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University name - University Of Greenwhich

Title - Management and economics of the build environment

Name - Mahmood Nasim
Course Name and Number - Quantity Surveying / mn

This paper provides a thorough examination of the soil conditions as they relate to a
foundation, which helps with decisions about the type of foundation to use as well as other
details like building walls or roofing materials. Going into great detail about each of these
elements, this comprehensive text explains how they all relate to one another and how they
differ. Returning to my previous argument, going into detail entails, for instance, discussing
the benefits and drawbacks while discussing soil.

Next, consider the soil's condition and the extent to which a deep foundation can be
problematic. In this case, piles or piers may be a safer and better option, providing greater
soil stability. Masonry or concrete walls can provide structural integrity in wall construction,
reducing the possibility of problems arising from soil movement. In actuality, these kinds of
materials offer superior resistance to all stresses. Now, let's talk about roof covering—that is,
a sturdy roof made of a material that will last a long time and provide fewer problems.
Examples of such materials include tile and metal. Leaking is another problem that can arise
and result in significant harm to a property. This can be resolved by having the inclination
help with water drainage to prevent future problems like water logging and soil abnormalities.
Furthermore, the materials "metal" and "tile" that I mentioned earlier have an impact on the

Among the "most sustainable construction resources" is timber. Its incorporated CO2 is
among the lowest of any building materials, if not the lowest. It doesn't create any dangerous
byproducts, and in the beginning it even restored foreign wood. It has a lower carbon
footprint than any other construction solution, according to current studies. Buildings made of
wood, such as fences and framed structures, employ wood. Wood is a naturally effective
insulator. Contemporary Construction Techniques MM uses less resources and saves money
and time when developing a project. In the current day and age, there are a lot of
advancements that have replaced traditional methods that are still in use with modern
technology age to drastically speed up and simplify the procedure. But there is a drawback,
the risk of using timber is that the structure's skeleton could deteriorate if moisture has risen
in any way. This will only occur in the event that the building has a problem, such as
improper insulation. Another drawback of wood is that it might shrink due to its ability to
absorb water.

To be honest, one of the best building materials is timber. The fact that its benefits have
outweighed its drawbacks could be one explanation for this. As I mentioned earlier, timber is
easy to utilise and regenerative. The fact that this is environmentally friendly and doesn't hurt
the environment is a plus. The only thing that could let Timber disappoint you is that
condensation could occur if a house is not finished to the proper standard, perhaps because
a wall has not been insulated properly.

Going ahead, there are numerous benefits and drawbacks that could arise if someone
decided to use reinforced concrete slabs for their foundation. For example, "load distribution"
might be a benefit. This essentially means that the concrete slabs will disperse an equal
amount of loads, hence reducing the likelihood of any potential dangers, such as settlement
in costly clay soil. The longevity and strength of the concrete slabs would be further benefits.
Since concrete slabs are known for their strength and durability, there is less chance of any
risks developing, one of which may be the possibility of cracks. This is advantageous since it
improves environmental safety and removes any questions about people's safety when
walking on concrete slabs.

However, as I've already mentioned, there are a lot of drawbacks to this foundation in
addition to all of its benefits. Costs is one of them. Nowadays, the cost of creating a new
concrete slab foundation is significantly more than that of typical conventional foundations.
Therefore, because of its price, it may draw fewer customers, who would prefer to purchase
the more affordable one. Drainage problems represent a potential second problem. Should a
builder fail to perform their duties in creating the concrete slabs correctly, there may be a
long-term problem with significant consequences. A drainage problem could occur and
provide numerous challenges for individuals.

One benefit is that load distribution is a concept. Expanding clay soil is highly susceptible to
shrinking when the moisture content varies, as I have mentioned in earlier paragraphs.
Better concrete slabs that evenly distribute loads will aid in settling problems and provide
greater stability, particularly if the soil is associated with expansive clay. The site preparation
might be a drawback, though. Owing to the expansive clay soil, a thorough site preparation
is necessary to avoid any potential swelling or shrinking. Poor site preparation can have
numerous flaws and result in an uneven quantity of support, which is a negative.

One well-known benefit of wall construction is structural integrity, which is the notion that
load-bearing walls offer a stronger structural commitment against vertical loads, thereby
assuring stability. Versatility in wall building would be a second benefit. Framed walls have
provided greater flexibility for architectural components that require future adjustments and
revisions. However, a drawback would be that it restricts alterations. Many problems and
difficulties can occur with load-bearing walls, particularly when modifications are required. Its
nature may be the reason for this. Another drawback is the force acting laterally. It is
recognised that framed walls are far more vulnerable to lateral stresses also.

Once more, the brief specifies that you should relate your views to soils and indicate whether
such a relationship is advantageous or disadvantageous. One significant benefit is that solid
soil has given a stable foundation, highlighting how crucial this is in earthquake-prone areas.
In this case, having a strong foundation is essential since it will increase the structure's
overall stability. The expense of the materials would be a counterargument, though. Although
well-developed bases are frequently produced by solid soil conditions, the cost of wall
materials can be prohibitively high when compared to alternative techniques.

Roof coverings have the benefit of having an efficient water discharge system. In addition to
facilitating water runoff, a sloped roof reduces the possibility of leaks and other water-related
issues. Its durability and cost-effectiveness would offer other benefits. It's incredibly
affordable, which makes installation much simpler, and it generally increases project
efficiency. However, there are two primary objections to this: first, the short lifetime In terms
of longevity, asphalt has a shorter light-fastness than other root-based materials.

The simplicity of installation in terms of soil is advantageous since asphalt can be useful in
building scenarios when installation time is crucial; yet, maintenance is a drawback. For
example, expansive clay can present certain difficulties because to its moisture-related

Annotations are essential for improving the cross-sectional presentation of the two-story
building's clarity and comprehension. Every annotation functions as a comprehensive guide,
leading the observer through the complexities of the architectural layout. To show how
load-bearing forces are directed, arrows are strategically used. This creates a visual story
that illustrates how the building maintains its own weight. The materials used for the walls,
beams, columns, and other structural elements are identified on labels, making it possible to
understand the building's construction from top to bottom. The dimensions are given with
great care, providing exact measures that help one understand the spatial arrangement. Not
only do room labels designate distinct functional areas, but they also explain the intended
use of each space. When taken as a whole, these comments turn the static graphic into an
educational map that offers insightful information to enthusiasts, builders, and architects
alike, making the two-story building's complexity clearly accessible and intelligible.

In conclusion, mastering the design of a structure or building requires careful consideration

of many different factors, particularly those that are related to soil conditions. Whatever the
substance, there will always be difficulties and issues. However, each material has a benefit
that makes it popular, practical, and necessary for construction. This visual aid not only
provides architects and engineers with useful information, but it also broadens the
comprehension of anyone who is curious about the complexities of building design. The
annotations serve as a key to uncovering the complexity within the artwork with their
succinct and understandable explanations. They ensure that the audience has a
sophisticated understanding of the building's operation by guiding them through all of the
components, from utility systems to load-bearing structures. This cross-section shows more
than just walls and beams; it also reveals structural soundness, thoughtful design, and
spatial organisation. Essentially, the annotations convert the still image into a moving story,
which makes the two-story building appealing to a wide range of people both aesthetically
and cognitively.

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