
Asia and Pacific regions, by more than 1000% to approxi- even in China, is the state’s absolute ownership of water
mately $1 billion in sub-Saharan Africa and approximately established to exclude private use rights’’ (8).
$2 billion in Europe and Central Asia regions, and by more Many governments will still continue to denationalize
than 2000% to approximately $5 billion in the Middle East and privatize water resources. In urban areas, private
and North Africa regions (9). The ownership and names corporations will continue to build and manage water sys-
of the transnational corporations will change based on tems, while the government finances the construction and
the ebb and flow of supply–demand interactions. How- capital costs, and consumers finance the operating costs
ever, the role of any newly named corporation will remain via user fees. When urban consumers cannot finance the
the same: to maximize its returns on equity for various full capital and operating costs, governments will experi-
privatization projects. ment with full-cost pricing mechanisms, transparency of
Some institutional analysts consider the two trends of subsidies, and ‘‘water vouchers.’’ In rural areas, national
decentralization and privatization innovative and prefer- governments may allocate some of the financing, manag-
able to centralized national ownership and management. ing, and owning to local governments. In turn, localized
However, other institutional analysts view these trends governments may experiment with a variety of market-
as less than innovative and undesirable. A statement oriented institutions. The structure of these institutions
Next Page

could include allowing current owners and users to sell T.L. Anderson and P.J. Hill (Eds.). Rowman & Littlefield
their water for nonagricultural uses. Publishers, Lanham, MD, pp. 12–18.
During the next few decades, it is unlikely that many 12. For a review of the dynamics of domestic and international
governments will permit the following scenario for inter- water markets, see Water Marketing—The Next Generation.
national water markets to develop. Both national and local T.L. Anderson and P.J. Hill (Eds.). 2000. The Political
governments give full private property rights to agricul- Economy of Water Pricing Reforms Ariel Dinar (Ed.). 2000,
ture and/or urban ‘‘owners.’’ With full rights, these owners and Water Bank at http://www.WaterBank.com.
could then sell their water to whomever they wanted.
Willing higher and highest bidding buyers and consumers
would include rural and urban residents, transnational BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR WATER
corporations, environmental groups, and even water spec- RESOURCES
ulators (12). Once governments and nongovernments have
experimented with internal hydrosolidarity and learned MOHAMMAD N. ALMASRI
the lessons from the multiple forms of water-market- An-Najah National University
oriented institutions such as water banks and water Nablus, Palestine
vouchers, governments and nongovernments may well
transfer this knowledge to the realm of external hydrosol- JAGATH J. KALUARACHCHI
idarity. Utah State University
Finally, when we interpret ‘‘international water Logan, Utah
markets’’ and we more precisely speak in terms of water-
market-oriented institutions, our language and logic must
accurately reflect the multiple roles that governments INTRODUCTION
play in the creation and evolution of international
water markets. Best management practices (BMPs) for water resources
are affordable, practical, and effective methods for
eliminating or reducing the movement of pollutants from
the ground surface to groundwater or surface waterbodies.
1. Dellapenna, J.W. (2000). The importance of getting names Such pollutants include nutrients and pesticides, among
right: the myth of markets for water. William and Mary others, that may have adverse effects on human health.
Environ Law Policy Law Rev. 25(Winter): 317–378. In addition, BMPs can be viewed as methods to ensure a
2. Kemper, K.E. (1999). Jose Yarley de Brito Goncalves, and sustainable and safe yield of water resources through
Francisco William Brito Bezerra, Water allocation and optimal conjunctive management of these resources.
trading in the Cariri region—Ceara, Brazil. In: Institutional The main premise in developing BMPs is to achieve a
Frameworks in Successful Water Markets: Brazil, Spain, balance between the goal of protecting water resource
and Colorado, USA. M. Marino and K.E. Kemper (Eds.). quality, for instance, and the economic and social
World Bank Technical Paper 427, February, Washington, ramifications of adopting these BMPs. Before adopting
DC, pp. 1–9.
BMPs for a specific site, it is essential to understand
3. Gleick, P.H. (2000). The World’s Water, 2000–2001: The the BMPs thoroughly and to ensure their technical
Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Island Press,
feasibility through research, experience, field pilot studies,
Covelo, CA, p. 96.
and surveys. In addition to technical feasibility, BMPs
4. International Desalination Association. Accessed at http:
should be economically well founded through cost-
//www.ida.bm on August 24, (2001).
effectiveness analysis and acceptable via adopting and
5. Landry, C.J. (2001). The role of geographic information
maintaining them. BMPs may consist of single practices
systems in water rights management. In: The Technology
of Property Rights. L.A. Terry and P.J. Hill (Eds.). Rowman or combinations of them based on the problem at
& Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD, p. 23. hand and the social and economic ramifications. BMPs
6. Stockholm International Water Institute. The Final Overall for groundwater resources are important because they
Conclusions: The 10th Stockholm Water Symposium. August preserve and protect groundwater quality and quantity.
14–17, 2000, p. 1. Accessed at http://www.siwi.org/sws2000 Preservation of groundwater resources minimizes public
/eng/sws2000conclusions.html on September 24, 2001. health problems and maintains the social and economic
7. Maria, R.S. and Ariel, D. (1999). Water Challenge and values of groundwater. For instance, the cost of mitigating
Institutional Response: A Cross-Country Perspective. World polluted groundwater can be extremely high and by
Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2045, January, adopting effective BMPs, such mitigation costs can be
Washington, DC, p. 36. reduced dramatically.
8. Saleth and Dinar, p. 37. This document focuses on BMPs to protect and preserve
9. The Water Page. Accessed at http://www. thewaterpage.com/ groundwater resources from nitrate contamination.
ppp new main.htm on October 22, 2001.
10. Stockholm International Water Institute. The Final Overall
Conclusions: The 10th Stockholm Water Symposium. August NITRATE CONTAMINATION OF GROUNDWATER
14–17, 2000, p. 3. Accessed at http://www.siwi.org/sws2000
/eng/sws2000conclusions.html on September 24, 2001. Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water in
11. Yandle, B. (2001). Legal foundations for evolving property many parts of the world and the sole supply of potable
rights technologies. In: The Technology of Property Rights. water in many rural communities (1). There is increasing

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