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ONrAY 1986 IscUE 5



itiAF 0

Penetrate the labyrinth of this subterranean citadel on the planet Quartech. Your heroics must saii: the
human race from extermination by the alien droids. S ubs ert their destructi%e course in a series of
gripping confrontations. Ward off their assaults as you grapple with death itself. Pit your wits and
ingenuity against their devious array or guises and trickery. Above all — you must deactivate
them. Be supreme or risk obliteration. Quazatron by Steve Turner is the Spectrum
Nal% alent of award winning C64 Paradrold.

Order send a cheque/P.O.

Dewson Consultants L t d . O r d e r b y
Credit Ca r d by sending y our Access/
Barclaycard numbe r, a n d enclose a
specimen signature. D o n ' t forge t t o
enclose .your name and address.

• r A l o i n i i c i o n , 0• ,
X 1 c 1Hammon
4 F Consultants
I X Ltd
sour continuing des eloopoloynt of nano% ative salvo are
o a l i o ay, happ) to evaluate mortuary sent to us st ill) .1 %limn to publication
i via Al% I V I
Hack Free Zone 2
Phzzzizzt! Hex's here with a
whole heap of hints

F.A. ,Cup Comp* 1 4

SaveI the F A. Cup and win a
V football.
O Of Eight 5 9
Yo ho1 ho! Hunt the treasure in
our Goonies
= comp°.
0 Campo 7 1
C away! Six fabulous
model3 aircraft up for grabs.
0ck.111=11 -
• 4 i =Time
r o
Program Travel 8 3
• Arrrggghhh!
Oh no! is Dave
Ba t m a n To the Batcaves... Rogan
> still alive?
to see Ocean's latest megagame. 1=1Ue N I i n k 1=1
S 8
All that's hip, new and trendy on
the Spectrum front.
Subscriptions 2 5
The Ed's 'ead's on the block if
you don't subscribe.
Le tte rs 1 7
S C R E E N S H O T S Make a pen'n'ink p u t it on
T he Planets - Take a trip round Hit LIM 3 4
Martech's solar system — it'll space Come on an' do the Hit List
you Out shuffle.
S p e c t r u m s c r e e n e n t e r t a i n m e n t In Task Force 4 1
gl or i ous te c hni c ol our . P R O O S Perk up! Your programming
Boi na j a c k l E l i te problems are solved.
Mugs y 's Re v e nge / M e l bour ne Hous e Hacking Away 5 5
Fr i day The 1 3 / h/ D om a r k Wise cracks — it's no Poke'
E A. C u p Footba l l / V i r gi n NlicrodrIvini 5 8
La by r i nt hi on/ Budgi e
S how J um pi ng/ Al l i ga ta Keep a 'routin' an' a tootin
S odov The S or c e r e r / Bug By te Fast Loader Turbo-charge your yourw microdnves•
-Back i tissues
h 7 9
S pace Hunt e r / M a s t e r t r oni c
Fal kl ands 132/PSS Spectrum with this whizz° bit of code. Hard Facts 8 0
Dogs body / Bug By te .41-1 1 4 :4 t. Steve Adams will ease your
Devi l 's Cr ow n/ M a s t e r t r oni c hardware heartache.
R obot o/ B ug By te BDW00CCD I nput Output 9 4
Ar c O f Y e s od/ Thor
959010E0b 3i .C. Backlash 9 6
The i nc r e di bl e S hr i nk i ng Fi r e m a ni Ma s te r tr onl e A bit of grievous editorial
Sai Com ba t/ Mi r r or s oft 9
7 3 violence from lolo Davidson.
QL Q uboi ds i S i nc l a i r
Vac tr on/ Fi tebi r d A
L) 5 D E D
2 90C A 2 -
P O S T E R M A P *
8250137 1
5 f
A1O r -
7Cn 9 O
Program Power Pull-Out
Mooniron F — two
and Short Circuit The Adventure Section gE ts
off to a magic start with
Movie - Here's looking at you blue 2D
amazing games to type in.1 Mike Gerrard, the master
eyes! A9E 0 adventurer himself.
F0 S P E C I A L O 6F F E R
C 1V1 M S E1E (
058 83
2C4 1F
Ne t wo r d s Getting your wordsworth
from Micronet CDE
C22 4
I N T E R V I E W B7 :
Show Us Your Wimpy Join the 2
Ghosts And Goblins' programmers D
for a quarter pounder and a thick 0
shake. Save ainb. P C .
1 a massive 280 on a Rotronics
01-631 1433
4 EDITOR Kevin Cox
A( N D R E V I E W S PUBLISHER Stephen England
01-580 0504/631 1433

d• •

% •


Mark Salmon, Neil Dyson
Your Sinclair, Sportscene
Specialist Press Ltd., 14
. 4
The new all-in-one QL section. Feel Rathbone Place, London %VIP
• •
the CLity... 10E
V :I U
,-,---- 7 - M
-4 C
_F rbg r
14 ,

F" 1 1
- W 04
N 1 ,M _

E- _01A C0 Olt
EF 0 r, p EACH

SM 0
E' t
t A I;

__ A m s y R A D
TM + 1 9 4 1 N A Y Inc, All Rights reserved. O cean Software Limited authortsed user. The official 1•4F1. authorised computer simulation.
Ocean Software Limited, 6 Central Street, Manchester M2 5NS. Telephone: 061 832 6633. Telex: 669977 Oceans G.
24 HOUR — 1
i n c l u d i n g P A R T We S • I N S U R A N C E and P & P . d les
N O H I D D E N t he bill, we give you a 100% fixed price NO extras. We VAT
EXTRAS don't ne e d t o boast a bout our service, w e have
1000's of customers fr om all over the world highly
delighted w i t h o u r ser vice a n d he l p. O n l y 2 0
minutes from Manchester Centre Com m odor e 16s, Com m odor e 64, Vic 20.
also repaired call us for details Please note we never charge between prices.
Don't wait weeks for your repair, we turn around all computers in 24 hrs Al l
repairs carry a full 3 m onth guarantee, plus on every Spectrum we repair, we
send you 4 free games wor th E25.80 for your enjoyment and pleasure,
• While you wait service by Professional • Most Spectrums repaired withinASminutes
Computer Engineers • Ail Micros insured for return journey
• 3 montn wrrnen guarantee on all repairs • keytsoard faults only CI 95
• intenutional Repair Company we repair • Scnool repairs undertaken • discount available
com puters from all over the world • Free software with each Spectrum reDaired
• All computers sent by Mall Order turned • Over 8years expenence worKing with
around In24 tin c o m p u t e r s All computers Italy tested
HOWTOSEND Just parcel your computer in suitable wrapping enclosing E19.95 for Spectrum repairs, please do not send power
supplies Com m odor e computers, just send E1.75 (U.K. Eire, I.O.M. Cl. o r E6.50 (Europe/Scandinavia] with your r tu
YOURCOMPUTER address or phone number and we will contact you same day by phone or letter with quote, If you prefer, please REPArpo
call us and we will give you a quote over the phone, we aim to please. That's what made us the most reliable mo tt
and No. 1 Service Centre In the U.K.
BEST P R i c E s i 7
1541 Disk Drives. Same Day Service THE
Call us for details or purchase LOGICAL • Why not
the I.C's from our D.I.Y. section CHOICE \ upgra de your
-Aso-'51 _ S p e c t r u m into
THERE'S new keyboard,
, N OB OD Y QUICKER can upgrade your


old Spectrum into a new
D .K. Tronlcs keyboard

YOU CAN'T REFUSE BEATEN for Only E31.50 047:tt

1 v i tI V A 7
16K to 413K Upgrade • • • • M O E .
Normal retail price E49.95 withOut fitting
Upgr ade your 16K Spectr um to 48K SpeCtrUM SpectrumParts
for only E19.95fi tted inCluding V
A a n2 d
- 3Ponl y)

(Retained by Public demand.)

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Commodore 64 Chips
ZTX 6510 2 3 . 0 0
To or der the Upgr ade Kit z 650 0 . 6 0 6581 7 5 0 0
(only E17.95.] Transistor ZIX 213 0 6 0
wtransistOr ZT* 513 0 . 5 0 901227-03 2 1 0 0
CORNER ePOwer Supply Untts 9 . 9 5
l16K to 48K Upgrade 0.25
2 1 0 0
3 00
We r egr et we cannot 01 Rams 5 . 0 0

Kit 1 7 . 9 5 4164
MANCHESTER BRANCH show all the components Power Supply Units 2 9 0 0
opening shortly in the available. Just give us a 50CketS16-40
Cassete Leads
Pin 1 6 - 5 0 P
All prices + P A P. E1.50
City Centre. Sorry for call and we can quote you C Lead
PRESS over the phone, delivery But
0 include V.A.T.
delay to all our Keyboard memnranes 5. 00
by 1st Class post. R
Manchester customers. a
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FOROUR Telephone: Glossop (STD 04574) 66555/67761o
BRANCH 140 High St. West, Glossop, Derbyshire, England
OPENING SHORTLY c Copyright Videovault Ltd. Noc151085
I t $ ta ft of t o o t a t ir =t r ir sta rt o f paragraPh The W o r d P r o c e s s o r
IL e a t o f t e e fa
" . scr
• o ll alma X 0 T a sm a n S o f t w a r e L t d l g e S
X st a rt i f l i a t la f a st scr o ll lit est o f p ro f M a in m e n u
X toe of' t i r o IF f a st scr o ll door hsta
u trtpago
e f pligt
31 * o f f l e f t X wore rig h t ta rt o f sC re tx P r i n t t e x t fi le P
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IA s e t t r i f t g l e IT de le te i . i öu rLLT( d e l. l e f t
35 cle a t ' a r i d a 01 a t le t e so f t 31 cle a t t t o t t a m e r g e
Sa ve t e x t fi l e 5
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o o lre t i l e X I sofa to e DOI I l i 1a1 le
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• - cle a r C u s t o m i s e p r o g r a m
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34 r cila t ir lf Pa ra eIN3 3 1 1 cop g aeons I t cle a r agl l save T a s w o r d
lo f u e l I se ;
11 c a ta tog/ c ha nge d r i v e X
.g n ; , right ju s t if y oo/ off I nto Ba s i c B
17 pot a ta te r 3 0 a uto 11 h e lp oo/ off
-i i ig t t he a te r 1 P -
16 '5POCE M I cha r se t
lI iI cpot foole d 0 w o r d s 0 c h a r s D r ive
- l igI e lTt o o t e r 31 0 1 L i n e s 2 0 9 7 7 c h a r s f r e e
e /44
7 te
f TASWORD TWO led the way in setting a standard for word processing on the
w ZX Spectrum. TAS WORD THREEpioneers the new standard.
o TASWORD THREE retains all the features which have made Tas word Two a
1 household name for the Spectrum. With many additional features and
- enhancements, including a built-in mail merge and up to 128
3 characters per line, TAS WORD THREEis the definitive word
processor for the Spectrum and Spectrum+ with microdrive
t ZX 48K Spectrum ZX Spectrum 129-90
cassette 110-90 RS232 Cable for ZX Interlace 1114.50
Transfer data from MASTERFILE to TASWORD Plug into your Spectrum and drive any printer fitted
TWO' Letters and forms typed on TASWORD TWO with the Centronics standard parallel interface
canbe printed with addresses and data taken from Supplied complete with ribbon cable and driving
MASTERFILE The mail merge facility allows, for software. The user changeable interface software
ZXSPECTRUM example, mulbple copies ofa letter to be printed,
each containinga different name and address taken
makes it easy to send control codes to your printer
using the method sosuccessfully pioneered with
you musthave one or more microdrives as well as
TASWORD TWO. The cassette contains fast
machine code high resolution full width SCREEN
TASWORD TWO for the Llt OK Spectrum Systems (version 9 or later). Shinwa, Star, Tandy Colour Graphic (in colour!)
cassette 01 S..100 microdrhe cartridge SU-4 0 pn'nters. TASCOPY shadedscreencopy software for
this interface (value i9,90) is INCLUDED in this
"Without doubt the best utility I have reviewed for
the Spectrum' TAS-DIARY package.
. compatible eight pin dot-matrix printers eg.
"If youhave been looking fora word processor, then TAS-DIARY for the ZX ASKSpectrum and la•OrItRAIVO9
look no further" C R A S H JUNE 1984 microdrives. Cassette/ ELM ASISI5AMW20:0 NI CKtal tPo R O D E R i S 5
With 64 characters per line on the screen and a host 950vOi-r 4 W A T A I 4 ' J I N A YMT89SotAWA CNV
of useful features TASWORD TWO is the ideal Keep an electronic day-to-day diary on microdrivel
TAS-DIARY includesa clock, calendar, andaseparate EP5ONMX410 COSAtOSi ct I I I I 4 C h t o i r k n o
r screendisplay for every day of the year. Invaluable
, owner for reminders, appointments, and for keepinga COMPACT! - bold andhemoy,goc rer emphasis
i TASPRINT record of your day. The data for each monthis stored
asa separate microdrive file so that your data fora
1311119-ial• A i i c SCAIAT
s THE STYLE WRITER yearis only constrained by the microdrivecapaci41. LECT
e TASPRINT forthe ZX 48K Spectrum TM-DIARY will work for this year, next year, and 1
MEMO - a ser i ous b u t i n e s s
t cassette MAO mkrodrive cirt idge111-110 every year up to 2100ISupphed on cassette for - - a di.A.1%ci.Liya P-ow.t%4 4otit
automatic transfer to micrcidrive. JEH
i k e s coutput
r i pshown
t must for dot matnx pnnter owners! Print your
A atless than half-size.
program output and listings in a choke of five L1
impressive print styles. TASPRINT utilises the 6tf
graphics capabilities of dot matrix printers to form,
a a double pass of the printhead, output ina range
with f
s five fonts varying from the futuristic Data -Run to -
the hand writing simulation of Palace Script. A
eTASPRINT gives your output originality and style! c l
d TASPRINT fonts are shown to the right together
The e
b a list of compabble pnnters.
o n
r a
d n
p d
r p
TR5WO RD T H R E E r Po ' 1 .4 .” I.
The W o r d P r o c e s s o r t . tilO g
,t C l t t S ri t
e) T a s m a n S o f t w a r e L t d L O S S <> ce ntre
1 7 . lila 70 & WM e a 4 POT t a b I t t
>. hove t e n t rig h t 3a boat htoca I t se t , 3 - cle w
s t a r t a t L i n e ( 1 ) e h 3d re ju st if y pa ra ( I I ) 3n c•f, bloc% I t cle w O t t
f 31 r e ' St a t (1 0 .3 1 .) IC 4ekett Keck 3. r t t
ni u m b e r o f c o p i e s ( 1 ) , IN C fl : j i NE. I I II
l i ne s p a c i n g ( 1 ) E ,
cn o n t i n u o u s / s i n g l e ( C ) C / 5 _ 1 Mr J I t M a r s , 21th Ohhohev isSt
1? Nigh st re e t . ”
Fi F a t p a g e b r e a k s ( N ) Y / N _ .
p r i n t h e a d e r ( N ) Y / N Lockton lo g ,
Ps r i n t r o o t e r ( N ) Y / N Lamcashire. 1a7 61.1
pr i nt p a g e num be r s ( F r r
h n Pear s o i l .
— at t o p o r bottom ) ( T ) Tr E ) Thank ye a f o r gofe r l e t t e r o f t h e 1 5 t h
a at m i d d l e , s i d e s ( I I ) M / S _ January. I have corre cte d t h e fi r g 4 1
W 7sFt 1a r t P a g e n u m b e r ( 1 )
tL e f t p r i n t m a r g i n ( 0 ) orticte
- a n d I h a ve la corpora te d_ goe r su g g e st e d
FLF a f t e r p r i n t i n g ( N ) changes. 0 Ice
a fl re pta t i s It good theia g th a t T OON * ha s I fi n d
h gov
and f a cit it y! viL L See from O A t i k t e l t d
- printout o f the COrreCted d ra f t t h a t I have h is* W e
i 7 ,r e s s E N T E R f o r d e f a u l t s
9 P some othe r chaoges ta d I hove t h a t ye a &We e t h a t
OR t o s t a r t a g a i n
-n RT a t a n y t i m e t o p r i n t
the y a r e a n is pr ov e m e nt.
• 2 AM •
.e E D I T t o r e t u r n t o m e n u ( On o s e r C Pg t P 1
( L
Pleasea note that TASWORD THREE is only supplied on, and will on5/ run on, microdrive.


One of a famous family. TASWORD TWO (ZX Spectrum), TAS WORD MSX (MSX Computers), TAS WORD 464 (Amstrad), TAS WORD
464•D (Amstrad), TAS WORD 6128 (Amstrad), TAS WORD EINSTEIN (Tatung Einstein), TAS WORD 64 (Commodore 64)
Available from good software stockists and direct from Tasman Software, Spfingfield House, Hyde Terrace, Leeds IS2 9LN.
Tel,' (0532)438301


TASCOPY for the ZX Spedrum with Interface 1 TASWIDE for the ZX 48K Spectrum
cassette 09.100 mkrodrive cartridge 111,40
TheSpectrum TASCOPY is for use with the RS232
cassette15.50 TASCOPY Cal-
With this machine code utility you can write your i-HE SCREENCOPIER
output on ZX Interface I It produces both own Basic programs that will, with normal PRINT TASCOPY QL for the Sinclair QL
monochrome finachoice of two sizes) and large statements, print onto the screen in the compact
copies in which the different screencolours are microdrive cartridge S12-80
lettering used by TASWORD Iwo_ With TASWIDE
plantedas different shades. With TASCOPYyou can you can double the information shown on the screen! TASCOPY QLadds new commands to OL
keepa permanent and impressive record of your Superbasic. Execute these commands to onnta
screenpictures and diagrams. A fist of printers shaded copy of the screen. Print the entire screen or
supported by TASCOPYis given to the left. justa specified window TASCOPY QLalsoproduces

large "poster sere"screencopies on more than one
sheet of paper which can be cut and joined to make
Available from good stockists and direct from: the poster.

T C A QL for the Sinclair QL
microdrive cartridge 119.801
TASPRINTCILincludes a screen editor used to
modify files created by other programs, suchas
QUILL, or bythe user fromBasic.These modified files

50FTWARE include TASPRINT control characters and may be

onnted, using TASPRINT, in one or more of the
unique TASPRINT fronts
Springfield House, Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2 9LIV. Tel: (0532)438301
If you do not want to cut thes magazine simply write out your order and post to: TASMAN SOFTWARE, DEPT TS SPR NGFIELD HOUSE HYDE TERRACE, LEEDS 152 9LN

I enclose a cheque/PO made payable to TASMAN Software Ltd OR charge my ACCESS/14Si; number
O u t s i d e EurodeaddI SOperitemawned
TeiephoneAreessiVita orders Leeds (0532)438301 T O T A L
Please send mea FREET1SMan &odium descnbtrog you YS5
, p ro d u ct s f o r
rchtrwowoorswewiedelt_ecantrbdtrth M e m th
S p e Peadet a r uM r m
c tSttbkoto _ _
5 2 DitWOmedvact 114141WIArreampnant * woo i t444,10 r paeaga•k
c aour
t s id A im * , a gle C w1 0 4 A f CID itibm AantkAtEldietCarePedin Item.elod4 *Imm o Norciat Waiesaoi O WNALANOkitowchwift Mho.
: T i r k ; a r d t L. cA, itennOMI10311( M O 2 1 1 Ntite n t * s e e 01.
a t
re M O P S M a e
A r I m
t t t r • a
d _ M a_ i s t a l
C ok m m m o
d oM g O e O
M O . I N I A • e
n t i e h m
4 _
i s i t m k 0
T a t

a e arrival of their
r 125 Joystick
e t
r a
u h
n with this
o from Cheetah
u Compatible with ZX Spectrum•48K .128K Commodore 64, The 1 2 5 c omes c omplete with a full 1 2 months
Vic 20, Amstrad, Atari. MSX, etc. warranty a n d is av ailable fr om ; V ,
n At only £8 95 the features on the 125 are second to none
Besides its unique internal structure, built to withstand
v e t iw u r il• High Street stores and all good
computer shops o
c immense punishment from even the most vigorous games
player the joystick c ontains n o les s than four extremely
sensitive fi r e buttons T wo a r e hous ed i n t h e handgr ip p
e which h a s b e e n moulded f o r ex tr a c omfort a n d eas e
of operation T h e tr igger fi nger t ir e button prov ides A
ease a n d c omfort f o r y our fi nger a n d t he t o p fi r e
button is c ontoured t o fi t y our thumb for s ure fi re i
shooting T h e bas e fi re buttons ar e pos itioned for ex tra
control a n d tw o hand fi ring whether y ou a r e right or left a
A b u ilt i n auto•fore s witc h pr ov ides c ontinuous .
shooting at the touch of a
fire button .
1, Willowbrook Science Park, Crickhowell Road, St. Melions, Cardiff
Telephone: (0222) 777337 T e l e x : 497455 1


Stocked a Selected Branches of 'V
H Smith.Boots,JohnMenzies MONf TO7 L f gf3 0
iNtoolworth.Greens.Laskysand Rumbelaws 6 CENTRAL STREET, MANCHESTER M2 SNS TELEPHONE: 061-832 6633 TELEX: 669977
Eureka, as the Scotsman
said to his smelly friend. But as
well as a really bad joke (What
joke? Ed), Eureka is also the
name of Domark's first product
after the horrors of Friday The
13th. Its a medium resolution
monitor with the option of using it in green screen mode It also boasts a sound booster for
your Speccy's beeps and then plays them through its own speaker. But the most interesting
feature is its expand screen option. Now you can make yourself (eel really sea sick by
zooming in'n'out while you're playing a game. At under £250 we can even forgive 'em for
importing it from France.

Cal l i ng al l Fa i r l i ght fa ns . D o n ' t ge t t oo e x c i t e d *cos

Fai r fi ght II - A Trail Of Dar kness i sn't out yet. Soon bat
• not y e t . J us t t o gi v e y ou a t a s t e r of t he na t t y nev
gr a phi c s , her e's a l ook at the ti tl e scr een s how i ng the
Mirrorsoft is goi ng bananas s pook y bi t w he r e y ou'r e out of the c a s tl e a nd out Qs
and releasing megatons your ear . B ut If y ou r eal l y c a n ' t w a i t a nd y ou ow n
of games this month. Numer o 12B, t h e e x p a n d e d v e r s i on of Fa i r fi ght w i t h a nen
one is Dr Blitzen And The Islands s ol uti on a nd extr a r oom s s houl d be In the shops ewes
sooner . S oone r but not y e t . -
Of Arcanum, an arcade/
adventure follow-up to Dynamite
Dan — see put-reery brill°. lab MURDER,
screenshot. Second is Reflex, a MYSTERY,
labyrinth of caverns game SUSPENSE!
and there's the battle/flight
simulator. Strike Force Harrier It's the strange case
er a n d scary N e rv o u s Wreck of the corpse at
— an underwater diving drama. Castle Rathbone —
s the Ed subbed
is last? Better dead
han Ed! Clues on
page 25

He can't even give 'em 1.11

away! Sir Clive launches
the Spe c tr um 1 2 8 on a 111
suspecting wor ld. 111

Fourteen software houses have donated computer games to

War On Want to raise money for development work in the
Third World The Speccy games include Hunchback 11 from
Ocean, PSS's Xaviour, Imagines classic Pcdro and one from
Jeff Minter called Headbanger's He m = (Don't call us. Jeff!)
l f you want SO have a lorra lorry fun and do someone a
favour at the same time buy a copy of Wow Games for only
1'9.95 - that's lust, calculator out, 71.071428p per game -
a bargain_ And by George (Galloway), just look at the fun
the General Secretary of War On Want is having.
Pun I nearly Orin I
this h u t !
Itain from
• Hair by Toni • Beards by Barry • Models P a u l Norris and I!ant t o I undo, '
Rupert Bowater S Opening a new software salon called Binary gasp d u e
Vision f ollowing t heir break away f ro m t h e Elec tronic Penc il le line But i..'
Company of Fourth Protocol arta Zoids fame. Games designers by
appointment t o t he Palac e (Software). Firs t c ollec tion t o be
launched at the PCW Snow in September..
• . •
illuntomphw hat a tnattl! 1 Batman - 1 ,
1 4 1 4 0,
Itiggle, 1 ttoo%jar
n u inl
m o i n litni
— Th.1 nii.ldkitiirvk
r), p R F 0 0 , ridI holy
I inac k et el is it hot
n k v h a for yourself on
a look
t•h i i p . N g i d e l e n m o r e N pillr ie lt ;Pt Go on. admit it. You actually believed last issue's amazing ;•age 60 Splat
tins INV only -a-real-drongo-would- fall- for-this s c oop rev iew of t around the country
cioniputer game II) Vittroninft. I f 1
'', Generation 4's Arcade Dream 7 Bet you feel a right plonker, 1
Eg Ilout
RRl e parts
.i and ciniiktg. intlinti% Ole flint e h ' Just to make you feel less of a c omplete-and-utter-twit T a l k i been
so n g down to sunny
• Ion to see a couple of
P plkoi — It s k o inLiudo g r e k il the fi rst noodle to fall hook line and sinker works for a lead- o f
•.r h s nrcrgrammers Ant i
[k orner sequit n ii. I t yes fancy f r i t ing software house. For a small remuneration Frontlines
I-1 an tibecte check •tot out ammting ' I X they t old me '
may just be persuaded to reveal which one...
conspo on p u t 71. chock% a.• to! I )r ' a g o n g D i r e c t o r
u t Day lo k iart in f ound his
i p ro g ra mme rs weren I open to
I' A B ' N ' G E A R ! persuasion when it came to
digitizing bouncy Sam Fox
La s t month, VS brought you the 'Do-lt-y ours e lf-a nd-look -a -right-wa lly ' Sound a bit pervy to y oul
Tra ins potte r kit. Caused quite a stir down at King's Cross we can tell you. Thal s what I thought but it s
But we c a n't let the anorak and note book brigade hog all the glam spots. actually all being done in the
So, for all the tre nds potte rs rather than the trainspotters, prepare to be rame of the new game S a m
put in the pic ture a bout all tha t's hip in the Spe c trum world. De dic a te d Fox's Strip Poker Titter
n followers of fashion will note tha t it's now ultra cool to have an old style • t ier
Speccy. Rubber is definitely making a comeback this season. Some hip- Interes ting link , t his D o m a r k
sters are even making a mov e to revive the 1 6 K ma c hine — here a t YS aving made a bit of a boob
we 'v e dubbed the m the Artificial Hips. And it's no good you trainspotters ith Firk lay 1 3 t h is definitely
pointing out to the tre ndie s tha t microdrives a re a n unreliable form of roducing a game based on the
storage. You can talk till your spots drop off a bout Wafadrives and disks 'Imes Bond movie L i v e A n d
but Joe Cool's only interested in matching logos. Form not function is his L e t D i e B o y rac ers Dominic
motto. Stylish or wha t? irid Mark are also in the throes
signing a few more licensing
!eats but they re keeping
tumm on whether it II be for
inother fi lm
r %eryones catching the
--mg bug Thos e complete-
.] utter-nutters at Orpheus
iie hoping to secure another
oTV program Ot her than that its
n onverting a Commie 64 game
spit s pill%) the Spectrum
yipee ) and it s called Th e
a And gues s what'? Well i t you
ccan't guess I m certainty not
tgoing to tell you O h okay then
oll i Ge n S i n C I d i ! i t l a o r a t A r c a d e
Classic P a p e r Boy Got ir)
rlWatch this spat f u r mo w
g Eh up fl owers i t
aewi I wh ip p e t an le r r e l I
m Niig a t a s n e w gamy P u b
yG a m e s I t
eo ftrrilos d a d s . d o m illii
s g o t
bu , f oot ball p o o l a n d
a l l
aatiz mtnoti
; •• 1 1 1 4
h u
el1 1If—you • n p l ia y e d Back To
do w l k ora you may will I -
eq u te r i n g W h o S a fTI C i l i i
i l t
o , r. '011 ! , FF0 (liii•
n ••• 1 ;
I. r i l i n g I c a n C OI y o u
• Sinclair ZX Spectrum (no longer available in this f o rma t , Sinclair Microdnve and Interface I (T99. 95) l
aConta c t Sam Cruise r.
• Microvitec Cub Monitor (C2 4 2 6 1 )• Romantic Robot's Multiface 1 (C39. 95)• Transform microdrive i
. 14
storage box (C5. 95)• AMX Mouse (C69.95 — Rambird's An Studio is tucked away in the oiccy t o o ) • t
CGL Command Control Joystick (C27.95)0 Sony WM22 Walkman (C29.95)111 Sony Sports Headphones ,
(C29. 9 5 )1 Grand Gorgon Zold (C17.95) • Hi-Tec Trainers (C22.95) • Aiwa Stereo Radio Cassette 40
Recorder W330 (C99. 95)S C a m FM Card Radio (C19. 95)• Marks and Spencer Pullover (E14. 99)• 1, ;
Designer Trousers (C18.99) • Crappy cassette rec order f ound in Cas tle RaMbone (n o v alue r f ; I;r ;I • ;
whatsoever)• Your Spectrum Binders before they'd been artfully changed into Your Sinclair ones (a

snip at r4 , 9 5 )5 Plastic Pacman (99p from the Brighton Rock1114ovelty Shop).



5.950 Gladiators 6 . 7 0 D Runestone ....... __________ 5 .9 5 0

Deathwake 5 • 9 5 E ] Swords & Sorcery , 7.50E1 Rasputin__ 5 . 9 5 0
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International Karate__ .... 4 . 5 0 0 Never Ending S t o r y _ 7.50E1 30 Games 7 . 5 1 1 0
3 Weeks in Paradise__ ........ 7.50 El Nightshade_ .... 7 . 5 0 E 1 Southern Bell, ....... . . . . 5 1 6 0
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Back to S k o o l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.20E1 Sir Fred 7 . 5 0 0 Highway Encounter 5 . 9 5 E 1
Arc of Yesod 7 . 5 0 0 Daley's Super Test 5 . 2 0 0 Schizofrenia. ......... 5 . 9 5 D
7.500 Hacker 5 . 9 5 0 Vectron.. ........_........... . . . . . . 5.95E1
6.700 Graham Gooch ......... 7 . 5 0 E 1 ID _ _ _
Death Wake . . . . . . . 5 . 9 5 E ] Monty on the Run 5 . 9 5 D International R u g b y _ 5,950
Sweevo's World .... _______ 5 .9 5 0 Marsport 7 . 5 0 0 EA, Cup .. 5 . 9 5 E 1
Impossible Mission.... 5 Barry McGuigan........... 5 . 9 5 0 Spy Hunter ......... 5 . 9 6 0
. Bob .... __________ 5 .9 5 0 Their Finest 7 . 5 0 0
Gyroscope ...... . . . . . 5 . 9 5 L Now Games II Artstudio
9 5
Gunfright 6 . 7 0 0 Frank Bruno. Peripherals
1 1 ] Yabba Dabba Doo 1. Ram Turbo Interface
Arcade Hall of F a m e _ _ 7.50E]
Battle of the Planets 7 . 5 0 D Westbank 2. Quickshot II
Elite _ _ _ _ 11.20 The Secret of St. Brides._ 5 .9 5 0 3. Ram M KI I (Kempston) 7.751.
Critical Mass 6 . 7 0 0 Robin of the Woods 7 . 5 0 E 4. Datex Micro S t i c k _ 9 .9 5 .I

ADDRESS Send order to:
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Someone had to
eat it before the
illustrator could
draw it (see page
56). And Troub-
leshootin' Pea-
brain drew the
short straw. We
always said he
was a bit of a
Number one in a series of one. Collect the set.

Bet you didn't know that the Brazilian Spectrum, the TK 90X from Microdigital is
rather different from our own native machine. The NMI Rom error has been fixed
and there is no dot crawl just like the 128,
It's also got two added instructions - Trace and UDG - and all the messages
are in Portuguese. Technical note for TrainspOtters: "Interface incorporado para
joystick, de 4 poscoes de movimentacao."

f COrtc Ail you latin scholars (amo, amas, amat) will

5 6 0 Here you are in the Ice immedlately know that the word Opus means
Palace... a shiver runs up work. And that's just what the Opus Discovery
your spine.., is it the now does with the 128 - work. For 149 librae
cold?.„ or is it._ a... g-g- and 49 denaril you get a 250K disk drive that
gh00000st. Elite's Ghosts uses 3 i n c h disks and
And Goblins holds the includes a joystick
answer. More details on interface amongst
other things. Now
page 56 and in next parse off and
month's megagame construct a
review. sentence

000 0 .
Z 4 60
1 2
fis 00
using the
words Opus,
Spectrum and I
. 1.1,
\co„01:00:i C l a u d i u
#t 't to ‘t, Ne '0"3'-;s1 stioloAsst•kootl % s .
9 %•toN ist511.%4alllIk'‘i,i s%),01:01 a 113GVeteo !

Don't think you can doze iteo IN%I % a O sc Vio c 0 " e o o e t

soO tlecleolaoe

off just 'c os it's Kni ght .:11

Ty me , Ma d Game's
follow-up to Spe llbound.
•,9 ,, %%11::::9.10eils;14;_.6%Ne:Isixttl.
00eatl ot 0 0 0 . 1 1
. 6 . 0 0 1 1
Fast forwa rd into the sitts%:
2 5 th c e ntury to me e t -: et li gIsss.tan Ikttacvo
our old mate, the Magic 1111:1 \It:ea...0 s:0.0.a,:o.' saa:::
Knight aboard his starship.
Take a walk around •1: i 'o
the 50 rooms a nd 4 9
planets, rub s houlde rs
•t. s : o -a wimison t
with 16 di ffe r e nt
characters a nd choose
from SO objects. And
you'll still only have to
•so . . : \. Core! It ' s t h e n ew arcadeladvent ure
from A i n T Sof t w are — its fi rst since
cough up £ 2 .9 9 . 1
Zzzzzzzzzzza ppe e e e e ! •fsoa ' Ho, ha, ho, chuckle
griri, timer, that Kipper
Wolliants is a card eh,
Chuckie Egg II. All t h e action t akes
place in t h e co re o f an asteroid, an d
o the aim o f the g ame is t o p ick up
•:: d mugger, ha ha, ner, 311OF
TUUCOILV loughier,
tut, rollick, iee-hee,
various object s an d suss out how to
use them. Wat ch out for Core II too.
•;1111 : t
chortle, HA!, smirk,
giggle, hoot,

1 2
°6 t

: eios ie:
I1 I

DONallif You can't go tar wrong with Frontlines. Lank what

we've got for you this month. An casy-peasy-do-
ii•yoursell-patent-microdrivc k ill Wave goodbye
to messing about with cartridge doctor programs
or carefully rethreading that cartridge you acciden-
tally opened. Build OUT revolutionary repair unit
based on ancient Egyptian computer technology
and it'll automatically recover duff files. cure bad
sectors and improve access time!
All you've got to do is cut out thc shape below
and stick it to a piece of stiff black card
frainspotters out there notice
the mistake in the Sam Cruise
ad in last issue? Thought not
you really are slipping you
k now
Crumbs' VS nearly came a
c ropper las t mont h wh e n
Young Ones
s t aoilagents
-sound r about rang up to
issue 2's cover
Oh lawks what a card! Those chaps Simply plitcc your faulty Micmdnve under thc N i gthey
I ucluty e didn
l I have a leg to
at Cumana have just launched a special repair unit and leave it overnight. Neal
revolutionary new memory storage morning the tapell work like magic. stand on le a s t not after we
system — the Astron Integrated No peeking. mind you.. sent Vyvyan round to deal with
Circuit Card B ut what's really em There's no pleasing some
iteres ling about this credit card Cut Fold ---- people
type device are the rumours that Remember last month I told
Sinclair will be adopting the Astron
storage system rather than disks on you about Saga's new inhered
its Pandora portable promised for keyboard? Its now been
later this year. That'll do nicely. christened the 2001 and its
Sir! remote controlled so you can
wander off to the too while
typing in the VS program pull-
out Wipe that smirk oil your
lace — we don't want any smut
about using VS as too roll --
this is not yet average bog
standard magazine
Isn I it great to be s00000
very popular The programmers
converting Fa i r l i g h t to the
Commie 64 and Amstrad are
using the Fa irlig h t map in VS
issue 1 to find their way about
Impeccable taste E n o u g h 01
all this sickly sugary
sweetness Yeurrichf let s gel
on with some mote
skulduggery PSS is on the
Worrisgoin'on2 Not content with c alling its warpath again Tactics are to
latest arc adeis t rat egy g a m e b y t h e release Commie conversions
comptelelyunpronounceablename o f
Ziggurat. Hewson's now decided to change it Ba ttle Of Britain and
IDthe evenmorecompletelyunpronounceable The a tre Europe Its also on
name ol Quezetron-- sounds like an ever-so a manoeuvre to produce I wo
sickly f ray drink to us. Its all set in the future J ima Hrrummphi
on the subterranean city of Quazatron where Naughty naughty
you control a Meknotech robot who has to to ,know
grapple with battle droids. service robots and I I lawhy
y roAchvision
u s
B a llb se hasnt reared its
repair mobiles. And just kook at your range of w head
ugly a nyet tit s because
weapons — inc luding ram thrusters would
ewe believe Lucas Films told the
programmers it wasnt up to
scratch and sent them oft to
have anoMer bash Should be
good when it does art we'
At )5 Oh and hetes some really
the on good news It s now been
l decided which games11feature
y yLo u r on the Off The Hook tape
„ is that'll hopefully raise motley to
- ob - help thug addicts Are you

- t r "' 'early for it? He re goes
t 1n Pitfall II Cy tron Fa ll Guy
Pb o Sam Stoa t Ad Astra
2 eber Spiel Mugs y Kong
a •...__.••••••••••••••
1 r nol Strikes Back Che que re d
: hver Flag mill Blue Max Great
. sti ill'
And now lot the T.isteless
, Yo
Scrisige Award Really d u i - ,
Have you evers wondered
Areus Press Software have le
what's happened c to all those ,,
unsold C5s? Well. o Sir Clive's iti t3 0 tl i i T I N I S W i t h t h o s e
shipped 'em over o to the Yanks Soltaid aiiit OH The Hook •
where they're used n to life in the Anili (woo mase t ie s o it i,•
•b fast lane — though t they'll have to !himp as 'miserly A t least .111
gel unused to it ‘a bit sharpish if a
The iollowing words may not appear in this story by strict order of they want to sayo alive in a C5
i tu
,tape., go In .1 geoid cause whit ti
the Editor PEEK, POKE, knockers, tips, a nice pair, top deck, well As you'd expect r
r the brochure p
stacked, wah-hayt is packed full of the usual iis M O W t h in y o u i n t s a y t o r
Martech's taking a gamble with its new release but it has got two the
n profits i of 3 0 G a me s
American hype. 'Cruising at up ao i
big things going for it! Samantha Fox's Strip Poker (Sounds a bit to 15 miles per hour — an

over the topless. Ed) and International Seven Card Stud is a twin o sl
Pandora port able l o c k ol
exhilarating speed in an open-air !
cheapii smutty (Ticketing
program that has taken longer to develop than Sam herself. vehicle like the C5 -- you're not , la
Its all done with artificial intelligence, this is Sam Fox. and jokes) will Is to u ch e d at the

contains digitised pictures of the Foxy Lady herself. And

just driving by the environment. 'nadn o l this yi!ar and nimoilis
You're in the environment, part of t t that it II tist• tiu
apparently, Sam is no pushover so it'll take a lot of skill before she it. So you can smell the flowers t
gets 'er kit oft — you'll need, at least, a Royal Flush. (read
, eiA scard
h t r oloteof storage Nu t t
and not the gas. Hear the birds leave
and not the engine.
sI home without it
s Anti Milt .1
• J e t-s e tti ng T. P. r eal l y is off to for ei gn pa r ts thi s m ont h, tweet.
- T w e e t e tg
on hol i day (Hol i day? E d) but he 'l l be ba c k ne x t m onth. . . C ,
r u d d y O co
Teresa Maughan
M ot
p liti•v
i mh
l s a v
, pe

smashed their Keepyour
way into the
F.A.'s Headquarters gobshut
yesterday evening and
made off with the F.A. sayswipers
Elderly caretaker, Oliver copies of its nev, game E A.
Shuffles, was there Cup Football to anybody who
throughout the drama. can help get these soccer
swindlers booked —
He's now recovering from
his ordeal. permanently.
Oliver, 72, later told Tie-breaker
police that he'd been And you can help too.
threatened by the youths. Virgin is sending in the F A.
Obscenities Team — football's answer to
the A Team, but it needs a
"They shouted obscenities hand in choosing which
at me", he said, "like, footballers would make up
the best team. Just choose
keep yer gob shut
five players who you think
Grandad or you'll be into would have the best chance
injury time. Know wot we of getting the F.A. Cup back
mean?" I'd choose these players t o make u p m y F.A. Team:
into play. Then all you've got
Morale in soccer circles is to do is complete the tie-
running at an all-time low. breaker in less than 10 1
But now Virgin Games has words. Fill in the coupon
stepped in. below, or a photocopy, stick 2
Reward it on a postcard and send it
to F.A. Cup Compo, I S, 14
Virgin is offering a reward Rathbone Place, London 4
of a Minerva football and 30 W11
3 5
E . MyF.A.Team'sthebest 'cos

It's time we showed these cup crooks the



Sportscene and Virgin players will be sent oft It they

red card. These thugs have scored an own- empt to enter.
goal with this little caper. We say send the ecup draw takes place on the 31st May with no allowance
for extra time.
snatchers off and give 'em extra time. Fall foul at the Editor and you're booked.

V science fiction missionasV
Tseries invades your resistance leader
hhome computer Michael Donovan is
e Earth is visited by to seek and destroy
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. These reptiles soon
reveal their ultimate aim your command. take over All-action, multi-level
Earth and enslave its Arcade game for your
population... Spectrum & Commodore.

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k i li
A fabulous bundle of software for the star letter * A ll letters win a YS Badge
At last the cover illustration of expect after an hour in there!) I
'951)195 flippin' p a month we Oh yes there are!
Your Sinclair issue 3 has pay for YSI I mean, what has ended up outside three quid
"Okay, apart from worse off. And for this paltry
pushed me into writing to you. VSever given us?" Frontlines, T'zers, Qt. News,
Do you really think that the sum I received o MAD game
Well, there's Frontlines, Letters (Snip! Ed), listings and called Spellbound.
image of computing (to non T'zers, QL News._
'News!' adverts what has VS ever given What mode me defy the
computees) is enhanced by the us?"
childish and revolting cover of laws of tight-fistedness? You —
There's Letters, Doodlebugs, There ore' fl y decent yes it was the old smack
your latest issue? Trainspotters, Hack Free Zone.. tiers. 4 1 this onel between the user ports with a
My wife asks, do I have to 'Apart from Frontlines, T'zers, anks VS, it's well screen shot ploy. Anyway on
read horror comics? My nurse QL News, Letters, Doodlebugs,
says, is this what you look like Trainspotters and Hack Free with the story. This game as it
after an hour at the keyboard? 'appens was so hard that I
Zone what has VS ever gi •d d
I would not read this issue in use ended up committing Sinclair
mephotos of sacrilege and in a fit of rage...
a crowded train! Perhaps you Hex's Heroes, Revi earn in the meg
should advertise your some pretty hot scre Aoaaargh... the old Speccy got
subscription rates with 'sent lolly the gals!) an exploding fist in the rubber
Hit List, Previews,
under plain cover' in case the keyboard.
Task Force, Maps, Rac d like that, how
postman sees what the readers Away, Microdrivin', Heart Now at this point things
o here they are really start to hot up. Suddenly
are getting. Hartnell, Cartoons, QL to the Nolons,
B Stern Software, Hard Fads, the Noh before my eyes appears the
Northwood, Middlesex Adventure Pages... Basic loader — mysterious eh?
Someone once said that they Then after a poke around,
He came from Northwood. At 'It's too smalll"
made the sound of a Spectrum instead of rejoining the on-
first he seemed normal enough, Input/Output, Backlash, loading seem musical. Ouch!
great compos, listings... screen frolics, it happened. The
friendly even. But the tell-tale No, course it wasn't me who top of the screen was spewing
signs were there. Why did he 'There aren't any odvertsr said it_ Ed
pixels all over the shop and
need a nurse? After all, he was before my very eyes appeared
only suffering from a mild case this message; "Hello Hacked'
of fogeyitis. Finally, the full Well, Spellbound I certainly
horror dawned but by then it was. And at E2.99 that was
was too late. 'Mr' Stern the cheapest way that I've
removed his mask and revealed heard of becoming a hacker.
himself to be... a dentist! Ed So, in order to prevent undue
stress and excitement on those
with dickie hearts here is a
I'm still reeling from the VS warning: Status Warning — VS
cover illustration of issue 3. can seriously affect your
Now every time I see my unhackerliness.
Spectrum, I imagine a hand Think the mag is all the
ripping off the rubber usually creepy comments and a
membrane to reveal.. oh, it's few more. Oh yes, and was
too too horrible... a BBC that 'From Czar Hip' that I sore
computer! in ish 3. I'm shave that Mr
Iknow Tom Stimpson was the Shore should be informed of
culprit, although his name was what a commie machine is...
written so small at the bottom Richard Tucker
of the contents page, you Zigzag, Spot and Nik?
Canterbury, Kent
would hardly let him lake the
blame. MYBRANEHURTS CHEAPHACK PSDid you know that the PM's
Why wasn't the identity of Recently my Speccy keyboard Bonjour gringos (or do I mean a hacker? (Beeb 2, 9pm)
this man much bigger, so gave up on me (well, it was comrades?). I just hod to tell Yes, you have all the makings
everyone could see what a only four of the keys actually) Peter Pan, YS's mild mannered of a true hacker in the style of
devilish genius he is. The rascal but that was bad enough. I shootin' man, as well as amaze our very own Chris Wood. He
has a mighty talent for artwork thought I'd have to pay £20 to and enthrall the paying public, too is prone to random acts of
if he can stun me like that. get it fixed but, in fact, all it with my true story (soon to be violence and to telling naff
J Hayes cost me was 95p. I dismantled mode into a major TV dramal). jokes. Which come to think of
Bushey, Hens the Speccy and found the 'Twos a Friday evening as it it, is well on the way to
problem — the membrane. So, happened, and as we all know, qualifying the pair of you to
Glad someone liked the cover
I wedged a piece of, yes you Friday evening everybody gets become politicians, Gulp. Ed
—even if. as many of you guessed it, VS under it and
pointed out, our visiting the urge to do summot really
reptilian had human eyes and
now it works perfectly. freaky (like build on RS232 NOWYOUSEEIT...
D A Rogers lead out of an egg carton).
didn't speak with forked Ruislip, Middlesex Well you've finally cracked it..,
tongue. But how could Tom Personally, I went completely the ultimate unfinishable game.
loopy and did a bit of the old Space Invaders without the
Stimpson tell — for once in her And this is because YS reaches
life, T'zer refused to stick her GBH on me piggy bank. After invaders' Are you trying to
the ports other mogs cannot an hour in Boots which I have start a new craze like
tongue out at someone. Ed reach. Ed
no recollection of (what d'ycw crosswords — a page full of
1 7
LETTERS IRMNSPOTTER difficult to spot at a glance
which review is worth reading
immediately and which to leave
Sunday really, except clean the
car, mow the lawn, toke the r '
dog for a walk etc etc), I
till after your tea's raady. suddenly realised what it was
gaps that you have to fill in
with the right letters? Your
latest attempt at the do-it-
Christopher J Sutcliffe
Halifax, West Yorkshire
that was giving me large brain
pains (and no it wasn't my
PS Why on page 4 of the some SpecDrum playing at full
yourself game trade was Battle
Fleet Orion in issue 3. All ish is there a picture of Esther blast!). Looking at Rachael
Rantzen in From The Hip Smith's article on the drum
human life was there — except instead of You-know-who? I synthesizer I couldn't help
for the graphics. It's great think we should be told.
shooting invisible lasers at wondering if she has somehow
invisible invaders — you can't That's life, I suppose. As for the got her menu's in a muddle.
.losel Shouldn't the so called Edit
Trains potter Award, I'm afraid menu be renamed as the
A Troinspotter Award — ha/ you've disqualified yourself. It
—more like the York Railway was indeed printed white on Pattern Menu, and the so A s
Museum! called Pattern menu be
white but you'll find that if you renamed the Real time menu
P J C Sutcliffe look at the page in a dark (or perhaps my version of the
Worcester Park, Surrey room the number appears
PSCould you possibly send me SpecDrum is different to
black_ Okay, so does the rest al everyone else's?)
an amendment sheet so I can the page, but you can't have Tim Jarrett
cheat and see what I'm doing. ore the Ed and I claim my everything. Ed South Norwood, London
Fiendish, isn't it. Of course, we rainspotter Award, On page
17 of March's issue of (wait for MIN
can't claim that the idea's Now l know it looks bad but
it) fabulous Your Sinclair Do you think that this letter
totally original — Elite did (pause) in the review of deserves a YS Trainspotter there's a simple explanation for
have invisible aliens first. It's
Raiders Of The Lost Ring (I Award? (What d'you mean all this... just give me time to
just that we've taken the know where to look) the highlyNO1) (What d'you mean by make one up. In the meantime
concept one stage further and significant overall figure putting comments in brackets? perhaps a Trains potter Aword
given them invisible lasers. But calculated from graphics, I'm the only one allowed to do will keep you happy. And do is
as usual, all modern art is playability etc etc has been that_ Ed) After reading through 0 favour — next month mow
misunderstood at first, so for all PRINTed INK white OVER YS 3 for the umpteenth time the dog and take the lawn for
you traditionalists who can't (nothing much else to do on a a walk. Ed
enjoy a good game unless you PAPER white. This makes g i p
can see something, an sae will
secure a version of Bottle Fleet above all we must sing the the telly all about Mr Ed, the Well, we've always said he's a
Orion with visible aliens. Just praises of Greece, the home talking horse... real 'Edcase. But now someone
how boring can you get! Ed of... Nana Mouskourif Ed Jose Pedro wants to kick him up the bum.
Portugal He can borrow my boot!
Troubleshootin' Pete
What about the Back To Skool I'm writing to you about tape think we all feel working on a
piracy which may not be Imost strongly protest about
review? The safe isn't where magazine that's got a talking the Friday The 13th feature in
Rocha& says. It's on the other known in England but it's a horse for an editor. Explains a
way of life to Portugeuse YS 2. I don't know what 'idiot'
side of the room — yes, that bit about the magazine though, was responsible for its inclusion
salesmen. don't you think?
thing with the cross on it is no but whoever it be, he needs a
First Aid box. Then there's a This has its 'advantages' Troubleshootin' Pete. Nay! Ed
since I never hove to pay more jolly good kick up the backside!
real mess on 'how to conker I've been a devoted reader
Albert.' You have to drop a for any game than you have to FRIDAY I3TH - PARTTWO of your mag for a long time
stink bomb near a window, not shell out for Finders Keepers.
Bleeeuurghl That word just but if you're going to keep
near the tree. And when you But don't jump to conclusions about sums up my thoughts on
too soon. Very rarely do we putting disgusting and horrific
knock out Albert (from the top the Friday The 13th poster in items like this in, I'm off! And
window, incidentally) he get any playing instructions. YS 2.
Can you image playing a game furthermore, I don't think I'll be
doesn't give you any lines. The Being too young to see the alone either! Think about it.
Ed must've been pressing like Elite without knowing film, I also consider myself too
what's going on. Anthony Mayers
Rachael too hard (No such young to pin this gory poster to Wrexham, Clwyd
luck! Ed), because she doesn't But if this wasn't enough, the my wall.
weirdest thing happened to me I don't mind the blood CorlPuTER
seem to have played the game this week.
for more than on hour or so. splattered face too much — it's —F A R
Jim Routsis Two weeks after your the photo of the Ed in the top
exclusive review of Rosputin I left hand corner that revolts
Athens, Greece
saw it in a shop so I rushed in me.
PSSince you'll start making
some very clever remarks when to buy it. It was a good buy, Chris Buxton
you see where I live, here's excellent graphics, good Keighiey, W Yorks
some help: moussaka, ouzo, onimation and so on, just as it
was mentioned in your review PSWhy the candles Ed? Had
sirtaki, Zorbo, opal How about the money in the electric meter
Troubleshootin' Petros for next but.., something was wrong!
run out?
month? When I completed the fourth
screen, guess what? Where No, it was the Ed's birthday!
Ah, Greece! Cradle of was the fifth screen? Imagine
civilisation, The wine-dark seas
lapping the sun-drenched
shores. You may have lost your
my face when I realised I'd
bought a copy of the demo
program that came along with
SMALLPRINT slap TVs legs for notnoticing your
little slip
Nic Waldo
marbles (for the time being) but the first issue of Your Sinclair. I think that YS is very rude, cheeky Bracknell, Berks
think of all you've given to the I'd just like you to print and full of 'sex' I love it I've told httn not to mention my slip
world besides moussaka, ouzo something to show the dealers .51mon WooItott inthe mug. What I wear ismyown
and those squeichy squid who sold me this game that Glasgow, Scotland affair. Ed
their attitude is not on. Sex? Are you sure its VS you're
thin gies that taste like a Speccy reading?Perhapsthesubscription What ore the qualifications needed
keyboard. Yeuchl Homer gave Oh, before I go, could you to become editor of VS?
department has started sending it T DaWe l
usthe nod, Archimedes the let me know if the signature Ed under a plain brown wrapper. Ed
screw, Plato invented the cross- stands for a name? I'm a little Aberdeen, Scotland
your-heart bra and Demis confused as I seem to By the way, it's still the best mag Genius,pure genius. Oh, and
Roussosthe one-man tent. But remember on English film on on the market and I suggest, you modesty.Ed


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there was no Congratulations ambassador'. Now come hands are all of a shake, my
message upon beating Tenth along, everyone knows that typing is suffering, my family is
Dan in Way Of The Exploding you can't be both a reptile and

suffering, I'm suffering. HELP.
Fist. Well this time the gripe is on amphibian and the Visitors M Sleight
WHEN I GETOLDER Vie Ar Kung Fu and stand by ore definitely reptiles. Bentley, South Yorkshire
Don't know what to do— kiddies, this one's a dinged Having got that off my chest PS Do you want me to send
retired... 65 today — thought I played the game for twenty —ugh, don't know what it was the postage or summat?
might as well write you rude minutes before I reached stage doing there in the first place —

L letter. (Why not — everyone

else does. Ed)
Used to like old mogazine._.
not keen on this.., full of old
nine, the Grand Master himself,
Blues. Now it took quite a bit
of pounding before I finally
squished his grapes for good
oi'd bike tuh say 'ow much oi
enjoyed yur mag. 'Twere first
toime as what oi'd bought it,
'twill not be the larst, (Dun
Well, every little helps, of
course I ' d like to blame this
terrible delay on your
Troinspotter Award Evaluation
Department, but we haven't
twaddle from nutty nippers... and he fell on his back waving wonders for yur Inglish too,

E not to mention would-be jokey his legs in the air (which seems oi'm 'appy t'seet Ed). got one. I wouldn't mind laying
juveniles... all seem have one to be a custom amongst G arry Lancaster the blame on the recent postal
defeated people), So, I sot strike b u t there hasn't been
topic... keep robbiting about Downend, Bristol
spotty trains. back and waited for maybe a one. Even British Rail would do
Glad to see you took on fonfore, a couple of beeps... You're right about the reptile as a scapegoat but for the life

T young Hortnell_ not too hot anything. 'So, what did But stop and think for a while, of me I can't think why it'd be
on computers... much better at happen?" I hear the entire If you look at me, their fault. No, there's only one
wedding dresses etc. readership of VS rise up as one think you'll agree, thing for it — I'm gonna have
Even good old royal man and ask. ("So what did Amphibians are much more my to bite the bullet and lay the
dressmaker mode cock-up... happen?' The VS Readership style.' Ed. blame on the one person who

T issue 3 page 59. AsOne Man). Zilcho, that's is responsible. That's right I'll
have to come clean, it was
My moths say what. The game goes on to SLEIGHTDRAT
90-1-260•0••90-1-0.., your stage ten which is really the fat Troubleshootin' Pete. Why
I'm one in ten million 'cos I haven't you sent out the
bloke says "=90-4-260"... guy from stage one in disguise
should've done calculations on with a few more kicks up his have won a Trainspotter Trains potter Awards. Pete? Ed.
Award. My friends all think I'm

E Spectrum... not on sewing sleeve. So I battled on, and Um, Art_ T.P.
machine. on, and on, and on, and a superhero. "Wow" they say,
Please forward reward for yawn until I reached stage "We've seen your name in VS. BOUGHT IT SKIPPER
putting you right to above_ 1011 At which point I saw no Cor, bet you're dead chuffed
Has anyone else come across
make any cheque payable to reason for prolonging the sitting there just looking at the
spot on the wall where you've the annoying bugs that

'Carter The Magnificent'. agony and pulled the plug. probably make Spitfire 40
Yoursthingummy etc I'm coming round to the got it framed." I just um'n'arr.
Charles Carter opinion that games just aren't And d'you know why I
um'n'arr. (A speech The flying hours that are
Sidcup, Kent worth playing if you don't get displayed never get post 59
anything out of them. I'm not impediment? Ed). 'Cos I haven't
Know what you mean... mag got a certificate to look at! minutes — the hours always

asking for our Cliff singing Is all this shorn I have to remain at zero, Also, in
not what was... gone to dogs... Congratulations at the end of
White City mostly... just doesn't suffer port of the test to prove 'practice' mode, the flying
each game. But what's wrong hours aren't added on as it
odd up... specially the sums... that I'm truly fit to have the
with a simple beep. I ask you! award bestowed on me? says in the instructions.
printing letters without verbs... Since medals and ranks
and no money for rewards! Ed Andrew 'when will he stop
beating games' Hunter Please, please, please send
memy certificate. The postie is probably depend on flying
MINE'S ADOUBLE Battersea, London
getting sick of me grabbing him
hours, I can't see any way of
I've found a strange bug in Okay, let's hove a reader's poll climbing the ranks. Is it just my
by the scruff and accusing him
Fairlight. Near the start of the on the best ending to a game. of popping it through the copy or a standard bug? I've
game, there's a room Is it Willy with his head down been aloft for hours without so
wrong door, If I hove to wait much as a rise in rank.
containing barrels and a the loo? Or the evil Elvin
Atombender at the end of any longer the doctor's going David Leitch
descending staircase. While I to take me off the tablets, I
wasmoving barrels Isvar Impossible Mission? Or the Methilhill, Fife
can't go on like this — life's
became trapped. While trying ghostly ghoulies going to getting on top of me. I'm Cer-ikey. Sounds like Gerry's
to escape another!swear ground in Nightshade? Or starting to take it out on my sent in the gremlins, skipper.
appeared. Both Isvars were maybe you reckon that it's only Speccy and it's not its fault. My Better get on the jolly old
blocked. So, I used the scroll ghastly Commie owners who
and both Isvars were need a pat on the head and a
transported to the courtyard.
And although it's on empty
screen neither of them could
move and I had to abandon the
constant accumulation of
brownie points to keep 'em
concentrating. Remember
there's a VS badge waiting for
Keep on doodling — it's a doddlel Send your cartoons
game the best letter on the topic. Ed to Doodlebugs, YS, 14 Rathbone Place, London WI P
John McCleave IDE. There's a prize of a new game for each cartoon
Poole, Dors e t LIZARDLIMERICK prinisd.

Yesh, I've done exshactly as There was a young reptile

from Ocean,
youinshtructed and at firsht I Who made a great fuss and
had no luck. h a v e a drink to commotion:
posh the time, I shed. Well, The reason — a silly one,
three fingers of firewater later She'd been called an
and what did I thee — 'shyer amphibian,
One and Ishvar Two. Arid boy And she'd told them tha t she
were they moving shwaying was reptilian.
oil over the shop. Can't Yes, I claim a Trainspotter
undershtand it mesheill Ed Award for this inexcusable
boob. (You'd better get some
KUNG RI BLUES red dust quick or Diana will
Towhoever can read properly probably ensure that there ore
at VS. (Bring in the cat no more issues of VS!) I am, of
someone... Ed). Hi there guys course, referring to the V
and gals, it's me again. preview in which Diana is A new use for the CS? This month's Doodlebug is by
Y'know, the kid who wrote in described as 'the amphibian Sudaget Shah of Havant.
groaning about the fact that who'd been the Visitors'

LETTERS being marketed here as a
games machine. Sinclair
Research argues that there's no
industry standard but that's just
the television speaker, but
here's a picture of what I'd
have rather seen.
Alexander Liddell
Now I wonder where you got
that idea from? Perhaps it
should be called the Specstradl
Still, it's interesting that no-one's
blower to Mirrorsoft, what? not true. It's just that the Edinburgh, Scotland asked for a built-in monitor. Ed
Crackle, hiss, Roger, hiss, hiss, standard is not the one set by
crackle, over, hiss and out. Sinclair but by Kernoston_
Seems that the first batch of Anyway, here are a few of the
200 to wing its way out of things other readers would've The normal OK Two heat sinks, one
Mirrorsoft did contain a fault. welcomed. Ed Spectrum— either side of the edge
The hours displayed on your
instrument panel show only the I've just seen Uncle Clive on the
minutes, not the hours — until telly grinning with his 128K
you've docked up four hours Speccy. Hmmm, could hove Hinged 'door with window
—iike a normal tape
flying time. But although it been improved, I thought to recorder.
doesn't show them, the myself when I read about it in
program is aware of your the paper the next day. How
progress and should reward about pixel attributes? That
you with a higher rank when was the major let-down of the
you've earned it. Medals, by original Speccy. It would've
the way, are dependent on the only taken 18K which is (quick
number of kills you make. calculator out) 14.0625 per The upgrade kit is attached
If the bug bothers you, send cent of the new Speccy's to the Spectrumby three
your copy back to Mirrorsoft, memory. And shock, horror the existing screws.
who've promised to replace it keypad's sold as a peripheral
for you. Okay, old chop? for E19.95. That's grossly Aye tape recorder keys:
Briefing over. Ed record/play/last lanyard,
overpriced for something that's rewind/stop. eject/pause
almost useless. The ear and Hic ocket so
D G arn er that sound can be boosted
Harrogate, Yorkshire through a hi-li system
I've just bought a Spectrum
Has Clive got it right? By this I
I'm quite satisfied with the
improvements except (here we
mean the Speccy 128. What BABBTALK Beeb, so his friend wrote to
every self-respecting owner your magazine asking for
go) for one or two 'bugs'. I'm writing because of on itty
clamours for ore the following bitty problem with Rambo, advice on how to persuade him
There's still no joystick port —professional keyboard,
and in 128K Basic mode, you Every time I get to the 'to buy a Spectrum_ And that
can't use the Basic command Centronics and R5232 ports, despicably dirty commie cooler moron who's in charge of the
dual 9 pin joystick ports, RGB shoot it and the game crashes letter section (Who he? Ed)
keys. output, disk drive storage as
Other than that I find that or NEWS itself. Please con you dared to say the choice was
standard, mouse and touch help? easy os the Spectrum had the
the sound quality is on a par tablet connections, proper hi-
with the (spit, spit) Commie 64 Stevey Babey V.C. best graphics, the best games,
res screen with no colour
—really fantastic. And the on- Hawick, Roxburghshire in fact the best everything! This
attribute problems, massive iscompletely untrue — have
screen menu with its five
one megabyte RAM, multi- Ihave a copy of Rambo and you gone completely bonkers?
modes (tape loader, 128K tasking capabilities, true hi-fi
Basic, calculator, 48K Basic when I try to shoot the Russian I will now simply state some
sound, midi interface, full facts that no-one con argue
and tape tester) is really helicopter the game crashes. I
extended version of Basic, with.
something. returned the copy to the shop
other languages available on and the new copy does the 1) The Commodore has a SID
If Sinclair keeps up this ROM, CPM compatibility, dual
standard, what will come next? same_ What con I do? chip which can create the most
D G Ward processor, user definable keys, Chris Walker amazing sound effect...
direct modem communications, Thurcroft, 5 Yorkshire 2) Commodore graphics and
Sinfin Moor, Derby text to speech conversion,
PSThe loading time for a T's colours are among the most
voice recognition, full control I dunno, some people are outstanding, if not the most
128 Supertest took only of processors via assembler/
thirteen minutes. never satisfied. First you want outstanding in the home micro
disassembler/monitor ROMs, an ending and then when you market, while the Spectrum has
PPS Are there any books on bubble memory, GEM type
the 128 yet? get one you're still not happy_ jerky, flickery sprites.
management system, onologue This one does sound like a 3) The Commodore may not
port, reset switch, light pen Commie plot — perhaps the have as wide o selection of
It's good to hear from a connection, user port, various next 'reader' hod a hand in it. games as the Spectrum but it
satisfied customer. Everyone at packages such as business and Ed
Castle Roth bone is equally makes up for this in quality. I
art programs (Uncle Tom draw your attention to
keen on the 128 with one or Cobbley? Ed); of course, not
two qualifications. At E180 it's You may be surprised to know Hypersports, Way Of The
necessarily in that order. Exploding Fist ond Monty On
too expensive, especially for Dan-en Starkey that I'm not a Spectrum owner.
TheRun while the Spectrum
anyone considering upgrading Worthing, West Sussex In fact, I'm the exact opposite,
from a 48K Speccy. a Commodore 64 owner and can only boast such games as
Compatibility is a problem. And all for under fifty quid, eh? damn proud of itl I don't make Horace Goes Ski -ing and
Besides Elite which we Ed Chequered Flag_ (That's it.
a habit of writing to or even
mentioned last month, many Pass the red pen... there's
reading Spectrum magazines
more incompatible games have When I read your review of the but as I was flicking through my another three pages of these
come to light. Poor old Spanish 128K Spectrum 'facts'. Ed)
Speccy friend, Craig
Firebird's come in for an dreoded the thought of Gallagher's copy while I was Mark Devlin ag e 14
Troon, A y r s
especiol pasting — not only something like that coming waiting for one of his games to
will the 48K version of Rasputin onto the British market — and load (yawn) I came across the h
I'mi staying
re out of this but you
not work, but the 128K version, now it hosl As the Spectrum is most slanderous, offensive and can thank me for not printing
which was written on a Spanish a games computer how could it deeply disturbing letter I have your full address. You never
machine, wouldn't run on the benefit from a separate ever seen. Or rather it was the know, you may just reach 15.
British version. Or at least it numeric keypad, an RS232 or reply to the letter that shocked Unless, of course, your Commie
wouldn't at the launch of the a midi port, or a connection for me. friends see your shiny new Your
machine. And yes, there an RGB monitor? Okay, so Sir Briefly there was this boy Sinclair badge. They'll think
should've been a joystick port Clive's got some things right, who didn't know whether to you're a defector, not just
— after all, the computer's like the sound coming out of buy a Spectrum, a C64 or a defective. Ed
V i E r A 1 5
9 5 ° 5 III


Jovsnrst I N T ER F AC E I R S- ST AT E

, i
S T •I
A c
E s
Ed's days are number ed! Masked marauders bur st i nto the VS

El '---.--,........--" . ;' • Za y office and carried him off to a grotty room somewhere in the isle of
Dogs, We've received a ransom note saying that VS readers must
' subscribe to the magazine or the Ed gets it!
, 1' ' ' ' 4 I i I I Now £15 is not much to ask for a man's life— even if it is only our
! Editor — so please, send in your subscription or the post of Editor
- will shortly become vacant. How can you resist with this picture
R3AMiJLAI.sorinci w
tugging at your purse strings?
ii l i l t i
t I II Send your subscription (sorry — ransom money) to Your Sinclair
Subs. 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P
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,ob . ask nicely, we coul d Just get them to shoot him anyway.)
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HACK heralds come after you too! Put them
both in a factor unit to get the artifact
which Is actually a Starlord's Power
Booster. Put this and the powergun
If you're hit by a fireball or you entera
thisTroom move to the far right. As soon
buildings or they won't let you dock.
Don't risk flying at night, just dock and
use the wait command a few times. If
you're going to use missiles against

Into a factor unit to receive the hyper asthe Fortresses or Hunter mark m a k e
gun. (This shoots blue bolts of energy h symbols appear, shoot at them.
The first time you hit a symbol you sure you're very close, so they can't
Instead of red ones.) The hypergun haven'e t hit before then the pleasure bar use their AMM's. Use the notepad to
kills Sept Warlords as well as warriors,

releW vant to that symbol goes up. keepa check onwhatreactor sub-
so kill both warlords (cne on laxa and "The
a ZTT Room - either wear the stations you've visited. Beware that
one on Ells) to get two more codices, D flak 'jacket or proceed as follows. City up in the tar Northill" Thanxx
and U. The sentry in the sanctum needs Move r the far left of the room and start Andrew. Incidentally, the name of the
five pairs for entry. Follow this shootiR ng. Miraculously the wall will be gameis pronounced 'Tou'as in 'ouch'
procedure:- shot o away even though you aren't and'Set-eye'. Amazing.Englishlessons
Factorise — faciong it. If you complete the puzzle you too! Is there a limit to what this chummy
mute and m a n i f e s t o - -t o ke n canmgo to the Shooting Gallery or can do in one column? (in a word, Yes! Ed.)
strainer and sun chart • a n•token Talking Heads by pressing one of the Andrew Proctor? Of Glasgow? "Dear
projector and charcoal = Moken three — buttons at the bottom of the Death..." Huh? "Ghostbusfers. I can't
cake and lead suit = r screen.
w gel Into the temple of Zuul. Please
earmuffs and eyeshieid = y "Talking
h Heads—just shoot out the help." Youcallroe Deathandyouexpect
-t o k e n = ENTRY, see? topeblocks and shoot through thern meto help?Weil you're right. I will. Edge
until you've to move to avoid being yourman up to the Marshmallow Man's
t oNow k efactorise
n all the tokens to get
n Just a minute. Isn't this the
the sanctum key. Then go to the feel, until he's as close as you can get
sanctum, put the key in the unit and bigy gest video chestnut hint of all time? without touching. Then move with him
phase II is complete. YouorememberSpace invaders? Ha ha when he hops back. Simple eh,
- haha ha ha ha ha._ "... Then move to Deathbreath?
P the game, you have to make use theubottom of the screen and quickly And finally a quick punch from Karl
of the back e up to the top and start shooting.
h codices. If you search around Winterbottorn (snowing hard in Clywd
you'll find a tikilex screen which says '7 Byn alternating between the top of the is it?) and Richard Price of Clywd,
from a 10 makes BIGHEAD'. This is a screent and the bottom it's possible to who really knowYoeAt' Kung Fu. -
s clue to your escape route. The e chip away the Russian's points. Ibeatfi blnues
a lby
l yjumping to the right as
e are lound on these levels: Alba - Thanks Nick and nowWS back to my soon as the game staled; then I kept
—N. Byer—H. Coma—I, Daly—W, littler Pleasure Dome.... phizzztl Okay,maj doing squat punches to the stomach.
EllsI —U, Fan —T, Gill - petite vegetable samosas, my tiny little This does the job, so my hi-score Is
8 ,I —HDand
taxa cheese on toasts.... that's all the
a l Joly
e —E. 306.500," Nice going. Karl. but no cigar
I when you.take the letters of megahints, now over to a few smaller because you didn't send your picture with
— G letters. Hell0000 cloowivn thereeeeel your hi-score! No pix, no Hex's Heroes!
Hex is back with a the— wordBIGHEAD, you get the initialca
one of the levels: Andrew Ostler of Somerset (pro. Puh-leCse, when you send in a hi-
humungus number of codex t Zummerzet) tells me that Tau Ceti is a score. send me a picture to print with it,
(Byer) H piece of... let's say cake for the sake at Look, I don't care what you look like, and
hints 'n' tips for hack I (taxa) argument, shall we? Here's ze tips
e D neitherdo the other readers, but if you
free heroics. G (Gill) "Dock with supply centers as oftenas
h 6 want to have your hi-score registered on
H(Hate)G possible andsave the game to tape llex's Heroes, you must send me a pic.
o LI
E(Ells) after equipping. Travel at top speed if Okie dokie, it's time to go. But keep
m N
A (Alba) youcan, but If something starts those arcade hints coming, let's keep the
e W shooting atyou, stop andshoot it information moving. You knowthe
"Therefore the clue is HD6 GUNW. before yourun into trouble. For address. Do it now'
hclemalional 00erador, what This means you should go to D6 on hexample..." cnort Oh, by the way my lave games of the
numberplease?)Gimme Halte level, with plans of course, and start
, shooting atyouwhenyoucome moment are Transformers, Tau Ceti, and
C Rambone Hill 631 1433, user your gun to shoot the west wail oft a jump
" . pad,
. . i don't run to the city, Elite, and I won't heara word said against
e!:1 f run them.
l and. (Puddin•you through...) Theawall will then flash and presto! an 'cos you'll probably Into a fortress
Hello, fruitcakes! Here I am in sunny uptube appears. Gofrom here to Coma H somethi
or u n n t g.eDonl
r shoot at harmless Ohand another thing... (Click bizzt)
iBarbados. i
Ahrth. The hot sun on me Level sector D. The spacefieldIs just s

c s, the warm smell of seaweed and
IC' g the comer. 'The Siege OfEarth
sum' in me olfactory receptors... the Conti h nues—Forward to Forme And
, betwixt me jolly old tentacles. This that, t as they say, is that."
is the life. Its about time those folks at Wel
b . ldone. Paul, a truly comprehensive
Rathbone HiNgave me a holiday. They solution. Give him a big hand. What's
had to really, 'cos my circuits don't work that? T You've only gotsmallhands?Never Bzzzt L o o k , so's not to waste the International Operator's time I'll make it
izn the cold and after it snowed tour mind' o brief. Here are Hox's Heroes (totally toot-toot!).
iznches my tentacles froze up. And there's Frankre's upnextnext, that's losay First we have an outsider... sorry, "The Outsider', Gavin Sneddon On the
nothi ng more painful than frozen the golden boys of hype-rock Franke 20Ih of January1986 at 4.55pm, not a hack orpoke (sharp intase of breath) in
ltentacl es... GoesTo Hollywood, as played by Kik sight. CommanderGavin has reached—Elite —status on the game of the same
. Anyroad-up, here I amagain, by the Taylor. (You oughta be a rock star wile illustrious monika, and by legal means, tool He says "the main requirements for
wonders of satellite communication, live aname like that!) Relax 'cos here we go. aspiriog Elite Commanders is perseverance, it takes a lot of *prig to reach this
H geo-stationary from sunnier climes. (Ting' Hmmmmmmmmmmni'l status." Excellent. I'm sending a squad of Thargolds over to see you. Sort that lot
e unging right in there, I have here the "The Murder—the body Is always at out'
truly final solution to Atarsport. Fran kie the end of the street. Look for a house Pedro Pinto (Que?) of Portugal hasa hyperscore on Hypersoorts. It's about
lGoesTo Hollywood, Tau Ceti, MontyOn witha moneybagon the table between time we hao a scoreron that game. Bit of a tough nut to crack is ii. chummies?
lThesun, Vie ArKung Fu plus pix'n'hints doors, then the body is in the room to And finally Andrew Carter has 34-0 on Match Day Y'know, that reminds me
o Saboteur, Transformers and Rambo. the right. of a funny story. Sir All Ramsey. one-time managerof Man Uld and England was
, But first its Ma/spoil—solution 3 - asked by a customs official what he did for a living, and his diction was so relaxed
supplied by my pal Paul Harkin, Here pleT asure points draining in the warand the man wrote down "Fruit-boiler" Ha ha ha ha ha... Ahem.
twe•golThe home stretch. Hit it! "Phase cybernetic breakoutrooms. The flak
h will protectyoufrom the bullets Welldone chaps, tune in next month for more hints and tips, comment and acid
h Now youcan enter all the 'restricted'
II, jacket tongue and pen, plus a tunny story involving the time when me. George Best and
i and you'll find the codices T, W, inthe e ZTT room. The security pass and this Swedish laserponter...
E, I, 6. and N. To unlock the BARon thewfloppy disk will allow you to (Sorry sir, your time is up.)
FarrE3 youneed the Mars Map—Mars compl e ete the terminal room, but you brrorrrrrorrimm..)
iBar—geddit?" Ichl Groan - may d need more than one floppy disk to
zY owithin
u ' l lthe tea and strainer. Take boot the information into the computer.
t tea, the insectfrom Gill 04 and the It you d boot the disk, use the pass to
h from the Oratory on Byer level. gaini access to the other terminals.
Putthem all In a factor unit to get the Termi n nalOne = Shooting Gallery,
antidote. This'll allow youaccess Terminal Two = Raid Over Merseyside
through the Danger room onComa E2. andgTerminal Three = Cybernetic
Toget through the plantroom onJoiy Breakout.
H4, use the geranium from the "The
i Corridors Of Power—the
Hothouse. To enter the Boiler room on important thing to remember is that you
Joly14use the kettle as a key. Get the are not in a conventional maze. The :1
helmet from in here and the topee from doors g to the rooms are normal at the
Gavin Snecidon P e d r o Pinto A n d r e w Carter
Byer level. topwof the and of the corridors. You can
"Because these are alien items, the Elite 'Elite status' reached Nyoersports/450.536 M a t c h Day134-0 (amateur)
onlyi depart from the corridors of power
2 6 l

Counter-intelligence by Phil Golders of Piddietrenthide

Run like blazes and you may not have to The POW camp is to the north That's
fire a shot. Serpentine running Illg-zag to where your buddies are being held
you. warless) lath. order of the day, Top
o' the world, kW

Watch for a big H. as this Is where the

Don't shoot everything that moves, as
chopper'll land. You've got to make your
you'll attract attention to yourself
way back here with your buddies and wail
(Somebody tell that to Stallone!) One shot
for a Ire outs here. Memorise this spot
and the whole Mope' army OM be on your
whenyou find It - that's not too lazing.
musciehead case! Gung-ho!

Hey, guess what? When you get a rocker

launcher you can nuke the trees as wee.
Utilise the grenades carefully, as their
Big deal No really. ii can be handy if
trajectory is a little hard to range
there's a slimy Commie (no, not a 64 silly!) accurately. Not for close combat! Who is
hiding behind one!
this Schwarzenegger anyway?

• Ratty-tat-tat. The machine gun is an The rocket launcher is good for posing
mential piece of kit for any aspiring alter you've oiled your muscles. But it also
Rambo_ Find it north and east from your comes in quite handy when you're in the
start position. Neutralise them Commies. chopper. Find it to the north. Go for it,
soldier! blockhead!

Tints '11
h i p s Beware low flying – you can easily bump
Flying up and over the planet's surface N
b and safer
faster y than trying to walk out. Fly into a piece of platform hiding just out of
screen Many's the tinm I bumped into one
whenever you can, especially up and right
y findoa puzzle piece on top that way!
– you'll
ot those floating ones by not
u r
e v
Deploy your troops with care. Spread 'em _
e thersurface so you stand more of a
chance of finding puzzle pieces. When faced with two adversaries trying to
l o sandwich you, transform into a vehicle and
barge through one of them to freedom
v i That way they'll shoot over your head

n regularly
Recharge ' – your shields will
soon wear down if you don't! a l s o nice
H a breather occasionally, or change —
to have
characters When you're recharging or reloading in a
e delensa-pod, the timer stops. Hah! A good
time to rearrange your forces or concoct a
x fresh strategy? You belch'

m : , '
1 1 .
Intelligence by James Slater from
1 1 York
M E1M1I t
l Here's looking at you, kid. As SOW as you
Big brother's watching you. The video
1 . 1 come into the room, watch the guard –
f he'll come towards you and either kick you
cameras follow you mound and fire at you. 1 1 . or throw something. But if he holds up his
. arms, duck 'cos he's ready to lake a pot
1 4 shot at you,
1 1
Hares the weapon you're carrying
Although using a weapon to kill a guard 1 1 Watch the top or bottom of a ladder before
scores fewer points, it's safer than climbing onto it – there may be a door
punching or kicking him' 1 1 blocking II. You can eventually open these
doors by accessing the computer
1 6 .

Energy level. It's best to keep an eye on

this, especially with those guard dogs It the cash that counts – your score is
roaming around. To restore your energy. measured in sponduliks You score points
go to a room where there are no hazards for killing guards, but youll gel nothing for
and your energy will build up. knocking off the dogs. Still, if you want the
RSPCA after you, press Down and fire,


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Not reeponsible for debt' except theme INDIGESTION tops, Implore of 39e vide%
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In diamonds WANTED! At the find sign of distress, smart men It :
mid BARGAIN/ and women depend on
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more difficult location. The and right swerve his flight w
Rachael What sort of being is forces of evil are Out to stop an extra boost of height co
Bomb Jack? He doesn't so you though, from the first from pressing up and a
much fly as leap around. And flapping bird to the little speedier descent is aided b y
he's no more than knee high to soldiers who eventually reach down. If you need an
a grasshopper. Come to think the ground to metamorphose immediate halt while in the air
of it, a grasshopper's what he into something much nastier. just hit the fire button again
most resembles. So what sort All of which neglects to and rapidly tapping it will m
of hero is this bounding, bomb mention the scoring. There's a him hover. You'll need lots
collecting midget? The answer fine bit of strategy involved in practice to get your pilot's
is an arcade hero — and now maximising your points — and certificate though — and a
he's let loose in your micro if ever there was a high score joystick won't do any harm
courtesy of conversion kings, freak's dream, this is it! The either! While Elite has
Elite, first thing to know is that a considerately included a tur

Let's just say that Bomb bomb that's fizzing is worth 200 mode for the keyboard play
Jack probably shouldn't be as rather than 100 points Collect — it simulates a constantly-
addictive as it is. After all, one of those and it sets off the pressed fire button — a slid
arcade games are designed next one in the sequence, so a makes life much easier.
not to last too long because row of four can be worth 400 or There you have it, then —

they're always greedy for the 800 points depending on simple idea that's one hund
next meal of ten pence& But whether it's ignited or not. It's per cent addictive_ The
then again, they're also up to you to plan a route. There graphics are great with an
designed to make you want to are special bonuses for amusingly animated sprite for
play again._ and again and collecting 20 or more sparking your heroic mite, even though
again and again. And that's bombs and there are also the monochrome figures are
where Bomb Jack scores. Bonus coins that float in for you sometimes a little hard to s
because each time you lose to snatch, plus Extra lives coins against the coloured
your final life you're convinced and Power balls. These backgrounds. Amplify the
that next time you can clear paralyse the nasties for a while sound to get the most from
that screen, letting you eliminate them — spot effects and you too will
Here's how it works. Your very useful when air space soon be battling to gel your
caped crusader bounces all becomes too full to fly with name in the high score table
over a world provided with comfort! Bomb Jack is most certainly.
convenient platforms. You Bomb Jack, it must be said, blast!
launch him into the air with a isn't the easiest little critter to
quick press on the fire button, control. Getting him up is r a w . . •M ED EM E•D EI
trying to pass over bombs as simple, but then you'll need
you fly. Clear a screen of
explosives and on to the next,
your wits about you to steer Plavobility • • . . • . . . • 0

him as he speeds around. Left

Hem you are, Jumpin'

The guards me restricted ftomb Jack, the all I
to strutting around as they

e e p rRemember.
n kids,
make thew way to the Bomb Jack can I Ity....
ground, pacing up and unless he's on solid
down the platforms, ground,. Once you're on'.
making lending tricky And the way down there's
they also appear up here in nothing you can do untl
this comer, which is a
the next rump What a
distinct nuisance. bounder!

The gamesplayers
Hwe'm a bonus score coin,
floating in to let you boost
This vultures alw they couldn't tame
first peril to appear on
your points for the screen
but beware because
screen and ifs clever Max Phillips,
collecting too many of enough to move towards Rachaet J Smith,
you so you can't slay
these will stop the supply
ot further useful coins! one place too long. 1..0 Rick Robson, Luke
ll's also slow
C and Gwyn
Hughes — return to
Whenyou reach the ground the guards reveal
review all the
themselves tor what they truly age worms And latest releases.
unluckily they can fly. Even worse are the bouncing
balls. The only thing to do at a time like this ls to pray
for a power pill that'll freeze them so you can eat them

To help you get started here's a route round

the first screen to maxirnise your score. Row
Ameans bounding from between the bombs
below to leave them till later Don't go too
high lot row13or you'll get the bomb in the
top right hand corner too early. Getting
across to C can cause problems be s t be/ ts
to wait for a Power Pill and eilmlnate the
enemy. Sender problems will occur with D but
E shouldn't be too bat Welch out for ground
forces on row F though and then up. up and
away to G. wheeling the bombs from right to
left. Achieve all that end your score will be
doubled, plus bonuses, so you'll be
surrounded by people wanting to know you.
asked out to parties every night, itick sand in
people's faces.„

11=ilt 11 111-111 11:Z=110
Melbourne House/EIL95 1
Rachael Hey, boss, come
quick — I links I got news for
you. You know dey said Mugsy .
was expected back in town.
Well, here he is. An' you said %
you toil he was never comin'
back. 1 1 OAT 0 1
Seems he ain't exactly got t*VNOIRIC
. 0 0 i k PEA
smart while he wuz in de DOLLARS
* O
slammer. Oh sure — yes — he DO O 1Z, 4
still looks great as ever. A real 1SYE LL'
snappy dresser — but, boy, 4.040
does he take forever to look
pretty as a picture. You'd link
nowadays that they could hide
all de time he takes to appear
in public. Reminds me of how
dat Hobbit gang used to just
sorta get filled in whenever dey
came on de scene — hey
boss? Hur — hur — hurl
Yeah, but lookin' good don't
make up for a lack of brains,
like you always tell me, and
Mugsy's commands remain
strictly monosyl.... monyslyb...
one word at a time, You see, 7=111•111
he links de smart ting to get - -

into is booze, and he's got dis

henchmen who says tings like
'How many boys da ya wanna
hire. 0, 1 o r 2?'. Ha. da dummy
can't even speak good English!
So Mugsy sits dere. mumbling
dese answers wid all de
chutzpah of Marlon Brand° on
downers, an' dependin' on his
decisions he can watch his . , ••••

fortunes grow or go.
Of course it's never so
simple as dat and dere are rival
gangs to be considered and business strategy once but
now it's just as mechanical as
booze parlours to buy and
molls to keep de customers.... any board room decision
satisfied. And even though he's makin'. And like youse always
payin' off de Feds he'll still get whether to rub Out the says — rubbin' Out people an'
as last year an' the year
trouble if they're not satisfied. opposition an' de rest. booze an' everything is lacking
before. Hey — I tell ya, after da in couth. Now where's dat new
Seems dis sidekick of his ain't Well, in no time a year's first few times I got really bored
wid it. modem youse got so we can
too hot wid a rod, so Mugsy gone by and the financial hack into da Federal Reserve
has to do all his own shootin', report comes in, then it's de Hey. boss, I can't help feelin'
and' hang me, if it ain't like and make some real money,
edited high spots on the old Mugsy ain't really come kid?
some penny arcade annum's quota of capital that far. Maybe we should go
amusement, and none too offences. No, sorry, boss — show him de error of his ways monammonoo
difficult at that. Then it's back even dat ain't so good as it — if you follow my meaning. He
Ft.obanY olle me me me n
. 7
to de day to day of deciding sounds In fact it was the same may have had a novel type of 1 namonnoopo

Budgetit2.99 r
between these sectors.
Luke It's back to the Mac on
Various controls are available
the atic with this game. '
for protection, but by far the
Based very roughly on the most useful keyboard control is
concept of Ultimate's game, Y
the 'Pause' key.
the idea is to move your man e
The main problem with the
about a maze of rooms, game is that the area of action
avoiding the usual crowd of o
is just too small — trying to sort

nasties. You're able to fire what m
Out your character's sprite from
look like sea-gulls at the the fluttering mass of enemy
oncoming masses, but it does n
followers is just ridiculous.
little good as they re-generate With a lot of patience and a
instantly and throw themselves meagre wallet, of course this
back into the fray. Doors lock

• * It Moo A t et
game is adequate — indeed,
behind you and then just as with a 256-room maze to
suddenly re-open; little explore, it should keep the
electronic pings announce that most avid map-maker happy
you have found a rare treasure for hours. But, with so much
— oh yes, the excitement fair well-conceived software
plods along! around of this type,
The basic plot revolves
around the search through a
F n Labyrinthion stands little
chance of becoming a classic
maze for nine parts of a scroll
that provides the route to the
exit. The maze is split into five *o n 4. r
t Playsedity M M M M M 00000
sectors and certain objects are
% s
Veto* to;Money

I 0
required before you can pass Lp
3 0 ri





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vS5843 n . 1 1
What's rising to the top? What's bubbling under? L12 Months Ago
Chart stats 'n' facts from Steve Cotwill. P T i t
l e
1 • Ohos tbus te rs /
Chart Chat 5 ' , i n
v Activision

Looks like the b o tto m's d ro p p e d right out of th e ma rke t! O r at least, the b o tto m • Da y /
five fro m la st mo n th have d ro p p e d rig h t out of th is mo n th 's ch a rt and last Ocean
mo n t h s top four have all taken a tu mb le d o wn wa rd s. And i t s interesting that • Ainv olf/
all o f last mo n t h s top four have d ro p p e d by the sa me n u mb e r of p la ce s and Elite
so retain th e ir ra n k o rd e r within the top ten, • Technician Te d/
This mo n th 's n u mb e r one, Mo vie , h a s taken the chart b y sto rm, co min g Hewson
straight in fro m n o wh e re to take the pole position. Th e only rise r fro m last
month is Ma ste rtro n ic's cheapie but goodie, Sp e llb o u n d . And o th e r n e w • Daley Thomps on's
entries include B a rry McGu ig a n Wo rld Champions, Zo id s and G u n fright. De c a thlon/
Imagine's Hyp e rsp o rts ma ke s a we lco me return, p ro p p in g up the re st of th e Ocean
chart at n u mb e r ten. • Knightlore /
This Month's Top Ten Titles 7 • Za x x on/
US Gold
Lao a t o k s
mann C h a n • Tills/Piailloner 8 • 3D Star Strike/
Real Time
1— 1 • Movie/Imagine 9 • Select 1/
Computer Records
2 2 • •
• Barry McGuiganWorld 10 • Blockbusters/
Champions/Activision Macsen

35 6 • Spellbound/Mastertronic 18 Months Ago

41 7 • Winter Games/US Gold Position•
• Sabre Wulf/
52 8 • Rambo/Ocean 2 • Full Throttle /
6 3 11 • Commando/Elite 3 •
Ma tc h Point/
7 4 10 • Yie ArKongNI/Imagine 4 •
Daley Thompsonf's
8 2 • Zoids/Martech De c a thlon/
9— 2 • Gunfight/Ultimate 5 • Monty Mole /
10 re 8 • Hypersports/Imagine i • •
Micro Olympics/
Imaginative Games 7 I J e t Set Willy/
Imagine's back — and how! Okay, it's just an Ocean label now but the Software Projects
company na me 's riding high at the mome nt with three titles in the top ten. 8 • Lords Of Midnight/
This chart shows the highest positions a tta ine d by Imagine's last four Beyond
charting titles. 9 • TLL/
10 • Mugs y /
Melbourne House

Slicing The Company Cake

Take a look a t this pie chart and
you'll see how the number one
honours over the pa s t five months
are shared. US Gold, Elite and Ocean
take the biggest slice — each of
z 4 t h e m ha s ha d ti tl es a t num be r one
for fi ve w e e k s .
O 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 E M I
, i i = 1 = B 1 1 1 1 . HOUS E US G O L D
6 102 1 ,Em poopp 14%



This chart is based on the MicroScope chart as Compiled by Gallup

MicroScom G A L L U P

MicroStope is the weekly trade paper ol the microcomputer industry. If your computer store 23%
doesn't display the latest ItificroScope chart. ask the manager to call Mark Salmon on 01-631 1433
we'll send a copy every week.

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T Sd
e ,
b 9

Relyt 51
sh 9
combatants. While not quite so
. Gwyn There is probably an large as the figures in the first
ancient Japanese proverb that of the martial arts games. Bug
says a man with a big stick can Bytes Kung try. they are
1 'have
more fun than a man bigger than usual. And yet
without a big stick. And that is there doesn't seem to be any
the philosophy behind Combat, loss in speed and the
animation is excellent. You
" martial art with broom handles. don't even feel cramped with
that Mirrorsoft is using to make relatively less horizontal space
and I found that involvement
i i.a late bow into the arena.
Sal is more like Fighting was greater.
a Warrior than Exploding Fist, The finish of the game is
mowing to the use of weaponry. superb, with detailed shadows
a But while the ancient Egyptian below the figures and a nice
rII game of clobbering each other oriental tune, plus different
r with slaves (or were they backgrounds for different belts
supposed to be swords) Blows are accompanied by a
i boasted a plot — albeit a fairly suitably hard 'thwack!' sound
a feeble one — this is much and a coloured starburst of
g more pure combat. Your aim is pain — well hard. If you lose a
e to attain the highest dan via series of bouts you don't need
o three falls. to go back to white belt —
Control is the pretty well pressing space starts you
standard eight points of the again at your previous level.
t compass with or without fire, The various dan are well
h 'Which makes joystick control graded, starting easily enough
e preferable to keyboard. Some but getting tricky around grey
u of the moves will be recognisable belt. Naturally there are one
n from kung-fu games, including and two player options — the
everybody's favourites, the latter is useful for practice
a roundhouse arid flying kick. against a static opponent
r The new dimension comes Sal Combat is a good, if
m from the jabs and sweeps with belated, entry into the genre.
e the pole, which gives you extra Whether you want it will
d reach plus an additional form depend on how keen you are
of defence. It always takes a on the type of game. lf you
while to learn the capabilities o don't reckon you've had too
your fighter but when the much already it'll certainly OMNINVOn
controls are sensibly arranged, present some welcome variety necower t h r o e • otda n b e t t s
as these are, it soon becomes without risking any unpleasant
second nature. bruises. ox v iipa n L a w s S c o r e B u t te ttS
So far, so good, if a trifle MPAlbW S • • • • I N WO
unexceptional. What sets Sal y01)10tv MEE 111•11•11100 8

Combat apart from most of its vow* tormoney11111111111111111111100

wedecessors is the size of the L F 40r4f

AN Alligatain95
. Rick What do you get if you
4 cross a kangaroo with a
, sheep? Yeh, a woolly jumper.
But there's nothing woolly
c , about this show jumping game
t , that'll leave the family hoarse

i o The game is simplicity itself

• r
n a negotiate sturdyjump
a ring.
p You're given a choice of
• eight mounts, two levels of
Jr w i t h m delight.
1 difficulty, the game has six
1 e n
eight h Ireplayers y
• A id Pre-jump
e c you are given a
w t e map — worth
1 r remembering
o p o when best
speeds are wanted. You're
1 m rthenn given
r one hundred
1 r/ d i/ f f e r e k c t u to complete the
o s o sp a p
36 1
o u a
1 ' t r t a
1 # h s n
1 1 = a EN. 11
Max Ahem, how can I put this?
If you're tired of gaudy, chunky
sprites that turn funny colours gemarkit8.95
when they pass over each sanctuary that you initially
other i f the very thought of Gwyn A blood curdling scream established with a cross — only
forty rooms stuffed with killer rings from your Spectrum — Jason may come and scare
then_ silence! Not even the them off so you'll need to round
fish makes you want to run and
drip, drip, drip of blood. Just a them up again. Ever felt like a
put your head down the toilet
if you've been collecting message saying that owing to sheep dog?
memory restrictions sound and The reason this sort of movie
objects since your
grandmother learnt to suck music are missing from this never scared me was that I
version. cared less than zilch about the
eggs i f I've already put you
off, then a little polite advice. Still, that leaves the terrifying victims. Well, if you thought the

Push off t h i s is a great silence as you play with only cardboard cut-out casts were
game. the hum of the power supply, bad, wait till you see their sprite
Legend has it (the sort of the wind rustling the trees, equivalents. Am I really
legend you get on Mastertronic whistling through the empty supposed to sympathise with a
inlays) that pirates, having house._ the creak as you slide badly drawn silhouette in a
from your chair, not stiff as a landscape that looks worthy of
secured the Devil's Crown, try
board but bored stiff. Yes, Sinclair Basic's finest?
and remove the seven jewels
undoubtedly Domark has At heart there was the idea
thereon and are suddenly
struck down by the devil created a computer nasty — for a decent strategy-
though not in the sense it adventure here — Argus did it
himself. Their ship and its
many treasures lies untouched undoubtedly intended. with Alien. Instead Domark's
until you, as a diver-come- Anybody who has ever seen managed to create yet another
a Friday the 13th film will know program to match the
submarine, attempt to recover
the goodies. And just in case the plot — mass slaughter with ineptitude of A View To A Kill.
seven jewels is too easy. a variety of novel weapons. So You get the chance to use a
you've got to grab all sorts of do Domark allow you to play chainsaw, knife or other
Jason and massacre the all- weapon on Jason who is
stuff first to prove that you're
American brats in the summer disguised as a friend — but by
up to the job.
You plunder and blunder camp? They do not! They then the only thing you'll want
expect you to save this bunch to kill is the program cluttering
your way round the brightly

coloured and crowded rooms. of butch bozos and highly up your ROM!
avoiding the nestles or strung wimps. This you do by r
running round the camp site
shooting them with any pistols a P l aymb i tty • . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

you pick up. Keep a watch on and moving over them. They p
V o w. to t Mo n o ', . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

your oxygen re p le n is h it will then make for the place of tL


from ye olde pirates oxygen i
tanks that are scattered c
around. Pick up a lantern to s

light the darkeneo rooms. •l

Collect the treasure and try le
and figure out what all the r
other junk does. And so on. I 0
reckon you'll need a joystick 0
and probably a colour set as •
well i t ' s just too hard in B&W D
or from the keyboard. Being 0

able to carry only one object at 0

once is the real clincher though 0
the game is hectic to say the 0
least but not so hard it's
impossible. At E1.99, it could S CO P E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
just be another jewel in your

o 8

• •k
course (usually within a set f a u l t e d — but your average
# 1

number of faults) if you wish to g a m e r would probably never
move on to the next course. c o m p l e t e without it.
. 0
0 The game is keyboard H a v i n g done the hard part
1 .
1 •
defineable but it works best on w e l l — horse and jump

••vomor 4
.• • the joystick. Speed (walk to s i m u l a t i o n — Alhgata falls at
f •

40UP walloping gallop) varies t h e final fence by failing to
• • enormously and with the r e c o g n i s e the thrills of the
e 0

• possible control of your horse o r i g i n a l sport. The crowd

• •I F IHT through 360 degrees your g r a p h i c s are tinny, no one falls
tactics will vary between the o f f and the paraphernalia of the

, r • Schockomole school of slow r i n g are missing — why aren't
• and steady and the Harvey r e a l horse, rider or tournament
a Smith hell for leather theory. n a m e s used? Three faults for
. The course doesn't scroll but t h i s refusal but a clear round
. unfolds over several screens. f o r a game as sweet as a
The facility to 'walk the course • ( p o n y ) nut.
. as in the real McCoy is a

distinct advantage. The only r P o rmb ilitv M M M M M M 0 0 0 0
# C
unrealistic facet is that you can a lionoV MMMMMM E O M U
go behind jumps — normally
4 h



9 s
3 7
r M

n M
Spectrum 1 6k/48k or
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CARGO has you trying desperately to
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s, , a l e
WI M oi t o t
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t nt e
v o
"LE20 ix 81
• Calculatot a mw s"sisrlifis
, 41410S DRAGON
mode • • •

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y isl y d
tc A TUB is ESSENTIAL for ALL Spectrum owners — our tacendy
THE U L T I M A T E I N GR A P H IC S TOOLS updated tape u t t y is a REAL M U ST for tape ba ck-up and drive
convenion. Send SAE for FULL DETAILS. You will be amazed
and you can't lose with our money back guarantee.
* N e w simple option to deal 1 0 0 % AC C U R ATELY with M OST
co iSU PER B GRAPHICS SOFTWARE very long programs lover 47k),
*Includes SAUD RATE (epeedi and tone measurer for fat
iv'm P L U S A TOP QUALITY loaders — can save at normal speed for possible drive
, T tra nsfe r.
64 0 L I G H T PEN E R *Maneges nerly all dicky leaders — can convert totally to
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RE S P C U reouired f o r EASY d rive tra nsfe r w it h our Tra nsfe r p e ck.
* S o many extra features we can't possibly list them hero.
Discover the exciting world of creating your Just try it and see, As the market leader we can't afford to
own graphics on screen. let yo u d o wn
COST o n ly E6 .9 9 o n ta pe OR E7 .9 9 o n m.'drive ca rt
• FREEHAND DRAW - 5 pen thicknesses incl. Quills
• PAINT BRUSH • for the artistic touch TRANS FE R P ACK 2 — F OR
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• GEOMETRIC SHAPES • circles, boxes, triangles, lines
& banding A sophistica te d package of progra ms INCLUDING TUB_ othe r
utilitie s, a llo ws drive tra nsfe r o f m a ny progra ms.
• DYNAMIC RUBBER BANDING • on all geometric options * I nclude s he a de r reader, b yt e s choppe r, b yt e s move r.
• PIN•POINT FUNCTION - for pixel accuracy on all functions * Ext ra utilitie s I R EM kill. P AL cre a tor, a R U N progra m lo t
midrive owners).
Plus many more too numerous to mention in this ad. All these * F ive informa tion she e ts giving de ta ils o n drive tra nsfe r of
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Instruction booklet in one reasonably priced package. Easy to *Manages virtually all dicky leaders to drive,
* FU LL ma nua l, te ch n ice l informa tion, e t c., e t c. H a ve fu n
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service from manufacturers. Available at good etc.). ONLY £11.99 on tape OR t 12.99 on midrhee cart.
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Please state whoch Micro. the following REDUCTIONS: Old TC to ICS £2. Old TP1 to
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Send cheque/P.O. to LERM, DEPT YS, 1 0 BRUNSWICK GDNS.
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Tel: (0792) 205491.
This month YS has come up with a real cracker of a with Tasword If and I'd like to
money off offer — a Rotronics Wafadrive for under fifty continue with it — is it possible
to t ran sf er it to Watadrive?
quid. At that price it's a real steal. But if you still need Yes. You can get an information sheet
some convincing, you'll find all the facts below. We that shows you how to do it direct from
went to Rotronics and asked all the obvious questions Rotronics. For anyone who hasn't used
that a prospective buyer would put. Can you afford not a word-processor, Spectral Writer will
to find out more... fulfil all your requirements.
IS it easy to t ransf er programs
from casset t e onto w afers?
What does a Waf adrive offer me siz es of w af er cartridge? If the programs are in Basic, you've got
that I can ' t get from my That's so you can choose the most no problems. Just load them in, then
cassette? appropriate size for the iob you want it save them onto the Wafadrive. Machine
Speea's the obvious answer — it takes to do. The larger the memory, the more code programs can present more of a
just 40 seconds to load Spectral Writer, tape in the cartridge and the longer it'll problem. especially if they're very large
the free wordprocessor that comes with take to access the files. So, there's no and don't leave around 2K for the
your Wafadrive from a 16K wafer, But point in choosing a 128K wafer to store Wafadrive Operating System. You'll find
the really big advantage is that you can programs that you're loading frequently. the transfer utility on the Rotronics
store programs as files on a wafer. It's a Much better to develop your programs Toolkit wafer very useful. It also includes
on a small wafer and then transfer them routines that let you COPY to Epson
real chore finding where you've put a
particular program on a cassette, onto a 64K one that has plenty of printers, print graphics from Basic, a
especially if you've got loads and loads storage and medium access times. The printer channel driver, a de-initialise
of them on there. 128K wafer is really only useful for routine and a file utility.
archiving because of the longer access
So just how f ast is a Wafadrive? times. But when you do want an old
Well, it all depends. It depends on the program, you can quickly find it by
position of the tape in the water and it CATing the wafer — try that with all your
depends on the size of the wafer. But as old cassettes.
an average, Sherlock on a 64K wafer Is t h e cap acit y of the w af ers
takes 43 seconds to load. You can
exact ly 1 6 , 6 4 and 128K?
usually reckon on about 2K of bytes No, that's just for convenience. On
going in every second plus the access average you could expect to get about
75K on a 64K wafer and anywhere up to
So it's not as f ast as a 140 odd K on a 128.
microdrive? Can I co n n ect any full size
That depends as well. You're right, it's printer via the Centronics and
not as fast at loading in the data. But, if R S232 int erf aces? All this can be yours for lust C49-95. The
you take into account the Wafadrive's Wefedrive is a smart black boa that sits
Yes — with the one exception of the
more friendly operating system and its MCP 40. neetty behi nd your Speccy. With its twin
drives and free wor d pr ocessor you're
easier command syntax, you'll probably now the proud owner of a realty
find it takes you no longer to load in a I'm used to w ord-processing professional system.
program. All that "m"1; stuff goes
straight out the window. It's just LOADS
"filename" and you're away. WAFA OFFER
Yes, but w h at about reliability? At thi s pr i ce, how can I fall to take a dv a nt a ge of y our offer. Pl ease send me:
The reason I' ve been put off ...Rotronics Watadrives including Spectral Writer and one tree 641( water at £49.95 each,
microdrives are all the stories including postage and packaging. (Overseas E51.20 including p and p).
about how unreliable the
cartridges are. —16K wafer(s) at E2.49 each. ...64K wafer(s) at E2.79 each.
Microdrive cartridges do have a finite life ._128K water(s) at £2.99 each. ...Toolkit water(s) at E9.95 each.
but there's no way you're going to wear
out a wafer cartridge. There's more tape Name
in a wafer than in a microdrive cartridge
so it's under less stress. And the Address
protective cover that slides across when
the tape's not in use stops people
putting their grubby fingers all over your P o s t c ode
What other advant ages are
there over microdrives? Address
Other than performance, you mean?
Well now there's price. E49.95's what
you'd pay for a microdrive without the P o s t c ode
Interface 1 — the Waladrive plugs
I enctose a cheque/Postal Order made payable to Sportscene Specialist Press for E
directly into the back of your Speccy, of Please till in your name and address twice — okay, it's a fag but
course. And remember, you get two one half will be used for your return label and the other for our records. And be
drives on a Watadrive just like on a kind to a postman near you — write neatly. Now clip Out this coupon fix use a
professional system. photocopy) and send it with your payment to VS Watadrive Special Otter, PO Box
▪ 3 2 0 , London N21 2N13. Please allow 28 days for delivery.
Why are there three different

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Blast off to the ••••
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128K Spectrum plus hardware add-ons • • • • • • • •

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interfaces, programs, hardware, magazines and books. Have a wonderful • •••
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Full support for 48K Spectrums and a Big QL Section. Users Clubs and experts will be on •••••;.,
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For the show that's out of this world come to the Spring Microfair. Send now for the reduced-price
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At the Horticultural Hall, Greycoat Street/Elverton Street,
London SW1. 10am-6pm
Admission: £1.75 (Adults) i1.25 (Kids under 14 years)
Send to Mike Johnston (Organiser), Deptsu ZX MICROFAMS, 71 Park Lane, London N17 OHG• :
Please send me a d v a n c e tickets P l e a s e send me a d v a n c e tickets
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Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and make cheques. POs payable to ZX Microlair

Exhibitors ring Mike or Moira on 01-801 9172 for details of stand availability.
graphics mode of n/72" from command, and you'll get a
ESC;"A"m, then you can alter 0680 R117 16 'Nonsense in Basic error
both the code, and the 0690 LD
message. Secondly it can
0700 PST IS
number of linefeeds, by 0710 ID A. 1 0 only be used one way — you
changing the DATA near the 0720 RST 16 can't use it to put data back
beginning of the source code. 0740
A, I 3
16 into one of the arrays,
The fourth byte in the line 0750 PET because an FN statement
labelled ''DATA" counts the 0760 FI N I S END
can only appear on the right
number of line feeds sent. hand side of an equation."
I've found that some HR5 Ah, but what about DEF FN
printers send a 1/36'' while To use this routine with a(b)—b— 256* EN c(b)?
others send a 1/18" line feed, your Interface 1, just do the Jim has also sent in a
so you'll have to experiment if usual FORMAT "b"; solution to my puzzle about
you don't get the perfect baudrate: OPEN* " b " to the bug in Peter Craik's
image first time. Don't worry, set up the RS232. It's now scroll routine from issue 2. In
you won't do any harm so ready to send data to the fact, he pointed out two bugs,
long as you keep the same printer. Whenever you want though I must admit, one of
number of DATA bytes. Once to do a screen dump, them was a slip-up on my
you've got the routine RANDOMIZE USA address part — in line 30, the second
Are you finding working as you want it, you'll will work just fine. Oh and '—' should be a '—' sign! His
be able to use it at any don't forget to close the
programming a real channel afterwards.
solution to the problem is to
memory location, provided change just two lines, 110
task? Then may the it's called from Basic. And it's One last thing, one of my and 130 as follows:
force of Ian Hoare relocatable so long as the BC Micronet friends C olin 110 FOR b - 8 TO 1 ST EP- 1
be with you! register pair contains the Mac t or en has discovered 130 PRINT AT a+1, Qc$:AT
address of the start of the that this routine prints the top a,0;b$
routine — but that's usual pixel line at the bottom of But he also goes on, "At the
when it's called from Basic, each line, though it works fine risk of being a spoil-sport,
for me. If you do experience
and cartridges at P this, his solution is to put in
I've got a quicker way of
the ready 'cos we've 0000 O R O 4 A M
ARC E at line 565. doing it that uses string
absolutely zillions of
0010 ESC E 0 0 2 7 slicing. I use it in a word
0020 PI XEL LOU 2 2 AAH
G processing program I wrote.
really useful 1,
0 0 3 0 O PEN S L O U 1 6 0 1H4111
eroutines for you this month. 0 0 54 00 B
AD DUB 175
• Now, do you remember in 200 D I N a e ( 3 2
tIan Thompson from Ripon 0 0 6 0 D AT A D U B E S C , " A " . 8 issue 2, I asked if anyone had 6
0 7 3 T o 7 4 0 4 ) a .T b e f a s t e s t
sent in a helping hand for all , 1 , 1 0 , E S C , ' K ", 0 , 1 found a use for VAL$? Well, , A4S4I C
) 1scr o ll a ro u n d !'
y 0 0 7 0 START I D H L .2
Gtone me if J im G r een- L E T
those people just aching for 0080 ADD HI. , SC 1 P R I NeT A T 0 , 0 s a l l ( a T O a + 7
oan absolute draw facility. 0090 PUSH H I wood hasn't come up with
'03)1 NEXT a
uWhassat I hear you cry? 0100
one. Let me quote from his 2 3 0 ST OP
1 2 1 0 FOR a l T O 7 0 5 ST EP
rWell, if you want to draw a 0120 ID letter. "I was writing a
bline on the Speccy you have program for recording details
0130 PUSH H I
"Quicker? — 'that's not any
to specify how many pixels CALL OPENS of software that involved quicker", you cry! But the
lit's to go up and across the 0150 POP HL
holding several arrays. These
0160 LD B, 3 above routine is scrolling 704
ascreen. Absolute draw 0170 INIT ID A, ( H L ) contained such data as title, bytes not 32, so it's 22 times
oleo RST 16
nenables you to choose where 0190 INC Hi,
author, publisher and each of faster! Plus it has one
kthe line is to end in screen / 0200 DJN7 them was a different size with advantage that's essential in
tpixel co-ordinates. If you 0210 LD
0 2 2 0 NEWI N PUSH H t
( I K.0 ) , 1 7 5 elements of a different length. a word processor — it's not
enter 999 for the x co- 0230 ID
Now I found that when I was messing around with CHARS
aordinate in Ian's program 8 , (1 4 1 )
extracting an entry to modify
0240 INC HI (system variable) so the text
pyou'll exit it, you can alter this 0 2 5 0 LFEED I D A, ( H L 7 it I ended up with several remains readable all the time.
0260 RST t6
eif you wish though. 0270 DJNZ I F LED
commands like IF n—? THEN And the technique can be
s 0280 INC HL LET w$—"?$(?)", But the used for scrolling backwards
I 0210 LDC B, 4 subsequent coding for
10 I N P U T "m 1 " s e s " y l " i y 0 3 0 0 NEWI P I D A, ( I I I .)
or forwards, simply by
20 I F o g 9 9 F
9 T H EN ST O P 0310 RST 16 operating on the workspace changing the value of the
30 D R AW . - P E E K 2 3 6 7 7 , y - P 0320 INC HI w$ was the same. pointers."
ELK 2 3 6 7 0 0330 D JN I NEWLP
40 0 0 1 0 1 0 0340 XOR A
But if I set up an extra What can I say to that lot?
0350 ID 0,A array containing only the Except, thanks Jim. I'm
0360 ID BA identifying letters of the looking forward to hearing a
lan also provided an 0 3 7 0 NXTBT PUSH BC
actual data arrays, I could
0380 ID E .0 lot more from you in the
interesting snippet that'll 0390 ID 1 3
then use a VAL$ function to future. But that's all we've got
fascinate those who like 0400 ID C
1 , (D extract a line from any one of room for this time. See you
seeing pretty patterns on the 0410 CALL PI 1 X XEL
the arrays with a single next month.
screen. 0430
+ .08
command. Have a look at this
PLOT 127,87: DRAW 10,10 n 0440 INC 8 listing. It's pretty trivial but it'll
0 4 5 0 BYTE PUSH BC
Where n should be a fairly 0460 LD give you an idea of how it
large number_ Why not try 0 4 7 0 POI N T R I C A works.
these values for n: 1871, 0480 D i I 'll POI N T
6669, 3343, 991, 2512, 6974, 0490 AND
0500 OR 5 D EF F N • l l ( a l l , a ) a e ( a )
778, 8440, lan also suggests 0510 ID LA 10 L E T i l l e " a b c d e "
you set OVER to both 1 and 0520 RLC 2 0 L E T a e e ' ABC D E ' s L E T b e
0530 INC
0 to see what happens. 0540 POP BC
- "F O H I J ": 1 .E T c I W K I S I N 0 "1
LET d e e ' P O R S 7 "1 L E T e l l e "U
0550 DEC vwXY"
0560 JR NZ .BYT E 70 F OR a e l T O 5 1 F O R b e l
0570 ID A, E TO 5 1 P R I N T F N a ll( V AL O ( X
• Pete Craig from 0580 RST 16 X ( A ) . . . • ) , b ) S N EXT b t P R ! vvim s
Chesterfield has answered 0590 INC NT 1 N E X T a
0600 POP BC RO S T O P is v t 3
my call for a machine code 0610 DJN7 N XT BI
routine to do graphics dumps 0620 POP H I • It you ye got a program
that'll work with the Interface 0630 ID A.( I X + 0 ) "There are two restrictions that's a tottle more than just
0640 SUB 8 ! ()urine. send it to tan Hoare
1RS232 port. The way it's 0650 ID ( though. Firstly, you can only
written, it'll work with all Task Force, Your Sincra)r
0660 JR N
1 C , N EWI N use this technique as a
0670 ID Rathbone Place. London
compatible printers. If your A,
X ESC parameter in a function call
HR5 doesn't do line feeds in . WIP IDE
— try to use it as a direct
. 41
• Let us Spray
G r affi ti is m or e l i ke thos e ongoi ng
conver sati ons y ou fi nd on toi l e t walls — onl y not qui te
as obscene a nd w i t hout the phone num ber s pr om i si ng a
good ti m e! I nstead the r e ar e r unni ng Jokes a nd a fr i endl y
sw oppi ng of insults be tw e e n m em ber s.

1110CM07 0 0 0 ( C ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

If you've slipped through the Micronet, 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 * n o vow m i n e I l e r k M ar

now's the time to find out what you've 1 7,7/( - Th. N ow

been missing. Rachael Smith is a ,
. 5 .• 0 = 0 • r- 0 t0 dit0 e 0 • • •
recent recruit who's been caught hook, 5
6 t 0
' t h ma,

line and sinker by the system. M a r

r 1.40040 M 'be im 1.0110r. - 0 0 h r la r

Spectrum lurking in the corner. Spending all

your life alone, with only a games cassette to The EXCIUSIVely Clive Club
N o c om pute r cl ub w oul d be com pl ete w i t hout its special
H keep you company? Didn't you know that you m em ber s section. So, i t comes as no sur pr ise t ha t
e could be talking to other Spectrums, flying Mi c r one t cater s for I ts Spectr um subscr iber s in a bi g
space missions . .. even getting a job?
y raeviews for the m achi ne
Micronet's the name — a lonely hearts club for w
,y ho's
p l uhavi
s ng m a achine specific pr obl em s. One of the gr e a t
— advantages ofi elnectr
e oni c publ i shi ng is i ts speed, so ne w
Speccies (and their owners) all over the country. It h e l p -
.Spectr um devel opml
ents can be on screen i n a m a tte r of
started as a cordoned off corner of Prestel, the fThour s.o r
mainly-for-businesses service run by Telecom — as a n
h• Here's y b o
another example of Nticronet's nested poget. Following
d y
ethe dedicated
a web of communicating computers forming a club Spectrum trail could leod you to the Gallery ond o
Sspecialist magasine there, And if you're looking for a particular
! of the telephone lines, with its members ppenpheral or program there ore even Spectrum Swop Shops.
Y in messages late into the night. In January of e
e year it boasted nine million frame accesses and c
t • Exch an g e and Mart
s become a major part of the system, with foreign r Ever s pe nt a ha ppy fi ve m i nute s br ow s i ng t hr ough the
countries using it as the basis for their networks.
—Okay — so I'm interested . . . but I'm still not sure u c a r ds in a ne w s a ge nt 's w i ndow ? Y ou'l l be abl e to s pe nd
mr a the r l onger l ook i ng a t Mi c r one t's sm all a ds a nd w on't ge t
what it is, so: A) How do I get involved) B) Will I need Mcol d fe e t i nto the ba r ga i n. Any thi ng fr om m i cr o speci fi c
i te m s to ge ne r a l goods c oul d tur n up in the S w op S hop —
o degree in electronic communications?C) A PhD?
a i
a nd if i t's pe opl e a nd not pos s e s s i ons y ou'r e l ook i ng for
D) Does it hurt? The answers to questions B, C and c t he r e 's e v e n a Cont a c t s s e c ti ons . My a d's the one for tall,
r da r k ha nds om e m i l l i onai r e w i th ow n y a c ht — be c a us e I 'm
D—are No, Nein and Nej. For A — read on . • . - o l ooki ng for both!
t b
Dear Rachael . . . s
Can you t ell m e h o w t o llog-on', a s I believe e MICRONET
tl h e ' h i p ty pes c a l l i t ? i Midnight
s Micronetters
o Dear Dave — You don 't want to remain the silent- f Club
nbut-puny type forever. Well, you can't just go plugging i
eyour Spectrum into the telephone lines, you know. First l
you'll need a modem (another expression to casually l
ldrop into conversations if you want to look tr endy ) e
ywhich shoves your computer communications down d
l the phone line. Luckily the price of these little black w
boxes (Or Mingles . as we call them in the trade) has i
i plummetted recently so they needn't cost an arm and a t
t leg. h Thriller
t Then you're going to need one of those ever-so-up n
- phone sockets to plug into, because e I t's a fte r m i dni ght O k a y , i t doe s n't have t o be
l honestly, Dave (I can call you Dave, can't I, lovey) the w be y ond the w i tchi ng how - t o use thi s cl ub w i thi n the
e old accoustically coupled types just didn't cut it. Then s dub, but the acti vi ty is a t its m os t br i sk l ater I n the day.
, The r eal hi gh s pot of the P O W has t o be i ts ver y Own
you plug the computer into the modem, the phone into Agony A unt . She i nvi tes y ou t o lay y our pr obl e m On the
the modem and the modem into the phone socket and v line a nd t he n pr oceeds t o s oothe I t in f r ont of an
. . . simple, wasn't it? i audi ence of voyeur i sti c c om pute r buffs. Pseudonym s
e a r e n't j ust an opt i on — a nony m i ty w oul d have t o be
But you're not there yet. You still need to open your
w com pl ete t o get m e on her e. O ne or t w o of the tr oubl e d
wallet and say (after me) 'Take your subscription'. Go
s seem t o have the i r tongues fi r m l y i n the i r cheeks (m a y be
on — you can do it — and it won't hurt too much. In tha t's the i r pr obl e m ) but other s ar e l ust the s or t of
, thi ngs a tr a i ne d Ka ti e Boyl e coul d lance.
fact i s only £16.50 per quarter, which is only
C1.26.9230 The general friendly, silly chattiness of the MMC — where
7 aa Mars bar, and Micronet doesn't rot your teeth. Dial members
night localhave their
radio o n mailboxes — reminded me rather ° fl ar e
e e k after 6pm or at weekends when it's local
cheap rate and avoid the Prestel charges of 6p a
ominuter so that being on the net' need cost no more
j thanu 50p
s an hour — which is pretty cheap compared
• Yo u said How Much?
twith that other little *hobby' of yours, isn't it, sicko?!
if y ou'r e afr ai d t ha t thos e all ni ght a t t e m pt s at the R o u n d
oAnd vfor that you get access to Prestel and its related Br i tai n Ra c e m ay be br e a k i ng y our bank, y ou c a n c ons ul t
e r your c ur r e nt bill on pa ge 92. Be w a r ne d t hough — tha t'l l
and a host of smaller scale bulletin boards. onl y be the bill for the c om put e r tha t y ou'r e c onne c t e d to.
1 Follow my advice, dearie, and you'll truly be a la O the r ser vi ces fr om the bus i ne s s e nd of r unni ng Mi c r one t
i nc l ude a Le tte r s to the E di tor sl ot, S ecur i ty a nd P a s s w or d
8mode-m. c ha ngi ng a nd, of cour se, He l p desks, s houl d s om e thi ng go
Lp ter r i bl y w r ong.
4 2 ed
• G et Ed - ew - kat - ied
Thos e of a m or e ser i ous di s pos i ti on will be w el l pl e a s e d NICRONET
w i th Mi c r one t's e duc a t i ona l oppor tuni ti e s . The r e ar e
s e c ti ons to l ear n the ba s i c s of Basi c, or othe r l a ngua ge s for Chatlines
tha t m a tte r , or m a y be y ou'd pr e fe r to be natur al l y
i nte l l i ge nt a bout the ar ti fi ci al var i ety — t he r e 's a s pe c i a l i s t e
s e c ti on for y ou too, full of ne w s a nd i nfor m a ti on on the e v e r rO iL ECIIIT S
de v e l opi ng w or l d of A l . And w hi l e Mi c r one t w oul d be the
fi r st to a dm i t t ha t you'l l ne v e r le r n e v e r y thi ng fr om RcE 1EE 1EE1EE1EE
s c r e e ns of te x t, it pr ov i de s for thi s w i th c om pr e he ns i v e I couldIwo)
book lists. So the ol d t e c hnol ogy w i ns out in the e nd! l
Z ,4199
Logging On Box TO
CanA1 / You H ear Me!
Idling n
4 4 aw ay a n hour or t w o i n conver sati on is an
1 ir t a nt pa r t of a ny cl ub — a nd Mi cr oci er s no
I m por
excepti on. The r e ar e t w o di ffe r e nt ty pe s of Chatti ne. O n
the 7Daisy
) Cha tline messages ar e hel d i n a daisy chai n
ar r angem ent, so t h a t pr evi ous c ontr i buti ons t o on-goi ng
l Lc
debates can still be accessed by l eafi ng backw ar ds. The
Q uiVdschat lines have the slogan 'Bl i nk a nd y ou'l l miss i t '
anda a t pe a k hour s y ou w o n ' t be able t o da w dl e ov e r t he
long l aL w or ds.
At t i fi r st i t's pr oba bl y wise t o sit back a nd w a t c h w ha t
td T
happens. The Cha tlines i ncl ude specialist ar eas as well as
Welcome t o the friendly w orld of 7
computers! general ones. Ther e's M us k , or Adv e nt ur e hi nts a nd ti ps
andW even a hi ghl y used G ayline.
G etti ng ont o Mi c r one t is easy — pr ov i di ng y ou'r e Once y ou feel r e a dy t o l oi n the gr e a t de ba te l ust ta p
Supposed t o be the r e .
the num be r opt i on for sendi ng a message the n t y pe I t i n
The w a y i n is vi a Pr estel, a nd t o r each t h a t you'l l need w i th the s ta nda r d k e y boa r d. D on't w or r y — y ou'l l be
y our per sonal I de nti ty N um be r a nd Passw or d. P r om pt e d given the oppor t uni t y not t o send i t be for e y ou press
by t he m ode m sim ply t y pe i n y our 1.d. t he n t he E nter and consign I t t o the publ i c game.
passw or d, w hi ch y ou'r e advi sed t o change on a r egul ar
basis. Y ou'l l also have t o dial t he local c om pute r , of C l em ber s often use nicknames on the Chi:dines. but Mailbox
course — a thr e e di gi t num be r . numbers ore shown i f you wont to continue a more discrete tett a
Y ou'r e i nt o Pr estel now , a nd i f i t's y our fi r st ti m e tete. This Is known as MBX-ing y e s . Mrcronet too has its own
you'l l fi nd a message al r eady w a i ti ng in y our per sonal body of slang.
m ailbox, l ust t o m a k e y ou feel w el com e. B ut pr oba bl y
you'l l be i n a hur r y t o l ook a t the w onde r s of Mi cr onet.
BOO is the num be r t o r em em ber . Tha t 's the f r ont page,
and pr ov i di ng y ou'r e a ful l y pa i d up m e m be r of the cl ub
w ho's not been br e a k i ng the r ules you'l l be abl e t o w a l k • Soft Shopping
r i ght in. O ne a dv a nt a ge of be l ongi ng to Mi c r one t is the c ha nc e to
A t fi r st the be s t w a y t o fi nd y our w a y is l ust t o w al k dow nl oa d fr ee s oftw a r e . Tha t 's r i ght — I sai d fr ee! — a nd
w hi l e the pr ogr a m s a r e n't likely to s e t y our m i cr o on fi r e
ar ound. Single num er i cal k e y str okes ta k e y ou for w a r d by
di ffe r e nt r outes, or E nte r — s how n as # — simply m oves the r e ar e s om e us e ful a nd var i ed thi ngs over the year . Y ou
onto the ne x t page. c a n al so m a k e r e s pe c ta bl e savi ngs on c om m e r c i a l
pr ogr a m s , i ncl udi ng c ha r t toppe r s , if you dow nl oa d t he n
s a v e to ta pe .

3239aKegb Gallery
r Yaaroodal a doul F tw o
. ,
't Captain's Log . . .
i Like Elite? Ever W a k e d i t w as bi gger ! W i th actual
t oppone
S t a r e &nts t o pln.ay agai n sti The n sign up w i th t he
TheA New Technology
Now thi s is i t — t he secti on for all of y ou buddi ng
i S ta r ne t is a gam e of space tr a di ng a nd conquest. I t's
Rupe r t Mur doc hs a nd Eddi e Shahs out the r e .
k a coiaiputer ised ver si on of t ha t age ol d i dea, the pl ay by
First thi ng Is t o ge t on the w a i ti ng list for galler y mall gam e, o f cour se i t costs a bi t t o r egi ster a nd t a k e
w Y ou'l l have t o pay a small sum for the m , b u t once
pages. y our tur ns as y ou z oom a r ound tr y i ng t o becom e bi g
yourt t ur n comes r ound the y 'r e y our s for t he dur a ti on. A cheese i n the gal axy. The r e ar e Star r set Chatfi nes a nd
t rifl e t hr ough t he pages of these el ectr oni c magaz ines i n t he Galler y pages, a nd y o u can always
o r eveal ed ones de di c a te d t o ever ythi ng fr om Mai l box ot he r star captai ns t o pl an secr et alliances
c om pute r games t o pi r a te r adi o. Re a di ng coats nothing.,
w a nd tr a di ng links. As w i t h the r est of Mi c r one t, pl ayi ng
and once y ou'v e accessed a ti tl e fr om the i ndex y ou can
y i ncrstr
bl y fr i endl y, so y ou Only e x pe nd t hought on
leafwbackw ar ds a nd for w a r ds t hr ough the pages a t will.
• Give some thought to how you use your pages — after all, the
s • Star net isn't only Micronet tome. There ore olio competitions
opportunity to reach so many people with your idects Is previously Ilk. die Round Britain Race — a treasure hum in which you never
need to leave your armchair. A series of dues let you move your
of it oil,round a mop of Britain, and there's a cash prize at the ond

• Sprouts from your Sp ect ru m • Find Yourself a Job

P undi ts tel l us t ha t in the futur e w e 'l l do all Our s hoppi ng
fr om in fr ont of the TV , O r der i ng via the t e l e phone l i nes. I n a A ne w - i s h ser vi ce on Mi c r one t is i ts J ob-S e a r c h, w hi c h is
Nm ited fa s hi on i t's al r eady a v a i l a bl e fr om Mi c r one t — in a ttr a c ti ng a good num be r of a dv e r ti s e m e nts — e v e n if the y
fa c t you m ay al r eady be abl e to buy your w e e k l y gr oc e r i e s ar e pr i m ar i l y for w or k w i th c om pute r s . I f you fa nc y goi ng it
if you live in s om e ar eas of the c ountr y (but qui te how do a l one , i ns te a d, t he r e 's Bi z z net, w hi c h pr ov i de s an i nfor m a ti on
you c he c k thos e a v oc a doe s a r e r i pe w i th a m icr o?1. a nd a dv i c e s e r v i c e for sm all bus i ne s s e s , w i th e x pe r ts on line
to offer a dv i c e .

o rn o w o ro i rd rm o vd r,emeArArArAr#,,reirArAirmeo mmo mArmezArz





WO M AN! "

The Basic Loa de r
Type this in and save it onto tape
with SAVE"sc"LINE 0
5 C LE A R s t a r t - 1
6 LE T s t a r t = 2 5 6 * P E E K US R " a " +
PEEK ( U S R " a " . . . 1 )
by David Green
Short Circuit is an amaz ing Tron
grid-style program but it's the
m ean est and toughest of them
all. You' ve only a small w indow
to look through so you really
h ave to guess w h at your
opponent is up to. The program
is a little tricky to ent er so follow
t he instructions carefully.


7 I NPUT "Le ngth " ; l e n g t h 41144 28 19 ES 11 FF 00 19 7E =717
s I N P U T " F l l e Na m e " I f * 41152 El FE 50 28 OE E5 11 64 .959
10 R E M E h O r t c i r c u i t Loa de r
a 10 F O R i . s t a r t T O s t a r t + l e n g t h 41160 00 19 7E El FE 50 28 03 .75
O 2 0 REM
STEP 8 41168 I I 9C FF 76 00 19 7E FE .887
E 3 0 REM 0 Da v id Gre e n 1 9 8 8 20 LE T c s = 0 41176 50 28 F8 AF ED 52 78 FE =12
0 BRIGHT I . PRPEP 0 I N K 7 : 0
30 P RI NT A T 0 , 0 ; " A d d r e s s " ; i , 41184 64 28 09 FE 9C 28 05 11 .621.
0 O RDE R 0 : CLE AR 3 5 0 0 0
40 I NP UT "He x 8 B y t e s " , L I N E a 41192 64 oe 18 01 11 01 00 19 =170
0 5 0 ORTR 1 7 , 3 4 , 8 8 , 1 3 6 , 1 7 .3 4 , 5 5 .
i 4 1 2 0 0 7E FE 50 28 DE AT ED 52 =121
2 138
60 I F LE N a S < M 6 THE N GO TO 1 0 41208 E5 21 00 00 AF ED 52 EB =991
A 60 F O R n .U 5 R - TO U S A "a "4 7 :
• 00 41216 El 19 7E FE 50 CO 18 CO .1129
m RaEAD a : P O K E n . a : N EXT n
-7 0 p o K e 2 3 0 5 9 . 0 7 "' 80 LE T f = 0 1 FO R j = 1 T O 1 6 41224 21 E2 BO OE 08 E5 06 50 =772
90 I F ( a S ( . 1 ) < " 0 " O R a e ( j ) > " 9 " ) 41232 11 64 00 7E B7 20 02 76 =51
• / F O R
AND ( a $ ( j ) < " A " O R a e ( j ) > " F " ) T H 41240 08 19 10 F7 El 11 09 00 =547
2 n . 0 TO 2 1
EN L E T f = 1 41248 19 OD 20 E9 21 FA 87 OE =779
-1 N E X T n : P RI NT - 100 NE X T j 41256 08 E5 06 50 7E 87 20 02 =660
PV R I N T 1 105 I F f = 1 TH E N GO TO 1 0 0 0 41264 36 08 21 10 F7 El 11 84 =774

"[ ZZ " , 110 FO R n . 0 T O 7 41272 03 19 OD 20 EC C9 E5 24 =781
; 120 L E T y . CO DE a $ ( 1 ) - 4 8 1 1 I F y > 9 41280 06 90 27 7C FE 37 20 07 .
T18 z'/ AzoB z z z z oP / , v h 00 THEN L E T y = y - 7 4=162 58 87 24 78 5C 7C E6 1F 67 22 =776
0 r e 1 ;0 0 0 0 X 00 0 Ye
130 LE T z =CO DE a $ ( 2 ) - 4 8 1 I F z > 9 41296 06 90 7E El C9 CS E5 21 =1161
X 0 0 0 1 O
"P eO 00 0 0" 0 0 0 THEN L E T z = z - 7 41704 05 90 ES 7E 7C FE OA 2 0 13819,111
R r/- 00 PRINT AT 9 ,K2 ; " 4 9 ' , - 140 LE T v a = 1 6 . y + z 41312 05 36 00 28 18 F5 77 El =715'
I 9
e , E 150 LE T c s . c s + v a 41320 01 IC 06 7E C6 30 C5 06 .611
/ .4
7 7 / 4 0 0 'V 4/ / V / / V / 0 0
' 1 6 0 P O KE i + n , v a 41328 OA CD 08 AO CI OD 28 1 0 =648
O W 4 0 0 0 0 29 , 0 0 0 9 , 4 0

N X 165 P R I N T A T 2 , n e 3 ; a e ( T O 2 ) 41336 F2 El Cl C9 18 74 87 2 0 =1221
0O 9 , 0 0 % 93 4 ' 9 X 0 0 0 0 0
T X 9• 0 0 0 0 ' e h 0 0 0 0 X 170 L E T a i = a $ ( 3 T O ) 41344 FP C9 CB 7C CO C5 D5 ES =1610
A 0 , 4 / Y /
0 "
180 NE X T n 41752 CD 85 03 El DI Cl C9 CD =1422

T 0 100 ',RIGHT 0 : P5RI NT AT 1 7 , 8 J " N1 183 I N P U T " C h e c k s u m " g L I N E a $

184 P R I N T A T 2 , 2 5 1 a $ 1368 2 4 2B 10 P3 C9 CD 82 Al .1075
3 0GN",RT 1 8 ,5 ;"TE CN
9 D . G r e e n 1 185 I F V A L a $ < > c s THE N GO TO 1 0 1376 2 5 25 CD 82 Al 24 24 23 =677
, - 110 DATA 6 3 , 6 3 ,,3 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 4 , 1 2 00 1384 1 0
1 1360 8 2
4 X 120 FOR n . 1 TO 29 : READ a 187 C LS 41392.00 00 37 70 14 31 30 01 .221
; A130
T 190 NE X T i 41404 21 Ab Al 11 00 90 01 OD .540
; 1 9 SEEP . 1 , 1 : BEEP . 1 , 3 - 1 2 2 0 0 C L S : P R I N T " S A V E CO DE A F T E
140 NEXT n : BEEP . 5 , 0 BE E P . 1 . 41408 a o E D 8 0 CD 3 E A l 0 6 I E = 8 7 7
- ,-12 R B A S I C L O A D E R . ' ' 'RE MO V E E AR L E
7 1 150 AD" t 1 4 2 4 8 F A I C l 1 6 0 5 C D 7 C A l = 1 0 1 4 1 i.
5 DATA " R e a d y t o fi g h t 7 2 1 0 S AV E f e C O D E e t a r t 10 1 4 7 2 7 8 D 6 0 2 4 7 7 0 E A C 3 5 1 = 9 4 9 -
/ ; 2e 2 0 C L S t P R I N T " V E R I F Y I N G "
150 D AT A " . . . . C o m b a t i n p r o g r e s 44 1 4 4 0 4 2 O E E 0 O E F F 0 7 2 0 O E = 7 2 2
5 5 2
l 3
e 0n V
g Et R
hI F Y " " C O D E
- . - 14 1 4 4 8 0 1 F F 6 4 5 9 O E 0 1 0 7 E 0 . 6 9 1 .
/ -5 107 0 D A T A - 240 CLS : P R I N T " A L L O K": S TO P 41456 OE F F OE 2 0 OE 0 1 0 7 E 0 = 5 6 V
1000 P R I N T A T 1 5 , 0 : " E R R O R " t G O I 41464 F F 8 4 5 8 OE 0 1 O F 2 0 FF = 7 9
/ F . T. . . C4 1 4 7 2 9 2 5 8 O E F F O E 2 0 O E 0 1 = 5 6 4 '
0 20
7 - O 1 8p0 p
D Ao TnA e - 54 1 4 8 0 0 7 E 0 O E F F F F 4 4 5 4 O E . 9 2 7
A Lt L
4 190 24 1 4 8 8 0 1 0 7 E 0 O E F F 0 7 E 0 O F = 7 4 7
d e S ts r
d e DATA +0 d e f e a t e d * * .
t t r l eo d 1
O 41496 0 1 F F 8 4 5 0 0 7 2 0 OE 0 1 . 5 3 4
y , 64 1 5 0 4 0 7 E 0 O F 2 0 F F 8 4 5 8 O E = 7 6 7
2- 0 0 D A T A G a m e ov e r . . .
K i T h e He x Data 4 1 5 1 42 0 1 0 7 2 0 OE F F O E 0 1 0 7 m 331
t t Pun the Hex Loader and answer the 4 1 05 2 0 2 0 OF F F 8 4 5 8 OE e l m7g2
210 LET a l l .

t h r e e q u e s t i o n s w i t h 4 0 9 0 0 , 1 7 5 0 4 1 52 2 8 0 7 2 0 O E F F 0 7 2 0 O F 0 1 = 3 6 3

220 FOR n . 1 T O 8 : R EAD b $ L E T
a n d s h o r t c o d e r e s pe c ti v e l y . N o w 4 1 51 3 6 FF 8 8 5 8 OF 2 0 FF 84 5 8 . 1 0 0 4
44.444CHR0 22+CNR$ 22+CHRS 3 1 + t y p e i n t h e H e x D a t a a s p r o m p t e d 4 1 5 41 4 _ 0 E - 0 1 O E 2 0 O E F F O E E 0 = 5 6 8
1) 1
....b 5 + "..i" a n d s a v e t h e c o d e a f t e r t h e fi r s t 4 1 5 5 2 0 0 I I 0 0 9 1 C D 5 0 AO Cl ) . 8 1
. 2 3N0 FEO R
X n
T . 1 TO LE N a $ P O K E 371 0
n o4 n, CO DE a s ( n ) : N E X T n Ba s i c pa r t. 4 1 5 6 0 6 2 AO 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 8 2 S C = 5 4
1 3
4 41568 21 5 2 5 4 22 14 9 0 1E 38 =521
240 I NK 0 - P RI NT AT 2 1 0 ,3 ;: LOAD 0
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41752 2 2 OE 9 0 C l 21 16 90 11 =6 0 1 42080 20 03 11 64 00 3E 7F DB =560 42408 23 34 7E FE OA 20 01 35 =563
41760 OE 8 2 73 2 3 72 2 3 36 01 =546 42088 FE CB 5F 20 03 11 FF F F .1114 42416 28 28 34 7E FE 34 20 04 =612
41768 23 36 0 0 2 3 ES 21 84 03 =521 42096 CO 57 20 03 11 01 00 1 9 =368 42424 36 70 27 34 C3 C6 AS 70 =872
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41800 20 09 E5 21 00 00 AF ED =715 42128 28 FA CD 24 AO 22 12 9 0 =893 42456 42 CD 24 AO II 90 91 CD i@
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81824 AP ED 5 2 EB E l ES 19 7E =1334 42152 06 11 24 91 CD 50 AO E D =886 42480 21 48 5C 70 21 68 59 70 =6504
41832 El 87 CO FE 0 8 C8 1E 00 =1100 42160 58 10 90 34 09 90 67 2 E =611 42488 10 EA 18 70 05 ES 79 32 =919
41840 C9 3A OE: TO 4 7 2 4 OE 90 .686 42168 00 ES D5 21 14 00 II 03 .515 42496 48 SC 11 El FF CD 03 AS =1034
41848 2 2 10 9 0 21 16 9 0 CS ES =819 42176 00 CD 85 03 Di D5 CD 7 0 =1140 42504 II 21 00 CD 03 45 11 IF =4 7 1
- SE 2 3 5 6 21 4E 2 1 46 74 =555 42184 Al DI El AF ED 52 CB 7 C =1416 42512 00 CD 03 45 11 OF FF CD =1073
41864 8 7 CA OC 4 4 ER 0 5 D1 36 .1256 42192 28 E7 3E 07 12 48 50 2 4 =596 42520 03 45 60 06 05 CD 3E Al =703
41872 5 0 CD 3E Al E6 7 F FE 01 .1120 42200 OE 90 28 70 87 CC BF 4 5 =1068 42528 6F 11 01 00 CD 82 Al 10 =6 4 1
41880 2 0 OC 0 5 CD 3 8 4 3 79 B7 .987 42208 00 34 76 50 47 34 14 9 0 =561 42576 F4 El CI 09 04 28 OE 30 =972
41888 20 03 DI 18 01 C l 19 7E .613 42216 BEI 28 12 CD 3E Al E6 I F =931 42544 CD FC AS OE 00 CD FC AS =1258
8 41896 8 7 CA 0 4 4 4 FE 0 8 CA 04 =1021 42224 C6 OA 5F 16 00 19 70 F E =728 42552 78 FE OA 20 EF 21 08 90 =840
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6 41912 87 28 0 4 19 C l 0 4 44 11 .632 42240 Cl 71 43 05 71 19 10 F C =1074 42568 7E FE 35 CA 88 46 16 FA =1212
41920 4 8 91 CD 5 0 AO ZE OF 32 =789 42248 Cl 09 06 48 OE 00 21 0 0 =517 42576 CD 70 Al 03 CB 42 CD 24 =1297
41928 81 SC 3E 10 3 2 4 8 SC 36 =567 42256 04 C5 ES 21 44 59 06 0 2 =634 42584 AO 22 12 90 09 06 15 21 =617
41936 0 0 E5 CD AF AO E l CD AF =1174 42264 11 01 00 CD 03 45 11 2 0 =440 42592 21 58 11 00 08 05 CS 06 =562
41944 AO CD 0 8 Al 0 6 0 5 CD 55 =835 42272 00 CD 03 45 11 FF FF C D =1105 42600 15 11 01 00 CD 03 45 11 =429
41952 Al 10 FB 21 14 0 5 22 10 =536 42280 03 45 11 E0 FF CD 03 4 5 =1037 42608 OB 00 19 Cl DI E5 05 21 =913
41960 90 34 OD 9 0 ZD 01 ID 10 =466 42286 11 OF FF 19 79 C6 08 4 F =926 42616 02 00 E8 CD 82 Al 24 CD =9741
41968 CD I C 4 4 3 2 OD 9 0 FE 30 =906 42296 00 00 04 04 78 FE 16 2 0 =436 42624 82 Al DI El 78 C6 OA 5F =1151
41976 20 0 5 Cl C l C3 0 4 AS 16 =815 42304 07 El 01 96 00 11 07 0 0 =615 42632 10 DR C9 11 84 91 CD 50 .1063
41984 00 03 OC A4 3 6 3 8 00 00 =481 42312 AF ED 42 CD 82 Al AF E D =1386 42640 AO OE 50 CD 5D R6 OF 00 =732
41992 00'b5 Cl ER E l 7 7 23 72 =1130 42320 42 CD 82 Al AF ED 42 CD .1245 42648 CD 5D 46 06 32 ZE 50 32 =712
42000 2.3 71 2 3 7e 2 3 Cl 05 C2 .722 4232e 82 Al 09 09 70 FE 01 2 0 =720 42656 48 50 21 00 02 11 CI 00 =
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42018 Fl 09 2 4 12 7 0 ED 58 14 =994 42344 17 17 17 4F 10 A3 AF 3 2 .552 42672 04 CD 82 Al 10 E7 09 00 =948
42024 9 0 78 3 2 7 6 5C 3 6 28 3E =681 42352 48 SC 11 60 91 CD 50 AO .879 42680 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =0
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42056 0 3 11 6 4 0 0 CB 5 F 20 03 =453 42384 Al El Cl 10 P2 II FE F F .1360 STOP

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by Christopher Herbert
Mooniron is a basic platform style g am e that'll have you at your
keyboard for hours. So me evil rogue has stolen the cryst al of
Mooniron and good ol'RoBoD has been ordered to get it back from
the Starship w h ere it Is being kept. But fi rst he's got to t ravel
through a fi ve room complex collecting t h ree light p ackag es that
must be t aken to the light lock. He'll h ave to be nimble 'cos t here' s
also a horde of n ast ies waiting to send him to his peril. Mooniron
co m es co mp let e w ith full joystick compatibility and bonus lives.

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T H1T. 1 ,
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;; Al +TI N X
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08 322 I F 1 N KE Y $ < "" T H EN PR I N T AT XXXXXXXXX T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T M
2 0 0 R E M M M WOM M EM . 1 5 ,1 9 , F L AS H 1 , BR I G H T 1 .I N KE Y $ EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N
201 PR I N T A T x , y - 1 , - " , A T X , Y + 1 L ET M 5 4 3 p . I N K E Y S P A U S E 8 , P A L ) T H EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T
AT " ; A T X SE 1 0 : G O T O 3 3 0 H EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E
- 323 GO T O 3 2 1 N TH EN TH EN T H EN T H EN TH EN T H EN
2 0 2 L1E ,T Y x* . 1X +
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OUT 2 5 4 AT 1 8 , 3 + G ; B R I G H T 1 . L 5 1 G 1 B E E P T H EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T
; 4 .e 3 - x O U T 2 5 4 , 5 4 + X
s .0 0 0 9 .5 0 B E E P . 0 0 0 9 . 5 5 B E E P .2 H EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E
.0 BOR O UD ER T 0 01 0 2 , 5 0 , N E x T G N TH EN TH EN T H EN TH EN TH EN TH EN
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. 7 c )(4 1 , y )= " " THEN 331 I F I N KE Y I N . "y T H EN T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T H E N T M
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0 0 G . 2
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T 333 L ET KE Y .1 L E T JOY.0 G O TO B 7 $ 0 I F L I F E 0 TH EN GO T O 7 0 0
302 L E T L S . "D e F I N E KE Y S "- F O R G
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I GH T 1 . L S ( G ) , S E E P . 0 0 0 9 , 5 0 : B e e 400 R EN M EM Ag n i 500 REM MEMBAUM44A4AMM
P . 0 0 0 2 , 5 5 S E E P . 0 0 0 0 , 6 0 : NEXT 401 I F AT T R ' . + 1 , Y ) . 7 0 AN D BU L B 501 FOR G =1 7 0 2 1 PPI PI T AT G .0
.0 TH EN F OR T . 0 T O 7 : P R I N T A T X ; BR I G H T 1 .
303 L E T 1 $ 1 1 ) . " + 1 .N , I N T , B R I G H T 1 , 1 3 - B E E R MOMP.MMOWSNM
• 7I N S S . B R I G H T 1 , " K E Y F O R L E F T .0 0 7 .T + 4 5 B E E P . 0 0 8 . T - 4 N E Y T T - " N E X T G
", " ,I N SP 7R, " I1 "N T FOR 5 . 1 T O 4 0 . O U T 2 5 4 . 5 4 . O U T 502 FOR H . 1 T O 3
304 P R I N T A T 5 2 5 4 .0 N e X T S BO R D E R 0 L E T B U " -F OL P E NT. 1 T O L E N L S P R I N T AT 5
, 5
L 5 .1 L E T 5 C O R E.5 C O R E+ 1 0 . P R I N T g. 1L -1 +S1s . =, I 1N" K,5 A- N0 D N* 7 ,
BR I G H T R N O .L 1 (
1 095 , I F I N N E Y $ < : . " " T H E N P R I N T A T
3 UO,AT l_ e ,s c DRE P. U N SE X T K • N E X T H
5 . 1 L2 , AFLSASH H 1 ; BR I G H T 1 , I N KE Y S : 503 FOR G .1 T O 7
402 I F AT T P ( X + 1 ,
1 ; M 5 . .I N PK RG .I BNR ITG H T 1 . " B O N U 5 " B E E P
L ET H 1 1 ( 1 ) , I N K E Y S P A U S E 5 P A U 5 8 .11 T H E N L E T W I N . U I N 4
( 1
E 1 0 . GO TO 3 1 0 1 )1 . 02 5E 0E E P . 0 0 5 , T + 2 0 O U T 2 5 4 , T
,T O . 0A0 9 , 2T5 + G
308 G O T O 3 0 4 1 ABE F ENPO . 0D
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320 L ET M $ 1 2 ) . "? " P R I N T A T 1 0 , 1 e N EXT u t _
T . L E T BU L B.O B5. 0E5 EF OPR 1 = 1 T O 1 5 L E T S C O P E . S C
8; I N K 8 . B O R
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0 0 0
; " ; I N N 7 ; F L A5 N 1 ,•7
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9 . 4 0
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+ G .
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312 I F I N KE Y 6 404 I F AT T R 4 X + 1 , Y ) . 2 4 9 T H EN G O
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1 SU B 1 3 0 0 • RE S C O R E • 1 5 0 A N D S C O R E < 2 0 0 O R S C O
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545 L E T L S . "AN EXTR A L I F E F O - V 2- S T E P -
T .1 T O L EN L $ P R I N T AT 8 , 5 + T - O V E
708 I F SC O R E.5 0 T H EN PR I N T A T 2
i 5 .11 P A F PERO 7R. B R I G H T 1 . " - S E E P .
R A L n P5 R. I 1 5
1, I N K 5 . BR I G H T 1 , L $ ( T ) . B E E P . 0 , 1 1 , F L ASH 1 . BR I G H T 1 P A P E R 5 0N 0 4 ,T 4 5 N E X T 5
L i T O
0009,50 B E E P .0 0 0 9 .5 5 B E E P .0 0 .RI N K 4 0 " P A T H E T I C " A754 FOR 5 . 1 5 T O 2 S TEP - 2 P R I N
09,50 N E X T T . G O SU B 5 4 7 . L E T L A7 0 9 I F S C O P E S O A N D S C O R E 8 0 T M T TA T B L O , S , I N K 0 , " " B E E P .0 0
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A I 5 , "N O T B A D s7 5 5 , L E T x .
N- T I-0 . 2 5 . B R I G H T I . L / F E .
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t 2 p .AT 1 1 , 1 4 , 5 11(1)0 "2 0 . 1 4 ; B R I G H T 1 ; / N v E R S E I ; I N K K-
F-e -B E E P . 0 0 9 , 5 0 9 0 0 R E M E fi g i fi g E M O M I M . 4 0 2 . 1
A3 , " F A I R " L E T
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T 711 I F SC OR E)1 5 0 TH EN PR I N T A T y .
55 5 0 , I F L F u DI .1 T H E N L E T 5 C R =5 C R + 1 12 0 . 1 4 ; B R I G H T 1 , I N V E R S E 1 . I N K ER 3 SE 1 ,
00 36 . -P P I N T ART 0 , 0 + F ; B R I G H T 1 0 1 _ 0 ( F ) : B
561 I F BU D .1 T H EN L E T 5 C R .5 C R - 1 ,- 7 1 2 I F S C O R E ) 2 0 0 T H E N P R I N T A T 8E IE P . 0N0 0 9 , 8 0 B E E P . 0 0 0 9 , 8 8 : B E E
7G - T
00 2 0 , 1 1 . F L A S H 1 0 "V E R Y G O O D " .F
0 A O
552 / 5 SC R .3 5 0 0 TH EN GO SU B 3 5 0 713 I F SC OR E-3 0 0 TH EN L E T L s . PR 9 0 2 P R I N T A T 0 . 1 + F - 1 , B R I G H T I ;
0 G O SU B 5 0 0 R -/ L L I R N T .F I N VER SE 1 ; 1 1 " : P R I N T A T 0 , 2 5 . I
-I N 0.N K 8 . " 0 " , I N K 7 ; B R I G H T 1 , L I F E ;
550 FOR T . 7 T O 0 ST EP - 1 P AP E R - T A T 2 0 , 1 0 + 0 ; I N K I N T N AN D * 7 1 +
T C L 5 T G O SUB 5CR. R E F2 , O
BRR I GH T 1 ,1 -1 (G) B E E P .0 0 0 9 , 5 0 01-
0 . 0T 9 0 3 P R I N T P T 1 0 . B R I G H T 1 0
TURN BE E P . 0 0 0 9 . 5 0 B E E P . 0 0 0 9 . 5 5
1 9O -
N EXT G E g e g m e g o n e s $ 1 0 1 1 1 M . " ; R
,L 1 1 1 1 .
501 L E T r t 1 _ .5 .7 F = 1 L E T P . ? T 0 , 3 1 , I N VER SE 1 .;"1 "
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L2 0 , 1 2 . F L A S H 1 , 0N
602 L ET .1 .8 E- 715 I F SC O R E.5 0 0 T H EN PR I N T A l NLER 1 ; BRIGHT 1 ;
. 0 3L L EE TT
5 L E T e 4 = NE
2 0x, P
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L , FP
5 0 5I L F E T EB U. L 63 . 0 L E T B A L L = 1 L E T 2 0 .1 2 , F L A S H 1 ;"M AS T E R " _ER 1 . B R I G H T 1 . 5 C O R E ; A T 1 , 1 8 , 1 1 I ;
SC R E.0 724 R ESTOR E 7 2 5 . F O R 0 . 1 T O 4 9 AT 1
5 0 7 R ET U R N PER O D , F F O R 5 . 1 T O 0 : B E E P . 0 ,09 0 5 R E T U R N
7 5,F 21000 9 , Rem WOMMAMMAMM
51 0C0 1 L E T x . . - 1 P R I N T A T X , Y I N
701 F OR G . I T O 2 1 R z 1 N T AT 0 , 0
0 725 I F I N N E Y $ ( > "" T H EN GO T O 7 3
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0 Rfi i i i i i m m o m m 727 N EXT S N E X T G Y + 1 ;" " ; R T X - 1 ,
0 e; m " m
BE E Pm. 0
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e X+ --11 ;, - Y - 1 ;
702 C LS G O SU B 5 1 5
m - - . --A T
703 PR I N T AT 1 .2 0 ; I N VER SE 1 . 0 , 5
4 1002 FOR T . 1 T O 4 : L E T G O
, 0A x ,T Y X
GAM -M E O v e R - I F SCORE 4
2 .7 , 2 , 5 , 6 .2 , 2 2 , 4 , 9 , 2 , 9 , 2 , 1 1 , 4 .1 + X +1
SUAB T1 0 0 3 : N E X T T : G O T O l e l e
, Y ;
1 ;
, M SU B 1 4 0 0
,2 ,, 25 , 1 4
2 1 0 0 3- P1 R I N T P T X, N 1
- -
M 7I 0 4 TP RHI NET INN K 4 , B R I G H T 1 ; A T 5 , 2
,0 0,1 0Y5 $ ( 0 ) ; A T X - 1 , Y , I N K 7 ; B R I G H T
M , ,. 71 2 , 2
.2 , 4 , 2 , 5 , 2 .7 , 2 .9 , 2 , 1 1 , 4 , 1 2 , 2 , 4 , 2 ;
; +C I H1 N .RK
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E ,7 4 - T
AT 1 0 . 3 . / N K 5 . B R I G H T 0 , " S C R E E N
. 07 3 5 G O S U B 5 0 0 P A U S E 1 0 0 0 F O R 1-0 0 4, P R I N T A T X , Y + 1 ;
.1 1
2 , 5
A . I N V 7 ; BR I G H T 1 , SC R E F O R G 70 .. 2. 2T ,O 9 1 9 P R I N T A T G a . - -B R I G H
+ 1 -, . . . . . A T X + 1 , 1
.. 0 5 . T
. 1M T O 5 S T E P 2 P R I N T A T 4 + 0 , 1 5 , . ., 74 , 2 ,
2 ". N E X T G ,; 0A0 5T B E EXP .-o t a1i m o, , e s
1 Y+ T R E T U R N
2 2 . 2 ,
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5 R I GH T 1 ,
O - - A T 4 + 42 . 6 , 7
N EXT G , 750
2 . 2 REM OMMOAMOMMOAMM K 4 , B R I G H T 1 , 5 4 1 ( G ) 0 AT X - 1 , Y ; I N
G + 1 . 1 5 , "A&W o i &W . Ag e t a i 6 . 4 1 . " 0
P R I N T A T - 2 1 . I N K 5 , "I P
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., , 0
1A - , 1A T 8 , 2 -0 AT- X - 1 , Y + 1 0 " " ; R T X - 1 , Y - 1 ; " " 0 R
27 5 3 P R I N T A T X - 1 , Y ,
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Y 5
2 .5 = 1 -" . R E T U R N
O ,
"706 I F r s < . " " TH EN L ET N W S -.EP 2 .0 0 0 9 , 5 0 P R I N T AT x, V , BR I G H 1050 REM MEMEMMOOMOMM
707 PR I N T P T 1 5 , 3 , I N K 7 ; BR I G H ,0
T 1 . 2051 L E T : S U B 1053 F O R
,-1 , T .I TO 4 L E
T 1 .
*5- N e x T 5 P R I N T A T X , Y . I N K 0 ,
-. S E T B Y I N K 3 , N $ : PR I N T AT 1 3 - N E. xe T 4 T . 11 0 8
M I 8G O
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G H , S U
- ,A B
. 2
1T . 1 0
-, 5
I 1X
1052 PR I N T A T X . 1 ;1 5 0 0 G ) , A T X - 1 , Y ; f 4 0 0 G 3 : B E E R - 3004 PR I N T AT 5 , 0 ; BR I G H T
,I N K 4 . B R I G H T 1 ;1 5 1 1 4 0 4 , R T X - 1 , Y ; 0, 405 :9 B E E P . 0 0 5 , 0 + 3 0 : N E X T F
1 , IYG,H"T O- . I N K 7 , H $ 1 0 ) , A T X , Y - 1 ; "
BR N. T A P T R X I, Y ; " " . A T X - 1 ; Y ; " T 6 . 6 , I N K 5 ;1 1 4 1 ";A T 5 , 2 ; I N K 6 . . . "
; "A , A TT X - 1 X, Y - 1 ; " " , A T X + 1 , Y ; " 1302 L ET T R EvI N T (RND431 L E T y v U ";AT 6 , 8 ; I N K 5 ;
o -0 3 1 S T E P 5 : P R I N T A T 6 , 0 ; I N K S
1053 PR I N T A T X , Y ; I N K 4 ; BR I G H T INT (RND* 261)4 2
Y . M
1 , BS ( G 1 , AT X - 1 , Y . I N K 7 ; BR I G H T 1303 I F T R E v l TH EN L ET X . / N T , B" R I GF H TO 1 ; R
G- 6 , 1a1 ; I l N K l 7 ; B R I G H T 2 , - 1 r
0 , H $ ( G ) , AT X , Y - 1 . 1304 I F T AE =2 TH EN L ET XvI N T 4 2
T1 1 "
-- " , A T 1305 I F T R Ev3 TH EN L ET XvI N T * 3 3005 PR I N T P T 1 1 , 0 , BR I G H T 1 , - Q i
BE X. E P, . 0Y0 0 +9 , 51 5 4. 7 " R E T U R N 1305 I F AT T R 4 X+ 1 , Y1 =6 9 T H EN GO lNi a E i i Xi R MEMMEMMEMMOMMEMMEMEMM";
1 0A5 4 R E T U R N TO 1 3 0 2
INK 5 ;A T 1 1 , 6 ; " M
T 1307 I F SC R EEN . ( X 4 1 , Y ) . " - T H EN -
F OR 0
1055 L E T X v ) 4 1 P R I N T A T ) < , Y; I N P R.1 1 TO 3 2 STEP 5 : PR I N T AT
X ;AT 1 1 , 5 ; 1 5
K 4 ; B R I G H T 1 0 3 1 1 E G I .AT X - 1 , Y ; I N GO T O 1 3 0 2 I1 1 , 0N; I N K 5 ; B R I G H T 1 ; 1 1 1 " : N E X T
i -
K I7 , B R I G H T 0 , H 1 ( G ) . A T X , Y - 1 , " 1 3 0 5 I F A T T R 4 X , Y ) . 7 1 T H EN G O T O T0 : P R I N T A T 1 1 , 1 1 , B R I G H T 1 . " M
AT X , Y + 1 ;" - 1302 AAT 1 1 , 2 5 ; I N K 6 ; " U "
T3 0 0 8 P R I N T A T 1 6 , 0 ; B R I G H T 1 ;
x ,-Y1A , TY + 1 , - 1310 FOR T v0 T O 7 : P R I N T AT X , Y ,
- ;; A T INK T ;B i l ( G ) ;A T X - 1 , Y , H $ ( 0 ) : B E E -
1199 R EM •• ,

A" T A .0 0 9 , 5 5 , BE E P .0 0 5 , 3 3 - T 1 N EXT 1 I1N6K E S , A T 1 6 , 8 .

1200 R ESTOR E 1 2 0 0 F O R G vU SR " A "
x- - 2 T RETURN F OR - G .1 1 T O 3 1 STEP 5 , PR I N T AT
TO U 5 R " u " 4 7 . R E A D 5 , P O K E 0 , 5 :
, , Y ;
N EXT G : B O R D E R 0 , P A P E R 0 7 I N K 1350 FOR R . L I X T O 3 ST EP - 1 ; P R I 1 8M, 0 ; I N K 5 , B R I G H T 2 ;
NT A T R , Y I X . " N E x T R , R E T U R N -G :- P R I N T A T 1 6 , 1 1 ; B R I G H T 1 , 1 1 " ;
" TB R I G H T 0 C L 5 ;AT 1 6 , 6 .
:1 X 201 D AT A 5 0 ,9 4 ,1 0 1 ,2 7 9 ,9 4 ,9 4 ,6 0
AT 1 6 , 1 2 , I N K 5 ,
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E S EX e T
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5 "7 F O
UT : P R I N T AT 4 , 5 ; BR I G H T 1 ; I N U ER S x1 =5 : L E T 5 C R E • 2 . L E T L a = "T H E L A
1203 D AT A 128,102,190,166,1508,39
R- E 1 ; NDING B A Y ": G O S U B 9 0 0
N, 1231,224
-5 , 4 ; / N U E R S E 0 ; I N K 5 ,
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0. "2 3 2 . 7 TY- EOR Y O U R N A M E ".A
1 2, 02 52 D A T A -UP AX
M L E8A LS EET T E R ES ) " N T 8 , 2 , I N K 5 , 1 4 6
1 255,0,255,255,170,155,1
8 ;N1A4 T0 2 P O K E 2 3 6 1 7 , 2 3 8 : I N P U T F g -, e i - M
7 0 .5 5
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1206 D AT A 1 0 6 , 9 2 , 1 8 8 .9 2 , 1 6 6 , 9 2 , 1 Iu N K
1405 FOR 0 v 2 T O 1 9 P R I N T AT 0 , 2
66,92 6E ; 3103 PR I N T AT 1 1 . 0 ; BR I G H T 1 ;"
1207 D AT A 1 9 3 , 1 7 1 , 1 6 3 , 1 6 3 , 1 4 5 1 , 1 6 -
;A- M ;RT
9,255,255 (H N E X T G ;aA 1,T 1 , 1 5 ; I N K
AT 5 6
I1 4 0 5 R E T u A t . -6 5 ; " M " ; A T 1 1 ,
1206 D AT A 0 , 2 K 2 0 ;1 1 ";AT 1 1 , 1 7 ; I
2 1 3 .2 5 5 5 N K" ,7 A. "T "
H 1, 1 , 1 2 ;
1 2 0 9 D A T A 650 ,, 4 2101 L ET R =0 L E T L 1 1 . 3104 PR I N T A T 1 6 , 0 ; BR I G H T 1 ."0 6
24 , 9 4 , 9 0 .1 9 1 .1 .9 1 , 2 5 S I N
- m O O N I PO N h a s b e e n s t o k e n , a n d R
5,102 1 C
T h e e r y s t a
1210 D AT A 5 0 , 7 5 , 1 9 1 , 1 9 1 , 1 2 6 , 5 6 , 4 o
OBo D h a s b e e n s e n t t O s t e a k i t b
3 , 1
Ra ck f r o * t h e s t a e s h i p w e r e i t i s
AT N 1 5 , 7 ; I N K 5 , "M ";AT 1 6 , 1 , 1 M
4,24 -T 1 5 , 1 9 , I N K 5 ; " L " ; A T 1 5 , 1 5 , I N K
7 1 ,
1211 D AT A 2 4 , 5 0 , 4 8 , 1 2 6 , 1 2 7 , 2 4 7 , 2 E b e in g K e p t . B e f o r e h e c a n r e S ,K A5 ; 1 0 1 " ; A T 1 8 , 2 3 .
2 5 "cu e i t h e w i l t h a v e t o J O u r n e y t
5 o ,h r o u g h fi v e r o o m s . M 6-"
1212 D AT A 3 1 , 3 2 , 6 4 , 1 2 7 , 1 2 7 , 8 5 , 4 2 I n e a ch ro o M0 M
A 3; 1 5 "P ,R AI NT T A T 1 7 . 1 0 ; I N K 7 ; P A R E
,31 3 . 7 o. 3 L i g h t P a c k e t s w i l t h a v e t o b
T R 10 ; 8 B R. I G2 H T5 1 ,, " -
1 2 1 3 D A T A 235. 5o 0 , 0 , 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 , 8 5 , 1 7 0 e ta ke n t o t h e L ig h t ko ck.o n t h e
1 -".1 6 , .
fl o o r l o r s o m e w h e r e e t s e L T h JRIGH
,255 3r- 1 0- 7r P R I N T A T 2 1 , 0 ; I N K 7 ; B
1214 D AT A 2 4 0 , 5 , 4 , 2 5 2 , 2 5 2 , 8 4 , 1 6 8 e re a r e a k s o w a n u d a n g e e s , . . a n d T, A A
,240 su rp rise s a n d a n e xt ra L i f e , ( ;T - INK 2 , PAPER 7 ,
1215 D AT A 2 5 5 , 1 2 2 , 2 2 9 , 1 2 9 , 1 2 If de se rve d), a n d a bonus a f t e r A1
F L AS H, 1 , B R I G H T 1 ;1 = 1 ", R T 2 1 , 1 5 .
94 , 1 2 9 , 2 5 5 e a ch r 0 0 0 , s o G O O D L U C K! 3 A
1 2, 11 72 D A T A 2 5 5
INK 1 , P AP E R 7 .
F L AS H 1 , B R I G H T
7; 0 , 2 5 5 2102 PR I N T 0 0 . A T 1 , 0 ; BR I G H T 1 ; 8 2
34 1 0 6 R E T U R N
1 251 8, D 1 A7 T0A . 182 56 ,, 2 4 9 . 2 4 1 , 2 2 5 , 1 9 7 , 1 4 .- M 1
1 7 0 , 8 5 , 1 -4
3 2 0 0 L
E T BL O v1 6 : L E T I N T v6 - L E T
1,129,125 X" 1 v 6 L2 E T S C R E . 3 . L E T L i l v
2219 D AT A 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 0 , 2 5 5 , 0 , 5 8 , 9 2 , ;-4A1 .1 G ) .AT 1 , 1 4 G + 1 , " M " : B E E P . 0 0 e s . , 2
P 5 4 .0 / 4 . B E E P . 0 0 0 9 , 4 0 4 G / 3 : N E X T 7
78,75,22,55,0,255,255,0,255,231, T
- 2H0 E
3 1 P, R5I N T1 A T 7 . 0 . I N K 7 , B R I G H T
24,255,231,126,129,255,125 G P R I N T 9 0 , AT 1 , 1 a 0 4 1 ; BR I G H T 1 . 1 ;G" o
,I 1 1 4 9
1220 D AT A 2 5 5 , 1 2 7 , 1 2 2 , 8 4 , 4 4 , 4 0 , 4 , S1 U B w " " '
- 9 0 0
8,4s 0T2 1 0 4 L E T L S = L $ 0 2 T O ) 11
1221 R ET U R N ,0 l o e P R I N T 0 5 1 . A T 1 , 2 ;
e INK 7 ; B R /
1382 0 2 P R I N T A T 1 3 . 0 , I N K 2
l ' o e R E M I M I M I E4 s1 4 1 AM M -0GM T 1 ; L $ 0 2 T O 2 9 1 ; 5 ,P B A
" R I PG HE T R1 , "
1301 L E T G . I P R I N T A T X , Y - 1 , " W;2 1 0 7 B E E P . 0 0 5 , 4 5
F I N VER SE 1 .
-A2O1 0 8 I F I N K E Y S =
, AT X , Y + 1 . " ' A T X - 1 , Y - 1 ; " " , A T -
,T- T o 0 S T E P - 1 P R I N T M O , A T 1 , 7 ;
F OR F . 7 T O 0 S T E P - R 3 2 0 3 P R I N T A T 1 3 , 41, 1 B1R. I 1G H T 1 ; " 4
F11 "
I P R I N T AT I N K Po BR I G H T 1 0 I GT
BR H T H1 , E" MN " B E E P . 0 0 0 9 . 3 5 4 p 7
O,F O R 1 4 , 4 ;"1 1 ".AT 1 3 , 3 1 - 4 ;"1 r
,=. B E E P •0 0 0 2 , 4 0 +TY5 : BEEP .0 0 0 9 ,
R1T . - ;AT 1 4 . 2 7 ; " 1 1 " . A T 7 , 1 4 ;"%
4 5 4 T / 4 N E X T T P R I N T 9 0 .AT 1 , 0 .
0+3 0 T 8 , 1 4 ,
T GO T O 2 1 0 0
.G -3 2 0 4 P R I N T A T 7 , 0 , B R I G H T
1;2 1 0 9 I F / N K E Y S = ." ; A T 7 , 2 9 ; " " F O R P . O T O 3 1
TB-; A T 1 , 0 ; "
E PR I N T A T 2 0 , F , B R I G H T 1 ,
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,2 1 1 2 F O R 0 = 4 0 T O 0 S T E P - 5 , B E E P 5 i " M " ; A T 7 , 1 5 1 . "M M ", AT 7 , 2 3 . " M M
1 -
AT 1 9 , 2 6 ;1 1
L .0 0 5 , 0 : B E E P .0 5 , G
2 :, O UF T O2 5R 4 , 5 4 O U T 2 5 4 , 2 , O U T 2 5 -. I N K 6 ; " N " ; A T 7 , 3 0 ;
;A T6 P R I N T A T 1 3 , 1 , I N K 5 . B P I G H
4 ,H0 ; Nv E Xl T H : N E X T 0 , P R I N T W O ; A T 3 2- 0
T N,1 1 . 0 ,
1T , 0 ; " o -
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0 0 1, L"E T F W D . ) L E T B U D v 0 : L E T B I-,
30 $ 1 1A, 1T 0 . I N K 5 ; F L A S H 0 ; P A P E R 4 5 ;
" N R
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7 - iTe l t r, r 1 3 , 1 9 ;
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1 DNE C E P T I ,- A T
T- I N K 1 , P A P E R 7 ; B R I G H T 1 , F L A S H
O E1 .N 1; 3 , 2 2
1M 1M; " 0 " ; A T 1 9 , 2 5 ; I N K 2 .
RR 5
2 1 , 1 0 , I N K 1 , PAPER 7 . F L ASH
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L1 ; " 0 " ; A T 2 1 , 1 5 ; F L A S H 0 ; P A P E R 0 IT N
0 ,T 0 "
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- . G O SU B 9 0 0
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3 3H0 E2 AP/ N T AT I N K - 5 R I G H T V9 - HT 1 . E S ( G 1
T O R T U i 7 3 5 1 1 L E T L A W 1 J E L L D O N E.YO U H A V E
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P . 0 0 0.9 5 0 S E E P .0 0 0
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X AT T 2 1 , 3 1 ; B R I G H T 1 , 1- a "
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-,3,- 3AA 7 1
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1 0 • " . A T 2 1 , 2 5 . - o r I N K 2 ; R AR ER
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M - -N
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5 5 E B "PE ELP . 0 0. 0 9 , 5 0 . B E E R . 0 0 T X, Y0 1 , " . - 1 , Y + 1 , "
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2 -29 0 P9 , 6E0 : N E X" T G 3531 LET v=.'- 1 P AU S E 5
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3532 I F . .
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R 1 ;4 0 1 L E T 8 L O = L 0 L E T X = 2 0 L E T Y R
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-H -2 r G O S U B 9 0 0 p iT 6 =1 . T H E N G O S U B 1 0 5 0
E 10 , B R I G H T I ; I N K 7 .
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M 13- 508 I F Y . 3 0 TH EN GO T O 3 E1 0
G ,1 O A L 130507 LET y . y . 1 I T E =0 T H E N G O 5 u 5 1 0 0 0
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H M t
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, I R
e W8
- a not-so-huge, amazing etc etc program? Have you driven your
F t
friends, your Mum and Dad, brothers, sisters, dogs, cats and gerbils
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e 88
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o Ad d ress
i P o s t c o d e
T elep h o n e Number

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n M
a y
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u u
g g
e a
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I ttG P M , the e ShitelSeen 01 Ernanaren The Nelheriando o o le e k a a n o n a w i to m i
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K v
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y flawad as a moa n I)
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C o m p & Te n w i nne r s ge t a s w e a ts hi r t e a c h, a nd 5 0 r unner s up
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can do Po se * mourn/ cam)
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i e r i Southampton. Pimile Henry Cl Prestwich, Starteheglar JOnelhan Barnes of Y011arty H ue oyerceas Weed Onteem
cassette far ma ma clsn.COWn
O Banes r or S alted. M ancnette. Darren Fisher of righbridge. Sarnmeati IA Starke of Weston m ow ,
i oAvonrIa n O'Connor of R a w% k g Andrei. Boson 01FlOgniclhey, Leeds. lan Garrett or Idevensy.
dF p
gochciate Steve
r e
Jana. al Suitton Colallekt Va Midlande: M an Jarrett 01 e de m a Midiallveri S ean 0'
M ts
:gond o
of Woodston.
Oetarberaudts. Graben Smelt ..0
,n o r Wood B a rofnBradford e t . WF Yorkshre. o r t Anthony s Lee 0 Section M agna Leicester. kyle* Hughes of
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te i
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-a a Robert Rushee of Crotington. Surrey
irename n
n Witateg
l 0 Canvey gla nd E stee Sorry Williams 01 Hakim W Yorkshire 1141y Orrniston Or ya
C i r e n c e s t e r
o rS cotland, n WilLsin Tingle or Picketing. N Yorkshire. Tim or . Nightingaki of Tenenhall.
i r
D i Junes
o Sirnireon
d er
e Bideford . N e o n A gr ont al Worley 'Or M idianite Deed D oor s at
P a
a lWorcester
en 0
h At
w Robot Messiah Compo
'L d y n
aN o- one
sla L i mo a de a Me s s i a h ol thi s c om po! Robot Me s s i a h pos te r s r r
an o
k ar e on thei r w a y to t he s e 2 0 0 w i nne r s !
lN lu'Avid Ourkenti 011 ynatiorst Mame S igma, YOung of Southend on S ee Emote Stephen Page Ot Cameron
C e
g E Lotman Richard e Shower of Stockton. Cleveland. Teruo Knan or (Mulford. W Vonftente, Fainarido KAVING MOSLEMS SACKING UP 1141 D O U B L E R
ry th MaroJes 01 a Portugal. Duane Carrera al Ponsgal. SitiOnen O'Manorly ol Bemoan C o Cork. RObn Skitior LATESTLOAD 1S6 TEOINIGUES7 M i l solve Payout problem
n Mere Ale, A Mackay of Gurrieed• Isle 0 Wmghl. Jona/hen Leech al Skenouln, Devon, Pout King of
uib P Norwich, Norfolk. Neden or Matlock Derbyshire Stegner. P iro*. or Boston. Linea; Craig S hoes or
m S
o us I o n e Staffs, Paul Flitches or I horror°. Norfolk. A. Owen 0 Caernarvon. Gwynedd P lats Glydon THE tape backup -device".
pta rt krthand, S wot E W Foregather or North leysahant Limed, AliMoe McLeod or Csmirannime.
so o zotlersil; A Gientithed or Wereharn. Dorsal
eYerverton, Devoe Neale Weider of Clatters*, l e g s . rinnoity Grace 0 Ceiderstonos, LiverpOol, S M
ak u - K W h i l e
realegidley 0 Truro. Corneae C bowery 01 Togrecon Norio tregor S eeger at Ms:Welton. Piterothearei
0 1 After spectacular success on the CBM
ig M e l e e
b ' ratl i ke Band or CarnCtiongue. Co Antrim, Adorn Sperolioet ot Osgiwahl. Hems. A. Broodrood of the
M C s u p e r
aSunanate of Oman S tephen Collin or Fornboyouon, Hants Damon S he* of Madinat. NOSS, Pedro and D y publ i c de m a nd w e i ntr o
ao M a r e .
r.T eittedo or Portugal. John rieggarty i tettord Shropshire Jegoo Way of Ellamiford DOrtel. Alec released Double
nJ o gowhothorn A v ol Spalding o n
Lincs. ,
Stephen Gallagher rA Hezeihatch Deubl er fo
mNow V i t f r hbial kvi t ew he l is profes
cru o
• CC a K liI lCrarnren d a er e01 Barrow o Jon ficanther, S. Humberside. K. Ward or Clition. Peortingrom M atinee -sionally cased and has greater tolerance to the
re %strong L e ot i iCanvey dp NOM e t _ Esse.. i 0PeSaunders at flurgem Hill, W S ueset. trea Stevenson ol Cidtrin
varying types of cassette decks in use
S 1
Nohingham. l i Kan Butcher or Brillogt. E i n e A.W, Watson pi Leeds, W. Yorkshire John OhrripsOy al
en b W l eLance, -Dand c Rose r eof Wa w lt tailhoess.
h Recup Daum Robson 0 Wearterby W Yorkshire L 0 White 01
st.nrmonaarneed. a Leedom. t JOrgithen Weigheet cd Bnckholl• Bedford M e a n Com or London; S. Broder oil Holt
t.W Humberside hen Tribble 0 Abendiery. & to n t u• ease or Loads d i Yorkshire, Hon Jame at It includes hardware a nd software. This
eS e
Wolverhername. W M idland.. A Ryan oil Slrood K e e l W e i k l e n at Preston, Lance Stephen to of super b "deul te- allows you to make backup
itltCaptivity W. killtilands. L a n c l o n or Pichenng. N. Yoikontre Terence Baker or Leada, W Yorkshire. Marl. copies of software with att types of l oader
a Cowling al S trongest Orkney
li Essex, Paul Hoodng ot Recirresy. Kent Barry Nape of Polegate. E S oseac AS Thorne 0 Stockton-on
g - G . a w n s regardless of l ength a nd speed !I ncl u(es
eTees, CO Citiveiand Marten eilectabrend of Sweden. ti c Tumor o i l R a n h . Michael M inden
l %anti
, a t S heide l i
i pulsog headers and different baud rates.) In
r m Muir a dcd Blackpool.
e l e , ta iga Nail Survere Cl %Aare DIO0Caliter, Kenneth Phasot D e o t o n fact our tests nave pr ov e d -
idW Neptadia 0 a n upon Tr y . Agnate Chaney 0 Hull, N Hoodmatiale. David Brock Oi Atnelid. '
tdLk Milahell
o 0 Basingstoke.
C c a H a nk tr e te Barns al Linter*. E sau Jeremy Heald 0 Ovary Pure Dyfed. Justin capable
D o u b of
i eEopying
r with 10016 ' WC' s *
O W e e r ;Saffron Walden. Essex. A Bock 01 Esaktrewt, 0 .by thge • Kevin Kende 0 Ogled Tyro and
S m O M• P Oal - i s
rP m NS.togie ; S l a v e
wow i Adrian or Peterborough. Cambs. RoOen Burgett Pt %V ietnam. S Vaektione F. Dirrynock oi
lhG o n
gramme. Milton Keynes. Shag Blackwell or Weitingborduart Northants. David Oates of Oureenebury.
Requires access to t v i o cassette decks, The
d e
u lgocheei
t cterreright
h or Barthead. Rentrevreetre. i S pence or Paiddiaton Pitancharder. SniOn software allows you to save a be a r d ne v i
c nSolidieor ge e n
ta s o n om .' machi ne copy onto one cassette deck while
h oearingion. Scott Robertson pi P ussy Straltmlebe. 5 Outfit) 0 Beiningtan, M e r e
no,New M elon Hants, M alin ThOotaar
e Loading from the other. Fa s t a nd easy t o
tsif.t eBcr i ot twl en si n g o f
ihS,•e Havericedwed
s r, o Sa w e dtDyfed.
al Northwood,
e n . Mark J a nitor Baserno. santrothien: S.F. Kalisateak 0 Lytham. Land;, Senna
Middleeet. S elanmore 0 Sandmen Isle of Wight, Scott Sykes or Swindon
use They said it couldn't be done
lnP P h i l i p
iC r lr Noon o
ti noWiltshire
o A
g n d
e RoweLer ta ,s 0 Portugal.
o n Stephen timid al Bangor. Co Down Nathan base 01 MtuneJtoft, ONLY E14.95
eSrilaield S ean al Wortaing, W S tone r Simon Ken pi Prealaryn. Clwyd. Dead Kan 01 COvern Bay
A a l
m W Clwyd
L oAnnette e Ponce l or London Cana riorOlune 01 Sweden. E dwin Leigh 01 Poylicrochan. ri Woes.
,SD o
e dDavid
w 1Wilts
es o1 or Alva, , lnClearnennanetwe
l g M o n te Leo of Ormokrik. L encoding: D S eeds al HuJnedow.
lo.rMiddlesex a I e .
o ewolsinghem,
- t Co Durham. ion Retry 01 Bang, Scotland. Pilchard Kiernan oi Cgickerroouth, Ciardarta.
ft IN tWelke
e S
Y t e po r e s
tsan H
iaN eo llnte O fuSloven a
h .e',sweater. r
Neagh Or Scathe W. Midlands Keyes Meeker or Alice. Ctockmannermare. Mark Sterielsoni
eGary Withal, or Sutton in Ardearld. Notts. Modeling Evans 01 Cadal. Lee Avers ot Customers who have tne Mk I DOUOlet may
M W ot
cr l o h l Chellisne a a P kIngic.' 01 Sauthetey, Plymouth, Rchare Strong or Stratton:1 upon Avon. return it along with E4.95 for the new version.
rt S o
reWentrickerws, m k C Shrananon al Colcheller. E stee Albert Kan or London. Carl Larygrond of Marron. ri
e y .
rea*D Yorks.t Loch i Thorntone or Penh. Scotland. 5.4 Lee of Huntingdon Cambs. Torso
*elG o
m ., S m
lectueel a l iRessnameim
th oo r 01 West Y Ceirately.
e o v iJack l . Sharp of Pontraeth Gwynedd. Peter Atiberley or Winsfortt
f* w oCheshire
W u T anaawaca
m iS o o m e r s e t
rMrc,S 5ariterdna
o ri lto N hPh.CIOf o e s .of Swatter, Werke tan Loddingtion of Hon Norfolk. S i t
a O Durham
a ,C t oe P N Holman 0 1
te om utennui Coo d roratChristopher
h h hi • W Herman
l re f t hCombodoe: o Christopher Spellman 0 Gowns , J to:tpa ir o ot %ow Dueron
c l o . i . i l
c rrgK d
Northampton. towialet 01 Cheadle Cheshire. Peter Green of Orrnsion L Ince; Corn Ritchey.'
tkP S 1
e 0 ,, 0t c a l e a, c Nn . C o
oY k
Edinbuigh E feas c,ue * ot M oyne, Glasgow Armee Balt Of Ouglion Devon O.M Frogman or Haynes
.WO W oLondon.
nPark, i r lo endow i Orr of Cernbarley. Surrey. Tony Wrote of Wan rhaktersheld W. Yorks, M
S no G o r d o
Y oa a
n m al St Ciernitnee Jersey Giles Hallam Or W o n . , sisycherced. Coon. David Gregg of Brunton
u B
o n
Pays Newcaste mupon lyr... Oanrd 'Neagh, et latianearaor,, Wills. Tairani Deal ot Potkisigh. London. Poen
"r lp T h o
rd Lou of Belfron
i r oGlatigow
V i g D . Hotentre OiNewCasne won Tyne, Craig %M enden ol Merthyr 10111, Mid • r o a r Pa i r s o d V A T s e n d y
rClR p : t
ik o Gleenolgen•
o Stephen Longworth Di SOtiiSnil. W M eM ede, Shone Manna of Tougher. CO C or e fiishoro e g.o i vl „d. ,. , f a n . e p 1 4 , 1 b y p h o n e t i i i . i 1 w r i t o r n . W . d r r a n g e o r re h o wts
a n
kinder ot Londaav Kiddetallesd. elkalael Orson of Bewley. Kent C Thomaston of Bedsit cm. Sea. E
o ea0 . S i si o p ra
e tS ra opa , A M osso, 'D r ool 5siltoik; E ChM " of Galgala. La nc ia 0 1 . 1 • 1 1 1 O t
lJid ( L o o p s. 1 0 0 1 , A i r rh.• • 1 % i a,, l o i l e r
R o y s a r t
iant,Cornwall. -A
r O tt Send), 0 Creels). Sisiaim. Mark Harden i TeuntOn. Sornaaset, Floyabon Davidson or West , t o 1 r I N 4 l e l 1
d i
t1 e ithoSStrnitroghern.n o n, Graham
tK R i c leag or Northalkelon. N Yorks. rearthery Honey or N a om i Gwe nt ist Si
tSle S
W ot
ai m
of Margate.
h a r d s E V E S H A M MI C R O S
( S h o pt u s d r M I C R O CE NTRE
eWr a Kent,
H e Andrew Hugrnen 01 Beset Hull. Scott denary 0 Gillingham, Kent. Sag.
h r l
i k d e b r i o g e . - w r e s t - o i
ineo lorWe ine,er at Hula . Israel. J dervientuagn or Cambridge, James &Wren pi Starnes M ddleeer. Ben 1-arrip 'MUDG E S TRE E T. E V I S H A M
4 1 1 1 1 A t 1756 PE RSHORE ROAD,
rmFhn al tioylon Oldnien David Storey of Stindon, Merseyside Gary Robert ad Thetlied. Norio* Derek
S rlN Sthl fe 5 1 1e
a W or m s . . V i tal I i l l y .
t t or TE r r i DG E B I B M I N G H A N 4

o oW iw
1M or Re d d i n g F a l k i r k A r a
• •
tnN A e hc n Tel; 0386 41989
N i . Tel 0 2 1 4 5 8 4 5 6 4
n *P • I
y isi t c
D ,l.a e d l
5 4 e
leLP h k
v ei a r
e d
s h d
u t
o ai0 e
0 hp i
o ,
.ecM L
n o
I GAWAY Chris Wood has hacked away h e ' s penned his ultimate POKEs!
Gunfright. It'll give you infi- copied as well. Very useful
months bundle nite lives, surprise, surprise, .8 6 .5 .3 3 .6 0 .2 4 6 , 1 0 5 4
1 3 8 D AT A 3 4 , 1 8 7 . 9 2 , 1 9 5 . 8 , but re-run it every time you
of POKEs and lots of money and the ability 9 1 , 2 0 5 , 8 6 .5 , 6 2 , 9 5 7
want to do the copy, as it
1.40 D AT A 1 9 5 , 5 1 , 2 0 0 . 1 5 2 . 1
programs. I'm to change the starting ban- 9 5 .2 3 2 .1 9 5 .0 , 6 , 0 , 1 2 1 9 actually gets destroyed in
W afraid I've dit. I'm not quite sure how use.
esome bad news for you, this you change the two POKEs
lis the last time I shall be
10 F O R 1 . 2 3 2 9 6 T O 2 3 3 0 4
in line 70 if you should want SWEEVO 'S 2 0 R E AD A : P O K E I . A : N E X T ' h
cpresenting this column, sob, to but you can always WORL D 3 8 D AT A 2 4 3 . 6 . 1 9 2 . 3 3 . 0 . 4 4
sob. Stop it, I'm getting experiment. .1 9 5 , 1 7 0 .1 4 1
odrenched in all the tears. Hacker Bilk of Crosby has 4 0 L O AD " SC R EEN S
5 8 R AN D OM I Z E U S R 2 3 2 9 6 :
Anyway, now for the good I D P AP E R 0 : I N K 0 : BO R D ER sent in this natty bit of code REM N EW C O P Y .
0: C L S
enews - ZZKJ our resident 2 0 F O R F .1 9 T O 5 : P R I N T A T to give you infinite lives,
1 8 ,0 p: I F F . 3 T H E N T H E N okay, so we had that last 4 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
thacking computer 'II be writ- PR I N T L I SP 2 4 5 7 6
month, but it'll also allow
oing the column all by itself. 3 0 L O AD " C O D E : N E X T F
4 0 P O KE 2 3 4 4 6 . 2 0 1 : P R I N T you to save off the screens
So much for feeding it a USR 2 3 4 2 4 : P O K E 2 3 4 4 4 . 3 3 : BOXING
tcopy of Tasword - Um now POKE 4 2 3 5 5 , 0 from Sweevo's so you can
50 P O KE 4 6 3 4 4 , 0 : P O K E
4 8 4 6 4 .0 : P O K E 4 0 5 4 4 . 8 : dump them to a printer and 'A' and Chris are still pull-
POKE 4 9 7 4 5 . 0 : R E M make a map if you want. I'm ing the punches with Ois
program for Frank Bruno's
SIR F RED 60 P O K E 4 3 1 6 3 . 2 5 5 :R E M
looking forward to getting
POKEs for Sweevo's Boxing. This'll give you infi-
if you're having trouble with 78 P O K E 4 3 1 5 4 , 0 : P O K E
nite energy and the ability
this Spanish Mikro-Gen
4 2 0 0 2 .3 : R E M S T A R T I N O
Whirled on the Spectrum
Eto P R I N T U S R 2 3 4 4 6 128, or rather ZZKJ is, so to use a knockout punch as
swashbuckler, then this soon as you meet your
program from that hard- get cracking!
opponent. You can also
working pair A Brow n and SPEL L BOUND 10 R E M S u E E v o P O KE S AN D select your opponent's
his printer-lending friend PI x
2 0 L E T C S =9 7 8 8 energy though this program
Chris Bo lan d will give you A Brown's back again
without his other half Chris
30 F OR 1 .2 3 2 9 6 T O 2 3 3 0 7 won't protect you against
limitless energy. And if 4 0 R E AD A : P O K E I , A : L E T
C S.C S- A1 N E X T I speciality punches so watch
you're having problems Boland. Have you bought 5 0 I F C S T H EN P R I N T D A T A out!
E R R O R .": S T O P
trying to do a Tanen on the your own printer 'A'? This'll 4 0 S AV E "S U E E V O P I X ' C O D E
ropes try this tip. When give you infinite time and 2 3 2 9 6 .9 2 5 R EM B O X I A 8 P O K E S B Y
0 0 D AT A 1 7 5 , 5 0 , 1 9 5 , 1 2 9 . 3 3 ABA
swinging, flip Sir Fred to the energy in this Mastertronic , 3 2 , 9 1 .1 7 , 2 8 3 , 9 2 .1 , 6 0 .0 10 C L 8 : L E T 4 . 4 5 4 8 0 : F O R
outside of the rope at the Macintosh lookalike. 9 0 D AT A 2 3 7 , 1 7 6 , 3 3 , 3 3 . 1 4 5 F .8 T O I f
.5 4 .2 0 5 .3 5 .5 4 .2 0 3 , 3 5 , 5 4 .9 2 8 L E T T.1 1 1 : F O R 1.140 T O 9 :
last moment of each 2 READ A S P O K E 4 , 5 : L E T
5 R E M S P E L L BO U N D P O K E S 1 0 8 D AT A 3 5 . 5 4 . 0 . 1 9 5 . 2 2 4 , T.T.4 -S: L E T A = A + 1 : N E X T N
upswing to gain maximum g y ABR 9 6 .2 3 7 .1 2 8 .2 8 3 , 1 0 3 .2 0 0 .6 2 3 0 R E AD I I ; I F T < > 1 1 T H E N
10 C L E A R 2 6 0 6 0 : P R I N T .2 5 3 PR I N T ' E R R O R I N L I N E
height. If possible, take a ' P L AY T A P E F R OM S T A R T . 1 1 0 D AT A 2 1 9 , 2 5 4 . 2 3 0 . 2 , 3 2 "1 1 0 8 • F * 1 0 : S T O P
running jump at it to get a 20 L O A D " " 1 6 3 8 4 :
RANDOM IZE U S R 2 3 2 9 6
.2 4 3 .1 9 7 .2 2 1 , 3 3 , 2 4 6 .9 2 .1 7
.1 7
4 8 N EXT F
good start This program is 30 P O K E 5 5 8 6 6 . 0 ; P O K E 1 2 0 D AT A 0 , 1 7 5 . 2 0 5 . 1 9 8 , 4 . 'EN R GY " ( 0 - 5 5 I " : I N P U T A :
2 2 1 , 3 3 .0 , 6 4 .1 7 , 0 .2 7 , 6 2
a little long so it includes a 5 5 0 7 0 .0 P O K E 5 5 8 7 1 , 0 :
POKE 5 5 0 7 2 : R E M I N F I N I T E 1 3 0 D AT A 2 5 5 . 2 0 5 . 1 9 8 , 4 . 1 9
; I F 6(121 O R A > 5 5 T H EN C L S :
GOTO 5 0
checksum to pick up any TI M E 3 .1 7 5 .2 1 1 , 2 5 4 , 2 4 , 2 1 3 , 3 , 8 3
.8 7
- 6 0 P O KE 6 5 4 8 3 , A
mistakes. 40 P O K E 2 7 8 7 1 . 0 : P O K E
36133,0 1 4 0 D AT A 6 9 , 6 9 . 8 6 . 7 9 . 9 5 , 8
70 C L S: P R I N T A T 1 0 . 1 :
' P L AY T A P E F R OM S T A R T '
5 0 R AN D OM I Z E U s R 2 6 6 2 7 0 .7 3 .8 0 .8 , 2 7 , 8 , 6 4 , 0 , 1 2 9 1110 R AN D OM I Z E L I SP 6 5 4 0 0
5 R EM S I R F R E D P O KE S B Y 1 0 0 D AT A 4 . 2 0 9 7 . 6 2 , 2 5 5 . 5
ABA 5 , 2 2 1 , 3 3 .0 .0 , 0 3 1
:0 C L S : L E T A = 2 3 2 9 4 : F O R
F.45 T O 9
In order to use this program 1 1 0 D AT A 1 7 . 0 . 0 . 2 8 5 , 8 6 , 5 , 4 i
20 L E T T . 0 : F O R H . 0 T O 9 ; LOCOMOTION you must first run it and 1 9 3 0 6 , 2 3 9 , 6 2 .0 2 3
1 2 0 D AT A 2 3 9 . 5 5 . 2 2 1 . 3 3 , 0 ,
READ S : P O K E A . S : L E T
T .T .S: L E T A..A.1 : N EXT N Another Mastertmnic game save off the code that it 4 4 , 1 7 , 0 .2 7 .2 8 5 , 8 6 1
1 3 0 D AT A 0 6 . 5 , 6 2 . 2 3 0 . 5 5 . 2
30 R E AD B : I F T < > 1 1 T H E N bytes the dust (sic). Not that produces. When you've 2 1 , 3 3 , 1 3 3 , 1 1 9 , 1 7 .9 6 9
PR I N T ' E R R O R I N L I N E
1 1 8 0 A Brow n has anything done this MERGE in the first 1 4 0 D AT A 1 4 4 , 1 3 5 . 2 0 5 . 0 6 , 5
.6 2 , 2 3 7 , 5 5 .2 2 1 .3 3 .1 1 8 3
4 04 N E X T F
5 0F P R I N T A T 1 0 , 1 1 "P L AY against Mastedronic, he just bit of Basic from the game 1 5 8 D AT A 5 6 , 1 9 4 . 1 7 . 2 0 . 5 , 2
, M 5 , 8 6 .5 , 6 2 , 2 3 6 , 8 8 6
SI R4F1R0E D F R OM S T AR T " ran out of current games. and add another LOAD"" I 1 6 0 D AT A 5 5 , 2 2 1 , 3 3 , 0 . 9 1 . 1
6 0: R AN D OM I Z E U S R 2 3 2 9 4 CODE in front of the 7 .1 3 2 , 2 8 , 2 8 5 .0 6 , 8 6 0
S D AT A 6 . 3 . 1 7 7 . 6 2 , 2 5 5 . 5 You'll get infinite stopclock 1 7 0 D AT A 5 . 1 7 5 . 3 3 . 4 3 , 2 1 7 ,
5 ,T2 2 1 . 3 3 . 0 . 0 . 8 3 2 time with this. Tactic: freeze RANDOMIZE statement. 1 1 9 , 3 5 .1 1 9 .3 5 .6 2 .8 4 3
110 D M A 1 7 , 0 0 1 , 2 0 5 , 8 6 , 5 , 180 D AT A 2 4 , 1 1 9 , 6 2 , 5 5 . 5 0 ,
1O 9 3 0 6 .2 3 9 0 7 5 , 9 3 6 train, build track, unfreeze Then change the start 64,214,175,60,50,875
1 2P0 D AT A 2 1 4 . 1 . 0 . 2 4 3 . 2 2 1 .
3 3 .0 .9 2 .1 7 , 1 7 6 .1 0 0 5 train. This program incorpo- address from 24800 to 1 9 0 D AT A 5 0 . 2 1 6 , 4 9 . 2 4 8 . 2 5
5 .2 4 3 , 3 3 .0 .0 , 3 4 .1 1 2 0
130 D AT A 4 . 2 0 5 . 1 0 8 . 5 . 6 2 . 2 rates 'A's usual checksum 23296 and away you go. 2 0 0 D AT A 1 2 8 , 9 2 , 3 4 1 2 1 . 9 2
0 1 .5 0 .4 7 , 9 4 .2 0 5 , 9 8 1
routine. Well, almost... Run the
140 D AT A 3 6 . 9 4 , 6 2 , 2 0 3 . 5 0 , alME
5 3 .1 9 1 .6 2 .2 5 5 .5 0 0 0 4 6
1 5 8 D AT A 5 4 . 1 0 1 , 3 3 . 1 8 1 0 8 5 R EM L OC OM OT I ON P O K E S Sweevo tape now and when
8 .1 7 , 8 7 .2 5 5 .1 0 4 2 .1 1 3 1 SY ABR
10 C L S : L E T A . 6 3 0 0 0 : F O R
there's nothing left on the
160 D AT A 0 . 2 3 7 , 1 7 6 , 3 3 . 9 0 „
9 1 .1 7 .2 2 5 .2 5 5 , 1 , 1 1 2 5 1F = 0 T O 4 tape to load, swop the tape Well, that's about it for this
20 L E T T . 0 : F O R N - 0 T O 9 :
170 D AT A 8 . 0 , 2 3 7 , 1 7 6 , 4 9 , 2 1
5 5 , 2 5 5 .2 2 1 , 3 3 .0 , 1 2 3 4 , R E AD A : P O K E A . 8 : L E T
for your one with the code month and this is the last
180 D AT A 6 4 . 1 7 , 0 7 . 1 9 1 , 6 2 . 0 T .T .S : L ET A.A4 1 : N EXT N on and it'll load. Now it's you'll hear from me. But
2 5 5 .5 5 , 1 9 5 .0 7 .2 5 5 , 1 2 6 0 3 0 R E AD B : I F T < > 1 1 T H E N
190 D AT A 6 2 , 2 0 1 . 5 0 , 1 4 0 0 3 PR I N T " E R R O R I N L I N E away you go! don't despair, ZZKJ'll be
.1 9 5 , 6 0 0 8 1 , 0 .0 .9 5 4 .
4i 0 N E X T F You can freeze the game back with your POKEs and
50 P R I N T A T 1 0 . 0 s ' P L A Y
with symbol shift and 5 and tips next month so give him
6e0 R AN D OM I Z E U S R 6 3 0 0 8
'S' saves the screen. As an a good start and send all
GUNFRIGHT 8 8 0 D AT A 2 2 1 . 3 3 , 2 0 3 , 9 2 , 1 7
1 added bonus, Hacker has your hacking hints to ZZKJ,
.1 4 1 .0 .5 5 .6 2 .2 5 5 .1 0
Here's a small but thorough 1,F1 0 D AT A 2 8 5 , 8 6 . 5 , 4 8 . 2 4 1 , included a little program to Hacking Away, YS,14
program from E Ben n et t 3 3 , 4 0 .2 4 6 .3 4 .0 5 .1 0 3 1
4 2 0 D AT A 9 3 . 1 9 5 , 3 8 , 9 3 , 2 0 5
1 give you a full screen copy Rathbone Place, London,
of Southend on Sea for 1 i.e. the bottom two lines get W
1 ( ::) 1 . c s i t t c "i t t ,
1 - I
: ;
1 04 w 4 1 4 gi

Elit e anything I n c l u d i n g the last Wimpy in Walsall. E a s

out to lunch with Karen and Nigel, the team that signed IN4

Nigel: I've written for the Spectrum u s d

so much. We need somebody to and Amstrad so far. k e e p
go to Walsall to interview a couple I L A : So you're Z80. R J S
of programmers, he said as he Nigel: Yes. y o u r
I tapped his barometer absent- RJS: How did you get into machine or - - 1
code? Nigi
n 'Rachaeir Which is why I
e myself on a train speeding Nigel: I bought a ZX81 first and s t a r t e
north into an increasingly snowy messing
dev about on it and bought a b o o l n r
landscape with the growing realisation Then I just sort of messed about on t h e "
e i
that I wasn't just being sent to Spectrum
.€ and wrote a game, Chuckle a nic
Coventry (which is several stops Egg.
9 and that sold. Then I went to won
k — Geographical Note) but for Ocean — worked for them for a yee...
Siberia itself! 1
in-house. And then I went freelance ar l e l
n I've done Commando for this place. D e s !
I arrived at Elite's Aldridge HO
earound lunchtime, camera round my RJS: Right. So you're totally freelancetrain
wneck and tape recorder in my hand. now? t o rt.
tKaren Trueman, the graphics half of Nigel: Yeah — completely freelance. dive
hthe duo was out of the building. But RJS: So, talking in generalities, how abot
much could you expect to make as a FIJS
eNigel Alderton. the man responsible freelance? y o u ' t
for the coding was sitting drinking
Ecoffee in front of a row of arcade N igel
dmachines, all looking like the victims thousand
. and ten thousand a progranbasE
iof some crazed disembowelling. This Assuming
A n that program takes three or
tviolation allows difficulty levels to be four months to write, then in theory yagrap
set so that the games can be closely ycould t be on forty grand a year, but w r i t e
o h
nobody i is. It's almost impossible. d e c i i
analysed in the quest to create
raccurate, licensed copies. And there, RJS:
n g How does a program happen I ' l l ju
hyes, is a Ghosts And Goblins machine, then?
b How do you begin converting wand
athe title the two are currently arcade machine? g o o (
tconverting. Nigel: Err — basically, you look at thesom
I dragged Nigel off to a side room, tarcade game — decide whether it canIUS
esat him firmly in a chair and set up the ,
wbe done or not on the micro — then pLa tei
dcamera. If this was Siberia, I'd be eit to pieces, analyse it, If it's got a big N i l }
m conducting the interrogation. emap, map it out, work out how much knac
e memory you're going to need for I t ' s h
Nigel Alderton n
graphics, how much memory for sontedivid
RJS: What... hey, is this thing working? thow much memory for the program. Athe r
Nigel: I think it is now. hjust start writing it. t h e r
RJS: Right — I'm here in the snowy rRJS: That makes it sound very simple
home of Elite software. (Pause to think
e(Laughter) Is Ghosts And Goblins goink
of question.) Well — tell us something to be a particularly hard one to conver„
about yourself. Hobbies? ea
Nigel, Well — I'm only two weeks inte sc
Nigel: Hobbies? I play snooker, tit. No major problems so far,
tennis — mmm — I do a bit of In n
hRJS: What sort of mind does it take P
weight-lifting. ebecome
e a machine code p r o g r a r n m e r
RJS: But nothing to do with a
Ir'm ' sure most of the readers won't h a i i
computers at all? any idea... J I _horn
Nigel: No. Nigel: Warped (Laughter) You've g c .
(Laughter) "have a logical mind.
bRJS:e i Yes. K a r
RJS: How old are you?
Nigel: Nineteen .Nigel: (Pause) It's difficult to describe—
RJS: And how long have you been nb e ctulf
programming? imagination. You've got to have.. yOu POO
Nigel: Two or three years. (Camera just got to be basically a logical per s ot r
clicks) Do you want a smile? IgL I & Are you based around here?' RaJ rc
RJS: No. just carry on talking. Do Nigel: No — I live in Manchester, but r o
you just program for the Spectrum? when
.„ we wrote Commando they brour'''
pd v t
W down here because they wanted to Kar en: (Long pause) I was at school. I
a keepan eye on us_ took art. (Silence. I get the idea Karen is
as NS: Right. (Pause) How do you do shy.) we
lw Dr...? your writing? Do you work on Spectrums RJS: Okay — a nice easy question_ order. Karen
What's your favourite colour. insists that I add that
se Nigel: No. I use a Tatung Einstein as a Kar en: Bright yellow. she's a veggie and had to be forced
led oevelopment machine. RJS: And what's your favourite game?
ok. e & i t Why the Einstein? Kar en: Chuckle Egg.
into this carniverous cavern.
lal Nigel: It's_ it's cheap, it's... er, it's got
he RJS: It all ties together, doesn't it. Tell RJS: Two quarter pounders with chips
Fe anice keyboard and it's got discs. me how you do the graphics. one coke, a milk and an orange.
)rk t Kar en: Well, I use this graphics tool Wim p y Girl: Right. That's four
a, Teamwork
ear called Arthur. Elite wrote this in-house pounds forty six, please.
and graphics tool about... RJS: Thanks. Let's sit here. ( We settle
cR Despite my hours of journalistic Nigel: Forty five years ago. in and I get the camera.)
t3e a training (both of them) I was beginning Kar en: (Laughter) And I use that. RJS: I'd imagine that as a team grows
torun short of questions, so hoping to RJS: Had you done any computer there's more potential for disagreement.
tc divert Nigel from the fact, I asked graphics before? The graphics people demanding more
oh about the still absent Karen. Kar en: No. But I did a few sprites on space for the graphics — or doesn't that
114; One thing I've got to ask is, if Commando. Rory started it and I happen?
pa !otfre based in Manchester, how does finished it. ( Very long silence) Nigel: No, because there's always, like
rm. thework as part of a team go? Is Karen RJS: And how do you intend to make a superior, isn't there?
e based near you? your fortune. Kar en: We're the underdogs.
irl Nigel: No, Karen works down here. The Kar en: Marry a millionaire. RJS: Aww!
ou graphics... what usually happens is I Nigel: Does anybody else get to listen
gS write out a Specification, and once I've
The business lunch. to this tape recording?
rm decided how big a sprite's going to be, Okay, I had a feeling that this wasn't RJS: No. rrn going to make it all up
ai Iiandjust
send her the size of the sprite
she'll go ahead and do it. If it's any
going as it should. The Ed's last words when I get back anyhow, so you can say
what you want.
to me had been, 'Keep it wacky'. ('Keep
m t good, I'll take it, and if it's not
it cheap • as I remember, Ed). So I
Wim p y Girl: Two cheeseburgers and
somebody's got to do it again. chips.
G h KIS: How about other programmers in suggested that we go out to the pub to RJS: I'll just go get those. Say
get a bit informal.., only in Siberia the
hi ,a team? pubs shut at 2.30. Only one thing for it
something witty, someone.
Nigel: That's a knack. It's definitely a Nigel: Do you want a chip? She's going
os knack. Some people just can't take it, — into a taxi and hang the expense —
Ed's paying! (That's what you think! to get some lovely slurping noises in
st !Ifs how to split the work up, how to Ed)
les, divide the game, sort of roughly down Karen: I don't envy her.
to the middle, so when you put together
And RJS: Walsall, please. Nigel: Chomp, chomp, chomp.
theparts it works. Maur een: (the taxi driver): Right. Kar en: Slurp, slurp
.le. t RJS: So how do you do the graphics, Nigel: Chomp, chomp
A Karen? RJS: (Returning) So here we are, and
a Kar en: Well, we usually get the arcade I'm hoping you'll forget we're recording
gl InMysearch well of questions now dry, we went version in so we can have a look, then this.
of Karen and at last located
lto her, hiding In the programmers' room. they'll just tell us the sizes they need. Nigel: She just did. We were slagging
RJS: Do you start with the backgrounds you off!
ay Okay,Karen Trueman, this is your
r? then go on with the sprites...?
ve And so I fi nally broke down the
o Kar en: I usually start with the sprites.
r &IS: Okay, we've got to go through this Get them over and done with first then barriers. We stepped outside and in a
ate get on with the screens. totally informal manner Karen and
e horrible interview bit again. Do you hate ed,K tvw RJS: Have you got a computer.
a Nigel grabbed handfuls of snow and
ln Karen: I've never been interviewed hurled them at me. Finally, exhausted,
Kar en: My brother has and I'll get a
iT before.
)e• Spectrum so I can work at home. they left me sprawled in the slush.
US: Fine. I've never done an interview Maureen: That used to be the airport. Somehow I raised the strength to type
Jr All: Really? this and now... PLEASE, LET ME
programming? COME HOME!
u Karen: (Pause) About three months. We arrive in Walsall, a town which just
v. fails to remind me of New York, and
te ILIS: And what did you do before trudge through the slush to the local Next month: Macdonalds with
e Wimpy where we defrost our feet and Maureen.
jght programming?
.ea A Q A S y 57

What's made by Sinclair, can be driven PLUGS SMIGHT IfITO SPECTRUMPt

by people under 16, is not very high off ONLY 1 1 5 , 9 9 POST FREE
the ground and prone to crashing? No, • TOP + TRIGGER FIRE BUTTON
it's not a C5 — it's a microdrive! Andy • KEMPSTON COMPATIBLE
Pennell takes it away... • STABILIZING SUCTION CUPS
•„:.. Strange things have little program on any printer SEND FOR INSTANTOESPATCH
•••• happened since I got a and interface,
microdrive and Interlace 1 120 FOR Y=0 TO 21 PRICE BREAKTHROUGH
at Christmas. When I first 130 FOR X=0 TO 31

switch it on everything 140 LET AS—SCREENS(Y,X) SWITCHABLEJOYSTICK

150 IF A 5 =
works fine but once it's 160
been on for a while one 170 NEXT X
drive seizes up totally or ONLY 1
190 E T Y
gives spurious 'out of ItA assumes that LPRINT 1
memory' errors. Switching It works
$ • e(for the Interface 1 use •1 *KEMPSTON'—•CURSORt—'INTERFACE
6 1 1
on and off again makes no OPEN
" #3."T"). You'll 9• ACCEPTS
difference either. P O FIRE MODELS • SPECIAL OFFER!!0 4 . i gn SEN
probably have to change the
NR Wood, Basingstoke line numbers to be used with Buy Twith QUICKSHOT II complete for only Z iL6 7 6 7 NOW
•••••• That certainly is a bit Masterfile. Graphics dumps F
•••• weird. I haven't heard of are a little more complicated. R
anything like this before. It E
sounds as though it could be •:::. I'm writing about the
your power supply as it - • recurring problems of
causes most time-related syntax errors in microdrive
problems. Since you say commands. Another reader
you're also using an wrote in with this problem
Alphacom printer and joystick and your reply was to
interface I have a feeling that ensure that the edge
once it warms up it's all too connectors were clean.
much for your standard Well, I can assure you that
power supply. Try dis- my connectors are
connecting the printer when immaculate but one method
playing games and the to get around the problem is Now you can create Superb Graphics easily with
joystick when you need to to ease off the short ribbon
print something as this cable between the interface theNewLightwriter
should reduce the load, and
hopefully cure the 'strange
and drive. If the problem
recurs then the ribbon
c'NLE16.99 PosT FREE
happenings'. should be pushed back in lightpen comes
again. This is a real complete with
How can I get my nuisance and I've written to Interface Er Software
• • Bro t h er HR5 to print Sinclair asking for advice on • Just pkog r h . O a r a L tgAtuoute, and deb...totes. souttros riPC(Ingles, tooko
superb hone dftworetp, paolt, hit. M ete. choose NAL pope,. r oto,u, • s uy , m ut
what it shows on the screen, making a more permanent om its r010 tneftertyratilk 1 and u•st a n o n a v o n or saw onto I v * to rarirel r ow
particularly from Masterfile? solution. ow etgames • A l funayousseircrectiorcen SCAM, rnerw wtrh b t l i t t p e o
• Oftbeatolote vahm • Nortimg mote to buy
The print option in it uses Robin Buncombe, London SEND NO W AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY
the COPY command but my
interface doesn't support it. •••••• I'v e no further ideas on
SF Mallon, Hove •••• how to cure this problem DigitsISandSamptireTednalogy NOW Available
but I'd be very interested in
If you're happy with text- Sinclair's reply. I've a feeling
onyar Spectrum
" only screen dumps (and C a 7 s i l
they're going to say 'send it
from Masterfile that should be
okay) then you can use this
back and Sinclair'll fix it for
you' though.
s ü d L f49.99Fos,cZ i i
s w e
• i l qpre i So o n ; A n n e , e n rm. , ••••••••••••• be t e * 1 . 4 1 0 5 • ,kalmr
a n 0 COSS•10 ••••••••1 1 0 5 • • • • 1•••• • k w • , •. •• n e n S e m e n

• Here's a very useful tip like best for Basic 0 Sa t srow •••••IN t o n w s t s . J•••••••••••11 asommO i l i f • r• . • • c rn e w e s re e
w0I re e n e n n r e • w e ri re gth * W e l e r • Sa Vi • • • •
from H Evans from programs. You could also Sonl,••••••
W o oPelorg
O thri toptt
, • o •fori ti dot• e n &b o n onerel ori er M t . • • a r•••••• •
o • •• • •FhOymodncy f t s t re nt • illeeMa . , 5 , •••••• A n t e n d • d o n e La

Leicester. As a CAT use two tokens such as ••, •••, • •••••••••• n1 1 ••••••
. ore s moodo n• n S t h n J Yelor O
re A P C ••••, t O l dr d
doesn't tell you what the SCREENS LOADer as Mesweemm.
woo h e n w smoms
e ne s •
e • 6•••••••
4 =• 001•• •voil m' orart,,,• .• •l ot/
nt w tp I st dna e d a
ol p •••••y
So.1.••••• S• nai fi• •rmonton,
• • : el y ou.e rMa t",n Pp.
5.••••••ko ••••••.el s t
p amn . etred•r 6 w
0 Or w egrow
= n

m no . W t
type of files are, you can that'll make file types o • • • • O •
, a •••••••••
r o , • •
add something to the even more obvious. •

• r
w • • • • • • • •

name to indicate this. One Thanks for that and p


way of doing this is to use don't forget I always U

, *
M r

an extension (like CP/M) welcome tips from S

• •
I S a
• r
for example TESTBAS but readers — all you've got • • • r
this sacrifices four to do is send them to me,

T w

characters from the Andrew Pennell at
. S
normally restrictive l a A Micmdrivin', VS, 14 a P
better way that only takes Rathbone Place, London e
up one character is to use W1P 1DE Well, that's it .
a token on the end of the for this month but look o
name, for example DATA, out for next month's e

CODE, SCREENS etc. Micmdrivin' as b e


though you'll have to reviewing a microdrive


decide which token you sector editor. o



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Holy Smoke! High above Gotham City a shaft

of light slices through the darkness. But
only one man in the metropolis knows its
true meaning — it's a call for help
that he has answered many times
before. Bruce Wayne races to the
phone and hears a familiar voice
Commissioner Gordon:
Batman? (For it is he!) Bad news.
Robin's been kidnapped.
Ba tme n: impossible! He's down in
the Balcave.
Commissoner Gordon: Then
this ransom notes a ruse. But-
Has Robin been kidnapped? Or
has the Boy Wonder wandered off?
Can the Gaped Crusader come to
his rescue? Will the Penguin end up
with egg on his face? Has the Joker
cracked it? Is Catwoman feline
felonious? All may (or may not) be
revealed by Tommy 'Boy Wonder'
Nash as he reviews Ocean's new
mega game, Batmen.

the four items t h a t aid screens.

over nine floors. Well, it might be
comes slip slidin' him in his m i g h t y It's this
ISO but it could just as easily be
away down the powers. But n o t being 151 or even 153. The attention to
Batpole and he's the tidiest of s u p e r h e r o e s , programmers weren't sure and I detail that
W off on his Robin he has to find out where he left wasn't counting! The screens have marks Batman out
rescue mission. Yes, that's how the things in the initial rooms of
h a definite Knightlorish look about
the straight-backed, square- the game that make up the as a true megagame.
e them but the much larger number Hardly surprising
chinned superhero of comic strip Batcave. He's after his Batboots of rooms means many more then that it's taken
ande silver screen makes his debut that allow him to jump; his Batbag puzzles. Batman will test your ten months to write.
e software, Okay, so he's a mite sohe can pick things up; his arcade/timing skills to the limit
chubbier You're even given
e fromthan you may remember Batthruster, to shoot him sideways but it'll also burn your brain out three options for the sound effects.
him the pages of DC Comics and his Batbelt, which reduces the
e his cloak and mask make him with its bewildering range of tricks Nasty lets you hear every sound
but pull of gravity on him so he can and traps. that resounds round the Batacombs;
e recognisable. But now 'fly' further. The gaine's cleverly The Ultimate influence is
he' Useful only makes a noise when
es on his own — sans sidekick. designed so that you can't unmistakable, of course. The
The the capeAl one crashes into things;
! other half of the Dynamic progress beyond a certain stage game has a similar technique of and Late At Night is silent.
Duo has gone walkies, though the without these items. With them,
B reason for this hadn't been
exact forcing you through doors if The only thing that's missing is
the Caped Crusader is ready to go you're not quite lined up. And the crazy cast of criminals from
a when I saw the game. crime-fighting. you can pick up objects in a room
Att that time, the finishing touches the original cartoons. If ever
Robin didn't go without a and use them there but you can't
were just being added to the plot there's a follow-up, perhaps the
m struggle. The seven parts of the transport them to other screens a programmers will pick up a
though the game itself was a
a Batcraft, which he was servicing at la Fairlight. And the rooms reset Penguin or take the gag out of the
hundred per cent complete. No the time of the snatch, are to their original state each time Joker's mouth...
n some perfectly implausible scattered all around the you re-enter them. But the game's How does Batman's mum call
explanation involving one of Batacombs. And before Batman a definite development from the him in for a meal?
Batman's arch enemies will have can rush to his rescue, he must Knight/ore days. Take, for Dinner dinner dinner dinner,
been thought up by the time the find all the bits so that they can be example, the reincarnation pills dinner dinner dinner dinner —
game hits your Speccy. teleported to the launchpad, that allow you to restart the game BATMAN!
Originally, Robin was meant to situated at the top of the very from the point at which you
have a starring role in the game highest tower. The game ends collected one last — great idea FAX BOX
alongside his crepuscular when Batman's sitting in the that. And then there's the ability Game B a t m a n
companion and the programmer's reassembled craft ready to rescue to define a single key that lets you Publisher O c e a n
even got round to designing a Robin and bring the Gotham
spritely figure for him. But then pick up and jump at the same Price E 7 , 9 5
gangsters who got him to justice. time. Cuts out all the contortions Joystick _ . . . . . K a m p a t o n (auto-
they hit a stumbling block. How (Note for Batfans: the reason for detects). Interface II ate,
with keys that you had to go
do you make it easy for the player having a batcraft instead of the through to achieve the Ultimate Keys _ _ D e fi n e your own
to control two superheroes Batmobile is that a vehicle with
simultaneously? It was at this
point that Robin was conveniently
wheels would've taken up too
much memory!)
accolade, And Batman keeps up a
constant speed no matter how r.„„.. ••••••1 1 1 ••1 0
kidnapped! The Batacombs are a complex
many objects there are in a room
—none of those short, slow steps
%lit,* to 9
Batman's first task is to collect ,
maze of at least 150 rooms spread that held Sabreman back on full M o n
6 0 o . ,
. .
. .
. •
• •

This is a one-way These boots were made

walkway to destruction. lot jumping and that's
Step on it and you'll be just what they'll do!
whisked away lo your Course, trying them on
doom - it's a conveyor for size can prove a
belt. Just keep moving little tricky. And getting
in art equal and out of the room again is
opposite direction and no easy mailer. Use
you should be okay — your carbon-reinforced
cloak to hang on by the
It's the Caped Crusader — very last thread., and
himself - bit of a tat jump!
bat! Okay, so he's put
That's a re-incarnation pill up there on top of the on weight since we last - If ymire going to keep
pillar. Fortunately it doesn't have to be taken saw him but he still out of the hairy
Internally - gefting one of those down your gob keeps active. That's monster's way, you'll
why when you leave need to knd out which
could prove difficult. Use the spring f S for
him alone too long, he of the three bricks are
spring) to being yourself up. With a pill in your sate Wee the first is
possession, and there are six in all, you don't taps his tool to tell you Batman? Pat, Calman
have to restart the game from the beginning to put a move on. - he starts out with okay, the second
when you run out of lives y o u can choose to There've been a fair few disintegrates and the
nine lives. At least you
start at the point where you collected the pill. third is a conveyor beat
can t accuse the game mild green fairies
(Programmers note; adding re-incarnation pills that'll dump you
of being stingy But toiling to make a soap
to your programs is not harmful to the memory. then with 150 odd straight onto the deadly
bubble strong enough float So, lake care
Batman only uses four bytes to store the data rooms to explore. to take your weight
for lives, objects collected, room and so on.) you're gonna need Push it over towards
them Plus there are a the bricks on the other
further 22 batplas side of the room then
scattered around the get ready for a spot of
Here's the Batthruster rooms that'll each give cloak-hanging to reach
sneakily tucked away you an extra life the Other side When you're got your
behind these bockS • 1 grips on an object it
The one colour rooms won't remain
can make it a bit tricky permanently in your
to spot objects possession LIMNS you
sometimes so the drop a and pick it up
programmers have again ti's a little trick
seen to it that they you can by out on the
move slightly as you thruster. Forget and
enter a room. leave the room, and the
thruster will return to its
Just when you thought it was sale to call it an original position.
Ultimate clone... Double rooms like this are
dotted all over the Batacombs but this is the
first - and it's quite a shock if you're not
expecting it. These rooms also add to the
realism of the game - are all the rooms in your • Just when Batmen's in
house the same shape? - but it's still possible • All over the Batacombe
a real bal jam and it 1
to map the game. there are hidden rooms
looks like he's breathed Jumping Jack Rabbits,
Robin' There are and the only way you're
his last, something
always crops up. The batpitis in the game going to discover them
BAT MOBILES gaine's the same - that'll each give you ten is by wilting Into walls
Course, most crl the
sometimes. There's a double height junto,
random 'clog"s life' that You can see how many time you'll just and up
with a sore head
may just save your you have left here. But
bacon, use them carefully -
you only have to waste
one jump and it may
mean you won't be able Here' 11
to reach that illusive sunexpected
a Always objects that can cause
object. t i l an eye open for
keep problems. Sometimes
e 5
the up exits to the just getting from one
This is no stairway to o
floors above you n
side of a room to
heaven y o u II Soon l 1 o
another can get
find that the steps have t Batman'
t s knickers in
atendency to h twist e v e n though he
disintegrate as you e does wear them outside
tread on them Which n
his trews.
ones? You'll find out l
soon enough! y
Here bOy wallues t h is
canny canine
-c dinner of you but
you can put him to
— good use. Wait for
i a ks (Mum
you cart see here the Rover' e then
objects that are stored a
drop the spring on his
inyour batting. But head. flow It's your
even Batman can only turn. Jump on to the
carry things of a
reasonable size like this
spring. If you need to
1 u
spring and bounce up
p the next room
where you'll find a bit of
Keeping taking the Faster than a speeding
use a larger object 10 tablets, For instance, bullet... Well, he is when the Batcraft•
stand on, you II just find a shield pill and he's found one of the
have to push it into you'll be invulnerable batpills that speeds him
position for 99 seconds - the up for 99 paces. The
Does he look the bat's whiskers, or what? He time ticks away on this countdown comes
clock. You can here.
walks, hie runs, he jumps, he stamps his foot -
now you can collect the complete set of Bat recognise all the
capers. This print-out shows you some of the batpills 'cos they look
programmers' finished ideas for the game's just like baby Batman
graphics. Besides Batman, you can see a
selection of the dastardly devils out to do him
in. Okay, all our old (ayes like the Joker and the
Riddler have failed to show but the game's still
chocks with cooky customers.
a i a m o
ight, to begin let me say that nto alterm the number of days you have in which to
these are going to be some of acomplete
i m your a task. Increase it to 36000 to give
the best adventure pages lyou 50 days, for example, or down to below 3600
around, so keep reading 'ern. to start making the game tougher.
a i m p

And just so you know, I'll be Most adventures are quite hard enough as it is,
dealing only with straight- and Andrew Smith of Fakenham, Norfolk, is
forward t e x t a n d finding that he Karn't do Heroes O f Karn,
texen'graphics adventures, because he's having trouble finding Khadim and
with maybe some variations like The FAMPro- also according to him, because he can't open the
tocol allowed to creep in. But, arcade adventures pearl I think you mean the clam, Andrew, in
will be dealt with elsewhere in the mag. Okay the
odd one might sneak in when I'm not looking, but
if I come across that Wally Week in these pages
I'll throw him out at once.
If you're writing in arid want a personal
which maybe you hope to find a pearl. You can't
get into that till quite late on in the adventure.
And as you might've expected you'll need a tool
of some kind to prise it open: RABIN ORCA
EKIL, As you see. 111 be printing the occasional
answer to a problem, the l o s e a stamped V i no
solution backwards, in case some people are try-

anyone's ever helped you on an adventure
addressed envelope. If you I ' l l assume ing to figure out that particular problem for remember that and see if you can now help any oftb
following with a quick letter solving their problem
you're happy for me to deal y o u r problem in themselves. Though don't he like a reader (on J. Rose, 1 2 Ruaholm e Gr ove, Rusholme Y
thesepages. Mind you, jus u s e you enclose another magazine, of course) who wrote to ask Moscheeter. In Sherlock, how to prove to I„estradi OU
an sac it doesn't mean you ' t be seeing your me if that meant the answer had to be typed into that Mrs Brown killed herself, that Foulkes is inns
name here. the adventure backwards if it didn't work the cent and that the body is really Tricia Fender, It
Valkyrie 17, how to pass rats, get meat and get cur
Address your letters to e at Your Sinclair.

right way round. rency other than Grotniks. Sherl,
And remember, if you've got a query for a differ- Did you know that there was a text-only ver- Allan Cr os hi e , 1 7 i nci scol m D r , N . Prow
ent department, you'll have to go wild and splash adver
sion of The Hobbit? I didn't, till several readers Queensfarry, F i f e 1 L D . I n P r ot:
Gibraltar, how to get through dock customs and find
out 12p on another stamp otherwise it's likely to wrote in to point out that if you choose IN' as the civilisation after parachuting from plane. I n 71 inspe.
get lost among the old axes and dead dwarves key to press to remove the loading screen and II 4
Hobbit how to find the key to open the trapdoor s
that lie around my desk. start the game proper, the graphics don't appear. Hobb
the Goblins' Dungeon (you're harking up the wrorg

Always try to ask a specific question, too. How It works — try it. I Uiink the star of that adven- key there, Allan.)
not to do it is shown by naisk , of 8 tore sho :be Rao Buggins, J. Ricknuus, 2 5 Beech W ood Av e , Na .
Milton, Hoots BH25 5NR. In Skip Of boons. hoe
Meadow Road, Mirehouse, IX , Cum- because o numbers-ef b sin the program. to get the key from under the glass cover in the ko to tivi
bria CA28 8EJ. "How do you finishl A •iidertriani'
r The totes to come my y is from I a n room st am!
Darren asks. Well „l tdepends bow fa ou've got, Orniesh Calootk that in the orig- Lee Cr um p, 6 Col ebr ook Av e , Shirley,
Southampton, Ha nts 5 0 1 5 NR. I n Sherioik adver
inol versio )i, 1 of the game it was impossible to futon

how do you decode the notes so they're no longer
about half-way
Darren. Do youthr m t i,g hort just
few prob-
from kill the dra w T hhaot ' s because you couldn't go faulty in Basil's house?
lems? Anyway, for help on that, The Hulk, and cast from the town in gat middle of the Long D. T. Ash, 144 The Drive, !Seeley, Kent DM
just about any adventuouolife to name, con- .S 38X. In The Hobbit how to deal with the bulboa king,
Lake. That's becausOIC couldn't go east from West
eyes, and in Legend what to say to the dragon (well
tact James Elliott, 266 Corseview, Tullibody, the town in the middle of the Long Lake. This has what do you say to a dragon?), and what to offer the
Alloa FR 10 2STJ been corrected in version 1.2, mind. It sounds robbers that surround you in the woods. Petei
Another example of bow not to do it is from like it was a slight fault in the routine where you N M Br uce, 5 6 Aleadowbank, Ki r k w a t

Orkney. Scotl and KW 1 5 1 Q L has a simple .sp
M.N.Andrewit, o f 116 Rosebery Avenue, must ask Elrond to read the map for you, and the 68 134
message on Sherlock: HE LP !' We all know the
Yeovil, Somerset 8A21 5LF, who sayshe orsheis route he tells you about is only actually filled in feeling, Paul, but maybe a specific question woek An
pulling out his or her hair trying to get past the on the map at that point. If you don't have him help someone help you. Advel
Guardians of the Gates. Fine, but it'd make D. M. M a r k i l l i e , 2 6 M a r s h a l l Roa d. G AB
read the map to you then the route won't exist. Belli
things just a touch easier if you told us the name Cambridge CBI c r Y . flow to fly the plane art
The way to spot the difference between the what is its destination in Atlas Assignment I don) 6HQ
of the adventure. We don't want people pointing versions is that the names of the programmers

know that adventure but it doesn't sound much furl returi
at baldies in the street and saying "They must have been ad on the loading screen for 1,2, searching for an atlas. Every school's got hundred' archi
of them. the
, it
read Your Sinclair," do we? Have any o aders found this problem? My even
Now on to this 'El SiSpremo' business. So many version is t nd one, so I can't check it out. Owen D u n n hasn't done Se-Kaa O f Asti;
because he can't go in the castle and his staff
readers have completed so many adventures that I 'm son: soon be enosintenng more and useless. Sounds like Basil Fawity again, Help Owe'
I think instead I'll start a 'Big-Head of the morebugson Lord OfTlagifo out at 78 Roche Way, Wellingborough. AE
Month' award, so just watch it.IX' I would come.
l The most ob - - Nicholas Reclaim s, 2 H a w t h o r n Ass, IN
Mor ph!, Rooehill, Stockport, Cheshire S l i
like, though, is to hear f rm olayonc i n k s n
' g s ii ns At hR eC H D c c the
e ifacu 6EP• In Finders Keepers how to get out of the CU I f yo
they might be the first to rmilesnA t u n rthe . respomilyou
im no n tt ahh ts e! Any y o u litde above the puss-with •no-boota, arid in Ship Of Dom ad vet
Write in if you reckon you havelidaun to fame inters
b little hus-hunters out there? how to get the key when you've broken the glos
t Chi t
like that. You never know, we may e l l feature Otu n e o Pr9bliAltrin Melbourne House's case. (Not that one again!)
your ugly ot ngin these p a g q . , l o c a - 1 Not a maiden but definitely i n distress n
vi am
g •'5Pellboundis Asdrew Heath, 52 'Amer Dotelifli
a fromt Christchurch in Dorset Rd, Mothor ough, Nr Doncaiter, S.Torks SO herrii
'ElThere's nO doubt
Supremo' inily go
title haft° mtoi tJohn o f h tht most perfect h adventurer's name of 9PA. How to get to the bottom two floors ol tht robbi
_Rochdale, who's first in with completed solu- .Richard Grandorge got himself lost at this game and how to enter the gas-filled rooms. genie
i ski. g
ations. And his right to the title is even supported e
t .point. I won't print the route through the mines KI ND SOULS Fri
l aother
by t e readers
s t who acknowledge
i s his help. John m
e ebackwards, as you might find yourself even more 1 know there won't ever be a shortage of Los Stev,
g e hardly
t evert seems
i to need a clue of any lost than you were to start . with. So, if you don't Souls, stuck in adventures and writing for clues, his
a I hereby declare him the Rochdale Balrog.
kind. want to know, don't read that it's UP, EAST, I hope a l s o be hearing from all you Kind Souls maps
a too, offering to share your suooess with others Ins needi
t o hope it's not catching. Ed). We'll find out EAST, EAST, DOWN, DOWN, WEST, WEST, Maks
how a giving a helping hand by way of m ap, a clue o r
t he does it in a future issue. WEST, DOWN — you should then find yourself any unwanted old lamps you have lying around. Schlr
Now, a few tips to show that adventures are in a corridor. e To start this hopefully never-ending-story (no' word
i there's a subtle link) is David Inglis, 35 Kirkban Ye
capable of POKEing a program as well as the Richard and others have j also had trouble with Mar
next: hperson.
e Jim Grimwood of London found Ave, Combas/sag, Glasgow 072 I NT. Mond)
the barrow-wight. It seems a that violence only finished and mapped The NereradingSlorss excep Elais
you canMbreak
' o inton Level a 9's. Dungeon Adventure meets with violence. At peaceful approach won't for a bit near the end where, he says, he can't goiou
if you get stuck in the tower. It's at this point that get you anywhere, so: remember how he got from the stairs to the doer
b ELBIS IVNI EMOC We've all had nights like that, David, If you want's) you b
there's abug in the routine that keeps track of the EBDN AGNIR RAEW. Another common prob- help on NEC, then, send David an sac — and ifhe eat crew
objects you're carrying. If you have too many you e
lem is asked by Tim Chamberlain of 17 Col- remember how to get to the postbox hell solve vow wind
can press BREAK, POKE 26490 with the num- Fir
thurst Way, Leicester M LE5 2LF, and that's "Can problem.
and I
ber of objects you were carrying, GOTO 100 and CIT write to Al a n Fair clough, 2 3 Mendes
you kill the Black Riders?" i No, cowardice is the Gardena, Tr anener e, Bi r kenhead, Mersey- 9514
then get out of the exit door. answer, but you've gotnto know which way to go I ride L42 5NG , who completed 1 Neve
Adrian Shaw of Plymouth has been tinker- to avoid them. If theycarrive, the general rule is and
, then went on to polish off Lord Of The limp he po
ing around in the Oracle's Caw, and found that HTUO SROH TRON OGYL NO. And now if which
•1 E S people
' i seem
n to1be finding
2 much easier thas anyoi
you can press the down arrow key to get into the you'll excuse me, I'msgoing west till the next The Hobbit, arid rather a disappointment. -
h o on
patch u r ' he's s
program, then change the value of T in line 3002 issue. o N o t . The Hobbit," Alan reckons.
Talking of which, there's help available from U114(
f another reader on The Hobbit, Hampstead, Valkyiu
4 /7, Velnar's Lair and Pmasnarama (how did With any si
6 2 1

./ . .M i k e Gerrard joins the YS team to champion the cause of Spectrum adventurers everywhere.
zrep Into my column — get out at once!) He's
. I Ramat O 'Br i e n, 2 3 M a n o r R o a d ,
Reviagton, Wigan, Lance WN6 8EE. Is he a
Our adventure section has increased
Von ads enturer with no peer considerably this month, and from now on
You'll have to send the postman further north if
!auwant help on Enk The Viking. No, not quite to it'll be in the very capable hands of
Sonsay, but to Sumo Terras, 9 Leslie Terrace, adventure addict, Mike Gerrard. Mike is
Prestwick, Ayr shi r e K A 9 1 LN. Euan's also
tolling to help on Hampstead, Urban Upstart. already well-known for his adventure
Alterlock, .Spidermari, The Hobbit, Valkyrie 17, Founts
Nicol Part I, all Artie and Channel 8 (R.I.P.) columns in other computer magazines, and
uhentures, and most ()villa adventures (sounds he has also written several adventure books
kite )ott've got an early Quill that allows you to
Etspeaan adventure's data — am I right?) and articles for the Guardian.

If vou're wondering why I repeat titles like The
Raba which several people have written in about,
wel IFS because if someone's stuck in more than one
tOrmture. he might be able to find one other reader to be very much a case
%boon help on them all. rather than have to write
ratWOOTthree. If you do write, never forget to send a 0 ofthe
n "Wait
128and see."
front it seems
'tamed addressed envelope. Though Ocean has
Asfor those who've completed literally dozens ot extended The Never-Ending-
stentures. I'm saving their moment of glory for a Story (packaged with every 128
mareissue, but mean% hile a few quickies:
sold,: other adventure

Pic Hobbit, Sub-Sunk, Urban Upstart, Red Moon,
Ewald hie, Forts' At 1,Vorld E r n i and Twm publishers are in the main
kingkor Vlilles. saying that they
Waiters Rd, Aberdeen ABI 6NJ.
Haw of Death, Vallivne 1 7 and Fourth Protocol: .hote the 128 sells before . .
K e v i n couple of adventures
hi tt Bates, 21 Bedfor d Gardens, Tinshill,
incentive to buy the dknuckling
l i k e down and producing
Leedsc LS16
I n6DII. almost ready, written on anything for it. Oh well, it gives
t o rindes hand Urban 1. ' T Spectrum version of the Amstrad using tus chance
o to catch up on a few
, Bexley
11 ' Drive, Normianby, Cleveland.
h Incentive's Graphics Incentive's GAG, and smoree of ethose tiny 48K games.

4 Aridfinally
P S I CaOplug
T for the Hints Archive for Lost Adventure Creator when it's
Adventurers (or HALA for short), run by Sonia ereleased on May 1st. According we're just waiting for the
1 J a m e o rs Sonia for short), from 38
Griffiths-Glover Spectrum version of that
9 W Drive,
Bellfteld i n Willerby,
n E. Yorkshire 111.10 rto Ian Andrew the software in order to convert them. and Sorcery fans out
G FIALAa r r offers
d , help on any adventure, and in ehouse is actively looking for One's called The Beer s there might like to
!earn onlya asks that you send in something for the
t to enable it to be built up. If you send Sonia 'adventures that 'tie been written Hunter, which is obviously o know that PSS has
themind sae she'll send you details, and she may susing the program (which has a boozy adventure in produced a second level to the
elm pat a kiss at the foot of your letter, as she did on already had rave reviews in its which you have to manage original game, along with var-
sine— but she'd have got the plug anyway! qAmstrad version.) The e
to get back into a party ious other goodies like cassette
uadventures will have to be you've been thrown out of, o
labels for saving your favour-
good, though," Ian says. "At and the other's Old Scores. ite
f characters and The com-
tthe moment we're receiving This is a modern-day plete
y Guide To Monsters. — I
you're feeling kind and want to save a Danish two or three a day written
e adventure, based in and think everyone could suggest
ktienturer's bacon, y ou can do your bi t for
using the Amstrad GAC, and around the South Bank o
some entries for that On its
international relations and contact Ni kol ai
awe've only found one that's dif- area in London. It has over u
ariettneen of Kildevel 15, 8600 Sni tcher '. own the new packagecosts
Desmark, who's sent tw o postcards depicting n
ferent enough to be worth 200 locations and three S
44.95 mail order only, or you
amps from Greenland for some reason, Red publishing under our new Med- major puzzles to solve in a can
w buy the original level one
hernngs I expect. Anyway, Nikolat's having trouble
robbingthe tax-collector in Robin OfSherwood, and
allion Adventures label. We real-time of about two rel ease as well for a package
hours. o
pturtit to the town in Valkyrie I 7 (learned how to definitely want to see Spectrum price of 414.95
db. get your skis arid your ski poles, Nikolat?) adventures, though, - We've got back-stage tours r
From the same neck of the northern woods is
The Spectrum version will of places like the Royal d
Steven Snedker , Bovedvesen 1 2 4 , 2 6 0 0
Glestrup. Denmark, who wants more tips and have all the features of the Festival Hall arranged to s The Adventurer's Club
momoust what we're planning to give you). and also Amstrad version, plus a few tie in with it." Ltd show that they now
needsto get into Schloss Drakenfeld in Valkyrie 17. extra ones. The price has yet to y have a membership of
sure you've 'bi n' everywhere outside the
WOO, and if you need a password it's a 10-letter be set — also the case for tover 2,000, and about 4096 of
wordthat's in my previous sentence. Incentive's next Spectrum of my own heroes is these
g are Spectrum owners. Half
Yetmore from the land o f the Danes. with release in Maylune, Axe, a T Terry Greer, who the members are in the 18-35
litartin Brinks, G l . Bellabaekvel 68a, 3000 strategy graphics adventure a
Ehimme, Denmark. Martin's caught up in thc a produces the stunning age group, though this may have
with battle sequences, complete pictures in Interceptor's i
door codes of Snowball, and anyone who's gone l something to do with the 410.95
thump that will have sympathy for him, m sure. If with book by Frank Oliver and adventures. Though the rmembership C. They do give
touhave enough, write and explain how to use the graphics from Incentive's k
software house recently cut e
value for money, however, wish
nes member's code — it's a lengthy explanation regular art-man, Pete Carter.
'bids there isn't really room for in this short section.
i price of all their
the a
s regular heavy dossier
Finally., for a slight change, a letter from Sweden, adventures
n to 41.99, fellow thumping thmugh your letter-
asked Global Soft- j
midIristaffer Lindber g. R6ditallenevig 11, fans
g will no doubt be pleased box and access to a phone-in
Lulea, Sweden. Kristoffer found that ffi r ware, whose to hear that Terry's currently u
helphne five days a week The
NrerrEndingSkiry did t quite Inc up to its name as 4-adventure o
working on their next release s
bepolished it (gi n three days, but needs help from news that Pete Austin's just
anew currently playing Sherlock, Sorderon's compilation is this f
with his regular partner. David agreed
t to be their President is a
Sksdowor Hampstead. though he doesn't say where month's main review, if it Banner.
a 'It's an adventure feather in their cap, so if you.
lit tuck. What a Swedish adventurer makes of the p
had any other Spectrum revolving
r around an earth- fancy reading his monthly
1149i. gentlemen's clubs and so on in Ilampyread I
releases lined up. Mike quake." was all Terry would u
emitknow. hut I'd beguile happy to hear and from t column in the club dossier, give
Enother adventurers international. Daniels said, "We've got a tell me, though. b'emu ring on 01-794 1261.
- l
m i 63
e s
n h
Amp 1111111111

Compilations are definitely the in-thing at the moment. Here's the first especially for adventurers, although it
contains four lesser-known adventures rather than a group of mega-hits. Still, anything that carries Tony
Bridge's seal of approval has to be worth looking at, and the varied selection here should provide at least two or
three for anyone to enjoy.

OUT OF THE SHADOWS 111F warily examined the smelly fur

coat and tin of dead maggots,
get out. As it seems to me
highly unlikely that most peo-
before going north and walking ple would get it. g i v e the
1 into a lamp post where I was answer 'here, hut backwards, of

given a message that I'd met
m• the lion and the wardrobe, but
no witch yet! With that out of the way I
Back at the cave, another was soon wandering towards
exit leads to the obscene mural the main road, where a dead
a HE RO I N F O R M I R T I O N itself, so in the interests of hedgehog warned me to be
Race : HUMWW
0 research. I took a close look. It careful. It's had enough being
E xper i ence
r S tr e ngth 10 - small without being squashed.
D e x t e r i t y l e
- Hi t P o i n t s 80 maids
s in some extremely erotic Keeping to the fields seemed a
o u rd en 12
postures while a gorilla in a better bet. and the first simple
a O l t t i e s 0 h maze came in the form of a
Tor ch t i S e 0 tutu dances in the background.
0 o haystack — no prizes for guess-
-Shame it's text-only. It sounds

M O R N ZNO g i : V e S 0
Tr e a s ur e s 0 w
just like the IN Christmas ing what you can find hidden
Saves 0
sparty! Interesting as the mural there. later on a broken lolly-
s the room's a bit plain stick proved its usefulness,
e so it's back to the though you've no sooner dug
cave and out the other side and your way out of somewhere
voff to a small house, where you than you're confronted by a
few monsters and boost your efind a carved cuckoo, a copy of giant mole. Up onto a lawn
My own un-favourite is this and you're outside a house,
attempt at producing a D&D experience. If you fancy mov- rthe New Ore Times (ouch!) and
ing a matchstick man round a aaC5 order form quietly mould- though inside the garden shed
style game. there's a swarm of killer wasps
The opening screen invites matchstick landscape and lering away. Heading off in yet
getting attacked by matchstick another direction through a that saw me off. Fortunately
you to restore a saved game,

nfield of ripening corn, past the the RAMSAVE feature helps
create a new dungeon. create a rats then this could be just the
new hero, or create both. And game for you. ubuzzing insects and the hover- battle recommence pretty eas-
bing vultures, I managed to ily.
your hero can be either a Microntares a lot of fun, and
human, elf or dwarf. though THE MURAL isqueeze myself into a pillar box
clever use of The Illustrator
there are no characteristics to lbut couldn't squeeze myself out means that decent graphics pop
set up other than those you're again. The adventure makes as
k emuch sense from in there as it up fairly regularly.
issued with. You then have a
edoes from anywhere else. so I
choice of' six quests; or of a ran- -. . . . .
dom quest; or of no quest at all
.1 .t
l stayed put and tried to read the ._
if you just want to have a
:4 1 6

vsmall white envelope and
al f r 6
mooch about. The quests all -1 1 0 epuzzle out why I hadn't been

have grand names like Silmaril, able to get the buclset with a 1
The Island, or Crown and Ser- 10 . nhole in it out of the well.
pents — and as that sounded • 1mr - Baffled yet? Me too — but I 1
like an interesting pub to visit I The Mural is certainly a enjoyed it all tremendously just 1
sct off in search of it. It has to t4 1 — unless there are
contrast the same.
be said. though, that all the now 1. dungeons and dragons in P
quests look remarkably similar. 1 m High Street. This is I
One feature of the display where you allegedly begin the - This final adventure on the
screen is an attempt to simulate game,2, according to the X
real vision. So, your little scenario. Having been accosted 4 Fmtrenosttape is the one that'll
, Iprobably interest lots of people
matchstick man can only see by two men wearing suspender
what he'd see in real life; any 1 you're given the task of
belts, . O R • l V t . a a
SF M O D O C -
a n t a n
4as it's an early effort from
someone who went on to do
part of the landscape that's painting
1 over an obscene e s i k , S 1 WO M O 1 0 . 6 4 4 4 0 .

Sbetter things. That someone is

blocked by walls or wrhatever mural. Now vou have to admit f

doesn't appear on the screen till that , as adventures go, this is r

VFergus McNeil, the better
you move to a more suitable just1that bit different!
g things are Bored Of The Rings.
position — hence the shadows, You awake in a cave with a
IRobin Of Sherlockand various
out of which various beasties 2 more for company than
nothing Released previously as Pri.yeCi X
M quests for various joysticks.
The-ch4iii's gothic character set, —Micro Man, this is the tale of
Not that 1;e/14i
come to attack you. One of the 7 m
Professor Neil Richards (that bad
first essential things to do is but with exits in all directions. v
- — it is certainly my favour-
locate the home of the . me to pick the one which ,
means you). who's been given a ite in this collection, with lots
Trust &
/as i s i n
Merchant, somewhere near is immediately
, blocked off by a dose of Gamma Radiation
of style and indicating just how
that's reduced him to the size
much n variety
y you can coax out
your starting point. Here you penguin which drops down and
sits: there eating a sandwich. Or w Gilsoles
of a y utilities.
can buy and sell items, includ- of a box of matches. Quite why


the shrinking has to occur while For a futuristic adventure
ing the food that you'll need to : it a sandwich eating a Pen-
keep on trekking. guin? Whatever it was, I had he's sitting inside his car I don't we're presented with a futuris-
nothing to try to get past it know, but it does lead to the tic character set, though I'd
There are plenty of spills and
spells. as you attempt to slay a with,
f so I entered the cupboard, first fiendish problem — how to have willingly sacrificed it for

64 i
PIM SYSTEMS Green s c r e e n M oni t or

w or k s w i t h a l l
home m i c r o ' s
Ouickshot II

E 6 99
for 01_ and C16 9 9

Pro Interface. f 16 95
Tr 'state
+ fr ee lead E12
Standard t 9 95
M/ DRI V E DOCTOR 2.1 E79.99
48K Spectrum / Spectrum + onl y
E 6 9 . 9 9 w he n DATA BI NDE RS
Extends B A S I C t o p ro vid e e xtra d isk-like commands. bought w i t h m i c r o
Heavo — large
New release in clu d e s.. F u l l re n a me f a c ilit y . S e c t o r
CO c ape c , O , L
restorer. Cloning of A NY cartridge (two drives). Cartridge Completi7 (C. fi voi d e rs ,
MP ts
status display. Fu ll catalogue. Mergeing of A NY program. contents p a
S i n c l a i rU G T, E 185 tColours — Me e *
File fi n d e r. L i s t s f a u l t y se cto rs. S p e cia l co mma n d s b
S pe c t r umT+ p a c k E 125 eState Micro t 5 95
for advanced users and p le n ty mo re . Co mp a tib le wit h S pe c t r um 1 2 8
E 169 i•tn.e.g.L . e
ti a r n
all Sin cla ir Interface 1 R O M types. Included is a sector
editor p ro g ra m f o r o n screen alteration o f A L L data.
Com m odor e 6 4 p a c k
E 179
E 289
b i n don• off
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TheAdventurers Club Ltd.

64c Menelik Rood, London N W ? 3RH. T e l e p h o n e ! 0 1
7 9 4 SI1NO
ON OFFER Ns issue'sprograms
ADVENTURER! areakvadyestape—
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The Adventurers Club Ltd. run by Professionals
for ALL the Adventurers!
Va aremar cameral Le my ways. the literzairetai l i near * Chab)
one that I could read. Alongside
it goes a futuristic adventure 9
Alcohol Reclamation Centre.
(the loo!) while further on
Graphics are used sparingly but
effectively, and the ability to
adventure I can't see anyone
complaining. Okay nothing
language, too, so that you get there's the miniest of mazes —
responses like 'Confirmed' one location! g 0 travel between the different
planets means there's a lot of
stunning, but a nicely thought-
out collection of good solid
instead of 'OK', and 'Input not There are special instructions variety in the adventure — just stuff that might otherwise have
understood.' Your job is to for when you reach the bridge as there's plenty of variety in escaped your attention.
cruise the galaxies and find the of the meta-galactic skycruiser, this package. And at £2 an
lost crystal, but first it helps if and these enable you to visit FAX BO X
you look round the locations whichever planets are within Tale Four m ost Adventures
near the Spaceport where you your reach. Initially there are a Tart 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • 0 0 0
Value to mortal, ▪ Publisher G l oba l S oftw ar e,
begin. Just south of the four of these: Grallon, Termi- p Box 67, London SW11 IRS
Metalon Bar you'll find the nan, Akrol and Septule.
n Price L 7 .9 5

I suppose you might call this another QUIP adventure — one
- written using The Quill, The Illustrator and The Patch. And
I come to think of it, that's not altogether a bad description for a t

f game that displays a neat line in dry humour. In one location

there's a piece of string which you can't GET, so naturally you 0
EXAMINE STRING: "You know perfectly well what a piece 0

of string looks like." Oh well, it was worth a try. Elsewhere

you rummage through a pile of rubbish to unearth a letter. We
intrepid adventurers are always finding letters, and what's the
first thing we do? Right. READ LETTER. i t s not that sort
of letter!" What? Examining the object proves that in fact it's a
letter t h a t ' s dropped off a sign somewhere — though what
the 'L' you do with it I haven't yet worked out.
Your task in The 1:..xtricaulr as an earth agent for a top secur-
ity company is to rescue a Professor Roberts from the deten-
tion area of the *Star Fleet Command' headquarters on the
Planet Arg. You begin, though, on "an alien plain with purple
grass swaying in 'the breeze." You're wearing a tin hat and
staring at a rather tatty scarecrow. Sitting staring at things
doesn't normally get you very far in adventures, though this is
one where you'll have to look closely at the occasional illu-
Central Solutions seems to have released several tons of budget
strations, as well as paying attention to the text, if you're to
make any progress. software recently, including a few hundredweight of Spectrum
adventures. All the ones I've seen so far have been written
Uncovering a familiar old fissure, I made my way past some
using The Quill and The Illustrator, but my choice of what to
not very clean water and into one sector of the complex. review was dictated by finding one that would load, Never has
On a desk I found a computer, which on closer
my volume knob been twiddled so much to so little effect.
inspection turned out to be "a ZX Spectrum wearing a Saga
Still, the aptly named Survitiai finally went in there, though
keyboard." I had a tape of data with me, and got a code from after all that trouble I really wished it hadn't. Perhaps after
that which later provided me with a laser gun. and eventually I introducing The Patch. Gilsoft ought to provide a spelling
made it to the red sector_
checker for programmers who write !thaught' for 'thought'
I doubt if experienced adventurers would take too long to and 'screach' for 'screech'. The idea behind this one is that
work their way through this, but I think you'd still like some of you're MI5 agent Gary Gullible and you must recover some
the problems and smile at their solutions. Beginners though, top secret documents believed to be hidden on the island of
could find it taxes their ingenuity a good deal. The atmos- Master Mud. It's here that you're parachuted at the start of
phere's reasonably convincing, with an attempt to produce the game.
more than just the bare location descriptions. And the pricing's You begin beside a perimeter fence carrying nothing but a
about right to provide value for money. especially as the B-side
of the cassette contains an impressive tune called Frantic. cheese pasty, a crowbar, a stopped watch and a lamp without a
plug. Strange things to be cartying when you've just been par-
achuted into this top priority mission. Bond wouldn't have
stood for it! The first painful experience is your encounter with
a guard, and this meeting is followed by a Swords and Sorcery-
type sequence of messages like "He hit me" and "I missed
him" which are printed on the screen in a long drawn-out

;Zrees%4 manner. You have no control over this and as the messages
and outcome are the same every time your enthusiasm for the
adventure soon starts to disappear. My first thought after that
was SAVE, which I'd advise you to do, except for the slight
80U U lf rr› lU u rO S C G c
.1 .4 4 1 r. U t i t u o u p e G i u G I
problem that the program doesn't recognise the LOAD com- •
-iOr er . T U C • 8 0 1• i . ' . 1 . , / U C O t r L o I - I T mind. Despite the fact that this is documented, it produces the
C R O N 1 / C f P C U r • .0 5 0 u T e 1 ,
4I t i t NC , N response "I can't." I tried the usual RESTORE, RESUME,
1 . 8 1 . 1 1 4 G LOAD GAME. LOAD PROG in case the documentation was
now u s v a t " 7 wrong, but all to no avail. This is doubly annoying when the
adventure is jam-packed with sudden deaths that hit you with
no warning. Take, for instance, the corridor junction where,
upon going NORTH, you're immediately killed by guards who
smell your cheese pasty. As each of these sudden deaths means
having to go back to the start, you can imagine the fun I've
had reviewing this one. Survival really was an apt title after
FAX BO X all

Tort U t i n e n i n D
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Di d y ou k now that Ca pta i n Kir k's got thr ee ear s? Or li' on the l e tt one on the r ight a nd


M o r e t h ru s t Sc o t t y 'c o s w e ' r e off into s p a c e o n a mi s s i o n
to p re v i e w M a rt e c h 's la t e s t g a me , T h e Pla n e t s . T e re s a
M a u g h a n b o l d l y g o e s w h e r e n o w o m a n h a s g o n e b e f o re . . .
actually the scen ario for system. T h e p ro g ram act ually
4.3.99. Disast er has hit Martech' s new arcad e/st rat eg y co m es on two casset t es as It
the planet Earth. game. T h e Planets. Writ t en b y just wasn't possible to cram all
Tornados. Eart h q u akes. Ian Me A rd l e . Malco lm Smith the info Onto o n e tape. O n the
C vo lcan o es and and John Wilso n . it's an icon- fi rst casset t e you'll fi nd T h e
ah u rrican es rag e violently. — driven g am e that looks a sh ad e Planets g am e and The Alien
pthreatening the survival of all similar to T h e Fourth Pro t o co l G ame and on the other is the
life forms. An alien f o rce has — w hich isn't too surprising data f or each planet in the solar
m ad e its p resen ce know n. since John w as involved in the system.
aSignals arrive from d eep est d evelo p m en t of that g am e too. You b eg in b y orbiting t h e
isp ace and a cap su le en t ers the That's w h ere the similarity ends, Earth on b o ard a mothership.

nEarth's at mo sp h ere. But w hat though. T h e Plan et s is a huge You've just received signals
'd o es it all m ean ? Mission: To
save the world f ro m total
puzzle that cont ains m an y from out er sp ace that h ave
sannihilation. different g am e elemen t s as well been en co d ed in yo u r
as being ext rem ely inf ormat ive spaceship's co m p u t er and it's
L So u n d s pretty hairy. eh ? It's and accu rat e on o u r solar t hese that go to m ake up The
S The Computer. Selecting thia icon gives To tie or not to be that is
the question And here's alai System Maps. Select Iles icon and
t you a choice between two lurther the big 0' thorn enable
11you re a brt ot a book-
worm and would like a bit Dull get the o f the soar system—
a you to esamene a capsule Run rings round Saturn ot extra into about lite Or ell almost.
Space travel Is all the rage on a planets surlace Neat
r Here you'll see the planet death! on Our lave planet Short Range Chart Select
Choose this one and you'll eh' To select an icon move yoUrecurnanIllyorWmg then select this icon And this and you'll gatmcksplay
D be whisked away to the the big hand using the Nice 'ere ain I I I At least at least you OW1 have to of the planet you're
planet ol your choice A space bar until it a over the lake it all in at Patrick
a you're not running rings currently on end any
Mars a day makes you 1c0a you want. around Uranus Moore s pace moons and sateartes it
work rest and play.
t has.
Lending gear down chaps
e You'll need to select this
option when you want to
tendon the *unite al a
planet or when you've had
enough and want to
71 0

0J and Mercury ere all
depicted in beautiful
lectinicotour. You can
discover pastures new I

L (bode which one you went
1 ;t to visit
1 l
1 u

1 R
ne ,
1 a
U r a
. • n
n u s
Wanna come and sample the delights of ThegData option
. .
the planets? d e e d easy if you select -ever
e wanted to know about the planet
the sampler icon—you'll gel a choice of . S aplanning
you're l
Ct e l l to visit Well. Its greyly.
two sub-Icons. . v e n
sidereal rotation, density and radius
- - - y ho u
if you need to know what to be
u precase
n I —not exactly the stun of the
. 1 i FI AT I O n r i . A nr v e 7 S A av e brochures.
ebodily r y
the surface of a planet is t t
m 113 I S T AF I CE n t hr i n g
like this is where you look.
a curwertt_rkenct...., 2 ,
y t o Sidereal rotation n whorl
The analysis displayed 1 E I it's It in this particular
may come m handy when u P
M 1 option. Displeyedon
you come to land and it l SUOMI is the sun and the
may even help you opens i E u
There'll be no blind dates planet's rotation around It
mogul. Time s ticking away as you It you don t know where
play but 1this doesn I mean t It also shows the sidereal
here. The day dale and you are lhssll give you a
Wow, what an atmosphere! k got o period111Earth days.
you've 3 to go clock year are displayed in full clue Lock. we're on
Here you'll get ell the Info watching Manech hasn I Saturn. ,
you ever needed on the l 3 keep yoke lea tunny
decided how longPI planted on the ground 'cos
atmosphere of the planet 1 this gives you the details
you're on. The details will nPl
3 at a planet's gravity. Its a
be displayed on a graph g t
really nifty display too.
oLg 1 How many light years And beret the planet Two spiralling bells will
i n away' Well, your. you've chosen as your
qA 1 travelling in a supersonic destination Saturn drop to the ground to
WM represent each planets
6 spaceship at about a Uranus eating a Mars -
W .
million limes the speed of pulling power
T • the choice Is yours!
1 1
1 0
1 1
1 :
Alien G am e. At t h e sam e time a it's choc-full of ast ero id s and
capsule en t ers the Earth' s met eo r storms. Bu t having T H E AL IEN G AM E
at mosphere. It is found to successf ully blast ed yo u r w ay
contain a m ap of the So lar past t h ese you're then read y to
System that sh o w s the position land on t h e planet. B e careful
of eight similar cap su les on the though. you'll n eed to t ake all
other eight planets of the sorts of f act ors into acco u n t —
galaxy. That's all the info you such as the planet's gravity,
have. An d even that's m o re than at m o sp h ere and su rf ace
you'll glean from the conditions. An d that's w h ere all
'instructions' that co m e with the the up- t o- t he- minut e technical
g am e — t h ere won't b e any. info on each of the planet s
So h o w do you set about co m es in handy. If you thought
saving t h e Earth f ro m total docking p ro ced u re in Elite w as
destruction? First you've got to diffi cult, try having a g o at this!
play T h e Alien G a m e — h ere At least the gravity's t h e sam e a stagger 3 levels
you'll u n co ver the clu es that'll ' - - tegy
on every Coriolis sp ace station.
help you o p en the cap su les. Bu t e• successfully con 1'ft train
If you land co rrect ly you a pii. , ; ..itormation that'll help ,
don't exp ect it to b e should see a lo cked cap su le To E
f make it even more tricky Martech hasn
immediat ely o b vio u s w hen you bearing an alien inscription. If a
any instructions - you'll lust have to work .‘
do fi nd a clue. R em em b er aliens you've cracked t he co d e that ycrursell,
c won't you!
aren't too keen on u s h u m an s lets you open t h e capsule, you'll h
so they'll d o their d am n d est to receive part of the solution to 9
m ake things diffi cult. the Earth' s p ro b lems. Bu t you'll a
Now you' ve got so m e id ea of n eed to open all nine cap su les JOU s RN EY THROUGH
how to open the cap su les you'd bef ore you m ake sen se of the S P Ae C E
better track dow n w h ere t h ey' re solution. An d even then yo u r c
located. So p rep are for blast off t roubles aren't o ver — you'll 'just t
— destination: t h e so lar system. learn w hat you' ve got to do i
Decide w hich planet you w an t to next. It w as n ever like this on o
visit fi rst, then select the Sp ace the telly. B eam m e up Scotty. n
Travel option. Yo u r spaceship' s Kirk out. •
Computer II t h en b e given all t h e
information it n eed s ab o u t the FAX BO X
Game I he Planets
planet yo u ' ve chosen. Publisher Mart ec h
Then lift-off Into the vast Price C9 95
vacu u m of sp ace — o n ly to fi nd

Did the Earth move for you too? The graphics are
amazing and in the final version those may even be
animated horses and the like. You're currently on Earth
but if you select the Long Range Chart you can move
H the cursor to the planet of your choice. Looks like
The Planets, talks a bout he r involvement wit h we've chosen Neptune as the first port of call.
aNiartech's ne w game o f the same na m e .
V. hen d i d y o u r int eres t i n Pc iiple ale %cry s t ir pris ed hy t h e
X siren lllll fi r s h t s t arl? latest hinhot e o n I r a t i o s t h e r e are
th. vvhen 1 wase v ery s mall a b o u t 15 mo o n s and e x p e c t e d t h e m t o
• EI• IIIIM• M• •
r be b a r r e n bec aus e t hev re so f ar f r o m 11•111111EMIll
‘‘. IPhIc
, 1.% the u i u , I he s in laces in t hes e mo o n s 11111•111111•11E
,nil 1•I i n t he sky aCn d it r e a l l y t u r n e d
..,1;k are f u l l o f s wirls and t his means t he
•. I 7 c ores hav e at s onie p o i n t been w a r m
%%hat d o y ou a c t u a l l y d o as a n and ac t iv e. Fi l e lug ques t ion n o w is.
a s lt r o n o me r ? o
a r i d
h o w? Ur a n u s is ov er t wo b i l l i o n
r mo; a f u l l - t i me u
a s t r o n o my miles f r o m t he Min MI it c o u l d n ' t
1 o1 4 as t er and wr i t e r . I ' v e wr i t t e n
broadc hav e been t he heat f r o m t hat . Th i s
a14kb o o k s and pres p ent ed t hree u p - t o - d a t e i n f o has ev en been Once you've reached your destinah o.1
tgeleve r is ion s eriese- - t h e mos t rec ent i n c l u d e d in t he game. landing option and your ship'11 start its desc
onee d eb e i n g t h e Planet s . o f c ours e. D o p e o p l e rec ognis e n o w see a grid appear and you must search unhl the
I !gm d i d ' M I g e l i n v o l v e d les T h e square containing a character representino
n t y ou' v e heron o n ' I N' s uc h u l o t ? ,
Planes.% game? . Yes. Abs olut ely . Es pec ially girls o f
Take care when landing - you must be at a •tof
s i less than 20,n/sand you must also take ink) 'unit
I was i n a p l a n epo n my way t o l u d y about 1 4 o r I — I c an't t h i n k why . the planet's atmosphere and surface
iwhne n my p r o d u c e r t o l d ITIC t hat
D o y ou hav e a h o m e c o mp u t e r ?
n t
I'vlartech wa n t e dr me t ii get i n v o l v e d Yes a B M % O o o p s ,
in H tohe p r o d u c t i oen i l l ns new g a me . Do e s 11 a me m y o u '.'.hen p e o p l e c ull
iOh fe Monet v . I was v ery ex c it ed by y ou a n A s i n o l o g e r ?
IIa ie p r o p o s a l becsaus e t he game is Yes it does . 1 get veil.' angry bec aus e
m dirktent triiim the series and
n e The t wo s ubjec t s are t ot ally dif f erent .
viayh i - t e c h .
n yms b e l i e v e i n A s t r o l o g y ?
/ 4Iti
h a c c u r a t e is l h e P l a n e t .. g a me ? N . way !
y Yt i n ; c an fi n d 4)111 la$e v o n b e e n d u b b e d She Female
Ii NRINd o f det ail abit ut eac h planet l i k e Pat ric k Nlinore?
grav e
r it y a n d dis t anc e From t he l ' a r t h . Yes. a n d no. A lot o f people d o say
nd y o u c an usre t his i n l o r ma t i o n r i l l a f e ma l e Pat ric k M o o r e but it 's
heti p l a y i n g t he
o game. obv ious ly r u b b i s h 'c os I ' m h a l f his
%re y o u i n v o l v e d i n any o t h e r site. A p a r t fi l ms t hat we r e als o
c o mp o u t e r gamesf ' :
t ot ally dif f erent . Pat ric k ' s a
Well, m I d i d get i n C v o l v e d wi t h s e n s a t t i ma h i ma t e u r A s t r o n o me r
• i t e r fi n t k i fi n t he I M ( whereas I wa s t rained as a We've arrived sate and sound on Neptune. if you look
carefully you'll see the capsule on the left of the sateen
s houldn' t s a hv t hat . s h o u l d I ? As t rophy s ic is t a n d c an t h e r e l o r e - choose the big '0' to examine II. Selecting the
V a n y o u t e l l us aa h i t m o r e a l I i mp a r t t he h a r d f ac t s about t he Sampler option will unable you to get the gen on the
t he lat es t j,uiui MI I !Attar..? physics o f t he s olar s y s t em planet - you may need this when trying to open the
n capsule.
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YS Makes it Biggles!
Chocks away chaps 'cos we're off with Biggles and his chums to win a model Sop with Camel,
five Tiger Moths and 25 copies ofBiggles, Mirrorsoft's ace new game.

myself," wheezed Ginger. "Oh buck up in with a chance to win a fabulous prize
room of his Mount Street flat. Ginger this is serious stu ff," jerked in o u r whizzo Biggles comp°. An d
In between mouthfuls of toast Biggles. "What ho! Out with it Biglet;
B crumbs have w e g o t some spiffing
and tea h e slowly digested there's something i n t h e w i n d ," prizes — Mirrorsoft is offering a fantas-
i contents o f a newspaper i n
the grimaced Al g y. " On l y l a st night's tic Sopwith Camel model aircraft to the
front o f him. Bleeurgh! Al g y a n d curry," sniggered Gi n g e r. Biggles winner and fi ve second prizes o f a
Ginger, his two closest chums, came pursed his lips and looked Algy and Matchbox Tiger Moth. And that's not
bounding in panting slightly and look- Ginger squarely in the face. "Have you all — the 25 runners-up will each get a
e very red i n the face. "Morning two seen the front page o f The Daily copy o f Biggles, the computer game
s old chap," they chortled i n Male)" inquired Biggles, passing them that's based on the film. Top hole, eh?
unison. " A fine time to roll down to the rag. "Gripes, it's a picture o f us," All you've got to do is fill in the cap-
a I must say," grunted Biggles. guffawed Ginger, "Remember th a t tion in less than 12 words, add your
"Gripes, w e have blotted o u r copy particular scrape, eh chaps?"... name and address and send the whole
sbooks," sniggered Ginger. Have a look at the cartoon w h a t do caboodle, or a photocopy, to Biggles
i "Looks like we're in a bit of a jam," you think they're up to now? If you can Compo, YS, 14 Rathbone Place, Lon-
said Biggles. "Rather have marmalade think o f a witty picture caption you're don W1P
h What a jolly wheeze! Here's my wads° caption
b Name Address
e Rules
a Chaps who work for Sportscene Specialist Press
and The Mirror Group are not allowed to
k enter. Bouncing Czechs included. Your luck
f will run out if you try to enter after May 31st.
a Unless, of course, you're one of the old school.
The Ed'll ask you to come outside if you try
s and argue with him 'cos he's a real bounder,
t cad and roller.

Pscientific produces KeyDefin e, a
general purpose key definer with some
helpful extras. You can either keep the
program in memory (if you've room) and
redefine keys as you go along or you can
create small stand-alone key programs
which you EXEC at the start of a session.
You can store up to 2048 characters on
up to 41 keys. Just press Alt and another
key and that key's characters are typed
out for you. So for example, you can
reprogram Quills keyboard to suit your
taste or have complete routines run at
Alright, you asked for it n o w you're gonna the touch of a key in SuperBasic.
get it — regular coverage of everything CIL. Pressing Alt and Enter will recall the last
Max Phillips dusts down his machine line entered — a godsend for
SuperBasic! The only hassle comes if
the program you're running wants the Alt
while haven't I? No matter, VS has got a lot of key for itself (such as Hisoft's screen
editor). Perhaps a new release could let
catching up to do on the surprising world of the CC
We're starting with the reviews here but we'll be you define a key of your choice as the
O doing hints'n'Ups, letters and listings as soon as call-up key!
poss. But first, as they say, here is the news... You also get Dir-Help, a multi-tasking
p job which will open a real window, let you
e• Is there a language the Q L can't run? QL/APL is now do directories of either microdrive, list all
n for 0 9 , 9 5 from MicroAPL. on 01-622 0395. If you the jobs in the machine, view your own
w APL, you should know that this'll go on an unexpanded help file or spool-print to a printer or
QL and c omes in either keyword o r squiggle versions. microdrive. Using the print-spooler lets
iMicroAPL is well chuffed with it, "It's better than some of our
you instantly get back to work while
E2000 Supermicro versions". Wow! And if you've never heard DireHelp does the printing for you.
e it, its a concise and powerful maths-based language. Past
of Finally, there's one of those useful fast
a says they will be delighted to tell you more but be cartridge copy programs on the tape. At
n ..• if you've never seen a complete statistics package its price it packs in a lot of stuff and
written in one line of program, you won't believe a word of it! makes using the QL a lot quicker and
d• Digital Precision's Supercharge SuperBasic compiler
more enjoyable.
scontinues its run away success and is now in use at several
awell-known OL software houses, turning out commercial FAX BOX
Title K e y D e f I ne
yproducts. There's been less success for a nasty Belgian Publisher Psientiftc Software
atype turning out fake copies. The blister-packed fakes don't Pnce C9 95
actually work. And the program detects that the Lenslok
acode has been removed so that any programs which you do
amanage to compile with it frequently stop with a "Pirated
hSupercharge" message!
.• Talking of Lenslok, Supercharge's producers point out The official Sinclair assembler is
Uthat Firebird's Etitefor the Speccy has given the system an produced by GST, the people who nearly
unfair reputation — apparently t h e reason it ' s s o bought you ODOS. Its a big, capable,
mimpossible is that the wrong scrambling routine crept into unfriendly thing, crudely adapted to run
mthe original release! I always wondered why it was easier to on the QL and consists of a full-spec
mguess than use the lens._ 68000 macro-assembler, the you-know-
,• Beginners looking for a break could do well to contact who grotty screen editor and a linker.
IBreakthrough Software at 17 Shaftsbury Way, Royston. Herts These are run separately, although you
SG8 9DE• Among usual things like a £6.50 print-spooler and a can run the assembler and linker directly
'free screen dump with all purchases. Breakthrough has an from SuperBasic if you have Sinclair's
von-line SuperBasic manual for a mere £8.50 (this is the stuff). QL Toolkit. Still, its possible to balance
eWhen you come across a problem, hit F 1 and the On-Line both the editor and assembler in memory
hManual pops-up with complete help on SuperBasic, without on a 128K system if your source code is
quite small.
awrecking the current display. You can even create your own
help screens with Quill. Come to think of it, why should this be But the lack of luxuries is no problem
dlimited to beginners? when you consider how good the
t• On the games side, Leisure Genius's fiendish Scrabble for assembler itself is. As well as a
hthe Spectrum has made it across to the OL. It costs E14.95 and comprehensive set of directives and
i brings with it new extras like a clock and a much enhanced superb expression evaluation, it can
generate either absolute code to be run
sdictionary. Give 'em a ring on 01-935 4662 if you reckon it directly with EXEC or relocatable code
won't make mincemeat out of you. Genius also has the rights
O to Monopoly and Cluedo b u t is holding fi re to see how that can be glued to previously
LScrabble goes. Don't wait too long guys ... Digital Precision is assembled modules (or even compiled
ftalking about a familiar-sounding game with the QL playing a high-level programs) using the linker.
overy intelligent opponent! And still no word on Microdears The macro facility is very complete and
great new adventure with arcade bits. the package includes a library of useful
r• And finally, the bit at the end that reminds you we can't do macros, such as IF, FOR, CASE and so
ewithout your help. We need your ideas, hints, problems, on. Using these and your own macros
news and new products ... even if you just write and tell us can make machine code almost as
what you do with your QL, what add-ons you have and what painless as SuperBasic. The only
you'd like to see in the mag. You could even send in some disappointment is that conditional
program listings ... the Ed's gonna have to get used to this! assembly is only provided inside macros
• Writ e t o : CIL N e w s , Y S , 1 4 R at h b o n e Pl a c e , • w h a t happened to an IF E N D I F
London W1P 1 DE. directive?

Eigen Software's first OL release is the release version has a fair number of
stunning Paragon. Once loaded, you bugs but the final version should be out FONTS t h e real thing!
can call up 10 different functions at any by now. And Eigen cuts corners with the
time which work in genuine windows_ skimpy manual — it comes on a Quill When you write a program like Paragon.
You can reposition them and they don't file not on paper! Even so, its an you're sure to end up with a lot of useful
mess up the screen when you finish with impressive program. Get one to impress little routines. Like genuine window code.
them. Any similarity to Borland Sidekick your friends p l u s you'll probably find it icon and font designers and driving
on the IBM PC is purely intentional! dead useful! software. Eigen has bundled them all up
Paragon needs 22K to get going so and interfaced them to SuperBasic to let
you can't use it with big programs like FAX BOX you use them in your own programs.
the Psion packages on an unexpanded Title • P a r a gon Window/Icons/Fonts gives you eleven
OL but it works fine for assemblers, Publisher EigenSoftware new Basic keywords plus two simple
Superbasic and the like. Our pre- C19.95 editors to design your own fonts and
icons and yet another freebie screen
Choose this and dump. Hardly fab'n'gear but great fun,
Pita9on will switch
• Press Alt-F1 rand On-screen notepads the screen off if
sometimes Enter/ to FAX BOX
Do screen chimps on can be really usetut you've not touched Title • Windows/Icons/Fonts
call up Paragon s any Epson FX80 Sadly, this one lacks the 01 tor around This reports free
menu Publisher E igen Software
compatible printer proper editing and three minutes Saves memory between the Price £9.95
Choose inverse or Inserting and won't wearnicar on the top of the heap and
normal dump and use save the notes you monitor. ( S p e c c y Supereasic... it might
the trosshairs to vmle on it, There's up
This is an ordinary users — see Andy be misleading
select any part or all
of the screen.
to 8 pages to go
Pennell's program in
the last issue)
because the hear/ 'IR WINDOWS g r e a t
. 1 In ii, il you seetilitat I
The Technical T
calculator has s
everything you'd o Much the same thinking has been going
expect plus trig on at Pscientific software whose 0-Calc
functions. logs, calculator looks a bit out-of-date
roots, powers.
t Leave this on screen compared to Paragon although it's half
tech:vials up to 8 i
while you work and the price and can be used with the Psion
you can tell whether programs in 128K. But the code behind it
nested parentheses m the mos lock Is OnOf
arithmetic on not., nice One! now pops up in 13-Windows, a package
memory, X-Y swap
and so on And a s that gives you real windows with eight
statistics mode for h new SuperBasic keywords, Like all
mean, standard a Psientific programs, it's got a proper
deviation, variance
and so On. And a
s printed booklet and you can buy the
h source code for another E9.95 — can't
programmer's mode be bad!
with hex-dec•bin o
conversion and l
68000-51y1e Of course Its gol a Days and dales from e FAX BOX
Yeo. its an ASCII
arithmetic and logical clock! Its even got an 196110 2028 Will VS table. Well. there's s Title R - W i n d o w s
Operators. Worth the alarm facility to buzz still need me when one in Sideiuck. Publisher Psiontific Software
once alone! you at a preset lime I'm 64? Pncce E9 95

• B ru te force! DEVPAC QL B e t t e r than Ever

The assembler is also fast a b o u t De vpac's got a reputation as the top up ()DOS function names and error
25% quicker than Hisoft's Devpac. The Speccy development system though, like
manual is a ring-bound guide that's messages for you so that you can see
most of the people I know, I actually use instantly what your program is doing. Six
comprehensive if a little blunt and lacking something else. The OL version is in a new SuperBasic commands are added,
in examples and explanations_ This may different league — and that's got nothing
not be suitable for beginners or indeed allowing you to list current jobs and break
to do with the fact it's programmed by into them.
many programmers but is ideal for YS's own Andy Pennell!
professional work or mammoth projects The editor and assembler are Hisoft has an excellent upgrade policy so
— in which case a better editor. 512K the few teeny bugs shouldn't worry you
combined so that you can assemble your and the package is even available on
Ram and disk drives are recommended. code simply by hitting alt-A. It's a EPROM. An excellent choice if you're
pleasant screen editor controlled using just starting out or have an unexpanded
Alt keys and even has a help screen
machine., a n d one you won't outgrow
the only drawback being the odd bug and in a hurry!
the failure (like the GST editor) to
highlight a marked block of text — pull
your socks up Pennell! The assembler is
pretty comprehensive f u l l arithmetic,
conditional assembly, a proper macro
facility plus all the usual directives.
Output is an EXECable binary file
there's no linker so long programs have
to be done by complete assembly with
INCLUDE files. But the only thing that
actually upsets me is that it automatically
assumes PC-relative in relative
instructions and sometimes you have to
explicitly tell it not to. I'm sure it's trying to
be helpful but I'm a Humpty-Dumpty
programmer and instructions mean
exactly what I say they mean!
Title C I L Macr oAssembler Devpac's debugger is Hisoffs superb FAX BOX
Publisher S i n c l a i r Research MONQL, with its single-step, Title Devpac 01_
Publisher H i Soft
Price E 5 9 . 9 5 breakpoints, front-panel display,
disassembler and so on. It even looks- .Pncce E39.95


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Thor Computer Software/n.95
Max D000iling! He got the motion, he got the action, man, the boy
can play. Arc's just the thing for all those who've got a cold in the
nodes, It's the Rt. Hon. Charlemagne Fotheringham-Grunes back
in his somersaulting splendour, bouncing through Thor's
beautifully detailed flicker-free graphics, collecting Is n d
generally dealing with one of those teleporti r14:40 s that
frequent films like 2010. • -
Things haven't changed much sin odes f „Yetad — it's still
the split pixel, platform-leaping,

yeavdid i z a r r e that makes
you think that there's lots of life•fett o r m game. If you've
got Nodes, the only r e a s o n
yyou want to carry on in a slightly different variation. If you missed
out t on
b uthe
r r ioriginal, i you're missing Out on one heck of a game,
i s Personally, r s I'm completely
s hopeless at both games. I can't
imake f head nor y tailo of the u wacky inlay card (who do these guys
think i theyk are e— Ultimate?) and I keep falling into the same
i t room with awful regularity. But winning has nothing to
s with it o I just love the way Charlie moves and am quite happy Bug BYfer-
to sit there jumping up and m o m e o r
down tillumy lives c run ohu 2Rick To be read in Husky tones. It's a dog's life working for Your
h g e ta into this Arc I SP, , I, .O Y.
Fab'n'gear " ! .......000 Sinclair. The Ed just keeps giving me all these dog rough games
t.• time MY and telling me to get my teeth stuck into as many puns as
next • •it starts
• •raining! I N
O possible on 'dog' and 'byte' — but unless you're a rabid mazer the
•m • • • • • M only word I can think of that has anything to do with dogs and this
I d d w . t i . - 4 * . u . I game is unprintable.
•1 a n n • • • I
You know how pooches are meant to like digging holes, well
• o o E Dogsbody goes a hole lot deeper. He's a special agent for the
Animal Liberation Front whose task rt is to rescue 192 pups from
the dastardly Dr. Dogmush. Fifty meanies, the robot guards, are
on his tail. Being an ideologically right-on Rover, he can only use
flower power. Dig above a plant and it'll grow, to cut off the
meanies access. Or burrow beneath rocks that'll marmalize them.
The baddies get re-incarnated, but the little doggie only has three
lives — far better to be a cat!
It won't take you a million years to poodle round this maze
game. The meanies move in most unmystenous ways across the
25 screens (though it's fun when they all go yellow and run away)
so it won't take long to work out the best way to tunnel out the
pups, A mongrel of a game derived from a mass of others, the
main obstacle is actually not to corner yourself between
the flourishing fauna. n o ce l • • m een 0 0 0 n c i _ 1
This game should be ' N i t w i t : 4 m / EISSOCOO 0001
given to your nearest Pal v i e w torWein. SUS00000130. 4
or C h u m . L a d k i p . n . . s e a u c l o o t o1 o
1 _ j

Luke The more attentive of you
may be experiencing a touch of
deja vu as you read this...
that's because Vectron was
first launched by Insight and
was checked Out in the first
issue of YS.
desperately to manouevre
round a corner without ending
up as a nasty stain on the wall.
The screen has the usual
array of control panels but
things go so fast that it's best
to keep your eyes glued to the
action. More useful is the maze
For those who've forgotten map that can be superimposed
the tale, your ship is trapped in over the view Out of your craft
the subspatial dimensions of a — at least then you've some
computer and, using your UD Idea of what's coming up
Cannon and shields, you have around the corner!
to search out the exit to a Overall, a pretty good game
maze. Only then the trouble and one guaranteed to keep
really begins! your attention. The graphics
Up on-screen, you have it — are good and fast, and the 3D
'Destroy all enemy craft'. Not effects are pretty realistic. My
exactly the most comprehensive only criticism is that the game
instructions I've ever seen, but might be a little too difficult for
the phrase does seem to cover casual arcade players — but
all the angles. Indeed, once who's going to admit to being
you're playing the game — one of them?
directing the cross-hairs of
your UD Cannon around the
3D maze at 90mph! — it's pl.y•boy • l l e n E • E C I D O
difficult to remember even to you. m o r • y • E O • M I • S 1 3 0 0 i f
fire at the enemy as you try L
t 7 5
El= it

Rick The fireman hero featured

in Mastertronic's latest, is not
O h
e w
r s
MRINKINGFOtiheRrwiseEtheMgrap cute, Sid cuddly and the
behind the game fairly
Hissing but Shuffling Sid. And thorough. The objects you
you'd be shuffling too if, like need to collect to open doors
Sid, you'd been shrunk in a are not always the most
shrinking plant fire. Being only obvious — maybe the very fat
halt the man he used to be (bit mouse is of more use than the
like the Ed really) and only on axe! Most access to the
half pay (like me), it's your job different rooms is up and down
to find the stretching rack that'll fireman's poles (yup
return Sid to normal. multi-screened
• it's a maze), but with
A silly scenario, true, but it's the right objects on you, short
one arcade adventure that's cuts can be bounced through
offensive to nobody unless ceilings.
you're a dwarf! Although a It's not as easy as it always
cheap°, it's got nowt taken out looks, this fulsome family fun,
when it comes to the basics of and if you pass this over 'cos
a satisfying game. Sure, it'd be you think it's a cheapie, then
better to know how much that'll be your loss. — this Sid's
energy the nasties knock from not for hissing or missing.
you on contact, and, okay, his
leaping about is a most r • P b . .
Pl e Y e t " V


• .

. . . 0 0 0
. . 0 0
peculiar movement — but this VOW.toe money M M E • . . . I M O
is Shuffling Sid after all

Mastertranicirl.99 system (and trouble) but is t
Rick Here's a rocket for your heavy on the galactic gasoline. v
pocket from Mastenronic, a Get this all sussed (phew! '
sort of space age Band Aid. not easy!) and you board your n

Earth has finally run out of food target. Jet pack propelled e
and instead of using trad (inertia effect'n'all) you can l

means like genocide to solve now search for stores supplies

the problem, we're sending out and flashing food aboard the
space pilots to filch the food ship — but beware, she's
from alien transporters. heavily protected inside too. A Sinclair/U.95
Trouble is they've all been mini-maze ensues, and I think Max Panic stations l i t e ra l l y 'cos this is a version of the old Panic
squelched and it's up to you to you'll be mega-amazed at the arcade game that's not for the squeamish. You play the driller
fly the firmament and feed the features squeezed into this killer in this plats'n'ladders thriller d i g g i n g holes in the
world. The more grub you get package. platforms, luring the monsters into them and then b a r n , barn,
(and aliens you zap, of course) With eleven ranks to be barn, barn, barn — drillin'em right through the head. Sickot
the further up the astral plane achieved and fifteen star Yes, forget the fact that the keyboard controls are sticky and
of promotion you'll move, from systems to be explored this that getting on and off the ladders is really f ç d y — with until you
rookie to the ultimate accolade game's worth the money for slice up your first hapless Nebulon A ille e lime , you've got to
of hero! sheer longevity. But it's far keep knocking back the hamburgers and oxygen just to stay alive
Your first task is to set your more than a cosmic maze or — just like working for VS in !act Bu t don't toSe your nerve and
approach speed and seek Out alien shoot'em up. To call it a take mercy on a trapped meanie — leave'em in the holes long
a target from one of the three cut down version of Elite is a enough and they turn into tastier nastier beings altogether.
types of alien ship. Then plot complement to both. But Dealing with Gastroids. Btpodeand the dreaded Quboids is much
your course across the star Space Hunter isn't just a cheap harder because you need to drop them through several platforms
map, keeping a close check on imitation — it s a valid game in at one go to be rid of them.
your fore and aft viewers and its own right_ A wonder at The graphics are okay. the sound a little timid but the game is
astral compass. Readings are C1.99. all go and there's plenty of levels to bore your way through even if
given for system status more than tour types of monster would've been a great help.
(shields, ammo, fuel) and ••••••••1 1 1 D O Hardly the most original of
player manifest (warp drive, Valu e tO f M o n e y PtaY•billtY • • • • e • o o d o
robo bike, equipment). Warp once
games you
butget the bit
a real fi rml r r s e w s
screamer n o m m0 0 0 0 riin
drivel' get you out of a star A
y between
y a k * their teeth, L
s I
k t o A
i , 1 6 0 4
c k
t " Y M
• • • • • • • e
1 0 0 1 : 1 "
r w
s s
l ,

o 1
o •
m •

n •
n 1
el 8 3 0 0 C i 0 13 0 0 ei 3 8 I 0 * *
r ti l X1 S C O R E ' H 1Z B O N U S LZt r E S
7 6 0
•=t 111-11 411:Z=110 -

Bug Byteit2.95

Gwyn Here's a topical little game in the light of recent Se!Wield

mishaps_ It all concerns the last remaining power station, in the
year 2086, which is running wild. It's up to you to create a robot to
zones. into the complex and deactivate each of the filly-one
It should come as little surprise to find that behind this plot lies
another platforms game, but without the ladders. Your five droids
can either sink down a level or move faster with a twitch of the
joystick. There's the usual selection of rampaging robots shooting
at you and a maze of exits linking the sections — and as some
are part of one way systems it all takes a bit of mapping.
Nothing revolutionary then, but timing of the robots and the
sliding doors is perfect so that
each screen will take some Iltp h ic•

time to master. Everything a 1 7.7.rin117,

6 . a l 8

budget game should be. • a s e a NOE E r k _ a

PSSie7.95 b y allocating fifteen ships fi r s t you'll know of the B a s i c means annoyingly slow
Rachael This is the sort of b e t w e e n the task force's A r g e n t i n i a n s is when you bump re sp o n se s at times. The
game that gets a lot of flak p r o t e c t i v e screen and land i n t o them, though at turn i n s t r u c t i o n s claim that the
from people who see it as g u n n i n g . Then it's to a map of t w e n t y any remaining pockets B r i t i s h are white and the
nothing more than exploitative t h e island and a decision which o f resistance will be revealed. A rg e n t i n i a n s black when in fact
bad taste. In tact, Falklands 82 o f four landing spots you'll T h e shape of the island t h e Brits are blue and the
Is a serious wargame and its c h o o s e as your beach head — p r e s e n t s problems of A r g i e s red and yellow — and to
Intentions are undoubtedly i t ' s wise to bring in the SAS or b o t t le n e c k s forming, and you'll c o n f u s e things further British
honourable. which Only raises S B S to provide intelligence as n e e d to plan carefully for u n i t s under command flash red
the question of why a t h e y can reconnoitre a five t e r r a i n , particularly If you're to a n d yellow too. Though it's
simulation of contemporary s e c t o r radius without h a v e the long range gunning of d o n e away with grid references
history is considered tasteless co mmit t in g you to a major t h e artillery. Fog and rough i t still plays rather 'blockily'. In
when a simulation of the mud l a n d i n g . c o n d i t i o n s can rob you of air i t s favour, though, it has five
and blood of the Somme isn't. A f t e r that it's a question of a n d sea support, but if they're l e v e l s , the easiest of which is a
You play the British, against o ccu p yin g , or being the last to t i t for you they'll also be fit for g o o d learning mode and the
an Argentinian micro, in a o c c u p y , the ten tiny towns of t h e Argentinians. In that case s i m p l i c i t y and relatively small
strategy game that t h o s e windswept rocks. And y o u hope your Harriers can see s c a l e of the game could make
concentrates on land activity, t h o u g h you can have a crack at t h e m off. i t ideal for newcomers_
But the task force is still an l a n d i n g at Port Stanley, the A n d that's it in a nutshell
important factor as it supplies co n ce n t ra t io n of Argentinian W i t h its single key entries, m a a a m
both reinforcements and the t r o o p s is likely to make It your u s i n g initials for the options, if P i er mb r o p h . • I I M M E1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
e m M O M SEMI a m n
aircraft carriers, Hermes and fi n a l objective. Unless you use p l a y s smoothly, though what V W ° . M 8
, ' A . m . ,YouMstart
Invincible. I the
M game
E Ot h e Recce
n Ooption
C carefully,
I the s e e m s like a large amount of- L A- ; 4 0 1 -. 1 1
Hush— hers
- Bay on the Berkley Sound for a quick look e n e
, t h eYou know where those Argies we now but s n e
you'll also have to find a way to keep them alive_
S p e c m e e
i a l n o
Next atop on our tour of B o
II,. histonc Fallen:Is is a t Where's Port Stanley?"
San Carlos Bay, the S q u don't know, Ogle."
histoncal landing stage a d r here and aa the capital is
Will you choose Ther e's likely lobe strongly
o n ,
a long yornp ahead and a delimited you'll need to
lot of ground to clear tint l a keep strength in reserve
n d and make sure you can get
e d your guns In range

Here's the unit under

control with Its Wale:
Aggreesion Factor is
General news appears
here Not Our HULK Lads enact strength, Dr
Defence ditto and both are
Blast Argies' but what'
happening at sea and . ‘:,,gv O t e ? M V O P G 1. used to calculi. combat,
Mtge MV is Movement
incoming plane raids, plus
Yes/No questions about allowance and RG Range
moat units have to be
air and gun support to each Other

Hwe 'retie/ f o r m e ,
only necessary for the Initial beach head—no two
pronged attacks— while Recce is or SBS and SAS
only. Move ludo to a separate N/S/E/W menu and
Pass is lot those who prefer Meister •nunod (boom,

7 7
411 N = i l t 111. 1 1 4C=D10
* - 4 1
•M I ' 4

L EM r I Z

P:1:11 :KAM

VirginiF7.95 through a Rediffusion window.

The glamour Just never stops.
Rick When the Ed heard In many respects this text
Virgin's F.A. Cup Football was based simulation with a touch
the first Football Association of strategy is the most accurate
endorsed soccer game and of football games on the scrolling screen. If you want to ripples ofofshock — Runcorn
that Tony Williams, editor of market. II attempts to recreate leap (as all but the most manic beat Wimbledon. Liverpool and
the F.A. League Club Directory the splendours of a complete
Runcorn fans will) to the third Arsenal get involved in an
was writing it, he knew experts F.A. Cup campaign. With an up
were needed to review it, round where top division clubs unlikely eight goal shoot Out —
to eight player facility it's a full enter, then you can. Before but nothing that's gonna make
Tough, you got me instead. Off family game. Each player can
he sent me to find 'added each game in the first three Saint And Greavsie take up
choose ten teams to manage. rounds you can choose your tiddlywinks. This game's
realism'. The Royal Box at picked from the 92 league basic tactic — defensive, statistical background — who's
Wembley, I dreamed. Oh no, teams plus 32 non-leaguers, or
he poured iced water down me balanced or attacking. In round done best in the last ten years
you can program in a personal
wellies. gave me half a can of favourite. four you can modify this at half — is severely weighted toward
flat Skol and made me watch time. the big four — Everton. Spurs,
At each round a draw is
this game over the shoulder of From round five you'll be Liverpool and (spit)
made but there are no rattling
a six foot seven Arsenal fan asked an increasing number of Manchester Utd. I'd have
balls in a black bag, just a
managerial questions. Some relished a little more
are silly and rude (do you let managerial control to make me
03111101) D R A W — 11011111110 3 your Nigerian winger see his feel thoroughly involved as the
witch doctor!!) to the crucial minutes ticked by — the only
and practical (how do you re- action ever seen on the screen.
motivate your penalty taker?). For sheer variety the
CREW ✓ O .P .R You also have the option to Rothman's World Cup is a
BARNSLEY ✓ LEE CESTER look at news flashes that might better bet, but this walks all
EXETER C ✓ M U STOL, R KC affect the morale of your team.
At this stage you also get extra
over Bryan Robson's Football
ARSEPAIL ✓ SURNSER C chances to change your
Manager (which is something
I'd like to do) I refuse to knock
CAELSO4 KC ✓caYENTRY C strategy depending on the
state of play.
this game. As someone who
flew half way round the world
ammEsTER ✓ OXFORD The glory of the F.A. Cup to watch the Cup Final last
STOKE C ✓ ANENT MI D though is unpredictability. And
this simulation tries so hard to
year I've taken great joy in
GRIMSBY T ✓ CHARLTON R be accurate it ends up with the
managing Everton to three
successive Cup victories. Eat
TOTTENHAM ✓ M I A R E U KC anonymous appeal of watching yer heart out Big Ron.
UIIL V MU M the pools panel sit. The F.A.
MILL C ✓ IPIRLICM T KC Cup, thank God, is not r
programmed to the dictats of p 7-
• 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 0 0
Vo lye tar Ve n lig M E I • I B M I C I D E I C
Don Howe. True there are little o

Bug Byte/C2,95 s

Rick Who remembers Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's_

Apprentice in Fantasia? Other thanve• the Ed, go on, put your hands
up? Well, it seems nothing's changed •
n much. Wizards are still
feisty so and sos and apprentices o•lazy lads likely to be laid off (or
laid out) at a moment's notice. Of course, the world of Disney
innocence is now long gone. Bug Byte's sorcerer is charmingly
named Sodov and his three apprentices are all on YOPs courses.

But despite this humourous nod0Mto the present, this game's as
old as, if not the hills, then at least Mthe earliest sword and sorcery
arcades. The wizard defends the castle M ramparts whilst his
proteges toil and trouble in the courtyard. Dragons attempt to
swamp the castle but you can zapNthem with a shouted spell
(rnmm. now I wonder what that could O be, — is there a clue in the
Wizard's name?). The spell turns the M dinos into dash, but at great
expense to your energy — which can Only be replenished by
shouting another spell at the star over the tower,
Miss the dragons though and Ihey'll make yum-yums of your

YOPs — and if you don't pick up the cash pretty slick, then an
ostrich will. So there is a (marginal if not magical) touch of
strategy — you'll have to make a decision as to when you whizz
out of the castle — or do you stay and protect your apprentices.
Sounds familiar? — you bet. But while Bug Byte keeps the
emphasis on the cheap and M
cheerful rather than pretentious p = , ,
and pricey then I won't hear a v i m , * to, MMMMMM MOOD 7
word against them. M M M M M noon°

7 8
The fab foursome of Your Sinclair back
Old Your Spectrums never
Issues are up for grabs! die — they get snapped up
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Quick — use the coupon
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• issue 1
Chess packages, Speech
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The Quill, Software For Printer
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1.011 11•111 M S . S M R t Z 1. 1111. . V i , t n a , T V s e a
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Ghostbusters, Music packages

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JSW, Hunchback 2, Kong Strikes

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Alien 8, Ifs A Cracker, Patching
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1 Generation Game
Our bumper first issue includes:
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David Crane interview.
1 1 1 1 1 • E
4 Dambusters, Ghostwriter. JSW 2
!r —POKEd apart
Issue two contains:
6 • issue 19
Ga me s: The Young Ones Bla d e ru n n e r • Three Weeks In Paradise
• Beach Head
Exploding Fist. Frankie,
r Movinln•Groovinl
Fe a tu re s: Mactone • Joysticks — Ten Best Best • Matthew Smith
1 • Issue 20
Our mega third issue contains:
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Features: • Switcha • Art Studio
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Issue four includes

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m i iRmDmEiRo nY m
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BI L o n d o n N2 1 2 N B . You can use a photocopy of this form if mutilation's not your bag. Oth e rwise snip along
111 t h e dotted line fo r your VS snip.
e E I M E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
a • 7 9
s 1 1
0 M y Spectrum loses Its
" co lo u r capacity on
warming up. How do I
change the faulty part on my
Spectrum as repairs are very
expensive here. Oh, and
while I'm here my
Spectrum+ has lost its extra
function keys, how do I fix
M Neuman, Israel
Inside the Spectrum you
should find two white
discs — adjusting the bottom
one when the Spectrum is hot
should bring the colour back
to its cheeks. As for the
Spectrum+, there is a little bar
under the keyboard top
secured by screws where the
0 I wonder if you could
Id h e l p me Steve. I bought
a Fidelity CTM1400 TV to use
with an Adapt Electronics
composite video Interface
so that I would get a better
picture. It is an Improvement
but I still get dot crawl,
especially when using BEEP.
Is there anything I can do to
get rid of it?
KE Nankin, Aldridge, West

:k it Seems to me that you've

already done your best.
The only way to eliminate it is
to use a black and white
picture I'm afraid. Have a
bash at adjusting the top white
variable capacitor as yours is
RA1 n Does anyone know of a
W program to control a
digital LNO3 laser printer for
vertical printing etc.
Colin Nesbitt, Dumba rton,
. 1 . Unfortunately you don't
g an Interface 1 RS232
interface or some other. The
vertical printing is a function of
a control codes (codes
32) on the printer itself
varies from printer to
f so my advice would be
to look in the manual. To send
control codes on Interface 1
h B channel must be used,
otherwise the Spectrum will
s or ignore these
extra membrane overlay is an issue 2 — this may reduce codes.
connected to the main one. i
the problem slightly.
Tightening this or adjusting s0 Help! Since I bought a
the membrane underneath c Wafadrive for my issue 2
0 I need some advice on
should bring the extra 16 Spectrum
o I've had nothing
functions. but trouble from my
d — does it contain n
a ROM? peripherals.
0 Although I've never had h Dr t John Reynolds,
d a n y problems with my James Flolmwood Sheffield
o r
Seikosha GP-SOS printer
itself, it causes 'mucho w Yes it does have a ROM o %The Wafadrive uses
-t l addresses from 0 to 16 so
problem° Are your
connect other hardware without
Vo disrupting a program. Ilsuggest you try putting in the
. This is usually done by using a peripherals
devices. (c peripherals before the
w h e This mainly Non-Maskable-Interrupt proving a pest? e
Wafadrive and check that the
happens when I load and 'which doesn't work on the
n o d
address lines A0-A4 are all at
save a program. Do I hit it an
regular Sinclair ROM. It then Send your
I a rubber mallet or is hardware hard binary 1 before you bring in
there runs
n its own program and your own devices.
t r a more rational s
solution? transfers
dt all the memory luck story to Steve
y contents to tape so that it can Adams. n I'm trying to convert my
Mark Denham, Hull cr be reassembled in the
t Er Spectrum to a portable
o Ummm, I think it would be Spectrum to be loaded back machine but I'm having a big
a good idea if you didn't r c memory from microdrive.
into n Please, please, please problem. When I connect it
hit it. The printer more than ct Restarting can then be lit help. I really want to get to 9.01200 Ni-cad batteries
likely isn't well-seated on the carried
ua out by simply jumping onto Bulletin Boards but I'm It blows the power transistor
back of the Spectrum which is back to the original ROM to not sure what I need apart R4 (ZTX650). What can I do?
causing it to appear at the i
restart the program where you from a VIX5000 modem. John Ellingford, Pulham St
same time as the ULA. left
t off. David Scott, Thetford, Mary, Norfolk
crashing the computer. You'll r Norfolk
-•• Oh dear! There are two
only make it worse if you n y D o I need to buy Tasprint
attach more equipment at the , e „ Well, you'll need some possible things you can
t in order to print out text software as well as the do. Either bring your voltage
back. Try to stop it wobbling or from Tasword Two? I've got VTX since most boards down to 9.25 volts and fit a
get one with a tighter edge a Timex 2040 printer and operate on ASCII not Prestel
connector. b 2,000 microfarad capacitor
cannot afford to buy both. software which is all the VTX across the Spectrum's power
n I'm having mega- r
Anthony Empson,
contains. You can either get input to slow down the surge
problems setting the 'bit Southway,
i Plymouth
something like Specnet for the you're getting. Or, you could
image mode' on my serial n Breathe a sigh of relief VTX or you can pay a little put in a small value resistor in
Epson P40 printer. I've tried g Anthony — no you don't. more for a new modem called series with the +9 supply but
various listings and Tasword includes a Sinclair the Voyager that has auto- before the capacitor. This
unfortunately failed i
printer copy option and you dial/answer and comes with would bring the surge down
miserably. cant use this with the Timex. both ASCII and Prestel even more.
Paul Stackhouse, Burnley, i software on ROM. It costs
n about E100. Astor costs, 0 My Timex printer
Well, you've come to the • Yo u ' re my last hope! I've most Bulletin Boards only cost d produces oval circles —
taken my Timex 2040 you the price of the phonecall crazy! I've been back to the
'lir right place, Try setting up printer back once but it still
and sending the ESC codes and that obviously varies shop but they say it's up to
via the B channel if you're doesn't work. I'm desperate. depending upon time and specification. What do you
using the Interface 1. I can't get screen dumps to distance. My Sinclair- only think?
work properly t h e y come board is on 01-249-3238, 24 Steve Summerscaies,
0 Where can I get a out all elongated with gaps hours a day at 1200/75 and Batley
backplane, as seen in in. I have only one more 300 baud.
Your Spectrum issue 18 In thing to say — help! : T h i s happens to the best

the Bits and Pieces article? Nigel Bareham, Winchester of printers because the
The manufacturer, MICRO distance between each line of
Sorry old chap! I've dots is greater than the
says it no longer does them. lit• investigated the problem
BJ Ha tt, Worcester Park, distance between each dot on
Well, EPROM Services
do a mother board for the
Spectrum but it's unbuffered.
by looking inside the printer
but it seems that the spacing
is governed mechanically.
There's no solution to the
IT-BOr\IEFIACE the line. This is known as
'aspect distortion' in the trade
and arises because the
characters are five dots by
problem as you can't
If I were you I'd give them a seven high.not eight by eight
reprogram it or reverse the as on the Spectrum. Sorry,
try. printer paper. but you're stuck with it.
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vrci vel w iT ivN Tw e TEN
• • • si -l e P I E 6 ANY WAY . "

When the Spectrum starts RANDOMIZE USR x: SAVE les t pic"
to load, it's time for most about to peg out from old age
waiting for your Speccy to where x is the start address of the
of us to nod off. Until now — load? Well, this ingenious piece
H turboloader. And, of course, the
this prime cut of code of machine code goes a long
program supports all the usual cassette
from Danish programmer, a to solving the problem. With it, you
way commands — SAVE, LOAD. VERIFY
v double the speed of saving, and MERGE.
Esben Krag Hansen,
eloading, verifying and merging. And it But stop, you're saying — at least,
speeds up the whole does it by using improved versions of
you are if you've just tried executing the
ythe ROM cassette handling routines in
process. owhich the timing values can be
statement above. It's no faster at all. A-
hal (Famous Scandinavian pop group?
uchanged, so giving you full control of the Ed). That's because I've yet to tell you
edata transfer speed. So. you can put how to change the transfer speed — the
./ vaway those pension books for a few baud rate. Initially, the speed is exactly
years yet!
c e
the same with or without the turboloader
— 1500 baud (bits per second). But you
can easily change this using one of the
fThe program is very user-friendly — four new commands that the program
there's no need for all that PEEKing and
ePOKE ing here. Type it in following the adds to ZX Basic.
linstructions, then save it to avoid any The problem is that while SAVE,
tmishaps — no-one's going to relish LOAD, VERIFY and MERGE already
exist in Basic, where do we find
yretyping all those data statements' Now
start it with RUN and you'll be asked keywords for the four new commands?
o I've got round this by adopting four of
I immediately for a start address. And the
. ugood news here is that the turboloader the Speccy's existing keywords, RUN,
6 wis relocatable. You can enter any start LIST, INPUT and PRINT. They all still
• eaddress suitable for storing the 1845 work as normal except when you're
rbytes of code and the loader program using them as commands to the
will relocate the turboloader to run in turboloader. Then their new roles come
ethat area. So, you'll have no problems into play.
using the turboloader in conjunction with
your other machine code utilities.
• When the loader programs finished, NOTE FOR TRAINSPOTTERS
••• you should save the machine code as
Ha , t hought y ou'd c a ught m e out
di dn't you? Doe s n't he k now , y ou'r e
instructed on the screen. Now you're

sayi ng. t ha t the us e ol R A N D O M I ZE to

ready to roll_ cal l m a c hi ne c ode m a k e s the RHO
f unc t i on unus a bl e ? Tha t ever y cal l
SPEED SAVING a c tua l l y r e s e ts the RHO val ue to the
s a m e num be r all the ti m e?
Using the program is simplicity itself. All Well, yes I dot And to ge t r ound thi s
you have to do is insert a RANDOMIZE si de e ffe c t, I 've m a de it so t ha t the
USR statement before the turboloader tur bol oa de r on r e tur n toads the BC-
. commands. It's this that activates the r egi ster w i th the val ue of the s y s te m
var i abl e SEED. T h e " the R A N D O M I ZE
All turboloader's command interpreter. The USIA c om m a nd will only l oa d SEED
turboloader will now remain activated w i th the v a l ue it al r eadyc o n t a i n s . And
until it reaches the end of the line or a bi ngo, no e tte c t on the RHO tunc ti on
a t all! So, the w hol e pr obl e m is
command it doesn't recognise. e l i m i na te d usi ng a si ngl e m a c hi ne
As an example, let's have a look at c ode i ns tr uc ti on, LD, BC ( S E E M tha t's
how you'd save a Screen$ using the onl y tour by te s l ong.

The four 'new' keywords work in the following w ar
Thi s c om m a nd r e a ds a he a de r fr om Thi s now c ha nge s the ba ud-r a te . I t
t a pe a nd lists it on the s c r e e n. For m us t be fol l ow e d by a num be r r angi ng
e x a m pl e , LI S T will di spl ay the s ta r t fr om 1 5 0 0 to 3 5 0 0 i ncl usi ve, in s te ps
:11u51 a ddr e s s a nd the l e ngth of a m a c hi ne of 2 0 0 ( 1 5 0 0 , 1 7 0 0 , 1 9 0 0 a nd so on).
, c ode bl oc k . And t ha t s houl d k e e p the T h e m a x i m um ba ud-r a te y ou c a n use
Jtion ha c k e r s ha ppy ! all de pe nds on your ta pe r ecor der . But
Russet If you w a n t to s e e how the fi r st tw o m os t of you s houl d be abl e to r un a t a
c om m a nds w or k, tr y: m i ni m um of 3 1 0 0 ba ud — m or e tha n
R A N D O M I ZE US A x: RUN 3 1 0 0 : S AV E doubl e the nor m al s pe e d.
''m e " CO DE x, 1 8 4 5 : LI S T
Thi s c om m a nd l ets y ou c hoos e Just Thi s is us e d In e x a c tl y the s a m e w a y
how m uc h i nfo y ou w a nt on s c r e e n. I t as P RI NT. i t deal s w i th the m e s s a ge
s houl d be fol l ow e d by e i the r a 0, 1 or "S ta r t ta pe , the n. . . " a nd the n w a i ts for
2. a k e y In the SAVE c om m a nd. The
0: Ne i the r the ba ud- r a t e nor the v a l ue s ar e us e d as fol l ow s:
na m e s of the da t a bl oc k s dur i ng 0 T h e m e s s a ge i s n't pr i nte d a nd y ou
LO AD/ V E RI FY ar e pr i nte d ont o the d o n ' t have to pr ess a key.
s c r e e n i.e. z ilch! I T h e tur bol oa de r onl y w a i ts for the
1; O nl y the na m e s of the da t a bl ocks key press.
ar e pr i nte d. 2 A s usual .
2: E v e r y thi ng is pr i nte d. T h e tur bol oa de r is i ni ti al l y s e t to
P R I N T 2 a nd I N P U T 2.




For the first time the Football Association has fully endorsed a s mputer
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10 teams through the competition from the First Round.

Tony Williams, celebrated author of "League Club Directory" and "EA. Non-League
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You must decide which tactics your teams use throughout the various matches and
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Above all, The Offi cial F.A. Cup Football game comes up with realistic results
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Available for Spectrum 48K, Commodore 64/128 and Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128
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Spectrum 48K El Co m m o d o re 64/128 0 A m s t rad CPC 464/664/6128 El

Tick appropriate Box
All versions of F.A. Cup Football cost E7.95. Please make cheques and postal orders
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Virgin Games Ltd, 2-4 Vernon Yard, 119 Portobello Road, London W11 2DX



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Ocean Software is available from selected branches of: 2 0
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PRO-MAT for wear control of you panne. Input n
l informaissoProm oriy dailyorasposett
We expertly repair Spectrums for El 7 EPSON,BROTHER, HR5, *MAO vis INTER Hoi
a stsdata on draw &dramas' MAatetind
ondemnsfix a / British courses,.
inclusive of parts and labour and return orioles end interlace when oftlenirse..13.150 Silt o
a linching a la rm isneverout all date
Cus a tomersreport M N of up to 311.
postage. PROGS-FILE for program recolda easy
Anl for.
use, canreadm'arives. Hard cap INKe I or
Spectrums upgraded 4 8 K for E3 4 . GOLDEN COBRA aAUSTRALIANPOOLS M t 1 1 , 9 5
Keyboard faults only E l 2. a

n d v e

SKETCH drew,
s i o r t , . r . . • • • • • • •• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E 2 • 5 0

Aloe o 1 days for delivery, Chimes. PO:payable

to nBOLIBEST orquote
iCATLOADER CMS key, saltrallettaining Accaulorocardatattercerdrainbow
p edmenuto drametraly simpleyeveradrnne e
Beeriest cintornert pinto add (1 for p&p
133 London Road C sOUNTall on one taps_ ..... NUMBEST,Dept.VS

South Lowe s toft, Suffolk t'No Quibble' rotund if dissatisfied. O 2 Welland Croft, Bicester
m OxonOX611G0
o SAE brings program details.
Tel: ( 0 5 0 2 ) 6 6 2 8 9 n
Available lot 48 Spectrum British Poetsaim
CHEZRON SOFTWARE Ns/Sable torCommodore 61




M-DOC The eesential
Mierodrive utility.
Have you precious files on a cartridge which will still CAT OUR POPULAR LEAGUE GAM E F E A T U R E S INCLUDE, Tra ining, Te a m Selection,
but no longer load? M-Doc to the rescue! Substitutes, H a ll -Time Score s, Full Squad Details, Named Goal Scorers, Team Style s.
Save Game, Financial Problems, PLUS M AN Y, M AN Y M ORE.
• Find, load, repair and rewrite bad sectors, arid hence load EUROPEAN TROPHY
damaged files • F u l l status reports pinpoint faults quickly A SUPERB EUROPEAN COMPETITION STYLE GAM E w a s THESE GENUINE FEATURES,
• Monitor-type sector editing • Full printer support • "Filter Home & Awa y Logs. Awa y Goals Count Double, Two Subeteutes Allowe d, Extra Time,
data" option f o r Tasword Two fi les • S e p a ra te program Penalty Shoot-Outs twin') sudden deathl, I njury Time . M a tch Penalties, PLU S M AN Y.
makes corrupted BASIC programs editable • O n l y E6.95
Trandfar vow PREMIER LEAGUE pviewmg •pdo Ate EUROPEALN TROPHY
All Spectrums except 18k. Available from good computer shops and
Micronet BOO. Also via fast mail order (UK postiree, Europe add E t 41K SPECTRUM
overseas add f 2 airmail) with 14-day ''full refund if not entirely satisfied" Roth these quality germs use the Foe Memory of your S c r e e
emoarstely or as compenion penes S T O P SPECTATING - S TART MANAGING
guarantee !statutory rights not allectedl. Tr ade enquiries welcome: -
phone R&R Distribution on 0 9 7 7 795544. MSoori
e r epenteeeer
a n d immerge
m oby MAIL
each o, m od SAE ( of l,fl altern,
p l a y e d
SEVEN STARS 34 Squirrel Rise, Mar l ow, P,ge inductee w e a v e Lk temeirea Ireed I i 0 0 or-merle V el
Bucks S17 3PN. Tel: 0 6 2 8 4 3 4 4 5 E & J S O F T W A R E , 3 4 Lordship R oa d Cheelmert. M erle I N ? SOP


SERIOUSLY . . SPECTRUM 007 SPY Can cope wrth the
"Y ou need a monitor whic h gives a premed trace of your machine code REPAIRS new je rky pulsating
tone types end
program t o a line print er. " converts to toed
MAKE EASTMON YOUR CHOICE E '14.95 inclusive of labour, easier than orig.
007MD T r a n s f e r s tapes to
EASTMON disassembles and single-steps in RAM, ROM and Interface parts and p&p. MiD includes a FREE
1 ROM and makes a hard copy for finding those elusive bugs. Full display Fast, reliable service b y issue of M icrodrive-
of registers and selected memory with option to print to ZX type or full- qualified engineers. Ekohange explaining
sized printer lortereer &Air awkward
Average repair 24hrs, prog transfer
Breakpoints in RAM or RO M C A L L A skipped, executed to single
stepped at your choice _ 3 months guarantee on all 0 0 7 W0 A s above. but to
work. WAFA
Fast hex and character entry. B l o c k moves and Fills H e x - d e c - h e x SIR A hackers delight
conve rsion For help or advice - ring: Send *tame tor full details
Clearly writ t en manual end easy c ommands , , • n o gobbledygook. K.S. COMPUTER SERVICES MI tapes 1 5 .9 5 (Europe 6 5 p .
Elsewhere by a ir
EASTMON MONITOR Unit 2, The Orchard -
For SPECTRUM 48K and SPECTRUM -4: E 8 . 9 9 inclusive Warton, Preston G A Boliker
m o il •
Che que s a rid p o st a l o rd e rs t o : Lana P M 18E ZX1 GUARANTEED
1 (Dept. YSI
29 5Chaddert
5 ) on Drive. Unsworth
Bury. Lanus 8 L9 BNL
8 6 Ea st e rn W a y, Po n t e la n d . N e w ca st le u p o n T yn e N E2 0 9 R E

1 OWNERSA Better Deal from Micro-World
• Pnces fully inclusive ol VAT & Return P&P
• 48hr turn round on most machines
• 3 months warranty on repairs


POWER SUPPLIES (Spectr um/ Pl usaX81) 10.95
(fillet Membrane & Plate) 12.95
SAGA EMPEROR ONE inc. fitting 39,95
16-48K UPGRADE (12 months Warranty) 25,95
Z.X81 - REPAIRS 17.95
D t - PRINTER - REPAIR 17.95

• Send SPECTRUM ONLY suitably packed clearly stating

M I M E MEND Fault, your name & address, cheque or postal order to

Micro-World 25 Hill Top Road Slaithwaite Huddersfield HD1 5ES

Telephone (Da y) 04841-8416117 (Evening) 0 4 8 4 . 8 4 5 8 7
S how r oo

Computers 1006/ 1010 Manchester Roa.d Li nt hw a i t e Hudde r s fi e l d H0 7 5 0 0

O pe n r9n to 5 30 6 days
r v CS



CODE SLICER 2 is a new cassette handling utility which will read ANY
section of a tape into ANY store address. It will list the size of "headetless"
files and will read Basic or Machine Code programs created at any of 7
different speeds. The instructions supplied explain how to use this product
for Microdrive, Watadrive and Disc transfers, general hacking etc. Many
hints, tips and examples are included to enable you to gain the full potential TAPS (BETONE) LTD., 3 Cordwallis Street
of this amazing new utility. A tape header reader is also supplied which
will stop "auto-run" Basic programs if required. Invisible programs can be Cordwallis Trading Estate, Maidenhead, Berks
made visible, large programs can be split into several sections, headers SL6 7BH. Tel: 0628 781202/ 32640
can be added to headetless files and much, much more. Using the speed and accuracy of 16K and 48K repairs [ 1 6 . 0 0
Simple to use — just E5.50 production ATE. We provide a 16K to 48K upgrades E 2 4 . 0 0
reliable quality repair at costs QL repairs E 2 7 . 5 0
* * with no hidden extras. Send or
bring your damaged equipment Interface 1 repairs E 1 9 . 0 0
KWINLOADhas nowbeen amalgamated with ourVARILOAD utility to allow with remittance. We will return Microdrive repairs E 1 6 . 50
48K & 128K cassette software to be loaded between 2000-6000 baud. it working and guaranteed. Various interfaces E 1 0 . 0 0
This means a saving of 13 — 4 times the normal loading time. No additional
hardware is required and the converted software loads independently of
the KWIKLOAD tape.
The professionally written instruction manual explains how to convert most 'SPECTRUM' * * rl Super
C Supe share
rb co lo tue
r s t , A)

lo y o u r S p e C t l i " g r a p h i c s

• Tr ue T TI /Analogue ouiputs c o m p syncs

commercial programs including Basic, Machine Code and many which are • Monitor quality pi ctur es-no del crawl.
protected. • Suite ROB monitors & monitor/ TV s

Simply plugs I nto expansion por t.
No separ ate power supply required,
48K Gyroscope loads in 135 secs (4500 baud) MODULE • New through por t version. Allows connection
of modems. l ay-sti ck Inter laces etc.
48K Exploding Fist loads in 105 secs (4500 baud) Price C34•95 or 130. 95(thr ough por t ) * Cl PAP
128K Never Ending Story loads in 4 mins 10 secs l35001 baud many rumour' peru 6 oftwar e SAE lot details
adopt. electronic/ 20 STARLING CLOSE, BUCKHURST HILL.
ESSEX. $OO ISTN. Te l . 0 1
"A bit lik e upgrading y our C5 t o a 3 5 litre c a r " ZX Comput ing -
"I'm very satisfi ed H O M5E0 A 4 CCOUNTS
- -
"Thank Ny ou. f or the deliv ery o f y our ex c ellent Kbv ik load"
M a l l e t A. Cupil — Switzerland t o Put your house in order! Probably the best home use of your
computer! Comprehensive 2 8coverage
40 of bank accounts, credit
Only r (6 a
. 9 5 nincluding a free tape t . " header reader
c a cards, HP, etc. In-built accuracy check for all transactions.
Overseas custome rs please Project cashflow for any period ahead. Available for all
send cheques/payment e ) & Spectrum computers E 8.45 or free details from:
Sterling and Include an e
eckfitional 70p postage DISCUS SOFTWARE
FREEPOST, Beech Approach, Brixasm T051181IL Tail:08045 55532


Adapt Electronics Classified H&D Services Classified Pipeq Systems 65
Adventurers Club 65 Hewson IFC
Classified Oualsoft 35
AT+Y Computing Hi Soft 67
84 HS Services Classified RA Electronics Classified
Budget Software RAM
Buttercratt 84 20+21
Imagine OBC Romantic Robot 35
Cascade 38 25 Rontest Classlied
Kempston Micros
Cheetah 6 Konix 11 Saga Systems 22
Chezron Classified Seven Stars Classified
Labachrome 74
Del 58 Lerrn 38 Taps Classified
Devron 31 Tasrnan 445
DigrTape 65 Mancomp 90 TEC Publications 65
Discus Software Classified Micronet 33 Thetford Micros 84
Microsphere 28 The Hit Squad 7
E+,1Software Classified Microworid Classtied Thoughts & Crosses 67
Evesham Micros 54
Mirage Micros 70 Trojan 38
Foraits MP Electronics C l a s s i fi e d Unitsoft 10
Myhhurst C I R F , s i fi e d
Video Vault 3
GangoYie IBC
National Software Library 7 0 Vrgin 87
GCE Tutoring 70
Gremini Marketing 81 Ocean 2/15/82/88 Wakers 74
Gremlin Graphics 16 Orpheus 19 ZX Guaranteed Classified
H A R D W A R E £350. Wlllse llt rC 1 7 0 Te t . 01-860 7181
slier 5 pm
I Swop: RAM joystick interface Mk11 in good IP T R - 1 l a t t e r . q lityprinter.Prints ink on
working order, hardly ever used. I would like normal paper up to AA size Bra n d new, not
any recent game-s, especially Saboteur or used 1:75. Rin g 104885) 3836 after 6prn.
Tau Canoe Robin Of The Wood. James • .LX Interface 1 and microdelve with seven
Spencer. 247 Coventry Road, Exhall. cartridges for sale. £70 Ono. Cartridges
Coventry CV7 9 6 0 . contain utilities and many games. Also selling
• Swop hot dual Comoros disc drives for Currah MicroSpeoch for El 4. Te l. 01-337
good metal detector, offers for 413KSpectrum 8932 and ask for Andy.
lo-pro key board many extras, cost over • Will swop Currah MocroSpeech and Tech.
Cl.0 0 0 mint. Tel. Harold 1 pm to 5 pm Ted and Avalon for rather VTX 5000 or
Sheffield 389202. Interlace 3. No litnewasters please Te l.
• 48K Spectrum+, Junior Pro joystick and 0464)687083 end ask for Jason alter 4 pm
over £60 worth of games. Sall for El 00, during the week.
excellent condition Te l. 104051813492 any • Two ZX Microcleives and interlace 1 for
time and ask for Dave. sale E1 0 0 . Tel Ke vin on Hornchurch 51907
• 481< Spectrum with many games (all • For sale Yo u r Spectrum issues 4-21 and
originals). Cost wee over E200 Will accept Currah Mot0Speech, other mags. software,
E 105. Write to Alex Vail), 38 Warwick Road, books etc Te l (0020) 2338 and ask for Colin
Bishop's Siortford, Hefts CM23 91Vil any evening between 6prn and 9pm
• Spectrum d isc interface foe sale, accepts • Dragon 32, tape deck, joystick, two books,
Most BBC typo drives. Compete with full
instructions E35 Also a p is h MicroSpeech
magazines and software. Will swop for
MICrOchrive/Watadove or Alphacom printer On the lookout for hip hardware, snazzy
wall packaging, instructions and tape C S .
Ring Stuart on (0533)875744.
arid software. or soli for COO Te l. 01-368
5787 after 4pm
software or perky penpals? Your search
• Spectrum+. nearly 100 games, interlace I
and microdrives with cu se t t o recorder,
• For sale! JM vers DI , Brother EP-22
printer. R8232 lead, B(W 9" TV, Mk 2
is over - put your message in YS and
joystick end Interface. lots of mags_ For just Software, 2 books, pro-formatted cartridges
Case to hold software items. E300 Te l.
get your name in the mag for free!
C200 ono. Tal Charley on e l -736 4277 Will
sell morodrive separately.
• Se
10245) 356298, a sk for ()aeon.
• For sate -- DieTronice light pen with
• Spectrum+, 7 months Old. E250 ot
software, loystick, interlace, tape recorder
paper, plus DkTro n ics Centronics interface interlace and instruction booklet Ishii boxed) worth E400+, sett tot E165 for quick sate Te l
, • Lots of games to swop. I guarantee a reply
for E1 0 or will swop for Exploding Fist Tel. 01 -
k 0Spectrum
S E85 m c. postage. Tot. 1(1243)
360 3345.
(085.81 34803 and ask tor Tim after Som to all letters. Send your list for mine. G.T.
he a sk tor Antony. • Spectrum 48K. Saga keyboard, Interlace Jenkins, 1 Greenwood Road. Abersychan•
• Interface 1. filicrodrtve, VTX 5000. Ok
•O krg g h h t Wanted: any Centronics printer 1, two microdnves, Alphaoom Printer, plus Pontypool. Gwent NP4 W A.
Interface for Spectrum or any other hardware keyboard, ter hightpen - any offers'? Rodney bits and pieces E l e a Tel. 10747 ) 84071 5 • Swop Tasword II, Felt:tors Keepers, Jet Set
I will- swop outrageous number of originals Tregaie, 9 5 Howard Avenue. Slough SL2 after 6 pm. Willy and others for Attc Aetc, Sherlock,
1 0 to M a li Tynan, 18 Seagrange Avenue, 1LB. Also software list to swop. GhOstbusters, Terrormonnos etc Writ e lo
Write • Spectrum+, Interface 1, KempslOn
0 A
Baldoyle. Dublin 13. Ireland • Have Spectrum+ black nylon dust cover Interface. cassette player, 50 games E 140 James Fitzpatrick, 70 Prebend Gardens,
•g Currah MicroSpeech as boxed and new, Will swop for Spectrum dust cover. Tel. ono. Tel 021-449 863-3 Can deliver Stamford Brook. London W6 O)0U
originals of Starquake. Dark Star, (0271) 861024 and ask for Trevor.
r anywhere Wi l l consider swopping for radio • Many new titles to swop R e ly on a laM
• Will sell Z.X81 for E1 5 or will swop for Elite,
a Hunchback If all for £30. Write Controlled buggy. Please ask for Baker after 6 reply if y our lis t is inter es ting Wr i te to F r e i t
to John Russell. 95 Woodside Avenue, SOULO Nightshade. All parts present but no manual glrn Bergstrom, Tranvagan 6, 433 62 Partite,
r ik
p Edward Fowler. 4 Banks Crescent, Chet,, Sweden,
Be n lie 0 Esse x SS7 Perthshire P117 3SR • Unwanted Christmas present - Prism VTX
• Seikosha GP-250X printer, excellent 5000 Modem, never used. RRP £60. asking • Will swop Ellfar
icondition. RS232 sertai plus CellitOnKS • Currah MicroSpeech complete, once E40 ono. Tel. 01-947 7911 and ask for
El 0,Waladrive complete. E65. i t Wafers, ,Yesoct
J a cfork Winter
s Games and CaSMJC
parallel. Cable suitable to ; Interface 1 RS232. Ian atter.% pr o aWanDadOr
n d Nomad. Must be original games
E21. Wanted - 16K or 48K Spectrum, Phone 091 -489 1931 a n d ask for Steven
Spare ribbon E3 7 5 Bu ye r collects. Tel. Microdrive hardware and books. Peter • For sale: 48K Spectrum with OnTronics TRobinson
h e
r keybOard. ClulOkShot u, interface. lightpen.
• SotronicsWaradrive unused under Robinson, 496 Dunstable Road, Luton. Beds. A r c
i tape recorder. over C140 of games, all in • Latest Spectrum titles Ove r 500 games to
guarantee offers region E90, or swop for • 48K Spectrum veal joystick interlace, Saga Oswop Se n f d your list for mine. Reply every
n keyboard, tots of software. joystick_ Sell for working order E170 ono. Tel. (06267) 4099.
Microdnve and joystick interface plus parr ot • RGB Interlace E15, Currah MicroSpeech time. Write to Doren Strevens, 8 Windmill
tjoysticks. Must be in excellent condition T e l £100 ono o r swop for Toshiba M SX. Any Road, Southwick, Brighton 0N4 4-HP
offers conSicktrod Te l (0349)6-4134 alter 6 El 2. RAM Turbo joystick interlace E1 0,
eAlwyn on (0970)828196 after 6 pm • Will swop any four 01 Swords And Sorcery,
pm and ask for Gavin Cheetah SpecOrum E20, all in very good
r• 481< Spectrum with printer. joystick, slack, working order. Write to G Ho p e . 72 Picket Mtn, Proems Cauldron. Demoustere. Tower
• Lerm Waladrive transfer tapes and books
alight rifle and E300 ot software e.g. Sul:tartest Close, Fordingbridge, Hants SP6 1 JV. Of Despair, Glass. Cylon Attack for Qu ill fret
plus nine various size formatted wafers --
nHunchback H, Real You. Adrian Mote. Write • 481< Spectrum, over E1000 worth of Iffirstralor, Call David on (0602) 653563 after
only El 5 Te l 01-593 2309 and ask tor Pete.
dto Michael Storey, 4 Attlee Estate, Tow Law. • Nine rolls of ZX Printer paper - C1.50 a roll games. 3 channel sound synthesiser. 5 pm.
Co. Durham. Kenipstori interlace, Curran MoroSPaech, • Swap Se0Ol Date, Trashmen. Jungle Fever
• A Kempsion joystick and game speed inc. p&p. Tel Doncaster 787694
magazines. cassette carrying case. Sea for tor every Karate game or Tapper, MenciterOf
coniroller combined, made by Ok'Tromics • 48K Spectrum for sale. Kempston
E220. Tel. (05432) 451 and a sk for William. SOS, Tel. Chester 45408 and ask for Robert.
CIO Ve ry good condition, a s new. Te l. interface, joystick and dust cover E200. Tel • Swop complete Machine Code Tutor for Art
Dronteld 41 1407. Bath 331588 and ask for Aaron • Swop Curtail MoroSpersich. Dungeon
Studio Te l. (0827)601 48 after 5pm and ask
• Rononics Watadrive as new m box, • For side Z)03 1 computer in great COnalb011. Builder and Gift From The Gods for any tor S imon.
unwanted present. Cost E129 95, will take with real keyboard, lots at games, u tility interlace to back programs up on microdrive
Tat. (0475) 707S1 8 between 6 and 7 pm and • Hundreds of games to swop Tit le s include
E60 inc postage. Tel. Stevenage 72291 7 programs, magazines and books. Real
ask for Brian. Baseball, Chiller. Monty, Basketball Daley,
after 6 pm . bargain at E30 ono T e l (04465) 4322 after 6 Finders Keepers elc Writ e to Erik van Buul,
• For sale, Z)( 81 with 16K RAM pack and all pm • Prism VTX 5000 Modern, every issue of Fazantlaan 12,5731 XT. Miorto. Holland
leads and power pack. Also Iwo tapes • 48K Spectrum with professional keyboard, Telefink with binder. Melbourne House
• I have a lot of games to swop with anyone.
included - Space Invaders and Trader. See joystick and programmable interface, books, Micronet book, plus Spectrum software First anywhere in me world. Send your lest for mine
the lot for E8, Tel, Your 51948, a sk lot James. magazines arid lots Of assorted software - reasonable otter secures Te l. John on (0742)
375418. - guaranteed reply. I speak English and
▪ YS - 21 e x. 7 C25, 1,5, 13-21 El each, 2 Wadies, games, business etc. Includes French. Francois Bernardi. Residence des
inc. poster E5. 3.4.6,8- I 2 E4 each. A. carrying brielcase. Price El 20 ono Ta t . • N I roncs lightpan, original box and Grawiere Bailment 1Q, 94190 Villeneuve
Rowiand, 4 Cleave Crescent. Morwenslow. (0603)881012 after 6pm instructions. Excellent condition. Will sell lot
Saint Georges, France
Cornwall EX239JH, • Sinclair BAN pocket TV, still boxed, vg c. C15.Tel, Hunstanton 34205 and ask toe Mark
• Will swop any from Robot ROI Ab c Alec,
• Wanted: Interface 1 and microdrive toe Will swop for good joystick and interlace or altar 6 pm. Lunar Airman. Night Simulation, Bugaboo,
Spy-Hunter, Zemmol, Tapper. Bu ck Rogers, saN for E35 ono. A. Hill. 83 Harlow Moor Drive, • RAT remote control Joystick plus interface. Kong, h o o m , Spectrum Satan for almost
Moon-cresta, Frank Bmno, Hobbit, Cyclone, Harrogate, N Yoeks HG2 OLE Unwanted g ilt Retail price E20. se ll for C15 anything. Send your offer to R. Fowler, 8.5
Code Name Mat Te l Warren Point 74038, • Swop Prism VTX 5000 Modem toe Castel ono Writ e to Raymond Clifford. Buchanan Creacent, Sheffield 55 BAH.
ask for Brian A pm-6 pm. All original. Electronics Digital Sound Sampler. Modem Ourteenalariff, Milchelstown, Co. Cork, Eire . • Will swop Shadow Of The Unicorn and
• Spectrum+, excellent condition comes boxed, complete and with lu ll instructions • Spectrum+, as new Jo yst ick, interlace, Wriggler for Qu ill or Deus Ex Machine. Tel.
th tape recorder, poystick interlace. E250 of Write to Helen, 29 Greenacres, Kirkby-in- dataconder, software, bargain £100 ono. Tel. (02321 815470 and ask for ROrY •
oftware and maga. all together worth about Ashfield, None NCI 7 7GE (0782) 49944 after 4 pm • LOIS of software to swop. Send your list for
rnne So m e of the newer games I have are
• Rambo. Commando, Station. Gyron. Erne
• 1 3 0 0 K Y O U R F R E E Ala H E R E and Beach Head It Dan Nielsen,
Tornskadevaenget 4, 5210 Odense NV,
I f y ou'd like to a dv e r ti s e in I nput / O ut put , pl e a s e w r i te I n BLO CK CAP I TALS be l ow a nd s e nd
• Swop Skyfox, Ping Pang, ScoobyDoo for
t he c oupon to I nput / O ut put Y our Si ncl ai r , 1 4 R a t hbone P l a c e , London W1 P I D E - oh, a nd other totes Write to Matthew Taylor, 131
d o n ' t for ge t your a ddr e s s a nd phone num be r . We c a n't a c c e pt any s oftw a r e sal es, a nd thi s Elmbridge Avenue, Surboon, Surrey KT5
ser vi ce is onl y avai l abl e to pr i vate a dv e r ti s e r s . gHE
• Will swop impossible Mission and Raid
Please enter my advert under the following classification: Over Moscow for Tapper. Shadowlire or Dam
ID H a r d w a r e S o f t w a r e D W a n t e d E Me s s a g e s & Events E P e n Pals Busters, Mark Norris, 50 Cravgle Way, Ayr,
• Will m o p Frarrloe and A M o le for The
Name Artist Also la swo rd /land Walter Sports o r
M inder and Bru ce Lee for Hyper Spoils. Te l
Addecsa (0270) 812037 and ask for tee
• Swop Everyone's A Wally for Champions,
Postcode Spy Hunter, Herbert's Dummy RUrt Of Sam
Stoat Safe Breaker. Write to Paul Phillips. 142
Bloornleld Road, Bristol B54 3RA
• Swop Booty. Steve Davis Snooker. Beach
Head, Decathlon. Sabre Wult, Jer Sat Willy,
Nicotine Nightmare, Nebula tot M e * rest
John Adams, 74 Clapham Road, Annelid,
Liverpool L4 2 T0
• Will swap Ste non. Exploding Fa t OafeY
Thompson Decathlon for Commando and
Ghostbustets Write to Liarh Casey. 20
Burlington Road, Ballsbridge
T D youru b iasi
n for
. mine
r e lFighter
a n No d t . Dukes Of Hazzard,
TU., Wanted, Steve Davis Snooker, Daley
Th in k bef ore y ou s nip - mos t people use a phot oc opy instead. Thompson Supersest. Ba ck Gammon. Te l.
Terry on 01-575 8371

9 4
interested write to 23 Kilian Place. Pe e n
- 53 91.W for details W A N T E D El Wanted Th e Qu ill and manual Will swop
tor any two from Daley's Decathlon,
•I vo
r , Brian Jack's Superstar Challenge or
Saboteur for Wa y Of The Exploding Fist or r e • Saga 1 Emperor keyboard — will swop Atte Southern Belie, Games Maker and Match
A, Kong Fu Ch ris Wood, 4 Winceelsea M a c. Hunchback II Day, Te l Ga rra rd s Cross 884434 after 5 pm
Street, Dover, Kent CT17 9ST ,Cookie,
F o o Flight
t b a Sim,
l l All five for keyboard in and ask for Dominic
Me da condition.
n a g Calm McGrath, I I Dromlee
• Swop Nightshade and Swords And
Crescent, Beaumont, Dublin 9, Ireland
Sorceryfor Elite. Must Pe in good conOition e r .
Tel (0 4 4 6 ) 7321 51 after13 pm and ask for Digital Sound Sampler (Dahill Electronics)
• Will swop Penetrator. Ave:mama, Wheelie, wanted Will give good price for one in
Psytron, Blade Alley, Fa ll Guy, Starstnke.
Bia g g i
Manchester area, Tel. 061 4132 3441 a lte r 6
pm and ask to St e ve .
, or Megabasic. Tatram Dyer, 43 Nigel • Microdrive and Interlace I Will pay up to • 14-year old male looking for male ot
. Peckharn, London SE1 5 4NP.
C60,Must be able to see hardware belore ago to swop games, hints and bps in England
•B ml itu swop M ini Office, Cyton M a c k purchase. Write to Shane Mitchell. 26
Regards To Broad Street for Ellockbueters.
e ME S S A G E S Westroyd Crescent, win d h ill. Shipley,
and USA Se n d see Pa t rick McLoughlin, 190
Mangitara Road, BeachhaverL Auckland 10,
Bodge Player, FG TH, Elite . Dun Detach or
T h Tel. Dave on (0438) 69447
WHY. C L U B S & Yorkshire 8018 11-1W,
• Wanted: Seikosha GP50 winter in good
New Zealand
▪ Needed
•r Swop
f fi
kfcGregans Boxing, Shadowlire.
Revenge, Ra id Over Moscow for
E V E N TS condition. Choose 50 games from my list 01 ,
penpal. 1 7+ for wacky, isolated, PaciliSt,
500. Many new programs. Write to Omer fan
P r for
e fgeneral
e Discussion of world topics
s eVs. Spy, Dim Darech, Tit Na Nog. • TB Beta disc user would like to COntact Telican. Eendanettard 25, Ve rb . The Inc
Fanlight or any other offers Te l Gle n n on 01 - Netherlands. r a luding
b l y S pec c y s oftwar e and Talk ie' )
a others to swop eleasiprogs C . Young, fantasy. Write at own risk! Enclose photo!
428 2588 after 5 pm • Wanted: interlace 1 and microdrive. C a
l Northotme, North Street, T'heale, Reading. Orlando Grumblyedz, 8 Douglas Crescent,
• Latest Spectrum trees to swop. Ove r 600 Barks RG7 5EX n a
Viewpark, Udeingston, Glasgow, Scotland
l Swop for £120 worth of software, Including
titles— yo u r list lot mine. Re ly on a reply. Nightshade, Aiphacom 32, will swop for £370 671
d i5,JW a
Write to Gary Ogden. 2 Alder Grove • Do you live around Thanel? Thanet Co-op
Computer Club meets twice a month at the worth of software including Stanon and n
• Pent:els wanted from anywhere, any sex,
o Stafford ST17 95W.
Co-op ltyperroarket. Tel. 108431 221M5 any Cauldron All must be in good condition Nee 18+.
f Especially
e it you know any P011Es or
• r Swop White Lightning, used twice, tor weekday except Monday lo t details. Ask for Cht tette.72 West Road, Fraserburgh, hints.
m I'm also Interested in photography and
W Speech that Is lees than a year old. Mike Tee Aberdeenshire, Scotland. music Pa u l Barton, 38 kit/nerd Road,
Must a l
h be in good condition Jonathan Cole. 2 • Issue 1 o f Speccy Stuff. Loads of ups, • AM X Mouse and interface wanted Ha ve Glasgow 041 211W.
Aldeburgh Way. Spnnitheid, Chelmstotd. e
Essex CM I 5 PD reviews and hardware news. Send 30p and a Issues 1-21 of VOW' Spectrum plus loads of • Penpal 15- I 7 wanted, erther male or
m stamp to Speccy Stull, 1 Gracious Street. software Po ssib le cash adjustment. Also any female. I'm 16 and like sports, computers and
▪ 350 games to swo p Fairlight, Exploding Whiltlesey, Peterborough business software wanted. G Hackney, 25 music. Swap hints and games. Write 10
Fist, Commando and many more. Send your • Arcade and adventure fa n s Wo o d you like Salisbury Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN26 Chtistian di Blasi, Conti l e Playa, Via
kiltM e r m ine Eyal Misrahi. Mani 4, Jerusalem 206,
94325, Israel. a program that keeps a record of your scores Giovanni XXIII, Patti (Messina) Sicily
and games. Then write t o rn . with your • Wanted — issues 3. 6, 7 . 8. 9. 10 of VS. Will • Lottery male, blue eyes, brown hair, 5 9 ',
• sMany le e s to swop inducting Swipe vo pay reasonable price. Also sell Currah seeks tamale penpal (1 5+). Hobbies Include
requirements plus sae, Brya n Whitby, 16
l Roder Coasteretc. Send your list lot Manselield Road Kingsley, Warrinot MicroSpeech and Cheetah RAT £12 each swimming and walking. Write to Robert
minee M ichael Simms, 28 Jenned Road. Cheshire, Both under 2 weeks a id Tel (0757) 70,387 Towner. 5 Wherratts Weil Lane. Solihull.
Arnold, Nottingham NGS and ask for Charlie
▪ Want P0 KEs and tips absolutely free? West Midlands Bg i 2 S0 . If possible, please
• Wanted. GhostbeSters for ZX Spectrum Then write In me and send sae. Guaranteed • Wanted — Sinctair OL, will pay C100 or I include photo
48K Will swop lot Chess. Dimension
reply and instant return J . Rid d e ll 8 Manor will exchange my 48K Spectrum with
Destructors and Ctiequered Hat. Tel. 01-570 Road. Salisbury. Willshrra Kernpsten j o y s • I am a 1 6 -
3876 between 4 and 8 pm. games etc. Tel. 01-518 0885 and ask for hints
• Straight swop Watedrive (with programs). - y e a etc
r Writ e to Reemoncl O'Leary, 14
• Over 50 tapes to swop mckiding Eureka, Stuart Beech
Frank's., Minder, I v Na Nog, Dun Danner,
Centronics and RS232 cables Wanted, I ca , o l d Park Drive, Forelock. Dublin 1 8,
Interface I with microdrives and cartridges • Wanted — ZX81 computer with or without Ireland. All letters replied to.
Mini OffiCe. Owe. Stipa b o o k s , S P O
Tel. (0592)890176 any evening between 15K RAM pack in working condition Ja so n • Male or female peripal wanted, 14-16 living
, D a z e Especially
, want adventures Tel, Elprn and I 1pm. m a 384
Wong, a aRipple Road, Barking, Esse x. • C c yUK Interested in arcade advenlues
(0623) 550800 a f t & 5 Pol, •z Wanted
i n e—sM icrodriver. Brother NR5 or o wgames and lips. l
M i o n e g h • Could someone please tell me where I can Swop
• Swop Rally Dover, Broad Steest, Raid Over ,
Moscow, Du n Darach, Cylon Attack for
buy System 15000 in the Manchester area MI009 or Epson LX80 or FX range with paper. an i n e 1 garner
favourite r4 is Faidight. Mark Feeley, 84
a n Rive rdPaid. ShertOCk, Vegas, Glass. I've tried Smiths but they don't stock it! Please Art Studio, Sp y Vs. Sp y, Sherlock, Macadam Hencly
aa n Read. d Mold, C h ild , N. walell,
Zaxxon, help, Adam Linnik, 15 Reid Close, Haughton Bumper. Have lots of Sp e ccy software, n n o ve l wanted. t m 18 and love m u sic
Write to Colin Harman. 333 Rex:1W Walk, Green Co n lo n . Manchester m
sport, gyirls
Chalkhill, Wembley, Middlesex.
C250+ including White Lightning, d w dea and computers. Gin s under 19
• B loc k B us ter s Ills linr ened ( Hur r ah) . H o w Hampstead Winter Games. Endurance, please reply, I will answer all letters. Robert
• Lots Of software to swop including Hoboa. m a le
do you like your Atari. Nick? Mr Brooke. get a Winter Sports, £35 of books, ile x NacKernall, Hogoh, Janwagsgalan 22. 595 00 M in t y,
JSW, Sko o l Daze, Bu g sy Te l. Paul on o r
Speccy. Hi to Just, Marcus, M a lt y and all at 22 Millar Street, Now Elgin, Elgin, Moray,
Reading 5979034 Scotland
Holt Park Middle School. Ph ilip Eden, 98 •l e m a
• Swop Zaxxon, Bru ce Leo, Pole Posffion. • Wanted — light pen and interface with
Send your list for mine. Write to William
Moseley Wood Gardens, LS16 7HU Sl eto swop computer games, hmts and lip s
• Hello to Mace, Ornar, Cully, Graham, SAD software. Will swop tor games such as Fist, "Ifppossible,
e n please enclose photo, David
Lumley. 22 Trossachs Street, Maryhill, Sue/boo:id, Juggernaut March Day etc. Tel, James, 22 Percival Gardens, Chachvell
Glasgow G20 7DR. Wary, &P., Bunti. Buie, David, a G Ka t y, Hp a l
Hippy, Member, Ricky G.. Jonny W., Ben, Mt 0252) 20394 and ask for David alter 4 pm Heath,
t Romford, Esse x RMS 5R,1
• Swop Kenbea and Doomsday Castle lee E. Mr Damage. Greg from Jon. J. Melte:, •i oFemale Denote wanted, I S+ I love w a d e
W a i f & Lafro Sta rstlike , Write to Ian Crowlen House, Cranbraok School, I t Original al Frank Bruno's Boxing, WC swapB p games,
a 6 hacking. map drawing, loud music
Gardner, I Speeding Drive, Haraepool, Cron brook, Kent Write
,S tc, to Patrick Wellington, 2 Beech Road. Si Bs bodybuilding. Send photo and letter to
County Cleveland T524 9 0 E. • Any Speccy users with TA Beta-Plus Austell, Cornwall w
, Elliott, 2 Sefton Avenue. Heaton,
• Swop White Lightning, Belabasic. interlace want to exchange hints, tips arid • Wanted — Currah MicroSpeach. WM swop Ia
Newcastle upon Tyne. NES 50R.
Supeet ode11 plus various games and utilities other general into, on the DOS with me? or Dk*Trorecs tight pen, Monty Is innocent p
•2 Female penpal wanted (16+1 to swell
lot nVc, graphics, utility ptograms. b o o ke d Please contact David Millen, 48 F a it Trastrrnan Bugaboo and Formula T pregrams. POKEs and anything else with 19-
games Yo u r list tor m in a Send sae to J. Avenue, London E4 SPA. n
- Simulator Te l. (0244) 42238 and M k tot year old male into Howard Jones. Write to
Taylor. 91 Wentworth AKITILJO.Bosconsbe, Broil l
Steve, 50 Criterion Street, Reddish,
Dorsal 9H5 2EH •ligUrgent
ht — Help! Valkwea 17— can't get into
village An y ideas? Tel. (0634)683327 • Swop any one of Chequered Flag, Cookie, y
Stockport SK5 SHY. Photo if possible.
• Swop many top games including • Sigmund — lost your address. Code for Pssst, Je t Pec, Hungry Horace tor Zip on tape •e Penpal wanted to swop software etc. I have
Knogettove, Underworlds, Dambusters, a 500 tees. Send your list for Mine Ke n n y
Shadowlire. Send me your lists. Graham access 761 1009 is 7A43B H u rry up, please a nd Picturesque Assembler for Picturesque over
Sergio Ingo Monitor Write to Co ln Devitt, Jerussaem, McCubbm,
r 59 Oalry Road, Sidlcoats
Munro, 24 Glenda(' Road, Renfrew. Scotland Carlow, Co. Carlow, Eire Ayrshire, Scotland 1(421 61E.
PM DAD. • Complete set of YS magazines. Ne AA o
• Ineed a microdrive and Interface 1, must • Very sad, lonely Spectrumer seeks female
poster Cash offers please lo g Gardner. 32 l
• Will swap Match Day. Daley's Decathlon work and ptelerably under guarantee. Wel penpal aged 13-14 with some experience of
Mooestreld, Moors Farm Est , Tyne and Wear d
and Formula 1 &m onitor for Elite only. Tel. OH4 5PF 9 ive £220 worth of software Te l. (07491 computing. Please hurry, my Spectrum is
(0342)24005 atter School hours and ask toe 72423 alter 6 pm and ask lot Matthew b
Stuart. • Minim% small cassette and monitor or d isk driving ma crazy. tel Fo sse ll, Nelson Hasse,
drive wanted. Swop C300 mobile h ii fi until • Wanted — Geed' t's iliustrator. Swop for o
Royal Hospital School, Holbrcok, Ipswich 1P9
• Swap Pytamarema, Sonars!, Atic A tac, 2RX.y
aswoiaill Write to Steve I, odey, 5 Felix
Great Space Race, Ork IS/and, Slonkers and
with tape radio, stereo and built-in amplifier. F t S road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Also wanted,
w • s I'm 18 and would like a young lacy penpal
The Exterminator for Lindenwold*. Sp y VS, 01
swops wanted Te l. (0205160252. Wo n To Eden, will swop for System 15000
0r Hampstead, esimilar age to swop games, Weems. hints.
Spy, Herbert's Dummy Pun and Fare/get. Tel music etc Ple a se write to Adrian Ward, The
Dronfield 413898 and ask let Andy. • If you own a 48K Spectrum and enjoy • e
dabbling in hardware and interfacing, got in Wanted — eget pen or Art Studio, Will swop Shiralee, Harneem Lane, Withingion, Glees.
• Wanted, Sp y V5. So y for Beau Jo/0y Six y Currah MicroSpeech for either. Tel. k
• Penpal wanted M u st loathe adventures
touch to swop ideas and circuit diagrams. m
Pack worth El (0272)597353. but s wish to swop other software. Age 17 or
Lady for Tapper. Sp y Hunter or Sem& Daze Simon Butt. 21 Tram Road. Buckley, Clwyd,
, Nor th Wales . • V ( Printer or Betabasic wanted tot f
near. Write to Jon Metter, Crowden Hcuse
Tel (0274)672134 and ask ter Simon Cranbrook
e Schoot, Crantitook, Kent IN1 7
* 9 5 , • is there a Speccy User Club in Bracknell? If p k'Tronics light pen Te l. Carlon (0792)
• Software to swop. lo is of new IttlesSend 1578 after 5 p m m
A l hats for
o mine Po ly on a reply. Write to not, anyone interested in starting one? 8 9
your Answers please on the back ol an old river • • a16-year old introverted, lonely. intelligent
w iMillet,
l l 6 Countess Gardens, Crieff, Wanted utgeney! The Patch by Ge se ll
Scott Tel. Nic on Bracknell 52094 A teenager seeks female (same age) a s a
s w PH7 30P ise Laser Sa vo and Laser Compiler by l
1111Wanted — Mirage Microdtiver. Must be as t ) cean Will swop for recent software. Tel. penpal to write to on a variety o l topics Seth
•a Wanted
p — The Oren and iffitstrator. Will e
Thomas. Blaengwaith, Noah House, Princes
new Will swop for over C150 worth of I 02031 313604 after 4.30 pin
L Wotel, PG TH. Alien e, Sp y Vs. Sp y linTI Gate,o Narberth, Dyfed S487 8T0
software including Rambo, Strool Daze, • Wa n te d — ZX P r inter or m ic r odr iv e. Wi l l
a Daze. Tel L e e on 107031435551 Impossible Mission. DeatfiSTSF, Interceptor, • fFemale penpal wanted aged 1 7+.
111Will swop Scuba Dive, Forth, J.B. 3 swap tot games. I have most now titles (Elite,
s Hunchback II.Chimera, Beach Head and Commando, Saboteur, Roller COaster and interested
s in swopping games and hints and
Squash. Pogo, Maziacs, Vo ice Chess, more Te l. Bolton 53955. m a anything
a else Pa u l Riggs. 5 The Oaks.
Starion. eTel, (0203) 384046 and ask for fly more) Te l 0 1
• Hamyock.
m DOVOrt E X15 3XE
g a • Belgian Computer Club is looking for E ,
contacts with ototherclu b s and users. Write to • Swop • e Peopals wanted to swop software. POKE s,
•s Softwme !Dewey. Commando, Felffight, 9 9 8 Tao Ceti and Endurance for Elite programs etc. Male or female 15 S e n d
RAM MicrorComputer Club. d o Colin w i Ph7Lens loic or s w o p ( or A r n h e m or
Saboteur. Monty. J.SW11,Rotifer Coaster, O'Brien, 8 Rue De La °a ro m a . 8521 A 4 2 1 software list for mine. Must have some
Robin and lots of others Se n d details of ummata a n 11'.)dPack with Nudgee on. Write to
Arquennes. Belgium B everiey Smith, 20 Pinewood Ave, Flanshaw knowledge of Micode. All letters guaranteed
swaps. Brian Holland, I A Hulme Hall Road, El Wanted: Female companion to share P a a Wakefield,
s e Yorks, a reply Ned CIVI5t18. 72 West Read,
Cheadle Huelva, Stockport Cheshire 51(8 rk,
Cobra Mir III spacecraft (must be humanoidl. I f o Fraserburgh, Abeiteenshire, Scotland
8JT Swop Microlace I Centronics printer
I'm dangerous!? On my way lo Elea L o is 01 i n t efface r and driver software for ZX Or • 15-year old male wants 5 - I7-year old,
• Over 340 Spectrum games to swo p Send CR's, docking computers, military laser, A l good looking female with sense of humour
your list tor mine Writ e to Ricky Strachan, 18 phacom o r Floyd 40 printer. Write to A.
extended cargo bay, know how to get into C Interests are pop m usic and Spectrum
Marlborough Ro a d Southall, Middlesex UB2 weer, 287 Braehead Estate. Alexandria, Computers Writ e to Glynn Robbins, Beech
5LW. witchspece, lost my ECM system due to I ) urnbarlonshire G83 9NE
Thargold invasion ship (encountered in • House, Wantockheacl Biggar, Lanarkshire,
• I have 40 lilie s to offer including Fitffight Wareed Ju p it e r Ace, Pets, Commodotes, Scotland
and Dark Star. Also have Ouickshot It witchspaca). Maybe we can get together V ice. a n y Micro born before 1982. Must be
sometime. I know this great tittle planet. w o • He All Speccy users. I'm 17 and own loads
joystick, Kempston Interlace and ZX Pnnter I irking. Will buy tor best proposal C a rlo s
Commander Bytor. P e of games to swop. I like micros, music, synths
want a &le a r n but ring anyway Te l, 01-485 reira, Apartado 5057, 1702 Lisboa Codes and games. All letters answered. Sieve
5302 • A big "Howdy" to Jacqui, Alan, Steve, Ed, P o maga'
Tex Ritter, Yogi and Hank 8 West. All the best • Qu ill Will swop for software such a s Rupik, 206 Buchanan Road, Parson
'would like to swop Daley Thompson 's tram Vic. Galivy Hayes Lives! F G Cross.Sheffield S5 SAS.
Super Test, Cyclone, SterviVat Make -A-Chip TH. WS Baseball, Avalon etc Te l. (0865) • I'm 16 and would like a romaie penpal 18+.
• I llya AndrelBetcha never thought you'd 7 7 13189 arid a sk lot Keith
lot Wham! Music Box. Write lo Ben Kirkham, get your name in VS again. I think I've got it! • Beginner in Basic and would like tips end
9 Saxon Road, INestgale, Kent C I S 8RS. Hardware, games, microdrwe cartridges, POKES tot the Spectrum. Write to Richard
Na, nothing senous. See you soon Yo u rs b o oks, anything. Please write to M .C.
• Will swap 40 games for ZX Printer I t Sadler. 2 Shrewley Road, Nonhtteld,
Hercurn, Prat of the North W
Mien, 14 Rivey Way. Linton, Cambridge Birmingham 1331 3EG,

lobo Davidson hits out at the same old software.

seems willing to try out a these less disturbing than about, but that of the young.
best person to theme unless some other games in which you try to kick I've been both punched and
judge, not being company has already had a another human being. shot (in the head, if you must
a convicted success with it, Blowing slimey aliens out of the know), and the way I look at
M arcade addict, Maybe there just aren't any air is not Only very obviously a reality is not likely to be
a isn't it all getting a bit new ideas. The people I talk to fantasy pastime, but ii seems confused on these points by a
sameish? It seems that always claim to be searching to be to be a reasonably moral mere computer game. But
whenever any slight innovation for people with ideas and not act, especially when (as is young people with lithe
b gamesware appears (and I
in finding them. I don't think that's usual) it's performed in experience of genuine violence
can't actually remember the the trouble though. I think that defence of one's home planet. might end up with the idea that
I time it happened), it's
last really new ideas look wrong to Kicking human beings, it's exciting, rather than painful
' submerged in a flood established publishers. They however, is immoral, illegal. and debilitating. Ridiculous, I
m me-too's and sequels, and think to themselves (without and not a little dangerous_ know, but that's how the
even sequels of me-too's. really noticing what they're Now, I don't want you to think subject is constantly presented
n Floods of rubbish are one
thinking), Th a t can't be a very that I am one of those people to them. Since it's probably
thing. We don't expect all that good idea. It isn't anything like impossible to eliminate
who's against the portrayal of
t violence in the media. What I violence in the real world, I
Some of today's rubbish is actually very
t abhor is the lack of realism.
People learn a great deal
think it would be wrong to
h purge it from the TV screen or
well programmed.
e about the world through other media. But I have an idea
television and the movies, and I that could encourage an
much from the producers of any of the successful games expect that might apply to intelligent attitude towards
entertainment products like already on the market." computer games too. Specially violent acts. It's a revolutionary
television and pop music, so The trouble with this imitative as the graphics and new idea and just the kind of
presentation improve. Or at innovation that the arcade
why lean on the computer cycle is that truly new ideas are
games people? What I object chucked out as unlikely to least, games can reinforce software business has been
to are floods of high priced succeed, while old ideas with a impressions taken from other crying out for
identical rubbish. minor twist are accepted as media. We ought to be I propose that the next Kung-
Some of today's rubbish is marvellous innovations. This presented, therefore, with RI game clone is issued with a
actually very well programmed. didn't bother me too much truthful pictures especially special pack of add-on
People have done marvellous when the trend was for Jet Set when we're given so little hardware. When the little man
tricks with Spectrum software. Willy clones. I quite liked that choice in the subject matter as on the screen kicks the 34th
Consider that the machine is particular genre. It was still we are with software. Dan, or whoever, in the groin,
now nearly four years old, with good fun even after adding 3D Have you ever noticed how the player gets to see the
what are pretty restrictive graphics and moveable objects the A-Team spray thousands of victim's lungs spray Out of his
limitations on graphics and and changing the background bullets around the set without ears while simulated blood
sound. and then look at what to jungles or castles. But the ever hitting anybody? Or how seeps from the back of the
the competition has to offer in time always comes when the Mr. T seems able to knock television set all over Mum's
the way of software. Most of cloning shifts to a new people through walls without so carpet. Then, if he misses
their best stuff was available scenario, and if the new lot are
first on the Spectrum. Often it
hasn't improved in translation.
not to your taste, then too bad. 'I've been both punched and shot (in
Recently we've been going
But that isn't the point, terrific through a particularly bad the head, if you must know)'
graphics against all odds don't patch. The charts have been
make up for an appalling lack dominated by a series of much as bloodying their blocking the opponent's return
of new ideas. Of course, we've games based upon the ancient noses? Dangerous and deadly blow, the joystick shoots out on
always had the Pac-Man oriental arts of punching and assaults are portrayed as its telescopic shaft and breaks
clones and the like, imitations kicking. Also the more knockabout fun. This is an his nose.
of the cut-down coin-op arcade domestic art of just punching. extremely misleading distortion I call this technique '3D
games, but we used to get The fact that so many of these of reality, and if we accept it, Violence' and I reckon it's the
plenty of weird and wonderful games have found a willing even subconsciously, it could newest idea to hit the software
one-offs as well. market is particularly damage the way we look at the scene this month (without
Back in the days when the disappointing to me. Not real world. In the same way, a being so different as to lose its
standard price of a Spectrum merely because they're all the game that allows us to beat the way in the marketplace of
game was a fiver, lots of firms same, but because the basic daylights Out of a computerised course m u s n ' t try to buck the
would risk bringing out idea is nasty and uncivilised. opponent with no more penalty established trends). The only
something a bit zany and hope There's already been a than an aching joystick wrist is problem is. it's bound to put up
it'd sell. certain amount of outcry about bound to warp our ids. the cost of the game. But I
Now that top flight games the zap-the-invader type of Naturally, it's not my own think it'd be worth it, for the
cost at least a ten ner, no one computer game. but I find subconscious that I'm worried kids' sake, don't you?

Editor Kevin Co. Art Editor Martin Dixon, Deputy E dl a e r e s a Maughan; Pr oducti on Editor Sara Bkigs, Designer Caroline C a l ; Technical
C o n s u l t a n t Peter Shaw; E d i t o r i a l C o n s u l t a n t Andrew Pennell; S o f t w a r e C o n s u l t a n t Gavin Monk; C o n t r i b u t o r s Steve Adams, Luke C., Steve
Colwt II. lob o Davidson, Mike Gerrard, Ian Hoare, Gwyn Hughes, Max Phillips, Rick Robson, Racnael Smith, Phil South, Chris Wood: A d v e r t i s e m e n t Ma ille t t ie
Mark Salmon: Adver ti sement Executi ve Noll Dyson, Pr oducti on Manager Sonia Hunt; Gr oup Adver ti sement Manager Chris tabOt
P u b l i s h i n g M a n a g e r Roger Munlord
-London W1P 10E. T e l e p h o n e f a ll d e p a r b n e n t i l 01-631 1433. Te l e x 8954139 BunchG. Company registered in England; Ty p e s e t t e r s Carlinpornk
P u b Rl ei psr ohd u i cn t igo n Graphic Ideas, London, P r i n t e d b y Chase Web Offset, St Austell. Cornwall, D i s t r i b u t i o n Seymour Press, 334 Brixton Road,
London SW9 Telephone 01-733 4444. All material in Your Sinclair ei 1986 Felden Productions, and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the written
D i r of ethe cpublishers.
consent t o rYour Sinclair is a monthly publication
S t e p h e n
E n g l a n
96 d .
P u b l i s


Imagine Software 11984), 6 Central Street
Manchester M. 5NS Tel 061 834 3939, Telex. 66
1 Software Is available from:
„WOOLWORTH LAsKYS,Rumbelows,Greerts, Spectrum Shops and all good deal

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