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Personal OR Academic Achievement Reflection

Select EITHER your personal OR your academic achievement and turn the bullet points into more of a
story underneath each headline. Ensure you have included details in your reflection and that you are
writing in paragraphs (NO BULLET POINTS).



Example – Earned my Lifeguarding Certificate as a personal achievement.

Description of Achievement

I began learning Korean traditional dance in 2022 and have continued for almost two years. Once I felt
confident in my abilities, I started taking part in monthly and yearly performances. These opportunities
allowed me to perform in front of different audiences, so I dedicated a lot of time to preparation.
Through these experiences, I learned valuable lessons both in getting ready for performances and during
the actual events.

Personal Relevancy

Being on stage provided me with a platform to showcase my dancing abilities, allowing me to express
my passion and love for the art form. It was a deeply personal experience that affirmed my dedication to
dance and provided insight into the depth of my passion for this expressive art.

Skill Development

Repeated performances on stage enabled me to develop both confidence and effective stress
management skills. Initially, the fear of standing in front of an audience plagued me, as I doubted my
abilities despite thorough preparation. However, confronting and overcoming this fear through
continued performances allowed me to cultivate resilience and composure under pressure. Additionally,
the process of preparing for each dance performance contributed to my growth, fostering discipline and
dedication in honing my craft.


Through my experiences, I came to the realization that standing in front of an audience isn't as daunting
once you become accustomed to it and begin to relish the stage. This newfound comfort allowed me to
not only enjoy performing but also to discover a profound love for dancing that I hadn't fully recognized
Future Connections

Engaging with various situations throughout my dance journey has enhanced my problem-solving skills,
contributing to my growth as a more adept and effective troubleshooter. Additionally, fostering
connections with fellow members and instructors will likely lead to further opportunities for
collaboration and mutual support in the future.

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