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Company Number: CS051992017

Incorporated as a Private Company Limited by Shares, under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)

ORDINARY WRITTEN RESOLUTION of the Board of Directors passed this _____ day of November,


1. That the Company acknowledges the sad passing of Mr. Thomas Trogart Fabyan (late) and appoints
Mr. Michael Kumah as director of the company subject to his consent to act as same.

2. That the Company secretary is hereby authorized to make such filings and to take any such actions
as shall be necessary to complete and give effect to the resolution herein.

______________________ _____________________
Hubertus Stokman Secretary

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the above is a true Resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors of
OVH Energy Ghana Limited in accordance and compliance with the Regulations of the Company and
the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992).

Fiducia Services Limited
Company Secretary

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