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DR/Maged pharmacology 1 autacoids

1) …….. is constitutive COX and found mainly in GIT

a) COX 1
b) COX 2
c) COX 3
d) all of the above

2) what is the side effect produced from inhibition of COX-1

a) peptic ulcer
b) affect renal function
c) both
d) non of the above

3) prostaglandins may be used in all of the following except

a) Prevention of NSAIDs-induced gastric ulcer
b) facilitation of labour
c) treat glaucoma
d) treat pain
e) None of the above

4) …………… is bronchodilator as it blocks LTs receptor

a) zileuton
b) montelukast
c) paracetamol
d) diclofenac

5) …………. Have no adverse effect on GIT

a) celecoxib
b) aspirin
c) indomethacin
d) diclofenac

6) …………….. inhibit COX irreversibly

a) celecoxib
b) aspirin
c) indomethacin
d) diclofenac

DR/Maged pharmacology 1 autacoids

7) ………. Have antipyretic and analgesic effect only with no anti-inflammatory

a) celecoxib
b) aspirin
c) paracetamol
d) diclofenac

8) …… is a prostaglandin agonist that used to prevent peptic ulcer

a) latanoprost
b) aspirin
c) celecoxib
d) misoprostol

10) ……… may be used to treat erectile dysfunction

a) prostaglandin agonist
b) prostaglandin antagonist
c) both
d) non of the above

11) all of the following are antihistaminics that causes sedation except
a) diphenhydramine
b) meclizine
c) promethazine
d) loratadine

12) …….. is an antihistaminic drug that used mainly to prevent morning sickness
in pregnancy
a) meclizine
b) loratadine
c) cetirizine
d) fexofenadine

13) …………… is/are antihistaminic drug that induce sedation

a) loratadine
b) fexofenadine
c) cetrizine
d) diphenhydramine
DR/Maged pharmacology 1 autacoids

e) c and d

14) all of the following are side effects of 1st genertion antihistaminics except
a) sedation
b) dry mouth
c) blurred vision
d) None of the above

15) ……….. is selective H2 blocker and used to decrease gastric acid secretion
a) famotidine
b) meclizine
c) dimenhydrate
d) cetrizine

16) ………… is a serotonin agonist that used to treat migraine

a) buspirone b) fluoxetine c) tegaserod d) sumatriptan

17) serotonin antagonist that used to treat vomiting

a) buspirone b) fluoxetine c) tegaserod d) sumatriptan e) ondansetron

18) ……. Causes V.D by inhibiting PDE5

a) sildenafil
b) alprostadil
c) organic nitrates
d) nitroprusside

1 A 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A
6 B 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 A
11 D 12 A 13 D 14 D 15 A
16 D 17 E 18 A

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